Life in Ambridge: Comments week of 07/May/2019


  1. I preferred Shula’s open-minded approach to the art exhibition to her twin’s negativity (It’s Russ so it must be rubbish). Together with his gratuitous dig at Leonard Berry, it was Kenton at his most disagreeable. I suppose, as the least successful of the siblings, he is prone to jealousy of them and their associates which is understandable if not likeable. I think Russ is doing the right thing in getting away from the traditional ‘tearoom’ image of watercolours of thatched cottages, but feel he needs a midway approach between that and the avant garde image he is currently espousing.

    1. I didn't like the gratuitous dig at Leonard either

  2. Been thinking about the send up of certain artists & art critics It was quite clever & funny, but could be seen as philistinism & an insult to genuinely innovative & creative people. Some installation art, for instance, is really exciting, causing one to think & experience, but, going back about 20 years, I was, & still am, totally unimpressed by Emin's unmade bed & Hirst's shark in formaldehyde ! Suppose such musings should be on the other blog.

  3. Well, I suppose I must be a Philistine (despite being a reasonable botanic watercolour artist myself, blush, blush ☺️) because I still think Russ’s justification for his ‘art’ exhibition was a load of pretentious tosh. I could believe Elizabeth was taken, in because she thinks the sun shines out of Russ at the moment - but Shula? Surely not. And certainly not Kenton, or me!

    However, as I said at the end of the now closed blog, Russ’s explanation was very well written by the SWs. They must have done considerable research to get all the pseudo- terminology with which the art world seems to prevail these days, sound correct.

    However, it is right for Lower Loxley, will it bring in loads of visitors to the art gallery and, most importantly will it engender enough art sales to help keep the place up and running?
    Only time will tell.

    1. Sorry, that should have said - is it right for LL?

  4. I suspect it isn't right for LL. A country pile is not the environment one would visit for that sort of exhibition, IMHO, you would expect the more traditional.; The visitors to the opening were all invited, how many will visit from now on we will see, let alone buy, not many I expect.

    1. Yes, the visitors were all invited as stressed sarcastically by Russ because judging by his attitude the bailiff was an intruder and nothing remotely to do with him. I'm glad that Kenton is in the picture. I follow the lines on the floor when on a hospital visit.

  5. I agree with Archerphile and as said on the previous blog it just shows why Russ is no artist!
    I am glad Kenton is now aware that Russ is still taking advantage of the Pargetter family but I don't suppose he'll ever convince Elizabeth!
    The explanation as to the symbolism of the gaffer tape criss crossed is utter tosh! Certainly not something which will bring in the punters to LoLo.
    I hope Freddie's tours will be far more successful and show Russ up for the abject piece of humanity he is.

  6. Well, bloggers may have differing views of art and Russ, but it’s great that the gallery is now back in the picture (haha). When Lewis had the job, it didn’t get a mention from one year’s end to the next. While the Freddie/alcohol licence situation persists, Lower Loxley needs to capitalise on its teetotal enterprises. Incidentally, I wonder how Bert and the volunteer guides view Freddie’s upcoming enterprise. Hopefully he has consulted them about the perils and pitfalls involved, but given his ‘do it my way’ approach, I rather think not.

    1. Perhaps he can write a few poems for Freddie to recite on the tour!
      And by the way, where IS Bert these days? Ages since we have heard from him, or Rex, or Roy, or Brian & Jennifer, or Kate, or Adam and Ian. And most aggravatingly what is happening with Lexie and the baby, shouldn’t it be due by now? ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป

    2. Agree Archerfile. The house Brian and Jenny are renting is supposed to be temperory, I wonder how they are getting on with house hunting.

    3. I don’t think the baby is due until the autumn. Brian and Jennifer moved at New Year so six months is fast approaching. I agree it would be good to know but suppose ‘they’ could extend the tenancy, if they don’t want to deal with that story.

    4. I am with you Archerphile about the so called “art” at LL.
      It is nothing more than The Emperor’s new clothes.
      Yes I am a Philistine where art is concerned .
      For example ,I love shape and I love colour but I fail to see that a few geometrical shapes -often basic rectangles and triangles which are put together and labelled something like” A study in black and red “ can be considered to be good art whereas I think that if someone can draw a tree or a flower which actually looks like it is supposed to or more to the point someone is able to draw or paint a picture of someone so that one can recognise that person ,then that is art.
      A friend drew a pencil drawing of our cat which was brilliant.
      The expression on his face was exactly right.
      That was art
      I may have mentioned before that in one art exam at school two of my friends spent the time sloshing paint on each others work.
      The subject was “muddle”
      I had drawn a cat in a ball of wool. I came 34th out of 35
      They came 1st and 2nd.
      Kenton was right.
      Archerphile is right.
      Russ was spouting pretentious tosh.

    5. I think there is room to consider two ( perhaps opposing) subjects or ideas of art.

      Representative art.

      Conceptual art.

      Both are valid.

      However I agree with all other comments.
      Russ was talking a load of tosh, and the SW did a wonderful send up job last night.

      I am not at all keen on conceptual art, but do recognise it.
      But then also LJs description of geometric lines and angles immediately drew me to reflection of my love of Architecture in general and the architecture of the ancient Arabian world in particular.
      I consider Architecture to be a branch of art.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Continuing on the art theme.
    I do not think that the paintings of Lowry or Helen Bradley (Miss Carter wore pink) are good art but I really do like both and we have a reproduction of one of Helen Bradley’s in our sitting room.
    Years ago there was a forger who fooled almost everybody into thinking he was a famous painter.
    He must have been a brilliant artist to have been able to do that.

    1. I agree. I love the PreChristian Brotherhood school because it is so realistic but I adore Van Gogh's work and no-one coud say his 'Chair' is 'good' because of the differing perspectives. It's colour and form and 'Could I happily look at it whatever mood I'm in?'

  8. Some people are able to paint from pictures etc but are not able to paint free lance.
    I have just had my nieces 2 cats painted in water colour for her birthday, they are exceptionally good, but the artist doesn't do freelance work.

  9. I am bemused as to how Russ put on an Art exhibition so quickly. I do not think organising it, putting invites out - which were accepted at short notice - along with the catering, was actually feasible in the time-scale. Who is financing this, I bet it is Elizabeth again. She seems to be ignoring that Russ is a financial drain on her, both personally and the LL situation.
    I wonder who has the authority to agree to the payment of incoming bills as to events. Are all the expenses put forward in full, before such an event, and
    is it one or two persons who agree to the monies about to be spent?
    In the "old" days, 2 signatures were needed on business cheques (remember them?).
    I know. As a Company Director I was a co-signature, but I always scrutinised every small detail, with the invoices + original quotes, before signing.

    1. I expect there was 'a cancellation' somewhere!๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Best use of gaffer tape, wrap it round Russ’s Mouth to stop the flow of pseudo claptrap waffle.
    I laughed at his descriptive nonsense, and took the episode in the gallery as a statement about how, when asked a question about their views on something, most people won’t agree.
    Reminds me of a famous conceptual ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐ŸŽจ artist whose work is now derised and has subsequently been accused of plagiarism. I have seen his not very good derivative work, so maybe Russ and he were responsible for the application of gaffer tape at LL
    Russ is up his own proverbial.

  11. I agree that last night was very witty and I bet the script writers had fun with it. Ironic that Kenton is the only person who is worried about LL’s finances, when he gets carried away with his own half baked ideas for the pub, and can’t pay his debts.

    1. I wonder when Kenton will eventually pay David back?
      I don't believe that The Bull is in such dire straits. Lillian is a co-owner, so she must see the accounts, and have an input as to the profit/loss accounts.
      Lilian needs to become more active at The Bull, and not as a customer.
      Another of my idle thoughts. ๐Ÿคฃ

  12. Yes, William could take the children out/away but not by himself with all four at once.
    There was a mention of Nic's hit and run earlier and William is involved to some extent, I hope it doesn't come back to haunt him, he even asked Clarrie soon after Nic's death if she would step in if something happened to him.

