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Life in Ambridge


  1. I may be wrong, but I just can't see the above coming true....

  2. I agree that Jakob didn’t sound as horrified at the news of Kate’s pregnancy as people predicted. I hope Kate really is pregnant andthey make a go of it.

  3. Must say I’d feel a bit sorry for any baby born to Kate and Jakob.
    Kate hasn't really got a great record at parenting, so could just go completely over the top with number 4, or abandon it somewhere down the line.
    And Jakob is a completely unknown quantity, could be brilliant, could be too controlling and disinterested to be a good father.
    Who knows - we might find out.

  4. My Gawd Gary. Do you think Ian and Adam genuflected and kissed Lexie’s bump?
    It’s all too horrible to contemplate, I agree I don’t think there will be another new baby. I shall be contacting Borchester social services to monitor Kate.
    Any how, it isn’t necessary to have a constant flow of babies. Ship in newcomers that solves the problem of the population decline. πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦‍πŸ‘¦πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­

    1. I think the point is that the Archers clan needs a new generation, for the programme to continue long term. I don’t mind radio babies myself as they are just non-annoying sound effects.

  5. Absolutely. Yukkity Yuk to the whole SL.

  6. I think this pregnancy will go ahead unfortunately(IF it is real, & not a) a Kate fantasy .b) an early menopause, making for irregular periods.

    Stasia, good point re social services - they might well monitor her, as procedures are probably more rigorous than they were during her previous ( brief) forays into motherhood.

    Thanks for your gruesome picture, Gary ! Not complaining at all - it is so wittily apt.

  7. I think Jakob will be delighted, as Kate said. I just wish she wasn't so smug, superior and twisting things to her advantage. PtbY suggested gender neutral upbringing but no transition please.
    With their combined skills they could set up animal therapy for children and adults.

  8. I am still not sure if Kate is actually pregnant, but I don't know nor try to guess.
    The seed has been sown with Jakob (read that how you like).
    I am not sure that Kate is his ideal partner + mother of his child.
    However, if Kate isn't pregnant, could he look elsewhere?

  9. Jakob still seems a bit of a mystery. Excellent vet with no social skills. How will he take to fatherhood if he does end up being one. I also wonder how Kate's children will feel about her news. Maybe the S/Ws will give Kate a character change and she'll become a doting mum.

    1. That is very possible, but is it probable? I didn't think leopards changed their spots, and to me, that applies to Kate.
      When did she last spend any quality time, with any of her other children?
      That's me and my different thoughts + ideas. 😣

  10. You'll soon find out Alistair what's bothering Jakob: he and Kate dispensed with their underwear.
    I'm not surprised Emma is holding back and talking to a man about underclothes is like talking about sex.

  11. The Archers S/L I would like to hear more about, which has been on the back burner for quite a while now, is Lily + Russ.
    I wait in anticipation.
    I would prefer this, in preference to Jakob + Kate.

    1. The reverse for me - at least the Jakob/Kate saga is amusing to a degree, but the Russ/Lily coupling is wrong, wrong, wrong.

    2. Agree Carolyn.
      If and when we do hear more about Lily and Russ I hope it will be about the fact that Lily has at last seen sense and has told him where to go.
      I reckon that Emma once she has a night out with Gavin will realise that he is not a patch on Ed and somehow will try to win him back..
      Valentine’s Day tomorrow.
      Will that be significant?

    3. Gavin seems to be emotionally immature, has some money & lives on the new estate. Why wouldn't Emma love him...?

    4. He doesn't seem fit fun finance to me.

  12. Happy Valentine’s Day to T❤️O❤️B❤️Y and all my favourite characters on air and

    1. And to you too Maryellen, not that I think much of ♥️Day as you will find on the other blog! Just hope the whole of tonight’s episode is not given over to this commercialised celebration and we get some proper development of current stories.

    2. I thank you for maryellen for the Valentine greeting. I return the greeting with my Archers πŸ’“ love.

  13. To Maryellen
    ❤️ I am getting sick of Pip
    And think I may give her the slip
    So Maryellen I’m your man
    We’ll work together.That’s my plan

    PbtY and Gary G
    Will have their cocktails mixed by me 🍹
    And you will the ingredients find
    (That is of course if you don’t mind)

    I’m sure we’ll make the perfect pair.
    You’ve brains and looks .I’m debonair
    I’m sure that Archersfans agree
    You are the perfect one for me.❤️


    1. To my Valentine:

      If you are who I think you are,
      You’re certainly a likely lad,
      But alas, I must decline,
      I can’t rob Rosie of her dad! ❤️

