Archers Comments week of March 7, 2019


  1. Replies
    1. Tony was the problem, he wasn't patient.. All cattle find new situations difficult, Johnny was handling correctly. Tony forgets his black and white herd had been doing the same thing year in year out, any new comer , though nervous would have been following the well established herd. The Montbeliardes were all new together and young to boot. Once established they will be as calm as the black and whites.


    2. Because I wouldn't learn stuff! The agricultural advisor has to earn their corn Lanjan...

    3. Is the licence fee higher for the full-colour herd?

  2. So what is so wrong with Freddie staying with Aunt Shula? It’s time E stop babying him. Just what he needs.

    1. Reminds me of Margaret Thatcher’s twins. Mark was the blue eyed boy who could do no wrong even though he was a waste of space. Carol was the one who stood by her and looked after her until the end but .I got the impression she was hardly noticed. Elizabeth lavishes praise on Freddie seeing him as a victim rather than recognising the seriousness of his crime. She appreciates Lily’s concern but sees her as no compensation for missing her boy. Sad really.

    2. That is a very interesting comparison Ev, and I think you are right. Mrs T did very much favour Mark at the expense of Carol and Elizabeth seems to be going down the same route.
      I think her desperation to have Freddie back at LL is much more for her own benefit than his. He will probably just be thankful to be out of the YOC and back in Ambridge and not too worried about where he actually sleeps. I presume he would not be banned from being at LL in the day time as long as he is not actually residing there?

    3. Not sure about the Mark Thatcher bit.
      Yes I know when he was lost in the desert she was very emotional but any mother would be.
      My cousin was involved with Cricket at Harrow School and my mother was helping out once when there was a cricket match.
      She said everybody had parents there but Mark Thatcher and she felt very sorry for him.
      I doubt it was easy for him having a mother who was the PM.

    4. I agree Ruthy. Freddie needs to face up to what he did and why he ended up where he did. He doesn't need to be babied by E.

    5. Perhaps he and Johnny can set up a house share once Mr & Mrs Archer get their house to themselves.

  3. It would be good if Emma had been a quad, along with two more girl Emma’s and a boy Emma. When you think what she has done for Ed, who was in the way to becoming a pretty hopeless/ helpline case at one point and could have done so again, it makes you realise what the siblings could have done for Kirsty, Rex and Lee, who also seem rather helpless/ helpless in different ways and to different degrees. (I don’t think any mismatches in age matter.). The Horrobin-Carter clan would have rivalled the Archers

    1. I remember Clarrie telling Emma how she made both her sons miserable, she said she'd changed, yes, but had treated them both badly. I don't think Kirsty/Rex/Lee are helpless cases but this is my opinion.

    2. I think Clarrie may well have changed that opinion x years on from then.I may well change my opinion of Lee, Rex and Kirsty x years on fro now.

    3. As I said on the last blog - Emma was sensitive to Lee but she is still a whinger with a chip on her shoulder.

  4. Two inconsistencies: when Freddie's residence came up between Lily and Kenton she assumed that it was Russ who spilled the beans, hardly likely since he and Kenton are barely on speaking terms. Justin said he had permission to close the footpath for essential drainage work (for the estate?), both Kirsty and Emma want to live there, so the complaint was a pretext badly used.

  5. Obdurate Elizabeth, obdurate cows. Moo.Moo. 🐂🐂

  6. Thinking about it, I don’t understand why Freddie moving back to LL should affect their alcohol license.
    He was convicted of a drug offence, not an alcohol one. Does this mean that anyone, convicted of anything, is not allowed to live on licensed premises ?
    I wonder if the SWs have got their facts right on this point.

    1. Maybe since Freddie will be on probation for another 6 months, one would think he can live 6 months at Aunt Shula’s and with good behavior will be able to be reunited with mommy. This whole SL is just too dim witted for me.

    2. I agree Archerphile. LL is his home with Mum and his Twin sister. He should so return, with Russ packing his bags, along with his Italian coffee machine, the 3 temp kettle - and then go back to his "wifie", as no divorce proceedings have been mentioned, unless he expects Lizzie to finance that as well.
      I will actually forgive him taking things, that Lizzie so generously bought, originally for them both.

  7. Tomorrow is the big day so Kirsty and Hannah should comfort themselves with. ' there but for the grace of God go I'. 👰🏻👨🏻

    1. That was my thought exactly. They have had a lucky escape! Any man who would casually sleep with one woman while pursuing another certainly doesn’t get my vote! Did you notice tonight that whenTom was speaking to Roy he mentioned that Natasha initiated the marriage question. Maybe there is some hidden agenda! I can’t see it ending happily.

  8. Just sell up ,Elizabeth.
    Give Freddie his pickings and send him off to Africa travelling.
    Give Lily a bob or two and if she wastes it on Lover Boy then more fool her .
    Go on a Cruise and take St Shula with you .
    When you return you will find that Justin who will have bought LL has already turned it into an Old People's Home .
    Already installed will be Jill,Leonard ,Joe,Peggy ,Christine Carole and Bert.
    The ballroom will be used for bubbly bingo,afternoon tea dances and sing songs.
    The orangery will be where those not wishing to partake of all the jolly japes that the oldies can get up to ,will take themselves off to .

