Life in Ambridge: Comments week of March 20, 2019


  1. In the previous blog people were remembering the Wendy Craig sitcom "Butterflies" (featuring a love interest called Leonard) and quoting from the theme song. To bring it round the circle back to the Archers, that song was written by Dolly Parton who, of course, wrote "Jolene".

    PS My grandfather, who was a Leonard, was always called Len.

  2. I thought the makeover scene was skilfully written, and beautifully acted by the young woman playing Natasha. I like the way Natasha is beginning to fit into the Ambridge community, and I was pleased about the growing rapport between David and Mr B - though I wish it hadn’t involved collusion in lying to Jill.

  3. The two Leonards I have known were invariably called Len but the two Bernards I have known were always Bernard.

    1. I have never known a Leonard but I do know a Bernie who is never Bernard. Thank goodness they're not shortening Natasha to Tash or Nats!!

    2. My sister in law is a Natasha and called by the family Tass or Tassa.

  4. I have had an idea.
    It is a one off.
    I wondered if Ruthy did not mind and it wasn’t too much extra work if we could have a special Anniversary blog with a difference on 8th April.
    My idea is that it would be a one comment per person only blog
    That way we can easily see how many people we have using Ruthy’s blog and maybe those who look but only occasionally have the time to post comments would be able to contribute.
    Sorry Ruthy,I would have liked to have run this past you before I posted this.

    1. Sounds like a lovely idea Lanjan. A real celebration of everything we love about The Archers, this blog, and the friendships we have made. I’m all for it!

    2. 🥂 Glasses raised to Ruthy’s blog on 8 April, and 🥂 glasses raised to the scriptwriters on any day of the year except Saturdays, because without them there would be no reason for it to exist.

      (In case I get run over by a bus in the interim!)

    3. Good idea - have responded in the other blog.

    4. What a good idea - with just a short sentence/comment from all, would be wonderful to read.

  5. Sounds like a good idea if Ruthy is up for it.
    We could use it as a heartfelt message of thanks.

    1. What a great idea LJ - a very personal way to thank / honour Ruthy and as most of us with never have the opportunity to meet her face to face to do so this sounds just the ticket to me 👏🏻 🤗

  6. A thought has occurred to me!
    Is Natasha a 'nice young person' and been introduced to counteract almost every other young(ish) people in TA at the moment?
    I haven't really analysed this I admit and I totally expect someone pointing out how wrong I am!

    The character changes of the past few years, that we older (very) long term listeners have noticed, are obviously of the older characters, most noticably Brian.
    However the 'new' characters i.e. the grown up younger generation have, almost all , turned out to be self-absorbed, immoral (not just in sexual matters, and that is just my 'old-fashioned' views!), selfish and untrustworthy.
    Perhaps the present editor took note of listeners' complaints and decided to have a sensible, compassionate character? Especially at what the Mustardland website calls BFNI (Bridge Farm Nest of Idiots!)
    Johnny, Rex and Ed are 'nice' people but both are portrayed as a little dim and often get walked over.
    Were characters like Kathy, Hayley, Jamie too boring to be included because they were 'nice?'
    Ben is on the cusp - good boy or bad boy?
    Helen, Tom, Pip, Toby, Ruairhi, Lily, Will, Freddie, Josh at times, lie, are spiteful and follow their own selfish paths. Most of them also show very little common sense.

    I'm not sure about Tim. Whether he will be just one of the 'Cash in hand' so called entrepreneurs or whether he is involved in bigger illegal activities remains to be seen.

    All in all future storylines look promising (IMHO) if TA continues to drift gently away from shouty, soapy scenes! 🙂

    1. I added Rex as a nice person while editing but omitted to delete 'both.' Sorry!

  7. Am I the only person who doesn't understand the photo? 😕

    1. Isn't it of the actor who plays Freddie?

    2. I took the photo to mean that Freddie will return to Ambridge as a thug. A nasty piece of work. A " don't cast your eyes at me mate, or I'll give you what for" emergent criminal. I hope he gives the evil eye to Russ who will scarper pronto.

    3. Oh dear! With my bleary eyes first thing in the morning I thought it was a young Marlon Brando.
      I can now see that I was very, very much mistaken... 🔍🔭👓

    4. It struck me as so apt - Freddie emerging from behind bars...

    5. Not alone Gary - I thought I’d logged onto the wrong blog at first, then remembered Ruthy saying she was working on Freddie’s return for the next blog ....and put two and two together!

  8. I must be listening to a different TA to everyone else. Natasha was sickly sweet with Jill, then I remembered that she was a makeup sales person and 'persuasion' is her middle name. She has persuaded Bridge farm to plant fruit trees, make strange additions to the veg boxs, and set up a web page over which she may have copyright?
    At least the intensive care unit will benefit from her administrations.

    I'm on Alice's side when it come to Kate, how galling it must be to watch your sibling cruise through life being waited on by your family, never taking any responsibility, whilst you slog away at work etc. Essentially Kate is a nasty person, but I love her, not too much though.
    Are we about to witness a change in Kate with Peggy as the conduit?❓👹

  9. Does Bella the Barmaid actually exist or is she only a figment of.Johnny’s fervid imagination, which his mates kindly go along with? She’s never on duty at The Bull when we’re there, and Jolene and Kenton have never mentioned her. Perhaps she’s employed at The Cat and Fiddle, also never mentioned now but hopefully not one of the many pubs forced to close.

    1. Perhaps she is related to Samantha, the phantom scorer on I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue?

    2. The Cat and Fiddle closed many years ago I'm afraid. It was changed into flats (of course.) When Lilian came back she ran a campaign to change it back into a pub but was unsuccessful.

