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Life in Ambridge


  1. Pierre, your comment about Gav & Kirsty on the previous blog seem destined to come true. After all, God forbid anyone in Ambridge having a nice quiet relationship with no drama! We can't just have Kirsty & Philip just boringly getting on with their dull lives - where's the angst in that?

  2. It never crossed my Mind, Pierre that Gavin would try that tactic.
    I do hope you are wrong.
    On the other hand I never really liked Phillip although I warmed a bit lately to him when he took Kirsty’s part rather than his evil son’s.
    The one thing that is certain to my way of thinking is that Gavin is still evil and that this business with the ex girlfriend doesn’t ring true.
    What man, especially one like Gavin meekly walks away from the house he was sharing with the woman he hoped to marry.?
    Someone already said that she is involved in all this.
    I wouldn’t be surprised.
    Kirsty, go back to Roy’s before it is too late .
    You know what will happen?
    Kind Joy will offer a home for Kirsty!

  3. Ooo, Gary, what a gem! Where did you find that old family tree?
    Mind you, I don’t think much of the little portraits - the one I thought was a young Martin Jarvis turned out to be Christine 😂

  4. Thank you for the family tree Gary. Interesting history.
    Did Gavin and ex-fiancee own a house or just renting? Lanjan 11.59 am made me think about this one.

  5. We might have three topical stories. The stepmother syndrome, the menopause and pregnancy in older women.
    The BBC have recently had the menopause highlighted as an issue, lots of discussion on the symptoms and management of these in relation to work.
    The issue of the nasty evil stepmother in literature has also been discussed and writers are being encouraged to present a more positive imagine.
    The guardian did an article on the increase of women over 40years getting pregnant. The office of national stats produced numbers indicating a decline in younger women but an increase in older women. Kate could very well fall into two of these categories,
    Helen is more likely to fall into the first issue, Lee’s two girls didn’t respond to her despite the chocolate 🌷 flowers.
    Pierre. I think you are spot on. Gavin will certainly be testing Kirsty and she will encourage him by becoming a surrogate Kelly. More tea/coffee, milk, cereal Gavin? Shall I do your washing Gavin? Shall I make your bed Gavin and shall I get into it with you?
    More storms on the Ambridge horizon.

    1. Stasia. Your last paragraph is almost my thought exactly. I could not swallow the almost instant transition of Gavin from total rotter to seemingly best pal. The only point of difference between us is that I don't think the invitation get into bed will come from Kirsty. Nor do I think it will occur "on the spur of the moment" to the "reborn? " Gavin!

  6. Kirsty does seem to want to do everything for Philip and Gavin which is surprising given her general forceful views. My husband did his bit as he enjoyed cooking but I did housework, laundry etc. However, Kirsty seems to do it all down to making their coffee!

    Regarding the stepmother issue, I have two stepdaughters and can say it wasn’t easy especially with their mum in the background. I had them from quite an early age and they lived with us with occasional visits to their mother. I imagine it is even more difficult if the stepchildren are adults and as with Kirsty the support of the actual parent is very important. However, what if Philip was more torn between her and Gavin? She also has the problem of the small age gap between her and Gavin. I hope he doesn’t make a pass but as said this could make good drama!!

  7. Kirsty is a northern woman.
    Northern women have more sense
    She will have realised that a few minutes out in the Countryside does not change somebody so quickly.
    She will definitely not have her head turned by that nasty ,evil Gavin.
    If he tries anything she will put him in his place.
    It will not happen.
    He might try but will get nowhere.
    I bet I am right but will not gloat.

  8. Regarding step mothers.
    I am one ,with a lovely step family but I married a widower so that is different .
    My own boys have always treated my husband ,their step father, who I married when they were adults, ,very well indeed ,although their own father with whom they are in regular touch ,is still alive.

  9. Stasia,I hope you are wrong.
    I don’t want any of the storylines you suggest at 2:03pm to happen .

    1. I cannot find any fault with any of them.
      What is wrong with:-
      a) Stepmother problems (Helen + Lee?)
      b) The Menopause. It does happen early for some, and this is no longer a taboo subject
      c) Pregnancy in older women. This was touched on with Bethany.
      I so wish, she had stayed in Ambridge with Vicky, in Willow Cottage, to then learn + know, how she integrated into school, and Ambridge.

  10. My own thoughts as to the "Kirsty Triangle", is that she just wants to just keep things on an even keel, for her own sanity.
    She loves Philip, as why else is she preparing to marry him soon. As Gavin is his son, it must be better to learn more about him, than to alienate him.
    She is in a difficult position.