    1. ...But Lizzie doesn't own LL. It is being held "in trust" for Freddie, when it is deemed, he can inherit. Lizzie has a life-time home there, well according to Nigels Will

      Sorry LJ, but my thoughts about who actually owns LL are very different, and cannot be sold.
      I am probably very wrong again.

      PS Why haven't the LL accountants+trustees been heard from - re profits/losses and the realistic financial situation.

    2. I think my ideas who actually owns LL are wrong.
      Sorry, LJ.for going against your thoughts

      I must put brain in gear, before posting.

  9. I am sure you are right Miriam.
    However I am sure if Freddie did take over it wouldn't last a week.
    It is failing now.
    How on earth do they pay the running costs-gardeners ,cooks,waitresses etc.?
    Freddie should be bought out.
    There will be a way to do that .
    He doesn't want to run LL .
    Give him his dosh and let him go to whichever Continent he chooses.
    In truth ai can't see how any of those kinds of places make money-especially Grey Gables.

    1. Lanjan. It will have to taken over by the NT. Selling LL will most likely incur all sorts of taxation. Capitol gains tax etc.
      Then the NT will recruit all the oldies who can become guides in their spare time. Elizabeth, Lily and the most beloved Freddie can live in an annex somewhere. 😳
      Maybe they can drop down a rabbit hole and join the Mad Hatter's tea Party.
      I call it, Reframing the bigger Picture.
      Us bloggers do it everyday.

    2. We lived near Antony House in Cornwall which had been gifted to the NT and the family still lived there. It had a lot of history though and not sure whether LL has! These stately piles can be a liability! Getting back the alcohol licence should be a priority though as at least they could then have weddings etc which are a big money spinner. E can’t see further than having her little darling back under their roof even though the house could be forfeited if she’s not careful.

  10. AP (2.50pm) I think Freddie was found to be using drugs on LL premises, possibly dealing there as well, hence the ban on living there before the trial, & continuing whist still on probation after prison part of the sentence is over. The licence was removed because of what went on, drugs & alcohol consumption being linked.

    1. I still have an ongoing thought - will Freddie have a curfew, and have to wear a "tag" on his release, or will he be able to just go wherever he wants.

  11. What was all that about, Neil getting drunk and not Alice for a change.
    Roy's worried that he may have to pick up the pieces, again.

    1. Perhaps the scriptwriters are showing them as three- dimensional, multi-faceted characters, with Alice as capable of staying sober on occasion as Neil is of getting pissed on occasion. Needs three- dimensional acring to match.

  12. Ha!!!!!
    Natasha suggested getting married....oh the little grey cells are going into overdrive. Deffo a takeover of bridge farm is afoot.

    1. You noticed it too ptby! Wonder what. The rush is all about? She’s certainly not pregnant!

    2. Yep, spotted that, & Tom said it so innocently ! Pride comes before a fall & so can gullible happiness.
      Susan's dinner party was a laugh, enjoyed that.

    3. And I spotted also. And as C says, he told the fact with such glee and innocence.
      Poor sop !

  13. Me too, picked up on the ‘Natasha suggested we get married’!
    The plot thickens and Tom steps into the trap with both feet!

    1. Yep, I think the words were “Natasha said we ‘should’ get married”. Yikes!

    2. Believe it or not, in the 21st century it’s okay for the woman to propose! Susan’’s cooking sounded fantastic - Jennifer, no mean cook herself. was well impressed. I liked the way Jennifer referred to them bonding over the kitchen sink and feel happy that something good may come of it.

    3. I certainly don’t have a problem with N proposing because she’s a woman. That didn’t even cross my mind. Any objections about her personality or behaviour are absolutely nothing to do with her gender. Happy international women’s day (just one day a year for us?)

    4. The point is nothing to do with bloggers being out of touch with (21 norms, it's simply yet another example of 'What Natasha says, goes'. Christmas ? My parents. Any farm changes, minor or major ? This is what you do & tell your sister, nephew & parents it Shall be So.

    5. Please allow the woman a bit of slack. All she’s done is make a few helpful suggestions - as requested - put in a lot of unpaid labour, done herbest to be friendly, and, no doubt mindful of tickling clocks and all that, proposed to the man of her choice. How is this a yep deffo wholesale takeover of Bridge Farm. The only way Natasha will ‘take over’ is when her children with Tom inherit - and that’s Tony’s unadmitted problem with the marriage, because any future children of Tom’s threaten the inheritance position of his beloved John-substitute.

    6. Really ? Eldest grandson, born of elder son. I doubt if legitimacy is a problem in (21, except with royalty or aristocracy. In reality, I suppose Tony leaves everything in a similar way to the Home farm set up.

  14. Back to last nights episode.
    E shouted at Kenton LL is their home. If it goes belly up, they won’t have anything. Seems short sighted.
    I still can’t believe Lee hasn’t googled Helen and learn her history.

  15. I hope Tom and Natasha had a "pre nup"
    I bent the plonker never even thought of it.
    He will regret not doing so though.

    1. I fear you are spot on. There will be trouble at Mill. Out go the cows, pigs and veg boxes, and in comes a juice factory. Smoothies instead of kefir and Borchester Blue.
      Tom has dipped his wick too often in the wrong solution,. there will be consequences all round.
      Bridge farm has a new boss, and on Women's Day.

