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Life in Ambridge



    OldWomanInAShoe - July 16, 2020 at 9:28 PM
    Three cheers for Boring Burns!
    He's got more pluck than we've tended to credit him for.

    Archerphile - July 16, 2020 at 10:33 PM
    I was very disenchanted with tonight’s programme until near the end.
    I’m just not interested in Elizabeth putting herself on the market again or Kenton’s musings on the wretched peacock and it’s aviary.
    Dull as ditchwater, one if the most boring of recent episodes.
    Then Harrison began his radio broadcast and I sat up and really listened. His revelations about his childhood, the bullying and misery he went through and his reasons for wanting to join the police were so enlightening - and moving.
    It transformed a very mediocre broadcast into a captivating one. My opinion of Harrison has shot up and I am now convinced his hatred of bullying will see the arrest and prosecution of Moss and son.

    Anneveggie - July 16, 2020 at 11:08 PM
    Archerphile - I agree with everything you put in your post 10.33 pm.
    I'm definitely not enchanted by Elizabeth's dating plans or Kenton waffling on about anything but Harrison saved the day. Good for him and I'm so pleased he received applause for his efforts.

    stasiaJuly 17, 2020 at 9:23 AM
    I have just been offered a pint of Old Bull with a chaser of Twaddle on the side.
    Harrison was bullied so he becomes a policeman to save the world!!
    Is the lonely, lovely Elizabeth due to scammed by an on line con merchant.
    It is now standard procedure when removing a large some of money from the Bank/BS to be given a leaflet outlining all the ways of being scammed.
    Online dating sites are notorious.

  2. Like Archerphile I have no interest in the Lizard's love life because it is so obvious that she will get conned. I hope we won't have to listen to many new soundalike voices!
    I am completely fed up with Kenton. What makes him so sure he is the one to be consulted about broadcasting just because he does the PA on the village green?
    However the revelation that Harrison was bullied at school was touching. The ending, where he left his room and heard the applause being led by Fallon, may have been cheesy but oh how different to the 'drama' at present being served up on TV and radio!

  3. Gary, good photo but those accoutrements, as I believe the police call them, are definitely from a different era!

    1. That was kind of my point! I wanted a pic of something to do with old style "coppers" & a radio...

    2. In my family, is the Police Sargents handbook of rules + penances, which was my great grand-fathers. It dates to around the 1920's, when Scrumping could lead to up to 3 months in laughable now. I know this is the wrong page, but it ties in with the
      police angle.

    3. My only comment re the photo - it looks a bit American to me, due to the cap!
      Great idea GG. 👍

    4. I thought it looked American too Miriam!

  4. The new picture at the top of this blog looks extremely American to me.
    Not the accoutrements of an English Bobby past or present.
    English, because I do not know anything about the police forces in Scotland Ireland or Wales.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry, don't know why it's posted twice, will delete one of them

  7. Oooh picky picky!ll Lets cut Gary some slack here. He comes up with some wonderful headings. Very often at very short notice see other blog.
    You're doing a great job Gary 👍👍👍

    1. He certainly is.
      I didn't mean to be nitty picky... Sorry 😭

    2. I apologise yet again, to GG and others.
      I only made my comment, which I now so regret, as it was not like the helmet, my great grandfather wore. He was a typical Dixon of Dock Green
      normal beat, sargeant.
      I am so sorry to nit-picking.. 😣

    3. Sorry if it sounded nit-picky, I was saying what I thought.

    4. Enough with the worrying! I just thought it looked appropriate for what people were talking about towards the end of the last blog - I was perfectly aware that it was an American picture... All is good!

    5. Sorry Miriam and others, I didn't mean to come across so brusque.

  8. I have a photograph of my policeman grandfather at the siege of Sydney Street !
    I also have ,by the side of my bed, his leather covered truncheon.

    1. To deter any intruders Lanjan? I sincerely hope you never gave to use it!.

  9. My comment was re the programme. GG is Tops as always.

  10. I must apologise to Gary too - I was the first to comment on the title photo, saying it looked from a different era
    ......and to be absolutely honest it was only to show off the fact I had just learned (from husbands elderly friend, an ex-policeman) that they were instructed to show their ‘accoutrements’ at the beginning of a shift. I thought Gary’s accoutrements looked as if they were from a similar era to the friend.
    Sorry to have started the avalanche of comments, Gary!

