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Life In Ambridge


  1. An ACTUAL copy of the complete re-wilding proposal from Pip, Phoebe & Rex...

    1. Is that Phoebe or Pip, do you think Gary? My guess is Phoebe!

    2. Definitely Phoebe in my head AP!

    3. What a lovely picture. Whoever drew it is a happy person.


    carolyn March 31, 2020 at 10:39 PM

    I don't remember Kirsty & Shula having chats before, but it's happened a few times recently, so I reckon when Kirsty's world collapses, it'll be Shula who'll be giving female support ( Roy will give masculine friendship), &, at the same time, demonstrating to the Archbishop or whoever, that she's got the character & ability to enter the ministry !

    Two birds, narrative wise, killed with one stone.

    All of it more convincing than Kirsty turning to the useless, self absorbed Helen for succour. Who was it who wrote a sharply funny & plausible snatch of dialogue between K. & H. the other day ?

    GaryGilday March 31, 2020 at 10:47 PM

    'Twas I!

  3. I hadn’t thought about the truth of the poor lad, Blake coming out through Roy but it is very plausible especially if Philip and Gavin are not informed beforehand to “prepare” him. Roy wouldn’t hesitate to shop them. Interesting!

  4. Must say, Ev, I thought it was very obvious when Roy announced that he was going to visit Blake, that this would be the route for revelations about the Moss’s true business practices.
    Otherwise, why would the SWs arrange for Roy to visit the lad? You’d think he would be the last person Roy would want to visit, the person who caused the explosion and caused his and Lynda’s injuries.
    No, there had to be a reason for that decision and hopefully the truth will out, or at least enough doubt for Roy to contact the police.

  5. I think I suggested sometime ago that Phoebe should go off and become someone’s political Dogs Body. Well there he was right on the door step. She virtually repeated Justin’s rationale for buying the barns and using Rex, twisted Pip into agreeing. Has she forgotten that Justin already has dabs on 75% of any profits and will now (mostly) own the barns.
    Gavin has signed a deal with the devil 👿 wonder what Philip’s response will be? Take him by the throat practically strangle him to remind him that he was told not to do anything without DAD’S knowledge.
    Phoebe is quiet nasty, Justin is manipulative nasty and Gavin and Philip sociopathic villains.
    I simply find Pip annoying even if she doesn’t trust Justin.
    Shula .........

    1. Please may I join you in finding Pip annoying? In fact she is bloody annoying!
      Phoebe is as dim as a nun's night light. I repeat "why isn"t Oxford University suing the SWs for damages?

    2. 'dim as a nun's night light' ! Extraordinary - it's made my day, Pierre !
      Pip = tiresome & inarticulate; Phoebe = dumb & pretentious; Rex = wet. A great trio to embark on rewilding, whatever that REALLY is, in principle & practice, never actually spelt out in TA.

      ( Off topic, but related to the above, less cars in the road, fewer buses & trains, a certain degree of 'rewilding' going on right now. Wildlife love it - huge hedgehog munching away happily in his special place last night in the garden)

  6. Ev, ,I didn’t think it was obvious that Roy would be the one to come to Blake’s rescue either.
    I still think he has been brought in because he will be the one to help Kirsty through the very rough patch she is going through which is about to get worse.

  7. Having listened to Lucy’s plea, I have made a virtual banner and am now shouting at the BBC,

    Poor Kirsty another downfall on the way.

    1. I'm actually looking forward to the fallout from Philip & Kirsty's relationship imploding - I don't mind listening to Kirsty having a torrid time of it! Does that make me a bad person...?

    2. I agree Gary. I don't know why but I just dislike Kirsty! It's funny because she and I share many views on nature etc. I would have been there with her at the trashing of the GM crops at Home Farm for instance. I am very supportive of any wildlife or animal charities. But she makes me grit my teeth every time she appears.

    3. Er, yes & no, imo, Gary...we're accustomed to see K. in torrid situations : jilted at the altar, loss of a baby, & being at the other end of the 'phone to a hysterical Helen who's just stabbed her husband, so seeing her face yet another traumatic event, is a reassuringly familiar scenario. And it gives the actor some juicy scenes to throw herself into - what's not to like ?

      On the other hand, we like Kirsty (don't we ?!), so putting dramatic excitement to one side, it would be so nice to see something go right for her. Hence, the eagerness from quite a few of us to see happiness bloom between her & sidelined Roy...