  13. Gosh yes, Basia! At the time I took it that he was having suicidal thoughts but now I see he could have been anticipating a custodial sentence.

  14. I don’t think that Jake and possibly George would want to go away with William.
    I don’t think it is a good idea at all.
    To be honest although she is trying her best,I am not sure that Clarrie’s approach is the right one.
    Why not ask Mia ,Jake and George what they would like to happen in the holidays?
    The only thing that might work would be to go to Butlin’s or Pontin’s if they are still around or Centre Parks.
    I have never been to any of them and they will probably be pricey during the school holidays.

  15. Will shifts clumsily from one extreme to another. His wife took care of all the rountines around children, he let a 12 yr old take over, with help from Clarrie & Emma, never noticing anything, now he's trying to do it all, but doesn't know where anything is or what to do. Then he has the gall to complain that Mia isn't throwing herself into school work. Does he think she's a machine ? Click on 'domestic' & it happens, click on 'maths' & sums appear...poor girl, made of flesh & blood meantime, is feeling utterly lost, & wincing at his staggering ineptitude.
    A holiday won't solve anything & he couldn't cope, anyway.

  16. As Pete (?) is working out his notice, would he run things in a perfect way, so that Will can go on holiday. I doubt this, based on my own experiences when working out my notice, when I only did the basic, safe + necessary work.
    Will would return to problems, which would only make things far worse. He needs a part-time housekeeper but who -
    the obvious candidate is Emma, but what about Tracey?
    Kirsty is also a possibility, as is Pheobe, after her Uni. exams.
    Any other ideas?

    1. Introduce a new character, down to earth, a bit bossy with good sense of humour & a perfect match for Jazzer!

  17. It'll be interesting to hear how Jim negotiates Jazzer's severance package, I hope they settle out of court.
    Helen's cheese made Clarrie's eyes water, but not her mouth. She should seek Ian's opinion but his palate may be affected by some pungent Bulgarian foods.

    1. I also thought that Ian should have been at the first tasting.

    2. Ian's taste-buds wil also be affected by cigarettes. Is he giving up for the sake of baby? If he had opted for adoption, being a smoker might have counted against him.

  18. Good for Jim.
    I reckon now that Tom will have to reinstate Jazzer.
    I trust Jazzer will also get compensation for work lost..

  19. As a hater of Stilton and all blue cheese, I can identify with Clarrie's opinion on Helen's cheese. The smell is nasty too but I realize others love the stuff.
    Didn't Tom offer Jazzer alternative work as he's planning to sell the pigs? Does Jazzer really have a case? I'm not au fait with the law on such things.

    1. As Jim said, Tom will be able to justify his action on grounds of restructuring the business. He offered Jazzer alternative work. Tom could have offered Jazzer redundancy. Jazzer should have considered his options before stomping off.

    2. I’m nae worrying about Jazzer’s future. The programme makers have evidently decided a village needs a stereotype comic Scotsman just as it needs a stereotype village gossip. He’s not going anywhere.

    3. Just a wee technical point maryellen -

      "nae" = "no" or "none" as in "There's nae Irn Bru left!"
      "no" = "not" as in "gonnae no drink that Irn Bru!"

    4. I think when being offered alternative work it has to be commensurate with the job you are losing.
      As a highly skilled and experienced stockman Jazzer could rightly complain about the alternative of digging up vegetables and preparing and packing them into cardboard boxes as hardly being comparable!

    5. Thanks, Gary! I don’t often have a try at Scotspeak, will do better next time!

  20. So agree - Jim is a Good Thing ! You could sense the shockwaves last night, anyone dealing with the Archer clan in a direct, rational manner.
    It irritates me so much the way Tom, Helen & Pat pussy foot around each other. It's the same with Pargetter/Archers & all the others.

  21. I'm glad that Johnny and Hannah are staying put for the time being, it must be something to do with Joe 'going to heaven' and they're looking at the ways to resolve it. J Howe said that Joe's recorded episodes will be aired, I'm not sure I'll want to listen .

  22. I am looking forward to Joe in his final broadcast.
    It would seem to me that the actor knew he was towards his own end, and ploughed much of himself into the character of Joe.
    Therefore his last broadcast might well have been his attempt at Joe saying goodbye to us.

    1. Agreed Mrs P. I think he had been ill for some time and so, as you say, must have realised his time left as Joe would be short. I really hope he is allowed to die peacefully in his bed at his beloved Grange Farm and is found in the morning by Eddie or Clarrie.
      No doubt his coffin will be transported through the village by Bartley on Joe’s wagon with a large crowd of villages to wish him well on his final journey.

    2. My thoughts also Archerphile. I read an article about medics had to OK his health, to then go + record TA.
      I read in RT, which I know many of you buy, that Trevor Harrison (Eddie) was very sad he was not present at Joe's final recording.
      I think that Bartleby will pull Joe's final journey, which will also be his - sad but probable.

    3. should read...which will also be his last appearance, sad....
      No idea why my typed words were lost.

  23. Basia understand your thoughts on Joe but I feel to listen to his last ๐Ÿ˜ฅ performance will be to honour and thank him.

    1. As I will. Joe will be missed. ๐Ÿ˜ข

  24. In real life Joe would probably die of pneumonia in the local hospital (as Freda Fry did) but as this is the fictional world of The Archers, he will most likely draw his last breath at Grange. Farm. Question is: will he reveal Nic’s confession on his own deathbed?

  25. Whilst it was down to Tom to tell Pat that Natasha had left him I felt that maybe Helen should have told her when asked the direct question about what was wrong. She’s also assuming that this is a small blip but must realise it could be more serious so early in the marriage. The family need to pull together around Tom but they do tend to bury their heads in the sand!

    I am not sure about Jim’s stance on Jazzer as there are weak points in his argument not least that Jazzer walked out even though he was offered alternative work. The fact that it was below his skills might be a moot point. To say give him severance or we sue smacks of blackmail. I could be wrong but feel a more delicate approach is needed.

    1. The offer of the alternative job presumably came with the same rate of pay? I think comparable pay would be considered more to the point than comparable skills. Career prospects would be the same for both jobs - nil. Although the veg boxes could offer a managerial ladder if that enterprise expands.

  26. If the S.W.s wanted me to despise Will - - they succeeded.

  27. The actor who plays Will isn’t very good but to be fair, he does have a thankless role!

  28. Is Will also suffering from a type of PTSD, bereavment, due to Nics sad passing, and not forgetting his part in the Matt Crawford episode. He probably feels a massive amount of both grief and guilt. The difference as to Lizzie, is that she could and can, afford immediate attention, as she is paying, which Will can't do.
    Will this showcase the wait for counselling in the NHS and the effect the lengthy wait can have on others?
    I hope so.

  29. “Freddie knows what he is doing.” (Elizabeth Pargetter). Hmmm.

    1. Yes, Kenton mentioned stairs, rafters and mind your head but since they know better let them get on with it.

    2. I would have thought such a venture would need approval from some dept or other - especially H&S and maybe extra ins too? No doubt someone will be injured and therefore more bad publicity/ compensation claim for LoLo

  30. Oh Kenton you are so weak.
    Yes it IS only money but you haven’t got much.
    Jolene -who are you kidding?
    You know the situation .
    Wasn’t it a bit below the belt implying that another man finds her attractive so perhaps It would be better if she didn’t go round to his home when his wife is away.for a photo shoot?

  31. I have always had a degree of sympathy for Will as a character out of step with modern times, but basically decent and honest, but he is very hard to like and this evening he went way over the top. I feel very sorry and concerned for Poppy as Will hasn’t got a hope of coping on his own.

