The Archers Comments: week of May 12, 2018
Wild Turkey - Male


  1. Thanks again Ruthy. Is that a turkey?
    The Grundys breed turkeys for Christmas, but I bet they don't look like the one in the picture.

  2. Hi Stasia - yes that is a wild male turkey showing his beautiful mating plumage. I took this photo last week in the nature preserve outside of my home.

    1. I have seen turkeys in the wild, very different to the Grundy bird.

    2. Ruthy, I do apologise I have just posted on the sunset blog, Miriam might not be pleased with my comment. Joe's health was mentioned in passing by Clarrie, he wasn't too well, but is now back to his old self, mores the pity.

    3. He looks pretty sedate to me. I had visions of a Grundy turkey runnning amok around Ambridge ; )

  3. We must have been posting at the same time in the blog I just close! Will is determined to keep All of Nic’s children together. I am not sure that is a realistic situation for Will. For one, he hasn’t got a clue as to how to raise a family!

  4. It infuriates me that the BBC has continued to provide the weekly features on the homepage of The Aechers. What additional efforts would it be for them to include a Comment section within the features pages. I don’t want to reopen the can of worms, but I am perturbed.

    1. Sorry, should have done this on the “chairs” post.

    2. But you are so right! There are many BBC blogs ongoing for other lesser BBC programmes, but these are TV ones, not radio. I think this is the difference.

  5. Stasia. I have absolutely nothing to be in the least concerned about with your response to a post I made on a previous site. We all have our own differing thoughts and ideas.
    I just love to be able to say what I feel and think.
    Thank-you Ruthy, for allowing us to do this, openly and friendly.

  6. I took Clarrie's remark about Joe to mean he was 'over' Nic's death. His bonding with Nic in the weeks immediately before her death seemed strangely sudden to me. I thought it was Emma he was so attached to, after they bonded over her cutting his toe nails.

    I guess Nic's involvement in Matt's hit and run has now been swept under the carpet by the scriptwriters as well as Joe and Ed ( I'm disappointed in Ed there) but it occurs to me that the children must have had some inkling of it, given the state Nic was in according to Will in the aftermath of the accident. Poppy, who was there, would be too young and upset at the time, but Jake sounds savvy enough - he and Mia may have been with their father when it actually happened (I can't remember if this was stated) but Nic's distress seems to have lasted some time.

  7. I have just read a very interesting article about The Archers in today’s Sunday Times, written by the critic Gillian Reynolds, a long time lover of the serial. She complains that the thrill and the spell of the programme has gone, for her. Whereas she would once have seen and smelt the strawberries as Adam and Brian stood by the poly tunnels discussing the crop, all she now sees is two men standing next to a microphone! She complains that the magic has gone for her and thinks it may be because the script covers so many big topics at once - surrogacy, land pollution, sudden death, marital disharmony, rural poverty, secret engagement, rural housing on farmland, teenage drug use etc etc. Too many big subjects fighting for attention and the sudden introduction of a big star (Alison Steadman) shipped in for yet another topic. Gillian says that when listening to TA these days she just hears the leaves of the scripts turning rather than feeling she is in Ambridge itself - smelling those strawberries. She says this may be the BBC’s new idea of Ambridge but it is not hers.
    I think Lan Jan has sometimes expressed similar feelings (forgive me if I’m wrong) about script turning. I wonder what others think?

    1. Archerphile: I so agree with GR. Too many topics none of which flow or have satisfactory (by that I mean explanatory) outcomes. Even the small story lines need some resolution. Bunting, stolen money, horses. Etc. Attention to detail...number of bedrooms. etc. It just feels flat as if no one really cares anymore, including the actors. Add to that too many editors, apparently diverting plot lines. I just get the feeling someone upstairs is trying to wind down TA. Goodness I do hope I am wrong. 😞

  8. This is what I think Archerphile.

    I agree 100 % with Gillian Reynolds.

    The magic has certainly gone for me too, and I feel as she does, too many ' issues' .
    Not anything like enough of the ordinary and mundane.
    Ambridge and The Archers thrived on minutiae as most communities do.
    It is now overrun with topics of one kind or another.

    In recent weeks it has crossed my mind several times to stop listening.
    I don't think I would mind being without. What stops me is the ' habit',
    the habit of having this virtual village alongside my reality throughout most of my life. I want it to remain as ONE constant. For ever !

  9. I also agree, I think the rot set in with the first appointment after Ms Whitburn, he wanted professional actors and got rid of the good voices, who didn't just read the scripts. He rid Ambridge of speaking children, now we are at a point with Will of not knowing how the children have reacted to him in the past and are having to make assumptions in order to assess his current situation. He altered the nature of the programme to that more akin to a soap, with constant issues instead of as in the past one long running and 1 short/ medium story line, filled in with the everyday village and farm life.
    With so many and varied topics covered the Archers is going to run out of ideas and will end up as just another soap (if we are not there already) albeit on the radio.
    I have stopped listening once and like Mrs P may do so again, if this continues.

  10. Gillian Reynolds has expressed my feelings about The Archers these days. To me it feels like there are several separate story lines going on depicting various issues not joined up by the nuances of everyday life.

  11. I agree that the programme is lack lustre these days but I don't agree with all that stuff about two blokes and a mike. The reason it is not so gripping as it was when Sean O'Connor was at the helm is the poor quality of the plotting. The Matt who dunnit and the 'human' story of Adam and Ian's quest for a child had excellent potential but were so badly handled that this listener completely lost interest. The light relief (I assume that is what it is) supplied by Lynda and the Silmarillion/dog trials and Jim's piano lessons simply isn't working for me.

  12. Having raised the topic of Gillian Reynolds article I am very interested to see that several of you have agreed with her views.
    So do I.
    I also agree that this new soapy trend started with Mr O’Connor and the perceived success of the Helen /Rob saga seems to have persuaded subsequent editors to up the drama and ‘issues’ at the expense of the ordinary ebb and flow of village life. The chats in The Bull about which veg to plant this year, the sound of Jill eternally baking in Brookfield’s kitchen etcetera. Cowgirl is perfectly right in saying that the serial worked so well when we had one major story, plus one or two minor ones to concentrate on at the time.
    It almost feels to me that the current Editorial staff are frightened to let their foot off the accelerator for a single moment in case listeners get bored and stop listening! If only they would realise that we need to draw breath occasionally and have one or two major stories completed before having more piled on top of us !

    1. Archerphile 12.32 pm - your third sentence is factually inaccurate. It is well- documented that Vanessa Whitburn received 'hate mail' from listeners accusing her of sensationalising The Archers in EastEnders style and making it soapy. So (sorry, therefore) Sean O'Connor was not the first editor to get this treatment from listeners for introducing a more realistic approach. (In fact, The Archers was nearly scrapped because it was considered to be too sensational - then William Smethurst saved it with 'Tom Forest and birdsong onLakey Hill' which I think is what old- timers refer to as the Golden Age, when nothing happened that was too disturbingly close to home).

      Also, the success of the Helen/Rob story was not 'perceived' but actual, from whichever angle you look at it. Dramatically a success in terms of acting and scripting, a broadcasting success in terms of growing an appreciative audience, and socially a success in terms of contributing to heightened national awareness of the wide scale problem of domestic abuse and the pattern it takes, and raising funds for victim support.

