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Life in Ambridge


  1. To answer Maryellen about David putting the screws on Kenton,I thought that Jill had settled that little score
    Talking about Jill.
    I wonder how much of the not inconsiderable rent money she receives from Carole each month she passes onto Ruth and David ?
    I would also like to know who advised Ruth to lock away her inheritance.
    Surely farmers of all people need ready money to be available.

    1. Yes, I’d forgotten about that, LanJan, it was all a bit muddled! How do you know the rent Jill charges is ‘not inconsiderable’ - has Carol been moaning to you?

  2. Well, yes, Lanjan, reckon they just want a story involving Brookfield in crisis ! Testing the wretched Pip's loyalty, the family's weak link. Oh, no, we'll have weeks of her stammering agonizing....
    Thanks for kicking us off again, Gary. No idea whose farm the pic belongs to - maybe Bridge Farm, as they're fairly prosperous these days, aren't they ( until they get embroiled in Natasha's massive debts, yawn....)

  3. Don't think there've been much comment on Friday, but to strike a more positive note or two, really rated the scene between Oliver & Tracey, funny but encouraging : he gently put her straight about GG ghosts, but also values her different style of input.she, in turn, is very enthusiastic about the job. Also, nice scene between Emma & Susan. Tracey was fine to confide in initially but now she needs a quieter kind of TLC. I know Susan can hardly be described as 'quiet' but she did hit the right note. Still think the break between Ed & Emma won't be permanent.
    What a relief ( Thursday?) that Roy took the initiative in a grown up way, calling on Lexi, who appreciated his sympathy. Please, don't let them get together again, though ! She's such a pain - takes action without weighing up consequences, EVERY TIME.

  4. Surely this blog’s picture is of Brookfield.
    Or am I wrong Gary?

  5. Yes Maryellen.
    Carole is not happy with the amount she is paying Jill which is why she is not talking!
    I can’t understand why she still lives in Ambridge.
    Nobody visits her.
    She doesn’t visit anybody
    Her daughter doesn’t want her
    Nobody mentions her
    There is no point in making anything for the Flower and Produce Show because there is no one to sample it.
    Perhaps she has a Get Together now and then with Kathy,Richard Locke,Amy and Jamie.

  6. Carolyn - 1.52 p.m. I really agree with all the points you make. Oliver was so calm and open-minded with Tracey and even asked for her input. Full marks to him on staff matters. As I put in an earlier message: Roy was so caring and generous towards Lexi despite his broken heart over her.

  7. Cowgirl 12.29pm.
    I thought the same, half a million to buy land, it a no brainier. David will go cap in hand to the winners who will be rubbing their hands with Gleesome delight. But does;he have the 60%they need to access the money. By my calculations that’s 180 football pitches.
    Maybe Lanjan can be mathematically more accurate?

  8. Lanjan 3.23pm.
    Poor Carole maybe she died and nobody knows. Her daughter is too busy getting criminals off the hook.
    Just like Joe Grundy, dead in the chair with his ferrets and farmers lung, his toe nails must be 10 inches long. The family are soooo busy with their own problems to notice.
    The smell in Ambridge must be terrible.
    Perhaps they all think it’s muck spreading time.

  9. I listened to the omnibus today, and picked up that Tracey had obviously talked to Carole T, as she was carrying yellow flowers, as recommended by her.
    It seems Carole T. is like Kathy, just a silent character, but her prescence is made known, now + again.

    I apologise well in advance of my next comment as it one of my very silly + "wacky" ideas.
    Here goes;-
    Matt C. has been mentioned a couple of times lately, with Wills distress over losing Nic.
    Vince has suddenly appeared at the same time, who sounds remarkably like Matt, both in his voice, the way he speaks, his business attitude towards David... yet helped Brian out. This might be just a pure coincidence. However, just suppose it is Matt. returned from Ecuador, with a new face (after extensive plastic surgery)?
    Silly yes, but.......
    I doubt any one else will think that this is viable, (realistically, neither do I) but I have only given a wild idea I had, as who knows how the S/Ws think.

  10. Yes, Tracy with her bunch of flowers given by Carole to ward off the ghosts - they brought Oliver in to make her dump them and not her job, really, can she now get back to her down to earth attitude please. As for Jill paying rent - she's been a housekeeper and cook at Brookfield and paid off Kenton's debt, so she owes nothing and spends her time with Leonard.

    1. I don't think Jill pays rent as such to Brookfield. She just does all the cooking, looking after Rosie, the general house-keeper duties. She does get a good monthly rental from Glebe Cottage which she is probably investing, as she did probably used this, to pay off Kentons debt to David.
      I am waiting for something to happen at Glebe - a new thatch roof is required, the boiler packs up + the whole CH system needs replacing, the electrics start giving sparks ending up needing a full re-wire....Jill will have to pay to sort these problems out, as the owner.

  11. I have lost the plot about how much land costs in Ambridge but I am assuming maybe £6000 an acre but to make it easier let us say £5000 per acre as the land will be that which cannot be used for much other than wilding.
    In that case they would need to buy 100 acres if they were to spend all the money.
    How many football pitches Stasia?
    I reckon perhaps about 70 or 80
    (I am trying to work all this out whilst cheering on England so I am probably way off beam )

    1. They are still surviving just!! I am channel hopping...

    2. I expect the land round Ambridge will be good arable land and would go for £8000 to 10,000 per acre. Grazing land will go for less, but down here the odd parcel of land is going for silly prices, hobby farmers or people from the cities have been known to pay £15000 per acre!
      If David is farming 500 acres there isn't any way he would want or need to part with the 240 acres (the 60% of the 400 acres). 240 acres even at £6000 per acre is well over a million. I don't know whether it was Peggy or the threesome that decided on as many as 400 acres, but that is an unrealistic figure. 100 acres would have worked fine as a pilot project , and the money needs to cover all the labour and soil renewal and replanting /rewilding and the costs of visiting other projects to learn the right way of doing things ( and one of the best is apparently in the Netherlands). It sounds a lot of money but it isn't for all that needs doing and they won't be able to afford to buy much land.

  12. I keep thinking about the Beechwood developement - how many acres was that???
    Justin paid £1mill to Bridge Farm for that land , so that has to be a "benchmark".

    This was already natural wild land in Ambridge, where purple orchids grew is now just new housing, concreted over, boosting two wealthy landowners with extra profits, Tony + Justin.

  13. In reply to those on the previous blog who wished we heard more from the younger males in Ambridge - if I wanted to witness bad acting from miscast teenagers I would watch Hollyoaks. Hearing more from the likes of Ben and Josh and Freddie et al would have me reaching for the off switch immediately. It's bad enough having to listen to the men in their twenties and thirties - almost without fail pathetic spongers who are embarrassingly inept at everything they turn their hands to. Relying on handouts from parents or accomodation from elderly men. Not a backbone amongst them. Pathetic little runts all.

