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Life in Ambridge


  1. Wow, is there any sound to it? Could be tremendous.

    My sister, not wanting to interrupt waited patiently and telephoned asking how was the Hunt Ball, she only knows the Archers from me but checked on the website. I said she needn't have because I didn't listen, seem to have lost the habit somehow.

    1. I think it included the footsteps or not, am I right?

    2. I seem to have lost the habit somehow too, Basia. I was surprised how easy not listening is. It would have been different a few years ago.

  2. Well, I did listen but I definitely did NOT hear any footsteps whatsoever!
    If there ever were any, they have been removed.

  3. GG 🏹👍
    Will catch up as usual demain.

  4. I have just listened.

    Yes footsteps. Matts stumbling footsteps along with his drunken affirmation to Lillian that he loved her.
    Then the car, and Matt again, shouting ' dip yer lights ' then the screech and Matt being hit.
    The next sound was the car door slamming and the car driving away, followed by a weak voiced Matt mumbling ' help me '

    There was NO ' You ! '

    1. I thought I heard him say “You” before he said “dip your lights “

    2. But NO footsteps after he was hit, surely Mrs P? I listened especially carefully and I’ll swear there were no footsteps after he was hit.

  5. I too have fallen into the easy not to listen camp. Roll on 25/5.

    1. I listened to some clips of monologues from the male inhabitants of Brookfield, no interaction, therefore not the Archers we know but will give it a chance.

  6. As for my lapse in listening I've also noticed that I my habits change in the summer. With the lengthening days I prefer the quiet and the view from the window. For the most part of the year the Archers come after sunset, so if there is anything unpleasant it doesn't disturb me much after dark.

  7. Agree Archerphile, NO FOOTSTEPS after the event.
    But like others I thought I heard them on the first broadcast.

    Like Basia I have a change of habits due to the season.

    For those who love him..... Charles Paris back on Friday morning.

  8. If I had to choose the most likely of two options: a) no after- the-event footsteps, which some, not all, listeners say they originally ‘heard’, and b) no after-the-event footsteps because the originals had been wiped, then I would choose a) as by far the most probable. AndI I think Keri Davis confirmed no wiping via Gary.

  9. KP Nuts -

    Yes you did hear Matt say 'You ' before ' dip yer lights ', but the 'you' was the end of a sentence, ' I love you Lillian, I love you '.
    It was not an accusatory 'You' to the person he would not have been able to see due to those lights which would have been full on in his face, I imagine.

    I've listened yet again for the sake of clarity.

    As for Maryellens two options which I don't object to, I'm still sitting on the fence, and probably will do so for the rest of time.

  10. I am being controversial, and not for the 1st time.
    To me, the new episodes due to be broadcast on Monday, are not exciting me.
    We are all in lockdown, as Ambridge will then be, so how will this entertain me? It is just a reminder of life, as we now know it.
    I just need some Ambridge escapism, with life as normal, as it ever is.
    After a long thought, I would prefer to keep listening to these Archers repeats.

    This is my very personal thoughts only...😀

  11. Tonights Ambridge Revisted episode, is I hope one, I want to re-hear.
    I will know in about 45mins time.

  12. Yes that was the episode I wanted. To me it was so realistic as to Jack's dementia, with Peggy, the cereal on the floor, Ian helping out in such a gentle + kind way and so on.
    I don't know why it made such an impact the 1st time round, but it did again tonight.
    I wish I knew why.

  13. Bonfire night, it must have been Jack with flashbacks at the Bull, I don't remember listening.

  14. I found the Peggy and Jack dementia storyline so sad. Not surprising really as my lovely Mum had dementia. It's a horrible condition.

    I hope that next week's virus episodes will be enjoyable and not gloom and doom.

    1. As did June Spencer's husband, so she lived through it twice.

  15. Have just noticed in the new RT that there are only to be four episodes a week now, Mon - Thurs.
    What a swizz

    1. Yes, but how much monologue can we manage?

    2. Any amount if it’s T❤️O❤️B❤️Y - otherwise not a lot!

  16. But she lived through the second time by choice.

    1. I wonder if the TA Peggy/Jack story, helped her?

  17. Back to Jack and his dementia S/L, I so remember the episode when Peggy had gone out, and Lilian "took over".
    They ended up dancing together in the lounge, in The Lodge.

  18. I’ve come to poke my nose in with nothing really to say other than I haven’t been listening to the repeats except for one.
    Archerphile, yes and the RT did a big piece giving us the info. It didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know, such as those doing the monologues. I won’t make any judgments until I hear the first. I enjoy story telling and that is how I shall Listen to them. So it’s all down to the actor.
    Was it Frankie Howard who coined the phrase, “The prologue, let me tell you a story”?

  19. Yes I think it was one of his catch phrases Stasia, but before him ' Let me tell you a story ' was the catch phrase of Max Bygraves

    Wondered where you'd got to !

  20. I really enjoyed tonight's Ambridge episode, but that is my opinion only.
    I found it something very different, and cheered me up.

    An episode I would have liked to re-hear, was the May Day one, with maypole dancing.
    This was done by the children, with Linda calling instrucions from the side-lines.
    I remember this, as it reminded me of Joyce Grenfall " No, George"...or similar.

    1. When I said, it cheered me up, I was perhaps thinking of normal life again...whenever.

  21. Perhaps in true historical BBC fashion of radio story telling it might be, “Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. “

  22. On a tangent, is Holly living in the caravan with Ed + Emma?

    1. Do you mean Poppy ? If so, can't imagine why she would be, seeing as she lives with her dad - Will.

  23. I think Holly was Ed’s dog, not sure if she is still around ( I have a horrible feeling that Will shot a dog of Ed’s at some point) Poppy, as you point out is Will and Nic’s daughter, too many plant/ flower names

    1. Ah, don't remember anything about a dog....

  24. Or it might have been Ed who shot Wills dog ?
    One or the other

    1. Yes, t wasdefinitely Ed who accidentally shot and killed Will’s dog. It didn’t bode well or the sibling relationship.

    2. It was when Ed was raising some Sheep on land that Oliver was kindly letting him use and he saw a dog in the distance that he thought was going to worry the sheep. He took a shot at it to scare it away not realising it was Will’s dog.
      Of course Will thought it was deliberate and so the antipathy between the brothers increased.

