this post is closed
Life outside Ambridge


  1. Replies
    1. I'm going to take a wild guess and translate that as "Yippee"....


    Ev March 20, 2020 at 8:51 AM

    Stripping the shelves in supermarkets is sheer madness. My nephew went at 7 am to shop for his parents. There was a big queue outside and at 7 they all rushed in with their trolleys. Limited to 3 items each one man had 3 packs of 24 toilet rolls which he was allowed but nephew had one pack of potatoes withdrawn as he had four. This morning pictures of vast queues outside a Watford supermarket with a trolley each! As Archerfile says others like her family are having to do without basics. I am going to do a Morrison’s order and at the moment there is a 10 day wait here but have no faith that it will all be there!

    1. I was thinking about trying Morrisons today ( 10 days better than 3 weeks !)
      How unfair about the toilet rolls & potatoes. Don't know how the one with 3 packs of 24 had the gall.

  3. I have been thinking of ways in which we can keep ourselves entertained on this blog.

    What about our very own "Desert Island Discs"? Every other day for the next few weeks I could pick a person at random & ask them to give us their eight favourite pieces of music, favourite book & a luxury item - does that sound fun? We could all pretend we're famous!!

    Add your name below if you want to join in....

  4. Gianna & Autumnleaves 💕💕💕

  5. Lovely heading, Gary, just what's needed !
    Just to point out that I was the last person to post on the closed blog. Also to add to the 1st part of what I posted, re 16+18yrs old, it's the future about 'qualifications'that has worrying implications. Something will be ingeniously cobbled together to gave them results in August. However, not only will a percentage fail to live up to that in further education, perhaps not uncommon anyway, but they'll always have the 'class of 2020' hanging over them, the suspicion being whether studying or working for an employer, that the results of that year are not to be trusted.

    1. Sorry carolyn, but stasia HAD written a post this morning that I accidentally deleted after I had copied it to paste on this one!

      (I should never attempt to do anything technical before noon at the earliest!)

  6. Let me state, very firmly, at the outset that I am a monarchist and wish for no-one other that a Queen or King at the head of our country.
    I remember being so excited watching the Coronation back in 1953 and fervently hope I shall still be alive to watch the next one.

    However, for the first time in my life I am going to criticise the Queen, over her Coronavirus statement yesterday.
    It was great to rally the country, say this is a period of great worry for people, encourage us all to find the blitz spirit once again and to sympathise with all those affected. A timely speech.

    But to say that she and Prince Philip are ‘prepared to do their bit’ struck me as patronising and faintly ridiculous.
    How is she going to do her bit? Move out to Windsor where she will be extremely comfortable, be looked after by a band of servants, with meals prepared by a chef.
    If she gets even a sniffle she will instantly be attended by the best medical staff.

    Will she have to queue at 7am in attempt to find basic foodstuffs, like other elderly folk?
    Does she have the worry of her business closing down, of being laid off work or being made
    redundant? Of course not.

    Even if well meant, to say she is doing her bit was insensitive and ill advised, and it really grated on me

    1. And I am fully prepared for criticism or for Gary to remove this post if he thinks it unsuitable.

    2. And I am going to "allow" everyone to respond! But please let's not get personal please folks...

    3. We were writing at the same time AP!

  7. How dismal, & abysmal, such behaviour is, Esscee, but it's right that it gets reported.

    There'll always be rotten apples, & there surely were in WW2 too ! The majority will behave like decent human beings, I believe.

  8. That hotel in Aviemore made me wish I had a booking there just so that I could cancel it.

  9. What gets my back up the most is the "look at me..look at me "celebrity culture who seem to think that having the virus or self isolation is something to boast about as if it were a medal of honour.
    It's absolutely sickening.
    We have people practically stacked up in intensive care units all over northern Italy..
    The dying dont even have chance to say goodbye to their loved ones.
    Corteges of military trucks are taking the remains for burial or cremation without funerals or loved ones present.
    This thing is heartbreaking.
    So listen up celebrities..less of the selfies more compassion.

    1. I saw those convoys of army trucks on TV last night Autumnleaves - it was one of the most chilling & sobering things I have seen so far.

      And I'm with you completely on the celebrities posting about their "struggles" - attention seeking desperate fools the lot of 'em!!

    2. Big hug to you Autumnleaves and Gianna.

  10. I saw the video of that nurse, and the sound was played on the Today programme.
    Moved me to tears...

  11. Gary, include me please!

    Archerphile, I am absolutely not a monarchist, and also thought that that statement was odd. However, they might be supporting people in discrete ways, let's hope so.

    My son in law lost both his jobs in one day on Tuesday.
    By Wednesday he was offered substantial work for a few weeks, and casual work whenever he can fit it in. (Agricultural).