  11. Apologies, apologies, I've lost count. It reminds of this story by Chekhov of a man who extended an apology which was accepted but kept on apologising and the recipient finally lost his temper, so the man went home, lay down and died!

    Lanjan - the truncheon, a fascinating piece of history!

    1. I briefly looked up the event. W Churchill as Home Secretary present during the stand off between the Latvian immigrants, after a jewellery robbery in East London, and the police with the army support. You know more about it.

  12. Years ago a cousin gave me a newspaper cutting and pointed out a policeman standing in Sidney Street and said it was our grandfather .
    Since my father was the youngest of his family and I was born when he was 42 years old I never met my grandfather .
    My father would have been a young lad when the siege happened

  13. I am a bit of a cheat for the best of reasons.
    I am going to recommend a book which is not going to be on my already prepared list of five books partly because until this week I had never heard of the author.
    I was sent the book by a kind thoughtful friend who knew I would enjoy it.
    It is called "The Queen of wishful thinking" by Milly Johnson.
    It is lovely.-a real feel good book.
    One of the book critics said "Milly manages to make the world a lot sunnier with her books"
    Now who doesn't like the idea of that?

  14. Well after yesterday’s CV update we will probably be back to normal transmission by October? Maybe September. The SW will now need to be prepared, but then again what if a second wave does happen very awkward all round. It could be a SL and the the actor then has to isolate - ok if they feel well enough and are tech savvy enough to record from home. Difficult decisions for the team (as for many businesses)

  15. Sorry I realise. i have posted my previous comment on the wrong blog.

  16. The monologues were parodied yesterday on Dead Ringers and BH will have an item tomorrow.

    1. I listened to the Dead Ringers Archers parody today and thought it very funny and amusingly accurate.
      Now looking forward to what BH will present tomorrow morning.

  17. Then I will . apologise for apologising.
    Won't do it again.

    1. LJ. Why not copy a wrongly attributed post , delete it and then post into the correct post.
      Saves apologies.

  18. The simple answer is Pierre that I was not bright enough to think of doing that.
    Excellent idea.
    I know what a Basia means though .
    We seem to be apologising for everything.

    1. Amusing to read all these apology posts - like watching a skin rash appear on a speeded up film !

      Reminds me of a school librarian where I worked who had a weird habit of saying 'sorry' should she pass you in a corridor, or be looking at the same notice board, or start a conversation with you. It was just like here - no discernible cause of offence at all, just a verbal tic ( a colleague & I naughtily picked up on this & said sorry whenever we spoke to one another.....)
      Should add that this librarian was no shrinking violet but a confident, capable & articulate person; I wonder why the habit grew on her ?

      To bring back tenuously to TA (!), at least in these monologues no one feels the need to defend/excuse their thoughts...

  19. Heard the Archers bit on BH. They just showed, with an example for a recorded play, how it is perfectly possible to record proper, authentic sounding, dialogue for radio during lockdown.
    Apparently it’s simply due to clever editing and splicing tapes - and theirs were simply recorded on iPads in the actors homes.
    But I suppose the Archers producers either didn’t look thoroughly into the possibilities before going ahead with the monologues or couldn’t be bothered.

    Anyway, all the arguments will be academic soon when we return to normality. 🤞🤞🤞🤞

  20. I think it will remain a blot on the programme’s history and a poor reflection on the current editor. It would be difficult to present the monologues as an interesting experiment, or whatever, when press and broadcast reaction has been so negative. Time for someone to apologise? (Joke!)

    1. Not so much of a joke Maryellen. I think it should have been possible to include two-person dialogue during the past few weeks, if the producers had taken advice from other broadcasters. They didn’t have to stick with monologues throughout the whole lockdown, especially after reading some of the reactions from press and listeners. They just stuck to them like glue and didn’t try to improve things.

    2. Sorry, Archerphile, I just intended the sentence about apology as a joke, I really meant the rest. The editor’s flat statement that “we can’t do dialogue” was completely unacceptable, as we suspected at the time, and very soon found out from the flurry of professional and amateur productions recorded under lockdown conditions with dialogue. Normality may return but I doubt it will be forgotten.

    3. Maryellen, no need to apologise, I was actually agreeing with you!
      though I doubt we shall ever get an official ‘sorry folks, we mucked it up a bit’!
      End of term report for the lockdown Archers : good try, but could have done much better! 😄

  21. I just remembered that there's been a precedent of a monologue in the Archers. Years ago when Kathy was with Sid but went back to have an affair with Dave. Sid threw her out and she went to see a therapist who was not heard and Kathy talked about herself in the third person for the duration of the episode. Very odd.

