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Life outside Ambridge



    parsley - 16June 6, 2020 at 11:42 PM
    Am currently v concerned with the future of choral singing.
    Too depressing.
    Wrong time of night.

    Basia - June 7, 2020 at 8:19 AM
    Le choeur tient à ton coeur, courage!

    parsley - 16June 7, 2020 at 8:31 AM
    Merci Basia ❤️
    The sun is shining this morning!

    1. Basia, your French sentence reminds me of the origin of the English expression: "learning by heart". Apparently it came about from confusion over choeur - as in learning by chanting all together in a chorus. Just one letter makes the difference!

    2. Hilary, I find it significant that they are both pronounced in exactly the same way. In Italian and other languages it is a memoria, much too prosaic for me, I prefer the English and French way by heart. I also looked up choir in Italian, coro, so to me at least, like the heart it's at the core of things, I like these linguistic musings.

    3. Basia, so do I!
      I often find that Italian is prosaic. In rendering film titles for example, Jaws is quite simply Lo Squalo ( The Shark). Home Alone is Mamma, ho perso l'aereo ( Mummy, I missed the plane).


    Carolyn, it's you next - enjoy!

  3. Wow, thanks, Gary !
    Decide to do films chronologically. What sticks in memory made the most impression.

    1. 1955 Richard 111, with Olivier. Switched me on to Shakespeare aged 8 or so. So gripping (learnt Lady Anne's speech before Gloucester seduced her, & presumably attempted to emulate Claire Bloom !) Later in life, I didn't care for Olivier, but that part really suited him, grossly biased though the play is against the king.

    2. 1968 ( but seen by me in the '70s) 2001- A Space Odyssey. Not a fan of science fiction but this is stupendous filming, very disturbing, & moving as well.

    3. Leaping three decades to 1998 : Elizabeth, with Cate Blanchet. Beautifully filmed & acted, best depiction of E.1 I've ever seen - the creation of an image, alongside a very passionate, conflicted woman.

    4. 2003 Girl with a Pearl Earring. Very little said, but vibrant with what is unsaid, spot-on performances from all the small cast, convinced me this was (17 Delft & represented how Vermeer would have thought about, & worked on, his quiet but riveting paintings( don't care for all Tracy Chevalier novels, but she certainly scored with this one.)

    5 2018 At Eternity's Gate. Seen number of good films in the last 3 yrs. or so, but this interpretation of Van Gogh's time in Arles has to be the favourite. The filming captured the essence of some of his paintings, nothing cliche about this film & William Dafoe is brilliant. I've heard since this is a marmite film, but it certainly worked for me. Dafoe was too old - showing in the neck more than anything else - but, there again, the man had such a tough life, mentally & circumstantially, he probably did age earlier than average.The ending is questionable, but I didn't care !

    Favourite, not so easy to choose, admired them all, but I'll plump for 5 as perhaps it's the best fit for me these days - a (21 century take on a (19 genius.

    Meal, dear old spaghetti bolognese, the first meal I cooked with any confidence, & a great comfort it would be on a desert island, I reckon .

    Gary, I hope in the next round of DID favourites, you'll allow whichever of books or films we didn't opt for this time ? (books harder for me to choose, films flashed up quickly )

    1. Thanks carolyn!

      2001 nearly made it onto my list, would be in my top 10. Not seen any of the others which kind of surprises me as Cate Blanchet is one of my favourite actors. Once waltzed with Willem Dafoe at a party. (Name drop? ME?)

      I love spag bol. Mmmmm.

  4. Well Carolyn,I was older than you were when we went as a school party to see Richard111 but it didn't switch me onto Shakespeare I am afraid .
    I preferred "Julius Caesar" even though Casca had a decidedly North American accent.
    Of your other films the only one I have seen is "The girl with the pearl earring"which I saw after reading the book .
    Sorry but I wasn't overly impressed with either the book or the film.

    1. I didnt see the film but I loved the book.Vermeer is my favourite artist. I have a beautiful reproduction of "The Music Room" done by a friend who studied at l' Accademia di Brera" in Milan in my living room.

    2. I love the painting, the innocent yet knowing look over the shoulder. I understand it is in The Hague and I really hope to see it one day. There’s nothing like original paintings. “The Haywain” I knew from numerous bad reproductions but when I saw the original in the National gallery I was blown away! The light in it is incredible. Prior to Constable landscape was incidental in paintings as a background but he made it star of the show. The Impressionists went a step further and in our own country I do admire the Newlyn school as they brought Cornish light on the sea very much to life. Sorry, I do go on !

  5. Carolyn, I have only heard of films from your selection, so I can't comment and I'm no longer a cinema goer. I saw a performance of Richard III by a company from Georgia, it must be getting on for 40yrs, I didn't understand a word but it was impressive, an all male cast I think.
    Spaghetti bolognese used to be a firm favourite, but my eating habits have changed.

  6. Carolyn, i watched Elizabeth, The Golden Age just two days ago on Netflix! It's brilliant. 2001,Space Odyssey is on Netflix too so I will watch it. I would love to see At Eternity's Gate. It isn't on Netflix or Prime but there are some clips on youtube and it looks very good. I might have to buy the dvd!
    I listened to the R4 serial of Girl with the pearl earring recently and I adore Colin Firth so I shall have to find the film now!

  7. Thank you ,Gary for introducing me to Cinema Paradiso and thank you to all of you who agreed with Gary that it was well worth watching.
    I really enjoyed it.
    You have done me a good turn.
    We watched it last night (bought a DVD from EBay) and used our DVD player (which may have been used years ago when it was bought for us but certainly not recently ) and tonight we plan to watch "A streetcat named Bob" (bought for me several Christmases ago )

    1. Lanjan - I read and enjoyed the book about the streetcat Bob.
      I also found '2001' memorable. Haven't seen your other choices but will investigate.

    2. First of congratulations on getting your DVD to work.
      Second sooo pleased you enjoyed Cinema Paradiso. .welcome to the club.