    As for Kate, need to hear more.

  11. Banjo - the horse Alice was riding - is it her own, or was she riding a livery horse?
    I am still not sure.

  12. Miriam why do we keep on needing to hear about “problems”?
    Who on earth wants to hear about the menopause?
    I realise I must have been lucky.
    I didn’t realise I might “ suffer“ and didn’t.
    We have had enough about step mothers and babies.
    Has anyone any ideas for a storyline where we are not invited after the programme to get in touch on a certain telephone number if we have been anything we have heard.?
    There are enough miserable programmes on television to watch without having to hear about them on the radio too.

    Any ideas ?

    1. Sorry LanJan, can't agree.
      Life is made up of problems large and small, for some and all.
      I think TA is a well balanced ( most of the time) reality check, including the daft inclusion of changing the name of the pub, Susan's gossip and Kate's carry ons as so well described by Stasia.
      We have to have the problems, or ' social issues ' in order to have that balance.
      And so far, we haven't been directed to a helpline for bullying in the workplace after hearing about the problems between Neil and Hannah, though there might yet be time for that too.

  13. I do not believe, and certainly hope not, that Kirsty will be 'turned' by Gavin, although it is an intriguing possibility, noted by me, to be originally promoted by two men !
    I do believe that she is overcompensating to Gavins needs as a way of placating the situation which is quite likely to be complicated by the closeness in age between them.
    What better way than to be motherly towards him.

    As far as stepmothers go my two daughters were halfway in age between their parents and the stepmother who successfully became the equivalent of an older sister to them.
    As she was in a far better financial position than their mother she was able to give them benefits and experiences such as teaching them to drive, that I was not equal to, and many years later also produced a 'little' brother for them.
    All positive and win win for her and them.
    As a result I wrote a letter of thanks and congratulations for the excellent job she has done a year or so ago.
    I was very careful however not to include my personal feelings about how her 'stepmothering' had affected, and is still affecting me.

    1. Sorry Mrs P. I never suggested that Kirsty would be "turned " by the haemaroid of the Principality, just that he would try it on.

    2. Pierre, I do love your turn of phrase re Gavin!

  14. I thought that Stasia's ideas were relevant + feasable.
    It now appears, how very differently we all listen to TA and what we expect from it.

    Onwards + Upwards with our differing thoughts + ideas.

  15. Well balanced,Mrs P?
    When was the last really heart warming episode we have had?
    Sometimes in the real world nice things happen too.
    At the moment it is either doom and gloom or stupid storylines like the change of the pub name.
    I don’t watch any soap operas on TV but have had the misfortune to see some trailers.
    As far as I can see The Archers is getting like that.
    When was the last time the majority of bloggers ( yes I do realise that I am possibly one of the minority ) actually said that they enjoyed an episode?

    1. I've been enjoying it lately - but mainly because of schadenfreude!

    2. I always enjoy it.
      What was wrong with Kirsty talking to Helen about the secret wedding, Lynda + Bert on their secret mission at The Bull, Jill talking to Neil, Alistair + Ian enjoying a swim.
      All lovely + heartfelt scenes, well they were to me. 😀

    3. I am actually liking the SL about Xander's naming ceremony, and how it will happen.

  16. Lanjan, make it a minority of at least two: Kate & Jakob, Lynda and & the Bull, Jolene & Kenton - nothing will come between us - what a farce!

  17. Thanks Basia,
    Good to hear that.
    Can anybody tell me how old Jakob is?
    He is another one who should ask for his money back from the charm school he attended.

    1. Make that three. Fed up with stupid plots, not thought through. So Lexi can't make it to the naming ceremony but why haven't we heard about her legally handing over Xander?
      According to government website she has to attend court to let Ian have parental rights as she and Adam are legally the parents but that little fact seems to have been forgotten.

      Like Lanjan I wouldn't trust Phillip. The way he flies off the handle and shouts is really scary and who was he telling ' Just do it?' some months ago? Another loose end?

  18. Ah, so with Kate away, does it mean that Jakob will find out from Chris? It doesn't say how old he is. Lynda with her nesting, last time we heard they had separate beds which Robert tried to push together with no encouragement from her.

    1. Yes Chris seems to have assumed that Jakob knows of the pregnancy and will probably congratulate him or at least asks how he feels about becoming a dad! Lindy & Robert TMI as they say today 🙄

  19. Alice, Chris and children.
    Alice needs to think hard, and not make the mistake I did in not having a family.
    How I regret it now, as I would so love to be a Granmother with grandchildren.
    Could Alice + Chris afford a nanny?