  14. Please note.
    Valentine’s cards are supposed to be anonymous so the gentleman in question has not signed it.

    1. Wonderful, Lanjan and Maryellen. Cheered me up no end! πŸ₯°

  15. Methinks Jakob’s mood yesterday indicates that he is not thrilled about impending fatherhood, and he is probably upset that Kate has told someone else before discussing it with him.
    I do think that Jakob is being painted as on the autistic spectrum, but that doesn’t mean he can’t/won’t fall in love and have children, lots of people on the spectrum do. That said I don’t think Kate is the right person for him. I, personally, hope that the pregnancy is a false alarm

  16. To all you Archers-fans.
    Who here do write a blog
    I’m sending you with all my love
    A Great big sloppy kissy snog
    Loving greeting is my game
    So can you fathom out my name.
    From Anonymous at Grey Gables.

  17. Despite despising Valentine stuff, thank you, thank you Lanjan, Maryellen & Stasia for your witty & clever responses. You've set the bar, no silly card being churned out in 2020 can surpass the bar you've set between you πŸ€—πŸ€—

    This is the kind of thing the BBC lost when they checked us out....

    1. Yes. The Beeb did not know what they were doing, when all you regaulars were cast away. Was it to a desert island, or exiled elsewhere.
      Still this site is idyllic + an oasis.

  18. I just hope that tonight's TA Valentine Day episode, is not too OTT. 🀞😨

  19. Topical insert mentioning storms and Boris’s shenanigans.πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Indeed a rare event these days KP

    2. And even the new 50pence coin!
      The BBC excelled themselves tonight!

  20. What a good friend Freddie is, in preventing another, having to endure what he did.

    I would SO love for Freddie to take charge of The Stables, so Shula can concentrate on her vocation.

    All he will need then, is a lovely girl, to make him into his father, along with his many new responsibilities.

  21. For goodness sake! Johnnie has only been two weeks 'working out' Medicall website saya "prolonged use"
    He told Freddie he was going to join a gym on 28th Jan. I suppose this our new 'issue?'

  22. Oh, trust Lynda to jump to the wrong conclusion about Freddie.
    He should have explained to her exactly what was going on, even if it did mean telling her about Johnny.
    He simply cannot afford to be suspected of drug dealing again. He needs to save his own skin and let stupid Johnny face his own consequences.

    It seems we are in for another bout of public information promotion, as I feared, but what a shame it has to involve Johnny.
    And what a pity Johnny’s obstinacy has to endanger Freddie.

  23. I agree that Freddie should have told Lynda what really happened and not let her run away with the idea that he's dealing again. He could lose his job and be totally innocent. Johnny needs to be 'outed' to Lynda.
    So Jakob is searching the internet for information on fatherhood. How sensible of him. Don't know why Alistair acted as if that was strange and that Jakob should have called Kate first. What sort of sense will he get from her.

    1. Anneveggie, I agree, better inform yourself on the internet and be prepared for Kate.

  24. Freddie would have been more sensible to tell Lynda, but it did show a side we haven't seen before - the loyal friend who acts in his friend's best interests, firstly by flushing away the steroids, & then by keeping his secrets.

    When has Freddie been that unselfish before ? Usually, the boot's on the other foot where everyone is supposed to rally round him, especially Johnny who's always been supportive, & put himself out even when Freddie was sullen.

  25. If steroid abuse is going to be the new storyline surely it is wasted on the majority of folk who listen to the programme.
    I would like to think that Freddie has stopped being the whiney spoilt brat and has become a loyal friend to Johnny who has had a personality change.
    I can’t work Jakob out.
    He was obviously wanting rid of Kate recently and who could blame him but sounds pleased I thought that he could become a father.

  26. I thought the scriptwriters we’re enjoying the irony of Freddie, the ex-drug pusher, saying all the things that Lily and. Nolly said to him, also without effect.

  27. Maryellen - I heard that episode in the same way as you.
    Freddie has been in a youth offenders institute and as well as ( probably) seeing the further ramifications of his own stupid activities in others, he will have seen the consequences of other inmates who have used steroid enhancements.
    He pleaded with Johnny saying he had seen where what J was doing led to and J ignored him, just as he Freddie had ignored his sister and cousin.
    Yes it was an episode of irony, including the Kate / Jacob SL.

    1. I agree. Freddie knows the consequences of "drug pushing" and what it entails. He was in a YOI, but Johnny would be staying in an abode, courtesy of the HMP service.
      I hope Freddie was helping a friend, so as not to go through + experience, what he did.
      I still wonder - how did Johnny obtain the steroids, so quickly + easily.
      There has to be a major supplier, in the GG gym.

