Well, it’s the end of the first week and I’m in the school of what a lot of ‘ Ram a lang, a ding dong. Think the sheep had a more interesting Baaaversation, along with Cluckcussion. Josh maybe you are not like your Dad, I’d call him Dull Dave. I sat there listening and thinking how many farming songs I:could insert, Old mac.......farm, Green! Green grass of home, The Lord is my Shepard, All we like sheep. All I want is Ewe. Sheep may safely graze. Ewe are my hearts delight. Baaaaaa. I accept we are all struggling in lockdown. But think about the sheep, cows and chickens they are always in lockdown. Do not take the above seriously, it’s just me musing. An inner monologue.
Great caption, GG, & penetrating words from the other GG ( incidentally, but not particularly interestingly, my Dad went to school at the same establishment as G.Greene, an older boy, where his dad was the headmaster - I reckon around the time he - Greene - was packed off to a London shrink. This didn't stop him playing Russian Roulette later as a young man. My favourite novel of his has to be Brighton Rock - so chilling)
Whoops, WAY off topic, but then there's only so much one can write about TA these days....
Some good ideas Stasia and Gary. I particularly liked "Plough deep is your love "..
One of the themes on The Archers this week has been "cricket" Cricket Matches are not always as exciting as they seem to be in Ambridge. Sometimes ,just sometimes ,one may attend a cricket match and -dare I say it-one could be a little bored by the proceedings . When this happened we would often play a game called "Songs for swinging Cricketers" We had to alter one word in a song title to a similar sounding surname of a Cricketer .
For example two of my favourites were The Lloyd is my shepherd and Hughes sorry now (Cricket lovers will know that we had three Lloyds and one Hughes playing for Lancashire when we were winning trophies right left and centre.) I have been trying to think of some songs for swinging Ambridge residents but can't do better than Fry (cry ) me a river You cast a snell on me. Hebden LLoyd is my shepherd Grundy ,Grundy (Mamas and the Papas) Miller Queen(Queen)
I like your idea of putting Archer names to other titles. Shall think of some over the weekend. At least that will keep some of us amused. you mean you haven’t finished the pond. Tut, tut,
Philip Moss, Philip Moss, with his band of slaves, He came to Ambridge village with His son the brave Feared by the slaves, loved by a fair maiden good. Philip Moss............
Philip Moss, PhillipMoss, he will soon be in a fix Having vowed to marry Kirsty a feather in his cap But is in a fight with 19 covid viruses who watch his every track. Philip Moss, Philip Moss, .......
I hope in this time of lockdown that Philip has got enough money to feed and pay the rent for his workers. If he has to wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to get monetary aid to his firm, and if he doesn't have savings then they could be going hungry, or evicted and back on the streets.
That’s a very good point Janice. I wonder if the SW will fully address what’s happened to the Mosses and their slave labour when normal scripts return. I hope it’s not going to be glossed over.
I should think P Moss owns a rundown property that he has his slaves secreted within. Most builders own something that they bought cheap at an auction suitable for working on during slack times. Minimum facilities but good enough for off the street refugees to be housed in, in his opinion.
Archerphile. The word I wanted to use might have offended some. But here we go, Bonking. Lackey Hills are a notorious hot spot. Apologies I was trying to be subtle. Maybe I’ll give up trying to amuse.
Me too, duh ! 'S obvious now, innit. Put it down to Lockdown Brain, Stasia, in some of us, & carry on as you were, please, with the odd jingle thrown in 😁
Don't stop Stasia. I have been here chuckling, and I think boomps a daisy is a much nicer expression than bonking. Daisies conjure up trysts in flower strewn meadows , much more romantic.
Anyone who takes The Sunday Times might find Gillian Reynolds radio column interesting today. She is talking about her beloved Archers and says she has been drifting away from listening for some time. In fact this started month’s ago when she began “seeing actors with scripts rather than her old pals in Ambridge”. ( I know one of us, was it Lanjan or Mrs P has made similar comments).
She goes on: “The drift got stronger as characters in TA got increasingly weird. Thinking of Peggy Woolley visiting Lynda in hospital. Of all the women in Borchester, Peggy would have been the first to realise why Lynda was restive. Real Peggy would have known straight away that Lynda was desperate for a bedpan. But not this Peggy, she’s become daffy, fluffy, not a shred left of the practical widow who scrimped to bring up Jennifer, Lilian and Tony”.
I find the fact that even such a long-term supporter and lover of TA had become irritated and wearied of the current (pre-COVID19) episodes rather worrying. Perhaps Maryellen is right - Jeremy Howe may not be the Editor TA needs after all.
There were two of these toilet episodes with Lynda in hospital and two confused and unresponsive people: first Peggy who had cared for her husband with Alzheimers and was slow on the uptake that Lynda needed to use the loo and then the young doctor who had to have it spelt out that Lynda was constipated.
Haven't looked at The Times yet , ,Archerphile but I know I have said in the past what you pointed out regarding the point Gillian Reynolds made in today's paper about the actors standing there with scripts in their hands. In the main it tends to be the younger ones with me.
I take your point Archerphile, if the revered Gillian Reynolds is tired of TA and finding holes, then we are not out on a limb on here. Maryellen.... over to you, as Archerphile says, perhaps you were right in the beginning of JH tenure.
Are You Going To Ambridge Rewilded Wolfsbane, Horsetail, bindweed and Ragwort, Beware when there of three stupid wild bores, For they are unaware of nightshade do deadly.
I picked up on the bumps a daisy innuedo, but Janice seemed to know about trysts in flower strewn meadows 🌼🌻🌾☘
Back to what my post is about. This is where Philip has his worker's flat? I imagine it is somewhere like Meadow Rise, or a flat in an old delapitaded building. With "lockdown" now in place, will the nearby neighbours get suspicious, noticing things are now very different? Sadly I think this S/L will have been dropped, so will now never know.
I mentioned last week that in the interview on Front Row with the actor who plays Harrison, he was asked about story lines from before the lockdown being dropped or continued, and he said “Don’t worry about Philip Moss, I’ll get him “.
PS I still stand by my thought, as previously posted, that Kirsty + Philip did manage to get married, just before total "lockdown" with just Helen + Roy or Gavin as witnesses.
Kirsty and Philip may have married but in one of David's 'musings' he said that it was a shame that K & P's party had to be cancelled, so they probably didn't. I hope not anyway!
I hope they're not married also Spicycushion. It's bad enough that Kirsty will discover that she's living with a rotter but worse if she then has to go through a divorce as well.
Any guesses about whose monologue we’ll be listening to tonight? I know that Annabelle Dowler has been recording, shut in her daughters wardrobe with a big ‘Keep Quiet’ notice on the door, so perhaps it is Kirsty’s turn and we’ll learn more about that wedding/non wedding at last.
I am happy to be corrected but wasn’t the engagement party meant to be after the marriage? Hence going off for a quiet marriage and returning having tied the knot with everyone being duped. They would then announce the marriage having already taken place the party was a celebration.
Could be wrong as well, but thought the engagement party was just for the witnesses, then the secret marriage, lastly the public engagement party when they'd announce they were already married, in fact.
Thinking again, the witness get together was probably secret so David wouldn't have known it hadn't taken place....oh, I don't know 😚 ....or care any more...
MrsP, I certainly am in alignment with Carolyn. With feelings of existential dissatisfaction and boredom with the Archers production at the moment. Other than Tracy becoming Captain, all the other Ambridge happenings appear to be left to dangle in the ether. I would have preferred a format in the style of gossip with at least two people talking to each other to continue with various themes. If a music conductor can bring 3000 singers together Via digital hardware to sing Handel’s Messiah. Why then is it not within the skill of the Archer team to add a bit more zoom to the content? Please explain, I didn’t get the connection with aqua.
With this hot + dry weather, and looking at the enviroment around me, I bet the re-wilding project is already taking hold. I see land, which is already going back to nature which I expect is happening on the Tiresome Threesome's project lands.
Oh well, I am just grateful for these new episodes. At least TA is going on, and I can forgive any production issues. In fairness - there have only been 4 "new style" episodes, so far. I hope that things will change as more episodes were recorded and stories, progress.
I would love to hear a chat with Kirsty + Joy, over the garden fence, being socially distanced - Helen decides what to do with the Bridge Farm shop, and Tom + Natasha's app scheme. There are also the veg. boxes to think about ... I just want to hear all that Ambridge can give..in this different life, we are all now living in.