    1. I’d forgotten that. Another reason I’ve never much liked Kathy.

    2. Wasn't there a moving episode with just two persons - Helen + her counselor?
      I could be wrong.

  22. I missed Thursdays edition of TA, and I waited to hear it, until the omnibus, today.
    It was worth waiting for, hearing Harrison talking about his time at school.
    I liked when he said, something like - giving power to the powerless, and giving a voice to those who don't/can't.
    I, immediatly thought of Philip and his workers. Will Harrison found out the truth?

  23. I enjoyed tonights episode.
    Why, many will ask? It is the
    reminiscences of the Produce Show with thoughts of Joe, the "fly tipper" causing so many farming and animal, problems etc.
    It is still a monologue style, which I have adapted to, but the quality, content and acting, seems so much better.
    I can still enjoy, my short interlude in Ambridge.
    Others will think differently.
    I accept this, and understand why.

  24. I accept the points Miriam highlighted but I forced myself to sit through it. I've not heard of uncle Gary before. Emma was right, Alice did give up her job on a whim, she and Chris drank too much and it'll cost him some of his business, as for the dreadful gossip, he's Susan's son, he was the one to tell on Lavinia and Alistair.

    1. Me too Basia, had to force myself to stay with it to the end!
      At first, once I’d worked who was speaking, I couldn’t make out what on earth Chris was going on about. Who the h... was Uncle Gary, forgotten about Lavinia, and why he was cross with Emma (Totally forgetting they were brother and sister)
      Then Emma maundering on about growing veg, Clarrie not liking it, what Joe would have planted.
      Scraping the bottom of the barrel last night, in my opinion, running out of ideas!
      Roll on August!

  25. I think Uncle Gary is one of the Horrobin brood. Susan is one of six. We have only met Clive and Tracy before.

  26. But we have heard of Gary from time to time, mostly I think from Tracey, but I'm pretty sure that I've heard Susan mention him also.
    As usual I listened with only half an ear, and was not particularly engaged by any of it.
    It is what it is ...

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ( trying again) I did actually tune in last night & though Ed, Emma & Chris did their best to inject some life into the script, poor things, they were flogging a dead horse. It was an episode about nothing...

  29. Oh, did think Alice was right to resign, rather than make another alcohol fuelled mistake & be sacked. That does lead neatly into the ongoing SL about her dependence. She still hasn't confronted the fact that she has a problem, & neither has Chris, it seems, but that is par for the course ( hence the announcement people in AA always make, 'I am an alcoholic')

  30. I feel sorry for the horse that Chris allegedly nicked when he was hungover.

    1. Chris being influenced by Alice - re alcohol - and drinks to keep her company?
      I am sure Chris will spot the problem 🤞

    2. I’m not so sure about that Miriam. He seems totally besotted with Alice and thinks she does nothing wrong . I don’t think he has registered her drinking problem yet. In fact he seems to be keeping pace with her.
      I think it will take some disaster or accident to bring them both to their senses. Perhaps this problem with Lavinia’s horse will bring things to a head.

    3. That's my point, but I obviously didn't phrase it correctly - Chris keeps up with Alice, as a loved up husband + wife duo.. If it now affecting his work life + livelehood, so will he now spot a potential problem?

  31. Hungover, hair of the dog, fired up by more alcohol, forgetting the login and not telling husband the whole truth, daddy's little girl is well on her way...out.

  32. I was listening to a very interesting programme at 1:45 pm today on radio 4 and decided to see what this Chris business was all about rather than turn off after the News.
    I must have listened to all of two minutes.
    This might seem sexist but I have never known a male gossip..
    When he and Alice were first married he wasn't anything like he is now..
    I used to like him.
    He has turned out to be a gossipy wimp.

    1. Maybe the reason you have never heard a male gossip, LanJan, is because they generally gossip to other men....

  33. Mike used to talk over the hedge to our male neighbour when we lived in Cornwall. I was there all the time but got so much gossip from them! Yes, believeable that Chris takes after his mother!

  34. Interesting last few posts re gossiping men.
    Like you LJ I've never really heard men gossip, but know that they do so.
    And my feelings on Chris chime with other reactions to his doing so this evening.
    I think Maryellen is correct, and Ev can confirm.