    3. Sorry Lanjan. I should have said the choices which Carolyn made which include '2001'.

  8. carolyn. Yes the Richard 111 Can only be portrayed by Olivier. I saw A Sher and he was not to my liking. Over the top acting.
    I did see a Space odyssey but as I’m not a fan of science fiction I don’t remember much.
    The Girl With The Pearl Earring. I’d rather sit and look at the painting for a couple of hours. I also love Vermeer and Delft. Was there last year and spent time in the new Museum devoted to his life and works. One of my cats eats her food of The milk Maid place mat.
    Haven’t seen the others. Must check out the Van Gogh, first went to Arle in the very early eighties and fell in love. Had to visit the Asylum of course.
    Kate Blanchet have only ever seen her in one film.
    Thank you food for thought and the stomach.
    I love a good spaghetti.

  9. I haven't done my actual choices yet ,Anneveggie.
    They are going to be books.
    In my DVD box I have "Out numbered" - First TV series .
    I think we may have watched that some years ago.
    The Go Between-
    Skyfall-don't know where that came from.
    Haven't watched any James Bond films .

  10. Basia..choir is derived from the ancient Greek khoros meaning group of singers .

    1. Thank you AL, from what I know choir is spelt and pronounced similarly in most European languages.

  11. A quick look in and the first for two days.
    Explain later.

    2001 was on my list as was girl/pearl ( I spent at least ten minutes breathing it in at the Vermeer Ex. ) The thrill of 2001 is still with me after fifty odd years. As was the other one on someone's list ' dum dum de dum '

    And like LJ I love the Go Between, but not on my list.
    The Elizabeth film I enjoyed but it hasn't stayed with me.
    Would love to see C Paradiso but lack equipment to do so even if I had it.

    LJ - it may surprise you to know I do ' slobbing around' excessively !
    But then you could have been being ironic and already suspected.

  12. Sadly, I only know The Girl with The Pearl Earing, but I am very intrigued with At Eternity's Gate.
    This film, I had never heard about, but will certainly look into it, as it sounds very interesting and one I would appreciate.

    Spag. Bol is one of my favourites, just love it, and eat it very often.
    I always put chopped, smoked back bacon in mine (which is cooked with the onions, garlic, carrots, celery) etc.
    My taste only. 😲

  13. I have just finished the last series of "Unforgotten".
    I am so glad I had recorded it, as it has made so much sense, watching 2-3 episodes at a go.
    It is not to everyone's taste, but I found it fascinating as the stories unravelled and the final episode was not as expected.
    This series, will not be deleted, for a while yet.

    1. Off to listen to this mornings TA omnibus, whilst preparing meal - a usual one - a turkey escallope, marinated with oil, garlic, lemon juice + zest, with mushrooms, served with pots. + whatever veg are in the fridge. It's a lucky dip scenario.

  14. Sorry, film lovers! Am unable to comment on choices as I am (as you all probably know by now ) I am a non- film watcher .... apart from old 50s & 60s black & white films often shown on Talking Pictures Channel these day.
    I enjoy the likes of Jack Hawkins, Dirk Bogarde (😍), Kenneth Moore and the Ealing comedies.
    All much too old for folks here.

    1. I watch Talking Pictures too!

    2. Archerphile, well done, a very fetching mask. I'd put mine up if someone told me how to. I've even uploaded the picture into profile, but didn't save? so it doesn't show up.

  15. Well, asked for it!
    Me wearing my latest version of a face mask - instructions found on U tube..
    Very simple, 10 inch circle cut out of fabric (my old bedroom curtains here), cut into quarters and cleverly sewn back together. This makes a bra -cup shape whitch sits over mouth and nose without getting in the eyes. Elastic sewn to each side to go over ears.
    This is my only problem, getting the elastic the right length. At the moment it is a bit too tight and is pulling my ears forward, then sliding off. I might try ties instead.
    A much more simple and well, fitting construction than the Government instructions.

    1. Just looked - very fetching. Well done, &, BTW, how on earth do you keep your hair looking so trim ?!

  16. Thanks for comments on my film choices. So interesting, registering all our varying tastes. For instance, in the main, I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to see AP's '50', 60s Kenneth More, Jack Hawkins films ( but would watch Dirk Bogarde's Death in Venice again but that's, I don't know - '80s?)
    Stasia, re Vermeer, like you, find his small masterpieces mesmerising but the film invites one into a story of how one of them could, conceivably, have come about.
    The class system, treatment of servants, culture of the place & time, family relationships, patronage of the arts, is brought vividly & persuasively to life.

  17. Looks good AP. Well done
    Your not alone in appreciating and enjoying 50s and 60s films.
    Some of my choices go back to the thirties.
    And age doesn't come into the equation where cinema is concerned anyway.
    And it seems such a shame not to see more recent films. Some of which are utterly brilliant.
    Reminds me of an elderly cousin who will not watch a film if she has read and enjoyed the book. Seems to me pure snobbishness, and I want to say to her, 'what if you enjoy a book that was originally a film' and there are some.
    Still it takes all tastes doesn't it, and it's good that it does so.

  18. Gary I want to do a second five films. I had to leave so many out.

    1. I was like that with my DI discs list - as so many had to be left out. I understand your wanting to do a 2nd film list.
      Perhaps you could share it, at a much later time..

  19. Carolyn - hair
    I have a little gadget which is like a comb with a razor blade behind it. I use it to trim Mr As hair so tried it on mine too. My style is supposed to be short layers, high on top. Flat at sides, shaped into neck at back. I find just combing down with the razor comb keeps it neat - but top layers are now much too long & I daren’t touch those 💇‍♀️

    1. That is my style also, but don't have the gadget.
      I have definitely got lockdown hair and though tempted, I haven't dare get the scissors out - well yet. That day may come soon ✂️✂️

  20. Mrs P - my reluctance to see films is not so much the films as the going to the cinema!
    Always much too loud, behaviour of some audiences, and the cost + parking costs all put us off.
    I’m happy to watch certain films on TV in the comfort of my own lounge! Usually classic adaptations. Don’t like violence or explicit sex which seems to rule out quite a few films these days.

