Life in Ambridge: Comments week of September 8, 2018 (part 2)
Alley Cropping 
Free Range Pigs


  1. Replies
    1. Oh rather - I gather it's still night in UK.

    2. Brilliant pictures Ruthy, and of course you have pictorially hit the nail on the head. Tom can plant apple trees on the land the pigs are kept on, and then that won't impinge on the rest of the land and Helen's wish to restart a dairy herd. The pigs would love eating any fallers too. I once kept a few pet geese in our little orchard. They loved the autumn, and quickly learnt to reach up and shake the ends of any low branches to knock the apples off. The children when young always went out on Christmas morning to make sure Santa had left the geese a nice red apple each lined up outside the door of their night time shed.

  2. Are those trees safe from the pigs? They might use them as back-scratchers.

  3. Brilliant and very apt photos Ruthy. How do you always manage to find just the right one?
    And, how amazing that we are now filling two blogs a week! Just shows what a huge success your blogs are. 😃

    1. ✓✓ to all comments above.
      Ruthy, your heading pics are much more imaginative, relevant & humorous than the BBC ones ever were. I'd venture to say they encourage better quality posts as well !

  4. Ruthy your pictures are perfect. Really apt.

    Ev thanks for reminder about the blog information. I had forgotten they still do it and the Ursula article is interesting.

    Re last night I am not sure success in the flower and produce show will be enough to ease Jennifer’s soul about losing Home Farmhouse.

    1. Have to agree with your last point, Seasider - rather a ponderous & elaborate game, unlikely to make much difference to how J. feels, but pleasant to see Peggy & Brian collaborating amicably ( In the event, let's hope we're right, the sale doesn't go ahead...)

    2. A retired Brian is clearly a bored Brian. Has he ever shown any interest in Jenifer's contribution to the Gardening Show in the past?

  5. Ev - I don't understand why the BBC doesn't remove the reference to Comments on its blogs altogether instead of continuing to put it up with the 'closed' strap line indicating it's not operational. I suppose an optimist could see it meaning they have left themselves the option of reopening for Comments as and when....

    1. I'm glad you're being optimistic Maryellen, I thought it was laziness/logistics and they haven't worked out how to cancel the 'closed', still, we live in hope.

    2. That was my first thought too, Basia, but then I thought I should experiment with optimism for a week. This may be a challenge too far!

  6. Ruthy. Brilliant pictures, they have helped me understand what Tom was going on about with multi agri farming.
    Don't pigs churn up the soil and leave a mud bath?
    Was Last night a lull before the storm, benign and nothing to controversial. Joe Grundy the scrounger doing his usual unpleasant gossiping.

    1. Yes, Stasia, pigs can do that and they love to make themselves a ‘wallow’ where they can roll around in the mud! I can’t see that it would be advisable to keep a large herd of pigs in such an area as an orchard where they would damage the surrounding soil (rather than the trees themselves). You only have to see the damage done to woodlands, village greens, gardens and even cricket pitches by wild boar in areas of this country. However, one or two pigs would not do too much damage and would love scrumping up the windfalls. I can’t see that being much help to Bridge Farm though!

    2. We have pigs (ie boar) here in the Forest. Domestic pigs also used to be turned out from farms at this time of the year for 'pannage' (to forage for acorns and beech nuts) until they were banned because of the risk of swine fever. Yes, they do rootle around in the soil but as far as I can see they don't harm the trees in any way, and as the pigs themselves would be the "crop" that was grown between the fruit/nut trees, that wouldn't present a great problem for the farm. Two crops from one area of land.

    3. Didn't Phil's pigs spend some of their time in the orchard at Brookfield?

      I guess young trees would have to be protected (as Tom said they would from cows), and mature ones would be OK.

  7. In my current optimistic mode, I am very hopeful that Home Farm will be sold and its occupants relocated to Darrington or other village nearby but outside the enclave. The most promising scenario would be its purchase by developers who would return it to flats, giving us a greater number of interesting and/or entertaining new characters (one to be Robin Fairbrother) and corresponding storylines. Fingers crossed!

    1. How about a South American developer headed (from behind the scenes, of course) by Matt Crawford? It sounds very Amside.

  8. Stasia I also thought last night was a gentle fill in and laughed when it ended with “can’t wait for Friday - I think the script writers are teasing.

  9. stasia - I wanted to know what alley cropping was after hearing about it this week so google it and found that it is done in many parts of the world, but to what extend I am not sure.

  10. Does anyone have a guess as to what the pink goo Jazzer was making in the kitchen?

    1. I dread to think! But Jazzer will certainly make it original.

    2. Ruthy, how about a birthday cake in the shape of a piggy. He was using most of Jim's kitchen equipment.

  11. The pigs have been turned out in the New Forest this week for the start of the pannage season. Perhaps Tom should come and take a look.

  12. I am not optimistict that Home Farm will be sold, and then converted to appartments. There are already many Ambridge residents, who are quiet for many a while, eg Kirsty, Christine, Oliver, plus whoever bought Mike + Vickys home- Willow Farm? who have never appeared. There will be newcomers as to Justin's Beechwood, but Home Farm also. This is a step too far.
    I so wish that Brian + Jennifer could somehow remain in Home Farm.
    Is Brian being prosecuted by the EA as to the "pollution" - this seems to have gone quiet.

