An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
- Matsuo Bashō


  1. 2 Superb haiku, Ruthy; a few words, and the meaning reverberates in the mind, just as the frog is reflected in the pond. Many thanks.

    1. A new unused blog
      A critic taps onto the screen
      Gripe! Blank page again.

  2. Mention was made that the actor playing Daniel appeared in the lovely production of "Home Front" which is also on radio 4
    Please is anyone able to tell me
    1) Why is Adeline , "Mrs "Lumley?
    I thought she was incarcerated because her baby was born out of wedlock
    2) Is there a book of the series?
    Thank you.

    1. This is a reply to Lan Jan - apologies to non-Home Front fans:
      I think she is Mrs Lumley because that was the surname of the man she was hoping to marry when she fell pregnant ‘out of wedlock’. I think he died before the wedding could take place but she was still treated as a disgrace to the family and put away for being a ‘fallen woman’. Mr Lumley was, in fact, Victor’s father. I don’t think there is a book -yet- but there is an online petition to keep the programme going after
      Nov this year, in order to follow the lives of the characters after the war, through Spanish flu, unemployment etc etc.

    2. (6) -Thank you Archerphile.
      I imagined that was the case but thank you for confirming it.

  3. Thank you again Ruthy. Happy Monday to all.
    I don't think Shula has realised that Dan is an adult. Her comment about finding Dan a Dad was a major gaff. In fact a nasty response to her sons questioning about her decision to end the marriage. Dan please don't take sides, it takes two to tango however, unfortunately Alistair hasn't accepted that he is on the dance floor on his own. If you are not careful you will soon become piggy in the middle of a battle field.
    Nic only died a few weeks ago, and in the circumstances Will's behaviour in needing to visit the grave is not unusual. But that is no excuse for taking umbridge when people make comments. Interesting that Shula and Alister were both clumsy when speaking to Will and Clarrie.

  4. 9. How has Emma found the cash to take the family to a theme park?

    1. She earned it (extra shifts at the chicken factory on top of her other 2 jobs and housekeeping for 6 adults and 5 children).

  5. I suppose we must assume all that extra work at the chicken factory has paid off for Emma! In the meantime, I'm concerned about Will, who seems to have no idea how to cope. He really needs help, but is just the sort of person who wouldn't accept it.

  6. 11 I remember on the old bbc blog someone once suggested that the Home Front editor/producer would make a good job of the Archers, much better than SoC,
    Belated Happy Birthday to Mrs P

  7. Good morning all.
    Thank you again Ruthy.
    Thanks for info on Home Front.
    I started listening rather than just having it on in the background when I realised that I could understand the national situation in the year that my mother was born, 1916.
    I love its format, yet still do not quite understand the connections between Folkestone and Newcastle. Tell me more if you DO understand !

  8. (12) With apologies to those who aren'interested in poetry or how Blogger works, my 'haiku' (2) wasn't just a philosophical reflection on the Meaning of Life but also a reference to the glitch Ev mentioned towards the end of the blossom blog, whereby you are told your comment has been published but in fact it disappears. You can try again with the same result. It's my impression that this glitch, like the outsize icon glitch, only occurs after the blog reaches the Load More stage. If I'm right about that, it suggests that Blogger (i.e. Google) has problems with display when a blog gets beyond a certain length. As I muttered earlier, you'd think Google could do better!

  9. Replies
    1. Neither witty or clever ? Me neither S c ?
      Would you mind revealing yourself ?
      But will respect if you do mind and would rather not.

      Back to the end of 2017 when we were in a two and eight about the blog closing.
      I advocated that we should do it for ourselves, and that a friend had given me a link whereby we could create our own independent blog.
      Not sure if I posted that link, but not important now.
      Ruthy took the initiative, and on the 1st of January this blog was created. We were and still are very grateful for Ruthy taking that initiative, but we need to remember that from the beginning it was viewed as a lifeboat.
      We have transitioned successfully from TA to our own independent blog and others are joining us.
      But should we be asking Ruthy to continue with this indefinitely ?
      At the moment she appears to be happy to do so, and I have no intention of not taking her at her word. But that could change in the future.
      Also some of us are having problems with scrolling down.
      Personally I avoid the vertigo by closing my eyes whilst scrolling and this seems to work for me.

      If any one agrees, even partially, with what I am asking, perhaps an indication can be given.
      I can find the link from my friend and we could, if there was agreement to do so, try to find another way of creating our own blog, that did not rely on one specific individual.
      Ruthy, I am relying on your good nature and believe that you will not be offended by my suggestions.
      But please do say, if you are,and I will happily detract my statement.
      I do feel that we should not just rely on your willingness and good nature indefinitely.

    2. I agree we should not rely on Ruthy indefinitely but it early days yet and I am sure she will let us know if it is becoming too burdensome.

      Also remember that a camel is a horse designed by a committee!

    3. I agree with Pierre. It is early days. I'm sure Ruthy will tell us if it becomes a chore; I too am concerned by the amount of work involved, but am not able to actively help. I think we should give it a period of time and see how Ruthy feels. I prefer this blog to the BBC one, and want to support it any way I can, but I think we need to take the lead from Ruthy.

  10. Esscee-If you are who I think you are and don't mind revealing the fact,please would you tell me from where your earlier pseudonym comes?

  11. Esscee - regarding pressing ‘Publish’ and nothing happening - I too have had that problem. I use an iPad and discovered that if I get rid of the keyboard (press keyboard symbol in lower r.h. corner) before pressing Publish, it work first time. Maybe this is just a glitch on my iPad but may be of help to others.

  12. Sorry, have no idea what number this should be! Just wanted to tell Mrs P about the connection between Folkestone a& Newcastle in Home Front : there is a family in each location related to each other. The Folkestone family is Gabriel & Sylvia Graham and the their 3 daughters. Sylvia was one of 3 sisters from a Newcastle family. The other sisters were Adeline (the unmarried mother and Beatrice. The Graham’s eldest daughter, Cressida, married a son (ie her cousin) of the Newcastle family and he ran the munitions factory up there. There are rather complicated family relationships that I cannot fully remember but the two families have had many arguments, upsets and disappointments along the way!

  13. Mrs P - I think it might be a good idea to have another string to our bow to be used only if Ruthy ever decides she has had enough of creating these blogs for us. Ruthy, you have been marvellous to do all the admin for us, but there may come a time when you have had enough, or are too busy or are away on holiday and cannot continue. So a reserve way of creating a blog might be useful to have ‘up our sleves’ Just in case. In the meantime, I am very happy to continue here, I know I would be bereft if there was nowhere to communicate with all my Archer friends. 😊

  14. 16 ? Decorating seems to be Alistair's therapy. After he first admitted his gambling problem he decorated his & Shula's bedroom.
    Ed has been working full-time at Home Farm for a while now; he and Emma might have a bit of spare cash to treat George and Keira.
    An "Emma" situation in today's episode of "Home Front", a lad losing his childhood sweetheart to his brother.

  15. No of course. Esscee you are not the person I thought you were -ie Spicycushion who has already commented with her BBC pseudonym.
    I would be interested where that name came from if you are reading this Spicy cushion.
    There are some really good names on here ,several of which I find really fascinating.
    Pierre Le Corbeaux for example -great name.
    There are 46 members of our Club at the moment.

  16. 17. Mrs.P - there can be more than 1 administrator of this blog. Having said this, it is not a burden and if and when it does, I will certainly let everyone know. I already have 3 more posts developed and ready to go. I can open these posts anywhere that I have an internet connection.

  17. No objection to you administrating whatsoever Ruthy.
    Just looking ahead and considering provision for the future.
    And certainly not looking towards a committee Pierre !

    I had a home visit from Cotswolds animal rescue today.
    Yet again I have been turned down.
    I'm not a happy bunny !
    Archerphile thanks for that
    Home Front info. But where does the girl that some of us think is like Emma fit in. Is it Kitty ?

  18. 19. Pierre - this is a curios saying - "a camel is a horse designed by a committee!" If I were on my iPad, I could insert some fun emojis.

  19. 20 ? Re. Archerphile's answer to Mrs P's question about connection between Folkstone and Tynemouth in "Home Front".
    Phyllis Marshall, not Beatrice, is sister of Sylvia Graham & Adeline Lumley. Beatrice is a little girl, daughter of either Cressida or Juliet and therefore a great-niece of Phyllis. Cressida has 3 young daughters and Juliet has 2 + baby on way. (2nd part of my previous post was explaining connections but it was too long to publish & had to be deleted , hence out-of-order numbering.)
    Phyllis, Adeline and Sylvia owned shares in Marshall's engineering firm. Adeline recently sold her shares, using proceeds to buy a house in Folkstone which she's turned into a home for unmarried mothers. Becoming a householder also means she'll be able to vote.
    Phyllis lives in a cottage in the grounds of the house owned by Cressida's husband. She makes do on a modest income as she reminds her relatives now & again. Phyllis brought up Victor.
    Family relationships now even more complex due to Cressida's recent marriage to Johnnie Marshall, younger brother of her deceased husband, who has inherited the factory and house. (What first attracted you to your present husband, Mrs Marshall?) Their marriage at Gretna, last Christmas, is of dubious legality. Law re. marrying a brother-in-law changed after the war. Johnnie was previously engaged to Cressida's sister, Isobel. (Echoes of Grundy triangle again.)
    Isobel may be eldest of the 3 Graham sisters. Her 1st fiancé (of 3) was killed in Boer War. Characters' page on website. Click on each name to get a profile. I don't think website has been updated for this series as is normally done.
    Johnnie is a complex character. If there is to be a book he needs several chapters to himself.

