Archers Fan Blog

1 Year Anniversary

 08 April 2019

Please post only 1 comment  


  1. I was listening to 'Feedback' this evening and reflecting that none of us were broadcast. It seems such a long time ago, and since then we have reflected on pets, health, meet-ups, travel, marriages, honeymoons, christenings and a tiny bit of politics, all in the Off- Archers thread. Long may it continue, thank you Ruthie, cheers everyone, mine's a cider.

  2. Thanks to Ruthy we have all been able to keep in touch, discuss our beloved Archers, make virtual friends (and on some cases even meet up), help each other with problems, share joys and worries and become a very dedicated and friendly group.
    I raise a glass to dear Ruthy and to everyone else who contributes to this wonderful group.

  3. A life saver for some, great fun for some others, and joy for us all.
    Thank you dear American Ruthy.
    Who'd a thought it ?

  4. What a year! Thank you to all that have contributed on the blogs and given enjoyment to a great many people.
    Without you Ruthy I wouldn’t have so many Archers friends. A sincere thank you from me for all your work and I feel honoured to have met up with the matriarch of these blogs.
    Here’s to the next year🥃 🎉🎉🎉

  5. Thank you so much, Ruthy, for creating & maintaining this community & to everyone here who shares thoughts, warmth, humour. It's a kind of miraculous spontaneous arising that I never thought could happen online ! Cheers & onward ! ( Uttered with vodka & tonic last night, not as I write now, 6.20am...)

  6. Thank you Ruthy. Cheers to the next year!🍷

  7. Happy anniversary to everyone and a great big thank you to Ruthy.

  8. Thanks also from me Ruthy. I don't post often but enjoy popping in every day to read about all of your lives and your comments on the Archers.

  9. Ruthy, you have given us a precious gift, a lifeline for sharing our thoughts on TA, and other extraneous topics. Thank you.🍾🍹

  10. Thank you Ruthy for rescuing the shipwrecked Archers' fans 'sans frontiers'.

  11. Don't comment that often from my habitual place in the wainscoting, but I echo Seasider - vive le blog ! Coup de rouge pour moi 🍷🍷tchin Ruthy !

  12. Transatlantic ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ to Ruthy! While Mistral is toasting you in Tumble Tussocks cider, I’ll be raising a Scruff G and T in gratitude and admiration.

  13. G and T for me too at 7.00 pm this evening.
    It won’t be Scuff’s and won’t be any from the USA which I would have preferred to drink in your honour,Ruthy so the nearest I can get is some Noteworthy gin from the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia which is not far from the USA border.
    I echo what everybody else has said,Ruthy.
    Long may your blog continue
    Thank you very ,very much .

  14. Happy Anniversary everybody!

    And three cheers for Ruthy.

    Isn't it nice that the 'one comment' rule means we'll end up with a succinct list of everone who contributes to this blog : )

  15. Firstly I think this is the first time I have posted on this blog even though I look in every evening to read what everyone thinks about the latest Archer happenings. I love reading everyone's views and hearing about your loves, lives, animal friends and as I say views on the TA. I don't post because I have found it impossible to actually get my words posted on the site and after trying lots of times decided to give up and just enjoy your posts from a ghostly side line! However, for this special day I have set up all my accounts again, changed all my passwords and put this site onto my laptop instead of my ipad in the hope that I can post this very special Thanks. Firstly thanks to all of you for keeping me entertained, challenged, moved at times and for sharing your lives with me (though perhaps not knowingly). Secondly many, many thanks to Ruthy who I hold a special feeling for as my eldest son lives in up state NY, so every time you post Ruthy you make me think of Chris. Thanks to you all may the blog grow stronger and live long. I will now try this if I am successful I may return but if not remember I am there in the shadows loving every minute of sharing with you.

  16. My gran use to say that if something bad happens something good will come out of it - how right she was Ruthy. BBC in the end you did us a massive favour, not only an Archers blog but one for us all to be able to express and discuss thoughts, opinions, laughter and sometimes a tear.
    Ruthy I am sending you a virtual OBE 🎖for services to Radios longest running radio drama listeners.
    Thank you very very much 🤗 🍷

  17. Morning here in Eastern time zone and wonderful to celebrate our first anniversary together! I will raise a glass to toast our friendship at the start of today's show. Thank you from my heart for all your kind words and sentiments. Long may this blog live!!!

  18. Many, many thanks to dear Ruthy for coming to our rescue a year ago and taking on the task of keeping us all together. We have made friends both virtual and in the flesh, from all over the world. Long may it continue! Mine will be a Prosecco after cooking dinner tonight! Cheers!

  19. My toast at 7.00pm will be done with a G+T, not Scruff but a wonderful, tasty an intoxicating Cheshire Gin - kept for special occasions only.

    RUTHY - My very sincere thanks to you, for spending your own personal time + effort, in providing this enjoyable site to so many. 👏👏👍👍💟

  20. I'm someone else who doesn't post very often, but offer my sincere thanks to Ruthy for the pleasure this blog brings.