    3. I knew a dog had been shot and rather assumed it was Will wielding the gun, I stand corrected.

  25. I very much enjoyed hearing Charlie Thomas again tonight. Further on in the story he became a much more likeable character and I felt about him as Maryellen does about her T❤️O❤️B❤️Y!
    If only rotten Justin hadn’t packed him off to Scotland. 😢

    1. To me, Charlie's only role was to stir up trouble between Adam and Ian and later Helen.

  26. I enjoyed this episode too, specially the happy proposal ending.

  27. It was George's dog that Ed had shot and Emma managed to wangle a puppy for him, jumping the the queue at the breeder's, the caravan is at Grange Farm, so not much difference for the dog.

  28. Charlie bullied Adam mercilessly in the name of business for the first half of his stay in Ambridge, endorsed by Justin, and for the second half he relentlessly pursued Adam otherwise, which very nearly broke up Adam and Ian. The saddest thing is that Adam and Ian were more well rounded characters before that, as evidenced in Ian’s case the previous night when he was so supportive to Peggy and Jack.

    1. Ironic that when Ian was delayed once because he helped Peggy with Jack it was Adam asking him if there was someone else.

  29. Agree Charlie was an obnoxious man, rude, aggressive, yet felt some sympathy for him at the end when he was sent packing by JE ( & wasn't that down to the evil machinations of the far more objectionable Titchener ?)
    Charlie had no scruples in his personal life, chasing after Adam, having been initially so aggressive, but he was a hard worker, & very capable, an asset to JE enterprises.

    Thought about your point, Seasider, that Adam & Ian were better drawn characters before Adam's infidelity, not sure...they were certainly more well balanced & mature, but lust & jealousy can undermine & diminish anyone. Their relationship seemed solid, but it was sorely tested over Charlie. They were nicer before, but perhaps more human afterwards.

    1. Sorry, far too many 'buts'...

    2. But - good points mentioned.

    3. That's kind of you, Miriam !

      I quite like both Adam & Ian, but marginally prefer the latter as, though he has been OTT emotionally at times, he's more intelligent emotionally, empathetic.

  30. I've just listened to the first 7 minutes of last night's Front Row with James Cartwright , PC Burns, a bit of duvet innuendo to start with but he does answer some pertinent questions.

  31. No Archers now until the “new” episodes start Monday. An article in The Guardian online explains how they have come about and the difficulties involved. However they workout I feel we should be impressed and grateful for the time and effort involved to ensure the programme reaches its 70th birthday anniversary in 2021.

  32. Agree Lady R.
    The Archers has clearly been prioritised by the BBC to its credit.
    We have had ' something ' to keep us going even if not to all tastes. And a huge effort has been made to ensure a continuation into the weeks, perhaps months, ahead.

    I listened to the Front Row piece last night and although PC Burns was reluctant to give too much away, he did give some insight into the process of a future TA.

    There was also a clip I think of some of the ' internal meandering ' to come, at some point yesterday on R4. It didn't quite reach my brain but did filter through my hearing.
    I realised that the person I could hear sounded like Emma, then realised it was Emma as we shall be hearing her in the coming weeks. Then the clip was over before I could connect hearing and brain.

    I'm looking forward to whatever the TA team have devised.

  33. Here here Lady R and Mrs P.
    I think the BBC are very aware of the importance of the Archers to their audience and certainly wouldn’t do anything to ruin the 70th Anniversary, which is a huge achievement for a radio programme.
    I read this morning that they are starting to film Emmerdale again, so it may not be too long until the production team come up with a plan to record in the Birmingham Studio with appropriate safeguards. I do hope so.

    1. Archerphile - James Cartwright referred to the Archers as the last remaining show on earth, so they must do it justice.

    2. From what I’ve read the editor has said, they are acutely aware of the importance of The Archers in comforting and consoling listeners - informing and intellectually stimulating us didn’t get a mention. As I suspected.

  34. On you tube there are 1 hour (recent times) interviews appearing with current/ pre actors of the TA - so far because of my browsing history up has popped one with “Tracy” Susie Riddell and now “Nigel” - Graham Seed of course! Also enjoy” Lucy’s week in Ambridge “ a weekly review of the programme related in a very fast and amusing way 🤣
    If interested just google.

    1. I would love Graham Seed to appear in TA again, as a very different character.
      PS I know he has reappeared once already, as a juror in the Helen trial.

  35. How late I am, in finally understanding the video at the top of this page.
    "The Archers" - as per the Terracota Army in China.
    It has taken me a while, to suss it out.
    Is it from the film, The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emporer-

    1. It's from one of the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit films Miriam.

    2. Initially I thought how could all those archers be so perfectly synchronised and then realised it was down to computer imaging! Marvellous the effects that can be achieved nowadays

    3. I think this the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring where Isildur chops off the hand of Sauron and steals the 'one ring.' (See what a nerd I am!)
      It's definitely not the Battle of Helms Deep because the elves there much more androgynous and beautiful! 🧝‍♂️🧝‍♂️🧝‍♂️ (well these look like elves to me!)

  36. Thanks Spicy,
    I'd guessed it was from The Lord of the Rings but that's as far as my expertise goes!

    Years ago, OMiaS read me the whole of the book. When I read aloud, the accents change by the word. When he reads, each character has its own, reliable accent. (A Thomas the Tank Engine story once got delayed by ten minutes while he worked out how a particular train should speak.)

    Perhaps during the Ambridge lockdown Jim Lloyd could be persuaded to record some bedtime stories for the younger residents. (Probably *not* the same selection he used for Lower Loxley though.)

  37. I first read the Lord of The Rings triology, when I was in grammar school in the '70's. I loved the books, but I have never seen the films.
    I was so wrong, but "The Archers", did remind me of something else, as mentioned.

    I am still unsure what to expect as TA starts again, tomorrow. I just hope that, I will pleasantly surprised.

    I did enjoy all the repeated episodes, as it brought so much back to mind eg Charlie, with his attempt on Adam (not broadcast) but I suddenly recalled it.

  38. As there is no TA tonight, I am listening to the New Years Episode from 2002.
    There are so many characters, no longer heard from for many reasons - Phil Archer, Sid Perks, Dr. Hathaway, Siobhan, Jack Woolley, and the lovely Nigel.
    So many still just sound just exactly the same now as they they did then - Peggy, Jill, David, Ruth Eddie, Will, Ed, Emma, Jenny, Lilian and especially Linda.