    3. Thanks, Spicycushion. I wonder where Snatch Foster and Eddie’s other old mates drink now.....? Does Tim drink there too.....?

    4. Yes, Bella exists all right! Her name was on Kenton’s lips tonight (Wednesday).

  10. Going back to the comments about Butterflies - I've had the theme tune as an earworm all morning 😕😄

    1. I heard the theme from 'Chariots of Fire' at 9 am and have burst into lal lahing it ever since!🤦‍♀️

  11. I may have too much time on my hands today. I googled Open Sky paint color. If Kate wants to see "blue sky" she should live outdoors and preferably next to her spiritual yurt.

    Peggy is doing right with Kate paying rent, but other than that, just prolonging Kate ever having to grow up.

    1. I agree, Ruthy. I guess she's thinking it's worth a try. If it works, & Kate becomes a reformed character who can handle her own life, I'll need several vodka heavy vodkas & tonics....

    2. I also agree Ruthy. I can really see Alice's point about Kate. Everyone indulges her and she is so self-centred etc. Maybe she'll undergo a reformation under Peggy's tutelage!

    3. Agree. Alice worked hard, at uni.and after marrying Chris, setting up their home + his forge. She is innovative in a "job" she hates, but uses her learnt skills. Kate is just not bothered, and is a true sponger and doesn't care about her own business, and even her children. I hope Peggy will sort her out - once + for all. Hilda loves Kate - that says it all, two feisty "bitches" together!

    4. have always had a soft spot for Hilda! may be obliged to change my mind...

    5. I like Hilda too Parsley 16.
      Cats can be funny about who they take to though.

  12. Who is to inherit the lodge? I think it was due to be Helen (and Rob)? If not nailed down maybe Kate will be the one as she gets on “so well” with beloved Hilda and therefore puss ensured of remaining at said Lodge for her lifetime 🐱

    1. Didn't Peggy change her will, so that The Lodge now goes to Tony, Pat + Lilian equally - or is this my imagination. Not sure.

    2. After Tony's near miss with Otto the bull Peggy changed her will so that all her possessions would be included in her Estate and it would be divided equally between her three children, Jennifer, Lilian and Tony. If I remember Rob was not best pleased when he was told!

    3. Rob being not best pleased by the change in Peggy's Will, was in the end, nothing in comparison to 'his' end, was it ?

  13. Ok I give up - tonight Natasha back to her manipulating self, is she to be a female Rob one face for the family and friends while having an agenda going on below the surface. That said Tom deserves all he gets I cannot believe he is a grown man near to middle age, I keep thinking he must be about 26!
    Guess the Jolene actress is needed elsewhere for 3 wks or is it that the SW want The Bull as well as LL to get onto difficulties.....
    As for K & A I would give up if I were you Peggy... I’m with Alice on this one I have to say! Finally there is a strap line for tomorrow nights programme which includes Helen but nothing for Friday, just that it is a rural drama....

    1. I noticed that Lady R too. Quite often they leave the 'teaser' out on Fridays. But I don't remember whether they have all turned out to be really dramatic cliffhangers though!

  14. So....what we’ve learned tonight is that the music impresario, Seaton, is tone deaf!
    Never go for tea at Peggy’s , you get served tofu lasagne 🤮
    Oh yes, Natasha is a “one” alright. Oh Tom.....we need a big house to grow our businesses. You’ll have to serve up lots of sausages of yours to all the right people that we need to brown nose!!
    On that note I will go and lie down in a darkened room to recover.

    1. ✔️ Same thoughts I see 🤪

    2. And just when I hought she could be a 'nice' character too! I'm obviously too trusting and take everyone as I would like them to be! 😟

  15. It's a bit of a stretch to imagine Jolene being offered a tour on the strength of Satan seeing her sing ! Good luck to her though.
    Tom so needs to say No to his new wife, along the lines of 'we can't afford it yet'. He's such a walkover.
    I'm definitely on Alice's side regarding Kate.

  16. Oh my goodness - Jolene! Anyone would think she was an aspiring teenager on the X Factor! Talk about screeching. I for one will be glad if she goes away on this tour for 3 weeks, preferably longer so we don’t have to listen to her juvenile behaviour.
    But, how will Kenton manage without her? She will probably arrive home to find the Bull closed and Kenton bankrupt!

    1. The answer is T❤️O❤️B❤️Y!

    2. Indeed Maryellen! I can just see Toby as a partner at The Bull one day. Does anyone know if Lilian still has shares in the pub, she used to be a partner with Sid at one time and all alterations and new ideas had to be given her approval. Perhaps she sold her share to Kenton and Jolene?

    3. Lilian had a ' business meeting ' at The Bull only last week I remember. So, no, she still owns her share.

  17. I’m still can’t see what Natasha does that is wrong. She’s a genius with people, lovely with Jill yesterday in her ‘professional’ role, and eminently reasonable with Tom tonight, not squashing or overriding him, giving credit to his views while equally putting forward hers. What’s not to like, in my view?

    She is talking about taking them out of the enclave, of course - obviously not realising that anyone born or marrying an Archer has to dwell inside it, which is why the Aldridges are living in a tiny cottage because they couldn’t find anything bigger in Ambridge and couldn’t possibly move anywhere else in the county....

  18. But doesn't moving out of Ambridge mean moving out of the script... ...

    1. Characters with Archer genes are allowed out of the enclave for shopping, educational, business and entertainment purposes, holidays and visiting each other in prison, but yes, for taking up permanent residence outside it , the penalty be oblivion......

    2., the penalty would be oblivion.

      I am seriously missing bootgums.

    3. I liked it the first time, maryellen, in your best rustic accent. After all, the penalty do be oblivion, bai'nt it?

    4. ‘‘Tis so, Sarnia. Happy first day of Spring!