PS I am like Joy - living alone with a cat, who I talk to, but sadly who can't talk back. I would like to hear how she is coping, especially as she seems to have some problems, which have not been revealed, just yet. I think she has a mental health issue - but that is just a wacky guess, of mine, which is probably way off the mark.
Re the wedding, I understood that the “engagement “ party was to be in the evening after the wedding. As Stasia said the plan was to announce at the party that they had got married. Yes, only the witnesses know that. The event would have been on the Monday following the last recorded programme. As David said last week, the engagement party had to be called off because of lockdown, so I can’t see that the wedding could have gone ahead either, unless the script writers stretch credulity or suggest that it was rushed through ahead of lockdown - I suppose that’s possible. I really hope not and I assumed not when David said the party was off, and that the script writers were letting us know.
Ah, but they always have something up their sleeve and I heard/read about a "twist" somewhere, could this be it, pointless to speculate, we'll have to wait...
I'm glad Emma is reunited with her Swedish marble green swirl top coffee table with iron dolphin legs. I used to like carrot cake, I used to bake lemon cake - all in the past, perhaps my sister's special apple tart for me - thin pastry deep filled with apple slices.
Not sure what I didn't make clear in my original post. I could confirm one way or the other if I could find out the date when they were due to get married but cannot make sense of either the BBC TA website nor mustardland website on their synopses of past episodes!😡
In response to Miriam's idea that Kirsty and Philip did get married I pointed out that as we heard last week that their 'engagement' party was cancelled they probably didn't.
IRC Someone (Can't remember who!) found out that K & P were going to get married and everyone began congratulating them on their engagement. After trying to decide on venues, guest lists etc K & P decided to have an engagement party at The Bull (?) , somewhere all Ambridge friends could attend anyway, and announce that they were actually married, having got married earlier that day. The only people who knew the order of events would be the two witnesses but I don't recall whether those had been asked or whether there were to be two random people.
On 23 March Lockdown began and the government banned all social and official gatherings completely. So if they planned to get married after that date it didn't happen.
Sorry I may have just repeated Seasider's synopses! I was writing and checking dates while I typed! I don't have much else to do 😀 but I did go into a shop for the first time today since February!
Susan's prize? It's either a round the world cruise, departing this weekend. or A holiday in a self-contained cottage on a family farm just outside Durham, to include a visit to a local castle, sorry opticians.
I really enjoyed tonight's programme. Had a chuckle at Emma's thought that George would probably just run water over the dishes and not wash them properly. Typical teenager. I also liked the way that Ben was expecting to be bored with Gill's memoir but became interested after beginning to read it, and then learnt things about his Grandma which he never knew.
I read that Coronation Street will resume filming shortly with precautionary measures in place on the set and no actors over 70 and/or with predicting conditions. Will The Archers follow the same pattern, I wonder? Ambridge’s audible population is (as has benn commented before) disproportionately elderly, so it could mean goodbye to a lot of old voices. Though I imagine some have already riled themselves out because they were unwilling or unable to accommodate home recording (and possibly don’t be need the money so much).
I believe that Emmerdale started recording new episodes this week too. And in Australia they started filming Neighbours again a few weeks back. Apparently they have to use specially angled mirrors and cameras to make it look as if characters are standing close to have a conversation, whilst the actors are actually distancing! As we dont actually have to *see* the Archers characters I should have thought it would be much easier to produce a radio play/serial. But then, what do I know? Perhaps TA just doesn’t have the budget to adapt the studio to enable normal recording.
I concur that as lockdown is eased recording with suitable safety precautions should be feasible, the script writers could video chat to work out various story lines should be played out and how Covid will impact. I quite like the monologue format, as someone who talks to themselves a lot, but I do miss the drama and humour of multiple characters.
Where did Emma get all that flour for baking soooo many 🍰🧁cakes? Was Ambridge hoarding all the worlds flour? Her taste in coffee tables is certainly Bizarre. Reminded me of a large green marble cigarette lighter. Very popular in the fifties and sixties. Hideous. As is Ben’s voice!!!
Ben & Emma just about kept my interest last night, as they were so naturally themselves, though take your point about Emma's taste in furnishing, Stasia !
Even thought about Ben's voice, & came to the conclusion that lots of 18yr. old boys speak like that, they just have a quite deep range. The problem arises when he's in juxtaposition with Josh, who has a much lighter voice, so sounds younger. Have noticed considerably older male presenters on radio also have a higher range; initially, can't always tell if they're male. It is quite natural with speakers, as well as singers.
I LIKE Emma's coffee table for what it represents, I wouldn't perhaps have one like that myself. She is a snob, remember Lilian's taupe curtains? She asked Justin what colour they were and he said brown which is a colour I know, taupe sounded like something to do with mice which it is. What bothered me slightly were the rather loud noises coming from the kitchen as if Emma was shifting some heavy range.
I cannot be either wholly positive or negative re this lockdown format of TA. Whilst it is interesting to get deeper insights into the characters it would be nice if they were less introspective and gave an occasional hint towards some of the unresolved stories.
Just one more comment on how programme makers are carrying on with their serials - There was a piece on BBC Breakfast this morning about the BBC lunchtime soap ‘Doctors’, which I know Miriam and some others watch too. They are currently recording a special lockdown edition to be shown later in June. And it is all being done by mobile phone! We saw some of the actors ‘acting’ into their mobiles at home and then the technical chap at the BBC is cobbling all these little videos together to make an episode.
It is amazing how resourceful some programme makers can be. The actress who plays the part of Valerie, a scatty Doctors receptionist, said the only problem was trying to do her own hair and makeup so it looked the same as when done at the studios. 😄
Exactly ,Pierre.10:02 am Concise and to the point. I think the BBC has lost a trick here. They could have concentrated on the Phillip/Gavin /slave story. We know that Kirsty and Harrison are two of the cast who are involved. I don't mind them doing their musings if they have any purpose but what I don't like is what we heard last night(I only listened because I was watering the garden). It made me realise how much I dislike that idle ,selfish , spoilt layabout ,Ben . I definitely will not be listening when Lilian is going to be prattling on.
They, the S/Ws, could:have used the shop as a gossip hotspot, at least it can remain open. Only two people at a time and Susan the sponge for all their complaints about various villagers not following lockdown. We:know that anyone over a certain age is meant to self isolate or be sheltered. Eg, Jim, Jill, Lynda and all the other Ambridge old fogeys. Which given the average age should be 75% of the village population. All other establishments will be closed, except for the farms. Did and Emma fight over loo roll? Did Natasha and Tom buy all the wine. Did Susan run out of Cornflour?
My simple comments are just that. I have re-listened to all the 5 post TA lockdown episodes. All I can say is, I have really enjoyed them, now that I have adapted to the new format.
I prefer to hear news and thoughts from the residents of Ambridge, but in a different way. It is nice that Bridge Farm + The Shop, still need a cake supply, Susan has volunteer drivers doing deliveries to vunerable persons, Josh is still thinking to get a new viable + profitable business, up + running. Then Tracy as Cricket captain, Harrison with a great arrest...etc.
It is different, but nothing not to like, well for me.
I prefer something, rather than nothing. My thoughts only...Miriam Xxx
Considering the sudden situation, which caused the scrapping of plots + scripts, to then re-write and then produce - I have no complaints. This is one of those - Agree + Disagree - moments. 🤗😀
Did I get that right, Susan taking a swig and talking about sex on the radio and Ed worrying that he should just sleep instead of having sex, has lockdown got to them??
Susan - hilarious for me! Was the competition in the SL I can’t remember. So true to life as one of the actors “Kirsty” has recorded her part for broadcast in her daughters wardrobe and put a big notice up for her children requesting silence at that time ( no using the loo 🤣 I guess) Susan was talking to “her audience” and lovely Eddie let us hear the thoughts in his head which is mostly the way TA is currently performed.
Checkout Dumdeedum on you tube the latest one is a recent conversation with Keri Davis talking about the whole effect of the Coronavirus on the show.
Oh dear, - Susan. One of my most disliked Ambridge characters, and always has been. But even I have to admit that tonight’s excruciating monologue was well delivered and almost, almost made me smile. But I have to say that, while rather enjoying last week’s efforts, the novelty is wearing off fast and I haven’t much enjoyed either of this week’s episodes. Perhaps tomorrow will be better.?