    1. If Alice cut back on the wine they could probably be able to afford Supernanny.....

    2. Or of course they could do what nearly everybody else does in the real world and look after their own bloody children!

  20. Alice is being evasive, writ large - she simply doesn't want children ! OR, as someone suggested, sorry, can't remember who, she has discovered she can't. Either way, she should talk to her husband, but, as I said earlier about something else, TA characters don't speak out when they should. Such an old dramatic trick, so irritating. If it's infertility, she owes it to Chris to say, as the problem could be him. If it's because she doesn't want children, then, most urgently, she shoukd cone clean. This lurking scenario has been dragging on for months .I'm bored.

  21. I don't relish Lynda coming all over coy about sex, & I wish she'd leave Kenton & Jolene to run their b----y pub. Jakob, be as firm with Kate as you've just been with Alastair, don't let sentiment get in the way when she eventually makes get her pregnancy announcement, no doubt too late for a termination. She probably cheated anyway, pretending she was on the pill when she wasn't.
    I think I'll join the Lanjan & Basia club, if they'll gave me.

  22. I don’t want to sound like one of those dreadful people who ,when giving a vote of thanks say “I am sure I can speak for everybody here when I say how much .......etc etc”
    Of course someone cannot speak for anyone else but I would hazard a guess that Basia will allow you to join our Club Carolyn .

  23. I don’t think Alice wants children at all but has chickened out of having the conversation with Chris.

  24. Since I am one of the founder members of the Club I am going to say that any member may unilaterally invite anyone to join the Club whether as a full time or part time member.
    Archerphile and Gary you are most welcome ,as was Carolyn.

    1. I thank you! Has the club got a name yet? And surely there's a lovely motto too?

    2. Ta, Lanjan!
      Do we have to wear a badge? I still have my old Archers Addicts green and gold one.
      It could signify when The Archers *was* The Archers.

    3. Archerphile it is up to you whether or not you choose to wear a badge I was never an Archers Addict only an Archers Anarchist

  25. I prefer guessing games to ‘clubs’, for example, what will Rosie’s first word be? My guess is D❤️A❤️D❤️D❤️Y!

  26. As she's about 18-19 months old, one would hope she had a few words in her repertoire by now. I expect the first was 'Daddy', it often is, probably used whenever she saw a man - David, Rex, Josh, Ben &, oh yes, Toby.

    1. I think you are wrong there, Carolyn, and she used it specifically for the man she knows as Daddy, ie. her father T❤️O❤️B❤️Y.

  27. Gary and Archerphile , suggestions welcomed.
    All I can come up with at the moment are The Ambridge Minorities or The Bah Humbugs.

    1. Village Sceptics? China Shop Bulls ?

    2. LanJan - if your club is to have an Aim as well as a Name, I suggest it comes up with the definitive answer to the perennial question: why do you keep listening, the? These days I can only manage a wordless shrug.

  28. Rosie might copy Henry and only say. “ All right” until she is old enough to have a proper Sloane accent.

    1. Amendment to my 9.06 am : 'China Shop Bull'......
      Maryellen, I like 'wordless shrug', perversely eloquent. The listening habit one can neither excuse nor explain.

  29. I think Rosie's first words will be "that lady" - said when pointing at Pip......😏

  30. carolyn 7.42 am
    My first smile 😊 of the day. I recall someone, could be anyone but Leonard comes to mind, comment on Rosie’s first word, and I don’t think it was Daddy.

  31. There was I eating my toast and drinking tea this morning when suddenly I felt 🤢 sick.
    Lynda lasciviously cajoling Robert to mate, conjoined in in their own little den of magical moments attempting to have coitus.
    Maybe they will watch a little film to get them in the mood, ‘ The birds and the Bees’ while listening to Ella Fitzgerald sing, ‘Lets Do It’.
    Even educated oldie Ambridgees do it!!

    1. Will she hit him on the bottom with her Woman’s Weekly a la Victoria Wood?!!😉😊🤔

    2. Will he melt the buttons on her flame proof nightie?

  32. Good question as to why one listens to The Archers Maryellen
    I spent the journey on the train on my way to the dentist (where I am now sitting in the Waiting Room ) trying to think of an answer
    Like Carolyn I like your “wordless shrug” it is better than. “ I really don’t know”

  33. I've only just caught up with the can't kick the habit group: Lanjan, Basia, Spicycushion, Carolyn, Archerphile, Gary so far...On top of which we are addicted to the blog!

