Life in Ambridge: Comments week of 12/April/2019


  1. Archerphile, than you for your update on current trends in pig farming. Just confirms for us Toms stupidity and Natashas role, if we had any doubts.

  2. Shared ritual plays an important part in social cohesion. Once this is abandoned the sense of community begins to break down, resulting in disparate groups of individuals whose only priority is their own personal interests. Cf 'Watership Down'.

  3. Tried to post on previous blog, but closed. Response to Seasider's closing question in her post, which I thought interesting : a hasty wedding, a pointless christening, a divorce perhaps regretted by one of the parties; are the TA crowd insecure, tied to tradition, needing regular parties, needing egos massaged by mass attention ? Maybe all four or I'm just being cynical..

  4. Just listened to last night : over reaction from Pat, massive over reaction from Will. Ruairi wasn't being inappropriate, he's only a couple of years older anyway, the two just get on. Pat, not sure, but it's not really about Johnny, I think, it's the uneasy sense that Natasha is pulling the strings. N. Acts plausibly enough but she does exercise undue influence. She has to put Tom in the wrong .It's very unpleasant. So was he to his parents : ' I've decided, this is just to let you know.'.

  5. I think it shows that the script writers have just run out of ideas, they cant rely on many more weddings, births and divorces for drama, they need to be more imaginative.

  6. Sarnia and Carolyn I agree with both comments. I do think ritual is important and people tap into it on a deep level for all sorts of reasons. The baptism did actually highlight the diversity of feelings and views people have at such times. Interesting that issues of sincerity and conviction and self awareness are being explored through Shula, Jim, Ben etc. Oh dear, I need to get out more. Perhaps I should prepare a paper for the next Academic Archers. Any other bloggers fancy collaborating??🤗👩🏻‍🎓😉

    1. You're on, Seasider ! Add in Elizabeth, Lily & Freddie, Helen re self awareness, or lack of it & desperate need of it. We could go for manipulation too - Russ, Natasha, Kate, mybe Hannah but she's only been grousing in the background lately.

  7. Pat’s history of irrational behaviour, if I can call it that, goes back the early years of her marriage, when she and the children disappeared with no explanation to Tony when she returned with them 3 weeks later. Her reaction last night, involving John, was equally irrational, and Tony’s response also spoke of a long history of dealing with Pat’s irrationalities. Natasha’s description of the Bridge Farm Archer family as ‘complicated’ was a tactful way of putting it, Ithought.

    I don’t remember this type of angst when the dairy herd was sold, which was also around in John’s lifetime. I suspect the real difference is that that was the older generation’s decision, this is the yoounger generation’s, (Poor dramatisation also a factor.)

  8. Can't we just have a few weeks of polite, slightly boring nothingness on The Archers? Please? Maybe with a touch of silly shenanigans thrown in? Accusations of peadophilia, marital bullying and God grappling all in the space of a week is just a bit too much for my liking... I don't mind talk of jam & cakes!

    ENOUGH WITH THE BIG STORYLINES ALREADY!!!! (sorry for shouting... 😧)

    1. Agree GG a few 🤫 weeks aahhh!

    2. Yes, time for talk of Bert’s cabbages, the next WI meeting and the cricket team - in short, the day to day minutiae of village life.

    3. I don't think there was any accusation of paedophilia, too strong a word.

    4. There wasn't a direct reference to paedophilia, but I think the age difference between Rhuari and Mia - and Mia IS only 13 - was behind Will's extreme reaction.

    5. Think Ruairi is 15 ? Fancying himself as 17 when joy riding. A year younger than Ben who took his GCSEs last Summer. R. May be 16 by now, of course.

    6. Basia, Will did say something along the lines of "And you know what THAT makes you...?"The inference was pretty much clear to me - AND Ruairi! But I do stand to be corrected - as always!

    7. Gary, I listened again, you're absolutely right, like Will I over reacted. Ruairi really took it to heart and it took thick Ben a while to work out what Ruairi and Mia have in common.

  9. The comment about Mia not understanding what denominators and numerators were is ridiculous.
    Last week she was doing trigonometry and equations and this week she is back to doing basic fractions.
    That topic would have been taught in year 7 if not at junior school.

    1. I had to try to remember how old Mia was when suddenly she didn't know the names of numerators and denominators. That is 'done' in Year 5 (9-10 years.)

  10. Pat is not being irrational,Maryellen.
    I would have felt exactly the same as she did.
    She can see what her manipulative daughter in law is up to and of course she isn’t happy .

    1. I don’t think Pat is being irrational either. And it’s not just that the pigs were originally John’s preserve and she wants to hang on to them, in his memory.
      Tom gave no good reason to get rid of the pigs. They are an important part of Bridge Farms income and could be even more profitable. Pat knows that and is wary of Natasha and Tom taking unilateral decisions about the farm without talking it through with all the family first.
      She can see Tom changing under Natasha’s influence and is becoming very wary of her.
      Tony likes to see only the best in everyone and is becoming blinkered to N’s interference.
      Don’t forget that Tony and Pat have been farming for years and have so much experience.
      Natasha has been ‘farming’ fruit trees for five minutes and thinks she knows how to run the place already.
      I don’t blame Pat for her reaction at all , and I wonder what Helen and Johnny’s will be.

    2. My observation on Pat’s reaction and its relation to her past history of mental fragility was not intended to convey blame, but to try to understand why her feelings were expressed in such extreme language. Her remarks involving John weren’t about farming as such (or so it seemed to me), but stemmed from her human emotions.

      In fact, there were no business arguments given by Bridge Farm to counter Tom’s decision to get rid of the pigs (along the lines of what Archerphile has said), only sentimental ones about Johnny and Jazzer. Just saying!

    3. PS. I think Pat’s treatment of Sharon may have a bearing.

  11. Tom explained to Natasha that he kept the pigs in John's memory, Pat thinks the same and she'll always grieve for her son. Families are 'complicated' and people are 'irrational'.
    Natasha says 'pigs must fly' and Tom obeys.

