Life in Ambridge: Comments week of September 5, 2018
Fallon's Tea Room


  1. Could this be Fallon's Tea Room?

  2. Yes, just how I imagined it. Seem to remember they have mismatched china. Our tearoom in the village is run by volunteers and has various china patterns which add to its charm! Local people make cards and so on which they sell displayed on an old fashioned dresser.

  3. Ruthy.... that is fantastic.
    I am sure the TA team imagined exactly this when they gave birth to Fallons Tea Room.

    You are a STAR

  4. Oh, it's perfect, Ruthy ! Very elegant chairs, & lots of 'stuff' I like to imagine Lily flouncing out & then tripping up over something, her exit ruined....
    I was thinking we raced through the last one with alarming speed.

  5. I love this place Ruthy🍰☕️
    Will it be the venue for Alastair’s birthday tea?🎂
    Jazzer is carving out a new career as an events manager - who’d have thought it?

  6. Yes Ruthy, just as I'd imagined it to be. Well done.

  7. Lovely pic.... perfect for a cup of tea and a scone.
    I’m really enjoying jazzer and
    Alistairs new friendly relationship. I hope jazzer does do a big jelly and ice cream party for him topped off with a cake with a woman bursting out if it!!! (Not lifesize you understand )🎂🍾

    1. PtbY - I am hoping for an ice cream birthday cake, a magician, face painter, and a local band.

  8. Thank you all for nice comment on the tea room photo. I really agonized and spend more time on this photo than any other. I have never been to an English tea room so I was really nervous this would be all wrong. Thank you all again!

    1. No! It's just right and quite typical of many. I'd love to visit and try some of your fruit scones with lashings of cream and jam. Or some of Jill's lemon drizzle. And I'd particularly recommend this tea room if it serves proper loose-leaf tea. :) Brilliant pic, Ruthy. I think you struck a chord with us older Brits.

    2. Lovely lovely picture. Can just imagine having a peaceful cup of tea there.

    3. Ummmm ? Foso why just 'older Brits' ?

  9. Wow Ruthy - I'm on my way ☕️🍰 you are a treasure you put so much thought into our blog photos. They are much enjoyed and appreciated 💐

    1. I had imagined the tea room to be more rustic with country style furniture and gingham tablecloths. I think the cricket pavilion is a more likely venue for Alistair's birthday party especially the cricket team are the most likely invitees. The village hall would probably be too big, though better if there are going to be performers...

    2. On second thoughts, I can see that vintage tat is more Fallon's style - and Ruthy has caught that perfectly. I just can't imagine Tony and Rob and baby Jack having their access sessions here, though.

    3. On third thoughts, I think shabby chic is the term I'm looking for, summed up by Ev's recollection of Fallon's mismatched china. It's the letting agent's description of a Cornish holiday cottage I rented last year, with charm and inconvenience in equal proportions!

    4. I could see any of these versions for Fallon’s Tea Room.

  10. Surely the Cricket Club would only want to hold their end of season get-together at a venue with an alcohol license? Does Fallon have one of those I wonder?
    Our club would insist on lashings of beer (and not the ginger variety)!

  11. Caught up with last night - what a storm in a tea pot about those shoes ! Clarrie handled the anxious dad very well. Enjoying the Alistair/Jim/Jazzer triumvirate, welcome break from all the usual angst, & nice to hear from Brian again.

  12. I am enjoying the current story-lines. Who would have thought Jazzer to take up running, but I do wonder just how commited he is? I do think, though, that he is so wonderful in supporting Alistair. A true alli, and this is a good "Bromance".

  13. I agree Kenton, will that be you? I find it more and more unreal, Lily and Russ choosing the most expensive items and Elizabeth footing the bill.

  14. Me, too, Basia. It's surreal. ' somebody ought to do something', yeah, right, & Elizabeth is so frightened of alienating her daughter, she's buying all the flat equipment, most of which seem to be chosen to meet Russ's desires & special requirements ! I didn't think E.was such a doormat, so wet, ' my terrible year' - honestly. Never mind right & wrong, when faced with some slammed doors, loud sobbing, shouting from a deluded 18 yr. old. It's not helping Lily just to accept the Russ takeover, any more than it is helping Freddie to accept his continuing lies to the police.
    Poor Jennifer, though - did feel for her.

