"longer off topic comments" - Episode 4
 Life Outside Ambridge


  1. Ev - I must have just been closing the last post when you added a comment. For those who did not see my comment I will repeat here. I am infuriated and perturbed that the BBC continues the features on the Archers homepage, but can’t be bothered to allow us to comment. How much money can they be saving? Bunch of lies. Large corporations cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Sorry to open a new post this way. It’s rainy in New Jersey and in a little of down mood. I should be sipping a drink on that pool chair.

    1. So you should ! Raining here too...love your opening choice of pics, Ruthy, so much more inviting than the ones we suffered on the old BBC blog. Quite agree, the statements coming from large corporations aren't to be trusted; how insulting it all is, do they really imagine the general public is moronic, naive, & living in in the early (20 , pre internet, pre 2 world wars, when 'Authority' was mostly believed ?

    2. Ruthy, like so many of us you are right. I have just been doing a quick trawl of a number of Blogs some have 0 comments and a number would have also had none if it hadn't of been for Archer Bloggers. Just getting ready for round 3 of my complaint though I haven't heard from round 2 yet. Better to be prepared though.

  2. I have just registered my complaint. Will probably not make a difference but made me feel better! Ruthy, it’s raining here on the island too but my broad beans have begun to show pods. They have a long way to go and should have been ready for picking this month but the rain does help! The cold winter set them back I think. When we stayed with our friends in New Orleans we had red beans and rice. The dish originated in the days when they had a washing day and the beans were slow cooked so after Mom had worked hard all day, the meal was ready. In the days before washing machines washing day here was always a Monday and lasted all day. Of course now we wash nearly every day but at least we have clothes etc which don’t need starching and ironing! I still like to iron some things though!

  3. Hi Ruthy it has been a rainy day here in Hampshire too so know how you feel! Let's hope next Saturday the sun will be shining for the Royal Wedding and England looking at its best for all the "around the world" viewers.
    Agree re the BBC Archers homepage, I thought that would go along with the blog facility...

  4. Thanks for our lovely new garden chairs Ruthy. Sorry I didn’t reply to you query about agony aunts straight away - been out in the garden planting and weeding all day - but I see someone did so on my behalf. We’ve had a new pergola erected over some steps in the garden and some old dead trees removed. That has created a large new bed which we are trying to fill with shrubs and herbaceous plants, plus climbing roses to go over the pergola. At our age this is all quite difficult and exhausting for MrA and I and I secretly wish we could move to somewhere with a much smaller garden ..... but my other half is determined to stay!

  5. Carolines post - 8:12 pm ......
    Reminds me of my father, who could not abide commercial television and was constantly writing to The Telegraph about mindless corporations / television companies treating the public like morons, insulting the intelligence....etc.
    He was a great ' rant er ' , my dad.
    This thinking of him has made me realise.
    He taught me to be sceptical and to mistrust anything that large companies and institutions said, did, or promised.
    That is why I have not joined in with the pleas to the BBC.
    I know full well that nothing will be gained.

    Archerphile, I can understand you secret wish to downsize, but at the same time admire the spirit of you both in re organising the garden at this stage.
    Mind you, having said that, I immediately started to re design and completely change my new garden when I moved here two and a half years ago.
    But with the builders using it as a dump and my ' pikey ' proclivities, plus my recent inability to be active, my garden is looking pretty terrible right now.
    But there are flowers and I am able to fill several vases each week.
    Bliss !

    1. Mrs P
      I am a bit of a ranter like your Father. Sometimes I win sometimes I don't, but I have stood up for what I believe in, and as often happened in my working life the rights of others. Decision making, in my experience, is often ill informed and can be challenged with cogent argument. I recall once my manager saying to me " Why don't you give in gracefully" red rag to a bull. I sat down with my deputy and thought of every good social work reason why it shouldn't happen and sent it off to the Deputy Director, back came the answer , Agreed.
      Yes sometimes you come up against a brick wall, but I like to think I have made someone think and perhaps not make quite the same mistake again .

  6. Ev ,I think our complaints may make a difference.
    Mrs P,you may well be right in that by doing what some of us are still doing that "nothing will be gained" but if we don't try then definitely nothing will be done.
    The main point I made in my last letter was regarding the fact that they had not closed other BBC blogs on which there were no ,or very few ,comments but had closed our popular one.
    I can't see what answer they can have to that question.
    There is a further stage to which I can go if I am not happy with their next response.
    Perhaps they could have a radio 4 blog if they don't want to revert to an Archers blog.

    1. I am with you all the way, I Never give in gracefully.

  7. Ruthy you are going to run out of chairs soon!
    Love the poolside ones.
    I wonder if you will be going round to your neighbours and asking them if you may photograph their chairs?
    I can imagine the response if you told them why!

    If you come over to the UK we are going to have to arrange a meeting under the clock at Waterloo to express our thanks to you.
    Where we go from there will depend on how many of us will be able to get there,what time of year it is and the state of the weather.
    At some point in the future we will sort it out .
    Of course if it were up to me we would all end up in the nearest Wetherspoon's !

  8. Oh Cow Girl, please understand, I too can rant. I just rant on different subjects.
    I have my passions and do my best to address them and bring others to understand
    the implications of not addressing them.
    I'm just not prepared to pit my energies against corporations.

    And don't forget, I do admire you all for marching behind Lan Jans banner.

    I brought the subject up again, because Carolyn's post brought my dad to mind and led me to see again where my attitudes stemmed from.
    I was not ' having a go ' at the rest of you, and hope it did not seem that way.

    1. Certainly not Mrs P, just explaining where I come from, we are all different

  9. Haven't got a stance on this, really; do agree with Mrs P that it makes sense to choose one's battles, & I think that's what I've tried to do through life, not invariably wisely, but very much admire Lan Jan & others snapping at the ankles of the complacent BBC. Why not be a constant irritant & pain in the backside to big organizations? It may not have the desired outcome, but every expose (accent over 'e') of whitewash jobs has a cumulative effect, showing how 'ordinary ' people(how I hate that demeaning description) cannot be turned into sheep so easily - it shakes up the self styled 'controllers' of our society, & it's happening a lot these days over many issues.

  10. Out of interest I have just checked out the BBC's Academy Blog
    There are 5 sections all dated from March 2018
    In total on the 5 blogs there are 8 comments 3 of which have been removed.
    This makes a mockery of them saying we were closed down due to lack of funds.
    All 5 of the blogs have written work to go with them considerably in excess of that which was written on ours.
    ( I am supposed to be doing the housework !)