I thought last evening’s episode at last offered more something than nothing. Susan showing her usual snobbishness has, I hope, managed to manufacture a comeuppance of embarrassment which she so richly deserves. I hope we get to hear the ‘disclosure’ 😳😂
Not sure I want to hear the thoughts of a young man who felt it ok openly to cadge change for the condom machine in the pub whilst making sure everyone knew which girl he wanted to share them with. Despicable!
A friend who has now stopped listening to The Archers emailed me today to say that somebody has written in today's "Telegraph" that the programme has become ' total silage!' I am tending to agree.
Give me a man who is cool-headed and competent in an emergency, kind and concerned to old ladies even when they have just been very rude to him (Jill Archer’s sprained ankle incident); brilliant at hands on childcare (Rosie’s adores her father); an asset to his employers (the success of Jolene’s cocktail evening at The Bull was largely due to the cocktails created by her barman); creative, persistent and capable in setting up and running his own business (orders for Scruff gin keep coming in); and good to his whiny brother, from finding him a job to organising a birthday treat. Lovable!
Ingenious as ever, Maryellen ! Perhaps I mean disingenuous.
I thought his gin wasn't doing so well these days, & when the going gets tough, T. goes running..
He could hardly have told Jill she was a nasty old bat & leave her rolling in agony on the floor.
Rosie adores him ? Hardly of a discriminating age, even now. So long as someone feeds, changes & cuddles her, they'll be her favourite person of the moment.
Oh, yes, amazing bro', leaves him to do all the work when they move to Ambridge, whilst he eyes up the local talent, then pinches the girl...
Glad to say, incidentally, that Rex appears to have got over his Pip crush, relating to her only over this tedious rewilding venture. A shame, though, that he's become colourless character these days. There used to be more about him
maryellen. If you ever have an assignation with Mr Fairbrother I recommend the following accoutrements be obtained to set up an enjoyable experience, A bouncy castle , high heels, a razor and failing that a milking maids stool. Have a good time.👠🪑💘🥰
Just tuned in to Susan & Ed.... mildly entertaining. She's always good value, & we did learn about Ed's opinion of his garrulous mother in law - no surprise there. I suppose her tongue was loosened about that sexy moment with Neil when she was in a new dress or something (can't actually remember, weren't they caught in the act ?)but it did give us some raunchy hilarity a couple of years back.
Basia. I recall some salacious comments about Toby’s lack of body hair being everywhere except on his thick nut. I also remember that there were complaints about him not pulling his weight in the pub. The implication was he was bone idle. Didn’t Rex point out the unclean state of the Gin Palace cottage industry.
Unsurprisingly, the authorities’ inspection of T❤️O ❤️B❤️Y’s business premises carried more weight than his brother’s jealous digs. The preoccupation with his body hair is worrying. 😀
I still haven't listened to Monday's episode and couldn't make any sense of last nights at all. Listening again this afternoon the gist of it did get through but only just. Am utterly bewildered by this Radio Borchester competition since from what I heard only Ambridge residents entered.
Who is writing these current scripts. Have they ever written for TA before ?
I have now adapted to this new way of producing + broadcasting The Archers. I am enjoying this new type of episode, but on a different level. I realise, that this is my personal TA appreciation only. The cast, the production team, the SW's and all else involved, are at least keeping Ambridge alive, as best they can. I particulary liked Ben with Jill's memories of WW2, which gave a comparison of then, + the situation, now.
Susaaaaan allows into her village shop on the green You can buy some milk and eggs, and browse there forever While she has lots of gossip, and that’s why you want to there. And she feeds you little titbits that come from the person before you And just when you intend to tell her your New Chinese whisperIng She sees the next customer more important than you Are And she rudely sends you packing So she lets the next one into her little inner sanctum And now you leave without the cornflour so desperately needed.
maryellen where I come from absolutely no one was called Toby. Patrick, Sean, And various religious names. I was certainly smitten in love with a Sean. But no biting. 👄💋
You've rumbled me, Maryellen. Was bitten by a pet leech called Toby, belonging to a friend of my mother, who, dedicated to past medical practises, thought it might cure the infant C. of frequent bronchial infections. It didn't; I yelled the place down.
I thought the trauma had long been laid to rest, & that I relied on impeccable logic & facts to argue a case, but ...but....who knows...
Aha! Then I think the infant S. may herself have done the biting and consumed a whole bar of Toblerone, which made her violently sick..... (The leech sounds horrid - lots of retro-sympathy!)
Susan certainly gets the prize, again, for being the member of the vilaage with the least self-knowledge! '*I* never gossip ...' Then to swerve so swiftly from hairshirt and slinking out of the village in disgrace to 'they loved me, I'm the breath of fresh-air the listeners are looking for'. What has Radio Borsetshire let itself in for?!
These monologues are certainly turning into Marmite episodes! (I think I'm getting used to them, and it is interesting to hear what characters think about themselves and their nearest andd dearest.) But some folks will have decided to keep away from Ambridge until normal service is resumed. I'm wondering if the producers are deliberately keeping the Measly Moss Men out of the picture at present? We all want a satisfactory resolution of the issue but if it gets resolved during lockdown, some absenting listeners could miss out. On the other hand, what a storyline to open with when the good citizens of Ambridge are, finally, allowed to meet up again and mix freely : )
I did listen tonight as I was cooking and nearly enjoyed it! Susan is one of my favourites and she did a superb monologue tonight. I still would prefer a bit of interaction even if only two characters and we’re all bursting to know whether the Moss man gets his comeuppance!🤔😉🥴😙
Susan - first sentence - “I can’t abide gossip”. Urrgh!!
I so can’t abide Susan that I didn’t even find this monologue funny, which I suppose it was meant to be. Just incredibly irritating. Can’t even remember much about Ben’s musings because I was so repelled by Susan. No more from her please, let’s have some totally different characters next week
Ah yes, Ev, but Susan *never* gossips. She simply passes on information to people who need to be kept informed of what is going on around them. (Whether they like it or not.)
Well I'm pleased the episode ended happily after Susan being convinced she was going to be disgraced and shamed. She has absolutely no self awareness regarding gossip but I find her entertaining.
Susan is one of my favourite characters so I thought I’d give it a listen,but the Radio Borsetshire scenario was so silly, I couldn’t bear it. Ed’s sheep shearing competition was equally contrived and didn’t show him in a good light. Things may improve when we get storylines again, as opposed to scenarios, but I’m not over hopeful.
Like you,Maryellen I listened because it was Susan and whilst I think the Radio idea was one way of introducing a monologue I felt it was too contrived. What competition did Susan win to get the "job"? I don't think she would have wanted to put a foot wrong so she wouldn't have taken to drink either. Why was the bottle of whatever it was under the spare bed anyway?
Isn’t it odd how the so-called abhorrent characters are so much better acted than the non-abhorrent? In fact, I find quite a lot to admire in Susan’s character as well as the acting.
I was half asleep when I heard Susan say “and my bonkshell” had to rewind and listen again. I like Susan but it’s all beginning to sound very samey. Me, me, more me and me again. maryellen, I concur these monologues are like listening to a new style programme. We were left dangling with a number of issues and these could easily have been interwoven into each scenario. But instead we have had boring, dull and silly oral deliveries. The three woman (IMO) were slightly more polished that the four men. As:I listen on catch up in future I shall fast forward Ed, Ben and David.
I think I would find it best to regard these monologue editions as an ‘interval’ between normal episodes and not take them too seriously., Not there to progress any of the interrupted storylines which we will eventually return to, just there to keep things ticking over.
And I agree, Pierre, that Charlotte Martin is an excellent actress - she must be, to engender the strong feelings of hatred I that have towards Susan. I’m very sorry Susan-lovers but I don’t find her in the least bit funny, just self-aggrandising, self-delusional, thoughtless towards the people she gossips about, and unaware of the hurt and distress she can cause by gossiping. (Unless the boot is on the other foot and the gossip is about her!). People like her are a scourge in any village, as I know from my own experience. I suppose that’s why she is in the Archers - a typical village gossip.