    1. Carolyn - it was all very predictable, wasn't it? - right from the moment Russ agreed to pen a flattering reference for Freddy, we must have seen it coming. I think I commented that Russ now had power over all three of them. I guess he needs to be a good politician and manager of people to get what he wants in his professional life, and he does it with ease. At the beginning of the scene, Lizzie was looking forward to spending time with Lily before she goes away, but no, the master manipulator made sure he tagged along. I've no doubt he already knew from Lily (or perhaps, guessed) that Elizabeth would offer to pay, so he chose the most expensive kettle. Look how he even chose it and then immediately added a remark which implied that it was Lily who had done so ("she knows what she wants" or similar). Yes, we have another type of Rob - perhaps with kid gloves - but a controller alright. The difference is that everyone recognises the fact, but can't do a thing about it.

    2. Yes, FOSO, manipulative, right from the beginning, blackmailing Freddie, but not a sociopath like Titchener - seems to me he's got plenty to hide, or to escape from, & is using the Pargetters to make his getaway. They recognise this, as you say, but it's more that they won't do anything about, rather than they can't. They daren't think coolly, haven't got the guts.

    3. Maybe you are correct, but I think the Archers are powerless. Russ has them in a vice at least until Freddy's fate is decided. But there's also the central problem that Lily is besotted. Until the scales drop from her eyes, Lizzie feels she is powerless.

    4. So choice between Freddie in prison & Lily starting adult life with a manipulative man, 22 yrs. her senior ? I see that, but guilty of short term thinking. It isn't likely that a bland reference is going to save the boy if the police have done their job in the intervening weeks.
      I'd like to think that the twins themselves will see the light, & save themselves. Already a hint that Lily might, shocked as she was when R. said he'd told his wife, & uncharacteristically clingy she is around mum at the moment. Freddie, well, it would take a big shock to jolt him into reality; threats from Ellis & co ?

    5. "It isn't likely that a bland reference is going to save the boy if the police have done their job in the intervening weeks. " Quite right, Maryellen - we both know that, but I think the fiction is being maintained by the SWs in order to inform E's actions and play into her helplessness. I'm not saying it's right, but just that that's the drive of the story. It's a plot-hole, or a not very tenable device.

  15. The new school term has already started, but what about the Felpersham College.
    I would have thought that Russ, as vice principal would now be back, sorting out the next term, with its new intake and the necessary admin.
    How will his explain his absence, esp as he has not resigned.
    I still think tbat Lara knows all about his schemes, the Lily set-up and they are trying to scam Elizabeth.
    As for Ellis - he is part of it.

    1. We don't actually know that he hasn't resigned months ago ! Place getting too hot for him...

    2. FE colleges in Worcester and Evesham (real-life equivalents of Felpersham) are enrolling students and starting the teaching for 16-18 year-olds this week. This must mean that there are revelations about Russ still to come! (Surely the alternative that teh script writers have no idea of the academic calendar is just too far-fetched?)

      I've never heard what subject Lily is going to study at university. Have I missed something? It seems rather unrealistic that she's about to embark on a course which will affect her future life and career without ever talking about it.

  16. Ruthy: May I post your tea rooms picture on Instagram? I can put a reference to this blog too.

    1. FOSO - I found the photo on the internet and don’t have any idea the location. If you wish to post it I don’t have a problem with it.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think Russ should pop round to Home Farm and see if Jennifer is offloading any of her expensive kitchen equipment.... she probably has a spare tagine or two!

  19. I thought Russ sounded like a child in a sweet shop. 'Ooh, look, a super-duper clever kettle, I must have one of those.' Surely if he's so fussy about his tea and coffee he'd have found himself a kettle like that years ago. Didn't sound like a grown man, let alone a vice-principal of a thriving FE college to me.

    I'm glad Kenton is suitably outraged by the whole affair. If any ******************* teacher tried such a stunt with any of my shoe-dwellers I'd be onto the college in an instant. Come on Lizzy, stop pussy-footing around and get Lily out of this. (After all, your own mother hardly welcomed your older married beau with open arms, did she?)

  20. Russ is coming over as a pretentious twit as well as manipulative and sly. Kenton and Lilian both relying on alcohol to provide help and maybe answers to huge problems.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️ To your first sentence.

    2. ....& ✓✓ to your 2nd point, Anneveggie !

  21. Does Russ think that, as Elizabeth is the chatelaine of a stately home, she must have a bottomless pot of gold? As OWiaS (welcome back!) says, this is not how a grown-up thinks.