  32. I found this evening's episode very, very annoying.
    No I don't think Will has PTSD. He is just an out and out ********!
    Sorry but I get fed up with people making excuses for the bullying, mysogenic, self-pitying, bad-mannered, selfish, spiteful man!
    I just hope that Mia stays with her Dad and Poppy gets taken into care where Mia and Jake can see her regularly.
    Elizabeth's comment to Kenton shows just how much she thinks about the help he's been giving her over the past six months. Basically it was 'Suit yourself.' Such an ungrateful madam and still in thrall to her wayward son!
    As for Jolene suddenly becoming stage struck after all these years.That storyline is beyond belief. She was a semi-professional singer all those years ago and must realise the standard of performance required. Anyway why would a backing/session singer need promotion shots?

    Very cross. Think I'll have to go and have a long soak in a Badedas bath to calm down!

    1. Oh Spicy - I love Badedas baths too! Pity it’s got so expensive these days.

    2. I treated myself with my saved-up Boots points!

  33. When the SWs have to find lines for children who are very cross & upset, they seem to resort to 'I hate you!' Henry does it when thwarted, & Mia did it tonight. Not that she wasn't severely provoked, but I wish they could try a little harder......especially bearing in mind the age difference ( H. aged 8, sounding 5, Mia 13, talked to by Will & Clarrie as if she's 10, but taking on responsibilities that would challenge a 20 yr.old)
    Will couldn't have handled it worse, really. He is a mess, & still has no idea what she had to do, what he allowed her to for Poppy & him. Can't he remember what his life was like at the same age ?
    Sure, her father needs to rescue her right now.
    As for Elizabeth ! What an objectionable & silly woman she is.

  34. Spicycushion I agree with your comments about Jolene and Elizabeth. The Mia story is more complicated for me and I can't quite agree with all you said about Will. He is limited in emotional intelligence thinking that a camping holiday is a good idea - really! He tries his best but it is just not good enough for what is required with a growing teenage girl who is grieving for her mother. It's very sad and I do not enjoy this storyline at all. Can't envision a happy ending for Will at all but Mia may end up being happier with her dad.

  35. A raft of characters losing sight of reality and making poor decisions. Only the youngest, Mia, showed self awareness and acted on it. Thank God she’s got away. Poppy and Will probably need to move in with Clarrie and Eddie for a while if he’s not going to lose her. Probably won’t work until (if) Ed and Emma leave, but can Will last the three or four months we were told the other day it will take to finish the house?

  36. I’m not enjoying the Will story either. I have been one of those who has always stuck up for him and defended him from some of the criticsm he receives on many Archers sites. I can’t forget the way Ed and Emma treated him all those years ago and am sure it has had a lasting effect on his personality.
    I think some people (not so much here, but on Facebook) just hate Will and only see him in terms of his recent behaviour, forgetting, or just not knowing, what he went through years ago.
    But even I am getting very exasperated with his inability to understand the current situation with Mia and tremper his emotions when dealing with her.
    I don’t know what the answer is apart from allowing Mia to return to her father, at least temporarily, until Will has received some psychological help to come to terms with his loss and current situation.
    But as , I think Lady R said, Will could not afford private treatment like Elizabeth, the chances of him getting to see a counsellor quickly are very slim. First It. would need him to admit he needs help (unlikely) and then a doctor agreeing to refer him for treatment, which could take many months to even start. In the meantime it would be better for Mia to return to her other family.

    How very sad this story is for all concerned. Poppy will suffer too if Mia leaves and then there will be the death of Joe to contend with at some stage.
    I just hope we are not going to have another game-keeper suicide

  37. I still think that Clarrie could have done more.
    She hasn’t a clue.
    Her voice would drive me mad and if I were Mia I would feel like correcting her when she kept saying ‘you ain’t” instead of “you are not”.
    We don’t know how Mia gets on with Andrew’s partner.who might resent another teenager being introduced to her family which at one time had none.
    I think the answer is for her to live with Emma and Ed when they have left Grange Farm.
    Keep Clarrie away from her.
    She means well but does not make matters any better.

    1. It's not often that I disagree with you Lanjan. However, Clarrie's accent is consistent and unlike the affected moan of Susan. She always appears kind
      I would certainly hope that a child would not correct her step gran over grammar.

      It has been said that Clarrie kept ignoring Mia at the Cricket Club and that this has exacerbated the child's distress. I can certainly see how the episode has added to the little girl's problem but the change of subject when she was speaking was, as I remember it, due to ill mannered adults who entered and immediately started speaking over the existing conversation.

      As to Clarrie not having a clue it should be borne in mind that she is Williams mother and in spite of all his faults she loves him.

  38. Let’s play musical houses.
    Will and Poppy move into Grange Farm with Clarrie and Eddy, not ideal for Mia but at least a safe and loving environment.
    Ed, Emma, George and Kiera move into No1 the Green,
    Johnny and Hannah temporarily into Will’s house (probably not legitimate as the house is tied to his job but kept quiet and just a few months) in the longer run Johnny might move back with Pat and Tony, (someone suggested awhile back a caravan to give him a degree of privacy.) and Hannah could move in with Tom.
    I feel like one of those war-time commanders pushing flags around on a map๐Ÿ˜€

  39. Limited in emotional intelligence - that's it, what Anneveggie said about Will. I just wonder if that is what they are trying to convey to us, if so, I think that Tom and Natasha would fall into this category as well. I'm glad that Mia got away, but Natasha should come back and explain what she wants.

  40. I take on board all your comments about Will but I still think he's the pits!๐Ÿ™‚ He wouldn't let Nic go to work but tried to keep her in the house, presumably 'in the woods' where his pheasants are kept before release. He refused to share the inheritance with his brother (before he and Ed were involved with Emma I think?) He bullied his step-children and forced them to mourn their mother by sitting next to her grave every weekend. Anyway I won't go on but I do feel justified in using those other adjectives.

    I hadn't thought much about Clarrie but I don't like the way she's been written recently. I thought her comment about not liking the 'Mankwold' (as it is called on Mustardland!) blue cheese saying 'I prefer a mild cheddar.'
    I can see that it might have emphasised the fawning over Helen's pet project by her family but to have both Clarrie and Susan dislike it seemed to me to be making it a class issue. Reminding us that the Grundys are not the same social status as the Archers? Clarrie was sensible and clever enough to deal with everything in the immediate aftermath of Nic's death but now cannot speak correct English (ain't, they chores etc.)

    As to voices it's back to Will. His 'friendly 'voice to me sounds really creepy!
    Good for Mia. I hope she gets on well enough with her brother, father and stepmother to be able to stay with them , remember her Mum, as and when she wants to and be a normal teenager.

    1. Sorry I got distracted in my first para about Clarrie!
      ........"I prefer a mild cheddar' seemed to make out she had no 'taste' (in both senses!)

  41. Agree Lanjan about the 'aint' . I mentioned this many months ago. Such lazy writing in order to depict (in the SW's mind that is) the 'lower orders' which have been depicted by the Grundys. Even Emma, with her aspirations, would have junked that 'tick' years ago!........Pff! ๐Ÿ™„

    1. It’s the Clarrie-actor’s carefully enunciated ‘summat’ that slays me!

  42. I wonder why Clarrie's speech is taking such a knock?! She's always spoken like that, people should be allowed their regional accents & grammatical differences. As for her treatment of Mia, kind but not helpful or understanding as already said but she had 2 boys, only dil's when they were young women, &, despite having a job, basically holds to 'a woman's place is in the home'. That's how she brought up her boys, though Ed seems to be a more hands on Dad than Will
    Emma is the only family member who knows how to communicate with Mia, & even she, whilst being concerned about the girl doing too much, failed to realize how dire the situation was.
    As for the cheese ! I reckon we were being allowed a laugh at the earnestness of the Bridge Farm family. Don't see it as a class thing, lots of people don't go for blue cheese ( though I don't know anyone who plumps for mild cheddar...) Only surprise was Susan - if she can stomach kefir, I'd have thought blue cheese would have gone down well. Still, that could well be nonsense, given I love strong cheeses, but not kefir...