    1. I understand this entirely. I always think the sound is far too loud and I hate popcorn.
      It is not only the smell, but the constant scrunching, whilst also slurping a large drink, by others seated nearby. I am now showing my dislike of visiting the cinema, something I used to enjoy so much, but sadly no longer.
      I preferred to go at about 4.00pm, and then go to a nearby food outlet after, for a meal, usually Italian. Spag Bol or Pasta with a spicy sausage sauce, was my normal choice. Home soon after 8 o'clock, ready for cocoa + slippers 😂🤣😂🤣

  21. I understand your dislike of cinemas Archerphile.
    Me too.
    By choice I drive 8 miles and back to a small town that has an independent cinema.
    Small, friendly, staffed by volunteers and if it's too loud one of the volunteer attendants will ensure the sound is lowered.
    I have always favoured independent art house cinema over the commercial big screen variety. Rarely go to blockbuster films anyway.
    BTW I was referring to my cousin when I said I thought she was a snob.
    She is !

    1. How lucky to have something so different, and so near to you. It sounds great.

  22. Must be lucky - cinemas near me are not full of munching, fidgeting, slurping yobs. One is an Odeon but never that packed, the other has character, comfortable seating, & the film is always introduced by a member of staff - rather nice !
    ( the sound is never too loud for me 😉 !)

  23. Carolyn ....haven’t seen your films but watched the trailer above and it looked my cup of tea.
    We’ve just watched double indemnity with Barbara stanwick tonight. 1944. Loved it.
    Love the crappy , stilted acting and vocals!!
    Watched documentary about discovering Dirk Bogarde the other night. One of my favourite actors and writers. It was on sky arts if anyone is interested.
    To go to the extreme, last night was casino royale. My favourite bond movie....and Bond. 😍

    1. Watched Casino Royale too !
      2001 remains disturbing, love Cate Blanchett's Elizabeth, both films. Also Girl +P E.. well, Colin Firth, no choice.
      Laurence Olivier puts my hackles up.
      Not seen the Van Gogh film, will investigate.
      Love spag bol, isn't it tagliatelle?

  24. I have lost the plot here,Mrs P.
    Why would someone who has read a particular book but not want to go and see the film of it be thought of as being snobbish?
    It may just be that because she knows "whodunnit" for example there is no point in watching the film
    Here is another question ......
    Is it better to watch a film of a book first or the other way round?

    Four of of my favourite films are also books I love.
    In two cases I read the book first and in one of them because I knew what was going to happen I was hoping against hope that the storyline would be changed when I watched the film.
    In one of the cases where I read the book after seeing the film I knew the male lead was being played by my favourite actor( he was was 90 years old earlier this month) so that was great.

    1. I read the book 'Jaws' before seeing the film and, although I knew what would happen, I was still scared out of my wits!

  25. Certain Cinemas ,before lockdown,have one morning and possibly one afternoon a week for people over the age of 50 or 60 .
    They show films which are about a month later than for normal showings and one has tea and biscuits and it is much cheaper than for normal showings.
    The ones I have been to are in the multiplex cinemas .
    Comfy seats ,loads of leg room .

  26. Archerphile.
    Your hair style sounds like mine should be.
    There is a photograph I take with me to any new hairdresser of Joanna Lumley when she was a young woman.
    She was so attractive
    Her hair is exactly like I want mine to be .
    I can't think why JL doesn't have it like that now.
    It really suited her.
    My mother's hairdresser cut her hair in that way when she was in her 90s .
    Kit took years off her age.
    I haven't a clue what the back of my hair looks like but I gave myself my third chop of the lockdown today .
    It is OK now but tomorrow after sleeping on it I will no doubt look like Rod Stewart on a bad day ,again

  27. Basia - if you want to change your profile photo - this is how I did it :

    Click on your name over one of your posts.
    This should take you to your profile page
    Click on orange box top right hand corner that says edit profile
    Then scroll down the page, adding or deleting anything you want your profile to show.
    When you get to the photo (which may be the orange ‘B’) click on it.
    Click to remove that photo
    Yours see an invitation to choose a different one from various sources
    Click on ‘from file’
    This should bring up your own photos from your computer.
    Click on the one you want to use.
    After a bit of flashing, the photo should appear.
    Go right down to bottom of page and click on ‘save profile’ in orange box, bottom left corner.
    Do this quite firmly.
    Then go back up to top of page where there should be a yellow stripe confirming your profile has been altered.
    I had to do this 2 or 3 times before I got the confirmation.
    Then you can go back to the comments page you came from
    Don’t expect the photo to be there straight away,
    It takes a few minutes to be altered.
    In fact, best to come out of the blog and return a little while later when your chosen photo should be there.
    I have had to go through this whole process a couple of times - but you should get there in the end.
    Good luck!

  28. LJ - answers.

    Wasn't Joanna Lumleys hairstyle when young given a name and became very trendy ?
    The name was the same as the character she played I seem to remember.
    NB - never interested me.

    Snobbery over films ? , because she is intending to convey that a book, a work of literature, is far superior to a film, which she probably does not consider an ' art form' !

  29. This is Buddy! Have followed Archerfile’s instructions!

    1. This is Mabel. She’s sending Buddy a big lick. 👍

    2. Glad the instructions were clear enough for you to follow Ev! And that it worked!

  30. The Joanna Lumley style which I mentioned was pre Purdey ,more Kim Novak , - although I think her hairstyle incorporated a d,a ,
    The photograph was taken in the early days I imagine before she became well known.

  31. I had my hair cut in a Purdue style when I was top year junior school. It was bloody awful. Thanks mother!!!

  32. Parsley - tagliatelle are flat ribbons of pasta, spaghetti is round.

    PtbY - the only 007 for ever for me is Sean Connery.

    I used to frequent the same independent cinema from my student days (late night double bill) for about twenty years, later it was in the afternoon as I was self-employed, so joined a bunch of ladies my age now.

    1. Yes Sean was the biz although for me Pierce comes a very close second. As for Daniel Craig, he is good but he’s BLONDE!

    2. I love Daniel Craig as Bond.

    3. He's not tall dark and handsome.

  33. Archerphile - a big thank you for the instructions, I'll try later.

  34. Re haircuts - the little ‘gadget’ I mentioned using is available very cheaply on Amazon or EBay.
    It just consists of a comb with a razor blade attached, or there is a more sophisticated version which has a dial so you can alter the amount you cut off. I tried that one but it’s obviously a Chinese cheepo version and not very well made. Just search for ‘hair razor comb’ or hair thinner’ or somesuch.
    You should only use these things on very wet hair as they drag and pull the hair if it is dry.
    They are good for thinning out the hair or shaping into the back of the neck I find.

