The Archers BBC Blog - may you RIP

The Archers Lifeboat.  It is small, so we have to be friendly and kind to each other. 


  1. 1. Welcome to the lifeboat blog!

  2. Thanks Ruthy.

    Do you know what the enlarged pictures / lost and then found posts was
    all about ?

  3. 3. Three cheers for Ruthy. Our very own Grace Darling.

    1. 3a - dear Old Fogey. Of course I had to google Grace Darling - I love you called me that! Although, I don't really deserve that much credit.

  4. 4 : Suz - how is your dog, will he be home tonight or stay in for a couple of days.
    Do let us know of his progress.

    Shula was very odd with Clarrie, although Clarrie, trying to be sensitive, was also uncharacteristically forward I thought. But very well acted.

    I fear for Freddie, that ' friend' might mean trouble for him, though he, Freddie, was very clear in his boundaries. I do hope it works for him. He struggles !

    1. Good for Lily.
      I finally succeeded in putting a post on the lambs blog rather than just a reply. I was chuffed with myself. Then it finished. I'll have to bookmark this now. The pic of lambs has reminded me about the new prog. on Ch. 5. Hundreds of lambs on it.

  5. 5. I have closed last post (lambs). I believe when there are comments that goes to the Load More stage, there is something wrong with the system. Let's try to keep our comments a little shorter :) ? And perhaps, we will need to abandon profile pics.

  6. Ok Ruthy I have deleted my picture.
    Will try to be short in future.

  7. Finally got here and reinstated icon. Pity about the missed posts. I would like to know what somebody said about Arby and RBee.

    Ruthy, I think the trouble with the photos only started when we reached the 'load more' stage.

    I think Clarrie is at the end of her tether but unlike Emma is trying to keep it all in for the sake of the family.

    Shula quite deliberately lied to Clarrie. No way was that a mutual decision!

    1. 7a HG - I was able to block the large pics. You can go back and read the comments on the last post.

  8. I too would like to see that post about Arbee/ Tworth that was posted. The picture was a bowl of flowers with a criss cross background. And said something about a post being taken down.
    Whoever it was, I am intrigued. Would you post it again please.

  9. Sorry, Ruthy, I hadn't seen the post about deleting profile pics. I'll do it tomorrow if you think they affect the length of the blog.
    Night all!

  10. Boats, Grace Darling, I am getting home sick...a very fitting tribute to Ruthy and thanks to you and others for welcoming new folk to your lovely friendly blog.
    Well Brian, Freddie and now Shula being economical with the truth - so many secrets and lies.

  11. 11. Ruthy -Just come back to say the large pics are still there on my computer, duh!

    1. 11 a - afraid we will have to delete all the nice profile pics :((

  12. I don't think I've added my thanks to Ruthy yet. A great big thank you, Ruthy!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thank you for reposting that Minty- it was very interesting to me. I well remember the Arby/Tolly/Dublin Dolly episode and the nasty posts written in a private code that were flying around, it was a very unpleasant and uncomfortable time.
    Tonight I was very irritated by the Pargeter twins, not sure why, but they just don’t ring true to me.
    I will now remove my photo to save space.

  16. Oh I missed it Minty.
    Still I do remember that time.
    I was mystified and alarmed at the same time.
    Not nice.

  17. Mrs P : just wanted to say that you are no longer alone with nobody to talk to - you are welcome to chat to me (and I’m sure everyone else here) about Archers and anything else. Happily we are no longer restricted by a blog topic and are all here to chat like friends with an interest in common and, I hope, support each other like real-life friends 😊

  18. Hello Archerphile, I just deleted that post because I thought maybe it wasn't wise to prolong that particular discussion on this lovely new friendly blog.....
    Yes I agree about Lily and Freddie, that conversation seemed very laboured and predictable.

  19. Mrs P, shame we have deleted our profile pics, your cottage looked delightful, especially when the pics grew enormous earlier!

  20. 18. Profile pic deleted. Mrs. P. Thanks for your enquiry about my lovely lurcher, Harry. He is home with me now (no facilities for the vets here to keep animals overnight - would have to go to Gloucester), and still very groggy and uncomfortable. Had quite a lot of difficulty transporting him home - took three of us to lift him, but now on rugs and a mattress on the floor. I'll sleep there with him tonight despite my achy bones! Hoping that he will feel a bit better by tomorrow - it was a very long op. time.

  21. 15 Ruthie, deleted my photo as requested, but maybe once we've all settled in, we can add them again? There are a massive number of posts at present but it may ease off after the initial excitement. It cheered me up and felt really friendly. I don't understand about the technical stuff though, so will do without if needs be.
    At least twice a year I visit the Farne Islands (re Grace Darling), very beautiful area.

  22. 19/16 whatevs....Suz, glad you got Harry back, good luck with him, hope he recovers soon.

  23. 20. Thank you Mistral. I googled Farne Is. beautiful! And thank you for deleting Your comments. Let’s be friendly and kind. The large pic is a system problem - not us. Not sure how we can get that fixed. This is still very new, so let’s take it one day at a time. I am enjoying our chats so I don’t want to limit size Wow, it’s late now, nightly night.

  24. 21 I've removed my giant sloth icon, for now! Sloth /Sleepylawyer get it?!

    I thought Clarrie was absolutely right tonight. Silly unfeeling Emma.