    5. That should be happy 2nd day of Spring!

  19. I didn't consider Natasha manipulative; it was a matter of a couple discussing future living arrangements, pretty normal stuff. If they really can't afford this desirable rental, that's it ( though it never is, in soap), & they look elsewhere, but it's perfectly reasonable that Natasha would not want to live so close to Susan's watchful eyes, acute hearing & loose tongue, given recent brush with her, & Tom is exceeding obtuse not to see that !
    Now I'll be obtuse & ask why Will is giving notice ? Can't have been paying attention, but is it because he wants to offer the place to mum, dad & Joe when Ed & Emma move out,( Oliver showing no sign of reducing the G.Farm rent ).

    1. Yes, that’s what Will apologetically told Hannah. She said not to worry, she’d been thinking it was time she moved on.

    2. Thanks for reminder - can 'hear' that dialogue now !

  20. I loved Natasha’s description of Susan and why she doesn’t want to live in the flat above the shop:
    ‘Susan is so..........observant’.
    She is right there, and put it very diplomatically.

    1. Well 'observed', AP, & it was somehow more pointed with N.'s delightful Welsh inflections...

    2. It’s because Susan is so observant, of course, that she was able to recognise Mia’s misery signals and organise prompt help. Natasha certainly chose the right word.

      why - and

  21. When Tom and Kirsty were going to be married,at first they were going to have a house built on Bridge Farm land but then Kirsty wanted somewhere out of Ambridge.
    Tom obviously had the money to buy a house then why is
    he living in rented accommodation now?
    When he returned to Ambridge ,why did he not buy himself a flat or small house?
    Natasha is up to no good.
    She sees ££££££ when she looks at dozyTom.
    Where will the deposit come from-or rather “who”?

    1. They've both been earning for years, no children, why may they not have the deposit ? There's also some sense in renting for a while, focusing on building up their joint businesses, & later establish themselves in their own property.
      Could, of course, be proved spectacularly wrong, but am not with the Natasha suspicions. She's career oriented, ambitious, but she also sees she's in a partnership with Tom, & doesn't dominate unduly. Not her fault if he's stuck in his ways & not as clear sighted as she is ! What's more, he has appreciated her ideas in the past - it's not all blind infatuation.

    2. With you Carolyn in above two statements re Natasha.
      if all you say of her be true.........
      Why is she with Dozy Tom ?

    3. Difficult to answer that one, Mrs P. ! Er, maybe she sees potential in him that we don't ?

    4. The wedding to Kirsty that never happened cost Tom a lot of money which would reduce the amount he has been able to save.

    5. Didn't Pat and Tony complain there was a lot of money about (£10k) owing when Tom disappeared and they had to pay it. Can't remember if he paid it off?

    6. Are you saying ,Spicycushion that the wedding that never was cost Tom or Pat and Tony £10;000?
      Carolyn if that were the case would he be able to save enough for a deposit?
      Now of course Natasha may have a stash of money .
      We don’t know.
      Would a make up artist / soft drink maker who is not living at home so has to pay rent ,really be able to save up for a house?
      She may well be able to have done so on the other hand if she can marry someone with a bob or too it would make life a lot easier.
      She just seems to be too pushy too quickly.
      She is trying to charm the relatives by buying presents for all and sundry at Christmas so that Pat had to give her some jewellery of her own to save embarrassment.
      I presume this fabulous house Natasha has found is one she wants to buy.
      If she wants to rent a large property ,that would be madness.
      Tom wants to live in Ambridge.
      He needs to tell her that that is what they are going to do for the time being and she will have to put up with early morning deliveries.
      He is too weak.

    7. I have been re-reading the Catch up synopses and can't find a reference to the cost in the written words but I am sure that there were thousands to be paid to the caterers, venue etc and the figure of either £10k or £7k rings a bell.
      The idea of a freelance makeover artist being able to support herself away from home is fanciful, let alone save thousands, I agree.
      My youngest and his fiance moved back in with me and middle son as, even though they both work full time, could not save anything as rent was so expensive in the one bedroom flat they had. They have been paying me a nominal rent to cover water and electricity while they shopped and cooked for themselves and have managed to save some cash and now the share save scheme future dil had joined has matured they have the deposit for a small house on one of the government's first buy schemes.
      Yet Natasha lived (?) with her long term boyfriend then had a flatmate so she must have been paying rent etc.
      Yet another suspension of disbelief needed I suppose.😒

  22. Tofu lasagna, absolutely disgusting. Has Peggy, (given her elderly disposition) lost her sense of taste? If I ever get to her age, I will put a sign up declaring my culinary tastes. 🍔🍟🧀🍷
    Natasha sounds plausible, but her style of, we must have the image to go with my capitalist future, only works with dim witted individuals like Tom. He can't see the wood for the trees. I was in a famous furniture store. in London once, and a man was being led around wearing a leather dog collar +chain pulled a woman in S/M gear. I kid you not. I will now carry this image every time I hear Ms persuasion plan her next move.
    I recommend avoiding Jolene's gigs. My ears won't be able to stand the screeching din.

    1. I never had cashew ricotta, but think it would be an acceptable substitute because Kate is vegan. So will Peggy become vegan if she is to have meals with Kate now?

    2. My daughter is gluten free and it is easier for me to follow that diet too but I draw the line at GF bread, horrible! We each have our own loaf!

  23. There's an amusing summary in this week's Spectator by Justin Marozzi - Ambridge's Cast of Horrors - all the characters are loathsome (except Lilian) but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that's why we endure and subject ourselves to a daily dose.