  35. I think the book is always better and some people have their own image in their mind and do not want to have it spoilt by the film.

  36. PtbY - haircuts

    My daughter recently sent me some photos that she had on her computer. She had got them from her father. He was a professional photographer and all family photos were mixed in with business, so I don't have any family photos, other than those of my parents.

    One of them was of her at about age nine in the seventies.
    Her comment to me was ...... ' My hair ! what were you thinking Mum ? '
    It was what is now called a mullet, but I don't remember it being called that at the time.

  37. I read the Morse books before watching them on TV.
    J.ohn Thaw was nothing like I imagined Morse to be like but I soon accepted that he was right for the part.
    The same happened with the Henning Mankell books about the detective , Wallender ..
    I had a picture in my head of what the detective looked like and then Kenneth Branagh appeared on the television in the part .
    I thought then that they had got it right until a Swedish actor Krister Henriksson appeared as Wallender .
    He was even better,I thought.
    I prefer to read the book first .
    Sometimes I think that they have got the wrong person playing the part (like a version of "Far from the madding crowd " with Carey Mulligan playing Bathsheba when there can only be one Bathsheba-Julie Christie.
    In fact the whole cast on that version was perfect.

    1. Yes I think so too - last paragraph. In fact I was going to put it on my film list if I can't reduce the book list to 5.

  38. Replies
    1. I prefer tagliatelle, the shape and egg content.

  39. Archerphile,please are you able to help me?
    Mr LJ likes the idea of my giving him a haircut with one of the razor combs you mentioned.
    There are so many choices atprices ranging from a couple of pounds to £15 and some probably don't come with blades.
    Are you able to recommend one please ?

  40. Archerphile, no reply required, as I said, I downloaded the photo yesterday but didn't save it, today it won't download, I'll get there by Christmas.

    In the meantime, if anyone's interested, how to catch bees, wasps or even flies, buzzing against the window pane: cover with a plastic pot, preferably transparent, slide a sheet of paper underneath and release into the air, I always have the tools ready in the summer. I read about it in a book written before plastic was widely used and it said to use a glass which I did at the risk of smashing my kitchen window!

    1. It works for those 8 legged horrors as well!

  41. Lanjan
    The one I bought recently was on Amazon under ‘multifunctional manual hair trimmer comb’
    There are dozens of them being sold by various sellers at prices from about £3.99 to £10.99.
    They are all exactly the same (imported from China I suspect) the prices reflect whether postage is included.
    They look like a brown plastic , almost credit card shaped thing, tapering at the bottom with a comb at the front end. There is a dial on the front which allows you to advance the blade behind the comb or retract it, to give a different length cut. There is also a little razor that pops out from the bottom. The blades are included.
    It is a pretty basic, cheap & cheerful, Chinese plastic object and seems to be the in thing for hair cutting at the mo.
    The advantage if this trimmer is that you can dial different lengths, whereas if you just get one of the combs with a blade behind that’s the only amount you can cut.
    I think I paid about £5.99 for mine.
    For goodness sake don’t try it on dry hair, it will drag the hair, not cut it.

    My favourite hair trimmer was bought years ago & called ‘The Home Barber’. It’s triangular, with 3 razor blades and two different length combs on each side of a blade. This gives you 6 different functions and works beautifully. The only reason I can’t use it at present is because it needs new razor blades and I can’t find anywhere that sells old fashioned razor blades at the moment.

    1. Also available on eBay, if you prefer dealing with them.

  42. Here's me in a mask with a home hair cut, I don't think it gets any bigger, maybe just as well?

  43. Basia....1.54...Bond and Daniel Craig..... not tall dark and handsome.... well, I wouldn’t put a bag on his head! 😘😜

  44. On a different topic, I have just heard that my latest grand-niece, who is just 6months old, is now booked into a nursery, for September 2022 (and this is not a typo) and it was lucky, There were only 2 places left.
    I am aghast, to learn that childcare etc. has to be arranged, so far in advance. A deposit has had to be paid, to secure her place, for 2 years + 3 months, in advance.
    I expect that grandparents, might have paid the deposit, but who cares, and this does not matter.

  45. I don't have a favourite James Bond, but I do have a favourite Dr. Who.
    Mine is David Tennant.

  46. AmIthe only person on this planet who has never seen any James Bond film?

    1. Most certainly not. It comes down to personal taste only, in which we all differ, in many differing ways.
      I have recently, mentioned Dr. Who - which I love/loved - but that is my personal like, only.
      I love hearing others, differing thoughts + likes.
      We all, I hope, enjoy reading others likes + dislikes..
      I do 😁😁😍😍

    2. Dr Who ? You mean people still watch it?
      How old is it 60..65 years old incredible
      Wait a minute isn't the archers that old

    3. As a child, I remember hiding behind the settee, a stick of celery in hand + a fish-paste sandwich (before Shulas) not wanting to see The Daleks.
      Just childhood memories (1960's) - and well before I was introduced to The Archers, which was in the 1980's for me.

    4. I remember those terrible Daleks as well Miriam. We didn't have a television but were allowed to watch the occasional programme with friends in the village, and I can remember coming home in the dark and running very fast because I thought the Daleks might appear and get me!

  47. Lanjan - How wonderful, you could start a new club: "I've never seen 007".

    Miriam - I adore David Tenant, I only really know him from Radio 4 but that's enough.

    1. Basia - wait for my time, to post my latest choices - this is a clue regarding David Tenant!

    2. Lanjan - that is like the R4 programme - I've never seen Star Wars.

    3. I 've never seen that either!
      I had never seen David Tennant either until I saw him in Broadchurch .
      Thought he was great.
      Is he marmite?

    4. Probably.
      Broadchurch is being reshown on ITV as from Monday, but it wasn't his best, in my opinion only.
      It was a great watch nevertheless.