    Naughty Shula she's gone all sneaky.

    Would a woman of Lilly's age really use the words knuckle down. My youngest is around her age he would never talk like that! Actually you could not broadcast real 18 year olds speech!

  25. Thankyouxx Ruthy for setting up the lifeboat

  26. 23 Sleepylawyer (21)
    Lily was born age 40 ; )

  27. 24. Lily acts and talks to Fred like she is Freddie's mother. I do hope that Freddie don't start dealing drugs again. I did welcome back Fred and Lily back to the show. Fred should continue with his DJ work. It takes a long time develop a clientele.

  28. 25. MrsP - I should not have mentioned to keep comments short. I apologize. I am really to start as many posts a needed. I have two already waiting in the wings.

  29. Not really Anonymous. This is Enzed, but reporting in from my phone and my blog name doesn't appear.

    Wanted to read all the comments but can't because there will be too many spoilers and I won't be able to listen to TA for another 3 weeks, so can't really catch up with you all until I get home. Must just say how lovely to see you all here. Really like the side trips off topic. Feels more like family gossipping. Can't thank Ruthy enough. Cab I nominate her for Ambridge's 'Queen of the May'?

  30. Enzed again. NOT Cab I (typo for can) but MAY I nominate Ruthy. Gotta get the grammar right!

  31. Ruthy has found us a lifeboat
    It's a tardis and just like Grange Farm
    We are hoping through Ambridge we will float
    We salute you Capt'n Ruthy.Thanks ma'am.

  32. Dear Ruthie, I don't know how laborious it is to create a blog so apologies if I'm being too demanding, but would it be possible to have 2 ( or even 3 as Muckspreader suggested) concurrent blogs, one for topics directly related to TA and one for chat about holidays, health, pets, food, life, death, the universe and everything? That would help to prevent individual blogs becoming overlong and consequent problems with incessant scrolling and outsize icons. MExx

    1. Hi maryellen: I think you have a great suggestion. I'll ask later in the week to see how everything feels. It is very easy to get up posts, just takes a few minutes for me to come up with a tag line and pic from internet. I'll take suggestions too.

    2. I agree with Mary Ellen (& Muckspreader on last BBC blog).

  33. Finally discovered how to decouple my blogger account from my Google+ one so feel more comfortable about posting. I have been following though.

  34. 31. Cheshire Cheese are you so named after the wonderful pub in The city of London under the railway arch? Also mentioned in Charles Dickens. Or maybe you like that cheese ?

    1. Sleepylawyer, a woman's group that I belonged to used to have some of our meetings in one of those rooms at the Cheshire Cheese in the nineties.

  35. (31) -Oh no,no ,no Sleepy Lawyer.
    Clarrie is not right .
    She was wrong to suggest Will should stay at Grange Farm in the first place.
    George and Jake are not hitting it off.
    Emma three jobs Grundy is stuck in the middle.
    If I were her I would decamp back to Susan and leave Clarrie to sort everything out.
    She is driving me round the bend .
    I think Emma has behaved remarkably well in the circumstances
    She is getting on my nerves with her silly way of talking too.
    (Good job we have no down arrows on here)

    1. I agree totally Lan Jan but as always it is interesting to read others opinions and why they hold them. Which is why the SW can rarely get it right I guess :)

    2. I do agree LanJan, I think Emma is managing remarkably well. Moaning about it is her way of coping. That's what I think. It's called letting off steam, or it used to be !

  36. (32) Just to confirm,it is Clarrie who is driving me round the bend and getting on my nerves,not Emma

  37. 33. Oh dear Lanjan 😁I have annoyed you...I just feel sorry for Nic's kids and I think Emma should understand that. But I do agree that all the adults (so called) should all pull their weight including Joe who should be put on glitter knicker duty. The mind boggles...

  38. 34. Or knicker glitter duty. Which rhymes/scans better?!

  39. I so admired Emma last night for her self- honesty ant the ability to see why she was getting things out of proportion, adjust, and get on with making the Grange Farm work - knowing Clarrie, who doubled the size of the household without consultation, wouldn't contribute more than a vague "we'll manage". "I'll manage", said Emma determinedly - and she will.

  40. I was very surprised at the way Clarrie questioned Shula last night about her and Alistair’s breakup. I shouldn’t have though they were such close friends that Clarrie would question her like that. Not surprised Shula was a bit defensive and said it was a mutual decision. Shula must be missing Caroline very much at the moment - no close friend to confide in Caroline could have been such a help.

  41. 37. Re Clarrie and Shula. Remember that they have known each other for over 50 years. Both Clarrie's Dad and Grandad worked at Brookfield. I believe I read that Clarrie was Primary School age when Jethro moved to Ambridge with his family. Carrie also used to do cleaning in Brookfield in the days when the 'Daily helps' were mentioned! So although they may not be in the same social circles there must be a companionable friendship between the two?

  42. I have tried to delete my photo three times, don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    Emma and her brood should move from Grange Farm. She is spending too much time with Clarrie, and as a consequence is beginning to adopt a whingy, pathetic me, style of complaining.

    1. stasia, I have just deleted my photo - simply 'delete' under the photo - did you remember to 'save profile' afterwards?