  39. Just thinking back to when they started broadcasting the Archers on Sunday nights. It was months before I found out, when a friend told me. I kept thinking that there was a slight lack of continuity from one week to the next, and as I hated to miss an episode, I was pretty dismayed to find out I had been missing out for so long.🤨

  40. I heard on Broadcasting House this morning an interview with someone from TA (It may have been Jeremy Howe! but missed the introduction.) Paddy O'Connell asked him will some stories be 'parked' or will TA carry on completely as before with added coronavirus and lockdown.
    . The gentleman said that some would be parked and some would be continuing! So he wasn't giving anything away!
    However he did reveal that 'Kirsty' had been recording at home and having to keep her two children quiet with the threat that if they didn't stay quiet the BBC would stop their iPlayer!
    At least it means., I suppose, that we'll hear about the Mosses and whether there has been a wedding or not!
    He also said that TA would be corona- light! Thank goodness!

    1. It was Jeremy Howe. He said they couldn’t do dialogue. I don’t understand that. We know they can,, because ‘Henry’ was recorded elsewhere and inserted into the recording. Also colleagues of mine do recording and editing at home using specialised software which allows a commentary to be inserted into a recording in appropriate places. (One calls herself Narnia Productions because she records in her wardrobe, or so she says!). Perhaps he didn’t mean technically but that he didn’t have the budget/manpower.

    2. Yes, I thought that was strange because (and I don’t want to give away any spoilers) I think one of this week’s episodes is going to be a bit of an argument between two characters.
      I shouldn’t have thought it was beyond the ingenuity of the technical staff to marry two separate recordings together to produce a ‘conversation’ much as they slice film together for film or television.

    3. To me it smacks of lazy editor rather than incompetent technicians.

  41. Yes it was Jeremy Howe you heard,Spicycushion.
    I am hoping that because Kirsty is involved that it will involve the Phillip/Gavin situation.
    The piece I heard was Tracy doing a monologue.
    Is that what they are all going to be?
    I know there is only going to be a small handful of actors involved to begin with which can be understood.

  42. I would imagine that Kirsty + Phil's wedding had to be cancelled (Thank goodness).
    What I would like to know, and this is probably one of the missing stories, is what happened to Philip + Gavins workers, during lockdown.
    It is the main Ambridge characters and the village, which will be focussed on, and what I want to hear.

  43. I phrased that wrongly, as
    I meant that Life in Ambridge Village with its' residents, are far more important, to now hear + learn about.
    I hope this makes a bit more sense.

  44. Basia mentioned that “Harrison “ was on Front Row last Friday, so I listened, thanks Basia. He was asked what would happen to the recent story lines and he said some would continue and then said “Don’t worry about Philip, I’ll get him!”.

    1. I hope so! Harrison has to earn his sargeants stripes...

  45. Hmmm. Not sure. Certainly won't be listening to an omnibus of these kinds of episodes. Hmmm.

  46. I really enjoyed that.
    Far better than the usual interaction IMO
    I think it's been really well thought through.
    Some of the thoughts between David and Josh were pretty predictable but that's ok by me. Much as I would have expected.
    This first one has got the thumbs up from me.

  47. Well, that was quite nice and gentle up on Lakey Hill and with the chickens!

  48. I thought it was OK and that's only the first one. I wouldn't listen to an omnibus but then I don't.
    David's never been so critical of Ruth's cooking though, how long have they been married?
    When does he ever cook? It's normally Jill or Ruth uses the freezer.

  49. It was interesting and very different, and I admire the TA team for producing this.
    I am not sure though, that I want to hear this type of TA, every night.
    I am sitting on the fence (which can be painful), as it is far too early, to make a critical comment just yet.

  50. Well I wasn't impressed but then it was only the first one and it might get better.
    If anybody asked what they were missing if they didn't listen this evening what could one say ?
    David doe n't think much of Ruth's cooking.
    Can't even remember what it was that he doesn't like
    Also ,as I have always suspected ,David favours Pip and Ben over Josh.
    I still don't see why they couldn't have done a proper storyline.
    As somebody said (sorry can't remember who it was ) ,they managed to have "conversations"between Helen and Henry when they were not I; the same place
    Not exactly compulsive listening.

    Disappointed of Lancashire.

  51. I really liked it, but we are all different.

  52. I thought it was OK, interesting enough for me to continue listening. Thanks are due to the production team for finding a way of carrying on. We'll need to hear a variety of voices to keep our interest, and storylines must progress; I do want hear more than just reflective musings. However, tonight I did find Josh more sympathetic than usual.

  53. Well different as we knew it would be but as I wrote a day or so ago I think the actors and the whole team have had a gargantuan task on their hands to bring us these episodes including binning pre prepared scripts and starting from scratch to accommodate the required social distancing and I applaud their efforts 👏🏻
    TA website shows how resourceful the actors are having to be in their own homes to manage the recording at all!

  54. Hm.
    I shall reserve judgement until we've had a few more episodes.

    BUT The Wedding didn't happen🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇✨🎉🎉(these are supposed to be fireworks and party poppers)
    Let's hope Monster Moss gets his come-uppance soon.


  55. A welcome change from the repeats, most of which I skipped.

    The 2 actiors did pretty well, must be fun giving voice to internal monologue, & the script fitted both characters, & their relationship. I reckon I can live with this ! Must admit I hope some surprises are thrown in from time to time ( e.g what Elizabeth really, really thinks about Russ the Parasite, whether Lil IS still in lerv with JE, dawning romantic realisation on Roy & Kirsty, Harrison's musings on P. & G. Moss....)

    1. That's what I'm hoping for too - things that the characters think, but would never say! Scope for tons of cheeky fun for a start!

  56. Well I right enjoyed that episode.
    Found it amusing about Ruth’s lasagne. She’s never that eager to cook so can imagine that she won’t be exactly a domestic goddess!
    Looking forward to tomorrow’s now.

  57. I don’t know about anyone else, but I really enjoyed that.

    Very cleverly worked out, plenty of countryside sounds to convince me that we were in Ambridge (and not imprisoned under Tim Bentink’s stairs), lots of farming input for a change and an insight into the minds of two major characters.
    The scripts were interesting and believable and we even learnt that Kirsty’s Wedding was put on hold, not by revelations about Philip but by the virus ...thus leaving that story to be pursued later.
    As we have thought for years, David is very anti-Josh and Josh feels it badly; and Ruth’s cooking really is as bad as we always suspected.