    1. but GG doesn't this scenario about "spongers" apply to some TA females.
      Pheobe + Kate spring to mind (as I don't think Kate's business is very profitable). I have to include Pip in this, but at a much lower level, due to having constant free child-care + turning up for work, late but with no loss of pay. Also does Pip pay rent on Rickyard or is it a perk?

    2. Gary, you must stop beating about the bush and let us know what you really think.

  14. Gary ( 5.58pm), well, that's told 'em ! Actually, I quite like Ben & Josh, it's many of the 20 + & 30+that I find a pain. Agree about Freddie & Ruairi, though, both dependant, whiney & bolshie with it.

  15. Lanjan. I read that 400 acres worked out at 300 football pitches. An awful lot of land.


  16. Don’t mind Josh at least although he has been badly brought up and has few manners he does know how to graft.
    Don’t like Ruari
    Can’t abide Ben .
    His spell in solitary confinement in his bedroom did him no good at all.
    Freddie is another one I don’t take to.
    His voice does him no favours .
    Poor little rich boy.
    When we next hear George no doubt he will be another sound alike.

  17. I don't understand all this plastic bottle collecting in Ambridge. I would have that this would be done kerbside, as in the majoritory of local councils. Perhaps Borsetshire doesn't do re-cycling.

  18. What was the point of that meeting, to make Emma feel small and show her what she's lost?

  19. From where did this 400 acres come up ,Stasia?
    Is that the amount of land that can be purchased with £500,000?
    You are right about the number of football pitches
    How ridiculous.

    1. Further to my 7:18 post.
      I mean the idea of Ambridge having enough spare land the size of 300 football pitches was ridiculous.

    2. Re land costs Lanjan see my post at 10 44 p.m. no alas the days when that money would buy 400 acres are long long gone.

  20. Talk of the devil, Freddie pops up again, feeling sorry for himself, while mum wrings her hands ineffectually.

  21. Oh, Emma, don't become bitter & defeated. It won't help, & will just wear you out. You're worth more than that.

  22. I wonder when a newcomer to Ambridge will actually be a local or at least somebody from the midlands ?
    I think the editor thinks that Wales and the NW and NE of England are the only areas from where folk move to Ambridge .

    1. It's known as the North/South divide!
      This can sometimes be but not always, obvious. Fish Finger butties is an example, northern not southern.
      I often eat these for a pub lunch. Though these days they are on the menu as fish gougons, with home made tartar sauce in between slices of sour dough bread, and charga accordingly!

  23. Sorry Miriam.
    You have lost me .

  24. Perhaps the new female resident should meet up with Ruth (as a fellow north-easterner) and complain to her that she doesn’t approve of cows on the roads, or tractors leaving mud - or even children playing on the grass.
    I’d love to hear Ruth’s reply!

  25. Lanjan Forgot about posting the new way and left a bit about land prices back as a reply at 10.44

  26. I can feel a rant coming on after listening to the Ambridge council meeting and the new Beechwood resident. That can be so true to life. I get exasperated by people who move here totally unused to country life. They have houses built with drive in parking with no gates so you have terrible trouble on cattle drives, and woe betide if any garden gets trampled on or munched. At least if there were gates that could be closed it would help; and then of course there are the complaints about cockerels crowing early in the morning and the sound of cattle lowing. I am afraid I was very rude to some incomers who had built a bungalow close to my brother's nursery field, and of course the calves start calling for their mothers when it is getting near feeding time and these people were moaning. You might just as well complain about hearing traffic in the town. Rant over.

  27. Archerfile, just read your comment. Love it. Oh I really would like to hear Ruth on the subject!

  28. I thought Emma spoke well at the meeting, countering the newcomer's complaints (Mrs Orville?). She acknowledged publicly her disappointment at not moving to Beechwood, and praised that it was child friendly in it's design.

    I'm sure other feedback to the complaints will be stronger, regarding mud, cows etc. What do they expect, moving to a farming community?! 🤣
    (I do understand it happens often when 'townies' move to the country)

  29. After having read some of the comments re the buying of land for the re-wilding, I don’t
    think buying land in one place is the point. It would have to be in various places in the
    village to make any sense. Surely one wild area would not cut the mustard !

  30. Janice, 11.08 last night.
    Thank you!
    A prime example of complaining townies was when a family bought the lovely old cottage, slap bang next to our village church. A few months later they were complaining about the church bells and demanded they only be rung on special occasions such as weddings and that bell practice should be conducted silently!! The PPC debated the request seriously and did, indeed, cut down on the regular ringing and practices. To the fury of other villagers.

  31. The point I was trying to make 8th Sept 7:41pm was that not one of the newcomers to Ambridge appear to be from Borchester,Edgeley,Darlington etc .
    All of them seem to come from hundreds of miles away. - Ayesha ,Kirsty,Phil .Natasha for example .However none of the Archers family hardly ever move more than a few hundred yards.
    Am I alone in finding this strange?

    1. Which country would you like the incomers to come from, LanJan, and the Archer family to go to?

    2. Ambridge’s newest arrival (possibly arrivals, since Roy and others have been rudely telling Lexi how huge she is) will be biologically one-quarter Irish and one-quarter English - we don’t know what nationality the egg was.. Culturally, it/they will be half Irish.

  32. Old Fogey. 8.44 am
    I don’t recognise your name, but your comment did make me chuckle.😀
    Our Gary never beats about the bush, if he did we wouldn’t have this fan blog. Life would become intolerable if we had to spend forever scrolling down hundreds of comments.
    Freddie wandering around the village with a wheelie bin, collecting plastic bottles for some sort of art project nobody understands, including himself, is silly. Makes him out to be the village idiot.
    I thought he was, in his discussion with Elizabeth, trying to inveigle himself back into Lower Loxley
    I also find him and Ruairi a pain.
    Although Freddie doesn’t have the conniving abilities of the other middle class young men in Ambridge.
    Tracy at least has some empathy for Freddie, she is gaining a wise head. Well done Oliver.

  33. Apart from complaints about Beechwood, Joy Horville mentioned King Charles having played golf in Newcastle and her daughter who moved away to Leeds and has done well for herself as a social climber (?) So what is the woman doing in Ambridge?

  34. Maybe PPR are looking to rent rather than buy land, though that leaves them with no assets to realise if the scheme doesn’t prosper and has to be rethought/terminated. That’s if it ever gets off the ground (haha!)