    1. Thanks for the info, Basia. I think the journalist’s talent to amuse is debatable, relying for instance on repeating the ancient canard about T❤️O❤️B❤️Y’s inability to stick at anything. If the journalist has listened to the programme as assiduously as he says he has,, he would have observed that Tobes has indeed stuck at building up his gin business, stuck with his promise to support in the outcome of her decision to have Rosie, and been a reliable member of The Bull’s workforce, not to mention sticking with his brother in the latter’s less successful moments. I thought the article was a string of cheap laughs - so I don’t know why I was laughing!!

    2. Sometimes one can be argued out of one's absurd opinions by laughter rather than sober reasoning. Evidently not so here. Infatuation is blind.

    3. So, notoriously,is prejudice.

    4. I'm a little aghast to find that the writer of the Spectator article has referred to 'Linda' rather than 'Lynda'. Would a real devotee of The Archers do that, I wonder?

  24. Tom must have some savings. He lives in a flat shared with 2 others and never takes any trips. Natasha is right to push him to do better. Would you want to live in a flat share and be interrogated by Susan daily?

  25. I have just listened again to last night’s episode.
    I have a feeling that Natasha might be intending to rent the house she saw because Tom looked at the price and said .
    “That is three times as much as we are paying to rent the flat above the shop.”
    Now if that is the case they would be better to save the money so that in the vend they can but their own place.
    The flat will have its own entrance.
    Natasha need not see Susan if she does not wish to.
    In any case Natasha will be a 5 minute wonder when something more interesting happens

    She mentioned 5am deliveries.
    There must be someone to accept the deliveries .
    Who is in the shop at that time in the morning?
    Not Susan.
    Natasha wants a big house so that she can make an impression.
    They are unlikely to have much furniture etc.
    There is a large garden
    Would they need to employ a gardener?
    Who does she want to impress?
    Surely Tom needs to be able to live in Ambridge rather than have to travel to work.
    Sorry, I still feel that Natasha is too pushy.
    In time she will realise that the drip drip method works best.
    Put an idea into his head and gently drip feed it so that in the end he will think it was his idea in the first place especially when you tell the people you both.want to impress ,that he had the idea

  26. Tom was massively in debt, 30k? he told Roy. Remember he even put the whole farm in jeopardy by buying non-organic feed for the pigs. His and Natasha's bank balances are largely irrelevant, this is where we are now. The flat above the shop has become vacant for a purpose, so that someone could move in and we can be privy to Susan's observation's on its occupants. If not them it could be Hannah, Johnny, Alistair, Jazzer, Rex,Toby.

    1. ✓✓ Basia; think Re. & Toy Boy are fine where they are for the time being, but maybe Jazzer or Johnny ? Hannah is bitter about Emma, so I doubt she'd want to shack up a over where her mum works, but you never know...

  27. Helen's little speech was written for an adult, not a seven-year-old. So Lee is also avoiding her, I hope next time they end up in bed and talk later and we find out afterwards.

    1. Sorry Basis I don't agree Lee is avoiding Helen. He made many attempts to see/talk to Helen after she stormed out. Lee needs time away to lick his wounds.

  28. Is that Goodbye Lee, then? I wouldn’t be sorry if it was.

    1. I would prefer Lee to stay and Helen to go.

  29. How tedious Helen is. Does she ever help anyone out ? Emma, who had lots more to do, lends an ear & gives practical assistance, Kirsty listens endlessly, & her parents are forever facilitating her, while she drones on in that irritating voice which sounds so controlled & faintly censorious, acting like an utter prat. Lee is a decent, straightforward guy, unfortunate he fell for her. Will she rise above herself & seek him out ? Can hardly wait, yawn.
    A rather better scene between Kenton & David, also the farm stuff at Brookfield.

    1. And still she lies to her son. Lies drip off her tongue so easily don't they?
      I don't understand why David doesn't ask Jolene to re-instate the Standing Order? It's her business after all.

      Are we supposed to feel sorry for Helen because she doesn't have a man? I mean we know she is not 'alone' as she is surrounded by family and friends with constant instant help with her problems. But no man? Pathetic.
      Someone needs to tell the S/Ws that it is possible to function as a female alone!

    2. Hear hear Spicycushion. A woman can function very well without a man and Helen probably needs to do just that but at the same time get some good counselling.

    3. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle - that old slogan still makes me smile! But it seems to me that Helen’s current storyline is about the long-term effects of domestic abuse (Sean O’Connor said the repercussions could possibly be felt in the programme for the next twenty or more years) rather than a woman needing male support. Whichever, I don’t think it needs to be Lee when we’ve got Rex going spare!😀

    4. What I find unacceptable is the way she lies so readily to Henry. OK, she may think she is protecting him, but he will loose trust in her, just as he lost trust in his ‘daddy’ Rob. He may well end up never trusting anyone again, in future. I think this could be one of the long term repercussions of the Rob affair and the future development of Helen’s two boys may offer rich material for the SWs to explore.
      Doubt whether I shall be around to hear it though!

    5. Not sure about Rex being a suitable ' spare' Maryellen although that might not be too bad an idea, however I agree wholeheartedly with the rest of your post.
      But I would also add, that it's not only her experience with Rob, but much that has gone before his appearance on the scene, as far as Helen and her relationships with men.

  30. Damaged, damaged Helen. None of her past experiences appear to have been addressed properly. Greg, anorexia, rape, ptds. (Have I missed anything out!). Even though she would have received psychiatric assessment as a (query?) inpatient for anorexia. Lee might only ever be a 'quick fix' but with compassion he could be a catalyst for Helen to seek appropriate help. (And hopefully move the plot along!). Poor bloke what a responsibility! Is he up to the job. Unless he returns we will never know! Helen or the SW's, however, seem determined to not go along with this. 😕

    1. Burnham Beeches - I think John’s death had long-term psychological implications for Helen as well as others at Bridge Farm (Pat especially) the beginning of the damage inflicted by Life, maybe, in addition to any inherited fragility?

