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Life in Ambridge



    stasia - August 12, 2020 at 9:26 AM
    Lindy hopping and in agony bopped her way back to the house. It’s clear she is feeling energetic but her posture, after the blast has not allowed her to be fully connected with the backbone, which in turn took a while to connect with the knee bone, thigh bone etc.
    Lindy is tough but needs to learn to stretch and relax to ease the tension in her muscles.
    She needs a physiotherapist.
    Helen knows one.
    Lee will certainly get Her Lindyhopping soon. 💃🤸‍♀️

    Archerphile - August 12, 2020 at 9:43 AM
    Just read a very interesting post on The Archers Facebook page.
    It follows a great many posts criticising and complaining about the current format,
    It’s from Ian Pepperell, the actor who takes the part of Roy. I reproduce it in full here:
    “We record in a non-ventilated environment, many of the cast have underlying conditions, hotels were not open and travel was restricted. Other soaps have open air sets but not us. Be kind please”
    This is interesting and explains some of the early restrictions, but I don’t remember hearing Roy at all in any of the monologues! (Perhaps because he lives, and runs a pub in the New Forest, so presumably would need a hotel if recording in Birmingham - but does not explain why he could not have recorded from home, as others have done)
    No-body would want an actor with an underlying condition to risk travelling to a studio during the lockdown.
    And it still doesn’t explain why it’s taken so long to manage dome sort of duologue.
    There followed dozen of sympathetic replies but the consensus on FB seems very divided between the monologue haters, and those who enjoy the current output. Just like here really!

    maryellen - August 12, 2020 at 11:31 AM
    Taking advantage of the silly season again, another Brian Aldridge verse, cut short by lack of rhymes.
    Brian Aldridge is no hero,
    Less charm than a bag of ,Bero
    On a scale of ten to zero,
    Rating similar to Nero.
    Banish him to distant D Row!

    Basia - August 12, 2020 at 11:37 AM
    After last night I felt that the programme is moving forward and things are happening, it suits me.

  2. *** WARNING ***

    The above video contains images of some of the actors - if you don't want to know what people look like in real life, then don't watch it!

  3. Gary, it was interesting to watch, I knew what they looked like. I liked the doorbells.

    Janice, you met Vanessa Whitburn "by the sea" in your Save The Archers Blog t-shirt.
    Her legacy seems to be killing off Nigel which is a pity.

  4. I had not seen this previously and knew most of what was explained, but interesting nonetheless.
    Thanks GG.
    Despite not hearing from you for a while, thank you for being there and keeping us going.
    You are appreciated !

  5. I do t know if anyone else listened tonight, or if anyone else will agree with me, but I found Adam’s acting totally unconvincing.
    All the agonising about making sure Zander was playing with the toy farm correctly, not putting the sheep or cows in the wrong field; obsessing about Alice running the farm; thinking about child care etc.
    It just didn’t sound right to me. Too actorly and very unnatural.

    Ed though, was a gem, getting one over Alice, making her offer him double time to drive the tractor for Home Farm.
    Emma will be delighted with the extra cash, especially if Fallon’s going to give her her P45!

    1. I agree Archerphile that Adam's acting wasn't convincing but I do wonder if he's one of those actors who need others to bounce off and struggles with the monologues. That's the impression I'm getting and I suppose I do have some sympathy for him.
      I've been listening to some omnibuses from last year and they're so entertaining that it's a bit of light relief.

      I'm also pleased that Ed was able to get double time which they'll need specially if Emma does lose her job.

  6. I agree too about Adam last night.
    Although it did occur to me that the rubbish he had to spout might have had something to do with his performance.
    What sort of person is so out of touch with reality that they would be critical of putting toy sheep in with the buttercups, I thought, but then realised that Adam of all people is so up his own A...SE that he would behave in such a way.

    But then, balanced by wonderful Ed, one of the best actors on TA.

  7. Ed should have negotiated with Alice. who knows it could have been "triple" time, as she was so desparate, whilst sitting in the office with her secret stash..

    1. You have a point Miriam and, if he'd stuck to his guns, he could have got more.

    2. Ed got what he wanted, no need to rock the boat and it won't last long.

  8. Alice has already let them down, by not letting Adam and Brian know what they'll pay Ed.
    She let Chris down by not recognising the problem, she's on the defensive about being found out. She'll have to learn to cover her tracks by disposing of the empty bottles, I suppose it didn't occur to her to rinse the bottle.