  35. I hope to be remunerated with this snippet of advice for the Gleesome Threesome.
    Joy Horville? Was complaining about too much grass being available for kiddies to play on.
    The solution is simple , it called rewilding. Then Ms Horville might return to ‘up north’ because Beechwood will start to resemble wild jungle.
    It would save the council mowing money.

  36. Old Fogey (08:44) - good to hear from you again!

  37. I can't find
    any comment from Old Fogey , Gary

    10.22 am
    I am not sure that I am explaining myself properly
    I think it is strange that no newcomers are from Borcetshire
    Why does everyone who has moved to Ambridge recently come from miles away?
    Surely folk who want new houses in Ambridge are those who perhaps were renting in nearby towns
    Of course the Geordie woman could have lived in the area for years
    Since Vicki and Hayley left we never hear a midlands accent
    Are there more available northern and Welsh actors around because other than those accents all we get are the posh soundalikes both male and female

  38. Stasia, may I counter your thoughts about Freddie? (09:26)

    He dealt drugs to teenagers for around a year just for the kicks it seems. He didn't need the money. How conniving is that?
    And he was caught when attempting to deal at a party in a small pub in the village where he lived, which was attended by dozens of policemen. Definition of village idiot!

    1. ..but surely Freddie, after his time away, he has matured and is ready to change, esp. as he can't live at LL where Lily + Russ seem to have taken over.
      He has learnt his lesson, he has a police record, but every-one deserves a chance to prove themself, surely??
      Or am I just naive...

  39. Lanjan 11.21

    You are right. Strange there are no midlands-accented folk moving to Ambridge.
    Jack Wooley and Sid Perks both had quite distinctive Brummie accents and we haven’t heard those for years.
    Are there not any people from Felpersham or Borchester wanting to move out into the country, either upsizing or downsizing; wanting a country environment for their young children to grow
    up in, or at the other end of the age scale, retirees?

  40. Why would ANYONE want to move to Ambridge? The people are feckin' awful, all the houses seemingly have rooms that appear & disappear at random and there's a good 15% chance that you will be struck dumb...

    1. I know we're not tending to do 'replies' any more, but.....

    2. Nothing wrong with replies in my opinion, if they come shortly after the comment. It can be a problem if we insert them some time afterwards when there are a number of subsequent posts, as they are hard to scroll back and spot.

      Gary, 😂. I hope you are OK - you have gone a very funny colour. I don’t think this Ambridge angst is agreeing with you.

    3. Sorry Gary - totally disagree, I’d move to Ambridge anyday!
      It’s very like my own village, and I’d get friendly with Jill to pinch her recipies and get gardening tips from Bert. Wouldn’t mind a nice dinner at Grey Gables either and Mr A could volunteer to Umpire for Ambridge Cricket Club. Perfect! 😄

    4. I would move to Ambridge without any hesitation. What a village. It's a strong community with a village pub, so many much going on and so many different characters, plus the related gossip.
      Never a dull moment.

  41. So many comments to respond to, without using reply, means I will have to scroll back.
    Several times.
    Just saying !

    Nice to hear from Old Fogey.

    Midlands accent ?
    Have you not heard the new character, who is clearly going to be 'big' very soon.
    The Abbatoir Man (sp) ?

    Lan Jan, whether you explained clearly enough or not, statistically most people move less than a couple of miles from their previous address.
    Farming folk, as far as I know stay put for generations.
    Lots of other people often move to diffent and far places for the sake of a job, which most of Ambridges residents have.
    Ian, Lexi, Anisha, Harrison, for a start.
    Perhaps the new lady has a son or daughter in a nearby town.

    Agree about incomers, complaining about the conditions, new to them, but usually to be found in rural areas, but it can happen in towns and cities too.
    My mother in law bought a cottage opposite Twickenham church then complained bitterly about the church bells.
    What the hell did she expect ?

    A pub in Barnes village ( London) a famous and well loved music venue for well over fifty years, had a posh block of flats built next door.
    Within a year a resident in the block took a complaint up with Richmond council.
    Although that resident lost their case, the rot set in and that venue has now closed.

    I have bought a cottage opposite a pub, but did not do my research well enough to realise it was a music venue. I suffer, but cannot complain very loudly, as I understand that I should have been more thorough in my research.

    I walk my dog in and around the Churchyard here and some of the houses in the enclave of the churchyard do not have gates. This area is off road, all pedestrianised, and so my dog, off the lead in a safe area, runs into the gardens.
    Polite complaints from the owners who are ex Londoners, and who I am slightly friendly with.
    But if you don't have a gate on your property, not only my dog, but also the badger and foxes and the deer will get in.

    As for the young and old of Ambridge, I take them as I find them.
    Like people in general, some you like, some you don't, most you just tolerate.
    I don't listen in order to complain.

    Though I do admit to hating Jill's giggle, which now I mention it, we haven't heard for some time.

    1. I have just started scrolling back, but there are so many references to previous posts, I will be scrolling back for ages. I, sadly, have given up, though I have replied to a few via the "orange" button!

  42. I am bemused about who should have bought homes at Beechwood. Phiip + Kirsty are local. Why shouldn't some-one from the North buy such a property?
    They could be parents moving to live near to a married son or daughter eg the parents of Kirsty, Harrison, Hannah, even Natash (though that is Wales)?Also these could be persons, taking up work in the area.
    I would love to know what Joy's husband does for a living. Could he be a work colleague of Justins, so they had their property at a lower price? - or perhaps a new partner in the soliciter firm, where Usha works?
    I think these will become either alies or enemies, of Lynda + Robert.
    Remember what Lynda was like when she moved to Ambridge from Sunningdale - she certainly ruffled a few feathers at that time.

  43. I like Freddie, I like his voice which is distinctive and, to my ear attractive - as it needs to be for radio.
    I reckon Freddie showed great humility when he asked Tracy how she was getting on at Grey Gables and that he was pleased she had got the job.
    He's a really nice lad who will mature into a 'Nigel' I think and hope.

  44. Gary 12.38pm.
    I wouldn’t move to Ambridge so many odd people, and many with their noses in the air. The woman who is frequently seen on her knees in the church graveyard is also the master of the Hunt. Is that not a contradiction?
    The Pub delivers terrible bar service, and the landlady thinks she can 🎤 sing, more like screeching to my ears.
    Some residents have a murderous tendency, there was a notorious stabbing not long ago and the culprit got off.
    The village harbours drug dealers one of whom is running around with a wheelie bin collecting plastic bottles.
    Some of the farmers will do anything for money, including polluting the local river.
    One residents was robbed of all her savings by a resident who had previously been to prison for dealing in shady scams.
    The gamekeeper and his family are cunning ne’er- do -wells scrounging of the owner of a hotel and golf course, which is supposed to be haunted.
    The village is controlled by three farming families who see themselves as the local grandees with other the locals there to do their bidding.
    There are a couple of celts in their midst, they fit in because one is a token Irish gay and the other just a token Scot.
    The oldest woman in the village thinks she is the queen of all she surveys.
    What a boring place to live.🧐forgot the token academic, 🤓don’t ask him about the Romans.