      Mrs P - part of the reason I suggested Rex is that, with his ambition to be a pigman and work in a farming environment, I could see him fitting into the ménage at Bridge Farm. I can’t see this with Lee somehow.

    2. Yes maryellen I had missed that. Thank you. The list gets longer!

    3. Point taken Maryellen, and a reasonable one.
      And he is an easy going amenable person, even more reason.

  31. Basia . Helen and Lee ending up in bed together!! Maybe Lee will have some exciting Karate moves he can use to demonstrate his infatuation.
    My plea is , NO MORE SEX PLEASE. It was enough listening to Toms sexploits with Hannah etc.
    Helen is emotionally vulnerable and this will certainly influence any physical contact. Her ability to make rational decisions is flawed by her need to protect herself from any intimacy. She is a mass of contradictions.

    1. I said that we would find out afterwards, fat chance. We're in for the long haul though because Lee will not disappear. Twenty, thirty years, some things go on till the end.

    2. And there is always the possibility that Rob will resurface.....

  32. It's a storyline that needs to be explored & it is, longer term effects & behaviour. Can't complain on that score. Just wish Helen were an inherently more sympatico character ! Would we be less critical & exasperated if this had happened to Kirsty, Emma or Fallon, for instance ?
    Lee has 2 daughters to whom it is not so easy to gain access, & a difficult divorce behind him. If he knew the truth about Helen, attracted to her though he is, & evidently a sensitive, patient & kind man, he might well reflect long & hard before inviting a load more trouble into his life. OR he may think she's worth it....
    It was necessary for a man to appear, however, in order to show how the male abuse had damaged her.

  33. You have a point about Rex ,Maryellen but he is there to take over from Toby when the younger brother decamps to Brighton.
    There is no way he could cope with Helen or Henry.
    We don’t know how Jack will turn out yet but he hasn’t got the best of role models in his big brother.

  34. Now we know - F Day will definitley be on March 29th.
    Let the "shenanigans" commence!!

    1. Prefer F-Day to B-Day and will be just listening to TA - so to stay the same, and "sane", somehow.

  35. Why did I think when Elizabeth mentioned the trip to Birmingham that it'd be Russ taking her there? They could have exchanged the same nonsense at home.
    'I'm back' - Toby sounded exactly like a husband coming home but Pip insists on her space, OK.
    I think Rosie will be christened so that Jill will find out her middle name.

  36. Are Natasha and Tom planning on renting the fabulous house or are they buying it?

    1. Sounded like they were buying it to me.
      Thought the interaction between Elizabeth and russ at the cafe was vomit making. 🤮

    2. Thought they were renting.

      So Russ will wear the bunny suit. Will he be claening toilets soon? I still don’t like him. He sounded angry to start and eating all the sweets sweeten him up. Thought he might make a move on E.

    3. We knew a mother with long term partner who eventually married her daughter! Maybe the same will happen in reverse here but Russ will never shape up to be good husband material so perish the thought! Hope not, it makes me shudder!

  37. Once again, Russ didn’t put a foot wrong, and I’m warming to him after his sympathetic conversation with Elizabeth. Tobes didn’t put a foot wrong either.i notice Pip referred to “our” daughter. I think Ruthy is right - the two of them are made for each other, bless them!

    1. Yes, they’re both completely self centred!

    2. Maryellen - you have good memory. Yes I did say they deserve each other - two peas in a pod - a sickening thought.

  38. "Once we launch the app we'll be able to afford it!" What? What are you talking about Tom? He is such a deluded tube...

    🎵 "Russ & Elizabeth up a tree..." ?

    1. Natasha's certainly got Tom well and truly wrapped around her little finger.

    2. If Natasha and Tom are going to buy a house ,do they realise all the extras they will have to pay for?
      They will have to have the place surveyed ; there will be Solicitors fees etc.
      Why do they need a 4bedroomed house?
      They don’t but Natasha needs to keep up with her fancy friends.
      She is another selfish one.
      Join the Club ,Natasha.
      At the moment it has an all female membership.

  39. Excellent news that Brookfield’s new milking parlour, for which Pip had such great expectations, is living up to them. Well done, that woman! The future looks rosy for Rosie.

  40. I was surprised at how calmly Pip took Fairbrother senior going to Alan behind her back given that she gets cross at Toby so often.

    1. Robin Fairbrother would never have done that but had he done so Alan would have told him that the request for Rosie to be christened should come from the parents and until that happened he would do nothing.
      Alan should not and would not have gone to see Pipand Toby.
      Neither of them made any mention of the Religious aspect of having her christened.
      Surely that is the only reason for a baby to be christened.?
      It isn’t mandatory.

    2. There are civil christenings for people who like ceremonies and there was 'welcome to the world Phoebe' on Lakey Hill. Looks to me like it'll happen only for Rosie's middle name to be revealed to upset Jill and create friction in the family.

    3. Why friction? Jill's jealousy re the Fairbrother name should now be resolved. Since she has now moved on with Leonard she might understand Phil for having been married before he met her.

    4. Pierre, it's bound to be a shock at first but as you say it may be a way to resolve the matter.
      Leonard should be a calming influence, though he became a widower because of the passage of time, unlike Phil.

    5. Another itchy annoyance re the antipathy or even jealousy that Jill has always supposed to have harboured towards Grace. She didn't! She had one short phase of insecurity many years ago when she found a photo of Grace in Phil's desk. Hardly surprising that he had a photo but it was not displayed nor hidden with a pressed flower or anything.
      The supposed and then later voiced angst about Grace is another relatively recent invention.
      Jill's problem with the Fairbrother family was because of Robin and how he treated Elizabeth, leading her on, then returning to his wife while still seeing Lizzie. It was nothing to do with Grace.

