Life in Ambridge: Comments week of December 17, 2018
Lower Loxley Skating Rink 


  1. Replies
    1. And snow! Are there any outdoor ice skating or natural skating areas in your neck of the woods? The pond in our nature preserve freezes in January and sometimes in February. There will be ice skating then.

  2. Message to Mrs P, Cow Girl, bootgums, and Hannah Riley: only 3 more days to the Winter Solstice, and slowly but surely the light returns - hooray! Snowdrops beginning to poke through.

    1. Haven't spotted any snowdrops yet but there are some hellebores in flower in the garden.

  3. Yea, my favourite day of the year Maryellen.

    Ruthy, reminds me of years ago skating on the outdoor rink in the centre of NewYork .

    Nothing like that in my neck of the woods, it is very rare for our ponds etc to ice over.

  4. Gorgeous picture, Ruthy. Plenty of artificial skating rinks in London. Very popular lately so LL is on trend. Our little lake in the park at the end of the road often freezes in the winter but the fountain (or the park attendant) keeps an area free of ice for the ducks.

    Lily has consistently made her priorities clear to Russ in recent weeks. She is assertive and increasingly insightful. It looks more and more like Russ thought he was on to a good thing finding a rich, young and impressionable girlfriend. He hadn’t bargained for her having to grow up fast in the situation with Freddie and her Mum.

  5. Winchester Cathedral, not far from me, always has an outdoor skating rink with a traditional German-style outdoor market in the Cathdral Close. It has become traditional, and quite charming, to see the young choristers skating around in their cassocks at this time of year.
    (The only drawback for locals is that it becomes impossible to park anywhere in the city at this time of year to do our regular shopping!)

  6. The first public ice skating rink I ever saw was in France many years ago. The town square was covered and it was free to use, I watched from the sidelines.

    I enjoyed last nights episode, Shula's silence when Russ informed her that he was Lily's 'life partner' was amusing.
    bootgums, I agree listening to grown up men trying to sound like teenagers is a problem, I can't take them seriously.
    Every time Russ opens his mouth out comes the most rediculous comments. Lily certainly gave him some home truths, while she is working her socks off he is living in cloud cuckoo land expecting her keep him in the food and artist materials. Did he raid LL larder to cook lunch?
    Lily has identified his real talents, kitchen help and bottle washer.
    Let's hope she sees him for what he really is, a whinging, emotional manipulater.

    1. Spot on, stasia! What a creep. Lucky Mrs Russ.

  7. Russ was the Deputy Principal of a College.
    How on earth did he ever get through the Interview for the job?

    1. I think we've considered the narcissistic type earlier. They often impress their seniors, at least in the short term. I imagine many of us have met them.

  8. I dislike the character Ruairi but it is easy to see how he has become this nasty little 'oik.' The only real love he has had since he ws four and a half has been from Brian. He has been tolerated by Jennifer who only took him in because Brian said he would leave her and bring Ruairi up, probably in Dublin. Alice was nasty to the little boy when he arrived and Debbie wasn't keen on him either. The friendship he got was mainly from Elizabeth and the twins and look how they turned out!
    Brian tried to discipline Kate throughout her life but Jennifer always undermined him, in fact she said so last week when complaining about Kate jetting off to South Africa. So difficult to prove Ruairi's behaviour is due to his genes and his being related to Kate proves it is Brian's fault.
    Russ has confirmed initial perceptions of him by many listeners, that he is a free-loading lecherous man-child who has no self-respect.
    Interesting that Dan has chosen to spend Christmas with his step-father and not his mother and her family at Brookfield.

    1. I thought it was really nice of Dan - to choose to spend Christmas wit the parent who hasn’t got much in the way of a family, and so swell the numbers, rather the parent with family coming out of her ears!

    2. I am not sure that Dan was being entirely altruistic,Maryellen.
      Who would you prefer to spend Christmas Day with-a pleasant step father or an extended family drooling over a baby who won't have an idea of what is going on?

    3. ✓✓ to both comments above about Dan's decision, they're not mutually exclusive. It will be more festive & family centred for Alistair & Jim to celebrate with him, & certainly more agreeable for Dan than meltdowns at Brookfield. Anyway, he sided with Alistair pretty clearly over the marriage break up.

    4. LanJan - I’m sure the grub will be better at Brookfield - unless the Lloyds go out for their Christmas meal, of course, and avoid the washing-up. (Jazzer?)

    5. I feel compelled to defend Jennifer. She agreed to accept Ruairi, meant it, and loved him. I don't think she merely tolerated him. It was either refuse to take him in, or take him in wholeheartedly, and I think she did the latter. I don't remember Brian's threat to leave Jenny and remove to Dublin. What would have become of Home Farm if he had?

    6. I agree with bootgum's defence of Jenny. Ruari's granny agrees with bootgums. R's mother begged Jenny to take him. It was Brian who suggested sending him to boarding-school at a young age. Jenny would have kept him at the local primary school with Ben and the twins. It was Jenny who drove all the way back to the boarding-school when she discovered R had left home without the toy he slept with. (Imo a child who still takes a soft toy to bed is far too young to go away to school.)
      Alice was fine with her little half-brother after she returned from her gap-year in SA and had time to recover from the shock and put events in perspective. Volunteering at an orphanage there may have influenced her attitude. Adam used to spend time playing with him when he was little.
      I wonder if Ruari has much contact with his Irish family.

  9. Oh, I really do hope that Russ stays around, for a little bit longer at least. I'm really enjoying the development of his interactions with Lily and Elizabeth, and really looking forwards to the reception he will get when he meets the larger Archer family. Like other posters, I think that Kenton isn't going to be too happy at having to share Christmas lunch with him, and it's interesting to speculate on how Helen will feel about his manipulative relationship with Lily if she should meet him over Christmas. I also have a little smile when I see the name in the Radio Times of the actor playing him: Adonis James Anthony, so apt!

    1. Jill might ask Russ, ever so politely, where his wife is spending Christmas. She might also enquire about his work. Another topic of conversation could be rental costs in Manchester.

  10. Oh, and one more thing, I'm finding Ben and Ruari's voices rather disconcerting too - far to be old to still be studying for exams. When The Archers was broadcast the other night, I asked my son how old he thought the character was, and he guessed at mid-twenties. Ditto Ruari. Yet two more adult male voices in the cast, with nothing much to tell us which character is speaking. Surely someone brought up in a small rural village would have some kind of accent, even if they were in the process of losing it. An exception for Ruari of course, as he has attended a private, 'posh' school.