  45. Lovely Stasia - After your post, by defintition them Archer folk, and Ambridge aint boring. 😻

  46. I am with Stasia ,Gary and anyone else who would avoided Ambridge like the plague as somewhere to live.
    Gary has briefly told us why he wouldn’t live there.
    You are so right,Gary.
    Stasia has given us loads of reasons why I wouldn’t want to .
    What happens when I am unable to drive?
    How many buses are there during the day?
    There is one shop-pricey.
    Is there a library?
    It is a hot bed of gossip.
    There is no middle ground .
    One is either a toff or a peasant
    (The plebs on the whole being the more pleasant characters)
    What actually is there to do on a typical wet day if one isn’t hungry or thirsty and can’t afford to go for a swim at Grey Gables.

  47. Do people like Joy actually exist?

  48. Lanjan, to me she's a caricature and not at all amusing, though she's supposed to be.
    So Lynda is protecting Lexi from Jennifer, will she start fussing over her herself?

  49. Janet at 5:19
    I agree with you about Freddie. I like his voice and did also like his way with Tracey, speaking with her as a local and an equal.
    Most of us have made mistakes in life, some of them disastrous or illegal.
    And most of us have hurt someone in an emotional sense at some point in our lives, even though we may not know the fact.
    Freddie was punished for the wrong he did. He is still being punished and so is his mother.
    I hope we continue to see Freddie making progress and some repairs to the damage he has perpetrated.

  50. Ah, but my main point was that Freddie was thick - and that's not really likely to change is it? His attempt to sell drugs to a room full of police officers was monumentally dumb! It literally was one of the stupidest decisions I have ever heard of. He's awfully fortunate that he (at the moment!) stands to inherit somewhere to live and money with which to live - because people like Freddie without that safety net really don't tend to do particularly well in the world in my experience.

    Of course I am well aware that the scriptwriters will no doubt have him become the General Secretary of the U.N., the first man on Mars or indeed the Queen of Sheba. As it says on the Welcome to Ambridge signs - "Impossible is Nothing"....😋

  51. Is this dreadful Joy woman going to become a regular cast member?
    I do hope not, she’d put me off listening more than anyone else, and that’s including Susan!

    1. I've yet to have the "pleasure" of Joy's company yet - not actually listened to an episode since the beginning of last week. Might not even bother catching up since it all sounds chock full of my least favourite storylines & characters!

      🌏🌎🌍 Hello Myanmar! 🌍🌎🌏

  52. I agree with you Archerphile. Her voice alone would drive me insane. We only heard a
    few minutes of her. Imagine living with her ?! Poor Kirsty and Phillip.

  53. Well she got off to a good start didn't she.
    Kirsty and Lexi bursting into spontaneous laughter at her, and the rest of us with them I imagine.
    If not laughter then groans.
    It seems to me that the SWs have experienced some of the complaints and difficulties of townies moving into the countryside such as some of us on here.

  54. The new Beechwood lady reminded me of Heather pet ! (Ruth’s mum) same actor? Though I guess new ones are cheaper more so anyway than allowing some of our favourites voices again 🤔
    As for Jennifer grrrr and well done Linda!

  55. Like Heather as in voice / accent only Heather Pet spoke more sedately and did not make me want to tell her where to go!!!!

  56. She really is the worst type of next door neighbour - invites herself in, even when you are busy or entertaining someone else, never stops talking about me, me, me, and her family, and immediately starts stirring up trouble in the neighbourhood and complaining about established habits and traditions.
    Go away Joy!

  57. Just read a comment elsewhere about ‘why are we hearing so much from a very recently moved-in new neighbour when we haven’t heard a word about The Gills at Home Farm?’
    Good point I thought.

  58. Because the Gills are obviously quiet,well behaved Southerners and not loud mouthed Northerners

  59. Script writers of the Archers do like to stereotype.
    (They often get the stereotyping wrong of course and as Basia (7 :42pm9th September ) says Joy is a caricature) All this going on about her daughter Chantelle or whatever her name is would not happen .
    Too over the top.

  60. Six women in last nights episode and they were all irritating except for Kirsty. 🗯
    Lanjan 7.12pm 9th.
    Your description is exactly where I live, and it is dull and boring. We have a lot of 🧬 transfers and one surname is predominant. Although it is not Archer.
    Like Kirsty I live outside the bubble, but thank goodness I don’t have Joy-less next door.
    I might take a leaf out of Gary’s book.

  61. Kirsty is a vegan, news to me, just to set her up in competition with Jennifer, that's precisely what she was trying to avoid.
    GG - I think Freddie was dealing on his home turf, trying to 'revive' Toby and Harrison happened to be there dressed up for his stag night, but the end result is the same, stupid.
    Wayne was caught there selling drugs to Freddie, so it came full circle.

  62. Basia 9.41
    Your mention of Wayne reminds me.....are we ever going to hear from Joleen again? I’d like to hear what she has to say about Lilians enforced ‘improvements at the Bull.
    And is aforementioned Wayne still the chef there?

  63. Just caught up w'last night - Jennifer was as much a caricature as the Joy woman, I thought, worse, in fact. Joy is ridiculous, of course, but there are people like that, never pausing for breath & always theme is self, self, self & the aspects of self that couldn't be of less interest to strangers.
    Jennifer is not a stupid woman, intrinsically, so why so utterly OTT ? Even had some sympathy for Lexi.

  64. i'm with you Caroline - just listened to last eves episode and thought J behaved v badly, treating Lexi a bit like a Margaret Atwood handmaid.
    Jennifer can be snobby, and managing but she's not, at heart, insensitive and usually behaves with a certain naive motherearthiness????

  65. As Stasia said, 6 women last night and I found the three older ones irritating, yes, Lynda too, the way she tried to pretend that Lexi was in, resting.
    Joy's daughter's name is Rochelle.

  66. I seem to remember Jennifer acting very superior to Lexi when she was a picker. Now that she is carrying the grandchild she’s all over her. What a hypocrite!

  67. She certainly was pretty vile to Lexi-the-picker, Ev(1.45pm), but now she's Lexi-the-picker, she is also vile in an entirely different way.
    Have thought of Jennifer as having a number of likeable qualities, but now she's fast becoming my least favourite female character, beating even Kate & Pip....