  43. 39. I agree with maryellen and Muckspreader that 2 parallel blogs might be a good idea, especially if we have to save space. One of the advantages of the BBC blog was being able to write as little or as much as the fancy took - it was often the very detailed and insightful comments from people with expert knowledge that made it so interesting.

    Another point, Ruthy, - I don't think we were being unfriendly or unkind in discussing the history of some troubled times with certain bloggers. For those of us who suffered at some stage it was clarifying and consoling to know we weren't alone, and it helped me for one, to be prepared or to recognise any recurrence. I am sorry that I missed Minty's posts and all the others 'under' the photos on the Lambs blog.

    1. HG - I do so agree with you in what you say and how you put it.
      It has been a huge relief to me to realise, one, that I was not alone in suspecting, but not knowing, that the blogger in question was a voice from the past, and two, that others were as fearful and as careful in their answers as myself because of that.
      And my fears have not abated. I feel sure that she will be back.
      I am not in any way a paranoid individual, however this morning I have had a scam call about my broadband. This was on my landline. I have dealt with it. Called BT, confirmed it was a scam and given instruction as to how to block the number. But when I did so, the system gave me the number that the scam emanated from and it was the same regional code as mine.
      Since I believe that person we have been discussing possibly lives in this area, my thoughts immediately flew to the possibility that somehow she is/was responsible.
      I cannot be alone in thinking she is an extremely clever individual, however warped !
      My apologies yet again to all, for ' banging on ' but this subject is still of concern to me.

    2. Mrs P. I'd like to set your mind at rest about the phone call. It's a new ploy of some scammers/cold-callers to use a local or at least UK code. It's so that their calls won't be automatically blocked. A while ago I had several missed calls from a Manchester number. I have relatives in M/c. They were from a cold caller. Recently they've been from a Scottish area code. I only call back numbers I recognise or any with a local code. There's a BT answering-machine & callblocker combined. Owner decides which numbers to block, which to let straight through and which go to answering machine. Any unrecognised numbers go to the answering machine.
      There's a website to which people can report scammers numbers to alert other people. I found it by a link on RootsChat scam thread .

    3. New series of "Word of Mouth" on Radio 4 this afternoon. Much of it put me in mind of what blew up on the BBC blog at the weekend and what I've seen and been puzzled by on other blogs, FB or Twitter. I may listen to it again on IPlayer. It's always an interesting programme for anyone who likes words.

  44. It's funny how some pairs of actors seem to be made up of one very natural (good) acting, the other one slightly 'wrong'. For me Alistair is believable, Shula often wooden. Emma, though I don't like her, is brilliantly acted, Clarrie is all over the place. Freddie sounds authentic to me, Lily like she's reading her script and nothing like a teenager. Toby brilliant, Pip awful - I'll stop now (!) but does anybody else feel the same?

  45. 41. I absolutely agree with you HG (40). I'm reminded of a comment of a junior school teacher when she said all schools pair the better teacher with a weaker teacher in parallel year groups. Perhaps the Beeb does the same? Agree Pip is terrible and so is Lily and Adam drives me mad with that flat bored intonation.


  46. Ruthy

    This may solve the images problem:

    The instructions are to be found here;

    Click on “Help” on the left hand side

    Type Image into the search box

    Click on “Add images and videos...”

    Scroll down until you come to “Stop images opening in an overlay”

    If that doesn't work, go back to the Search Box and type “SOHO”

    The instructions are here, but I believe that you will be the only one “authorised” to make the change.

    There are also instructions for removing posts (offensive)

    If you also type “numbering” into the search box you will see that several people are similarly looking for auto-numbering, so far without great success.

    1. gws - thanks for this tip. I have changed the setting now. Not sure that will ensure the profile pics doesn't blow up in size.

  47. 41 I have had a nearly empty shoe for half the week and have spent a lot of time catching up with shoework that normally takes second place to all the other jobs that need doing. The shoedwellers returned two days ago and I'm already beginning to wonder why I bothered.

    Grange Farm has gained four extra people, none of whom appear to know the meaning of 'housework'. (Except for Jake, who knows about washing machines but seems unable to tell the difference between washing powder and glitter.) In addition, it's the middle of the school holidays so all the children are around - either glued to the computer/Xbox or complaining they're bored. Next week there will be uniform to have ready, homework to supervise, school runs, ...

    Personally, I think I would have lost it rather sooner than Emma did!

    1. Absolutely OldWomanInAShoe! How many "shoes" in your household and are you firmer than our Clarrie? (Tongue in cheek remark..)

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. 42. Sorry, deleted in order to post with a number, so reposting again.

    I'm on Emma's side I think. It wasn't very thoughtful of Clarrie to invite Will and the children to take up residence with the rest of the family - well, of course, she was being very thoughtful about Will and Jake, Mia and Poppy, but she should also have stopped to think of how difficult it was going to make life for Emma even for a short time. But then, Will is her son, so of course she would put his needs ahead of everything else. Emma is coming at it from a different angle - they aren't her family, despite Clarrie frequently telling her that they are, and she doesn't share (know about) Clarrie's fear that Will might harm himself. In the past, I have suffered from the chaos that a host of 'in-laws' arriving to stay can bring, and perfectly understood the sinking feeling that Emma must have felt when Clarrie was so evasive about exactly how long they would staying for.

    1. Agree. Also totting up I make the household 10 people - how many bedrooms does Grange Farm have? and certainly a huge amount of washing, ironing and meals to see to!