    1. I'm looking forward to how this develops. I notice he didn't "flinch" when he found out Freddy was the heir and Lily would not necessarily inherit. Is he not interested, or will he try to plot Freddy's disinheritance, or drop Lily for Elizabeth?

  22. Elizabeth should have been strong enough to say to Lily that it was a mother-daughter outing before Lily goes off to Manchester and they could meet Russ later for dinner. Though I wouldn’t trust Russ alone in LL.

  23. I reckon the SWs are having a whale of a time writing the scripts for Russ. I can just imagine them sitting round the table thinking up lines to make him sound more and more ridiculous, pretentious and implausible - three temperature kettle and tagine indeed!
    They are having fun with this story and I am interested to see how far they push it before Elizabeth breaks or Lily sees the light..... or, of course, Kenton DOES something!

    1. How do I post a "tick" - anyone?? (on a PC). Anyhow Archerphile, I think they must be loving all the possibilities and brain storming sessions.

    2. Not sure how you’d do a big tick on a PC, FOSO. Those of us using tablets tend to use a thumbs up emoji, laughing face or tick symbol. Perhaps you could just use one or two :) symbols, or is there not a little tick somewhere on the traditional keyboard?

    3. Most help sites agree it is Alt 0252, but unfortunately this gives ü on here. That is the correct ASCII code, but on the blog must use a different protocol.

  24. FOSO, 5/9 10.50pm - your initial quotation - incorrect attribution, but, no matter, your point must be correct, I think, the plot requires E. to hold her ire in check, so that Russ is exposed in another way. I'm hoping this will be some catalyst causing the twins to emerge from their separate trances - perhaps the police, or college authorities. Anything will do !

    1. So sorry, Carolyn (and Maryellen), about the attribution. Sloppy of me!

  25. Man/boy Russ, child/adult Lily, and weak mother Elizabeth. Unbelievable, unbelievable.
    Go Kenton, go. Expose Russ for what he is, a sociopathic con merchant. He has certainly fallen on his feet, a two bedroom flat so he can paint and drink his herbal teas heated in a threeTemperature controlled kettle.
    Have we ever been told what Lily's personal pocket money is?
    Will it be enough to keep a live in lover with very expensive tastes? No beans on toast for him as he as he paints away in his luxury garret.
    In the real world most students have a part time job.

    1. Liked your post, Stasia ! Reckon your views are shared by many. Also doubt he''s sociopathic - seems to function well in all departments ( unlike Titchener), but more of a ''straightforward' criminal type ? A con merchant, as you say.

    2. Or just a weak man who likes to be ' looked after' by women, and is used to being so.
      They do exist, and most of them are charming.
      I have personal experience of such.
      Where they exist, they are not sociopaths.

      They have been raised by strong assertive women who believe for some reason that 'this' boy needs to be protected.

    3. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 My sentiments exactly, stasia. I love this story line. And I like Kenton's recent involvement and positions. Very curious to hear how this story will develop.

  26. What proper evidence have we that Russ is a sociopath?

    1. Judging by this list of tests, not enough evidence at all, yet:-

      Superficial charm and good intelligence
      Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
      Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
      Untruthfulness and insincerity
      Lack of remorse and shame
      Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
      Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
      Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
      General poverty in major affective reactions
      Specific loss of insight
      Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
      Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without
      Suicide threats rarely carried out
      Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
      Failure to follow any life plan

      At present, he is just someone good at manipulating a situation to his own advantage, who perhaps shows one or to signs that he might have sociopathic tendencies. But it would be impossible to go further than that, in my view. So, basically, there isn't yet enough proper evidence to describe him as a sociopath.

  27. I'm loving the Russ/Lily/Elizabeth plot; some of the lines written for Russ have been hilarious. I don't think Russ is a sociopath, although I do think he's a self-obsessed wimp, with his three-temperature kettle and his 'slight yeast allergy'. I wonder if Lily will go off him entirely of her own accord, as he continues with this tiresome, over-fussy behaviour? I'm not sure where this is going but I'm not sure Russ really wants a lover at all (and I doubt if he ever had a wife!)--he might be looking someone to mother him! On the other hand, he may be a cunning thief, planning to burgle LL...