  11. Seasider here and testing because it is telling me I am commenting as google account. If it doesn’t show my “name “ at the top can anyone help explain what has gone wrong and how to put it right?
    Wanted to agree with Gianna on the other blog that I loved Roger Deakin’s book Wildwood. Didn’t remember the Archers reference. That’s great. I love the plethora of outdoorsy non fiction that is being published at the moment. Maybe not new just something I am finding and enjoying. Meadowland by John Lewis-Stempel and The Plot by Madeleine Bunting are recent favourites.
    Perhaps TA script writers could seek inspiration from such rich and well rounded writing.
    Re above I have had to put my email and password in again and now I’m back to being Seasider. Don’t understand what went wrong but it is not the first time. ???

    1. Seasider - you are showing as Seasider!

    2. I am also able to read you. I am only being able to access this site, as I now have to use a google account.

  12. To be honest, I've already got out of the habit of checking the BBC Archers site to see what delights they've given us to read but not comment upon.
    As far as I can see, the advantages are:
    It provides a convenient plug for the Archers' Twitter and Facebook pages.
    The only real 'work' is reading through those pages to find entertaining comments, much simpler than boxes of file index cards.
    Lots of pretty pictures, kindly supplied by listeners.
    No up and down arrows to wind people up.
    No complaints, arguments, disagreements, digressions, off-topics, etc, etc. Just BBC approved posts.
    Short and snappy one-liners, nothing too long to tax the readers' staying power.

    On the down side:
    No long view from those whose knowledge of the programme perhaps rivals those file index cards.
    No longer discussions or alternative view points.
    No interaction betweeen listeners.

    But, hey, there's always Facebook or Twitter ....

    1. OWiaS - I think you have hit the nail on the head here. We wanted the production team to take notice of our posts but we didn't make it easy for them. You could say we shot ourselves in the foot by including so much extraneous comment of various kinds that it was unrealistic to expect anyone to have the time to wade through it in the hope of finding something of practical use. Twitter and Facebook would be more cost effective lines of enquiry, and possibly cover a wider spectrum of users.
      Ruthy mentioning her Zen teacher asking why you want to help others made me think about why we blog. I think primarily for our own interest and amusement, and here we certainly succeed!

  13. I haven't even looked at the Archers site since our blog was closed.
    I assumed it would be as OWiAS has described.
    Somehow I acquired ' twitter ' on my IPlayer a couple of years ago.
    I don't even look, just immediately delete.
    I have kept TA site open in order to access ' listen again' should I miss an episode, otherwise, why bother looking at it.
    It is of no interest.

  14. Exactly, OW & Mrs P, nothing of interest, except i player, which I'll use tomorrow, having missed today's dramatic gem...

  15. Have just had a reply to my complaint by email which was identical to the ones we
    previously had when complaining at the time they closed the blog i.e.a bog standard reply! They simply refuse to properly engage over this and vaguely say it will be passed on. .There is no reply availability on it either! Never mind, will soldier on!!💂🏽‍♂️💂🏽‍♂️💂🏽‍♂️💂🏽‍♂️💂🏽‍♂️

  16. I've just posted on the Technology Blog: BBC ideas, 3 months in (for what it's worth!)

    1. I posted on this one too. Mine was number 7 and they were all from Archers bloggers! Keep fighting!

  17. Maryellen 10:12pm - very well put -we blog for our own amusement. I enjoy the interactions with other bloggers. No man is an island.

  18. The last episode of Unforgotten was on our public tv last night. That was a tough one to watch without shedding a few tears.

  19. HG and EV and others: I see your comments on this blog "Technology Blog: BBC ideas, 3 months in". I don't understand WHY the BBC would open a blog like this - when who even knows what the hell the BBC ideas are!!! I am NOW more infuriated than before!!!!!

  20. I need another drink by the pool.

  21. Did anybody hear the programme about "Effective Altruism" on Radio4,12.30 PM on Sunday?
    Well worth a listen.

    1. Yes Lan Jan, I heard of it and thought a great deal about you/ your campaign - as a result.
      Also gave me food for thought about my own altruism throughout my life.

  22. Ruthy 1.05 pm 14/05/18
    I think I must have missed out because I was not aware of the Unforgotten series. I have just looked it up on imdb.com and my word there are some very well known actors appearing in it! One might say 'old timers! Trevor Eve, Wendy Craig, Peter Egan, Bernard Hill and many more! Think I'll have to get the box set! Thanks! :)

  23. I have been doing a lot of complaining recently (to the BBC) as many of you have too ..
    It is exhausting .
    This year I bought an I phone.
    I love it but am still trying to get to grips with it.
    Yesterday I needed help so telephoned Sky.
    I spoke to a young woman called Molly who was so helpful that I asked her to put me onto her Manager .
    She said that the Manager might give her a chocolate for being good.
    Her Manager said that they rarely get any praise .
    I told her about the chocolate and she said she would get her a bottle of wine.
    Won't it be good when We can telephone somebody at the BBC to thank them for what they have done for us?
    I am putting Gillian Reynold's on hold until I get my next response to Level 2 complaint.

    1. It is Lan Jan, though I have to admit I havent put quite so much emotion into this, having only recently finished 2 long running battles with my electric supplier, won at every stage and my broadband supplier, I don't need to mention names as you will all know! didn't win everything . however did much better than the ombudsman who was a waste of space.
      I too like to say well done, many years ago I had a wonderful response from a small company in Halifax who had gone out of their way to help me and he wrote and said "how nice to have a bouquet instead of brickbacks" I have never forgotten it.
      Just relax for a while, enjoy the glorious weather and then you will be ready to face the next round.

    2. Cow Girl - I too had a long running battle with BT last year. Others on here will remember I was silent on the blog for a couple of months when without broadband. I won my batttle with huge input from me, gained considerable compensation, then two months later was clobbered again.
      So went in with all guns blazing for another couple of rounds.
      I did win again. But boy was it tiring !
      And all on top of builders inside the house for over six months.

    3. MrsP it is exhausting. I got considerably more compensation than the £50 suggested by the ombudsman. It did cost them dear though as they had on the final visit, after many previous, 2 engineers here all day putting in new lines and still it didn't work. The sad thing was though that they initially told me it was my computer , though brand new and the company I bought it from changed it 3 times before one of their experts told me that it was def not the computer, they lost out, though they too had to give me compensation as their service was abominable. I now use 4G and don't have a landline, slightly more expensive but a much better service.No way will I be going back to BT.