    1. The Fallon actress is a decade older than her character but she was convincing as a teenager. Ditto Shula and Lily. I remember John, Tom, Roy, Will and Ed as teenagers - they all sounded like adolescents and each was distinguishable from another. Ed used to have a whiney voice, a bit like a non-posh version of Freddie.
      Ruari went to school with an Irish accent and returned English. I heard the Afternoon Drama about Oscar Wilde. While on his American tour he gave a lecture to an audience of Irish-Americans. He began by apologising for losing his Irish accent when he went to university, then proceeded to give the lecture with an Irish accent.

  11. I was listening to the young racing driver who lost his legs in an accident talk about his aspersions for the future. His vocal chords sounded how Ben and Ruairi should be bring forth sounds. He is 17yrs and sensible.
    I don't really see what these two have in common, one is interested in making money and trouble and Ben in training his dog.
    From being silent for years suddenly we are subjected to, not only inappropriate voices, but rediculous music and banter.
    Please parcel them up and return to them to their bedrooms, and let them out when they the age they should be.
    Baa Humbug.👬

    1. It’s funny how we commented so much on silent Ben and now we can’t bear the sound of his voice! I think Ruari lives in a cocoon of assumption that money keeps rolling in and takes for granted his privilege of private education at an expensive school. It would do him good to live in the real world!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. ✔️✔️✔️
    Suz,Stasia and Ev.

  14. It was the glaring contrast between her frantic busyness & his irresponsible idleness that brought about Lily's wake up call. Don't think she'll take him to the Brookfield bunfight in the end.
    The man has become a caricature of himself, it's getting unreal ('So you want me to work in the Kitchen?' honestly !)

    1. Lily will want to support her mum and I can’t see Elizabeth managing to attend a big family knees up at Brookfield.

    2. Carolyn ✔️ Wasn't it interesting that nobody wanted to have lunch with him. We have certainly been provided with a long list of his desires and wants. As Shula said he is "a middle aged man" who will become a laughing stock, in his ex place of work, never mind Ambridge.
      The boys (underlined) will make sure of that. They were lauding their socks off, at the idea of this OLD man being involved with their cousin.

    3. Just mentioning the positives - Russ did help Lily prioritise when she was gettting in a spin, and did go to some trouble to prepare an attractive lunch for her, thereby trying to ensure she had a much-needed break and food. (And he has a nice voice!)

    4. Agree about the voice but can't take to someone who isn't prepared to contribute to his accommodation and food when he is perfectly capable of earning a living.

    5. That's true, Maryellen. Russ is probably a good organiser.

    6. From what the lads were saying, it sounded as if things fell apart s bit at the college when he left precipitately.

  15. Carole Boyd is on Front Row tonight talking about the Canterbury Tales.

    1. Great spot on Front Row. Looking forward to the 29th.

    2. I was surprised when Lynda said she might be back next year...

    3. Might also tune in on the 29th. Sounds as if the cast had great fun. So did Lynda/Carole, switching roles adroitly during her Front Row spot.

  16. Well I was totally confused this evening.
    There was Ruarie sounding about 24 and Roy telling him about Lexie but then I realised that it was in fact Tom he told who sounds similar to Ruarie but who goes round calling people "mate "
    Then was it Tom or Ruarie who was interested in the house next door to Roy?
    Oh it was both of them
    As for Pat -how unbelievably insensitive and rude to Helen and Natasha going totally over the top with presents.
    Give her the bath bomb Pat.
    It isn't the present(s) it is the thought behind it.

    1. Yes, both Lanjan, it looks like it'll be Brian and Tom fighting it out over the Kemps' house.
      We'd had it once in the past: Chris, Fallon and Helen all wanting to live above the shop.
      Also agree about Pat, absolutely idiotic, totalling up the cost of all of Natasha's presents and then 'upcycling' Helen's one, that's the worst side to Christmas.

    2. Re. Pat✔✔✔ absolutely appalling.

    3. Found the scene between Pat & Helen rather amusing - the manic anxiety around present giving, appropriateness, etiquette, exhausting over thinking....noticed how Helen's antennae twitched when 'that karate teacher' was mentioned !
      Like you, Lanjan, was confused about who said what to Roy - Tom or Ruairi, but think it was Tom who was keen to rent the neighbours property. Who will secure it - Brian or Tom ?!

    4. I thought Tom was becoming romantically involved with Pip once before realising it was a Fairbrother speaking.
      Pip and Lily were friends. I assume that Pip has been so wrapped up in Rosie and Lily in Lower Loxley that they haven't had time to be in contact. When the Brookfield family meet Russ, memories of Pip's former boyfriend, Jude might surface.

    5. When Pat found the necklace and decided to give it to Natasha, Helen sounded a bit miffed. But I was waiting for a big reveal, since, surely, the necklace was the one that Helen was supposed to have made, ( but she didn't) when she was seeing Rob secretly, and lying to the family about going to jewellery making classes.

    6. I too was similarly confused, thinking Roy was talking to Ruairi when it was actually Tom.

      Pat used to be an organic-farming pioneer, and only recently was doing all she could to keep Olwen off the street. Now she's completely bought into a consumerist competition over Christmas presents.

    7. I think it was a silver charm bracelet that Pat was recycling for Natasha.

    8. Yes, it was a charm bracelet Maryellen - I envisaged one of the 'Pandora' ones that are so popular nowadays.

  17. Anybody else see the definite destruction of the kemps prize alpine rockery in the near future?

    I didn’t know who was talking to Roy either. Nice he was thinking of his mum and that it’s 13 years since she died. That was the day I started to listen to the archers.

    Helen won’t be pulling a cracker this Christmas......I reckon she’ll be pulling Leigh, mistletoe (organic, of course) will be involved.

    1. Betty's ashes are under a tree in the garden. Vicky wasn't aware of this and planned on redesigning the entire garden.
      Was Roy painting a gate or fence? I know Ambridge has a micro-climate but even so, December isn't the best month for painting.