  20. 18. Ruthy, I was in New York a few years ago and couple of young women asked me where the Empire State Building was. As we were standing a few meters away their response was "Awesome". What you have done for us is wonderful but American speak, Awesome as well.
    Emma, three jobs and domestic drudge, Grundy got herself in a tether about having to fork out for a new computer screen, complaining about the money and everything else. So, has she borrowed from the house deposit to fund the outing to the theme park. Maybe Ed sold a sheep or two!

  21. 19. MrsP. I share your frustration. When I lived in London it took months to find a cat, every animal rescue we approached declined on the grounds that we both worked. In the end we were driven to going to an underground cat rescue run by an ex model, can't remember her name, and after a clandestine meeting in Peckam we found the most wonderful clever cat.
    I shall have a word with my friend who is connected to the Huntley setup and see what I can ascertain about their criteria for re homing.
    Peggy got Hilda Ogden from her hairdresser, perhaps the local vets may know someone, who knows some one and so on. Word of mouth is sometimes the way forward.

    1. Agree, in that local vets know when a litter has been born, so need re-homing. My local Pets A× H×me, also advertise animals that need a new loving owner, with a link as how to contact.

  22. (20) -Mrs P,At 1.30am this morning I would have happily donated both Poppy and Percy to you.
    We were awakened by an almighty clatter and when we went to check there was Poppy sitting guard over a tiny live shrew in the corner of the kitchen(we live in a bungalow)
    Percy was already approaching the bedroom to tell us what he had brought in for us.
    (Poppy thinks that we prefer live frogs in the night)
    (Before you ask ,the reason they are not kept in at night is that Percy our adopted cat was used to being able to come and go as he pleased and neither will use a litter tray )
    It took much moving of furniture and a long handled dustpan and brush before the shrew was rescued by two exhausted pensioners.
    Have you thought about a goldfish or a budgie,Mrs P?

    1. My lovely, 13yr old cat, also has "spring fever"! I was represented with a live sparrow, firmly clamped in her jaw. Again, I cannot keep her indoors, for the same reasons.

  23. 20. Hi Lan Jan Re your query. I wanted to have a clear out (a la Kate!) quite some years go and my son registered me on e-bay. I said my real name and he said not to publish that but choose a code name. When I couldn't think of one he said choose an adjective and noun that don't go together like....spicy and cushion! Lo and behold I was born on the internet! Other places only take your real name and when I registered for facebook (just to see what my family was up to at the beginning!) I didn't realise there were pseudonyms used there. One or two clever bloggers have worked out my real name but not difficult as I hop from one to another and post almost the same on both. I don't mind at all Our recent 'friend' from the other blog once told me she knew who I was but not to worry she wasn't stalking me! Made me a bit uncomfortable though recently.
    I thought that Shula was completely horrible and in a roundabout way did as much damage to Dan (I know he's an adult) telling him that she 'gave him a good father' as a parent blaming a child for the break up of a marriage. Really gone off her!
    My next comment will be a spoiler rumour so don't read it if you are likely to get upset!

  24. 20. Mrs. P. So sorry to hear that you have reached another dead end in your search for a cat to adopt. You must be so frustrated - have been there myself so know how you feel. Could you be considered as suitable to adopt a purely indoor cat, as I believe the problem is that your house is beside a main road? I don't know what age you are looking at, but sometimes elderly cats aren't interested in going outside at all, and they might be suitable. I think that my cat, Fergus, who I adopted last year when my other lovely boy died, may well have been something of an indoor cat before he came to me, because it took him quite a while to become accustomed to the garden, and is quite happy to sit/sleep around indoors for days on end - especially in the winter cold and rain!

  25. Mrs P - my eyes occurred to me as a way of avoiding vertigo when scrolling, but it meant missing any new replies that had been inserted, and made it more difficult to locate where I 'left off' after my last visit. Any advice, please?

    1. The above comment is 21 and should reas SHUTTING my eyes etc.

    2. I would so also like to know.

  26. 21 Mrs P. "Home Front" again. Re. Kitty.
    Kitty is the "vehicle" which moves each series to the destination.
    Episode 1, 1st series. on Day 1 of war featured Kitty, maid at the vicarage, and her German boyfriend, by whom she was pregnant. Dieter intended to ask Kitty's dad for her hand in marriage but Mr. Wilson sent him packing without hearing the request.
    Kitty is very pretty and was a model for Folkstone promotional photos, being paired with Victor for a set. He was a cavalry officer in same regiment as his cousin, Freddie Graham, in barracks there.
    Sylvia, Freddie's mother & Victor's aunt, tried to introduce him to "suitable young women" but he wasn't interested. She saw a photo he had of him & Kitty. He pretended she was his sweetheart. He also needed an excuse to avoid prostitutes.
    Dieter, the German boyfriend went into hiding, was discovered, fled and jumped into the harbour to evade capture and was assumed drowned.
    Meanwhile, Victor had taken a shine to Kitty. He guessed she was pregnant and proposed to her. At first she refused him. Then he told her that he was illegitimate, that he had only his army pay, that girls of "his class" wouldn't want to marry him. He said he wasn't expecting love, just someone to come home to, if he survived. If he was killed, then at least he would have done some good, providing a child with a father. They married and Kitty waved him off with his regiment the same day.
    Kitty's parents were relieved and delighted. Victor's aunts disapproved. Aunt Phyllis offered to pay for the child's education or even adopt it if Victor were killed, to bring it up "properly".
    Kitty "suffered with nerves" for a bit after Peter was born and went up to Tynemouth to stay with Phyllis for a while. That's when she made friends with Marion & Edie. They know that Dieter not Victor is father of her children. She met Adeline, Victor's mother on the same visit, so knew before Victor that his mother hadn't died when he was a baby, as he'd been told.

  27. 21. SPOILER ALERT(Sort of)
    I think the speculation about Charles Collingwood and Judy Bennet retiring may be true. Before Nic died someone (on facebook -yes I knowit may be all hot air !!!!) said that she knew someone associated with the production team/scriptwriters and was told that four characters were to leave the series. We've definitely lost one so I wonder if there are any more to disappear (and not just into the cupboard where they are hiding Kathy and Jamie, Carole, Anisha etc!)

  28. 21 Hedgehog (16)'16 ? Decorating seems to be Alistair's therapy. After he first admitted his gambling problem he decorated his & Shula's bedroom.'

    If it wouldn't interfere with the holiday you've planned for him, perhaps you could direct him to my shoe. I've got plenty of decorating that I'd happily pass his way if it would be therapeutic for him.

  29. (21)
    Was the model called Celia Hammond?
    She runs an animal rescue Centre now.
    I read a book she wrote some time ago and wrote to her to say how moved I was by it and got a lovely hand written reply.
    She was and probably still is a very attractive lady (as are all the ladies ,as we know,who listen to The Archers who were born in the 1940s )
    (Other Archers listeners born in other decades are also likely to be attractive of course)
    She asks anyone who wants a cat and who lives in the East Sussex or London area to get in touch with her.

    1. (re 22) I laughed at the tactful inclusion of ladies dating from all decades to the fragrant realms of attractiveness (IF, and only if, they were Archers' listeners :)

  30. May I make a comment. I and some others are having problems with the scrolling down. Perhaps some posts could be more concise, so would not occupy so much space. The discussion of Home Front is fascinating, but it has used up a lot of "blog" space. I have to admit, that I have done just the same, re cats.

  31. 20 something. 28? Late 20s. Regarding cats. A middle-aged/elderly not-very-confident female might be happy with house + back garden. I always let mine out of house by back door. My various male cats roamed around. Female popped round to the street a few times but scuttled back to quiet and safety at back.

  32. OWiAS I, too have lots of decorating therapy for Alistair. Dan is welcome to accompany his dad when he's on leave. Dan could do around the light switches.

  33. Miriam, we need a "Home Front" blog but could not find one. Series so far is available on IPlayer.

    1. A separate blog for Home Front would seem to be the ideal solution for both its fans and non-fans. Perhaps it could cater for Poldark as well, when the inevitable next series occurs. Or maybe both could be accommodated on the second blog for chat that we discussed on a previous Ruthy blog.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I deleted that comment as it was a long reply to Mrs P about ‘Kitty’ which I now see has been fully covered by our Home Front correspondent ( and far more genned up than me!) I will leave any further comment to HH so as not to take up space.