  43. Pierre ,I don’t think that Mia should have pulled Clarrie up because of her use of “ain’t”I just don’t think she would speak like that so the scriptwriters should not have put the “word “into her mouth.
    They wouldn’t do it to Brian,Jim or Oliver now would they do why do it to Clarrie?
    She sounds to me like the archetypical working class wife of the 1950s with her wrap around pinny

    I reckon someone trained in Psychology (or is it psychiatry?) would have a field day if we were to reveal the three Characters each listener would hate to lose and the three who he or she would be pleased to see the back of.

  44. As to "Musical Houses":-
    1) Will stays where he is, as it is a tied cottage.
    2) Tom moves back to No.1 with Hannah + their new house-mate Kate
    3) Freddie + Johnny take over the shop flat, with help from Lizzie, and she then gets her alcohol licence back.
    4) Oliver, fed up at Grey Gables, moves to live in his own home, Grange Farm, with Eddie + Clarrie.
    5) Ed + Emma move to their new Beechwood house..
    6) But Phil + Kirsty do not (I am not sure why, as I haven't written that S/L yet ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ)!

    All plausible + feasable, but mostly are highly improbable.

  45. Lanjan. There are a number of factors to take into consideration when dealing with bereavement, and in Will’s situation these would include Children, family, and most importantly personality.
    Mia is still a child but old enough to feel distress and she maybe experiencing some responsibility for Nic’s demise. Children feel The experience of bereavement differently to adults! So Mia may not have wanted to burden Will with her feelings of loss and distress, hence taking on all the household chores and caring for her little sister.
    Will is emotionally limited in his ability to express his sense of loss, he is numb, and avoids dealing with how he is feeling. He has projected all his energies into work so becomes easily agitated and responds without thinking when faced with challenges he can’t quickly resolve.
    He is a person who can’t let go and to a great extent that is why he is not dealing with Nic’s death and the resultant domestic difficulties.
    He really doesn’t know how to adequately express sadness, his emotions become displaced and are then projected as anger. He certainly needs time and support to talk and understand the effect of Nic{s death on himself and the children, and to recognise the practical issues left by the loss of his wife.
    We all bring our personalities to sad situations and like Will and Mia may experience a succession of feelings. However, how we negotiate loss will most certainly depend on our coping skills and the traits contained in our personalities. Will is a difficult character, not easy to like and that will cloud how he interacts with others.
    There are many charities offering support with bereavement, including for children, so he wouldn’t have to fork out money. The key to resolving his circumstances would necessitate recognising his emotional dilemmas and working out how he can react positively to life without Nic.

    1. As I have said, Will needs help + some-one to talk to, who can then help him, be it counseling or a close family member. Could this be one of Joe's last appearances, as he heard Nic's final words and also feels guilty, due to how she got that cut.

    2. Will talking to Joe, and sharing Nics death and their feelings together, would be so helpful to them both.
      Sadly, this now won't happen.

    3. Stasia, I really welcome your explanation of Will’s response to Nic’s death. I think you have explained a lot about the psychological processes he has gone through and I agree with you about what has been happening to him.
      I can't help feeling people (not only on this blog) have been very quick to castigate and criticise him. I very much hope somebody can point him in the direction of the help he badly needs to come to terms with the loss of his wife.
      It is all very well to condemn him for burying himself in work and not knowing how to cope with Mia and Poppy, but everyone reacts differently to tragedy and Will needs help to process his feelings and move forward.
      Who knows how any of us would cope in his position? We may think we would instinctively know what to do and how to behave but I’m not at all sure that I wouldn’t just crumble and I’m sure I should need lots of support and understanding.

    4. Yes thank you Stasia.
      I don’t particularly like Will but that does not mean that I would have wanted him to go through the things he has gone through over the past few years.
      Am I the only one who would have liked Mia to stay with Will.?
      When Nic was dying Will couldn’t be with her because Mia needed him.
      He went to comfort Mia.
      I doubt many men would have done that.
      He realised then that Mia needed him
      Apart from Emma I don’t think anyone has really known how to help him.
      I predict that Mia will return to live with him and Poppy .
      Perhaps Andrew’s girlfriend will not like the new arrangement.
      Perhaps Emma will sort something out.
      It may not happen straight away but it will.
      I still think that Clarrie could have done more or at best could have handled things better but perhaps I am being unfair because she is probably doing her best .
      Does anyone agree with me on this one?

    5. Will has had lots of support from his family & from the community, in fact. I'm not saying it wouldn't help him understand & cope better if he contacted Cruise or similar, but even more intensive therapy won't change his basic character . Consider Elizabeth; sure, she's much calmer, is happier, has more energy but she's still hiding from basic truths about her situation as I imagine she has all her life.

    6. Both Elizabeth and Will have had to cope with losing their partner both in a sudden and not very nice way and the further stress of carrying on with the sole responsibility for their children having previously had a solid partner to share the day to day care. Everyone has certain flaws in their character and some cope better than others. As far as these two are concerned, I feel they have done their best. Clarrie maybe could have done more in some eyes but she is holding down a job and looking after her two live in men not to mention her other grandchildren. Again, she has done her best. I hope all will get better in the long run and Will deserves a bit of leeway from us all!

  46. So am I alone in thinking that Mia will not stay with Andrew when it would probably be the last we hear her (not of her) ?.
    I do not want that to happen.
    What about Poppy?
    Mia would spend her time worrying about her.
    Maybe good old Tracey can help out.

    1. I think the fact that Mia wants to spend her entire 6-week holiday withe father and step-mum speaks for itself. She feels as secure and welcome there as Jake evidently does, and she's not worried that Poppy won’t be taken good care of, or about missing her. She could have followed Jake’s example if Will hadn’t been so clingy.

  47. Have just listened to the latest episode and agree a massive overreaction from Will which has driven Mia away. It is hard though to have total care for children whose loyalty also lies with absent parent but you have to grin and bear it. Sometimes it can be a bit much though and I speak from experience. He should have accepted that she wanted to spend the holidays with Andrew as she said she would come over to see him and Poppy but as he said the camping holiday was only one week out of the six weeks so she should have been happy to compromise. It is a tangled web and children like her and my stepdaughters can find themselves split between two families and not really a proper part of either.

  48. Mia might come back in time, as Phoebe did to Roy. I am sure she will miss Poppy very much as Poppy will miss Mia, but right now Mia needs a break. If Will isn’t seeing that at the moment, perhaps Andrew needs to step in and help negotiate. I hope Will can deal with that reasonably, perhaps with Clarrie’s support.

    I agree that he is in an incredibly difficult situation and is dealing with grief on top of losing Emma years ago, which he was just starting to come to terms with when this happened. His personality traits, attitude to women does not help him cope
    well with how to relate to a teenage girl. This would have happened if Nic had been alive but is intensified by her absence.

  49. I listened again to the last episode on the omnibus this morning, and it confirmed my opinion that the root of Will's problem is that he is completely selfish, and always has been, going right back to his attitude to Ed (which, thankfully, was smoothed over eventually by Emma). He seems to live in a possessive 'me' bubble in which everything relates to him, and no consideration for anyone else. He wanted to keep Nic at home when she wanted to escape from the home for a while, and he's doing exactly the same with Mia. He's jealous of Andrew, and seems to want to control Mia's life completely in case she escapes. Will's dialogue was all about himself - no consideration of Mia at all. When she needed some help with understanding her maths, he ignored the fact that she was doing well with Ruari (sorry, can't spell it), and arranged for her to have some tutoring with a teacher she obviously dislikes (and is a little scared of), who won't help her at all as she will be teaching in exactly the way that Mia's being taught at school, and with which she struggles. And, we know that he can bear a grudge for a very long time, so I don't see an end to his troubles very soon at all.