  24. I too have added to number of Blogs, what fun ! BBC you don't know what you have started.

  25. Spicycushion - they are filming series 3 now. You'll have to start watching series 1 and 2 and be caught up before the new series shows on ITV :) I will probably have to wait at least a year before it will be available in the US. Though I have heard, they are planning an American remake of the series. I do love the easy chemistry between the two lead actors. Very well done.

  26. I am very much one of those people, who are very quick to complain when things go wrong, and it is always very justified. I also do give praise, when I feel that it is due and when some-one has been really been helpful or who has given a really good service. I always ask the name of the person, with whom, I am dealing with, be it face-to-face or on the 'phone. By doing this I can then name them, so that they can get their deserving accolade, when I say "Thank you".

  27. I just added a comment to this BBC blog: "About the BBC Blog: Round up week 19 (5-11 May)".

  28. Regarding the 'Thank Yous' for jobs well done. Many years ago when I discovered on a Friday evening in May that my husband had left the children and me, my sister and her husband arranged me to visit the Social Services on Monday (along with the bank, building society etc.) At the time I was just about to begin my final teaching practice but had no job lined up. I duly had an interview and by the following Monday I had an 'order book' to begin collecting a benefit from the Post Office. When I got employment beginning in September term I returned the order book to the Benefits' office with a thank you for helping me so quickly. Three days later I received a post card thanking me for thanking them! It could have gone on forever!

  29. Some of us are blogging here - “About the BBC Blog: Round up week 19 (5-11 May)". So much fun to sneak up on another blog. And I up arrow all my archers bloggers there! ⬆️

  30. I gave up arrows for all other comments on the BBC blog and commented on all the posts but completely forgot (thus missing the whole point!) to include an Archers reference! Sorry! Will do better next time!!!

  31. I have just foundThe BBC Writers Room website.There seems to me, to be several blogs which I think are still avalaible for comments.

    1. I have to add, that I have found this BBC web site by a pure accident. I was searching for somewhere, where I might have been able to submit my thoughts which for me, might be suitable as further Archers storylines. I have so many ideas, but I cannot find how to make them known!

    2. I am having a thought as to Hazel Woolley. She owns many properties in Ambridge, which is as a result of her late father, the well missef Jack and his Will. I have an idea that Hazel will return to Ambridge and she can then be some sort of competition to Justin. This is my idea only.

  32. I may be wrong,Miriam but I think it was on The Writersroom blog where some of us were told off.
    We didn't have our posts removed but were told we were being discourteous to the young woman who was talking about her Comedy Writing.
    I thought we were lovely and we gave a young man lots of up arrows.
    I am happy to check the BBC blogs and am happy to follow whoever finds one with a vague connection with The Archers.
    At the moment I think the closest is "About the BBC."
    I do enjoy reading and posting comments which appear to have something to do with the topic chosen but ends up with something about The Archers .
    Until we get our blog back I shall continue to check those BBC blogs out.
    However I have to say that I do enjoy this friendly select Club.


    1. You are correct. Currently there are 6 blogs that some of us are writing on, 3 on Around the BBC and 3 on I Player

  33. Mrs P ,re altruism.
    Are we altruistic because it makes us feel good and if that is the case,does it matter?
    After all someone else is benefitting.
    It does give one pleasure when a person appreciates a gift or a kindness.

    1. Altruism is inbuilt.
      It is a survival instinct.
      Sometimes it makes us feel good, sometimes it makes us wonder why we are !
      But I do believe that many, though not all, can sense when it is not altruism but self aggrandisement.
      Olwyn sees it as this in Pat, I believe.
      And I agree with her.

  34. ' the quality of Mercy is not strained
    It blesseth him who takes & him who
    I think altruism is natural to human beings & it is perfectly in order that we should feel pleasure at another's delight in a gift from us, or help given which really has made a difference. Where it becomes twisted is when we put ourselves out from a need to be needed/appreciated, not purely from an impulse to help or give.

    1. Carolyn - are you advocating some sort of screen for volunteer helpers (who often put themselves out to do what they do) with the implication that if they fail to prove their motives are pure, their help is rejected.? Personally I think help is help whether it comes from a do gooder or someone just trying to sort it ( as Susan is). I doubt any destitute medieval crone refused the offer of an almshouse because it's builder was trying to shorten his time in Purgatory!

    2. Not advocating anything - very hard to plumb anyone's motive for anything, isn't it. As a volunteer myself, I do get the problem, in that sometimes dubious motivations can compromise the help on offer, which is very unfortunate but always avoidable.

    3. NOT always avoidable, I mean !

  35. It's the latter that Pat stands accused of by Olwen, &, not entity sure, but she could be right. Susan, by contrast, & unusually for her perhaps, acted for a pure desire to relieve Clarrie and help Will & the children.

    1. If Pat really wants to be helpful, perhaps she should simply donate the laptop to The Elms and ask them to give it to someone who would be pleased to have it, or to make it available for clients as the need arises.

    2. What a good idea, OW ! Pat is a volunteer, so let her prove her credentials by donating for the general good. Unfortunately, Olwen side tracked her, so it became personal which makes us question her motives.

  36. Carolyn✔️✔️✔️
    -Shakespeare got it right.

    1. He always does. You can hear the quality of the audience silence change when Portia gets to that line, or Prospero's We are such stuff as dreams are made on, or any number of others!

  37. If ,like me you were one of the 230,000 women who were not recalled for breast screening in around 2009 and have just received a letter,please do not worry.
    Listen to More or Less on radio 4 (4th May )and it will put your mind at rest.

    1. Actually there were 450,000 women who were forgotten about .(see previous message)

  38. I have not received a letter.
    But then I do not expect one, as at my last screening, I asked not to be called again.
    I am of the view that the screening programme induced fear and trepidation amongst the female population far in excess of the benefit derived from the number of early signs of breast cancer that the screening detected.
    Once beyond my three score years and ten, I am content to leave my fate ( fete ?) in the hands of the unknown.
    In the last month my eldest daughter has been called, and attended, her first breast screening.
    One in, one out !

    1. ✔️✔️✔️Mrs P,
      It is appalling that women are coerced/frightened into doing something that apparently could cause more harm than good.
      I just wanted to let other bloggers know about the programme in case they were worried .

