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Life in Ambridge



    Archerphile - June 29, 2020 at 10:09 PM

    Aha! So Ifty is back on the scene is he? How interesting that he has been brought back into the story.
    I always rather liked Ifty, and had hopes of him and Elizabeth getting together. I was quite disappointed when Elizabeth turned him down. Who knows, if they had got together and Ifty had become a Step-father for Freddie, (who, I seem to remember, got on well with him during maths coaching) perhaps Freddie would not have ended up in the YOC!
    So I hope that Ifty is not going to be forgotten about when normality returns and that he will become a regular cast member.

    MrsP Ambridge - June 29, 2020 at 10:56 PM

    Haven't listened yet this evening but like Archerphile I liked Ifty and am pleased to hear that he might be back.
    If so..... one good idea IMO as I thought he was good for Elizabeth as well as Freddie, and still could be.

  2. Replies
    1. Gary, the old blog hasn’t closed down, I’ve just posted and then realised a new one had been set up.

    2. Thanks for the heads up stasia!

  3. Shall repeat myself.
    Carolyn, as Mistral says “get a grip”. It was drab, dreary, and uninteresting and introducing Iffey? was a blunt instrument to entice the listener from Elizabeth sending us all to sleep as she stood on one leg. I needed a tap on the 🧠 brain to bring me back to the real world. Is Iffey a figment in a sexually needy Elizabeth’s head.? It all sounds Iffey to me.
    I do, believe me, admire your literary flair, talent and aptitude to take so few ingredients and make a meal from them. Currently listening to the Archers is like feeding a hungry dog 🐕 with a plate of shadows, we think we are getting a meaty concoction but the dog knows it an illusion.

    Carolyn. I do wish the S/Ws had your abilities to write🖊📝 insightfully about the characters at the moment that seems impossible. ❣️

    1. Stasia, thank you. You have said it for me too.

    2. Pierre. I have gone back on my decision not to listen and only switched on once last week. Then from Friday until this morning I couldn’t take cold turkey any longer, so like an an alcoholic I had to treat the DT’s and take a sip.
      I need to make an appointment with Elizabeth’s therapist. She is a fast worker.

  4. To be fair to the scriptwriters and cast, I think monologue can be harder to write and act than dialogue, though you might think the reverse would be true. The editorial decision to avoid the technical implications of dialogue under lockdown conditions and go for monologue instead, seems to have put a strain on the abilities of both writers and actors. I haven’t listened to much myself, having been put off by the clunky, wooden first one, but the impression I get from other people is that the characters’ inner selves are less engaging (and not. always as good natured). than their public selves. This could be all too true!

    1. You do have a point about the S/Ws writing skills however it can’t be too arduous to think of a topic that allows the character to be more expressive. Getting Freddie worked up about a BALLOCK is bollocks. Simply lazy and unimaginative.

  5. I immediately wondered why Freddie had not resorted to YouTube to inform himself about the insides of a WC, either before attempting to put it to rights, or once he had opened the top and discovered the ball that was not floating.
    A conversation with his laptop or phone would have been of greater interest.
    I don't mind too much at Elizabeth fantasising about Ifty.

  6. Stasia, I found Freddie fretting over a ballcock very uninteresting and lost patience! If they must do monologues at least make them appropriate to the storylines or interesting in some way.

  7. Or they could have had him doing it after asking Reg's advice so that at least we had a lesson in how to repair a ballcock.

  8. Admit the monologues are far from being inspired. Have now watched all Alan Bennett's Talking Heads - brilliant ! Clever, dark, with the distinctive Bennett voice & use of language present, nevertheless, in each characterisation ( somehow, that didn't detract.) In fairness, he was in control with none of the constraints the poor TA writers have forced upon them : they can't bring the story forward, all that has come to a standstill, so the possibilities are limited.

    Thanks, Stasia, for attributing latent SW skills to me - imagine a mock modest smile ! Have to say, along with others no doubt, could have dreamt up something better for Elizabeth than resurrecting the rather pleasant Ifty, who surely had a lucky escape from her & the LL set up, in general. For instance, I would like to hear about her own secretly mixed & troubled feelings about the ghastly Russ, also, how Lily is coping with lockdown, in close proximity to the needy pretentious boyfriend.

  9. How do we know Elizabeth has mixed and troubled feelings about the helpful and sympathetic Russ if they are secret? (Just asking!)

    1. I cannot for the life of me fathom your support for Russ maryellen - I never know if you are taking the piss!!

      Imagine being a fully grown adult male who relies on handouts from the mother of his (barely-out-of-her-teens) girlfriend! She paid for his flat, his kettle, his food and his art materials. She now gives him a roof over his head in her own home & some sort of job in some sort of ridiculous gallery. He's a sack of shit who is basically sponging off a woman (AND her daughter) who not very long ago was having some sort of breakdown.

      How you can stick up for a man with such little dignity and self respect amuses me...

    2. Must say I find it very hard to understand anyone standing up for
      ‘the helpful and sympathetic’ Russ. I was hoping he might have disappeared back to his wife just before lockdown began. I forget, have we ever heard if the divorce went through?

    3. Lily abandoned her studies because they were in debt but of course they have repaid it by turning up at the right time and looking/cooking for Elizabeth for which she is very grateful and she doesn't see Russ as a scrounger. At least Lily's found a job outside the cocoon.

    4. No, I am not taking the piss. Russ was the ‘villain listeners loved to revile’ until Philip took over the role, but Ihave always found some positive things to say about him, and on his last appearance, talking sense into Freddie, no one here disagreed with the view that he didn’t put a foot wrong. His job at Lower Loxley is the one Lewis had, with the employee’s salary and accommodation that went with it, so no more to be sneered at now than it was in Lewis time.

      He makes a major contribution (unpaid) to the running of the Lower Loxley household and business. He has ‘sorted out’ Lily and Elizabeth on several occasions of professional or personal crisis, ditto Freddie as mentioned above. He has faults, obviously, who in Ambridge doesn’t, but I don’t think he lacks either dignity or self-respect.

