Life in Ambridge: Comments week of November 4, 2018


  1. So different from when I used to milk my 3 or 4, sitting on a milking stool and singing to them as I did so.

    1. I wonder how the cows feel about being in what looks like a factory.

    2. They have nothing to compare it with, it is a routine they have known all their lives. Show them a more relaxed arrangement and I know which they would choose.

  2. Everything looks remarkably clean considering she's dealing with the back end of cows! :)

    I'm adding a note here as it's partly related to TA
    I went onto the TA website to look something up and was asked (in a pop up box) if I would take part in a survey as to 'hHow we could improve the website."
    Just two things to mention. The first question asked me to describe whether I was 'Male, Female, Other, Prefer not to say.' I do despair of common sense nowadays!
    Secondly - the last question was 'Have you any suggestions as to how the BBC website can be improved?'
    I just added 'Restore the comments facility on the TA blog page.' Personally I think this site is much more pleasant but I just wanted them to know their actions have not been forgotten (nor forgiven!)

    1. I periodically do it too, they must be sick of me !!!

    2. Poor old BBC. I'm not sure what "common sense" has to do with how people see their gender, but I *do* know that if the BBC excluded those "Other" and "Prefer-No-to-say" types, they would get a lot of bellyaching and flack from both those groups and general trouble makers. BBC are damned if they do and if they don't, but they mus try to please everyone since our favourite institution is under attack on all sides these days. I guess that in itself shows how tremendous they are: a world leader.

    3. I’m with you on the common sense bit Spicy.

    4. Did any one listen to the programme about gender, transgender, last week on R4. ?
      I agree with FOSO the BBC is damned in every direction and has to be balanced in every way possible.
      We may feel it's common sense, but tell that to those involved in personal struggle with gender problems.
      And please do not suppose that I have any of the answers.

    5. Didn't listen to the programme, but, yes, a huge problem for some, on every level, physical, emotional, mental & any other one can think of, to struggle with such a basic aspect of personal identity.
      However, in reference to the survey Spicy mentioned, or any other similar, I can't see why gender is relevant at all. Why ask in a survey about a website ? If it's about the demographic, why not ask the person's age, as well ? No, I suspect, in the BBC's case, & others, it's just about appearing to be right there with the zeitgeist, & PC. It's manipulating how we should think.
      I'm sure transgender people are glad they can be open about their lives & stories, & that there is more understanding these days but they have opinions about many issues, like anyone else, & I doubt they care to have their gender assignments attached to, or announced in connection with quite different matters.
      Maybe we should all tick the 'Prefer not to say' box, in cases where we consider such a question bside the point, nosy, or irrelevant !

    6. I take your point Carolyn, and am also of the opinion that, too often, the BBC perceives its role to be ' ahead' of issues.
      However in this particular case I understand that the lobbying to promote awareness and acceptance of transgender issues is very great indeed.

    7. FOSO, who are the 'Other' and 'Prefer-not-to-say' types? Are they related to the various 'brigades' we sometimes hear about, from rather illiberal 'types'?

  3. Is that Neil hiding behind Hannah?

  4. Just checking your reflexes, CowGirl !!! (No cause for concern!)

  5. Jill has a thyroid problem, diagnosed many years ago, and supposedly is still taking the "pills" to sort + control.
    David seems to becoming forgetful, and this could be a symptom of the same condition, which could be heredity.
    I am not liking the new Ben + Ruairi with their antics. I expected two young wonderful + sensible 16yr olds, which Ambridge needs, not two more "tearaways", which are not needed.


  6. Well,if you keep your son locked up in the house not speaking to anyone,what can you expect?
    Ruth says they need to find a place for Ben on the farm.
    an suggestions?

  7. He could be given the jobs that Josh neglects to do.
    That would create yet more angst within the Brookfield Archer family.
    And more to moan about.

  8. But Ruth is right in principle, isn't she ? Make him feel included in family life, which revolves around the farm. Also, it's a way to find out if he's at all interested, apart from liking animals. Time to find out, belatedly, what he's about, aside from taking exams successfully, playing computer games, & joy riding with tearaway son & heir of local squire...

  9. So David can’t understand why one of his and Ruth’s children has turned into a joyriding tearaway and such a disappointment?
    Well David - if you had spent a bit more time bonding with either of your sons, taken an interest in what they were doing or their hopes and ambitions - and less time doting on your daughter and giving her such a lot of responsibility on the farm - you just might not be facing these problems with Ben now.
    As far as we have been led to believe that lad has been almost totally ignored and left to his own devices. No wonder he teamed up with Ruairi for a bit of companionship and fun, albeit not very wisely.
    Spend time with your kid. Get to know what he likes doing, what he wants to do with his life.
    Give him some responsibility and praise him when he does well.
    He might just surprise you.

    1. ✅✅ Positive re-enforcement works better in the long run.

  10. Maybe the new dog idea could be a good one. Ben could focus on the new dog and it would give him some more involvement in the farm. Must be tough when one of your siblings is so over-indulged and doted on as is the case with Pip.
    I like Lynda but she does have a colossal nerve demanding the barn be cleaned further for her production.

    1. ✓ Doesn't she just! They agreed in a weak moment, she's so lucky to have such an atmospheric setting, ideal for the rustic tales(in a cliche way), It's down to her & those involved to clean & heat the place. D.& R. react with resigned good humour. Such is the power that arch egotist Lynda exerts over everyone.

    2. If Lynda wanted a rehearsal space which is clean and heated she ought to have booked the village hall. Anyway, a few cobwebs will add to the ambience. Authenticity, Lynda.

    3. She dismissed it as lacking the atmosphere, there's no pleasing her.

  11. "Freddie used to like going to the fireworks" said Elizabeth. For a nanosecond I thought he was dead!! Also she didn't seem to be concerned about Friday night and having to refund money, only angry with Roy, and anyway overworked Geraldine will sort it all out??
    Its Freddie this and Freddie that in a moany voice. She would have something to worry about, if whilst incarcerated, Freddie started self harming. Such behaviour is common in young offenders institutions and the incidence of suicide and para suicide is also high.