    An organic farm where they live has a stall by the gates, people leave money in an honesty box. It was ram-raided on Tuesday.
    Nice for people to have access to lovely fresh organic veg....

  12. GaryGildayMarch 20, 2020 at 9:46 AM

    I have been thinking of ways in which we can keep ourselves entertained on this blog.

    What about our very own "Desert Island Discs"? Every other day for the next few weeks I could pick a person at random & ask them to give us their eight favourite pieces of music, favourite book & a luxury item - does that sound fun? We could all pretend we're famous!!

    Add your name below if you want to join in - so far we have;

    Proud to be Yorkshire.

  13. Autumnleaves, I completely agree with you.

  14. Just been told by a friend in London that a corner shop there is selling Loo Rolls for £8 a pack..........and a don't mean the mega size either!! Aren't some people selfless and wonderful! 😬

  15. Please add me to the Desert Island list Gary.
    I am unable to add my name to your list from earlier as now I have to sign in every time I post, I cannot access the reply click.

    I agree about the Queens statement yesterday.
    I was surprised that she and her consort had gone to Windsor, I had expected Sandringham or Scotland. When she said she and her ' family' I'm afraid I instantly thought of Andrew and his current position, and also wondered what exactly ' the family' could do in a practical way.
    On the other hand as Mistral says, perhaps discretely they ( she) is able to help in other ways.

    I would also like to comment on Carolyn's final post on the closed blog.
    That was a very thoughtful post Carolyn and made me look at the situation from a different angle. We/us older generation grew up with ' the war' only just around the corner and privations of rationing very evident in our early years. But today's children learn about it in their history lessons and it is far far in the past for them.
    Thank you.

  16. Change of subject.

    Gardeners world back on at 8.30 tonight!!! Bliss.

    1. I have had a busy morning chatting to my sister in Wiltshire where they don't seem to have had many cases so far. Then to my English friend in Novara, Italy and lastly to my granddaughter and my son who are the other side of the city. Thank goodness for Wattsapp. I am now thinking about my 8 choices of music for our Desert Island Discs which I regularly listen to. I'm also very happy that we have this blog to take our mind off things.

  17. I'd like to be included in your DID Gary. From what i understand its not so much your favourite tracks as It is music that accompanied you through life and the stories behind the music.
    Sounds lovely😊😊

    1. Perfect! All hail Monty Don! 😘......... apropos of the current virus situation, I wonder if the birth rate in 9 months time might be substantially increased due to lockdown!
      Well you never know! 😏

    2. It's happened before 1996 we had 3 ice storms in one week in D.C. as well as a government furlough , schools closed as well as rolling blackouts to keep the demand for power down. 10 of this..nobody could leave the house.
      9 months later all leave was cancelled for doctors and nurses in all the hospitals in the Washington metropolitan area...the blizzard babies were on their way😊😊😊

    3. BB For first babies, yes!
      For subsequent children we may see a dip for some time to come!

      There again, perhaps enforced time at home looking after our own children will change our society's attitude to childcare. Rather than being so keen to get mothers back to work when the baby is five minutes old, we might re-learn the value of parenting and the benefits to the child of time at home with a primary caregiver.

      I acknowledge that many parents choose to return to work. But many others *have* to for financial reasons or not to fall behind in their career. What if we decided to recognise parenting itself as a valid and worthwhile choice and make it financially viable for a parent to take a break from paid employment and care for their own children?

  18. I just cannot bring myself to criticize the Queen even though her comment may have sounded inappropriate. She is of advanced years now and everyone can make a slip up at times.


    Won’t go into details but this morning I woke up and thought I might be suffering from a Stroke.
    We couldn’t get through to 111 so phoned a local chemist ,spoke to a pharmacist who said I had to phone 999.
    I was loath to do that but the pharmacist insisted I did so.
    I spoke quite quickly to a doctor who told me that I had done the right thing.
    Shortly afterwards an emergency medic came out.
    I haven’t had a Stroke fortunately
    My heart is OK but my blood pressure is very high.
    I have been pleased that at 79 years of age I take no regular tablets or medicines.
    When I have been for eye checks and I am asked what medication I am on and I say “none” they are amazed.
    However I now think that probably I should have been put on blood pressure tablets.
    Recently I have been very worried about a family member (not health related) and I wonder if that has increased my blood pressure.

    The medic phoned my doctor.
    ((Never met him)
    The doctor spoke to me and said I should come to the Surgery.
    I said that having an 87 year old husband and feeling the way I do I would not be prepared to go there.
    He said he understood where I was coming from.
    Apparently another doctor will phone me later.