    5. Each to their own maryellen! To me he's nothing more than a slightly creepy failure of a man...

    6. Don't think your objective is to take the piss exactly, Maryellen, that's perhaps an enjoyable by product, but to exercise your imagination & ingenuity. You espouse commonly disliked characters, such as Russ, Hannah or a generally derided one, such as Toby, & big them up, ignoring the glaringly obvious negative aspects, & offering alternative readings. Alongside that, you cast aspersions on generally liked characters, such as Leonard, Neil, & even Kirsty at times.
      Interesting for you, & sometimes entertaining for us.
      On the other hand, won't list Russ's failings again - done that too often.

    7. Well, Carolyn, I won’t ruin Gary’s nice new blog by continuing your personal confrontation. Except to say, someone has to champion the bashed, so I’ll carry on exercising my right to see the good in people. As Gary sagely says, each to their own. End of.

    8. My father used to relate a story about an obnoxious old man who never got on with anyone in his village. He didn't seem to have one redeeming quality. After he died they tried in vain to have someone say something nice at his funeral. At last they chose a chap who could always find some little good in everyone. The church was packed to hear what good thing he would say about the horrible old man. The chap stood up and said, "He was a great whistler." (l'll leave word for you to speak at my funeral, Maryellen)

    9. Only if you’ve been as sympathetic and helpful to someone as Russ has to the Pargetter family!😄

  10. Thank you Gary for that lovely blast from the past, have just finished listening to it. I had forgotten the Jackie. Does anyone remember how much Walter had won? I hope Nelson wasn't expecting him to lend/give more like! all of it

  11. One of the things that I find difficult with the monologues is the way most of them are acted.
    I assume these are supposed to be internal thoughts that we are allowed to be privy to?
    But most of them, especially Freddie last night, sound exactly as if they are saying their thoughts out loud, (very loud sometimes) or to someone else in the room.
    I thought they should be much quieter and reflective, much more ‘in the head’ of the actor rather than being ‘acted’ as if on stage.
    I expect this is very difficult to do, but should be a technique a radio actor could manage. Strangely, I thought David did it fairly well in the first week
    Or perhaps I’m just being too critical.

    1. I talk my thoughts "out loud" quite regulary now. It is just normal, as there is no-one to hear, nor reply to them, so why worry about it. I don't! Nor should the Ambridge characters. Not everyone, has someone to talk to, on a regular daily basis -
      hence talking to yourself.

  12. I have no problem with the delivery, to me they are talking to themselves out loud but I dislike most of the content.

  13. As I enjoyed last weeks omnibus so much, I listened last night.
    How brilliant to have Ifty again.
    Lizzie was drawn to him, but couldn't commit to a new relationship, due to, as we know now, her PTSD or similar, relating to Nigel's sad demise.
    I wish her well.

  14. I, for one, have now adapted to the new Archers.
    I enjoy hearing thoughts, ideas and feelings from many of the Ambridge residents.
    There have been quite a lot of hints and thoughts, how things might change, after lockdown.
    At least the virtual pub quiz, from The Bull, is different and should be entertaining..👍

  15. I realise, that my thoughts are not the same as others.
    At least, this is a wonderful place, where I can freely state my own ideas.

    Long may it continue. 😀😀😆
    Thanks GG. 🔝✔✔

  16. Having dreadful problems with this blog and font sizes. Has increased again so much that even ‘Archerphile (Google) as above is split onto two lines.
    Have searched for help & it seems many people are having font size problems , either too small or too large. None of the ‘solutions’ help.
    If anyone else expériences sudden increase in font size could you please let me know
    Many thanks.

  17. Gary, that was great, listening to that omnibus. Thank you so so so so much.
    Some of those accents have changed over the decades though.
    Shula didn't sound any different nor did Neil but Peggy has become awfully posh !
    Eddy was the same but noticeably younger.
    I had forgotten Jackie , and forgotten that Clarrie had a problem with Susan.
    Did anyone else notice that Susan was described as a ' nice quiet girl ' ?
    I wonder what happened to that nice quiet girl then.

  18. Emma hay making, Freddie plumbing, they are both learning new skills.

  19. I so wish, that I had Lynda's wonderful way of expressing feelings in writing.
    It was just a shame she was silent.
    Still, yet again, tonights TA was enjoyable. Well, it was to me, and that is all I, personally, need 😂
    It is like that well known spread, beginning with an is either love or hate.

  20. That was the best episode I've heard so far - actually listened instead of drifting off, & first time without thinking about the SLs on hold. Emma, Ed & Freddie getting on with what they had to do, at the same time involved with their thoughts, & referencing other people. The letter from Lynda at last opened, toilet mended, Emma doing an urgent job on the farm, supervised by young George. Not bad at all !

  21. Yes I enjoyed it too. Lots going on to feel engaged with.
    Amazed at Emma on the tractor, or whatever it was.
    And sat and really listened when Freddie finally opened the letter. Well done Linda.
    I thought he was going to stop reading after the first sentence or so, but loved his remark at the end.
    I do hope we continue to hear more of this relationship.

  22. I wonder if Ifty reappears, he will be a threat to Tracy, as he trained the cricket team, at one time (I think).

  23. carolyn 1.59 pm - I have only managed to watch two of the Talking Heads by Alan Bennett. I thought Sarah Lancashire was brilliant in An Ordinary Woman. Unsettling subject and she acted it so well. In Her Big Chance I thought Jodie Comer did a great job but IMHO Julie Walters' version was superb and the new version didn't add anything.