    1. Think I would have to stick to being an Archers Addict - because that’s exactly what I am, a total, incurable, Addict, even when the batch of episodes is not up to standard strength!
      Oh, and also an Addicted Blogger, who has to log in every single day or get severe withdrawal symptoms.

  34. I like ' wordless shrug ' sums it up brilliantly Maryellen.

  35. Yes indeed.
    Maryellen would you mind if we steal your wonderful idea and became
    “The Worthless Shrugs”?
    Of course you might have already patented the expression.

    1. Worthless Shrug? (See my previous comment)

      Freudian slip.

    2. I’m honoured that you ask, LanJan - though I think The Wordless Shruggers might sound like some quaint 17th century religious sect!!

  36. Is Kate telling everyone apart from Jakob that she thinks that she may be pregnant? If so, how odd!

  37. How sad that there is now a splinter group, going on.
    Are we Archers listeners, who just love to listen to it and comment accordingly, being split apart?

    1. Don’t worry Miriam, I don’t think the above correspondence is meant to be taken too seriously, at least not by me.
      Just enjoyable joshing (no, not about him!) on a miserable, wet and windy day.
      Just to lighten the mood, you know!

    2. Yes Miriam. Yes we are. It's going to end up just like West Side Story - better get practising with that flick knife....

    3. ... or just "flicks + kicks"...

  38. Of course there is no splinter group ,Miriam.
    It is just a few of us having a bit of a laugh.
    Of course ,you understand that I can only speak for myself!

    1. Exactly Spicycushion 8:54 pm last night regarding Phillip shouting out”just do it”
      We Wordless Shruggers don’t miss things like that.
      Maryellen has us sounding like a 17thCentury religious sect.
      I agree.
      I see myself wandering around silently shrugging at 7:05 pm ,hands together as if in prayer.
      I will be dressed in a long brown ,high necked dress with white apron .
      Yes I see us in brown.
      Gary may choose knickerbockers instead but of course none of us needs change what we wear at all .
      That is one of the beauties of the Club.

    2. I'm going to go for the full "Cadfael" look Lanjan...

    3. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Gary.

  39. Can I also join the club. I like your Freudian slip Lanjan. Here we are huddled round the Archer blog which this morning could have been condensed into fewer words.
    Maybe a Ranters Archers sect, when we are annoyed with the silly S/las. A Quaking Brethren sect, waiting in anticipation of the next episode. An AA sect were we can go an claim our addiction.
    This morning I was in Mistral’s B(ored) @A club. Especially listening to Jacob, now he is the ultimate bore. Is he actually human?

    1. I kinda like Jakob! At least you know where you stand with him, unlike most of the others in Ambridge who take weeks (if not months!) to express their true feelings about anything.

    2. Wait till he gets the news, I wonder if he'll be shrugging wordlessly then!

  40. Lanjan's post 9/2. At 9:50 clearly shows this is open to anyone.

  41. Can I join? You had me with knickerbockers. Matched with green wellies. I’m sold!!!
    Jakob is soooo boring he makes Mr PtbY look mega interesting!!!!
    Being totally Un PC.......think sw’s will make Kate’s new baby be brought up gender neutral and then choose to be a trans person. That’ll tick a few boxes for the bbc.

  42. I can't join in, due to my differing thoughts + ideas.
    I just can't tick the neccesary boxes required.
    Sad, but true.

    PS I don't believe Kate is pregnant.

    1. We are all welcome to express differing views here. In fact, it would be boring if we always agreed, wouldn't it ?
      Miriam, what boxes are you talking about ? As has already been said, there's just some joshing & banter going on today, nothing too earnest, perhaps because the idea of Kate being pregnant is so ludicrous, given her track record as a mother !
      Slightly more seriously ( but not much), could she be one of those women who just love babies, but lose interest later ?? Funny that, because I think most of us prefer 2-3 yr. olds onwards ! Lots more interesting.

  43. Basia 4.46pm. Thank you for another smile.

    Gary. I don’t dislike Jacob, unlike other characters he doesn’t inspire any strong feelings.which in my book is boring.
    Perhaps later on when He hears Kate’s news he might just be awarded a personality change.
    Thank you for an amusing discussion but do I have to wear BROWN. I’m more a PINK person.
    I support Miriam’s view that Kate isn’t pregnant.