    2. I have not heard about dipping one's wick for years & years stasia - genuinely made me laugh out loud!

    3. I have never heard the expression
      Us northerners would never say such a thing but now I live in the south I realise I can now use it.
      Spot on ,Stasia.

  16. Susan certainly pushed the boat out with her dinner party, Horseradish snow? Master chef next.

    Ev, I agree Tom is tarnished goods, unfortunately his sex antics with Hannah and Natasha would leave me feeling 'unclean'. Now all three will be living under the same roof, my imagination is inventing all sorts of thoughts.
    All four having having breakfast and suddenly Hannah says, " oh but the way Tom, I'm pregnant and you're the father". Natasha looks at Tom and exclaims, " so am I, what a coincidence".

    1. That’s not possible, Stasia. Tom and Hannah have not had sex together for several months. If she was pregnant by him, it would have shown well before now. So there is no way she could pass of another man’s child (if that’s what you were thinking of) as his.

    2. Ah but Maryellen,what if Hannah knows she is pregnant and was planning on telling Tom when he told her the news that he was getting married.
      (In truth I don't think that is likely)

    3. LanJan - She would have been showing (to use the languauge of everyday country folk) some time ago, if it was actually Tom’s.

    4. Horseradish snow? is that even a thing?

    5. Yes indeed - google for recipe.

  17. Thought Jennifer was really nice last night.
    What she may learn through being with. Susan is that it is great trying to do things that you never thought you could-like unblocking a sink .
    Whether you think you can or you think you can't you are probably right.

    What is the matter with Alice?
    Does she perhaps know she cannot conceive for some reason?
    I got the impression that Christopher would like to have a child.
    I used to like him.
    I don't dislike him but I do find him a bit wet and I don't like his pseudo accent.

    1. Has actor who plays Christopher changed? His accent and mannerisms are changed.
      Alice wants to be successful and be recognized for her work and accomplishments. She is feeling the pressure to start a family and perhaps not ready to put her career aside.

  18. I just remembered that Brian told Neil that the shelves he put up for them were still in place.
    Jennifer donated the money for Lent, to me it smacks of exploitation, so far Susan has unblocked the sink and Neil provided some handiwork, I thought it was supposed to be exchange of services.
    Also, unusually, I read the synopsis and found out that Alice and Christopher live at The Nest.

  19. Just listening again to last night's episode.
    Alice didn't want an alcoholic drink -she wanred to stick to water.
    If she isn't pregnant is she perhaps attending Alchoholics Anonymous meetings.?
    Just listened again to Jennifer mentioning Alice having a baby.
    Surely even for Jennifer that was very tactless.

    1. I thought she wasn't drinking because she was driving

  20. Alice wasn’t comfortable with being in the company of both sets of parents so maybe she wanted to stay sober to deal with it. Her career is important to her and perhaps she has realised her consumption of alcohol will interfere as it was getting out of hand. She did also offer to drive.

    Insincerity reigns recently. “Thank you for a lovely evening” and then to Chris “I’m never doing that again!” Jenny sounded quite patronising when exclaiming how delicious Susan’s food was almost expressing surprise! The other day Lilian welcomed Will “dahling” and then to Justin “What’s HE doing here!” as if he was some ragamuffin off the street!

    Will the wedding go ahead without a hitch? We will soon see!

  21. Basia - what is The Nest? Who owns it? Do Alice and Christopher rent? Will see if that is one of the places shown in the official Archers site.

    1. I think I am right in saying that The Nest is one of two holiday cottages, next door to each other, that belonged to Home Farm. They were probably built for agricultural workers at the farm many years ago. Jennifer had the idea of doing them up for holiday lets. Brian and Jennifer then decided to give one to Kate and one to Alice some years ago. Kate has only lived in hers on and off, letting it out between times.
      I didn’t know Alice’s was actually callecd ‘The Nest’. I believe it is quite small.

    2. Archerphile Alice + Chris's cottage is indeed called "The Nest" but don't know how or why, it got that name.
      I think they are happy together and have a lovely marriage. If they want a "babe" that is up to them, and no business to any others.
      PS I don't think Alice is an alcohlic - unless she is very clever at hiding it, which is possible.

  22. Countdown to That Wedding is now only 2.5 hours away, until we can all eavesdrop on the event.
    It will go ahead, and then there will be another Archer - Natasha.
    It is the aftermath, which I am intrigued about.

  23. I am really looking forward to tonight’s proceedings - but I shan’t be able to listen until about 10.15, so I am avoiding all blogs and websites (and next week’s Radio Times) until then!

  24. Ruthy, Christopher used to be played by an actor called Will Sanderson-Thwaite. I googled him a while ago and he seems to be a musician so perhaps he wanted to stop acting. When I googled an article came up about a couple with those surnames running a tea room near the North York Moors railway so I wondered if related.

  25. Maybe Hannah will run out from a hiding place and say "I Object" !!!

    1. Tom and Mr Rochester do have some things in common but not a wife in the attic!

    2. Forgive my obtuseness Maryellen by what things do Tom and Mr Rochester have in common?

    3. I forgive your obtuseness, Burnham Beeches, no problem. Male, for starters, Impetuous in youth and not incredibly bright.

    4. I imagined having ''something in common' would apply to several more specific things, than those which could be attributed to half the male population!.........However, there you go!