    1. Exactly.( Add Tom in for the self awareness course, too)

    2. I still think Pat’s wail about Natasha taking both her sons from her, the dead son as well, was extreme and melodramatic. I blame the melodrama on last week’s not very good (imo) scriptwriter, but the rest fits with what I know of Pat’s history of extreme behaviour. I’m contrasting it with Tony’s more level-headed (imo) approach. I could be wrong but it seems to me he’s always been the ballast in their marriage.

  12. I think that Tom will regret giving up his pigs, esp. when the lovely Jazzer moves elsewhere. He will lose a good friend/mate but it will be too late by then to make amends.

    I still think Natasha is up to something (and has a plan in mind) but I am not quite sure what it is just yet. I think it is to do with her money problems, which she says she is in control of, but I have my doubts.

    Pat is also having doubts of a differing type, but it seems she is the only one - well so far.

    1. My Wish:-
      Jazzer stays in Ambridge, obtains a new position elsewhere with pigs, and is still a frequent character. I would hate it if my favourite Ambridge person, becomes another silent one.

  13. Hannah.
    I wonder where she will end up living?

  14. 0/10 for your people management skills Tom

  15. My younger sister who is not on the Internet meets a group of Archers fans each month.
    They have Archers homework.
    This month’s is
    Who would you choose to have as a neighbour?
    She said ,Alastair as he would be useful if she needed any advice about one of the cats.

    1. Lanjan - glad you are back on!

      Hmmm - Kirsty would be nice to go walking in the woods and bird watching

    2. Thanks Ruthy.
      I hated not being able to comment.

    3. I'd have Kathy as a neighbour, it would be peacefully quiet.

    4. I’d opt for Jill (and Leonard) as neighbours, we have so much in common to chat about.

  16. Well, I don’t know about anyone else but I struggled with the archers tonight. All those young lads sounded the same and I didn’t know who was talking to who until someone said a name.
    Jazzer was dead right to give Tom what for and to implicate Natasha. He is not wrong!!!
    I’d forgotten how much I dislike the way Fallon talks. She really makes me grind my teeth.
    Someone please bring Lillian back for a bit of light relief!!

    1. Same here PtbY. Tom, Ben, Ruairi and Freddie. I cannot distinguish one from the other until they are well into their second sentence and sometimes not even then! Why on earth was Helen helping to 'char' at the Bull? No it wasn't Helen but Fallon! AND I did have both my hearing aids in!
      When and why did David and Ruth ban Ben from talking to his cousin Freddie? All very confusing.
      The only 'enjoyable' bit was Tom trying to tell Jazzer that his 'girls' were going and he would be put onto growing vegetables! Like others, I hope Jazzer finds another job in Ambridge.

  17. Jazzier should have twigged when Natasha turned up to have a little little discussion about the pigs. He made a comment about her knowing nothing as she departed. I have the idea that Tom Titti wasn't aware of her cunning and deceitful behaviour behind his back.
    Jazzer go and see Neil I reckon he would welcome you with open arms, and you could have some banter with the 'lovely' Hannah.

    1. But would Jazzer want to work in what amounts to a pork factory? He’s used to rearing outdoor pigs, being hands on with them and caring for them almost individually. I don’t think he’d want to just press buttons on automatic feed machines and let electronics decide when the sows be served or need moving to new crates.

    2. From what I remember Jazzer had been to see Neil at the 'pork house' in his overalls and walked out.

  18. I'm not sure if Natasha is deceitful. She's quick on the uptake (which Tom certainly isn't!) and then makes immediate decisions, e.g. committing to renting an expensive house and buying things on credit. She's becoming frustrated with Tom; there seems a fundamental incompatibility in the way their minds work. At the moment I feel it's a matter of "marry in haste, repent at leisure" rather than N hatching some elaborate plot - but who knows where the scriptwriters will lead us .....

    1. Think you could very well be right, Ex-Londoner, that's more convincing, in the light of what we hear, than the idea that the woman is hatching some dark plot. Her intention to establish good relationships with the family seem to be genuine, but she & Tom diverge markedly on they way they interact with others & in their basic values. Incompatability, as you say.

    2. More to be unpacked from Natasha’s past I’m sure, which is why the marriage was thrust upon us with so little background and will it just affect N & T or extend to the whole Bridge Farm family & business before we are done 🤔

    3. Lady R. I am thinking the same. Something just niggles me with Natasha + the fruit juice enterprise.

  19. Agree that Kenton was spot on in the way he did not mince words with Freddie, indeed, so was Fallon. How 'sorry' is the boy ? Proof lies in actions. There was a learning curve for Freddie last night, away from the cooing Elizabeth !
    Felt sorry for Ruairi.

  20. Over reaction by Will but I think it's partly understandable. Felt sorry for Ruairi too as he was genuinely trying to help with the Maths. Don't want Jazzer to go elsewhere. Always enjoy listening to him and I know immediately who is speaking! I don't think Pat was irrational. She was reacting to the heavy-handedness of Tom with Natasha pulling the strings. I don't think N is half as clever as she thinks she is. That large credit card debt is not smart. I thought Fallon was too harsh with Freddie.

  21. It’s very difficult for a stepparent as you feel the real parent will blame you if things go wrong. If Rhuari had bad intentions which I am sure is not the case judgement would have descended on Will for not protecting Mia. I am a stepmother and brought up my two stepdaughters from the ages of 6 and 8. The younger one was a very poor eater and I lived in dread of their mother and grandmother thinking I was not feeding her properly! Of course it never happened but it does cause anxiety which can result in things like Will’s over reaction! Also will have to listen again but got the impression that Will was not at home and did not know Rhuari was there which is not good. He should have been informed.