    1. That was a very nasty scare, Lanjan, compounded by it being harder to access help these days, 111 being so busy.
      So relieved it wasn't a stroke, but it does seem you need medication for the high blood pressure for a while at least. Hope the Dr. rings soon & that you get what you need.
      So sorry you are going through all this.

  20. Will Gardeners World be on? It is recorded (I think the day before?) and as we know at Monty’s home but 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

    1. Above was posted prior to your “shock” news LJ. Relived to hear you were able to source some good health advice and care via your Pharmacist onwards.
      The worry you have for a relative may well be a factor but in any case thank goodness you will very soon now be back to your normal self 🤗 💐
      It must be recent as an eye test detects high BP (?) and when Dearie went to hospital you were checked out then 🤔

  21. I agree Anneveggie. Her hands are tied by her very position . I found her words encouraging. During the war she joined the ATS and was a driver. Andrew served in the Falklands and Harry in Afghanistan. Philip had to give up his military career. I think they have done their bit.

  22. Lanjan, how frightening for you. You did the right thing in calling 999. Please take the advice of the doctor, and any treatment that is prescribed.

  23. Good Lord Lanjan! Obviously do take care & update us when you can. Having had to use 111 and hospital earlier in the week I can heartily echo your praise for our NHS!

  24. Lanjan....thank goodness it wasn’t a stroke. Good you got sorted out by nhs that quickly considering what’s happening at the mo.
    Take it very easy. No more gardening!!!! Get sat down and think of your 8 DID songs.

  25. So it looks as if my "Desert Island Discs" idea seems to meet with your approval - hopefully it will give us something nice to turn our minds toward and we can all get to know each other a wee bit more into the bargain! And of course people can still add themselves to the list as time goes by...

    I will put names in a hat and then I think the "lucky" person called upon could post their choices the next day - you can give the reasons for your choices if you wish. Please feel free to write as much or as little as you like! And remember, you CAN'T take anyone with you as your luxury item.... And don't forget that at the end you have to choose JUST ONE recording to save when the others are swept out to sea!!!

  26. Lan Jan!
    How scary. I think you were right not to go out, hope the doctor calls quickly. Take good care of yourselves. Do you have handy friends or neighbours to collect a prescription?

  27. Lanjan. I wish you well after such an awful scare and glad that you got help + advice, so quickly. I have high blood pressure, which was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I now take 3 pills each morning, and it is well under control.

    GG. Count me in for Desert Island Discs, but I would need a week to make my decisions.

    I put the lawnmower, on it's highest setting, over the lawns today, in a wonderful sunny Spring Day. It looks good already, as the lawns were treated (feed + moss-killer) 10 days ago, so are lush + green.
    I will mow them again, either Sat. or Sun, on a lower mower setting.
    It was amazing, whilst working in the front garden, who I spoke to. Everyone is home + supposedly working.
    The one thing that will continue, is the community spirit, which is developing in a positive way.

    1. My "Neighbours from Hell" came out, and cut me dead!
      I was going to say "hello" but....
      Oh Well.

  28. I had another leaflet through my door, yesterday.
    The local church + parish council, have set up a volunteer group, to help those who need it eg for shopping, picking up meds.from a pharmacy etc.
    It is nice to know, help is available, if needed, as long as it is not abused.

  29. GG It looks like you will be kept a very busy administrator, on this wonderful site.
    Everyone is so talkative, sharing experiences, thoughts + ideas, and I Love It. 😍😍

  30. Lanjan, please be careful and do what the doctor tells you. If s/he prescribes medication then that might be a good idea. For those of Us disparate to meet up with you, including me keep calm and relax.

  31. Before I chat to Lanjan:

    My good news for today - got my car back, repaired, and can drive again, hooray.
    My bad news - Mr A didn’t bother to ask for an estimate and the repair cost nigh on £400!
    That’s about twice as much as the car is actually worth. I would have junked it had I known.

    Now Lanjan - what a frightening experience you have been through, I am so sorry. And to have got so far without any medication is admirable.
    But do whatever your doctor tells you and take whichever drugs he advises. I take two different tablets and they keep me on the right level.
    I went to the GP with indigestion a few years back and he took my BP, just as a routine, to find it was 240/150 which was incredibly high and I had had no idea. I could have died from a
    stroke or heart attack at any time. I had a lucky escape and so have you, thank goodness.
    I was also advised to cut right down on salt in my diet and I have never added it since, nor eaten salty things like crisps.
    I have also bought my own BP machine, exactly like the one they use in the surgery and check my BP regularly, Before my six monthly check up Intske readings everyday for a week and take them with me. I apparently suffer from ‘white coat syndrome’ which means you BPnshoots up when done in the surgery, out of anxiety, so to take readings at home is more realistic.

    1. Good grief, Archerphile, that's high! I got a very firm talking too and increased dosage when my readings went to 190/something . What a relief it was caught in time.

