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Life in Ambridge


  1. Basia

    March 6, 2020 at 9:44 AM

    As we know this is the soap/Archers style, let's drag it out, Johnny tells Freddie and he makes peace with Lynda, she in turn with Lilian - it's worth at least two more episodes.
    Besides, Ruth must have said "mud sticks" at least twice and as Gary says this applies to Freddie.

  2. Sarnia, are you still popping in?

  3. I’ll answer the question “ Is Philip evil”

  4. Is Philip evil? - No. He is a bit boring though.

  5. Is Phillip evil?
    Evil is possibly a bit strong a word to use .
    Can Phillip be trusted?-I doubt it.
    Is he weak ? -definitely.
    Is he boring ?Indeed he is
    Will he and Kirsty get married?-I hope not.She deserves better.
    (Imagine taking on Gavin as a step son)
    Also Phillip approaching the age of 60 would probably not want a child whilst Kirsty having lost a baby may well want to become a mother.
    I am hoping that’s since we have heard Roy a lot recently it means that he and Kirsty will get together.


  6. Is Philip evil - NO.
    I just think he is being being devious + he is hiding something (which Gavin is suspicious about + trying to find).

    1. As I have said previously, I think that Philip is not yet divorced.

    2. And Ghastly Gavin doesn’t know that?
      He most certainly would have already used it to hurt Kirsten.

  7. Is Philip evil. Well, it all depends on ones concept of what is good in relation to what is bad. Perhaps the word has more significance for people with religious beliefs.
    I have worked with individuals who have committed serious deeds, but if I had perceived them to be evil then I would have been ineffective in my Attempt to communicate.
    Certain human actions are just wrong, evil is not a word I would use to describe anyone, including
    Philip Moss.
    Lanjan is spot on, he is a dull boring man.

    1. If Philip is such "a dull + boring man" , why is Kirsty agreeing to marry him?
      ...or does this mean that Kirsty, is also a dull + boring person.

      I think not!

    2. Those who think Philip is ‘boring’ might like to tell me what he should do to stop being ‘boring’, in their opinion.

    3. A man who goes to the trouble of sorting out such a romantic place to be married in is in no way boring, and with such a lovely Welsh accent as well. Still waters always run deep.

    4. A man who has the joie de vivre to cover his house with lights at Christmas.

    5. A man who has the courage to ride to hounds. ( I don't like fox hunting, but it takes a lot of courage to jump the hedges and ditches).

    6. Give me a Philip or a Neil any day of the week. 😉

    7. Janice & Philip up a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!!

  8. The dull and boring men I've come across in my life have often been calm and reliable as well.
    And the wives of such men grateful for it.

  9. I am still, so very much enjoying + loving , listening to TA, both nightly and along with, the Sunday Omnibus.
    I just love all the S/L's, be they benal + boring, or a bit more intriguing and interesting.
    I just wish, that some S/L's would reach an outcome or conclusion, and not left high + dry.
    An example is:- Ed with the illegal chemicals, his pal, and Eddie with his help in sorting things out.
    There has to be more.

  10. Did anyone else hear Feedback this afternoon? The Archers Editor and a producer were on, talking about Jim’s Story and how they came to write it and decide how it should be played out.
    It made interesting listening. The Editor also made a point of saying he realised how important TA is to so many listeners and that he has to tread very carefully so as not to upset listeners!

    1. An intriguing comment, but was it meant sincerely?
      I wait to hear👂..

    2. Archerphile, I listened. Jeremy Howe said that the character comes first and then the story, I hope they remember that. I found it odd that he said H Jason several times when R Bolton clearly pronounced Jayston.

  11. Pierre 6:29 pm,I suspect BJohnson and his fiancée may have a bit more help in their house than Kirsty and Phillip have in theirs.

    1. The original post deals only with P’s age re possibly not wanting a child. Why do you think that he and Kirsty would be wondering about more help in the house before trying for a child?