  13. I have just this minute read the Gillian Reynold's article and like the rest of you I agree with her 100%
    Yes Archerphile it was me who mentioned that I could visualise some characters standing there reading the scripts.
    Gillian Reynold's was one of the people I tried to contact regarding the closure of our blog.
    I telephoned the Sunday Times and spoke to somebody who said that she would give her my email address and that GR would definitely email me.
    She didn't of course .
    Maybe she wasn't told .
    I may drop her a line...............

  14. Have to against the flow here, & the views of G.Reynolds, because I can do without too much farming minutiae, & prefer the character/issue driven thrust. Problem is, they're so used to the established stereotypes (Jill, Shula, Peggy etc.) that nuanced, interesting characterisation is poorly done so far. Anisha was promising, but is out of it, Olwen more recently, P.Moss seems to be steadily becoming 'ambridgeified', & kirsty was the one successful character development from someone originally pretty mundane, but currently taking a back seat. Helen has regressed - how can we beleive that a woman who has been through all she's been through could behave in the petty, parochial way she is behaving now ?
    I don't find the acting unconvincing, can still see Adam sweating out in the fields, Ruth struggling with an animal birth. The unfortunate vocal blurring of the young male & female characters is irritating, agreed, but that's partly because they're not differentiated enough as personalities( Kate & Alice are very different, but they were written as exactly the same, & sounded it, the other day)
    All this says is that I'm a rogue listener, I suppose, not a genuine TA connoisseur.

    1. I think that you are a genuine Archers listener and that you have expressed your thoughts very well. I agree with your many insights and sentiments relating to Ambridge in 2018. 👍

    2. I have to post again. I have recentely watched on ITV3 in the afternoon, msny older episodes of Coronation Street from the late 1980's. I am so very surprised as to just how very dated that they now appear to be. I think that this also really applies to TA and I believe that time should not stand-still .

  15. When does Jeremy Howe start his new BBC position as the new editor for our beloved Archers? I do not know. I have to say though, that I am personally, really enjoying the ongoing TA storylines at this moment in time.

  16. Glad you don't think I'm an utter traitor to traditional TA standards, Miriam ! Perhaps there are too many SLs currently that merit a less scatter gun treatment, & there certainly are annoying loose ends that people have identified, but, on balance, like yourself, I'm quite happy with how the programme is going. The scripts are less predictable, the regulars are having a shake up ( take Brian, Jennifer, Shula for instance) & it is all pretty entertaining. Yes, agree, there is an effort to keep up with the times.

  17. Any young man who is aspiring to become an actor should apply for a job with The Archers -as long as he has an accent which is different from all but one of the young men of Ambridge.
    Jake sounds like a lovely lad but he would not be speaking in that way.
    He is another one with the script in his hands.
    I suspect his mentor is "Tom"
    Another thing.....
    Why the fairy tale ending to the Cricket Match?
    How much more realistic had Will played and not done well.
    Jake obviously prefers cricket to football. ( how come Will didn't know that?)

    1. Because LanJan Will never took any interest in the children before.

  18. LanJan - radio actors all have the script in their hands! No six weeks of rehearsals, no learning the script, no complicated moves or stage business - no wonder they can keep it up well past retirement age!

  19. Archerphile 12.32.
    Reading your comment suddenly made me realise, you are right. I hadn’t registered the lack of baking, conversation in the Bull and the disappearance of ordinary everyday conversation and life. I feel,now, that I’ve been slowly sucked in and brain washed into that soapy feel of the program.
    I miss the ploughing match mentions with Bert and his rivals, Eddie trying to drum up some gardening work and the everyday life of ALL the locals.
    Also......bring back Lillian. Where on earth has she disappeared to?
    I agree all the youngsters sound the same....which is ridiculous for those that are born and bred Ambridgers. We should start a campaign for “bring on the accents”

  20. Maryellen,you know what I mean about an actor with "a script in his hands".
    I never feel that with Emma ,Justin or Brian for example .
    I can imagine them being where they should be and not in the studio.
    My main criticism is that all the young men seem to sound the same(except Johnny) and Freddie is recognisable because he is so over the top with his accent.
    Why can the BBC not employ somebody who sounds realistic ?Boys and girls growing up in Ambidge would have picked up a bit of a local accent especially if their parents had one .

  21. Proud to be Yorkshire,your comment wasn't there when Mine was published .
    I am pleased that someone else thinks as I do.
    I am not bothered too much whether Lilian returns or not but I am looking forward to the return of Kirsty and I would like to hear more of Jazzer.
    I would like Tracy to return too.
    In general for me, I feel more a tune with the" Lower Orders"
    Can't be doing with the posh youngsters .

  22. I so agree with the general uneasiness that is being voiced about the well spoken, sound alike young men (and women) that have been popping up in T.A. recently. Ambridge is in danger of losing its distinctive sound and character, and could become an 'Any-village', based anywhere in the country. How dreary that would be. I think it's time that the BBC Radio casting department should stop relying on casting agencies, and spread their net to find young actors with natural accents. They wouldn't get away with casting all the actors who all spoke perfect R.P. English, for a series set in some other parts of the country - especially those supposed to be locals.

  23. The accent issue is the reason that almost none of the younger characters ring true to me. Well, that and the atrocious acting...

  24. Why pick on the youngsters? (Reverse ageism?). Listeners have pointed out the similarity between Alan and Richard Locke's voices, for instance,and I can't tell the difference between Justin and Oliver on voice alone - fortunately they have only had one conversation together so that's not been a problem.

    Actually I think what characters are saying is more important than the accent they use to say it!

    1. (To 14/5. 10.28)......&how convincingly they say it, would you agree, Maryellen? With education & the mixture of locals & outsiders we get in villages these days, it's not so surprising that the younger people, especially from the wealthier local families tend to speak alike. Still, agree that there's be traces of regional sounds.
      Generally, any actor of whatever age worth employing in a radio play, where voice & well judged pauses are everything, should be able to assume the required accent. The actor playing Emma doesn't sound like her in life, even 'Ruth's' actual accent isn't nearly sopronounced. Jake, however ! He doesn't ringtrue.

  25. I don’t know about anybody else, but I really enjoyed last nights episode. Sunday’s programmes, often centering on a cricket match in the summer, often seem to be more low key with less confrontation, argument and highly dramatic content. I find it’s nice to have a bit of a break from the the above and relax into a more old-fashioned (sorry, Maryellen!) type of Archers for at least one episode a week.

    However, I’m not quite sure I buy all the sweetness and light that has broken out between Will and Jake. Lovely as it was to hear Jake’s enthusiasm for cricket and his getting on so well with Will, I have the feeling that it’s almost too good to be true. Much as I would love Will to enjoy his newly found happiness I think something is going to go wrong fairly soon. And, is Will paying as much attention to Mia and Poppy? We hear very little about them and what effect losing her mother having on an almost teenage girl. Will may find it difficult to guide her through puberty and beyond.

    1. I too also enjoyed Sunday's episode. It was pleasant and I liked the scene with Alan and Shula in the graveyard of the church. Yesterday was Mother's Day in the US and I spent it very low key - morning swim, Sunday breakfast at home with the Sunday papers, off to a local bar for a drink and watched a baseball game, home for a short nap, big salad for dinner, watched a show on TV. Talked with my Mom who lives in Kentucky and shared a few texts with my Son who lives in Indianapolis. All in all a very pleasant day.