    1. There's a limit on the number of actors allowed, due to budget cuts. Therefore I agree that redeveloping Home Farm wouldn't help. I like Brian and the travails he has with his women folk so I'd rather he stayed.
      Btw, I'm in Venice now. Hopefully I'll be able to hear enough, particularly the Friday edition, to know what has come to pass.

    2. You are right, Miriam, I had forgotten that the Bridge Farm development could satisfy my craving for new characters and storylines and be the 'clean slate' people were talking about in connection with the new editor. But because the programme is so focused on a handful of households, we don't get to hear much about areas like Glebelands and I think the Bridge Farm development may be the same unless Emma gets a house there. But Home Farm is on the scriptwriters' agenda so we will hear about whatever happens there, and I hope its sale will bring back Robin at least.

    3. FOSO I love Venice, and spent a long while exploring it on foot, on "traghhetos" etc
      Enjoy it. There is so much to see - and the food! I love "Venetian Liver".

  13. If Freddie had mentioned Ellis - it would disclose the extent of the whole operation, they would both go down together and for a long time. He's still in with a chance of avoiding prison.

    1. What about Russ? I still think he knows more - and is involved somehow, The Mastermind?.This is my own strange/weird thought. No wonder he has Lily on his side and is escaping with her, to his artists "garret" in Manchester, paid for my Lizzie.

  14. I am finding this "almost" sympathetic attitude towards Freddie, so nauseating.
    He was caught dealing drugs, he is over 18, and so has to punished, accordingly. This may sound harsh, but TA must keep it realistic. Nolly was very lucky, but would another of Freddie's clients have been so, if he had continued? That is debatable.

    1. Well, Nolu started him off down that path with the mushrooms, & only stopped when the dealing involved others & tried to stop him - to no avail, before she nearly died from the ecstasy, or whatever he gave her.

  15. That Lily is a nasty piece of work and rude with it.
    Although I think the Affair with Russ will fizzle out I really do not care if it doesn't and she gets stuck with the pathetic boring former lecturer in a tiny flat in the back streets of Manchester.
    Well done Fallon for handling her rudeness in the way you did.

  16. Lily was totally obnoxious tonight, but she's in a right pickle, & she knows it ! Witness, every time Phoebe said something too close to the truth about Russ/Lara/Freddie, her friend blocked her.
    Some of it hardly bore listening to : how can he work in Borsetshire, & live in Manchester ? He acts as if he's still got the job, neither sacked yet, nor resigned. Can L. really imagine he's going to live on income from paintings not yet painted ? Silly me, of course, he'll earn a shilling or two as a waiter at the same imaginary joint where she's going to be an imaginary waitress....

    1. Yes it’s hard to be sympathetic with Lily when she is being so superior and spiteful but she is a brittle vessel about to crack.

      Agree also about Freddie who is being treated like a victim of trauma with all these sugary pampering treats delivered regularly and concern about how he is coping rather than how he is going to face up to what he has done. At least Shula made some sensible comments tonight but very little yet about the serious nature of the crime.

    2. But only Lily & their mother know how deep in he was, & how for how long. There wasn't enough evidence at the magistrates' hearing, but enough suspicion to rule for a crown court appearance.
      Agree Shula was fair tonight, despite family feelings, & was very clear in her support of Harrison's actions.

    3. And Johnny knows. Yes of course you are correct that few people know the depth of it so perhaps there is more to unfold later. When is the crown court hearing?

  17. Well done tonight, Shula - good with Freddie and good with Harrison. It was a pleasure to listen to you.

    Why does Johnny want Freddie to incriminate Ellis? Does he not realise that, as Basia says, Freddie would incriminate himself as well? Is it revenge on Ellis that Johnny wants, or justice?

    1. Isn't the point that lying to the police when questioned, as Freddie did, would incur a more severe sentence, if the lie can be proved ? Ellis was already under suspicion, but could not be detained due to lack of evidence at that time, partly due to F. (which I suppose also makes him guilty of perverting the course of justice)

    2. You mean Johnny wants Freddie to come clean to the police about his drug-related relationship with Ellis because lying to them previously (if he's found out) will incur a greater penalty than revealing he's been dealing for some time and the istag party incident wasn't a one off? Hmm. If so, why doesn't Johnny just say that?

    3. I think it's implicit. If he admits he's been dealing for a while, then obviously others are involved. Freddie was scared of further questioning from the police which, if he answered, would bring down repercussions from Ellis &co.

    4. Johnny may think it best to get everything out in the open rather than Freddie have the possibility of it all coming out anyway hanging over him. Rather like asking another twenty offences to be taken into account. Pay the penalty for all the wrongdoing and start again. Is Johnny aware of the full extent of Freddie's involvement, or does he not know how bad things could get for him if everything comes out?

    5. I don't think he is. Freddie was scared of him finding out the background to the brick incident, which hospitalised Johnny. F. has always acted from panic, & short term self protection reflex.

  18. carolyn. I agree about the scales slowly falling from Lily's eyes regarding her future with Russ. But the stubborn part of her personality won't allow her to drop the teenage belief that their fairy tale love story will have a happy ending. I thought Pheobe was a bit hesitant is her response to Lily's asking if she liked Russ. Plus she kept referring to his age.
    Also, I wonder who paid the bill at the wonderful restaurant (Russ's favourite) given that his wife won't let him have access to the bank account?
    I would refer Lily to the DSM of Americian Psychiatry, and as a clever teenager she will recognise the nine point criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. One of the many definitions of sociopath.
    I don't know much about Nigel, however there does seem to be many similarities in his and Russ's personalities, weak men dependant on a strong woman. Only Lily isn't as strong as she believes herself to be so maybe she is seeking resolution for her loss of Daddy and transferring that on to the hapless Russ.
    Reminds me of that M Munroe song "my heart belongs to Daddy".
    I always thought there was something a bit iffy about the lyrics and the sensuous way in which MM projected her voice.
    Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree.