    2. I too agree, I think Emma is being utterly heroic in dealing with them all.
      And Clarrie ' we'll manage' is beginning to annoy me !

  50. Even though we should expect the grownups to nurture the children after their loss, an enormous amount of work has fallen on Emma with an extra 3 on top of her own two. She’s simply tired out and we all react maybe wrongly in a tired state. With the combined income in the now large Grundy clan at Grange Farm surely they could afford a cleaning lady at least to help her out. I don’t know how she finds enough hours in the day!

  51. 42 HG. Have managed to delete. Thanks.
    Freddie's supplier wil be back. This time with threats.

    1. Yes I agree Stasia, he is not going to let the ' grass ' grow under his feet.
      Freddie has set himself up for the future, and his only way out may be to scuttle off to South Africa ASAP.
      But even then there might be room for Elizabeth to be blackmailed by the supplier.

  52. Wrote a comment did not appear, trying again. The Grundy females really under pressure and things about to boil imo. Shula Shula why be so coy about your split from Alastair it's what you want and then to lie and say it was a mutual decision!!!

  53. 45. Agree stasia - the supplier only had a few words to say but he sounded very sinister. I had hoped that story had been dropped when Freddie came back sounding a bit saner, but now I rather think we are in for a drugs related issue with Freddie being dragged into a situation he can't cope with.

  54. 46 Freddy - and Elizabeth, I think HG.

    1. Yes, definitely, Suz - Elizabeth hasn't been coping with Freddy for a long time. I don't think she understands that he is a very different person from what she wants him to be.

  55. 47. Sleepylawyer 31: Not as interesting as the pub, I live in Cheshire and like eating cheese.

    1. That's good enough for me! 🧀 Actually the pub is full of Lloyds broker types of a lunchtime not my scene really.

  56. Did Elizabeth ever know about Noluthando's overdose, or fully understand how Freddie was implicated in it? I suspect she doesn't have any idea that Freddie is facing worse than probable poor A-level results.

    1. Somehow Elizabeth remained entirely ignorant of the drama at Nolly's party.
      I was surprised that Freddie was doing A-levels. Somehow I assumed he gave up education after his 18th birthday and passing his maths GCSE. Although I suppose he won't have spent the last 18 months concentrating solely on maths. What A-level subjects I wonder.

  57. Agree with all your pairings HG (40)

  58. 48 :
    I have left several replies to posts, but realise that they may not be seen unless scrolling back.
    Nothing of much import, with exception of reply to HG ( post 39 ) regarding past unpleasant posts.

    1. MrsP - I did scroll back and thank you for your words to me.
      Re your scam, I can understand your concern, but I honestly don't think she would go that far - she is the sort of person who gets things out with words, words, words, and then suddenly it's all over and a degree of normality returns.
      These scams are very common place nowadays - fortunately we are frequently warned to be aware - and of course you did the right thing in reporting. I do however think it wise not to give too many details about oneself on this or any blog, and I have deleted the arrow in the profile section revealing my profile. It is only a click to reactivate if you want to change your profile.

      I am only using this reply function if I answer fairly quickly, otherwise post a new comment.

    2. I've replied to Mrs P's concern re phone calls below her post.

  59. Clarrie says thank you Sleepy Lawyer (21)for your kind words and thought you might like to read what she said to William this morning

    Oh Willyum you're hurting I know
    And Emma's not helping and so
    Think what I'll suggest
    (It'll be for the best)
    You can stay here but Emma must go.

    1. (From your literary agent) Limericks are always popular, Ms Lancashire, and this is a particularly fine example -.keep it up!

    2. Thank you Lan Jan. I can just hear it in Clarrie's inimitable red apple voice.

  60. 49 (Re:20) Ruthy - the Northumberland coast is really beautiful, under-rated and under-visited, which suits me very well! If interested, check out Alnwick Castle, Bamburgh Castle and Dunstanburgh Castle. (Regular destination for me). There is a renowned smokehouse (kipper factory) in Craster which exports kippers all over the world. (I bet Ian has heard of it).
    BTW, I didn't delete any comments about a previous blog person (BBC), have refrained from comment before, I found the tone really unpleasant, and am really happy and confident that this site will be free of such nastiness.
    P.S. Can we put our icons back yet? Please?????

    1. 49a - Mistral - that you for the wonderful places you suggested. I browsed it briefly on the internet and looks wonderful. Will add to the dozens of places I still have to visit.
      Let's wait and see if we should re-introduce the pics. I am still researching if I can find a solution.

    2. 49 b O.K. Ruthy. I'll wait patiently.....

  61. 50. Hello everyone. Well, I've taken counsel with a young colleague bout Google accounts etc. I've shown him this blog, he has reassured me and provided me with a password which I didn't have before, so I'm now in the lifeboat. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the bracket after my name? He says it's because there's no URL to follow

    1. Sarnia (50) - I do not see any bracket after your name, it is not showing up here.

  62. 51
    LanJan love your little poem to Emma. I think I agree. Perhaps Will could find some way of shortening Tom and Johnny’s tenancy at No1 The Green so that Emma & family could move in there.? By the way, where is Johnny these days and what is he up to I wonder? We had a brief and rather arrogant few words from Tom the other night (speaking to Jazzer) but nothing from young Johnny for ages.