  22. To me Fallon sounded on the point of considering taking Freddie on but he ruined his chances by saying he wouldn't peddle hash brownies, she didn't find it funny and it deteriorated from there, when he said she 'owed him' because Wayne was the one who started him off on the way of drugs.

    1. I thought that Freddie only starting taking "uppers" when at college, to get him through his A-levels, with Ellis supplying him and so he started dealing. I recall Harrison arresting Wayne but not Freddie being involved at that time.
      I still firmly believe Russ knows far more than he has ever said.
      My imagination yet again.

    2. Russ knows all right, but did a deal with F. ' I won't report you if you keep quiet about Lily' ( she was still a student at the college then)

  23. In reply to LJ's post about an Ambridge neighbour, my choice is-
    Bert....but why?
    I would love to take, and use his excess veg. and he would help me with my garden.
    I wonder how the Freda Fry rose is doing at The Bull.

    1. And I could cook for him using his own, and local produce (without Toms pork products) . It would be a win-win situation.

    2. I think I'd be quite happy with the senior Grundys, maybe Fallon & Harrison or Jim/Alistair.

    3. Not sure about the senior Grundy's as who knows what might up next door eg The Cider Club, sheep, vans, tractors and wonderful, but boisterous youngsters/teenagers
      Each to there own.

    4. I don’t think there’s anyone amongst the females in Ambridge that I would like to have a chat with over coffee. Oh just come to mind, maybe Jolene! I would like a cosy chat with Anne Hegerty from the Chase though!

    5. Another thought, Clarrie or Susan if I fancied a bit of goss!

  24. Not sure about this, but didn't Jazzer turn up to the interview for the job that was eventually given to Hannah. A managerial post, he was inappropriately dressed. Hannah did have a concern about ? As he was turning up late for work. Don't know if he left, there may still be a vacancy for Jazzer. The Porky factory probably pays a better salary than Bridgefarm.
    In my book going behind my partner's back to manipulate an employee, over whom I have absolutely no management responsibility, is underhand and deceitful.
    I feel desperately sorry for Ruairi, he was being kind and now he clearly feels tainted by Will's insinuations. For goodness sake, They are both still children.

  25. Didn't Jazzer go for that interview to just wind Tom up and had no intention to work there? This might come back to bite him now.
    Still there are the Hollowtree pigs + Rex, but I am not sure where these pigs end up.

    1. I agree Miriam, I think it was a ploy by Jazzer to get a pay rise out of Tom. I hope he stays in Ambridge.

  26. This is on topic for TA bit off topic with the current SL's.
    Where is George?
    He was a real rascal, but he hasn't been heard from for ages. I just wonder what he is doing.

    1. ....and where he is living with Will or with Emma.

  27. I think George is doing a “Ben”
    They are waiting until he reaches the age of 16 when a new actor will be employed who will sound just the same as all the other young men.

    1. Yes, George has been put into purdah for the time being. Perhaps it’s something to do with boys voices changing at a certain age. Difficult for a young actor to cope with the sudden lurches in register, and rather embarrassing I should have thought.

  28. Miriam. When Tom gets rid of the pigs, his/her decision will have a consequence for Rex, who provides Bridge Farm with baby porkers. A domino effect will occur because Rex is the lease holder of Hollowtree and Toby is only allowed to distill gin on that basis. 🃏🐷🐽 thus the
    Dullbrothers will have no reason to stay. I always thought their arrival in such a small village like Ambridge a silly storyline, especially as there were men other than Toby capable of impregnating Pip, and sundry other women.

    1. Very true stasia. I have in the past questioned why on earth two go-ahead, single young entrepreneurs would choose to live in a place that offers little to no business opportunities or available suitable partners - never mind anywhere to stay! But then I remember that they are both dull and stupid...😉

    2. The answer is in Fairbrother TM - now that Grace is also in the loop perhaps they've squared that particular circle and they can depart, though I like Toby's voice.

    3. T❤️O❤️B❤️Y will forever be Rosie’s parent - and possibly father of sibs.

  29. I read something very interesting in the Sunday Times this morning.
    In a rather blatant attempt to woo older listeners to log onto BBC Sounds, much criticised for being too youth orientated, they are planning to start a sort of Archers Extra discussion blog in the Autumn
    It will be hosted by the dear departed Nigel Pargetter and discuss plot development, village gossip etc but whether the public will be able to contribute I don’t yet know
    This raises 3 possibilities in my mind
    1. Is this an admission they have got Sounds wrong and are desperate to attract older listeners before iPlayer closes at the end of the year?
    2. Are they now admitting they should never have closed the Archers blogs last year?
    3. Are they also admitting it was a huge mistake to kill off Nigel, one of the most loved voices in The Archers and think this will make amends?

    Time will tell, but whatever is put on BBC Sounds I will never depart from Ruthy’s Blogs - so there!

    1. Probably all three Archerphile, we'll find out.

    2. I too will never depart from Ruthys blog. I was on the point of leaving the BBC blog when they decided to close it. I only stayed on for the fight.

    3. Or perhaps ' they ' have heard about our very successful blog, taking over from their closed one.
      And they need to compete !

    4. Thank you for that info Archerphile. Did they give a start date for the blog? Perhaps you would let us know when you know. I enjoy Ruthy's blog but would also be interested in listening to the new one.

    5. Anneveggie -I have just re-read the article and it says the BBC are planning to launch the new Archers Podcast this Summer with Graham Seed lined up as the presenter. It goes on to say
      “ the BBC executives hope the gossip of Ambridge will make for a thriving spin-off show discussing goings-on in the fictional village. The programme joins a new stable of podcasts on the new app which has been criticised for an apparent obsession with youth-friendly programming”
      No doubt we shall hear plenty of trails for this before and after each episode!
      I wonder what else will be in the ‘stable’ to attract we oldies (apologies to those younger than me!)