  39. I think we can get too frightened about cancer but I do think screening is important as it detected abnormal cells and then cervical cancer in my case. I would not have known until it was too late. After a hysterectomy and radio therapy I was fully recovered and if not for the screening I would probably have died 20years ago at the age of fifty. You never think these things happen to you and whilst we should not live in fear the positive side is that screening can assure you that all is well!

  40. The programme was talking about women over the age of seventy ,Ev..
    Worth listening to if one is in that age group.

  41. Thank you, I had read that.
    I shall keep on commenting, just to be a thorn in the flesh where it is appropriate, however vague.

  42. Perhaps anyone who spots a likely blog on which to comment could let the rest of us know ,we can target that one.

  43. I'm interested in people's plans for tomorrow, royal wedding, cup final? Personally I've got a garden that beckons.

  44. You. on the I player highlights blog 19-25th may has given us a link to yet another person to target, I have just done so.
    Nice to know there are people out there thinking of us, even if his wife is an Archer fan

  45. No plans for tomorrow. I will take it as it comes.
    Don't have a television.

    1. Do you really want to know Cheshire cheese?
      Painting the wall in the cows yard if the paint has come, otherwise cutting wood for the winter, and checking the blogs of course to see what mischief I can do on the BBC

    2. CowGirl - you're doing an excellent job with the mischief bit - great letter to Mr. Parnell! I'm just on a break from helping daughter with move, but will follow suit as soon as I have a spare moment later, probably much later knowing my daughter!

    3. Thank you. I obviously didn't read it very well, my use of the English language and my punctuation will give the teachers on this site grounds for dismay.
      Hope the move went well .

    4. Village Fair in the morning, work in the afternoon, dog-walking in between.

  46. You don't need the link it is on the About the BBC blog.
    I,m sure it wasn't there when I blogged on it !

  47. Well done Cowgirl.
    I have just added my two pennorth to both the blogs you mention.
    (Is You actually Yuo? )
    I remember replying to him on one of the other blogs .
    I am still waiting patiently with my BBC case number
    It is most unlike me to be so patient but now that we have Ruthy's blog we are in the fortunate position that we can keep nipping at the heels of the BBC and annoying them so much that hopefully in the end they will realise that they were wrong to close our blog.
    May I suggest. Cow Girl that if you wouldn't mind you could be our principal "blog picker" and direct those of us who wish to contribute to BBC blogs to an appropriate blog?
    Thank you.

    1. I will do my best.
      It is yuo, I made an error.
      I haven't heard anything yet in response to my letter, I wont let it drop, the annoying thing is I forgot to check to see if it had been delivered, but no worries I have yet to have one that hasn't.
      From my perspective there have been some good thought provoking comments on the bogs, hard for the BBC to justify their action. We just have to keep up the pressure

  48. May I ask a question?
    Do those of you who are contributing to other blogs admit to friends and family what you are doing?
    If so what is the reaction?
    I have to say that Mr LJ who does not use a computer is bemused but then he has always thought I was a loose cannon.
    My two sons on the other hand think it is great and encourage me to "Go for it"

    1. LanJan
      Certainly not a loose cannon. I work on the principle that the more we irritate the bbc the more likely we are to get what we want, as so often happens in other spheres of life.
      Your sons have given you excellent advice.

    2. My children think I am charmingly eccentric, and egg me on :) They were more disappointed than I was about Feedback, they had made the effort to listen to it.

    3. My daughter is very amused by it all and follows our progress with interest!

  49. Myself, Cow Girl, and Mistral have just had our wrists slapped by a Mr. Murphy on the " A.I. for the common good " technology and creativity blog! I have written a reply but it may get deleted!

    1. Just entered another comment, asking if Mr Murphy was a blogger or a member of the staff team at the BBC !
      At least I know you are Janice by the sea now. You have made some excellent comments for me to follow up, thank you

    2. What a misery-guts. I haven't read it yet, but will comment there later :)

  50. Back out to the garden, nothing like a bit of gardening to restore a sense of peace!

  51. I shall be on the allotment tomorrow. Escapism is a wonderful activity even if it involves being enthralled by two people getting married. American woman kisses frog and finds herself with a prince, fantasy land meets fantasy land, and the multitudes gobble it up in flags, and trivia.

  52. Confession time : I will be watching the Royal wedding. No excuses, not an ardent royalist, just nosey. My equivalent of readi g silly magazines, I suppose. (Other half, he'll surely be in the garden...)

  53. Plans for tomorrow? Garden, football, garden, football...

  54. Cheshire Cheese,To answer your question.
    I really want to see what the women are wearing.
    Mr LJ will be watching the Cup Final so I won't be watching anything on the TV in the afternoon I suspect.
    I may sneak a look after I have returned from shopping.
    If it brings some money into the Country I am all for it.
    It makes a change for the main headlines of the News programmes being those we would rather not see.
    On balance then I am pleased they are marrying here and not in America and I hope the day is lovely and sunny and it all goes well.

  55. Oh! And seeing as the other half is returning Sun morning after 3 months away in Australia, I might tidy up a bit...

    1. !!! Well, GG, yes, I reckon you might just tidy up a bit...

    2. Only joking! In reality I'm actually rather obsessive about house tidiness. And one of the great things about that is that there's absolutly zilch to do tomorrow apart from watch the footy and fart about in the garden...

  56. I am on the same thoughts as others. in that I will be certainly watching the event, which is happening in Windsor tomorrow. I just want to see the pagentrey, and the pure "spectacle", for this event.

    I would like to ask Ruthy, as to how the USA is feeling about this Wedding?

  57. To Lanjan. I am replying to you, as I see that you are requesting other potential "blog" sites. I have posted this before and I am now doing so again.
    There is a BBC website which is called The Writers Room. This is a BBV TV based site, but there are many open blogs, which are BBC based, and are hardly seem to be used, but there are mamy which are still open for comments. I am still thinking that the current BBC blogs are only linked to the many TV programmes and not the wonderful Radio ones. I think that this is a type of discrimination.

    1. Perhaps you might like to take a look at this link, Miriam:

  58. Hi Miriam. I am on a very short vacation sitting at the beach in Miami Florida. No, I will not be interested in the royal wedding. I remember watching Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding and her wedding dress was all the talk. Her life had such a sad ending. There really is no interest at all from this side of the pond.

  59. Miriam,I mentioned on an earlier post that we have been warned off the Writersroom blog.
    I was the first person to post a comment on one of the blogs and several other folk joined me but we were told we were being discourteous to a young woman whose name escapes me who was the subject of the blog.