  26. Also found it well balanced on Sunday's TA (rather like your day, Ruthy!) but with the realistic touch of angst thrown in, given what's going on in Cambridge, (can't get rid of the 'C'!!) : Alan sticking to his beliefs about marriage whilst showing genuine empathy for Shula - not a bad juggling feat. He may well be able to support Alistair. The scenes with Jake & Will were heartening, though the crunch time is yet to come if custody becomes a court issue. What a ghastly choice it could be, if Jake & Mia are faced with a stark scenario. On the face of it, it seems they'd be happiest to keep life as close as it can be to when Nic was alive - school & Dad on the weekdays, Will & Grundy's at the wkend. That's their secure pattern.
    Justin turning into the jovial friend, helping Brian to recover lost trust with his wife ? Mmn....

  27. I have just caught up with four/five days posts As with many others (including the redoubtable Gillian Reynolds) I agree something has gone from TA. Indeed it could be set anywhere, not even in the countryside, and that made it different from the newer soaps.
    Several things spring to mind. I don't think that Lexi could be a child minder/nanny for Will and I can't see a realistic solution to his problem if Jake and Mia remain with him. There are almost certainly a maximum of three bedrooms at Greenwood Cottage. That's one for him, one for Jake and one for Mia and Poppy to share. Will would need a live-in nanny as game-keepers can be called out during the night. His employers would not like it if he told them he could not do night shifts or attend an emergency as he had no-one to look after the children, especially Poppy.
    I do wish the S/Ws would not go back in time when they haven't checked the details. Shula musing about a grave belonging to someone who died in the 1980s, (or did I mishear?) yet knowing nothing about Gladys and/or her family? What tosh! In the 1980s I am sure Shula belonged to the bell ringers of St Stephens and was really involved with the church. Even if 'Gladys' was a person who returned only to be buried in her home village Shula would have known of her.
    I can't agree with the comments about the acceptable acting and development of plots though. I do wonder if, what with the more dramatic/emotional storylines and scripts, it has tested the limits of the older, more established actors in TA though. I have thought over the past couple of years that some highly charged scenes have been excruciating to listen to; in particular Adam and Ian when Ian found out about Charlie and Shula railing about Matt a couple of nights before the Hunt Ball. As for Lilian's "Sid James" dirty laugh.... Yuk! However some of the new arrivals have left much to be desired too.
    Finally (thank goodness I hear you say! :) ) I certainly do not think that any 'issues,' which have been pursued at break neck speed recently, have served much purpose, as none have been resolved completely! RT got away so did Matt with Christine's money. Exactly how did they help anyone who had suffered in real life? Vandalism, arson, theft of church money and farm machinery have all cropped up during the past two years. Anyone convicted? Nope!

    1. I think I heard that Gladys died early in the 20th century.

    2. Spicy C. I really like your very heartfelt post as to The Archers both "past and present". I wonder what will happen next. Have you any thoughts and ideas? If so, I am very intrigued as to what they could be.

    3. Apologies Spicy cushion! Have just listened again and Gladys was born in 1905 and died in 1986. Yes you would think Shula would have at least known of her.

  28. Lanjan. from 8.45am May 14th
    This is why I love Jazzer. Due to being blind, "Jazzer" literally, cannot read his script whilst standing in front of a microphone. I always think that he the most natural actor in The Archers, due to this.
    It must be strange for him not even knowing what the other cast members, and the radio "set", must look like.

  29. William needs to find a person, who can help him out with the children, the house-keeping and so on, whilst he is working full-time, in order to keep Willow Cottage as his home, both for himself, Jake, Mia and Poppy. This person does not to have to be live-in situation, so why not Bev (with Andrew) looking after her 3 grandchildren? - or my favourite candidate Lexi, who lives wirh Roy. Both of these candidates could well help out in the immediate future and neither would need to live-in.

  30. Miriam 5:22 pm - I think you're absolutely right about Jazzer's not being able to read the script, so he has to learn his lines by heart, as a stage actor would have to do. I think that Paddy Greene said recently that she had always gone over her script very thoroughly, in advance, in order to get her lines to sound exactly right. And she also complained (without naming any names) that some of the younger actors in T.A. didn't bother to give their scripts the same attention. Could be the source of our dissatisfaction with some of the deliveries recently.

    1. Regatdless - I still love The Archers and I always will! It is my total "escapism" into a fantasy world, where I know every-one who lives there, their home lives, loves, familes and all the problems that these entails.
      I am a definitely an Archers Addict and I will always be one.

    2. I'm surprised the actor playing Jill said that, given how bloggers have commented on her peculiar delivery. But if, as I suspect, she is becoming deaf, that would explain it. As to the older/younger actor thing, maybe that's just the age-old criticism of the young by the old? It certainly doesn't sound to me as if poor delivery of lines is confined to the young,and I think LanJan singled out Ian.

  31. I have great difficulty in distinguishing between Harrison and Alan the vicar as their voices are so similar. We might not like Will but he is unique! I wondered whether Jazzer used Braille? Love him! I think Will’s family can rally round and agree Bev would be a good carer except we don’t know whether she has a job or even a career! I’m sure Clarrie and co could cope if Will is called out at night. I don’t see Lexi as a good choice though. Will needs to sort this out though especially if Ellie is fully available and willing to care for the children. He needs to show their care is arranged.

  32. Well good on you Susan.
    I bet your idea is a great one.
    Any ideas anyone as to what it might be?

  33. I thought that Gladys lived until about 1983 but you may be right Ev.
    I thought I had posted a comment about St Shula tidying the grave on a Sunday when other folk would be around including the vicar.
    That didn't ring true to me .
    Why had she not noticed Gladys's grave had been tended before?
    Why could she not go and do it on a weekday morning when fewer folk are around in a Church yard and come in her gardening clothes and equipment?
    I don't think Harrison sounds like Alan the vicar -Lancs and Yorks accents I think - but I think Alan and Richard Locke sound alike although I have a feeling that Richard is from Lancashire.

    1. Yes you are right about Gladys! I had another listen and she was born in 1905 and died in 1986 so you would have thought the Archers would have known her or known of her in a small village. I often have difficulty deciding who is speaking as there aren’t many distinguishable voices. There’s never any doubt about Brian for one!

    2. Richard used to claim to be from Manchester, but he obviously wasn't. Similar latitude, perhaps, but definitely further east. Worksop, perhaps. Hence the similarity to Alan (formerly resident in Nottinghamshire). Not sure about Harrison. More likely to be Yorkshire than Lancashire, I think.

    3. Hello Bootgums,
      Harrison’s actor was born and lives in Lancashire.

  34. I personally, would love to hear the St. Stephens church bells ringing again on a Sunday morning, amd on other occasions, and to hear about the bell-ringers, not only practicsing, but enjoying their time together.

  35. Miriam 6.38pm 16 May. I hadn't really thought about any alternatives. I guess William will have to manage as many single parents do but he does face the problem that he could be called out at night. He has done night shifts before and there could be problems with poachers, which would me he'd have to 'stand guard' at night times. If it was just him, Poppy and 'Nanny' I supposed that would work.
    We haven't heard about the bell-ringers for ages. Neil was Captain of the ringers I think, but he hasn't mentioned anything about weekly practice or any weddings etc for ages. Perhaps there will be a celebration peal on Saturday!

  36. Wonder what clever idea Susan has?

  37. Harrison should follow the lead given to him by Johnny and see through Freddie's blatant lying. If he doesn't get to the bottom of this, he doesn't deserve to become a sergeant.