  9. So Alice is now permanent in the Office. What will she mess up next?

  10. Alice has quickly become such a liability. She's in such denial, defending herself whilst gulping more booze. Poor Chris.

    1. I agree. Adam has made a massive mistake, and Brian will love his decision with Alice is now being permanent. It is what he wanted.
      This is a story to run, long term.

    2. Your correct about that Miriam...... it will run and run, just like it did with Peggy's first husband Jack.

  11. 4 days since the last post on this blog! Just shows how gripping we are all finding the present story line and presentation. Not sure I can cope with so much excitement!

    1. I haven't listened for what seems like months now. I just pick up the general gist from posts on here, and even then half heartedly!

    2. Pierre. You wouldn’t want to have your ears offended by the worst moanaloger of all time.
      Adam, he should have a fig leaf taped over his mouth.
      I:switched off he was so awful.

    3. Exactly what I thought the other night Stasia. Andrew Wincott may be a good actor but he sure hasn’t got the hang of performing a monologue.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When I have, eventually listened to this mornings Omnibus, I am sure I can give a comment. But then who is interested - probably not many.

    1. I think I will not post, after all. I will just keep my thoughts, to myself, well for a while.

  13. Something strange has occurred to me:

    We have heard quite a lot from Brian recently. So, presumably Charles Collingwood managed to construct himself a recording studio at home......
    The home he shares with his wife Judy Bennet who plays Shula
    So why haven’t we heard anything from Shula?
    Perhaps she doesn't like acting under the stairs or from the spare bedroom, or wherever her husband makes his recordings?

  14. Or perhaps she is finding TA boring too Archerphile

  15. As far as this non-listener can make out, he’s the only one of Ambridge’s older inhabitants to be heard.

    1. Correction: I think Tony has been mentioned as one of the monologue deliverers. I wonder how they chose which characters to feature, acting ability doesn’t seem to have been a priority.

    2. We heard quite a bit from Robert last week, but perhaps he doesn’t qualify as an older inhabitant yet?

    3. He is still a working GP and also, I don't think he is old enough, to be excluded.

    4. I think I read the actor had retired from his GP practice? I’d class Robert as an ‘oldie’ though not the ‘oldiest’ eg. The three wryd sisters (in law) - sorry, Terry Pratchett - plus Jim, Bert, etc.

  16. My thoughts on yesterday's omnibus, are these simple ones:-
    a) I enjoyed it
    b) It made sense
    c) Alice not telling the truth
    and most importantly

    d) Carole Boyd who was just brilliant, especially as she recorded her part, solo. It was worth listening to.

  17. That scheming Natasha, all made up, it won't make up for her cancellation.

    1. Why do I think that Natasha, is like the saying:-
      "Fur Coat + No Knickers"?
      A bit OTT, I know and I am sorry for any offence caused to anyone.

    2. I used to think that the jury was still out on Natasha and was willing to give her some leeway. Now I'm only asking myself whether she's scheming or simply self-centered and emotionally blind. I think all the Welsh characters are very well acted - and horrible! (Why?)

    3. Oh yes.. neither so horrible nor so well acted..

    4. And she no longer sounds Welsh, if ever she did.

  18. I am really enjoying the nightly TA episodes, fully again.
    Although they are still monologues, these are now different. The quality is so much better, there are background noises, and almost, but not quite, a dialogue between two persons.
    There are also so many hints about up-coming storylines.
    Yes, it is frustrating about Philip, Kirsty, and the Grey Gables incident, but it is better to wait to hear the climax with it's true impact, rather than an subdued result.

    1. If Helen's trial had happened in Lockdown etc. all that would have been heard would have been the verdict, with an explanation as to why. I would have felt cheated, as I would be if the Philip situation, is done in this way.
      I am prepared to wait..

  19. Natasha came over as smug, condescending, unsympathetic and 'plastic' with the make-up talk etc. Did she blurt the info out to Emma intentionally or did she genuinely not know that Fallon hadn't told her?
    Alice still boozing away - long story line to come as predicted.

  20. Natasha knew what Helen was going to tell Fallon, hence her anniversary congratulations, likewise with Emma, making up with make-up because she is behind the re-structuring.
    Couldn't Fallon and Emma turn the tables on her, I mean in the real sense, put them outside or on the village Green, I do want them to survive, most of all I don't want them to fall out!