  35. In my experience, both men & women gossip. It's unfortunate that since medieval times the gossip stigma has been stuck on women alone !
    I think the original definition, spreading unfounded rumours, betraying secrets, is stretched these days to include the not necessarily malicious speculation about other people & that is something both sexes indulge in.

  36. Yes Maryellen you could well be right about men and gossip and Ev has confirmed that it does happen but do they pass on the information to their wives after they have gleaned it ?
    I am not sure that a man would do as Chris did and talk to himself and make a meal out of something that had nothing to do with him .I didn't listen long enough to find out why he was doing that.

    1. Yes Lanjan, I was told by a man that they do talk about things, but when women do everybody has to know and hear as well.

    2. Hello Basia, As a man I confirm what your informant says.

    3. Not true in my experience, female gossips I’ve known have generally operated on a one to one basis (like Susan).

    4. Going by what Mr A tells me about his regular Thursday lunchtime meetings with his syndicate palls, gossip (or discussion as he calls it) runs rife.
      Usually about other club members, what gliding goals they have achieved etc ...but also marital problems, who is going around with whom, who bought a new car and for how much and, because they are all in their 70s, health problems.
      In fact it all sounds like a female coffee break to me!

    5. In my experience - males and females are equal gossips. The difference is, the females then spread it around more, which the males don't seem to do, in quite the same way!
      My take is just that 😉

  37. PS Remember on the other page - click on the Load More sign at the bottom of the page - as there are now more than 200 comments. Don't we do well.
    This is the wrong page, I know, and only a gentle reminder, which I feel very presumptive to make, as I am sure that you all know this.

    1. I have only made this comment, on a purely selfish need. I would hate, to miss the wonderful posting you all do. They are so interesting and entertaining, and are great to read.
      OK - The wrong place + time, I know...😣

    2. Oh Miriam! Please stop apologising, it just takes up space.
      (as does this post!)😁

    3. My posts will be kept short in future.

  38. The question is why? Tim can't pin anything on Ed. I didn't know they had pigs at Grange Farm. I also regret the ruined beans and I agree with Bert, you can't smell the earth online.

  39. I think that smelling the earth is more important than a lot of people realise. I read on the Peoples Friend health page last week that there is a very real chemical reason why so many of us feel happy and relaxed while gardening. Scientists (science eventually catches up with empiricism!) have discovered that there is a bacteria called bacterium vaccae in soil and it has the ability to trigger serotonin, the happiness chemical, in the brain. We only have to smell this bacteria for it to cause the brain reaction in us.
    I am now left pondering this. I can understand that originally our survival may have depended on us liking and wanting to work the earth and grow things, but usually such things are symbiotic and I can't think how the bacteria would have benefited from the relationship.
    Do we have any biologists among us I wonder?

    1. What an interesting question, Janice. Am no biologist, but could the bacteria benefit from the earth being churned up by man, giving it more to feed upon, movement, reproductive opportunity ?

  40. It must be Tim......mustn’t it?

  41. I don't know id it is Tim - could well be. What i found difficult was Emma's hand wringing and worrying. Why couldn't she call the police. The changed lock was ample evidence that there would be a return of the fly tippers.

    1. Yeah, but where's the drama in that? Tim and his cronies turn up, get nicked, locked up in cell. Fly-tipping and padlock-pinching solved : )
      There again, Tim has information on Ed that Ed would rather Harrison didn't know. ('Though Ed doesn't seemed to have twigged in advance that it could be Tim so does not have that excuse for not calling the police. I suppose keeping away from Old Bill is just built into Grundy DNA.)

    2. Good morning OWIAS, I take your point re the drama but cannot see why Emma beating her gums added to that. She should either “perform or get off the pot”

    3. Ooo, what a lovely picture that conjures up Pierre!
      I was (almost) shouting at the radio.. PHONE THE POLICE!
      But nobody in TA seems to do the obvious.
      Looking forward to finding out who the culprit really is tonight.

    4. Hello Archerphile, I was shouting exactly that. Emma’s wittering was pointless, time wasting and plain bloody annoying.