  38. I don't feel that Harrison is the ' plodder ' that others seem to think he is.
    He was very clever with his questioning of Freddie and gave F enough rope to hang himself with. Then let it go. But I don't think he will have forgotten it.
    And I've noticed him do this before.

    I spent half an hour with the police in their roving community van yesterday, doing a survey and having a discussion: sociological aspects of policing communities.
    My ' on the ground ' campaigning.
    Combatting increasing traffic issues meeting tonight.

    1. I wonder if the community "speed awareness" with its volunteers, is still an ongoing campaign in Ambridge?

  39. I am not very sure about this, but I think that, a grand-parent who looks after a grand-child for more than xx no. of hours a week, are then able to claim for some sort of tax credit against their pension.

  40. I have a lot of time for Harrison.
    I don't know why more hasn't been done about Matt's accident but Harrison is only a P.C. so it isn't his fault.
    He is obviously besotted with Fallon and I think they are probably the best matched couple in Ambridge.

    1. I am so looking forward to the marriage of Fallon and Hatrison. I just feel that they are a very suitable couple and I hope that their wedding will be a wonderful Ambridge Village event, and I hope that all the guests will enjoy it.

    2. Miriam, it should be the highlight of the year, in August.

  41. Not quite sure what is going on.....I have added two or three comments/replies today, it said they had been published but now they have disappeared ! Is there a phantom deleter about?

    1. Archerphile, I think you can only delete your own.

    2. But I've had comments 'published' then disappear too. Unless I've been looking in the wrong place.

    3. I’ve had the same thing happen too.

  42. I thought Olwen was particularly nasty tonight, she's clearly unwell physically and mentally unstable; at least she took the food and the jacket as well. Helen didn't notice that Pat no longer wore it and she needn't have lied about Olwen, Helen wouldn't have gloated. The relations are definitely far from 'cordial' at Home Farm. Susan's idea was quite simple really, let's hope it works out.

  43. I removed my comment because it appeared twice but now both have gone.
    Never mind.
    I didn't think I had said that Ian couldn't delver his words well ,Maryellen.
    I am of the opinion that it is the young ones ( particularly the young men like Tom ,Dan and Jake who are poor and don't sound natural.
    I think Josh is OK and Johnny

  44. Lexi's daughters are old enough to pick strawberries and could live with her in the cottage supplied by Home Farm

    1. Marysllen 7.55. Genius idea Maryellen. They could also babysit Poppy.

  45. I thought that he Olwyn scene was totally over the top and was highly unlikely to have happened.
    Pat should have walked away when the well known actress whose name escapes me started booking for an Oscar.
    Nice idea of Susan's but how is little Poppy going to feel when a different person picks her up from school each day?
    She needs some stability in her life.

    1. Alison Sreadman. Who will always be thr earnest young camper Candace-Marie in Mike Leigh's Nuts in May to me.

    2. Keith and Candace-Marie - unforgettable.

  46. Lan Jan, I imagine Poppy knows all the people who are likely to be on the rota, & children are usually accepting of a familiar, friendly face. She could be prepared beforehand.
    Olwen was unpleasant, & certainly the jibe about Helen was vicious & uncalled for, yet she wasn't so far off the mark when she questioned Pat's motives in persisting with the do gooding. Poor Pat, still beating herself up about Helen, who kept pushing her away during the Titchener era; now she's a wonderful daughter(oh, yeah?)

  47. Did I fall asleep during this evening's episode? I don't remember hearing anything about a rota for picking Poppy up.

  48. This evening's episode was too shouty for my taste. If we had to have Jennifer yelling at Brian and Olwen screaming at Pat, I'd have preferred them to have been spread out a bit.

    Why is Pat being so obtuse?

    1. I agree, bootgums, that pairing shouty scenes is inept programme planning and not good listening. Olwen seemed surprisingly knowledgeable about Pat and Helen's recent past - I suppose she picked it up from gossip at The Elms or discarded newspapers.

  49. I must be a bit peculiar, having read the other comments here.....because I really enjoyed tonight’s episode. The scenes at Home Farm were hilarious with Jenny getting more and more frustrated with Brian and the non-leaking tap. I thought she was going to burst a blood vessel, she sounded almost hysterical!
    Then the do-gooding Pat trying to force her help on Olwen and getting the proverbial flea in her ear. I was cheering for Olwen I’m afraid. She was dead right about Pat’s motive for insisting on tracking Olwen down and trying to organise her. It’s to make Pat feel good and atone in some way for ‘letting Helen down’ when the Rob’s coercive control was at its worst. Good for Olwen! Pat needed to hear a few home truths. By the way, I wonder what Tony feels about Pats obsession with finding and helping Olwen? Pity we don’t get to hear his reaction sometimes.
    Oh yes! Tonight’s was a great episode ... but it’s seems to be only me who thinks so.

    1. Archerphile 11.13. No you are not the only one, I found Pat really, really irritating. She just can't stop interfering, what a busybody she is. I think Olwen tried hard to be 'nice' last time, but this time she needed to make Pat understand. That woman has a hide like a rhinosorus. I am really surprised at the amount of lying that goes on in The Archers. I sometimes exaggerate, sometimes am economical with the truth, but I do not tell outright lies. My sister once sneered at me that I was the most honest person she knew, which I took as a compliment. Do people really tell so many porkies in real life?

    2. Me too, Archerphile. I thought that the farcical scene between Jennifer and Brian over the tap was hilarious, and added some light relief to the rather depressing story lines that are running at the moment. And the Pat/Olwen flare up was long overdue too. As Carolyn May 16, 2018 at 7:02 am says - it certainly beats the way Ruth and Pip pussy footed their way around the Brookfield IBR crisis.

    3. Well I was wrong about Olwen being out of TA now. I do think she was unnecessarily nasty to Pat though. She could just have said no thank you and shut her car door but maybe there's a mental health issue there as well as her independent nature.
      I agree the kitchen episode was amusing with Jennifer having a hysterical fit over some spilled water.

  50. Question: yesterday’s episode where Mia didn’t have enough money for the grocery. So, how old is she and how did she get to the store? Is she old enough to drive to the store?

    1. Mia is a teenager. She would have walked to the shop.

    2. It must be a fair walk from Greenwood cottage to Home Farm

    3. She's about 12 or 13. Perhaps she catches the bus to school from the village. I'm not sure which road the bus runs along and whether there would be a nearer stop to home. I really must find my map!

    4. Cheshire cheese.....thought the carry on was in the village shop.

  51. Don't object to 'shouty' either where there's a background to account for the outbursts : Jennifer is so fed up with Brian, of course his clumsy attempts at softening her up are going to misfire, & Olwen had already tried the more civilized 'We've led very different lives, Pat' before she lost her temper. It all seemed much more realistic than Ruth pussyfooting & sulking when she was angry with Pip after the IBR debacle - some shouting then would have been human. Not saying it solves anything, but it does that blood rather than water is running through the veins of these people.

  52. Archerphile,I just thought that the whole episode last night was completely over the top.
    I thought that the Pat/Olwen scene was just ridiculous.
    I didn't enjoy the Jennifer/Brian/Adam scene at all.
    I felt that was a fill in really.
    Waste of time having it there.
    Even Jennifer wouldn't have got so upset about her elderflower cordial
    Is that what it was?
    Are the elder flowers out yet ?
    I doubt it.
    Re Mia.
    Surely she is old enough to know the cost -approximately -of the items she had gone to buy from the shop.
    In fairness though,given the circumstances I think that Susan could have given her credit.
    Signed Bah LJ Humbug .