  18. I was appalled at Pats insensitivity tonight. Giving the bracelet Helen had gone to some trouble to find for her away to Natasha - then saying, in front of Helen, ‘Oh it’s only a bracelet’
    How unkind and ungrateful to her daughter.
    Pat seems so determined to get Tom fixed up with Natasha that she is going way over the top and in danger of causing friction (or at least jealousy) between daughter and potential daughter in law.

    And I see the Ambridge fairy has been waving her magic wand again - creating a spare tenancy at Mike and Vicky’s old house just in time for Brian and Jenny to move in.
    Blooming marvellous that fairy, especially for magicing up spare rooms and houses when required! 🧚‍♀️

    1. Pat was unbelievable. First of all, she opened not only her own but everyone else's presents well before Christmas. Who on earth does that? Then she earmarked her own daughter's present to her for upstart Natasha, just in order not to be outdone. There's still a week to find a suitable present for Natasha, if Pat really thinks it's a competition. What has happened to the Pat of old, who would have been the person in Ambridge least likely to behave in such a way?

      Helen has had to put up with her father pulling out of the trip to France and now her mother treating her with such gross insensitivity that it amounts to contempt. If we're to be subjected to another crisis in Helen's life, can it please not be because her immediate family have an EQ of zero?

    2. I think the point was that Pat had given Tom the impression that of course she intended to give Natasha a present and had one lined up, so he was expecting to be able to hand it over to Natasha at a convenient moment, So she needed an instant solution. That was all understandable - but opening all Natasha’s presents to find out what scale of expenditure was required in order to match hers was totally weird (as ex-Pip Susanna Shakespeare would say in Upstart Crow).

    3. I agree that opening all the presents to put a value on them was weird and Pat was so insensitive about giving Natasha the bracelet given to her by Helen. She could have given Natasha the bath bomb and resolved to buy more costly gifts next time round. Surely anyway Natasha is going a bit over the top with the gift giving as she and Tom have not been together very long.

  19. If Tom moves out of Will’s house at No. 1 The Green what happens to Johnny and Hannah? Can they afford/would they want to co-rent from Will, or do they move out too - which would free up No.1 for the Aldridges to rent and make Will Brian Aldridge’s landlord. Now there’s a thought!

    1. Can you see Brian and Jennifer moving into an ex-Council House? I can’t!
      More likely Hannah would ask to take over the tennancy, with Johnny as a sub-let, I should have thought.......
      Leaving the way open for Brian and Jennifer to rent Willow Farm (as was), a bit more their style. Though I wonder if it will remind Brian if his attempts to seduce poor Betty - wonder if Jenny ever knew anything about that? 🤔

    2. I love the idea of Will as the Aldridges' landlord!

      They'd fit better at No. 1 The Green. It has got three bedrooms. Willow whichever it is is very small: when the farm was split in two Roy, the family man, got the larger part and Mike, a solitary widower at the time, the smaller. But I expect one of the bedrooms from No. 1 will gallop round to the Kemps' place if need be.

      Presumably Tom wants a love nest for himself and Natasha. But it's only available for six months, so it's a bit of a risky prospect.

  20. Agree, it was odd to open all the presents, really odd, not like any adult, but I don't go along with the outrage with Pat giving away the bracelet Helen gave her. Much of her relationship with her daughter is expressed by treading on eggshells ( guilt at not noticing the abuse, awareness of her vulnerability) so, just for once, why should Helen's feelings/possible reaction take priority ? Can't Pat be allowed a moment of silly panic ? Of course, that's what it was - no need to lie to Tom at all. Enough to see there was a pile of presents from Natasha, without opening them, & nip out to get something later.

  21. I think Pat lied to Tom because she didn’t want to upset him by appearing not to care for Natasha enough, or take his relationship with Natasha seriously enough, to give her a Christmas present, especially when Natasha had been so unexpectedly generous in the opposite direction. Plus a tinge of guilt, perhaps, that she and Tony really don’t regard Natasha as Christmas present-worthy - yet.

    1. Yes, I agree with that Maryellen; however, I still think it was insensitive to Helen. I certainly wouldn’t have recycled a present from my daughter, *in front of her* as though it was not something I cared enough about to keep.

  22. I think Pat has got a bit intense in the past over her children’s relationships and has got a bit over anxious in the past whenever someone new is on the scene. She didn’t like John’s girlfriend Sharon who was older and a single mother, and Helen’s Greg who was also older and divorced and when Kirsty and Tom got together the first time it was through a shared interest in direct action. With Rob she also objected to Helen compromising her values but reined herself in from criticism. I agree though about opening the presents.

    Mr S’ mum once opened his present from his sister, which was waiting at her house for him to collect, and declared it wasn’t good enough “he likes nice things”. Made her change it. She also once opened the jars of some edible presents I bought him, breaking the vacuum seal so he had to throw them away.

    1. Oh, really! Far be it from me to criticise your mother-in-law Seasider, but that really goes beyond the pale!

    2. The latter had been unwrapped but nevertheless...
      Archerphile I am interested in the Brian and Betty incident. I don’t remember that. I suppose it colours his conversation with Roy last night when he said something about her being an excellent woman or some such. I remember his affair with Caroline, and of course Siobhan, but we’re there others?

    3. Grr, were, not we’re.

    4. Brian 'tried it on' with Betty when she was cleaning for the Aldridges, suggesting on one occasion that she join him in a sherry while Jenny was out. The story would have been topical today, as Betty was polite and didn't want to make a fuss and Brian interpreted the fact that she wasn't overtly offended and didn't slap his face as encouragement. I remember Betty explaining to someone (Clarrie? Susan?) that she had been polite and restrained because Brian was the boss and she didn't have much choice.

    5. Thank you for explaining that for me Bootgums.

    6. See Basia below for more detail. I had forgotten about the pool!

  23. I must be having a lapse in memory, where exactly is Natasha's business?
    I assumed it was in Wales, if so, why is she moving in with Tom, and has she agreed to live with him? She is on the rebound, and hopefully Tom will get his comeuppance for jilting Kirsty. I'm sure there is a biblical quote here about doing on to others etc.
    As I understand it the tenancy for Will's house is in Tom's name, and many rental agreements are usually for a fixed period. Some landlords will charge for the remainder of the tenancy. Also the Kemps may ask for a large deposit to cover any destruction of their pride and joy in the garden.

    Pat has gone beyond the Pale, such a silly storyline.