    5. It was all enough to drive me to join Chris and Alice in a drink or two. Perhaps three.

    6. At least Ed’s MinnieMoanAlog has left us with a mystery.

  42. Tim has information but no proof and why is he doing this anyway, for drama's sake.

  43. What happened to the illegal chemicals stashed in the Grundy Field barn ( it seems a lifetime ago!)?

    1. Just remembered (I think) - an anonymous person came with an unmarked van and took them away?

  44. Motor activity and being outdoors in sunshine creates and spurs on the synthesis of serotonin and the release of endorphins. This results in a feeling of well-being and a decline in low mood..
    These chemicals are produced by the body to relieve stress and help us have more positive outlook on life.
    Taking exercise increases the heart rate and the cardiovascular system is stimulated to produce these natural opioids.
    Dopamine, Serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins make up the chemicals our body requires for the neurotransmission of feeling happy.
    I suspect many of the Archer residents are lacking in this state of happiness and the moanalogs are an example of their low brain activity.
    Don’t think smelling soil will entirely provide the answer unless smelling the PH in muck and manure is to your taste.
    I:have enjoyed my lockdown break.

  45. I like the smell of fresh earth, especially when it rains.

    1. Ditto, Basia. And especially when going out in the garden late in the evening.

  46. Just had a thought! “💡”

    I think Ed said the fly tipped stuff looked like a lot of old kitchen units.
    If so, wouldn’t that be something the Mosses we’re trying to get rid if, doing a kitchen renovation or something? Perhaps more likely than Tim?

    1. What happened to Jenny’s old kitchen units that Emma refused? Or is that another red herring?

    2. In defence of Ed, I think I'd do rather a lot of moaning if some selfish oaf dumped a load of rubbish into my property.

  47. I automatically assumed it was the welsh wazark and son.

  48. I can't work the fly-tipping out. After a think, could it be Josh or Toby?
    PS I wonder where Toby spent Lockdown, with Pip + Rosie, or with Bert + Rex?

  49. I don’t think Philip would dump so close to home, although I suppose his “minions” might if ordered to get rid of stuff, but I doubt they’d replace the padlock, so I think the return of Terrible Tim is a more likely bet.

  50. There was horror mixed with disbelief in Ed's voice, not a reaction if he'd seen Philip & son. Joy said that someone came collecting waste, for payment I assume and then disposing of it in an illegal way the customers were not aware of. My question is why would Tim go to such lengths as changing the lock and dumping it on Ed's ground, as some kind of revenge, not on Brian though.

    1. PS The fly-tipper knew where to dump it!
      Could it be Eddie - that is going too far! 🤣 even for me.

    2. Another thought, why not re-introduce Tim. Many seniors will not be heard from, for many awhile, others need to appear and so replace.

  51. Thank goodness Ed has found some backbone and common sense!
    It seemed obvious that it was Tim Oatey after yesterday. No decent local would fly tip dangerous rubbish on land where there is livestock, certainly not Josh who would know the dangers, nor Eddie, also a still farmer at heart.
    We have recently had nearby a farmer who had six cows and three calves killed by Yew tree clippings dumped in their field. We also have a Kent Wildlife reserve near too which sadly gets dumped on all year round. I hope the police/Council get proof of Oatey's guilt without Ed having to testify.

    1. Spicy, as a townie l never realized yew clippings were poisonous. l googled and found some horrendous cases of farm animals dying because of dumped cuttings. I know this comment hasn't been of great interest to you all but l wanted to let eveyone know l learn a lot from our bloggers.

    2. Old Fogey - Completely trivial historical note. It is generally thought that the toxicity of Yew is the reason why it is grown in churchyards; the only place in medieval villages in England which was walled off - so that the commoners freely wandering livestock could not get at it. The tree was needed to provide the wood for the Long Bow- the staple weapon of the English.
      David Archer lost about six cows some years ago from dumped yew tree clippings I seem to remember.

    3. Fascinating on both points, Spicy; not trivia to me. l used to work with a chap who told me really interesting tales of the English archers.

  52. What if there are traces of chemicals at the barn or Tim dumps some more.

  53. Perhaps I'm being very dim, but why on earth would Tim want to revisit the place of his crime ? He cleared the evidence & did a runner.

    1. That's what I asked. Ed says Tim wants to settle the score, it gives Ed a chance to assert himself but what is the real point I don't know.

  54. Perhaps it was Aldridge - he’s not fussed about polluting the environment and poisoning the landscape, as his track record shows.

