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Life in Ambridge


  1. stasia March 10, 2020 at 9:18 AM

    Good heavens. Have just listened and am now a nervous wreck.
    Well done Freddie dragging a limp bodied Lynda through all that broken glass and rubble.
    Well done Kathy gathering all the residents at the mustering point and comforting them with blankets.
    Tracy will, along with others be feeling guilty, she left her post to harangue Emma about Ed.
    Spicycushion, well spotted about the unnamed worker, I suspect Philip will return thinking it’s Gavin.
    To be continued for a long time.

    1. Tracy has nothing to reproach herself for (even if she does), she was trying to rescue Emma's marriage and has two children herself. Lynda wasn't at reception, she called J to take over.

  2. Carole Boyd is looking after her husband after a stroke, as Lanjan said, they may use this, the same as with June Spencer caring for her husband with dementia.

  3. *****
    Can I just take this opportunity to welcome all our new visitors to the blog - we have never seen so many people dropping by!

    There have been folk from Panama, Peru, Mexico and Oman. There are regular readers from Belgium, Denmark and India to name but a few! To see places like Kazakhstan & Grenada pop up on my little map is astonishing - please, please say hello now & again...

    1. And let's not forget all of you in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland & Germany who have been with us for a long time!

    2. Goodness Gary, we are becoming worldwide famous! I wonder how many of our foreign visitors actually listen to The Archers, how many are ex-pats getting their Archers fix and how many are just curious?
      It would be lovely to know.

    3. I don't think I'm alone in hoping for news of Ruthy.

  4. Aha! I knew there must be a reason for introducing a new, middle-aged, competent and unattached woman to Ambridge society! Robert + Joy?

    I thought at the time that they were rather labouring the point about not knowing the builder’s name. Tonight will tell if it was a red herring.

    1. Yes, I thought that Tracy, Roy, and others who knew ‘the builder’ was in the kitchen would have recognised if it was Gavin. (If they actually saw him). The fact that nobody mentioned him by name is curious.
      So perhaps a death is conveniently going to be of someone not in the regular cast, thus upsetting regular listeners?

    2. I couldn't remember if Freddie or Lynda had ever had a conversation with Gavin (that we had heard!) so it remains to be seen if Gav is for the chop! I think that there will be a lot of re-evaluating of relationships in Ambridge over the next few days and weeks - lots of people putting things in perspective & deciding what's important to them and what's not...

  5. Maryellen, I dislike people being paired off at the best of times, nor can I stand 'Sorrow', this is my personal view point. All the same I have heard of a man looking for a 'replacement' when his wife was dying.

  6. THIS MAY BE A SPOILER: as the builder is mentioned in the synopsis you can find out who he is.

    1. Unusual that the synopsis is out so soon. It's not usually available until after the 2pm repeat.

    2. It all depends, I usually read it about 11am, sometimes there's none.

  7. **** Recommend ⭐️ Google “Linda Snell” actress and 3 videos will come up the first of which is Carol Boyd addressing last years Archers Academics Conference I am only about halfway through her talk but it is very much worth listening to 🤗 🤣
    Of course some people do not wish to see a character in real life if they are not already familiar with them, as I already knew this it is ok for me and I also think she does represent Linda as I would have imagined her. I can also recall having audio books read by her which she mentions.

  8. Did it strike anyone else how ineffual Oliver was? I suspect it will all be too much for him and he will fade out.

  9. I've only just listened to last night's episode.
    Couldn't stand Lynda when she first arrived. But she's grown on me over the years. She might be an interferring old busy-body but underneath she's got a heart of gold.
    Ambridge without Lynda, unthinkable.
    Come on Mrs Snell, think of the llamas and pull through.

  10. Yes Maryellen, it struck me.
    Poor Oliver, I thought, this is such a shock, and lovely Grey Gables, Carolines jewel. This will finish him off.

    OWIAS - we haven't heard from you in such a long time.
    Pleased to see that you are still with us.