    1. I understood it as Natasha inviting Tom to join her on her visit to her parents/family at Christmas in Wales, not that she lived in Wales.

  24. I have a feeling Natasha, as Pat said in the pub, is going to be around for a while. I can see this partnership working a bit like Tony and Pat when Pat was a young, confident woman coming into Tony’s life, enterprising, proposed to her (unusual back then) and just happened to be Welsh. Don’t they say men marry women who are like their mothers?

    Incidentally I notice some of our loose ends are being tied up. Little things we have chewed over on here such as where is Kate, who lives next door to Roy. Any other niggles pop them on here and the answer might just turn up a few weeks later.

  25. Helen wanted to show her pictures from France but was overruled by Pat who wanted to watch Natasha's about tree planting during which she was present. Still, Pat told Helen when Lee would be at the Laurels, so I assume she'll be visiting Christine.

    MrsP - Pat questioned Helen about the origin of the necklace and she admitted that she hadn't made it herself and said that she was in love at the time which excused anything...

    Seasider - Betty used to clean for the Aldriges and Brian would give her drinks, bought chocolates and invited her into the pool. In the end Betty was distressed and was found one night running down the lane, met Jill and told her everything, she told Mike but I don't think Jennifer knew.
    I've heard a couple of times the announcer inviting us to visit the website to find out about the departed, Nigel and now Betty, don't know where and if I want to.

    1. Thanks Basia, I didn’t hear that story line. Good to fill in the gaps.

  26. eg. Who rents Blossom Hill Cottage now?

    1. Likewise - didn't any of that, except H. telling Pat she hadn't made the whatever-item-of-jewellery. If a necklace, then the one given to Natasha wasn't it, being a bracelet.

  27. I am really enjoying these last few episodes where there are more interactions between characters - and some unexpected - such as Rauiri, Roy and Tom, then Roy and Brian, Lily and Rex, David and Rauiri and Ben. I find it more enjoyable to hear these interactions.

    1. I am the same Ruthy. I am really enjoying the current S/L's, as they just seem more "normal".
      But is Ambridge ever normal?.

  28. What I don't understand -
    Natasha has her own thriving business, so how can she spend so much time away from it, in order to plant trees at Bridge Farm?

    1. It puzzles me as well. On the other hand she was able to leave it for periods for Nuffield events. Presumably she has a manager. Has Tom visited her at her home or business?

  29. If Russ cottons on that a lad from the college is a family member, will he have the brass neck to appear at the Brookfield feast ? Chances are that Lily will dump him first, I suppose, though he might win a temporary reprieve by doing a bit of washing up in the LL kitchen....

  30. On the other hand, Shula has now alerted David about yet another Elizabeth problem, so perhaps he & Kenton will wade in.
    Tom sounded gobsmacked at the surrogacy revelation, which confirms what most of us surmised - very few people know. I imagine ( ok, 'hope') it comes to nothing, but that makes for another completely pointless SL, unless a) it propels Adam & Iain down the adoption route b) reveals that Lexi had some other agenda from the outset.

    1. We are told via Jenny I think, that Lexi is very low. Will that affect her chances of conceiving or is it too scientific a process to matter. Are we going to get a date - she has been back a good while and was away a couple of months. Surely it must be soon. Either she is going to disappear into the mist or we are going to have a baby announcement just in time for Christmas.

    2. Thanks to Bootgums as well for the Betty story. Sorry I just found your post.

      I also like the idea of Brian being a tenant of Will Grundy. Isn’t that the council house that Neil and Susan used to live in? That would make for some great scenes with Susan and Jennifer.

    3. Oh I like the shifting rooms at Willow farm as well. I was thinking how it is such a close knit village they don’t just nip next door to borrow a cup of sugar, they lend each other the odd spare bedroom, tack them on wherever needed. Perhaps that’s how Peggy’s downstairs loo disappeared. Someone borrowed it and forgot to return it.

    4. It might have gone to Bert Horrobin's house. Tracy and her 2 children moved in after her mother's death. They occupied the bedrooms. Bert moved downstairs and Neil fitted a shower-room & w.c. Tracy's brother was persuaded to sleep in the attic. Given that the house is owned by the council or housing association, the housing authority may order it to be removed and then it would be on the move again, looking for another home.

    5. You must be talking about the portaloo that's sitting in the yard at Grange Farm and now Eddie wants to offload it with its contents onto someone else...

      Helen reunited with Rob on NYEve, so how about the wronged Lee turns up at the Bull.

    6. Ah, so it was the not son in law who pinched it and gave it away.

    7. As she's clearly making play for Lee, I wonder she didn't invite him along...after he's spent time with his daughters.
      Jill is developing a way with the young talent of Ambridge, co-opting Ben & Ruairi's assistance in the kitchen etc. Bet her Phil never took any notice of her views that everyone on a farm, including the men, should learn culinary skills.

    8. Am a bit confused as have not listened to tonight’s episode but if talking about the house Brian is interested in I thought it was half of Mike Tucker’s former house. He converted it into two houses so that Roy and Hayley could have the other half. Think this happened before he met wife number 2.

    9. Seasider 6.24pm, HatH 7.11pm 😀😀.

    10. Basia - I'm wondering why Lee is 'the wronged Lee'? His ex wife could have made a genuine mistake with the date of the concert or Lee himself could have made a mistake. I'm wary of him and his background broken marriage until we hear more from him and 'get to know him'. Who knows, he may turn out to be a decent bloke with a spiteful ex-wife but I'm not sure yet.

  31. Ev, you are correct in that Mike Tucker converted the house into two.
    And yes it was before he met the bouncy beauty from Brum.

    And Carolyn, after Phil retired he learned to cook, and became passionate about it.

    1. ....and Jill got quite irritated at times as I recall, especially when Phil was suggesting meal plans for Nigel’s mother Julia when she was following the “hay diet”

    2. Mrs P, I remember that. He took over the kitchen making elaborate meals and drove Jill to distraction because she couldn’t get in there to do her baking.

    3. Helen visiting Aunty Chris at the right time to bump into Lee has shades of her jewellery making classes Mrs P mentioned that were a cover for seeing Rob. I noticed the way she defended it to Lee, saying we like to keep an eye on her (Chris). Lee needs to be careful taking long coffee/lunch breaks. I hope he is on flexi time.