    1. I agree with all that you have said Suz about Will.

      Your summing up of him is as I have always seen him, and his recent behaviour has been more of what we have always seen from him.
      I would go further back than you, to when Caroline left him or gave him the flat or house, cannot now remember all the details.
      But when that happened he was anti his brother and unwilling to share anything that he perceived as his, with anyone.
      Rarely have we seen any redeeming qualities from Will Grundy.

      He is the epitome of ' a nasty piece of work ' !

    2. I thought that Will bought No 1The Green with some money which was left to him by a relative who hadn’t realised that Clarrie and Eddie had had another son .
      I am sure you will be right,Mrs P but I didn’t think that Caroline had distinguished that much between the brothers when she died.
      Oliver always had a soft spot for Ed and I thought she left money to them both.
      I am probably wrong though.

    3. You're right Lanjan. The money for No 1 was left to Will by an aunt that died, and for some reason, didn't share it between Will and Ed. All leading to an exacerbation of the bad feeling between the brothers, but also the position they find themselves in now, so many years later - Will has a tied cottage to live in, and also the income from No. 1, and Ed taking on dodgy jobs to find enough money to buy a house.

    4. I entirely agree Suz. His nasty behaviour has been life-long.
      He had a row with his parents about Ed and stormed out when teenager. He sofa surfed with friends and acquaintances until Caroline , (his Godmother) had part of the Dower House converted into a flat for him. That's how I remember it. Caroline then helped effect a reconciliation between them all.
      (This flat became Lilian and Matt's 'office' for Amside I believe, but since Justin bought the Dower House I don't think we have heard anything about a flat or office at the Dower House.)
      Will then inherited the money left by Clarrie's aunt who had made her Will after Will was born but never amended it after Ed was born. He soon after bought No 1 the Green beating Roy Tucker to ownership (I think it was Roy) so Mike had Willow Farmhouse made into two 'cottages'for Roy, Hayley and Abbie.
      Remember when Caroline died? She left an equal amount to each of the brothers and William complained (even when he was supposed to be 'friends' with Ed at the time)that as Caroline was HIS Godmother Ed should not have been left anything.

    5. Yes, it’s true that the aunt didn’t know Will had a younger brother so left her money to Will. Clarrie tried to persuade Will to share it with Ed but he refused. Not sure but I think this happened after Ed became involved with Emma. I think it might have been because of this that he wouldn’t share.

      Caroline was Will’s godmother and when she lived at the Dower House she let Will live in the flat either rent free or for a low rent. Then he married Emma and moved into the game keeper’s cottage.

      At that time Will was portrayed as a steady, gentle young man and Ed was the bad boy, driving Will’s car without a driving licence, crashing and landing Emma in hospital, taking drugs, going awol. Emma was attracted to Will because he was more exciting to her. Will has been bitter and unpleasant since Emma left him. Ed in turn felt resentment that Will had it easy with various financial boosts whereas he has always struggled with work and money.

    6. I thank the various posts above for putting me right about the ' Will and gifts and money Situation '
      Yes remember now Caroline had the space converted into a flat for Will.
      It certainly put Will in a superior position than his brother and he has never come down from that superiority since.

    7. Spicy, I was posting while you were. I had forgotten about the teenage strop of Will. I just remembered George Barford, game keeper at the time, nurturing Will’s interest in wildlife.

    8. When Ed and Emma were married Will refused to be the best man, then gave in under pressure. He didn't want to go to Nic's funeral but caved in, he only managed to celebrate the anniversary of her death on his own. He is what he is, two-dimensional and we have to hear it time after time. Mia has too much to do, so he tells her to stay put and runs around; he's told to go on holiday, so he organises one and then shouts at Mia for being ungrateful and not remembering whose name she has, has he actually adopted her?

    9. Interesting point about adoption of Mia. I don’t think so. That was an unforgivable thing to say about the surname. However I can understand him not wanting to be Ed’s best man when Ed was marrying his ex wife who had an affair with Ed whilst still married to Will.

    10. I think it’s possible to make a case for Will being more sinnned against than sinning. What Ed and Emma did to him was appalling. It’s a miracle they have all got to where they are now.

    11. I agree, let's not forget that Emma really started her affair with Ed whilst engaged to Will who wanted to call it off on their wedding day because of some comment she made, but she told him she was pregnant (thinking by Ed), so he relented, doesn't get better...

  50. What did Freddie learn from his incarceration in the offenders institution? Nada, nothing, he is a jumped up silly overindulged dimwit. He refused advice about drug dealing! Despite Nolathando nearly losing her life! And continued to deal. He apparently new what he was doing then, just as he does about taking people on tours of a stately attic, with dodgy stairs. Kenton tried to advise him, but Elizabeth overruled him. A case of negligence comes to mind when an accident happens, what then for LL, it is a business not a toy for Freddie to think he a genius, after all he has spent all of his nineteen years climbing ๐Ÿง—‍♀️ those rickety stairs.

    1. I have been on "attic/hidden" tours in properties. The fact that there are rickety stairs, etc. are explained and then are told that it is being done, at "your own risk".
      I hope Freddie does well and fulfils his idea.

  51. So Mia has left - but is it for the good and for the best? There well could be a comeback as to her decision, as to living with her Dad, his fiance + Jake, which might not be actually as how she envisaged. It could go either way.
    Who knows, she might have similar anxieties + problems, as to still missing her Mum and a new female who is taking her place.
    It is a difficult time for Mia.

  52. It really seems to be for the best if Mia lives with her dad & partner for the time being, away from Will. She & this lady know each other well, she had regular contact, so it shouldn't be a great problem if current near enough. If not, 13 is not a bad time to change schools. She needs a break. The other night it didn't sound as if she'd be worrying constantly about Poppy, &, anyway, visiting arrangements can be arranged. It is down to Will to hire some help - he owes that to his own busy family as well as to Poppy. ,I reckon Eddie should step in with some home truths.

    1. Enter - housekeeper Emma - since Peggy no longer employs her.

    2. I think Will's ramshackle household would take up far more time than Peggy's well organized abode - more time than Emma has available !

  53. As for Freddie !! With an adoring mum, why should he listen to Uncle Kenton, who gives up loads of time he hasn't really got to keep the failing LL running ? Lily, ditch Russ, get out of LL, live your own life....

    1. Kenton has been helping LL out when Lizzie was having problems, but there is the manager Glen, who is now firmly in place and control. Why is Kenton still required, which is at the expense of The Bull and his outstanding debt to David, or is it just yet another excuse, on his part not to pay up.

  54. I loved Jolene's comment about Kentons photos - "I look like a '70s folk artist" - isn't that the truth?

    1. I am not sure about the word”artiste “ Miriam.
      I think Jolene is bending the truth a bit there..
      I imagine her being an underdressed ,over made up woman who looks like mutton dressed as lamb.
      I think Kenton would be doing her a favour if he told her a few home truths about her appearance ,her singing ,the lack of”her public” and the lack of money to pay for the stupid photographs she needs to prove that that she is somehow Ambridge’s answer to Dolly Parton.

  55. I still think the contents of "the attic" need to be valued, before the public are let in. Who knows what is hidden there - and it could give Lower Loxley, a massive income boost if some are sold on, via a well publicised auction, either local or further afield.

  56. At £15 a go I wonder if even Lily would have managed to pull it off.
    If Clarrie is so concerned why did she agree to come to Lower Loxley.
    Joe was conspicuous by his absence.

    1. but then so was Eddie.
      We haven’t heard from him for quite a while either.