    1. Mother him? I doubt it. He appreciates fine form and he also likes educating and showing off his knowledge. I suggest Lily plays into to both these interests: a perfectly formed young body and someone who also laps up his knowledge of fine art. Whether or not it will last, that seems a perfect combination for him for the moment.
      BTW, I have a relative who has one of those kettles. To my mind a waste of money, especially as money is tight. But I'm just too old fashioned, no doubt.

    2. Surely, if you want water at less than boiling point for some fancy tea or other, you just switch it off sooner - simples!

  28. How about 'chancer' for Russ in the meantime?

    1. I like Nemos self obsessed wimp as well as chancer.
      Russ comes across as both.

  29. I reckon, like Nemo, most of us are ' in love' with the SL - certainly engaged, maybe furiously/often amused/very curious, proof being the no. of posts the last 24 hrs. Sorry, Ruthy !

    1. If I could form a "tick", I'd give you one! This story certainly has livened things up in Ambridge with the various dilemmas it has created. Probably also strikes a chord with some of us who have witnessed similar events, even though second hand.

    2. FOSO - how about a “100% “ to agree with a post, or a couple of **s ?

  30. FOSO - on a PC you can copy and paste a tick mark.

    I am also enjoying the Russ/Lily/E SL and wonder where the SW will take us. One thought I had was Lily will get tired of Russ, have an emotional breakdown, comes back to LL and becomes its manager along with supportive mom at her side.

  31. From The Chairman of the Governors
    Borsetshire Communitiy College

    To Mr Russ X (sorry, I've forgotten his surname)

    Dear Mr Russ,
    The Board of Governors seeks urgent confirmation of your whereabouts. As you are aware, the new College term began this Monday, 3rd September, with a training day for all staff. (One session of which concerned 'Student Retention and Welfare' which you were due to lead.) Students returned on Tuesday and teaching resumed on Wednesday. Your unexplained absence has put considerable pressure on the rest of the Senior Management Team and your new students are naturally concerned to know who will be teaching them this term.
    We have received no contact from you and therefore you are apparently absent without leave. If this is due to sudden ill-health, please accept our good wishes for a swift and full recovery. However, as you are fully aware, such sickness should be reported to us at the earliest opportunity. Unless you are unconscious or in ICU you should have been able to contact us by now.

    On a separate note, your wife has delivered several suitcases to school, apparently in the belief that you will be in need of them here. They are currently being stored in your office. This is no problem for us while you are not here to occupy it but will be inconvenient to you on your return. (One of the cases appears to be labelled 'Mr M Crawford, Tiger'. I am sure you understand the reasons better than we can hope to.)

    Finally, a former student of the College arrived yesterday, a Miss C Button. She was very anxious to meet you and seemed sure you would like to meet her 14 month old son. Whilst we prefer our former students to continue their education and commence their careers before they start a family, the reception staff nevertheless congratulated her and promised to pass on her greetings to you, alongside the enclosed photo.

    We anxiously await your reply and return to post.

    Mr I Sackem
    Chair of Governors

    1. Great !!✓✓✓
      Come Monday, the next missive will be a tad shirty ? Even mention of dismissal-in-absentia, traces of suspicious white powder having been found in locked, but forced, drawer in his office...

    2. It's so good to have you back Old Woman.... we love your entertaining posts.

    3. Letter just right! Lovely to have you and the shoe dwellers back!👏😀🤗

  32. 👩‍🎓
    FOSE, I discovered a new feature of Windows 10 today. If you press the windows key and '.' you get a whole collection of icons to choose from, including a nice ✔ (it was green on my menu but black here). If you also have Windows 10 your problem is solved 😁.

    My problems, however, have just begun - do I really need such easy access to a whole host of pictures to prettify my posts and make them even longer?

    1. I am still using Windows 7. I dread the day my faithful laptop breaks down!

    2. 👍 found it!! love the letter OWiaS

    3. On my Windows 10 PC keyboard, all of a sudden, when you press @ it types “
      And vice versa
      Really annoying when you are trying to type in an email address!

    4. I'm still on Windows 7 and quite happy there!

  33. Absolutely brilliant Old Woman.

  34. They've done it again-or rather Jennifer has .
    We hear a one sided conversation between Jennifer and some woman but Jennifer didn't give the woman time to reply before answering her.
    Surely an actress would "say" in her head what the person on the other end of the ''phone is saying and then make her reply?
    Yes there would be a period of silence but it would be more realistic.