  12. Phillip will not be able to stop being boring ,Archerphile unless the scriptwriters choose to change his character which is something they are adept at doing with other Ambridge.
    I have no idea why Kirsty chose Phillip but she isn’t well known for her choice of fiancés,Miriam.
    Mrs P, maybe the dull boring men you have known have also been calm and reliable .
    I am not sure that Phillip has either of these characteristics.
    I don’t think we know why Phillip and Gavin’s mother got divorced do we?
    Perhaps if we did we would get a better idea of what he is really like.

    1. Lanjan, I don"t see what is particularly boring about Philip. Which of the Ambridge men is more interesting ? David ? Tony ? Kenton? We've seen those three, as examples over many stories, so we know them better, but I can't see them as intrinsically more 'interesting' than Philip Moss.
      You favour Roy for Kirsty ( who, though most of us find her very likeable, isn't that exceptionally interesting) & Roy is just an average sort of bloke, isn't he ?

    2. Well said Carolyn.
      Perhaps examples of not-boring men in Ambridge would include Matt, Justin and Latif - but I wouldn’t want to be tied to any of those!

  13. Racy Tracy found Roy boring!! Obviously Roman is much more interesting! I like Roy though apart from his liaison with Elizabeth! Bring back Hayley!!

  14. It pains me to say it, and I’m sorry Lanjan, but Philip sounded a bit more pleasant tonight. Still don’t trust him though.
    Gavin sounded like a spoilt brat.
    I’ve always like Kirsty. I think she suits Roy much better.

  15. I think boring men are fine in real life and are probably more reliable etc. TA though is entertainment so more interesting characters are preferable IMHO.
    I also think Kirsty would do better with Roy who, apart from the disastrous Elizabeth fling, is a decent bloke. I wonder why Philip's marriage ended in divorce, if they are divorced.

    1. For a man, or woman, come to that, scoring in reliability, it is not a prerequisite that they are also boring.

  16. I’m a bit concerned about Gavin being sent to fix the broken soil pipe under Grey Gables kitchen
    Is he compétant enough for such a big job. Excavating the kitchen floor, digging down to find the broken pipe, mending it, filling in the hole properly, relaying the floor?
    Sounds like quite a big job to me and lots of possibility for things to go wrong and make matters even worse.
    Surely Oliver would have had good buildings insurance which would have included 24 hours call out for major problems like this, as many of we householders do?
    But no, Gav can do the job
    Or can he?

  17. You have a point there Archerphile.8:09am
    I doubt Gavin has any qualifications at all .
    He probably started as a “gofer” when he was at school.

    1. Phillip seems to run a successful business in which the awful Gavin is a member. Why would he allot this job to Gavin if he had doubts as to his competency?
      Being a horrible person does not affect your manual skills.
      If it does go wrong Phillip knows it will affect Kirsty. He will not take a chance on that.

  18. Carolyn, most of the Ambridge men are uninteresting.
    Many of them are boring .
    Phillip is no worse than the majority of the males of Ambridge.
    I think that possibly the only ones who have anything about them are Justin,Brian and Alastair.
    Oliver is “nice” of course .
    (I think the one Who is worst is Bert .He would soon drive me round the bend.)
    You wouldn’t leave home for any of them.
    I feel that Kirsty is clutching at straws.
    She can’t be earning a fortune.
    She has no home of her own.
    If she doesn’t stay with Phillip where will she be living in -say -20 years time?
    How about back at Roy’s?

    1. That's what I think too Lanjan - Kirsty is settling for whoever can provide a bit of stability and a house. (And who can blame her really? Just a bit sad in my humble point of view...)

      It sometimes seems to me that 99% of the people in Ambridge are unaware of the existence of other people outside the village. They latch on to whoever happens to pass by no matter how boring/evil/unsuitable they are and start planning their lives together within 13 minutes of meeting them. Or they just keep marrying men from the same family. (I'm looking at you Emma...)