  24. Parsley, forgot about the real ale...and I was once a member of CAMRA. I don’t think I have tried Bateman’s so that would be a treat. Sam Smiths bitter, Theakston’s bitter, XB and Cameron’s bitter are my favourites. A half is enough, though. I can’t get my hands around a pint glass and a half lasts me all night anyway. As for the wine, a small glass of Provençal rose (can’t find the accent) would be lovely.😊

    1. Oops, wrong blog, sorry...shouldn’t have started drinking so early in the morning. That comes of reading the blogs on safari and posting on google chrome.🙄

    2. Also ex CAMRA member. Batemans Brewery is in Wainfleet, down towards Boston. Still miss a decent pint...

  25. Well I listened this morning and thought I was going to have to ‘plumb’ the depths of despair and boredom.
    Lo, it came as though from a different writer, Freddie can relax and now repair the toilet and Emma is on the way to becoming a farmer.
    Carolyn, we are in agreement. Except I would add, it may be the best so far, but there is still a long way to go.
    Another two months at least!

  26. I thought last night's episode was better with more going on to keep my interest. Lovely letter from Lynda and Freddie was so glad.

  27. What I want to hear, are the thoughts from:-
    Lily + Russ
    Kenton + Jolene
    Eddie + Clarrie
    ....and most important
    Jazzer + Jim.

  28. I'm a bit late commenting but thank you so much Gary for the lovely visit to long ago Archers!

  29. I didn't like the giggly Elizabeth. Seven years on she's ready for Ifty, I doubt he's been waiting. She was just like that when she pulled Roy into her tent and together they wrecked his marriage by way of an experiment.

  30. Listened to the Omnibus at the top of the page.
    Thanks Gary.
    It sounded a bit stilted to me though in places.
    I wonder if I thought so then or whether I have just got more critical?
    I think probably the latter.

  31. Just listened to the second part of the omnibus. I loved the interaction between Walter and Nelson. Nelson was a rogue but I liked him. I can’t remember what happened to him to take him out of the programme but maybe some of you remember. He used to have quite a rapport with Elizabeth if I remember rightly as she used to frequent the wine bar! Walter was irreplaceable, a true character.

  32. Didn't listen tonight but watched the 1983 film of "The Pirates of Penzance" (with the wonderful Linda Ronstadt). Then in the cast list as one of the pirates was our own Tim Bentinck! Can't say I recognised him but IMDb confirms it is indeed he. Another string to his bow as well as recording a "mind the gap" announcement for the London Underground!

  33. Ev - The actor Jack May who played Nelson sadly died. It was obviously decided not to recast. I think Nelson was supposed to have decamped to Spain (with Julia Pargetter's sister?) and I remember the news coming back about Nelson having died out there. I distinctly remember Shula talking about it but to whom I don't know.

  34. Oh what a disappointment. Ifty has turned out to be a slob!

  35. Rosie (?) Nelson's long lost daughter tried to decipher his death certificate with the help of Siobhan who said it stated a heart attack, who/what caused it we don't know.

  36. Thank you for Nelson info. How sad that the actor died. He was a great favourite of mine at the time!

  37. Sooo....they aren't considering bringing Ifty back, if he was allowed to slurp pasta online when talking to Madam Elizabeth in her fetching silk shirt. Never mind, he's had a lucky escape & she's getting frisky again( but not with Ifty, no longer nifty)
    Not interested in Susan/Tracy/Quizgate, but rather liked Ed chuntering on to himself, getting irritable, frustrated, uxorious & happy in quick succession. Par for the course during lockdown. Nice that he & lazy Will had a laugh in the end.

  38. Bringing Ifty back is a good move. It brings another character into TA, as many of the more senior one's, will not be able to participate, for quite a while to come.
    Surely it is better, to bring something/ someone different into TA.
    I think that this also applies to Chloe - in the making up of character numbers.
    I could be so wrong, yet again.😣

    1. I would love to hear a mention about Carole T. Is she still alone in Glebe Cottage or did she go to spend lockdown with Anna?
      At least Bert has Toby + Rex -though the Faitbrothers are still silent.

    2. Miriam I think the point last night is that Elizabeth is no longer interested in Ifty so he won't be back!
      I think the S/Ws introduced him briefly was to stop everyone (not just here but fb and mustardland too) going on about him and wanting him to return to woo Elizabeth.

    3. I implied earlier earlier (3.33pm) that the purpose of Ifty was not to reintroduce him as a character, but to show that she was ready to move on & have a relationship.He was a trigger to this self realization.

    4. Carolyn - I agree but I still think that the team wanted to move on and forget about Ifty. He is constantly mentioned on fb with pleas to bring him back! 😒
      9.30 and no comments about tonight's episode!
      I can do without Susan's radio show. I think some local radio shows are pretty awful but none come near to Radio Borchester!
      I did like Freddie's letter to Lynda. Especially when he didn't know how to sign off but when he read the letter through 'love. Freddie' came naturally. Lovely.

  39. Just listened, in bed , as usual Spicy. I loved Freddie’s letter to Lynda, he is becoming a very thoughtful, caring and considerate young man.

    The thing that struck me was that Susan seems to be hitting the bottle a lot recently. It’s becoming quite a habit to calm her nerves with a gin or brandy. Will this lead to a joint alcoholic story with her daughter-in-law in weeks to come? 🤪
    As for her taking Jennifer to task for not understanding a Latin phrase - that sounded hilarious, I should like to have heard the actual conversation between them!

  40. Didn't Ed say that Lilian was to sort out his dilemma about whether to be on Tracey's or Susan's team? If so I wonder if Jennifer was persuaded to have a row with Susan so that she and Tracey would 'make up' and both turn against Jennifer?
    I might have misheard as I am not wearing both hearing aids to try to preserve the batteries. I have ordered new ones from the hospital (as per CV19 instructions) but have not yet received them and am down to my last pair. If nothing arrives by midweek I suppose I'll have to buy them from Boots. Not really wanting to do that as they are pretty expensive and |I'm mean! 😀

  41. Wow! Freddie seems to have done some growing up.

  42. P les C - Didn't I always say he would ?

  43. Possibly due to Russ talking sense into him.

    1. maryellen. You just can’t help yourself! 😊

    2. Nor can others - I mention no names! 🙂

  44. Russ's sense is exactly the sense he doesn't need. It certainly will not elevate his morals..

  45. Did Russ talk to Freddie after the explosion at GG?
    Even if he did what "sense" would he be talking about?
    Freddie spoke much about his own father, he doesn't need his sister's adulterous boyfriend to give him life lessons.