    1. Ling low was her name.
      At the moment I would suggest there is nothing suitable for us to use to be at least a little on topic on this particular blog
      We also wrote on the loglines.

  60. No doubt Prince Harry will become the Duke of Somewhere.
    Maybe he is already.
    Ideally he would become the Duke of Windsor.
    Very fitting but on the other hand -perhaps not .
    How about the Duke of Oxford ?
    We have Dukes of Kent and Gloucester so perhaps the Duke of Surrey.
    We cannot have the Duke of Lancaster for the obvious reason that a very important person holds that title.
    We could have a Duke of Yorkshire though.

    1. Sussex I believe.a
      A duke of Yorkshire, in Gods own country, I think not Lan Jan

    2. There's already a Duke of York; one of his other names is Andrew.
      According to those who know about these things, HM doesn't have many dukedoms left to bestow.
      A pub in Windsor has been renamed The Prince Harry.
      There's a bottle of prosecco in the fridge. Will it go with salmon and cucumber? Must get cake. Sometimes buy little cakes from my little shop on Saturdays. What kind of cake are "they" having ? It's not traditional wedding cake. I don't like fruitcake.

    3. HH Google this: A quest to find the recipe for the royal wedding cake

  61. I do really apologise Lanjan. It does appear that our posts which related to the subject of other suitable blogs, might have been missed. I thought that I might have been able to help with your, and your ongoing campaign. I hope that you and the so many other campaigners, are in a postion to go forward and that you will be succesful. I do so admire your very fervent perseveriance and dedication.

  62. I think that it appears, and this is only what I have read on-line, that the newly married couple tomorrow, will be also have the "title" as the Earl and Countess of Ross, bestowed on them. I do realise that this could be very wrong.

  63. My daughter and I will be watching tomorrowwith a glass of prosecco and small eats from M &. S and wearing a tiara! She got them on amazon! It’s just an excuse to enjoy ourselves!

    I am now fostering a 10 year old dog, a shih tzui. She is blind and her owner, a lady in her 80’s has had to give her up due to ill health. Gypsy arrived today along with many possessions which include a Nicky Clarke hairdryer! There were bag loads of blankets, toys. coats, a pink knitted jumper with badges, restraints for the car and so on. She has obviously been loved very much. We took her out for a walk and she dropped on the ground refusing to go any further just outside the pub down the hill. We sat on a chair overlooking the creek and after a rest she made it back up the hill but after being fed she slept all evening and we had to coax her out for the final toilet stop in the garden! She is now asleep beside my bed so hopefully we will both have a good night! I have to add she is a bit on the plump side so these walks will help us all to lose a bit of weight!

  64. Ev, how lovely. Did you know the previous owner?

  65. No, I did this through Friends of the Animals. Gypsy was brought over from the mainland this morning. I did offer through them for the lady to keep in touch but she didn’t want that maybe preferring a clean break. She must miss her badly though.

    1. Yes, she must, but she really did the right thing for her dog. I know someone who inherited a very fat little terrier, she waddled about and huffed and puffed. She was put on a diet and short walks gradually increased to long ones. That dog looks years younger, breathes properly and is set for a good few more years. It's a pleasure to see the dog and new owner out and about. I've never heard of Friends of the Animals. My dog will go back to the Dogs Trust if she outlives me, but this is unlikely as she keeps stealing my food and is getting a bit tubby herself.

  66. I've just been trawling thruogh the BBC blogs, it is so much fun. I'm really enjoying myself.

    1. Me too Mistral, don't know what I.m going to do when we get our blog back !
      Keep p the good work

  67. Mistral, you have just made my day, I have never laughed so much for a long time with your comment to Mr Murphy (AI on the creativity and technology blog) I have just been round and followed up all your comments, now back to work or I will be cold come winter.

  68. I've just opened a blog called Round Up Week 20 - anyone care to join me there? This is better than a cryptic crossword for stretching your lateral thinking skills!

    1. Maryellen, I have just checked the Round up week 20 blog ( I presume you do mean the BBC one) but there are no comments there. Perhaps I have the wrong place?

    2. Just realised I was looking at last year’s Week 20! Have now commented on the correct one.

  69. I have been given a boost this morning by reading the post on the AI blog.
    CowGirl and JBTS mistral etc,have made some very funny comments linked to TA
    Cheered me up. Thank you.

    1. try the UHD blog too, same blog page as AI. Mistral has a wicked sense of humour

  70. Here we are, lots of hats & outfits on display already in sunny Windsor - lovely ! Floral displays inside, & framing the outside of one of the chapel entrances. You don't really want a running commentary, though, do you ? (BTW, the floral extravaganzas do not outdo the gorgeous dogwood which kicks off this blog; many thanks, Ruthy !)

  71. The other half has already popped in with mocking remarks, when not in the garden....have a little break from the banter now, as he's doing a spot of shopping..

  72. I am amused to see that the Wedding procession will be passing the window of my old dentist in Windsor High Street today. When I was very young we lived near Windsor I was taken to see this butcher of a dentist many times. While lying in the chair you could see the busbies of the soldiers passing the window as they marched up the hill to the Castle. The dentist was very old fashioned and had a treadle-operated drill and he used no anaesthetic so my sessions were horrendous and have given me a dread of dental treatment for life. Funnily enough I am not too keen on seeing soldiers in busbies either (!) but I will try to conquer my feelings today and enjoy watching the wedding on TV.

  73. Well what weather the Royal Wedding enjoyed! Still processing the event but imoHarry was visibly moved by the service and one could see and feel that thoughts of his mother were very much with him. Megan seemed not to have a nerve in her body and was totally in command at all times. I do hope this marriage will work for her as Harry is certainly smitten.

    1. I think we must really be annoying some folk at the BBC which I have to say is pleasing me greatly.
      I can't see how they can complain because re reading the clever and funny comments written by Archers listeners they are actually on topic.
      I see Mr Bush had his comment removed.
      I wonder what he said?
      I think we should keep up the good work.

    2. Rest assured Lanjan there is no way that I am going to give up, I am enjoying myself far too much, it is good to be able to "cock a snook" as they say.
      I believe that the BBC needs a little more humility .