Equally sorry to report, Archerphile, that I don’t recognise your portrait of Susan Carter as the woman I have listened to over the years. I am as unaware as you say she is of the hurt and distress she has (potentially) caused., on the contrary I remember her many acts of competency and kindness, eg. organising the Poppycare rota when Will was in a bad way,, and at extremely short notice, converting Chris’s jacket for Jazzer to wear. I admire her insistence on standards in everyday life, and her commitment to her family and wider community. Neil Carter is a lucky man.
I recognise one of Nature’s information providers (I’m one myself) who never found her metier (as I did). Susan should be an informatio professional, managing Felpersham Citizens’ Advice Bureau or similar.
I just think there is never a dull moment with Susan. Yes, she is snobbish in a way but did emerge well from a dysfunctional family which you have to admire. I remember loving the fuss over the family portrait. It has all been very entertaining over the years, she isn’t perfect but who is?!!
Roifield Brown (you tube dumdeetum tv) as mentioned before - I have so far viewed Zoom chats with the actors of :- Alistair - Susan - Emma (who sounds nothing like her character unlike most others) Mike Tucker & Nigel and Keri Davis ‼️all recently aired. The next live one is to be Tracy tomorrow evening at 20.45pm but they do not have to be watched live. They talk about themselves a little and also their 1st day on set Mike interesting as so long ago, Roifield said I do hope that one day you will visit your Ambridge son - you are missed also how current recordings are more difficult for some than others at the moment. If I in bed I watch a little and then just
I have adapted to tbese new episodes - but I know want to hear so much more from others. Helen, Roy, Kirsty, Lily, Freddie, Jolene for instance. I imagine the more senior members, are not taking part, and this I accept, but they will be missed. I would love to hear how Jim + Bert are doing, as they are both sharing their homes, with workers, who are going in + out on a daily basis. Are they shielding + how??
I'm with Maryellen on the subject of Susan Carter. And your final point re information provider is how I've always felt about her too ME. Given her family background Susan has made a good life for herself and most importantly for her children. With a better start and educational opportunities, she might have gone a lot further.
Charlotte Martin must be really enjoying these monologues.
Am relaxing tonight as Katy is cooking so I listened to TA. Am coming round and enjoyed Susan’s radio stint feeling we could all do with a local chat like that, just like having coffee with someone. Maybe I’ll start to listen to the IOW radio station! Liked Emma’s thought that if they discard the coffee table there will be more room for dancing. Aaargh!
I would be much happier if they stuck to Susan,Tracy and Emma during this monologue period. Susan is not a snob.
She cane from a bad background and wants the best for her family. She is not a malicious gossip either. She just passes on information ............ Now Jennifer IS a snob. She looks down on those who have not had her benefits in life. I think it helps that the actresses who play these women are all good.
I definitely do not want to hear Joy or Kate or Jolene or Freddie or Helen or Bert or ....or....or.....or ...... For how much longer is this going on?
Oh well. I’m obviously in a minority when It comes to Susan, so I’ll keep further thoughts about her to myself as I don’t want to get into arguments on here - it’s too exhausting.
I do agree with Lanjan about not wishing to hear from the likes of Bert, Kate or heaven forbid, Joy. But I wouldn’t mind listening to Lynda to see how she is recovering, to Oliver to find out what he’s planning to do with Grey Gables and perhaps even from Peggy - just to if she’s still alive. Ooo, and I wonder what’s been happening at The Laurels - hopefully they managed to keep all the residents Covid free.
What a waste of half an episode listening to Emma prattle on about a bl....dy coffee table. Ambridge is a bit like where I live, coronavirus happens on another planet. Social distancing, washing of hands, wearing masks, isolation, panic buying, no cornflour. Maybe Susan can babble on with inconsequential nonsense because the shop is empty of stock. MrsP see you emailed and got a mention.
ReplyDeletestasia - May 29, 2020 at 8:59 AM
Well, it’s the end of the first week and I’m in the school of what a lot of ‘ Ram a lang, a ding dong. Think the sheep had a more interesting Baaaversation, along with Cluckcussion.
Josh maybe you are not like your Dad, I’d call him Dull Dave.
I sat there listening and thinking how many farming songs I:could insert, Old mac.......farm, Green! Green grass of home, The Lord is my Shepard, All we like sheep. All I want is Ewe. Sheep may safely graze. Ewe are my hearts delight.
I accept we are all struggling in lockdown. But think about the sheep, cows
and chickens they are always in lockdown.
Do not take the above seriously, it’s just me musing. An inner monologue.
KPnuts - May 29, 2020 at 9:05 AM
"Stuck in the Meadow with You"
ReplyDelete"Plough Deep is Your Love?"
DeleteGrunt grunt.
Fly me to the Pigsty.
Baa ! Moo ! Grunt !
DeleteWelcome, witty inventiveness, Stasia & Gary 😆😉
Great caption, GG, & penetrating words from the other GG ( incidentally, but not particularly interestingly, my Dad went to school at the same establishment as G.Greene, an older boy, where his dad was the headmaster - I reckon around the time he - Greene - was packed off to a London shrink. This didn't stop him playing Russian Roulette later as a young man. My favourite novel of his has to be Brighton Rock - so chilling)
Whoops, WAY off topic, but then there's only so much one can write about TA these days....
Me too ,Carolyn .
ReplyDeleteRichard Attenborough in the film was a brilliant Piggy.
Wasn't he just ! Best performance of his career, imo.
DeleteYes he ' peaked' as an actor very young.
ReplyDeleteSome good ideas Stasia and Gary.
I particularly liked
"Plough deep is your love "..
One of the themes on The Archers this week has been "cricket"
Cricket Matches are not always as exciting as they seem to be in Ambridge.
Sometimes ,just sometimes ,one may attend a cricket match and -dare I say it-one could be a little bored by the proceedings .
When this happened we would often play a game called "Songs for swinging Cricketers"
We had to alter one word in a song title to a similar sounding surname of a Cricketer .
For example two of my favourites were
The Lloyd is my shepherd and
Hughes sorry now
(Cricket lovers will know that we had three Lloyds and one Hughes playing for Lancashire when we were winning trophies right left and centre.)
I have been trying to think of some songs for swinging Ambridge residents but can't do better than
Fry (cry ) me a river
You cast a snell on me.
Hebden LLoyd is my shepherd
Grundy ,Grundy (Mamas and the Papas)
Miller Queen(Queen)
Pathetic ,LJ
Get back to your pond!
I like your idea of putting Archer names to other titles. Shall think of some over the weekend. At least that will keep some of us amused.
Deleteyou mean you haven’t finished the pond.
Tut, tut,
Adroit thinking, Lanjan ! Particularly liked casting a spell...& Grundy, Grundy...
DeleteA snell
DeleteThis from the woman (LJ) who claims she is ignorant on the subject of music.
ReplyDeleteI ask you !
And that pond had better be worth it.
I need an Archers Fix!
ReplyDeleteSo much so, I have downloaded last Sundays Omnibus, to listen to, whilst eating my Fish + Chips meal.
How sad I am getting...😢
I’m not getting these monologues and find myself doing my suduko or reading my book instead of being glued to the radio!😟
ReplyDeleteGuess who had an ‘Annus Horrobin Ilis’?
DeletePhilip Moss, Philip Moss, with his band of slaves,
ReplyDeleteHe came to Ambridge village with His son the brave
Feared by the slaves, loved by a fair maiden good.
Philip Moss............
Philip Moss, PhillipMoss, he will soon be in a fix
Having vowed to marry Kirsty a feather in his cap
But is in a fight with 19 covid viruses who watch his every track.
Philip Moss, Philip Moss, .......
Lockdown is releasing so much creativity 😊 I shall be humming your 1st line off & on all day now, Stasia....
DeleteOh dear! Sounds as if we are all going lockdown/no-proper- Archers crazy!
ReplyDeleteRoll on Monday!
To be honest ( & why not ?!), was thinking last night that I'm quite relieved to have a 3 day break from TA...
DeleteI have no withdrawal symptoms, have gone without for much longer.
DeleteRemember, there's Life Outside Ambridge!
I hope in this time of lockdown that Philip has got enough money to feed and pay the rent for his workers. If he has to wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to get monetary aid to his firm, and if he doesn't have savings then they could be going hungry, or evicted and back on the streets.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a very good point Janice. I wonder if the SW will fully address what’s happened to the Mosses and their slave labour when normal scripts return. I hope it’s not going to be glossed over.
DeleteI agree J and AP. It's too harrowing a storyline to be let go without a satisfactory conclusion.