    4. "On the other hand, we like Kirsty (don't we ?!)" - erm, no......!!!

    5. To me her voice grates, but never mind, what I do mind is taking on Philip and the hunt.

    6. “Happiness bloom between her and sidelined Roy” - or sidelined Rex, then she’d have T❤️O❤️B❤️Y for a ‘brother in law’ to rescue her from boredom!

  8. I do wonder how Phillip thinks he can keep his workforce secret from Kirsty after their marriage? Does he have any other workers, legal or illegal?
    Where have they been living over the past few years? He and his firm have been carrying out building work for at least the past two years starting with the kennels and Lilian's bathroom at The Dower House. But nobody has noted that the 'workmen' carrying out this work were all vulnerable men?
    Surely a group of vulnerable men living together but not going out and being frequently (or not so frequent) visited by either Gavin or Philip would have been noted by villagers in whatever village they are being 'housed?'
    To me this plot has as many holes as my Mum's inherited colandar!

    1. Apparently it is an all too common problem Spicy - people never actually look at or communicate with the types of vulnerable men carrying out these jobs at all. The same is true of whoever their neighbours would be. Depressing thought isn't it?

  9. Pierre. Wonderful, “ dim as a nun’s night light”. I now am left with the image of some poor nun trying to read her nightly office in near total darkness. 😁
    Phoebe is a selfish self centred b......d she has always tried to project this rewilding nonsense as her own! The other two twits haven’t as yet seen the dim 💡 light. She is totally dependent on the animal knowledge of the other two. Wild cows, sheep and flying 🐷 pigs.

  10. Gary 1.12pm.
    I hope that was a rhetorical question?

  11. I didn't like Gavin saying to Kirsty that he'd do anything for dad, a-ny-thing and then agreeing with Justin about 'a world of pain'.

  12. I'm not too keen on Kirsty either.
    I can't put my finger on what it is, but something about her slightly irritates me.
    I have every expectation that she will be puzzled by the revelations about Phillip and I will say yet again, well that's because you haven't a clue about people Kirsty.
    So I'm with Gary and Spiceycushion on this one.

    As for Roy being chosen as the Ambridge resident to make the connections between Blake Philip and Gavin, it seemed obvious to me as soon as the suggestion was made.

    Love the expression new to so many of us.
    Did you invent it Pierre l C ?

    1. I cannot claim authorship..I got it from Professor Jimmy Edwards as head of Chiselbury School many years ago. I suppose proper attribution should go the scriptwriter

    2. Had a quick google. The writers were Frank Muir and Dennis Norden. If only I had a fraction of their wit!

    3. Me too Pierre! I'm a big admirer of both of them. Barry Took too!

    4. Entirely agree with you GG. Barry Took is up there with them..

  13. I like Kirsty! I can still hear her scream when she realised she was being jilted at the alter by Tom, so well done I thought. I don't relish her having to deal with her heart being broken again but think the quicker she can disentangle herself from Philip the better. Like some others have suggested I would like her to be blown Roy's way... My least favourite characters are Pip/Phoebe/Alice. Awful. Pass me the earplugs! I am keeping my fingers crossed for Emma and Ed, come on you two, get on with it!!!

    1. I LOVED that wedding episode Unders!

      My least favourite are Hannah, Pip & Emma. Grrrrrrrr. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Ed will realise that Emma is all sorts of wrong for both him AND his family. I mean, c'mon - how much baggage can one woman possibly have with the Grundys?

    2. Forgot about Hannah!! Really don't warm to her but am less bothered hearing her speak than the others. Hmmm.... so if not Emma, then who for Ed?

    3. Phoebe?? The would put the cat amongst the pidgeons!! Imagine Jennifer!! The vapours someone, quick!!

    4. Can't Ed just lick his wounds for a bit and then maybe start to explore all the women in the world that AREN'T Emma Grundy!!!

  14. Even though I think Emma has a HUGE chip on her shoulder, I still want Ed and her to get back together as I think they're well suited to each other in their 'us against the world' mindset.
    I don't look forward to the scales falling from Kirsty's eyes but it needs to happen and soon. Come on Roy.