  57. An extra £15 per person to pay to look around an old attic or two?
    Is Freddie mad ?
    I wouldn’t expect to pay that to go round the house and gardens let alone pay extra to look at a bit of stuff in an attic.

    1. I pay more than that for a return trip by taxi to Eye Clinic at hospital (necessary due to eyes always being dilated). I would prefer a trip around LL attics to that.

    2. Miriam do you not have Community Care cars? Driven by wonderful volunteers! I have used ours for appointments to hospital when unable to drive post certain appointments. A basic charge is requested depending on where you are being taken if you can afford more it is appreciated and if you cannot afford to pay at all you will in essence be covered by those who can.

  58. Ha! £15! On top of what you pay to go see LL and it’s gardens. No wonder Freddie had no takers.
    Thought it was an annoying episode. Clarrie is really doing my head in at the mo. That voice of hers!!!!

  59. Just caught up on all last week's episodes. Four things stood out for me...

    Not to toot my own trombone, but if there's one thing that I know about it's how to run galleries. Especially ones that exhibit, shall we say, more challenging works. An opening on a Tuesday evening? Never in a million years. A BUSY opening on a Tuesday evening? Never in a BILLION years. Putting together a completely new exhibition in a couple of weeks? Not going to happen. I could go on & on about why Russ is EXACTLY the wrong person to attempt to transform a traditional, "old fashioned" gallery into a space where successful "modern" artists would wish to exhibit. But I won't. Whatever the outcome is, it's just too stupid to argue about...!

    Will is the one of the worst people imaginable. I know loads of people who have had difficult times in the past & they didn't turn into bullying monstrosities. Emotionally blackmailing your grieving 13 year old step daughter is never a good look. Let's call it like it is - he's just really, really shit at being either a husband, brother, employer or parent.

    The actress who plays Mia is brilliant in my opinion. I totally believe every word that comes out of her mouth!

    £15.00. Let me repeat that. £15.00. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. With you there, especially about the actress playing Mia.

    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️Gary

    3. Love your insights into how to put on an Art Exhibition Gary. It confirms exactly my thoughts on that ludicrous episode. Perhaps the SWs should have consulted somebody who knows about such things first !

  60. I wanted to defend Clarrie when I read all the negative comments about her voice/accent but she was ridiculous about not letting the kids mix with 'drug dealer' Freddie. Did she think he'd try to slip them something while they went up the stairs!
    I wanted Freddie's project to succeed though I did have concerns about 'ealth 'n safety' etc. Also fifteen pounds is a bit steep on top of whatever it costs to enter LL.
    Can't agree with all the condemnatory comments about Will. As I've said before, he does lack emotional intelligence, but he does try his best under very difficult circumstances. He was rejected and humiliated by Emma in favour of his brother, then his beloved wife died suddenly. That's a lot to cope with and stay sane, let alone bringing up needy children.

    1. I am sorry but Clarrie drives me round the bend.
      She is scared of her own shadow.
      She can’t tell Helen what she really thinks about the revolting cheese in case Helen doesn’t like what she has to say.
      She has made a bad job of bringing up her children(not alone in this because Jill hasn’t done much better) .
      Imagine forcing the son whose wife has left him for his brother to be the best man at the wedding?
      Give me Susan any day of the week.
      She has a son to be proud of and a daughter who is prepared to help her former husband .
      I still think that Emma will be the one who Mia will turn to for help .
      I hope that Will finds somebody else to spend his life with.
      How about Tracy or is she too old for him?

    2. Oh dear, this really does seem to be condemn the Grundys week!

      Firstly I agree with Anneveggie about Will. He is treated a bit like Marmite on here - he is either hated and despised for being an intrinsically evil and nasty person - or, like me and Anneveggie, is thought to be unable to cope with the present circumstances due to emotional damage inflicted by past events and great emotional upset. He is not a highly educated man and has led a fairly enclosed life as a gamekeeper with little ‘life experience’ outside his immediate world - he is just all at sea, wanting to do the right thing but unable to control his feelings, then feeling ashamed of what he has done.

      Secondly, Clarrie. I don’t think she is ‘scared of her own shadow’. She badly needs her job at the dairy and couldn’t give Helen her honest opinion because she is probably scared of upsetting the boss and losing her job. She has had to put up with Eddie and all his scams, a father-in-law who (to say the least) is a martinet with unsavoury habits, the awful experience of losing her home and being transferred to that flat in Borchester, having to constantly live on the edge of poverty, to say nothing of trying to bring up two battling sons.
      I would far rather have Clarrie as a friend than self-serving, status-climbing, would-be snob Susan who would spread unsavoury gossip about me at the drop of a hat.

      I shall now go and hide until the reaction to this post blows over! ๐Ÿคญ

    3. I fully agree with both of your character evaluations, very considerate and balanced. I also agree with you choosing Clarrie over Susan as a friend. I only just listened to last night‘s episode - was that the final recording of Joe together with Clarrie? I was in tears at the end of the final scene. Lovely final words about Clarrie, and she fully deserves the praise.

  61. ✓✓✓✓ for your points, Gary..
    Stately homes, especially if not handed over to the National Trust, do take the piss. ( + neither owners nor the Trust bother about displaying their pictures properly lit.) Still, £15 for a few dusty relics & a '20s bathroom is ridiculous & Elizabeth & Lily should have stopped that.
    I think Russ's tapes, Tangled in places, or straight, would have stretched the most talented curator.
    Essentially, you sum up Will, but do feel sorry for him because of Nic's death. He isn't really worse than many TA characters at handling crises, coping generally. Maybe curiously, & arguably, Ruth, Jill, Josh & Eddie strike me as the most balanced & stable( oh, throw in Jim, Alan & Alistair
    these days)

  62. £15. For a tour of an attic full of junk and granny’s old bathroom. Shoving a load of leaflets through doors ๐Ÿšช and at what cost, isn’t very clever. Elizabeth should have pointed out that Freddie should undertake research regarding similar establishments and entrance fees. This would have been more beneficial to making an economic judgment on pricing. Lily obviously knew it was a silly unthought out idea, but has been effectively shut up now that wonder boy his back.
    As for Clarrie , she should at least understand what it is like to have a son doing drugs.
    Had it been Susan she would have relished poking around the attic.

    1. Freddie said himself that he should prove his own worth outside Lower Loxley but he chose to be associated with his past and it has come back to haunt him. Lily was clever enough to see that she needed to get away and unjustly faced derision.

  63. Little does Clarrie know that both her sons could face justice: William for perverting the course of and Ed for aiding and abetting a criminal activity. Having said that I find her voice and accent consistent and 'authentic', it's Fallon's that is 'pseudo' sth or other.
    As for William he's always been black or white and not likeable.

    1. Poor Clarrie, both Eddie and Joe have teetered on the wrong side of the law virtually all her married life and now her sons could incur its wrath. Was ever a radio soap character so hard done by?

  64. Yet to catch up on last night's episode, can't wait. As for William - every time he opens his mouth his voice makes my skin crawl. My head can understand & sympathize to an extent with what he's been through, but my gut reaction tells a different story.

    1. Parsley - your head and gut reactions sums up Will G very well.
      And agree about the voice too.
      When I hear it, I see a skinhead with very small mean looking eyes.

  65. We will agree to differ on Clarrie V Susan Archerphile.
    If I had to meet either one for a cuppa I know who I would rather be with..
    Just think of the gossip I could pick up from Susan..
    She would try to upstage me in every way and I would let her.
    I would admit to being a useless cook and she could tell me how to do things “properly”
    She would go away from our meeting feeling very pleased with herself and think how kind she has been to me and I would be pleased with myself for letting her!
    Now if I were with. Clarrie I would soon get sick of her whinging on about Our Willyum’s problems.
    I know I would get tired of her voice.
    She would probably get tired of mine as well in fairness because I haven’t one of the more attractive Lancashire accents but then I wouldn’t ‘t be saying much because I would be trying to think how soon I could get away.