  35. Right !
    I've decided.
    I'm going down to Lewisham and having a word with Celia Hammond.
    She won't remember me, but we were modelling at the same time.
    Yes of course I know about her and her wonderful work.
    AND .....
    She's got common sense.
    Thank you Stasia and LanJan.

    LanJan, oh I did laugh....... thank you.. I hope you and Mr LJ had a good laugh after a cup of tea and back to bed.

    I have just discovered that CatChat has a forum which I have not seen before with a category of ' Homes Offered ' so I have put up a post.

    I will ' bounce back ' of course, I always do. But none of us likes being on the end of someone else's piece of string, and that's what it feels like.
    Also, what is SO galling is the fact that I could go and get a kitten from an un neutered cat and nobody would know. But here I am being a responsible citizen and hide bound at every turn.
    Thank you for a comprehensive rundown of the ( very complicated) Home Front relationships. H at H.
    I have realised that Kitty is the ' key' character, and have understood quite a lot of the SLines.
    I did so like the turnaround of the rev. And the magician grandfather last week.
    But I don't listen as regularly as I do to TA.
    Spiceycushion- it was me that first promulgated the possibility of the Collingwoods retiring.
    Interesting !

    Maryellen re scrolling.
    Yes I take your point, but having read the latest posts after scrolling, I do not find it too difficult to SLOWLY scroll UP to see if any replies have been left since my last post.
    Helpful ?

  36. (22) -Talking about writing to authors ,as I did in (21),sometimes authors particularly those whose first book it is ,ask for feedback.
    I only give it if I enjoyed the book ,which I did a few years ago.
    The book in question was short listed for the Orange Prize for fiction.
    The author is American.
    I got a lovely friendly reply and we exchanged emails
    She kindly invited me to meet her when she was in London to publicise her second book which I did.
    Recently she has let me know that her first book is ,all being well,to be made into a film starring an actress who got an best supporting actor Oscar a year or two back for "The Help"

    1. LanJan, is it Ameri+++ah?
      I was given this book about three years ago by a young friend, have never been interested enough to read it. If it is that book and you recommend it, I will have a go. Ireally enjoyed 'The Help'.

  37. Sorry Suz - I have considered, long and hard, an indoor cat.
    Yes I know all the very good reasons, but........
    It does not sit well with me.
    And I have, finally, decided against.
    But thank you for the suggestion.

    Maryellen- I went to Chavanage last year. It's just up the road from me.
    Elizabeth's house.
    I need to visit again tho' to see the house itself. Our guide was so fulsome with her anecdotes that it became very difficult to focus on the house itself.

  38. What a lovely "chat room" this is, but I thought that the main topic of chat was TA.

    1. Miriam, 2 parallel blogs were mooted but a) possibly not easy to set up. b) too prescriptive, remembering to switch to the chat one when not writing about TA. As it is, very natural, like a conversation, one thing - TA - triggering other thoughts and (often loose!) Connections.

    2. Miriam you are quite right. Home and away is an excellent programme and well deserve its own blog but this one is for TA.

  39. Why does Emma feel guilty? It was Nic who said she was in the gutter and just because she's dead does not alter anything. Why shouldn't Jake stay with his father?

  40. 30 something ? Agreed, why did Shula drop in 'good dad' to Dan ? Of course (tonight) he's taking it that his existence promoted her sacrifice and a sham marriage; perhaps Elizabeth succeeded in persuaded him otherwise. Kenton really shouldn't have told him about the gambling, not his place to do that. Besides, the only thing S. has been clear about is that the gambling episode was not the problem. Far more recently, she was not at all supportive when Crawford threatened again, quite the reverse, but that came after she had 'fallen out of love'. The problem with Dan is that, whilst he is an adult in a way that Freddie certainly isn't, he's not experienced, still with the teenage perspective of being the centre of the universe, to some extent - hence rushing off to Dorothy to check on their undying love. I do see it is hard to explain the fading of love, but Shula doesn't even try, least of all to A., who is the one who counts in this, not Jill, not Dan. She doesn't feel close to him (A) any more, they want different things, she's bored, restless, dissatisfied, so it's all to do with changes in her. Alistair hasn't changed

  41. 39 ? Something like that.

    Well said Carolyn. Agree with every word. Though Kenton should not have said, he was, nevertheless in a difficult spot.
    When my G daughter asks for information, daughter tell her that it's not appropriate for me to tell her, but that she should ask mum herself.
    I then inform daughter that G daughter is asking me questions that mum needs to deal with.
    So far it seems to have worked.

    Sorry about letting off steam earlier.
    Calmed down now.

  42. 40. Will needs to go home now! or Emma needs to go live somewhere else. They are not meant to be living in the same house.

  43. (41)-Exactly Ruthy
    Ludicrous situation.
    Clarrie means well but is not helping at all.

    Why is Dan at home?
    Why is he still in Ambridge when Dorothy can't be a million miles away?
    I know he is going to see her now but most young men would have gone to see their girlfriends as soon as they were back in this Country and not go round all the relatives first to find about more about their parents marriage.
    I must admit I found Dorothy to be a rather boring young woman.
    No sparkle
    Another Soundalike
    To be honest I think Dan is a bit of a goody goody too..
    Perhaps the two Ds are suited

  44. 42. Lanjan. Yes, it was Celia Hammond, although I only met her colleagues. Goodness is she still alive?
    The whole experience of obtaining my first brilliant cat was a very clandestine experience. As I was a student doing clinical psychiatric experience in Camberwell it smacked of madness having to make lots of phone calls to various women who passed me on to other women. All I wanted was a cat to love, never having had animals as a child.
    The Grundys children are very lucky, lots of animals to care for, and love.

  45. I feel Will is being held up as an example of 'How not to behave as a bereaved spouse/parent'. There's a list of what not to do, and he's doing them all.

    I once watched a film about security (in a government context), which showed a group of people making every mistake in the book. Rather than thinking, 'I mustn't make that mistake', I suspect most of us viewers thought, 'What a bunch of idiots! We'd never do that!'

  46. stadia (42). Oooh! Just think how upset Will would be if he heard you saying the Grundy children are lucky! Don't you know ... etc.

  47. Apologies: (1) for not numbering my 10.26 pm [43] and (2) for failing to pick up the 'correction' of stasia to stadia.

  48. I found tonight’s episode very depressing I’m afraid. Both the Grundy and Lloyd families are going through a crisis and it is not comfortable listening. I hope we hear from Jazzer again soon, at least he makes me laugh!

  49. 46 Carolyn(38)'hence rushing off to Dorothy to check on their undying love.'

    I took it as a hint that he was hoping to take the relationship further - a proposal, perhaps? - but that his parents' split has made him apprehensive. So he wants to make sure Dorothy really does love him and that he's not pushing her to commit to a relationship she's not quite sure about.

    I still think it's possible he had come home to tell Shula and Alistair he was planning to propose but then their news rather knocked the wind out of his sails. Good job he hasn't had a chat with Harrison yet or he would be completely discouraged about the possibility of a happy marriage : (

    As to the Collingwoods retiring, I hope they don't - I'd miss Brian. But if Alistair was caught unawares by Shula's declaration that their marriage was over, how is he going to cope when he discovers that it was bigamous because Shula was already married to Brian?! Jennifer, too, will be mortified - but will get to keep Home Farm when Brian, Shula and Ruari slope off to Coventry. Kate, on the other hand will explain to all and sundry that it is not her fault she couldn't be faithful to Lucas - she was simply the victim of the genes she inherited from her father.

    1. You are delightfully incorrigible, OWIAS ! Hey there's a ring of truth to your scenarios....I'm sure Dan, he probably is thinking about marrying the GF, but it's typical of teens and early twenties to relate what happens to others straight back to self. Naughty to generalize, I suppose, but, on the other hand, it is also one of the ways we all learn, by observing others and arriving at often skewed conclusions.

  50. 47. I am also grateful to Ruthy for setting up this blog, I enjoy the appealing pic of Percy the cat and the increasingly imaginative headings, if that's what you call them. However, I find it less engaging than the lost official one, mostly because of the lack of numbering, which means ages of scrolling up and down before I can work out where I left off reading at the last visit. This is further complicated by lengthy posts about other programmes I've never heard of, which to me at least, is off-putting. Sorry, folks.

  51. 47 :
    Stasia, Celia Hammond certainly is still alive and working with her rescue charity which now has a number of branches throughout south and east London.
    Close friends in east London, found two kittens in the garden when they moved in. It soon became evident that they were both pregnant and big daddy was also visiting regularly. I advised they contact the local Celia H branch who took big daddy, neutered and returned him. Through this they then investigated the local semi ferel colony and took action to neuter and Spey all likely candidates.
    My friends kept the kittens when born and big daddy stayed around as it suited him.
    A successful and happy family.

    Certainly times are pretty miserable in Ambridge, but we seem to be in for interesting, and possibly upsetting times with a number of seriously disrupted families.