    1. Rings true to me ! Lily just isn't ready to admit it yet. Noticed Phoebe's hesitation, too - thought it was something she couldn't pinpoint; the man seemed pleasant enough, but her head is telling her a different story.c

    2. Hey ! Hadn't finished ..agree about Nigel, always thought he was a bit of a joke. Amiable, but ineffectual.

    3. Nigel was my favourite character! Can't see any resemblance to Russ at all. Nigel was not selfish and vain as Russ is. Which strong woman is Russ meant to be dependent on? His wife, who Russ depicts as the dependent one (OK, he's an unreliable narrator)? Teenage Lily? Dr Venables? There's a thought: how did Russ get to be deputy principal of a college by the time he's 40? It would go with the narcissism, I suppose. Such people can be very convincing.

    4. Maybe Nigel's mother was the 'strong character' ? Wasn't listening much back then, but seem to remember a dominant persona, who was a pain.

    5. Oh, maybe, with Russ, it's anyone he can manipulate, who offers some advantage to him. He sniffed out some promise from Lily's background.

    6. Nigel was my favourite character too; and I don't think he was weak at all .He was running Lower Loxley by himself, and coping with an alcoholic mother, before he ever employed Lizzie as his assistant manager; and he was strong enough even though he loved Lizzie to make her interview against stiff competition for the job. He was astute enough to know that he had to employ someone who would take the job seriously. Also, he had the inner strength when he must have felt it deeply after Lizzie had her affair with Cameron, and then the abortion, to be the rock she needed at that time. Nigel rocks! Sigh, I mean rocked! What was Vanessa Whitburn thinking of !

    7. Thanks for the info', evidently more to Nigel than I knew. Wasn't listening at all when E. was going through the 'Lily' stage of life.

    8. As I remember it, Nigel was a very kind and caring person, while Russ hasn't shown one jot of caring for anyone but himself and his fads and fancies.

  19. It's the age old "untruth": if he cheats with me it's love, if he cheats on me, it's with a s**t.
    Lily bringing up Fallon's time with the Dross, what a cheek, she was in full knowledge of what Freddie was doing but compromised because of her affair which was accepted anyway.

    1. Yes, she was spiteful to Fallon, playground nastiness.

  20. What if Johnnie is called to the witness box?
    He wants to Freddie to tell the truth.
    I like Johnnie but he isn't the sharpest knife in the cutlery tray but he does tend to be honest and if the Presecution team get going on him...........

    1. He might be sharper than F. himself ( not hard), & those who want him to continue lying, & to get away with a telling off & a bit of community service......

    2. Isn't it just a court appearance, to determine Freddie's sentence/punishment as a result of his drug dealing - by a High Court Judge?
      I am confused as to whether other "evidence" can be put forward.
      I thought that the character reference, was just that, to show F. is a person of integrity, who just made a mistake. I might have mis-interpretated this.

    3. That's my understanding Miriam, the magistrates' powers were not enough for sentencing in Freddie's case but may they still decide on a trial?

    4. There's information about magistrates' courts at A relevant bit is 'The more serious offences are passed on to the Crown Court, either for sentencing after the defendant has been found guilty in a magistrates’ court, or for full trial with a judge and jury.' Just what Basia said.

  21. Sorry folks, I should have said there were some similarities between Nigel and Russ, not many. I was only vaguely listening when Nigel fell off the roof and to me, when I dipped in and out, he sounded wimpy and lacking in assertiveness , especially around his mother. I accept he was kind and certainly not a scrounger like Russ. The point I was attempting to make is that Lily has not really come to terms with the loss of her father, and this may have skewed her perceptions and need for older men. We know that the loss of a parent in early teenage years can have a detrimental impact later, especially as they navigate their way through engaging in social situations . Freddie's is probably in the same boat, only his coping has taken a different direction.
    I don't think it is fair to judge them at this stage in their adult development. Death is a traumatic experience for young people and the loss can last long into adulthood.

  22. I have to say that Nigel was a wonderful, witty, care-free character in his younger years. Who can forget "Mr. Snowy"?
    When he became the Lord of LL, and the father of twins with Elizabeth, - he accepted his responsibilities and adapted. He instigated the vines, which became a succesful wine business, the falconary, the tree top walk, the winter ice-rink etc
    Russ is nothing like Nigel.
    I just hope, his twins, will become like him, in time.
    I miss Nigel.

    1. Both Nigel and Elizabeth had their moments as teenagers, much to the despair of Phil, but settled down together to their responsibilities and were a committed loving couple. Nigel’s pranks morphed into romantic gestures. I am sure the twins miss Nigel very much and yes I do too.

  23. I need some help.
    Who is Beryl, who are her grandsons, and why are they starting work at Bridge Farm, in what capacisity?
    I must have missed something!
    And where is Johnny?

    1. Beryl is some old acquaintance of Pat's whose grandsons are coming as relief workers to help with the potato picking, this in the future would free Johnny to do the milking.