      Regarding phoning 999, I was thinking the other day that with all the focus on coronavirus, there is a risk that people with other serious health emergencies won't phone or won't get through. Well done LanJan for persevering and getting the treatment you need.

      £400 for the car is a pain, Archerphile. But probably less of a pain than trying to source a replacement at present : )

  32. LanJan, virtual hugs from me.
    Hope you've heard back from the doc by now and have started on those blood pressure tablets.
    Do take care of yourself and get well soon.
    🤗 (A rare visit to my Windows 10 emojis could only offer a hugging face! A double no-no in person but fine, I hope, online 😊)

  33. Lanjan - I hope a doctor will contact you soon and you get the medication you seemingly need.
    I have had high BP for eleven years, started because I was quite overweight!
    Because there were two different tablets for high blood pressure, reflux tablets for a hiatus hernia and some statins. I have always taken them with water just before going to bed. Imagine my delight when, for once, I have been seen to do something right. A medical study a couple of months ago discovered that high blood pressure tablets 'worked more efficiently' if taken before going to bed!
    I am sure you need not worry so much about your relative. Just let things take their time and it will get sorted.

    1. All tabs. need to be taken as + when, prescribed by a GP, be it morning or night.
      Most BP tabs are best in the morning.
      I say no more.

    2. PS My statin can be taken in the morning, as not all meds work in the same way, to control a medical condition.
      Just take as prescribed.


    3. Just Googled These are the top three results
      From British heart foundation
      "We know that taking blood pressure tablets in the morning is beneficial in controlling high blood pressure, but more recent findings (enabled by the use of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring) suggest that night-time dosing may have an even better effect."

      Nobody gave me, eleven years ago, a specific time of day. I just did what was most convenient to me.

    Thank you everybody for your kind words

    Doctor phoned and said that if I came to the Surgery for 3:30 pm there wouldn’t be anyone else there.
    So that is what I did.
    Just in case I have had a TIA he has made an appointment for me at the hospital.
    (Funnily enough the doctor said ,”You don’t visit us much do you ?The last time you came to see) a doctor you saw me when I was training.”)
    I have some blood pressure tablets (lowest dose) but the Specialist might change the dose .
    Thanks again to you all.

    1. That's reassuring news, Lanjan, : that J's for prompt update !

      Wonderful NHS, as you say, giving you the attention you need on the same day. How sensible to have the hospital check, & a low dose to start with
      Do you feel a little better now ? We do 🤗

    2. Lanjan. Just remember anxiety can increase BP readings.
      This is my major problem.
      I have my own BP monitor, which records measurements, along with times + dates, and this is shown + accepted by my GP or nurse practioner.
      I have "white coat syndrome" which is a surprise, after what I did as a job, but I know too much. 😣

  35. Gary-Please add me to your DID list!

  36. Best wishes to Lanjan and her doctors. Gary, Spicycushion and Archerphile also had very positive outcomes lately. What we do to honour our medical staff is to applaud them from the rooftops, windows and balconies, I'll be on mine at the appointed hour, Archers' time, to add my thanks to the people like that nurse you wrote about. We have a good view of our local hospital in the distance.

    1. Not on your rooftop, please Basia!
      The last thing the ambulance service want to do is be rushing round collecting people who've slipped off!

  37. As an ex Pharmscist, may I very politely suggest, that "pills + potions", are taken accordingly to the GP advice, and not as to a "search engine".
    Does the 5 years (and more) of intensive, and hard study + "hands on" training, mean nothing?

    Well, all must decide, as to where health advice is most important, believed + prefered.
    We are all different.

    1. I have been too vocal again. Apologies, but I had to give my thoughts.
      Sorry - 😭😭

    2. As I said no-one told me when to take the tablets!!!!!!!!
      I was voicing my thoughts and feeling pleased that all along I had been doing the right thing.
      Putting emojis after rudeness does not excuse the rudeness!
      No apologies from me!

  38. Sending you good wishes and good luck Lanjan! Try not to worry (easy to say I know).

  39. Many others might be finding the same, as my latest TV guide is meaningles, as programmes are being rescheduled so quickly!
    Still I have recorded, and I am still recording, many TV series.
    These will be great to watch, when things go bad.
    What are these:-
    Liar, Maggie Cole tp date
    plus I have the last Unforgotten series still to watch.
    As I have a smart TV, there are lots I can stream + watch, not forgeting my DVD collection of films!

    1. Plus the final 3 episodes of Lewis. I still haven't watched these, perhaps this will now happen.
      I will miss The Voice, though as, I have been enjoying it.

  40. 🤗 Lanjan thanks for your latest news, we have all become a virtual”family” here and feel real concern for each other when life throws a curved ball to one of our number.

