
  1. Found this picture on the internet. Not one of my cats 🐱

  2. Could be one of mine, in action, if not in appearance. A cat must do what a cat does, but fast forward from that frame & we see those green eyes blink as rushing footsteps can be heard, the mouth slackens a fraction, so off flutters the little brown bird !

    1. Thanks Carolyn
      I feel better now.
      Our Percy brings in tiny live shrews but when he deposits them at our feet they look as right as rain before scampering off round the house

  3. Just what happened in my garden yesterday. I haven't got a cat it was my neighbour's that I feed for her when she's away.

  4. One of my two cats that were originally feral kittens that we found living in a rabbit warren up on Bodmin Moor catches dear little young bunnies this time of year and brings them home to show us ! Just spent 2 days looking after an injured one but it still died. Sigh.

    1. So sad, Janice, but what a romantic background your 2 feral cats had

  5. What a beautiful cat, I would certainly have him if he was up for homing.
    Sorry about the poor bird, but as Carolyn says a cat must do what a cat does.

    1. Two of my neighbours have lost their cats to passing dogs not on a lead and out of their owners' control. The owners' fault not the dogs which must do what a dog does.

  6. So - Nigel Kennedy. Sorry for my ignorance. Ev on the BBC blog mentioned him also. I'll check him out on Spotify later. This is our Memorial Day weekend, which is the unofficial kicks-off our summer season here in the US. For us, we relaxed with a breakfast on our deck overlooking the nature preserve and birds. But it is hot and humid, and will have spots of rain throughout the weekend.

    1. Ruthy, I mentioned Nigel Kennedy, he is a virtuoso classical violin player, who also plays jazz sometimes.

  7. That is my cat, with a very different colouring. I have often caught her with something in her mouth. I have been able to rescue very many, but I had to add that some did not survive, especially a lovely robin.

    1. I forgot to say about the live mice and voles that my cat loves to bring home for me. She lets them loose in my home and I then have to try and find and rescue them.

  8. Definitely Hilda Odgen. I think s/he is saying, 'no one is going to take my bird away from me'.
    Shula doesn't want Alistair. But she doesn't want anyone else to have him. Go for it Alistair get a DIVORCE then enjoy yourself. There is no fun in being married to the saintly, ever so boring Shula.
    Just a little tip from me, don't listen to, I've got a listening ear, Philip Moss. He is just too creepy.

    1. Are Kirsty + Philip still an item?
      I also think that he is a true slimy creep. I have to say that I just do not like him and I still cannot understand why he has become a TA character.

    2. (From Hay) Oh, dear ! I rather like Philip M. He's open & friendly. (Can't get rid of these letters at the end)e'sp

  9. Me too Carolyn. I think it’s his Welsh accent - I’m a sucker for a Welsh accent. My son-in-law is from Caerphilly, I was once trying to learn the language and I have always supported the Welsh rugby team even though I’m English ! Don’t know why, I just love Wales and the Welsh. ��������������
    Oh, and I so envy you being at Hay, one of my favourite little towns - have a great time.

  10. Ooo er! Don’t know where all those black question marks came from. I was trying to post a Welsh Flag but the blog didn’t like it!

  11. I was at college in Bangor at the height of the Plaid Cymru (sp?) campaign for Welsh independance (1970 something). I remember cottages being set on fire, and very anti-English sentiments running high. It was the first time I was confronted with blind prejudice. I don't have happy memories.

    1. That's a great shame Mistral that your memories were not happy ones. I was at Aberystwyth during that same time but I was Cornish and had Plaid friends so it was a different experience for me. One of the senior librarians at the National Library , the last kind of person you would expect, got arrested for attempting to blow up a bridge. I can remember an I.R.A speaker, who was wanted by the authorities , came over from Ireland to a Welsh Nationalist debate and the venue was kept secret until the very last moment. It was the fiercest and fieriest debate I have ever attended because there were many Irish students present from both the North and the South. Now there is the Welsh Assembly and all is peaceful My daughter went to Bangor and loved it because it was such a quiet place! How times change!