  19. Archerphile 8.09 am.
    I must have nodded off during one episode, when did the plumbing problem happen?
    Are you anticipating plumbing issues at GG to be the dramatic highlights for next week?
    A good murder of someone in Ambridge would be more dramatic.
    Would it be Lynda found floating in the swimming pool?
    Or Tommie in the poly tunnels?
    Perhaps Russ in the LL art gallery?
    The list could be endless.

    1. I think a good old "An inmate from Felpersham Asylum has escaped and is on the loose!" scenario is called for. A week of inventive murders where NO-ONE is safe! I'd listen to that.


  20. I've not been able to sleep worrying about poor Freddie. What if he can't find the money for his rent? Where will he stay if it all goes bottom up? If only he knew someone with a stately home...

    1. Gary do you need to talk to someone and share your problems?

    2. I could recommend Elizabeth’s therapist. Very quick worker, in fact exceptionally quick!
      Or a whiskey before you hit the hay.

    3. Don't worry too much, Gary. ..there's always the " other" big house where Freddie has been welcomed resident

    4. But I'm STILL worried! What if he falls through the cracks in society and ONLY has an enormous country pile or a large house with attached stables to fall back on? I feel like starting a croud-funding page for the poor lad.

  21. Stasia: 9.14

    We heard about the crisis at GG right at the start of last nights episode. A lot of water appeared on the restaurant kitchen floor.
    Oliver got the local plumbers to come and sort it out. They diagnosed (with their little in-pipe camera) a broken soil pipe under the kitchen floor obviously meaning the kitchen would have to be shut down (environmental health etc)
    The plumbing firm could not do the repair for a couple of weeks so Oliver asked Phil (obviously!) to do the job but Phil had promised a weekend away with Kirsty which he wasn’t willing to delay. So no proper meals for the GG restaurant - disaster dahling!
    Eventually, realising what a state Oliver was in, Philip ordered Gavin to go in and do the job over the weekend, much to Gav’s fury
    Think that’s about it!

  22. Ridiculous situation.
    Now what does that tell you about Kirsty’s choice of husband.
    In light of the present situation in the Country........
    The Corner Shop has run out of Andrew quilted toilet rolls -some time ago actually (if they ever sold them)
    They do have a cheaper brand of toilet tissue but Kirsty is not sure about that never having used that brand before .
    Might be worth a try .
    Might even be as good as Andrex
    However they do also have some Izal .
    She has used that when she was a girl and although not perfect ,
    Kirsty sees it as acceptable in the circumstances so settles for that.

    Did Phillip actually check what the problem was ?
    Could they not have gone away after the job had been completed?
    Oliver would certainly have let Kirsty have time off if Phillip had stepped into the breach.
    (He would have been able to charge more because it was an emergency and at a weekend)
    Is it a one man job or does Phillip have to get his “men” to help out?
    More to the point ,is Gavin capable of sorting it?
    What does Phillip use for a brain?

    1. Philip did go to check the problem. Just because you don.t like him you must not change the facts! Not fair.

    2. Quite correct ,Pierre.
      I am not being fair but I still think it was not the best move to make in the circumstances.
      However I will apologise if and when everything works out well ion the kitchen

  23. Archerphile 2.32pm.
    No wonder I didn’t know, haven’t listened to last nights episode.
    Will do so now and respond with an informed up to dat comment.

    1. Well, that explains why you didn’t know what we’re talking about Stasia 😂

    2. Sounds like Oliver is up shit creek without a paddle/ drain fixer.

    3. But its OK. He is getting Gav. What on earth could go wrong? 🙄

    4. What evidence do we have that Gavin is a bad workman? (This is a genuine enquiry.). I remember the playground job he did metwith universal approval.

      the playground

    5. Absolute none,Maryellen.
      On the other hand did we ever know what he actually did to improve the playground?

  24. Will Gavin even turn up in which case Phillip will be caught at the last moment to honour the job.
    I worry how he is alwAys so readily available for a man who’s company is snowed under with work. He appears fully qualified in all depts - building electrics and plumbing....