    A very promising start and I look forward to more of this standard until the studio can open again.

  58. So far eight of fifteen comments give a thumbs up with three others sitting on the fence. The rest saying it didn't suit them.
    Can't please us all, can they, and like some others I really admire the TA team for effort.

    1. I think the whole team are to be congratulated on creating a very interesting and unusual format to continue with TA. It probably wouldn’t suit for weeks on end but as a stop-gap until the studio can reopen I think it fits the bill admirably. Well done Mr Howe and team!

  59. Here's another thumbs up, MrsP. A chance for us to really get inside a few of the characters and understand their thinking - we don't always say what we really think, do we? And a way in which to see some of the inhabitants of Ambridge through the eyes of their fellow villagers. I can remember the clever series of monologues by Alan Bennett on television years ago, and radio is the perfect medium for something similar. Well done, I say!

  60. I'm a thumbs up too! Very different of course but it has to be. I will enjoy listening to more and it will be fun to hear the inner thoughts of some other characters. Well done T/A producers and actors.

  61. I didn't enjoy it at all.
    Two pathetic men whinging for England.
    Bloody hell.

  62. I’ve heard amateurs do better than that under lockdown conditions.It was a truly feeble attempt.

    1. My brain gave after 4 minutes 33 seconds, cluck, cluck, tweet, tweet and horrible lasagna.
      Sitting through a dose of John Cage would have been more interesting.
      At least we know that Susan is being kept very busy and Kirsty is not yet married. But it didn’t need 12 minutes to convey that.
      I’m basing my response on the lack of skill and ability of the ‘actors’ to convey a monologue with any conviction.
      I do hope we don’t have too many of those two.

    2. 🆘 SOS. Alan Bennett, can you you rescue the BBC S/Ws and give them a lesson on writing monologues. Then resurrect Thora Hird .to discuss the art of delivering the lines.
      Thanks very much.

    3. Hear,, hear Stasia! And some refresher training for the actors too, please.

  63. Oh goodness! Such opposite opinions about last nights efforts.
    I really don’t want to get into an argument but please, naysayers, give the TA team a break!
    Would you prefer TA to go off the air completely until COVID19 ends?
    You don’t have to listen if you don’t like the new format but some of us are only too pleased to have something to listen to and grateful that the team have gone to great efforts to do just that.
    I, personally, found last night’s effort refreshing and interesting!

    1. I second that Archerphile.

    2. The editor said TA would be ‘coronavirus light’ meaning, I imagine, that no one In Ambridge or anyone we’ve ever heard of, will actually get it. Because that might upset us.

    3. I know two couples so far who have been ill with the virus, the younger one took it lightly, it was more serious for the other but without hospital treatment. They had both had contact with people who were later found to be infected. I was anxious for them but not upset, it made cautious.
      Some of the Archers listeners would have had it or know someone who did.
      Would they want it in the programme? I don't.

    4. Well I shall be very glad if no one in Ambridge gets it. I like being able to escape from the present situation. I hope the Archers, at least at present, stays a safe comfort blanket.

  64. I agree Archerphile. It was good to hear how everybody is coping in Ambridge under the lockdown.

    1. Reminded me also of the old Omnibus’s when Tom Forrest used to give us his thoughts on the week in Ambridge and the countryside in general 🤗

  65. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, surely, & entitled to state it. My D in L's Dad emailed me last night to say he thought the 1st lockdown episode was awful, thought it could only get better...fair enough. I answered positively, finding it convincing with David & Josh ( as already stated)
    I expect we'll settle back to some version of normal, as the weeks go by, agreeing & disagreeing about the scenes & characters as we usually do.

    1. PS just thought that 'Josh', performed monologue style much more naturally than 'David', whose words fitted the man, but whose delivery was somewhat forced. We don't speak to/in ourselves with the same emphasis that we do in interactive talk.

  66. Yes of course those who didn't enjoy last night should be able to say so, but having listened again this afternoon I am prepared to further endorse my previous post.
    David I thought sounded true to the character Tim Bentink has created over several decades, and I was not put off by his ponderous thoughts or the delivery of those thoughts. Josh is an entirely different character and with a much livelier projection, and that is what I heard.
    As for the lasagne content, we have always been led to understand that David tolerates Ruth's attempts in the kitchen and accepts that his mums cooking is superior but that Ruth has other strengths.
    I found his honest thoughts on the matter refreshing and enlightening in confirming what we have always suspected.

    Stasia, I take your point in suggesting a contrast with Alan Bennetts Talking Heads, but cannot agree that those stellar performances would be appropriate from Ambridge characters. Although I would concede that we are likely to be given far greater 'performances' from the likes of Susan or Linda and possibly Jim. But that would be because those characters are performers in their natural state, just as some are in life.
    A simple matter of different personalities.
    And in my opinion those two personalities in that episode were utterly true to form.

  67. Josh’s thoughts about his being the least favourite with David echoes what some of us have always perceived about the favour bestowed on Pip and to a lesser extent on Ben. It could also be down to Josh himself as often the most difficult to bring up is the least likely to be looked on fondly. David mentioned that he couldn’t really understand Josh. I found it interesting and it will be beneficial to get innermost thoughts of characters ( can’t wait for Tracy’s!) but I think it may get a bit tedious as time goes on as part of the attraction of TA is the interaction between the inhabitants of Ambridge. Shakespeare used soliloquy’s but only as a small part of his plays to give us insights into the motivation of his characters as in Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech. I’m just not sure whether this formula will hold up for the next few weeks.

    1. Josh is the classic middle child, isn't he, that awkward position within a family. I doubt if Tracy's monologues will differ at all from what she is quite happy to sound off about out loud to others !

    2. I am a middle child, and have known it all my life, even now! 😂

    3. Much as I love my baby brother, I was quite miffed when his arrival meant I had to share my middle child status with my younger sister.

  68. Now, that episode I did enjoy!

    I'd vote for Tracey as captain - the team might not enjoy her reign but at least she'd be entertaining.

