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"longer off topic comments" - Episode 37 Life Outside Ambridge


  1. Snowing again where you are Ruthy? We've all got sunburn! 😎

  2. Yes it is like a summer's day here. That's an interesting picture. As there is a cemetery there must be a church near the windmill as well. Where is it Ruthy?
    Hope all of you who live in Yorkshire are safe, and nowhere near the moorland fire that's on the news.

    1. Also for the fire in Edinburgh .

    2. PtbY Seasider and myself all live in the east, so well away thank you.

  3. 21F yesterday - in February?
    The weather has gone mad!
    Just hope we shall not have to pay for this bounty in May with late frosts that will kill
    off all the emerging flower and fruit buds.

    Is this down to climate change, global warming or just freak weather?

    My friends in Adelaide are suffering extreme heat, over 40C. Their cat is having to sleep in the sink on wet towels, their dog totally exhausted and unable to go for walks, children’s school closed due to excessive heat.
    Think I’ll relocate (with or without Mr A) to Iceland! 🤯

    1. I was thinking yesterday that if this warmer weather goes on instead of some people decamping to warmer climes for the winter we will all be off to Scandinavia for the summer!Better start saving as agree with PTBY that it is expensive up north!

  4. Get a good bank loan then Archerphile......loved Iceland but more than expensive!❄

  5. We are also having freak temperatures here in Northern Italy. Usually we have the same temperature as the U.K. but today I was sitting out in the garden in my shirt sleeves. My magnolia tree is in bud so I hope we don't get a cold spell.

  6. GG/Arch- we are getting a arctic blast in the NE - woke up 21 deg F. Next week expecting extreme cold due to the arctic ice melting. Winter is not over yet. Maybe the Gulf Stream will bring this cold to the UK.

    We are going to the Turks and Caicos for 6 glorious days of sun, beach and snorkeling starting Saturday.

    1. You lucky, lucky lady! Hope you have a hoot and a half!!

    2. Have a wonderful break Ruthy. Enjoy the sun!!🌞

  7. There is a magnolia tree in next door's front garden but most of the branches are on our side of the wall and they are full of buds about to flower.
    The only downside is that the ground under the tree doesn't get the rain in the summer but that is a small price to pay for such a lmagnificent sight now.
    Our own smaller magnolia tree is in the back garden and is in bud.

  8. For us here in the UK Ruthy, ' Turks and Caicos ' is an exotic place somewhere in the world that we hear about at the Olympics, and at no other time. Oh ! Perhaps the Commonwealth Games also ?

    Now I must look it up and redress my ignorance.

    Dog Alert. Have registered her today with the name of ' Lady ' because I think she has probably whelped. I think, due to her calm as a very young dog and also her nipples which are not blind.

  9. I like it Mrs P, a certain refinement, as befitting her new status!
    How are her sore feet ?

  10. Well I certainly cannot disagree with your name choice Mrs P 😂😂😂

    1. Lady R, can you also boast a black button nose & melting dark eyes ?!
      Very dignified name, Mrs P. ' Lady & the Tramp', did that come into your decision along with with evidence of her mature experience ?
      Like CowGirl, also hope her paws are better.

    2. Not Lady and tramp. If twer she would be ' Tramp' !
      Yes we rested yesterday in the garden and she walked happily today, but not too far.
      She also allowed me to take a cursory look at her paws last night. Cannot see any damage.

    3. Got me there Carolyn have to admit I can’t compete

  11. Yes, like the name, Mrs P! Sounds as if you are doing so well with her. It is difficult to assess what’s wrong re her whimpering. If only they could talk! Gyp has started to go on full walks again after her bout of colitis and Buddy is very patient going at old lady pace! Katy takes him out again in the afternoon when he can have a good run though! She, Gypsy, frequently stops on walks and I have to get her going again by singing “Dancing Queen”, her favourite song! People must think I am that mad woman!!

  12. A happy day today. A new granddaughter came into the world yesterday evening.

    1. Oh CC! A thousand congratulations to you & everyone involved! ( If you know what I mean!) How amazing...

    2. Wonderful news CC! Is this your first grandchild? Hopefully you’ll be able to see her soon ....any indication of names yet? Congratulation to the whole family.

    3. It's my fourth grandchild, two boys and two girls now. They have named her Amy.

    4. “Amy, beautiful Amy........” 🎼. 🎹 🎼

    5. My daughter's second name is Amy. I have always believed it means 'beloved' the same as David my eldest son's second name. Chosen deliberately for meaning!

  13. Replies
    1. Congratulations and enjoy grandchild number 4 CC.

    2. CC. Congratulations 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

    3. Great news for you & your family, CC. Well done, Amy, & her mum, of course !

    4. Definitely well done mum with a 9lb baby!

    5. Sorry, think that should have been “wonderful Amy”, from the song written after Amy Johnson’s famous solo flight. Never mind, I’m sure she is beautiful as well! 👶

    6. Not to be confused with KKKKatie, bbbeautiful Katie!

    7. So many songs about girls names.
      Reminds me of when our second, born 1969 we named Chloe, a name unheard of then but extremely popular now.
      A family friend then in his late sixties, immediately broke into song Chloe, Chloe Chloe Chloe........ a popular ditty from the early twenties I believe.
      I always imagined Clara Bow singing it.