DeleteHello O.F. glad you are still here.
DeleteI should think P Moss owns a rundown property that he has his slaves secreted within.
ReplyDeleteMost builders own something that they bought cheap at an auction suitable for working on during slack times. Minimum facilities but good enough for off the street refugees to be housed in, in his opinion.
The Lackey Hills Are Alive To The Sound Of .......bumps a Daisy.
ReplyDeletePoor Daisy.
Archerphile. The word I wanted to use might have offended some. But here we go, Bonking. Lackey Hills are a notorious hot spot.
DeleteApologies I was trying to be subtle.
Maybe I’ll give up trying to amuse.
Don't give up your day job Stasia😂😂😂
DeleteDidn’t offend me in the least Stasia, I’m just a bit slow on the uptake! 😊
DeleteMe too, duh ! 'S obvious now, innit. Put it down to Lockdown Brain, Stasia, in some of us, & carry on as you were, please, with the odd jingle thrown in 😁
DeleteDon't stop Stasia. I have been here chuckling, and I think boomps a daisy is a much nicer expression than bonking. Daisies conjure up trysts in flower strewn meadows , much more romantic.
Delete'Spooning' might fit the rhythm better : )
DeleteAnyone who takes The Sunday Times might find Gillian Reynolds radio column interesting today.
ReplyDeleteShe is talking about her beloved Archers and says she has been drifting away from listening for some time.
In fact this started month’s ago when she began “seeing actors with scripts rather than her old pals in Ambridge”. ( I know one of us, was it Lanjan or Mrs P has made similar comments).
She goes on: “The drift got stronger as characters in TA got increasingly weird. Thinking of Peggy Woolley visiting Lynda in hospital. Of all the women in Borchester, Peggy would have been the first to realise why Lynda was restive. Real Peggy would have known straight away that Lynda was desperate for a bedpan. But not this Peggy, she’s become daffy, fluffy, not a shred left of the practical widow who scrimped to bring up Jennifer, Lilian and Tony”.
I find the fact that even such a long-term supporter and lover of TA had become irritated and wearied of the current (pre-COVID19) episodes rather worrying. Perhaps Maryellen is right - Jeremy Howe may not be the Editor TA needs after all.
There were two of these toilet episodes with Lynda in hospital and two confused and unresponsive people: first Peggy who had cared for her husband with Alzheimers and was slow on the uptake that Lynda needed to use the loo and then the young doctor who had to have it spelt out that Lynda was constipated.
DeleteHaven't looked at The Times yet , ,Archerphile but I know I have said in the past what you pointed out regarding the point Gillian Reynolds made in today's paper about the actors standing there with scripts in their hands.
ReplyDeleteIn the main it tends to be the younger ones with me.
I take your point Archerphile, if the revered Gillian Reynolds is tired of TA and finding holes, then we are not out on a limb on here.
ReplyDeleteMaryellen.... over to you, as Archerphile says, perhaps you were right in the beginning of JH tenure.
Are You Going To Ambridge Rewilded
ReplyDeleteWolfsbane, Horsetail, bindweed and Ragwort,
Beware when there of three stupid wild bores,
For they are unaware of nightshade do deadly.
Tell them to find me an acre of land...
DeleteBetween the Dower House and the banks of the Am
Then they might be junior partners of mine.
😊🤩 Scarborough Fair ! Clap, clap to Stasia & Seasider !
DeleteOh yes, well done both. I shall have trouble singing the right words now!
DeleteI picked up on the bumps a daisy innuedo, but Janice seemed to know about trysts in flower strewn meadows 🌼🌻🌾☘
ReplyDeleteBack to what my post is about.
This is where Philip has his worker's flat?
I imagine it is somewhere like Meadow Rise, or a flat in an old delapitaded building.
With "lockdown" now in place, will the nearby neighbours get suspicious, noticing things are now very different?
Sadly I think this S/L will have been dropped, so will now never know.
According to Jeremy Howe and Keri Davies the story line has not been dropped. They are working on it.
DeleteI mentioned last week that in the interview on Front Row with the actor who plays Harrison, he was asked about story lines from before the lockdown being dropped or continued, and he said “Don’t worry about Philip Moss, I’ll get him “.
DeleteI so hope so, but then Kirsty will learn so much. Will she be broken hearted, yet again?
DeleteI wait to hear.
PS I still stand by my thought, as previously posted, that Kirsty + Philip did manage to get married, just before total "lockdown" with just Helen + Roy or Gavin as witnesses.
DeleteThank you for your contribution. I did post earlier but it has disappeared somewhere.
DeleteThanks for your inspiration 🤗. Loved the twist on the herbs.
DeleteKirsty and Philip may have married but in one of David's 'musings' he said that it was a shame that K & P's party had to be cancelled, so they probably didn't. I hope not anyway!
DeleteI hope they're not married also Spicycushion. It's bad enough that Kirsty will discover that she's living with a rotter but worse if she then has to go through a divorce as well.
ReplyDeleteAny guesses about whose monologue we’ll be listening to tonight?
ReplyDeleteI know that Annabelle Dowler has been recording, shut in her daughters wardrobe with a big ‘Keep Quiet’ notice on the door, so perhaps it is Kirsty’s turn and we’ll learn more about that wedding/non wedding at last.
It says who on the. BBC’s TA website, .’snot Kirsty.
DeleteThanks Maryellen.
ReplyDeleteIn that case I won't bother listening.
I have had enough of Josh and David.
I have my fill of "musings".
I want a bit of action.
Without wishing to give anything away, it’s a different set of actors this week.
DeleteI am happy to be corrected but wasn’t the engagement party meant to be after the marriage?
ReplyDeleteHence going off for a quiet marriage and returning having tied the knot with everyone being duped. They would then announce the marriage having already taken place the party was a celebration.
Could be wrong as well, but thought the engagement party was just for the witnesses, then the secret marriage, lastly the public engagement party when they'd announce they were already married, in fact.
DeleteThinking again, the witness get together was probably secret so David wouldn't have known it hadn't taken place....oh, I don't know 😚 ....or care any more...
Frankly my dear, I don’t gave a dam.
DeleteNot aqua Stasia but ennui !
ReplyDeleteMrsP, I certainly am in alignment with Carolyn. With feelings of existential dissatisfaction and boredom with the Archers production at the moment. Other than Tracy becoming Captain, all the other Ambridge happenings appear to be left to dangle in the ether.
DeleteI would have preferred a format in the style of gossip with at least two people talking to each other to continue with various themes.
If a music conductor can bring 3000 singers together Via digital hardware to sing Handel’s Messiah. Why then is it not within the skill of the Archer team to add a bit more zoom to the content?
Please explain, I didn’t get the connection with aqua.
Just twigged.
DeleteI’m a distiller of gin and I’m OK
ReplyDeleteI sleep with PIP and mind Rosie all day
chorus, he’s a blah........
The gin I make will rot your gut
But that’s ok cause it’s called Scruff.
Chorus in the usual way
We don’t have sex but thats ok
Cause I don’t want another coming my way.
Chorus. Blah.......
Brilliant Stasia
ReplyDeleteWith this hot + dry weather, and looking at the enviroment around me, I bet the re-wilding project is already taking hold. I see land, which is already going back to nature which I expect is happening on the Tiresome Threesome's project lands.
ReplyDeleteOh well, I am just grateful for these new episodes.
ReplyDeleteAt least TA is going on, and I can forgive any production issues.
In fairness - there have only been 4 "new style" episodes, so far. I hope that things will change as more episodes were recorded and stories, progress.
I would love to hear a chat with Kirsty + Joy, over the garden fence, being socially distanced - Helen decides what to do with the Bridge Farm shop, and Tom + Natasha's app scheme.
There are also the veg. boxes to think about ...
I just want to hear all that Ambridge can give..in this different life, we are all now living in.
PS I am like Joy - living alone with a cat, who I talk to, but sadly who can't talk back. I would like to hear how she is coping, especially as she seems to have some problems, which have not been revealed, just yet. I think she has a mental health issue - but that is just a wacky guess, of mine, which is probably way off the mark.
DeleteShe certainly has a verbal diarrhoea problem ! Essentially a mental imbalance, I suppose.