    2. Thanks for that Basia.

      I don't recall Beryl at all. Any idea when she was around and what she did, anyone? I am just curious as to why a character from long ago, is being mentioned. I would so much to learn about others. What has happened to Kirsty + Philip, Robert Snell, Eddie seems to have been quiet for a while, as has George.

    3. Perhaps Olwyn has sent her as a spy ; )

    4. Beryl was a casual worker at Bridge Farm who did seasonal work like potato-picking. We never heard her, but she was quite a loudmouth and inclined to tease (if that's the right word) Tom when he was a very young man and easily embarrassed. It would probably be called sexual harassment now.

  24. The past is coming out in Henry's reaction to the karate demonstration, and wanting to protect Helen. I hope Helen reacts sensitively, and maybe seeks out some help for him to deal with his emotions and reactions, now and in the future.

    1. Yes. I wonder just how much coaching Rob gave him in being 'manly' and sticking up for oneself?
      (Deliberate coaching, I mean, as opposed to everything Henry will have learnt just from watching how 'Daddy' treated Mummy.)

    2. I can't remember how old Henry was when Rob came on the scene. Would he have concrete memories of life before Rob, or would it be the emotions of a calmer life with his mum?

  25. Pat came across as the same centre of the Bridge Farm family tonight - the fulcrum. Maybe they could go ahead with both projects. Good to see they include Johnny in their thinking, his skills & inclination. Tom was actually very gracious with Helen, too, offering to help ( so that the urgent assessment IS done, of course), at the point in the discussion where he was losing ground.
    I thought Henry sounded a bit closer to his age group recently, but not tonight, oh dear, no. He was expressing the fear of violence, the need to protect mum, which made sense coming from a 7 yr old with his past experience, but his voice ! Not right at all .

    1. Sane centre, I meant, 1st line above

    2. How interesting that Henry didn't include Jack among those he wanted to be able to protect. I assume his reversion to the 'little boy' voice he had on the night of the stabbing is meant as a clue to what is preying on his mind......

    3. There was only Helen and Henry when they both needed protection, so I don't read any more into Henry's reaction.

    4. I didn't read any more into it either, but Rob did try to abduct Jack, so perhaps Jack needs more protection than anybody.

    5. That's what was interesting - Henry's omission of Jack is an indication that whatever is preying on his mind is pre-Jack.....

    6. On second hearing: Henry first said he wanted to protect 'everyone', then that he could protect his mother. So he didn't not include Jack.

    7. He didn't specifically exclude Jack but neither did he specifically include him - so I'll stick with my premise that Jack didn't come come into his thinking and the reason for that is (etc),

  26. Always makes me laugh when anybody says that poor Freddie made a mistake! Like he was a bit dozy or hungover one day and suddenly found himself accidentally dealing drugs instead of posting a letter. A mistake is when you forget to add sugar to your tea or leave that red tea-towel in the washing maching. Not gleefully punting narcotics for months on end after nearly killing your new best friend! And as for that sister of his - grrrrrr! I have never disliked a character more. Grrrrr!!!!

    1. Totally agree Gary. It seems a very common excuse for anything today “Oh, I/he/she/they just made a mistake”
      No, it was a deliberate and sustained act to make money, partially to finance his trip to South Africa - NOT a mistake.
      But then, of course, some of his family and friends don’t know that - yet.

    2. Freddie also wanted to 'assert' himself in front of Ellis who called him a little rich boy.

  27. Bridge Farm seem to be treating Johnny like a chess piece, picking him up and putting him down on any vacant square, without regard to his career needs. Are they taking his lack of ambition for granted, I ask myself? I feel quite indignant on his behalf!

    1. Me too, Maryellen.
      I wonder if your insomnia has anything to do with the fact that we haven't heard much from T❤️O❤️B❤️Y recently.
      We have heard a lot from Jazzer✔️and Tom in the past few weeks so maybe a new 5 week stint will include your mate.

    2. Johnny is supposed to be getting all round experience and he likes working with animals, so I see nothing unusual in the way he fits in at the farm.

    3. But Basia, like Tony you haven't asked Johnny about this next move, or whether he sees himself staying at Bridge Farm gaining all round experience forever!

    4. We don't know, do we, what Tony has said, or not said to Johnny. This was just a round the table discussion about the latest potential farm projects, nothing written in stone.
      What all of them know, what we know, is that Johnny loves working with livestock & has a talent for it. He knows what he wants, from the moment he met them all, &, after encouragement from Tony, he overcame his misgivings about college, he's buckled down to it & appears to be successful, seeing & taking opportunities as they arise

    5. I agree, Johnny was not there last night, all we know is that he wasn't enthusiastic about Tom's idea, so let's see what he says next time we hear him.

    6. Johnny likes working with machines as well.

    7. Carolyn - what opportunities were those, may I politely enquire? Apart from muscling in, uninvited, on Tom's new accommodation, and the Home Farm offer he passed up for noble reasons but didn't look for an alternative?

    8. You've said it - pretty good going for someone who's a still a student. He juggles a lot. 'Muscling in, uninvited' ? ! We must have heard it differently.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. That's right - When Tom decided to move out, to make m ore room for Helen and kids, Johnny announced he was moving in with him. Tom was taken aback but too nice to say no. Whether Johnny would pay his share of the rent was never discussed in our hearing. I suspect not.