  74. That is cruel, Archerphile ! I've had loads of dental experience, & find the modern way so much better, quicker, less of an ordeal.
    Wedding was super, & I loved the Episcopal Bishop of the USA - SL unenglish, bu magnificent.
    Still on weddings, but back to earlier posts on dressing for them (can hear some low groans - feel free to skip !) but I found the dress, for my son's the other day - Mint Velvet - which will, hopefully, do the job...Miriam, am pretty sure Phase 8 was your suggestion, very tempted by one of theirs, great, with matching jacket, but not quite 'dressy' enough; I tell you, if I hadn't felt getting another Summer dress was not justified, I might well have snapped it up anyway ( NOT one of their florals, but the right shade of green for me, with a few birds in the pattern - hard to resist....)

  75. Corrections : so unenglish, but....

  76. When they make the Drama series,Archersfans for ITV,which will be written by Sally Wainwright of course, I would like Anne Reid -right accent- ,(though in fact shorter in stature and slightly older than I am ) to play me.
    Maryellen of course will want to be played by Nicola Walker I think.
    Others may state their preferences
    Ruthy is lucky.
    She wll have the pick of many American actresses although one I suspect will not now be available and the best one is too old.

  77. Why can't you play yourself, Lan Jan ?

  78. We need a few names I think to get people interested,Carolyn.
    Who would you like to play you?

    1. Can't I play myself, Lanjan ? It would only be a minor role, on the sidelines, as, apart from early on, I haven't contributed lately to the campaign through the other BBC blogs (except with 'ups') but, if you insist, I'd go for Una Stubs

    2. I’d like Dame Judi Dench to play me even if she is about 10 years older! She was magnificent as Queen Victoria at Osborne House! Meghan had a sprig of myrtle from the garden there as do all royal brides in her bouquet.
      I loved the dress and veil. It was so elegant!

  79. I have just posted on the Road to an IP future, on the technology and creativity blog.
    Quite creative I think!!!
    Hope some of you will join with me.

  80. Just received a letter from the BBC
    Who say that having read my comments they do not consider they suggest evidence of possible breach of standards.
    I can and will now move to the next stage, will have to give my response a little more thought this time.

  81. Cow Girl.
    Well done yet again.
    I have just added my comment to yours on that blog.
    I seem to have given you 10 uppers.
    I won't delete them in case things go pear shaped .

    Who will play you in the Archersfan Drama ,Cow Girl?
    You say you are more mature .
    Is Julie Walters too old .?
    I think so. Sadly.
    The person I have in mind for Carolyn is too old I think but apart from her age she would be just right.
    As I have said before.
    Once a Girl Guide ,always a Girl Guide.
    One must be prepared.

    1. Thanks LanJan, your comments on the other blog, have cheered me up after my letter from the bbc.
      I think you will have to choose the character to play me, I don't watch TV or go to the cinema, so have no idea of who all these people are.
      I am 5foot 3, a little more weight than I should have and as my great niece says, have a crinkled face!
      I am sure you will make an excellent choice

  82. I have just commented on the IP blog. What a load of ego centric nonsense Mr. Postgate used. It is quite entertaining writing on all these empty silly blogs.

    1. Well done Stasia, we are all getting into the swing of this.
      I can forsee a time when we are all going to get banned, then we will have to change our names and e mail addresses,to start all over again.

  83. I must admit that I worry that we will be banned,Cow Girl.
    I don't see why we should though because I really do not see what we are doing wrong.

    1. I souldn't worry LanJan, ask your supportive sons I'm sure we can use an alternative e mail address and name. If I remember correctly, someone suggested that Therese, I believe it was blogged under 2 names.
      I think the BBC would think twice about banning us, it would make good reading in the press, a group of protesters being banned for legitimately using bogs with one or two comments, to protest the closing of a popular blog in order to save money when numerous blogs are never or only lightly used. Like the good girl guide you are I am just preparing, and avoiding unpicking my sewing!

  84. Spurred on by these comments, have just looked at your incisive posts on the I P thing, up arrowed of course, & added a note. ( perhaps that might earn me a small speaking role in the forthcoming Wainright drama, Lanjan ? A shout from the crowd?) Somewhat intrigued by who you are thinking of to play me, BTW, who's too old ?! Surely not, as I'm 72. Maybe confused by me boring on about son's wedding, so better point out he's 47, as will be the bride herself in a couple of months. (Neither have done the wedding thing before, so she wants to pull out all the stops...)

  85. OK Carolyn,I think that Penelope Wilton could play you but feel free to choose somebody else if you wish.
    We are going to be short of male characters now that we have lost FOSO and John the A but they may return of course when they read about what we are doing they may return.
    Leave it with me Cow Girl.
    I think I will be able to sort someone out to play you.
    I remember my grandson telling me years ago that I was not wrinkly but was a little bit crinkly!

  86. Well, I've found out where Olwen has been hiding:

    John Finnemore's always good value, particularly his Souvenir Programme on Radio 4. There's currently only one episode available on the Beeb website but loads more on Youtube. Try 'October Revolution' for a taster. I first discovered him through 'One Hit Wonder' on Pick of the Week. It's hard to track down at present but well worth a listen if you can find it (Series 6, Episode 3). 'Though if Pachelbel is your favourite composer you may never be able to listen to his Canon in the same way again ...

  87. Lan Jan - if you havnt already, do listen to R4 10.30 ish Saturday
    Fascinating programme about dialect in particular Lancashire.

  88. I would best be portrayed by Brenda Blethyn in her 'Vera' guise.

    I cried at The Wedding. I thought the dress was really beautiful. I loved the solo singer, fanfares, flowers, American vicar, and especially the page boy who looked absolutely delighted. I only turned it on to get ideas for what to wear. Decided that I don't like black florals, bright patterns, or plain dresses. Back to the drawing board for me. Glad Carolyn got sorted out.

  89. I am preparing my appeal to the executive complaints department and as part of it I want to include a list of blogs and their usage, pointing out the number of contributors from Archer Fans, who are keeping the blogs alive on both The About BBC and Technology and Creativity blogs. Many of you I know have made some excellent contributions, this is just a plea to any one who hasn't done so and would feel able to do so, to do it today, as I am planning to do my count this evening, thank you.
    . Out of interest the only blog with any number of comments is The New Data service with 269 comments of complaint!
    I will now shut up as I think you have heard enough from me

  90. CowGirl,
    Thank you.
    What you are doing is time consuming I know.
    I have just checked and the one blog that I thought we could use -Radio4 - is no longer in use.
    My suggestion to make life more simple is to target one site.
    The Technology blog is beyond me and it does receive lots of comments.
    If we stick to the About the BBC blog we can always find one which has some connection with The Archers and then nobody can complain.
    Worst case scenario we can do "The Highlights " blog for that week.
    You are not alone .
    My complaint -phase 2-is being looked at.
    Who knows,in the end they may just say
    "Oh for goodness sake give them their blog back and then may be they will shut up and give us a bit of peace"

    1. I have just checked the technology blog
      the count is
      IP 6 comments 5 Archers
      UDH 27 5
      3 months18 18
      AI 32 28 from staff 1 telling us off!
      We were a bit way out on the AI blog, but it was fun.