    1. I agree Lanjan - totally OTT. I've never heard Jennifer sound almost hysterical - she's normally cold and snidey when she's angry.
      As to Pat, nobody - not even the most zealous do-gooder - could be so arrogant and stubborn. However, it would seem from her lie to Helen that she has finally got the message and the truth hurts! I do hope this is the end of another bad story line that has not been handled well - I can't see that bringing this homeless issue has done anyone any good.

    2. Susan was going to offer Mia credit but Kirsty jumped in and paid the shortfall. I suspect Mia would have preferred the credit – more dignified than being bailed out by someone Will says he barely speaks to.

  53. I too enjoyed last nights episode.
    Jennifer being hysterical made me laugh, along with Brian being inept.
    I don't usually enjoy farce in any form, but I did enjoy that scene. Very visual.

    And Lan Jan, the hedgerows are full of elder blossom at the moment !

    Then Pat being deeply patronising towards Olwyn.
    I had thought that Olwyn had been pretty restrained in spelling out her boundaries to Pat when they had last met.
    But here is Pat yet again doing her patronising do gooding towards her poor and apparently useless ' friend'.
    How dare she !
    I was cheering Olwyn on.

    And Pat has clearly now heard the message, since she lied to Helen, who she probably now realises also suspects her motives.

    I don't much like shouty episodes, and do think this was out of balance, but then if the two events had been in different episodes in the same week we would all have been complaining about that.

    1. On second hearing (yeah, I know), I realised the Brian/Jennifer scene was intended as farce. Perhaps it was the fact that Jennifer doesn't usually do broad comedy that put me off the scent.

  54. This is my fifth attempt to publish a comment this morning (answers to Lanjan, HG and Mrs P but each time I pressed ‘publish’ everything just kept flashing at me for over an hour and I could do nothing about it.
    Now Ive just had a message from Blogger apologising for an error and inviting me to completely clear everything from my browser and start again here goes!

  55. Oh, thank goodness !!
    I cannot type out all my previous comments again, save to say I’m sorry Lanjan didn’t enjoy last nights episode - but I suppose we all enjoy different things about the Archers and last night was very enjoyable for me. Kitchen Farce mixed with tell-it-as-it-is drama from Olwen. I wonder if that is the very last we shall hear from her? She had a refreshing and insightful opinion about some of the village characters and I should like to hear more from her.

    1. I should like to see the back of Olwen too: with a black eye and brandishing a bread knife is enough for me...

  56. For Pat to take the laptop back to Olwen after she made it perfectly clear by returning it that she didn’t want it was very insensitive. Olwen is damaged but like many she does not need do gooders like Pat taking over her life. Her outburst in spite of being OTT and downright rude was understandable

  57. I am posting an early comment. I have really loved reading all the latest posts.
    I am finding that I am really agreeing with Maryellen.
    I so agree that Lexi's daughters might arrive and help pick the strawberries, and they can live togethet, as a family again, in one of the caravans at Home Farm.
    There was also another post (by Maryellen) which I found very interesting. It is to do with Olwen.
    I am beginning to start to think along the same lines. Olwen, I now am wondering about
    She does seem to know a lot about Helen and Pat.

  58. Lavinia Rafferty, well, well and the 'sanctimonious' Shula, it also seems that Christopher was quick to share his knowledge with Susan. I'll have to check what a chocolate fountain looks like, have no idea what David is missing.

  59. It also looks like Shula has the perfect grounds for a divorce now, what a farce.

  60. Well good on you Alastair.

    It was obvious that it wasn't the fact that he had slept with somebody else .Oh no it was because that person was a member of The Hunt.
    Shula was obviously relieved that he wasn't gambling as well.
    To her ,I feel sure,that would be even worse
    Would Christopher have told Susan?
    I doubt it.
    How would he know that Alasstair hadn't been called out by Lavinia to see to her lame pony?
    You asked for it Shula.
    I have no sympathy whatsoever.

    1. Christopher wasted no time in telling Susan, that's why she sounded so knowing about Shula needing sympathy at the beginning and Alistair later confirmed it.

  61. Susan meant well but didn't think it through.
    I can understand how Will feels.
    She should obviously have spoken to him first and maybe a proper Rota could have been drawn up .
    Presumably a maximum of 10 names would be needed and if each person was responsible for either one morning drop off or one afternoon pick up then he or she would find another person to stand in if something cropped up.

    1. I agree, William should have been consulted first, how else.

  62. Agree with Lan Jan. I have no sympathy at all with Shula. But it really is a ridiculous storyline. What woman would actually behave like she has? She decided with no indication to Alistair that she didn't want him any longer, that the marriage was over. What did she mean? She wasn't going to share his bed any longer but every thing else was to remain the same? He really shouldn't have returned to The Stables. For goodness sake Alistair get one of those executive flats on the Edgeley (?) Road that Rob had and just have the business premises at The Stables.
    Unbelievable that A's bossy and interfering business partner has not put her oar in! I am sure that Anisha would have much to say considering the way she bullied Alistair into admitting his gambling addiction. Surely an impending divorce (and settlement?) would also impact on his business?

  63. Shula is ludicrous ! How dare she take the moral high ground with Alistair ? What an impossible woman she is, but just as she was more concerned about organising the hunt ball when A. was agonizing about the harm Crawford could do, so now she is exercised that the woman he slept with is part of the hunt....oh, horror of horrors, her reputation will be tainted...this is the person who claims to yearn for adventure. Ah, could it be that his sexual adventure will make him less'boring' in her eyes now?
    Fair play, though, her concern about a gambling lapse initially, was genuine, I think.

  64. Spicy, I think you're being unfair to Anisha - is she really bossy & interfering ? She shook him out of his professional rut, no bad thing, & only forced the addiction confession out of him on a need to know basis, because, again, she was developing a professional relationship with Crawford - what happened in the past impacted on this.

  65. I don't really see why Susan should have consulted with Will first. Supposing she had, & he'd gratefully agreed, & everyone she then asked said sorry, can't commit ? She's be left with egg on her face & he'd feel humiliated. As it was, I'm glad Ed talked him out of his (alas, typical) knee jerk reaction, so that he apologised to Susan, & accepted the gesture for what it was - friendship & support.

  66. Will will regret not accepting help! Why can't he ever think things through before blowing up?

  67. Get in there Alistair. Serves boring Shula right. In fact, go through all the unmarried hunt women if you feel like it. We could do with a lothario in TA for a change.
    About time Eddie gave William a good talking to. Let’s face it....Clarrie ain’t getting any younger.

  68. On the topic of Anisha - I really don’t understand why the BBC doesn’t engage a replacement actress if the original Anisha is going to be permanently unavailable. This character was introduced with a great flourish, interacted quickly with several established cast members, had a great influence on the vet business, (and the cricket team) , was involved in the Matt story and is apparently still Rex’s girlfriend. It is ridiculous that we never hear from her, especially with all that is going on with Alistair and Shula. It seems stupid to invest so much time into bringing in an important new character only to let her ‘become one of the silents’ within such a short time. There must be other actresses with a similar Scottish accent out there, time to conduct a few auditions I think........or write a story that allows Anisha to leave the district permanently.