  46. We heard Russ talking sympathetically to Freddie and pointing his thoughts in the right direction when the lad was in low spirits. Not something a dead father could have done, They are, in effect, brothers in law. And adultery isn’t new to the Pargetter family.

  47. Freddie has served a prison sentence and rescued Lynda from a fire.
    Russ left his wife and seduced his student and was subsequently forced to resign.
    They are not brothers in law as Russ has neither divorced nor remarried.
    As I said above, Elizabeth was involved in an adulterous relationship, so neither she nor Russ are a good example.

    1. None of that alters the fact that we last heard Riss talking sympathetically with Freddie and pointing his thoughts in the right direction, clearly with good effect. No one here was able to say he had done or said other than the right thing. Happy to repeat this as indefinitely! They are, in effect, if not by law, brothers in law.

    2. Now I'm puzzled. Elizabeth was a widow when she had the fling with Roy so she wasn't committing adultery. Have I forgotten something about Julia or her sister (can't remember her name) or Nigel's sister?

    3. I think the adultery was in Roy’s court!

    4. Elizabeth initiated a relationship she knew to be adulterous. Same difference. So did her daughter.

    5. Exactly Ev. Roy committed adultery. Elizabeth just had sex! (According to OED)

    6. Elizabeth was actively encouraging and conniving in Roy’s adultery. Same difference. Lily was actively conniving in Rob’s adultery. Same difference.

  48. If I was David or Shula or Kenton I would be keeping a VERY beady eye on Russ!

    1. They certainly used to keep a beady eye & Kenton was especially frustrated & bemused when his sister did a volte face, one moment pouring out her concern over Lily's relationship & the next taking him into the bosom of the family !

    2. Any married adult male who abused a position of trust to embark on an affair with a teenager & then moved into her mentally ill mother's house really SHOULD be kept tabs on, don't you think?

      I will never tire of pointing this out!

    3. It will it penetrate thick walls?🧠

    4. I think I probably have got tired of pointing it out, actually !! Though that LL story has been left dangling for about a year, it's quite well written. Lily gets irritated with him from time to time, but hasn't grown out of him yet, Elizabeth has found him somewhat useful around the place, so chooses to be blind to what bothered her so much initially. In short, he's played his cards effectively, can do the Mr Nice Guy bit, when it suits his purpose, but the mask slips when the local youth sneer at the ex Dep. Principal, when Tracy answers him back, or anyone queries his divorce plans. ( however, Lily discovered something when she called on his wife, but we never found out what it was, did we ?? though I have a few guesses)

      Used to think that his cover up of Freddie's drug dealing at the college would be exposed, but have given up hope there.

    5. It’s another story with loose ends! Maybe “Russ” has another acting job!

  49. And what was Russ's "advice" to Freddie when he was confronted by him about his & Lily's affair? Didn't Russ immediately threaten Freddie that he would tell the police that he was involved in drug dealing? Told him that if he said nothing about the affair he wouldn't say 'owt about the drugs? "I'll scratch your back and let Lily continue to scratch mine?"

    What a man! What a decent bloke! Never mind there were kids overdosing on drugs in the village, as long as Russ had his bit of teenage skirt on the side everythings fine!


  50. Hi Gary, I accept your yuck and double it! A sleasebag extraordinary!

  51. Has anyone here got a new stick to bash Russ with? No. For why? It”s all in the past. That’s what’s people aren’t tiring of raking over. He is no longer any of those things, but an active contributor to Lower Loxley’s personal, domestic and business affairs. His faults are duplicated in other Ambridge males, past and present.

    1. Groomer, sponger, drug dealing enabler.

      Takes more than wearing a bunny suit or flinging a dozen paintings on a wall for someone with that past to get me to put away THOSE particular sticks maryellen.

      Each to their own...

    2. The only reason why we haven’t heard anything in a ‘long time’ is because the S/Ws have forgotten who he is. He is a pretentious sleaze bag, sure he must have some skills or he wouldn’t have reached deputy whatever status. Sleekit men like him have the persuasive ability to weasel their way any into positions but with ulterior motives.
      His was to exploit vulnerable young girls and Lily was a girl doing A levels.
      What Lily discovered was that his wife was not much older than herself. But unlike Lily, she didn’t present with a stately home to latch on to when things got tough. He wasn’t pushed but had to jump otherwise he would have been suspended pending investigation. His protestations of love are typical of someone who has exhausted all his opportunities to manipulate other young girls. He has a stain on his career as a teacher, and by the sounds of it won’t make any money painting unless it on brick walls.
      His wife seemingly doesn’t want him, so lf is he is evicted from LL where to next?
      I have worked with people like him, con merchants.

      Is he still a story waiting to be exposed?

      Gary I meant to say, don’t exhaust yourself, some walls are to thick to penetrate.

    3. Don't worry about me stasia - I have the stamina of 11 oxen when it comes to calling out creepy weasels like Russ!

    4. You go Gary!! I'm totally with you over that nasty piece of work - Russ.

  52. It’s beyond me why Maryellen defends people like Russ. Heartily agree with GG and Stasia. Lily is a silly little girl to go on with him and you would think she would have seen through him by now. Again that SL has gone quiet! Isn’t there a SW in charge to ensure continuity and tidying up loose ends?

    1. Well, Ev, according to Stasia, it’s because I’m thick. Gary has the stamina of 11 oxen and I have their brains!

  53. We don't need new sticks, the old ones will do as the past cannot be erased.
    Pierre said that Freddie has done some growing up, I added with the addition of a new skill.
    Maryellen said that it may have been due to Russ talking some sense into him.
    Why bring Russ into it?
    Why can't Freddie do his own growing up based on his own experiences?
    When I hear Freddie refer to Russ as his brother in law only then I'll accept it as such.

    1. So “the past cannot be erased” applies to cheating, drug dealing Freddie too, then. And all Ambridge’s with criminal or semi- criminal pasts.