  48. David Tennant is getting close to national treasure status, I haven’t heard anyone ever complain about him, even if they don’t like DrWho. He’s a great story narrator as well as acting

  49. They had this piece on the Radio 4 website: don't you just love David Tenant, listing all his achievements among which was appearing on Just a Minute and hitting the jackpot first time, I heard him!

  50. Nobody has mentioned "The A Word"
    Perhaps the title puts people off.
    I think it is the best programme on TV at the moment but then I like Christopher Eccleston.......

  51. Who remembers David Tennant : Casanova..!

  52. I am just re-reading a trilogy by Shari Lowe titled “One Day in Winter”, “Another Day in Winter” and “The Last Day of Winter”. Her books are set in Glasgow and encompass a set of friends. Her books outside the trilogy mention certain characters so that you can follow their progress. It isn’t heavy reading but the plots are good and her books make entertaining reading. I don’t often re- read books which is a mark of how much I enjoy them. Recommended!!😁

  53. I have never seen Star Wars either - much to my grandsons disgust.
    But my proudest ‘ I have never’ is never having been inside a McDonalds or having eaten one of their burgers.
    And I never intend to !

    Basia -
    your face mask looks very professional and well -fitting. And the hair looks perfectly OK too.
    If you allow you profile to be seen by other bloggers we could all see you a bit bigger by clicking on the photo. You can do this on my photo and then enlarge it if you so wish
    But you may prefer to keep your profile completely private.

    1. A couple of cheeseburgers from McDonald's after a day's hiking is one of the best things in the entire world Archerphile!

  54. Oh Gary ,surely not.
    Mc Donald's to me is what Wetherspoon's is to you.

  55. Lanjan.
    I have never seen a Bond film or Star Wars.

    I quite like a MD’s cheeseburger 🍔. Only occasionally.
    But avoid their breakfast burger, the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten.

  56. Sorry Gary - I still never intend to grace Mc Donald’s doors and the thought of all those calories and fat in a cheeseburger makes me feel ill! 🤢

    Still, each to their own! Enjoy your next cheeseburger, when you can get one. 🍔

    1. Yes each to their own but I wouldn't be seen dead in a McDonalds.

    2. I once walked in a MD in Plymouth for a bit of lunch whilst shopping. The smell was so disgusting that I walked right out again! However they do quite a good and reasonably priced coffee as I found on the island mid morning and before mass burger frying!

      Changing the subject, bought some gf bakewells from Morrison’s and found they had palm oil in them, a cheap substitute for butter and forests are cleared to grow the palms. Won’t be buying them again!

  57. Parsley - love your photo of Parsley the Lion. I loved that programme with Lady Rosemary, Sage the Owl et al.
    I don’t want to leave my ugly mug on here any longer so I think I’ll try to find a suitable photo of our garden instead.

    1. Looks idyllic, and a nice place to sit.

    2. The scent of the wisteria was intoxicating about a month ago.

  58. Never say never, I haven't seen any Dr Who??
    I have been inside McD, my sister and I used to take the children but I just had hot apple whatsit and tea. I may have had a chip or two?

  59. .....but Basia McDonald's chips are -or certainly were- like very thing grease sticks.

  60. My nephew was once a Manager of a Mc Donald's .
    His daughter was envied by her school friends.
    Slight tangent here-
    A bit like my son at infant school envying Elizabeth because her mummy was a Dinner Lady and was in charge of the bell after the lunch break.
    What power!

  61. I like their sausage and egg mcmuffin.

  62. Looks lovely, AP!
    Have been to MD once with ex- collègues, not an experience to be repeated.

  63. Archerphile 10:17 - Thank you for your comments. I have activated my profile, I was just worried it would show my email address, it's not a secret but once out who knows where it goes, but it doesn't. Now I know how it works I may move onto dogs, two in the family at large.

    1. Jolly good Basia! As I don’t have any pets (apart from goldfish) I think I might do different views of the garden or scenery hereabouts. It’s difficult to pick out detail in these very small circles though!

    2. Oh Wow Basia - now I can see the detail of your mask I am very impressed by the stripes!
      I tried using some old curtain material with deck-chair type stripes but it was much too thick, a sort of canvas-type material which was difficult to breath through.

    3. All the credit goes to my sister, she's made close to a 100 for family and friends.

  64. I'm with Gary, at certain times an McD cheese burger is the go to refresher.
    A long hike, or in the middle of removals.
    But that's occasional.

    When I was at the beginning of a relationship some years ago, the other person had a
    'McDonalds' roughly three times a week. She didn't cook anything that took longer than fifteen minutes and had very low healthy food standards.
    After well over ten years of being fed by me, she had advanced in her understanding of good food, but later when on holiday watched a cookery programme and then started to cook and was even soon baking cakes.
    But I imagine she still enjoys the odd McD now and again.

  65. What good shopping trips today.
    All my supermarket list, was easily bought (even yeast was available again).
    I then went to the nearby B+M, again so quiet and got what I was after, plus an extra - hand sanitising gel.
    I went out again later, as the other shop I wanted to visit, did not open until 10.30am. Succes, I got the two cleaning solutions for my hob, the stain for my new fence, plus an extra of a new pair of garden shears.
    I need to go again tomorrow, as I left my reading specs in the car (so couldn't read the small print). I now know, I need a proper brush cleaner, which I don't have.
    The important thing is - I felt safe 😁😁

    Keep Safe All....🤗

  66. I have only been to McD's twice, and did not like it, on either visit. I am though, not a burger fan, even if they are made, and cookd, by me.
    Now, a "Hot Dog" - that is a different scenario - love them!

  67. Thanks to EV -
    I have learnt about the Shari Lowe, December books, set in Glasgow.
    These look like some I will really enjoy. I now need to find the cheapest option, to buy them.
    I am a cheapskake, as I like value for money. After all, the finances are limited!

    1. You can download them from amazon if you have a kindle or IPad - not too much cash needed!

    2. Thanks for the info, but I much prefer a proper book which I can hold, physically turn the pages, to read, and then put a bookmark in, to save my place.
      The bookmark I am using at the moment is a freebie, which came last Christmas. It is from Battersea, showing dogs + cats, who needed to be adopted. I hope they have been. 😺🐶

    3. I do agree but I like the freedom of downloads, any time any place! The IPad is much easier to transport but I do love a new book!

