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New Life Outside Ambridge!





    Ev - March 11, 2022 at 12:22 PM
    I got the whoops again after a long post! Just to let you know am home again and all went well. Younger brother and I managed our tributes to Malcolm which were appreciated. It was a celebration of his life and in spite of the sadness it was good to catch up with friends and family.
    Younger brother, Mike, has tested positive for COVID so having spent the best part of two days w it’s him I will need to do several tests in the next week or so. I will not worry about it! Congrats to Janice and sympathy for Archerfile on the op cancellation. I hope they will slot you in before too long.😊

    Lanjan - March 11, 2022 at 2:33 PM
    Sorry to hear about your cancelled op P tbY.
    This sort of thing seems to be happening a lot .
    Get some more chocolate brazils down you.
    Pleased to hear of the safe arrival of your little grandchild Janice.
    By gum how things have changed for the better.
    I wasn't allowed to see my premature baby for many days because they thought he might die..
    I was 22 years old and In a ward where all the other mums had their babies.
    However I am convinced that prem babies fight harder to survive and your little one is a good weight and things have improved so much.
    I was in hospital for 3weeks.
    Enjoy your new teeth Archerphile !

    KPnuts - March 11, 2022 at 4:01 PM
    Like others, my condolences to PtbY and congratulations to Janice, I hope your grandchild goes from strength to strength.
    Ev, glad to hear you are home, hopefully if you have picked up the lurgy from your little brother it won’t be too severe.
    Archerphile hope the teeth are comfortable 🤞

    Archerphile - March 11, 2022 at 4:44 PM
    Yes thank you KP. Not only surprisingly comfortable (though obviously feel a little strange) but they look amazing. Exactly the same colour & sizes as my own remaining ones.
    Only slight annoyance is lisping a bit when I talk, but dentist says that will lessen as I get. used to them. I don’t want to sound like Jill Archer has been recently!

  2. Janice, congratulations to you and your family! Will raise a glass to his continued strength later this evening....

    Ev, glad all went smoothly and that you celebrated your brother with good friends and family - fingers crossed everyone with COVID will only have the slightest of niggles.

    PTBY - what a pisser! Let's hope the powers that be get back round to you soon.

    AP - congratulations on the new gnashers!

    1. Lovely picture Gary. I wish they did come that way!

  3. News from me? Well, since you asked... I don't know if I mentioned that we were getting a new kitchen, but we were and we have and I couldn't love it more! Not only that, but we decided to completely re-do the dining room as well and that has turned into a dream of a space too. It's like having a brand new house.

    Speaking of news, I am kind of glad that we haven't been discussing the situation in Ukraine on here - just the odd oblique mention here and there. Mr GG and I took the deliberate decision 2 weeks ago to stop watching the news, and when listening to the radio we turn the sound down at the top of the hour. I can honestly say that it is one of the best decisions we have made in a while.
    Haven't even bought a newspaper. I think I (along with millions of others) was suffering from bad news overload from the past couple of years. We of course stay abreast of everything that's happening, but I have managed to stop myself from being consumed by the constant barrage of horror and feelings of helplessness. Highly recommend it.

  4. I have just turned off the Now Show having heard a bit of it last night. Having previously enjoyed the program am disgusted they are making jokes about the situation in Ukraine. People are suffering for heaven’s sake!

    1. So did I Ev.

      As Gary recommends, be aware, but don't engage unless you can be constructive.

      Your recent loss and Janice's new arrival remind us of a life's cycle and while it lasts, let us be grateful for what we have.

      Gary, I hope the new space will make you even more creative, if that's possible.

      PS Please just ignore me, I haven't really been away you know.

    2. Wonderful to see you here again Basia, even if you haven’t really been away! 😘

    3. Hello Basia, glad you are still around.

  5. Ev, black/gallows humour is how a lot of people deal with horrific situations, I felt they did acknowledge the gravity of what is happening as well.

    1. Agree KP, and the digs at P and followers were pertinent.

  6. Gary, pleased to hear that your building projects have gone well, I am hoping to redo my kitchen in the nearish future, it’s quite large and I am wondering whether we could put in an island, we could do with extra work surfaces, the table that we currently have is a bit low….depends a bit on cost I suppose, but it will be 3 years without a big holiday so there may be a few more pennies in the coffers.

  7. Gary, congratulations on your new updates. I am unwilling to face the chaos which a much needed upgrade to my kitchen would cause so admire anyone going ahead. Maybe when the floor collapses I'll get it done!
    Congrats on the new baby Janice and good wishes to everyone.

  8. Gary….where’s the insta pic of the new kitchen????

  9. My next door neighbours returned from a 2 week cruise in the West Indies this morning. They popped in to get their keys etc
    They always make a big thing about never watching TV or buying papers on holiday so they were blissfully unaware of the details of what has been happening in Europe.
    They have much to catch up with.

    I’m afraid I just can’t do that. Shut myself away from the news.
    I almost feel an obligation to keep up with what is happening in Ukraine, perhaps it’s due to knowing my family’s history of WW2 and a feeling that what is happening in Ukraine is similar.

    I have been watching all the news reports and reading papers and have often been in tears in the past few days.
    But how can I sit here, safely, in my cosy cottage and shut out what is happening, not so very far away? At my age I can’t do much to help physically, but I can write to my MP and the PM, show my anger, donate goods and/or money to aid agencies and possibly even offer a temporary home to a displaced mother and child. If I didn’t keep up with the horrifying reports I should feel uncaring and impotent.
    I just know that when I, hopefully, see my beloved family next Saturday, I shall hold them very close and thank God they live in France and not Ukraine.


      I agree with you 100%.

      Born in spring 1942 I have always been acutely aware of the horrors happening in Europe at the time I entered this life.

      I am unable and unwilling to shut out the current situation in Europe for the comfort of my peace of mind.

      But I also know that we each have to navigate difficulties in life in our own unique way.

  10. How awful PtbY has had yet another cancellation of her eye op. and again, at such short notice. I would be on the 'phone by now, asking questions + expecting answers - but that's me.
    Janice with a new grand-child is just wonderful news, and I am so glad all is well.
    I am like GG. in that, I no longer watch the news. I keep abreast of what I personally want to know, via the BBC news app. This is so I can decide what to read + learn about.