    2. Oh, absolutely maryellen! To name but a few - Freddie will always be that little privileged arse that sold drugs for the sheer "fun" of it, Roy will always be a racist cheater & Emma will ALWAYS be that screeching clown running about the village demanding that people buy her a house!

      I don't mind being COMPLETELY judgemental when it comes to badly drawn, one dimensional, occasionally terribly acted fictional characters!

    3. Ah, the penny drops! I’ve made the soap listener’s big mistake of thinking of TA characters in terms of real people, in all their shades of grey, instead of fictional creations either black or white! Silly me!

    4. I've never conflated a single soul in The Archers with any real person - it's not that well written or acted to be honest with you.

  54. Russ - what a person.
    I am still surprised that Lily is still with him, as she was suddenly enjoying a different life, without him. But....this could be one of the many S/L's which were shredded.
    I still don't trust Russ, and I think he still is waiting his time, to scam Lizzie, Freddie + Lily, with the attic contents (including Nigels paintings).
    I also still think, he was involved in the "drug" scene at the college + LL. in some way.
    This will never be known now, and Russ will return, in a different way, but I still don't trust him.

    1. This is past history, now. On reading other comments, I feel totally deflated..😣

    2. He was certainly involved in the drug scene at the college, Miriam, in the sense that he covered for Freddie's dealing when he should have reported it.

  55. I haven't been listening for the past few weeks but one thing that nobody has mentioned yet-I think.
    Lily went to University and then gave up in her first year .
    I presume that might happen a lot.
    Do those students who give up have to pay some sort of fine for not completing the Course and depriving someone else who would have been grateful for a chance to go to University.?
    Another thing I have never understood.
    So many times you read that someone has gone to read -say- history but then changed tack and decided to do a degree in Spinning and hand loom weaving (or whatever ) instead presumably because that is the easier option.There is or was a sort of quiz programme on Radio 4 where three students and their Tutors are asked questions about their subjects.
    Rarely is the subject "mathematics" or Geography .
    It is often some mixture of topics that would never get a person a job.
    Even on University Challenge it is unusual for a student to say that he or she is studying Physics or History.
    It is often some highfoluting mix of topics that are of no use to anybody.
    There is or was at one University a Professor of popular music.
    I ask you.
    What is the world coming to?

    I seem to have digressed
    This is The Archers blog.
    What did Phoebe get her degree in?
    Does anybody know?

  56. maryellen. The fact is, I do admire your tenacity to cling to a position despite the evidence indicating the opposite. It’s like having a fixation or obsessive attachment to a fictitious person with whom you are unable to relinquish a strong need to defend.
    On the other hand I think your position is more one of provocation, and in that I can identify and sympathise. With these boring monologues the blog has been very quiet and your comments have ignited the need to keep us on our toes, and engaged with the the characters.
    I have just finished reading a fictional book about an individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder,
    Many characters in Ambridge could be the same as they can be written as one thing and then sometimes another.
    They are fortunately not real.

    1. Stasia - I could of course apply all that to you with equal justification, but as I understand it, blog etiquette doesn’t encourage personal confrontation and analysis , so I won’t. It reminds me of the bad old days of the BBC blog when bloggers communicate in code about a third party. End of.

    2. Nothing to do with Archers but maybe connects with DID, I find it fascinating that the brain apparently does have a mechanism by which memory of a traumatic event can be walled away. If we have this self protective mechanism, then is it necessary or even wise for e.g. therapists to work to unbury this? I think I remember Lanjan once saying something similar. Just musing.

  57. I think the sooner we get back to ‘normal’ Archers episodes the better, otherwise we are in danger of serious failings-out on this blog.

    1. It's all good healthy combative fun for me AP, as I'm sure it is for everyone else when we get into one of these discussions.

      *fingers crossed*

    2. I agree Gary..
      I love a bit of banter.

  58. Oh I bet there will soon will be a University which will jump on the band wagon and offer a degree in Personal Protective Equipment,Janice.
    We can say we heard it here first!

    1. 😊 I think we were posting at the same time Lanjan. I have just taken your name in vain above.

  59. *** BLOG ETIQUETTE ***

    Let's NEVER have a return to what the BBC blogs could be on occasion. No personal attacks in any way, shape or form please. If someone feels that they are being singled out on any of these pages then we have to take that person's thoughts into consideration & moderate our behaviour. It is THEIR feelings that are invariably correct in these matters, NOT ours.

    If I have contributed to someone's unease then I apologise unreservedly.

    1. I totally agree Gary, which is why I posted my short comment above. Having once been a victim of attacks on the old blogs, I should not like to see such things happening here.
      As we are always saying, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should not be shot down in flames for holding a different one to someone ( or even everyone) else’s.

      And I do think the run of the new-type episodes which some have loved, some have hated, has led to more arguing and disagreements. So roll on normality once again!

    2. Hear, hear Archerphile and GG and everyone else. I began posting when the old BBC blog was rescued by dear old Ruthy/Ruthie. (always forget which). Can't wait to get worked up over the Mosses again although it doesn't do my ulcer any good.

    3. Old Fogey, always a delight when you and other infrequent posters pop in to say hello! Hello!

  60. Janice 11:54 am. ,I doubt that was me saying anything clever like that.!

  61. maryellen. If you reread my comment you will notice that I am offering a compliment. I actually enjoy your challenging comments even if I don’t always support all of them. I accept that you can say the same about me and I would agree. My comment was not a personal attack but an observation, although it does look a bit analytical.
    Please accept my apologies for any offence I have caused.

    Time to take a break.

  62. As has been said the characters inTA are fictional. We all have our take on them and what they make us feel but is it really worth getting upset about the differences of opinion? I don’t think so!!😊 It is nice though to see how others fell about the SL’s. When Christopher was kicked by a horse I was on holiday before the outcome happened. Katy had a friend who listened and so I knew he would be OK before I returned! After that I used to ask Katy what her friend thought when things happened in Ambridge so have always been so glad to share thoughts through the blog! Very best wishes to all!😁

  63. I was about to post a TA comment, but I feel I will wait a-while, before doing so.

    1. I will listen to the Sunday Omnibus, yet again.
      I only then, truelly understand + accept, the nightly monologues.