  69. Oh Susan so lovely to hear your kind side tonight, your gesture of sourcing childcare help for Will and therefore also helping Clarrie a brilliant one! Thankfully Eddie helped Will to see this, his understanding of Clarries situation spot on although he could help out more too.
    What is Shula's problem, she wants out but still feels she should have full control over Alastair 's life and relationships. If he had been gambling would she have resumed their marriage to save him... I guess she just didn't want to feel the guilt if that was the case. As it is she is only concerned about his one nighter (so far) because it will reflect badly on her within the hunt, and maybe wider than that!
    Grrrr that woman!
    What's with Ruth being all coy about her 50th's chocolate fountain for, what am I missing?

  70. I say ride on Alistair in every way! I'm with everyone else that Shula is ridiculous and good for Alistair. She really makes me angry.

    1. I'd like to put a thumbs up for the above comments about Alistair but I don't know how to access that.

    2. When you type on your keyboard you should see hopefully a little key with a smiley face a numeral one and an exclamation mark. Press on that and you will see a smiley face. Press on the smiley face and you should get loads of emojis. I'm saying this using a mobile keyboard . Not sure about PC and Blogspot. If using a manual keyboard I think you will have to Google emojis and see if you can find one to copy or use. Sorry I can't be more help.🙄

  71. A decisive consensus about Shula, then! SLs, can we now leave Alan & her two brothers to deliver tea & sympathy to her, off air, & follow the fortunes of the rampant vet? Let Alistair become a (21 Tom Jones..

    1. I love it.....a rampant vet! Bring it on. Oh please let lothario Al have a night of passion with Tracey Horrobin!!!!!!!😘

    2. He will be ever known as rampant vet in my mind from now on.

    3. PtbY
      Tracey Horrobin, please no! Ambridge would never hear the last of it. And what would Susan say? It's all very well sympathising with Shula when Al has been a naughty boy with someone outside the village but when it's her own sister ...

      There again, Tracey doesn't like boring men so perhaps he's safe. (Note to Shula, make sure his car has some really, really old pop songs in the stereo. And buy him a beige cardi. Or even a tank-top.)

  72. Sleepylawyer and thumbs uppers - please, please could we stop the Shula--bashing Ruthy launched this blog with a reminder we should all be nice and kind to each other and I think we should extend that to TA characters too! If Shula really is making you really angry, what real life anger are you projecting onto this fictional character? (Rhetorical question 🙂)

    1. Lol. Ruthy was the first to thumbs up me! My anger also extends to bloggers...and I'm really really angry😁

    2. That's not worthy of you, Mrs P.

  73. The ghost of FOSO ? (also rhetorical)

  74. I still think Susan should have spoken to Will regarding drawing up a rota to look after Poppy.
    For all she knew,Will just might have arranged something himself..
    She could have asked round to find out whether she had support and then spoken to Will.
    In fairness to him he didn't take long to realise that Susan was being kind and not interfering

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. I'm not certain that Chris would have had the chance to tell Susan about seeing Alistair that morning? Had he seen her? Unlikely. Would he have texted her the 'news?' Even more unlikely! Also very unlike Susan to run away when Shula appeared and not to jump at the chance to make a remark that she was 'in the know!' Probably another development in the script that will be unexplained.

    1. I still insist that Susan was 'in the know', hence her remark to Ruth that Shula needed support which neither Ruth nor I understood until Alistair told Shula that Christopher had seen him and it'd be all over Ambridge in no time.
      It seems that Alistair is not proud of what he's done but it was one of those things. I don't see him as 'rampant' and I don't see Shula as the wronged wife. She told Elizabeth that she had a 'schoolgirl crush' on Richard, they'd had an affair for goodness sake, and invited him to dinner when Alistair was away to try out a new recipe, thankfully he declined.

      I understand that they both feel uncomfortable but it's done now.

  77. Maryellen

    I am never sure if you are serious or not! I'm assuming it's all light hearted so I will try to keep my post light in response 😁I do however always feel antipathy from you whenever I blog. I've not blogged now until last night for about 4 weeks because in part I do feel put off by your reaction to my blogs. Silly me and I have been very busy. My Shula comment was part of a long line of anti Shula comments. I would remind you that TA are fictional; I am not. Please practise some restraint if you see my name. Even lawyers are human.🤗

  78. Maryellen. I am not serious. Please do not take any offence. I am not Shula bashing.

  79. Well I am Shula bashing and will continue to do so as long as she behaves in the impossible way she has so far. Mostly it is in my head as I do not have much time for blogging at the moment, but if I want to write something negative about a character who irritates me, no amount of telling me to be 'nice and friendly' will stop me, and to suggest, even rhetorically, maryellen, that I might be projecting real life anger onto a fictional character, is - to put it mildly - rather far fetched. I agree entirely that we should keep this blog free of animosity amongst ourselves, but do not see why that premise should be extended to characters. What is the point of blogging if we can't give our honest opinions?

    1. HG - to blog anonymously about fictional characters for the pleasure of being able to express the honest opinions one doesn't feel able to express in real life seems odd to me, that's all!🙂

    2. Pardon maryellen? For all we know HG is telling everyone she meets what she thinks of Shula. But perhaps there aren't many Archers fans in Germany so here's a better place to say what she thinks.

      Shula does rather seem to want to have her cake and eat it. Or, perhaps more accurately, to stop Alistair from having any cake - homemade or otherwise.

  80. I can't do the little thumbs up but would agree with sleepylawyer and HG and had posted a very similar comment to HG's but then thought I'd leave it till I came home from shopping and had time to cogitate on maryellen's comment.
    I hope I am always nice and kind in real life but see no reason not to criticise a fictional character's actions. At the moment Shula is behaving unreasonably and unbelievably and deserves every brickbat she is getting!

    1. I believe that to discuss a character who is a resident in Ambridge, is why we are all making comments on this site. I wonder if I have misinterpreted this..

  81. Spiceycushion - if you wish to do the thumbs up sign you need to go onto the smiley site and you should find it there.

  82. There appears to be a divorce hearing in the High Court at the moment where one partner (I think it is the wife) wants a divorce, but her husband doesn't. Is this life imitating art or vice versa! 🤔

    1. P.S. They are much older than S & A!

    2. How interesting, BB! One of the synchronicities of life....mind you, the way things are going, I think A. will not be inclined to oppose a divorce much longer....

    3. I thought as you did BB when I heard that piece on World at One today.
      And they have been married for forty odd years.
      And separated for three !

  83. Sleepy Lawyer, with you all the way, & HG, mrsP, Spicy & even myself(a comment last night) - Shula is getting on our nerves, &, though I have some sympathy for her in making an unpopular decision a) better than continuing in a lie, making both their lives more miserable b) it's a big step for her to make any but the most trivial decisions, can't feel anything but contempt for the way she is carrying on now.
    BTW, S. Lawyer, in case the ref. to FOSO earlier puzzled you, he was a long time blogger on the BBC, but, as far as I know, has not appeared here. He was generally well liked, but did regularly criticize fellow bloggers who expressed strong negative views about TA characters, similarly imputing dark, psychological motivations for this ( with zilch evidence, of course) - pretty offensive. Not relevant here, but his particular beef was about women against women (I.e, TA women). I have a theory about this, but not such a great idea to go harking back to the past in any more detail.
    Please don't let any of this put you off, Sleepy Lawyer; I think you can see that on this blog, we can splutter as much as we like about about any aspect of TA, be agreed or disagreed with, without suffering personal insinuations !