    What I have been so disappointed about, is the lack of coverage from the Winter Paralympics.
    With the main Winter Olympics, there was so much coverage, for many hours during the day ( I know I watched a lot!).
    This has not been the same, with the Paralympics.
    I have found this such a shame. All the competitors have a disability, which they have adapted to so brilliantly, so that they are able to partake in winter sports at a top level.
    It amazes me that a partially sighted/blind skier, can hurtle down an icy mountain at such speeds, a person can snowboard with a prosthetic lower limb etc.etc.
    In my opinion only, I feel more exposure + coverage, could have been shown. This is to inspire more youngsters who have a disability, to give it a try.

  11. As a quick extra:-
    For The Love of Leo.

    I today listened to the whole of series 3. All I will say is that the final episode was very moving.

  12. Whilst waiting for the rugby, I have been watching flyball from Crufts. It is so light-hearted + fun, and the dogs just love it!

  13. Archerphile and Mrs.P.
    Very interesting posts, thank you.
    I agree completely, however, I don't listen, watch or read news in the evening any more.
    I feel very useless, a few donations to charities don't make me feel any better. I admire the Ukrainians immensly.
    Sunflowers are Ukrainia's national flower, such a bright optimistic symbol for such a tragic country..

  14. I don’t dwell on the news but do like to keep up with events usually by looking at the BBC app and also where possible hearing hourly news on R4. I can’t imagine leaving your home with a suitcase possibly never to see it again. We, the ordinary people are helpless to prevent these tragic events but expansionists like Putin need to know there are consequences and I hope the rest of the world will show him clearly what these could be. It won’t be over quickly I’m afraid.

  15. My TV after the rugby 😨 now has to be Ch5, with the late, great Victoria Wood.
    It is a repeat, and be it good or bad, I will enjoy in my way.

  16. There was an excellent programme on radio 4 this morning at 10::30am
    It was called My Dream Dinner Party and must have taken ages to produce because the hostess' ,Joan Bakewell 's guests were her heroes who had been brought back to life by 'the wonders of the radio archives'.
    There are two more at the same time next Saturday and the one after that.
    Her guests included.Barbara Windsor and Barbara Castle.
    It really was superbly done.

  17. Many people are offering homes to refugees from the Ukraine .
    I plan to telephone the Council to suggest that they should make a list of those who are unable to do this but want to help financially or by offering such as bedding ,possibly food or other items and each host would get support that way.It would also be a way for the Ukrainians to meet local people.
    I will let you know how I get on.

  18. Just broken my 38 day streak on Wordle : (
    Annoyingly, it didn't help that I three times tried letters that had been eliminated in the lines above - clearly wan't concentrating.
    At least I managed Nerdle in 3 and mini Nerdle in 5.
    Now doing my daily Worldle and Globle - my geography's useless so it doesn't bother mer if I fail on those!

    1. I feel your irritation, I am now up to 36 so have overtaken my daughter ( yes I am pleased, you can be competitive with a 24 year old) Nerdle in 3, I got Quordle today which takes me to a run of 5, my current personal best. I looked in on Globle but couldn’t get my head round it. I managed Worldle though, more logical. I can waste a shed load of time.

  19. I prefer to stay updated with the news from Ukraine but have decided not to watch late in the evening. Thoughts of the tragedy won't let me get to sleep if I do that.
    I have enjoyed The Librarian so, once again, thank you Miriam.

  20. Just catching up with the blogs.
    Our plan for the weekend was to visit oldest daughter and family. We all tested negative on LF tests so we drove down to their house near Bath on Friday. Our daughter started with a runny nose and cough on Saturday and tested positive for Covid. We decided that whether we had caught it or not the better option was to be at home so drove back yesterday. Granddaughter has tested positive this morning so our chances of not getting it are pretty slim. We will find out over the next couple of days.
    We are keeping up to date with Ukraine news but just once a day otherwise would get too depressed about it.
    Pleased to hear that you are enjoying your new kitchen Gary.
    Sorry about your cancelled op PtbY, hope that you don't have to wait too long.

    1. CC 🤞 you might not succumb to this. I wish you Good Luck.

      I was in the Supermarket yesterday, that is Saturday, afternoon. I only needed a few items but I also needed to pick up a prescription from the in-store pharmacy (which I had forgotten to get on my last visit and needed).
      I was one of just a few, still wearing a mask, so much so, I almost felt silly for doing so.
      What was different, was the age group shopping at that time. This was -
      young family groups, young couples many whom stood chatting in the aisles together, along with the many men getting their beer supplies, for the weekend
      It was very different, yet interesting in its own way.

  21. Thanks all. Cracking on decorating our bedroom now instead.

  22. KPnuts, I like Worldle but use an atlas after three tries! The fact that one has no idea of the size of the country - or, crucially, territory - makes it hard though! A recent one was a tiny island of ice near the south pole!!
    I have tried to play Globle but the globe doesn’t appear although I can type in a country. I am stuck!

    1. I use a globe for Worldle, it’s a great way to improve your geography and realise how many countries there are

  23. LanJan
    I do like your idea. For some like myself who live in too remote an area with no public transport but would like to help it is an excellent way of helping both refugees and hosts.
    Please keep us posted.

  24. I am donating clothes items, into the Oxfam "Bin" at my nearest re-cycle site.
    I have no idea where they will end up, but wherever, hopefully these will be of use to some-one.

  25. I am giving a word of warning, to any-one and family, who use British Gas, as the energy supplier.

    I received an e-mail regarding the increased costs from April 1st. which gave expected costs.
    After talking to others, then re-reading this e-mail, I realised that there was no new monthly cost shown. Instead it said - view your account to see new figures, and alter your DD to cover this, as the next review is July.
    This I have now done, after working things out myself.
    As a result, my DD has been
    altered to cover the next few months, until my next review.

    The point of this "whitter", is to make sure others do similar, to keep plans on track. This will avoid much more massive monthly price increases.

    1. My plan is a combined electric + gas one, and I will stick the advice I have read about. This is to stay with supplier, until the situation is clearer.

  26. British Gas - Last year (November I think) I signed up to 'a fixed tariff' as I thought the price would at least go up !
    It runs till April 22nd 2023!
    Glad I did!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I had a similar option last year, but it was cheaper at that time, for me to stay on the normal tariff.
      Well Done for changing, if only I had done.

  27. So covid goes on.
    After what two years as to being so careful - my 73yr bro-i-law, who has a heart problem, tested +ve this morning.
    The day out that was planned with Big Sis on Friday, is sadly now cancelled.
    She is now thinking, when will her +ve test appear??
    I am "on call" for help, but her freezers are always full - she's worse than I am in that aspect.
    However I am so willing to go + help.