  41. You are right in what you said about Elizabeth and Russ,P tbY.
    I am sick and tired of hearing Elizabeth’s little girl voice .
    “I have always been fragile.I need looking after”
    She doesn’t show any appreciation either to Kenton or Lily.
    She ,to my mind is like Helen.
    It is all about “me”.

  42. GG I agree about Tom. He is so shallow. He thought the flat would do nicely for them originally But show him a grand, presumably newish house, and it's 'Gimme gimme gimme.' Nothing like we'll start small and over time work our way up the housing ladder. So how will he fund it? 20% deposit? No problem - Bridge Farm will pay! Or the ever deepening pocket of Peggy!
    Then there will be furniture to find. When we first moved into a (rented) house at the start of our marriage we had minimal furniture. In fact our 'wardrobe' was initially a broom handle balanced on 4 packing cases, two cases high at each end! Can't see Natasha lowering herself to that level. I think she might (like Jennifer) be very materialistic and need to invite 'friends' round to show off her possessions.
    Then there is the Christening! Neither Pip nor Toby attend St Stephen's, nor do any of Rosie's grandparents so why would Alan even think they would want Rosie brought into the Church? Surely he would have realised that it would just be a 'social occasion?' I would have thought any self-respecting Vicar would have told the concerned grandfather to speak to his son and then to contact him. To give him his due at least Alan skidaddled as soon as he realised that he had been set up by Robin, who has turned into a dreadful snob from what we learned from his one and only visit.

    1. Penultimate sentence "then to contact him" efers to Alan. (Sorry the Today programme kept busting into " Carmen Buranda," which kept distracting me! 😀

    2. I agree about all the hidden costs of buying, furnishing and maintaining a house, Spicy. Tom has no idea about such things as surveys, solicitors fees, gas and electricity (or heating oil) costs for a 4 bedroomed house. He needs to do his homework before launching into this dream of Natasha's. He needs to exert some control over their outgoings and work out if the new scheme at the farm can really cover their future expenses. And, just a thought, will all the assumed profit from the enhanced box scheme be Tom and Natasha's, or will it have to be shared with Bridge Farm Ltd?

    3. Tom and Natasha are renting, a situation with which Tom is familiar, as, I assume, is Natasha . Hopefully they have done their sums without boring us with them!

    4. In that case, I retract my criticsm of Tom. I had thought they were aiming to buy the house.

    5. ......but if they are renting a property would it not be more sensible to rent a smaller one in order to save more money for the large house they hopefully will be able to buy or does Natasha think that because (she assumes) Bridge Farm will go to Tom eventually ,they don’t need to save up to purchase a property.?
      They can have their cake eventually but also eat it now.

    6. I’m happy to leave it to them to decide what’s best for them....

    7. Even rented four bedroomed houses need furniture in all the rooms, heating, lighting and Council Tax to be paid for!
      Quick google - average rent for 4 bedrooms is £1600 pcm.

  43. I have high hopes for both young couples - Pip and T❤️O❤️B❤️Y, with their separate businesses and joint daughter. already sounding like many another well-established couple in real life, and Natasha and Tom on the threshold of their brave new world and delightful house. There’s the feel of success in the air of Ambridge. Hopefully it will soon extend to Lower Loxley, once the scriptwriters’ sleight of hand has resolved the alcohol licence. Just the not-by-choice singletons to be sorted (one down and eight to go) and Ambridge will be Borsetshire’s happiest village!

  44. Are we being softened up to think Russ is a good guy at heart after all? Being caring of, and looking after, Elizabeth, perhaps understanding what she needs better than Lily does? Agreeing to demean himself by wearing a bunny suit to help out at Easter? Appearing to be willing to settle at Lower Loxley instead of pursuing his artistic ambitions for the time being?

    I don’t buy it. I couldn’t admire any man who is willing to live entirely at his girl-friend’s mother’s expense. And at the expense of said girl-friend going out to work in a call centre while he appears to have no income at all - or make any effort to find a job....and who seems to resent any request to help out when required, in return for his board and keep. (Apart from cooking the odd meal)
    He is a leach and no ammount of empathy with Elizabeth, or driving her to events, or dressing up for Easter is going to make me think otherwise.

    1. I'm with you all the way Archerphile. Perhaps he has detected a certain loosening of the ties to Lily, and thinks that buttering up Elizabeth will ensure his continued freeloading at Lower Loxley.

    2. Couldn't agree more ! The man's a 'player'! Note the way his ego revolted against dressing up in a bunny costume, but when he saw that was not going down well with Kenton, whom he can't afford to antagonize too much as he's done much to keep his present comfort safe, i.e, LL, he makes a great show of relenting, thereby showing how noble he is ! E. just leans on any available prop, despite the fact that she was so uneasy about the Lily/Russ relationship
      Nothing's changed, Elizabeth, he's still living off you, leeching off your daughter's young life, but never mind, your damaged & damaging son is coming home soon...

    3. I shall continue to give Russ the benefit of any doubt. I don’t know why there is such exaggerated criticism of his recent behaviour, As with Natasha, I can’t see what he did wrong.

    4. Maryellen,
      Reading your recent comments makes me wonder if you are 1) winding us up 2) Living in Cloud Cuckoo land or 3) just a really lovely person who sees good in everybody.

    5. None of those, LanJan, just drawing my own conclusions based on what I hear, and not jumping to conclusions based on what I don’t hear, but reserving judgment. I think a lot of what we hear lies in the ear of the listener so we possibly hear different things.