  25. Ah! Will he turn up? Now that is a definite possibility of a maybe.. time will tell!

  26. We used to use Izal type toilet paper as tracing paper

  27. Apparently you can buy a roll of 1960’s Izal toilet paper from eBay for £&!
    (not pre used!)

  28. I think Izal should be on the other blog! I used to press wildflowers between sheets of Izal, Jeyes, or Bronco, under the weight of a huge dictionary . Worked beautifully. 🌼🥀🌸

    1. Or we could now end this topic altogether .

  29. To all the wonderful women who chat and lurk on this Archer blog,
    HAPPY WOMENS DAY 🥰👩👩🏽‍🦰 👩🏻‍🦳

    That includes all fictional women in TA.

  30. Why hasn't Linda thought of writing a note to Freddie, or better still a card, apologising, and allowing her to explain her mistake.

    1. Too easy MrsP. A card and a box of chocs (or whatever it is that Freddie likes best) would help a lot. But, no drama in that I'm afraid.

  31. Surely the TA will have to drop an insert into the programme regarding Coronavirus soon. In the programme I recommended fairly recently the editors spoken with mentioned that this had to be done if the event (good or bad) was big enough that to ignore it would be unrealistic. Admittedly the programme was around the 60th anniversary so 9 yrs old now.

  32. If Lynda did send a card to Freddie likelyas not he wouldn’t read it.
    Lynda has no need to apologise.
    She tried very hard to do so and Freddie would not listen.
    It is he who should apologise.
    He should be the one buying the chocolates not Lynda.
    He is a rude,spoilt brat.

  33. Sorry Lanjan, she is an opinionated, overbearing , and interfering menace. She got it wrong and then laboured the point. Of course she should apologise. Even she realises that.

  34. I saw, elsewhere, that Keri Davies has issued a ‘tweet’ today saying “even if you don’t normally tune in to TA on a Sunday evening, don’t miss this evenings episode “!

    I want to emphasise that I do not follow twitter or tweet myself, this particular one was reproduced by a member of a Facebook Archers group and has caused much speculation. 😯

  35. She is definitely opinionated and got it badly wrong ,Pierre .
    She did go on and on about it I agree.
    However since she tried many times to apologise and Freddie not only would not listen to her but was extremely rude into the bargain I do not think she should go out of her way to apologise to him.
    If I were in her position I would either speak to Oliver (or even Roy) and explain her mistake and that she had tried to apologise to Freddie but that he wouldn’t listen and ask him to have a word with Freddie.
    When the lad shows that he has a few manners perhaps she could then speak to Freddie.Then he also should apologise too and it can then be forgotten.

    1. Lanjan your solution is a correct one. Please remember that Freddy is is hardly more than a teenager and is just demonstrating "yoof" manners. It is to be hoped that he will grow up eventually.

    2. One slight problem with my last. Lynda would have to admit her original error to Olivr (or Roy), Let's see her moral fibre then!.

  36. Oh indeed,Pierre .
    I think she would..
    Since someone once said that I reminded him of her!!! I know I would have donethat but I hope and believe I wouldn’t have made the initial mistake she made.
    (I am nothing like her really,honestly )

  37. I don’t usually listen to the omnibus edition on a Sunday morning but today whilst gardening I did hear part of it again and what struck me was that Ruth said something about the future (can’t remember what) and I thought”Hey up ,there’s going to be trouble at Brookfield”

  38. I always enjoy the omnibus. To me, it always links many things together, which were said and done earlier in the week, to thoughts + conversations, often days later.
    I will continue to listen, both daily but also, weekly.

  39. Freddie could have stopped the rumour spreading himself, if he had agreed when Johnny originally said he would own up. Instead Freddie said leave it, it would blow over. An error of judgment, followed by a juvenile reaction.