    2. Miriam, steroids are as easy to buy these days as a packet of crisps. It's apparently a huge problem amongst young men, and a ticking time bomb for the NHS.

    3. I prefer a packet of crisps πŸ˜€
      I was thinking about a future potential problem for Kirsty.

  28. Gary.... your comment re steroid use for NHS in the future.
    Yes, along with the expectations of the removal of tattoos.

  29. As far as I know the use of steroids is not illegal. Manufacture, possession to supply is.

  30. Kate has been on a course for the past week. Will Jacob be the recipient of her learning experiences?
    I have just been made aware of the agenda and this how Kate has spent her time.

    Day one.
    Ear candling and it’s use in electromagnetic therapy. Bring you own ocean scented candles to create an a seaside experience.
    Day two.
    Water cure and Trigger point therapy. This activity will take place in a birthing pool. Appropriate if you THINK you are pregnant.
    Day three.
    New thought therapy. Stillness is essential so that we tune into our realities and focus on thoughts and how we can change our lives.
    Day four.
    Maxibustion. Users of heated stones will be familiar with this technique. The focus will be on increase of blood flow to the Qi.
    Day five.
    Rolfing techniques. Learn how to re align the body’s emotional and physical problems. This will brighten up the connective tissue. Can be applied when coupling up.

    Day six.
    Goat and horse therapy. Nutrition and essential food for animal intervention in wellness.

    Last day.
    Structural Integration. This will involve therapeutic touch and group πŸ€— hugs.
    All food will be vegan.

  31. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Stasia

  32. I wonder if Kate also learnt, how to relax her man, to get him into a suitable "karma" to then tell him, that she is pregnant, with his child.
    I still don't think she is, but that's my thought only.
    There has been too much forward knowledge, from Chris (via Alice), the Jakob/Alistair chat. The "pregnancy" news will not be, what Jakob expects to hear.
    It's wait + hear.

  33. Ps. I forgot to mention the extra optional class.

    Polarity-Linguistics .
    This will focus on the interdependence of mind and speech and is based on the laws of attraction/repulsion and verbal intervention.
    That is, how to talk bo...cks and sound professional at the same time.

    Jacob isn’t going to get a word in edge ways.

  34. I am still not convinced that Jakob is autistic.
    He was rude + obnoxious with Shula, but there are two explanations, well in my little brain cells.
    1) Shula is undergoing her ordinatation process, which she is working on, so might be missing things at The Stables.
    2) Jakob was still digesting the news (if true) that he is to become a father, with Kate as the mother. No wonder he was not himself.

    I still believe that Freddie will take charge of The Stables. It is a position that will suit him and far better than GG and the insuations which Lynda is doing.

    1. My two little "grey cells" are probably working too hard, and overthinking things.
      I just wanted to give my ideas, for what they are worth (0%).

    2. Miriam: you really don’t have to keep apologising about your thoughts as expressed on here.
      We all give our individual popinions and ideas, that’s what the blog is for!
      If we all apologised after posting an idea the blog would be horrendously long and Gary would have to renew it even more often! πŸ™‚

  35. Why did Johnny have his bag of "hair loss" pills, in his gym bag at GG?

    1. Wouldn't hair loss pills, be in proper packaging along with a trade name of sorts, not loose in a plastic bag.
      I a not convinced.

  36. PoorJohnny, a kind of existential crisis, no less ! Must be awful for a 21yr old man to face baldness, &, in his case, straight after being dumped by a girl. I'm glad Freddie persisted in getting the truth out of him & is going to keep shtum. Yes, Lynda is on the alert, but there's not going to be any suspicious follow up, there's no current evidence, she's not telling Oliver, so Freddie will keep his job. I'm glad he's ready & willing to be as good a friend to Johnny as the latter was to him

    Love the double agent Tracy SL !

  37. I thought that Freddie was at his best this evening .
    I was most impressed.
    Incidentally I try to read all the posts but I may have got this wrong.
    Miriam I thought you wanted Freddie to take over at Lower Loxley but now you think he should he should take charge of the stables.
    Maybe I have got that wrong.
    I doubt he could do either.
    He is not a leader.
    Having said that after he was so thoughtful this evening and kind to Johnny ,I hope he can keep his job at Grey Gables and continue to help his aunt at the stables to pay for his keep.

    1. Lanjan, I feel pretty much the same about Freddie; there's a glimmer of maturity appearing there. Also, he does love horses, I think it's been indicated that he was a way with them, &, ultimately, after learning what it is to stick at paid employment, he may well go down that road.