    1. And also Jennifer had her cleaning the caravans out, after the pickers had left, I seem to recall. She certainly was just a lowely skivvy, from Bulgaria, then. This is
      observation only.
      No class or home birth-place criticism, is certainly not intended.

    2. I don’t think Jennifer was vile to Lexi-the-hands. She paid her for cleaning the caravans and was very appreciative of the result.

  68. Jennifer has had a tendency to fuss over her brood in the past and they have struggled with this at times. She tends to be at her worst when they have been away - Debbie visiting from Hungary usually has to rein Jennifer in so she isn’t suffocated. Jennifer probably feels particularly out of control around this pregnancy as Lexi is not her daughter about to give birth. I think she is struggling to find her role. I do agree with those who think her behaviour is being exaggerated to the point of caricature, but I did enjoy listening last night and found it quite funny between Jennifer and Lynda.

  69. I agree with Tracy putting Freddie forward, I don't know why Oliver was so surprised, he did apply for the receptionist's post. I hate her other idea though but if that's what people like?
    I'm glad Jim saw Philip off, he was far too pushy and there was no need for Jazzer and Alistair to take over his idea.

  70. I don’t blame Jim turning Philip ‘s offer down.
    I think that there is trouble at t’mill.
    He sounded desperate for work.
    An extension is not going to be built quickly so if Philip was offering to do it for a lot less than another builder would charge he will make little or no profit.
    (I thought at one point he was offering to do the work at cost which would be ridiculous)

  71. I agree with you about Jennifer ,Seasider.
    I know I didn’t expect to be much involved in my daughter in law’s pregnancy .
    I also thought that her mother should be the one to see her grandson first which if I remember correctly is what happened.

    I am very pleased to be hearing more of Tracy
    I really like her.
    Like you Basia I thought it was a good idea of her’s to suggest Freddie for the job in the kitchen
    I think it may be the making of him

    1. If Freddie is to inherit the Lower Loxley business, it makes sense for him to work his way up in the hospitality trade, gaining experience and (if not too thick) a qualification along the road.

  72. Jennifer has always found a way to patronise Lexi, the difference now is that she is doing so with an ' I am grandmother ' badge on her hat.
    The irony as I see it is that Lexi sees right through her and is adult enough to remain dignified and tolerant of Jennifer's fussing.
    Linda too sees through Jennifer and knows which buttons to press to make Jennifer look even more foolish than she might. Tonight, by delaying telling J that Lexi wasn't actually in.

    I hope that Oliver reaches out to Freddy by contacting him and offering him the portering job, and that Freddie has the good sense to accept, and is backed by Lizzie for good measure.
    I agree with Maryellen.

    As far as Tracey is concerned, I am pleased that she is being allowed to become a rounded character beyond the loud mouthed creature she has previously been portrayed as.

    Philip was being pushy and opportunistic. The opposite of when he first appeared in TA.
    Jim definitely back to his old self by taking control of his plan his house and his decisions.
    Well done SWs.

  73. Can echo that last sentence, MrsP(8.22), a quite nuanced, funny episodewell worth a listen, people like Lynda, moving out of their comfort zone, Jim back on pedantic, faintly cantankerous form, Tracy being listened to, Oliver doing some lateral thinking, Freddie possibly being given a chance. He does seem to be growing up a teensy bit, humbled by experience, learning that there are consequences, i.e, prison followed by no job. He didn't rise to Emma's irritation, but accepted it - a hint of maturity, maybe ?
    Not sure Philip was that pushy, just being friendly, I thought, before he was rebuffed. Could easily be proved wrong, I suppose !

  74. I am very surprised to find myself saying that I am warming to Tracey!

    I couldn’t stand her at first, especially that awful sledging at cricket and her coarse way of speaking.
    But recently she has shown she has a good heart and has been kind to Freddie, standing up for him when Emma told him to leave the cafe, and again tonight.
    An excellent idea to suggest him for the kitchen job and I hope he takes full advantage of the opportunity.

  75. I'm with Jim in feeling that Philip is not the right person to build his extension. I can't help but feel that there is something suspicious about him; at the very least his business is experiencing financial problems.

    I'm also with those who think that Tracey's a breath of fresh air.

  76. Joe’s silence has left Ambridge one down in the peasant department and I reckon Tracy has been promoted from fringe to favourite character to fill the gap - because peasants are born there and are rarely incomers - Neil Carter and Jazzer are the exceptions. You can tell the peasants by their Mummerset accents.

  77. To many comments above beginning with Lanjan 7.32pm (10/09/2019)

    I thought Philip was being pushy and Alistair a bit too ready to push in on his father's grand idea. A. knows his father and also knows how he likes to be in control; hence the 'breakdown when he lost control of his life and situation.
    BTW .The whole idea of Philip ripping out a brand new kitchen and replacing it immediately is ridiculous. Anyway you'd think he'd want to move into an older property and renovate/restore it surely?
    Like others Tracey's character was not really thought through when she first appeared regularly, although I did think her interaction with Roy was very funny when he was trying the dating app. The behaviour at the cricket matches was, imho, solely down to lack of research by the scriptwriters who have obviously NEVER been involved in village cricket and took ,as Gospel, the behaviour of very aggresive, highly paid professionals as a bench mark!
    Like ex-Londoner I think Philip is desperate for work, it certainly sounded like it and his parting shots did sound as if he was 'put out.'
    I think Lynda and Tracey will make quite a team.
    I'm not sure I will be listening much to the next 'angst/helpline' storyline which looks like being a problem with the handover of the 'womb-to-rent' baby.
    I have not been happy with this storyline from the beginning. I feel it is an exploitation of a woman, by a couple, of any of the sexes (!), who is impoverished and has only her body to 'sell.' Akin to having to sell kidneys, corneas etc to rich people. In fact providing a baby is not like that either, come to think of it, because it is not saving the life of a person but providing a lifestyle choice. Nope - I think that is disgusting but probably just me!!😪

    Well off my high horse now. 😀

    1. Spicycushion

    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    3. Everybody is entitled to their lifestyle choice re having children, whether it’s using contraception so as not to have them, or employing alternatives to sex in order to have them.

  78. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Maryellen.

    1. I responded to Maryellen’s 5:43am comment with ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
      Unfortunately I forgot to say that it was that particular comment to which I was referring.
      Since my comment ,Maryellen has snuck in by pressing the REPLY button with another at 1:10 pm
      I would like to say that her later comment is not the one with which I agree.
      Sorry Maryellen.
      If somebody wants to have more than 3 children that is fine by me but the State should stop benefits after the 3rd.
      I am with Spicycushion 8:32 regarding her final paragraph .