  32. Given precedents, it's understandable to reserve judgment on new male characters in TA, but am inclined to trust Lee so far. He does healthy things, physio day job & teaching karate to a range of age groups. Neither great earners, but certainly public service. I know that doesn't actually prove anything, he could turn out to be a lying rat, but perhaps makes 'benefit of the doubt' a reasonable position ?
    Likewise, Kirsty's Philip. Many don't care for him, & possibly he's not 'the one' for her, could go either way, because of the hunting & something vague about his son, but has he actually put a foot wrong ? Agreeable, competent in his work, loyal friend etc.

    1. Once again, last night, I mistook Lee for Tom at first. He does have a very ‘young’ voice.

      And I don’t distrust him - why do some people always distrust new characters?
      I still think Phil is OK (not that we have heard from him for a while) and have no particular reason, yet, to distrust Lee. Perhaps the way Rob was allowed to develop has cast an air of potential menace on all new characters (even Hannah?) and they have to prove themselves to be genuine before dedicated Archer fans will give them the seal of approval.

  33. Just read something elsewhere that made me smile :
    For Natasha’s Christmas gift, instead of recycling Helen’s bracelet, Pat should have dashed down to the village shop and packed a hamper with loads of Pop Tarts, Pot Noodles and packs of instant porridge - she would surely have appreciated such a thoughtful gift!
    Well, it made me laugh!

  34. Anneveggie: it is Lee who implies that he is 'the wronged one' and said that his children are with the wrong parent. My further thoughts on the subject:
    He married the mother of his children and they have two, now all he can do is criticize her and Helen follows suit. I am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt if he stops playing the victim. Helen was overjoyed when Rob decided to divorce Jess, perhaps she could withhold her judgement, she came up with 'a toxic relationship' referring to Lee. A relationship breakdown is always painful, even for the person who causes it and there are other ways of describing it rather than always in the negative, after all the two people had feelings for each other in the first place.

    1. I agree. Nodded at '...stops playing the victim' - fair comment. Still, he's human, gets a sympathetic response from Helen, & his current distress is that contact with his children is constantly impeded ( for whatever reason). He misses them.

    2. I think Helen encourages Lee to continue to talk in that way because she can identify with him as a wronged partner. (Obviously he had to volunteer the opinion in the first place). Understandable after all she’s been through. I agree that he is hurting as well and people in recovery from break ups can be surprisingly harsh about their ex partners, perhaps because they were once very happy with them. I agree that’s true whether you have caused the break down or not, if one can say the cause is only one-sided.

    3. I do agree with the points you make about Lee and break-ups in general Basia.

  35. Did I hear Josh in the kitchen with Jill and Rauiri in last night's episode? Or should that have been Ben? Interesting that Rauiri would want to join in Christmas cooking at Brookfield and would never consider doing that at Home Farm. What does that say about his relationship with Jennifer.

  36. Does Lee know about Helen's past with Titchner, and all that ensued after stab night?
    Surely someone at Karate and the nursing home would have mentioned the events and outcome, also it was in the media and went viral. She became notorious in the 'read all about it' newspapers. It was even discussed in the Borshester Times and the Ambridge Observer, where he lives and spends a lot of time.

    1. Helen changed her name back to Archer after her divorce. Perhaps Lee doesn't keep up with local news.

  37. What I dodn't understand, is what has happened about the "Home Farm" contamination problem. Brian has had to pay for the "clean up", hence the sale of Brian + Pat's Family Home. I seem to remember, but am not sure if correct or not, that the EA were considering a prosection against Brian. Wasn't there an episode, when all his office and records, were scrutinised?
    This possible prosecution, seems to have now been forgotten about.

    1. Spotted my mistake - Should be "Brian + Jennifer's Family Home".

  38. Brian mentioned the other night that the contractors have finished. I wonder if this signals the investigation now the extent of the clean up is known, or has it been swept aside with the clean up?

  39. I thought that at one stage Brian thought he might be facing a custodial sentence,Miriam

  40. What is Lee's actual job?
    Is he a physiotherapist or just a karate teacher?
    What does he do when he goes to The Laurels?
    Has he studied child psychology.?
    He seems to be a dab hand at treating children who misbehave.
    Why did he suddenly appear?
    Where does he live?
    If he is local surely someone would have mentioned it .

    1. He's both. Day job, physio, which includes people at the Laurels who would benefit, extra income from karate teaching after hours.
      Not everyone who lives & works in Borsetshire would be known in Ambridge. He's come to be known there as he started a children's karate class.

    2. Joe Grundy was one of his patients/clients after Joe fractured something in a fall at Grey Gables. Lee recognised Emma because she accompanied Joe to hospital. That must have been 3 years ago when Joe was staying at GG after the Great Ambridge Flood. That tells me that Lee has a good memory and an eye for a pretty woman. (I was on the same bus from hospital as the young man who had X-rayed my wrist half-an-hour previously. He didn't notice me but then I'm not young & pretty like Emma.)

  41. What is Natasha actually doing now apart from spending vast amounts of money to get into her boyfriend's family's good books.?
    Beware of one bearing gifts.

  42. Use of dramatic licence again, no one is asked to drop the price so close to exchange and certainly not by 50k, the buyers had enough time to peruse the survey, still, this is Ambridge, the sale is not going through and I can hold on to my hat for the time being at least.

    1. I'm afraid I know of one such case. It is an underhand trick and leaves a nasty taste in one's mouth. About twenty years ago a family where I was tutoring were moving from a three bedroomed house on a small development in town to lovely house in a better area outside of town. The new house was bigger, detached and had an enormous garden both front and back. It was all being done as a cash deal with no mortgages involved. The eldest son told me after the move that the father had, on the day before the exchange of contracts and moving date, told the owners that he could not raise all of the money but would offer £10k less than the agreed price, otherwise the deal was off. Of course the venors had to agree or lose their new house, cancel removal firm etc etc. The sad fact was that the son was pleased with his father's tactic and thought it was an excellent way of doing business.
      I never looked at the family again in the same light even though we were 'friends' for many years having tutored all three sons over period of ten years or so.

    2. Yes it can happen, and did happen to my cousin in Hampshire who was devastated, and who needed the money to carry through the purchase of her new home closer to family. The purchaser was a coldly calculating professional woman, and she knew so close to exchanges that my cousin would have to accept.