  52. 2 X 47 so this might be 49

    Good morning Sarnia, no need for you to apologise, but just to point out that the programme that you are probably referring to is Home Front which a number of us listen to, and which we were also discussing from time to time when on the BBC TA blog.

  53. 50. I thought Jim had telephoned Dan and told him about A&S, or had mentioned it in a phone call from Dan, possibly a regular call to his step-grandfather? They got on well when Dan was younger I seem to remember.
    Kenton had no right to tell Dan of Alistair's addiction. I'm not sure Alistair knows that Kenton knows, does he? I think that he(A) believes that only Shula and of course Anisha (who absolutely badgered and bullied him to tell her) knows.
    As for Willyum. Will he be doing a Heathcliffe next and dig...... No the thought is too horrible! However perhaps the character was based on Heathcliffe brooding, bad-tempered, bordering on the maniacal? Just a thought! :)
    What is this about everyone getting vertigo looking at a scrolling screen? Not something I've ever heard of. Like either Archerhile/Mrs P (sorry can't remember which) I use a small 'notebook' computer and use the slider feature on the right hand side of the screen. Get to the bottom in mini-milli second!
    Have a lovely day everyone, whether working or playing!

  54. 51. Spicycushion 50: Wasn't Kenton part of the poker playing group which led Alistair to his gambling problem?

    1. 51a) Yes I believe you're right now you've reminded me!

  55. 51
    Re: Sarnia (47). My apologies for writing about Home Front, I was answering a question from Mrs P but I do realise that this must have been annoying to non HF listeners. I shan’t do it again, promise! ( and HH turned out to be more knowledgable than me anyway!). I too should like to try and concentrate on our raison d’etre which is chatting about The Archers, with the odd diversion into allied topics. 😊

  56. 51. I had to check Dan's date of birth. Nov, 1994. That makes him 24yrs this year. He is a Capt. In the army, presumably leading a squadron of soldiers, with a lot of responsibility for their welfare! He sounded more like Freddie the adolescent, with his, is her fault, his it his fault, etc, childish questioning and then dashing off to seek solace in the arms of Dorothy. A leader of men/women? He needs to do a lot of growing up and realise that in life people grow apart from each other. What did he learn in that military establishment? Other than the obvious of course.
    Bootgums. You are absolutely right, I would not want to be a
    Grundy child, chaos everywhere and they never seem to be in the wrong, especially George. Jake is not a Grundy, although Will is determined to make him one.
    Will's antagonisms towards Emma are historical, made worse by Nic's death and he is projecting his loss at a woman he also once loved.

  57. 52. Regarding Sarnia (47) and Archerphile (51). I do understand your point about diversions into topics from other radio programmes - Home Front for instance, but I quite enjoy the freedom for us to 'ramble' occasionally, so it doesn't bother me, and I often find off topic items really interesting. But for fellow bloggers that do find it annoying, can I suggest that if we are going to post about a topic other than The Archers, we should head the post with the name of the 'foreign' programme that we are going to discuss in capitals so that anyone not interested can just skip that particular post. It would save poor Ruthy having to control more than one blog.

    1. To be honest, for non-Home Front listeners, the long detailed posts about it have all the fascination of the long detailed lists of who begat who in the Old Testament. Digressing into personal details of fellow bloggers' lives is one thing; digressing into the imaginary lives of fictional characters other than The Archers. is quite another. Yes, their content can be skipped, but they still create blog traffic, and add to the length of the blog and consequent scrolling (which is less troublesome for some than others). They were more avoidable on the BBC site because there was usually more than one open blog.
      As regards making more work for Ruthy, clearly only she can say what it entails, but it seems to be a choice between having two shorter blogs open,or constantly replacing one overlong blog.

  58. 53. For some reason, I feel minded to speak up for Kenton. I can quite understand that some people think he had no right to tell Daniel about Alistair's gambling (since apparently he knew nothing about it). But Kenton was defending his twin sister, and making the point that Shula had had burdens to bear in the marriage, as Dan seemed to be taking a very black-and-white view of the split.

    No, you're right, it wasn't Kenton's call. But he meant well. In his way.

    Why on earth hadn't Shula told Dan?

  59. 54. Suz. I have never listened to the programme discussed. I simply moved on to the next post. Although I do enjoy the little personal comments posted, as it gives me some insight into other posters and (imo ) enhances our discussion. It makes the blog more intimate, and that allows me to feel connected to individuals I wouldn't know, even if they walked past me in the street.

  60. (53)- Couldn't agree more with you Stasia (51) about Dan.
    Leader of men?
    I don't think so.
    I certainly don't want him and Dorothy to take over if Brian and Shula leave.
    What a boring couple.
    Incidently does anybody watch "London Today" at 6.30 pm BBC1?
    Well,I am convinced that Will is doing a spot of moonlighting as a reporter on the programme.
    When he appears ,Mr LJ says"There's your mate again!"

    1. Lanjan (53) No, I can't get London Today out here in the depths of the Forest, so am very intrigued by your post. Do tell - what does "your mate" do/say that's so Will-like?

  61. A little bit off topic.

    (54)-Suz. (53) -it is not what he says ,it is the way that he says it!
    He sounds just like Will.
    His name is Tom.
    Nice looking fellow.
    I am afraid London Today is so depressing which is why we often turn to North West Tonight.
    Other regions seem more cheerful.

    1. How do you do that Lan Jan, switch regional news programmes I mean? We are stuck with South Today and I.d love to see what’s going on in other regions. Whoops, just gone off topic again! Slapped wrist 🤭

    2. (55)-short off topic on reply to Archerphile.
      Each channel has a number and I just press 958 (the news programmes from each region are all around there) and I get North West Tonight.
      I think I press All Channels first .

  62. 56 Ruthy(40)
    ' Will needs to go home now! or Emma needs to go live somewhere else. They are not meant to be living in the same house. '

    It's a pity neither of them realised / admitted that before they married each other!
    But then, I suppose, we would have been deprived of the George paternity question, the fraternal feud, the rich brother poor brother contrast, the wonderful second wife, the on-off truce between wife and ex-wife, the mutual forgive-in enabling Ed to be Will's best man second time around, the subsequent spats, the lost job, the rusty nail, the rush to hospital, .... Crikey how would the scriptwriters have filled the daily 13 minutes? Some farming, perhaps?

    1. Some farming would be very nice!

    2. Just want to up-arrow, so to speak, the idea of featuring some farming. (And these made me laugh, which is always welcome.)

  63. I was reminded of William Grundy by a remark of a man on "You and Yours" phone-in today. He was widowed a decade ago. He described himself as "prickly" for a long time afterwards, and it was off-putting to other people although he didn't realise at the time. He married again 3 years ago. The topic was internet-dating in later life. Several "Roy" examples among the men, having so many dates in quick succession they occasionally confused one woman with another. Some may need dating spreadsheets like Roy. A lot of pitfalls out there, Alistair, beware.
    Thought it was totally out-of-order Will confronting Emma at work. They are in the same house for goodness' sake; could it not have waited until they were home? Maybe it was one of her evenings at the chicken factory. Andrew has obviously lived in Borsetshire since childhood; he sounds like Chris Carter. So why does Jake speak RP? The families should be thinking of practicalities, routine and what's best for all the children.
    Since Shula has lost her live-in painter & decorator she'll have to get a man in to spruce the place up in future. I suppose the Welsh one is capable. Ambridge used to have a resident Welsh decorator living at "The Cat & Fiddle", back in the day when there were 2 pubs in Ambridge.
    Just because Dan is capable of commanding troops doesn't mean he understands all human emotion. His life so far has been childhood & adolescence, a short stay in U.S. then Army.
    Studies show a young man's brain isn't fully developed until around age 24/25. Kenton said to Dan that nobody else really knows what goes on in a marriage. Yes, Dan, even we, the listeners who eavesdrop are not totally sure since we cannot see inside your mother's head. I felt that Kenton was dismissive of Jill's reaction - she's 80-odd, a devout Christian and believer in marriage being for life who thought Shula believed the same. Kenton abandoned a wife and small daughter on the other side of the world. He may have married the woman to gain residency rights. Kenton's ideas on marriage are nothing like Jill's or Shula's.
    Shula may have had an extreme case of "empty nest syndrome" when Dan left home, made worse by him joining Army.
    Jennifer's nest has always been occupied and she even made room for a cuckoo. Jennifer is a "mother-hen", constantly clucking at her brood of full-grown chickens.
    BTW those who disliked the clinic scene last week should be thankful for small mercies. At least we weren't invited to the conception.
    That reminds me, I'd like to know how the progeny of Ed's rams, both real and virtual, turned out.

    OWIAS If there is an "adultery gene" Kate may have inherited it so of course her behaviour isn't her fault. How could anything be Kate's fault.

  64. 60 :
    This is my second ' read ' today, and for the second time I feel disappointed at reading so many complaints.
    May I remind us all that less than a month ago we were all up in arms and complaining bitterly at the prospect of losing our BBC Archers Blog.