  15. When the you know what finally hits the fan, the best thing for Kirsty to do would be to leave Ambridge and start over somewhere else..there's nothing tying her to Ambridge except heartache. She needs to get a grip on her life

    1. And she's not alone Autumnleaves! I truly don't know why half of them hang around like a dog eating it's own vomit....

  16. Did Tom leave Kirsty for Brenda, anyway when she left him he went back to Kirsty only to abandon her. At least she took advantage of the wedding holiday and spent some time at her parents, only to come back to get pregnant by Tom. She was away for a while and then took up with dodgy Philip. She faces another cancelled wedding. She's been singled out to court disaster.

    1. I think I would happily court disaster than either Tom or Philip...

  17. I like Kirsty. The sooner she knows about Philip, the better, well, as far as I am concerned.
    She loves her wildlife etc. so IF she does depart - it will be literally, for pastures new.
    Roy will be her saviour, learning the truth and providing lodgings once again.

    Kirsty will be absolutely devastated and will be "off men" for a long time!

    Justin is so manipulative and is playing, the rewilding threesome, as fools, to suit his own, greedy, empire.
    Phoebe needs to report to Peggy, and Pheobe to Brian - to get some sensible advice.

    1. Although I understand and approve of re-wilding schemes - the Ambridge one, is not a particularly good example.

  18. Going against most of the grain here - I really like Kirsty!
    And I like her husky voice! So there!
    At least she is easy to distinguish from the other young-ish females in the village.

    1. No matter what happens, I really want Kirsty to stay in Ambridge. I also admire her, as a wonderful character.
      I much prefer her to some other Ambridge female residents.

      An idea - Kirsty lodging with Joy, next door to Philip - or will this be too much??

    2. I have always liked Kirsty.
      What is it about her that folk do not like?
      I must say though that I could never understand why she returned to Ambridge after being ditched by Tom.
      Having said that,I am really pleased she did decide to return so I do not want her to go back to the Wirral.

  19. Did anyone else recognise Jo Stafford singing”See the pyramids along the Nile” in the background at the tea room?

  20. The actual title of the song I mentioned is “You belong to me”

  21. Don't know about you, but I cannot wait for the Easter bonnet competition!

    1. I can wait. If it doesn't happen at all, I can also bear the disappointment with equanimity..

    2. Carolyn - ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  22. But seriously, when the virus DOES hit Ambridge - what business will be the first to collapse? The Bull? Tearoom? Lower Loxley?

    Who's in the best position to survive?

  23. Bridge farm shop will survive. They’ll start doing deliveries leaving vast amounts of cheese and leeks on peoples doorsteps. Pat could go into production of “its only soup” and feed all the vulnerable in the village.
    Susan will stand guard over the toilet rolls and only allow 1 per person.
    Lillian will isolate with the whole village supply of gin.
    If they isolate for a long time Toby will make a fortune with his gin because obviously Lillian will be bulk buying on her essentials shopping trip once a week.

    1. Better still, she'll split it up into squares and sell it by the square ; )

      She will also live-stream the Village Shop. After all, how on earth will anyone in Ambridge survive this crisis without regular updates from the village gossip, sorry, concerned neighbour.

  24. I like it P tb Y .
    However as Maryellen will tell you ,Toby will not be manufacturing gin he will be using the alcohol to manufacture hand sanitiser.
    Jill has found a recipe for it in a little book called “Grandmother’s secrets”
    Pip is helping out and the redundant Brookfield wedding venue has become a little factory site.
    Ruth has handed over little jars which were to have contained Brookfield lemon curd (made by Jill) for wedding favours.
    Very altruistically Brookfield Farm has decided to donate these to everyone in the village .
    Ben will be distributing them to the vulnerable and elderly first..
    They will be eagerly awaiting the sight of a bright orange car

    1. Artisan hand sanitiser, of course, with added botanicals.

      What will it be called? 'Not Scruff-y Now' perhaps?

  25. What is not generally known is that what I described in my previous post actually did happen a few weeks ago.
    Very few people actually left the area and those who did took enough sanitiser with them to make sure they were not infected with the dreadful virus..
    The elderly and vulnerable (except Jill ) like Bert Fry and Carole Tregorran have been self isolating for some time.
    The inhabitants of Ambridge did not even tell the scriptwriters what was going on.
    In this way Ambridge could become a Corona virus free zone and everyone could carry on in their own sweet way

  26. PtbY and LJ

    These are far better ideas for future scripts than anything produced by the official TA team.
    Please both apply as SWs.