    White coat syndrome -I know it well 🤣 X 2 ECG plus in the end a 24 hr BP wire up the result of which was fine. It seems many of us suffer from it😉

  41. **** DESERT ISLAND DISCS ***

    Gianna - you are the first name out of the hat!

    Whenever you're ready is fine by us - absolutely no pressure, remember this is meant to be fun!!!

  42. Thank you all so much.
    I am sitting here in tears after reading your posts.
    I am feeling so, so much better..
    I told younger son who contacts me each day by text that I wasn’t feeling too great but didn’t elaborate .He decided to contact his brother in Canada who phoned me.
    I told him what had happened.
    Reasons to be cheerful.
    1)I need not worry about family member any more.
    My Professor son says that is sorted.
    2) He thinks from thousands of miles away that stress over f .m .has caused the high blood pressure and thinks it might be migraine that I have had (never thought of that but I have had that in different forms since being a teenager) -headaches,numbness,horrible zig zag bright lights etc.
    3) He says though that it won’t do any harm to have a scan.
    4) He agrees with Spicycushion that the blood pressure pills are better if taken at night.

    Gosh Archerphile ,that was high!
    Mine was nothing like that high and kept going lower the more times he took it of course.

    Anyway after the day i have had I sent out for Haddock and Chips via Ubereats .
    Not only was there free delivery but also15% discount.
    I am going to have a whisky this evening!

  43. This is harder than I thought Gary I've been wracking my brains for music all evening..there are so many pieces that I can I choose.😟😟

  44. Did you know that during the war the President of the USA had to have a medical every month to make sure he was fit enough to run the Country.
    However they didn’t realise that his blood pressure which was 240 + / something each time was at a dangerous level .
    He died just before the end of WW2

  45. Dear Lancashire Janet,
    Along with others I am aghast that you might have had a stroke, and delighted that you did all the right things ( in, apparently, the right order ) and are now in the hands of the right people.
    The medical services via the WONDERFUL N H S
    you and we, know, that you frequently 'know best' but now that you have been in touch with your GP services, I am sure we all hope that you will in future stay in regular contact with them and allow them to 'know best' on your behalf.
    And although you may feel helpless for your relative, may I remind you that your concern and worry on their behalf will not make a jot of difference to them, but might have contributed to your scare.
    So please stop worrying.
    Mrs P

  46. Archerphile, when my Micra was written off ( a stolen vehicle driven by junkies who all ran away from the scene ) with a value of £400, I ' bought it back' as I was so fond of it, and kept it for another five years.

  47. Enjoy the Haddock Lanjan!
    Glad you are more relieved and hopefully relaxed and didn't I say the problem will sort itself out?

  48. I thought this evening that I ought to start my list for GGs D I D
    To my amazement I did it in seconds tracking through my life and different stages of 'me'.
    Interesting to note, that these pieces of music may have accompanied me through different chapters of my life, but most of them are rarely heard or thought of now, and that if I chose what is important to me now it would be a very different list.
    Although one or two are still included in my funeral list.

  49. Thanks Gary. I'm off to bed now as it's 10.30 here and will have think about my choices.

  50. This morning I asked the lovely medic if he would like a drink of tea or coffee.
    He thanked me but said that a Coffee chain(I think Costa coffee ) were given free drinks to NHS staff.
    I think BP are giving them free petrol.
    I did ask him if he would like a toilet roll though but his girlfriend had just bought some before the panic buying started.

    1. That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard in my life Lanjan!

  51. Relieved to hear about the haddock & chips LJ, even more so about the whisky, what a to-do.

  52. GG, can one choose an album, or does it have to be a particular track?

    1. No albums allowed - unless it consists of 8 tracks & then, that's yer whack....

  53. How I envy people living in towns where you can get food delivered to the door.
    Boris said today that although restaurants have to close they can still provide take away food to be delivered.
    Not here in the country! Our nearest fish and chip shop is a 15 mile round trip and there is no pizza, Chinese orIndian restaurant within miles. So we country cousins just have to hope for a supermarket delivery and cobble something up from whatever food they manage to provide !
    (Baked beans on toast tonight with a fried egg on top - far from our normal Friday night steak and chips 😆)

  54. Don’t be envious ,Archerphile
    Swings and Roundabouts.
    Where I live there are no delivery slots for any of the Supermarkets.
    Unlike where you live ,nobody has been to “elderly or vulnerable “ people to ask if they need help.

    The paramedic was here for an hour yesterday .
    He parked in front of my neighbour’s drive so she couldn’t get her car in.
    Had I lived where I used to live a neighbour would have been on the phone straight away to see if she or he could help.
    We haven’t heard a word from her.
    The NHS vehicle as I say was-there for an hour.
    No neighbour has been in touch although to be fair they might have thought it was my next door neighbour who had called 999.
    I am not complaining.
    I am just saying that the grass is not always greener....