  28. I can’t wait to hear about Lily’s experience of freshers week (if she actually gets there)
    Russ won’t want her to go to freshers events, but if she does she’ll be like a fish out of water.
    No time to join any clubs or societies, too busy pandering to Russ and trying to find a job.
    If she does go to any parties she’ll have to leave early ‘to get back to my boyfriend’
    If he insists on going with her, he’ll insist on leaving early or ask them to keep the noise down!
    Whatever, it’s not going to be a normal new student experience for Lily, which is a great shame,

    If, as I said, she actually goes to University in Manchester!

  29. I don't know, if Lily's out at freshers' events than Russ will have plenty of time to settle into his luxury rent-free (for him) flat and start creating his masterieces. Or perhaps to see what/who else Manchester has to offer.
    Sorry, I'm being cynical. Lily is the love of his life. He's prepared to forego speciality teas for her and live on cold (organic) baked beans. He will want to bask in her presence every possible minute of the day. Won't he?

    1. I think that's certainly a possibility. We don't know enough about to rule it out.

    2. Fellow Student at Manchester University to Lily-I didn't realise you and your family live in the area.
      Lily-My family home is in Ambridge in Borsetshire.
      What made you think I came from Lancashire?
      FS-Oh it was just that I thought you must live nearby when I saw your dad come to pick you up after the introductory meeting!

  30. Hi all, I do read your very astute and interesting comments but don't say much myself at the mo.
    but I do think that Lily is going through the motions of living with Russ in Manchester. In her heart, I'd say, she can see the end. Lily was horrified when Russ left his wife - she stupidly goaded him into it but didn't think he would. She's now 'making the best of a bad job'. She's very young, attractive and didn't understand what wielding power would result in.
    I still think her heart will be in the right place even though,now, she's sounding really unpleasant. I'm sure she'll turn out ok.
    I reckon Freddie will too - he's young but should have had his wake up call with Nollie - He's such a charmer, like his dad and his heart seems ok too especially when he talks to Jonnie or Schula.

    1. From one Janet to another....
      Freddie a charmer?
      In this case Janet I have to disagree with you.
      I think he is a first rate Plonker .

    2. He might be a charmer when he grows up!

    3. He might even become motivated, as well; meanwhile...

    4. I am desperately trying to think of a man in Ambridge I would consider charming. Many are 'nice', but to be considered NICE could be viewed as a derogatory compliment. Last night Tom demonstrated his inability to charm with his boring rendition of agri farming.

    5. Stasia.
      Charming men in Ambridge:-
      Oliver + Robert. That's my lot.😣

    6. T❤️O❤️B❤️Y, naturellement!

    7. Robert, sans doute. Brian, with reservations (I've said I like his voice – other characteristics more questionable). Once upon a time, Nelson!

      Is charm an amoral quality?

    8. Nelson the charmer, greatly missed. not the black satin sheets though..

    9. well, definitely known at least one amoral charmer..
      but others with more staying qualities.

    10. I was younger when Nelson was around. I don't think he'd wash with me now! Faux is the word, I think.

    11. I think both Oliver and Robert would benefit from a sense of humour, Oliver especially. It's BA's only redeeming quality (and not enough, in his case).

    12. Robert has managed to stay married to Lynda all these years - he *must* have a sense of humour.
      I recall he took quite a bit of delight in telling her he'd voted for Emma in the Parish Council elections.

  31. I can see Johnny "de-camping" to Brookfield, which is a traditional farm, where he will be happy. This will release Josh, to concentrate on his business and his upcomimg financial obligations to Ruth + David. April 2019, when his paying rent begins, is only 7 months away. How will a bad winter, like last year, affect Josh's business?

  32. I know what Freddie has done isn't at all charming - but the actor makes him sound so in certain cercs so I believe he's destined to survive as many of the young in Ambridge have.
    I only said what I did because I had two teenagers, not twins but close in age, who went down very trickly, upsetting paths in very different ways. They are now in mature adulthood and I couldn't be more proud of them. I feel for Elizabeth who will judge herself as I did. You never get over it.

    1. Yes, I agree. Being a teenager is not easy as you are no longer a child and whatever way you look at it not yet an adult. It is so easy to go down the wrong road and as parents we have to stand aside when they are Lily’s and Freddie’s age and watch them making glaring mistakes. You just have to hope they come through it and so pleased, Janet that you can now be proud of them. My daughter had a rough passage but we are now very close and she was such a rock when my husband died. Freddie has seemed more mature lately and I hope he means it when he admits he has been foolish.

  33. Elizabeth seemed to be gaining ground with Lily, then rather overcooked it. Oh dear.
    I'm disappointed about tonight. No big revelation, no police boots on the doorstep and not even a conversation between the wheedling Russ and Lily, so we are not able to judge what really weny on. Yes, a disappointment after the build up

    1. I agree, FOSO. Elizabeth was doing very well at encouraging Lily to pursue her own wishes and interests, without being too heavy, then went over the top so that, instead of finishing on a cliffhanger as of old, Friday night ended on the recently all-too-familiar squabble.

  34. I agree FOSO, having gained ground with Lily Elizabeth was far too quick too push things & saying "if you're still together" was definitely the nail in the coffin!

  35. Wouldn't you know it - listeners gagging to find out What Happens on Friday, - all we are vouchsafed is a hurried muttered report, main words being Social Services, safeguarding, resigned, interviews. Ah well, it's often played that way in TA.
    Poor Elizabeth ! She was so patient, treading sooo carefully, even making headway, & you say, FOSO.

  36. Well there is still time for a u-turn on Saturday, or do we have to wait for a tearful return midterm, maybe Christmas? I really hope we don’t see another controlling/abusive relationship play out.