    1. Absolutely ! Both tongue in cheek, but they fit so well with Ambridge memes & the characters.

  27. Emma once again demonstrated that chip on the old shoulder tonight didn't she!
    I can understand why Freddie's so downhearted after he witnessed poor Lynda's agony.

  28. And wasn't Freddie showing the burden he is carrying this evening.
    What was the comment made earlier this week, that Freddie was growing up fast.

    1. ‘Twas mine Mrs P. I thought he showed a great deal of maturity during his visit to Lynda and it is obviously still playing on his mind and colouring his view of life.

      Elizabeth, in her usual shallow, un-empathetic way thought a trip to the bowling alley would cheer him up! He would be much better off with Auntie Shula at the moment, she would understand his mood and how to communicate with him.

    2. Couldn't agree more - mum is totally out of date where Freddie is concerned. She also has this irritating way of thinking that what worked for her ( counselling/therapy, whichever it was) is a one-size-fits-all answer to negative moods. The situations are completely different. Emergency measure for a breakdown in her case, a growing up event for Freddie, causing him to identify with another's very serious problem, & to deepen, restructure, his very attitude to life & way of going on.
      A rite of passage, &, yes, Shula could help. She's gone through that .

  29. Now we have a new Ambridge saying. Brian to Adam, “ you wouldn’t if it was snowing or 🇧🇪 Belgium”. God, Adam is a boring miserable 👨🏻 man.
    PtbY and Lanjan, I like your Covid 19 ideas for Ambridge.👍
    Freddie is obviously mulling over Lynda’s comments about having dragged her out after the explosion, but has he sussed out her intentions?

    1. I suspect he has, Stasia. Partly because it couldn't be missed & something he himself said last night, but can't remember what it was !

    2. carolyn, I think he was about to say I’m worried about.........but only mentioned Lynda’s name at the end when measuring himself in relation to her injuries.
      Addition to sentence “ you wouldn’t KNOW.........’
      I’m useless first thing in the morning.

  30. Eureka! I have just succeeded in installing Google Chrome on my iPad! I prefer writing on the iPad rather than phone or computer!
    The Archers actors’ messages are lovely. Thank you.

  31. Never mind what businesses would collapse Gary.
    This virus, if it happens to stroll into Ambridge, Is an opportunity for all to make choices. It could be that Peggy’s actor decides to retire, goodbye dear Peggy.
    Jill’s immune system has been comprised after years of being tied to the kitchen sink and oven.
    Toby goes into isolation for a long, long time after he caught the virus and other things from the strange women he encounters.
    Natasha will suddenly find herself in sole control of all Bridge farm assets, the others are self isolating in a barn somewhere.
    Philip and Gavin are in Wormwood Scrubs, good riddance.
    My nightmare is that no one will be affected because all are self isolating and living on deliveries from Underwoods or Susan in the shop.
    Only Adam will be working HARD, which will allow him to moan and groan about how overworked he is.

    1. That last paragraph especially is nightmarish, Stasia !

    2. Stasia, Jill will fortify herself with ballistic flapjack and corona drizzle cake. She will be excused self-isolating, despite her age, because the alternative - any of the younger Brookfielders actually having to cook - is just to dire to contemplate.

  32. It doesn’t sound as if the May-onwards TA format will allow for the type of storyline developments that listeners are anticipating. Maybe one character will write up their diary for the week and read aloud what they are writing. “On Wednesday coronavirus struck down two neighbours. Like everyone here, they had no underlying health conditions.....”

  33. Well I,for one, shall continue to live in hope that we get something as near to Stasia's forecast as possible.
    " It's being so cheerful as keeps me going" ( Mona Lott, ITMA, World war 2 )

  34. I had an email yesterday from a friend in which the dear old spell check had made am amendment to read CORVID 19. With reference to my blogger name, " Is it out to get me?"

  35. Oh Pierre les Corbeaux, just reading that line I can hear that voice. ( Mona Lott)
    And much copied in our household when a child.
    Thank you for the memory.

  36. Hopefully by the time May comes some current restrictions will be relaxed. As TA is generally in real time it will not marry up with our present so difficult to see how they can weave it into the SL then. Will be interesting to find out!