    6. The BBC, did get very angry with us invading various blogs demanding the return of TA blog. I did enjoy protesting on some utterly useless(IMO) blogs, some didn't even have many contributors, but were allowed to keep the blog. I do remember writing utter drivel on the AI blog which resulted in a threat from the powers that be. Great fun, and of course I nicely harassed Flicity Finch who was very nice, but powerless.

    7. I do so agree that it was enjoyable, we certainly did get up their noses.
      When I mentioned the fact in one of my various complaints to the BBC that there were some blogs with no comments, I was clearly told that wasn't the point of the blog!!!
      If they are going to start some sort of conversation going again, they would have to have someone of Graham Steeds standing as after their debacle with the blog it would be difficult to re establish otherwise I would suggest.

    8. I wonder if a "spy" has been reading Ruthy's Wonderful Blog, and realise what a massive mistake was made + will still make when close i-player. The carrot before the donkey, is involving Graham Seed, knowing how well he is still missed.

    9. PS I just love a conspiracy theory, but that's me to a T.

    10. Thank you Archerphile. I will look/listen out for it.

  30. Oh yes .
    It was pleasing to annoy the bad mannered people who couldn’t even be bothered to reply to our emails and ‘phone calls.
    I refuse to listen to Feedback after their extreme rudeness when about half the programme was about a weather presenter who was leaving in spite of their promise to include the comments made by four of the programme’s followers.
    Roger Bolton whose wife apparently listens to The Archers did not acknowledge the letter. I wrote to him.
    Perhaps the programme is not now on .
    I neither know nor care.

  31. I was on Feedback after Nic died, later I was going to record something else which came to nothing but I did tell the producer that we were very disappointed not to have had our opinions aired, doubtless I wouldn't be invited again.

  32. After the omnibus this morning, when I always hear extras which passed me by in the week, my only comment is-
    Helen is 40 this week, and I hope that Pat + Tony respect her wishes, in that she just wants cards + a cake, with Henry + Jack.
    I think Helen is still missing Lee, and what might have been. It also brought back memories of Rob.
    Besides Pat has doubts + concerns about Tom + Natasha, who are now a happily married couple, but seem so money orientated. Tony, however, seems to be under her spell
    I still can't warm to Natasha, for whatever reason.

    1. Whenever I hear Tom + Natasha - I think of them as similar to HRH Prince Harry + Meghan.
      I have no idea why!!!
      It might be along the lines of the.. what she wants she will get..scenenario.
      That's me off to to The Tower 🤣🤣

    2. ✔️👏🏻 Miriam

      AP thanks for your piece of Archers news. I’d like to say too little too late but they know we all miss “Nigel” and that Graham is a lovely chap!
      Nothing could top 😇 Ruthy’s 😇 blogs for me though 🤗

    3. 👏🏻👏🏻Miriam: I have exactly the same association when I hear Tom and Natasha. I only just listened to last night‘s episode 🙀
      Interesting to hear what the BBC is planning. Thanks for sharing this, Archerphile.

  33. Will's a paranoid control freak.

    1. An aggressive paranoid control freak! I give it 3 months before he's lost his job, his kids and his house.

      Freddie fills me with rage so much I don't listen to him anymore - I just fast forward or leave the room when he speaks. Whether that's what the actor/ scriptwriters want is rather a moot point at the moment. It's all becoming tedious and annoying...

    2. Once again like Miriam’s comment it’s a ✔️ from me GG 😡

    3. Can't but agree. Will is a haunted man, desperately insecure, & boorish with it. It certainly got to his dad last night.
      As for Freddie, he's a long way to go before he becomes a bearable person, but actually Elizabeth irritates me even more a) she is clearly finding the therapy more challenging - will she persevere ? b) she doesn't help Freddie get to grips with reality in the slightest. The boy is better off around uncles Kenton & Alistair, even Auntie Shula, & he's trying Johnny's patience to the limit. Face it, Freddie, your mate has got a life, work at establishing your own & give him a break from your whingeing demands until you have.

    4. Hey, but Freddie feels that people 'owe' him - what?! He was dismissive of Johnny's dedication to his job and his developing relationship with Bella, he's just jealous.
      As for the Grundys, at the time of Nic's death we were told they were the entertainment factor, so needed some 'aggro' thrown in, give me strength...

  34. Miriam. Tom/Natasha=Harry/Meghan. That is a stretch in the imagination a bit too far. The only common denominator I can think that connects them is lack of intellectual ability. Oh, and one couple can afford to live in a very big house with many rooms and bathrooms, whilst the other will live above the village shop.

    1. I think H/M, especially M. have lots more intellectual capacity than Tom but not sure about Natasha who uses her brain to manipulate it seems, & can come across quite plausibly at times.

    2. But, did Tom ever dress up in objectionable fancy dress, with nasty signs on the clothing. We know he is a coward, runs away, and was ineffectual in the manner in which he communicated with Jazzer about the demise of the pigs and the loss of a job. Two dimwits.

  35. Will is getting a lot of stick on many sites, after his outbursts recently. I think he must be suffering from some sort of post-bereavement psychosis, if there is such a thing. He needs professional help to come to terms with losing Nic, more than family and friends can supply. I really fear for him at the moment. He seemed to be coping reasonably well at first but now he sees danger around every corner - for Mia, for his job. It seems his way of dealing with that is to shout and rave and turn everyone against him. I sincerely hope we are not going to see another gamekeeper suicide or some terrible accident happen because of his unresolved grief.

    1. Will has a borderline schiziod personality disorder. He doesn't have any friends, except immediate family, he is a loner and does a solitary job, he is maintaining a tight hold on Poppy and Mia, and is using Mia as a replacement for Nic. She has become a mini servant to a paranoid controlling stepfather. What ever did Nic see in him, he even controlled her movements and ambitions. Plus, I nearly forgot, he has a misogynistic view on the place of women in society, especially the cricket team.
      Psychosis can be an element of severe depression.