    1. Ed saw Tim and reported him to Crime Stoppers.
      Brian was the first one to have waste dumped on his land.

    2. Wasn't the first lot dumped on Brookfield land? The Home Farm combine harvester, which was doing the work at Brookfield on contract picked up the glass etc. Or have I misunderstood? 🤔

    3. Aldridge took payment for allowing dodgy waste to be dumped on his land, regardless of the long-term effects on the neighbourhood, ghastly man.

    4. I misunderstood. I thought Basia was referring to the most recent fly tipping, not the re-write of history of the 70s.

    5. Ne is the same morally questionable landowner today that he was then., and the only Ambridge resident with a track record where toxic chemicals are concerned, until Ed, which puts them in the same bracket.

    6. I was listening to TA in the 1970s and Brian was certainly NOT a dodgy character when he arrived, a very wealthy, young, unattached man, in 1975 in Ambridge.
      He was a likable, 'county' set man who fancied Jennifer, who nabbed him as soon as she could. He had loads of money having sold the large family farm in Hampshire for 'development' after his parents' death in a car crash. He had no need for backhanders from dodgy characters. He was then, as now, a serious farmer.
      I suppose the production team did not think, when they re-wrote the history of Brian, that there would be many (or any) listeners whose memories would be equal to the famous scrapped 'archive' cards.
      One look at TA facebook page also shows that it isn't me (an historian by profession) who objects in principle to the re-writing of history. 🙂

  55. Replies
    1. Yes he has but I hope there are no repercussions.

  56. Well, my bright idea turned out to be rubbish! (See what I did there!) 😆

    But thank goodness, after some well written and well acted internal wrangling, Ed took the best decision in the end - to ring crime stoppers. I just hope it doesn’t provoke even worse retribution from Tim.

  57. Spicycushion, yes, the first lot of fly tipping was dumped at Brookfield with Brian on the combine harvester, my error.
    The fact remains that Ed saw Tim Oatey and reported him to Crime Stoppers for fly tipping.
    There has been no mention of chemicals. Ed said that he's just as good as Tim but he's paid for it, together with Emma and the children. The past cannot be erased.
    There's no direct link to Brian whose morality is questionable on many levels.

  58. But who was Tim Oatey acting for, one asks? If Archerphile is right about kitchen units.......

  59. It can’t be Jennifer’s kitchen units. She had that kitchen done long ago and the old units would have been recycled or disposed of way back when.

    Alice has a serious drinking problem as she was so desperate at running out of booze and then bought a cheap Rioja only to see the bottom of the bottle on her own. I wonder when she or Chris will realise this is more than just social drinking.

    1. Didn’t the kitchen units go into storage at Home Farm?

    2. Joy said someone came to her door offering to dispose of waste, for a payment? Since Tim bears a grudge against Ed he dumped it at his door, it could be any k/units.

    3. They might have gone into storage and if so it could be them but this would be down to the new owners not the Aldridge’s.

    4. The new owners only occupy the house. Home Farm land, with all the outbuildings etc, wasn’t sold. Excess stuff from the house went into storage there when the Aldridges downsized.

    5. It will be interesting to find out!😊

  60. It’s a while since I commented on the blog and am just testing.

    1. Hello Patricia, I noted that you were missing from this year's 2nd anniversary blog.If you prefer a more informal exchange then try the alternative Life Outside Ambridge, you have to press on load more at the bottom. I'm too lazy, so will wait until Gary starts a new heading when he's back.

  61. Basia ,think of the gems you are missing by not pressing"Load More!'

    1. Well, I admit I did sneak a look, so I know about your 75th (!) and Archerphile's forthcoming one. Lanjan, you're soon due a big one I think?

  62. Welcome back Patricia. I ‘m sure we’d all love to know if you have been listening to the monologues and what you think of them. 😃

  63. So it was Tim, after all.
    I wonder if Ed's work with him, (the chemicals), will now come to light somehow, so affecting Ed + Emma, the children, and their future together, in the mobile home.
    It sounds an increasing S/L to go forwards. There is still no real proof just yet, except Ed's call to Crimestoppers. The culprit still needs to be caught in the act - so will Harrison help out? 👮‍♂️👀🔍📸

  64. Welcome back PatriciaC
    Perhaps see you on the other thread ?

  65. PatriciaC - good to hear from you again!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I so enjoyed this mornings Omnbibus edition. I did hear some of the nightly ones, but as a compedium, the S/L's flowed through in a continuous and, much more understandable stream.
    I noticed how much better the quality was, with background noises, and more cast members in each episode.
    Does any-one know if some of the cast members are back in the studio? - as it sounded like it, to me.
    There are lots of threads showing, which will go forwards and develop, hopefully.. These include:-
    Alice + alcohol - the continuing, but more relevant situation.
    Chris getting his reputation back.
    Ed and Tim Oatey. Again a continuing story, re-introduced.
    The virtual Flower + Produce Show.....etc.