    1. I am another one who cannot be doing with Shula at the moment.
      I don't think that even she knows what she wants.
      Her silly male siblings won't be of any use to her.
      In fact the only one showing any sense at all is Jill.
      The sooner she takes herself off to darkest Africa or wherever she wanted to do her good works ,the better.
      Her tone of voice and what she says makes me want to shout at her.
      Where is Anisha in all this?
      If the actress is unable to find time to record any episodes she should be released now because she is fast becoming another Kathy figure.
      Her mother or father (whichever one is still alive) could need her and she could return to Scotland leaving Rex to find some sort of relationship with Hannah.

    2. Thank you Carolyn for your lovely comment.

      I remember Foso from BBC blog. There was very much two camps one for Foso and one against. I think some people were quite scared of him/her.

      I just had to make my comment of this morning. This sniping thing from this one blogger has gone on since I first started blogging in 2015 on the BBC and subsequently here. No matter I am very happy to have had my say and will not say anymore🤗and I will carry on blogging.

    3. I agree about Anisha, she should have been part of the Shula and Alistiar storyline. This is only adding to my feelings about how disjointed The Archers has become.

    4. Sleepylawyer - I am gobsmacked by your accusation that I have been sniping at you since 2015 and as a result you have been too frightened to comment here!! It goes against the grain to apologise for an offence I haven't intentionally or knowingly or am convinced I have committed, but if an apology makes for a happy lawyer and a harmonious blog, here it is! 🙂


    5. Maryellen

      You chose my blog to make a comment about Shula bashing despite many many comments made before me on the same vein. This often seems to happen with my blog entries and you.

      I never used the word frightened. I used the words"put off". Frightened is too strong a word to use about a virtual chatroom of this type.

      I also did not ask for or want an apology. I accept it anyway, in the spirit I trust it was given, that is sincerely.

    6. Sleepylawyer - for the record, my comment was addressed to you and the posters who replied to you - it's unfortunate that for all its richness the English language doesn't distinguish between you singular and you plural, but your sensitivity to my posts makes it understandable that you took my comment to be addressed solely to you. I think we (and Carolyn) should give over now apologies have been made and accepted, apart from an additional apology to Ruthy for disturbing the tranquility of her blog.


    7. I would have thought an apology given and accepted would be the end of the matter. But sadly no - up pops your post of 822pm.

      You are very good at giving advice on how to behave, manners etc. Please take your own advice from the post above and give over. Sadly I don't think you will but never mind.

  84. Shula seems very confused at the moment. One minute she's telling Alistair that the marriage is over and she wants to walk away and lead her own life, the next she's chasing around after him to give him messages and telling him off for going and getting on with his life. Poor man can't win.

  85. Shula was duly concerned that Alistair may have gone back to gambling but it turned out to be more basic than that. I won't miss Shula as character/actress but it's been suggested that when she goes Brian (actor/husband) will follow and that'd be a loss to the programme.

  86. I am totally with you there,Basia.
    I don't like Shula at all as a character though perhaps I am being unfair to the actress who plays her.
    The script writers have made her spout such stupid sentences that enemy Meryl Steep would have difficulty in making the character believable.
    To be honest,I think that most of the story lines at the moment are either silly ,unrealistic or at best uninteresting .
    Gone are the days when I switch on wondering if Xor Y will happen.
    What has to be done to improve things?
    When does the new editor arrive or is he in situ ?

  87. According to my Archers Encyclopaedia, Shula will be 60 yrs old on the 8th August. Alistair is 4yrs younger. Not that age matters much and shouldn't between a couple, but it does matter as we get older, so any decisions we make should involve looking at an ever decreasing life span. Shula and Alistair's marriage remind me of the BBC programme called 'Ever decreasing circles' in which the wife was married to a boring obsessional man, and her life was brightened up by flirting with the tall handsome man next door. It wasn't so long ago that Shula flirted with R Locke in an attempt to titillate, and add some adventure into her boring existence.
    My book tells me that when she married Alistair she basically had all she would ever need in life, and that even she couldn't want for more. Well that turns out not to be true. I predict that like in EDC they will stick with each other in a changed domestic arrangement.
    Shula is not a perfect character despite her Christian agnonising about right and wrong, and historically she has come across as intolerant. She is the sort of person who is ' don't do what I do, do as I say'.

  88. I fear you're right, Stasia (17/5, 15.31) The only reason she stopped eyeing up Locke was because her sister appeared interested (who, in turn, did the same !) Then, she started on she has lost moral compass, & doesn't seem to k now what she wants. Could be she's having a horrendous, & extended, menopause, but that could be a cop out ?

    1. Shula will soon celebrate her 60th Birthday alongside her twin brother Kenton and I hope that it will be a very memorable event.
      I do not understand why Shula is being castignated as to her behavior, just because she has a major birthday looming. These days it does not make a difference as to a life-style and ideas, which could be now or in the future. She can only retire if her private pensions have enough capital invested, in order to give her a suitable imcome. She will not be able to get her state pension and any other allowances, until she is 67yrs, and that also applies to Kenton.

    2. IF I have done my calculations correctly, then I think that Shula cannot start to claim her state pension until April 2025! She has to consider what a divorce might affect her financially.

  89. My post tonight is a simple one. Is Carole T still renting Glebe Cottage from Jill? I ask this as she has not appeared in Ambridge recently. I just feel that either Shula or Ailstair might find that Jills cottage, will be a suitable new home (I think Alistair).

    PS I so much prefer the TV drama - As Time Goes By - with the brilliant Judi Dench + Geoffrey Palmer. There is also "My Wife Next Door" when a divorced couple lived in adjoining proerties, Hannah Gordon and John Alderton, what was not to like (1972).

    1. Miriam, Carol still rents Glebe Cottage from Jill and is still living in Ambridge as one of the silent characters occasionally referred to. The Bridge Farm development should be on the market soon, and something
      could come up for sale or rent in Glebe lands or elsewhere on the outskirts of Ambridge.

  90. Yes, Shula feels sad and jealous because Alistair has found someone who's interested in him, while she gets tea and sympathy from the vicar and very astute he is.
    The coward Freddie has been avoiding Johnny since his accident and he thinks he's too dimwitted to know that.

  91. Freddie's behaviour is despicable; I see him as a scared little boy, Basia, who is now way out of his depth. So he's being summoned to the Principal's office - Harrison's investigation has got somewhere, or the college authorities on to the drug dealing ?
    I don't think Alan's very pertinent question actually got through to Shula. It's all very 'Poor me', isn't it. Rather sickening. She did the 'guilt' bit about what she described as 'insensitivity', no, it wasn't particularly, just cross & bitchy.

  92. Can totally understand Jennifer being so out of sorts - a thoroughly, & frequently, let down wife, & don't blame her for taking it out on Adam ( I'm sure he understood). Is Brian actually capable of making the right sort of effort, mentally, morally & emotionally, to regain her trust, & even her affection ?

  93. Do teachers nowadays have the mobile number for each of their pupils?
    Does anybody know what subjects Freddie is taking?
    I assume that the twins have applied to University or have they still a year to go.?

    1. From what I have seen from my pupils and friends who have children at school most, if not all, communication between staff, management (of schools), pupils and various teachers is done by email and SMS messages. Gone are the days of mislaid paper letters from school with tear off permission slips. Parents can even go onto the school website (with suitable passwords etc) and see information about what the children are doing in class and what they should be doing for homework!

    2. We do still get paper letters (when they're not mislaid ...). Most payments are done online (except when the relevant option is nowhere to be amongst the list of possible payments). And homework details are available online (if the teacher puts it there, not all do).