    1. Same here, re the supermarkets, at present. Thing is, no one is going to sail through this crisis unscathed - town, country, young, old & so on & so on.....Not even touching on businesses, the employed, all institutions, the NHS !

    2. No, of course you are right Lanjan. The behaviour of people living in towns and country can be completely different. In some ways we feel very isolated from essential services and deliveries. Nobody can exist here without a car because there is no public transport at all. But on the other hand we have caring neighbours in the village and a commitment to help each other. Car owners offer lifts to town for our elderly residents and are now rallying to fetch shopping etc.

      About your BP medication : there are several different types of medication that can be taken alone, or in combination to deal with high blood pressure. It might take a little while for the doctors to find exactly the right one(s) for you.
      My GP prescribed several different drugs before we hit on the perfect one for me. For instance, I have a very low heart rate so I couldn’t take a beta blocker because it slowed my heart even more. I now take a drug called Ramipril which works perfectly for me, but Mr A (and a close friend) had to stop taking it because they were affected by a side effect that produced a very irritating dry cough which even continued throughout the night. (And nobody would want that at the moment, thinking it might be the virus!!)
      They both now take different drugs with no side effects and which work perfectly.
      So don’t worry if you need to be monitored for a while while a good single drug, or a combination is found that suits you, does the job and has no unwanted side effects.

    3. I take ramipril too Archerfile, not because I have too high blood pressure but simply to lower it further in order to rest the heart while repairing itself. I am hoping that one day I might be able to stop it.

  55. Here is my list for Desert Island Discs.

    1. Pachebels Canon
    2. Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers
    3. Good Vibrations Beach Boys
    4. Just one smile Gene Pitney
    5.Nessun Dorma from Turandot by Luciano Pavorotti
    6.Spring from The 4 Seasons by Vivaldi
    7. Don't think twice, it's alright by Bob Dylan
    8. Here comes the sun The Beatles
    You may notice a certain tendency of optimism in my choice.
    For my book I was going to ask for a Kindle but realised I wouldn't be able to recharge it unless there is one that can be charged by the sun. Any way that is probably cheating so I am going with War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. The extra was a bit difficult so I chose a box of my favourite white Italian wine Verdicchio. I have a bottle in the fridge waiting for when I can invite the family to a British Sunday lunch with roast beef etc. It is a thrill to be the first and I look forward to reading everybody's choice. Thanks Gary

    1. Sorry I forgot to choose the disc I want to rescue. It's Pachebel's canon. I have told my family I want that played at my funeral.

    2. That’s an excellent list Gianna. I would happily exist with all of you choices, and the wine would be good too. But it would have to be a never-ending supply.
      Thank you for a bright note on this rather depressing morning!

    3. I agree Gianna 💿 I’m already singing Good Vibrations, luckily for you you are a long way away.🤣

  56. Excellent selection Gianna, I’m not familiar with the Gene Pitney track, I’ll have to find it on line. I think on the radio they tend to ask for more than a single box when it comes to alcoholic comfort, more like an endless supply!

  57. Thanks for that Gianna - hopefully you had fun having a wander round your own brain! Love Good Vibrations, never tried War & Peace! And KP is right - you WILL have an inexhaustible supply of Verdicchio...

    Have just listened to the Gene Pitney track. I do like some of his other stuff but had never heard your choice. (The jury's out...!)

    (I will change the video at the top of this and following blogs to each blogger's saved disc...)

    1. I loved Gene Pitney when I was a teenager and even went to his concert in Portsmouth.

  58. Lanjan, so pleased you enjoyed your fish and chips and the 🥃 whiskey or two.

    The government is seemingly writing to all ex NHS staff encouraging them to return to work. I do hope they have thought this through. I was listening to a nurse, who aged 66 years thought it was was not a good idea as this group of retired workers also fall into the at risk group. As a ex NHS employee I would be totally useless and more of a hazard than a help. I last worked in a general medical setting 35 years ago.

    1. Thank you so much for the video Gary. It was perfect.

    2. Oh yes I remember the Gene Pitney song well. I was working in the trade at the time!

  59. Spicy, I took the liberty of transferring these from the other blog....

    Spicycushion March 21, 2020 at 10:34 AM

    Gianna What a lovely selection and so close to what my own choices will be!