  12. The AB is hilarious this week. I wish I had thought of Ruairi and Ben as Dumb and Dumber, with Freddie as the Dumbest.

  13. Hannah turned Tom down for the Glasgow trip and now she's getting all spiky about Natasha's visit that she wasn't told about, Tom should invite her instead. I'm not sure if Neil will be pleased that he's lost a member of staff.

  14. Same old; same old.
    This evening there were ight characters in search of a script.
    It isn't getting any better.
    Hannah is getting too big for her boots.
    She will be giving Neil the sack soon
    How rude she was as well in asking Tom what Natasha wanted .
    If Geraldine has been working at LL for a while she would have known who Emma Grundy was surely.
    Elizabeth has totally lost it.
    The Lynda / Jim conversation was boring in the extreme although had I been Lynda I would have asked Jim to turn the Beethoven off.
    Toby can't work at the Bull partly because of Rosie.
    Poor bloke.
    He must be the only man on the planet whose nights have been disturbed by a baby.
    Kenton drives me round the bend when he keeps referring to Elizabeth as "Sis"
    In my opinion, it was not the scriptwriter's finest 1/4 hour.

  15. It was painful listening to Elizabeth tonight, she's lost touch with everyday reality & responsibilities & talks of Freddie as if he were a martyred hero. I suppose we are to understand she's having a mental breakdown. Geraldine is an absolute gem, & very forbearing, especially when talking to Bert.
    I found the gamesmanship between Jim & Lynda very entertaining ! Thought he was winning hand over fist, with his gentlemanly hospitality & offer of literary assistance, but, of course, this was too much for that gigantic ego and off she flounced, having firmly placed him in the subservient role. He won't put up with that, she'll find.

  16. I enjoyed the interchange between Jim and Lynda too. Scripts at dawn! A bit of passive resistance may be just what Lynda needs.

    Hannah is becoming a caricature (not Ambridge's first, it has to be said). Well done to whoever it was that spotted, some time ago, that she is trying to oust Neil. I just hope she overreaches herself and crashes out. It's so disappointing: I was very glad when she came back, but she's not the same person, or she's gone to the bad in the intervening years. Send her back over the pond and get her to hook up with Titchener!

  17. I don't think Hannah is trying to oust Carter any more than Geraldine was trying to oust Elizabeth. Both were using their initiative when the boss was incapacitated, for whatever reason. as good deputies do. I think listeners should stop demonising Hannah in this way.

  18. Yes Hannah was very put out at the mention of Natasha. Serves her right.
    I can’t remember Hannah when she was in it before. Was it very long ago?

    Love it that Berts back. He sounds like what all the “Archers” should sound like I think.

  19. It was very strange listening to ´Geraldine’ tonight, having watched the same actress playing the part of the midwife in BBC1’s Doctors at lunchtime. I was impressed by the way she uses a perfect RP accent as Geraldine but a slightly more Asian one for Rhuma, the midwife. I would never have realised both parts are played by tphe same actress had I not seen the listings in Radio Times. I hope Geraldine stays in TA but I think Lizzie is really pushing her to the limits at the moment and fear she may resign.

    1. I can't see Geraldine resigning since she has only recently become a speaking character Archerphile. Unless she trades her job at LL with Roy at GG, and I don't think that's very likely either.

  20. Hannah actually sounded a bit jealous about Natasha's visit but isn't she supposed not to care and be a free agent.
    Elizabeth is so lost, wittering on about lip salve and I agree with Carolyn that she's talking about Freddie as if he is a totally blameless innocent. She needs help and I do feel sorry for her but don't enjoy listening to her.

  21. Archerphile, you sometimes give us comparisons between FB comments & ours, so I looked last week, & found ( unsurprisingly, as TA is not so many layered & subtle to allow of many interpretations !) that opinions of characters much the same : Josh, previously not cared for, now seen to be improving onsiderably, Pip derided, Toby dismissed, but admitted to be pulling his weight recently, but-will-it-last, & Hannah universally disliked. With the last, how could it be otherwise, given the way she's written ? Puzzled last night that a) she has the authority to sack b) mandatory to give a warning or two first. 20 mins .late, not convincing.

    1. It simply demonstrates the crowd instinct among certain categories of bloggers, and the fact that people don't like abandoning their preconceived opinions and admitting they were wrong - look at all those listeners who wrongly decreed that T❤️O❤️B❤️Y was incapable of hard work and would scarper when his baby was born. Manifestly wrong on both counts - ""running himself ragged" said Bert,and now having to give up his Bull job - "We shall miss him", said Kenton.
      I still like Hannah - she has no pretence .

    2. But surely that is down to they way the script is written and how the editor decides a character will mature and and evolve. At first Toby was written as a bit of a waster with no sticking power, unreliable in the goose business, always popping down to Brighton,
      encouraging Rex to woo the ‘farmers daughter’ then later falling for her himself.
      Listeners were encouraged to think of him as that type of character.

      Then, gradually, he was allowed to mature into a more reliable young man with a purpose in life, taking on a regular job at The Bull and able to set up and run a successful business and then become a caring parent. We all grew to like him and appreciate how he had changed and become a responsible character.

      Exactly the same process happened with Rob Titchener (but the opposite way around).
      Depicted as a good bloke and useful addition to Ambridge at first, then evolving into a bit if a monster whom everyone came to hate and fear.

      That progression is surely down to the skill of the Editor and scriptwriters, not just the ‘crowd instict’ of which you have you have accused other bloggers.

    3. Try telling that to the 'but will it last' brigade! 🙂

  22. Hannah didn't sack Duncan, he "walked" after she changed the roster. Also she has a very high opinion of herself thinking that if she went with Tom to Glasgow it'd give Pat a cue to go and buy herself a wedding outfit, so she doesn't think much of Pat.