    1. Agree. I just thought how does one organise restructuring two people? In this instance one dogsbody in the shape of Emma. Natasha is buttering up Fallon and Emma in order to bring about their downfall. But will it be a case of tables being turned and Fallon or Emma uttering the fatal words, Et To Natashus?
      I do hope so.
      I also wondered if Fallon was entitled to financial support from the government? Could she furlough Emma?

  21. I am very disappointed that the two (well, three, really) Welsh characters to be introduced to the village
    in the past couple of years have all turned out to be devious, manipulating, unpleasant or downright criminal.
    I love the Welsh ( my son-in-law is one if them) and I love their accent.
    But the Editor/SWs must have an anti-Welsh bent to have made Natasha and the Mosses all thoroughly unlikeable characters.
    It’s discrimination!
    😉 😡

    1. It seems okay for characters to be Welsh as long as they don’t sound Welsh eg.Pat Archer.

  22. It's a flawed argument: if Emma wasn't there 'dogs-bodying', who would do the work? It's obviously too much for Fallon alone. Therefore the business would fail.

    1. I discovered that the term dogs-body comes from an unappetizing pease pudding, resembling a dog's body, hence something inferior.

  23. I think Fallon should aim higher, relinquish the Bridge Farm concession and go for one at Lower Loxley....

  24. I am still surprised, that Natasha has the time to interfere in the Tea Room and make-overs. I know I am repeating myself, but she has the problems of the Orchard, her juice "empire" and the joint App, with Tom
    Surely these must keep her busy and concerned, but apparantely not.

    1. Natasha was to hold a "webinar" which was cancelled, with the Tearoom as an example of how not run a business.

    2. Can someone tell me what a ‘webinar’ is? I’ve never heard of it.

  25. Maryellen (and anyone else who dies not normally look at the non Archers blog.)

    I have set a little competition on the other blog in case you are interested.

    1. It is a good one, but it is sadly distracting from Mistral's choices, (after her name came out of GG's mortar) which were posted, such a short time previously.
      Apologies for this, but I had to mention the timing.

    2. Thanks, LanJan - I’ve left my answers!

  26. Basia, I listened to a R4 programme yesterday and it would seem the ‘dogsbody’ term is also a navel expression to describe the lowest rank in the Navy. The Grundy’s are therefore the general dogsbodies of Ambridge.

    1. Really, with their life at Grange Farm. They care for animals, have a family life, alongside Ed + Emma, Will and the children. Yes, there are dodgy deals, which usually go wrong, but they do have a family life.

      As to the naval term of "dogsbody", may I nominate "The Horrobins", who live on The Green?
      Only Tracy, is doing something worthwhile.

    2. Stasia, yes, it was on the Brain of Britain, pease pudding eaten by the navy.

    3. Dogsbodies do the boring yet essential tasks and sounds like the Horrobins don’t do anything much! Dogsbodies revolve around Pip who has more important things to do than look after Rosie!

    4. It’s a myth that Pip doesn’t look after Rosie. Like most working mums prepandemic, she arranges childcare during her working hours and looks after her child in the evenings, overnight and early morning, with help from her partner, also like most modern parents. I suppose, like other Ambridge myths, it has become so entrenched that factual evidence (like the number of times we’ve heard Pip and Rosie together) doesn’t register.

  27. Archerphile, I read it in the synopsis, I think it's a web-seminar.

  28. It's all right for Emma to jump on Ed, but Lynda with her back?
    I remember they had twin beds pushed apart.

  29. Basia is right, webinar is a contraction of web seminar, an online meeting nowadays often conducted using Zoom. We’ve been meeting up with friends during during lockdown via Zoom. It’s become so much a part of everyday life, I wonder when it will get mentioned on TA, or maybe it already has?

  30. Yes, I think it has Maryellen. Think it was Adam mentioning that Roger had seen Xander on a Zoom session and he was glad that Roger had shown an interest in the little boy.

    As for tonight’s episode...... too much information Lynda, too much information!

  31. I do not agree that it's alright for Emma to jump on Ed. Maryellen knows why.....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have no idea what the two of you are talking about. All I meant was that Ed wouldn't suffer from any sudden physical contact from Emma or the children.