  11. To me Oliver sounded like a person in shock which he expressed very effectively.

    1. But ‘in shock’ is not what’s expected from the man at the helm when effective leadership is required. Thank goodness Roy and Kathy fulfilled their roles, and Emma and Tracey both helped, having swiftly recovered from their initial shock.

    2. I don't think the physical state of shock is something a person has control over ! He owns the place, but has plenty of staff who kept their heads, shocked in a general way, of course, but naturally not so personally involved.

    3. Then Oliver isn’t up to his self-appointed role.

    4. I remember watching a video on a first aid course. A very bossy and pompous lecturer managed to cut his hand pretty badly on glass and was bleeding heavily. He very quickly became a babbling jelly.
      Shock, as opposed to being shocked, is a medical condition and needs prompt treatment. Oliver was probably closer to the blast than Kathy and co and has been injured. Roy has sustained a head wound but this is perhaps superficial.

      Oliver's role is proprietor of Grey Gables. As a result, he feels a personal responsibility for his staff and guests. Last night he was in need of assistance himself. This is no more a case of him not being 'up to his self-appointed role' than if he had been knocked unconcious or broken his back. I don't think in either of those cases he would have been censured for not showing effective leadership ...

    5. Oliver has chosen to take the role of senior manager at Grey Gables, involving himself in staff appointments and discipline, booking builders etc etc. As such I would have expected him to be able to handle a crisis - or even as an individual. The other staff we heard all rallied. He was useless.

    6. Just reading up on smoke inhalation. Mental confusion is one of the symptoms.
      Roy wasn't inside when the explosion happened (he says so to the ambulance crew). Nor were Emma and Tracey. So they were not immediately affected by the smoke. They're younger too, so probably more physically resilient.

      Lynda didn't do much to contribute to the evacuation either. Was she useless too?

  12. I was wondering if Lynda will survive but in a coma for a long time. ... Irritating though she often is, she provides another side to community life which is not represented by any other character and leads to more varied plot lines and to quite a lot of the light relief. She would be a difficult character to replace. .... or is that nonsense?

    1. Well, I certainly agree, I would cross the street to avoid her in real life if I'd been forewarned of her latest mission/cause, but she's a one off. Ambridge needs her !

    2. Same here. As much as I detest any Christmas panto she does, ambridge wouldn’t be the same without its resident snob!

    3. I thought the snob was Jennifer. Sniff.

  13. Oh, lots of tears. I was with Robert remembering the sheer powerlessness when a loved one is so ill. Acting was superb and so real.

  14. "Then Oliver isn't up to his self-appointed role" - Why? Because he's a human being? Who should appoint him? A directors' board? Is there one? Why being so judgemental?

  15. Isn't it lovely to hear Jim being so considerate and supportive?
    He's been on the receiving end of much kindness recently, of course. But all that emotion and fellow-feeling he's kept buttoned up and hidden away all these years : ( What a different character, and father, he might have been if the late and unlamented Harold J had never entered his life ...

  16. Maryellen 6.04 & 6.41 - No No No !

    7.28 Basia - ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    1. All right then, tell me one useful contribution Oliver made to the proceedings! Imo, he was a liability rather than an asset.

    2. He WAS a teensy bit rubbish in that crisis situation to be honest with you! 😉

    3. Is teensy Scottish for total, Gary? 😀

    4. It's Scottish for "diplomatic".....! 😁

    5. I’m tempted to say I didn’t know there was a Scottish word for diplomatic - but guess it would be teensy not to!😀😀

    6. I see what you did there!!!! 😁

  17. Replies
    1. Freddie said he thought Blake was dead, so I assume he was rescued too, as to Gavin?

    2. Gavin was moping in the Bull. Sorry, The B@Ambridge. Blake was the guy he sweet-talked into doing the job for him.
      This is 100% true, I read it online somewhere. (Probably)

  18. Oh poor Robert and poor Lynda indeed GG. Jim's being such a wonderful support in a time of need.
    I do hope Lynda pulls through. It wouldn't be the same without her.