  69. Come on Archerphile.
    We who didn't think much of last night's performance have a right to our opinion.
    Thanks Carolyn for saying as much 9:46 am
    It may get better ,who knows.
    What is this interesting and refreshing format,Archerphile?
    I just can't see the point of having these monologues.
    Perhaps we will get a storyline soon.
    I can't see why they can't continue with the Kirsty/Phillip one
    Perhaps they will have Phillip,Kirsty and Gavin in three different places having a conversation.
    I am prepared to give it a go.

    (The above was written before this evening's episode)

    In my opinion that episode was no better and I actually like cricket.
    Harrison was supposed to be talking on the 'phone to Chris but didn't give Chris time to reply to anything he said.
    Was Tracy supposed to be talking to Brad and Tom ?
    The editor and scriptwriters have had a couple of months to come up with a good idea .
    I definitely don't feel like congratulating them.
    It is hardly riveting .
    Why could they not continue with the present story lines ?
    I think the BBC is selling us short.
    I definitely do not think that they have gone to great efforts.
    Archerphile I know you are on Facebook.
    What are folk saying on there?

    I don't want to be a killjoy.
    I wanted to enjoy the programme .
    Sadly at the moment I am not.

  70. I was sitting on the fence (painful as it was), last night. I have just jumped off- onto the Go Ambridge + TA side.
    I enjoyed tonight, and although it was obvious, recordings were not done in the studio, I loved how all the characters were just the same. This must have been difficult to portray in the same way, whilst in total isolation..
    I am so much more optimistic tonight that Ambridge Village, will not dissapoint.

  71. I've just re-listened to David and Ben.
    The content was OK. Just David in particular seemed too well-formed for an inner monologue. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for stream of consciousness stuff, but do people really routinely speak to themselves so 'properly'? I don't think I do.
    He sounded as though he needed an audience. I wonder if perhaps he could have addressed himself to Phil - 'I know it sounds stupid Dad, and you probably can't hear me, but I just need to get this all off my chest. Ruth tells me not to be too hard on him. And I know he didn't mean to break it, but really Dad, how *could* Josh have been so careless ...'
    Failing that, perhaps he could have spoken to the dog.

    I'd be happy to hear other characters writing diaries, or perhaps doing Lockdown video diaries. They are both to an audience, even if the intended audience is just the writer/speaker, so they're more naturally a performance than an inner monologue is.

    Or, like Tracey, a video. Lanjan, she was recording herself on the computer, ready to send it out to the whole team, probably via facebook.

    I made a point of listening to the pauses in the phone calls. They were there. Probably not quite long enough for the other person to reply fully but then I suppose there's a balance to be struck between accuracy and keeping listeners' interest. In real life, hearing one half of a phonecall may sometimes be intriguing but is often just confusing! (Unless you're like my shoedwellers who have to keep butting in to ask who I'm speaking to, what was that, etc, etc - OMiaS, I'm talking about you.)

  72. When I heard that there would be two characters each evening I assumed that they would be having a conversation.
    I still can't understand why they couldn't.
    After all the BBC does this every morning for example in the Today programme where everyone seems to be working from home.
    Although I am disappointed with what I have listened to so far ,if the majority of listeners like it then so be it
    I probably won't comment about it again.

    1. I think the team are working on getting characters together in scenes but let’s hope with the easing of lockdown they can do so in the studio. Of course this would include long journeys for many which is as we all know is why many episodes are recorded together.
      In a million years no one could have seen “this one” coming turning tv, radio etc on their heads, and theatres / cinema’s no hope at all....
      I bet the radio people are relived that is their genre - tv with no pro’s to do hair and make up and no access to hairdressers for cutting 😱😱😱

  73. I enjoyed tonight's episode and thought Harrison and Tracey both did a good job. Entertaining and not downbeat.

  74. I expected a load of comments about how boring tonight’s offering was, because it was all about cricket - which I know some people can’t stand.
    Like LanJan, I had expected the 2 actors each night to be having a conversation or argument rather than speaking in separate locations.
    I had thought the technicians would be able to splice 2 recordings together to make them sound like a conversation.
    It appears I was wrong.

    This didn’t bother me last night because I found it interesting hearing David’s inner thoughts about his children and then Josh’s unhappiness with his Dad.
    But I don’t want this to continue as two completely separate monologues every night.

    And I perfectly agree, LanJan, that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But there was so much negativity here last night after the very first edition under the new regime I thought folk might be prepared to give things a chance to settle down a little before declaring it to be a failure.

    As for Facebook opinion, it is as one would probably expect, mixed. Though I do think there were more who enjoyed last night than panned it. There were a lot of congratulations to the team and the anti comments were mostly from men, strangely. I think perhaps they didn’t enjoy the introspection and their comments were mostly about David being stupid (or dopey as they often call him) but more sympathetic towards Josh.
    The consensus tonight seemed to think Tracy should take over as CC Captain!

    1. I’m not negative, Archerphile - I’m verypositive that this is an impoverished TA, technically, artitstically, the lot!! I’ve never thought David’s acting was more than ‘average for Ambridge’, but I’m disappointed in Josh who I felt was a .cut above.

    2. That's curious as I held the opposite view about the Josh & David performances on Monday ! ( seems OW did also, above) David struck me as trying too hard, while Josh muttered away to himself in a natural manner.

      At any rate, an interesting acting challenge to sound convincing, vocalising what normally goes on in the head. Much easier to soliloquise on stage - theatre convention.

    3. Internal monologue is far from uncommon in radio drama and usually much better done. But I agree that the one voice scenario would work better got TA if the speaker is notionally talking to someone, even if it’s only the dog, as someone wittily suggested earlier. I still don’t understand why they can’t do dialogue but you'd think they could manage a few woofs! Reading emails aloud while typing them is another possibility - I don’t think people do it much in real life but it’s okay in drama, radio or stage.


  75. “Hail” Tracy the next Ambridge Cricket Captain 🏏
    Once again (imo) a good effort by TA team (and actors) and throwing updates into each of the character’s monologues Is keeping us up to date with some of the outstanding SL.

  76. The cricket episode : Tracy & Harrison were totally in character. As both were talking to others, rather than musing privately, it was easier to put across convincingly.

    (Cricket is a closed book to me, so not the slightest bit interested in the content, except in as much as it showed the different approaches to running a team)

    I think the phone chat worked, Lanjan, because Harrison was off loading his frustrations to his mate, so apart from the start & end of the call, Chris was just the listener.