  32. Oh Lynda, did we really want to hear that! I'm glad you're feeling better but ......

  33. Sorry Archerphile and Anneveggie but as one who is usually more than happy to wish the erotic thoughts were left out I was delighted to hear Linda"s (properly acted) fantastic efforts to get herself and her marriage back to "normal". There most certainly was no sordid over lusty content.

    1. Nothing wrong with a bit of ‘Hows your father’ or special time as the Snells call bedroom coupling.
      My fear was, would Lynda, with her bad back, be able to uncouple?

    2. "Magic time" I believe they called it. 😋

    3. Afraid I’m just an old prude Pierre! Would have preferred it to have been indicated as Basia suggested, below.

      But I certainly think Carole Boyd and Graham Blockley are superb at voicing their characters’ inner thoughts, so much more convincing than some other cast members.

    4. I must be an old prude too Archerphile but I agree with you about preferring Basia's suggestion and also the acting of both characters.

    5. I just hope that Lynda carried in the lemon and elderflower cake and then sat close to Robert on the sofa and they spent the rest of the evening together, comfortable in each other's company.

  34. The resumption of physical closeness could have been done differently, even with Lynda and Robert waking up next to each other and alluding that they were glad to be back to normal. What worries me is that they are not communicating. Robert was enthusing how well she looked and how much they had to talk about and he didn't seem to expect anything else. As for Lynda she felt exactly the opposite, I wish them well.

    1. I don’t think there will be any coupling, consciously or ‘unconsciously’ in the Snell bedroom. Lynda will need a magic wand to repair her perceptions of her physical self.
      She is forcing herself to get back to some normality by enhancIng her self image and taking some control back from Robert, who is constantly fretting over her abilities.
      Her comments about her hair and skin were a reflection of her negativity in how she is visually appealing to others. Her perception of her physical appearance was the opposite of both Emma and Robert. Emma thought she looked terrific and Robert sees his Lindy.
      But Lynda see someone else.

  35. All I am pleased with - is that Lynda is feeling much more positive and appreciating Robert, with all he has done for her.
    But - I am sure she will soon be enquiring about what happened to Blake (?).

    1. I think, that this will be a few weeks, further on.

  36. I am pondering, (a bad sign), as to why TA is still in the monologue format. I am enjoying these, especially as the quality is now, so much better, with some wonderful performances, from so many of the cast.
    I am thinking:-
    Where do the actors/actresses live at home, in that they would then need a hotel stay to be able to record?
    Is The Ambridge Studio, suitable to put in social distancing, to keep the Cast, engineers etc. safe?
    Is there a BBC cost issue, re Radio vs TV?

    No matter what, I am still staying loyal to TA, and I am enjoying it, in a very different way.

  37. Lynda & Robert: I'd like to bang your heads together but perhaps instead of writing down your grievances you could sit down and hold hands.
    At least Emma and Fallon have cleared the air.

    1. I feel the same way about Lynda and Robert Basia. They so obviously love each other I couldn't help feeling maybe they should write down their blessings instead of grievances.
      Pleased that Emma and Fallon are still friends and Emma knows the true position of the tea room.

  38. Basia, 9.04 a.m.
    This just referred to a previous (BBC) blog, about a trip to Ambridge, who we would meet, what we would do etc.
    I chose Ed. (I love, have always loved, proably always will, love Ed).

    Lanjan - I wish your family - and pets - safety, and hopefully their home back again very soon.

  39. For some years quite a few of us, myself included, have expressed irritation at missed opportunities to show someone living with disability in Ambridge. I do feel that with Lynda this is being explored, and the frustration and anger Lynda feels is being well portrayed. So although I am not especially engaged with the program at the moment I continue to listen out of habit and look forward to how they may develop the story lines in the future.

    1. KPnuts, I know this is the subject some (not me) have been asking for and I agree that it's portrayed realistically. Lynda hiding her setbacks, putting on a brave face and doing what she thinks is expected of her. Robert trying not to fuss over her. At least they've given it to the right couple who imo will pull through.

    2. I think Carole Boyd, is portaying Linda brilliantly. She is showing such positivity one minute, then angst the next.
      Robert needs to just let her get on with things, in her own way and stop molly-coddling her.

    3. KPnuts. I loved your post and thoughts, which I so concurr with.

  40. So we're comin' out of the Tearoom
    Sisters are doin' it for themselves!

  41. Does that mean Fallon has done what I suggested and given up the Bridge Farm concession? I suppose Bridge Farm will find a replacement so Fallon could find herself in competition. Maybe she could try Lower Loxley.