    1. I take it to leave any essentials on the doorstep Miriam as you wouldn’t want to chance contracting Covid yourself. As you say it really seems to be picking up again and will do so even more I bet as all travel restrictions came off today I believe!

    2. My. Sister in law, Malcolm’s widow, has tested positive and she has several health problems. So far it is just cold symptoms for her and my nephew is staying with her. As for me, have done several tests, one this morning and so far all negative. However I do have a cold which has laid me a bit low. Will continue to test but it might just be a cold contracted maybe on the train similarly to aircraft air circulation.

    3. Big Sis has just messaged me. She lives in a small hamlet and on Friday it was quiz night in the little community hut. She contacted many others, esp. those who were sitting close by - at least 5 others who saw her message and so have tested, are also +ve!
      The source is not known, but the community are trying to contact all who were at the be aware.

  28. On a lighter note.
    Went to see “the Duke” at the cinema. Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. Very good. One of those types of films the British are very good at. Bit like calendar girls, singing fisherman one and that potato pie film.
    Would recommend.

  29. Phew, It works, been unable to post for some time.
    Just going to say I think Covid restrictions have been totally removed too soon.
    Teacher Daughter has managed to stay clear of the Virus since the very beginning, despite being surrounded by snotty teenagers all day, doing the schools testing, visiting children at home with the virus etc etc.
    Until last Monday when she had her first ever positive test. 9 days later she is still positive and can’t return to school until she has 2 consecutive negative tests. She feels ill, has all the cold symptoms inc. severe earache. She has constantly worn a face mask at school but the children can no longer be asked to wear one and none do.

    1. Archerphile so sorry to hear your daughter has succumbed to the virus after all this time. I agree with your view and I am fuming to see Cheltenham packed to the gunnels once again with no rules whatsoever to follow now just back into work and society with no legal need to stay at home if positive anymore. Football matches the same 80,000 at some matches. My friends daughter started chemo recently and the whole family having to isolate as much as possible. Thankfully hospitals etc are still applying rules.

    2. And now, no restrictions or tests or forms to fill in when coming home from abroad.
      It is good for us of course, but we still need vaccination certificates and a Declaration Sanitaire to enter France on Saturday, or to visit some places whilst there. And I understand we have to wear masks on the plane, of which I heartily approve.

    3. Archerfile, Katy has similar concerns about masks. I was surprised they were not required at the funeral and not many people wore them on the train. Katy wears one all the time at school but most others including teachers don’t. She is required once a week to attend a meeting with others who are not masked as well! The trouble is people think it’s all over!

    4. but it's sadly not and getting worse again. 😱

    5. I have tried over the last few days, to order some more lft tests, as I only have 2 left. I was even cheeky enough to say that I had suspected covid symptoms! There are non available and the message also said, do not ring 111 or 119, as they cannot supply any either. This to me means, no testing can be done by many even if think maybe +ve. so have to carry on regardless.
      It's a ridiculous situation.

  30. I am hopeful my lovely "bloke" will be able to mow my long + shaggy lawns tomorow, as planned.
    However rain is forecast...

    1. Certainly for Hampshire Miriam. Maybe you’ll be lucky 🍀

  31. Brilliant news.
    Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe is on her way home ?

    Cowgirl ,I haven't been in touch with anyone yet about my Ukrainian Refugee idea but will let you know when I have.

    1. Just logged on to voice the same opinion Lanjan. Archerphile will be over the moon I know as I’m sure we all are.

      May the day continue with positive outcomes - my very dear brother in law is having a brain aneurysm coiled today an expected condition but dealt with swiftly by our wonderful NHS. He was transferred late evening from Scunthorpe Hospital to Hull where he appears to be on the am list. He is a very active healthily eating / slim 72yr old and should be straightforward. He has regular AAA checks that have always gone well so glad he followed up on not feeling so good and this condition was diagnosed immediately by the Dr he saw, especially as they were due to fly to Antigua this coming Sunday to see my sisters latest grandchild born in December. Which is odd for her as she moved on some years ago to great grandchildren…

    2. Wishing your brother in law all the very best Lady R. I am so glad it was diagnosed quickly and can be dealt with. Many years ago we lost our aunt suddenly to an aneurysm, in her 50's, and also years later her younger daughter, at 54, on Christmas Day. Her last words were " oh no, not today ". Now they give her older sister regular check ups just in case.

    3. Yes, and very best wishes from me too Lady R. Hope all goes well for your brother in law.

      And yes, again, I am thrilled to have seen a photo of Nazanin actually on the plane!
      Commissioned by the Home Office, not a commercial flight.
      I hope the press, as interested as we all are, will give her time acclimatise to being home with her family, in private

  32. Hope all goes well for your brother in law Lady R.
    I'll rejoice for Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe when I know that she's on a plane.

  33. Lady R. My thoughts are with you, Lord R. and all your wonderful family members. Try to think in a true positive way, which is so difficult to do, on hearing such news. 🤗🤗

    ...and all I wanted to say was, that my lawns were finally cut this morning. It was a job well done.

    This though, is now so pointless with the current blog news.

    My thoughts are with so very many, as I look out and admire, my spring flowers, no longer hidden by long grass.
    Meaningless, I know, at this point in time.

  34. Thank you kind friends for your thoughts and wishes, my sister has just been in contact to let us know B-I -l is on his way back from recovery and all appears to be well! We feel weak with relief and so grateful to his wonderful NHS surgeon 🙏🏼
    This sister and B-I-l have just had their Ruby Wedding ( being my sister that was widowed at 35yrs with 3 children one of whom she lost in an accident 9yrs later then at 53yrs had cancer to battle so especially relived all is well. In between they have travelled and moved extensively but think they are slowing down a little now 😏 ….

  35. Off topic, but this is to those of you who live "down south" -
    Is there any sign of the Sahara Dust and "red rain"?

    1. I say this as an "up north" person, and the sky is now looking very red/orange in colour.
      It is quite wierd.

    2. Spring has Sprung, as the "Mr. Snowy" ice-cream van with full chimes, has just appeared in my cul-de-sac for the 1st time.
      It did quite good business.
      The appearance of this, is one of those true signs of Spring.
      I always think of Nigel, when it appears.

    3. We had an orange sky this morning and not much light so it was quite eerie! Drizzly rain practically all day! Great news about Nazanin!