  12. Very handsome cat Ruthy, but he looks more like a he than a she to me.

  13. I don't find Philip Moss creepy.
    But I do think he might be a little dull.

    I agree with Mistral, that cat is definitely a boy.
    But he hasn't made it to being a Tom - yet !

  14. Whilst acknowledging that cats have that hunting instinct I personally couldn't abide it. I love all animals and it would distress me to have to try to rescue injured ones. I'm very much a dog person and love the welcome I get when I come back home.

    1. I enjoy watching the birds around my feeders especially at this time of the year when there are a lot of young ones. It does upset me when one of the many cats around here catch one but I just accept that the cat's owners get as much pleasure from them as I do from the birds.

    2. I'm afraid that even dogs catch things from time to time, Anneveggie. Especially when the newly fledged blackbirds are hiding in the grass in my garden - have lost one or two when my dog has caught them. Squirrels can be a target too.

    3. Yes you're right Suz. My terrier chases baby squirrels and almost catches them. I wish she wouldn't.

  15. Me too Cheshire Cheese - love watching the birds on the feeders, I mean. What I don’t like is the *very* large rat that sits under the feeders waiting for bits to fall!! The other day he managed to climb up to the fat-ball feeder and was hanging precariously upside down from it. Unfortunately Mr A missed with his air gun so ratty lived to come back and taunt us another day!

  16. I listened to TA driving home Friday and was so glad to hear Alistair being decisive regarding the separation. I do wish he hadn't allowed Shula to make himself feel guilty though. And what of Lavinia? If she had really 'fancied' Alistair for all those years she must have thought she was in with a chance at last, only to feel 'used?'
    People describe A as boring but I can tell you that being married to an alcoholic for 17years till he walked out on me and four schoolchildren, and who kept losing his job, I'd settle for a steady professional man any day! :)

  17. I can see why Spicy! A very tough time that you had and I am glad that you and your family came through, well done you!
    Re Alastair if Shula has been so unhappy for many years how come she did not leave A when he had his gambling episode as opposed to supporting him - would that not in her case have "been the straw that broke the camels back" !

    1. Indeed. Slight case of SWs re-writing history I'm afraid! It wasn't until the 'soapification' (my own word!) two/three years back that Shula started musing about affairs and other men !

  18. I think, given the story line we are presented with, that Shula has a short memory span. When she says she has been feeling this way for 'years' she means two, three or four. Not ten or more.
    Personally I would not use the word years, until it was a multiple of five or more.

    1. Yes Mrs P as I said above. It was a horribly cruel thing to say she regretted 19 years of marriage to Alistair too! I'm glad she had the grace to apologise!

  19. I agree with you Spicy. Having had a husband who walked out on me after 35 years, I'd take 'boring' and dependable any day!

    1. I second that Ann, even if not from experience. Some call David dull, I like him and Alistair too.

  20. Mistral 10.40 am
    I remember that time so well, as I was working in Chester, and a building (the Tax Office) was blown up. I was working in a shop in the Grosvenor Precint, when the Police said all premises had to be vacated. It was a wondetful afternoon in the cathederal gardens, in lovely sunshine, and just messing about with no work. It was a nasty, realistic "shock" to learn that an unexploded "bomb" had been found in the precinct, which was defused.

    1. We were eventually escorted by the police, back to our work places, to get our personal belongings such as handbags etc. What seemed a "prank" was far from it.

  21. Alison Steadman said that she wished the Archers would tackle the 'plastic issue' and they don't do things by half. It's not the use but misuse. Anyway, I'm glad they remembered that Mia is also going to Disneyland Paris, I was alarmed at first that it'd only be Jake.

  22. Would Susan really have been so insensitive?
    I think not.
    Would Harrison have made the comments he did?
    Again I do not think he would -neither do I think Christopher would have mentioned the kiss that Alastair and Lavinia exchanged,to Susan.
    On the other hand I think the situation between Shula and Alastair at the moment is ridiculous.
    Ie Let's pretend we can act like grown ups and live in the same house and act politely to one another at all times.
    Who is she kidding?