  19. They really can pull out the stops when they want to......those SW's. It was like listening to a proper drama. I remember the writing was similarly top notch when Kirsty lost her baby.

  20. Of course, Tuesday week is now looking a little optimistic for the kitchen to be back in use ...

  21. Does anybody know who this week’s writer is?
    Is it mentioned in the Radio a Times?

  22. My finger is poised over my list of fatal accidents In Ambridge from the 50s onwards. Sadly, I wasn’t able to include Matt Crawford. I hope they don’t keep us waiting too long for News of Lynda’s fate.

  23. Listened later than the rest of you, as usual, and found that episode very moving.
    Jim is a true friend and will be a great support to Robert. Lynda’s Injuries sounded pretty horrific so, if she does survive, it is going to be a long time before she will be taking much part in village affairs again - and a good long rest for Carole Boyd.

    I was a bit annoyed with Elizabeth’s attitude to Freddie, who, thankfully seems to have suffered far less serious damage
    She was too bossy and fussing, Shula seemed to handle Freddie much more sensitively and I think it would be better for him to return to the stables to fully recover.

    Finally I fully understand why Oliver was so fragile after the blast. He is an elderly man who had just received a serious shock. He has compétant staff to deal with the crisis who were not so near the blast and would be less affected and therefore able to cope with organising the evacuation.
    To denigrate him for not doing his job is, in my view, very unjust. He may own GG, that does not mean he has to drag survivors out with his bare hands after such an explosion or be expected to instantly organise the situation whilst in shock himself. That is what Roy, Kathy and his other senior staff are for. And they did it well.

    1. I was not expecting Oliver or anyone else. to drag survivors out with his bare hands. Since he was keen enough to do his managers’ jobs for them before.Inaturally expected him to continue in a managerial capacity. He could at least have phoned the emergency service. But he seemed to have no grip on priorities. Can this crumpled old man recover authority and respect? Time will tell.

    2. They will have had an agreed evacuation procedure. We heard people being directed to the assembly point where they would be met by 'the man with the placard'. someone would have had responsibility for calling the emergency services. Although as it was, Emma beat them to it.

    3. Maybe it was Kathy’s job to call the emergency services and she failed to make herself heard.

  24. Thanks Gary ,10:23pm for the information about who the scriptwriter of this week’s episodes is.
    So far she is doing an excellent job.

  25. A very well written and delivered episode last night.
    I thought we were given a few hints about Lynda’s future, if she has one, and if she can emotionally cope with outcome of all the endeavours of the medical team.
    Deep burns to her face, let’s hope the hospital has a brilliant cosmetic surgeon.
    Freddie said there were flames at her feet, what are the implications for her future mobility?
    She may have inhaled too much smoke, and what damage will that have done to her lungs and intake of oxygen?
    If she was reasonably healthy she should recover from the broken pelvis unless there were too many small breakages. As an older woman (Drs words) other complications for healing fractures could be osteoporosis.
    Lynda needs a miracle.
    The big question is, will Robert have to make the decision to have the ventilator switched off?

  26. Have just listened to that harrowing but so well handled episode. Convincing & moving. Can only echo what everyone is saying.
    Robert was superb, the panic, the grief, the words he was given to say - the tightness in his voice was unbearable. Jim & Shula were so supportive, just what both Freddie & Robert need. The doctor did an honest & empathetic job.
    A pity about Elizabeth, but entirely in character.

    That's a chilling question, Stasia, your last sentence, but a realistic one. Hope it doesn't come to that.

    1. So do:I carolyn. If it happens the nation and myself will grieve.🙃😰

    2. Interesting article in the Daily Telegraph about T/A crisis storyline today.

  27. As the sibling of someone who survived catastrophic burns I am awaiting the "outcome" of this storyline with great interest & some trepidation. (My sister received her injuries at the tender age of 9 months and subsequently had a lifetime of operations & after-care - and much worry from everyone almost her entire life.)