  68. I made a mask this afternoon from a tea towel.
    It fits snugly
    Quite pleased with the result.
    Pattern from U tube
    Mr LJ would like one now which surprised me.
    Neither of us has been shopping yet.
    I doubt the car will start so will have to call in the RAC when we do decide to venture out.

    1. My car spluttered a bit today on starting .
      On going home from shopping, I detoured around for "two laps". If it had problems, I knew I could easily walk home and leave it, until help was available. My car will have a longer run out tomorrow, just to keep it ticking over.

    2. From what I have read today, face masks have to have 3 layers. I think this might only be the Welsh News though. I get both on my newsfeed, as I live near to the border (and it is confusing).
      I would feel claustraphobic, with that around my nose + mouth, and would feel "panicky".

    3. I have to wear one tomorrow as we are going to the podiatrist but not looking forward to it as like you! Miriam, will feel claustrophobic. I don’t like anything over my face maybe due to an unpleasant experience at the dentist when I was 10, a rubber mask clamped over my face to knock me out. I thought I had died and was surprised to wake up! Tomorrow we have to pay in an envelope and wait outside until called. It’s so surreal!

    4. I have got two 'handybands' from Seasalt, bought to keep my hair under control, but they also work well as face coverings.
      I must say I haven't used them as such, but wear one as a scarf when out, just in case....I think face cloths and masks look very threatening, I don't like them at all.

    5. should be me at the mo. I go out with an eyepatch under my glasses and my face mask then my usual hat. People can only see 1 eye and that’s usually blurry cos the face mask causes my glasses to steam up!!!
      I could rob a bank and if I stripped all that off no one would recognise me.

  69. Seize your opportunity, PtbY ! ��

    Seriously, that sounds very uncomfortable. Do you really have to wear the face mask ?

    1. Only wear the mask when in shops.
      There are some people that don’t take a blind bit of notice about keeping their distance. They are usually old blokes or young lads in their 20’s that are walking around together in a pair already not observing any distancing.
      I actually ventured into our nearest Morrison’s the other day. On the whole people were pretty good there at keeping their distance but it wasn’t an enjoyable shop. Much prefer our local Lidl. I get too overwhelmed with all the choice in a big supermarket nowadays.

  70. I shall not be making or wearing any mask.
    I nursed in the days of fabric masks, and have too many uncomfortable memories.

    I've had some difficult and challenging days recently, but today was calmer AND I made a quiche.
    I have not really cooked for over twenty years, but have over recent months been trying to psyche myself up to trying with small steps.
    For three weeks I have been planning this quiche and today I've achieved it.
    And it's very good !

    1. MrsP, I remember you mentioned this quiche some time ago, what's in it?
      Well done for getting there. That's my attitude to life now, if I get everything done without any upsets it's been a good day.

  71. Tonight I felt as if I was preparing to go on a great expedition in the morning.
    After weeks of home deliveries I am actually going to do my own shopping tomorrow, and I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to it!
    I’ ve got fed up with all the errors, missing items and substitutions. (Last week I was charged £10 for Duracell batteries that were missing from the delivery!)
    So tonight I wrote a long and detailed shopping list, ferreted out my shopping bags, made sure my mobile was charged in case of trouble and put the correct glasses in my handbag so I can read labels in the store.
    At 7.45 am I’ll be off to Sainsburys for the Wed morning elderly shoppers session between 8-9 am & I just hope the car starts and I can remember how to drive, having only done it once since Xmas!

    Oh the joy of being able to choose my own veg, fruit & meat again!
    I feel like a child looking forward to a Birthday

  72. Miriam
    I’ve just read that Zoos & wildlife parks are lied to open again from June15th
    You’ll be able to visit your beloved Chester Zoo again!
    I expect you’ll be first in the queue when they open the gates - enjoy!0

  73. I will be interested to learn how you get on ,Archerphile ,this morning.
    Good Luck.
    Mr LJ thinks that the elderly person shopping time may well be the worst time to go because the last time we shopped -17th March !- it was the pensioners doing the pushing and shoving.
    I know what you mean about home deliveries particularly with fruit.
    We got bananas that were brown and soft and satsumas that were bad recently.
    A local greengrocer is doing veg boxes so we thought we'd have a go .
    If you want leeks, celery,broccoli etc that is fine but we gave a lot of the stuff away
    I texted them two days ago (the only way to get in touch) and asked if it would be possible to have basic vegetables - potatoes, carrots ;onions plus the fruit -
    I have not heard back.
    We cynically think that when the greengrocer goes to market he buys the vegetables that there is a glut of at a cheaper price which is not passed on to the customer who is meant to think that what they are getting is good value.

    1. That's the trouble with veg boxes, you take what you're given and there are always leeks!

  74. I have managed to get a delivery slot for Saturday from JS, (first one in three weeks!) so at least Jon won't have to go grocery shopping in the morning.
    I have now collected all the medication prescribed for me, and Jon spent hours on Sunday reading all the leaflets in the packets, then he drew me up a timetable. Wait for it! There are 9 'stages' of my day, that means 9 times I have to stop and take one or more tablets!
    He says that his ghost will haunt any sort of queue in our local Boot's store he has spent so much time standing there!
    On top of that I have to use a steroid inhaler twice a day and take my blood pressure twice too.
    BTW when I washed my hair on Sunday loads of it came out so I am assuming with the cocktail of drugs I am taking it might be the cause. Quite sad about that because my hairdresser always compliments on my thick and healthy hair.
    My goodness! What with fingernails coming off and hair falling out I'll be a Zombie! 🤣😱🤣
    Just about to have some breakfast then hopefully find my electric 'digger/rotatory machine' and dig out a trench for my runner beans. Bit late but did plant the beans the same time as Monty!
    Received my 3 very expensive tomato plants through the post yesterday and planted them immediately in three large pots. The packaging was very flimsy and cracked. In the five days they were in the post all three had grown to the light, as it were, and one was poking out the side of the black plastic casing. Whether they will grow or not I don't know. Annoying thing is I have a tray of Moneymaker seedlings which I had not expected to grow. Probably pot them on and put most of them out on the front lawn for anyone walking past.
    Tree surgeons came and took lower branches of the old oak tree at the bottom of the neighbours' garden (about 35 yards from my back door.) It has a TPO and is about 250 years old. He had to get Council's permission. While they were there they kindly trimmed off the holly and elder in the alley at the back of our 4 houses, level with the top of the school fence so I have had my view from my sitting-room window extended by about 300 yards across the school playing field. It has given my garden morning sunshine now (instead of just four hours or so from 2 pm onward) and also let noticeably more light into our sitting-room. Bonus!
    Hope everyone is keeping well or improving! Thank you all for interesting discussions and keeping me sane!
    Lanjan - email will follow after gardening!
    Spicy aka The Cushion!