    1. I don't know why the scriptwriters are blowing it out of all proportions, both Shula and Alistair have explained that it's their own business, but this is Ambridge. As to the two of them constantly apologising over breakfast is getting tedious.

  23. I bumped into Susan after the Single Wicket.
    She wishes it to be known that she *never* gossips (although she does, of course, share her concerns with others who need to know them) and is unfailingly loyal to friends and her family, particularly her husband Neil (they have been very blessed by a long and happy marriage - 'though of course Neil has never had any reason to want to stray).
    That is the edited account of the conversation (I have only just got away). If you don't want to hear the full version, I suggest you don't shop at the Village Shop for a while.
    (If you choose to drive to Underwoods instead, please be aware that 'Electrocuted Hedgehog' is the surprise new fashion in Borsetshire. Such coiffeur takes time and money to perfect so please do not mistake it for having been pulled through a hedge backwards. And Fabrice will not be able to fit you in before mid-June at the earliest.)

  24. Hooray! At last someone has ticked Susan off for gossiping. If I had been Shula I should have snapped back at her far earlier in the day and told her to mind her own bl...y business. She really is incorrigible. As someone on another Archers forum suggested, it is time they bought back the ducking stool for gossips. Susan would be my first candidate!

    Please may I have him ?

    1. MrsP
      There is a kitten next door to me with just this look and colouring.I am so tempted, every time I see her. I have to be strong. No more animals for me.

    2. Stay strong, or capture him and send to me !

  26. I have just referred ( on the other blog) to an email I received From the BBC in which they have reproducted comments to questions set on Twitter about Pip's forthcoming birth and who might be her birthing partner? These comments certainly do not reflect the intelligence and wit this community would have made on the blog they obliterated.
    I love Susan, at least she isn't boring.

  27. I love Susan, at least she isn't boring.

  28. Charlotte Martin who plays Susan says that she is a gossip because she's lonely, I disagree that she is and that there's a connection between the two, all the same let's leave Susan as she is because she often says things others wouldn't dare.

    1. Susan is what we used to call a busybody. Most of us would refrain from comments on the Lloyd separation especially to them. Love her though and no, we don’t want to lose her!

    2. I loved Jazzer saying that Jim went “all sookie lemon” ! That is so Glasgow! My Dad was a Glaswegian. In all his 50 odd years living in England he never lost his accent. He was widely known as Jock!

  29. I love both Susan and Lynda, as they just say what they think, and in their own accents. They are never confused with other Ambridge residents.
    Long may they Remain.

    1. PS I had my first mouse brought in, in the early hours of this morning. It was eaten, but at 4.30am on Bank Holiday Monday!

  30. A pleasant episode tonight, people sharing food and getting on together.

  31. Yes, how lovely to hear Will, Emma and Ed being so friendly and helpful with each other. I wonder if this really the end of the long running feud between the brothers. But I can’t help wondering if Will’s new peace of mind and hope for the future of his family are about to be crushed? Emma’s last words sounded like a portent to me, Mia and Jake’s real father isn’t going to give them up without a fight.

  32. I think we all know someone like Susan in our lives. A person with a good ❤️ by going good deeds (as helping Will with making the list) but on the other hand can’t help with nasty gossip, which is very harmful and it spread within hours. I do see that Susan is an interesting character, but I would like to see her put in her place. Both A&S was more than polite in telling her off. Shula is still a jerk on how she treated Alistair and now showing a hint of regret, but she has decided and let him keep moving on., hopefully off-air.

  33. I think that the reality of what she is doing is and the effect on her future life is beginning to dawn on Shula.

  34. I am very sad to read, that there are very few posts relating to TA as the actual radio programme, with its relative discussions, thoughts and ideas. I have only seen four comments.

    1. Esscee, I have to explain that my count of 4 was from my own post at 6.30pm last night, which I posted well before the Monday night episode. I was only mentioning this as there were very few posts relating to this episode.