    1. But doesn't Lower Loxley have 'The Orangerie?' I seem to remember Jill baking some cakes for it during her brief stay there?

    2. Yes it does, but maybe Fallon could have taken over all or part of the operation. Who knows, that may yet happen!

  42. No, it just means that Emma had the idea of using the old orchard behind the tearoom to site more tables. Fallon loved the idea and asked Natasha to help sell the idea to Bridge Farm. There are plans to put fairy lights in the trees and serve evening meals as well. Natasha seems to realise she interfered wrongly in plans to make the cafe more profitable by sacking Emma and now genuinely seems to want to help.

  43. That's how I understood it too. Fallon has realised that she will have to pay the extra rent (although I can't see why Bridge Farm are so anxious for the money!) but is hopeful that Natasha can negotiate the inclusion of the seating area in the orchard in the original rent payable.

  44. Thank you both. That all sounds very satisfactory. You never know when an old orchard will come in handy - every farm should have one!!

  45. I'm glad that Emma and Fallon followed my suggestion and turned the tables on Natasha. They were already outside and now into the orchard with an extra attraction of the goats fenced in. The extension of hours would require extra staff and an alcohol licence and would be competition for the Bull. Such details can be worked out between friends, just like Emma's caravan home.

  46. Sorry folks, Natasha is not a nice generous person, that’s the reason why she doesn’t have friends. She seems to be in control at BF and won’t have any trouble talking them into accepting the idea of extending into to the old orchard. Emma has finally taken to using her intelligence.
    However, Natasha has already decided what she will do with the new tea room plan. All done Under the auspices of trying to make friends with Emma and Fallon? Pergola, fairy lights, grape vine etc.
    She is definitely away with the fairy lights. All because she didn’t have her way with the web conference.
    There is something nasty in the proverbial BF woodshed, and one one has sussed her out yet.
    Interesting that her name starts with N.
    I enjoyed last nights all female cast.

    1. I think you are being a bit too hard on Natasha there, Stasia.
      Goodness knows, I am not a fan and am usually very suspicious of her but I felt last night that she genuinely regretted her interference with Fallon and Emma and was enthusiastic about the new plans.
      OK, she might get something out of it for her self (a juice bar in one corner of the orchard perhaps) but if it saves the cafe and Emma’s job that’s a good thing, surely.

    2. I do hope you are right Archerphile. Methinks she will eventually take over the t r enterprise. She is always scheming about something.

    3. I agree, turn the tables and then turn Natasha out, keep her at a 2m distance, I don't trust her after the way she tried to soften the blow for Fallon and Emma. She can't help her own nature.

  47. I'm pleased to be hearing more of Natasha - lots of scope for speculating whether her intentions are good or bad. And I do think Mali Harries is one of the best actors in TA.

  48. I turned on the radio at 2pm to listen to the Test Matchand realised I hadn't got it on long wave so it was The Archers.
    and you know what?
    I actually quite enjoyed it.
    Wouldn't it be nice if Oat and Tony let them have their tea room in the orchard for no extra cost?
    Would it hurt them if they did?
    People coming for a cuppa might pop into the farm shop whilst they were there
    As for Natasha.
    Can't stand the woman but I did wonder about her intentions like Ex Londoner .
    She did sound genuine to me but.....

    1. I think that Natasha's problem is that she is too self-confident and I said so after her 'performance' at the beginning of the week. Everyone was saying she is a trouble maker and bitchy amongst other things but to me she sounded just like someone who is so sure of herself, she just doesn't think, or, listen, to anyone else. This was shown to be so by her thoughts last night. So unless there is an almighty turn-around by the SWs as to her character she might turn out to be an asset to the village?

  49. I still don't understand, why Helen, has enrolled Natasha, to help with the Tea Room. Surely, the only interest in it, as far as Home Farm is concerned, is to collect the rent? - so the onus is on Fallon + Emma, to do so.

    I wonder how Helen's Bridge Farm Shop is doing - in that, is she offsetting her losses onto The Tea-Room and its rent. So should Natasha be helping Helen out instead?

    1. The real life stories I’ve heard suggest that farm shops and butcheries did well during lockdown, but cafes and tea rooms less so.