  21. Thank you Ruthy, and thank you all! I shall raise a glass of Irn Bru to us all tonight, as I have absolutely zero self control when it comes to alcohol and I can't be arsed with a hangover that would invariably last for 72 hours...☺

  22. Thank you Ruthy. I started following the BBC blog about 3 years ago and enjoyed reading the comments. This blog feels like a community and it is lovely to get glimpses into peoples lives. I rarely comment, but catch up daily. I will raise a virtual glass at 7pm to toast you all.

  23. I'm another who comments rarely but checks in to read comments every day. Thank you Ruthy

  24. I would like to add my heartfelt thanks to everyone else's! It took quite a while to be able to log on , but it has been so worth it! This time last year, it felt like losing a whole group of friends but, as Lady R has already said, something good has come of it! This site is so special, because we can comment on the programme, but also have the freedom to follow random threads. Brilliant set up! Special thanks to Ruthy for your hard work and to everyone who posts. I don't often post myself but love reading about you all and hope that all goes well with you all ! It's always interesting to hear about your lives and it's a great comfort sometimes to know that you're not the only one with certain views, problems and fun times! On a personal note, I'd like to say thank you to Miriam , who has convinced me to go ahead with my cataract op sooner rather than later! Santé à tous!!!

  25. I rarely leave a comment but look in everyday to read those posted by others. So, thank you Ruthy !
    🍷🍷 I will be raising a glass,or two,of good red wine to you this evening. X

  26. I'm another silent reader - struggling to save my comment today so apologies if it appears several times- I log in every day and throroughly enjoy reading all your comments- thanks so much to Ruthy for making it possible

  27. Even though l haven't commented for ages there's not a day goes by that l don't drop in to read the opinions and thoughts of of everyone. They give me a daily lift. Thanks Ruthy and all you regular posters.

  28. Well the clock has struck 7 , so I raise a glass to you Ruthy as a way of saying thank you . Perhaps we shall meet one day when you come to our shores , unfortunately my days of travelling are long gone!
    And to my fellow bloggers for your companionship and interesting thoughts on the Archers and life in general.

    Cheers to you all

  29. Raised a glass of tawny port at 7! Best wishes to everyone. I love to get all your news on the blog and you have been a great help to me in the last two years. Special thanks to Ruthy for enabling our friendship to continue. Cheers!

  30. Just about to raise a slightly belated glass of red, only half listened tonight as distracted by other matters, will listen again.
    I would like join everyone thanking Ruth for this blog. I have followed for many years,back to the old BBC blog ( Mustardland? ) before the one we lost last year.
    I have enjoyed the sharing of opinions & ideas, and the sense of community on this forum.
    Best wishes to everyone

  31. I'm another that doesn't blog but really enjoys reading the views of everyone else on an almost daily basis. Thanks to Ruthy and the bloggers for making this possible and sharing your thoughts. This lifeboat blog appears to be well and truly afloat.

  32. Thank you Ruthy. I love the wonderful photos you use, and enjoy popping in to read everybody's thoughts.

  33. Happy Anniversary everyone, and congratulations to Ruthy for setting up this brilliant blog for us Archer fans. So much better than the old BBC blog, and the first one I turn to every morning to read all the interesting comments from the previous day. Wishing all good things for our group for the coming year, and many thanks to Ruthy too - you're a star. Cheers!

  34. I too am so grateful to Ruthy for setting this up. Even though we're all somewhere in cyberspace, I always feel I'm among friends.

  35. Would like to add my sincere thanks to Ruthy. Without her lifeboat I would be wondering what might have become of you all. It is so good to be able to join in the chat or just read about all of your thoughts whenever an episode of TA is particularly intriguing for me. Although I only manage to follow the Archers-related blog if at all, I think it is so good of Ruthy to provide an additional blog for off-topic comments. This website is so much better than the previous BBC site. Such a friendly place. Long may it continue! 🥂

  36. Thank you very much Ruthy for setting up the blog. It's an enjoyable space to share views and read others after the BBC shut it down theirs. Cheers!!

    1. Still reading and enjoying, thank you - if this works after the 100th time of trying.....I' the pigs!

    2. I hope this attempt works! Have tried many times to post my comment. I read the blog daily and enjoy the friendly atmosphere...and yes Ruthy it is all down to you! Many thanks for providing this space for fans of The Archers.

  37. Glad you kept this open after the 8th Ruthy, as I have been out of action for the last month. Thank you so much for creating this blog, and for all your work and time in maintaining it. I have found so many inspiring comments on it, and also useful practical tips. Love your pictures too.🌻🌷🎂

  38. Happy Anniversary! Can't believe it's a whole year since the Beeb pulled the plug on our harmless blog comments and this lovely space was set up for us by Ruthy-many thanks. I will try to visit more often--one problem has been losing my Google account sign-on when I switched pcs. I'm not great with technology! Love to all! :-)


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