  35. Shula is an emotionallyand physically lonely person. She wants Alistair to continue living in the house, hence needing to know if he has eaten and where he has been. But her concern is really about her needs. She says she doesn't love him, therefore maybe the person she can't live with is herself, so Alistair's presence provides her with a reason not to examine her decisions, beliefs and how the future may look. Having someone around, even if it is the husband she has dumped, may mean she can carry on as thought nothing has happened, she then has no need to think about facing the future as a lonely middle aged woman. She is in denial about everything.
    Of course there is always Philip Moss in the background, ready to come to the rescue.

  36. I am loving the introduction of Hannah, with her wicked sense of humour, her working at Berrow Farm, living with Tom and Johnny, at No.1 The Green and Susan inviting her for meals at Ambridge View. Is Hannah, a replacement for the absent Anisha, and who could be perhaps a new love interest for Tom or Jazzer, and what about Rex or Toby?
    I am wondering where Kirsty is, as she seems to be missing recently. I just feel that she is not suited to her current employment at The Grey Gables Spa/Pool but I have no idea what else is available for her, and I am still very unsure about her relationship with Philip Moss.
    As the BBC TV is now showing its wonderful Springwatch Programme, I am hoping to hear about Jim, Robert, Philip and Kirsty, in The Hide with their parallel sightings, alongside side how Jills, Brookfield Bees are doing.
    I am thinking that I am wishing for far too much.

  37. I am also wondering how Pheobe and Ruari are doing, both at school and at Oxford, as they have not been mentioned for quite a while now. They both have an interest in Home Farm, one with a share, and the other as a grand-daughter. The final outcome at Home Farm will affect their futures also,. This does depend on the prosecution/fine, that Brian will eventually have to face. I am still thinking that he will have a short, custodial sentence (similar to Matt), and Jenny will be on her own, as Kate will be on an all-expenses trip to the USA.
    Re-enter Lillian.

  38. I also wonder how is the SSII is doing at Grange Farm, after Eddies pigs trashed it and if it is how it should be.

    I am just giving some alternative Archers + Ambridge thoughts.

  39. Miriam May 29,2018 @ 6:16 PM. Your mention of Springwatch brought to mind that Martin Hughes-Games has left the programme. He was originally going to be axed a couple of years ago because the BBC decided that the presenters were not diverse enough. After an outcry he was kept on in a lesser role but has now decided to call it a day. It seems a shame to lose someone who was so knowledgeable and a good presenter in the interests of diversity.

  40. It was very predictable that both couples would end up at the same restaurant. I wonder what would the bossy Alice do at Home Farm, Brian sounds as if he'd suddenly come into money when exactly the opposite is true.

    1. I guess the worst is yet to come for Brian and Jennifer. what with all this build up and everything being rosy, at least for the moment,

    2. I agree with you Basia - where is Brian getting his money. I still wonder how David and Ruth recovered so quickly from the IBR last year.

  41. When Brian mentioned the strawberries🍓 I thought maybe a farm related story but it turned out to be a fancy dinner out and another dog story. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

    1. Brian walked down the polytunnels with Alice but there was no further feedback, they could have at least tasted some strawberries and commented how nice they were.

  42. Love Linda and her dog quest. I can picture her now with her Doberman. Shouldn’t be called monty though. Should be Helmutt!! Lol. See what I did there.....Hel mutt ;)

  43. Will Linda rehabilitate the image of the Doberman? Will Jenifer ever get off her high horse?
    Two of Ambridges finest meet in a, two for one starter, restaurant. One with a new dog and the other with a new hairdo.
    Alice needs to get a new job, or set some boundaries in what sounds like a highly competitive work environment.

  44. Looking forward to Monty tales! High hopes for Tom and Hannah but hope Jazzer finds true love soon. He would be cracking with Tracy Horrobin. Just think how Susan would react to having him in the family!