    1. That is deperately sad, Gary, scarring all your family

  28. Much sympathy Gary. It will be a difficult storyline for you to listen to.

  29. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister Gary.
    As I stated before, I really hope that Lynda can pull through.

  30. I’m really sorry to hear about your sister too, Gary. So often these storylines can awaken something in all our lives. If Lynda pulls through it will be some time before we hear her dulcet tones again. Carol Boyd will have a long sabbatical. I too wonder about the fate of the builder. Was Oliver anywhere near the explosion or is he in shock simply because of the event?

  31. I hope the nurses are trained in Feng Sui - just imagine the ructions if Lynda wakes up and finds her bed is wrongly aligned ; )

  32. That is terribly sad,Gary
    Poor little girl and terrible for your family too.

  33. Thanks for your lovely messages - it happened over 45 years ago and she's "fine" now. She was lucky enough to have one of the best surgeons in the world look after her for the first few years of her life - does anyone remember the little "Boy David" who was flown from Peru to the UK to have his entire face reconstructed? Well, when the surgeon (Ian Jackson) wasn't working on David he was working on my little sister! One of my earliest memories is seeing my sister in a sealed glass "room", being kept completely isolated from the outside world.

    Lynda (and Robert) are in for a long difficult journey....

    1. I'm so glad to hear your sister is fine after such a harrowing experience.

    2. And me. It can't be an easy storyline for you : (

  34. Just caught up with the repeat, my goodness, what difficult listening but what superb & convincing acting.

  35. Borsetshire Hospitals Trust has a very good record when it comes to patching people up, eg. Tony Archer (gored), Rob Titchener (stabbed) and Matt Crawford (run over), although not so good for infectious diseases, eg. Freda Fry (pneumonia) and Nic Grundy (sepsis) who both died in hospital.

  36. Gary, your sister is lucky to have a very caring brother. I’m sending you lots of 😘🥰👩‍❤️‍👨🌈❣️❤️

  37. Oooh, someone's the centre of attention at LL and it's not Russ.

    Is it me or was he slightly narked?

  38. I thought that Russ was pretty good this evening.

    1. Yes, at the end he was. (And I could hear the teacher in him!)

      But earlier, when he was telling Freddie he had visitors, I felt he sounded really quite sarky. But perhaps that's his normal voice. He has been mercifully silent for some time so I've forgotten how he speaks : )

  39. I would have expected Kirsty to have sounded more worried than she did.
    After all, presumably Phillip expected Gavin to have been doing the work at GG and it would seem he was nowhere in sight.
    I hope that Blake was a qualified gas fitter .

    1. I agree LJ it sounded as though Philip & Kirsty knew that Gavin had opted out and Blake had stepped in otherwise they would have been furious that he had done so just because he did not want to cover while Philip had his break. Kirsty just said thank goodness Gavin wasn’t there - what! (Poor Blake)
      Sounds like ourJenny will be back on air soon a cursory mention tonight....

  40. Gary - I am so sorry, I posted a comment about your sister and they wonderful surgeon this morning, but it has disappeared (or perhaps I forgot to tap publish).
    Anyway, it was just to say how lucky she was to have been treated by that brilliant man, and to hope she is completely well these days.

  41. I've just caught up with the last 9 episodes ... wow!

    Now to read the comments.

  42. I have to say I felt very sorry for Oliver this evening. He is obviously devastated by what has happened.
    I did think Robert was rather over the top by yelling and blaming
    Oliver completely for Lynda’s injuries.
    I know he is in an awful state of worry and anxiety over his beloved wife, but to berate Oliver in that way was very untypical of Robert and quite unfair. Lynda was not supposed to be at GG at the time and the explosion was not caused by Oliver personally.
    I think Robert might regret his outburst when Lynda has improved and the whole truth about the disaster is properly assessed.