    One thing that I didn't understand was - why change the padlock on the field gate? It must have been known, that this would draw suspicion of some sort, from Ed, so he has reported it.

    Is this part of Tim's plan of revenge against Ed + Emma?
    Tim must have been watching them, at Grange Farm and did he let the pigs out? The Brookfield dumping, was obviously a bluff.
    This could be a good S/L to go along with, while all wait patiently for the demise of Philip, Gavin + the work force.

    I bet Kirsty + Phil will sneak off for a socially distanced wedding, as soon as they can.
    They were doing a quiet wedding before, so why not in the next few weeks?
    The Bull has reopened, so the rules are relaxing in Ambridge and TA. These will include the inclusion of weddings in Borsteshire.

    These are my ideas from this morning.

  68. The fly tipping at Brookfield and that done at Ed’s needed necessarily have been done by the same person. So much tipping is going on in the countryside at the moment (including around here) that it could easily be down to two separate culprits.

    1. I agree. These were just my thoughts, as I previously said. To my ideas, it was just too much of a coincidence, in that fly tipping happened on two different sites, which are close by, within two weeks....but who knows?
      I don't, nor do I pretend to.

    2. Could be that dodgy Tim is taking revenge on Ambridge as a whole, seeing as he had to beat a hasty retreat from the place ! You could well be right, Miriam.

  69. Sunny Ormonde has said on a Zoom interview that the cast are recording 'remotely' now and Keri Davies said on Twitter that TA (normal or as good as possible) will be back in August.
    As that starts next week we haven't got much longer to wait apparently!

    1. Yes I watched that Spicycushion and enjoyed it too. (Except for some silly people trying to spoil things.)
      I was quite excited to hear that we may get 'regular' Archers quite soon!

    2. I also read something, that TA will return to normal in August. I will believe it, when I hear it.
      I don't do twitter nor Facebook, so I am waiting in anticipation. I am enjoying TA in the current form, though.

    3. I sincerely hope it's the last week of this stuff.

    4. I just got thoroughly fed up with the sound of Harrison’s voice tonight. On and on and on.........

    5. Oh, but we did learn that Tim Oatey is well
      Known to the police!

    6. Also known to Oliver who first suggested Ed could work for him. Hmm!

  70. Yes... that voice is fine in short bursts, but not for long periods beyond two or three minutes.
    And as for entertaining Daisy...
    I suggest you get her a bicycle made for two Harrison.

  71. Tim also did some work for Alan as a goodwill gesture, some similarity with Philip & son.

    As for 'Driving Miss Daisy', Fallon was very keen and Harrison was surprised how many soft toys she found which might come in useful...

  72. After being force fed Sargent Harrison and his wee wifey, the Mrs, I had to rush to the bathroom. Too much sipping cocktails and wittering on about Belgium Buns,
    That episode could have been reduced to 10 seconds.
    Tim Oaty is a recidivist.

    1. Must say, Stasia, that I have to agree. The only excuse for that script is that it was used to set up the scene for Fallon to become pregnant!

    2. Stasia, The only disagreement I have with your post is that even for 10 secs it would have been over long.

      Absolutely agree with Archerphile. Just praying we don't get to eavesdrop on the conception.

    3. Doubt if they'll manage it this week if they are looking after a two year old, but it will no doubt have the effect of awaking maternal feelings in Fallon.

  73. There was a news item about a Dutch company which produces Dettol and they feel assured with the demand on the rise but their sales of Durex have dropped, perhaps Harrison found the machine at the Bull empty. As to the first part of my post, perhaps if you wish to elaborate do so on the other blog, I have no idea.

  74. I am concerned that anybody can now email Harrison at will about their concerns.

  75. On an off tangent comment, but still TA relevant, I would love to hear how Christine is doing, in her new her retirement apartment.

    1. Perhaps Lee, on one of his visits to The Laurels, can give an up-date. I hope so.

    2. Yes, I’d forgotten about The Laurels during the past few months. Given the effects of coronavirus on care homes, I wonder how its residents fared.