    1. LanJan, did you miss my post asking about the cats and the welfare of the elderly lady ?
      Or did you decide to keep quiet on the subject.

  35. The Ambridge Observer is due back with us on Sunday 9th September. The editor's views on the latest situations will be most enlightening.
    Stand by for a hearty laugh!

    1. Thanks for letting us know Pierre - I have really missed it during the summer. Bet Christine Michael will have a brilliant take on the Lily/Russ shenanigans. One of her “Aunty Satya” columns I expect. 😁

    2. Thanks from me too, Pierre. I'm really glad it's back - even though I think it's a bit sixth form sometimes!

  36. Sorry LanJan, have just seen your reply on the other ( correct) thread.

    Excuse my mistake, friends.

  37. Apparantley Jeremy Howe took over as TA editor on August 23rd. There seemed to be a BBC Archers Blog, about this, but there were no comments - I wonder why????
    I wonder when his input will finally become heard, and in what way.

  38. I am liking this calmer interlude:- Russ /Lily, Jazzer/Alistair off out "running", the quiet as to the Kate/contamination/sale of Home Farm, Poppy's shoes, and the talk about the Flower + Produce Show.
    It will all change very soon! 😈

    1. As to the Produce Show, where are Derek Fletcher, Bob Pullen and Neville Booth - who, if I remember correctly, were all very competative against Joe Grundy + Bert Fry.
      Are they still alive and living in Ambridge?

    2. Bob Pullen is pushing up daisies. They are no doubt top quality daisies.

  39. Thanks for the welcome back. I've missed popping in here.
    Glad you liked the letter. I wonder if it will need to be followed up next week or if Russ will slink back into College before then?

    My mole at the College suspects a typo in the letter. Apparently the baby looked closer to 14 weeks than 14 months. (And Ms C Button has some cousins living near Ambridge ...)

  40. Lovely episode this evening,with the emphasis on family, new beginnings, and Clarrie trying to help Elizabeth see beyond the present with Freddie., but unknowingly causing pain re Lily.
    Lovely to 'see' you again OWiaS. I've missed your inventive posts.

  41. Tom picked the wrong time to sell new ideas to Helen.

    1. I don't see why Helen thinks planting fruit trees is a waste of money. Less extravagant than the demonstration dairy/visitor centre set-up she envisaged spending the land-sale money on last year. I think it's one of Tom's better suggestions, except it wasn't actually his idea.

    2. I think Tom just goes off helter-skelter without ever thinking things through properly. The farm already is too diverse according to Natasha the soft drinks expert. The rot set in when the herd was sold, and Johnny is discontented with the loss of 'proper' farming. The two hobby herds are a far cry from the organic enterprise that Pat and Tony started. I think Johnny will leave as soon as he is qualified, to rear animals, and Tom and Helen will not be farmers but shop-keepers.

    3. That's an interesting development, Mistral, and I think you may be right. Johnny is obviously not interested in the developments that are creeping in - he likes working with animals (like his granddad Tony), although there can't be many old fashioned general farms left that he might work on. A lot of the farms in this area have diversified to some extent in order to make a decent living. In fact, one farm not so far from here ploughed up their fields and planted summer fruiting PYO crops such as strawberries, raspberries and currants. They also grow pumpkins for the autumn market and Christmas trees, and hold many seasonal events to attract families - ghost rides for Halloween, Christmas fayre, picnic areas and bouncy castle etc. in the summer. And, of course, they have an extensive shop selling local produce as well as their own. So, it sounds as though that may be the way that Bridge Farm will go too if Tom gets his way and Helen stops flouncing around in a sulk because it's not completely cheese related.

  42. My thoughts last night were, that, yet again, Tom was off on another idea.
    The idea itself sounded good, but.......
    How many diversions can it be possible to take and still be a viable business ?

    1. It seems a little counter-intuitive, I do agree. Too much diversity was the conclusion, so now Tom darts off in another direction. He is like a dog on a long lead rushing left and right as some new scent attracts him.

    2. Love that description of Tom. He does seem to be easily influenced by outside sources and get a bit over- enthusiastic without thinking things through thoroughly first. Helen sounded very cool about the idea. I think it would need a very large initial outlay and a long time to start producing profits.

  43. I think that Tom & Helen will be pushed aside in some way in order for Johnny to take over sometime in the not too distant future. A handful of cheese sales and a couple of half-baked business ideas do not a successful farm make!