      I’m glad your b i l has come through his op OK, Lady R. What a good thing it was picked up early! My sister in law is in hospital as my nephew couldn’t rouse her properly this morning and she was confused. She is positive for covid and we think that with grief has affected her this way. We hope she will be home soon and at least she is in good hands. My brother is still positive but I was negative this morning. I have the humdinger of a cold so am very surprised.

    4. It's such a worry with your sister-in-law. At least she had someone with her, to act so promptly, in getting help.
      Big Sis is still showing as -ve, but is now having a harsh head-ache, is cold and aching, so will know more tomorrow, and b-i-l is quite poorly. I am a bit concerned about them.

  36. I am in a dilemma and would so appreciate some advice.
    This is my eldest niece, the eldest daughter of Big Sis, who lives in the same area, does not know about her step-dad etc. This I know as chatted to her earlier.
    Do I mention it to her, or stay quiet?
    I am not sure what to do.

    1. I would check with your sister as maybe they don’t want to worry her or they may just be too preoccupied to let her know, in which case they might welcome you informing her.

  37. All the best to your Brother in law ,Lady R
    Miriam, when in doubt say nowt!

  38. What wonderful scenes this morning at Brize Norton, when the two returnees from Iran arrived.
    I’m not ashamed to say I cried when I saw the reunion between Nazanin, Richard and Gabriella.
    My only negative thought was, why did it take so long, why couldn’t that debt have been paid earlier?
    But at least it is one right spark of news amongst all the terrible reports from Ukraine, and for that, I am thankful.

  39. My dilemma was solved this morning, as Big Sis is now +ve also and as such, she has let family know.
    It was difficult to know what to do for the best.
    Daughter is now "on call" due to the different age groups, so to protect me. Plus her partner can drive the sit-on mower for the lawns, which I certainly couldn't do...I am bad enough at driving a car!

    1. ...and I would only mess up b-i-l's perfect lawns, which he is so proud of. He wouldn't like my novice attempt, which would be curves + zig-zags not perfect lines.

  40. Ev + Lady R
    How are the patients doing?
    It must be a worry, for all concerned.
    Wishing you all well, along with positive news.

    1. Thank you for asking Miriam the update on b-I-l he came through op ok and my sister will update me later with todays Dr report. It’s possible that may well be discharged by the weekend. Isn’t science and the NHS wonderful 🤗
      Do hope your family members come through their awful time soon and hope that Ev has continued to test negative.

    2. Sister in Law is home from hospital! Her older son has tested positive with a faint line. Younger one is still negative as am I! I have been exposed to it twice with Katy in October and recently my younger brother. It is hard to say how some people appear to be immune but even so will continue to be careful. This cold I have had is awful though and have had a week nearly of doing very little and sleeping a lot during the day. I don’t have colds very often but when I do it is usually quite bad. My young brother is still positive but faintly and has to isolate until Sunday. However he feels lucky as he has had two friends who never came out of hospital. Sometimes you just have to count your blessings.😊

    3. Younger son is now positive but the line is faint so low viral load.

  41. To those who like radio listens - my latest this week is:-
    Secret Lives, which is three 1 hour episodes.
    I enjoyed it, but I do know that my taste is different to others.
    I only mention this, in case it might suit others.

  42. Almost 23 hours later, but just not quite yet - it seems that I am still here on my "ownsome"
    I have popped in, to just say that I just hope that all is going as planned, with so many. This relates to those with family members in hospital, a trip to France, along with a lovely + sunny spring day.
    Dare I even say, a "warm" Spring day?8

    1. Yes a lovely spring day Miriam.
      A long walk with the dogs and a friend and then tea and chocolate cake
      In the sunshine.

    2. Sounds idyllic esp. with chocolate cake!

    3. Lovely day here as well. Went to Lyme, did a long walk followed by tea and scones sitting out in the sunshine.

  43. My local news, has just shown the highlights of the Gerry Marsden memorial service held in Liverpool.
    There was not a dry eye, when "You Never Walk Alone" was played. It was moving.

    1. What is your local news station Miriam? Not seen anything regarding the memorial service today would like to check it out…

      It is now officially Saturday and hopefully b-I-l will be coming home not far off from 2 weeks in hospital the coiling meant to go in through groin was a no go and in the end used wrist entry and he was in surgery 4hrs 30mins. Then back on Friday for another hour to sort out a small problem caused by trying the groin! He and my sister most impressed with both hospitals and of course deeply grateful. Thank you once again for thinking of them and lovely to read that Ev’s s-I-l home as she has more than enough to be dealing with right now and that Ev herself is still negative 🙏🏼

  44. All in all it’s been lovely weather all week. Still a chill wind but great to have blue skies and sunshine.
    I have started digging out my first border. Hard going. Very compacted, clayey and lots of tap rooted weeds. But…..I’ve never seen so many worms in soil before so I’m assuming that’s a good sign.
    Gardeners world watching at a friends this morning. Best morning of the week. 😊🌷

    1. Yes great things worms. I am experimenting with no dig gardening in the veg borders this year, so decided to order composting worms. After the time back on the 7th when my account was hacked the bank have been great, and have contacted me several times. On one of the first occasions someone went back through my account for several weeks asking what each amount was for, and I felt daft saying "worms" so then tried to explain to this very foreign person what composting worms were but I am not sure he understood. My daughter who overheard said I should just have said we cooked them in pasties in Cornwall!

  45. Spring is definitely springing today, it might even be warm enough to tempt me into some gardening , I am the epitome of a fair weather gardener.

  46. I have spent a couple of hours gardening this afternoon, purely digging up self-seeded weeds, from some, but not all, flower beds. I cannot believe how these have multiplied so very quickly. I am far from finished, but it was a good start.
    I also came across lots of big fat worms whilst digging, or weeding on my hands + knees, (not a nice view).
    This to me is a really good sign, esp if the soil is clay based, like mine.
    I am showing the true signs of this 1st proper gardening venture.
    This is that, I formed a blister on my palm which soon burst, and after 2 hours I had to stop, due to muscles protesting...🥵

    1. My weed problem is coming from a neighbouring property, (not my lovely "boys), but one which abusts onto me at 90 degrees.
      This has been empty for now over 15months, is sort of maintained, but the garden is a jungle.

  47. I’ve had my Council Tax bill and first month £12 more than last year and then each month £6 more. Apparently the £150 from the government will be paid into my bank account as I pay by direct debit. I would much rather have it taken off my yearly bill and make the monthly payments a bit less. As it is the money will be absorbed into other things. It seems a mad way to organise it although I gather each authority can arrange things differently.