    1. I doubt it will be another abusive: we've done tgth! It could well be controlling and Russ definitely knows how to get his own way. It's not possible to say it's coercive control: it probably isn't in the legal sense. However, it'll edge that way if he constantly does things like persuading her not to see her friends etc.

  37. We're still waiting to find out about Lily's course, History of Art?
    At least those four men at Jim's had fun together.

    1. Yes, heart warming, wasn't it. There's a silver lining, Alistair ! Plus 3 people who definitely don't think you're boring, & who aren't boring themselves.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Lily says Russ sacrificed so much for me! Is she insane?

    1. No, just very young and easily flattered.

    2. If Russ makes her so happy, he should be able to support her.

    3. Elizabeth was doing so well, telling Lily that she mustn't feel indebted to Russ, and then she blew it!

    4. Trying to tell anyone something they don't want to hear is to be on a hiding to nothing, especially if it involves a besotted 18yr old girl, I know, I've tried and failed. In the end you can only warn them that their course of action is likely to come back to bite them further down the line, and then stand back and let them get on with it. Ev, I know exactly what you mean.

  39. Just listened to the greatly anticipated Friday night episode:
    Lily : Oh Lord!
    Elizabeth: Oh dear!
    Jazzer: Well done, fantastic idea!
    Jim: Well done on finding your inner father at long last!
    Alistair: Happy Birthday!

    1. 😂 Very tickled, Archerphile.

      At the rate he's going, Jazzer will have to marry Pip in order to become the denizen of Brookfield and the whole tribe.

  40. Who was at Alistair's party? And can the music experts identify the 'background' music? I can never listen to both the dialogue and the musical accompaniment.

    1. Old MacDonald Had A Farm & Baa Baa Black Sheep! Philip was singing the latter in the background as The Prof was nearly giving his son a hug....

  41. Alistair being transported back in time to the happy childhood he never had & Lily being thrust forward in time to the miserable adulthood she may have - thought tonight's episode was rather clever! Or am I reading too much into it? Either way, I enjoyed it...

    1. Neatly put, Gary ☺️ The SWs often show a certain panache that way - e.g this week, mothers being worried, whatever the age of child, Elizabeth, Helen, both highlighted in one session.

  42. I'm still puzzled about what all the pink stuff was?

    1. I was thinking Jazzer make vodka jelly shots.

    2. There only seemed to be four men at the birthday party - or at least any other guests were remarkably quiet!
      And you are right Janice, we never did get to hear what was pink and messy, perhaps it was some of that ‘slime’ stuff kids are playing with these days?

    3. I predicted the kid's birthday party a couple of weeks ago and it was much as I imagined but minus the entertainer and with fewer guests. The pink goo was strawberry Angel Delight.

    4. Whether the pink goo was strawberry Angel Delight ,jelly ,blancmange or junket there would have been a good helping of alcohol added to improve the taste.
      I think that Alastair was more touched with the idea that Jazzer was prepared to go to the trouble to give him a surprise party than actually enjoying playing children's party games with three grown men.
      I expected Dan to appear.

    5. Ooo Lanjan, you have just reminded me of one of my favourite childhood puddings - junket! Used to get little bottles of rennet called (I think) Little Miss Muffet in different flavours, but it was always touch and go if it set or not!
      P.S. still make blancmange regularly, sweetened with sweetening powder, and sugar-free jelly, often with fruit set into it. Makes a really good desert for diabetics like Mr A.
      Sorry for digression from Archers 🤭

    6. I suggested Angel Delight last week : )
      (Didn't think of making it alcoholic though - I wonder how many 'first attempts' Jazzer had to polish off whilst perfecting the recipe?)

      I've just looked online - you can still buy sachets of the immortal pudding. And if you're a real fan you can even buy it by the tub!

      Personally, I preferred Arctic Rolls and packet-mix cheesecake!

  43. How about.....
    Russ hasn't been suspended.
    He hasn't given in his notice
    There is no wife.
    He has no intentions of moving to Manchester.
    This is just a little game he plays each year with one of the students.

    Re the subject Lily is studying.
    It won't be History of Art because Russ would have taught Lily had that been the case.
    I would think it is one of the more traditional subjects rather than an "ology"

    1. From what Elizabeth mumbled, none too clear, he had resigned, there is an investigation, her source was not Russ, so not his invention - suppose either the college or S.Services, to whom she referred.

    2. LanJan - if Russ had s fling with a different girl each year, it is inconceivable it wouldn't be known about college-wide because he is Deputy Principal not some departmental hack. His reputation would have reached the ears of students from Ambridge and probably his colleagues though there may have been no official complaint until Lily's case so they have not taken official action till now. So I don't think he's a serial adulterer like Brian Aldridge.

      How about: his wife's not as fussed as he thinks so the divorce goes through amicably, he is in fact a talented artists whose work sells so he can make a realistic financial contribution to his and Lily's future, he's too busy with that to interfere with, or be a drag on Lily's university and subsequent career, at which she is very successful, they have six children, Elizabeth is a doting grand mother, and they all live happily ever after?

  44. Lily, please wise up. What sort of job is Russ going to get with a question of a possible misuse of position and maybe allegations of child abuse. He certainly won't teach again. Resigning won't erase the problem. But then he is going to be a kept man, so Lily will have to work her socks off to supply all his needs. I don't think she will have time to study, meet new friends and socialise with other students.
    Why is Elizabeth still forking out money to pander to Lily's, I've fallen on my feet with a rich young woman, scrounger. Russ is in big trouble and stupid, is he as good an artist as he claims?