  75. Spicy what a star you are (as is Jon!) Thank goodness you have the garden to escape to albeit in small doses - no pun intended. What a medical regime you are needing to follow right now sending virtual love and support 🥰

  76. Spicy, so much to deal with. Your garden with its extended view is a real bonus now.

  77. I respect others' choice not to wear any face covering and so far they have respected mine to do otherwise.

  78. How did your shop go Archerphile we are all agog 😯

  79. The shop was remarkably easy.
    I arrived at 10 to 8, put on my surgical gloves & masks in the car, found a trolly and joined the queue. There were only about 10 people in front of me and we were let in on the dot of 8am.
    Though there is a one- way system to enter and leave, there is no one way system inside as the aisles are very wide. It was remarkably empty and the scan and pack system worked perfectly.
    I think there were more staff assembling home delivery trollies than customers , so it was very easy to get around.
    I noticed quite a lot of goods missing, and food choices much reduced (eg the selection of biscuits, marmalade, soups etc were much smaller than pre-lockdown). However if you wanted toiletries, shampoo, household cleaners, there were still many brands and types.
    More people buying tinned tomatoes than lipstick I guess!

    My only problem was the fact that the store had been completely re-organised since my last visit, so it took me ages to find things and much tramping up and down aisles to find where they’d hidden the tea, sauces and cooking oil. Nothing seemed logical anymore and an entire aisle was taken up with ‘free-from’ foods, vitamins and milk substitutes - which was where I eventually found the long-life milk I wanted to make yogurts, instead of in it’s previous place,

    Still, I’ll get used to the layout and checkout was very simple using the scan and pack system. No taking things in and out of the trolly. No staff member to have to interact with, no danger of getting contaminated. It was starting to get a bit busier by the time I left but nothing like a normal Wednesday morning, so all was well.

    1. 👏🏻 👍 and your drive was obviously problem free 🤗 - unlike the Garden Centre debacle!

    2. Archerphile.
      I use Sainsbury's also and mine is the same. They were relaying out the stores, when things changed, so it had to be left, so that is why a strange layout. Mine is the same.
      Did you know you can check-out your shop, done with a scanner, in the self checkout, as well?

  80. It was in June 2015 that I joined the BBC blog. Lanjan was there (under her real name), Archerphile who called herself something else? Spicycushion - the ones who are still here that is.

    1. Was I ‘K1P1’ back then Basia?
      I actually first joined as Archerphile, can’t remember why I changed name, but there was a lot of chat about knitting and I thought K1P1 would reflect my hobby
      Then there was period of very nasty posts and one particular post-er was constantly having a go at me. I left for a few months because I got so fed up with being baited.
      I kept reading the blogs but not contributing and after a few months really wanted to join in again, but returned with my original name which I have stuck with ever since.
      Gosh, it all seems so long ago, and thank goodness we don’t have any of those shenanigans in this group of lovely people.

    2. So 'K1P1' was you, I didn't know, I stayed the course somehow but there were a number of interesting contributors: Tommy, Annhill, Caspar...

      I know what you mean about change of display, I visit my local health food shop almost daily and know the layout, if a box is placed somewhere else, I've been known to miss it altogether when it was just further to the left/right.

  81. I was interested also to hear about your supermarket jaunt, AP. Glad to hear it went so smoothly despite display changes & not all the goods you wanted. I'm off to do the same after 4pm - apparently quietest time - because, after about 6 weeks of happy delivery or click & collect slots, nothing doing this week or next ...It's Tesco, and have slipped in once before more briefly than I can today, so know it is well organized for distancing. Don't think they've moved the goods around.
    Shall be wearing plastic gloves not a mask.

  82. As long as you don't touch your face whilst wearing your gloves ,Carolyn.

    1. Lanjan, I will blow my nose vigorously before setting out & try to over ride old habits of face & hair touching ! 😉

  83. You couldn’t make it up! Katy and I did an online yoga class this morning. The doorbell rang, a delivery. Dudley went into a frenzy followed by Buddy. Dudley found a way to open the safety gate and nearly escaped but managed to keep him in. Went back, doorbell rang again, another delivery with similar outcome. Went back, phone rang! I had wanted to change our Fred cruise in October to one next August as was worried about 14 day quarantine which might still be in place and of course this would not be good because of Katy having time off school. I booked through ROL so had to change through them and they were phoning to arrange. Eventually went back! By this time dogs were taking a great interest on the reclining figures and wondering if we were still alive, Buddy thought a few licks would revive us. Dudley from his position on the sofa just retained interest. When the post came he demanded an envelope to rip up! All this was interspersed with free running dogs and Dudley jumping off the sofa onto Katy when the doorbell rang! All this was in the space of an hour and would have been very relaxed if I had been allowed! If I thought it would work I would have shut them out but they would have stood at the door barking to come in! Mike would have been appalled! Just thought I would share this doubtful exPerience with you!🤔😟🤭😁🐶🐶🐶

  84. So glad all went well at your chosen supermarket. I use the same one, which I am happy with and always can get what I want. I go on a Tuesday morning, (for a 7day shop). at about 8.30am and it is so quiet. Yesterday I had all the 3 fruit + veg. ailses to myself.
    One thing I have noticed, is that all the blue badge + family parking spaces are empty.
    It might be worth trying a Tues or Thurs (ie not a specific day) - I don't want to be personal to you or either Mr.A, but just something to perhaps try out.