  64. When Mark was killed I was staying with a friend who was holding a Dinner Party .
    I can remember being in my room sobbing my socks off when getting dressed for the evening.
    It wasn't as if I hadn't expected it either as someone had leaked the story .

    1. I was away at the time and someone from work told me about the accident saying that she never cried so much. Did we find out who was the other driver? There was speculation.

    2. I think Caroline was riding her horse along the road when Mark rounded a bend and swerved to avoid hitting her. I think he ended up driving into a hedge or tree or something. I believe Caroline always felt terribly that it was her fault, though it was just a terrible accident.

  65. I’m reading “The Missing Letters of Mrs Bright” by Beth Miller. Am enjoying it so thought I would look at what else she has written. Found she has written with Charles Collingwood “For the Love of the Archers“ which gives a lot of background apparently so have downloaded it to my IPad. Will let you know how it reads!
    About Mark’s accident, yes Maryellen I remember Caroline was involved but think she was riding a horse which was spooked. Not sure of the details but someone should know. Mike came home from work to find me sobbing on the sofa. He was less than sympathetic when I explained and then we had a cup of tea! I am glad some of you reacted in the same way!! He thought I was crackers! 😢

    1. Just what I said above Ev! And I have a copy of For the Love of The Archers which is an excellent and informative read - though the circumstances of Mark’s death above, were from memory rather than the book. I must check!

      There is another book on that series called For the Love of Radio 4 which is fascinating, and goes right back to the old Home Service days and lists many programmes and personalities heard over those years and since it became Radio 4. I recommend it.

  66. I think another car went by at speed and that frightened the horse.

  67. I have never heard the episode of ' the accident' as I was on a plane returning from a Greek Island.
    But like most others I was extremely upset at the end of Mark, and very concerned for Caroline.
    I have often thought I would like to hear that episode so if anyone knows any way to access it I would love to know.

  68. Gary, there is a strange post at 5.53am.

    1. Thanks! Just found it and got rid of it - I usually check the blogs first thing in the morning Hilary, but as I helped drink 3 bottles of Champagne last night, sadly12.35 IS first thing in the morning!!!

  69. Inserted at the beginning of this blog.

  70. Freddie has turned a corner owing to moral support from his de facto brother-in-law.
    Philip runs a support network for the homeless.
    There was a discussion of mishaps and other archaic customs with animals.
    I found all of this not to my liking.
    On the BBC blog somebody's husband intervened because we were unkind to Ruth who'd had a mastectomy as had his wife and our comments made her tearful. I had to step away from the computer but there were some who tried to comfort her. Another person said that if you're on social media you have to be thick skinned which I'm obviously not.
    Comment if you must.
    Bye for now from the stupid old cow.

    1. Basia, really sorry to read that the recent discussions have upset you. I think some folk enjoy playing devil’s advocate to whip up a lively discussion and perhaps don’t realise some of us might find what they say unpleasant. I agree that we all have to be careful not to tread on others sensitivities, which is easy for us to do if we don’t think about what we are saying or how it might come across very differently to the way we intended. Take very good care of yourself and hope to hear from you again in the future.

    2. Basia, I hope, ' 'bye for now' means taking a break & that we'll see you back here in the future. I doubt there's a blog in existence that doesn't have the occasional fly in the ointment, something that upsets a generally pleasant tone. May I say there's nothing stupid about being sensitive ! Who wants to be thick skinned ?! I suppose it's a question of choosing one's battles or ignoring & relegating what one doesn't like. Not always easy to decide.
      Take care.

    3. Basia - I get very upset too at personal comments and I have had a few. Indeed one of the people here accused me of being a liar and not having the background that I readily share with everyone here!
      I try not to engage with people who annoy me. I remember my eldest telling me when I got upset when someone tried to put a virus on my new computer "Mum they don't know you. It's just what they do to entertain themselves!"
      Please continue to post and as I say just ignore the troublemakers! 💕

    4. I really do love the compassion and understanding shown by our wee band of bloggers.

    5. Basia. - I remember the Late Julia on the old blog who left because she found the tone of the character-bashing so upsetting. I was sad about that because I valued her comments as much as I value yours. I always hoped that she would return.but unfortunately she never did, and I hope you will too. I also find the tone and content of some of the comments on characters not to my liking, and could be upsetting but the trick is to stop reading them, and as Spicycushion cushion says, avoid the posters you find uncongenial. Keep well and safe!

  71. I’ve mentioned “Dumdedum” before which can be found on YouTube (type dumdedum archers YouTube)they are done via zoom and listeners join in with questions) have you listened to any Gary? Friday was a chat with Tim B (David) I haven’t finished the whole show yet but the first half hour very interesting the process of producing the current monologues is very involved and well worth a listen. He is quite a character himself and luckily for him a complete techno whereas a lot of the older members not able to cope with the home recordings. He mentioned Paddy Green and surprisingly Charles Collingwood and Judy Bennett (Brian and Shula) who as we know are married in real life and they are proud to not even own a computer however they have broken him 🤣 and I believe he will be heard. When Charles succumbed to a mobile phone Tim said it was hilarious. He also talks of when he started as David in 1982 and how different the old broadcaster cast members were from the actor ones again interesting and amusing.

    1. Charles Collingwood sounds just like Mr A, Lady R. He took years to get a very basic Nokia mobile, just to keep in the car in case if accidents. It is never switched on so I, or friends, cannot contact him on it. He maintains its for him to use if he needs help and not for all and sundry to contact him whenever they feel like it.
      Just recently, his fellow glider syndicate members at Lasham have decided to do all their communicating on WhatsApp. So I have had to join the group on my phone, so I can pass on messages to Mr A, otherwise he’ll never know when the glider is free or what’s happening to it maintenance-wise. They call him the flying dinosaur!