    2. Totally agree Stasia. I don't think that it was Nic's death that made into a 'nut job' as Ben so graphically described him. He was always a petty, jealous, vindictive person. Not a pleasant character at all before he even met Nic and, as Stasia says, controlled her to the extent of banning her from going to work.
      I don't think he is actively seeing and encouraging Mia as a substitute Mum for Poppy. I am sure what is more believable is that Mia, seeing how Will went completely to pieces after Nic' death saw it as her 'responsibility' to be the 'Mum' of the house, much as boys try to become the 'man' of the house, when the father disappears for whatever reason.

  36. Archerphile, I have long thought that Will might one day commit suicide, going right back to the time of Emma leaving him for Ed.
    Isolated ( in whatever way ) rural workers often resort to such desperate means, and although we have seen this before on TA - Greg - it would not be unusual if it were to happen more than once in a small community.
    Wills character has been well developed over the years by the SWs in conjunction with the actor developing the personality very well indeed, along with his parents detecting these changes from time to time.

    1. A grim thought, Mrs P, but it fits, rings true. Seems to me, he may well come to the brink, but could be saved ? Perhaps by Emma ?

  37. I volunteered as a doula for a hospice for a few years, and also through death in my family, bereavement counseling is something that is so overlooked in mental health after a lost. We are seeing it here on TA. Why isn't Alan or social workers involved? I was thinking perhaps TA is in a rural area, but that doesn't make any sense to me because its not like they are in Nebraska where farmers have to drive an hour to get to the local store. Of of this is fictional land and this is how the SW is dramatizing a soap opera and to make us shout at our listening devices?!

    1. Thing is, Ruthy, despite nothing like the vast empty distances in the States, it has happened over here. Especially when times are very hard in farming for one reason or another ( usually disease killing off livestock)

    2. Ruthy, I am impressed. Had to look up “doula” as, despite working in allied professions for many years, I have never heard of the role. Perhaps that says it, or perhaps it’s just that these sorts of roles/support are largely invisible or absent in drama unless portrayed in a negative light.

      I agree with GG the other day, that TA is rather dark at the moment. No humour or light relief. Perhaps that the mood will change for the end of lent and the coming of Easter. 🐣

  38. Last time it was Brian who rescued Will when Emma told him she was back with Ed. Brian said he didn't want to see another keeper go down, found him a job in Gloucestershire and he got back with Nic. Now Will has alienated Ruairi with his imaginings and it's a build up to something, as if we didn't have one mental breakdown already.

  39. Ambridge needs some more fun loving characters to appear, to try and undo this feeling of Doom + Gloom.
    All I can think of are Lynda + Lillian, but there must be many others...Ideas?

    Sorry, wi-fi and 'phone charging is very limited as I am now incarcerated in The Tower, due to my comment last night re H+M.
    So off for my bread + water tea.

    Before I lose my signal - who will turn thinhs around in Ambridge, so it becomes a happy village again.

  40. Oh, the little madam stomping off - again.

  41. Now she becomes a Drama Queen, flouncing off having delivered her vitriol.
    Where is the charming Natasha hiding ?

  42. Well well well.
    Nasty Natasha keeps getting nastier.
    Tom is getting weaker and weaker.
    At least Jazzer has friends in Ambridge.
    Jakob sounded like every other young man in Ambridge except Chris of course who lets us know who he is with his ooh ahhs now and then.
    This programme is getting more like the Tony Hancock radio episode which was a take off of The

  43. I am going to have nightmares of a past life after listening to Natasha and Tom tonight. Whoever wrote those lines knew exactly how someone can be made to feel guilty and a failure.

    1. Hello, old fogey ! Yes, well written - she always slams into Tom, who reels bemused from the latest, doesn't she know he works on a farm ? No flexi hours there. Not a marriage made in heaven.
      Jakob suddenly human, Chris pulled out of the woodwork as ''mate'.....Shula half confiding in Freddie, of all people. All a bit confusing & rushed.
      Oh, & note further extravagance from Natasha, e pensive ( presumably) perfume for Helen. Will go well with pungent blue cheese. Isn't is usual to observe the family norms when marrying into it ? I imagine Helen would be perfectly happy with whatever it was Tom got her.

    2. ( expensive perfume). + 'a mate'. Why are these devices so sensitive ?

    3. It’s worrying that she turns everything around so that it’s always Tom’s fault. A bit like a petulant schoolgirl who misbehaves and then says the teacher is picking on her when chastised. I think N is a spoilt little madam too used to getting her own way. Trouble looms!

    4. Shades of Rob - in reverse 🤔😮

  44. She just gets worse and worse doesn’t she? Natasha I mean.

    She blames Tom for everything, refuses to admit her responsibility over the pig decision, insists on outdoing him with Helen’s present (I just can’t imagine Helen wearing musky perfume) and is showing more and more of her very nasty personality.
    I was delighted Fallon told Natasha where to stick her makeover and then stood up for Jazzer. Somebody needed to stand up to the Welsh Witch!

    1. I agree it was good to hear Fallon sticking up for Jazzer. Natasha is acting like a spoiled brat. How ridiculous to buy expensive perfume when she has that large credit card debt to pay off. Anyway Helen doesn't seem like someone who would enjoy such a gift.

  45. I heard our ‘Leonard Berry’ playing the part of Andrew in this afternoons play based on Luke’s Gospel. He sounded just the same and then I discovered that the plays have been written by Nick Warburton who we were recently discussing as a new Archers writer.

  46. Do you know, I'm actually going to stick up for Natasha! I kinda get where she was coming from when she had a go at Tom for not being more vocal about it being HIS decision to wind down the pig operation - I don't think she greatly overstepped the mark in her chat with Jazzer. She is still getting to know her new in-laws so she obviously is not to know yet what gifts are or aren't appropriate/suitable/expected! And I don't imagine that Tom is giving her much guidance at all on matters like that. He doesn't seem to have told her much about the major incidents in his family's life so she can't be blamed for any insensitivity with regards to comments she makes. As for the debts - I still think that's a generational thing. For her, for her friends, for her peers,
    it's just not an issue. I am still going to give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment! How generous am I...?☺😉

    1. 😱 GG!! Equally Tom does not know much about N life - I think it won’t be long.....