    8. Lovely name Cheshire Cheese.
      A name that cannot be shortened as so many lovely names are nowadays.
      She is a "little woman"

  14. I am thinking about upgrading my car, but not sure.
    May I ask, does any-one have any experience of an electric car, or an electric/hybrid?
    I would love to know - and did it need having to installi a home plug-in point?
    Any info. would be appreciated. 🚘

    1. My nephew has one and did have a point installed at home which cost about £300. You also had to lease the battery with a monthly charge for that. Of course there is also the cost of charging. The saving on petrol would more than cover these costs. Not sure whether these conditions are universal but maybe you could make enquiries with a local garage, Miriam. It would certainly be a good idea to have a point at home rather than having to charge in a general use point.

    2. I have a Honda Accord hybrid - not a plug in. Gets average 50 mpg. It’s a sky blue with leather tan interior. I always feel sunny driving it. It’s a great car.

  15. I love the idea of Susan hosting a "dinner party".
    These days it means having friends, family sitting around a dining table, with proper crystal wine glasses filled with plonk, a 3 course simple meal served on the best china dinner service (mine is Wedgewood) - it doesn't need to be haut cuisine. It is just sitting + eating together, in a different way, which doesn't happen too often these days.
    As a family, we do this, with 3 generations often sitting around a dining table, all eating a wonderful meal together. The youngsters love it, all eating together.
    Long may it last. 🍽

  16. I love the names Lucy, Olive and Olivia.

    1. Olive is gaining in popularity these days........ don't see it myself! imo it is in the same league as Phyllis, Ethel, Enid (there are more but I can't remember them at the moment!) Much of their time, but not for me. Many apologies if anyone has that name! I am not trying to insult you! 😌

    2. I once had an Aunt Olive - she insisted on ‘Aunt’ rather than ‘Auntie’.
      She was very stiff and old fashioned and was for ever correcting my language, in front of my parents.
      I have never forgotten her favourite phrase “ You can have.....but the question should have been May I”. She put me off the name Olive for life!

    3. Oh Archerphile I am like Aunrtie Olive regarding "can " and "may"
      I didn't know the distinction between them until I saw a film about immigrants to New York at the turn of the 20th Century.
      A child said to his teacher.
      "Can I go to the toilet"?
      Her reply was "You can but you may not"

      I don't know why but Olivia to me sounds so much nicer than Olive.Many of the popular names of girls born in the 1930s and 40s are not to my taste but the lovely Edwardian names like those of deceased obviously great aunts of mine.-Sophia,Charlotte ,Caroline, Sally ,Jessica ,Emily are lovely.

    4. I like Lan Jan love those Edwardian names, and agree that Olivia is so much lovelier than Olive.
      I was taught, and always use, ' may I ' and not 'can'.
      The person who taught me, had been a ladies maid at Holcomb House as a young woman.

    5. One of my great aunts was called Clarissa, and I thought it a nice name, and one of my great grandmothers was Flenda which I don't think is used nowadays.

  17. Oh dear Archerphile, I am like your Aunt ! It was something drummed into me as a child and I'm afraid I carry on, I am fussy in otherways too, but I guess the difference is that my great niece and nephew know and accept my funny little ways as it is something we discuss openly

    1. Well, I have to say that the ‘can I, may I” lesson from Aunt Olive has stayed with me all my life. So much so, that when I hear a contestant on Countdown say “can I have a vowel please Rachel” I always shout out “you Can, but you should have asked MAY I”.

      And even worse, if they say “Can I GET a vowel” - I always say “yes, if you get up and go and fetch it, but the question should be MAY I”
      I drive Mr A scatty!

    2. Well there you go ,Archerphile .
      You are just the same as Aunt Olive,Cowgirl and me.
      I am like that with "less than "and "fewer"

      I have just finished re reading a lovely book written by one of Ruthy's Countrywomen Ann Weisgarber ,called "The Promise ."
      When a young boy ,André says he ain't sure ,Katherine corrects him by saying"I am not sure"to which he replies "Ain't you sure either then?"

    3. I love that, Lanjan ! How dare she correct his American version of English ? Great - 2 recommendations on the blogs today : this book + the radio 4 series from Mistral on the TA blog.

  18. Ev - Thank-you for replying to my car query. The very helpful and will be of use when or if, I start car looking.
    Meanwhile my next project is a new garden shed. Mine succumbed to westerly storms, snow over the last 2 winters, and ended up with no roof. It was removed + taken away along with all the very ancient contents/rubbish and there was a lot. Money well spent - cheaper than a skip.
    Now I need to replace it. I am looking at a plastic shed, which is maintenance free and not subject to the weather.