    1. As you say 'is he as good an artist as he claims?'. Art means many things to just as many people! Painting, sculpture, ceramics, plasticine modelling! Has Lily seen any of his work one wonders. Has she detected a genius or is wool still hanging from her eyes........Aarh! Perhaps he is another Kaffe Fassett!🙄

    2. Please don’t ‘diss’ Kaffe Fasset BB. His is one of my favourite textile designers and I have stitched many of his tapestries and knitted many garments from his books. He put on a magnificent display at the V&A a few years back which I found inspiring.
      But can a textile designer be called an artist ? A question I cannot answer.

    3. I think so, yes, creative faculties being in play.

    4. Nor me Archerphile, although I think I would err on the positive. I'm a great fan of KF too, so no disrespect intended. I'm afraid I've just had to admire him from afar as I'm no real knitter. 😖

    5. P.S. There used to be a shop in Richmond called 'But is it Art'....says it all really!

    6. I once interviewed a 'sandwich artist' - she worked at a national chain called S-bway. It made me laugh. She was quite serious.

    7. One suspects Russ's art isn't great, because he's clearly a dodgy geezer and totally up himself. But that's hardly relevant: he has no chance of making a living as an artist because he's unknown. He seems to think he'll have the leisure to develop as an artist and perhaps gain recognition after a few years. But if that's his plan, is a first-year student a suitable person to try to live off? Does he think Lily can access limitless sources, or has he not thought it through?

    8. If some plan, of which we are so far unaware, is not revealed, then there is no plausible answer to your questions, other than Russ being a chancer, a fantasist, seriously unstable ! Found it chilling that he told Lily all would be fine, not to worry, we can live on love & baked beans, whereas E. at least had some facts from S.Services. He is playing on her youth, inexperience & infatuation
      Gosh, I hope he doesn't turn out to be a talented artist, but, alas plenty of very gifted practitioners, past & present, have been pretty 'dodgy' characters.....

    9. I think Mistral has provided the solution: 'Sandwich artist'
      Well, it'd bring in the money and he could always quietly drop the 'sandwich' bit when anyone asks him what he does.
      There again, he might be too greasy for a sandwich shop. Burger and fries anyone?

  45. Lily said she was looking forward to delicious meals prepared by Russ when she comes back from lectures/work. He said that they may have to live on baked beans and foraging if he's out of work. She was right to hold on to the kettle, it could go on ebay and they may end up boiling water in a saucepan with a thermometer to gauge the right temperature for wild herb infusions.

    1. Wondering where the foraging will take place in the middle of Manchester... apple scrumping in folks’ back gardens perhaps or in the park where there are probably comfy benches with a real artistic perspective, which could come in handy if Elizabeth withdraws the rent payments.

    2. The nearest forest for foraging is Delamere and they would have to drive there. Who will pay for the petrol? Russ is totally unrealistic in his aspirations. How can a man get to his forties and be so juvenile?

    3. I agree that Russ sounds juvenile. He has though, managed to achieve the role of the Vice-Principal, at a further education college, which I would think, is quite difficult to do, regardless of what he said.

    4. PS. I hope that on my next visit to Delamere Forest, where I go for a lovely walk, I don't "bump" into Russ.

    5. 🤑🤑 I think Russ sees £signs.

    6. And more!!
      It is a just a big "scam" and revolves around the "drug dealing". I am still convinced, that there is a master plan afoot. Who knows, I don't!

    7. It’s the sweet talkers who seem to get on although often incompetent. I wonder whether Russ is one of them regarding his job? Miriam, I think it’s simpler than the drug dealing debacle. Russ likes the adulation he can get from Lily and no doubt other young women. He doesn’t mind being a predator on her and her mother for finance. He has Lily in the palm of his hand and she is due a big bump! I hope his wife comes into it soon as she has been unduly silent.

    8. Ev - we have no evidence that Russ is incompetent at his job, have we? The College might be sorry to lose him in that respect.

    9. No, was just musing on whether he could be a sweet talker with little substance as someone remarked that he was young to have achieved his position. Maybe he is good at his job though and is one of these multi talented people. We will have to see. Apparently he would have been suspended in view of the complaints but could have been given the option of resigning with immediate effect. There will be no reference though for future jobs so he’d better get the paints out post haste!!

  46. Lily should become an employment lawyer. 'Well yes, you broke company rules. And highly probably child protection law as well. But don't worry; all you need to do is resign and they can't touch you.'

    I wonder if she can come up with an equally foolproof get out for Freddie?

    1. Usha is best, right now, witness keeping Freddie out of gaol so far, & she has contacts who can defend the indefensible ( ref. the lawyer who maintained that Kate had rights !)

  47. I thought at one stage of E's conversation with Lily that Lily was actually thinking of changing her mind and going along with E's suggestion. Then she changed her tone unfortunately. I think the SWs could somehow bring Russ's wife into the story with Lily meeting said wife but not being aware of who she is and ending up liking her. Then the reveal with Lily realizing wife is not some crazy woman but actually a nice lady with a rotten husband.

    1. Better still, make her a *really* talented artist whose work does sell. And she can multi-task - unlike Russ she can produce her works of art whilst still holding down her responsible day job.
      And I suspect she would have been more than capable of ensuring Russ' water was heated to exactly to the correct temperature for his speciality teas - had she chosen to. Always pouring it straight in at 100 degrees C was deliberate, not incompetent.
      Poor Russ, you could almost feel sorry for him and his bruised little ego.