    3. Thank you both for putting me straight, there are some nasty people out there. Still, Brian and Jennifer can stay put, all that's lost so far is a superior vintage bottle of wine, Brian shouldn't have resorted to bribery.

    4. That wouldn't happen in Scotland. At least it shouldn't.
      I suspected Hazel Wooley to be the purchaser; it seems to be the kind of tactic she would try. Now you tell me there are real people who resort to underhand methods. What happened to "my word is my bond"?

  43. Great community spirit tonight ! Rather heartening.
    Why on earth did Lynda add ' Poor Kate' to the list of those losing Home Farm. Ah, I remember, she helped a bit with setting up euphemistically termed 'business' & benefited from at least one massage, without getting scorched, as Usha was.
    Brian obviously won't sell to those buyers unless they climb down. So, jury still out on whether the Aldridge's really do sell in the end...only a couple of weeks to go....a last minute buyer ? Back to the drawing board ? A reprieve ? ( Kate decides to stay & sponge off someone in SA, so they revert to original plan of selling parcels of land to pay off the debt)

    1. Oh yes! Would miss Kate but a good answer to their problems!

    2. What a good idea if Kate stays in SA! As you say the 'business' could be abandoned and the sale of the house needn't take place. We do not know if the retreat is a successful business or not but as Kate has no living expenses ( I can't imagine her paying 'housekeeping' to J & B!) it need not make much profit at the moment so all that Kate would take as a salary would be pocket money.
      Also wasn't it Lynda who had the massage from Nolothandu when Kate disappeared one afternoon, completely forgetting she had a client appointment?

  44. Reverse gazumping at this stage of the sale isn't unrealistic for such buyers playing hard-ball. I don't think we know the price, but I imagine that it's something like 1.25 million which the buyers now want to reduce to 1.2 million. As some of us have suspected, this makes it less likely that the sale will go through. That then opens up the possibility of moving someone interesting, or embarrassing, next door to Roy and Kirsty.

  45. stasis - answering your post of 6:18 PM - certainly Lee would have googled Helen by now and know the story of the stabbing. I think they would make a good pair - both single parents with young children - they can sympathy each other.

    Have not heard tonight's episode yet. Busy busy at work this week. Can't wait for my car ride home to have a listen.

  46. So, as most of us thought, no move for the Aldridges (hopefully not even in the new year) and the way is left open for Tom to set up his love nest with Natasha.

    Now all I want to hear is that Lexi has gone home to Bulgaria, permanently, Kirsty and Roy become more than just house-mates and Russ is run out of Brookfield and Lily’s life by an angry Archer mob chasing him with pitchforks ....then I can have a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

    1. Those would make a very happy Ambridge Christmas.

    2. Yes I will settle for that,Archerphile.
      However my question again is ..............
      What is Natasha actually doing now?
      Why is she suddenly able to live in Ambridge?
      Is it a bit like The Apprentice where the Nuffield Foundation (Alan Sugar) starts her off in the juice Business which she can do anywhere so she may as well live in Ambridge?
      Will Tom have to reimburse the NF since he has given up on both his ideas thus depriving somebody else?

  47. Answer re Natasha.......
    She is such a successful business woman, she can run her whole outfit from her phone, thus allowing her to spend much time with boyfriend, and future family, ( and FUTURE BUSINESS ) wriggling her way into their lives.
    She's ambitious, that one !

  48. I perhaps have different thoughts to many others, in that -
    I just would love Tom + Kirsty to actually realise their feelings for each other and will finally marry, in a secret ceremony, to reveal to all after the Event.

  49. I'm so glad about the new house, as long as the plumbing is up to scratch...

  50. Tom and Kirsty,Miriam?
    I can't agree with you there.
    Why would Kirsty want to marry such a spineless ,pathetic person who at the age of 30+ chops and changes his ideas without thinking ahead about the consequences?
    No let him marry/live with Natasha .
    They would spoil another couple.

  51. Couldn’t quite work out what to think about Russ tonight.
    Was he really great for dealing with Elizabeth’s panic attack .... or was it partly his fault for insisting they go into crowded Felpersham when Elizabeth only wanted to shop in Borchester?
    Was he being very helpful in driving (Lily’s car?).....or was he being a cheap skate by letting Elizabeth pay for the petrol?
    Was he pleased about being treated like a hero by Lily on his return....or did he sound bitter about only being regarded as good in a crisis and not as an artist or anything else.

    I started by thinking he was not so bad a character after all, taking Elizabeth shopping and looking after her, but ended up still thinking he is a selfish, self-obsessed one.
    I am confused!

    1. I came to the conclusion at the end that confused was precisely what the SWs intended us to feel Archerphile

    2. Russ could hardly have abandoned Elizabeth while she was having a panic attack.

    3. It was very (too?) like when Toby rescued Jill when she fell. Both coped admirably, and from previous experience had the right skills and training to deal with the situation. But in both cases (and Toby acknowledged this), they could hardly have run away.

      I don't know what Russ was hoping for from Lily. It was almost as though he was trying to pick a quarrel.

  52. Russ took over and ignored Elizabeth's request to shop in Borchester plus he was a cheap skate over the petrol. He didn't consider that Felpersham would be too much for a still-recovering Elizabeth so, in my view, was insensitive and selfish.

    1. You couldn't put it any better Anneveggie. Russ was so insensitive to E's needs. Then taking credit for rescuing E out of her panic attack. No, Russ is still of "no use." Lily, please get rid of him soon.

  53. Hear, hear! He's a manipulative, egotistical wimp with shades of Rob! His rescue of E was only to underline what he thought he was good at and, was it just me ,or did he sound rather like Rob in bullying mode at the end?

    1. Yes, Bufo, I have been picking up shades of Rob in the way that Russ manipulates Lily, and that's why I'm interested in what Helen's reaction to him will be if she ever gets to meet him. Would she be able to help Lily to see what he's really like? Or would she fail to spot the signs - yet again!

    2. Agree. Your comments concur with mine made a few days ago, I still maintain that he also sounds like Rob.

  54. Russ has now made himself very comfortable in LL, and helping Elizabeth deal with the panic attack will have left her perceiving him to be a rock in times of stress. Even though he pushed Elizabeth to go to Felpersham, she could have said no, I always shop in Underwoods? He didn't sound embarrassed when Elizabeth paid for the petrol. When she was having the PA she told Lily he was at the till. Who was paying for the goods that never got bought?
    I think the personality of Russ is one who likes power, and he is slowly demonstrating this by inveigling himself into the fabric of the Pargetters through giving and withholding emotion. Definitely shades of a coercive controller.
    Is this a rerun of Titchner who eventually took control of Brookfield and undermined Helen?
    Archerphile, I hope you pitchfork drama comes true, maybe it could be mentioned on Facebook where I suspect the S/Ws look for ideas.