    1. Tom needs to go on a personnel management course. Never mind Nuffield scholarship. When he's completed the personnel course Helen should do it.

  63. 52 This blog at the top shows 90 posts, probably including replies?
    I'm with Emma. The boys are being the usual unruly teenagers and need discipline. Yes, the children lost their mother and it will stay with them for life but that's not an excuse to misbehave.

  64. 53 Yes, Archerphile, I realise that now. It obviously only appears on my screen.
    I really feel for those bereaved children, decanted into a strange environment and having to cope with an assortment of step- and half-siblings; it's hardly surprising that their behaviour is all over the place. My own childhood experience of similar circumstances suggests that what they really need is some security in their own home, perhaps with someone coming in to assist with domestic routine. Clarrie is being over-protective of her Willyum (also understandably), but she really isn't helping. Interestingly, to me his reactions suggest belated conscience trouble.

    1. When they return to their cottage Poppy may expect her mum to be there.
      In normal circumstances the tricks Jake and George played on each other would have been treated as simply that.

  65. In Bucks (I think) ,I understand
    There is a fair maid dwellen (sic)
    She's rather fond of ❤️Toby ❤️and
    Her name is Maryellen.

    1. LanJan -.That's a more flattering rhyme for maryellen than the ones my siblings came up with!

  66. 54. Janjan. 👏😄 great.
    HG and MrsP. The BBC have been doing articles on drug gangs using young people as runners. I agree, the next issue is likely to focus on Freddie , and the gangs applying pressure, using verbal and physical threats to blackmail him into using his DJing to push their drugs.

  67. 55 :
    Welcome Sarnia, pleased you have joined us after all.

    In answer to your last question on the ' Matt' blog.
    No. I think, if you were looking on google earth that you might have been looking at ' our roads' which prevent the cattle getting beyond the common. There are at least two five bar gates /cattle grids very close to each other.
    I have a very simple cottage. Nothing grand.

  68. 56. Thank you, Mrs P. I Googled your road and postcode and thought I was looking at your house frontage - back to the SiL I think.( BTW I blinded her with medical detail and procedures only too familiar to me, but which she didn't understand and the lecturing ceased forthwith). They thought solving your list of clues was great fun, so there's obviously a general appetite for that sort of thing.

    I've found a suitable picture and tried following instructions on a previous blog when entering a comment, but it doesn't work. What profile page, and why do I have to keep proving I'm not a robot?

    1. 56 a - Sarnia - we are having technical difficulty with profile picture so I have asked everyone to delete their photo until I can find a fix.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. I wonder why we always seem to hear music from the late 1950s in the tea room?
    Could it be because they knew how to write pop songs then?
    I was singing along with Michael Holliday this evening.

    1. 58c) I think the tea rooms are decorated and equipped in a 'Retro' style are they? Didn't Rob complain about old fashioned tea cups etc when Fallon first opened it up? So all the 'oldie' music would keep the theme going. :)

  71. (59) -I had to do another post because after suggesting numbering them I have not been doing so.
    Question-What is this business about Fallon not wanting to get married leading up to?
    Again an excellent performance from Emma.

  72. I think Helen has a brass neck lecturing Pat about suitable adults to be around her children. If she spent more time with them she could vet people herself.
    Pat will irritate me beyond belief with her 'do-gooding.' I know that sounds horrible, but I don't like her fervent single-mindedness.
    I hope Keira isn't being bullied by her step-cousins.
    Oh, it all feels so earnest and dull.

  73. Olwen does sound dodgy, perhaps partly because Alison Steadman usually does comedy parts and comes across as insincere in a straight dramatic role. I was reminded of the storyline many years ago when Jennifer let a woman park her caravan on Home Farm land because she claimed to have known Kate during Kate's long, mysterious absence. The woman turned out to be a con artist. Is Olwen the same?

    1. My predictions for Olwen. She will:
      Sort out Clarrie's pension. (+ Jolene's, Susan's and any other women of similar age)
      Argue with everyone, especially Tom.
      Find kindred spirits in Jill, Kirsty and Jazzer.
      Squat in a house on the new development.

  74. 62 Olwen is trouble. Fallon is just worried about becoming Mrs somebody else.
    A note on scrolling: IF you leave a comment, next time click on the blog in the browsing history and it will bring you to the place where you left it, hope it makes sense.

  75. I thought Alison Steadman's sneezes were pretty impressive - they had me reaching for the L*ms*p!

  76. Well Pat what happens when the family catch Olwens " disease" . Ambridge certainly has expanding houses don't they?
    Helen only lives at home why did Pat feel she had to ask who can stay there let alone be admonished about it and for Pat to apologise was daft lmo. To be fair having asked Helen she did not sit for a proper reply just steamed ahead....

  77. Helen is all full of concern over Pat bringing Olwen into contact with the boys but she rushed into bringing henry into close contact with Rob I sem to recall!

  78. 65 (I think:) Meant wait of course - not sit....

  79. My comments seem to keep disappearing! Though it appears to have worked this time. Hurray. I have much sympathy for Emma, really feel the situation at grange farm will implode soon!

  80. (70ish) Phoenix, Helen has learnt her lesson!

  81. (71ish) I confess I feel I spend more time alone than is good for me, but The Archers is teaching me the advantages of having one's own space!