    I have decided to listen to ALL choices of everyone to 'try' them out!
    I do know all 8 of your choices, even the Gene Pitney (saw him live and got hisn autograph back in the 60s.) Righteous Brothers brings back memories, as soon as I hear it, of driving through the Kent countryside at 4am after a phone call from my brother to my dying Dad's bedside. Not so sad I can't listen to it but amazing how I can close my eyes and see the dawn breaking over the hedges and fields. And of course Bob Dylan is my god. I have adored his music (and poetry) for over 50 years!
    Anyway this afternoon I am going to listen to all these lovely tracks and start to compile my own list!

    Spicycushion March 21, 2020 at 10:35 AM
    Should add Unchained Melody was the track being played on the radio when I turned it on.

  60. Gary, thank you for the music and wonderful photography I feel so calm and laid back that I am reluctant to self isolate on the allotment and plant my first potatoes.

  61. Gary Thank you. At the moment my regular browser is Firefox but last week suddenly it wouldn't let me post anything on the blog. So I tried chrome and low and behold it works. However I got a bit muddled and posted on the wrong blog obviously! Apologies!

  62. Gianna and Gary - lovely, lovely, lovely, thank you.

    My children tease me about this, as almost every piece of classical music that I hear, I say 'oh, it's Pacabel's cannon'. Beautiful to hear the proper music. This has made me very happy this morning.

  63. Gianna
    Just copied your list to my son
    He emailed back
    “She has some good stuff there”.
    There are two pieces of music that I reckon will be on several peoples lists
    Won’t mention them though now.

  64. Gianna....good list. Had to YouTube the gene pitney one......not my cup of tea that one.
    Like the idea of the favourite at the start of the blog Gary. Lovely pictures to go with the music.

  65. Gary,I am in the kitchen getting the lunch ,playing Pachelbel’s Canon with tears pouring down my cheeks.
    Thank you so much

    1. Are you sure that's not just the onions Lanjan?


  66. Gary, your selection of photographs to accompany the Pachelbel was mesmerising.
    Thank you Gianna and you Gary for your contributions.
    This is going to be lovely.
    Many of Giannas choices I recognise and will attempt to listen to them over the coming days.

    You GG are going to be very busy in the coming weeks .....? ? ? attending to our needs on what will, is, becoming a very busy blog. But we are reassured that you enjoy your task immensely and we are the very happy recipients.
    Thank you.

  67. Gianna & GG, merci, merci 😚😚

  68. Here's a link if you fancy a sing-song with Gareth Malone,

  69. Many thanks, Gianna, & Gary for the brillant idea & then giving us Pachelbel to listen to. Wonderful.

  70. Lady R - did you used to work in the music industry back in the day?

    1. Not in the way it may have sounded GG, I was working for a local esteemed private firm in their record store with both classical and pop depts - it was the time of The Beatles emerging.Musical instruments were also sold including large electronic organs alongside tv’s when colour came in I saw my first one there! Whilst there we had the death of Winston Churchill and had a special window display with a black border and the store closed and we all watched on tv.
      Brian Jones from “The Stones” came in one time, and another memory is when getting a lift home from one of the technical team he had to drop an item off at the home of Peter Sellers he was not there but quite a place (with its own cinema building)
      Life moved on but some happy memories remain from that period of my life.

  71. I love the Canon too. (But wasn't allowed it at our wedding because at least 2 of our friends had used it at theirs just beforehand. So we had Grieg's 'Morning' and my aunt who played the organ was fed up because it was so full of sharps and flats : ) )

    When you want a change from GG's wonderful photo montage, take a look here for a rather tongue in cheek rendition of Pachebel's 'One hit wonder': : )

  72. OWiaS - love it 🤣😂🤣

    I do also love the Canon played as it should be played.

  73. We walked down the aisle to the theme from "Miss Marple". (The Joan Hickson one of course.)

  74. “Ode to Joy” saw me up the aisle, Wedding March from Figaro on the way out.
    Maybe Gary would be kind enough to add my name to the DID list,

    1. I would be delighted to add you to the list KP!

  75. I have made my Desert Island Disc choices, which is quite eclectic!!

    GG Just tell me when to post my choices.

    I wish you All well, in these, very uncertain times, which seem to be getting more difficult.
    Take Care....🤗🤗😍😍

    1. I will also say briefly, why each piece of music was chosen and what+why they mean to me
      Be prepared for a long post!

  76. Gary, can I make a request for a song to cheer us all up.
    Tom Lehrer singing and playing! ‘I got it from Agnes’.
    It can be found on YouTube.
    He is brilliant.

    1. Tom Lehrer is fantastic and we love so many of his brilliant songs - especially the periodic table one and ‘poisoning pigeons in the park’ which is hilarious. We still have his original LP but no equipment to play it on - so thank goodness for Youtube!

  77. Archerphile, I've still got my Tom Lehrer albums too.
    Did he turn us all into cynics or were we becoming cynics all by ourselves.