    1. At least with Storm Freya hitting tomorrow, I now wont be worrying about the shed - it's gone!! 😀😀

  19. I had to get some provisions today. I am "one-eyed" at the moment due to the wait for eye measurements prior to cataract op. so can't drive
    I so enjoyed my round trip of the 1.7mile walk in the lovely sunshine. I saw wonderful yellow celadines, trees laden with catkins, white blossom on trees, and so many daffs in the grass verges. It was a delight.

  20. Sounds a lovely walk, Miriam. I noticed a magnolia tree in a front garden here fully out in blossom. Spring is such a lovely time!

    It’s Buddy’s first birthday next Saturday and we went to Pets at Home to get some new toys for him! Are we sad or what? How is Lady, Mrs P?

    1. Lady is settling well Ev. She has been lying asleep a great deal today, far less of the ' oh mummy I need you to tell me that you love me ' Business.
      And sleeping in her bed as opposed to on the floor.
      Getting used to comfort I'd say.
      A friend and I met by arrangement at the park and sat with the dogs at either end of the bench, Lady growling and barking, while the tail wagged. We walked home together but when Lady and I went in front all the nonsense stopped. So friend and I both felt it was a bit of bossiness on her behalf. Then another neighbour was at her front with her male dog, and guess what, nose to nose and no barking from Lady.

    2. Oh this is lovely to hear. After all that waiting it certainly seems like she’s the one. She’s definitely landed on her feet having you as a “mum” Mrs P.

    3. All heart warming developments, Mrs P. She sounds like a Lady of character, who hasn't been crushed by the past, & has found her true destiny with you !

    4. Not sure about the character bit Carolyn. I suspect that will emerge some time in the future.
      But she is becoming calmer and is very patient.
      A late morning for me today, the cat on my pillow having a thorough wash and not so much as a squeak from Lady downstairs.
      And yet again no accidents.
      But I do agree she does not seem to be crushed by whatever she may have encountered in the past.

  21. The daffodils are taking a bit of a lashing in the garden, ironing and cleaning today!

    1. I picked mine to prevent that KP.
      I have a large vase full of different types of daffodils in my front window.
      Hope it cheers those passing on this wet day.

  22. Buddy’s friend Jack, the Jack Russell, lives on a house boat and Buddy doesn’t understand that getting into the mud is not the best way to say hello! Thus he has just had the second bath in a week! Gypsy, since I had a few days away last week, has woken in the night to go out and then won’t settle back to sleep. I have tried playing Classic FM to her and lots of other things but to no avail. Of course during the day she sleeps like a baby! It is tiring and will have a word with the vet. She is a very stressed little dog having spent the first 6 years spoilt but confined to house and garden. Then that owner died and her friend took her on only to go through a divorce. We will never know fully but although we try to keep her happy and calm I think dogs carry trauma and sadness with them and like elephants have a long memory.

  23. Have just read yours Mrs P and delighted that Lady obviously doesn’t brood over the past like Gypsy! Sounds as if she will be a lovely companion for you. In spite of Buddy’s mischief he has settled well and hopefully will mature into a good boy. Eventually! Last week at training class he delighted in being the class clown so Katy is hoping for better things this week so she does not have to suffer all that embarrassment!

  24. Beautiful day here today, very blowy so towels out on the line (pegged longways...!)
    Once had a lovely rescue cat called Amy!
    Tortoiseshell, with a black mask over her eyes, found living wild in Downham (Bromley), what a character!
    A couple of years after we moved over here she disappeared. We learned later she'd eaten poisoned bait. I was distraught.
    She'd used up most if not all of her 9 lives (getting locked in a neighbour's barn, having to be rescued from the top of a cedar tree, etc etc )

  25. Warning. I will change photo after breakfast.

  26. Will it be a selfie? Your good self lounging in the teeniest of bikinis and beside an azure infinity pool with an exotic drink in your hand pouting at the camera? Go on!!!! 😎🍹🌞

  27. GG I have personalized the photo 😀

  28. Ha! Enjoy the rest of the afternoon Ruthy!!

  29. Are those your feet Ruthy? I think you are just trying to make us all jealous!! 😁

  30. Lovely to hear about Lady, Mrs.P. she certainly sounds as if she is settling well and has landed on her "paws".🐶
    I had my lawns mowed this morning and even with a large petrol mower he struggled, but it's done. He was booked for 10.00am but had a niggle, so was up and dressed. I was right, was on doorstep at 8.30am. It's not perfect but fine for the time of year, and I can now maintain it - that's the important bit. Raining heavy all day but no wind - well yet, the warning out for overnight.

  31. Well that’s a lovely photo. Certainly not Blackpool!!

  32. An idle thought, does Ambridge have an ATM/Cashpoint? I have never heard of any resident using one - or are they all paid with a weekly cash pay-packet?

  33. I suspect that like most people they just use plastic nowadays .

    1. I never have any cash on me.

    2. Same here. I’m like the queen! That’s what husbands are for......hunter/gathering and paying for things.

      Also Lanjan can tell it’s not Scarborough cos otherwise those legs would be covered in tattoos!!