  43. Have to say I felt more sorry for Robert, AP. He's going through a hell of uncertainty & grief, surely he can be excused outbursts like that. He's a mild natured man, as low key socially as Lynda is high voltage( outrageous mixed metaphor !) & this is not normal behaviour for him, &, yes, very likely will be regretted later.

    Oliver is still reeling from the shock of the explosion & his head must be whirling with the many implications, human & material. He's not thinking straight yet, so was thrown by Robert's reaction. At least he has Grange Farm & the sheltering wing of Grundydom to fall back on, whereas Robert has only a hard chair in a hospital corridor, or 'family' room( + regular visits from Jim, I hope)

    I found that scene totally convincing, given the circumstances.

  44. For all the criticism of Phil,Gavin and their workman has no one considered that the fault that caused their involvement was. WET floor ( caused by water)
    The specialist company sent in their camera which confirmed a broken pipe. You cannot send such along a gas pipe only a drain.
    So why should a specialist has fitter have been used and where has the gas come from?
    Detestable as Gavin is I will not join the suggested Jenny Dahling’s witch hunt without some better evidence.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I agree with you Pierre-l-C. It was the drainage system that had a fault (flooded kitchen), and no gas involved. Also, as I recall, almost the last thing that Lynda said before rushing into the kitchen was something along the lines of " What is that workman doing, he shouldn't be doing that?" in response to noises of crashing and clanking from the kitchen area. Certainly no sounds of digging which would have been consistent with a leaky pipe in the floor. The unfortunate Blake trying to rustle up a sneaky snack perhaps?

  47. When I heard the explosion I immediately thought of gas.
    Pierre,are you saying that the explosion was the water gushing from the broken pipe causing the collapse?

    1. Good morning LJ.
      No of course I am not suggesting that. What I am saying is why should a specialist has fitter be used when all that was suspected was a broken drain.
      There was obviously some explosive agent present but the criticism of Philips company not being psychic is not fair or justified.
      I am hoping that the SWs have not resorted to the Ambridge magic extra room idea and somehow discovered how to turn water into gas! (Alchemists?)

  48. Carolyn 7.26:
    Of course I realise the terrible state Robert is in (and said so in my comment) and that he wanted to hit out at somebody or something, or even at providence, for causing his beloved wife such terrible injuries.
    But I thought his attack on Oliver, obviously also in an emotional state, was, shall I say, unfortunate. Oliver may be Lynda’s employer but was not personally responsible for her injuries. One would expect her employer to go to the hospital to find out her condition, offer condolences and help. In fact if he hadn’t done that, he could be criticised for not caring.
    Launching such a vitriolic attack was done in Robert’s extreme distress but I still think it was unfair.
    Hopefully, when the exact cause of the explosion is discovered, Robert will know to whom, or to where, he should direct his anger.

    1. I know it's not fair; my point was that it is convincing, a human reaction.

  49. I don’t know anything about flooding and gas pipes, but I do hope Oliver has indemnity to cover the many claims for compensation from guests and staff will make in the future. Post Traumatic Stress, and physical injuries claims will have a big impact on the future of GG.
    If the insurance investigators find that Blake the workman caused the explosion then Philip’s business will most likely go the dogs. I suspect that as a local builder he is already in the dog house for sending a dodgy workman.
    Let’s hope Kathy and her deputy have all insurance up to date.
    Hero’s like Freddie are going to need help, he is already blaming himself.
    Oliver is clearly demonstrating an inability to maintain his executive role in the running of GG.

    1. How do you know for sure that Blake is a dodgy workman. He was sent to deal with what was supposed to be a known fault and is well qualified to deal with it

  50. Roy needs to go to hospital to have his head checked. His normal dull Twitter is usually banal but he was even more banal and twittier last night.

  51. Two things come to mind after the doctor's diagnosis: they are going to do skin grafting to improve its thickness, so that's a sign of progress. From the little I know of trauma surgery is that the body temperature has to be stable and skin is its vital organ in assuring it. On the other hand, when asked by Jim if she'll be all right, the reply was, we're doing everything we can, that's what they said just before Nic died.