    Ruthy had already taken the initiative at the beginning of the year and produced this blog, our lifeboat !
    We have successfully transferred from our blog of many years to this new and INDEPENDENT blog, which has been effectively produced by us for us.
    We have also been joined by some newcomers who as far as we know, were not contributors to the BBC blog. Although it is possible that some of those were amongst the silent majority who did not post on that blog.

    We always went off topic and as some have said, this adds to a sense of friendship and intimacy. At least for some. Those of us who advocated for and supported the idea of an independent blog, expected that we would continue going off topic and also discussed how that might be challenging in some ways as we would, at least initially, have one blog only.
    Clearly it is challenging for some, hence the complaints. But not for all.
    Perhaps we need a few more weeks to embed our new blog and to see how we might change things to suit more contributors.

  65. I am so sorry that my thoughts might have been classed as complaints. I only wanted to give my own ideas, as to this wonderful and innovative site. I just feel that each and every-one posting, has to re-evaluate exactly what is being written and being posted, as - is it relevant to TA.
    I so much admire Ruthy for giving us this life-line, but she has to administer this site which must be not easy. I hope all the regulars do not try to dictate how Ruthy runs this site. I always think that constructive criticism is always helpful, but I, as an outsider, I am finding that some posters are trying to "take over" from Ruthy and these are trying to make this "blog" their own.

  66. (62)- I can tell Justin why we don't need a really outstanding female to look after the pigs.
    We don't need another newcomer for a start -here today and silent tomorrow- and I want Jazzer to have the job.
    It is obvious that he would be the most suitable candidate.

  67. 63. Well, Lan Jan, the interviewers don't agree with you ! Jazzer is a 'character', that wouldn't suit JE at all, he wants yes men in the lowlier positions, and doesn't find bantering with the boss amusing. Jazzer, however, is experienced, knows his pigs, and can graft. Doesn't that count more than a facetious attitude to interviews ? I'm surprised Neil was so easily swayed as he knows Jazzers true worth- could he be so speedily corrupted by corporate norms and shallowness? Lack of ability to work in a team didn't wash with me. Old Jazzer would be a tonic ! Keep them all laughing when they're tired, cold and p----d off.

  68. 64 going back to Grundy Gripes for a moment, my heart went out to Emma yesterday - what she's going through is little short of abuse these days. At least Clarrie stuck up for her after Will's nasty attack, but something more drastic is needed. I think Ruthy was right, earlier, time for Will and children to go home now; let his parents and Ed give all the assistance they can, let him hire some domestic help, and leave Emma out of it, to get on with her own busy life. He should apologize profusely as well, and thank her for all she's done to help him and his children through the shocking, early stage of bereavement.

    1. Mrs P - may I, in turn, point out that you can't suggest improvements without first saying what could be improved - and f that comes across as a complaint, so be it! I'm sure Ruthy is wise enough to know that my criticism of Blogger in no way detracts from my gratitude to her for her tremendous kindness in rescuing us from bloglessness and my admiration for her skill and initiative in setting up this blog and commitment to keeping it going.

      I realise that my particular problem with the incessant scrolling that Blogger demands is mine to come to terms with - all I'm saying is that what would help me, i.e. a blog not overlengthened by totally off topic comments, would also help Ruthy, and saving Ruthy work is everyone's major concern. Blogger's overall design and inherent glitches aren't going to alter in the next month or so, so there is little to be gained by waiting to find ways to work round them. We have already dispensed with icons because of a glitch.

      It seems some people joined under the impression this blog would function like the BBC blogs with the emphasis firmly on TA while others may have thought it would allow for more general chat. Maybe that is the most important issue we have to resolve?


    2. Maryellen I agree suggestions , perhaps in the form of complaints will inevitably be raised.
      I felt that perhaps it was too soon.

      Your last para is I think the nub of the problem.
      Different expectations.

    3. Mrs P - theee is a way to manage both sets of expectations, but the suggestion that we should have two blogs (subject to Ruthy's approval) is unpopular with chatters because they feel it would inhibit their spontaneity. There would be the discipline of deciding on the appropriate blog and the time delay in switching from one to the other.

  69. 65 Carolyn, re your two posts, I completely agree with you. But sadly I don't think Jazzer will be hired, nor Will apologize to Poor Emma. Pigs don't fly.

    6.50 p.m. Miriam. I don't think anyone is trying to take over the blog; It seems to me to be exactly as it was before - some people want only TA; some like a mixture;
    both sides can put their preferences forward. In the end, this site will not satisfy everyone, no blog could. We must enjoy it for what it brings each one of us, and ignore the rest.

  70. 66, I'm feeling anxious about Brian's plan. Is he selling up to JE? Or closing down all the subsidiary businesses - Spiritual Home, contracting, mob grazing the herbal leys? Will Ed be out of a job? Will Brian cut off his nose to spite his face? What will happen to Adam, I am positive he will flounder, he is no match for Brian. I am finding it all quite interesting at the moment.

    1. 67 finding pretty intriguing also, Mistral, and expect others are too, but my brain's blank - your scenario seems likely, given hush hush chat with JE between golf swings, wow, it's bound to be dastardly, whatever. Using Ruairi in some way ? Would he really ruin Adam ? Mm...

    2. Mistral, I for one think that Brian is capable of cutting off his nose to spite his face.

  71. 67 - Cheshire Cheese and bootgums 56 a, b - up arrow to both of you for "Some farming would be nice!"

  72. 68. Jazzer's interview practice with Jim (and Alistair?) doesn't seem to have had much effect. I wish Jazzer hadn't been presented as merely a clown.

  73. Jazzer isn’t gifted with social skills but knows his stuff when it comes to pigs! However in the long run I’m not sure he would be happy in this closed environment and having to answer to others such as J E! I can see trouble ahead for Neil too once the novelty has worn off! I find Will’s attitude to Andrew strange as A came across as caring towards Jake and as his natural father surely should behave more rights than Will. It also seems odd that Will attacked Emma over the laptop incident. She was so right to be angry that Jake didn’t exercise more care over a valuable loan. Back to Shula, it now appears that Elizabeth thinks she made a brave decision and Kenton supports her. We have yet to find out what Daveed thinks but given the glitch in his marriage when Ruth nearly went off with the cowman and then after Heather pet’s demise decamped to NZ where she stayed over Christmas, you would think he would also sympathise! So Shula only needs to get Jill onside and it will be a United Archers v the Lloyds which at the moment includes Dan unless Dorothy soothes his savage breast! Sorry to go on but it is all about TA!🤭😷🤠♥️🇻🇺

  74. That was 69! Btw where is T💕by? Maryellen will be pining!

    1. Indeed I am, Ev! But I keep reminding myself of LanJan's theory about groups of actors being brought into the studio for 7- week stints, and hoping fervently that he will be in the next batch!

  75. Why was Justin sitting in on the interviews and micromanaging? It's Neil's job to appoint the staff just like Rob did when it was a cow unit. Iwould have thought Justin had more important things to be getting on with.

  76. 71. Sorry the above should have been 70.

  77. 72. There should probably have been a woman on the interview panel. OK, a bit optimistic, it's only 2018, but you wouldn't expect the new team to be appointed by just one person, or indeed by three men.

  78. 73
    I should have thought Jazzer would have been responsible to Neil at the pig unit and not have much to do with Justin at all - so why should Justin interfere with Neil’s choice of employees? Neil knows Jazzer very well, his strengths ( pig husbandry) and weaknesses (cheekiness etc). Neil will be the one to deal with Jazzer on a day to day basis so Justin should have trusted Neil’s opinion and let him get on with hiring the staff he thought could do the job best. I’m on team Jazzer!

  79. 74 Justin said Brian's plan was 'very courageous'.
    Wasn't that what Sir Humphrey said whenever Jim Hacker came up with a plan which the Civil Servants thought was unworkable (or at least that they would make unworkable ...)?

  80. 75 We're a pretty unruly lot at times, and I think the chances of us all keeping on topic for any length of time are more or less nill! Personally, I enjoy getting to know the people I see in here regularly, or at least get a glimpse into their lives. Some of the off topics I find interesting, others less so - so I just skim read them and move on. On the other hand, yes, these blogs are getting long pretty quickly, and I appreciate that some posters prefer to stick firmly within the life of Ambridge.

    Would a compromise work? ie: We accept that people will go off topic from time to time and agree that we can cope with a level of digression. But when a whole thread seems to be developing, such as rehoming cats or explaining Home Front, we 'step sideways' into an off-topic blog. Then individuals would have the choice whether to follow this new thread, ignore it completely, or dip in and out when they have the time and inclination to do so. I'm not sure whether it would then be better to have a single 'off topic' blog or whether popular threads could have their own blog.

    I'm easy with one blog or several. I'm happy for Captain Ruthy to decide the most convenient way to steer the good ship Archers Fan Blog.