    1. I think Freddie was right. He just didn't, want to draw any more attention to himself, as would he have been believed?
      Johnny might have been accused of covering for Freddie.
      At least, it has been resolved, well sort of.

  40. I am looking forward to hearing, as to how the trio, now living in No.1 The Green, survive together.

  41. Johnny explained to Lynda what had happened between him and Freddie, I think it should be sorted out among the three of them, if anybody else gets involved, even Kirsty, it'll get blown out of proportion, I suppose that's what they want, over two+ episodes.
    Archerphile, perhaps Keri Davies was alerting us that finally they'll mention the world wide news.
    Ambridge in lockdown wouldn't be very dramatic as it is very self contained. Brookfield was in isolation for foot & mouth?

  42. I had an unpleasant instinct this morning, and completely out of the blue.
    It was about Neil - something similar to Sid never coming back from his trip to Australia.

    I sincerely hope my instincts were out of kilter.

    1. Oh, so do I Mrs P. I should really miss Neil having ‘known’ him since he was a young farmhand come to work for Phil at Brookfield.
      Susan, no so much!

    2. Neil is here to stay!
      Who else could sort Hannah out,

    3. ...when Hannah becomes more prominent, both at Berrow Farm. Also she will be, a so-called, house-mate, to Johnny + Freddie in #No.1.
      I expect fireworks, in both situations - work + home.

  43. Well done you all about the ring!

  44. Well done to those who said Tom would find the ring in the cake.

  45. Could we hope that Freddie has copped it? What an unpleasant little toe-rag he is. I won't say what I really think he is for offending anyone!
    The ring situation was also widely predicted on fb and mustardland!
    Presumably someone went through a gas pipe or as it was supposed to be a waste pipe, methane?

  46. Most probably. Who's going to apologise to whom now? Gavin for supervising? Philip for going away? Lynda for making Freddie stay in the locker room, what else was she going to say? We know Emma and Tracy are safe all due to the divorce. Will Freddie feel guilty for being rude to Lynda now that she's perished?......

  47. Ok, who's copped it then ? Gavin screwed up, for sure...

    I was getting bored by soppy stuff between Tom & Natasha ( though glad everything is going swimmingly between them) so missed where the ring turned up ! Can anyone be kind enough to enlighten me ?

    1. It was literally found in the cake. Such bad & lazy writing. It's up there with "and it was all just a dream..." Grrrrrr!

      I am really hoping that Freddie is a goner. Little shit that he is!

    2. In the cake as widely predicted, Tom may have to spend money on cosmetic dentistry, so they can forget about the house.

    3. GG don't hold back. Tell us what you really think of Fredy

    4. Thanks, one & all, for confirming most predictable expectations !
      Pierre 😃🤣

  48. It can't be Freddie because Elizabeth would follow Nigel.
    I reckon Lynda is badly hurt, so that Freddie can feel guilty for the rest of his life!

  49. I am no baker but I bet the script writer isn’t either .
    The cake Tom made was likely to have started with creaming the butter(or marg ) and sugar.
    Even I know that
    There will have been no need to put his hands into the mixture at all
    He would not have been trying to make flour and marg into something resembling bread crumbs
    He was not making pastry.
    He would have spotted that the ring was not on his finger when he was cracking the eggs.
    He will have used a table spoon possibly for transferring the mixture into the cake tin.
    Surely even dozey Tom would have seen his ring drop off his finger if his hand was not in the mixture.
    Also ,does he wear the ring when he is out on the farm ?
    Again it is more likely to fall off when he was outside than making the cake.

    1. Yes I thought that all along. Obviously last week's writer is not a cake maker!

  50. Or it might be that Linda is badly hurt by shielding Freddy.
    That gives Freddie the opportunity to rescue Linda or prevent her from dying thus becoming a hero in everyone's eyes.
    ( or at the very least redeeming himself from being perceived as all bad and no good ! )

  51. Maryellen, it was Freda during the flood and since Kathy has become silent you could be right.

  52. Well thats Philip + Kirsty's long weekend away, ruined - unless Monday night becomes an extension of Sunday. It has been done before in other TS S/Ls.