    1. What ellse can a doctor say in these cicumstances? Doctors will do everything they can but they cannot perform miracles.

  52. This may be a stupid question but if it was not a gas explosion ,why did Lynda get so horribly burned?
    Is it as I assume that the collapse of the floor disturbed the other pipes?

    1. Good question ! Am now thoroughly was a water pipe emergency originally, danger of flooding, hence the need for the job to be done at the wkend.

    2. Yes LJ where did the gas come from???

  53. Pierre, 9.32 am. I don’t know but am deliberately jumping to conclusions. 🙂
    On the other hand how do you know he was ‘well qualified’?
    We weren’t given his name until yesterday, and I don’t recall any discussion on his professional abilities.
    Perhaps Gavin just sent him to dig a hole in the ground, and he did a B Cribbens version. Big and round, digging it deep trying to make it steep. Maybe he should have been digging elsewhere, the shape was wrong, it should have been square. So there was Blake shovelling dirt so like Mr Cribbens he lit a fag and took a drag and the rest is history. 💥☄️🧨

  54. A doctor will never say that he or she is 100% certain that everything will be fine even if convinced that will be so .

  55. Hello Stasia, I don't know he was well qualified but Phillip's firm seems to be held in respect in Ambridge and I am sure that ghastly Gav only assigned him to cure the diagnosed fault. It may well turn out that it was something he did, unknowingly or accidentaly, which set off the explosion. (N.B. Mr Cribbens did not blow himself to oblivion)

  56. I can't remember if the ovens at Grey Gables are electric or gas; if gas and either the workman had decided to heat something up or a pilot light was left on then that might have ignited methane from the drains.

  57. Replies
    1. Possibly - but there would have to be a considerable void to have held enough of it to provide the destruction we have been lead to believe.

      Useful motto, " Send in a Canary first"

    2. Yes, sewer gas contains methane and there are examples of it causing explosions.

  58. The noises from the kitchen that Linda went to investigate sounded to me like kitchen or oven equipment being thrown about.
    Perhaps the workman, Blake, was following a leak leading back from the drain under the floor, and up the wall behind the fixed equipment, and inadvertently dislodged or cracked / broke a gas pipe.
    Most professional kitchens have gas hobs if not gas ovens.

  59. Have a look at my post 8:25 above, Janice and MrsP. Exactly what I thought, and commercial kitchens usually use gas I think.

  60. If there was a methane build up there would be no need for there to be any add in from the domestic gas supply. Just a naked flame or as little as a single spark.

    1. I was thinking something like a pilot light might have provided that spark.

  61. Or there could have been a propane gas cylinder that was damaged. Are we certain there is a town gas supply out at GG - we don’t have any gas here and are not so isolated as GG, so perhaps the have Calor gas to cook on?
    Anyway, what’s the point of speculating. We’ll find out soon enough and then we’ll know who, or what to blame.

  62. I've just listened to the end of Sunday's episode. As Suz said, there was a lot of banging and crashing going on in the kitchen.
    'Though Lynda left the room to talk to the builder, yet was back with Freddie at the time of the explosion. Or did he fight his way into the kitchen? If she had smelled gas then she would have shoed Blake and Freddie outside. Or was she doing this in the bit we didn't hear and Freddie can't remember?

    Of course, it could have been the 'fireworks' from Tom and Natasha's first wedding anniversary.

    Personally, I blame Rob ; )

  63. It’s funny how everyone is talking about this Blake - a character we have never heard of before this week. I want to know why Gavin wasn’t doing the job as Philip instructed. Was he so annoyed with his father that he deliberately ducked out of going over at the weekend and passed it on to a junior workman; or did he go, survey what needed doing, realise it needed an specialist workman and called Blake in specially?
    In fact, where was Gavin when he was supposed to be working at GG?