  81. 76. OWIAS (75) I am considering setting up another blog for much longer off topic discussions. I understand that there are benefits of having just one blog and I also understand we will go off topic from time to time, discussing the weather, where we go on holidays, etc, but I am also hearing the frustrations from bloggers who are mainly interested in just The Archers. So maybe an "off topic - for longer digression" post? Let me know what you all think (and no - I will not mind setting that up!)

    1. I enjoy reading (nearly) all of the posts, whether on or off topic, because I feel this blog is like a group of friends chatting around a big table. Digressions happen, and sometimes can be as interesting as the original topic of conversation. But I do agree they can make the blog very long and can be frustrating for those who aren't interested. Ruthy, maybe your idea would work and provide the best of both worlds, if you're happy to do that.

    2. 78. I still have my hand up for two blogs as requested in an earlier blog. Only of course Ruthy if that is something you are happy to do.

    3. (79) Please could we experiment with two blogs - it is the only way I can think of to manage differing expectations.

    4. I second that Maryellen, a second blog if possible please, on a trial basis.

  82. 79. I also like the 'glimpses into other people's lives' (and have benefitted from it myself recently): as Mrs P is definitely a lady in need of a cat, conversely somewhere there must surely be a cat in need of Mrs P!
    If Ruthy really doesn't mind, perhaps a second blog for other programmes would be a good idea. It is a great relief to me that no one on this blog has yet moaned about E*** E****s. I used to wonder why anyone bothered to watch it if it was that awful.

  83. I don’t mind the off topic stuff. As others have said it’s like a group of friends chatting and it’s nice to get to know more about their lives. I skipped the home front chats, simples!

    Now to Brian.....I think that somehow he is planning to change his will and leave everything to rauiri. That would put the Hilda Ogden amongst the pidgeons!! 😁
    Also if I were Brian I wouldn’t trust Justin as far as I could throw him. Certainly wouldn’t be confiding plans with him over a round of golf. Think that’ll come back and bite Brian on the bum.

  84. 80. Mrs P: I've asked the SiL if she knows anyone with a cat to spare.

  85. (81)- It is early days. I love Ruthy's site.
    It seems to me that although some former bloggers decided not to join it ,lots of us have which is great.
    May I suggest that perhaps we give it another week before anything is decided about the number of blogs?
    Perhaps if folk like me limit off topic subjects in the main perhaps to the weekend though of course if something crops up midweek..........
    Whatever is decided suits me.

  86. (82)-Yes Maryellen,I reckon that ❤️Your mate ❤️will be back soon and then we will get 5weeks of him and Pip as well -oh and probably Jill.
    Jazzer will probably,sadly vanish again as will Will.
    How about a new romance between Tracy and Jazzer or will Jazzer fall for the new female Soundalike who is going to be given the job which should have been his.

  87. 82
    I am perfectly happy with one blog but do tend to just skip through the very long posts, especially if they are not on a topic I am interested in. However I would be just as happy to try having two and experiment to see which suits me best.
    I really logged on to ask if anyone else misses animal noises in TA these days.
    In the ‘olden days’ we would often hear cows lowing, sheep bleating, hens clucking etc (and quite a lot of birdsong). But nowadays these sounds are very rare, which I think is a great shame considering TA is set in the countryside and concerns a lot of farming folk. It seems to me that the traditional countryside sounds are being replaced by background music inside the cafe or people’s homes!
    What does everyone else think?

  88. Jazzer turning up in his working overalls and on a quad bike!. Was he smelling of pigs? I think he would struggle working in an indoor pig unit, Neil might also find him unmanageable as he tends to do his own thing. At Bridge farm Tom just lets him Do his job. No work regulations, policies, strict time keeping etc.
    I like this blog as it is, digression and all.
    Let's keep it warm and friendly. Even when we had two or three blogs going (on the defunct site) at the same time we often didn't stick to the topic. I am quite happy to scroll and ignore discussion on programmes that don't interest me.

  89. 84. Brian is somehow going to undo the partnership.

    1. No, I don't think so. He's going to do something outside the partnership's control. See post 99 for my guess.

  90. 85 In reply to LanJan's 82 - The prospective female candidate is an American, so she wouldn't be a soundalike, "two birds etc", a woman and foreign to boot. There's Lexi of course.

  91. 86. I think you're right, Archerphile (82), about the lack of rural sounds. The background music is distracting – not necessarily unpleasant, but I find myself trying to identify it and missing the dialogue.

    Is there just one job going at the mega-sty? That was the impression I got, but it seems unlikely.

  92. 86Archerphile(82)
    The sheep are all on ewetube.
    The cows are all streaming moovies.
    The birds are on Twitter.
    The crocodiles on the golfcourse (family joke) are busy on Snapchat.
    The hens are developing iLay.
    And the pigs have heard rumours of a large prison to be built nearby for crimes such as oinking too loudly, being muddy or having a curly tail. So they're keeping themselves very much to themselves. (Secretly, some of the older piglets find this rather boaring and think a spell in the clink would add to their sty-cred.)

  93. 87Bootgums(86)
    'Is there just one job going at the mega-sty? That was the impression I got, but it seems unlikely.'

    I believe there will be very many jobs. However, most of them will be pretty short-term positions with uncertain prospects for the long-term at the end of the contract.
    Oh, and if you don't have four legs and a curly tail then don't bother to apply. Discriminatory, I know, but such is life ...

  94. 89 I'm content to go either way - 2 or 1 blogs running concurrently - whichever emerges as the majority preference. If 2, when a subject goes beyond TA for more than a few comments, it would be sensible for those wanting to talk more about it to move to the alternative 'chat' Really, a matter of being a little vigilant and considerate personally - that's all. Of course, sometimes people will get carried away, and forget, but I think we can forgive that, in this tolerant and informal space ! Maybe, a short nudging post on the lines of, ' Time to move over...' would be acceptable, not offensive ? Thanks, Ruthy, for being willing to go either way.

  95. 88. I agree with Sarnia (79), Proud to be Yorkshire and Archerphile (82) on the '1 blog or 2' subject. I like many of the off-subject topics that crop up, and those I'm not interested in, I can skip through quite easily. I really don't fancy having to juggle two blogs and try to confine my posts to each particular subject. So I should probably stay with this one and skip the other at the risk of missing something really interesting.

  96. 90 OWIAS (86 and 87). Thanks for that - made me laugh and a great way to start the day!

  97. 91. I don't mind the posts going off topic, and think that's just human nature. However, it might be nice to have a separate blog for people to discuss at length things such as other programmes, animals, sport etc.

  98. 91 :
    LanJan 81 - no need to repeat what you said. You have repeated my point. It's early days yet !
    But I have no objections to going along with the general view.
    Nevertheless to quote Stasia, I like this blog as it is, digression an all.
    Yes. It is warm and friendly.

    Sarnia, 80 - probably better not to ask S I L. Local area rife with Cat Protection people as well as other rescues, and in small communities every one knows everyone.
    But very kind of you to think of doing so, and appreciated.

    Archerphile 82 - I agree about the sounds of the countryside. I miss them too.

  99. 92. Comment on sounds of countryside. I do hear farm equipment, animals and birds when they are out in the fields. Since I am rather new to TA, did there used to be much more countryside sounds?

    1. Yes, Ruthy, I think there did - but then there also used to be much more farming content and seasonal jobs around the farms were mentioned more often. There used to be a lot of outdoor sounds and birdsong, to the extent that sharp-eared listeners would write in and complain if they thought they heard a bird they thought was out of season!

  100. 93.
    If there is one thing we can all agree on it must be that the main purpose of this blog is to discuss the story-lines and characters of The Archers. After all the blog derived from the BBC one and there is a clue in the title.
    We are now in the fourth blog. There have been six in total but the first two were more or less for testing. I thought that by now things would have settled down but I was surprised when I did a quick check on the current blog last night (up to about 7.00pm) that of the 100 plus posts less than a third related directly to The Archers.
    Since being freed from the restrictions imposed by the BBC there is the option to have more than one blog active at any time. I did a quick check on the replies to the “poll” on the number of blogs and the results were fairly even. Of the people liking (or not minding) one blog only a couple, I think, actually said that they did not want two (or more).
    Some have said that they do not want to have to move between two blogs. My feeling is that if you want to discuss things other than The Archers that is a small price for you to pay. Also I do not think that the idea that off-topic items be moved from the “main” blog when they become too numerous is a good one (as suggested above).
    I do not accept the points that “we only go off-topic occasionally” and that “we’ve always done it”. On the BBC blog it was against the house rules and implied a proprietorial attitude that some found off-putting. To skip over off-topic posts one must first read them. On this site, though, we have a solution that should suit everyone.
    Therefore, I think there should be two (or more) active blogs. One solely for The Archers. The other(s) for everything else.
    Even more controversially I miss the “arrows”. They were a quick and easy way to agree or disagree about a post when time did not allow a fuller explanation and without clogging up the blog with “I agree/disagree” posts.
    For this site to survive it will need to attract and keep new members. I wonder about how many people would be put off by posts about non-Archer subjects.
    To date, on all six blogs, I think there have been 53 people who have posted at least once. Of these, about 25% have posted to five or six blogs. However, nearly 33% have posted only to one or two of the blogs.