    1. Clearly I wasn't listening properly, that makes more sense, Basia. Presumably changing the roster was to make the guy 'walk'. Quite sneaky wonder how she justified that ? As for Natasha/not going to Glasgow, all a not so devious game. She wants Tom, but doesn't want to frighten him off, so pretending to maintain casual no strings set up. Why does she want him, not having been interested initially ? She sees possibilities for herself in the Bridge Farm business, keen to become an influence in the community generally

    2. Wish I could remember anything much about Hannah’s first appearance in TA some years ago. She just didn’t register with me at all, though I can vaguely remember a girl coming to help with the pigs.
      Can anyone enlighten me as to her character and demeanour in those days? Has she changed much during her absence and does anyone know anything about her back story.
      It might help make sense of her current character.

    3. That is a monstrous imputation re the roster, Carolyn, and clearly based on prejudice since there is absolutely no evidence for it.

    4. Both points debatable, neither proven - my 'clear' prejudice, her manipulations.

    5. Hannah is not manipulative oronly Ina good sense, in that she prompted Tomto make up with Jazzer. Whether or not you are prejudiced is clear to me, others candecide for themselves of course.

    6. If I remember rightly, there was a guy Hannah didn't like and had words about him with Niel, in the early days, I wonder if this is the same one, Niel wont be impressed

    7. Archerphile, re Hannah in her earlier incarnation. What I remember is that she came as a student, and was obviously very confident. Jazzer was initially somewhat hostile, seeing her as an upstart in his field of expertise, and a female one at that, but ended up respecting her (and a bit more). She could run rings round him, which interested him. All we knew of Jazzer's 'love' life at that time was that he was inclined to play the traditional role (in folklore at least) of the milkman, and his heart was not easily touched (except by Fallon, sometimes).

      I've just realised that I meant to type 'competent', but typed 'confident'. Freudian slip.

      In her new incarnation she's just coarse and on the make.

  23. Surely Maryellen, Hannah's deliberate alteration to the work schedules, knowing that her colleague would object, ( she told Tom that she knew he would ) was a manipulative action to, at the very least, annoy him. In fact he chose to walk. Even better as far as Hannah is concerned.
    IMO she is very manipulative whether in a good or a bad way.

    However, last night we had a glimpse of her background.
    Perhaps she is simply an angry young woman.

  24. Yes that was an interesting snippet about her father walking out and could go some way to explaining her behaviour towards men. I think that in spite of herself she is beginning to have feelings for Tom having started out with the no strings palaver. It is high time he settled down after jolting Kirsty and parting ways with Brenda Tucker. You just wonder who the unlucky lady will be!

    1. That should be jilting Kirsty of course! Auto correction again!

    2. Jolting is appropriate. I still remember her scream.

  25. MrsP. I agree Hannah changed the work schedules for a reason, and she didn't wait for Neil to return to work. I can't see Justin running an organisation without clear policies on disciplinary procedures, such as time keeping. Any good manager would consult and allow individuals time to make adjustments to the changes. If even if he walked he can still go for constructive dismissal.
    Hannah gets what Hannah wants. Sex, on demand, control in the house share, and she has made it clear on a number of occasions that she doesn't like Neil's style of 'hands on management'. Having seniority over others, especially in the workplace can bring out the dictator in some individuals and I think Hannah's need to be in control is a defence against some level of needing to protect herself from hurt. She is using a domineering and controlling approach to stave off being hurt. Unfortunately she will end up being the one who will loose out, unless she is enabled to gain some insight into how she interacts with others.
    Manipulation is a strong word and implies that she is cognisant of all her actions. I think like most of us she is reactive and perhaps impulsive. Sometimes we all act without thinking things through, and the result might produce a negative response from others.

    1. She may have had a valid reason for changing roster as workforce is minus one - the manager. Neil only has a bad back and he lives in the village - anyone except Hannah would have consulted him or informed him about the employee leaving.

    2. Not if Neil's phone stays under the tea towel to save him from stress which will only double when he hears what's been going on.

    3. stasia, I think you've got it right.

  26. Oh come on Maryellen.
    Once again I think you are deliberately winding us up.
    Well me anyway because I decided to listen again to last night's episode and in particular to see what I was missing about Hannah because I thought you just might have noticed something about her that I had missed.
    What I did notice on a second listening was that she is an extremely rude young woman.
    I don't have a lot of time for Tom but when he got a 'phone call, how dare she demand to know who it was and why she had 'phoned?
    Also when Tom said that Natasha was coming over she commented that he didn't say and she didn't know it was on the cards.
    I would have thought more of Tom had he told that unpleasant young woman that it was abosolutely no business of hers which was why he hadn't told her .
    or "What the something something has it got to do with you who 'phones me and who I invite over?'
    Tom is weak weak weak.
    He and Hannah deserve each other.
    Thank goodness Kirsty escaped.
    I hope she ends up with the Karate Kid and not Phillip the Plumber.
    Let Helen have him.
    Pat should approve because becomes from the land of her father's.

  27. Hannah told Tom that she was OK about Natasha and actively encouraged him to pursue her while she went out with the other man. Now she's rattled because N rang Tom and not Helen since it's about the shop. Her father left, so what, so she's cool about men, not quite. She first told Tom she wasn't interested in him in that way, she then initiated sex and now wants to be in charge.

  28. In the end Ben chose Bess, the dog that David liked - he handled the situation much better than Brian. Tom also boasted to his father about the girl he likes.

  29. Well, Ruth's cod psychology regarding Ben seems to have been spot on! How does she do it?

  30. Altogether, that was rather a wholesome episode, &. I don't mean that in a sneery way ! Parent & child coming to a clear understanding, & showing respect for each other, Natasha showing her human side, with an explanation for her previous sternly professional attitude ( a change of narrative plan from the new ed. or was N. always going to have a personal back story ?) Tony a bit on the defensive, but Natasha was honest & straightforward with him. Tom, clearly hopeful again....though the not wanting children might be a problem for him, because we know he does. However, I'm jumping the gun there...

  31. Dave's parenting style is supported by Ruth, whereas Brian's handling of Ruairi was to keep it from Jenny. Ben will be on the right side, if he doesn't succumb to Ruairi's shenanigans in the future.