  53. A mass extinction? Shades of Emmerdale Farm or Hancock’s Half Hour.

    1. Ah yes Seasider Tony Hancock “The Bowman's” 🤣🤣🤣

  54. The Saturday Mail TV book suggested something doom like about to happen in Ambridge and I immediately thought of the TV soaps which TA is now entered as on BBC Sounds (right next to EastEnders podcast I think) and knew it would be of this ilk.
    Freddie disgusted me tonight, why would Linda look down on him the heir to a country pile and as annoying as she can be she totally admitted her wrong doing and disappointment in her own behaviour, and she may well be the one to have been killed or badly maimed (and roles reversed) Freddie will be riddled with guilt which may well be why they made him so exceptionally detestable tonight 🤔

  55. All delightfully dramatic/tragic scenarios ! So long as it isn't Tracy, Oliver or Roy who has been blown up or badly injured, I can bear the thought of Freddie, Gavin or Lynda in trouble with a certain stoical equanimity. ( in descending order, least to most regret : Gavin - waste of space; Freddie - some emerging positives; Lynda - she's a 'character')

  56. There you are - I said Gavin wasn’t compétant to take on this job!
    Bet he chopped into a gas main with a fag in his mouth or something.
    This reminds me very much of the plane crash on Emmerdale when half the regular cast were culled in one fell blow!

    Can’t wait to hear who is left over the next few days. But will refrain from saying who I hope survives and who will not! But I don’t think Philip and Kirsty’s Wedding is going to take place anytime soon after all. 😥

  57. Definitely don’t want it to be Tracy or Roy ..

  58. I will not be a happy bunny if Lynda pops her clogs.

  59. “Debbie” Tamsin Greig about to grace our tv screens in Julian Fellows new drama “Belgravia”

  60. That nice editor said he didn’t want to upset us so I doubt anyone will be seriously hurt, if at all.

  61. I agree Gary and will not be happy if Lynda is killed. Actually I don't want any of them to be killed. Can't we just have injuries instead.

  62. I think other bloggers have said, and I agree, it would be interesting to have a character having to deal with a long term disability, maybe this could be the time?

    1. We said this about Nigel’s death top, but TA notoriously canniot handle long term, life-changing disability.

    2. I think and hope you will be right Maryellen.
      The Editor won’t want the backlash that they received after Nigel’s death.
      ..........unless it is Gavin who has been killed or badly injured in which case we will then see how Philip manages to cope with the guilt he is bound to feel.

    3. They managed Jack Woolley's dementia well enough, especially Peggy's stubbornness in the face of her inability to care for him at home as he became worse & wandered off.

    4. That’s true, I was thinking In terms of physical disability, particularly for the type Nigel might have sustained, or in this case, anyone at Gray Gables at the time of the explosion. (except, hopefully, Emma!)

  63. Didn’t seem loud enough for a gas explosion. Knowing the archers, everyone will walk out of the kitchen just fine.
    Fingers crossed, if there has to be a death, it’s Gavin.

  64. If it is supposed to have been a gas explosion it would have been a build up of gas not a sudden leak. I thought that the original problem was a water leak?
    Don’t tell us that a water leak can transform into a gas build up but then in Ambridge buildings can grow extra rooms.

    1. Maybe it was a sinkhole that opened up?

    2. That would be shame GG, we couldn't blame Gavin then. Shame - he deserves it!

    3. As much as I dislike him, only if he's guilty he can be shot with bow and arrows on a Sunday.

  65. Wouldn’t they have smelt something if it were gas?
    I believe the actual gas doesn’t smell but somehow a smell is added to show if you have a leak.
    We had to have our gas pipe refitted .
    The whole Avenue did .
    After it had been done we smelt gas and called them out and it had been fitted incorrectly by the “experts” having been checked by the person in charge.
    Good job that neither of us smokes

    1. Lanjan, remember the definition of an expert. " Ex = has been, Spurt = a drip under pressure"

  66. Emma and Tracy were in the car park and they were saved by Emma's divorce, well Tracy was because she followed her out.