    2. And, of course, we can’t be expected to know everything they have discussed between them when we have not been listening!
      One would expect that a young couple would have chatted about their family and friends and some family history as they got to know each other.

    3. I mentioned on an earlier blog that I thought Natasha had a valid point about marrying unknowingly into a “complicated” family - and that I also thought her use of “complicated” was a tactful description. “Minefield” would be another way of putting it. Tom’s reticence about his family’s history has laid her open to putting her foot in it, and his emphasis on his and Natasha’s togetherness does make it appear that decisions and suggestions he has made come from her - that’s happened twice now. I agree with Gary Gildray. I have always reserved judgment on Natasha and still think she could turn to be a Good Thing for Bridge Farm. I’m backing Tony’s view here.

    4. I don’t remember any angst about John or concern for Jazzer’s future last time Tom decided to get rid of the pigs......

    5. Tom didn't tell Natasha much about his family's history and she didn't ask. Natasha didn't tell Tom about her debts and he didn't ask. We know a lot about Tom and nothing about Natasha. I guess we're going to find out, could take a while though.

  47. I too am reserving judgement on Natasha.
    Whoever and however the decision to get rid of the pigs, Tom handled the discussion with Jazzer inappropriately and has only himself to blame for the current situation.
    Your man management is zero Tom.

  48. Oh I’m not reserving judgement about Natasha.
    Dreadful woman!
    Mind you she might have behaved differently had Tom not been so spineless.
    It was Natasha who pushed for a speedy wedding.
    Had she wanted to learn more about Tom’s family she could have asked.
    She is not backwards in coming forward.
    I think she is in more debt than we know and she needs Tom who had. ££££ signs round him when they met , to bail her out .
    Wouldn’t trust her an inch.

  49. There's a quite moving little video story on BBC News website this morning about farmers & their mental health.

    1. Yes Gary, I saw that item on yesterday evenings news too. It has been true for many years that farmers are at very high risk of suicide.
      The ups and downs of farm finances, pressure from supermarkets to producer ever cheaper foods, long hours working alone, little social contact and also devastating events such as foot and mouth disease or bovine tuberculosis striking, all contribute to the pressure on farmers, particularly those on small scale family farms.
      We knew a fellow farmer who succumbed to some of those pressures a few years ago and took his own life, leaving a wife and three children to pick up the pieces. We all rallied round to help but nothing could replace a husband and father and the farm was eventually sold for a ridiculously low sum.

    2. Yes, agree. Similar pressures here .

  50. So. Now we know, Jacob is as normal as nobody else is in Ambridge. He doesn't want to be 'piggy'in the middle between S and A. Wise man. At fist I thought he was Alistair.

    Cunning Natasha, it is all Tom's fault. She reminds me of those business/politician types who never accept responsibility for their decisions but manipulate to point the blame at others. Natasha definitely has a skill, she has already made an impact in her short time at Bridgefarm, planting of fruit trees, expelling the pigs, and getting rid of Jazzer. Tom of course is the mouth piece, but she is absolutely pulling the strings.
    Tom is existing in a fugue state.

    1. Sounds like the BBC too, Stasia, never admit they’ve got anything wrong

  51. Miriam come down from the tower, You are not alone in making comparisons. I will add to the rumours. There is much gossip around debating Natasha's gender. What are her secrets?

  52. May I just point out, for when there is speculation about who told whom what, when and where.

    Keri Davies, one of the long term, senior writers and sometime producer, who tweets umpteen times a week about all things Ambridge, has repeatedly said

    "If it didn't happen on air, then it didn't happen."

    So no point wondering if so-and-so explained something or revealed something to someone and that caused them to act in a specific manner in an episode. They didn't and we have to accept and ponder that a character is acting in that way because it is in their nature.

    1. I agree, I only draw my own conclusions from what I've heard.

    2. Poor things, so their bins are never emptied, their meters never read and postal deliveries bypass Borsetshire altogether! Still at least they don't get pestered by cold callers , so I suppose there is some small consolation.

    3. Almost sound worth joining up to Twitter Spicy - just to follow Keri Davies and get all the inside gossip!

    4. Indeed Sarnia! I wonder when, if ever, there was a last mention of an excessive electricity bill? Do they have a gas supply in the village I wonder. Many rural areas don't.
      Archerphile - I don't 'tweet' and have given up on facebook but yes I'd like to hear Keri Davis' gossip.

    5. Basia - but.listeners ‘hear’ different things so draw different conclusions. For example, I hear Leonard Berry lying to Jill (so he’s on probation - 3 strikes and he’s out, as far as I’m concerned! ). I’m not sure what other people hear, yet we are all listening to the same words.

    6. I agree, that's why I said 'my own conclusions', as has been said, if we all agreed, we wouldn't be here.

  53. Natasha said that it was Jazzer who chose to leave, true, people who make these kind of statements are not worth bothering with.

    1. Or work on a pig farm. How many pigs was he managing at Bridge Farm?

  54. Just caught up with last night 's episode - Natasha will henceforth be known as the Welsh Witch chez Parsley (Persil !) thanks AP!

    1. I worked for over 13years in N.Wales - where I was nicknamed a Welsh Witch for various reasons, and also I experienced the "ghost" who inhabited my final work premises, where strange things happened.

  55. Tom didn't tell Natasha his family history, but was there an appropriate moment in their whirlwind romance + wedding.
    Natalie so far has not mentioned anything her own previous life and family, that has been heard or mentioned.
    I am thinking she is hiding something more than just her so-called, manageable debts.
    My thought she is just a litlle trumped up madam - pun is intended this time.

    1. I haven't re-listened, but am I right in that, last night, Nat. mentiond lithium, could this be a hint.
      I am not sure if am right.