  38. Is anyone else having problems with listening to TA on Sounds? I am using my iPod, the screen shows TA is playing but there is no sound! I can get sound on iPlayer TV programmes so there is nothing wrong with the device or earphones, just Sounds. SO frustrating. Dare not read any comments above as I don’t want to know what happened until I hear it!

  39. OMG I was convinced Johnny was going to say that the pills were female hormones for his gender realignment. When he said for hair loss I actually did laugh out loud.
    I know, I’m very unsympathetic. I was just so relieved. I can cope with the new “if you’ve been affected blah” being about baldness but couldn’t have faced a gender reassignment.

    Freddie stepped up tonight. Hope he keeps it up.

  40. I thought Johnny’s baldness might be a euphemism for another male problem but I’m probably wrong. Freddie is beginning to redeem himself. They’ll probably have a good laugh about it in 10 years time.

  41. Oh good, managed to listen at last.
    Poor Johnny.
    Lovely Freddie.
    Sanctimonious, interfering Lynda

  42. Yes Freddie's showing himself to be a true friend to Johnny. I hope the suspicion over Freddie dealing does blow over. I thought the pills were going to be anti-anxiety meds. but I suppose that S/L has already been done. Poor Johnny, he does sound in a bad state.

  43. What I don’t understand stand is, if Johnny is so sensible and mature, why is he imagining his hair is falling out, and if he isn’t imagining it, why hasn’ he gone to the doctor?

    1. Probably not been to doctor for same reason he didn’t want to tell Freddie - he is trying to hide the hair loss (hence wearing hat all the time) and doesn’t want to admit it to anyone - least of all a doctor.
      There are various illnesses that can cause hair loss, so he really should get it checked out.

    2. That makes sense, & of course that idea would never have occured to Freddie. Johnny is so devestated by the hair on his pillow etc., & so adamant about secrecy, he's unlikely to see a doctor.

    3. Or (referencing The Pale Horse) it could be not illness but witchcraft! That would make an interesting story. I always remember a post from when I was new to the BBC blog - the writer said she and her husband had lived in a village for 30 years, and listed all the deviant/alternative pr actives they had encountered during that time. One of them was witchcraft.

  44. I am furious with Lynda for talking to Tracy about her suspicions of drug dealing and having spoken about it at the staff meeting. She has absolutely no evidence apart from in her own suspicious mind.
    Tracy was almost certain to speculate that it was something to do with Freddie. How long before rumours start circulating around the hotel, then further afield, which could cause serious problems for Freddie.
    Lynda has really overstepped the mark this time and I hope she can be stopped from taking this further - perhaps by Johnny being brave enough to tell her the truth behind what she thought she saw.

  45. Both Freddie and Johnny could tell both Lynda and Tracy at some point that Freddie was concerned that Johnny was taking his body building too far because that's what it was.
    Lynda had better concentrate on the next Re-Bulls action as I'm getting fed up with it anyway, everybody will go down the pub all the same.

  46. Jonny is so wound up that I wouldn’t be surprised if he was tearing his own hair out in his sleep.
    Either that or he is producing too much testosterone.

    1. Alopecia (?) due to the stress of self doubt regarding his appearance after being rejected
      recently as he is such a kind and gentle soul.

  47. Doesn't Kate return tonight?
    Poor Jakob, but then perhaps, not.

  48. I am enjoying Freddie.
    I so want him to take over Lower Loxley when the time, and he, is right.
    In the meantime, I think helping out + then taking over, the running of The Stables (so Shula can concentrate on her ordination) will be a good interimn measure. He will learn management skills, in both the business, managing staff, making decisions and so gains a lot of necessary experience.

    My thoughts are, that Freddie will leave GG just as Shula needs help.
    Freddie will walk out of GG.This is as a result of a lot of malicious, but unfounded, gossip + accusations.

    1. Freddie needs to be at least 25yrs, or older, before he takes over LL.
      By this time Lily + Russ will be history+ Lizzie will want to step back.

    2. Would someone who has been convicted and imprisoned for drug dealing be allowed to hold the relevant licences to run LL?

    3. That is a very good point.
      But I stand firmly, by my thoughts.
      Why should a young person, who has served his sentence and has learnt from it, and who seems to have now reformed, still be "labelled" for his entire Life.

    4. It doesn't follow that Freddie's growing maturity, or, as you say, Miriam, his ' reformation', means he wil be a suitable manager of the LL business. He has shown no aptitude for it, unlike Lily or his mother. Apart from the practical side, he has no feeling for the history of the place, again, unlike the two women. I expect he will find his metier, it could well be somewhere in the world of horses, but LL & its future is best left to Lily, once she has got rid of Russ, of course.