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 Mr R has a basic mobile and can make and take a call and even read a text but cannot reply good job they both have reasonably “with it” WhatsApp etc wives 😉

  72. I watched it but from halfway through as I was late seeing the reminder. I liked what I saw and will go back and watch from the beginning. Interesting that the listener in New York said that David is his favourite character in T/A.

  73. Re Lady R's comment about Charles Collingwood and Judy Beckett 10:54 am -
    Why would anybody be proud of the fact that they do not own a computer?
    I used to be a Luddite .
    My younger sister is still one.
    I have given up trying to persuade her to move with the times.
    I would have found it very hard over these past few months had I not been able to use the Internet

    1. Me too Lanjan. It’s been a life line. Mr A is happy to use a desk top computer but just won’t give in about mobile phones!

    2. My mother is the same - thinks computers have taken away people’s livelihoods so that’s why she is proud never to have used one. Don’t know if Charles Collingwood has similar reasons. Mum doesn’t realise what she is missing out on during lockdown and now her hearing is so poor as well...

  74. I so enjoyed Freddie in TA this morning. He is, at last looking at LL, in a very different way. As the heir apparant, I so hope he starts to slowly oust Lily + Russ.
    To me there were 3 hints re future S/L's:-
    The contents of the attic (his Dad's and Grandma's treasured items)
    A strong friendship with Linda, with whom he can turn to for help, as + when needed.
    Lizzie, will start spreading her wings, in some way or other..and so find a new focus.

    1. I had a lot of thoughts after only one hour of perhaps the new Archers is sowing ideas, for the future.
      This is the 1st time, my "simple" mind has started whirring + thinking again about Ambridge, in future times.

      Probably, I am well off the mark!! ...yet again.

  75. This afternoon I read that SO'C has stated that 'dreary Archers has fans turning off in droves' I do hope TA will soon be recording properly.
    Many have discussed how they thought it would be possible to record episodes remotely. Last week when a friend visited me (in the garden) she told me that she has missed her violin playing more than anything. She plays in an orchestra each week usually. She tried to join her sister online playing a duet but there is too much time lag and when joined by a pianist it became impossible.
    When we watch news reports and the person in the studio asks the outside reporter a question there is always a two/three second lag before the reporter answers. Okay so perhaps those seconds could be edited out but might that be a costly way of producing an episode?
    Hopefully the editor of TA will try another way of producing the show soon!

    1. And some live TV reports have had to be abandoned, mid-stream, due to technical problems.

      I just accept, and appreciate, what TA is producing, under these difficult circumstances.
      I am enjoying them now, far better than than the original episodes, when this new mode started.

  76. I don't normally read ahead, but today I have done so.
    I don't know why I did this, but perhaps it is due to my enjoying TA so much more again.
    I will not give a spoiler, but it might well be interesting.

  77. I listened to the omnibus this morning, mostly because I was mindlessly playing solitaire on the laptop and didn't move after Broadcasting House. It was the first time I've been able to focus on TA for about a year, and given the all-round negative comments, I was surprised to find what sounded to me like classic Radio 4 afternoon drama, contemplative, self-questioning, sometimes amusing and quietly entertaining radio which simply flowed over me - was just what I needed it to do.

    But then, I'm not a very demanding (some might say, discerning), listener.

    1. Not perhaps the correct site, but to reply. I love cards, and play solitare + clock patience, using a proper deck of cards, not on-line.
      I am looking forward to a game of cribbage, when Big Sis + self meet up again, hopefully very soon.
      I will think of Joe + Bert, playing this in The Bull.
      My favourite card game is "Black Lady". All my family know this, and we often had great fun together, playing it. Hopefully, this will done again soon.

  78. The one thing I was surprised about, on listening to TA this morning, is that Adam has closed down the aquaponics.
    This surely, is a very safe enterprise, under the guidance of Jazzer, providing produce for both Bridge Farm and the Bridge Fresh app. As it is closed, are the fish OK and surviving - such as are they being fed etc...

  79. I read the article in today’s Sunday Times where Sean O’Connor was commenting on TA. He said he found the monologue format ‘dreary and embarrassing’ and made several other derogatory comments. The Feedback programme was also quoted as saying that the majority of listeners don’t like it. Though who has done a poll proving this I don’t know!
    I think it’s a shame that a former Editor choses to publicly criticise the efforts of the present team like this - smacks of sour grapes to me.
    And until somebody conducts a proper poll of listeners views it is not right to glibly say the majority of listeners don’t like it. 😠

  80. Perhaps we could have our own vote? My feeling is that I don’t like it!😟🙁

  81. Just checking in. Don't often comment on this side, a whole week to catch up on....
    So good to read pleasant, measured comments, after a series of un-necessarily provocative & bitchy posts. In my view. Voilà.
    Basia, tu seras la bienvenue.

  82. I agree with Ev, ditto my non-blogging friends.

  83. I agree with Ev too
    My non blogging friends think the same.
    We have seen how t the pubs and cafés which haven't been open for 3months have people flocking back to them.
    It would probably have been the same for The Archers had they halted the programme and then resumed it later with the same storylines as before.

    1. Perhaps the powers that be were worried that they would loose a lot of audience if they just closed down completely and didn’t provide some sort of programme at 7.02. I reckon true ’Archerphiles’ would be chomping at the bit when programmes re-started. But they could have lost a lot if ‘casual’ listeners who wouldn’t bother to tune in again, or had taken up a new routine in the early evening. They must also have had the upcoming 70th Anniversary in mind.

  84. My vote would be positive. They are not perfect and some are more interesting than others, but overall, better than nothing.

  85. See my comment from yesterday at 6.23pm. I found the format very similar to many an afternoon play on radio 4, it's one I like and am used to, so for me there were no surprises. I wonder if it's simply the idea of having TA changed that upsets so many people.