    1. Already done Stasia! People asked how to get rid of Russ and I offered :
      “Exeunt stage left, pursued by a mob of Archers with pitchforks”

  55. There is no confusion for me, he is selfish, self possessed and embittered that he cant make it as an artist. He does have some skills, he wouldn't have made it to his previous position with out, one of them being able to calm students as he said when they are having panic attacks, no doubt he will use this incident to his advantage.

  56. I thought one of the telling comments from Russ was when he said he would like to help out but wasn't au fait with the business. If he was serious he would pitch in where he could and make the effort to learn as he went along.

    1. Yep, he'd have rolled up his (designer, organic cotton) sleeves, & tackled the washing up !

  57. 3 cheers for Emma - covered in s--t - they've got a house ! No doubt she'll get more s--t from Hannah.
    Agree with all that's been said about that chancer, Russ. He even made his petty little point, & flounced off when Lily tried to thank him. It doesn't take an expert to slow someone down during a scary panic attack, yet he's going to get as much mileage out of that, as he already has, from E., literally, with the petrol.
    What puzzles me is that E. Was, apparently, so trusting, when she isn't, really, about this relationship. I suppose she is in such a state that she simply rolls with the punches, unable to think rationally. Has she always been like this ? She certainly was over Roy.

    1. Was being covered in human excrement, coming mostly from Joe, a metaphor for the life of a Grundy?
      I do hope the S/Ws allow Emma to move into her new home. But what will Eddie and Clarrie do to make up for the loss of rent? Will they be floating up s. t creek without a paddle, especially if Joe pops his clogs? Does he even contribute to the rent?
      So many questions and they may never be answered.

    2. Maybe that's planned as an upcoming storyline

    3. Perhaps they can sub let an annexe to the Aldridges.

    4. They could offer Brian & Jenny the cider shed furnished with Caroline's chaise-longue. It might take some time for B&J to become accustomed to the outdoor "convenience" instead of their en-suite at Home Farm.

    5. 😂. Phew! Doesn’t look like it will be needed.

  58. Emma has her house-hooray -but what will she say when she learns that Hannah has been offered a house as well and will be living next door?

    1. Lanjan - I don't think Hannah will get a house. I guess we will find out soon.

    2. Lanjan. I slso think that Hannah might well be living "next door" to Emna/Ed. She has a good job, at Berrow Farm, lives in the Ambridge Village community, earning a good salary, so is also a viable candidate for a "low cost" Beechwood House. Perhaps this is just another of my "siĺly" thoughts.

    3. What are criteria for being offered a low-cost house at the new development? Who decides? Is it an open market?

    4. Does Hannah have a deposit to buy a house, even low cost? Emma and Ed have been saving for a couple of years to get the deposit together. Also if they are houses and not flats it is unlikely that Hannah would get one as she is not only a newcomer to the village but a single person as well. Most houses, and even flats, go to families.
      Affordable houses are usually for locals and that means locals for a couple of generations. My sister was up against the daughter of a couple who claimed they were local having lived in the village for ten years. I supplied details of our family tree to my sister to prove that one of our 9x great grandfathers was baptised in the village church in the late 1600s. My sister got the house!

    5. Hannah might have a stash, as we're given to understand she was well paid while working abroad and she's in her mid-thirties or so. But yes, Spicycushion, she doesn't seem a likely candidate for an affordable house. Given that she's had the chance to save up a deposit and is in a managerial position, she should probably be looking at unaffordable houses, if she wants one. (No, I don't think she's the buyer of Home Farm.)

    6. Spicycushion, using the same criteria as your family, Emma & Ed should be at or near top of Ambridge housing list, Grundy and Horobin families being long-established. Real Horrobin families were in my home village 200 years ago. Unfortunately there is no such thing as affordable houses there, nor will there ever be again.

  59. Sadly no The Archers on R4 tonight. For me it is BBC2 - 100 Years of Kings Carols.

  60. I'm surprised that Kirsty would prefer to live next door to Tom & Natasha visiting.

    1. Kirsty told Roy earlier this week she didn't want Tom living next-door. She could hardly say the same thing in Tom's hearing. I know there's little choice of homes in Ambridge but isn't Tom being a bit insensitive to both Kirsty and his new love, planning to live at Willow Cottage. Jennifer and Kirsty have "history" re Home Farm pollution. J thought that K was a disrespectful young person.

    2. They had history even before that as it was Kirsty and Tom who trashed Brian's experimental GM crops many years ago when they were both teenagers.

    3. Me too, Basia. But I don't get why Tom suddenly seems to find living with Hannah and Johnny so difficult. I understand that he would like his own place because of Natasha, and that living with Hannah is awkward even though Natasha claimed not to have a problem with Tom's previous 'relationship' with her; but suddenly Hannah and Johnny seem to have become just difficult housemates. If they have, wouldn't Tom feel that he was entitled to No. 1 The Green and the others ought to move out? What did Tom think he was going to do when the Kemps came back? Does Tom plan ever to buy a house, or return to the plan of having one built on Bridge Farm?

  61. I was pleased to note that Willow Cottage still has only two bedrooms.

  62. I found tonight’s episode strangely unsatisfactory.
    I really thought Jenny and Brian would be staying at Home Farm and am very disappointed that Brian caved in and accepted that huge reduction in the price offered.
    I find it difficult to imagine Jenny living in two-bedroom ex Willow Farm and without her beloved kitchen. And how are they going to find somewhere permanent to live at the end of the tenancy when it has proved so difficult thus far?
    Then the Canterbury Tales (in which I admit I have little interest) grinds on with David being hoodwinked by Lynda once again and a ridiculous crisis about a missing Bottom!
    What a daft Friday night cliff hanger!
    What a disappointing lead up to Christmas.

    1. I find the stunt bum (faux derrière if you prefer) amusing. Not very subtle, but entertaining. It could join the missing bunting as one of Ambridge's great unsolved crimes. Or it could turn up.