  48. I do hope the S/Ws can explain how Russ will now provide a character reference for Freddie when he goes to court. Or has it been written already. It could be a little while before the court appearance and I wonder if Freddie knows about all the money being spent on keeping Russ in the style to which he has become accustomed.
    Perhaps Freddie will somehow blurt out, 'but your Honour the deputy Principal is a prat, and he was bonking my sister when she was a student'. But would he do that to his sister?
    I hope so.

  49. I think Jazzer is a wonderful, if blunt character. But what I don't understand is, why he still sounds like he has recently left Glasgow? Am I correct in thinking he came to the Ambridge area when about 10-12 years of age? He must now be in his 30s and sounds like he has not been influenced,vaccent wise, by his surroundings. I could understand him retaining an accent, I have one myself, a bit like Ian's. However, he has lived in England and years of listening to English people speaking would realistically have influenced his pronunciation.

    1. Accents don't always change, regardless of where one is living. My niece has lived and worked in OZ for 7 years now, and still talks with a combined english/welsh accent.
      There is no hint of an "aussie twang".
      I love Jazzer still has his scottish accent, it is so part of him as a person. I would hate it if he started talking like Joe, Bert, Oliver or Robin.

    2. My mother was French, lived in England for 65 years and never lost her strong french accent.

    3. I've pondered that too, stasia, and I put it down to Sticky Accent Syndrome, which seems to be unique to Ambridge. The other person who had it was Ruairi, whose Irish accent, acquired from his mother and reinforced by a stay of just a few months with his Irish grandmother, was remarkably persistent. He was only 4 or 5 when he moved to Ambridge, and yet the Oirish brogue lasted for some years. He is now entirely mute, of course.

      Not sure just when Jazzer came south. He was introduced as Ed's and Fallon's friend when they were coming up to their GCSEs (or not), and didn't seem to be 'the new boy' at that stage.

      I'm a bit puzzled by Jim's origins. He formerly lived in Scotland, and his children have Scottish names (but Alistair's accent is English, and Fiona lives in ... Bath?), but his surname is Welsh, and his accent somewhat posh English. Perhaps he can speak Scots if he wants to, and his and Jazzer's fireside chats have kept the latter's accent alive.

      But you always know it's Jazzer, for which I'm grateful.

    4. We first met Jazzer when he was in his mid-teens. If children leave the areas where they were born before adolescence they tend to lose their accents. Perhaps Jazzer hadn't been in Borsetshire long when became friends with Ed and Fallon. When and where did he learn to play the pipes? It's not genetic; he would have been taught. By his father? Maybe there's a Scottish enclave in Borchester. Borchester might be like Corby. Borchester canning and chicken factories may be staffed by Scots.

    5. I don't care how or when Jazzer learnt to play the "pipes", I just love it when he does, showing his true "Scottish" heritage.I don't want him to change.

    6. It's interesting that Pat has no trace of a Welsh accent, did she ever have, I don"t remember that far back?

    7. My Dad was a Glaswegian but lived in Crewe for over fifty years moving there in his thirties. He retained his accent. Likewise Mum who came from Brummie land. I am bilingual understanding both!

    8. Yes H at H ,re accents ,that is what I understood too.
      My younger grandson moved to Canada aged 11 and has a Canadian Accent.
      His brother ,3years older has definitely retained his Lancashire accent with a slight touch of Scouse and a bit Canadian thrown in for good measure.
      When I visited Canada,people were fascinated by my accent.
      They laughed when I said I wasn't the one with the accent.

    9. I suspect there are issues of identity and pride in your roots involved too. I've known Scots who have maintained their accents after years of living down south, and others who've assimilated the local accent.
      That said, we're probably all prone to pick up local accents to a certain extent. I wonder if folk in Jazzer's home town would think his accent sounded rather English?

      LanJan 'They laughed when I said I wasn't the one with the accent.'
      In the immortal words of Flanders and Swann, 'It's knowing they're foreign that makes them so mad'. (From their 'Song of Patriotic Prejudice' - great fun but has to be taken with tongue *very* firmly in cheek.)

    10. Regarding Glaswegians thinking Jazzer's accent sounds rather English: I fully accept the principle, but doubt it in this particular instance!

      When I visited the States, nobody said my accent was cute! I mean, why not?

  50. Wonderful Ambridge Observer this week.

  51. I m concerned about Lizzie, what with Lily, Freddie, Lower Loxley, and the ongoing situations.
    When will she have a total melt-down, or worse, her heart condition starts to cause problems again.
    She surely cannot stay as strong as she is, for much longer.

  52. “Elizabeth breaks down and an old enemy makes trouble for Harrison” tonight’s write up!
    Elizabeth did not break down in my eyes and Harrison was called a Spice girl - hardly trouble!
    I understand mothers want to stand by their children (Lily) but that is different to running their lives just let them make their own mistakes and stop mamby pambing them and keep giving money and gifts to buy their affection, at least that’s what it seems like to me.

    1. Agree absolutely Lady R.

      And I too thought, out loud, at the end of tonight's episode, ' Elizabeth did not break down, and Harrison met an old enemy ? '

    2. Yes. The 'spoiler' was way off the mark. I appreciated less melodrama rather than more, but what was the point of the crystal-ball-gazing?


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