    1. "will be pushed aside in some way" - only their deaths would do it!

  44. Ed still seems to have the idea of being a traditional farmer, as does Johnny, and this, also seems the ethos at Brookfield.
    Perhaps that there could be a conglomoration at a later stage.

  45. Agree with you, Gary. Johnny seems the natural heir to Bridge Farm. His father, Grandad Tony, the way he thinks. Tom might be better upping sticks & getting work with the innovative farmsh

  46. I agree that Johnny is getting restless and thinking about his future. He needs to be taken more seriously at Bridge Farm rather than being used as cheap labour. He clearly has his own thoughts about the farm but nobody asks him. Unlike Pip bursting with confidence and ideas at his age he keeps it to himself. Perhaps he will be tempted to go to Berrow Farm with Hannah where at least there are animals.

    1. That wouldn't suit Johnny, - intense breeding "indoors". I still wonder why Neil is still working there.

  47. Whoops !... Farms Suz was writing about. Perhaps his Nuffield connections would help. Helen? Stay cocooned in B. Farm until she gets Henry sorted out, to an extent, with therapy, then branch out on her own, trying coping independently.
    Anyway, Johnny is the most agreeable of the young set, by a long way - let's not lose him ! Like Freddie, not successful academically, but immeasurably more intelligent & honourable. Josh shows some promise, & I would have rated Pheobe, but she's come across rather wishy washy lately. As for the rest ! Say no more.

  48. Listening to tonight's episode and now it seems pretty obvious that Lily isn't the only student Russhas deen involved with.
    In five minutes time I will know if I am right.

    1. You understood that message LJ, but I don't think Lily did so.

  49. So it'll be baked beans and foraging ie food bank? The money on the deposit lost?
    At least Freddie and Elizabeth are all right as well as Tom and Helen.

    1. At least he'll be able to sell the kettle and bedding on ebay, that'll keep him in paints for a few weeks.

  50. Since phone calls from Dr Venables to Russ were not answered today, I will expect an email from Dr Venables will be published on this site within the next twenty four hours.

  51. Wonderful! What a fey man Russ is! As I imagine he is probably a character to be laughed at rather than feared; he must be good at something......Lily do tell! 😊

  52. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but although I've wracked my brains, I can't remember any occasion on which Johnny has shown, imagination, flair or initiative - apart from deciding to move in with Tom, and (quoting his tutor) a mention of the desirability of spreading his wings which he now seems to have forgotten. He is a very hard - and good - worker like his Bridge Farm family, but lacks their originality of thought. Isn't Henry the heir to Bridge Farm while Tom remains childless?

    1. Johnny worked for Adam, who favoured him over Ed, in order to get more experience.

    2. Adam had offered the position to Johnny, but he kindly gave that up for Ed because he needed the money. It was a nice thing for Johnny to do. He is the most likable character on TA.

    3. Didn't he want to work for Adam so he could drive the big machinery? Wow!

    4. No, he's just decent & fair. He showed initiative, & sound instinct, when he met the B. Farm family & knew that life was for him. He listened to advice about going to college, persuaded his parents to let him go down the agricultural route & has grafted ever since. Tony & Adam, who know what they're talking about, speak highly of him. He's not, literally, the direct heir, I suppose Tom & Helen are jointly, & Henry doesn't come into it, 2 generations away, & there's no knowing for a long while what his bent will be.

    5. He's reactive rather than proactive as your post demonstrates, Carolyn. And I suspect his present hard attitude to Freddie is partly attributable to guilt - he wasn't the good influence on Freddie at college (or on the IoW) that he was meant to be. He's decent and all that, but ineffectual with it. One of Nature's lieutenants, not captains.

    6. Don't,t see how he can possibly feel guilty about Freddie ! There's little difference in their ages, he's not obliged to be protector/good influence; he happens to be the more sensible & responsible of the two, but they're in the same peer group.

    7. Then open your eyes, Carolyn! Elizabeth specifically asked Johnny to keep an eye out for Freddie at college and the lads became mates. Remember the IoW scenario.Either Johnnie knew about Freddie's involvement with drugs at college and turned a blind eye or more likely he wasn't keeping a close enough eye and didn't realise what was going on. Either way he's got something to feel guilty about, and it's reflected in the hard line he's taking now.