    2. Lanjan/CowGirl - I think it's good to continue to really mix things up all over the place so that we remain well in the BBC's view. And as you CG, said, it is so much fun trying to find spurious connections to the blog in question. I thought the Jane Austen blog was hilarious and I will continue on the Technology blog if I can think of something (!) - after all it is Technology AND Creativity!

  91. Thanks Mrs P.
    Was it 10.30 am or pm please?

  92. I have just posted on the About the BBC , Me, Mental health. HG has made an excellent comment. Didn't know we were also using that blog. We are slowly but surely invading all the blogs. Mind there still lots to get through.

    1. Excellent Stasia, I personally am using anything I can find that I can manufacture something to fit.

    2. Happy Whit. Sunday to all.
      Not having much time this long weekend I am hopping in and out, 5 minutes a time, all over the place. I will have to start taking notes on which blogs we have invaded - the more the merrier, I say, and would suggest that like Lan Jan, CowGirl and maryellen, anyone who finds a new blog to comment on lets us all know on this one.

  93. To all who are trying so valiantly to pester the BBC into restoring our Archers blogs by commenting on other BBC blogs.
    I admire your efforts and persistance and have spent much time trying to locate the blogs you talk about and have made a couple of comments on them.
    But I am afraid I just cannot spend anymore time on this iPad looking for and commenting on blogs other than these two splendid ones created by Ruthy.
    What with the Facebook Archers Addicts Page, which I enjoy contributing to as well, I find I am spending far too much time online and really need to spend much more time in the garden trying to keep up with all the jobs that need doing out there - as far as I am able, that is!
    So, much as I admire your efforts, I can no longer assist with the upkeep!
    I hope you will all forgive me.

    1. There is nothing to forgive, thank you for your comments. We are all doing what we can.
      I'm afraid I can be a bit obsessive !
      I only asked today for comments in order to boost my figures, for my complaint and a number of people have done so , so thank you all.

    2. I agree with you Archerphile. These wonderful Ruthy sites are exactly what I need. They are friendly, interesting and very informative. I think that it is a shame that other BBC bloggers have decided not to join this Peaceful Place.

  94. Found it Mrs P.
    Will listen this afternoon whilst sitting in the sun on my deckchair.
    I am not a true Lancastrian but having spent most of my childhood there I just love it.

    1. LanJan - can you tell us what program because I would like to listen to it also.

  95. Ruthy ,it was a programme called Tongue and Talk .Dialect poets.
    It was on last night,Saturday at 11.30 pm.
    It was about the North West of England mainly Lancashire.
    What fascinated me was that the presenter ,Catherine Harvey visited the little church school in the village where she grew up which was the next village to the one where I grew up.
    I think that there must be weekly programmes about different areas of England.
    Some years ago I went to a Show featuring a Folk Group called "The five penny piece."
    They were from East Manchester and sang dialect songs.
    I went with a friend and before we went we partook of some wine.
    We sang along with the Group and had a whale of a time.
    Ee by gum bur ( sic) it's (cald) sic.

    1. So it was in the next village from yours LJ.
      I am pleased that I thought to tell you about it.

  96. So am I -I think Mrs P!
    Thank you so much.

    I decided after listening to the programme that I should listen to some of the songs that The Five penny piece sang and to get into the mood I should partake of a little red wine!
    There I am singing along in the kitchen not a care in the world
    Goodness only knows what the meal will be like but do you know I don't really care.?
    You have a lot to answer for,Mrs P!

  97. Actually it should be
    "EE by gum bur am (I am)) cawd "

  98. To add to some othet comments which I have just read.
    John Finnemore - I really love his sense of humour. I just loved the R4 series he not only wrote but also acted in, which is Cabin Pressure. It is so funny and with the wonderful cast of Stephanie Cole, Benedict Cumberbatch and Roger Allam.
    As to the Royal Wedding, I personaly thought, that Doria Ragland looked gorgeous in her embroidered "green?" coat and dress. I truly felt for her, as she seemed to be on her own and almost isolated at times. I think that HRH Prince Charles seemed to help her a lot. I thought the music was magnificant.

  99. Ev. How is Gypsy doing? Has she settled in? I am just off to feed my homless/stray tabby cat who has just appeared sitting beside me. She needs food, is starving hungry, and needs some TLC but I cannot "adopt" her. My own cat will nor accept another cat into "our" home.

    1. Gypsy is settling down well. We had a couple of little accidents but I think a sighted dog in a strange place might have the same problem. I must admit that yesterday I wondered whether I had made a mistake but we have had a good day today. We went down to Appley beach in Ryde where there is an excellent beach cafe and the beach is lovely giving views over to Portsmouth and the Spinnaker Tower. Gypsy didn’t liv e by the sea previously so it was a new experience for her. We took her on the beach for a walk afterwards going to the cafe for breakfast. She had a sausage! She is a gannet and given the chance would eat for England but we have to get that tummy down to size! She sleeps by my bed but if I don’t go to bed at exactly the same time as her it causes some consternation! So far so good but of course early days. Her blindness does not cause many issues. She is quite intrepid and can do walks over a reasonable distance but at her own pace. She isobstinate and on being told off for scratching too much went over to the other side of the room and scratched some more! Am working on her coat and powdered her with a good talc for irritated skin before a brisk brush today and she looks much better. She has dog warts and always has apparently but I will seek vet advice. They are not infectious to humans or cats but can be to other dogs. Onward and upward hopefully! Many thanks for asking, Miriam and hope all goes well with your homeless cat! If you can’t have her maybe Cat’s Protection can find her a new home. Good luck!🤗🤣

    2. Don't give up Ev, I am sure she will come right in the end.
      I had a dog from the Dogs trust, who had bitten before I had him, don't think it would be allowed now, he was my dogs choice. I had a really difficult few months, but he ended up the most rewarding dog. Everyones Darling. Sadley no more, but he and his companion lie under trees in my garden. I will never have another, he is irreplaceable.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. I have just watched a programme about the Chelsea Flower Show.
    The lovely son of my neighbour has designed one of the Gardens to support Mental Health .