      I am not going to discus this any more now.

  79. Maryellen 5.43 am

    Were you listening back in the Walter Gabriel era, I wonder?
    I’m sure you would have put Walter in your peasant category because his speech was as country as it possibly comes.
    But his son Nelson spoke with a very posh high-class accent. He had a beautiful voice actually but totally different from his Dad.
    I find the description of a country (mummerset?) accent as being ‘peasant’ faintly insulting. Many country born and bred people I know, especially from the West Country, have recognisable country accents and are very far from being Peasants. I am especially thinking of a Plymouth family I know well who always address one as ‘my lover’ and are quite well-to-do. Several of my son’s friends from University in Bristol, who put ‘ll’ at the ends of words in the local accent which sounds very ‘country’ could never be described as peasants.
    Beware of generalising!

    1. Archerphile - Mummerset refers to the wouldbe rural accent that actors (mummers, remember?) assume. When the actor playing David Archer was interviewed while promoting,he said while still new to the job he was asked at short notice to stand in for Eddie Grundy. Never having heard the character he asked how he spoke and was tolld just throw in a few aarrs. That would have been Mummerset.

      Yes I remember WG - the faux-est of them all. Quite embarrassing.
      But carry on feeling faintly insulted if so inclined! 🙂

    2. Archerfile "my lover" still gets used here as well by old Cornish families. It sometimes bewilders visitors who give you a funny look because men can say it to other men, and women to women.

  80. Maryellen 5.43.
    Good point there.

    I’m enjoying Tracey. A breath of fresh air.
    Quite enjoying Joy at the moment too, stirring them all up at the parish council meeting and taking over at Kirstys. I’m sure she’ll end up getting on my wick though.

    I’m with everyone about people who move to the country and then complain. I’m also very against these southerners who sell up, get a fortune for their house and then retire up north, then start to slag off the area and the people. Encountered one a few years back who started coming into our local drinking establishment. I managed to bite my tongue for a few weeks but in the end I’m afraid I couldn’t anymore and one night told him if he disliked the people and had problems with the area so much he should p*ss off back down south again! Arrogant incomers!!!

    1. Try calling him a ‘grockle’ like they do in the West Country! Or do you have a local dialect word for such pains in the neck? Just hope he doesn’t get onto your local P.C.C.

  81. I was brought up in Crewe and people there are generally a bit buttoned up. When I joined the WRNS and went south I was surprised when strangers in the street would say hello! I took on this habit myself and when visiting my parents passed a bungalow where a man was in his front garden, called a greeting and he scuttled indoors as if I was going to rob him! Here on the island they talk for England and the other night Katy ordered pizzas and the delivery man chatted on so long that I feared the supper would be cold! Talking of pizzas, a while ago when I was away, she took advantage of a buy one get one free, put them down for a brief while and when she came back Buddy had somehow opened one of the boxes and eaten all the topping! We think he is a junk food junkie!

    I agree about townies moving to the country and complaining about cocks crowing etc
    Have had experience of this but some people just love complaining right across the spectrum of types and places of origin! It must be awful to be so miserable!

    1. Sorry, deviation which should have been on other blog!!😚

  82. The plot was contrived in such a way, so that Freddie could get a chance of a job, it was pretty obvious. While I agree with everyone who said that Philip's business is suffering it was a very roundabout way of putting that across. Jim wants an extension for Jazzer, ie expanding his house in a real way, he then meets Philip at the hide, who by coincidence turns up at his house and insists on doing the job at a cut price rate. I just hope that the rug Lexi liked won't be pulled out from under Kirsty's feet.

  83. Spicycushion, I also dislike the surrogacy storyline but I wouldn't put Lexi in the impoverished category. *I think* she's done it to help Adam and Ian and not for a financial gain. Like you I can see trouble ahead and Lexi herself sounds ambivalent, she mentioned that one of her daughters became attached to the baby.

  84. Nothing wrong with having accent, we all have one, including me. Unfortunately in the Archers certain accents are used to stereotype the characters. Eg, the Grundys, Jazzer, female Aldridge’s. And others.

    Tracy Horribin for Prime minister, she’ll do a better job than the current one and the previous three.
    My chant today is, we love 💕 Tracy.

    1. tout à fait to all of that Stasia!!👍

    2. One of us loves T❤️O❤️B❤️Y more! Why so little news of him? Boringly slogging away at business, I suppose.

  85. Tee, hee, Maryellen (12.16pm) The idea of Toby slogging away at anything afforded me first out loud chortle of the day - thanks !

    1. Gosh, Carolyn, I didn’t realise you chortle-starved that you had to invent them! Would you like me to tell you a joke?🙂

  86. Maryellen, 11.05

    Oh dear! I am never going to be in the right with you, am I?
    Even in the old days on the BBC blogs you were very prone to challenge what I felt and had written.
    My posts still often seem to get an opposite opinion from you, putting me right.
    We are obviously not on the same wavelength about many things to do with TA.
    So I’ll carry on feeling ‘faintly insulted’ as you suggest, I don’t need patronising about the derivation of ‘mummerset’, thank you, but I shan’t bother responding to your sometimes cutting comments on my posts any longer because arguing gets us nowhere. I’m all for a quiet, stressfree life and I
    expect you are too. Let’s just agree to hold different opinions 😊

    1. I think you are being hypersensitive - but whatever you say!

    2. Not so, Mrs P. I would have flounced off long ago if that had been the case!

  87. Personally I have no problems with mummerset, as long as I can understand what is being said.

  88. Maryellen (1.16)it"s true, I AM chortle starved today, struggling to book a flight shouldn't be difficult, it probably isn't in reality, but mood deterioration set in until your quip helped me to regain a little perspective. It seems you didn't mean it as a quip - all the better ! I'll just chortle maniacally in a corner....

    1. Come out of the corner, Carolyn, and have a couple of G+Ts! You’ve got tonight’s trip to Ambridge ahead.........

  89. Mrs P(2.04pm), with you on that. I welcome regional accents & different expressions - the problem is when the accent is so strong, one can't understand. Often can't follow Jazzer, but I reckon that's more to do with the actor's voice/my cloth ears than his actual accent.
    Can see why you balk somewhat at 'mummerset' AP, it sort of implies people in the West Country are mumbling peasants, & slow with it. What I didn't know was maryellen's derivation - mumming, actors getting to grips with a character's regional pronunciations. Obvious, when explained, but never added that up before.

    1. One of my favourite West Country speakers was Phil Harding, one if the archaeologists on the Time Team programme, excavating digs across the country. His was a strong Somerset accent but he was very far from being a ‘peasant’ though sometimes he did look like one with his greasy hat sporting feathers!