    5. Sorry to have disappointed you!

  26. I am going to listen live today - starting in 7 minutes...

  27. This evening's episode .......

    I think I trust her even less.
    I wonder what sort of cake everybody was invited to photograph?
    Well it wouldn't have been a fruit cake .
    Maybe a tower of cup cakes or a fancy sponge cake.
    I am with Pat on this one.
    If Tom were my son.i would be worried.

  28. Another thing.
    What is it about Borsetshire that whenever anybody needs to get somewhere ,there is always traffic congestion?

    1. It's because all the SatNavs stop working just past Birmingham and everyone gets hopelessly lost ...

  29. Hooray! The holdup happened so soon in the episode, I knew things would be all right. If it was going to be serious, it would have happened at the end, probably creating a Friday night cliffhanger in the process.

  30. Pat: 'I hope love will be enough' least not starting with the premise from PC which began with 'what ever in love means'. 🤔

  31. Love (whatever love means) was enough for Pat and Tony. I guess Pat’s problem is that she and Natasha are too alike (I’m not talking about their nationality as such. but both arrived on the Ambridge scene as energetic newcomers and found a niche in. an Archer marriage.). Both tend to occupy the driving seat where their partners are concerned, and in both cases with the best of motives and results. If there are difficulties, I think they will come from Pat and Tony’s side and be part and parcel of the process of handing over to the next generation.

    1. ..which includes Helen, Henry, Jack + Johnny.
      It is not all about Tom+Natasha Archer.

    2. Exactly, Miriam. It’s a larger picture. But spot the odd one out, the one with no Pat/Tony genes, the stone in Pat’s pond.....

    3. PS to my previous email about Pat - I thought her being so disconcerted by Natasha being another Mrs Archer was indicative (as the scriptwriters clearly intended). No other young woman in the village has retained her maiden name for professional purposes, and in real life those who do typically use their married names in domestic situations. It seemed to me that Pat felt ‘her’ territory was being invaded, when all Natasha was innocently doing was what most married women still do.

    4. I heard it as Pat wearing her feminist hat. She was surprised and disappointed that Helen became Tichenor when she married Rob.
      So Tony and Johnnie had to leave the reception to attend to cattle affairs, including seeing off some of the Angus herd ? Change clothes. Then change back into their wedding outfits and return to the Bull. Had they known there was to be a wedding in the family today they might have arranged matters on the farm differently. Just as well reception was in Ambridge. Imo the most organised participants of the wedding were Kenton & Jolene.
      I wonder if Tom paid off the debts from his first planned wedding. Just as well to keep it simple and low-key for this one. I've been annoyed with what Tom has said recently about his relationship with and intended marriage to Kirsty. The problem was what was going on in Tom's head; it wasn't that he didn't love Kirsty. His hindsight is clouded by time.

    5. Half the problem was Kirsty being so wrapped up in new house decor and wedding trivia that she didn’t even notice the man she cared for was troubled in his mind. Now we can all move on.with a sigh of relief that thanks to Natasha and the scriptwriters we didn’t have to live through weeks of wedding preparations again. I’m very glad that Tom and Natasha sound so happy together, much more so than he has ever done before

  32. Natasha - she said to Tony something like -
    "I can see me as part of your family" and then later -
    "i so want to be an Archer"
    Why does this give me alarm bells ringing??

  33. Maryellen.
    Just what do you think Natasha's motives are?
    She is nothing like Pat.
    She -Natasha - drips insincerity .
    What time was this wedding?
    Why was Natasha alone?
    Surely her parents would have stayed overnight nearby.

    She has deprived her mum of a proper Mother of the Bride outfit and of having something to look forward to .
    By being married in Borsetshire all the Williams,Jones ,Price ,Davies relatives and friends who might have been invited plus all her parents friends (those who she knew as Auntie Blodwen and Uncle Gwyllym who were her Godparents ) were not there .
    I hope the new 8week stint starts on Sunday and that we have heard the last of the dreadful pair for a while..

    1. LanJan - all that was true at Alice and Christopher Carter’s wedding , as somone (Alice herself I think) pointed out, also at Helen and Rob’s. I don’t think it automatically makes you a Bad Person.

    2. LanJan - the quickness of the wedding was all done for dramatic affects. If they really love each other, they would have planned a proper wedding to give enough notice and be considerate of their family and friends. These two are being portrait as selfish asses - which the SW has succeeded. I should have given up TA for Lent.

    3. Glad you didn't Ruthy we would have missed your pithy comments

    4. Of course, we might discover that Natasha has known all along that she has only a few months to live, and not only wants brief happiness as Tom’s wife but for him to inherit her business and add it to the Bridge Farm Empire........ (Sob!)

    5. and then Hannah will be there for Tom .
      It gets worse.

      Maryellen you have been reading too many Mills and Boon books.

    6. LanJan - didn’t you notice how emotionally aware of Hannah, Johnny was being the other day? I think he’s always fancied her. Mark my words......

  34. I have to admit to a slight sense of disappointment with tonight’s episode. So much speculation over the past few weeks that things would go wrong - but then, apart from the usual traffic holdups, everything turned out well for T and N.
    I have to say that N did sound genuinely happy tonight and I felt myself warming to her.
    But too soon to tell what will happen to this couple, or the farm, or the family as a whole.
    We’ll just have to wait and see.
    So, another Mrs Archer in the village. I’m glad she didn’t opt to keep her maiden name as it gives a sense of continuity down the generations in Ambridge.