  32. It is obvious that Ruth has been reading the bible.
    Josh is a hard worker who is enterprising and is told he must do more to help the family business.
    Ben has spent his teenage years playing computer games and driving illegally and is given a dog .
    It is the story of the prodigal son.

  33. Listened again last nights episode. Will Tom and Natasha be dating now? Father and son were swooning over her.

    1. Tony not so much, I thought, but she was careful with him, & he responded, seeing her point of view.

    2. Tony decidedly cautious, I thought. Perhaps recalling Tom's previous chequered love life.

    3. Part of strapline in RT for Tuesday's episode is "there's an awkward first meeting for Tony." My first thought was that it referred to the arrival of the new cows.

  34. Absolutely Esscee. Hannah has absolutely no 'people-management' skills - case in point, the way she has been acting at the pig unit while Neil is away - and if she and Tom got together, she would have trampled him into the mud of the farm in no time at all. Catastrophe all round. Whereas, Natasha has excellent p.m,. skills - see how sensitively she responded to Tony, being able to understand and allow for his point of view, and at the same time help him to see where she is coming from. She would be able to help Tom to focus the talents he has (underneath all his scatter-brained thinking) in a constructive and clear sighted way. All to the benefit of Tom, the farm and the Bridge Farm family.

  35. If it is to be N for Tom we could be in for a new generation of Tony & (Welsh) Pat they went Organic when it was radical to do so and now T & N are in new farming territory too.
    Also she has just finished a 10 yr relationship which I'm guessing we were told for a reason.
    Please let us have one couple at least who marry and have a stable relationship and work through bad times together aka Dan & Doris both spirited but a solid marriage. Or am I being too traditional and boring for the modern times? 🤔

    1. Lady R. We are all sheep. Staid and boring is not what the S/Ws want to give us. We need castastrophies, tragedies, breakups, criminal activities, dementing mothers, feuding brothers, invading incomers who land on their feet, stab night, kidnappings, and I nearly forgot difficult children. It's all in days soap opera. Maybe they should let Lynda loose on the scriptwriting. Chaucer, bah humbug.

    2. Lady R, I applaud you for your post.
      Yes please, Dan and Doris again.

      Stasia, I am not a sheep.

      I do not wish for any of the events listed by you.

      And The Archers is NOT a soap.
      It is an original and I would never seek to place our Archers into the category of a soap.
      And please remember the term ' soap' came into use many decades after the Archers came into being.

    3. Wikipedia says The Archers (1950) is the world's longest- running radio soap opera, and it certainly fits the definition of the radio dramas sponsored by Proctor and Gamble and other soap manufacturers from 1930 onwards, predating The Archers by about 20 years. (This is the sort of factual information John the Agnostic was so good at providing)

    4. Quite so Maryellen.
      But in 1950 and onwards for at least twenty years, we were not so socially connected with the USA as we have been since.

      The Archers was an everyday STORY of country folk until relatively recent years.

    5. You are quite right, bootgums! JtA wouldn't have misspelt Procter like I did. I do miss him and other contributors to the BBC blog who haven't resurfaced here - I think he had stopped a little before it closed so hope it was his choice and not because something bad happened to him. I think theBBCblog attracted a wider range of contributions which is why I'd like it back, along with finding it easier to use than Blogger - though Ruthy's blog has been a godsend and invaluable for its chat facility. Long may Ruthy and blog flourish!!

    6. They are all stories, Mrs P! The Archers in its early decades fitted the original profile of a soap opera ( 'opera' because of their melodramatic nature) so well that the BBC nearly axed because its sensational nature was bringing it bad press. Editor William Smethurst rescued it with lashings of rural accent from Tom Forrest on Lakey Hill plus birdsong.

  36. I am not sure why Natasha is being so welcomed as to helping Bridge Farm. I understand that she has het own thriving fruit juice enterprise, but I still don't grasp why she is considered as an "expert" to help promote the future of Bridge Farm.
    I am confused so can others try + enlighten me on this?

    1. Miriam, I think it is because she also attended the same Nuffueld Course as Tom about diversifying on a farm. That’s where they met and she went on to make her fruit juice business very successful, while Tom was flip-flopping from organic baby foods to fermented products. (With limited success)
      As she now has good experience of how to set up a diversified business Tom sought her help in trying to find something profitable for Bridge Farm to try - after he and Helen realised that Kefir was not going to be that profitable.
      At least, that’s how I understand it - others might have different ideas.

    2. ✓ that gives the background. She has more experience of modern methods & thinking, so Tony recognises & respects that. Exit Hannah with nose out of joint, & Lexi, seemingly confused about her own future, susses out HH in relation to Neil pretty quickly, as Basia says.
      I think Stasia was being sarcastic, Mrs P., about the SWs thinking listeners want soap style unrelenting angst from TA, which, of course, we don't. A balance, even approaching real life(!) Would be best, so, yes, if we had a few steady relationships emerging from personal wreckages, as in the case of Tom & Natasha, that would be welcome.

    3. Yes Carolyn I did realise the point Stasia was making, but saw an opportunity to put my penny worth in regarding the origins.
      And you will see that I have continued my point with my answer to Maryellen.

      However it was not my intention to be unpleasant, and if that is the impression I gave, then I apologise for any offence caused.

    4. Understood, Mrs P. Makes me think now how the associations attached to terms like' Soap Opera' change over the decades, as other aspects of language do. Now, Soap brings the extremes of the Ender's etc. to mind, but aside from Mrs Dale, remember Emergency Ward 10 on ITV ? Would certainly be classed as Soap, but a sight more decorous & restrained than modern incarnations ( I loved it, prob. because it came on late 50s when we first acquired a TV ! ) So, historical origins, always fascinating, are irrelevant to the point you were making.

    5. Maybe you should tell Wikipedia that!

    6. I never dismiss historical or factual information, that wasn't my point, which was a musing on how times/meanings/associations change. Whilst Soap was a neutral description of long running dramas, it is now linked to the extreme end.

  37. So Lexi's back, she knows straightaway that Hannah doesn't like Neil, doesn't have much hope for Phillip and Kirsty, prefers to work at the chicken factory rather than at Grey Gables with Roy and flops into bed without as much as kissing him goodnight. Why has she come back?