  67. If it's Lynda, then maybe she wanted out and as said Freddie can feel guilty.

  68. At least it provides the perfect scenario for getting rid of the silent Kathy .... for good!

  69. But I hope there weren’t any guests killed or injured because it would cost Oliver millions in compensation. He’d have to sell off what’s left of GG, then go back to live at Grange Farm, to be looked after by Clarrie & Eddie. Or perhaps move in with Tracy who needs help because she’s been confined to a wheelchair by her injuries......Ooo, I do love all this idle speculation!

  70. What a start to the day, listening to Tom and Natasha gooing over each other. No early morning sex for him. He gets a broken tooth and a joint account as an anniversary present. He is sooo creepy and always ever sooo apologetic, just like some small admiring pet dog. Shame he wasn’t in the kitchen when the Big Bang happened.
    But They definitely won’t kill off any character with the surname Archer!
    How disappointing.
    With my Vera hat on I will suggest that only Gav and Lynda will be injured/dead parties. She went to the kitchen leaving Freddie in the staff locker room. But where is that in relation to the kitchen and any gas pipes. Freddie or Gav and Lynda injured?
    Gary, now we know why you were worried about Freddie! 🤫🙊

  71. Agree the early morning scene with Nat and Tom was far too gooey! Can’t believe she let him off the ring incident so lightly. But Tom didn’t get the anniversary ‘present’ he was hoping for, so at least we didn’t have to listen to the full slurping, or worse!
    Perhaps it was supposed to be a contrast to what happened at the end of the episode?

  72. Wasn’t Freddie smoking at the time? Or have I misremembered?

    1. (Cont.) It was in defiance of house rules. Does that mean he deserves to die?

    2. The house rules were about food and footwear, no one deserves to die but there may be casualties/victims.

  73. I think it's most likely Gavin who will be hurt. Philip will blame himself for telling Gavin to do the job at a time when his mind was distracted by the broken relationship, and that will then destabilise Philip and Kirsty's relationship. A shame because Kirsty deserves some happiness, and the chance of a child.

  74. Having read the synopsis and going back to last night I think it's Lynda, because she left her apology suspended. Freddie, when Lynda apologised turned on her asking if she was accusing him of stealing the food stored in the locker room, she in turn pointed out that he shouldn't be putting on his trainers near food. He refused to make peace with her.

  75. I like the idea of Freddie rescuing people and becoming the hero of the day.

    1. I like the idea of Freddie being blown to kingdom come.

    2. Freddie has to survive!
      After Nigel, even the TA could not write Freddie out, or could they?
      LL being run by Lily + Russ?
      NO - It has to be Freddie.

  76. I have just 3 questions:-

    Who, What and Why.

    I doubt that these questions, will be answered tonight (as it will still be Sunday) in TA time.

  77. All very dramatic, well predicted Basia.

    1. Well about Lynda and Freddie but I don't want Gavin dead either.

  78. Gavin's still inside!
    How will Philip feel I can't imagine.
    And Robert.

  79. Alan Smith who's a fan said before the news that all like him have been on tenterhooks for 24 hrs.

  80. So far my prediction that Freddie would save Linda was half correct.

    Well done Freddie- you tried your very best.
    If you have not succeeded it was not your fault.

  81. Did pretty well tonight, in creatiing a disaster zone on the radio, didn't they ? Acting up, lots of sound effects.....
    Gavin, doesn't look too good for him ( earlier predictions about Philip's guilt & so on look like coming into play) but Freddie tried his best & I daresay Lynda will pull through. Take a lot to shut that one up.