    2. That gear probably just goes with being an archaeologist !

  90. Me (2.26), Sooo close to the mark, V. & T actually ! That + Toby quips have seen me booked - phew ! ( er, I think)

  91. I am at somewhat of a loss regarding the animosity towards Phillip. He was asked to look into the extension build by Alistair. How does that make him pushy? No wonder he was a little put out by Jim's reaction.

    There seems to be little criticism of Emma who constantly blames Ed for their predicament. There is no realisation that her constant demands and nagging drove him into a corner.

  92. Personally I love a West Country accent, peasant or refined.
    Charlie Faulkner has a lovely voice and I could listen for ever.
    When I first came to Stroud I was feeling very happy about the possibility of being in a nursing home here with a comforting voice referring to me as ' my luvrr' .

  93. Pierre 4:11pm.
    It is a good job that Phillip didn’t know the real (and in my opinion rather ridiculous) reason for Jim to refuse Phillip’s offer
    Alastair had no right to interfere however.
    It is not always a good idea to have a friend do work for you .
    I know from experience that it isn’t good when things go wrong.
    Phillip sounded very put out when Jim said he had gone elsewhere.
    As I commented earlier,I think he sounds desperate for work .
    I might get that slice of cake yet from P tbY when we find out that he is covering up for his son who is Mr Big!

  94. carolyn. Is that vodka and tonic?
    I did a tee, hee at the idea of Toby slogging away at business. I have never heard him mention spread sheets, creditors, inland revenue tax, profit and loss, balance sheets etc. The only slogging he does requires a lot of manipulation of his brother.

    I tried watching Jamaica Inn awhile back and the actors were terrible in their expression of how to convey a Cornish accent. I think Chris Carter is a good example of bad accents.
    Mummerset is an awful term. Maryellen is right when actors use this so called accent they evidently they have to be a straw brained Worzel Gummage.

  95. Pierre les Corbeaux 4.11pm today
    It was a very silly ending (I presume) to 'Jim's abuse' storyline , just to show that the 'old Jim' was back.
    Alistair had no idea how big the extension was to be, they were measuring in the dark, there had been no specification (en suite, patio window etc), what material it was to be built from or anything. Bit of a let down.
    It just sounded that Philip was being too eager, even after being told by Jim, twice at least, that his work would not be required.
    I do agree that much more should be made of Emma's behaviour prior to them losing the house and poor Ed deciding that whatever he did for Emma it wasn't going to be good enough.
    I am totally surprised that she (Emma) had had the gall to return to the tea rooms after what she said to Fallon though! Fallon is a lot more understanding/tolerant than I would be!

  96. Pierre(4.11pm), dislike of Philip mystifies me, also. He comes across as very agreeable, fitting in well with the locals, making friends & even landing Kirsty. His business may well be in trouble, but Jim was abrupt, verging on the rude. Daft reason, with Lanjan there, for rejecting his offer, but that's Jim. Not pushy - isn't it normal for builders etc. to try to outbid a rival ? Instinctive. It started as a favour to his friend, Alistair, anyway.

  97. Several comments above about Philip.

    I still think Philip is OK. He may well have business problems but that doesn’t necessarily make him a Bad Person. I cannot go along with the theories that he was the driving force behind Tim’s illegal shenanigans or any other criminal activities.

    I think it was perfectly normal that a builder, on hearing that a neighbour/friend wanted to build an extension, should go along and offer to quote for the work. He would be a very poor business man to pass up on such an obvious opportunity, especially one on his doorstep.

    The thing I didn’t agree with, as Spicy commented, was Alistair sticking his nose in. Jim didn’t ask Alistair to help him find a builder or to obtain quotes. Did Alistair know how big Jim wanted the extension to be, or how much he wanted to spend. We don’t actually know, of course, but I think Alistair jumped the gun, put both Jim and Philip in an awkward situation and now there will be a continuing awkwardness between all involved.

  98. Oo er 'the golden girl in trouble,' Well spoken Josh, & enjoy the moment !
    The 'mums' comparison was so insulting to Ruth ! She is a proper mother whereas Kate can hardly count as one, except biologically.
    What I object to ( know I've said it before) is that Pheobe calls her 'mum' whereas all her growing years that is how she addressed Hayley. When Kate swanned in a few years ago she called by her name, & found her infuriating. Fine, if she has a better relationship with her now but does that require jettisoning the woman who actually nurtured her ? Does she even see her these days ? Very poor continuity

  99. What intrigues me is what Rex Fairbrother is bringing to the rewilding party. He has barely spoken, during the presentation he worked the projector and put away the chairs. Unlike his brother T❤️O❤️B❤️Y, he is a business failure so it’s unlikely to be business skills, he doesn’t have family acres to raid for rewilding, he is not a country person (until quite recently) and if he has been reading and researching rewilding, he’s not shared it with us. His available time is limited by his job (s). The two Ps scarcely refer to him. Any ideas?

  100. Thank you Carolyn for reminding us about Hayley, a character I'm sorry to have lost.

  101. maryellen 8.44pm
    I wonder why you continually refer to Rex as a 'business failure?' He was a professional rugby player who had his career shortened by a permanent injury. Hardly a failure in business.
    It was Toby who said he was 'something in the city' but decided to join Rex in a farming so I assume he was not making 'mega-bucks' as the saying goes and thus could be described as 'the failure.'
    The failure of the geese and egg enterprises were equally the fault of each of the brothers, Rex for relying on his brother and Toby for just not bothering!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The goose business was Rex’s.
      He neglected it at a crucial period.
      It failed.
      Rex is a business failure.

    3. (Cont.)
      The gin business is T❤️O❤️B❤️Y’s.
      He has never neglected it.
      It has succeeded.
      He is a business success.

  102. Unless inheriting a business or having wealthy parents to set you up it can be normal to have several failures on the way to success, and it is, I believe, normal to take about 7 years to make a real go of a business. It takes perseverance, and I think Rex in his quiet way has that quality. Failures are the learning experiences on the way to success.

    1. Well, let’s hope Prex has indeed learned that swanning off and leaving your business to take care of itself for weeks on end is not a predictor of success. His brother is obviously exceptional in going flat out to give his business all it needs plus other job/child care, getting good results so soon. However, there is still the question of what Rex is actually doing in his “quiet” way towards the rewilding project. Is he quiet because he’s got nothing to add?

    2. I thought Toby was supposed to be keeping an eye on the geese while the lovely caring Rex went to do the hard work of looking after a sick parent. Rex can think quickly on his feet and make relevant sensible suggestions when it is needed i.e. when he pointed out to Peggy that her suggestion of finding the land within a week was unrealistic and that they would need until the end of the month.