  37. Pierre. Time to reverse the old saying “ keep your enemies close”. Keep close to us and all will be well, except a word of ⚠️ warning. Don’t venture into Ambridge the enemy is waiting at the door.

  38. MrsP, I googled Mona Lott all I could get was “The erotic adventures of Zorro” by a drag queen by the same name.
    The images reminded me of an over the top Lilian. Camp beyond belief.

    1. I have just discovered the 1940’s show and now know that the title referred to Hitler.
      I bet Jill, Peggy and old Joe would have listened.

    2. ITMA was a National Institution Stasia, everybody listened.
      And those of us on here who were war babies will all remember our parents love and enjoyment of the programme.
      Yes it was very camp.
      One of the expressions used by my father throughout his life, was I think from the show, but borrowed from one of my mother's sister.
      It was: 'ooh er, I've just washed my hair '
      I think the interpretation was...... 'you've taken me by surprise ' but perhaps as a child I didn't understand the underlying meaning.
      Who else remembers ITMA - It's That Man Again ?

    3. It's not a patch on Round The Horne MrsP! I listen to all the repeats of those types of programmes on Radio4Extra.
      But I do draw the line at The Clitheroe Kid! How many different accents can one family possibly have? (Actually, thinking about it, there's quite a few in Ambridge that could compete with them on that score....!!!)

    4. Oh yes Mrs P, and ‘Rays a Laugh’, and ‘Meet the Huggets’, and ‘Much Binding in the Marsh’, and ‘Life with the Lyons’........
      I could go on and on boring all the youngsters on this site with such reminiscences and as Gary says, many of them are repeated on Radio4 Extra.
      With Gary, I hated the Clitheroe Kid but loved The Navy Lark which came along a bit later.
      And as for Julian and Sandy, I never did understand why what they said was funny until I was very grown up!
      Memories, memories.

  39. And thinking about the above some more - maybe we should have all been over on the other blog talking about it. Slapped wrist for me...

    1. Gary, it sort of morphed from my first post in response to what i felt was a little pessimistic. There is very little which could come up to Round the Horne or even Beyond our Ken levels. That man again was not Hitler it was Tommy Handley.

    2. We are ALL forgiven Pierre!

  40. On topic for TA but Off Topic for current discussions.
    Does Jill still have her bee hives and producing honey?
    Are there still any egg producers?
    And what is the situation re Vince + the abbatoir?

    1. Fair questions, but I'm only interested in the last one as it's just faded away when it was quite a feature..

  41. How terrific! Well done Lynda you really gave your recently transformed into an idiot husband both barrels, which he so richly deserved.

  42. I'm surprised that nail varnish was allowed on a hospital ward, it's supposed to be bad for the kidneys. Personally I can no longer stand the smell, though used it a lot when young. The only reason seems it was for Lynda to assert herself.
    I'm glad the medal went back, I wasn't for it in the first place, it should be passed down to one of Robert's grandsons.

  43. And well done, Kate, for being the person to get through to Lynda in a way no one else would have dreamt of or had the imagination to do. Those two have always had a good rapport. Robert has never been the clever half of the Snell marriage.

    1. In the very old days, when Kate was with Lucas, it was Lynda who gave Kate a massage when she offered it at Ambridge Hall.

    2. Didn't know that, Basia, but more recently, Lynda has appreciated Kate's 'spiritual home' thing, so clearly the two of them have bonded in some way.

      Can't swallow the idea that either Lynda or Robert can claim to be the 'clevet half' of the Snell marriage ! They mesh together pretty well, true, but I think it's based on emotional & psychological compatibility, to put it politely..

  44. I am amazed, how Linda is talking so normally and animated, after having full depth burns on her face, along with several skin grafts, just a few weeks ago.

  45. Very implausible that 1) Kate should get anything right for a change 2) that she wouldn't be all flouncy & offended after Robert told her to piss off !
    Still, I suppose ( sorry, need to resort to numbers again) the SWs want to 1) get Jakob & Kate established as the odd couple so her character has to be modified a tad from the monster who allowed her parents to give up their home 2) show us that Lynda truly is getting better, well enough to enjoy a pedicure & tear a strip of the long suffering Robert.