DeleteRe the wedding, I understood that the “engagement “ party was to be in the evening after the wedding. As Stasia said the plan was to announce at the party that they had got married. Yes, only the witnesses know that. The event would have been on the Monday following the last recorded programme. As David said last week, the engagement party had to be called off because of lockdown, so I can’t see that the wedding could have gone ahead either, unless the script writers stretch credulity or suggest that it was rushed through ahead of lockdown - I suppose that’s possible. I really hope not and I assumed not when David said the party was off, and that the script writers were letting us know.
ReplyDeleteCrikey, I need to find something else to do...🙄
I think that sorts it out, Seasider, for which, thanks ! And, yes, lockdown would have prevented the marriage ceremony.
DeleteNow you can turn your mind to more interesting things, having kindly put our minds at rest ! 😉😊
Ah, but they always have something up their sleeve and I heard/read about a "twist" somewhere, could this be it, pointless to speculate, we'll have to wait...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Emma is reunited with her Swedish marble green swirl top coffee table with iron dolphin legs. I used to like carrot cake, I used to bake lemon cake - all in the past, perhaps my sister's special apple tart for me - thin pastry deep filled with apple slices.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I didn't make clear in my original post.
ReplyDeleteI could confirm one way or the other if I could find out the date when they were due to get married but cannot make sense of either the BBC TA website nor mustardland website on their synopses of past episodes!😡
In response to Miriam's idea that Kirsty and Philip did get married I pointed out that as we heard last week that their 'engagement' party was cancelled they probably didn't.
IRC Someone (Can't remember who!) found out that K & P were going to get married and everyone began congratulating them on their engagement. After trying to decide on venues, guest lists etc K & P decided to have an engagement party at The Bull (?) , somewhere all Ambridge friends could attend anyway, and announce that they were actually married, having got married earlier that day.
The only people who knew the order of events would be the two witnesses but I don't recall whether those had been asked or whether there were to be two random people.
On 23 March Lockdown began and the government banned all social and official gatherings completely. So if they planned to get married after that date it didn't happen.
Sorry I may have just repeated Seasider's synopses! I was writing and checking dates while I typed!
I don't have much else to do 😀 but I did go into a shop for the first time today since February!
Sorry to clear up any puzzlement. The third paragraph should start with IIRC (If I recall correctly)
DeletePosts are a laugh a minute currently.
ReplyDeleteThank you to all contributors.
Enjoyed tonight’s episode and quite a lot of ground covered in the 12 mins imo.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Ben and Emma but I found your efforts tonight incredibly boring- once I’d worked out who you were!
ReplyDeleteBen bored with typing up his Gran’s war réminiscences and Emma baking cakes does not an entertainment make.
Don’t know who the SW was, but last week’s scripts were much better.
Susan's prize?
ReplyDeleteIt's either a round the world cruise, departing this weekend.
A holiday in a self-contained cottage on a family farm just outside Durham, to include a visit to a local castle, sorry opticians.
I really enjoyed tonight's programme. Had a chuckle at Emma's thought that George would probably just run water over the dishes and not wash them properly. Typical teenager. I also liked the way that Ben was expecting to be bored with Gill's memoir but became interested after beginning to read it, and then learnt things about his Grandma which he never knew.
ReplyDeleteI read that Coronation Street will resume filming shortly with precautionary measures in place on the set and no actors over 70 and/or with predicting conditions. Will The Archers follow the same pattern, I wonder? Ambridge’s audible population is (as has benn commented before) disproportionately elderly, so it could mean goodbye to a lot of old voices. Though I imagine some have already riled themselves out because they were unwilling or unable to accommodate home recording (and possibly don’t be need the money so much).
ReplyDeleteI believe that Emmerdale started recording new episodes this week too.
DeleteAnd in Australia they started filming Neighbours again a few weeks back. Apparently they have to use specially angled mirrors and cameras to make it look as if characters are standing close to have a conversation, whilst the actors are actually distancing!
As we dont actually have to *see* the Archers characters I should have thought it would be much easier to produce a radio play/serial.
But then, what do I know?
Perhaps TA just doesn’t have the budget to adapt the studio to enable normal recording.
I concur that as lockdown is eased recording with suitable safety precautions should be feasible, the script writers could video chat to work out various story lines should be played out and how Covid will impact.
ReplyDeleteI quite like the monologue format, as someone who talks to themselves a lot, but I do miss the drama and humour of multiple characters.
Where did Emma get all that flour for baking soooo many 🍰🧁cakes? Was Ambridge hoarding all the worlds flour?
ReplyDeleteHer taste in coffee tables is certainly Bizarre. Reminded me of a large green marble cigarette lighter. Very popular in the fifties and sixties. Hideous.
As is Ben’s voice!!!
Ben & Emma just about kept my interest last night, as they were so naturally themselves, though take your point about Emma's taste in furnishing, Stasia !
ReplyDeleteEven thought about Ben's voice, & came to the conclusion that lots of 18yr. old boys speak like that, they just have a quite deep range. The problem arises when he's in juxtaposition with Josh, who has a much lighter voice, so sounds younger. Have noticed considerably older male presenters on radio also have a higher range; initially, can't always tell if they're male. It is quite natural with speakers, as well as singers.
I LIKE Emma's coffee table for what it represents, I wouldn't perhaps have one like that myself.
ReplyDeleteShe is a snob, remember Lilian's taupe curtains? She asked Justin what colour they were and he said brown which is a colour I know, taupe sounded like something to do with mice which it is.
What bothered me slightly were the rather loud noises coming from the kitchen as if Emma was shifting some heavy range.
I cannot be either wholly positive or negative re this lockdown format of TA.
ReplyDeleteWhilst it is interesting to get deeper insights into the characters it would be nice if they were less introspective and gave an occasional hint towards some of the unresolved stories.
Agree. I listen not quite with enthusiasm and then 💤💤💤💤💤💤 before I know I’ve switched off.
DeleteI have lost the will to listen!
DeleteJust one more comment on how programme makers are carrying on with their serials - There was a piece on BBC Breakfast this morning about the BBC lunchtime soap ‘Doctors’, which I know Miriam and some others watch too.
ReplyDeleteThey are currently recording a special lockdown edition to be shown later in June. And it is all being done by mobile phone! We saw some of the actors ‘acting’ into their mobiles at home and then the technical chap at the BBC is cobbling all these little videos together to make an episode.
It is amazing how resourceful some programme makers can be. The actress who plays the part of Valerie, a scatty Doctors receptionist, said the only problem was trying to do her own hair and makeup so it looked the same as when done at the studios. 😄
Exactly ,Pierre.10:02 am
ReplyDeleteConcise and to the point.
I think the BBC has lost a trick here.
They could have concentrated on the Phillip/Gavin /slave story.
We know that Kirsty and Harrison are two of the cast who are involved.
I don't mind them doing their musings if they have any purpose but what I don't like is what we heard last night(I only listened because I was watering the garden).
It made me realise how much I dislike that idle ,selfish , spoilt layabout ,Ben .
I definitely will not be listening when Lilian is going to be prattling on.
They, the S/Ws, could:have used the shop as a gossip hotspot, at least it can remain open. Only two people at a time and Susan the sponge for all their complaints about various villagers not following lockdown. We:know that anyone over a certain age is meant to self isolate or be sheltered. Eg, Jim, Jill, Lynda and all the other Ambridge old fogeys. Which given the average age should be 75% of the village population. All other establishments will be closed, except for the farms. Did and Emma fight over loo roll? Did Natasha and Tom buy all the wine.
ReplyDeleteDid Susan run out of Cornflour?
Hannah and Emma.
DeleteMaybe the production team and actors are doing the best they can under difficult circumstances.
ReplyDeleteMy simple comments are just that.
ReplyDeleteI have re-listened to all the 5 post TA lockdown episodes.
All I can say is, I have really enjoyed them, now that I have adapted to the new format.
I prefer to hear news and thoughts from the residents of Ambridge, but in a different way.
It is nice that Bridge Farm + The Shop, still need a cake supply, Susan has volunteer drivers doing deliveries to vunerable persons, Josh is still thinking to get a new viable + profitable business, up + running.
Then Tracy as Cricket captain, Harrison with a great arrest...etc.
It is different, but nothing not to like, well for me.
I prefer something, rather than nothing.
My thoughts only...Miriam Xxx
PS I wonder what Susan has won?
DeleteI do understand about the ‘something is better than nothing’ approach - but it worries me that this may be what the editor is trading on.....