  35. Oh my went ahead. Couldn’t stand Natasha’s speech to tony in the car. Too smarmy by half.
    Presume it’ll be back to Elizabeth , LL and Freddie situation this next week now.
    Bring back jazzer for a really long stint to liven it up.

  36. Just a very small point but we have no idea what the bride wore for her wedding. Pat obviously is unsettled about her son's wedding but will have to make the best of it, as all families do.

    1. No photos and I assumed not a big dress for her to turn up in the farm yard. I think it was mentioned earlier in the week that her parents would have to travel over on the day because of some commitments. Set up nicely for them to be late etc. Well if we aren’t supposed to have alarm bells ringing, Pat and Tony have.
      Kirsty prefaced her announcement to Tom about moving in with Philip with a slightly defiant “didn’t you know?” and I wondered if it was their (T and N’s) oneupmanship. But they wouldn’t be so shallow, would they?

  37. The scriptwriters have set Natasha up for us to believe she is this awful go getter, I just have this sneaking suspicion she might just be the answer to Ambridge organics after years of dismal failure. Of course I may be way off beam!

    1. Saw this, CowGirl, after posting below - we seem to be thinking along similar lines !

    2. This is what I have been saying all along, Cow Girl. Natasha is the new Pat.

  38. Natasha didn't put a foot wrong. She always does come across well; it's the way Tom speaks about her that arouses suspicions ( in me, at any rate) because he is not famous for self knowledge nor perceptive about others, especially women. The suspicions are supported by family & friends being so shocked by the speed but that is entirely understandable - why the rush to wed ?
    It's intriguing - could the SWs be playing games with us : unlikeable Hannah turns out to be a diamond & charming Natasha is revealed as a scheming harpy ? I do hope not, mainly because H. sets my teeth on edge & N. is very pleasant without being the usual Ambridge bland. Maybe they've simply decided to give Tom a break & let him find happiness at last. Same with Helen - Lee, sorry, but you're going to be lumbered.....

  39. Don't agree,Maryellen.
    Natasha was sickly smooth with Tony.
    Why the haste to marry?
    Why not wait until they could sort out the living arrangements for a star To?
    Even were she to be pregnant which I doubt ,she need not get married -not like 50 years ago.
    That woman is trouble.
    I don't think that Natasha has ever been charming,Carolyn but I do think you might be onto something about Hannah.
    I don't like Hannah but I did feel a bit sorry for her the other day which surprised me.
    I think the marriage will go pear shaped and Hannah will be there waiting for Tom.
    It may take a bit of time though.

    On the other hand,Maryellen you could be right about Johnnie and Hannah but isn't there a Barmaid Beverley he has got his eye on?
    Hannah might find Johnnie too immature.

    As for Lee-escape while you can.
    Don't get entangled with Helen

  40. Carolyn, I think it’s partly the SWs job to play games with us! All those hints about Natasha being pushy and ‘up to something’ may just have been a lead-on to make us think something BIG was going to happen last night. In the end, apart form a very tame crisis about her Mum and Dad, it all went to plan and there were no dramas.
    So perhaps Natasha will turn out to be the perfect Archer farmers wife after all and she and Tom and the ensuing brood of Archer-ets will live happily ever after.
    I am feeling a bit guilty that I hoped it would all go wrong last night, but that is exactly what the SWs engineered and I fell for it!

    1. Early days AP - maybe a marriage going wrong (and possibly starting quite quickly) more of a plot for the SW to get their teeth into over a period of time than a hitch or two on the Wedding Day itself....
      Hannah should not have kept blowing hot and cold with herself regarding Tom and the friends with (many many) benefits only appeared to confuse the issue.
      Agree N not pregnant but what about Hannah - there’s a thought.......😮

  41. LanJan: 'I hope Tom and Natasha had a "pre nup" '

    I've just checked: pre-nups have to be signed at least 21 days before the marriage. (An intersting fact I found out after Justin had rejected Lilian's pre-nup and hand in marriage.)

    However, maybe things are different in Borsetshire - along with the need for 28 days' notice before the wedding which has already been discussed here.

  42. If Tom is happy to be led by Natasha, than at least he is happy 😃. He works hard but doesn’t have any inspiring ideas to call him own. So perhaps Natasha is the best that’s ever happened to him.

    1. Ruthy, I think you may have hit the nail on its head.

      I have not joined in the debate about Tom and Natasha, although I have felt much the same as most of you....... ergo..... Natasha is too good to be true, and is ( possibly) a scheming minxe.
      BUT ....... all along at the back of my mind has been the thought, ' Tom has mad brained ideas that never lead anywhere. On the other hand, he sees Natasha's ideas as far better than his. Perhaps..... he recognises that he needs her grey cells to make his life complete. '
      In other words' she's brighter than me, I need her ! '

    2. MrsP - you write it so much better than I do.

  43. I too was expecting something dramatic to happen, either at Susan's dinner party or at the wedding, or even at both. The SWs are playing a longer game: there will be story lines about Alice and Chris having a baby (or not), and Natasha's relationship with her in-laws, but it's going to be a slow burn. Actually, one of the things I like about TA is that time progresses at the rate of one year per year, whereas in some soaps things rush by at an unrealistic speed.