    1. Agree ✔️ re sound effects (especially so) as I was listening via headphones tonight

    2. The sound effects stole the show! Well done, production team!

  82. Thank goodness Freddie inherited Nigel’s lung power! So now we wait to see whether Linda has been sacrificed or to be a disabled Ambridge resident. I would have thought this storyline would have been held over for the 70th Anniversary episode - although a really happy one would also be a big surprise.

  83. The actress who plays Lynda looks after her husband who is a Stroke victim.
    I don’t want Lynda to have died but maybe the person playing her ,needs more time to spend with her husband.

    1. Didn’t know that Lanjan and agree with your comment

  84. Whoever was working in the kitchen hasn't been named. He was just referred to a 'the workman'. Perhaps Gavin didn't bother to get up and sent one of the other employees?

    The fireman and paramedic tonightexplains the cast list of 'other roles played by ....' The first time I've seen that in TA!

    1. Yes, Spicy, good lateral thinking ! And Esscee, taking that a step further - a terrible weight for Philip to bear ( wedding on hold ?)

    2. I noticed that in the cast list Spicy, and I also said Gavin might not turn up for the job but did not think of him arranging for cover when Philip could not find anyone but now you have mentioned it it certainly seems very feasible

  85. Bloody hell!!!!!
    Come on Linda....get breathing. 😲

  86. Crikey.... c'mon Lynda... but don't hold out much hope.. 😪

  87. What a brilliantly performed and directed episode!
    I was transfixed throughout and could just ‘see’ what was happening, the acting and sound effects were so convincing.

    Doesn’t sound too good for Lynda does it? Poor Robert is in for a tough time and hopefully Lilian will regret her recent diatribes against her fellow grandparent.

    But Freddie was fantastic, trying so hard to rescue Lynda (and the ‘workman’). I don’t want to hear or read any nasty comments about him after tonight!

    1. I too thought the acting was first rate tonight - particularly from Toby Laurence who plays Freddie. It was completely convincing!

    2. Hopefully this really will be Freddie’s wake up call AP 🙏🏼

  88. Yes Spicycushion ,you have got a point there.

  89. Oh dear. I thought the acting was convincing, so much so that to me, Freddie still sounded like a pompous weak twit. And he can't shout half as well as his father.
    How did Kirsty get from the 999 call centre back to GG so quickly, and how long has she been moonligting there?
    Roy, Tracy and Emma, all good.
    Poor Linda. Poor Robert, he will feel guilty about reprimanding Linda about Mungo's Day Out.

    1. On the contrary Mistral, I thought Freddie did a pretty good job of shouting last night!

  90. That was so well acted and sound effects convincing also. Good job Freddie but it doesn't sound good for poor Lynda. I hope she survives but take the point about the actress who plays her having an ailing husband.

  91. Unusually, there have been absolutely no hints anywhere, that Carole Boyd has been wanting to quit her role as Lynda or even cut back on her appearances. Often there are bits in the press or gossip columns when an actor is thinking of retiring for some reason.
    So I am very much hoping that Lynda will survive, albeit after hospital treatment and long vigils by Robert.

    Perhaps the Editor will even take the opportunity, thrown away when Nigel died, to portray a previously very active character consigned to a much reduced lifestyle as a disabled person needing a wheelchair, or considerable assistance.
    Whichever way things pan out for Lynda, I hope Lilian will think hard about her recent behaviour towards Lynda and, who know, even reverse her decision about THE BULL in tribute!

  92. Good heavens. Have just listened and am now a nervous wreck.
    Well done Freddie dragging a limp bodied Lynda through all that broken glass and rubble.
    Well done Kathy gathering all the residents at the mustering point and comforting them with blankets.
    Tracy will, along with others be feeling guilty, she left her post to harangue Emma about Ed.
    Spicycushion, well spotted about the unnamed worker, I suspect Philip will return thinking it’s Gavin.
    To be continued for a long time.


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