    1. I once shared with an expanding 3 generation family in a house which didn't have elastic walls. Clambering over beds to get across a room.

  82. 72 : ?
    Mistral I love Northumberland and have been to all of those castles and eaten a kipper at the kipper place in Craster.

    I yearn to live there, but it will never be.

    I do dislike Helen, and tonight she was at her coldest.
    But then I also feel that Pat is taking a liberty.

    I do dislike it when The Archers ship in celebrities. Those familier elsewhere voices do not belong in Ambridge, and Owen will be trouble.
    I suppose that's why Alison S jumped at the chance of playing her.

  83. 73 :
    HG, I should have thanked you for your reassurance. Your right of course. Words and more words !
    I had a second scam call from the same outfit, different number today. Followed by another reassuring conversation with a BT advisor. BT are building a dossier of all these scammers in order to try to stamp it out.
    Trouble is the perpetrators are always one step ahead.

    1. Yes it's like the war between security companies and hackers!

  84. 57 All this is such a delight ! So, only making a small squeak today, a quick wave before lights out, because a) have to catch up with T A , b) do more than skim through the posts ( Lan Jan's limericks stand out at the moment + yet more welcome migrants from the BBC blog). PS hope you have an easier night with Harry, Suz.

  85. 74 Sorry, got the number wrong-the last was way out.

  86. 74 Sorry, got the number wrong-the last was way out.

  87. 75
    You can tell that taking Olwen in will turn out to be a Bad Thing because Pat ended the episode by saying “what could possibly go wrong”! A sure indication of trouble ahead!

  88. 75 A multipart post!
    Bootgums(61) Caravans on Home Farm land - I hope they didn't leave anything toxic behind ...

    Thinking back to Olwen and the stew - has Pat really been making stew all these years without anyone ever noticing it was really rather bland? Or perhaps she never made it without meat before.

    Scams - we get calls from 'BT' at least once a week, usually telling us that someone in Nigeria is using our internet id. I either tell them to get lost straight away or play along for a bit if I'm in the mood. But I *never* follow out any of their instructions.
    If you've got BT, sign up for Call Protect. As soon as I've had a scam call that's got a number attached I put the number on my personal black list and any further calls go to a junk call voice mail. BT also has their own black list of known scam numbers.

    Are the icons behaving themselves now? They're fine on my browser but if others are still having problems I will of course move my pretty pink shoes. (Shame only Ambridge houses extend so easily - an extra shoe here would be very handy.)

    I wouldn't get too hung up about the numbering. It's handy for navigating through the posts but so long as a good proportion are numbered we should cope with filling in the gaps. Deleting and resending posts, or posting again to add the forgotten number just makes more blog to scroll through : )

    1. Yes old woman, after the first call today I was advised that I had call protect and how to use it.
      Now doing so.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. 76 HG53b) The longer they put it off the harder it will be - believe me, I've been there!
    How on earth did I acquire the surname 'Google'?

    1. 76a) Oh, I haven't, only on my screen. (sigh)

    2. I have exactly the same thing Sarnia! Thanks to Ruthy & this blog we're all learning a lot about using our computers/internet :-)))

  91. 77. Last comment of the day.

    Please remove your profile picture. I have not found a solution yet.

    Could everyone give me a yes or no to having multiple posts - one for TA and another for chatting about other going ons? This has been suggest from a couple of bloggers.

    I am happy to see more bloggers signing on. All welcome😀

    1. Answer to Ruthy 77 - no, I prefer one post and talk about all manner of goings on.

    2. 2 posts, yes, for convenience and spread, but not prescriptive (let each evolve naturally, TA or off at a tangent)

    3. Answer to 77 - I would definitely prefer 2 posts please, to divide TA - related topics (which interest everybody) from the general topics (which don't interest all the people all the time). Between the two, everybody gets what they want without all the scrolling. I honestly can't see what's not to like! 🙂

    4. Separating Archers from non-Archers material will probably not be as easy as it sounds (actually, I don't think it even sounds easy, as non-Archers stuff often starts from Archers stuff and wanders). I'd prefer one blog, and for people to exercise a reasonable degree of restraint about getting too far away from the subject.

    5. I'm happy with either. We always go off topic anyway! Maybe try two and see how we go?

    6. I think I should prefer to stick to one post . It takes me ages to read just this one plus the members only group I subscribe to on FB (oh dear, wash out my mouth with soap!) So I think another one here would be a blog too far for me. Apart from which, interesting conversations often stem from something heard on TA so it could be difficult to decide where to Put a comment - under the programme title or in the ‘Miscellaneous’ one. And surely we cannot expect poor Ruthy to set up and run two blogs, she does have to work too, I believe. If someone is adamant about having an alternative perhaps they could offer to set it up?

    7. I'd prefer two blogs, we could give it a try and see how it works.

    8. Two posts (or more) please.
      I have re-posted my suggestions from the BBC blog below.

    9. I'm with Archerphile, and voting for one post, please, Ruthy. I like the mixture of personal and Archer's material, and A. says, interesting things often develop from Archer's related situations that we comment on and then digress a bit. I find it fairly easy to find the place where I last finished reading on the one post, and anything I'm not interested in, I can always skip on past it whilst scrolling down.