    One other thought, since the programme is called "The Archers" there have to be characters with that surname! In the fifth generation at the moment we only have Rosie Archer; we therefore must expect Tom, Josh and Ben to produce progeny in the future.

    1. You are so right that time is realistic. This was the case with Helen + Rob, the aftermath of the flood, the time it is taking for Ed + Emma moving into their new build.
      As to the newer Archers, there are also Henry + Jack with that surname, but can't think of any other potential "Archers".

  44. As to the wedding, I expected that Natasha's parents wouldn't appear (due to road problems), as my evil thought was that she hadn't told them. So glad I got that wrong.
    Now I can't wait to see how the new Mrs. Archer likes living in No.1 The Green, with Hannah + Johnny, with Will as their landlord and how she tries to muscle in to Bridge Farm.
    My gut instinct that it will be Johnny who will find out what she is up to.

  45. I still don't understand where Natasha was living. Tom mentioned that was too far for him to commute, so would Natasha living in Ambridge be too far for her to commute?

    1. Well, yes, if she has such a thriving & successful business, er, what's going to become of it ? Do all the juicing & selling from Bridge Farm ? If that is what she does full time. I don't think we've ever been told.

    2. If her business is so succesful, she can afford to move away, leaving a good manager in charge.
      Why don't I believe this??

    3. I think that Natasha must work this side of wherever it is that she is now living -ie on the way to Ambridge .
      Maybe it is even closer to Ambride than where she lived before Friday.
      In that case it won't be any bother for her to live in Ambridge whereas for Tom it would be a longer journey.
      What about the girl with whom she is sharing the flat?
      Will she have to try to get someone else to share it or will she have to pay Natasha's share?

    4. We seem to be remarkable short of relevant facts about Natasha and her supposedly thriving business. I hate being in the dark about details and having to try and rationalise the storyline.

    5. Agreed, but thanks, Lanjan, for mentioning the flat share - completely missed that.

    6. I still think her "ex" is not just that and that they are stiĺ in cahoorts somehow. But what do I know -
      not a lot!
      It could well be a simple match made in heavan and if so, I wish them every happiness.

    7. That's a point about the flat mate.
      Why didn't we hear from her at the wedding ?
      Was she there ?

  46. I can suspend my belief at many things, but Tom & Natasha's marriage is just a step too far for me. Am I really supposed to accept the nonsense about there just happening to be a cancellation at the registry office, so they just decided to go for it? (Like getting a marriage certificate is the same as getting a table at a busy restaurant!) And then for Natasha to begin married life in a house share that involves living with someone barely out of his teens and a woman who was until quite recently a frequent casual sexual partner of her husband. She is supposed to be successful, mature woman for God's sake. Who does that on a whim?

    As for her little speech to Tony in the car - I have never heard so much insincere, creepy, ingratiating self serving claptrap in my life! And for Tony to have apparently been taken in by it is an insult not only to me as a listener, but to the character of Tony himself. As if any of the doubts he was vocal about to Pat would have been assuaged by Natasha's embarrassing proclamations of love for her new instant "family". Risible pish...

    1. You might well be having a lie down after that tirade GG!.......but I so agree with you. N's certainly not had many 'outings' since she first appeared. It's almost as if she's been ''dropped in' for a short time as a new Mrs Archer. Risible story lines all round these days. No joined-up anything. If I could find it on iPlayer I'd probably switch to Mrs Dale's Diary!!

    2. Ooooh BB - do you think we might ever get Mrs Dale back ?
      I would be over the moon with delight.

      I don't suppose recordings were kept then.

    3. There's a snippet on YouTube Mrs P. Maybe there are others out there, floating in the ether. Someone will know!

    4. I remember it with Ellis Powell as Mrs D who was always worried about Jim. I seem to recall she had a gravelly voice. It was never quite the same with Jessie Matthews. As in TA difficult to get used to a new voice. I preferred Pip mark 1 and of course real Tom!

    5. Oh I so agree Ev, re Pip and Tom. What is it about these so called professional actors/tresses, with their, in the main bland voices. When you don't have a visual experience you need distinctive voices. What do they teach at drama school these days, everyone to sound the same !!

  47. I agree about the old Tom. Helen Monks (old Pip) was in China Towns recently and only when I saw her name did I recognise something of the Pip's voice, so she has a range.

  48. I’ve been listening to China Towns too as I have always enjoyed the Clayhanger stories by Arnold Bennet. I saw Helen Monks name in the cast list and specially listened out for her - but couldn’t tell which character she was until I checked again. Absolutely nothing like her portrayal of Pip. Obviously a very good actress, wish they could persuade her back!

    1. Which character was Helen Monk ,Archerphile?

  49. Re new Tom, I find it very irritating when he seems to add an ‘ss’ sound at the end of so many words. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

    1. Oh, yes, & it's getting worse ! Very sloppy & off putting. I think it has been remarked upon before. Gosh, radio actors & directors have to be so aware of vocal quirks.

    2. Talking of Mrs Dale, we don't want those 50s tones back (Bec), do we ? Good for a laugh in old films, but Impossible to take seriously. Can't remember his name but some humorous broadcaster remarked on how Mrs Dale's flighty sister Sally was always referred to in sad disapproving tones as 'Selly'.