    6. Maryellen, it’s not so much a question of what he has done - more of what he has NOT done i.e. look for a job, earn some money, sort out his divorce from his wife and stop sponging off Lily and Elizabeth.

  45. Whether we meet them or not, doesn't matter, it's refreshing to see new ideas from outsiders coming into Ambridge. Natasha & her friends/contacts are a Good Thing, surely - energising for Tom, takes him out of the Bridge Farm bubble, seemingly dominated by Helen's emotional state & childcare. Isn't it time for Pat & Tony to have a lovely relaxing holiday ?

  46. Im sorry Maryellen, but Russ seriously abused his position as deputy principle, by his taking advantage of Lilly and by his deception over the matter of drugs.

    He continues to be a parasite, he has contributed nothing towards his upkeep, doesn't wish to take a job to support himself, makes up to Elizabeth who isn't in able at the moment to make sound judgements of him.
    His current behaviour in my view is similar to the way in which he seduced Lilly and is seducing Elizabeth.
    A leopard doesn't change his spots that easily.

    1. Whatever you say, Cow Girl. Personally, I’m reserving judgment. I don’t think Russ is half as bad as hei is painted. I also believe that people are not leopards and can change for the better.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The Russ thing is being stretched out as a dramatic device. Turn him from a despicable, ludicrous figure into a considerate nice guy - as you say, AP ( 10.16 today). It's just to confuse us, keep the interest going ( like they've done with Toby, for instance : lazy slob/makes a success of distilling gin; irresponsible, unreliable/ attempting to be a hands on dad.
      It's all smoke & mirrors, in both these cases. The evidence has been spelt out clearly enough here today & at other times about Russ.

    4. Based on what we know of him, I can barely think of a worse kind of person than Russ! Can you really imagine being friends with a grown up man who left his wife for a teenager and then not only expected her to provide for him (!), but then moves into her clinically depressed mother's house and is about to "welcome home" another teenager who he was complicit with in drug dealing!!? You would really have to use all your power of concentration not to smash his face in to be honest!

    5. I can’t imagine Russ doing anything as barbaric as smashing someone’s face in - so that has to be a point in his favour, 😀

    6. You do like to take things literally sometimes maryellen don't you? Especially when you can virtue signal in regards to your almost Ghandi like abhorrence of physical violence... It seems strange then that you are almost wilfully blind to people like Russ's blatant misuse of power & influence. 😁

    7. I thought it wasn't Russ who'd be doing the smashing but never mind it was "I really love your daughter" that made me shudder, perhaps it was the chill in the air.

    8. I have to agree with all the anti Russ sentiments here and I have been more than a little annoyed about his abuse of power and the way the scriptwriters have glossed over that fact.
      As a teacher of many years I cannot think of a more gross abuse of influence of a forty something teacher becoming intimately involved with a student, never mind of what age. His postion was not just of a class teacher but deputy head, who would have had authority over, not only the students, but members of staff too.
      As Cowgirl says you have to add to that his knowing about the drugs , Freddie and Ellis. He is sickening. But it seems that is all to be forgotten as he now becomes a 'good guy' by helping the histrionic Elizabeth and her constant wittering about 'Freddie this' and 'Freddie that' in her annoying 'Cadbury Caramel Bunny' voice!
      He is of course only doing the Easter Bunny thing to get one back at Kenton who (although I dislike Kenton) was the only one to take the matter of Russ's behaviour and actions to task.
      It was perfectly clear that GG meant anybody would be tempted to get physical with Russ and not that Russ would be 'smashing someone’s face in.'
      Rant over! 😀

    9. Well ranted Spicy. Totally agree!

    10. Can I carefully explain that I find the image of someone smashing someone else’s face in utterly barbaric and totally abhorrent in any circumstances. It was being portrayed as something we would all be perfectly happy to do, and capable of doing, to Russ. There was no suggestion Russ would smash someone’s face in. I added that since Russ wasn’t the barbaric type in my opinion, that was a point in his favour, again, in my opinion. Obviously, in other other people’s opinion, physical violence is okay when the victim is someone they disapprove of. So there you go!

    11. And may I carefully explain that I am as far removed from being a barbarian as can be maryellen and can do without your lectures in morality. AND your frequently passive aggressive comments. Your tone is often dismissive and confrontational to other contributors and I find that far more disturbing than idle musings on the fictional fate of a fictional man in a fictional radio show. So there you go!

    12. It’s better to ignore than rise to the bait. Love to all!

    13. See it’s your turn this weekend Gary to get the aggro!!!
      I agree with the “wanting to smash Russ’s face in”. I also understand that it’s a figure of speech. 👍

    14. GG Excellently put. I am envious of your way with words. 🙂
      Ev Well spotted! ✅

    15. As I understand it, Russ could have married Lily (had he been free to do so) while she was a student at the college where he worked,because she was over 16 so of marriageable age, and because the relationship was fully legal, he would not not be subject to discipline.If I’m right, I think there could be an anomaly lurking there....

    16. You are wrong Maryellen. Russ would have in a “position of trust” and it would not have gone down well at the college.

    17. Well, that’s a relief - anything”s preferable to an anomaly.

  47. Talking of the peculiar new parenting at Brookfield, prepared to yawn when the pair featured last night but it turned out to be quite amusing. The christening silliness could well be a way of bringing Fair brother Senior into orbit again, I reckon. There was also the heavily signalled assertion, often repeated that they aren't actually a couple.....pull the other one, it's obviously heading that way. Perhaps RB will set them up comfortably somewhere outside Ambridge, whilst Jill & Leonard can snuggle down happily in Rickyard.