    3. They seem to use cash in the shop. Guess contactless hasn’t reached Ambridge yet! Ptby, regrettably I was always the one with the cash and even had to worry about tipping, that awful practice! I would rather pay more and have waiters etc paid a decent wage! Nowadays I have cash but my contactless card for a small cash account is my friend!

    4. I regret to say that I rarely use cash. My card pays for most things with contactless used for most payments under a fiver.
      Regret and shame, 'cos I will be very sorry when we say goodbye to coin.

      I did my best to keep the milkman going by refusing super market milk for many many years. Then I crossed over to goats milk and associated products and like others became responsible for pushing the milkman into never never land.

    5. The only thing I seem to use cash for these days is car parks!

    6. I used to pay cash at Basingstoke Hospital car park AP but last year if not able to park in a disabled bay of which there are not many if it was Mr R was attending I started using contactless at the pay point. When Mr R was there for 8 days in Sept and I was also having the odd appointment too I found it a far less stressful experience than worrying about having sufficient change to hand.
      Like others I rarely use cash now but carry a little as sometimes machines pack up, has even been known to be the case after a meal has been consumed.

    7. Yes, Mr A used a credit card at the hospital when visiting me after my op. At least there is that option now, unlike in the past. It’s the two cetre car parks I need cash for,particularly in Winchester where the parking charges are horrendous!

    8. Oh, whoops, that should have been ‘town centre’

  34. I also rarely use cash, contactless is so convenient. I often go out without my purse, just my phone with cards in the case. Like Mrs P, I would be very sorry if cash disappeared, and feel guilty about contributing to it's potential demise.

  35. Glad to hear Lady is doing so well MrsP.
    I have had a friend staying with his female lurcher 12 and very timid, more so than Misty. Who was not pleased kept snapping at her heels, she finally got cross and snapped back and she came sqealing to me, didn't learn from it though. I shall be interested to see what happens when my cousin comes with her male dog, I bet like Lady she acts differently

  36. Bit wild overnight & today here in Charente, back end of Storm Freya.. hope she spared fellow bloggers..

  37. I only ever use cold hard cash - haven't had a credit/debit card in over 20 years. Once when I was walking the Great Glen Way I tried to book into a hotel in the middle of nowhere, they said they couldn't accept cash as payment! They very quickly changed their tune when I said no problem, I'll just go and find someone that will... (I did have a tent with me. Wasn't even sure that there WAS any other places to stay!) That's the only time it's ever been a problem. I always make sure I carry "enough" when I go anywhere and if I don't have enough on me to cover something, I don't buy it. As Theresa May's scriptwriters would have her say - simples!

    1. GG I never use cash, unless forced to, I just fritter it. If I have to use my card I think about it and record it all, so I keep a tight watch on my spending, not that I go without.

    2. GG, thank goodness I'm not alone. I have a debit card, but very rarely use it, and each time it is renewed, insist on exchanging the new contactless one for an ordinary one. I have no intention of falling prey to some menace with a rogue machine in the shopping precinct, whipping £30 off unsuspecting shoppers, nor do I see why I should have to carry special insulation to prevent it!
      We always take cash on holiday, as exchange rates are often extortionate, and many hotels and shops abroad will not accept payment by card. We also make frequent use of cheques.
      As I see it, it is in the interests of the banking sector to promote the use of contactless cards and cashless payments in general as it is more convenient for THEM, and I'm not inclined to cooperate in making life easier for them.
      I'm a dinosaur at heart.

    3. I think it’s advisable to have a credit card if travelling abroad in case of unexpected costs. I do though keep an eye on exchange rates and as I now usually travel in Europe I keep a good stock of Euro’s and take some with me. I also have some money in my little cash account so that I can go to an ATM if necessary. If you lose your purse/wallet or have it stolen it is easy to cancel cards but if it contains cash there’s little or no comeback. My credit card is paid off each month by DD and I have cashback on it. It also helps my planning when making large purchases in that I have time to transfer from savings accounts. Properly managed, cards are very advantageous.

    4. ✔️ Yes indeed Ev the key is paying off in full each month and knowing exactly what the total will be and checking the statement, even though mine is with JL and very efficient they are too, generous point system and vouchers 3 times a year for JL or W/R use.

  38. Sarnia, I too am a dinosaur at heart! I must be the only person in the world not to have a smartphone. I have absolutely zero need to take photos or look anything up online whilst I am out and about - I am just back from a cycle to Loch Lomond on a crisp, beautiful sunny day and the amount of people I had to try to avoid because they were stumbling about in a catatonic stupor staring at something on their screens was amazing! It all just looks like admin to me - and when did that become fun? Admin with adverts! That you pay to do! It's incredible...😲😲😲

    1. No,GG, there are two of us! There is no one on this earth who wants to hear from me during the day, and I'm not important enough for people to need to contact me every five minutes. When I'm out I'm far too busy engaging with my surroundings and people-watching to want anything of the sort. I find the spectacle of so many others permanently plugged into their electronic devices faintly alarming - it looks as if they have been hooked up to some government brain-washing scheme!