  44. Stasia of course you may wear pink..

    Regarding colour.
    This is not the right blog but may I tell you of something we did when I was a Secondary School teacher at my final full time post in order to make the day lighter?
    We had a “ Colour Coordination S ociety”

    Each day a different person would decide the colour we had to wear as the main colour
    Red day was great.It was really obvious.
    Pupils couldn’t understand what was going on.
    We had themes like baubles bangles and beads .
    The best one was when we had a bad taste day but unfortunately it was on the same day we had Inspectors and one of the Office Staff had to show them round the school.
    She was wearing - amongst other things-black tights with white shoes.
    She never said a word to them and we never found out what they thought about the way the rest of us were wearing either.

    Some people just don’t grow up but what a lot of pleasure they can get by being a bit juvenile at times.

  45. I like Jakob, I found his blunt conversation with Alistair quite entertaining, and as Gary said, you know where you are with him. It says a lot for Kate’s self obsession that she can deliberately ignore what he is saying.

    I also wonder whether Kate is actually pregnant, I rather hope not.

    Alice and Chris seem to be heading towards conflict regarding babies, which is a shame, they seemed reasonably well balanced before.

  46. Oh, they're really setting the scene: I can't think of anything that would unsettle him, just you wait till Jakob hears Kate's news, especially if it doesn't come from her.

  47. Lanjan 5.55 p.m I love the colour co-ordination club. Great fun. I remember hearing about a Bad Taste party years ago and had fun imagining what I'd wear.

    1. I remember going to a "pajama" party. I had quite a few strange looks, whilst on the bus, as I was wearing a nightdress, dressing gown + slippers, with two curlers in my hair showing under the hair net! A HO type look - and not the cat.

    2. Even so that was brave Miriam - on the BUS 😱

  48. I don’t watch Corrie nowadays but remember Hilda Ogden. Her singing was priceless! My brother was a guard on the railway and met her once on the train and had a long conversation. She was a well spoken and very intelligent lady and what an actor to bring Hilda to life!

  49. Still waiting to hear Jakob ‘s reaction! He was glad to get his home to himself again but just wait if there is a baby!

  50. Do I spot another story line coming: "roid rage" extreme irritability and aggression as a side effect of taking anabolic steroids? Jonny's obsession with muscle building could be taking him down that road. I'm beginning to get a feeling of "issue overload".

    As ever, I enjoy reading the comments on this blog at least as much as the programme itself.

  51. Yes, the scenes re Johnny were quite worrying tonight.
    Looks like we are in for yet another dose of ‘education ‘ or ‘public information’ from the BBC. Is steroid abuse on the rise amongst young body builders?
    I don’t know. But I don’t like the idea of nice, sensible young Johnny being used to promote warnings about the issue. Just leave him alone please SWs

  52. I didn't think of steroids but body obsession is another "issue" among the young these days.

  53. Body Dysmorphic Disorder. When a person spends a lot of time worrying about their appearance.
    It is a recognised mental health condition and can include traits of Obsessive-compulsive-Disorder. Freddie’s imagine of himself is irrational and is characterised by some idea that his body is physically defective. Anorexia is another BDD.
    Since arriving in Ambridge his character has developed and it is now clear that he has exhibited low self esteem and displayed a lack of confidence in his social and intellectual abilities.
    He was dumped byBella and his friend Josh did the dirty with the woman he thought was the love of his life.
    This condition has an nickname, imagined ugliness syndrome. Nobody else sees it but him and in that context it is real. His high level of anxiety has left him short tempered especially when told he hasn’t got a problem, how could he when his job is so physical.
    Rumour has it that every village has an idiot?
    Well Ambridge has two.
    Freddie and Ben.

  54. I just hope that when/if Johny becomes "ripped", as I believe the expression is, he is not found irresistible to his dreadful housemate Hannah. Yechchch!

    1. I'm harbouring dark thoughts about Johnny becoming crazed in one way or another & eventually running amok in Ambridge on a killing spree. Starting with Hannah...

    2. Doesn't have to be Johny. Anyone will do!

    3. Never was a truer word spoken Pierre...☺

    4. Esscee. Thank you for pointing that out. I did mean Jonny.


  55. Pierre 10.17 am.
    What do you mean “ripped” ? I have heard the expression ‘ripped off’. Is it a new definition like new words such as ‘woke’?
    Have the feckless young ( excluding Jonny) ever used such slang words? They certainly are not woke.

  56. Hell Stasia, I believe this usage of "ripped" denotes someone with perfectly developed and viual muscle groups. A sort of Adonis figure.

    1. "ripped" - see in dictionary under "Gary Gilday"....