  38. Exactly my thoughts Basia.
    Has she already told Ian and Adam that she doesn't want to be a surrogate mother?
    I've lost the plot on that story.

  39. Mrs P I am sorry to contradict you but The Archers is actually defined as "The World's longest running radio Soap Opera."
    The first "soap" was in the USA apparently in 1930 ,so called because the original one was sponsored by a soap company.
    (I thought the same as you but someone on the Archers website put me right.

    1. See my answers above LJ.
      Yes, that's what it is called today, but in 1950 we were not using the term
      'soaps ' here.
      Mrs Dales Diary was not a 'soap' either, at the time.

      I repeat.
      I was making a point !

  40. Roy needs to listen to what Lexi is not saying.

    1. My thoughts precisely Zoetrope.
      She said it herself to Roy earlier in the evening.
      It's often not what is said, but rather what is not said.

    2. Lexi sounded very cold towards poor Roy. He should listen very carefully I agree as she is definitely signalling something and it's not passionate love.

  41. Come back, Hayley (and Abby, and Mike and Vicky and Bethany)! Roy needs you.

    1. Here, here. 👍

      So how long do we think Lexi will stay in Ambridge. I think she’ll be gone by new year.

    2. If the actress playing Hayley didn't want to return ,another actress with a midland accent could have been employed.
      Hayley was lovely but I think she is in a new relationship now.
      However there is nothing to stop Abby soon.
      Does anybody know how old she is now?

    3. I give Lexi three and a bit weeks unless they are going to make a drama out of her behaviour.
      If we all noticed that she has lost interest in Roy it won't take Roy too long before he cottons on.
      I say three and a bit weeks because that will bring us I think to the end of a five week cycle.

    4. I think Abby is 10 years old Lanjan

  42. I think my predictions about Lexi, a few days ago, might be going to come true!

    1. ✓✓ to you & the PtbY just above. A shame, because a different kind of voice & attitude in Ambridge would have been refreshing, but her involvement in the surrogacy always felt awkward, & the situation with family abroad (hard to resolve, I mean, if in a permanent relationship with Roy) All that gave rise to suspicions about what she was really up to Hope it turns out otherwise, that she has been genuinely torn, not using people.

    2. Archerphile - were you predicting that Roy will leave Ambridge and follow Lexi back to her permanent home, or was it what we all suspect about her current visit being just to say goodbye (which she didn't need to do in person - unless she's left stuff at Roy's place that she needs to collect?)

    3. Lexi is a money grabber who thought she was onto a good thing with the surrogacy idea.
      Then she had a change of heart.
      She is a hard woman but she was not always like that.The script writers decided to change her character because at first she was seen as a strong compassionate person.
      I can't see Roy leaving Ambridge to go to live in Eastern Europe .
      Would he be able to now anyway?

    4. Calling Lexi a money-grabber is harsh. I wonder if A&I have been paying her an allowance or if the agreement is cash-on-delivery.

  43. Storyline.
    Lexi dumps Roy .
    Roy becomes depressed
    Kirsty is worried and contacts Hayley who has been going through a similar experience as Ian?? has left her for someone else.
    Hayley visits Ambridge ostensibly to visit Kirsty and just happens to meet Roy at Grey Gables.
    She notices that he has lost weight and looks ill.
    Abby is worried too because he father is not as happy as he was.
    Kirsty and Hayley have a chat and then they hatch a plan............
    (Over to you,Old Woman,Spicycushion,Annhill if you are reading this .......)

    1. Hayley's new bloke (not that new now) was Luke.

  44. You set me a task there Maryellen, I had to scroll back to November 2nd on the old blog to see eaxactly what I had written about Lexi, which was:
    “I expect Lexi is only returning to dump Roy and go back to her family in Bulgaria which would
    a) put an end to the surrogacy story, and
    b) leave Roy to get together with Kirsty, which Abby would love.”

    I think Lexi would come back to end things with Roy in person rather than over the phone or via a text. She had been too fond of him to do that. Also she would feel obliged to see Adam and Ian about the surrogacy issue.

    I now have my doubts about (b) because it seems Kirsty is still with Phil at the moment. The reference to Abby was because she was so pleased that Kirsty went to the Halloween event with her and Roy.

    But other possibilities occurred last night: perhaps she is now pregnant, presumably via a new
    boyfriend in Bulgaria and her whole world has altered - or her Mum is seriously ill and can no longer look after the ‘girls’- or the newly burgeoning economy in Bulgaria, especially in the tourist industry, means she no longer need to seek work abroad?

    I don’t know, I’m just rambling now, but I expect we’ll find out the reasons for her muted arrival soon enough!

    1. Yep, I wondered if she was pregnant !

    2. Me too, but then thought, no it's too long after the most recent ' try'.
      It did not occur to me that she might have found a new man, but suppose that is a possibility.

    3. Not much doubt that for whatever reason Lexi will dump Roy but as she is phoning the chicken factory for a prospective job she does intend to stay in Ambridge. What is she up to? Hopefully we will find out soon!

  45. carolyn. Regarding my comment yesterday, yes, I was being facetious about what S/Ws think we as listeners want. They do treat us like sheep needing to be stimulated with traumatic events. The days of Dan and Doris are totally unfamiliar to me as I only started listening on a daily basis within the last five +years, I did dip in and out previously. My list was only an example of what has actually happened in Ambridge, and I'm sure I left some out. My comments were made with tongue firmly in cheek.
    I am a follower and listener of events in Ambridge and in that context am very happy to be a sheep, bleeding my views on Ruthy's wonderful blog.
    Apologies for revisiting a previous comment.

    1. Yes,the lure of stories make sheep of us all ! Hopefully, exceptionally critical sheep, vocal about narrative flaws.

    2. Stasia "They treat us like sheep needing to be stimulated with traumatic events." That's the last thing sheep need! In fact if a sheep had to endure a traumatic event it might be the last thing it ever experienced.
      I hope scriptwriters don't visit any distress on Ed's prize ram.