ReplyDeleteConsidering the sudden situation, which caused the scrapping of plots + scripts, to then re-write and then produce - I have no complaints.
DeleteThis is one of those - Agree + Disagree - moments. 🤗😀
....in the nicest way.
DeleteHow lucky we all are, to be able to give our own individual thoughts, in a sensible + civil way, relating to the wonderful Archers + Ambridge.
ReplyDeleteDid I get that right, Susan taking a swig and talking about sex on the radio and Ed worrying that he should just sleep instead of having sex, has lockdown got to them??
DeleteSusan - hilarious for me! Was the competition in the SL I can’t remember. So true to life as one of the actors “Kirsty” has recorded her part for broadcast in her daughters wardrobe and put a big notice up for her children requesting silence at that time ( no using the loo 🤣 I guess)
ReplyDeleteSusan was talking to “her audience” and lovely Eddie let us hear the thoughts in his head which is mostly the way TA is currently performed.
Checkout Dumdeedum on you tube the latest one is a recent conversation with Keri Davis talking about the whole effect of the Coronavirus on the show.
Oh dear, - Susan. One of my most disliked Ambridge characters, and always has been.
ReplyDeleteBut even I have to admit that tonight’s excruciating monologue was well delivered and almost, almost made me smile.
But I have to say that, while rather enjoying last week’s efforts, the novelty is wearing off fast and I haven’t much enjoyed either of this week’s episodes.
Perhaps tomorrow will be better.?
I have to admit laughing out loud at one point AP. I am enjoying the countryside and farming elements at the moment more than we usually hear!
DeleteOh dear, just what has Susan let slip? Will we get to hear what she said? I hope so but if Ed was amazed it cannot be good.
ReplyDeleteI want to hear Jill doing a monologue about fighting off the Asian Hornet from her bee hives! 🐝 🦟
ReplyDeleteWell I actually enjoyed tonight. That is if if I extract bleating, boring Ed and his silly bet with Jazzer.
ReplyDeleteGive me Susan every episode.
Will it be ‘Fifty Shades of Ambridge View’. Or a night in with 🌶 and Honey Rumpy, Pumpy?
I thought last evening’s episode at last offered more something than nothing. Susan showing her usual snobbishness has, I hope, managed to manufacture a comeuppance of embarrassment which she so richly deserves.
ReplyDeleteI hope we get to hear the ‘disclosure’ 😳😂
It amused me that, as usual, Susan considers herself gods gift to the community!
DeleteWake me up when it’s T❤️O❤️B❤️Y’s turn!
ReplyDeleteNot sure I want to hear the thoughts of a young man who felt it ok openly to cadge change for the condom machine in the pub whilst making sure everyone knew which girl he wanted to share them with.
Then there was the incident of the bouncy castle and some woman shaving all his body hair off. What a ....... insert your own word.
DeletePierre, it's incorrect, he cadged it from his brother, so didn't disclose the object of his intentions as he knew of his brother's interest.
DeleteStasia, it was for a woman but I think he did the shaving himself of the eyebrows at least.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks to Basia, corrector of fake news!😀
DeleteBut which is worse, boasting about a 'conquest' or deceiving your brother by sleeping with the woman with whom he's infatuated ?
DeleteI accept the correction. However, his actions were still despicable. What a creep!
DeleteA friend who has now stopped listening to The Archers emailed me today to say that somebody has written in today's "Telegraph" that the programme has become ' total silage!'
ReplyDeleteI am tending to agree.
Me too!😟
ReplyDeleteGive me silage any time, at least it's used in food production!
ReplyDeleteGive me a man who is cool-headed and competent in an emergency, kind and concerned to old ladies even when they have just been very rude to him (Jill Archer’s sprained ankle incident); brilliant at hands on childcare (Rosie’s adores her father); an asset to his employers (the success of Jolene’s cocktail evening at The Bull was largely due to the cocktails created by her barman); creative, persistent and capable in setting up and running his own business (orders for Scruff gin keep coming in); and good to his whiny brother, from finding him a job to organising a birthday treat. Lovable!
ReplyDeleteGive me T❤️O❤️B❤️Y!
Ingenious as ever, Maryellen ! Perhaps I mean disingenuous.
DeleteI thought his gin wasn't doing so well these days, & when the going gets tough, T. goes running..
He could hardly have told Jill she was a nasty old bat & leave her rolling in agony on the floor.
Rosie adores him ? Hardly of a discriminating age, even now. So long as someone feeds, changes & cuddles her, they'll be her favourite person of the moment.
Oh, yes, amazing bro', leaves him to do all the work when they move to Ambridge, whilst he eyes up the local talent, then pinches the girl...
Glad to say, incidentally, that Rex appears to have got over his Pip crush, relating to her only over this tedious rewilding venture. A shame, though, that he's become colourless character these days. There used to be more about him
maryellen. If you ever have an assignation with Mr Fairbrother I recommend the following accoutrements be obtained to set up an enjoyable experience,
DeleteA bouncy castle , high heels, a razor and failing that a milking maids stool.
Have a good time.👠🪑💘🥰
I strongly suspect Carolyn and Stasia in two separate incidents were bitten by a little boy/dog called Toby in their prams!!!
DeleteWell he certainly did his brother a favour in getting Pip out of the picture for him.
DeleteJust tuned in to Susan & Ed.... mildly entertaining. She's always good value, & we did learn about Ed's opinion of his garrulous mother in law - no surprise there. I suppose her tongue was loosened about that sexy moment with Neil when she was in a new dress or something (can't actually remember, weren't they caught in the act ?)but it did give us some raunchy hilarity a couple of years back.
ReplyDeleteBasia. I recall some salacious comments about Toby’s lack of body hair being everywhere except on his thick nut.
DeleteI also remember that there were complaints about him not pulling his weight in the pub.
The implication was he was bone idle.
Didn’t Rex point out the unclean state of the Gin Palace cottage industry.
Unsurprisingly, the authorities’ inspection of T❤️O ❤️B❤️Y’s business premises carried more weight than his brother’s jealous digs. The preoccupation with his body hair is worrying. 😀
DeleteI still haven't listened to Monday's episode and couldn't make any sense of last nights at all. Listening again this afternoon the gist of it did get through but only just.
ReplyDeleteAm utterly bewildered by this Radio Borchester competition since from what I heard only Ambridge residents entered.
Who is writing these current scripts.
Have they ever written for TA before ?
Oh Susan.... there's many a slip 'twixt cup & lip...
ReplyDeleteI have now adapted to this new way of producing + broadcasting The Archers.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying this new type of episode, but on a different level.
I realise, that this is my personal TA appreciation only. The cast, the production team, the SW's and all else involved, are at least keeping Ambridge
alive, as best they can. I particulary liked Ben with Jill's memories of WW2, which gave a comparison of then, + the situation, now.
Susaaaaan allows into her village shop on the green
ReplyDeleteYou can buy some milk and eggs, and browse there forever
While she has lots of gossip, and that’s why you want to there.
And she feeds you little titbits that come from the person before you
And just when you intend to tell her your New Chinese whisperIng
She sees the next customer more important than you Are
And she rudely sends you packing
So she lets the next one into her little inner sanctum
And now you leave without the cornflour so desperately needed.
I’ve run out of steam
maryellen where I come from absolutely no one was called Toby. Patrick, Sean, And various religious names.
ReplyDeleteI was certainly smitten in love with a Sean. But no biting.
You've rumbled me, Maryellen. Was bitten by a pet leech called Toby, belonging to a friend of my mother, who, dedicated to past medical practises, thought it might cure the infant C. of frequent bronchial infections. It didn't; I yelled the place down.
DeleteI thought the trauma had long been laid to rest, & that I relied on impeccable logic & facts to argue a case, but ...but....who knows...
Aha! Then I think the infant S. may herself have done the biting and consumed a whole bar of Toblerone, which made her violently sick..... (The leech sounds horrid - lots of retro-sympathy!)
DeleteMore of Neil & Susan's sex life and Ben's in with a chance too, I give up.
ReplyDeleteSusan Superstar !
ReplyDeleteI reckon that's the best lockdown episode by far to date ! All power to Sussn & Ben.
ReplyDeleteSusan certainly gets the prize, again, for being the member of the vilaage with the least self-knowledge!
ReplyDelete'*I* never gossip ...'