      We get emails from the school but it's less usual for the school to contact the children that way. Perhaps it's more common in colleges. It would certainly be more efficient than a note in the register, particularly if the students are now on study leave.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Shula's driving force is not hurt that Alistair is over her but her embarrassment!? I agree with Carolyn and others that she is very confused. Her flirtations last year all forgotten. Shula is a massive hypocrite. Mind you Ambridge should have the cleanest graveyard by the end of all this!

  96. Yes, Sleepylawyer, some benefit coming from Shula's frantic displacement activity! She doesn't seem aware of her hypocrisy, though Alan did nudge her gently in the direction of self awareness (ignored by her) It's the yawning gap between this free spirit longing, & the small minded panic over 'what people think', local reputation, that gets to me.

    1. It's funny because when I used to listen to TA many years ago I thought Shula was meant to be a bit of an enfant terrible! I agree with you about the yawning gap.

      Perhaps she will have a new career in local history and genealogy specialising in graveyards!

  97. I feel sorry for Shula. She is not a bad person and she now finds herself in a very bad place that she cannot get out of. This is partly due to Alistair's adolescent behaviour. I feel sorry for Alistair. He is not a bad person but he has been put in a situation he does not have the strength of character to cope with. This is partly due to Shula's inability to explain what went wrong. If she had left him for another man, he would probably have found it more understandable - it happened with his first wife. I am not sure if Shula genuinely can't identify what went wrong or if she can't bring herself to tell him the brutal truth that she cannot go on carrying him. I hope Alistair comes through it somehow, as he did with his first wife's desertion. I hope the same for Shula. I would like it if she teamed up with Oliver and they went to live abroad. I also hope Alistair and Shula's story won't take up too much air time.

    1. Maryellen, I agree with you. I feel sorry for both Shula and Alistair, sorry that their long marriage seems to have broken down and they find themselves in this situation. I was 12 when Shula and Kenton were born and have followed Shula’s life with particular interest. I have always liked her, I grieved with her when she had an ectopic pregnancy and when Mark was killed. I was furious with her for the way she treated Usha during the Richard Lock phase. I was delighted when she married Alistair and pleased that Daniel finally had a father in his life. I have been disapproving of her Hunt activities and irritated by the snobbishness it has brought out in her. But I am now very confused about what the scriptwriters are doing with her character. This is simply not the Shula I have known for 60 years. The Shula I knew would not be behaving like this, so confused and conflicted. I feel rather betrayed for the years I have put into ‘knowing’ Shula. I am as confused as she seems to be.

    2. I agree that the Shula/Alistair story is getting tedious.

  98. I feel sorry for both Shula and Alistair, but also increasingly irritated by the situation as well as being uncomfortable with the story line which revives memories of long ago, for me personally.

    I agree with the suggestion that Alistair should find himself a flat somewhere reasonably close to the business. Become independent of his wife and accept the situation as it is, even though he has not been given appropriate reasons for his banishment.
    One would hope that in due course A will come to understand, but he may never do so. Hypocritical coward Shula may never reveal her true feelings.
    And Alistair may be left wondering for the rest of his life, as I have, with never an answer.
    It is interesting nevertheless that Shula is prepared to live with the disapproval of her mother, yet at the same time be aghast at the thought of the hunting fraternity knowing of Alistairs night on the tiles.
    Decisions have repercussions Shula !

  99. Shula is shocked that Alistair has had a one night stand with a member of the hunt. How will she manage poor thing when they next go out to terrorise the countryside? Now having dumped her husband she is doing penance by kneeling down and scraping away at neglected old graves. She sounded quite demented when the Vicar tried to engage her in conversation about her marital circumstances.
    Archerphile, I don't agree, my reading of her character is quite the opposite, she is a woman who has always been dissatisfied with her lot. Her jobs, her partners, and now her husband. She can't tell him why she doesn't want to be with him any longer because she simply doesn't know. She is still the young woman who is looking for other attractions. She went off on a round the world trip in her early twenties with a bloke who the dumped her in the Far East where she had her passport/money stolen and had to come back home. She seems to have been attracted to rather unsavoury men, until she met her first husband. It seems she had " a long line of undesirable boyfriends" which didn't go down well with her family. Shula seems to have spent her life sublimating her conflicting desires for excitement, attraction to other men and social status and these
    have culminated in the decision she has made. She cannot rationalise her choices, and logical work out
    what is behind her behaviour because she doesn't have the skills. She needs to analyse her past history and recognise that ' nothing predicts behaviour, like behaviour'.
    I find her an extremely, up her own proverbialcharacter, and very needy.

  100. What a big year 2018 it is for The Archer Family. I am just thinking that the SWs have been very clever, in that they are causing an upset in this family.
    I refer to the breakdown on the marriage of Shula and Alistair, which I still think is not quite over yet.
    Then there is -
    Ruth celebrating her 50th Birthday on June 16th
    Shula and Kenton celebrate their joint 60th birthdays on August 8th
    David and Ruth will have been married for 30yrs on December 22nd.
    There are also other factors which will affect The Archer Family this year. Ben will soon be taking his GCSE's and Lily and Freddie are also sitting their A-level exams in the very near future, the outcome of these exams will certainly determine their future lives.

    "The Archers" future does depend on this younger generation and it appears that only Josh and Pip (+sprog) might carry on in Ambridge, with the surname of Archer. I wonder if our so loved radio drama might be re-named, at some time?

    1. Off topic. I will be watching the Royal Wedding tomorrow and I will enjoy it. But?- as to its longeivity, I am not too sure.

  101. So not just one, but two children not quite on the straight and narrow! Double the joy double the trouble as they say of twins. 😌

  102. Has the Archers reached a new low?
    Imagine telling somebody that you listened to a drama each evening for about 15 minutes on radio4 at 7pm which you think he or she may enjoy ,and tonight was the night that person chose to listen for the first time!
    If there are teachers like Freddie's around -a deputy Principal no less-I fear for the future of our Country.
    What rubbish.

    1. Quite so LanJan: Lily's heading for trouble, Freddie's in danger and running scared.
      As for Brian - the actor - he doesn't know how to play a drunk, that belch was very unconvincing, disgust apart.

    2. Decidedly below the belt, both literally and metaphorically! I ask myself how long will I continue to listen to this rubbish - while at the same time still fighting for the Archers Blog to be reinstated. Am I shizophrenic, or what?!

  103. Pretty silly tonight, though heartening to hear Jennifer laugh a little - she's softening towards that rogue of a husband.
    As for Lily & Freddie, decidedly squalid. I thought the Deputy Principal (call-me-Russ/Ross, whatever) was exceedingly wet with the boy; why so matey ? Why tolerate the lip ? Why this pussyfooting ? Why not tell him like it is - he's being investigated, he's better be prepared for suspension ? Oh, it's because he's having it off with his sister in the back of the car, where he happened to leave his leather jacket.....honestly.

  104. Agree totally with you, Lan Jan !

  105. Just as we get exasperated with the SL’s and the fact that this rural program is packed with”issues” they add yet another that Lily is carrying on with the deputy principal no less who is not just a teacher in a position of trust but is MARRIED. My daughter tells me that even if the pupil is over 16 this is a very serious issue as such liaisons are taboo. Surely Lily would have more sense. Elizabeth is in for a double shock. Also disliked the head telling Freddie to call him by his Christian name but I’m afraid it is typical as there is little respect for teachers nowadays.


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