      I get the impression that Nigel, who had ideas & a sense of history, relied heavily on Elizabeth for the day to day management & assessment of what was feasible. Freddie, like him, is no businessman.

    5. Our thoughts + ideas are a definite - Agree and Disagree
      Still friends 🀞🀞
      I hope so.

    6. Absolutely. There wouldn't be much point in a blog if we were all in agreement with each other over everything that goes on in TA. Pearl & oyster πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š !

  49. I am still not convinced about Johnny's explanation, as to his "pills".
    I say this as, Anabolic steroids, can cause hair loss + baldness...

  50. Aha Miriam, you were right.
    Both Kate and Jakob sounded quite human tonight.
    It's best to do a test in the morning but never mind.
    I know someone who had two negative results and was pregnant.
    The tests must have improved.

  51. Typical Kate - going by instinct !! Maybe she's having an early menopause.
    Is it just me, or did anyone else think Ben sounded older than Josh tonight ? I found it quite disconcerting.

    1. Yes, definitely, Ben has a deeper voice.

    2. I was certainly noticing that Bens voice had dropped almost an octave lower tonight. Then my thoughts turned to TA employing very young teenagers to play, well, young teenagers........ now Bens voice is breaking.
      I really can't be bothered to find out who plays Ben or how old he is, but I expect someone else will.

      As for Kate, I've thought all along that she isn't pregnant but is probably in the early stages of the menopause.
      However I am in agreement with her that instinct is for many women the natural way to tell if pregnant.
      I've had four conceptions and I knew with each of them that I was pregnant and we didn't have pregnancy tests in those days.

  52. Ah as we thought no test taken and no baby! Kate and Freddie give me the same reactions one time they will tug at my emotions and another make me so cross.
    Kate was genuinely upset yet has never shown much commitment to motherhood overall.....
    I guess the tears were for fear that her reproducing years may be over or at least somewhat diminished. I need to add Jakob to my list as well one minute rude as anything yet tonight showed sensitivity to Kate. If she really loved him surely she would have wanted to stay with him for comfort, now it appears as though she only wanted him as a baby making machine.

  53. That’s a shame! I felt quite moved by Kate and Jakob tonight. I think the reason I enjoy listening to them is that they are both so articulate - unlike some other Ambridge residents, Neil the Grunt, for instance.

    1. Now that I think about it maryellen, that's a probably a big reason why I like them too!

    2. Well, I like Neil the Grunt - he's for real, a straightforward if slow moving bloke. Kate is a self obsessed & self deluded poseur, Jakob is a decent sort, despite, & yet because of his own oddities, probably the only man who could put up with Kate. They could be the perfect match !

    3. I don’t dislike Neil the Grunt, I just don’t enjoy listening to him as much as the more articulate/better written characters.

    4. Seems to me Jakob articulates very exactly what he is thinking, as he sees it, Kate mainly uses new age speak of the most crass, & when she has a real emotion, has to hide, as she did tonight, running away, & Neil knows exactly what to say when someone is in trouble, Emma for instance, & there's been other examples which I can't call to mind, but is left bemused by pert types like Hannah. All of them written pretty convincingly to their characters.

    5. The point I’m failing to make is that my enjoyment of listening to a character (or not) has relatively little to do with their personality or moral worth. The chief criterion is that they don’t bore me. Whether I like their voice also counts. So Kate scores a good deal higher on my listening approval scale than Jill, for example. It’s purely subjective.

    6. PS. The biggest deterrent to enjoyable listening is of course poor acting, which is why I find Jazzer and Clarrie so trying to listen to, to name but two!

    7. maryellen, I am with you on the two posts above 96%! (Difference is I secretly quite like Carrie, even though she does annoys me at times...)

  54. I seem to remember us commenting on how much more mature, and lower voiced Ben was (compared with Josh) when he first emerged from his bedroom.
    There was much talk on FB about how the casting director had made a bit of a mistake hiring Ben’s actor who is, in fact, considerably older than Ben.

  55. I am delighted that Kate isn’t pregnant.
    I have had enough of babies in the programme.
    Last week Jakob couldn’t wait for Kate to leave him in peace.
    This evening we saw a different side to his character.
    As for Ben and Josh I couldn’t tell who was who.
    They should have brought in Helen’s boyfriend and Rex and Toby and I would have been even more confused.
    If there is a fan club for Ben,I won't be joining it.
    This is the lad who drives off road vehicles on main roads and gets rewarded by being given a dog by his father.
    Josh has been stupid but he is a hard worker .
    Give me him any time.


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