    2. Sorry Stasia my first word back to you should have read "hello"

  57. Johnny is certainly in trouble with himself & Stasia is surely spot on with her diagnosis.

    I think Lee will be the one to sort him out ( eventually ! Of course, it'll drag on....& on ..)

    Admittedly, Freddie & Ben were irritatingly persistent, anyone not in the mood for their version of fun might have snapped, but not Johnny when he's ok, which he clearly isn't these days.

  58. I dispair re the new usages in our language. For instance why is nothing "free" any longer? The usage now is "for free", what does for add? Also the " --- fulness" sindrome e.g "sucessfulness" rather than "sucess" and many more as used by "star" broadcasters.

  59. But maybe, just maybe, Johnny simply wants to get really buff and he shouted at Ben/Josh/Freddie 'coz he's just realized that they are all childish bores & he wants nothing at all to do with them!

    1. Ah, if only Gary. Whether Johnny is 'ripped' or 'six pack abs' he's certainly being ripped off at Grey Gables as Freddie said - he's got a home gym and the farming work.
      Woke - someone aware of social and racial injustice, had to look it up myself.

    2. 'Ripped' must originate from rippled.

  60. Next storyline.
    Gary is right.
    Johnny is sick to the back teeth of Ben and Freddie.
    Bella has realised what a plonker Josh is and asks Johnny to take her back but stresses that she really loved him the way he was and he doesn’t need to try to improve his body image.

    1. Bella has left the enclave. We shall not hear her again.

  61. I so want Johnny, not to be tempted by "steroids", nor take them.
    He surely is more sensible than to go down that route.
    Perhaps it will expose a SL at the GG gymn, where Kirsty is "in charge"?
    Just a different idea, which might relate to her and Philip's relationship, in some way.
    These are my thoughts only.

    1. What about a joint Helen/Johnny project, a high protien product
      utilising the Montebalnos cow's milk?
      Silly yes, but feasable.

    2. This will use the whey, left over from the cheese. It is an alternative use for this, than Toby's Scruff Milk Gin.

  62. Where does this “nice sensible Johnny live? The only Johnny in Ambridge that I know of is the one who was so stupid and irresponsible that he drank himself legless at Freddie’ party and had to be left behind when all his “idiot” friends stayed sober and upright enough to go on to what was The Bull afterwards. I think that Johnny would be a suitable candidate for steroids issue story.

    1. ..wasn't that to do with the "hangover" cure, provided by Eddie + Joe?

  63. Thinking about our bit of fun yesterday, if I were Mrs Malaprop,I might call myself a worthless scrubber!,

  64. Oh a Emma, whatever you do please do not get involved with Gavin
    At the moment it looks as if that might be on the cards.

  65. More sign posts to Johnny heading towards body dysmorphia.

    Gavin and Emma getting friendly?

  66. I think it will be a deffo Johnny on steroids story. All this gym stuff in the new year. Bound to be. Then the usual .....if you’ve been affected by blah blah blah.

    Gary Gilday and ripped......looked it up in dictionary.....said only of the jeans variety and could he saw them up instead of just concentrating on buttons!!! 😉

  67. This morning I posed, on another website, the question of a steroid abuse storyline being another ‘issue’ the BBC want to promote.
    I was more or less shot down in flames for suggesting such a thing. And several people commented that what on earth would the SWs write about if they ignored present day issues.
    I could only conclude that they must be fairly recent listeners if they don’t know about the day to day happenings that have been the norm in Ambridge for many years.
    Some posters agreed we may be in for another period of ‘if you have been concerned about tonight’s episode ring the helpline’ and did not want to hear this again so soon after other recent dramatic stories.

  68. Lanjan 8.41 pm I agree - stay well clear of Gavin Emma!!

  69. Seems to me that Jakob and Kate deserve each other (manners wise) talk about charisma- not 😏

  70. True,Lady R.
    They would spoil another couple.

  71. Robert did sound rather silly, turning up at the surgery, praising Jakob's music and pumping him for information.

  72. Imagine the scene, the wind is howling, the rain is lashing against the windows, and the lights are flickering to compete with the outside gloom.
    A group of S/Ws are shivering( the central heating had gone off) in the cold 🥶 trying to write a story about a character they haven’t as yet named. Suddenly one had the idea of creating a person devoid of any emotions, thus was Jacob born.
    They decide that this new creature will walk and talk as though existing in concrete. Plod, plod his footsteps go. He will go to ‘uni’ and learn facts by rote.
    Fast forward and now he is a vet in Ambridge and he needs a mate made in his own image, someone devoid of any emotions who wants a baby to suckle at her breast.
    The anticipation of their meeting and becoming has now culminated in the growing of a new creature.
    Will this entanglement allow Jacob experience the human condition but will he be left, as the rumour goes, holding the new creature?
    Only time will tell.