    10. I'm in two minds. I understand that some people don't like off-topic stuff, but I do. I found 2-3 threads on the BBC site difficult to keep up with. However, I think it might be a solution to try two threads for a limited period, (4 weeks?) and see how it feels. However, I don't want this to become another chore for Ruthie, she is doing this alone, we know that more than one person administered the BBC. Ruthie, what is your preference?

  92. I thought Helen’s initial reaction when she met Olwen indicated that O’s appearance was somewhat dishevelled and Pat was even then shuffling her off to the bath so Helen’s distaste was understandable but ironic in view of her fervent support of the shelter at Christmas! Also it is Pat and Tony’s house and Helen needs to accept that they can choose who they want to stay and if she doesn’t like it maybe she should be more independent and move out to a place of her own!

    1. I agree. Helen is a bit of a ...... generally.

  93. I think that should be 81! I don’t think 2 blogs are necessary. Personal things in our everyday lives can be included here as long as we don’t ramble too much! This is 82!

    1. 'Ramble too much' being the operative word! 😊

    2. P.S. (To above) 'Rambling'is often a very good thing to do which in mvho is why it deserves a separate blog! The two will frequently cross pollinate but that's what it's all about.

  94. 83.Hello Ruthy,
    I had reduced my picture to the exact size of the icon but I have removed it to comply.

  95. 84. Sometimes I am offered to comment solely as google account. No user name. What should I do when this happens?

    1. This happened to me this morning and I had to sign back in to my google account to bring up my user name. Hope this helps.

    2. Thank you Patricia. What do I have to do to sign back into my google account?

  96. Mrs P regarding your "BT scam" an elderly friend who lives alone had a phone call yesterday claiming to be BT & wanting to turn her wifi off for a few days, she panicked & put the phone down & called a friend who is very phone & computer savvy & he checked the number the "BT" call came from & it was a fake number, I have had calls I suspect are scams & it's often a mobile number or local [to me] number, so you maybe right about source of your call or it may be coincidence - still worrying at the time for you

  97. I contemplated switching the radio off, didn't want to catch Olwen's nasty bug.
    Ruthy. I don't mind, either way.

  98. (82) -I am happy with one blog too Ev.
    I doubt if we will get the number of people blogging as we used to and sometimes we mix and match with Archers and off topic in one post

  99. 85. Profile picture removed.
    The ones that are left are fine on my computer. If they're not right for other people it might be a browser/individual settings at fault rather than a google problem.
    My picture is a bitmap about 2 1/2cm (1 inch) square and 96dpi.
    Perhaps Maryellen and Lady R could tell us the details of theirs as they also seem to be fine (on this browser at least).

    I'm happy to go with the flow with number of blogs. Although I suspect we'd manage to veer off topic whether we had one blog or a hundred : )

    1. (Ref. 85) :) quite ! Ruthy, you could well regret offering a choice - bow about doing what best suits you ?

  100. 86. Me too. It's a long way to scroll down with one blog and I wonder what I might be missing on the way, but I'll also be happy to go with the flow.

  101. (88 ish )I checked the posts this morning and Ev's 81 was the last one.
    I must have kept the page open and find that there are several more posts since I did my (82)
    Just a suggestion.........
    We are all grateful to Ruthy
    I am sure we're we able to we would probably send her 🌺🌻🌼🌷🌹to thank her if we could
    What I would like to do since I can't do that is make a small donation to a Charity
    either of her choice or because that may be difficult because she lives across the Ocean to another one .
    I don't know what others think.
    An obvious choice would be the Lifeboat Charity .
    (Ken Dodd. Joke coming up)
    " I didn't think I should pay the Inland Revenue since I live on the coast!"
    I don't live on the Coast so I would give to the Air Ambulance Service.
    I hate making suggestions as I sound either like a bossy school ma'am or a Lady Bountiful but since I am among friends I hope you don't mind.

  102. 89I downloaded the icon made from my picture and found it to be 35 x35 pixels at 72 dpi. I altered my bitmap to that so that all the picture would show. It worked but I have removed it until Ruthy says O.K. again.

  103. 89. Re the number of blogs I don't mind. As someone said previously we'll probably go off track if we had a dozen blogs! Also it would mean separating thoughts/comments to post on two different occasions on different blogs which for me would be difficult as I am a very 'stream of conscience' type of writer! :))
    I'll go with what Ruthy decides.

  104. Re the BT (and talktalk) scam. The organisations do not initiate complaints against themselves so if anyone rings and tells you they have noticed a fault with your account treat it as a scam.
    I have a device 'call minder' which you can use to permanently block any such call.

  105. 91. Has Tony agreed to Olwen staying? I recall he got a bit fed up with Kathy being there so often at one time.

  106. Ruthy, I'm happy with one blog tho, as I don't contribute very often, I really don't mind. Just pleased to have one ......thank you . 😃

  107. 99
    Regarding suspicious phone calls - there is a website,, where you can check if the number of the person who called you is suspect. You just put in the number (if it was not an unavailable or withheld one) and you can see if anyone else has had dodgy calls from that number and who the scammer is. It is amazing how many different numbers and different area codes are used by the same scammers. Also *please* report the number to The Information Commissioners Office, a government dept dealing with fraud and attempted fraud. They have a form you fill in with all the details including how such calls might be causing a nuisance or distress. Their website address is When I had a plethora of nuisance calls from fake boiler firms I was filling in an ICO form every night with details of dozens of different numbers. Fortunately the ICO was able to prosecute and the calls appear to have stopped.