  56. They didn't have time to share family histories, most of their whirlwind romance was Nuffield business gobbledygook, with Tom open mouthed at Natasha's brilliant brain. When not talking fruit fields and juices and Veg branding, and I nearly forgot, much dashing about by Natasha to here there and everywhere, they frequently slopped over each in an unpleasant (to listen) manner.
    I don't know anything about Nuffield scholarships, but there is nothing scholarly about these two.
    Jazzer was right to pack in the job, a reasonable response based on the Tom's total disregard for his pig skills over the years. But, hey it's ok because he is only worth packing a few veg boxes. Also, Tom tried to humiliate Jazzer, in the presence of Natasha, by questioning his shills when feeding the pigs. It was after that we heard Nastasha having a little word with Jazzer, Tom wasn't present. Grrrrrrrrr
    Jazzer is not a medieval serf.

    1. Yes, Natasha having that so called chat with Jazzer about the feed costs, which he knows all about and never previously questioned, was way out of her remit, even as Tom's wife.
      Tom's pig business would not be where it is today without Jazzer.

    2. But surely it is totally Tom (and his wife's!) perfect right to decide whether to keep pigs or not. Jazzer is not entitled to his job just because he likes it and is good at it. It's almost as if he is acting like a spoilt brat with an unpleasant air of entitlement stomping off like that! And his taking the p out of the job interview he had with Neil last year may well come back to bite him on the bum...

    3. Sure Jazzer is something of a wild card, a law unto himself, the village joker, but he's a loyal friend, heart in the right place & good at his job. He deserves better treatment at the hands of his employer & friend, Tom. Of course Tom is within his rights to get rid of the pigs but quite insulting to offer stuffing veg boxes as an alternative ! Proper notice, full explanation was owed. Natasha really should keep out of it, except privately, with her husband, as would be the case with any couple.

    4. Of course I agree that Tom handled the situation with all the tact and professionalism of a 4 year old - he does seem to be appallingly inept at business! Maybe, just maybe, Natasha can be the making of him and he can finally step out of the shadow of his brother. Better late than never!

    5. Sorry GG I have to agree and disagree about Natasha, of whom very little is yet known. It will be interesting how she turns out.

  57. I so hope that Jazzer is not being written out.
    Ambridge would be losing a wonderful, colourful character, at the detriment of the village.
    Sadly Tom is no longer his friend + mate, which I think Tom will regret sooner rather than later.
    It is up to Fallon + Jim to help him + support him. They, at least, have his interests in their hearts.

    1. Jazzer taking up the vacancy in the Tea Room with Fallon??

    2. I don’t think Jazzer quite has the refinement for a tearoom “...if ya don’t like ma tea go on to Grey Gables pal!”

  58. No 1 The Green now has only 2 residents, Johnny +Hannah. Can they pay the rent.
    When do they move out and where will they be living?
    Ed + Emma's house is not even built so it seems that the seniour Grundy's aren't going anywhere just yet.
    Do I think the likes of Freddie or Josh will move in, anything is possible.

    1. This was written + posted before tonights episode began.

  59. Some straight talking from Russ did Freddie good.
    I'm concerned about Emma being dismissive about Ed's concerns.

    1. Me too, Basia - I was sure Emma would go for the ‘straight and narrow’.

    2. I hope Ed trusts his instincts and doesn't get more involved with Tim's shady deals. Emma is just seeing the £££s floating past them.

    3. Surely we can’t have more crime in a Ambridge.
      They have had more than their fair share.

  60. Well I was distinctly unimpressed with 'Freddie's' acting tonight! My goodness he sounded like a thirteen year old and this week's Ambridge Observer has it spot on. " It's so unfair!" Very much a la Adrian Mole! The constant switching from contrition to brattishness was very unconvincing I thought. Just my opinion though. 🙂
    Are we meant to be changing our minds about Russ? He sounded much less slimy and almost adult tonight. Still living gratis with the occasional session in LoLo's domestic kitchen though and living off his 18 year old girlfriend's earnings.
    Watch out Natasha! Susan's on your case!

    1. I'd differ from you on Freddie, Spicy, finding his performance spot on ! Any pressure & panic, as last night, & he reverts to obnoxious whining & immature behaviour. Sometimes he's contrite, even slightly noticing of others'problems, e.g Shula, & his tone matches. A work in progress, one might say. Certainly agree, he's far from likeable so far.
      As for Russ, what are they playing at ? He did come across as adult, controlled & reasonable, but the facts speak for themselves. He is freeloading, he started an affair with a girl when she was still a student at his place of work, covered up
      her brother's dealing, ruined her first term at University, &, what's more, was written as a character to ridicule, with his food & coffee pretensions, & poseur nonsense about Lily as muse to his great art.

    2. Perhaps the powers that be are not quite sure what to do with Russ?
      It reminds me of the development of Rob Titchener.
      When he was first introduced, it was as a perfectly pleasant, well qualified manager for Justin’s new cow factory. It was only later that the then Editor, S O’C, saw the potential to pair him off with Helen and create a whole new storyline - first the marital difficulties with Jess and eventually the coercive control scenario.

      I wonder if that is what is happening, in reverse, with Russ. Introduced as an untrustworthy, philandering college vice-principle but now developing into a more caring and sympathetic character. Who knows where the new(ish) Editor will take this.

    3. It suddenly struck me that Russ and Freddie could become proper brothers-in-law (instead of improper ones as at present!)

  61. Emma. If you want to remain on the parish council, don't encourage Ed to get involved in dodgy dealing.your ambitionis overriding your judgement.
    If my partner entered my place of work and took it upon herself to engage with the patients, and proceed to tell me how to organise my work, I just might wonder what was going on.
    Freddie is immature and doesn't as yet have any idea what his role is at LL. Unlike his sister he has little concept about the world of work.