  73. Good description Stasia of the most ill mannered person we have heard on the programme.
    Others might be nasty,silly,juvenile and even dishonest but he is number one when it comes to downright rudeness.
    Dreadful man.

    1. I don't see him as rude just unaware. Gavin is bred in the bone rude!

    2. And totally lacking in empathy, therefore unable to fulfil the social norms.
      I don’t think he is deliberately rude, just unaware of how he comes across.
      In some ways, it’s almost refreshing to have such a straight- laced character in Ambridge.
      I’d like him to have some interaction with Susan and hear what goes on!

      As for Gavin, he’s just Neanderthal!

    3. Sorry, my first para was referring to Jakob!

  74. Could Jacob be autistic?

    Archerphile you do an injustice to the Neandertals. Gavin is more Piltdown - needs some enhancement of his scull!


  75. I would imagine most parents would be appalled if their child spoke in the way Jakob does.
    Sorry ,to me he is downright rude.
    I think Alastair has borrowed some of his former wife’s saintliness when he is in conversation with the man.
    I would not have given him the time of day.
    Smug b****** that he is.

  76. 👍 Lanjan. Don’t sit on the fence! 😁

  77. Pierre, we did think he might be autistic. I agree, he just says what he thinks, like telling Robert to pay for professional advice. Let's see what "the news" does to him!

  78. Too right Basia. I am looking forward to Kate’s great reveal.

  79. I thought it was an established fact that Jakob is on the autism spectrum, but perhaps only here, not actually spelt out on TA !
    I certainly wouldn't warm to the man in real life, but I like his presence in Ambridge - an entirely different type, leading to interesting interactions with the locals.
    Echo others - Emma, keep away from man child Gavin ! He's lazy, doesn't pull his weight in Dad's business, lost the girl ( who is lovely, according to Philip, who must have met her), wouldn't be the slightest bit interested in George, Kiera, or any of the Grundy or Carter clans. He's self indulgent, devious, bullying, rude & bad tempered.

    Ed, on the other hand, is a grafter, loyal, kind, an adult, despite still living with his parents. He pulls his weight in the family. Get a grip, man, & win back Emma, regardless of whether or not anything between her & Bad News Gav develops from a pub chat or not.

  80. I hadn't realised that Jakob is autistic.
    I just thought he is has OCD and is a perfectionist, in both life + work.
    I learn so much here.

  81. As I said, we haven't had it confirmed that he's 'on the spectrum', but it's been mooted here quite often.

    I don't think being socially awkward, literal minded, & lacking the politeness filter are symptoms of OCD.

  82. He isn’t autistic Miriam he is just ill mannered.
    On the other hand the script writers haven’t ticked the autism box yet so Pierre may well be right.
    However I have to say if there is one couple I would be pleased to see make a go of it then it would definitely be him and Kate.
    I can’t say fairer than that .
    They deserve each other.

  83. Miriam4.25pm
    There is no evidence that he is. The S/Ws haven’t informed us , yet. It is all supposition and lots of Archer aficionados are slotting him into that scenario.
    If put on the Autism map many of us might just fall into some aspect of the syndrome. Asperger’s sits on the spectrum and the characteristics differ from mild language, speech, and interpersonal communication to severe difficulties in all social engagement.
    Jacob May never have been assessed, and that is not unusual, many of us with odd social eccentricities simply jog along in what ever job we are doing.
    I don’t think the S/Ws have fully developed his character and like many others I expect him to experience a personality change, in the not too distance future.
    It just might take nine months.👶

  84. I thought about an OCD syndrome, as a Bro-in-law + Jakob, could well be twins.
    Everything, has to be in its correct place, at all times, and clean + super tidy.
    This is the opposite to Kate, hence my simplistic thought.
    Good idea, at the time.

    1. On Christmas Day, when I have been a guest, the paper + all the presents, are put away, so there is no clutter....

    2. There's a hell of a lot more going on in the mind of someone with OCD other than quite liking things to be a bit tidy Miriam!

    3. It was just a thought, only.
      Oh well, all will be revealed, when the SW's decide to do so.
      In the meantime, Johnny + Hannah, are taking up residence in No 1 The Green again.
      Will Freddie join them?