    2. I like my smartphone Gary but agree with you about people wandering about glued to them, especially parents ignoring their children.

    3. I do have a smart phone. But it belongs to Serco and is provided so I can send photos of graffiti, dog mess, litter, etc so they can come and clear it up before it becomes an eyesore. It's rarely on otherwise, and if it is left on I then forget to charge it - which renders it somewhat useless!
      OMIAS has a pretty basic phone because smart phones are beyond him - he can't even get on with predictive text.
      Younger shoedwellers have embraced the blessed things with alacrity.

    4. Gary - I was just like you until last autumn when my son & his family moved to Dubai. Because of UAE restrictions there is no Skype or Facebook to keep in touch and no postal service to private homes. The one and only solution is WhatsApp which can only be accessed via a smartphone. So I was forced to buy one just to keep
      In touch with the grandsons for the next five years.
      I don’t use it for anything else, never make phone calls with it and never take it out of the house so it is an expensive luxury - but essential for just that one purpose!

    5. No 3 - is me !
      No smart phone and only had any sort of mobile when given one after an aborted holiday to France ( a jolly tale to tell ) and friends had been so worried about me they insisted I have one.
      I do carry it with me on all occasions now for the sake of calling for help if I were to have an accident.
      But am with GG and Sarnia. The world is mad ! And I'm not about to join it.
      Agree with both for all the reasons given, but in addition I am insulted by anyone using my mobile for anything other than texts. How dare they phone me on it. That is what landlines are for.
      What's more we are going backwards as far as telephony is concerned.
      We had clearer and more distinct lines fifty years ago.

    6. Mrs P, my mobile phone is clearer than ever my land line was. There was always a loud interference from electric fencing that was extremely aggravating that Openreach had no authority to do anything about.

  39. I still use cash for purchases under £10. Although I use a debit card, I refuse to do contactless. As to credit cards, one is paid off entirely by a diect debit monthly, but I buy major items on one, then transfer to another at 0% on balance transfers (OK have to pay a handling charge, but cheaper than interest) as I can then decide how quickly to pay it off, esp if car or house insurance appears, which I always pay in full. This suits me, and works for me, and I always pay off as quickly as possible.
    I always keep about £40 in cash, as useful for sudden taxi rides for example.

    1. It appears most taxis have card facilities too now!

  40. Just a quick extra re cards vs cash. The last time I had a hosp. appointment, to which I was able to drive to, I queued at the pay-station in car park, as most wanted to pay with cash. The card only pay station, was not being used.

  41. I still prefer cash and don’t have a contactless card. I will remember to ask for an ordinary one when it’s renewed. I do have a smart phone which Mr S persuaded me to have and has to help me use. I use for this and a ridiculous amount of photos. No idea about apps, social media except this blog. I often go out without it, except when I drive, never check it if I do take it out and have it on silent during the day and off every night. I hate dodging people in the street looking down at their phone and people using them on the train dazzles my eyes. Definitely a dinosaur, and a grumpy one.

    1. After many hols, I am always amazed on arrival home at a British airport, be it Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester - what I notice most is so many stuck to their 'phones. I have a smart 'phone, which I am using now - but use is very limited, only for Wattsap catch up with family, and for emergencies, but never have switched on during the day. I still prefer my land-line, which in my broadband contract, is totally free 24/7. It is very cost effective.

    2. I agree Miriam. I still give my landline number when asked for a phone number, and my mobile is a pay as you go.

    3. As BT or Openreach could no longer provide me with broadband I cancelled my landline when I switched to 4g internet. I do have a smart phone but like you Seasider don't understand how to use it other than a telephone. In all honesty I would prefer a landline but the additional cost doesn't warrant the few calls I make

  42. I would die without my phone. I use it for everything.
    I originally got it so I could keep in contact with my son when he was living in America and it’s grown from there.
    It’s my camera, my kindle, I read the paper on it, sometime catch up tv progs, this blog, a calendar, my well as usual texts and phone.
    I would be lost without it.

    It does not replace the art of conversation when out though.

    1. Ooh. I I use my phone to keep up with all my fave radio 4/4 extra progs.

    2. Yes, actually I do love listening to radio on it.

  43. I would completely freak out if my tablet packed up! Even though we have laptops & PCs galore in our house and about a dozen various types of radio, my tablet is my primary listening device - especially when I am abed.

    I'm certainly not a Ludite despite my refusal to own a smartphone - all our lights & central heating etc are controlled by various apps and we even have a 3D printer for some reason. I just will always be the boy that wants to look out of the train window! If you know what I mean...☺

    1. Absolutely Gary. My phone's always off when I'm out in the countryside, I prefer the sights and sounds of nature.

  44. Changing tack - this Friday it's my turn to host the gang's "Film Club". Every month someone gets to choose some movies, we have a quick vote on the evening, and then after we've all caught up on each others news & gossip we plonk ourselves in front of the screen. We've had obscure Westerns, French drama and Mexican horror. No rules!