  45. Just caught up with the last 3 episodes. Fallon being boring (albeit in a good cause), Lynda & Susan carrying on as usual, Shula the same (sorry, sorry to A. twice in a short breakfast time exchange, failing to shut Susan up), but A. is getting a grip, at last, showing dignity & firmness with everyone he spoke to. I think he's not only getting his life in order, but weaning himself off Shula emotionally as well. Nice to hear about Anisha as well - vet business in safe hands ! Would like some ref. from Rex as well, maybe about a lovely night out they had, when she wasn't on duty, to stop posters palming him off with some inferior other woman, e.g, Pip !
    Things could well begin to swing, very naturally, between Tom & Hannah, couldn't they ? She loves the new job, Ambridge, kefir, a thoroughly nice,straightforward woman - maybe she willcometo love Tom too.....excuse the soppy moment, but, here's another: lovely reconciliation twixt Brian & Jennifer. I don't care if he's short of dosh, so long as he makes itup with the wife, sends the irritating daughter away to the States, expensively ( &, preferably, to S A thereafter)

  46. Jennifer said she became Mrs Brian Aldridge, I'm not a feminist but I never liked this form of address.
    She suggested dressed salmon for Ruth's birthday party, it reminded me immediately of the one Jess made which remained untouched and ended up on the floor. As for Will's idea I'm not prepared to speculate.

    1. I think Will is skating on very thin ice, apart from anything else he is going for the wrong reason, it isn't a question of whose the best Dad, Emma was so right when she said he's their natural father and a good one. He is already struggling to cope with the children and work, I fear he is going to end up hurt. He has George and Poppy, Poppy will adapt with good support.

    2. Agree, Basia. It’s enough to give up your surname on marriage but your Christian name is yours and should always be. My husband disagreed but now I am a widow it is apparently OK to use my Christian name. Antiquated rules! When sending bithday cards to married ladies I always address the envelope with their Christian name and married surname. I like the American way of making your maiden name part of your title. Mine would have sounded dead posh!

  47. Suz (7:28)
    I intend to celebrate my next '0' birthday exactly the same way as I did the previous one - by ignoring it as much as possible. Please no-one let Jennifer know about it - I'm not sure I could survive being organised by her ...

    I think I predicted on the previous blog that Lynda would end up with a rescue dog. Mind you, if he's to be named in honour of Anne of Green Gables, better keep him away from the 'raspberry cordial' ; )

  48. So is the next public service topic is child custody? I just want more farming SLs. I hope that Ruth will bring some sense to David and the birthday party will be at the Bull with Freddie as the DJ.

  49. Not happy that Lynda is going to call her new dog ‘Monty’. That was the name of next door’s ginger cat that got run over when we were looking after it!
    Would have expected her to give it some sort of literary or classic name as she did with her other animals - Brutus perhaps or Hannibal for example.

    1. Hannibal the Doberman, sounds terrifying to me.

    2. I think Montgomery is a very good name for a large dog.
      And as far as Linda is concerned it is a literary name Archerphile.

  50. Ruthy, I'm not sure, but Will may find that Jake and Mia are legally old enough to choose which parent they want to live with. You could be right about this being the next social issue, I read that the BBC is doing a programme on how the family courts make decisions about custody and access in situations of domestic violence. In some circumstances when children expressed a wish not to see a particular parent they were ignored and any choices were taken out of their hands until they were old enough to decide for themselves. Emma was spot on, Will is being paranoid and possessive and this could affect the children's decision should he go to the courts.
    The issue of BREXIT and fruit pickers not coming from Eastern Europe is being covered daily in the news. Jenifer may have to force everyone to eat strawberries and cream for Ruth's birthday party. 🍓🍓🍧

    1. Not such a pain, Stasia ! Worse things to be forced to eat. I felt sorry for David - of course he hadn't thought of the planning a) he's a man b) he's David. Jennifer is on a high, quite manic,hence the bullying. Don't think she's thinking about Ruth at all, the 50th is simply a peg upon which to hang her renewed sense of purpose, & optimism about life.

  51. Emma was both sensible & kind to Will, pity he wasn't listening. I also admire her patience, all the extra time she puts in to help the grieving family, attention to Poppy (does her own little Keira ever get a look in ?)with scant recognition from Will. He makes the right thankful noises, then fusses & complains about whether Ed & Emma were watching over the child carefully enough.....Emma still didn't snap.