  101. 94. I feel quite strongly about the Shula-Alistair storyline, so my apologies in advance that this will be a longer post taking up some blog space.

    I found it rather heartening to hear both Elizabeth and Kenton so supportive of their sister Shula. She can count herself lucky that they stand by her and that they are so understanding. How wonderful to have the support of your closest relatives in difficult circumstances.

    I know that a lot of people don’t agree with Shula’s decision and think she should stay with her husband and keep to her marriage vows if there are no obvious reasons for separating. As I have mentioned before, I never liked Shula much. I always found her rather boring and sometimes also self-righteous. However, in this storyline I can empathize with her and have a lot of understanding for her and her decision to leave her husband. I’d therefore like to explain her situation from my own very personal viewpoint and thereby hopefully raise a little more understanding for her.

    I am not really sure if explaining her inner feelings to Alistair would make much of a difference. Separating from a longtime partner is always hard, very much so for the person who is left but also hard for the person leaving. It is not an easy decision to make because obviously one never set out to do this in the first place but had the best intentions to stay together and grow old together. And although the person leaving does not deliberately want to hurt the former partner, this is inevitable. No explanation will help to take away that pain. The process of growing apart is often long and consists of numerous little things, so that it is possible that one cannot really say when exactly it started. It can be an accumulation of hurt feelings over time, of feeling misunderstood, of realizing that one’s outlook on things and life in general is quite different from that of one’s partner. It may be that one consciously realizes these feelings but it can also be that such feelings are subdued and not allowed to surface for a very long time, until one day it is impossible to suppress them any longer.

    Obviously Shula is not very good at verbalizing her feelings. Arguably, she should have raised the subject with Alistair prior to announcing her decision so that it would not have come totally out of the blue for him. Yet she apparently was of the opinion that he felt the same way. In her mind it is all clear and has been so for a very long time. Her love for Alistair is gone and that is why she feels she cannot stay together with him any longer. It is only consequential that she takes this decision when thinking about the years ahead and that her time left is limited. And it is also plausible to me that she waited until her son had left home. All parents want the best for their children, and even in difficult circumstances many couples stay together for the sake of the children. A decision that may not always be wise but is comprehensible. I do not think she married Alistair only to have a good father for her child, but it will have been one aspect of her decision to marry him, which is only natural. Therefore, I do not find her statement “I found you a good father” as offending as it sounded to Dan’s ears. She is defending herself with this argument, because even though her love for Alistair is gone, Alistair is and will always be Dan’s father.

  102. 94 continued:
    Elizabeth thinks Shula’s was a courageous decision, and I agree with her. It takes courage, because it results in a lot of changes. It turns upside down your own life and that of your former partner. There may be financial difficulties, organizational issues, and there may be adverse reactions from your friends and family that you have to deal with. It may even result in the loss of friends. So it definitely requires strength to face those consequences.

    But in the long run, I hope it will be a gain for both Shula and Alistair. For Alistair since it will give him the chance to find a new partner who truly loves and appreciates him. And for Shula because she will be in line with her feelings once again and is not pretending and keeping up something that is no longer true for her. I can say from experience that it is not healthy to ignore your true feelings and to live against your inner convictions. I myself fell very ill during my marriage and developed a chronic disease. I was on strong medication and immunosuppressants for ten years. I left my husband after we had been talking about separating for several years but did not go through with it because of our child and because of the financial difficulties it would have entailed. I also think I was lacking courage and could not face the many changes and difficulties on my own. I only managed to take that step when I met my new partner with whom I have been very happy ever since. Yet we have also had to go through some very difficult times together as a result of my marriage breakup and our new family situation. I am glad to say our relationship has been strong enough to survive all the adversities we have had to face. And I stopped taking my medication 18 months ago and have not had another attack of my disease so far. So looking back, for me it was absolutely the right decision to take.

    As for the reaction of outsiders, there is something very wise in what Lexi recently said to Adam and Ian. I don’t remember her exact words, but she said something in the line of: I cannot change my life in order to keep an 80-year-old uncle happy. It is logical and in accordance with the story line that Jill cannot accept Shula’s decision being the person she is. Yet this should not influence Shula’s decision.
    I maintain that it is best to be true to yourself as well as honest with yourself and others.

    And one final comment: I would like to hear from Elizabeth more often and hope there will be another (happy) storyline involving her. I sincerely hope that she is not one of the characters that are assumedly going to leave TA. I really like her voice and her calm manner of speaking. She is a good confidante (as she was for Pip), and the way she is with her children is also very realistic. She is a loyal person and a really good friend.

  103. 94. Ruthy, I am happy to try two blogs, thank you.

  104. 95 . Before I go full blast on work : Since I opened this blog we have had 17,253 page views! Don't we all think this is incredible? I am now leaning towards a second post "off topic - for longer digression". I'll get that set up for trial this Saturday. Look for it...

    1. Thanks Ruthy, this blog tends to go off topic at week-ends and gets very full by end of Sunday.

  105. 96 ( re 94) What a thoughtful post, Nigella, taking a deeper view than I have done, and, I think, others have done, on such a painful experience. Thank you for sharing your understanding, based on events in your own life, written from authority - I respect that, and mostly agree with what you say. Certainly, I don't care for Shula, but have accepted for a while now that there is no way to explain the end of love in any 'nice' way to the unsuspecting Alistair. No, she is useless at verbalizing her feelings to the most important person, but she could, I believe, have made a much better stab at exonerating him from blame (he is not abusive or a bad partner in any way) and talking far more about the changes in herself, that she's grown away from him, the relationship doesn't work for her any more, so would he rather she pretended and they lived a lie? No explanation could take away his painand disappointment, but at least he's see she was being honest, and, as you say, in the long run, separation is better for both of them.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn, for your kind response. Yes, some of the pain is obviously still with me, or it would not affect me so much. I just wanted to make clear that I find Shula's behaviour plausible and that the scriptwriter's are doing a good job with this storyline. But I fully agree with you that Alistair is not a bad partner and that she should let him know this. He is just not the right partner for Shula anymore.

  106. Stasis (85) -I missed the fact that the candidate favoured by Justin is an American so she won't be a Soundalike.
    Muck spreader (93) I don't take your point that"in order for this blog to survive it will need to attract and keep new members"
    When I first started using the BBC blog there were often fewer than a dozen posts made in a week.
    There were certainly fewer than 53 people posting comments.
    I doubt if many people who have discovered this blog site will want to leave it.
    I assume that those who have been blogging about the programme for several years are happy to stay in a "club" where it is like being with friends.
    At the moment my main concern is how Neil can persuade Justin that Jazzer would be the person to be offered the job.
    How many really decent ,pleasant,uncomplicated characters are there in Ambridge?
    Jazzer is one such person .
    We need to hear more from him.p

  107. I found Nigella’s 94 a very interesting and true assessment of Shula’s situation. I was lucky enough to have found lasting love and companionship in my marriage but I think that when love dies or circumstances change irrevocably in a marriage it is best to part. There were many strains in my parents’s marriage and consequent rows and bad feeling and it is difficult to be a child of such a marriage. In Shula’s case it was more a situation of constant indifference which is just as bad. Dan has now launched out and is independent and maybe in time he will realise with Jill that it was the best for all concerned. This is post 97 I think!

  108. I have just listened again to Brian's golf course conversation with Justin and I don't think his plan involves Ruari specifically. My guess is he wants to move the family out of the Home Farm building and convert it back into flats (!as it was when he bought it) for renting.

  109. 99. Mrs P: They also live on a main road and have had no difficulty in obtaining cats, although these are elderly and possibly infirm animals which may be less receptive of affection than one might expect of a cat and in more frequent need of attention from the vet.
    I apologise if you have already been given this number: Valley Cat Rescue 01453 886345

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. I would prefer 1 blog Ruthy and for the same reasons as others, I too like to hear snippets of people's personalities and lives as friends do, as well as Archers opinions a but will accept whatever you decide

    1. I agree, as I think the majority of the posters who have voted for this option are the ones who use it most.

  112. Dear Ruthy, I don’t envy you the job of trying to decide on one or two blogs. Not being one to comb through all the blogs to work out statistics, I have no idea what the consensus is! Good Luck with deciding and I shall be happy with whatever you do ❤️

    1. The title of this site is as set up by Ruthy. It is nice to hear about each and others personal lives, which I like to read and I do not have a problem with this. I just feel it should be kept to a sensible level.