    Last month the host even showed some original Tom & Jerry cartoons beforehand. By God, they weren't PC in those days let me tell you - still genuinely funny tho'....! 💨💥💫

    1. What a great idea Gary. My choice would be old black and white 1950’s war films starring the likes of Jack Hawkins and Kenneth Moore. Especially the War at Sea variety
      Ooo, and an evening devoted to Dirk Bogarde films - I adored Dirk Bogarde, his books as well as his films.

    2. With you on the Dirk Bogarde front - very watchable.

      I'm going for epic Chinese historical drama. As you do!

    3. My best ever film is “Brief Encounter”. I cry every time!

    4. Now you are talking, the only film star I've ever thought worthwhile, I remember queueing to see Victim, such a memorable and brave film in its day

    5. I thoroughly recommend his books and biography. Dirk led a very interesting life both before, and after his film career.

    6. Similar theme Ev. but more modern.
      My favourite film is "The Bridges of Madison County"

  45. Hey bloggers. Today is my birthday. Gonna snorkel and parasail!

    1. Have a super fantastic birthday Ruthy. What a marvellous way to celebrate! 🧜‍♀️ 🏝 🎂

    2. So now we know “Pisces” Ruthy. Trust your day a perfect one (certainly well deserved). 🎈🥳 🍷

    3. Hope you're having a lovely birthday!

    4. Penn-bloedh Lowen Ruthy.🎉🎁🌷🎂

  46. Hopefully not both at the same time...

    Happy Birthday Ruthy!

  47. Tanti auguri from me Ruthy. What a delightful way to celebrate.☺

  48. Congratulations Ruthie, I hope you also get a slap-up meal, (fish?), after your marine adventures :)

    1. Lovely way to spend your birthday Ruthy.
      You seem to have a lovely life, but you probably work hard to achieve it.

  49. Enjoy your day Ruthy.
    Lovely month in which to have a birthday.

  50. Many happy returns Ruthy🥳🎂

  51. I shall have a tot of Rum to toast you Ruthy and imagine I am with you basking in the sun. I trust he has treated you .

  52. Happy Birthday Ruthy. A great day, as it's also the birthday of a great-nephew, 5 today.
    It looks like a wonderful Birthday "Break-Away"
    It reminds me of my (belated - as was 6 months later) 50th Birthday Holiday - a very luxurious 7-day cruise, on a small but luxorious 5* yacht, in the Galapagos Islands and 10 days in Ecuador. Quite a few years ago now, but such a memorable event, never to be forgotten, nor repeated.

  53. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ruthy, happy birthday to you.
    Sing along as you read. 🍷🍾🏄

  54. Happy birthday Ruthy. I’ll raise a cup of peppermint tea to you.
    Have a fabulous time. Xx

  55. We now know that The Gill's have two teenage "sprogs". When will these meet up with Ben + Ruiari - it will be interesting with Borcetshire College, Cathedral School etc I can envisage a new Ambridge generation beginning to evolve.
    I so want to hear The Gills talking, wherever - be it
    a)the Bridge Farm or Community shop,
    b)meeting Lynda whilst she is out walking Monty,
    c) Oliver, Roy, Ian, Jolene + Kenton, whilst eating at GG or The Bull.
    They need to appear and become Ambridge residents.

  56. Happy birthday Ruthy.I hope you enjoy (ed) your snorkelling and parasailing.

  57. Just to say 'Happy Birthday, dear Ruthy' before the special day ends ! 🤗😊(It's 9.10 pm here, so maybe late afternoon where you are...) I hope your toes are still soaking up the sun & that you're having a lovely relaxing time.

    1. Yes, happy 🎂 🎁 🍰 birthday, Ruthy!

  58. Going back to earlier posts.
    I love Dirk Bogarde. His books are wonderful about his childhood with his sister in Sussex. So we’ll written you can imagine being there.
    There’s a wonderful book of “the letters of Dirk Bogarde” which are fascinating.
    I liked it when he went less mainstream and more European with regards to his films.

  59. Thanks to everyone for birthday wishes. Highlight of snorkeling a barracuda and stingray. Going again tomorrow! Saw a spectacular sunset sitting on the beach. Will be heading out to dinner soon and will have a birthday drink! 🍷🎉🍸

  60. Going back to our discussion about using cash or cards, there's an article on the BBC website about the increasing decline of cash.

  61. Sorry I missed your birthday yesterday Ruthy. I'm glad you had a lovely day.. and more to come!
    Thank you so much for your continued hosting of 'our' page. Have a memorable holiday! XX

  62. I was in Amsterdam a few months ago and many cafés and establishments didn't take cash, and cheques are prehistoric in other countries. Nearly treated myself to a canabis ice cream, but was too overwhelmed by the inhalation of the stuff.
    My bank has informed me that they will not be issuing cheques. Can't remember when I last wrote one.