    3. And not hearing anything from Peggy, we’ve not heard anything about Christine or any of the other residents. I suppose it would be a bit insensitive to hear a comment about how many residents have died at the Laurels! ☹️

    4. I would love to hear, that all are well, due to wonderful care, attention in isolation. It is possible and probable.

    5. I remember now that the editor (or someone) said the programme would be ‘coronavirus light’ so I guess that means no one in the enclave will get it and certainly not die of it. But it may have silenced some older characters, because if they introduce remote group recording using Zoom, there is still the home technology hurdle for older actors - and if they get back to studio group recording, socially distanced, it may still be inadvisable for actors in the vulnerable elderly group to travel etc. We shall see! ( Or rather, hear.)

    6. You are right Maryellen, as doughty as she is, I can’t see June Spencer coping with all the technical equipment that would have to be installed at home, for her to record a monologue. In fact, I rather wonder if we shall hear from her again, even when studio recording resumes.
      Another character that I can’t remember hearing is Oliver Sterling, musing about what the lockdown has done to Grey Gables.

  76. £50 lost on scratch cards, if you listen to Joy, who wants to go to Spain! Johnny won't be pleased with his present from Tony.
    Unfortunately it looks like there's more of the same next week.

  77. Poor Johnny, being kind to Tony and Tony now thinks he’s a model train enthusiast. I hope he gives Johnny some cash as well as the train

    1. Having watched Bargain Hunt for many years it occurs to me that the train set (in box) could be worth enough to buy Johnny a car!

    2. Yes, but would they part with it, since it belonged to John, up to them.
      I just remembered Jill and David scouring the village, looking for his train set.

    3. If they gave it to Johnny then it would be up to him to do what he wants with it surely? He didn't know John so it probably holds no sentimental value for him. It would only be his guilty feelings towards Pat and Tony that would make him keep it.
      I am surprised that Pat wants it to go to Henry when she made such a fuss about finding Johnny.
      Tony hasn't got rose-tinted spectacles on when viewing Henry at least!😀

  78. Joy to the world! The Horville is come
    Let Ambridge receive her voice
    Let her Northern tones reign supreme
    And her Spanish holiday remain a dream
    Repeat and repeat the the dulcet noise.

    Very Silly. It was nice to hear, at last, a different voice.

  79. As an all life long (80 years) model railway ( not train ) enthusiast what a load of tosh.

    Joy said that she would definately be able to recognise the fly tipper who conned her. I hope Harrison will invite her to an identity session.

    1. ....but I hope we don't have to hear about it, Pierre 😉 Can just imagine her wittering on about nothing in particular & failing to look properly at anyone in the line up...

      Great to read one of your mocking ditties again, Stasia ! Best response to these monologues, I reckon. Just haven't been tempted to listen to any the last 2 weeks, so grateful to pick up the gist here ( & occasionally looking at the synopsis on the website)

  80. Loved the little song Stasia.
    But the last voice I wanted to hear again was Joy’s
    Not sure exactly why, but I just can’t stand the woman!

    As for the model trains, they didn’t sound very special to me (apart from the sentimental aspect) so I don’t think Johnny will be financing a car by selling them!
    (Speaking as someone who had to auction her 91yr old brothers life time accumulated train set, which took up an entire room, when he died). Engines have to be very special to fetch big prices. And preferably in mint condition and in their original boxes.

    1. Sorry, Pierre, should have said model railway layout, plus two wardrobes full of boxed ephemera)

  81. Pierre - Yes Joy at an virtual identity parade. I can imagine her doing this, but Harrison has to find this person first. Can he?

    I like Joy, and what is wrong with that...At least she is easily recognised, and it was lovely for yet another character, to be re-introduced and so to give more TA content and context.

  82. You are perfectly entitled to like Joy, Miriam, everyone to their own choices.

    Personally, I found tonight’s episode excruciating - Joy rabbiting on and on and on, followed by Fallon getting all mumsie with little Daisy.
    12 minutes of nothing.
    Oh , when will this end - not next week I think, there are only 4 episodes again, so probably more monologues. 🥴

    1. Agree Archerphile, after fly tipping stupid Johnny doing the same in search of stupid card. At first he blamed Freddie for the idea and then Joy for reading his horoscope!

    2. Is it still better than nothing, Archerphile?


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