  48. Jill and Mr B both have their own properties but presumably those could both disappear like Kate’s cottage, leaving their owners needing to rent somewhere (or Mr B to sponge off Jill/Brookfield).

    1. No need for them to disappear, renting or selling are the options.
      Jill, I imagine, would like to remain close to family, & Leonard seems quite taken with them all & their very different way of life.
      Oh, & he'd be near enough to administer the ( metaphorical) smack in the mouth to RB when he slimes back on the scene. Metaphorical as 80+ yr. olds need to be careful of their more brittle bones. Leonard might well be the iron fist in the velvet glove, to mix up metaphors, & turn out to be excellent at the killer blow in words

    2. Surely Jill only has to ask the invisible Carole to move out of Glebe Cottage and she can move back into her own home with the lovely Leonard?

    3. I hope not - would like Carole to be heard again !

    4. The solution is for Jill to move in with Mr B, while still getting the rent from Carole in Glebe Cottage. That would keep Carole in the picture, and Pip can remain in Rickyard Cottage. QED.

  49. Or...... Jill and Leonard might just decide to keep their relationship part time, and not actually move in together.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, indeed, quite a few couples choose that way, & it might well suit them.

  50. To repeat myself.
    If Jill + Leonard (who I think is great), want to snuggle up together, then there is always Glebe Cottage, which Jill owns, Together if they want to be, but not far from Brookfield, and away from the house-keeping, babysitting duties. Jill deserves it.

  51. An idle thought of mine.
    Robin F. will reappear in the near future for Rosie's christening, as he is her grandpa.
    How about he takes control of the LL vineyards?
    With his expertice, he could make it into a very profitable enterprise.
    Also as far as Lizzie is concerned:-
    Russ - exit left stage
    Robin - enter right stage.

    1. Great thought ! Exit one manipulator, enter another....

    2. Carolyn - it seems you understand my "simple" thoughts, which go alongside Lily + Freddie, together again - Twins in the Family "home".
      Anything could, and might, happen.
      Wish I was Psychic.😎😁🌷😺

  52. Wow, so many comments to catch up on, and I've only been away for a couple of days.
    Russ, living rent free, eating food he doesn't buy, using utilities at will. I imagine he spends a lot of time in the bathroom admiring himself in front of the mirror. I wouldn't give him house room on the grounds that my bank balance would be seriously comprised. The longer he leeches on LL the harder it becomes to evict him. I hope Freddie gives him the metaphorical chop on the Jaws.
    Natasha has got what she wanted, but Tom presents it as a gift from him. Well done girl, you will eventually be the matriarch of Bridgefarm. It might take a few years, though you are a fast mover.
    What a dozy cleric, I don't t want to hear the slimy tones of Robin Fairbrother. 📻☮

    1. You've summed it up so much better than I could have stasia

    2. Cheshire Cheese. Thank you.

    3. It sounds as if Natasha sees the house as a status symbol. She has lots of ambition and I can’t help wondering whether Tom will be too dull for her in the long run after the heady time in the aftermath of the wedding.

    4. I don't think he lacks ambition or enthusiasm, actually, but he hasn't been hugely successful so far; in Natasha he had found someone who seems to possess the the magic success ingredient !

    5. I think you are right Ev regarding Natasha seeing the house as a status symbol.
      I think she may tire of Tom eventually.
      I would get fed up,in time if Mr LJ kept telling folk how good I was.
      Chance would be a fine thing but I prefer it that way.

  53. Interesting to hear from Alice that Chris is taking over captaincy of the Ambridge cricket team from Harrison who is too busy studying for his sergeant’s exam.She sounded chuffed at the prospect of being Mrs Captain - which I guess means taking over teas from Fallon. As I recollect Alice has inherited her mother’s catering skills, so we could be infor a vicarious treat this summer.

    1. Thought Chris is only Vice-captain, to support Harrison, or am I wrong again!! 😥

    2. You may be right there, Miriam. In which case, Alice’s catering skills are unlikely to be called on. Emma is Fallon’s usual backup.

  54. I wonder if, come September, Lily will head off to Manchester, with her call centre savings, to enjoy the full student ‘experience’.......
    While Russ opts to stay on at Lower Loxley to ‘look after’ Elizabeth......just to save Lily worrying, of course!

    1. This is possible unless the therapeutic process brings enough sense into Elizabeth's life, such as she's never known before...

    2. I hope Lily, with her new interimn job and going out with workmates of her own age, will suddenly realise what she is missing in her life.

    3. I agree Miriam .
      Archerphile I would like Lily to return to Manchester minus Russ.
      I don’t give two hoots if Elizabeth wants him as a Toy Boy as long as I don’t have to listen to any more of the slush we were subjected to in the case of Lilian and Justin.

  55. What has confused me - but it doesn't take much to do that - is how Natasha knows all these "enterpreanial" couples, all living so close to Ambridge, when her own (so called, successful) business, was too far away to commute to???

  56. My thoughts -
    When Freddie returns, he will have "learnt his lesson".
    He will really want to make things up to his mum, and as such - He will send Russ on his way, and also wear the Bunny Outfit, similar to his much missed dad Nigel, as Mr Snowy.
    Also, Kenton, will now no longer be needed at LL and to pay for staff overtime at The Bull.
    So, there can be no excuse from Kenton to not start to repay his loan, from David.

    Wishful Thinking only - and am sure things will be very different.

  57. I think you will be right with your final sentence,Miriam.
    Freddie will be livid when he finds Russ is there and just as livid if not more so when he finds out what they have all been doing in his room.
    Friday night’s cliff hanger will be something to do with the room I think.
    I wonder if they might come across a stash of money or drugs or has the room been searched before by the police.?
    Whatever happens,I will be amazed if Freddie is anything but his nauseating self.


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