    Of course, it also shows that Freddie, & most of us, can relax from the suicidal fears. Can see why Freddie is disturbed & returned the medal, but hope Robert tells Lynda, who then makes it her business to reassure Freddie that she's got over the seriously negative thoughts.

    1. What happened to credit where credit’s due, I wonder? I find it impossible to fault Kate during the Lynda/Robert scenes. Clever scriptwriters to recall the Lynda/Kate bond. I suspect Robert’s bootish reaction owed something to jealousy.

    2. Certainly, Kate behaved impeccably tonight, but that was my point( or one of them) - such behaviour didn't ring true to the character as depicted in TA.

    3. Kate is more subtly written than the scriptwriters get credit for. The hospital visit was entirely in keeping with her relationship with Linda as previously depicted.

  46. A sniff from Lynda 🤗 therein lies the thread of hope.
    First Freddie and now Kate growing up (belatedly in her case) I am enjoying their characters achieving some depth long may it last!
    I must admit I was surprised at the nail varnish being allowed as I was informed that nails need to be clear as they reflect your state of health. Even when I had hip injections they had to be clear but as this lovely idea of toenail painting was cleared by the nurses then I applaud 👏🏻 Kate for thinking of such a morale boosting treat for Lynda.

    1. I was pleased to hear that sniff too Lady R!

  47. You are right Lady R. When I went into hospital recently I was told to remove all make up and especially nail varnish. But perhaps the nurses thought it would boost Lynda’s morale and as long as it was only toenails and not fingernails as well, they would be able to judge whatever it is they can tell from nails!

  48. Can’t believe I’m saying this but I liked Kate tonight. Thought she was lovely with Linda.

    1. As I think I've said before, I actually do fundamentally like Kate. It's just that she annoys the hell out of me at times. To paraphrase the late great Dick Emery - "She is awful, but I like her!"

  49. I'm agreeing with all the praise for Kate this evening, and I can't believe I'm saying it either PtbY.
    The only rub for me, is that my personal picture of Lynda, would not ever include varnished toenails.
    But still it was an imaginative ruse of Kate's and worked.
    And yes, I thought Robert felt that his nose had been put out of joint.

  50. It was good to hear Lynda getting back to her old self. Freddie hopefully, after returning the medal to Robert, realizes that Lynda has 'turned the corner' and he can start to relax a bit. (I don't think people turn corners anymore!)
    Kate did a good thing but I'm not convinced she's a reformed character.

  51. When is Roy due to go and visit Blake ?
    I'm looking forward to this encounter.

  52. Kate has a long-standing relationship with Lynda, dating back to when she was a teenager as referred to in tonight’s episode. So I was convinced by Lynda being pleased to see her, and willing to suspend my disbelief about the toe nail painting, although I agree that I didn’t quite imagine it being Lynda’s cup of tea, let alone recommended under the circumstances.

    I expect we will be kept waiting for the visit to Blake as long as possible, although Roy did promise to go in this week. However with us being an episode behind and no episode tomorrow we will have to wait a bit longer yet, perhaps into the middle of next week.

    Good idea for Freddie to talk to Shula. He needs someone to open up to and they got on really well when he was at the Stables.

  53. I'd have expected Kate to give Lynda a foot massage with acupuncture points instead of chemical treatment.

  54. Painting Lynda’s toenails was intimate without being invasive, so caused her no discomfort, focussed on an aspect of her appearance unaffected by her ordeal, and lifted her spirits - a new experience if Lynda had never had them painted before. Bravo, Kate! And for providing Zandercare so competently.

    1. Maryellen, absolutely. I was about to make a similar comment.

  55. So there we were, some of us anyhow, waiting for Tracy to bluster into the hospital and lift Lynda’s mood. Well done Kate.

  56. I’m still rather mystified by Freddie’s extreme insistance that he is not a hero and doesn’t deserve any praise or thanks. So much so that he was totally unable to keep Roberts medal and had to return it. He wouldn’t even let anyone buy him a drink in the pub.
    I have read elsewhere that he could be suffering from ‘survivor guilt’ or a form of PTSD. Perhaps Stasia could enlighten me on this.
    But I still have a tiny niggle at the back of my brain that things might not have happened exactly as everyone thinks in that kitchen. How a different account would ever evolve I don’t know. Perhaps Roy’s visit to the workman in hospital will provide more information.
    Whatever the exact truth of that day was, Freddie needs help.