    1. What is this £150 from the government, that you have mentioned?

    2. You only get the £150 if your house is in Council Tax band A -D
      Unfortunately for us our cottage is in band E which means we will get nowt!
      It only has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, not even an en suite, à kitchen and living room. Can never understand why we are band E but the council wouldn’t budge!

    3. I need to look into this, as it is something I know nothing about.
      I though do get a 25% reduction on my council tax, as a single person living in a house, home alone.

    4. We are band D but in Ledbury we’re E. It doesn’t seem fair. Council tax band was based on values in about 1981 and if you happened to live in an expensive area even modest houses crept into higher bands. A slick operation by Count Heseltine but unfair on some. Rates weren’t fair either. We had a higher rateable value than our neighbours in Cornwall as their house was classed as a renovation. It was built on the foundations of a barn and all of the upper storey was new. It was a far bigger house with a huge garden. Our house was new from foundations up! We all ended up in the same council tax band though! Archerfile, I expect you have checked on the band of similar properties near you which could give grounds for appeal if they are in a lower band. Miriam, this £150 was announced recently and we are also to get £200 towards energy costs but we have to repay that over 5 years so just shifting the problem! As usual all done in haste to placate the voters!

    5. We were E in Ledbury. Am not the proud owner of two properties!!

    6. Miriam if you are in council tax bands A to D you will get the £150 automatically either paid into your bank if you pay the tax by direct debit or taken off your bill which would be my preferred option! It doesn’t have to be paid back unlike the energy one. Having the 25% reduction has nothing to do with it.

    7. I am in band C in my area, but I have no idea about this, nor any info.about this payment.
      It is a total mystery, and I pay by DD also.
      Now to research this further and Thanks.

    8. No need Miriam the £150 credit will be put automatically
      into your bank
      account if you pay by DD

  48. Gardeners world was brilliant this week. How to plant a hydrangea. I’ve got one waiting to be planted. Sorting out snow drops. I had a few that have come up in the middle of the lawn, so they’ve got moved.
    Cut back ferns….had one in a pot.
    It showed a lovely spring pot to plant up and 2 very interesting gardens of normal people.
    Quite interested in montys new bog garden too. Good for hosta’s and I love them.
    In fact I might watch it all again.

    1. I am about to transplant some snowdrops from my back garden, where there are now many large clumps, into the front garden. This is the best time as the flowers have gone, but are still "in the green" which is necessary when re-planting.
      I hope that I have got this right...If not, please tell me.

  49. Worldle en français is proving interesting..

  50. I planted snowdrops today ,Miriam
    I was told by the kind friend who gave me them that they like company and so I should -and did- plant them in threes.
    I had the best gardening day for over 18 months .
    The weather was superb and two and a half hours just flew by.
    My home like yours Archerphile is band E
    I also have only one bathroom -in fact I haven't even got a bath.
    I do have a shower though.
    Isn't the band determined by the value in 1991 of the house ?

    1. Re composting worms,Janice ,I once sent away for 1000 when I had a worm composter.
      1000 worms sound a lot .
      It isn't.
      However if you get a bag of manure and put some into your compost bin they appear as if by magic -thousands and thousands of them
      I love seeing them.
      Young children are fascinated by the fact that worm poo makes wonderful compost !

  51. I've been catching up on this blog. I've been missing in action for a while as I spend most of my spare time watching our baby albatross who is growing by leaps and bounds.

    I've read all your gardening comments with envy. You are all just going into spring and we are now into autumn. On top of that Mr EnZed has been sick for some months and has just had an enormous operation, from which he is recovering nicely. My arthritic knees are now in a terrible state and I struggle to do very much in the garden at all. We are now over-run with thistle. It took us the best part of 20 years to get the thistle under control and it has taken only one season for it to appear in every corner of our paddock. The grass is almost waist high and I can't drive the ride-on.Thank goodness we live in a rural area with no immediate neighbours, so no-one to complain when the weed seeds blow everywhere.

    1. EnZed how lovely to hear from you so sorry to hear of the difficulties you and Mr EZ are having (and been through) both worrying and frustrating. Do not worry about what you cannot do although understand your garden deterioration is disappointing for you.
      Going into Autumn! My favourite season but must admit Spring is very close as it is so pretty. Take care and keep in touch when you can 💐

  52. PtobeY, thank you for the heads-up about 'The Duke'. Two of my favourite actors. I've managed to find it on the internet and am going to watch it tonight.

    1. Oooh. Good. Let us know what you think.
      Going to see phantom of the open this week. Another British comedy drama. I’ll let you know what I think. It looks good on the trailer.

    2. Began to watch it last night then switched to check up on our baby albatross and never got back to the movie. Bookmarked it and will continue tonight. Enjoyed what I've seen so far.

  53. Hope that Mr Enzed continues to improve. You must have had a busy and worrying time. The baby albatross sounds as if he is thriving, but how did you get him? And is it New Zealand you live in?

    1. Hello, Janice

      Yes I live in New Zealand. Came her in 1973 from Surrey. We have an albatross colony on a headland not too far from me. It's the only land based albie colony in the world and is looked after by an amazing group of people who nurture these lovely birds. If you google Royal Cam and go to the discussion page you will find a 24 hour live camera feed. Our baby albie is now 50 something days old. Be warned - you can get hooked. I'm watching day and night at the moment. We're all waiting to find out if it's a male or female.

    2. Found it thanks. I've seen gannets here but never an albatross.

  54. How I suffered from my gardening yesterday. I was so keen to continue today, but as I was very stiff this morning, and hard digging with a garden fork is needed on the next phase.
    I just decided to just poddle around - clearing many twigs, leaves and debris, as a result of the winter storms in several areas.

    Thanks for the info.about the £150 rebate. I found the info. easily in the pamphlet which came with the council tax notice.
    I admit that I didn't read this,as all I was concerned with was the new monthly cost.
    It is a bit presumptious though, that those lively in properties A-D need extra help, which is purely based on the house value from 1991.
    My home is small (hence band C) but it is very energy efficient.
    I expect many in higher bands, who have moved upwards into homes to re-store + re-vamp these, would welcome such a rebate.

    1. I put off transplanting some snowdrops today.a I need to dig up a big clump, to then be replanted into a pre dug big hole in the front garden. I decided, this could wait until tomorrow.
      Yes - the Manjana idea, which I know well.