  46. Changing the topic this morning, I have just found the following news item on the BBC West news site. Something for Pip to spend some more of Brookfield's money on perhaps?

    "A national innovation centre for the dairy industry has opened in Somerset. The £1.36m working dairy has been built with government money to test new technology. Using 5G cow collars, satellites to monitor grazing quality and a robot to automatically measure out ration feed - information about health and welfare will constantly be gathered.

    Duncan Forbes, project manager for the centre, said: "If you've got happy cows, then they're much more likely to be healthy cows - and in return they will do their best for us and we're able to make a living out of milk production." "

    1. But Pip will consult with her family before investing the firm's money - unlike you know who!

  47. If the Ambridge Fairy waved her wand and said you could choice a storyline of your choice-a more pleasant one than most have been of late ,which should appeal to many listeners-has anyone thought what that storyline would be?
    I have already said that I would like the return of Hayley to Roy.

    1. OK, no idea if popular with listeners or not : post Alistair selling his practice, now freelancing, or joining another practice, he meets new clients &, of course, other professionals. He helps a struggling widow with the sheep on her small holding, & they hit it off immediately....OR he strikes up a friendship with a comely, hardworking vet &, both dedicated people, with disappointing personal lives, find they have so much in common.....

    2. I would like some peace for Alistair in his future life.
      I like Hayley but I think it unlikely that she'll return, there was too much hurt.

    3. I would like to see Freddie turned around after his stint in reform school and finding his niche at LL, Lily settled in work after her degree and making a career for herself, perhaps also at LL.
      Elizabeth feeling secure in her children's future then meeting a very nice person willing to enable her to find a future for herself with a good companion and helpmate.

    4. I like the outcomes for Lily & Freddie, Mrs P. ( Lily to ditch Russ first ? Or him to do a bunk)
      Not sure about E., think we need to see some changes in her first, or the man in her future not to be a walkover - someone who's actually interesting, & a challenge ( in a positive way.)
      Thanks for starting this, Lanjan !

    5. I would like Ed to really make a go of his sheep, its time a Grundy made something of themselves.

    6. What a good idea.
      I, personally would like Kirsty + Tom to finally get togerher, Peggy + Christine decide a life in "The Laurels" is best for them both, Lilian buys Home Farm, with the proceeds from selling "Ameside" to Justin, so Brian + Jennifer can stay in situ. Emma + Ed do buy a home but not a Beechwood one, perhaps on The Green, but which one, Josh's business gives a massive profit, but Scruff Gin doesn't. I could go on....but..

    7. To add - Emma doesn't get a Beechwood house, but Hannah does as the new manager at Berrow Farm (sorry Neil). Will bought No.1 with his inheritance, gets a monthly rent from it,lives in a "tied" cottage, so must be "quids in". Will buys a new Beechwood
      Home,as an investment to rent out, so sells No1. to Ed + Emma.
      It was a good idea, at the time!

    8. HaH. I shall loosen my tongue and agree with many baas, Ed's Pipa Pig shall be given some companions and he will become a top breeder.
      Lily and Russ will 'uncouple' and she will return to save Elizabeth from bankruptcy.
      Lee and Helen will become an item and Tom will gain a backbone and give Hannah the push.
      The fad for gin declines and whiskey becomes the next must have for the new millenniums, so Toby and nice, but lacking character Rex, move back to Brighten, London or Tim Buctoo.
      I have looked into the teacups, and they have told me that Christine will remain in the nursing home, however everyone will discover Peggy is paying for the rehabilitation.
      Freddie will leave the young offenders institution a hardened gangster. Every Soap must have at least one gang leader. Tongue now back in cheek.

    9. So my wish list for changes
      1. Hannah to move out and get a place of her own and we only hear her occasionally at the Bull or being reprimanded by Brian for making wrong staff decisions.
      2. The second part of 1 - Tom gets a backbone and makes his own decisions - including telling off Hannah and letting Natasha knows how much he likes her
      3. Henry to sound his age
      4. Ben to sound his age
      5. Ruairi to go away and never come back
      6. I want a nice home for Emma but she will still have something to complain about
      7. Kirsty to finally find true love and someone who really understands her

    10. I suspect the Ambridge fairy's powers are limited to adding or removing bedrooms.

  48. Since Tom has a spare ticket for the Nuffield evening could Helen or Johnny go? Adam & Ian could look after Henry and Jack. If I heard correctly the event is in Glasgow. I hope Tom brings back a present for Jazzer.

    1. There will be drinks so Tom wanted someone he can enjoy the event with. It's not all business. Glad that Natasha is going instead of Hannah.

  49. Yes H@H it is in Glasgow.
    Maybe he could take Jazzer as a present to Jazzer.
    But I think Hannah might have her eye on that spare ticket now that she has discovered that it is to be a lavish do.

    1. Ah, but N. was far more approachable this time, even seeing fit to confide, so his hopes are up again. He'll ease off with Hannah, in his usual awkward, unclear way, & perhaps invite Johnny, rather than Jazzer, who likely wouldn't be interested, thinking he knows all he needs to know ?

  50. Oh, no, it's Geraldine's fault, Roy is a trouble maker & Freddie isn't really a drug dealer deep down.....despite the pressures, it's hard to feel any sympathy for Elizabeth right now. Just for once, poor Shula, genuinely concerned, unable to get through to her at all.

    1. So Geraldine is to become a resident character after all and after being sacked.
      If that's on the cards.

      Somebody suggested last week that E might get rid of her, but I said why, when she has only just become a speaking character.

      But perhaps Elizabeth will think again. That is if anyone in Ambridge can help her to see the light.

  51. Is Elizabeth going to sack Geraldine? In her present mood it's probable.
    Neil is very slow not to have worked out that Susan hid his phone.
    The Lee character is there for a purpose but if he's still married to his daughters' mother he won't do any good.

  52.’s official. I’m now shouting at the programme as much as I did when terrible titchener was in it.