  52. Will is....odd, unrealistic, and a bit of an empire builder. They have a dad. He should concentrate on his own kids George and Poppy always including Jake and Mia if possible.

    1. Yes, he's pretty unbalanced, very insecure. Has he always been like this ? I've an impression he was the more aggressive of the brothers during their feud, I.e, it's not only Nic's death, more a character trait. Thing is, I suspect J. & M. would want the arrangements to stay much the same as when their mum was alive - their experience of 'normal'.

    2. I've listened on and off to TA over the years and I got the impression Will was the much more moody irritable one than Ed.
      But to my surprise I recently looked up Will on the TA info BBC website and they describe him as Mr Boring upright steady one and Ed the racy one. I'm completely confused as you probably are! Bit like Shula and her out of character desertion of's called dramatic licence I suppose.

    3. I remember Will when young. And yes he was always sensible, cautious, and yes, boring.
      Ed was always in trouble of one sort or another.
      I never liked Will, and Clarrie always fussed over him in my memory.
      I also remember being extremely concerned when Will clearly wanted to be a gamekeeper, given that in those days Eddie was a full on Poacher.
      It spelt trouble within the family as far as I was concerned.

    4. That's interesting, Mrs P, wasn't listening then, but sort of aware that Ed was the wild one when they were younger. So Will has always been more conventional &, er, boring...

  53. I am still not sure, as to why David has "emplyed" Jennifer to arrange and organise Ruths' "50th Birthday Do". I think that Jolene or Elizabeth, would be very much more suitable to arrange and organise this, with their catering, alongside their very suitable premises.

    1. My thoughts exactly Miriam, I think Jenifer more or less forced her services. Brookfield could also be the venue. How's Jill going to feel, she wanted it to be extra special for Ruth.

    2. I think that is a lovely idea - a party at Brookfield. It is about time!

  54. Well for the first time in ages I have to say that I agree with Tom.
    Phillip is not right for Kirsty.
    As for Christine ...
    Are they telling us she is starting to suffer from dementia?

    1. Can the SW's reproduce anothet dememtia story-line, so soon after the wonderful Jack Woolleys scenes, which affected Peggy, Lilian, Ian, Roy and so many others who were involved. I wonder that perhaps Christine is despondant as she has lost a very substanial financial loss, or is it a medical problem such as a Vit D deficiency?

  55. I love the name of Monty, which Lynda is now calling her new dog. This is the name given to my latest great nephew, who was born in Melbourne, Australia, in January. I do not when I will meet "My Monty" for the first time.
    I hope Lynda's Monty gives her what she wants, love and companionship.

  56. Not exactly subtle when they flag up an 'issue'. So poor Christine is going to be the recipient of Dementia..........if you have been affected etc.....

    1. Tbere has altrady been a very well done dementia storyline, (Jack Woolley) so I am thinking it could be something different, but I am not sure what it could be.

  57. Perhaps Christine is one of the 4 characters destined to leave the programme this year (so we're told). A brain tumour?

  58. I'll say it again, that Lily is insufferable, I've never met such a glib eighteen-year-old.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. and I would agree with you Basia.
      Will the same thing happen as happened with Elizabeth or with Kirsty or with Phoebe or with Pip or will the Affair end before it has really begun?

  59. The script writers are possibly saying that lightening can strike twice.
    My brother in law has dementia .My stepdaughter's father in law has dementia.
    The woman across the road from where I live has dementia.
    Sadly it is all too common.

    I can't remember how JackWooley started with it but perhaps it is very early days with Christine and they know more about how to deal with it now.
    I hope she hasn't got it but it does sound like it to me.

  60. It does look ominous for Christine - it was getting the timing wrong for the meeting with Jim(presuming she did) rather than muddling up the drinks orders that did it for me. How sad.
    Poor old Tom, not a great morning for him, rejected by Hannah, shouted at by Kirsty....l suppose Hannah is destined for someone, & seems to me the Kirsty/Philip affair is going great guns.