    2. I will be transplanting at least 20 plants, as a whole. I hope it works.

  55. Enzed. A baby albatross sounds so amazing.
    I await eagerly, to hear it's story and how you are caring for it.
    Do Tell All.

    1. I haven't met you before.
      Hello 😀
      I look forward to hearing so much more from you, and how you listen to TA, wherever you live which seems somewhere "down under".

    2. Hi Miriam,

      Definitely 'down under'. even further than Australia. The Clue is in my blog name (NZ for New Zealand). I listen to TA on the BBC 4 website. I also listen to amazing old radio on the BBC 4E website.

      The albatross lives at an albatross colony not too far from me and it has a 24 hour live stream camera pointed at a nest. The egg was hatched late January and the bird will fledge late in the year. If you google Royal Cam you will be able to watch the live feed. You can also rewind approximately 24 hours to see the bird during daylight hours. I do hope you have a look. It's fascinating to watch. I do very little else these days.

      Happy gardening

  56. Have just finished a chat and online games with son in Frankfurt. He and his family are hosting a woman and her two sons from Ukraine. They do not talk much and the two boys are 9 and 6 so granddaughters have been playing with them. Another single woman was there but she left to go to Prague where my dil's brother lives. He is hosting there with his wife and child.
    Poor old Christopher, being in a house with 6 others all talking Russian! Still I should think he has picked some Russian on the way in about 20 years!

    1. Spicy such trauma for these families to be facing but thankfully there are lovely people like your family members in this world in order for us to be able to keep faith in our fellow humans. Bless them all 🙏🏼

  57. Mr R having a Laser Capsulotomy here in Basingstoke Hospital this morning. Post cataract clouding being removed (often happens after a few years) and only takes minutes. Left at 8.30 re early Monday morning traffic blow me barely a car around. Many must still be working from home!
    Brother in law home at the weekend 🤗 then Hedge End friend’s daughter rang - Joy fell in Sainsbury last Monday broke her elbow two and a half hour wait for ambulance it’s how things are but in great pain. Got 2 Southampton post X-ray COVID Test and Positive! She felt and feels fine but in COVID ward bay of 6 other 5 not with it unfortunately for them and her. Reading plenty though. Son is sending a mobile for her oh dear good luck with that Joy she is not a tech person.
    Lovely day and week I believe so enjoy everyone and mind your joints when gardening.

    1. Interesting re "cloudy eye" after cataract surgery. I am starting to experience something similar in one of my eyes, the one done in Oct 2019. I am due an opticians appointment soon, and eye clinic at hosp. in July, so will mention this.


  58. Thanks EnZed for the info. about the albatross chick. I will certainly try to find this via your suggestion.

    I am a lover of R4ex and most of my radio listenings come from this. Some are really old, but I find these much more entertaining than today's offerings, apart from The Archers of course.
    I am loving listening at the moment to:-
    King Street Junior
    Doctor in the House
    After Henry

    plus many varied dramas, of differing types.

    There is a new Charles Paris starting on Tuesday, which I have already subscribed to - called Murder in the Title, played by Bill Nighy.
    I might have heard it before, but I can't recall it yet.

  59. Bro in law is now day 7 and still testing +ve! Big Sis is now day 4.
    They say they are fine and don't need any help.

    1. I've also been listening to King St Junior, for the umpteenth time, and Conversations From A Long Marriage, for the first time. Wasn't sure I would enjoy it, but I am. I'm a fan of Bill Nighy and will definitely listen to the Charles Paris broadcast. I'll think of you while I listen.

  60. Beware All.
    I have just received a text messge with the title Test&Trace.
    This informed me that I have been in close contact with someone who has tested +ve for the Omnicron varient, with link to order tests.
    This to me is fraudulant + a scam esp. as I no longer have the NHS test + trace app. active on my phone.
    It was scary to read this at first, until sense kicked in.
    As such, I have reported + forwarded this.

    1. I agree Miriam I had this while ago and checked scams on Google.

  61. Hello one and all from France.
    Horrendous queues in Heathrow on Sat due to lack of baggage handlers so left late but arrived here safely, eventually.
    Grandsons grown so much!! James, now 14 is a good bit taller than me but very slim;
    Elliot now 10 has also grown, so much that he needs grandma to knit him some new jumpers.
    Wonderful to see everyone again and I was allowed a couple of slightly embarrassed hugs.
    Beautifully sunny here but there is a very strong and bitingly cold wind. Apparently it is usual here at this time of year and known as the Vent d’autan, so we are staying indoors.

    1. You've made it Archerphile, after all this time.

    2. So pleased for you Archerphile. At last you have united with your family after such a long wait. Make the most of it, and enjoy every second of your time together.

    3. How fantastic for you Archerfile to see your family again after such a long time!

    4. Have a wonderful time Archerphile. 😊

  62. An extra.
    I can no longer buy free range eggs. This is due to Avian 'flu, which is very prevalent in my area, so all the free range hens are now contained. I just hope that I can buy my eggs from the same farm outlets, from the same hens, who are being looked after in the best way possible, but sadly cannot be classed as free range, for now.
    I often get double-yolk eggs and there is a difference in quality + taste.

    1. It is very prevalent in every area. My daughter chickens have had to be kept cooped up for months with netting over the top of their area too, so that wild birds can’t fly in and contaminate the chicken food.
      Supermarkets are having to alter previously labelled ‘Free range eggs’ to ‘Barn Eggs’ to avoid prosecution!
      But it doesn’t seem to be a problem here in France where the family’s hens are happily free to roam the garden. One of the hens lays small pale blue eggs which are very pretty and taste delicious.

  63. Apparently they will be called Barn Eggs until the chucks can go outside again!

    1. Sorry Ev. Your post about Barn Eggs wasn’t showing when I wrote the above!

  64. Pleased to hear that you made it to France, AP, that wind is also annoying les charentais, but at least it's blown the Saharan sand away....

  65. Replies
    1. Not just in the south then. It’s disappointing that despite being so beautifully sunny it is bitterly cold outside and I didn’t bring any cold weather gear as I expected it to be warmer than at home!
      Spent yesterday evening helping older grandson choose and prioritise his GCSE subjects, as the form had to be given in today. I simply cannot believe he is old enough to be doing that. How time has flown by.

  66. Parsley, because we are so far inland the sand hasn't blown away and there's no chance of rain.
    Very warm, sunny and dry, not much to my liking but never mind.