  53. Oh dear! Looks like scales may be slipping from Lily's eyes a little bit, poor Russ - not!!

    1. I wondered that, Phoenix, as she was certainly asking all the right questions. I thought I spied a touch of the embryo businesswoman she is said to be, beginning to peep out.

    2. Lily was always the sensible one, and it is beginning to dawn on her that something is not right here. She knows she cannot pay the rent from thin air, and the starving artist in a garret wasn't what she signed up to. Russ, she now suspects, is a fantasist. We suspect he might have some other gameplan, but it's not clear as yet.

    3. Absolutely agree, Sarnia. I had exactly the same thought about Lily' inherited business instinct from her mother.

  54. So Russ has gone from a highly educated teacher/counsellor/administrator, whose expertese allowed him to acheive the postion of Vice-Principld, at a college.
    Now he is an impoverished artist, bare-foot in tatty jeans, who no-one understands, except Lily, and is happy eating cold baked beans!
    As if any of this is actually believable!
    What, though is his true game-plan, I think it still revolves around Freddie + Ellis, and the drug situation.

    1. What’s he going to put in the tagine?!! Baked beans won’t do!

  55. I really do think that I have cracked it.
    All will be well for Lily because Dr Venables will confirm my view that there is at least one other student that ridiculous Russ has tried to seduce.
    She (is the Principal a she? ) is not confronting Russ about Lily.
    Why would she ?
    No ,some other mother has complained or the girl he dumped for Lily has made the complaint perhaps.
    Russ sounds about 16 years of age .
    What a pathetic creature he is.
    Lily will go to Manchester without him,never fear.
    As has been mentioned before(not by me) we don't even know whether he is actually married or told his parents.

    1. Let's hope the reception staff had the sense to keep a copy of the photo of Mini Button.

      If he's not dealing with his 'unstable' wife tomorrow, what is he up to? Miriam has got me thinking now. Perhaps Ellis is simply Russ' henchman.

    2. A possibility Lanjan: sounds plausible. My thought, when he insisted on not phoning Dr Venables until Monday and the comment about things taking their course, was that the next event will be a knock on the door from the police.

    3. I wonder if the scriptwriters groan when they are allocated certain characters? You can imagine the conversation round the office table as they divvy up the workload: Why do I always get Jill? Trade you Neil for T❤️O❤️B❤️Y. Oh goody, Jazzer again. Rex, yawn, yawn. Who is this Rob Titchener? Must be my turn for Kathy .......

  56. Who put the deposit down on the flat? Has that really happened or is that going to be another fantasy? It does seem likely it will all implode next week.

  57. At least Freddie stopped acting like an obnoxious child tonight, & Hannah showed a more pleasant side.
    As for Russ, what a priceless prat ! I shall be sorry to see him go, as go he surely will. Lily sounds most uneasy, beginning to be disenchanted, & no doubt Dr. Venables will give him the push next week - drugs, sex, maybe non appearance at 1st staff meeting of the year, or objection to letter of resignation without serving out terms of notice.

  58. I wonder if Mrs Russ has reported him to the college for having an affair with a student. Spurned wife's revenge. The way Russ talks about his wife's emotions & behaviour, reminds me of some of the things Rob used to say about his first wife. Is it typical of men who are having extra-marital affairs?

  59. When Russ said the Principal wanted to see him because an allegation had been made, my first thought was that Kenton had been on the phone to the College.
    He did say, the other night, that someone should *do* something!

  60. I noticed Russ said 'We've done nothing illegal'. Possibly, but he didn't say 'We've done nothing wrong'. He knows he hasn't got a leg to stand on and is burying his head in the sand (or at least in his top of the range new duvet).

    (Oh Russ, who will get custody of the duvet, kettle, tangine, top of the range saucepans, gold-edged plates, silver cutlery, etc, etc when it all goes belly-up? Or will it have to be sold on ebay to pay for the arrears on the rent?)

  61. It's taking such a long time for the penny to drop for Lily. She did sound very doubtful tonight though and it's about time. Russ is pathetic and selfish too - stinking out the kitchen at LL without asking if it was OK. Is Lily on the pill? I do hope so, it would be such a disaster if she found out she was pregnant.

    1. That that would be a diseaster!

    2. Look for a new post in the morning. I think it will make you smile 😃😀😀

    3. She could terminate the pregnancy like Phoebe and hopefully it wouldn't affect her or her career at uni any more than Phoebe.


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