  77. It is not being negative to offer a critique of any entertainment programme, whether it be on stage, TV or the radio.
    I don’t think it is healthy to just accept what we are given. We as individuals can tell the difference between good writing/acting and come to conclusions on what we hear or observe.
    It would indeed be awful if we all adopted a ‘herd mentality’ towards our understanding of this radio programme.
    I shall take every episode as a unique experience, which is how I normally listen, and offer an opinion on what I have just heard.
    I enjoyed last nights episode between Tracy and Harrison over the captaincy role. It wasn’t about cricket but a gender/power struggle between two different characters.
    Perhaps our reactions to the actors is a reflection of our selves and the content being offered.

    1. Spot on about the power struggle, Stasia. In fact, hardly anything about the game of cricket - just T. knocking about a ball about with her children.

      As for negative crits, of course, whilst we've still got minds, let's exercise 'em !

      Only proviso I have is not being inclined to criticise the format of monologue or silent listener in these difficult times for media & the arts. Galleries, music makers, radio & TV are being very inventive, working hard to keep everything going as best they can. I'm impressed. There's also the time factor; in the case of TA, scripts had to be jettisoned, new ideas dreamt up & actioned, & I bet trying to co ordinate, cut & match actors' dialogue as they work in isolation wouldn't have been feasible in the time available, even for 4 weekly slots.

  78. Sorry Stasia, I must just be one of the herd!

    I am grateful to have some sort of Archers to listen to, after all I have lived with TA daily since 1951 and I’m don’t want to give up now! It’s part of my life.

    And so, I am prepared to allow for a less than perfect format *for the time being*.

    I’d rather have something Ambridge-related to listen to than nothing.
    And I hope that things will be back to normal before too long.

    I don’t expect perfection at the moment, so if that makes me one of the herd, unhealthily uncritical and stupidly grateful, so be it.

  79. I haven't listened for the past week as I wasn't at all interested in the repeats, which to my mind were too recent , and added nothing to the history/portrayal of the characters who are mostly in the present day episodes.
    I began listening again on Monday and to begin with enjoyed the musings of David and Josh. In fact I started to feel very sorry for Josh. No child should feel that they are a disappointment or worthless to a parent, ever. But then his character changed when he began sneering at his father, "Can't wait to see his face!" To me that was not just unpleasant but unbelievable considering what had just gone before.
    I have to add I do not think the character is acted very well. Despite Angus Imrie's fairly impressive cv on Imdb, he has entirely the wrong voice for THIS character on radio. He sounds about 16 and much younger than 'Ben.'
    I can put up with David being a slow, plodding character. He's never been dynamic if I remember correctly.
    However last night's episode I loved! The two actors came over as two very different personalities, Harrison - pedantic and formal in his address to the cricket team and Tracy bubbling, and with her 'go get em' attitude, never mind who she upsets, certainly stirs things up.
    The one issue I have with the cricket story lines is that the writers have no idea how village cricket works and thus do not portray it accurately. But hey-ho never mind. At least there is some thing belonging to a traditional English summer at this unpleasant time.

    BTW - It would be impossible to get the same 'ambience' of sound if two recordings, done in different places,were spliced to make it seem the characters were face to face (illegal now anyway!) The 'studios' they are recording from are so different.

    1. Re your BTW: as I mentioned earlier, colleagues of mine, working from home with sound recording and editing software, insert their recorded utterances into pre-recorded dialogue. They are not sound technicians, these are skills they have acquired to go with their job. Also mentioned before, so apologies for the repetition, ‘Henry’ was recorded at home and successfully spliced into conversations with Helen, Rob st al. So it seems to be possible.

    2. Sorry I must have missed that. I'm not very technical so when that subject comes up I do tend to let it wash over me! Apologies. I was just going by the 3 plus person interviews I hear on radio 4. Some are very echo -ey (?), some sound distant and some are okay.
      Henry mostly said single words and I am sure they inserted a stock recorded 'Alright' most of the time especially when he was 3/4 years old.
      Was he actually recorded at home? I have only ever heard that he was recorded separately from the adults so that he wouldn't necessarily be traumatised by the story line. Perhaps he was taken to a local BBC studio to record his piece and it wasn't done in a spare room or even a cupboard at home.
      There are many local BBC studios. A friend who has done several interviews and who lived in Sittingbourne used to travel to Chatham or Maidstone to answer questions, live on the relevant programme.
      Anyway let's hope the cast can get together (indoors) soon .
      I did hear that they had to ditch several recorded episodes and five weeks of planned scripts when lockdown began. Must be heartbreaking to have to destroy all that work!

  80. I think there is the opportunity for the s/ws to do some very interesting things here; perhaps showing how the inner person can differ from the personality presented to the world. I was disappointed in the decision to make Philip a "baddie" but now they have done so I would like them to explore the difference in his internal musings about his workmen and the side he presents to Kirsty, and how the two parts of his personality can be present in the one person.

    1. Good idea Janice. I'd like to hear Philip too so that we could try to understand what makes him tick and how he reconciles what he really does as against what he presents to the world.

    2. I like this idea...
      Thank-you both.

  81. I think that by "a herd mentality" was meant that we all accept unconditionally what we are given. I must admit that my attention wavers somewhat because I'm wondering who's next but I'm not giving up. We are all one of a herd following the Archers!

    1. Thank you Basia. Welcome to the herd of Archers followers. Some of us may be a bit long in the tooth, some of us younger and frisky but we all love TA!

  82. In this case I am certainly part of ' the herd ' in my mental capacity regarding the Archers. I have always claimed that TA 'washes over me' and this is so and has been for much of my life. It's there, almost every day of the week and for me is a habit that I have no intention of trying to get rid of, part of the structure of my week, having been part of the structure of my life for almost seven decades.
    I don't feel the need to criticise much in life.
    There is much in life that I dislike intensely but I don't allow my dislike to wind me into anger or waste my emotions on criticising. If I don't like something or someone I leave it or them alone and try not to include that element in my life.
    If something or someone does me some ill I will take action if i deem it necessary and practical to do so. If something pleasing happens I might comment with praise and give thanks. But in most cases what is important to me is ensuring that I live a descent and honest life doing as little harm as possible to those I encounter. Without criticism.
    And I am not overly concerned to be critical of something which washes over me several times a week.
    I certainly do not follow any herd in my personal or political life, but because I choose to accept The Archers for what it is - to me - a short interlude of escape to a different but familiar world, on most days of the week, without being critical, then clearly I do have a herd mentality as described.
    But I make no apology for being so.
    And like others, I do not expect perfection, in TA or anywhere else.
    Perfection is a fools paradise.