    1. That was my initial thought too AP. I wondered if Freddy had somehow inadvertently caused the explosion. I don't think so, but it would be a good twist!

    2. Archerphile. I think there a number of factors involved with Freedie’s state of mind and it could include PTSD. I think he may still be to some extent locked into his drug dealing and prison experience and the the guilt he still carries having nearly killed Nolathando. Whilst in the young offenders place he didn’t really make friends, and to use the current phrase, he mostly self isolated. Then of course Lynda brought up the drug dealing whilst he was attempting to rehabilitate himself as a kitchen goffer.
      He was essentially a pariah and was lucky to get the kitchen job at GG after he came out.
      Now the situation has been reversed and he is seen by one and all as a hero for rescuing Lynda.
      That an awful lot to deal with for a young person of 21 years.

    3. Yes, I agree that Freddie needs help, in a parallel to Lynda needing help (thankfully supplied by Kate and her lateral thinking). I would say that the worst person for Freddie to be around at the moment is Elizabeth with her smothering, mothering, and no realisation that Freddie has grown up and is finding it hard to face the world as an adult. Agree that Shula would be the best person to help him now.

  57. Gary ,think you may be right about Freddie.
    To me .he is acting as if he feels guilty about something.
    Of course it could be that he was not able to save Blake having a terrible accident or perhaps he and Blake had an argument before the explosion.
    I don’t think it is just about Lynda.

  58. Don't know what to think about Freddie but amazed that previously depicted air head Kate should have been so perceptive and able to withstand Roberts out of character tirade with such understanding. Never thought I'd say this but, "Well done Kate"

  59. Guess the weight of the cow? Euphemism?
    Which one, there an awful lot of bulls and heifers in Ambridge..
    Which one will Jonny bring, I can think of at least two!!!!

    1. I think the request was for one of his Montbeliards (sp.?)

  60. Re Freddie: he was very anxious at the hospital about how rude he was to Lynda before the explosion and he knows that had he not ignored her attempts to apologise to him in the days leading up to the incident, they would not have been in the vicinity at the time. I can see as well that since leaving prison he has had a lot to carry internally from the experience - I think he had a probation officer for a short while but probably hasn’t processed everything yet. A lot to deal with as Stasia says, and Elizabeth is probably right in realising he needs help.

  61. Did I imagine it, or didn't Linda say she wished she hadn't been rescued ?
    An awful burden to carry, when you are sworn to secrecy, especially when everyone is telling you,you are a hero

  62. Archerphile, 9:42 I have voiced the same doubts. Lynda asked Jinny to stand in for her because she wanted to continue her apology to Freddie and followed him into the locker room where she wouldn't have been at the time of the noises coming from the kitchen which she went to investigate facing the explosion full on. When Roy was doing the head count outside Tracy told him that she'd seen Freddie leave, so why was he back inside. Perhaps there's nothing more to it, perhaps there is.
    I can still hear a pout in Freddie's way of speaking, maybe he'll lose it or it's his voice.
    The medal belongs to Robert's family and it never made any sense to me.

    1. I agree Basia. The medal should stay in the family for children or grandchildren. I still have my grandfather's and father's gongs and wouldn't dare give them away. I recently gave an RAF remembrance badge to a young friend of my father and he was very pleased. I think in the years to come Robert would regret his actions. I didn't realise there were so many possibilities to the Lynda/Freddie storyline. l had forgotten how involved we can all become. I will pick up soon. (l have been having bother getting my remarks on the blog. Hope this works)

  63. The suspicion that there is " more to it " than simply that which we have heard, may well be true.
    But I think that what we know happened, is enough to explain Freddie's very downhearted and possibly depressed mood at this time.
    If he had not ignored and effectively run away from Linda, causing her to follow him, combined with two very badly injured people hospitalised, and a probability of Grey Gables being ruined, on top of his recent experience of Nolatendo, drugs, youth offender facility, and release back into his community is surely enough.
    I agree absolutely that Freddie does need help to process all that he has experienced, and whether that is professional or with Shula remains to be seen. Certainly Elizabeth does not seem to have the skills to help her son.

  64. Archerphile 12.59pm.
    I definitely heard what he said, but I thought I would be a bit provocative.
    Just for a bit of fun.