  78. I’m a great Lehrer fan, grew up with all the LP’s and now have them on cd.
    Daniel Radcliffe on DID chose “We will all go together when we go”
    Mr Nuts serenaded me with “when you are old and grey” on our first date!

  79. I must listen to his songs. I may find I know some without realising. A few years ago I saw Daniel Radcliffe on a chat show where he sang the periodic table. I heard his DID last week too.

  80. I have never heard of Tom Lehrer, but I am looking forward, to finding out more about him and his music.

    It will be an interesting project.

    1. ....and will keep me occupied, as so home alone now, apart from "pusscat" 😻

  81. Nothing from Ev today...
    I hope you are ok Ev.

    And Sarnia if you are still reading - hope you're ok.

  82. Tom Lehrer is a genius and an eminent scientist. The periodic table is brilliant.

    1. And was used in an adapted form to advertise BBC programmes a year or two ago.

  83. Zoetrope, yes I’m OK! So far so good! Many thanks for asking. My holiday to Tenerife has been cancelled and my Italian painting holiday deferred until next year. I am glad though as at the moment I would rather stay put! Thank goodness I am not alone and Katy is doing the shopping. She could find no eggs and no whole chickens today. Meat is in short supply but she went over to Cowes to the butcher. Even there, no chickens! We went to Quarr with the dogs today unusually quite a few people mainly walking dogs. Some kept their distance but others didn’t observe the two metres rule. It is difficult. All you can do is wash hands and hope for the best!

  84. I should add Katy did get some meat at the butchers! I always keep a reasonable stock of food so we will be fine for the foreseeable future. Keep safe everyone!😊

  85. My daughter came home from work today with some interesting news. There were a lot of people here who had a bad fluey thing with a cough before Christmas that lingered, including at her work. She had it only mildly. Those who went to their surgery and were prescribed antibiotics are now being asked to attend the surgery for blood tests to see if they have had coronavirus, and to see if they have developed antibodies. They are being told it will help in the fight against coronavirus. I don't know if they can somehow use the antibodies from the blood to help. Cornwall's main hospital at Truro is now creaking at the seams, and they only have access to 15 ventilators and there over half a million people in Cornwall and increasing with people coming down to their second homes where they think they will be safer.
    It seems to me this thing has been here for longer than was realised.
    I had to venture out for an echocardiogram at the nearest local cottage hospital, and they had cancelled all routine things and were preparing to take on "normal" emergency cases that Truro hospital can no longer cope with. The staff were worried because they had no idea how they would manage. They also told me to go straight home after my appointment and not to come out again even to shop, because - wait for it - the staff had received word that they were soon going to have to prioritise because of lack of resources, and that treatment could not be provided for people like myself with a health problem , older people and the handicapped. The echocardiologist was incensed because she has a handicapped child. I got the impression nursing care, if beds were available, would be given but not treatment. That would be for people who stood a good chance of getting better.

  86. OWIAS you might like to tell OMIAS his very funny Facebook post you put on here, has now reached the Philippines and Canada. Everyone where my son is in the Philippines is on strict home quarantine and getting bored, so it was good to be able to send something to amuse them. It will shortly be winging its way to Australia as well.

  87. Cowgirl, I know you said a while back that you were having a break but are you okay and keeping safe? Take care.😊

  88. Sobering thoughts indeed, Janice. My brother in Crewe was ill over Christmas and frighteningly had a scare when he couldn’t breathe properly. This doesn’t tie in with the outbreak in China emerging in December but you do wonder whether it really started before that.

  89. Janice that is very sobering news indeed. I heard a plea from the Medical staff in Salcome, Devon, yesterday asking people not to go down on holiday, thinking they would be safer in the country because if they became ill, they would block up hospital places, denying local residents health care.
    Also, authorities in Lincolnshire worried at the huge number of visitors to coastal towns like Skegness, ignoring social distancing and thronging amusement arcades. They are calling for caravan parks to be closed to keep people away.

    So, keep isolated if you can and keep well. The current news is very frightening for us all, but particularly for anyone with an underlying health problem. All my best to you and all fellow bloggers.

  90. A thought. Not all people in Cornwall are dependant on Truro hospital. I lived in Torpoint and went to Derriford in Plymouth when needed an operation. I wonder what their situation is re ventilators etc. It is a very big hospital. I suppose travel to coastal towns could be advised against by Boris come the summer!

  91. Had another thought that the premise that treatment would only be given to those likely to survive is a measure to be taken if the NHS is overwhelmed with cases and at the height of the epidemic. If the majority of us follow advice the upward curve of cases can be flattened. It is right that leisure and entertainment places have been closed. Tough on some but even worse if infection really takes hold.


    And the next name out of the hat is - Mistral!!



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