Then to swerve so swiftly from hairshirt and slinking out of the village in disgrace to 'they loved me, I'm the breath of fresh-air the listeners are looking for'.
What has Radio Borsetshire let itself in for?!
These monologues are certainly turning into Marmite episodes!
ReplyDelete(I think I'm getting used to them, and it is interesting to hear what characters think about themselves and their nearest andd dearest.)
But some folks will have decided to keep away from Ambridge until normal service is resumed.
I'm wondering if the producers are deliberately keeping the Measly Moss Men out of the picture at present? We all want a satisfactory resolution of the issue but if it gets resolved during lockdown, some absenting listeners could miss out. On the other hand, what a storyline to open with when the good citizens of Ambridge are, finally, allowed to meet up again and mix freely : )
I did listen tonight as I was cooking and nearly enjoyed it! Susan is one of my favourites and she did a superb monologue tonight. I still would prefer a bit of interaction even if only two characters and we’re all bursting to know whether the Moss man gets his comeuppance!🤔😉🥴😙
ReplyDeleteSusan - first sentence - “I can’t abide gossip”.
I so can’t abide Susan that I didn’t even find this monologue funny, which I suppose it was meant to be.
Just incredibly irritating.
Can’t even remember much about Ben’s musings because I was so repelled by Susan.
No more from her please, let’s have some totally different characters next week
Maybe Susan is a bit of a Marmite character!😁🤭 She is the last person to abhor gossip!
ReplyDeleteAh yes, Ev, but Susan *never* gossips. She simply passes on information to people who need to be kept informed of what is going on around them. (Whether they like it or not.)
DeleteWell I'm pleased the episode ended happily after Susan being convinced she was going to be disgraced and shamed. She has absolutely no self awareness regarding gossip but I find her entertaining.
ReplyDeleteSusan is one of my favourite characters so I thought I’d give it a listen,but the Radio Borsetshire scenario was so silly, I couldn’t bear it. Ed’s sheep shearing competition was equally contrived and didn’t show him in a good light. Things may improve when we get storylines again, as opposed to scenarios, but I’m not over hopeful.
ReplyDeleteLike you,Maryellen I listened because it was Susan and whilst I think the Radio idea was one way of introducing a monologue I felt it was too contrived.
ReplyDeleteWhat competition did Susan win to get the "job"?
I don't think she would have wanted to put a foot wrong so she wouldn't have taken to drink either.
Why was the bottle of whatever it was under the spare bed anyway?
I think 'fame' went to her head more than the booze from Lanzarote !
DeleteThe character Susan is abhorrent. The actress is superb.
ReplyDeleteIsn’t it odd how the so-called abhorrent characters are so much better acted than the non-abhorrent? In fact, I find quite a lot to admire in Susan’s character as well as the acting.
ReplyDeleteI was half asleep when I heard Susan say “and my bonkshell” had to rewind and listen again.
ReplyDeleteI like Susan but it’s all beginning to sound very samey. Me, me, more me and me again.
maryellen, I concur these monologues are like listening to a new style programme. We were left dangling with a number of issues and these could easily have been interwoven into each scenario. But instead we have had boring, dull and silly oral deliveries. The three woman (IMO) were slightly more polished that the four men.
As:I listen on catch up in future I shall fast forward Ed, Ben and David.
I don't find Susan abhorrent, she is a good actress but I found the last two days full of sex b-o-r-i-n-g.
ReplyDeleteI think I would find it best to regard these monologue editions as an ‘interval’ between normal episodes and not take them too seriously.,
ReplyDeleteNot there to progress any of the interrupted storylines which we will eventually return to, just there to keep things ticking over.
And I agree, Pierre, that Charlotte Martin is an excellent actress - she must be, to engender the strong feelings of hatred I that have towards Susan.
I’m very sorry Susan-lovers but I don’t find her in the least bit funny, just self-aggrandising, self-delusional, thoughtless towards the people she gossips about, and unaware of the hurt and distress she can cause by gossiping. (Unless the boot is on the other foot and the gossip is about her!). People like her are a scourge in any village, as I know from my own experience.
I suppose that’s why she is in the Archers - a typical village gossip.
Equally sorry to report, Archerphile, that I don’t recognise your portrait of Susan Carter as the woman I have listened to over the years. I am as unaware as you say she is of the hurt and distress she has (potentially) caused., on the contrary I remember her many acts of competency and kindness, eg. organising the Poppycare rota when Will was in a bad way,, and at extremely short notice, converting Chris’s jacket for Jazzer to wear. I admire her insistence on standards in everyday life, and her commitment to her family and wider community. Neil Carter is a lucky man.
DeleteI recognise one of Nature’s information providers (I’m one myself) who never found her metier (as I did). Susan should be an informatio professional, managing Felpersham Citizens’ Advice Bureau or similar.
I just think there is never a dull moment with Susan. Yes, she is snobbish in a way but did emerge well from a dysfunctional family which you have to admire. I remember loving the fuss over the family portrait. It has all been very entertaining over the years, she isn’t perfect but who is?!!
DeleteRoifield Brown (you tube dumdeetum tv) as mentioned before - I have so far viewed Zoom chats with the actors of :- Alistair - Susan - Emma (who sounds nothing like her character unlike most others) Mike Tucker & Nigel and Keri Davis ‼️all recently aired. The next live one is to be Tracy tomorrow evening at 20.45pm but they do not have to be watched live. They talk about themselves a little and also their 1st day on set Mike interesting as so long ago, Roifield said I do hope that one day you will visit your Ambridge son - you are missed also how current recordings are more difficult for some than others at the moment.
ReplyDeleteIf I in bed I watch a little and then just
I have adapted to tbese new episodes - but I know want to hear so much more from others.
ReplyDeleteHelen, Roy, Kirsty, Lily, Freddie, Jolene for instance.
I imagine the more senior members, are not taking part, and this I accept, but they will be missed.
I would love to hear how Jim + Bert are doing, as they are both sharing their homes, with workers, who are going in + out on a daily basis. Are they shielding + how??
Strangely, I would like to hear from both Kate + Joy. I never thought I would say this...
DeleteI'm with Maryellen on the subject of Susan Carter.
ReplyDeleteAnd your final point re information provider is how I've always felt about her too ME.
Given her family background Susan has made a good life for herself and most importantly for her children.
With a better start and educational opportunities, she might have gone a lot further.
Charlotte Martin must be really enjoying these monologues.
Thank goodness it's over for this week, I couldn't bear any more of this trash!
ReplyDeleteAm relaxing tonight as Katy is cooking so I listened to TA. Am coming round and enjoyed Susan’s radio stint feeling we could all do with a local chat like that, just like having coffee with someone. Maybe I’ll start to listen to the IOW radio station! Liked Emma’s thought that if they discard the coffee table there will be more room for dancing. Aaargh!
ReplyDeleteI would be much happier if they stuck to Susan,Tracy and Emma during this monologue period.
ReplyDeleteSusan is not a snob.
She cane from a bad background and wants the best for her family.
She is not a malicious gossip either.
She just passes on information ............
Now Jennifer IS a snob.
She looks down on those who have not had her benefits in life.
I think it helps that the actresses who play these women are all good.
I definitely do not want to hear Joy or Kate or Jolene or Freddie or
Helen or Bert or ....or....or.....or ......
For how much longer is this going on?
Oh well. I’m obviously in a minority when It comes to Susan, so I’ll keep further thoughts about her to myself as I don’t want to get into arguments on here - it’s too exhausting.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with Lanjan about not wishing to hear from the likes of Bert, Kate or heaven forbid, Joy.
But I wouldn’t mind listening to Lynda to see how she is recovering, to Oliver to find out what he’s planning to do with Grey Gables and perhaps even from Peggy - just to if she’s still alive.
Ooo, and I wonder what’s been happening at The Laurels - hopefully they managed to keep all the residents Covid free.
Thank goodness they're getting rid of that hideous coffee table!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of half an episode listening to Emma prattle on about a bl....dy coffee table.
ReplyDeleteAmbridge is a bit like where I live, coronavirus happens on another planet. Social distancing, washing of hands, wearing masks, isolation, panic buying, no cornflour.
Maybe Susan can babble on with inconsequential nonsense because the shop is empty of stock.
MrsP see you emailed and got a mention.
I know the coffee table is central to their breakup and reunion. Enough is enough.