    4. In fact, not always, but sometimes OCD can lead a person to be spectacularly untidy by ordinary standards, can't bear to throw anything away !
      No fun if it is very severe, the sufferers had no peace.

      That said, I believe quite a lot of us have mild symptoms ( what one might call 'OCD moments') Whoops, way off topic !
      Back to Jakob, I don't see him as obsessive at all, but he sure finds other people incomprehensible much of the time.

  85. If I were to describe this evening’s episode I would say “wooden”
    Every one of the actors but especially Jill and Ben sounded as if they were standing there reading the lines in the studio.
    Yes I know folk say that Jill doesn’t do that because of her poor eyesight but it certainly sounded like it to me.

  86. We knew it would happen like this, so nowJakob knows.
    It looks like Ben will be staying in Ambridge, good, we need the next generation.

  87. Lanjan, I thought Jill was on form tonight.

  88. Does anyone know, what Uni courses, Ben is applying for?
    I can't recall, yet again. 🤣

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Basia I expected Jill to burst into tears .
    I am afraid to me she sounded very unconvincing.
    Coincidently when sorting out photographs today I found the one I had taken with her many moons ago.
    She was very pretty I thought.
    She is laughing ,possibly because my friend told her that she hadn’t made a very good job bringing up her children.

  91. Felphersham University will have originally been Felpersham Technical College ,then Felphersham Polytechnic .
    Newcastle University is one of the best in the Country .
    If he has been given a conditional offer at Newcastle he must be very good so why apply to the local one unless that is just an “incaser.?”
    Does Ben not realise that it isn’t just the Degree one gets but the University one goes to that counts when applying for a job or does he not really care?

    1. but what he is going to study + hopefully, attain his degree in?

  92. I liked the Ben/Jill scene, tonight, given the very heavily signposted script, as the actors were natural & convincing. We've got the message, Ben's the one to stick around, Josh will do his own thing, Pip's the flakey daughter. Hooray, I've liked Ben since he emerged from his bedroom, never mind he was a bit insensitive with Johnny, he's only just 17, but he stuck with training the dog, despite zilch interest or encouragement from his siblings, he does his homework, & he can relate to the different generations.

    Jakob is great on the job, no question. He would inspire confidence, as does Alistair, though the latter has the additional human touch. Still, when your animal is in itrouble, the main thing is detailed guidance, & appropriate treatment.

    I could have done without the pregnancy revelation at the end to trivialise an otherwise thoughtful & realistic 13 mins., but, as Basia says, we knew it would happen....

  93. I too enjoyed the scene with Jill and Ben tonight and Jill sounded much more ‘normal’ to me - no raising the voice or over emphasis at the wrong moment.
    Just a very thoughtful reminiscence of her life with Phil. Ben seemed to be a very sensitive lad and asked all the right questions, he does seem to be the most thoughtful and least self-obsessed of Jill’s grandchildren at Brookfield.

  94. I am obviously out of step here.
    I am perverse because earlier when others complained about the way Jill delivered her script I didn’t think she was that bad
    Until this latest storyline about Josh and the fact that he also did the dirty on Johnny I always preferred him to Ben as I felt that he was the one least favoured by Ruth and David.
    Perhaps I was in a nowty mood when I listened this evening.
    If I can’t say anything nice tomorrow then I won’t say anything.

    1. I agree with you, LanJan. Ben certainly said all the right things and Jill definitely sounded less screechy, but I found it contrived and unconvincing and was glad when it was over.

  95. I also enjoyed tonight's conversation between Jill and Ben. Jill sounded sincere and thoughtful and Ben did seem to enjoy her reminiscences and he sounded like a nice young man. Very sensible about girls too.
    Jakob reacted predictably to the blurted news. He just repeated it almost to himself a bit robotlike. He has plenty of time to change and maybe will love being a father. I still think Kate is a very selfish and conniving person though.

  96. SW’s please don’t mess with thoughtful Ben (now that he has come out of his bedroom at last)
    Also appreciated that Phil's 10th Anniversary was marked. Where have those years gone 🤔
    Chris as expected congratulated Jakob on becoming a dad. Amazingly Jakob sounded (almost)

    1. I should have said ‘incredulous’ Lady R! 😯

  97. Lanjan 7.20pm. 10.52pm.
    You are not the only one.
    I have just finished listening on catch up and agree it was a Wooden Tops episode.
    My brain 🧠 drifted and then suddenly I heard Jill say something like ‘silly me, am I boring you? Suddenly I woke up and decided she was talking to me so quickly replied “yes”


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