    Somebody please give Elizabeth a good slap to knock some sense into her.
    Going to check my blood pressure now. I’m sure it must be high!!!!😱

  53. Elizabeth blaming Geraldine is obviously ridiculous and someone needs to tell E that. I don't know who can get through to her at the moment.
    Poor Neil, as a fellow back sufferer, I feel his pain. Resting is not always the best remedy either and doctors always advise to keep moving. From what Neil related about the man who walked out, Hannah's been extremely highhanded and, if what the fellow said is true, very disrespectful. Somehow I can believe his version of events quite easily.

    1. Did you not hear what Susan was saying about listening to both sides of an argument? She is the brains of the Carter outfit and he was in the wrong to discuss the situation with Duncan without first talking to his colleague. It demonstrates Carter's lack of managerial experience and ability.

    2. Duncan was/ is as much of a colleague as Hannah surely.
      Whichever of the two he speaks to is going to have a different perspective to the other.

    3. No, Hannah is Carter's deputy (and his appointment, so if listeners think she's no good for the job, they have him to blame). As his closest colleague who was acting up for him, it's her perspective he needs to get first. It was improper to enter into discussion with the complainant without first listening to her. Hannah has justifiable cause for complaint.

  54. Writing dialogue that shows one person not listening to another, but not deliberately (i.e., no 'La la la I'm not listening'), must be very difficult, judging by how unconvincing it always sounds. We got two instances this evening: Elizabeth obviously, but Emma not listening to Lee on his first attempt, and Susan being completely obtuse in her 'conversation' with Shula.

    I do hope Elizabeth isn't going to be so stupid as to fall out with Geraldine.

    1. Have to differ, Bootgums, finding all 3 instances convincing. Susan, true to herself, full of the latest drama, oblivious to Shula's dislike of her relish; Elizabeth, we expect nothing better these days;. Emma was in an awkward position, knowing full well what is behind Helen & Henry's over reaction, but unwilling to talk of their business to Lee. She is not like her mother !

    2. I heard it that way too Carolyn.
      And in particular felt that Emma's discomfort when talking with Lee about HandH was very realistic.

    3. Agreed, the hesitations, even embarrassment - thoughtfully performed !

  55. Susan was all desperate to get Neil to take on this position of authority & responsibility not so long ago, now she's hiding his phone to keep him out of contact with what's going on at work AND trying to keep him away from bell ringing & pushing Christopher into the job....why?? Drippy Elizabeth unable to think sensibly about anything or anyone, have they all gone mad??!!??
    PtbY you're not the only one shouting at the radio!

    1. I honestly think Susan is concern ed about Neil and his back problem. Judging from his pain expressed in groans it wouldn’t be a good idea for him to be hauling on bell ropes on Sunday. He could be there however to call out instructions I would have thought. Elizabeth is still in shock over what has happened to both her twins whom she was so recently proud of so is not acting logically. She is in a dream where Freddie is at the centre and everything else including LL is just in the periphery. I still think Pat having gone through the same issues with Helen would be best able to advise her about F and maybe she should be listening more to good old Bert about LL.

  56. Geraldine has got to go, to pave the way for Lily's return (with or without Russ). As Alan Bennett famously said, it's easy to get characters on to the stage but much harder to get them off! I thought Geraldine would simply resign, but it looks as if the new editor is going to take the confrontational route suggested by Basia and have Elizabeth sack her. Let's hope it happens out of earshot.

  57. But if Geraldine gets the sack from LL where will she go ?
    She can't have become a speaking character for just a few episodes.

    1. We have had characters before who only spoke in a few episodes - the Bridge Farm lawyer, for example, and Ellie the midwife. I expect Geraldine will go back where she came from.

    2. Thing is, she's quite a fixture now as we've heard her name many times, & now we're hearing her speak, react. We don't need to hear her at all if she's just going to leave or get sacked. The redoubtable Kathy is referred to often, but has no SL, so no need for her to have a speaking role at present.

  58. This Lee character intrigues me.
    In a way he is a bit like Phillip in as much as he has been there and done it all so he knows the answers (in Phillip's case advice to Alastair and Lee would be happy to advise Helen I think about bringing up Henry.
    Has anyone else noticed the in Lee we have another Soundalike.?
    Was it Daniel or Rex or perhaps Ben who was speaking?

  59. Bit late to the fray after last nights episode but our wi-fi broke down! Very frustrating after that particular p to be able to read everyone’s comments and add some myself!

    I have never disguised my thorough dislike of Susan and last night was a prime example of why.
    Pretending to be sympathetic to Elizabeth about the article in the Echo - but absolutely revelling in making sure Shula knew every nasty detail. She is an inveterate gossip and simply loves a bit of
    Then Elizabeth, totally unable to listen to Shula and unforgivably blaming Geraldine for all the problems at LL. Who on earth is going to be able to get through to her - not Lily I think.
    I imagine it will take a total breakdown, and trained psychiatric intervention to help Elizabeth get back to the real world and understand the truth of what’s been happening in her world.

    Oh, and by the way, I have seen photos of the amazing hotel in Glasgow where the Nuffield Conference is to take place. Hannah will be spitting feathers if she finds out what she has missed.
    (It’s The Raddison Blu, very, very modern and exclusive looking. Lucky Tom and family!)

    1. Sorry, the above was very badly written and checked - wretched wi-fi keep stalling, then coming back, so trying to type in between breakdowns!

    2. When I were a lass, 'spitting feathers' meant 'very thirsty'.

  60. PtbY. I would never concur with slapping anyone, but you are right, it is very frustrating to listen to Elizabeth's silly obsession with whether Freddie is , sleeping, eating, needing lip salve etc, and repeatedly asking for the same information. In a professional role I would never say this but, Elizabeth, pull yourself together, are you actually a wimp or a competent business woman? You can't change Freddie's circumstances, get over it, he will be out in a few months.
    I'm struggling to maintain any empathy for her, and displacing her anger with Freddie on to the wonderful Geraldine will only make matters worse.
    Freddie's perception of his mother's coping skills are evidently misguided, if in refusing her visiting rights he believes she will be be able to handle his imprisonment, he is clearly mistaken.
    Elizabeth needs to visit an audiologist to get some help with her hearing.