    1. I’m shocked by your last sentence, Mrs P! I was brought up to believe that perfection is something to strive for, however impossible it seems, and certainly not the prerogative of fools! It’s when one sees others not even trying, that, but settling for the lowest common denominator (which, purely in my opinion, is what’s happening to TA), that one gets testy!

  83. Agh Maryellen I didn't say one shouldn't strive for it.
    In all I've ever done in my life of craft, I have sought and strived for perfectionand occasionally got very near.
    It is the belief that perfection can be achieved that I have an argument with.

    As far as trying and TA is concerned, others feel differently to you, and believe that the TA team have tried and some feel that in part they have succeeded in finding a new and innovative way of producing TA in this challenging period.

    However I am very much with you in believing that TA is not what it was way back in the past, and has not been so for a long long time.

    1. In that last sentence, Mrs P, you are exercising your critical faculties. That, surely, through the centuries of human endeavour, is one of the ways in which humankind progresses, striving for excellence ( relative, of course
      - perfection being elusive)

    2. I like Monroe's quote :
      " Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be utterly ridiculous than utterly boring"

  84. I think perfection needs to be aimed for but rarely achieved. My school motto was “Quod Potui perfeci” or I have done what I could do. So you just do your best and maybe in the circumstances that’s what the Archers team are doing. For us it isn’t a perfect solution but maybe there just isn’t one!

  85. I have just been invited to join the Ambridge Cricket Club Facebook Group!
    It’s hilarious, with so many funny posts about the club, whether anyone will eat Shula’s sandwiches and predictions about games with other villages.
    There is even a contribution from Tracy warning us not to let on about team tactics.
    Somebody, very inventively, has started this group as an Archers related distraction during the lockdown.
    I know not many here are on FB, but if you are, and like cricket and a bit of fun, take a look.

    1. I thought Fallon took over the cricket teas from Shula some years ago?

    2. I very rarely do F/B but I have an account.
      As both an Archers + cricket fan, I might just try and find this.
      Thanks for highlighting.

    3. Maryellen, it was purely tongue-in-cheek, about fish-paste sandwiches.

  86. Surely there is not a herd mentality here?
    We all give our open + honest thoughts, on this wonderful TA site.
    How lucky we are, to be able to do so, whilst we can't meet up, and give family members - a big kiss + cuddle.

  87. What does it mean to blog?
    This Archers blog rose from the ashes when the BBC switched us off and we thought we had been abandoned. Ruth created the blog and we continued.
    This format has given us the opportunity to offer a record of our thoughts, opinions and experiences of listening to a long (aged) broadcast radio programme. That includes reviewing, assessing and making judgments on the content, it’s accuracy, writings and acting abilities.
    Some of the episodes have been dull and the acting mediocre and some have been exciting and the acting meaningfully expressed.
    Some of the judgements we make here as bloggers have been insightful and positive And some critical of the omissions and lack of research when some ‘issues’ have inserted into the scripts.
    We have used our own experiences and knowledge to express either delight or disappointment at the manner in which these issues have been conveyed either in content or acting abilities.
    I call all of a our blogging comments a critique or review of what is in my understanding a 13 minute piece of entertainment.
    Critiquing is not a negative process it is simply an expression of something we read, listen to or watch.
    I appreciate that along with the rest of us TA programmers have had difficulties giving us the usual format, but that shouldn’t exclude us from voicing our views on the content.
    As maryellen said, digital technology should have enabled the actors to express the storyline in a manner they are more accustomed to.
    Many are using YouTube To do just that.
    As I said earlier. I enjoyed last nights episode and hope I will with tonight’s.

    1. I so agree on the whole.
      Digital technology is great, but perhaps not always this can be done
      With our well-known characters, recording their parts on so many different devices, whilst home alone, this might explain the difference in quality.
      I am prepared to accept this, as it is just no nice to hear -
      Ambridge Live again.

  88. Carolyn 9.59am
    I agree many professionals in the Arts and Media are experiencing difficulties especially if they are self employed, which many actors are. The implications are enormous and those giving us the Archers have at least some occupation. I wish they all could go back to a working life.
    That many are experiencing hardship I do understand, my nephew works in the media making films and because he is self employed he has had to apply for income support.
    There will be no Turner prize this year so the money has been allocated to help a number of artists.
    Many talented people are struggling in these trying times.

  89. Archerphile - your Ambridge Cricket Club, must be by invitation only.
    I looked for it on F/B but found nothing.
    I hope you enjoy it. 🏏🏏😁😁

  90. I enjoyed the Tracy and Harrison episode and thought it was light-hearted and amusing. Looking forward to the next one.

  91. Miriam, I looked for the Ambridge Cricket Club facebook group on two devices and the first failed because it was apparently not an updated version of facebook but I found it on the other device.

    1. I have also tried, on two different devices, which I am sure have the most up-dated versions installed.
      I am a techno-phobe though, so I am probabley quite wrong..
      Never mind, it is just one of those things.

  92. I know what I've been missing, counting the number of characters in an episode and tonight we had three! I really thought Josh was going to crash another piece of machinery but he didn't.

  93. I have to remonstrate with whoever is the TA Agricultural Advisor at the moment.

    Josh said he was drilling Linseed for Adam. If that really was the case he is extremely late!
    We have lots of beautiful blue fields around here, full of linseed in full flower.
    They make our local views magical with a soft blue shimmer in the sun, and such a contrast to the pale cream barley and bight yellow oilseed rape.

    Brian won’t be pleased that Adam is so late drilling linseed, the crop is hardly going to succeed now!

    1. Ah yes, but remember Ambridge is currently creeping out of a virus-free time warp : )

  94. Archerphile I have a wonderful memory of seeing Linseed in a field. It was the first time for me and I was entranced. The colour seemed translucent.
    It was doubly memorable because I had taken a walk around the area of countryside near to where I had lived as a cadet nurse in my mid teens, where then I had roamed with friends and learned to ride a bike. ( my father was too mean to buy me a bike when I was a child )

    1. It is beautiful Mrs P, but unfortunately does not last long. On our walks up the field opposite, from the top we can see a patchwork of blue, green, yellow and almost white fields - it’s wonderful & I feel so privileged to be isolating in the countryside.