    3. Absolutely agree with all the above. I hate being wished" gid morning" by broadcasters and discussions on what new "berks" we should read.
      A propos Mrs Dale don't forget we still have "Piggy" twice married to men named "Jeck"

    4. Carolyn
      Selly hed a het shop!

  50. New, we dewn't, because then everyone would sound like Linda Snell! Remember Sylvia Peters, of whom it was said that she made the Queen sound common?

  51. Oh dear! I’m afraid I have a very RP accent - comes from being forced to take Elocution classes at school in the 5Os and taking the LAMDA exams. I don’t actually use those strangulated vowel sounds like ‘Selly’ for ´Sally’ but do hate to hear glottal stops, dropped aitches, ´free’ instead of ’three’ and generally sloppy speech. Regional accents are a different thing and most are a joy to listen to. I particularly love Highland Scottish, West Country, Yorkshire and perhaps surprisingly, Scouse.

    1. Archerphile, you are not alone, I was threatened by my father to have double elocution lessons when I picked up a regional accent.

  52. So do I , Archerphile, for broadly similar reasons, and I also hate glottal stops, which seem to have become a modern affectation. However, having lived surrounded by country people (including Mr S's Sussex family) who all used ain't, double negatives, 'e do and 'e don't as a matter of course I had to accept that people from other walks of life have different ways of expressing themselves. As I never became completely 'bi-lingual', needless to say, I was branded a snob. My own local accent is never far away, and when back among my fellow islanders Mr S says it re-surfaces with a vengeance, although it was never the strong accent of the upper parishes, in which English is indistinguishable from the native patois!

  53. As a native Londoner, father born in Bethnal Green but grandfather and elder brother both at City of London school, speaking the English language without glottal stops, double negatives or dropped aitches and all sibilants evident was very much part of my upbringing.
    I then married and my father in law was a BBC continuity announcer, one of the most mellifluous voices on public broadcasting, whose voice I had been in love with throughout my childhood.
    But his son was one of those young men in the sixties who downplayed his accent.
    My younger daughter takes after her father. My eldest who like Archerphile took English Speaking Lamda exams speaks beautifully.
    My 96 year old cousin, my fathers niece has retained her cut glass London accent, similar to Peggy Woolley.

    Sarnia's point about speaking properly and being a snob.
    My daughter took her English Speaking lessons when we lived in a small Wiltshire market town.
    We returned to live in London when she was eleven and when she went to the local comprehensive school she was ridiculed by teachers for speaking well and I was told that we were snobs because my daughter had had ' elocution ' lessons.
    That daughter has risen to be a highly respected professional in a field mostly peopled by 'posh' ex public school men.
    She is talented and extremely hard working, but I am sure that her ability to speak and use 'proper' English has taken her a very long way.

  54. Something occurred to me this morning.
    In the past Tom has often, almost always, gone to speak to his grandmother Peggy, when he had worries or problems that he needed to discuss. ( or needed money ! )
    Not once have we heard Peggy mentioned regarding Natasha.
    Tom has not introduced her to Peggy.
    Peggy has not been included in any family conversations about Natasha.
    And was she at the wedding ?

    I think at one point Tony, said ' mums over there talking with ? ? ? '.
    So was Peggy actually there at the wedding or just at The Bull for the reception.

    Have the SW forgotten Toms closeness to his grandmother ?

    1. Perhaps now he’ll be tapping her for a loan to buy a house for him and Natasha , or to finance one of her schemes. I know Bridge Farm still has some of the money made by selling land, but Tom couldn’t use that for personal house purchase, could he?

    2. Perhaps we should take it as a good sign. Everything is going well so he hasn't had worries and problems he needed to talk through.

      Or perhaps Natasha has been to tea with Peggy and the occasion was a rousing success. They got on like a house on fire and Peggy gave the approaching union her full blessing. However, the editors realised that we cynical listeners would simply take this as another example of St N pulling the wool over someone's eyes and decided not to broadcast the scene.

  55. And talking about the Bridge Farm land, sold to Justin for building:-
    I was struck (during this morning’s Omnibus) that Emma and Ed might soon regret forking out all their savings for one of Justin’s low-cost houses.
    It sounded extremely small during their look round, just one open-plan room downstairs and no access to the back garden apart from through the house.
    Ed asked where to keep boots and outdoor stuff - just the cupboard under the stairs, I think.
    No garage, just parking space.
    Where are the kids going to keep all their toys and what about the dog?
    When Eddie and Clarrie eventually have to move out of Grange Farm, where will Ed keep his van and all his equipment, tools etc?
    The neighbours won’t be too keen on having it messing up the new estate.
    I think they are going to feel very claustrophobic and cramped after the space they enjoy now, especially the outside space.

    Justin did his best to make it all sound highly desirable but I fear that Emma’s (understandable) burning desire to own her own home might prove to be a huge mistake. I hope I am wrong.