  113. 104. Nigella Anglophile.
    A very insightful assessment of the predicament individuals face when a relationship reaches a crisis. The difficulty facing Shula is that, the decision to end the marriage was not mutual, and both she and Alaistair lack the skills to talk things through to an amicable ending. I suppose when a partner says 'I don't love you anymore', and it comes out of the blue, unsuspecting, it can leave the individual feeling extremely hurt. I think that is how Alistair interprets the situation, he failed to acknowledge Shula's emotional withdrawal, little clues that would have indicated her lack of tenderness towards him. Sometimes we continue in a relationship for many reasons, finance children, housings. However as you indicated, staying for the sake of whatever , can only cause more harm, to others and to the individuals concerned. I am glad you are happy, and yes it is courageous to come clean even if in the short term we are facing a change in our personal and family life. Shula struggles with facing difficult decisions, so let's hope family and friends support her decision and that Alistair is also supported in accepting his changed circumstances.
    Thank you for being so eloquent in your interpretation of the Shula/Alistair storyline and how you aligned it to your personal experience.
    Your post is an example of how Archer scenarios relate to us on a personal and emotional level.

  114. I am not sure as to why Justin appeared as part of the panel to appoint the workers in the "pig unit". He has recently employed Neil to be the manager of this unit, so surely the decision as to whom are employed, is up to Neil, as this is part of his new, highly paid "job", (due to his experience). Neil will be organising and overseeing this enterprise so it is his decision/s. Justin, I would have thought, would have far more important business deals to attend to, and what exactly does Justin know about pig welfare? I know - cooking bacon for breakfast.

  115. If I were Justin, I would want to "sit in" on Neil's first ever interviews; Neil has no prior experience of interviewing and may need advice/guidance, especially about the legality of asking certain kinds of questions of female interviewees. Interviewing is a skill- it is not a social chat, and that skill need honing; Justin may have also felt the need to ensure than this inexperience in interviewing didn't lead Neil to being swayed by e.g. prior personal connnections (although Justin probably didn't know that Jazzer was a candidate).

    1. That makes sense, gws; I'm not a fan of JE, but he evidently knows how to run a successful business so to oversee Neil, aman he

    2. Why then did Justin employ Neil as the Pig Unit Manager, with a salary of K55?

  116. Aargh ! 'a man he was keen to hire, in interviewing, which Neil is not used to, was necessary (even educative for Neil)

  117. 106? Going back a few posts, it seems Ruthy plans to try out 2 concurrent blogs on Sat.nothing lost by that, the only way to know if it works well for us is to give it a whirl ! It's always possible to go back to 1 later, depending on reactions.

  118. 108 In the village shop yesterday, I overheard Susan saying that she had offered to sit in on the interview, to give a woman's perspective. She also mentionned that she had plenty of experience managing staff - although she'd kept quiet about that to Neil because she didn't want to undermine him while he was finding his feet in his new career, 'He's got an awful lot of responsibility you know. It's not just anyone who would be up to being Justin's right hand man.'

    Unfortunately, the customer she was serving at the time suddenly had a fit of coughing and had to leave the shop in a hurry. A pity, I was looking forward to hearing why Neil had felt unable to take Susan up on her eminently sensible offer.

  119. Ruthy has done so brilliantly to set up this I so admire her for it.
    I think that it could be, in time, very time consuming for her. I personally would hate this site to faulter and so disappear. I am sure that there is some-one, who could well set up a parallel "blog", to be a general "chat" room for all the regulars on this site, to share their thoughts about programmes, be it radio or TV, and talk about their families, lives, pets etc. I do not have the know how to set this up, (wish I had), but I think if some-one can, then the title could be or similar

  120. Suz - there was a piece on P. M this evening from Lydbrook ( Forest of Dean ) about beavers and flood defences. Did you hear it ?

    106 :
    Nigella piece about Shula and Alistair was extremely thoughtful and revealing.
    I don't think I have had very much to say about the situation, but I have had a great many thoughts, and my memory of the last couple of years of my marriage have been brought to the fore.
    Shula is clearly very limited in her ability to articulate her emotions and her reluctance to say very much has rung a bell with me, as I feel I was in the Alistair role at the end. Not ever really understanding. And still not. I tried to talk and reason, but my husband was limited to wringing his hands and crying, unable or unwilling to articulate his feelings. Only able to withdraw.

    Thank you Nigella for your insight into the scenario and for feeling able to tell us about it.
    You have helped me to clarify some of my thoughts.

    I would like to echo LanJan when in her answer to Muckspreader, post 93
    She disagrees with the assertion that in order for this blog to survive we need to attract new posters. When I read that comment, my response was ' why ' !

    A number of ' the old guard ' from the BBC blog chose not to join us, Pedro for one, but they might in due course. But a hard core of ' regulars ' have joined and it seems to me that in addition quite a few previously silent readers from that blog, have come on board our lifeboat.
    As LanJan has said, three years ago there were often very few posts on a given blog.
    The highest point was of course during the Rob and Helen SL.
    I think it's possible that during that time quite a lot of ' bonding ' went on between contributors. And I think that bonding has continued to some degree.
    Perhaps others will join us, perhaps not. May be we will die a death. Get bored, pull away, stop posting.
    Or perhaps a different cohort will become proprietorial as you described the blog to be some of the time, Muckspreader.
    Some people will always be put off by one thing or another.
    That's life.

    I laughed when I read Patricia C comment - deja vu !
    Isn't it just Patricia.

    Finally to Sarnia, post 99 - thanks Sarnia, but I think it's time to drop this subject.
    I appreciate your concern and help.

    Ruthy, as a numpty, can you explain the figure in your post about over 17, 000 'page views'. What does that mean ?
    Whatever it is, it sounds impressive.

  121. Developing my guess that Brian wants to realise his assets by converting/renting/ selling Home Farm itself - it leaves the question of where he and Jennifer and no doubt Ruari would move to. Perhaps one of the properties on the Bridge Farm development? Obviously Justin will leave selling them to an agent, but a word in the ear of his 'brother in law'.....

    1. Goodness me Maryellen, what are you suggesting ?
      Jennifer living on an ESTATE !
      However exclusive it might be.
      I don't think so ............

  122. 110.

    'Re Home Front. I love history and like the Archers. You would think I would love Home Front. But I don't! I found it very contrived and odd it just didn't do it for me. I've tried to listen to it.Tell me people what you like about it.

    1. On the new blog, please, sleepylawyer! As you are inviting foments on a totally off topic!

  123. 111. MrsP - As the administrator of this blog, I get to see how many page views (each page view would be each time you open this blog - either to comment or just reading this blog.) So, since January to have over 17,000 page views is pretty impressive. Don't you think?

    Back to TA - have not heard today's episode yet, but just wonder what the devil Brian has up his sleeve.

  124. 111I've just had an email from Auntie Beeb encouraging me again to sign up for their 'More for You to Enjoy' emails. Apparently, 'We hate goodbyes'. Well, you were happy to wave us off, without even a 'sorry'. But you didn't actually say 'Goodbye' to us, did you? Just told us how happy we would be in the wonderful Emerald City. Or was it Facebook and Twitter?

  125. This is off topic, but is public info news. For anyone who uses Whattsapp, there is a new scam via email or text- update to Whattsup Gold! No- as will load a "virus". Be warned.

    1. Remember whattsapp and Facebook are linked. Just be viligant and careful.

  126. Some nice little touches of humour this evening. Linda needing a good rear end view of a dog. Because that's the view you see most of when walking said dog. Brilliant I'd never thought of that!!....I also loved Helens recognition of her own hypocrisy over enjoying working with the homeless as long as she didn't have to live with them herself. Scripts looking up tonight I thought.

    1. In the village where I grew up, a properly trained dog walked at your side and slightly behind you. A dog that forged ahead got a tap on the nose. Lynda would have been marked out as a woman incapable of training a dog.

  127. 112 Maryellen(109)
    ' it leaves the question of where he and Jennifer and no doubt Ruari would move to. '
    I'm sure Jennifer would be happy in a smart penthouse flat somewhere near Underwoods, providing it had a state of the art kitchen of course. There again, it would be difficult to take care of Lexi and, later, The Baby from that distance. Perhaps Justin could build some smart executive flats in Ambridge - affordable, of course, and with preferential options for Ambridge residents. Or at least that portion of the residents who share Justin's concept of 'affordable'.
    As for Brian, well, the dog house would be too good for him but Jenny might agree to a divorce settlement that enables him to get a mortgage on one of Justin's new builds. I'm sure Emma and Ed will, in time, accept that their new neighbour doesn't completely lower the tone of the neighbourhood.
    Ruari, he's at school a lot of the time. When he's tired of playing trains with Daddy perhaps he can spend his holidays in Ireland with his grandmother (is she still alive?) School, university and then a career. Probably not farming as he appears to have shown no interest so far. A silent order of monks, perhaps? Brother Ben would be happy to put in a good word for him. Or at least to write him a good letter of introduction.

  128. (112)- Well done Jazzer.
    So pleased that you got the better of Tom.
    A man after my own heart! I think his five weeks will soon be running out though sadly

    Does Olwyn ring true to bloggers?
    She doesn't to me.
    She sounds like Anna Tregorran
    I think Sheila Dillon comes from Lancashire so we will know who is talking when we hear a voice with a slight accent.


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