  61. A very worrying development with Lily tonight. Can she really be foolish enough to go away with Ross? I cannot believe her casual attitude to Ross’s wife -‘ he’ll just tell her he’s going on a conference’, that didn’t sound like the old sensible, caring Lily to me. Freddie really must break his promise and tell Lizzie what is going on, if he really cares about his sister. This affair cannot be allowed to go any further.

  62. Just discovered today that Charles Collingwood was 75 on Wednesday.

    Time to retire ?

    1. So he and Brian are the same age - in life and fiction both ready to stand back and enjoy.

  63. I agree with you Archerphile and am appalled at Lily's attitude to poor Ross's wife. Very poor professional judgment on Ross's part too - how does he imagine he'll get away with it and keep his job.
    I hope that Christine does not have dementia. I found the Jack storyline, although very well acted and written, to be distressing and don't wish that ghastly complaint to be aired again. My dear mum had it and it is such a cruel disease.

    1. Completely agree with your Lily statement. Has she ever even had a boyfriend? I remember when I was in high school, a student there was going out with someone twice her age and he actually came on a school trip with us. The situation was so odd. Freddie is right for once. Is Lizzie so oblivious to what is going on with the twins.

  64. Tom put his foot in his mouth, though I agree, can’t be sure who or what Philip is about. Tom did apologize but Kirsty still had her last word.

    1. Was Kirsty bring so snappy to,Tom because she knows deep down, or perhaps not so deep down, that what he was saying about her and Philip is true? She's approaching 40 with no prospects jobwise, homewise and partnerwise, and boring though he is, Philip is better than nothing.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Lily, very ill judged as everyone says, but not an uncommon scenario. To her, he's exciting - has power (fixing the Freddie pickle, as she sees it, but not really), sexually & culturally experienced, very flattering to her ego , all of that & more, has shut down any moral scruple she might have had about his wife. I can't really blame her mother; in line with many of their age group, the twins are skilled in concealment.
    Quite surprised that there's a general down on Philip! He & Kirsty seem to get on extremely well. What's supposed to be wrong with him ? He's been thoroughly agreeable to everyone. Struck me, Tom was speaking from sour grapes, not from insight(never his forte anyway) Ah, well, time will tell - no doubt the SLs have a few tricks in store....

  67. Since I don't like Phillip-sugary and smarmy ,too good to be true -I don't want Kirsty to end up with him.
    I think she will end up with Tom.
    Actually I hope she does.

    1. Lanjan. I'm with you regarding Philip Moss and Kirsty. He homed in on Kirsty when she was still emotionally vulnerable from the miscarriage. I think Helen intimated the other day that Tom was still grieving. Both he and Kirsty continue to have unresolved feelings and any interaction is a powerful reminder of the loss they experienced. Am I right, did Kirsty find it difficult to participate in organising jointly saying goodbye to the baby? Tom was then left to arrange the funeral?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Re Lily-silly silly girl.
    Where are her friends?
    Have they not noticed something?
    Sleeze Ball cannot do her any good.
    He cannot gain her a good grade unless she has had to do some modules for her exam and he has done them for her.
    I knew someone who married her Professor at University ( I don't think they had an Affair as such ) -she got a first class honours degree.

  69. I thought Kirsty was unnecessarily short and snappy with Tom last night and quite unpleasant. As a very old friend he probably thought he should express his doubts about her friendship with Phil, though he really should have kept quiet. I thought Kirsty could have been a bit more gracious and thanked him for his concern but explained she was ‘quite alright, thank you’ instead of castigating him. Kirsty can be very prickly sometimes.
    I still like Phil and can’t detect any problems with his manner as some others can - perhaps I am blind to his faults but I like to think there is a room for a genuinely nice character in TA and that not every new introduction has to be a potential villain or no-gooder with ulterior motives!

  70. Will Elizabeth have to call the police when she discovers that Lily has lied and run off with a teacher. Reminds me of the situation a couple of years ago when a teacher and a school girl had run away to France, and everyone was looking for them. When they were eventually found he was tried and sent to prison.
    Maybe Lily is using Randy Russ to get Freddie off the drugs hook, and in turn is being used for lavcivious activities by her teacher.

  71. Lily doesn't have the maturity or sense to realise that her "mentor " is in fact grooming her for sex. She is being exploited, simples!