    1. We use cheques quite a lot because many small businesses, self-employed practitioners etc find that electronic transactions incur too many hidden charges. Funeral Directors, for example, always pay by cheque. Most 'corner shops' won't accept card payments for purchases under £10.

  63. Ruth I may have mentioned an authoress from Galveston who has written three books .
    (I didn't realise that Galveston is on an island and that there was a terrible storm there about 120 years ago.
    I only know about it because of the catchy song about it.)
    The most recent "The Glovemaker" was only published last month .
    I haven't read it yet but have bought a copy.
    Her other two books "The Personal History of Rachel Du Pre " and "The Promise" were excellent.
    I don't know if other folk agree with me but I am sick of psychological thrillers where it turns out that the baddie is the caring husband and I am sick of young women finding suitcases in the attic containing diaries and it turning out that their great grandmothers were actually scullery maids or similar who had been taken advantage of by the sons often of the local gentry.
    Then it goes backwards and forwards in time .
    Totally confusing.
    Creative writing.
    I have chosen"The Mill on the Floss" as our Reading Group book this month.
    No spoilers please.

    1. Wonderful novel ! Not a spoiler to say it might induce a few tears....

    2. I am loving all the Anne Cleeve books - Vera + Shetland. I love her writing, the plots and the descriptons of the differing parts of UK. Also, I never guess the "baddie" which says a lot.
      I also am reading the M C Beaton novels with Agatha Raisin, which are a spoof on Miss Marple. They are so tongue-in-cheek, but are an enjoyable quick read, without much concenttation.

    3. Anne Cleeve was the subject on Desert Island Discs a week or so ago Miriam.

    4. Miriam, I loved the Agatha Raisin adaptations on 4Extra a while back.

      But then it did star Penelope Keith, and I could listen to her explaining the intricacies of the proposed Northern Ireland backstop agreement for hours on end and still have a smile on my face...! 😍

    5. I heard Desert Island Discs with Anne Cleeve recently, and when off work with a virus last week, I started watching Vera. I will look out for her books in the library. (None on the shelves last week 😕

  64. I read an article today, that in about 10 yrs time - there will be no cash, notes and coins will then be obsolete
    All that will be left will be plastic payments and internet bank transfers. I do internet banking + transfers, but very carefully as very wary.
    A niece of mine, had 2 bank accounts (her own personal one and the "joint" one with her partner, for mortgage, household expenses) totally cleaned out.
    She was lucky, as her bank reimbursed all monies lost. Others aren't so lucky.

  65. Regarding cash.
    I think they should get rid of 1p and 2p coins.
    In fact I think they should get rid of 5p coins as well.
    Silly little things
    When I was young if anything went up in price by more than a couple of pennies-old pennies-there would have been a riot.
    Nothing goes up by pence nowadays.
    We had to rewewour pet insurance today.
    It has gone up by over 33 % and you don't get a no claims bonus .
    What they should do is decide that in the new tax year 1p.2p and 5p coins will cease to be legal tender but when handed in to a Bank or post Office it would still be used for the NHS.
    Just think how much money could be raised.
    I would write to my MP with my idea but he has never responded when I have written in the past and he didn't say thank you when he pushed in front of me on a train and I allowed him to go in front of me.
    He won't be standing at the next election -he is nearly as old as I am-so he won't care anyway .

  66. After a post made on the other page (not worth reading, as was just my usual idle thoughts) I have realised the characters who have been missing for a while, such as,
    Oliver, Jim, Fallon, Harrison, Shula, Alistair, Lynda, Robert + my favourite, Jazzer I wonder if these are currently silent as they will become more prominent on Freddie's release in a few weeks time, and the consequences which will ensue.
    Where will Freddie end up living if not allowed to return to LL. This is unrealistic to me - OK it is the scene of the original crime, but if Freddie has the same ideas, his new abode would not make a difference. It could affect the alcohol licence though.

    1. PS Still waiting for Toby's alcohol store at his gin distillery, to be broken into + stolen. Freddie gets the blame? Enter the Gill's teenagers along with Ben + Ruiari.

  67. Football. Bloody hell! Just back from watching Paris San Germain v Man U. Wow...

  68. Last swim in the beautiful azure water then packing up for trip home 😂. Did see a sea turtle yesterday while snorkeling.

  69. Sounds wonderful Ruthy. When my daughter lived in Mexico I used to go and visit her. One year the whole family went and we were lucky to see a sea turtle on the beach burying her eggs.

    1. Wow, that’s on my bucket list of things to do and see.

  70. Ruthy, pleased to hear you have had a wonderful trip and birthday. I have learned something as neither myself nor other half had heard of Turks and Caicos!

    1. Many islands make up TC and it’s a British Overseas Territory, whatever that means. We have to drive on the left side of the road!

    2. I Googled them! Had heard of them but had no idea where they were - and for some bizarre reason I knew that they were "part" of the UK.

      I was lucky enough to see a huge turtle last year whilst in a submarine at the Great Barrier Reef - amazing looking creatures. Hope you had a wonderful vacation & recharged your batteries Ruthy!