    1. I wondered about that too, but we have not heard of Philip giving Gavin a roasting for not attending the job himself!

  64. AP, Gavin is Phillip's son and may have a sub managerial role in the company. Phillip told him to get the job done but that doesn't mean he should do it himself hands on. As a junior manager Gavin alloted another workman to do the job - on the basis that " you don't keep a dog and bark yourself"
    Speculation is fun but determination to allot blame based on no evidence whatsoever is not.

  65. Will Oliver now sell GG, after the dust has settled?
    I don't think he will now want to be there. It is now the final straw, especially after Caroline.

    1. I agree with you, Miriam, I think it is very likely that Oliver will want to sell Grey Gables, despite its memories of Caroline- except that it’s not very saleable at the moment. It’s interesting that this is the second major disaster there, the first, of course, was the stable blaze resulting in Grace Archer’s death.

  66. PS This is the only sensible place, to share my idea, re Oliver.

  67. Hilarious, big bang and all of the people consigned to the cupboard for years are released,and are screaming the Ambridge Gladiator version of We Are Free.

  68. Did you notice that the music being played in the background was “Oh Carole” ?

    1. It absolutely must be, I'll listen again, couldn't make it out.

  69. Better version of Lilian tonight and for once the appropriate use of 'dahrling!' 🙄

  70. In tears again tonight, this time for Monty who Lilian said was looking all over the place for Lynda. The sad thing is that you can’t explain to a dog what is going on! A much softer side to Lilian. Whatever happens all this will change a lot of lives. Agree with Miriam and Maryellen that Oliver will probably sell up.

  71. I think it highly likely that Lilian, so distraught at seeing Lynda’s condition, will decide to cancel the name change for the pub and revert to THE BULL.
    I can imagine her telling Lynda this while she is still on a coma, as a way of trying to ease Lynda back into consciousness and as an apology for the heated arguments they have been having recently.
    It would be a very generous and thoughtful gesture and might just give Lynda the boost she will need to recover when (if) she wakes again
    I shall change my poor opinion of Lilian if she makes this gesture and think of her more kindly than I have for some time.

    1. Here’s hoping Archerphile 🤞🏼
      At least Lilian kept it real admitting that she needed her sparring partner (I feel that Linda hearing that agreed)
      Ed is still hoping and they are working as a parental team at the moment which maybe the start of a possible reunion at some point 🤔

  72. I agree Ev, the story of Monty looking for Lynda was so sad. Dogs love their people and, as you say, you can't explain to them what has happened. Lilian sounded so sincere tonight. She was practical and helpful too, getting Robert to go and wash and change.

  73. I think the suggestion by Archerphile is almost guaranteed.

    I'm sure we all expected something would happen to bring the reversal of the name change about, but none of us would have expected such a drastic calamity as the (possible) end of Grey Gables and hopefully not the death of Linda Snell.

    1. It often takes a tragedy to put other (often more mundane) disagreements in life back into perspective even if only being human we can only maintain this state for awhile.


  74. I mentioned that the Neil Sedaka song “Oh Carole “ was playing in the background and wondered if it had any significance which Basia seemed to think it might.
    Recently also we heard the Everly Brothers singing “Bye bye Love “ and “All I have to do is dream” ......
    The Miss Marple in me thinks that there is an older script writer around or one who appreciates in the late 1950s /early 1960s we had some great pop tunes.
    I am going to listen more carefully now to the background music
    (Gary ,if I were to do what you did and appear on Mastermind ,that would have been my chosen specialist subject.)
    Only when I had managed to get into the next Round would I choose to answer questions on “The Archers” !)

  75. Thank goodness for Lillian. We all need an empathetic bossy boots at a time of desperation and despair.

    1. Absolutely ! There are times when one really needs someone to take over !

  76. Moby Dick and gossip magazines, both Robert and Lilian trying to outrage Lynda and bring her back.

  77. When Lillian concentrated on being a proper person as opposed to a cackling charade there was definite proof a real actor there.