  86. I'm with AP ( 9.50pm last night) on 2 counts : a) doesn't sit right that a former ed. rubbishes current efforts b) reading too much into small poll.
    Can't give a firm for or against, so wouldn't vote at all. I've skipped many of the monologues, anticipating tedium, based on listening to a few, but there have been others, or sections of others, that have been successful, imo, offering some insight & character development, even humour.
    It must have been very tricky to figure a way forward over an uncertain period of time, given all the inevitable SLs left dangling in a long running drama series like this.
    It seems mean to knock their efforts, especially those of the few participating actors, working in a very different way from home.

    I'm ok to just tune in occasionally, checking the synopsis first, hoping they can resume in a studio before the Summer is over !

  87. I haven't listened to any of the monologues..the first ones with David and Ben didnt really appeal to me especially after hearing the comments here on the blog. I personally feel that they've had 2 months to come up with a better solution and they haven't.
    People all over the country (and beyond) have gone to extreme lengths to keep things running and services going through online teaching, smart working etc.
    Having said all that I will be in pole position when the " normal Archers "are back on air. Can't wait.

  88. i have listened to the monologues and been mostly disappointed. However, there have been a few higher points. Susan and Tracey have amused and Freddie's letter to Lynda was worth the wait.
    I look forward to the restoration to "normal"
    As for the comments by the former editor who, in my opinion, did much harm to the program - not helpful or welcome.

  89. My vote would be definitely positive.

  90. Archerphile, I do agree that the former editor should have kept his mouth shut.
    I bet he has been dining out on the Helen/Rob story for several years now
    but think that he started the rot of making the programme into more of an Eastenders type soap opera
    (I haven't watched that programme but have had the misfortune to see trailers)

    However in "You Say" in the Culture Section of the Sunday Times three comments were printed.
    1) What have they done to The Archers.?
    Not sure how much longer I can cope with the monologues.
    Frankly ,I'd sooner have no Archers rather than the current drivel
    2) I am afraid I have switched off.May I suggest that the programme is curtailed until normal service is resumed ,hopefully in the autumn.
    3)The best thing to say- the only good thing- is the revamped theme tune.

  91. Have not read the article.
    The monologues have been patchy, but my reaction is positive overall.

  92. I suggest that Sean O’Connor, as former editor, is well positioned to know what was technically, humanly and artistically possible, and what could (and should) have been done, which makes him the obvious person for the Sunday Times to go to - especially as he has no BBC job to protect as would be the case if they went to any of the programmes’s current cast and crew. I suppose he could have refused to speak to the journalist, but ‘refusing to speak to the press’ carries its own connotations. It’s my opinion that it was better to say what one thinks, than lie through one’s teeth in these
    circumstances. It’certainly a big change from the positive press attention TA got in Sean’s day to the negative reaction it’s getting now!

  93. What an interesting discussion.
    I am in the ✔✔ camp re TA and so I would vote.
    However, when and how, do these polls take place? - as I have never seen one.
    As to the previous editor mentioned, I wonder after "walking away", he still actually listens, full time - and so are the comments, totally valid?

    I will continue listening, enjoying and being appreciative, for TA, even in its temporary and different, format.

    But then, you all know that 😂
    Miriam Xx

    1. I forgot to mention, the wonderful cast members, who are recording from their own homes, in cupboards, spare rooms etc. They keep so well "in character", which must be difficult, when recording solo, without others interactions.

  94. I am possibly being a tad unfair about this monologue business because I have only heard one or two - did not enjoy them-and have based my dislike mainly what others on the blog have said.

    If they had to use this format could they not have continued with the storylines.?
    For example could not Kirsty while talking to herself ,as I dare say many of us do ,let us know that she has found out about her dirty rat of a boyfriend .?
    We would learn how she managed to do this.
    We could hear from Phillip trying to cover up perhaps in a phone call to Gavin -not a one sided one.
    Surely that could be done.
    From what I gather apart from Tracy becoming Cricket captain I don't think we have learnt much new.

    1. It is well done, and there are little subtle hints and nuances, which do give a very slight insight, into the current situation.
      I, for one, am so pleased that none of the major storylines, have been resolved yet. That would be, a total Let Down in Lockdown.

      LJ Why not just try The Omnibus. You might just warm to TA, or not, but is only a hour long. I am sure you can spare that time.
      Miriam Xx 😁

    2. Remember, we are all different, and so listen in many differing ways. As such, comments are posted, accordingly, to personal taste.

  95. How lovely to hear Debbie again, even with her sad concerns.
    Tamsin Greg, has been missed..

  96. I too was very pleased to hear Debbie again

  97. So the cycle comes around to the Aldridges this week. How strange to hear Adam and Debbie talking so softly, I nearly didn’t recognise their voices. Much more how I expected that internal thoughts would be acted.
    And Brian, interesting to hear how much he misses Home Farmhouse and how he longs to go back there.
    But I found Xander less than convincing as a sleepless baby, think they need a different actor to play his part! 😉

  98. My vote would be a positive one, despite some dissatisfaction with some episodes. I will listen to whatever they are able to put out.
    Xander certainly sounded a happy little baby with Brian chatting away to himself.

  99. I have to admit to checking The Archers website to see who is going to feature.
    To give them their due the do try to tempt listeners by giving spoilers .
    I think they are probably over egged though.
    I decided to listen last night to see what was going to happen.
    "Debbie Aldridge reveals some shocking news."
    I decided to listen.
    It was sad news.
    Not really shocking and involved a character we haven't heard of for years .

    Sorry Miriam I don't see how listening to several monologues all following one another and having no connection does not appeal.
    I won't be listening to the Omnibus.

  100. I think the monologue idea was a good one as it does give an opportunity for inner thoughts we are not usually party to with the dialogue format. I agree with Miriam that there are references to story lines and characters that subtly move the stories forward, albeit frustratingly slowly, but that and the distancing of the characters mirrors what we have been going through with the virus, so has some merit. Some of the scripts have felt a bit laboured or trite, as if they are being tailored to fit the time slot, but overall I applaud their attempts to create something different. I listened once to an omnibus and did find it helpful as there is a story progression throughout each week’s set of episodes.

    I was also pleased to hear Debbie. Haven’t seen her Alan Bennett monologue yet but I intend to have a look.


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