    3. Believe it or not ,I ,though petrified of water went into the ocean when at the Great Barrier Reef ,Gary.
      I actually have a photo to prove it.

    4. Well done you Lanjan! I love the water but am horrified by fishes and things, but I too have the photos to prove that I went swimming amidst huge shoals of them. Hurrah for our bravery!

  71. Ruthy - isn't driving on the opposite side of the road strange. This happens when we "pop" over to Europe, esp if using a hire car. I spend a day in a LH drive car, trying to change gear on the door handle. I have also managed to drive around a roundabout in Europe in the UK way, in other words the wrong way round. Luckily there was no other traffic.

  72. Turtles I love them. Have seen sea turtles mating in the sea (whilst very silent sitting on a zodiac) and just missed turtles, by about an hour, returning to the sea after laying, but I did see their tracks in the sand though. All was not lost as shortly after, was paddling, with young rays swimming around, touching feet + legs, whilst larger Mum + Dad Rays were further away. It was still only 7.00am.

  73. Horrendous heavy rain today.
    What did I do - clean all the inside of my windows and wash down all the window frames. This is after the winter months, and no idea how dirty they get.
    Waiting for the sun to reappear - to find out how "streaky" they are.

    1. Also have cleaned my leather settee/sofa plus chairs + given them the protective cream treatment. Again I can't belive how dirty they were, after the winter months. Looking like new again - another job ticked off the list.

  74. Spent the afternoon sorting car insurance.....does not take just 5 mins doing on the web sites. Whole afternoon from one site to another. Still , it’s got to be done.

    Then cut some sweet potatoes into chips for tea. Anyone else find it impossible to cut these? Have nearly severed my thumb! Buying frozen ready made from now on.

    1. Car insurance - mine is due soon. I had an incident in 2017, ( no damage to either car) which is now deemed as an "accident - non fault", i had a fraudulant whiplash, personal injury claim against me. This was proven as that + all legal costs etc. were reclaimed from the "claimant".
      I am hoping my car insurance will now be reduced.
      Not too hopefull though.

    2. Amazingly our Car Insurance this year was reduced!
      Couldn't believe it.
      I expected it to go up as we got older.
      If you put someone else on your iInsurance like one of your nieces the price goes down
      (Not a teenager though)
      We added John's daughter to ours and they knocked off £35
      We said she wouldn't be using it for work -which she won't.
      That helps.

  75. Our front garden is covered in magnolia blossom.
    Such a shame.
    Yesterday the tree was full of blossom.
    It looked lovely.
    I hate wind.

  76. My son-in-law set off on an expedition to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro this morning. He is not doing it for charity but just decided he wanted to achieve something important while he still can - he has just turned 50!
    Our job was to take him to Heathrow (daughter could not take time off ) and unfortunately his flight to Nairobi was over 4 hours late taking off, not a very auspicious start, but hopefully he arrived before the rest of the group assembled for the next leg of the journey.
    Having watched the ‘celebrities’ climbing Kilimanjaro last week and suffering serious altitude sickness and exhaustion I am a bit concerned, but keeping everything crossed he will make it to the top......and down again, in one piece!

  77. Ruthy, I am going to be in Manhattan later this month for about a week if you fancy meeting for an exotic cocktail! Won't be offended in any way, shape or form if you don't!!! ☺

  78. Lady update......
    Got her on the bus today !
    There was another dog on board and the driver was helpful.
    Once the bus was in motion she settled well. ( a short journey into town)
    Again very good walking on the lead and in the pet shop.
    Then a walk across the fields home.

  79. Brilliant Mrs P, I think you have both landed on your feet, so to speak.
    Are you sleeping any better ?

    1. Some nights good, some bad, so still up and down.
      But clean nights from Lady however late in the morning I have been, until yesterday. Oh dear what a mess.
      However am getting to bed a little earlier each night and this morning by
      8am, I had walked her a short distance and had my tea.

  80. GG - would love to meet! Let me know possible dates. What fun plans do you have?

    1. Fantastic! I'll be there from around the 20th and am planning on spending most of the days at the Whitney Museum soaking up the huge Warhol retrospective. My evenings will be spent boozing & vaguely stalking cast members of The Real Housewives of NY...

    2. Too funny. Will set meet time as Warhol gets closer. Back in the 80's when I lived in Manhattan, and when Warhol was still alive, would from time to time see Warhol and his entourage around town.

  81. Another thing we have in common,Archerphile.
    My son has climbed Kilimanjaro .
    I remember having to get to Heathrow extremely early for the flight as I expect you had to too.

  82. Good luck to son of Archerphile.
    I hope the climb is easy and enjoyable.

  83. PtbY and Cowgirl and ? I drive north tomorrow (snow forecast!) and should be up there for about four weeks. Any thoughts on when/where we might meet?

  84. Seasider ,I am envious.
    I am ready for another meet up but prepared to wait for better weather for those who have to travel.


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