  95. I enjoyed the episode again tonight I'm pleased to say. Even found Josh's thoughts really intriguing and I'd never found him a very interesting character before. I think I dismissed him as a cocky young man (is that expression OK these days?) but he's certainly ambitious and determined and just needs to mature.

  96. As predicted “our Trace” is the new Cricket Captain! Hold onto your hats team as no doubt she will knock everyone of the you for 6 🤣
    Plus Josh AND Harrison tonight, I’m still ok with the episodes they are keeping the programme ticking over and the SL are trying to keep us up to date by mentioning other characters and what they are up to until normal service can be resumed.

  97. Yes, not a bad episode, moved the action on, gave us some insights into a few characters ( BTW, didn't Harrison sound actually relieved to have passed on the baton of leadership to Tracy ?!), but it triggered some after thoughts:

    Given what she said, Tracy is likely to ask Gavin to join the team, cue Harrison, disgusted by this, to speed up his investigation; he may have a lucky tip off, like locating the 'slaves' ( as someone has said, might have been Pierre ?) That way the SL will be solved, at any rate as far as establishing the guilt of Moss, father & son....

    1. I think that could be the case Carolyn - well thought out 👏🏻

    2. And leaves Blake and his two mates homeless and jobless?

    3. Yes you are right, that is the problem Maryellen. Unless alternative provision is made by our government to care for such people they will remain on the streets and vulnerable to those who would take advantage.

  98. Harrison arrested the thieving gang by chance, couldn't understand what he said, so it might come to him in the same way as he has his suspicions already.

  99. Funnily enough, today’s episode of Doctors on TV at lunchtime also dealt with slave labour. This time it was a car wash facility where the owner kept young Rumanian men in terrible conditions and forced them to work with threats and violence. Very nasty.

    1. I saw that, + immediately thought of Philip and Gavin, who must have a strong hold over their workers. Blake was homeless, but nothing was known about the others.
      I hope this will all come out, in the future, as it won't certainly be soon.

  100. I have been thinking (probably over-thinking, yet again).
    I wonder if there will be a twist - in that Kirsty + Philip did get married.
    It is known that the so-called engagement party was cancelled, as it was a group gathering.
    It is not known when the wedding would take place.
    Remember, in the week before total lockdown, weddings could take place in a limited way. This was with a celebrant, the happy couple with 2 witnesses, only.
    Hence my thought, it might have happened.

    1. I guess it is, but I very much hope it didn't happen - much more drawn out to extricate yourself from a marriage than an 'unofficial' partnership, & I think we all want to see Kirsty free asap !

  101. Know what, I quite enjoyed tonight's offering - father & son arriving at a better understanding, some give & take both sides...& they, particularly David, seem to be more able to handle this monologue way of performing. Josh (imo) was pretty natural from the beginning.

    1. I know what you mean. It sounded so much more natural tonight.
      I am looking forward to more TA next week.
      How sad though, a break of 3 days now.
      I hope it will be worth this interlude.

  102. Hearing so much of young Mr Imrie’s voice in these monologues makes me realise how wrong it is for the character of Josh.
    Not saying he’s a bad actor, in fact I think he handles these speeches very well, it’s just that his voice is too high and too young for the part he is playing.
    This will become even more obvious next week, when we hear Ben , who sounds older than his age.
    What a pity the actors couldn't be reversed!

    As for David, he seems to have changed his tune very suddenly. On Monday he did’t have a good word to say about his son; tonight was totally different.
    Oh well, there’s nowt so strange as folk!

  103. I agree with you Miriam and carolyn that tonight's offering sounded more natural. It's a new skill I think for all the actors to be thinking out loud and it's improving. I also liked the give and take between father and son, long may it continue.

  104. Just found this elsewhere for those who are saying it would be simple to broadcast a drama with characters miles apart pretending to be face to face.
    Keri Davies answers questions about, if other shows can do it, why can't TA?

    "If it were possible to set it up that way, with acceptable levels of dramatic and technical quality, I know my colleagues would have done it. We’re not doing it this way to annoy people."

    Then someone called Mark Cotton who describes himself as a podcast producer and audio engineer responds (his website
    Don’t worry, unless people have tried to produce during lockdown I don’t think they have a clue how difficult it is. Even a simple 2 people interview loses all the flow of a natural conversation. I’ve struggled with remote recording. I think you have all done it brilliantly.

    1. Then how did they manage it so successfully with ‘Henry’, I wonder.?
      Sorry, but nt convinced!

    2. I remember they also did it with Ruairi when he was very young and had an Irish accent. Lots of people wrote in saying what a brilliant little actor he was, and how did they get him to learn the scripts and speak at the right point.
      The answer was that he was recorded separately (at home, I think) and the recordings inserted into the programme.
      Just like Henry.

  105. This is from the BBC South East website -

    "Five people have been arrested in connection with the alleged exploitation of Romanian fruit workers.
    Police raided a property in Chatham, Kent, on Friday 22 May and arrested four men and a woman.
    All five were held on suspicion of human trafficking and modern slavery offences and released pending further inquiries.
    A number of identified victims were taken to a place of safety, Kent Police said."

    Hopefully a 'place of safety' will be found for the three men under the control of the Mosses!

  106. Well ,may I suggest that Keri Davies should get in touch with the producer of "The Today Programme "on BBC.
    I listen each morning and the presenters who are doing it from their own homes seem to have little problem
    Like Maryellen,I am not convinced.

    1. Lanjan, could it be that the Today presenters are having a spontaneous conversation and not trying to reproduce a script which someone else has written?

  107. Well, it’s the end of the first week and I’m in the school of what a lot of ‘ Ram a lang, a ding dong. Think the sheep had a more interesting Baaaversation, along with Cluckcussion.
    Josh maybe you are not like your Dad, I’d call him Dull Dave.
    I sat there listening and thinking how many farming songs I:could insert, Old, Green! Green grass of home, The Lord is my Shepard, All we like sheep. All I want is Ewe. Sheep may safely graze. Ewe are my hearts delight.
    I accept we are all struggling in lockdown. But think about the sheep, cows
    and chickens they are always in lockdown.
    Do not take the above seriously, it’s just me musing. An inner monologue.


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