  103. carolyn 8.18
    What a good point about Phoebe calling Kate 'mum'. I too liked Hayley Ex-Londoner and am sorry she's no longer in TA.

  104. Lanjan 1.56pm
    Re your comment about surrogacy etc. I don’t think we should assume that all people
    who would like more than 3 children are on benefits that should be stopped. They may
    just want another child. Perhaps you were speaking about family allowance etc?

    I have realised that I must read my post before publishing to correct ‘their’ idea about what
    I wish to say !! Even Lanjan gets changed to Lankan.

    1. Peggy Kay- I wouldn’t worry about apparent spelling errors on here. My iPad autocorrect is forever changing things without my permission, and often without me noticing!
      It *always* corrects Basia to ‘Basic’ for example and inexplicably always puts “RUTH” in capital letters which I have to go back and change - doesn’t matter how many times I change RUTH to Ruth, it does it every single time. So frustrating!

  105. Peggy12:55am
    I know when I was little my mum got 8/- Family Allowance when my sister was born.
    Nothing if there was only one child.
    I am fortunate in that I have never had to claim Benefits so know nothing about the system .
    I don’t know if Family Allowance still exists .
    What I am saying is that some form of allowance should be given to a family with 3or fewer children but there should be no further allowance given for subsequent children .
    If someone decides to have six children then it is not up to the British Tax payer to subsidise them

    1. I can verify your statement about family allowance LanJan. When my daughter was born in 1971 I got no allowance at all apart from a very low maternity payment which stopped when she was born. It was not until my son was born in 1974 that I qualified for a small child allowance in respect of him (not her) and that was obtained via the village post office. I cannot remember the sum, but do remember it took several weeks to save up enough allowance to buy one of them a pair of shoes!
      After a few years I began receiving allowance for both of them which I still used to buy their shoes when needed.

  106. Archerphile, I don't mind Basis or Basic, sounds very grounded to me.
    What I would say about Philip: he and Jim met at the hide and there was no word about the extension. On his return Jim found Philip measuring up for it, *to me* it was presumptuous.

    1. So that must mean that Alistair had told Philip about the required extension and suggested he came round to measure up and prepare a quote - otherwise how would Philip have known? I think the ‘blame’, if that is the right word, is down to A rather than P.

  107. Maryellen, you champion Toby and have it in for Rex. I always stand up for the 'grey' people as without them the driven and ambitious wouldn't shine so brightly.

    1. I don’t mind grey, most of us are, but I don’t find Rex’s spinelessness very appealing, , everything he does is prompted by or in reaction to someone else or ( though. I think he got the taxi job on his own initiative), and I dislike his jealous digs at his more successful brother.

    2. (Cont.) The other thing that makes Rex less attractive (to me) is that (again, unlike his brother) he’s not been gifted with a sense of humour.

  108. maryellen. 10.03am. We have had little information about the success or otherwise of Toby’s gin business. Lillian seems to be the only imbiber of the stuff. It has been a long time since an episode focused on the business side, and that may have been when he was grubbing about looking for botanicals.
    Quod Erat demonstrandum? I require more details to accept the proven argument that Toby is a successful man.

    1. Stasia - I think the fact he is still making a go of it is QED enough, certainly for this listener and those she knows.

  109. Last nights episode was 😛 silly.

  110. If Toby is such a successful man maryellen, why does he rent a room in a pensioner's bungalow? Nothing wrong with being a pensioner, nothing wrong with a bungalow. But my god, he and his brother must be mortified when they tell people about their living arrangements. I imagine both of them crying themselves to sleep most nights wishing that they lived like normal men their age...

    1. Yes I get what you are saying Gary, but sometimes young people need the help of older people in order to become successful, and it can take time. I supported my son at home through a good chunk of his twenties, after uni., so that he could develop his online business. He worked far longer hours than in a normal job, and I knew that given time and with his ability to persevere he would become very successful, and now he is, and both myself and his sister know that if we ever needed bailing out he would be right there.
      He can travel and work anywhere in the world as long as there is an internet service. He found his way as far as the Philippines, met and married a maiden, and yaaay is coming back home with her for several months at the end of this month. So I might not be on the blog quite so much then. I just hope she likes us, and am keeping my fingers crossed for some mild weather as she has always been used to a very hot climate!

  111. Doris’s scrap cake. Omit the s before c and we have the perfect description of Leonard’s lard fix.🐷🍰

  112. Re the Fairbrothers. I have read all the recent comments and feel that many of the conclusions are based on slight evidence. However, as an indicator of character I recall Toby's boasting in the Bull about his sexual relationship with Pip and borrowing money to buy condoms. Despicable!

  113. As I have been sitting here this morning (waiting for various medications to work) I have been reading back through the 'goose business' in 2016.
    The reason it failed was because of Toby's cavalier attitude at that time towards anyone and everyone. He landed the business into trouble when buying twice as many goslings as Rex had prepared for. He did not turn up to work when he should have, then after doing nothing for weeks blackmailed his brother into helping slaughter the geese and deliverying the dressed, boxed geese, for a 30% share of the profits. All of the hard work was done by Rex occasionally helped out by Josh.
    Toby took three months to set up his illegal still, then 'tested it out (again illegally) on customers at The Bull. He stole herbs etc from Lynda's garden, taunted David that he could not stop him from installing the still at Hollowtree and was telling lies to Pip about Brighton, and let all down over the pantomime.
    He was living rent free (and borrowing cash from Pip,) and was generally rude to all and sundry including Jill and David when living cost free on their farm. A ne'er do well and total sponger with no self respect, or I suppose any self-awareness really.

    I am aware as to why he is championed so fervently here but I'm just thankful he is not around at the moment! Long may it continue!

    1. maryellen's reply to Janice's post 11.42 Sept 11

      I would add that I did not read of Rex did not 'swanning off' for weeks on end during the time he had the geese. As he had a prtner at that time, if he did leave (perhaps when their father was ill?) he might have expected his partner to take reesponsibility. But no Toby was too keen on chasing Pip and bedding Pip.
      It was a joint business venture initially , not just Rex's, and he was continually let down until he had to say that the partnership was dissolved because of Toby's unreliability and unpredictability.
      We have no idea if Toby is working flat out to make his gin business a success.

  114. Yes Spicy, I have just left similar for Maryellen's comment of 8.05 am.

  115. If Leonard wants to enter scrap cakes at the F&P, will he manage to wheedle the secret ingredient out of JilL?

    1. He’ll need a secret ingredient other wise if eaten the stomach will become bloated and uncomfortable 🥵 and it may take days to exit the body. I would recommend adding 10mls of liquid magnesium. Very tasty 😋.


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