  102. I have just done a trawl of the following blogs
    Writers room
    About the bbc
    Technology and Creativity

    Total comments 664
    Archer Comments 253
    Staff 5
    number of blogs with 10 or less comments 13

    Interesting to note 1 blog with 65 comments open for a full year

    I blog of 269 all complaints (New Market Data Services)

    5 with only Archer fans commentating

    Just need now to work out how to present this on my Executive complaint.

    Clearly they would be lost with out our input, with the exception of New Market Data.
    Thought you might like to know.

    1. Thank you for doing this Cow Girl. I have been contributing to the underused blogs and hoping we will irritate the BBC so much they will give us the blog back. Am so grateful though to Ruthie but I know she has been very angry about the injustice of taking the blog away. It’s been wonderful to keep in touch with these two blogs and my only concern really is that some of our friends have not been able to join us. Keep up the good fight! Nil desperandum ( I think that ‘s the right spelling!)

  103. I have just checked the New Market Data blog.
    The comments are all complaints.
    Somebody was asking Holly Someone to explain what was going on.
    I was about to post a comment along the lines of "You'll be lucky " but the blog is now closed for comments.
    You do what you feel like doing Cow Girl.
    It is difficult to know what else can be done .
    I think I would concentrate on the fact that there were :13 blogs with fewer than 10 comments and mention the number of blogs with no comments at all.
    I would not mention the Archers comments made by us on the BBC blogs at all but if you and others feel differently then I am certainly happy to back you.

    1. LanJan
      Having thought about it last night, my most productive thinking time, I think I shall talk about value for money, value to the contributers and to the BBC , To illustrate this use the Academy blog, which from the 27th of March 2018 had 10 comments, 5 of which were removed and the Writers room, from 23 May 2017 which had 155 comments of which 63 were Archer fans a. I think I shall have to mention that as it reduces the number of posts by over a third to 92. Also I blog open from 2017 with 65 comments, is further telling how little this blog has been used
      Clearly The Archers blog wins hands down on all counts.
      I think it best no to talk about the other 2 blogs , but will be guided by others.
      If any one has any ideas then they would be most welcome, as this is my final bite of this cherry.
      I shan't be posting my letter till thursday

    2. Good thinking Cow Girl.
      .....and good luck.

  104. I have commented on 2 “about BBC” blogs today.

  105. CowGirl - I've finally got round to following you and others up with a post to Mr. Purnell, as promised. (About the BBC - RAJARS)
    Your night-time thinking is great - good luck!

  106. I've just read it , it is Brilliant.
    I have I've added a little dig.
    I am also keeping on eye on a new Welsh language blog that has been open a few days now with no comments so far another to add to my complaint

  107. I have just tried commenting on the IP blog, on both occasions my comment was immediately sent for moderation, may be they have decided I am a persona non grata.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am now feeling very humble and I also feel very humilitated. I did not think that I was being disloyal nor ungrateful to Ruthy. I am so very, very sorry for my comments.

    3. I respect your criticism and your reply.

    4. Posting at the same time, Miriam! My thank you was for deleting your post and that is why I deleted mine. I think however you misunderstood me, I did not say you were being disloyal or ungrateful to Ruthy, quite the opposite. There is no need for you to feel humiliated. You wrote your opinion, I wrote mine - both deleted, end of story. Let's leave it there, ok?

  109. Have just discovered our comments on the Me, mental Health blog have been removed because we broke the house rules. Onwards and upwards. Ruthy's comments are still there.

  110. Ev. I wish you every Good Luck with Gypsy. I hope that she doesn't do what my sisters dog does. They live in Norfolk and "Jess" is taken nearly every day to their nearby beach for some wonderful walks but Jess always runs, at some time in her walk straight into the sea + "poos"! It is a lovely exercise, trying to catch the deposits as they wash in and out!

    1. I have to keep Gypsy on the lead as she is blind but at her age and with her girth she isn’t running anywhere! Love the Jess story! What a picture trying to catch the poos!

  111. Our comments on the RAJAR blog have been removed but well done, Soz, yours is still there! Carolyn’s is the latest and they have left that too up to now anyway! We have had a lovely day but this evening the sky clouded over and there was a whoosh of rain but it didn’t last long! It is cooler which is nice. Gypsy has no sense and lies in the sun so that I have to scoop her up and deposit her indoors. It’s my daughter’s birthday today. We were going out for a meal but are dogbound so we are having fillet steak, asparagus, baby broad beans and new potatoes with a bearnaise sauce mostly from M & S!

    Sorry about all the blog infiltration talk, Miriam. Hope you are having a good evening! Am very happy with Ruthy’s blog!

  112. Oh honestly !! Grrr.... Just looked at the Purnell blog. T which I added my little back up bit to find many before me had been removed ('breaking house rules' oh yeah) which is so annoying as they were good, so just a matter of time before mine is vaporised, which doesn't matter, as nothing new, but I suppose the positive tame is that we are an irritant to the BBC, has to be a good thing ? Wear 'em down
    Miriam, I don't think you need worry, truly, as Ruthy is very much on side over this, if you read back over the posyd.

  113. Corrections : ' positive take ' & later ' last word = posts. Sorry Ev, must have posted at the same time. You are doing wonders with Gypsy, but I bet in the end it will prove to be very rewarding.

  114. Avoid this Miriam its about the BBC blog.
    Just tried commenting on another blog that I haven't used, it went straight to moderation, so it must be picking up on my name.
    I have been trying to use another email address, but without much luck, e mails from the bbc don't seem to be getting through, although I have used an alternative name etc.my technical skills aren't up to much, I seem to be making a right hash of it.

    1. That is serious dictatorship, CowGirl - I'm disgusted. I wonder if it is Mr. Purnell who has acted so fast, seeing that we addressed him personally. If they are now picking up on names I expect we will all follow suit. We really don't have a chance, do we!
      Has anyone yet had email notification that their posts have been removed?

    2. 3 notifications to date.
      I have been rather free with my comments!
      I have had enough today trying to sort out another email/name to circumnavigate the BBC's censorship.
      I might have another go.to morrow after I have finished my allotted tasks.
      If after I have my final response from the bbc and it is still negative, I might try writing to the newspaper. I know LanJan didn't get very far, but with so many blogs underused, we may get a hearing. I'm not giving up yet.

  115. I have just been looking through the blogs and note that Yuo's comment to us to use the IP blog has not been removed. Clearly this is discrimination, as he too was off topic.


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