  72. Does Lily really think she will get away with Russ & absolutely no-one will see them together?? We've even been abroad on holiday & met people we know, or worse in Lily's case when we get back home they tell us they saw us although we didn't see them! Dangerous grounds Lily!!

    1. That has happened to me in the south of France. It seems the twins have stopped roles.

  73. Pheonix. I had the surprise of my life, when I was on a ferry on Lake Garda, Italy. As the ferry began to dock, I heard some-one saying Hello *xxxxxx* and it was one of my regular clients from my then work-place, a village in N.Wales.

    To try and keep my post on topic for TA, Lily is now18. I believe this classes her as an adult in what she decides to do. There is though a big BUT to this, as she will need some sort of financial help with her university life, + life-style. She does need to be careful.

  74. Tom still has a soft spot for Kirsty, and I hope that he was just trying to protect her, from becoming too involved with Phil. I am still not sure about Phil, I am just having an instinctive reaction. Where is ?, (I have very sadly forgotten his name), who spent time with Kirsty in "The Hide" and helped out with the reed beds at Home Farm. He would also seem to be a suitable partner for Kirsty. Patrick?

  75. LanJan - I am interested to hear what makes you feel Tom and Kirsty would make a good pair. Their relationship predates my Archer's listening.

    1. I can't put my finger on it Ruthy but I think things might get interesting.
      It all seems very strange to me that someone we had never heard from until he did the bathroom for Lilian has suddenly become everyone's favourite Agony Uncle.
      I think Kirsty realises that she isn't getting any younger and to some extent she is clutching at straws.
      There was a time when she and Tom were very close and I think something may happen between her and Phillip and Tom will come riding in on a white Charger.
      I also think that Shula and Alastair will get back together.

      Now of course some listeners may be correct.
      The actors playing Shula and Brian may want to leave.
      Shula may actually be more ill than she thinks and Brian may have a heart attack following this evening's news.
      Who knows?

    2. I have a feeling LanJan you may be right. I do recall sometime after the wedding disaster Kirsty was interviewed on Radio , she said in answer to whether she and Tom would get back together , she would rule nothing out.
      Most people given her circumstances would not wish to hang around, so what is the real purpose of saying in Ambridge if it isn't to be with Tom?

    3. I think in spite of what Tom did to her she still has feelings for him. Although Philip is a nice man she doesn’t love him I feel but maybe is comfortable with him. Yes, I think somehow she will end up back with Tom but of course there is Hannah! Interesting!

  76. The other shoe has dropped on Brian! Looks like Jennifer will not be hosting Ruth's birthday party.

  77. As some of you have predicted the worst is still to come; and no I don't want Shula and Alistair to get back together, as he said things have changed.

  78. Basia - doesn't sound like Alistair has any interest in getting back together with Shula. He still feels responsible for her well being because he is a nice person. Shula has certainly now realizes she has made a big mistake but it is too late for her.

  79. Look for new post tomorrow. I think everyone will like the picture I selected!

  80. It's been a bad week in my garden for the young birds due to cats so I'll be glad to see a new picture.

    1. CC - the next picture will be a total opposite of the bird in a cat's mouth.

    2. Ruthy, 10.42. What? A cat in a bird's mouth? An eagle perhaps? Albatross?? This could be a good game every week :)

  81. It's not very realistic that the Aldridges were not made aware right at the outset that these chemicals linger and take time to percolate through to the ground water. But if they had there would be no drama. Oh dear Brian is right up to his neck in the sh1t isn't he!

    1. Selling the 300 acres won't solve this. I predict that the whole farm will be sold to BL. Jenny will rally round and it will be the making of her. Brian I fear, may never recover. No job for Alice now either. I think that Shula is seriously ill, and will not recover either, so Alistair, who I think is a very nice man, can live at The Stables in peace.
      All this speculation is based on the Collingwood's retiring. Personally, I would like Brian to go on forever.

    2. Oh my goodness Shula, what a lovely man you've just thrown on the scrap heap. Too late to have misgivings now though.


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