  78. Last night someone asked if Roberts daughters had been in touch. I think Lilian said they had tried to ring but Robert was not answering his phone.
    If that was my Dad, I wouldn’t have just ‘tried to phone’, I would have raced down to the hospital like a shot to support my Dad and see Lynda.
    I can’t believe they are both so busy that they couldn’t find babysitters and make the trip.
    It’s a grave family emergency, where are they?

    1. The one in Spain might not like to travel because of the coronavirus, or maybe she's had trouble booking a flight.

    2. Ah lost track with where they both live Janice.

  79. They both seem very self centred but will eventually make an appearance I assume! Lynda has been very kind to them in the past . Robert has support from friends and if like me when going through a time like this, it might be better to just get on with it without worrying about others. It’s the trouble with having far flung relatives.

    Maybe with serious burns it is better for Lynda to remain in a coma and unaware of the pain. It will be some time before she regains consciousness and in the meantime some healing will take place. Nevertheless I was told many people who are in induced coma can hear what is said to them so keep on talking, Robert and Lilian!

  80. Wrote something but it didn't appear... Just agreeing that Lil was at her very best with Robert & comatose ( but perhaps still hearing) Lynda.

    Hope the daughters turn up, & it's reported only, because there's quite enough going on with our regulars just now, without distraction from occasionals.

    The eventual fate of GG is interesting as it affects so many characters one way or another.

  81. I have sometimes wondered whether the idea that people in a coma can hear what is said to them, or that hearing is the last sense to go for those near to death, is promoted for the comfort of the living rather than scientifically proven. For how could it be proved? Scientists could use non-invasive EEG, with electrodes placed on the comatose or dying patient’s scalp to measure brain activity in response to the speech signal. That could prove the brain was receiving the sound signal. But how would they prove that the brain was decoding the signal and the patient actually understood the meaning of what being said to them?

    Lilian’s one sided conversation with Lynda was clearly very helpful for Lilian but even though Lynda’s brain may have been registering sound, and in that sense she ‘heard’ Lilian, I find it difficult to convince myself that she was mentally aware that it was Lilian speaking or what she said.

    If anyone can point me to a reputable scientific study that I can track down, I’d be grateful.

  82. I only know that I was told when my husband was in an induced coma to talk to him as some patients who have been brought round from a coma have reported that they did hear such conversations. Some have no recollection though. Sadly for me I didn’t have the chance to find out.

  83. I don't know for whether people can hear in a coma, but know as an experienced fact that the dying do hear.

    1. How did you experience that, Carolyn (if you don’t mind me asking)?

      Sad, that Lynda unwittingly brought about her own doom.

    2. Don't mind being asked, how can I, after making such a statement ? No details, but I applied a test which demonstrated that I was heard.

  84. Do we assume that Gavin was nowhere near Grey Gables ?
    Sorry Phillip but the buck stops with you.
    You knew that your son is unreliable.

  85. Oliver seems to be pulling himself together now. He was very calm & honest with Philip, I thought.

  86. Re hearing whilst in a coma; my mother-in-law was unconscious in intensive care for over a week, the only thing she remembered afterwards was Mr Nuts telling her that I was pregnant. She did at least live long enough to meet our elder daughter.

  87. It was an oven grill that was on. Oliver didn’t know how it came to be on. Blake can’t remember what happened.

  88. I googled it Maryellen and there appears to be scientific evidence, though I left the reading of it to you as I need to get myself some food.
    I will read up tomorrow.

  89. So, it was down to an absent Gavin, not supervising the junior employee, after all.
    I am very sorry for Phil that he has to carry the can for his incompetent son.
    And because he was only trying to do Oliver a favour by agreeing to get the job done in spite of being away over the weekend.
    If only Oliver had been prepared to wait for Borchester Drains to come and do the job.
    But there will be many regrets and ‘what ifs’ and it will probably end Philip’s business and possibly the forthcoming wedding.
    How tragic for Lynda and Blake and how sad for Oliver, Philip and Kirsty.

  90. Blake might have been warming up his lunch.


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