    2. I always snigger when the large cup painted bra is mentioned, too. Fits with panto (he, he) & with the Miller's Tale .

  63. Why do so many of Russ's students have panic attacks? No one had a panic attack before or during an exam when I were a lass.

    1. Quite, neither did it happen when teaching either. Nerves, yes, sometimes tears, but not fainting or panic attacks.

    2. I don't know about you but my parents and teachers had been through the war. My dad's panicking was taking my brothers to shelter under the stairs during an air-raid; my mother thought he'd over-reacted. I don't remember tears at secondary school or college when I were a lass. Perhaps it's the pressure on today's young people.

  64. I agree with you Archerphile and had thought J and B wouldn't accept the lower offer.

  65. I'm disappointed too, but more so with Lynda, they pulled out all the stops to please her and she was just that: pleased and very flat. Then as you say she was back on form: recruiting and admonishing.
    As for the Aldriges, I'm still holding onto my hat because the sale is not completed yet.
    And Jennifer, really, going on about throwing in her plants as a goodwill gesture.

  66. But we were much tougher, had to learn what life takes, no pussy footing around us like today.

  67. As far as I am concernered, the lead up to Christmas has gone very flat.
    Brian and Jenny have ducked out
    The play holds no interest for me
    Lexi still seems to be hanging around, unfortunately
    Alistair and Shula are not about to reunite

    I am now pinning all my hopes on the Brookfield Christmas lunch to provide some interesting entertainment !

  68. I think I heard Jennifer say that Lexi was due the last trans-plant/fer next week. Please ,please don't let it be successful! I couldn't bear a whole year of Jennifer cooing and cosseting on top of Adam trying to sound interested and Ian's moody ups and downs.
    I actually managed to hear Lee speak last week. Why on earth didn't he go for the character of Ben or Ruairi? He sounds a teenager and I certainly find it difficult to imagine him as the father of two (presumably) school age daughters!
    One minute Russ sounds genuine and competent then his 'nature' comes through and he is scrounging again.
    I shall listen to Canterbury Tales after Christmas whilst once again cat and house sitting in Germany. Although I didn't enjoy learning Chaucer, then subsequently teaching it, this does sound fun.
    I don't understand why Elizabeth has suddenly gone to pieces. She didn't when Nigel died about eight/nine years ago. She has been competent and business-like; managing staff, conference centre, introducing new attractions and so on with the help of a full-time manager. I can't believe her son's incarceration would be more traumatic than her husband's death.

    1. But we do have to factor in, losing alcohol license, lesbianism, then the scrounging 'old' ex DP shacks up with her barely adult daughter. All just before a significant historical event in her life. Oh, and throw in the dicky heart.
      Poor woman it's not surprising she had a panic attack, especially as she was 'escorted' by the lusty, poverty stricken artist to a crowded warm shop.
      Don't expect a Christmas present from Elizabeth anytime soon. Poor Lily was disappointed on her birthday. Nada, nothing.

    2. It has to be the "final straw..." and her life seems to have imploded. I feel for Elizabeth and she so needs someone to help her. Why do I keep thinking of Dr. Locke?
      By my calculation, Freddie has already done half of his "sentence". With luck, + good behaviour, he could be back home, sooner, rather than later. Just a thought.

    3. Mmn....don't think he'll bring much joy & laughter when he does get home.

    4. Elizabeth was also floored by an illness which she would normally have recovered from within a week. Her present situation stems from Freddie but has so much more piled on top. One difference with aftermath of Nigel's death is that everyone had sympathy for her then. She's been in conflict with several relatives over Freddie. Kate, Brian and Jennifer went to LL and rowed with her on 2 occasions after finding out about Nolly's overdose.

  69. I, contrary to others, enjoyed last night's show. I wasn't surprised at all that Brian decided to sell - the agent did lower their commission by £10 k to not loose a sweet commission of 2% for a property selling over £1m and that's a pretty healthy Christmas present for the agent.

    Kristie's reaction to Brian and Jennifer moving in "next door" didn't make sense to me. It is all for just 6 months and would she have been less thrill if Tom and Natasha moved in next door? There's been speculation Natasha moving in with Tom, I rather had assume she would stay over when she could. Tom wanted more privacy than his current arrangement.

    Good for Emma getting the house - we can now stop her complaining about working 3 jobs? I still think Hannah will not get a house and there will be another blowup between these two.

  70. On balance, I imagine Kirsty would prefer Tom to move in next door, the past not forgotten, but it is the past, & they've both moved on, whereas she despises Jennifer. Also, as Ruthy says, it's only a 6mths. let.
    As for Tom, I think he wants more privacy with Natasha, which they can't have in the house share.
    Like some others, found Lynda's reaction to all the hard work & time spent by busy individuals on the barn, lack lustre & ungrateful.

  71. I am still confused over Natasha.
    Where is she actually based?
    Does she still love at home with her parents?
    Does she have a kitchen somewhere where she produces her probably overpriced organic fruit juice?
    How did she gain the knowledge to produce thie drink ?
    Who does she sell it to?
    When does she actually do any work?
    What does the Nuffield Foundatioon actually do for folk like her?
    I imagine that they give a grant(large enough for Tom to go swanning off) in the hope that whatever the person is doing the extra money will improve his or her knowledge by doing research
    Why did the Nuffield Foundation sponsor her?
    Will Tom have to pay anything back?
    He should.
    Isn't it a bit soon to be inviting Tom for Christmas Dinner?
    It is all too wishy washy for me.

    1. She might love at home but I meant to write "live"

    2. She's recently split from a partner of 10 (?) years. I assume they lived together but possibly not. I agree it's too soon to take Tom to her parents for Christmas. He's not going all the way to Wales just for Christmas Dinner - I presume that he'll be staying before and after. When I were a lass, taking a boyfriend to one's parents' home for Christmas signalled a possible engagement in the coming year. I mean - taking him home for Sunday tea meant you were serious and if it turned out he didn't feel the same way, it was waste of a tin of red salmon. Perhaps Natasha thinks like Kirsty that life's too short for procrastination.
      Re Natasha's spare time. This might be slack period in fruit production. (I don't understand how Toby makes botanical gin all year round, but I know nothing about gin production.)

  72. Since I am traveling early Sunday morning, will close this post and have one available through Christmas.


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