  56. Talking of accents.
    I was born in Oxford and before we moved to Lancahire according to my mother "I spoke nicely "
    I love northern accents.
    I love the fact that in both Lancashire and Yorkshie there is still a different accent depending on which part of the County one lives.
    Those who listen to the cricket commentators will notice a difference between the way Michael Atherton and David Lloyd speak for example.
    Andrew Flintoff ,fom the Preston area.speaks differently again.
    However I much prefer the Announcers on the TV to speak with RP accents.
    Some of the Continuity announcers are really bad .
    Mr LJ has me translating when a certain former Liverpool player does the commentary during a match and another.

  57. Archerphile - I believe Emma will be very disappointed of the size of their new home. Did they get floor and lot plans before they signed the contract? Perhaps it not as good of a value as they first have thought. Emma will still have to do 3 jobs and no on site child care like they have now. We will never hear the end of her nagging.

    1. Ed + Emma's new home sounds just like mine! It is cosy, small and ideal for me - as a single person. I have 3 bedrooms, a lovely double, a large single/small double, + a boxroom (my study). Storage is very limited. I cannot see how Ed + Em will adapt to living in a much smaller space - but they will own it along with an expensive mortgage.

  58. .........but at least it will be THEIR home.
    She will be the one in charge in the kitchen.
    Given the choice I would rather live in a smaller house if it meant not having to live with in laws.

    1. I think your right LanJan.
      Emma will appreciate the. Fact that it is THEIRS !

      ( she will not think of it as the mortgage companies)

  59. When Ed + Emma move to Birchwood, and Eddie, Joe + Clarrie leave Grange Farm, where will Eds' Texcels, go along with his tractor? Will he be able to afford to rent alternative land or will Grundies Field be used?

    1. I am replying to Miriums post with the following....
      NOT PC Grundys field

      But...... its original name

      Pikeys Piece !

    2. I stand so corrected and realise just how much my TA knowledge is very lacking.
      I have never heard of Pikeys Piece.
      Another one of my thoughts is being firmly put into the bin, and not even the re-cycle one aka it will never reappear.

    3. Mrs P Yes I have an old Archers book which shows a map with the field named Pikeys Piece.
      I also remember you being 'moderated off' the BBC TA blog when you mentioned the original name!

    4. Not sure that Miriam read the ' official ' BBC blog Spiceycushion, so she will not have understood my post, though I knew others would.

      Miriam, you are not at fault. On TA it is Grundys Field.
      But if you want to know the origins of my post above, ask, and you will be told.
      Ruthy won't know it either.

  60. Basia and Archerphile, thanks for flagging up China Towns. I've recently read Anna of the Five Towns but hadn't spotted this series on the radio. I've only listened to Episode One so far, so no appearance of Old Pip yet.

    I want to read some more of the books but our library has none on the shelves. Must get around to ordering them from the archives.

    I wonder if any of the younger Ambridge offspring feel the same pressure to stay in the family business rather than going off to follow their dream?

  61. I thought Anna of the Five towns was a really good read.
    I too am listening to China Towns
    I have listened to the first three episodes but think I will try to get hold of the books rather than listen to the rest of it on the radio.
    I imagine that there are several books and they have incorporated them into one title for the radio.

    1. I particularly like the rather idiosyncratic music that accompanies the plays.

    2. I'm not listening, but it has reminded me that I have never read the books, but have always wanted to.

      Like Old Woman I must go to the library.

  62. Replies
    1. Easter, to clash with Kate and counsel Lily, because the actress was available.

    2. Oxford terms are 8 weeks long.
      Hilary term ended on Saturday.

    3. Thank you Old Woman.
      I knew their terms were short but I thought they would be at least 10 weeks long.
      It seems ridiculous that they are only at University for little over46% of the year..

    4. They pack a lot of studying into those 24 weeks!

  63. Russ didn’t put a foot wrong this evening!

    1. Unless he's considering ditching the daughter in favour of the mother ...

    2. I had that unwelcome thought too 🤮

    3. Much as I dislike Russ, I must admit he was sensible tonight (apart from liking the unmade bed art). Surely he wouldn't make a pass at E would he! Oh no.

  64. So, married two days and already thinking about building the parents a granny-annex and moving into the farm house.

    And what about Helen and the boys? The newly-weds won't want them under their feet. Does Lee's flat beckon after all?

    1. Quite! Storm clouds a gathering “me thinks” ⚡️

  65. Ha......told you....Maryellen.......Natasha and the bridge farm takeover.

    1. It can't be denied Maryellen, that the SW are certainly leading us down this path.

  66. I think Helen struggles with her two. Wonder how she might manage with another two, and girls at that, however part time they might be.

    Perhaps Will can give her some tips.

  67. Dog Alert.......l
    Off lead today.
    Some recall training. Successful.
    Then a short riverside in woodland walk off lead.
    At one point Lady looked as if she wanted to go down the bank to the water.
    A quick reaction from me prevented it. Fast flowing turbulent waters that fed all the mills at this time of the year.
    We shall save that till later in the year when there is less of a flow.
    Perhaps she can swim. We will see.

  68. Oh yes Tom? Never mind asking your Gran for a loan to build you and Natasha a house as I thought earlier.
    No, much simpler to chuck poor old Mum and Dad into a retirement bungalow somewhere (well out of the way) on the farm and you and Nat can move into the nice big farmhouse - simples!

    Bit inconsiderate to tell Helen though, without even considering where she and the boys can move to - oh, I know, a second bungalow at the bottom of another field somewhere? Sorted!


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