  66. Maryellen,Eddie is a kindly bloke.
    Clarrie is not scared of him.
    He is not going to hit her or yell at her.
    She has never had a lot of money but she has a husband who clearly loves her .
    I couldn’t have stood having Joe living with me but no doubt he provided a bit extra cash so that must have helped
    If her sons have turned out the way they have is it not partly her fault because of the way she has brought them up?
    She should have been honest with Helen.
    Helen could hardly sack her for saying that the cheese was not to her liking .
    I don’t think she is hard done by at all.

  67. Many excellent analyses of both Freddy’s daft idea and Clarrie’s perceived failings.
    GG has accurately pointed out the farcical idea of Russ’s exhibition. Which begs the question of whom should we complain? The characters or the scriptwriter or editor who has put such twaddle into their mouths.
    It would not have happened in the good old days of the card archive.

    1. Aha Pierre! The good old card archive. How I mourn its loss!
      But the Editor and SWs really have no excuse for getting things wrong or altering characters. There are enough books about The Archers available (of which I have many) for them to research, to say nothing of old recordings and websites where they could look up who said what to whom, and when.
      There used to be an Agricultural Adviser, perhaps they now need Art Adviser, Financial Adviser and Marriage Councillor as well!

    2. I think the card catalogue must sill exist or has been digitised, because the photos heading the BBC blogs sometimes featured handwritten/typed entries on cards from it. That was up to a year or so before the BBC closed the blogs.

    3. I think you may be correct Maryellen. Unfortunately the TA team don't seem to consider it worth using, unless it fits in with their advertising objective.

  68. The Clarrie 'controversy' : I do think she's had quite a hard life, but agree she & Eddie are close & supportive of each other. Lanjan, normally I'd agree that it,'s easy enough to say that you don't like blue cheese so you can't judge it, but everyone automatically pussyfoots around Helen's feelings, so It seemed more tactful to be vague. As for Susan & Clarrie, I'd prefer Clarrie, a homely, friendly woman, where Susan would irritate me no end. I prefer to laugh at, & sometimes with, her on the radio !

  69. Archerphile and Maryellen may I just add that the job description for any BBC advisor seems to stipulate, "Must be able to read or write - not necessarily both". This from the recent evidence and the closing of their blog..

  70. At least Freddie tried, but it didn't work out. Apart from ths flyers, what were his costs?
    I expect that these were insignificant compared to Russ and the Art Gallery, as to repainting, canapes, wine etc.I do respect that Russ is trying to bring in future business from Birmingham art dealers, but is it a done deal? And he is being paid - which Freddie isn't. Out of the two - I would much prefer a mooch around the attics, with all the LL history, such as the armour, Julias old clothes etc.
    As to afternoon tea - my choice would be to join Peggy. It would be served in a bone china tea service, elegant along with fascinating conversation as to he life.
    PS I am a cat lover, but would Hilda accept me? ๐Ÿ˜ป

    1. I’m not keen on cats so Hilda would probably sit on my lap

    2. I rather think that's a myth, Ev ! Cats have their pride....

    3. Not a myth Carolyn! It just about always happens when I visit homes with cats! I generally love animals just not as keen on cats but won’t push them away!

  71. So I guess that's the last we'll hear from dear old Joe. A touching, indirectly valedictory, moment between him & Clarrie.
    Jazzer was pretty irritating tonight, but I still hope he has a case against Tom.
    A strong maternal theme tonight.

    1. I thought the info about Joe was that 2 episodes had been recorded but not aired before Edward Kelsy died. It was a touching scene.

      Will Ed's conscience get the better of him?

    2. "pretty irritating" doesn't come close to describing how annoying Mr Jack McCreary is these days carolyn!

      As for Tony thinking of contacting Natasha - what planet is that man living on? Your son is in his mid 30's for goodness sake! It wasn't a play date that went "a bit wrong". Leave them alone. Worst idea since Freddie's "Tour of Dust, Old Christmas Decorations & A Disused Crapper, All for the Bargain Price of Only £8000 per person"...

    3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜€Blimey, did I laugh at that, Gary, especially 'disused crapper' ! ( bog jokes have had me falling about since infancy; perhaps I'm just anally retentive..)

  72. I imagine you are right Carolyn about Joe .
    He didn’t sound the same at all to me .
    It was as if he hadn’t the energy to play the part any more.
    I also think that the actress playing Clarrie knew that it would be his last performance.
    I thought that showed in her voice

    I don’t blame Jazzer being like he was.
    Ed has treated him abysmally.
    It is a good job he has a friend in Jim.

  73. Listening to Joe tonight, I had a lump in my throat, along with a tear in my eye. He had tea with Clarrie and talked about his wife.Susan. It was so simple yet meaningful.

    If this wasn't Joe's last broadcast, can the SW's have produced something even more poignant?
    If so, I will then need a new packet of tissues or even, a new kitchen roll to mop the tears up.

    1. Same here - I was in tears at the end of the scene to which I only listened just now. ๐Ÿ˜ข

  74. Sadly have to say that every scene this evening with Joe I had to "rewind" in order to understand him. The final one I had to listen to 3 times.

  75. Yes his voice was very shaky wasn't it.
    But if LJ is correct when she tells us how many episodes are recorded on one day, it may well be that ' Joe' was in more than one episode. If so we may hear him again.
    The actor must have been very weak at those last recordings, and I imagine that the cast must have been very sad to see one of their team in such a way at the end.

  76. Ah dear ๐Ÿฅฐ Joe - he sounded quite emotional (as did I on listening to his performance ๐Ÿ˜”)

  77. Jazzer's been treated badly by Tom and then Ed - friends don't pay your bills - ready each time Tim says jump.
    As for what Tracy said to Tom, we only heard it second hand, so I'll pretend it 'didn't happen', it's very mean to give words to characters which they didn't actually say themselves, a cheap way to let us know that the whole village knows 'the wife's gone back to her mother'.

  78. Oh dear! Ed is being such a fool. And a bad friend to Jazzer. I had really hoped that after finding that baseball bat in Tim’s van, Ed would realise he’s getting caught up in something really dodgy and back out. I’m not sure if he’s just desperate to earn more money for the wretched house deposit or if he is really frightened of reprisals if he does refuse to do any more driving.
    If only he had the guts to tell Harrison what is happening. He is not only in danger of losing his friends and his shearing business but of being locked up!

  79. I imagine the actor playing Joe must have asked to appear for a final time because at Joe’s age it would have been very easy for the script writers to let him die quietly in his sleep.
    I suggest that is what will happen now possibly sooner rather than later.

    relating to JOE, so all have the opportunity to pass by now.


    I bought an RT today when out shopping, and I don't usually do this, nor read ahead, but it seems Joe's last scenes will be broadcast next week.
    I so loved last nights scenes, which I thought were Joe's last, and those will be hard to beat.

    1. To add..
      Joe was what 98yrs of age in TA. I so hope that he is not kept alive, in the background, like Caroline was. Joe should be written out in a lovely way, such as:-
      He is found
      a) in the Cider Shed,
      b) with Gem + Bartleby,
      c) in the kitchen with his ferrets,
      d) just asleep in his bed in Grange Farm.

  81. I thought Bev handled taking Mia’s things and talking to Will very well but she would have to realise he is Poppy’s father so her situation is different to Mia’s. As her grandmother Bev would not have the right to interfere unless of course she was being ill treated which isn’t likely. Unlike Mia too she is a member of the Grundy family by birth and morally belongs with them. Bev would do better to have a chat with Clarrie if she is concerned rather than make a veiled threat to Will without justification.