    1. Yes, it would be a good idea if Freddie let Elizabeth (or at least Lily) visit him but he's young and concentrating hard on his own survival. He'd probably relent if she totally lost her head but by then it might be too late.

  61. Frankly, if I were Freddie I wouldn't want Elizabeth anywhere near me. He is starting to mature a little, understands his position and knows that it's best if he keeps a very low profile while he is in the young offender's institution. The very last thing he would want would be for other inmates to experience his doting mother, twittering on about his welfare as though he were a two-year-old. If Elizabeth (and the rest of the family) can't see that, she really is 'away with the fairies'. Presumably, his other visitors treat him like the adult he is, and he can cope with that.

    1. I agree with every word Suz, and I said almost the same in the first couple of weeks of F becoming an inmate.

  62. PtbY - I too was really infuriated with E last night! I think when we met, we were saying someone should slab some sense into her. I believe she is emotionally incapable of handling Freddie in jail and running a business. She would be very foolish to blame Geraldine.

  63. Replies
    1. Emma ? She did say as a councillor she didn't think she give her name.

    2. It was Emma. She also threatened the night of the event she would do more. So we now know she did. E thinks it was Roy.

  64. I like listening to Susan, I accept I'm in the minority, but she is very adept and relentless at wheedling out information to her advantage. She is the font of all knowledge in Ambridge. She connived with Emma, and was able to avoid taking responsibility for hiding Neil's phone. She let him think he did the deed. Yet, she can be kind and caring, but contradictory. She is managing Neil to manage the pig unit, hence the advice regarding the change in the rota. She needs to keep him in the job as it enhances her status in the village. She is representative of a large number of bright women who didn't have opportunities, so they seek acclaim by other means.

    1. She is one of my favourite characters, just for being who she is, I wouldn't have her another way.

  65. I know Emma was responsible for the quote but wasn't sure if she was the Echo's main source of information. I do agree with you about Susan, Cow Girl, there's a lot to admire there. Have we been told yet what part she"s got in Lynda's show? I might have missed it!

  66. Stasia I am not sure that you are in the minority regarding Susan. I too admire Susan in a lot of ways.
    She is genuinely concerned about Neil and although hiding his 'phone was,Imo ,misguided she did it for the best possible of reasons.
    Yes she may be "peas above sticks ' but coming from the Horrobin family who wouldn't be?
    Jennifer has no excuse and she is an even bigger snob.
    I wonder what Neil's parents thought when he told them that he was going to marry a Horrobin who he had got into the family way?
    I don't even think Susan realised she was being unkind going on to Shula about the fiasco at LL.

    1. Oh dear, think it must be me that’s in the minority then, for thoroughly disliking Susan!

      I have personal experience of a very Susan-like character who caused many problems in our village, spreading untrue gossip and poking her nose into everyone’s affairs.
      It must have coloured my opinion of all village gossips. At least the SWs are realistic in having a well-known gossip in the village - it just happens to be Susan.

    2. I don't dislike Susan, she's there to say what others dare not but she's becoming a caricature, however well acted.

    3. I too am a great fan of Susan, yes I dislike her gossipy snobbishness but like others see her kindness and the lioness in her where family are concerned.
      I agree with Stasia about her clever manipulations and always see Susan as an extremely clever and successful woman.
      She is also one of the best of the actors on TA.
      But most of all I love her for her voice. She has the same accent as my oldest, and best friend.

    4. Agree with the Susan fans. She's always entertaining, and, except when the SWs push her into caricature, a mostly admirably character.

    5. It struck me tonight that Emma is her mother’s daughter! The voice is similar and like Susan she is a tigress where her family is concerned. However, she’s not quite so ready to poke her nose into other people’s business! I like Susan too and certainly she can never be boring!

    6. I agree with the positive comments about Susan. She's a gossip certainly but she's never boring and has a distinctive voice so you always know who she is.
      I've never heard of 'peas above sticks' before - can you enlighten me as to what it means. Is it a country saying I wonder?

  67. So Elizabeth has come back to her senses, let's hope she doesn't do anything stupid.
    Stupid is Hannah for turning up her nose at Tom's invitation to the 'school prize giving' and then changing her mind; and not wanting to sleep with Tom anymore, she sets the rules and he stupidly follows.
    Lexi doesn't want to sleep with Roy and stupidly will not say why, supposedly because she's going to do another transfer for Adam and Ian. So all in all they've all fallen out with each other.

    1. Someone here (I'm sorry I've forgotten who) suggested that Lexi is pregnant and there have been a couple of possible hints, like refusing a drink this evening. On the other hand, she could be completely above board, but has gone off Roy (who - we have Tracy's word for it! - is Borsetshire's Biggest Bore).

    2. Much as I dislike Hannah I must say that after Tom deflected her belated wish to go to Glasgow with the news that Natasha was going and then suggested a cosy night in with benefits, she was quite right to turn him down despite her no strings attitude previously. I still think the unthinkable that she has fallen for him and is jealous!

  68. LanJan, didn't Neil come to Ambridge as an orphan.
    I remember him coming to Brookfield to work with Phil on the pigs, but I've always thought that he didn't have any close family in Worcestershire.
    Or is my memory thoroughly confused with Sid and Brum.

  69. I had thought Lexi had come back to Ambridge to tell Roy, as gently as possible, that it was over, and Adam and Ian that she'd changed her mind about the surrogacy. Clearly I'm wrong, at least as far as the surrogacy is concerned. And the chicken factory. What is she about?

    1. I don't think you were alone in those thoughts Bootgums.

  70. I can't work any of it out.
    I thought the same as Bootgums but then why come back if that were the case?
    Surely the air flight to England would have cost her bob or two or are Adam and Ian footing the bill?
    If Lexi is pregnant as some believe ,presumably the future father is somebody from her own Country.
    I just wish she hadn't returned.
    Roy is a bit dull but he is a good bloke and deserves better.

    1. I agree Lanjan - Roy may be a bit dull but he's a good egg and Lexi is being so cold towards him. I wish she'd leave and cancel the surrogacy storyline then Roy can find someone else.


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