    Archerphile, GSCEs, will they be coming back then or by correspondence, it there's such an option.

    1. Basia, the boys go to the International School of Toulouse where all the teaching is in English.
      They take British GCSE’s but later have a choice of A Levels or the IB
      Now they are back at school full time (since last Sept) I don’t think there is any problem with a reduced curriculum as pupils in England may be having.

  67. Butting in! I am marking GCSEs in Poetry (Anthology ) and Poetry (Unscene Poetry) for WJEC and Eduquas boards.
    There is a reduced timetable from previous years and I have to educate myself in those syllabuses?
    However there is a one day 'marking day' in Cardiff and, because I am in Kent, have to find accomodation overnight. Trouble is that Steriophonics and Sir Tom Jones are appearing in Cardiff and there is very little bed and breakfast there!

    1. Do we have any members in Cardiff with a spare bed?

    2. Spicy. You obviously have "pre-planned" your travel arrangements from Kent to Cardiff, be it by train or road. I admire you for this and learning the new syllabuses required.
      I am not sure that I could actually "study" again..😵

    3. A strange idea, but what about a static caravan or mobile home - though I expect you have already been re-searched such options.

    4. Jon has researched as I was hoping that he would drive down on Friday, take a day spent in Cardiff and then bring me back on Saturday. The hotel that the Conference Centre has rooms but sadly they are £389 per night per single person and I don't think the Exam board will pay that.
      Might look up similar Band B a way farther out, and then get an early start, as the marking meeting starts at 9.00.

    5. I am sure you will both find a solution.

  68. Basia, cc coucou 😙
    Speaking of which, heard the 1st one last Sunday.

    1. The hearing of such, is often referred to - As the First Sign of Spring.
      Mine is, the constant sound of lawn-mowers!

  69. What a great buy I had today. This was just to replace my trowel + matching fork, both of which are now not up to the needed gardening.
    I bought two suitable replacements, which have long handles of 12" and are from the Wilkson Sword range, so should be OK.

  70. Spicycushion - I’m assuming you are also looking at Airbnb ?
    Many if not most BnB are now with AirBnB

    1. The Pontcanna area in Cardiff will have less expensive airbnb than most other areas, and is close to the centre, and near to Llandaff Fields a nice park close to the river which Jon might like to walk around. In the long ago times we lived there and liked it.

    2. Chapter arts centre is also In Pontcanna, with art gallery, cafe, and interesting multi cultural performances and films. It was a slightly off beat place but really vibrant when we were there.

  71. I am recording the Ch4 programme starting tonight, about living as to the Amish way of life.
    This is of interest to me, as to how lives are adapted without any modern technology.
    It is living off the land, in that You eat what you Reap.
    This will be educational in many ways, particularly with the now ever increasing costs.
    It might give some ideas.

    1. Have just found it Miriam and am about to start watching it.

  72. Spicycushion,when my son went to Cardiff for the Rugby when Wales played Scotland the price of accommodation was ridiculous so he stayed overnight at a Travel Inn in Swindon and travelled to Cardiff on the morning of the game.
    Of course your meeting might be too early for you to do that .

  73. Saw Phantom o the Open today at the cinema. Very good. Would recommend.

  74. Thank you all, for B and B in Cardiff. I'll be looking at them today.
    First I have to get the exam board to okay what the maximum allowance is. I do like the airbb and there is one for £200 which will let both Jon and I have room, rather than doubling up the price. Probably would be able to go on my own by train but feel safer if someone is with me.

    Today I get my first appointment (in person) with the consultant about thyroid problems. Jon is taking me and will carry his laptop to do 'work' in the waiting room, or car park outside!

  75. Good luck Spicy for your first “really live” appointment. Hope the outcome is helpful.

    Thinking of gardens and green spaces, Sarnia where are you? I’ve missed your dry sense of humour; also, how’s the garden? Is your patio situated to miss the cold winds of late. My under gardener is getting a bad back and my newish joints are in need of oil. Why are most roses so thorny and how do you stop cats digging up precious plants or rolling on them if near nepeta!!

    1. Don't get me started on cats. I have 8 visiting my garden, the result is not pleasant.

    2. Coffee grounds. Pussy doesn't like having to wash them off the royal toes.

    3. Haven’t tried coffee grounds. Worth a try. Good to hear from you Sarnia.

  76. If any-one is interested, I had an enjoyable listen to a radio "download".
    Jill Paton Walsh - A Piece of Justice.

    1. I watched the first episode of the channel 4 programme you recommended, about the 24 in Devon trying to live according to Amish principles, and it was interesting how differently different people responded to the communal living. I was surprised the military man Toby just quietly vanished. He had shown himself very resourceful going fishing to provide meat for the four houses. He said he didn't like the emotional dramatics and thought that if there was a problem then the thing to do was to solve it. Quite so. The part I found puzzling was that he very much needed to have peace and quiet and alone time in his room, I understand that, but he was a military man and I would think as such he would have been used to living as part of a close knit group and not having much privacy. I liked the bit at the end when they said he had walked for 6 hours to get back to the peace and quiet of his own home, and his cat.

  77. CC and cat problems, here is my latest 🙀
    I had an awful episode this morning. On opening the lounge curtains, there was a definitive smell. I had put down a box of a new jigsaw, which was a Christmas pressie from my niece in OZ, on the floor (why there?) ready to start doing....only to find it was soaked with cat pee!
    My cat is certainly mis-behaving, which I think is a dementia type of syndrome.
    Jigsaw is now in the bin 😢

    1. She probably has cystitus, very common in elderly cats?

    2. I am off to reorder the same jigsaw. I will do it and then send a photo of the finished puzzle, with thanks, to my niece. She will be non the wiser.

    3. Spicy, cystisis in cats is a good thought. Thanks.

    4. Unless she reads this blog 😆

  78. To add - my 12" handled new trowel + matching fork, are brilliant. The continouing weeding was much easier + quicker today.

  79. Soz, 5.43pm. Coffee grounds: applied very thickly, slugs don't like them much either

    1. Did you ever manage to get a replacement for the cast iron pump and is your one still in Rotterdam?

  80. Coffee grounds didn't work in my garden. I've tried many things, the only one that works is a physical barrier. I have netting around the veg beds and my herb garden so my food doesn't get contaminated, the rest of the garden I just deal with.

    1. Our neighbour's latest attempt to keep them at bay has been to buy a lot of copper washing up scrubs and put them round her emerging seedlings. She is going to let me know if they work.