    1. Archerphile, thank you for this information. I knew there was an organisation to which one was supposed to report these calls, but never wrote down the details of how to report.
      I will try to comply.

      As far as Tony being consulted by Pat about Olwen.
      I thought Pat said that she had asked him, he was a bit reluctant / hesitant, but that she had brought him round to her way of thinking.
      Oh yes Pat ? By your usual railroading I suppose.

  108. I wonder if Olwin(?) is suffering from vegetable casserole poisoning?

  109. 100. Re LanJan's 88 ish
    I like your idea re donating to a charity to thank Ruthy for all herhard work. If it isn't possible to donate to one of Ruthy's choice, the Lifeboat Charity sounds ideal to me.

  110. Mrs P (72) -Perhaps Alison Steadman is "resting"
    I agree with those who do not want "Celebrities" in Ambridge.
    I remember when the Duchess of Cornwall ,Princess Margaret and Bradley Wiggins were in Ambridge.
    They were so wooden and I bet they didn't come cheap!
    Obviously ASteadman is a very good actress but probably costs more than an unknown.
    Remember Proper Tom?
    An excellent young actor and he was discarded to be replaced by the son and grandson of well known actors .

  111. 500. You
    8 Apr 2018 14:29
    Since the closure of this blog was announced I have been considering the alternatives. The blogging sites I have
    looked at all have good and bad points. None, I think, are as user friendly as this one; the sorting facility and,
    yes, the arrows make it easy to use.
    My main requirement is to have a site where I can read, and sometimes comment, on The Archers.
    Unfortunately I do not have the time (or inclination) to wade through all the ancillary items.
    The Archers Fan Blog (aka Ruthy’s blog) comes close to what I want. At the risk of making Ruthy’s job even
    more onerous I would make the following suggestions:
    A Weekly blog (similar to the BBC) – to comment and discuss TA. I don’t think there is any benefit numbering
    posts. This will only cause problems when inevitably mistakes are made. There will then be posts trying to
    correct. The date and time may be used as reference.
    A Secondary blog – for non-Archer related discussions.
    A Q&A blog – an area where users can check if they have logged in, can post and for other queries related to
    the working of the blog.

    1. The above was from the BBC blog. Having seen the posts above I am more convinced now about ignoring a manual numbering system. Using copy and paste date and time can be entered easily. This should reduce the number of posts that have been deleted and/or the redundant posts adding a number.
      I don't see any downside to having more than one blog (as long as users desist from posting cross-references.
      If you are using a laptop the "End" key will bring you to the last post. Tablets and phones, depending on model, may have "slider" bars to quickly navigate up and down.
      I also have thoughts on the Reply feature. I will, however, see what the reaction is to the above before elaborating.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. I did not mind the occasional ‘celebrity’ appearance in TA, ususally it was just for one specific epsode, to celebrate a milestone in the programme. But to have well-known actors shipped in for short to medium term stories (à la Eleanor Bron) only to have them depart when more interesting or lucrative parts are on offer, I dislike. I think EB was bought in by SOC, as was that actress who played the role in the film about Elsa the Lion (can’t recall her name) to add a bit of kudos to the programme. He was the one who sacked original Tom and others in favour of so called ‘professionally trained’ actors, not always to the benefit if the programme in my opinion. The most successful TA actors IMO, are those who have ‘trained on the job’ as it were. They have fitted in well to the family of the cast and picked up the skill of acting *on radio* with help from those who have been in the programme for years.

  113. Anyone listening to the radio 4 morning 15 minute drama "How does that make you feel?"Utterly brilliant imo. Particularly this morning with a character called Caroline (nothing like our own dear one!)...........Ring bells?..... spooky or what!!😐

    1. B B - it certainly rung a very loud bell for me.
      I even wondered if ' you know who ' had written the script.

  114. 104-I listened to that BB in the greenhouse whilst potting on the tomato plants.
    First time I have heard it

  115. 104'ish
    re. Muckspreader April 11, 2018 at 10:37 AM
    I don't have a problem with using copy and paste and using control/end for navigating to the bottom of the page on my computer at work, but wouldn't know where to start when using my tablet at home. I also I think to open so many blogs would defeat the object for many of the more regular users of the blog, including myself.

  116. I don't mind if it's one or more than one blog.
    It's frustrating that the BBC can't afford to run a blog for it's listeners but can afford to parachute in more expensive celebrities from time to time which, in my opinion, don't add much value to the programme.

    1. Here, here Cheshire Cheese about what the BBC can and can’t afford. (But I would prefer just one blog)

  117. In response to all the posts about technical ' stuff'
    Cut and paste, copy, slider.

    I admire your facility, but I have none.
    I have a tablet, I click on the site and scroll to the end of the posts since I was last looking in, then go back to my last post and read others posts since then, leaving an answer on some, and then a separate post if I have something to say.
    Such as now.

    I am not computer savvy, and have little desire or motivation to increase my facility in this field.
    I am content with what I have and it is enough for me.
    But I have been grateful for some hints and suggestions that have enabled me to improve a little.
    Sorry those statements are in opposition to each other.

    And I would still prefer one blog at a time.


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