    1. Sorry, Stasia, I took you too seriously! 🐄 🐂

  65. Interesting comments on Freddie and his possible reasons for wanting to avoid being called a hero. I think, as some have said, that he had a lot on his plate after the prison experience and was doing ok but the trauma of the events at GG is enough to pile on just too much stress and he's reacting naturally to that. He needs someone to talk to and I agree with others that Shula's the one for that job.

  66. There is no TA tonight 😭😭
    I would like to hear:-
    a) Roy visiting Blake
    b) Tracy visiting Linda
    c) Robert being not so protective/possesive, but this is understandable.
    d) Emma + Ed getting together again
    e) Shula talking to + so, counselling Freddie
    f) Susan, in the shop, gossiping again
    g) Philip is found out + prosecuted.
    h) Kirsty moving back to Willow Farm, with Roy.

    1. Plus...
      Joy taking over Linda's role in Ambridge events ,(as it is still covid free) for the upcoming Easter Weekend, May Day, and the Christmas Panto/Show.

      I have thought - Kirsty lodging with Joy???

    2. . Hilda's offspring..😼👎

  67. As I sat down to listen to “The Archers” it dawned on me tgat we will only get the Friday evening cliff hanger on Tuesday evening.

  68. At 6.20 I went out to dig a small area of my garden.
    Left the radio on so that when the church clock struck seven I could come straight in and listen.
    Except there is no Archers at seven on Friday anymore.

    I had forgotten !

    1. It's hard to miss our daily "fix" isn't it..

      Still, it will become the norm soon.

  69. I was cooking the evening meal and had been used to listening to TA on a Friday evening while cooking. I said to Katy how much I missed it! Please BBC restore our Friday fix! Just the omnibus on a Sunday morning would do if you changed Sunday into Friday!

  70. Better get used to it folks. I hear we are going down to just 4 days a week soon!

  71. This is my take on last week's events:
    Pouting Freddie penalised by Lynda for saving her life, a burden he can't share with balding Johnny.
    But hey, the weight is off his shoulders: high on a waft of noxious substance in her damaged lungs Lynda was able to berate her all suffering husband for doing exactly what she asked for, he was in such shock he actually called her Lynda!
    There's father & son Slaves & Co and a doting fiancée, the other did a runner.
    There's a cloud of co(r)vids circling around and slowly descending on the village.
    They had better turn their Easter bonnets into face masks.
    Even the lambs are lame!
    Whatever next...

    1. Basia. I did enjoy reading your summary. They will certainly need those face 🎭 masks.

    2. Yes! A neat & accurate summary, Basia !

      I rather like the day day gap, a good break.

  72. TA. Just 4 days a week!
    I, personally, would prefer the normal daily listen and when the recorded episodes run out, broadcast episodes from times gone by.
    I would so love to listen to TA episodes from the 80's, when Jennifer, Brian, Tony, Pat, Lilian, Linda, Robert, Clarrie, Eddie etc were aged about 40+ or younger, and to hear their lives then, as compared to now.

  73. Factor in Betty and Mike to that mix Miriam, before Roy was the only Tucker left in Ambridge.
    Oh ! Have I forgotten Phoebe ?

  74. You're lucky Mrs P if you've forgotten Phoebe. I would love to be able to.

  75. Like others on the blog I can’t understand Phoebe kicking her heels having obtained a good Oxford degree - or did she? I might have missed it but can’t recall any celebration of her achievements.

  76. Mrs P, I really liked Betty and was very upset when they killed her off!

  77. The actress who played Betty wanted her to be killed off.
    I believe she was going to live in either Australia or New Zealand to be with her children

  78. Fair enough, Lanjan. Unlike Graham Seed who would have liked to stay on instead of falling off the roof! Hope “Betty” is enjoying life down under!

  79. Of course the death of poor Betty left the way open for Mike to meet and marry garrulous Vicky (a bit like Joy in some ways) whom I couldn’t stand. She was very controlling and persuaded Mike to do all sorts of things he would not have done, left to his own devices. As has been said many times before, the birth of their Downs Syndrome baby Bethany could have provided a really interesting long term story about the child growing up in the village.
    But the powers that be scotched that idea by moving them off to Birmingham.
    (Sorry if ‘Downs’ is not the correct term these days, I’m not sure what it should be called)


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