    2. OMiaS drinks a lot of coffee - perhaps I'll try the grounds on the flower beds rather than in the compost bin. Mind you, he has it industrial strength - I fear our local slugs and cats will show a perverse liking for the stuff and I'll get a garden full of hyperactive molluscs and felines!

    3. According to an article in New Scientist slugs can't resist bread dough. I only use slug deterrents on my salad bed so thought I might try the bread dough. Mr CC is working out how to make a trap then will give me some dough when he makes his next batch of bread.

    4. I thought beer traps were effective, but why waste good beer!

  81. What a lovely jaunt I had today to a nursery buying plants for my newly cleared, flower beds.
    I only bought what I know will survive the lower temps. due next week and so will survive.
    I am still deciding as to what will go where, ready for planting tomorrow. I hope that I have chosen wisely 🤞
    I spoke to two wonderful + knowledgeable staff, who were really helpful. I was over the border in Wales, where masks are still compulsary, which I was very happy about.

    1. My profile pic. is my spring hanging basket which is doing well.

  82. I have not seen any news from Spicy, in regards to her appointment relating to her thyroid problem.
    I so hope that it went smoothly and as planned.

    I finally booked my overdue eye test today. This is on May 16th. but I am not worried for the wait.
    I only mention this, as to alert others to long waits.
    I did say, when talking to my opticians + booking, that I can fill in a cancellation slot, if I have an hours warning as I am flexible.
    This fills an empty space, and so will free up my May one.
    It is worth mentioning, which I have done before, which was well to my benefit.
    I was waiting for a steroid injection, to be dond via an scan, which had to be performed in hosp. with a doctor. A phone call was received at 4.30pm one afternoon, to the effect that due to a cancellation, could I go at 10.15am the next day? So it was done, 2 months earlier than expected.

  83. Well first of all I had a misfortune! Sister and bil were to take me to the hospital yesterday (Wednesday) but then sister rang up and said they'd caught Coved (presumably) from their 4 and 5 year old grandchildren. So Jon said he would take me with his laptop and work from hospital waiting room/car park.
    I get there about 10.15, show my letter to the receptionist who said 'Actually it's tomorrow!'
    Jon didn't get 'very' cross!
    I did apologise to him but he gets very cross when I say the wrong word and apologise and says 'It's not your fault so don't apologise!'
    So I went again this morning. Very nice lady doctor, who I believe was French and about 50-60 yrs treated me. The tablets are working well and I am only 'just' on hyperthyroidism (no idea how to spell it!) so I am to have yet another blood test and see her in about 2 months time.
    So treatment working well, left hand-side thyroid apparently went into overdrive but tablet have reduced whatever it is from 40 to 17 (something in blood count) and right-hand side from 30 to 7 so the doctor was pleased!

    She thinks that my double vision is, wait for it..... badly prescribed glasses which are either wrong or not fitted properly. She is getting me an opthalmic appointment to make sure.
    If I was not 'cool, calm and collected' I would rage at the opticians and probably get police involved! Depending on the Vision Express attitude I may not stay 'cool.'
    I am very angry that I have not driven my car, and watched TV with one eye covered for the last 4 months!
    So I will wait for the opthalmic consultant and then make my way to Vision Express!
    Better news that I have had Cambridge ask me to mark this year so now I have to decide whether leave the Cardiff one or try and do two for one.
    Eldest grandaughter has Covid again so all family in Germany is quarantined again!

    1. How frustrating for you, Spicy.

      When I got my varifocals just before Christmas 2020, I *hated* them. I could only focus on an inch of print at a time, and the screen of my laptop was distictly curved.
      I went back to Boots Opticians and the lovely, patient, optician spent ages with me while she adjusted the fit and checked everything was OK - even doing a mini re-test to make sure my vision hadn't deteriorated rapidly in the intervening few weeks. By the end of the session I could read an inch at a time, and she advised me to stick it out until after Christmas. Lo and behold, a week later I had got used to the wretched things and I could see fine : )

      Your double vision has obviously been a problem for longer than a few weeks, and you are rightly frustrated. But don't be too hard on Vision Express - hopefully you'll go back in, they'll adjust your glasses a little and all will be fine. It could be as simple as bending the arms slightly so the lenses sit straight and work together properly. Here's hoping all goes well for you.

      Incidentally, I bought two pairs of glasses at the same time. The first were fine - as far as I could tell when steamed up in the opticians (I didn't realise I couldn't read properly with them until I got home ...) The second pair were AWFUL - I could hardly see the rack of sample specs two feet away! Optician took them back, went off to investigate, took the first pair, ... Turns out that I have a namesake who had also ordered varifocals at the same time! Fortunately, our prescriptions were clearly very different. Otherwise I might have gone home with someone else's glasses. You don't know of any other Spicycushions, do you Spicy?

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Thanks for the up-date Spicy, but how frustrating for you both.
    At least questions are being answered + hopefully now getting sorted out.

    Covid is getting worse isn't Big Sis + Bro-i-law are still testing +ve. Bro-i-law is now day 11 but is finally starting to improve.
    They are just so frustrated...and family have been forbidden to go + help out!

  86. Spicy.
    I can’t believe it. Opticians giving out wrong prescriptions. Disgraceful. I hope you get an ophthalmic appointment very soon.
    Glad your thyroid meds are working. Hopefully one less thing to worry about.

  87. It is now officially the 25th so it’s time to wish my special Mr R a very Happy “90th” Birthday 🎂
    It does not seem possible as apart from his orthopaedic problems he is no different to when he was in his 60’s.
    A low key day though 5 of us getting together at our friends house with their beautiful garden surrounded by fields. Ooh I sound like Mrs Bucket talking about her sister Violet 😂
    Enjoy the weather for the next few days as soon as the clocks go forward the temps are going to drop- wouldn’t you just know it!

  88. Wishing his Lordship a very happy birthday. What lovely weather for it. 🎂🎁☕️ or. 🍺

  89. Happy birthday to Lord R! We have a centenarian living just round the corner and over the winter have noticed his car has gone from the drive and the usually immaculate front garden was looking a bit unkempt. I thought he had gone to meet his Maker but yesterday there he was chatting to a lady no doubt making a start on tidying his front garden! This year he will be 101 and still going strong. It makes me feel quite young!

    1. Well Ev - Mr R too at only 90yrs 🤣😂 in fact he had a card with 80 on so even better!!!


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