    1. Was it without justification though Ev.
      She could see the house was in a mess, and clearly thought that Will had lost weight and probably made assumptions about well he was looking after himself as well as the children, the home, and his work.
      We should also be aware that though we never heard it, her daughter probably, (well, may have ! ) talked to her mother about Wills personality traits. In other words she will ' know Will ' by her own observations of him since he has been with her daughter.
      However I do think she should be having a conversation with Clarrie at the very least.

    2. Bev seems genuinely to like Will and he gets on with her .
      I may be alone in wanting it but in time I really would like Mia to return to live with Will.
      I can’t see him being able to cope with Poppy by himself.
      I am surprised that Clarrie hasn’t done something about the state of the house.
      She could have told him before Mia left that he needs to employ somebody to do some housework .
      Do we know where Bev lives?
      Has she a husband?
      Might she go and act as housekeeper?

    3. Gosh, I wouldn't wish that on Bev, Lanjan ! She seems such a kind, sensible woman - also shown at the time of her daughter's death, so really hope she's got a life of her own.
      Agree, she handled a tricky situation with that volatile man very well, caring but firm. It seems they have established a friendly, easy relationship over the years. She is right to be concerned about Poppy, & to make that clear to Will. I imagine she will have a word with Clarrie - it would make sense, as it is easier to see what is wrong from the outside than it is for someone as closely involved as Clarrie is ( who has many other responsibilities as well) In the end it is down to Will to hire what help he needs. He is clearly worried about his job, it would have been very different, I think, if Brian had still been his employer, instead of the ghastly Martin Gibson.

  82. Not being a parent myself, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    If you cannot look after your children, which is the ONE job that you have if you do, then you surely must forfeit that role? Will seems to exhibit an alarming lack of awareness in these matters. Troubled soul/ good intentions/get there in the end etc, don't count for a damn thing! He is damaging his kids by his gross negligence.

    He doesn't need a housekeeper. He needs a wake up call. Sharpish!

    1. ....part of that wake up call ( certainly agree that is needed rather than burying his head in the sand) could be the hiring of a cleaner. A housekeeper is a bit extreme. He does have family, & that community rota for some of the Poppy essentials, the evenings & early mornings are for him to be a dad. Plenty of single parents can handle that without social services intervention.
      As for Mia, she had a dad, & her brother lives with him. The reason Mia continued to live with Will was because she wanted it like that, her home for most of her life, attachments to both Will & Poppy, the feeling of being close to her mum & taking over her role in some ways. It hasn't worked out, so the solution is clear.

    2. But don't you fear for Poppy? In the future will SHE become Will's housekeeper...?


  83. I thought it was Tracey with Will! Then Mia’s dads partner but in the end it appeared to be Bev (?) Nics mum? Ye gods I wish more voices were instantly recognisable. (I guess the Mia actress is busy with exams.)

    1. I sometimes spend more time working out WHO is speaking rather than thinking about WHAT they are speaking. You would think that would be a crucial matter when it comes to radio drama. But apparently not...

    2. That's is exactly how I heard it Lady R.
      First Tracey, then thought the name Bev must be the dad's partner, then realised and remembered it was Nicks mum.

      Agree all similar voices confuse the listener.

    3. I think the Mia-actor must be between 18-20, judging by a 2011 theatre programme in which she appears as one of three child actors sharing the role of an 8 year old girl in the RSC’s Christmas special - her professional stage debut, it says. She was at least 10 then, and could be a young-looking 12 year old in her publicity photo. She comes from Sheffield and is a Youth Trustee of the National Youth Theatre. I hope she comes back as Molly Button!

    4. As said on previous blog, Molly Pipe is between the ages of 16-23 according to her agency web page. She only has one entry on imdb but has made commercials, and performed on stage on three or four occasions over the past eight years. Her first attributed role was for the RSC. She (or the agency) boasts she can perform in many accents! Apparently she can also sing and clog dance!

    5. According to the 2011 theatre programme, she was then a member of the National Youth Folklore Group of England (explaining her clog dancing skills) which you have to be at least 10 to join, but she joined the National Youth Theatre aged 14, which isn’t mentioned in the programme, so that ‘ages’her more precisely than the IMDb entry as between 10 and 14 in 2011, hence between 18 and 22 now. But as I said above, her 2011 publicity photo doesn’t suggest a child older than 12.

  84. Not enjoying any of the Archers story lines or like any of the character. The new script writers have not lived up to expectations. Will take a break for a few months from listening but will continue to provide fresh blog posts.

    1. I was talking to my acupuncturist yesterday, she listens to the archers, and said basically the same thing. I don’t like anyone on it at the moment , even jazzer has gone down in my opinion.
      Hope to hear from you on the off topic blog, don’t give US up. ๐Ÿคž

  85. Oh dear Ruthy - understand your thinking though. Hope you will still pop into (your own) off topic blog! ๐Ÿ™

  86. Ruthy, you have a point. The stories are pretty gloomy or implausible or both. Worrying about William and family, Ed and family, Elizabeth and family, Tom’s marriage etc etc.

    I hope you don’t feel burdened with the task of providing the blog. I wish I could offer but I am not very computer literate.

    1. Likewise, both about computer illiteracy, & about the dreariness of TA, most of the time. It's very patchy. I think it's just routine & the what-happens-next syndrome that keeps me listening.

    2. Yes, routine, for me a lifetime routine that I wish to continue until my end.
      The one consistent element since about the age of ten.
      I don't even put much store by what happens next.
      A habit !

  87. I think it is time for a happy, countryside sort of event like the village fรชte or Flower and Veg show. Much time was spent in the past discussing who was going to run the whack-a-rat stall, or organise the tea tent. Lynda was in her element bossing everybody about and pontificating on which famous person should be invited to open the fete; Kenton busy organising games and races down by the river; Jill dragooning the WI cake makers, etc etc.
    Lots of summer fun and games for the whole village, and listeners, and a welcome break from all the problems and angst in everyone’s lives at the moment.

    1. Instead of which we have the church art committee, founded by Shula as family replacement, which brings out the worst in all plus negative sounds from the cricket ground.

    2. yep. it's all so DEPRESSING....

    3. I agree with those who are saying that The Archers is too depressing. Most of the storylines are so negative and no one is allowed any happines without it being spoilt by something. I find myself switching off when listening these days.

  88. In psychiatry if a patient claims to be FINE as Will did repeatedly *at* Bev, they are deemed to be in denial, especially when their behaviour and language indicates otherwise.
    Fu....up, Insecure, Neurotic! and Emotional.
    Will certainly fits the description. A very difficult person to empathise with at the moment.

    1. I think many people recognise, those ' fine' - ' I'm fine thank you ' expressions from individuals who we may think are a ' bit wonky ' or ' out of sorts' as denial, but only the brave or very thick skinned are able to say, ' no I don't think you are, you need help '.
      Perhaps Bev will be one of the brave.

    2. She’s a contender as she’s straight talking with warmth in her attitude. I think she’ll talk to Clarrie as she did last year and perhaps between them they can support Will to move forward. That would be a positive outcome for a change.

  89. I’m getting the impression that Leonard Berry is in danger of becoming a figure of fun around the village.

  90. What gives you that impression,Maryellen?

    1. I guess because he was silent at the silly meeting & went to the loo, giving rise to even more silly, & nasty parochial sniping at an 'outsider'. Hope Jill sees he can't descend to that level of village debate, & instead continues to enjoy insights from his world which have previously been closed to her.

  91. £6.50 for two slices of cake and Susan didn’t bat an eyelid?
    I’d want a whole cake for that price.

    1. You could get six slices at Wetherspoons to every one at Fallon’s. cheap enough for a group wanting a meet up.๐Ÿง๐Ÿฐ☕️☕️

    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️๐Ÿ˜€Stasia.

    3. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️๐Ÿ˜€


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