  62. They’re certainly keeping us speculating about who is going to turn out well in their lives - Russ, Freddie, Natasha, Will and now Ed being tempted by his wife ... all a bit biblical. Lent is weighing heavily on someone (or maybe that’s just me). Or perhaps we are just supposed to see that there’s good and bad in everyone. And the moral of this tale is...🤗

  63. I think the problem with the writing at the moment is that the scriptwriters are all of a similar age.
    I suspect there is not one who is in his or her twenties and not one in his or her sixties
    They do not know how old people act and can’t remember how they acted when they were teenagers.
    In any case life has changed so much since then.
    I foisted on Gary when he came to Waterloo ,a book written by a former scriptwriter which was about-you’ve guessed it- a script writer of a radio soap opera.
    It was given to me by someone who had picked it up from a Charity Shop .
    It was obviously unread.
    I tried to read it but it was absolute rubbish.
    I can’t remember the title but I think the word Umbrage came into it.
    Good old Gary took the book from me with thanks but I doubt it reached Glasgow.

    1. I've been thinking as you have LanJan.
      They, the SWs cannot think outside of their own box / age range.

      Freddie ?
      I repeat my assertion from a day or so ago.
      The actor is developing the character very well indeed.
      Lots of contrast in voice to match the mood.

      Also agree with others - Russ is ' being developed ' possibly with little thought to the future when introduced.

    2. Totally agree about Freddie, as said earlier today, but find it hard to believe the SWs are that lax about Russ. They can't really imagine that we'd swallow a complete character reformation!
      He may be playing the long game, chancer style - get everyone thinking he's a great guy really, so Pargetter & extended family are eating out of his hand, & he continued to freeloading with impunity !

  64. What are the bales for at Lower Loxley, Easter?

  65. Was anyone else screaming at their listening devices last night? Freddie has got to go. Can't stand another word out of his whiny mouth.

  66. Archerphile (9.01 today), re R. Titchener, I think we did learn pretty early on that he was up to no good : latching on to lonely, desperate Helen ( claiming a 'difficult' wife, which it suited her to believe) then a lull, before returning with said wife, who turned out to be Jess, a rather nice woman, keen to meet the locals & settle in. This threw Helen a bit, but then we heard the way Titchener spoke to his wife & ruined her 'get-to-know-you-all' party, after which he was grossly beastly to her, which paved the way to re- entry Helen.

  67. I haven't been able to read all that many comments from today, just yet awhile, so am picking up on a few points only. I apologise in advance, if out of order, or already my thoughts have been posted.

    I think that TA is going through a time of change. There are the more seniors, such as Peggy, Christine, Jim, Bert, Jill with Leonard, Lynda + Robert, Susan + Neil, not forgetting Pat, Tony, Brian, Jennifer.
    There is also the interimn generations- Adam + Ian, Shula, Alistair, Helen, Tom + Natasha, Kate, David, Ruth, Kenton + Jolene.
    Then there is the younger generation:- Ben, Josh, Ruiari, Ed + Emma, Will, Jazzer, Fallon, Harrison along with the even younger, George, Poppy, Kiera, Mia, Rosie, Henry + Jack etc.
    The SW's must find it difficult to find SL's to suit all these generations all residing in the same village community, at the same time. The SW's need to produce a viable Village Life, for all, whilst appealing for all the generations who listen, and which also appeals to a younger generation of newbies, to form a new addicted fan base.
    I believe a TA transition phase is beginning very subtly.

  68. That was a quick turnaround, Russ willing to leave and staying after all, if Lower Loxley can afford to pay him, that's fine. I once suggested that he could run art courses for ex-offenders.
    There was no need for Tom to tell Natasha about the kefir, only to get her back up, she's been shopping again, as she always does.

  69. We listeners are pretty slow on the uptake.
    Once again we have to be told that Natasha is a shopaholic .
    We have to be told that she doesn’t do food shopping though.
    We have to be told that Tom is there to do all the things that in “our day” women automatically did and even today wives and husbands share.
    We have to be told that Natasha doesn’t do “second hand”
    Imagine putting pillow cases on the bed which don’t match the duvet !
    Tom is becoming a real Cinderfella.
    After what he did to Kirsty and Jazzer I have absolutely no sympathy.
    Carry on Natasha.
    The Welsh lass done good.

    1. And Tom has found out another thing about Natasha: she prefers coconut rice to pilaf but since they've only known each other for 5 mins how could he know the basics. (Just remembered, Helen didn't know either...)

  70. So Russ, who can't 'focus' on his 'art' either in Manchester or LL, has now landed a cushy little job running the little niche gallery, board & lodging in lncluded ( it was before, wasn't it ? When he was simply drifting around making soothing noises).
    They're going to need to be fiendishly clever with this SL to keep me as a listener...

  71. I'm sorry, but when Jakob isn't talking in a stilted manner, he is another soundalike.

    1. Exactly. I hadn’t a clue who was talking at the beginning.
      Everyone is just too bland.
      I know loads of you don’t like Lillian but at least you know who it is.
      Where is Linda snell. About time she made an appearance, after all it is nearly hay fever season and I’m sure she’s contracted to sneeze at least once a year!

    2. Ha, ha PtbY - yes, where IS Lynda these days?
      Atishoo! Oh there she is....

  72. If Russ is going to take the job running the art gallery at LL, what is he going to do in September when Lily goes back to Manchester?
    Will he leave the gallery and Elizabeth in the lurch and go with Lily - or stay and carry on doing
    the cushy job with free accommodation thrown in?
    And further - if he does stay and Lily goes off to University on her own, how long before Russ and Elizabeth ‘get together? 🤔

  73. I find the sudden vacancy at the art gallery all too convenient and not really believable. What a pity ,as Russ was just arranging to move out. Yes what will he do when it's time for Lily to go back to university? I have also wondered, Archerphile, how long it will be until Russ makes a move on Elizabeth, or maybe she'll make a move on him as she emerges from her depression.


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