    Yes The Zoo is opening again on Monday, and I am waiting to hear how timed entry, can be arranged. I won't be front of the queue, but will aim for the next 3-4weeks.
    At least the "Save Our Zoo" campaign has worked, not just for Chester, but for all the other zoos and safari parks, who were also in the same predicament.
    I am glad I played a small, but vital, part.

    1. PS Still no sign of neighbours moving - obviously a problem in the chain, but the sold sign is still there.

  85. I have an old fashioned shopping trolley/basket on wheels, the other day I brought home a small watermelon, a tin of pure cocoa powder, a tin of sardines and a baguette, all consumed at some point in the day but not together!

  86. I used to get anxious about shopping, but not know. The "new normal", is just that, the normal way of shopping.
    In my personsal experience, every-one knows, + so abides, by the rules.
    It is like a new formation dance, with your dance partner being a shopping trolley.
    I miss the normal supermarket chit-chat I used to have, as shopping is now done in almost, silence. Oh well, it is for the best, for us all, both now + later.
    Back tomorrow..Miriam Xxx

  87. Not tomorrow, yet.
    I read an interesting article today, about how many persons could end up with some sort of permanant sight loss, due to Covid. This relates to those with diabetic retinopathy problems, macular degeneration, glaucoma etc. who are missing their necessary appointments for treatment.
    I only mention this, as some might know of family or friends, who have not attended appointments, or those who intend not to go in the near future.
    Encourage them to go, so to try and keep their eyesight as it should be, and not let it deteriorate.
    I am sure that no-one here would miss such an appointment.
    Luckily, my own next hosp. appt for my eye check up, is October ( not glaucoma yet, but eyes are just being monitered, just in case, so can then prevent this).

    1. I have to use eye drops, every night, to keep my eye pressures down. These are working well, so there is no fear of glaucoma, just yet. 🤞

  88. I'm still having my shopping done by the father of a family i am friendly with.
    He sent a text yesterday saying he would be going to Aldi, but I said I didn't need anything important but would love some chocolate.
    Half an hour ago I heard my name called and one of the boys had come up the hill on his scooter to deliver a bar of nutty chocolate. I have eaten half the bar already I'm afraid.

    I went to town on the quiche Basia.
    Made a butter/egg base, baked it and had a cheese, ham, onion and celery filling, with a 3 egg, cream and milk custard and aubergine slices on top.
    I sent a picture to my daughters to give them hope that their mother might return to normality someday, or at the very least had not entirely lost all of her previous skills.

    When walking Lady this afternoon I suddenly realised that we were somewhere near the middle of June, but didn't know the actual date. It is my youngest birthday on the 12 th and I did one year forget it completely.
    In horror I rang her there and then.
    It's on Friday !
    OK, I can breath again, but must get out a card tonight.

    I remember the knitting conversation and K1.P1. But can't remember when I joined.
    Was it before or after I moved from London ?
    I think it might have been after, but I had been reading the blog for quite a long time before joining in.

    1. MrsP - A special chocolate delivery, aren't you privileged!
      I'm glad you made and enjoyed the quiche - just egg and vegetable would be enough for me these days.
      My sister is usually preparing the evening meal when she telephones and I always ask what's on the menu. We discussed various pasta shapes tonight, we both like tagliatelle and corkscrews (fusilli) and are not so keen on penne.

    2. Yum, love Aldi’s nutty chocolate! Enjoy Mrs P!

  89. I still haven't been shopping since 17th March and am impressed by those of you who are doing so.
    However I am still not sure about this wearing gloves business.
    Are people wearing the throwaway ones?
    If one wears gloves and obviously has to touch produce that others have touched and then touches one's face could that be a problem.?
    The hand sanitiser that I got from Boots at the start of Covid 19 says that it is effective for up to 8hours

    1. Mine are reusable - just wash & use again when dry.

    2. The advice is not to wear gloves because although it may protect *your* hands, they spread the virus from one thing to another where other people will pick up the virus off where your gloves have deposited it.
      If you Google, at least the first five answers are 'No'
      If you are going to more than one shop and will be using more than one. say, trolley then take more than one pair of gloves with you and a bag to put each pair into, to throw away after use. Then sanitise your hands before putting a new pair on.
      Some shops ask you to take off your gloves as you enter.

  90. I was using Lakelands neoprene gloves which are very thin and blue.
    i put them on in the car when I reached the supermarket before finding a a trolly because there were no signs of the handles having been sterilised, as they were at the garden centre.
    I was very careful not to touch or pickup anything I wasn’t going to buy ( this took a lot of will power!)
    I packed my goods as I shopped so didn’t have to touch anything apart from the hand held scanner. At the scanner checkout all I had to do was point it at the screen, then wave my credit card. I had no need to touch any buttons.
    Out of the store, to the car, lift bags into boot, carefully deposit gloves in a plastic bag left in the boot especially , to put in dustbin on reaching home.
    At no time did I want to touch my face with rubbery gloves on, so that was no problem.

  91. Miriam will you now be able to visit your nearest relative and stay the night ? As a person living alone I thought of you when this was stated at today’s briefing. If so you will understandably be over the moon 🤗 as you can behave as if you live in their household which includes hugging if I have understood correctly (?)

  92. Yes, you don’t have to observe the two metre rule! Though t of you too, Miriam and hope you will be hugging soon!😊🥰

  93. Read something interesting in my People's Friend magazine today. Vitamin D boosts immunity, and if you like mushrooms then they can go from having virtually no vitamin D to becoming one of the richest food sources in as little as an hour if you put them in a sunny windowsill. They do this in response to the UV light as a defensive measure against solar radiation. It apparently works even with sliced or dried mushrooms. Amazing thing Nature.
    Unfortunately I can't eat them. I used to pick mushrooms in the fields when young, and suspect one day I picked and cooked one that wasn't ! I had an unpleasant reaction and it seems to have left me sensitive to anything of that nature, and I always liked them too! Funnily enough I can eat them raw, but apparently a chemical change occurs when cooked.

  94. Can't resist adding this quote by Mark Twain:
    " Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint! "
    I do like Mark Twain's whimsical sense of humour.

  95. Perhaps Mrs P, another of our living-alone members would like a hug too!
    I noticed you had a difficult day recently Mrs P so perhaps you would consider a visit to another household to form a Bubble?


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