  50. Controller of radio 4 on Feedback just now. Says TA recording as we know it is just restarting.

    1. I just hope that the conclusion of the Philip/Gavin/Kirsty plus the "slave labourers", is not rushed into.
      I, so want a proper ending, with all the S/L participants, playing there parts, even if these means a few months, waiting in anticipation.
      More is better, than less.

  51. This leads me onto another simple idea.
    Will Lower Loxley, and especially, Grey Gables, survive post pandemic?
    Perhaps, a business in TA, will not survive, as is happening in the now, normal real world.
    But could it be Natasha, whose enterprise crashes - now that would be interesting.

  52. Maryellen
    Results of quiz on other blog.

    1. Thank you, LanJan - and congratulations to the winner!

  53. Miriam - I had completely forgotten about Lower Loxley during the Lockdown.
    Maybe because we heard so little from there during the monologues. (Only Freddie’s attempts at plumbing really).

    I wonder how they coped when such places were allowed to open to the public again. We could have been enlightened about the reopening (or not) of the Orangery, house tours, treetop walk etc but have heard nothing.
    Are they still financially floating I wonder and what has Russ been up to in the Art Gallery?
    We should be told!!

    1. Archerphile I’m telling you. Russ, as always, is up to no good. The only good he does concerns self interest.

    2. Archerphile, there was also Ifty - and Elizabeth joining "Dateline", they were ahead of their time choosing that name.

    3. True, but over the weeks, Lizzie, Freddy, Russ and Lily have been not been included in the monologue episodes as often as some other characters, so I feel there is quite a gap in our knowledge there. Come to think of it, David and the Brookfield lot have not been heard much either.
      Perhaps Tim Bentink’s duvet fell down! 😂

  54. Why does Natasha have a need to buy cosmetics and then offer to paint women’s faces?
    Suggesting make overs to Ambridge women could imply that they don’t look after themselves.
    She reminds of the make over experts in large department stores, whose faces look ridged by being caked in luminous yellow foundation.
    Don’t worry all you Ambridge Ladies, Natasha Archer is here and can help you conceal all your facial flaws and eliminate any unsightly pockmarks. I have a wide range of Foundatios from Matte, Radiance and infused with hyaluronic acid. All products are of the best quality and I didn’t stint on cost.
    Not a good way to make friends.

  55. Back tracking somewhat : intrigued by the posts last week, could hold back no longer & have just listened to the 4 episodes ! Must admit, found them to be the best, the most convincing & engaging, in terms of character insight & plot development of any of the monologues so far.

    The main theme seemed to be 'misunderstandings' ( but realistic ones)

    The Lynda & Robert dilemma is painful but easy to see from the outside : problem is, Robert has probably never seen his Lindy so personally insecure before & just doesn't recognize what is tormenting her.

    Appreciated the way Natasha came across as scheming & manipulative initially, but redeemed herself on Thursday. Only hope the orchard extension to the tearoom goes ahead.

    How despicably mean of Helen, though, not to grant an extension of the tearoom rent reduction. Typical. In this time of all times, surely there is room & good cause to help others in the community who are struggling. Bridge Farm is not hard up, Fallon contributes to the business, using B.Farm produce, & Emma has been a staunch friend to Helen on various occasions.

    1. Here, here Carolyn. Especially about Helen’s meanness. Wonder if Pat &Tony were involved in that decision or if it actually came from Tom & Natasha originally?

    2. Carolyn. I don’t think she redeemed herself. Once the extension to the old orchard was mentioned Natasha immediately began a ‘take over’ by high jacking Emma’s solution to saving the TR.. She was initially the one to propose the so called restructuring resulting in Fallon having to consider Emma’s dismissal.
      She is a snake in the grass, and tried to buy off Emma by giving away her ‘expensive makeup’ which Emma refused. She needs all that makeup to cover the narcissism that is inherent in her personality.

      The Saturday times has an article about these monologues and an apology from the R4 boss apologising “ I accept that some people have not enjoyed these and I’m sorry about that”. He kept TA on air to “provide companionship during the pandemic”.
      It would seem that R4 was inundated with complaints about the dreary ness of the episodes.

    3. I doubt if Pat & Tony had anything to do with it, AP, given they mainly leave day to day stuff to Tom, but certainly Natasha ( business brain !!) seems to have had some talk with Helen, likely enough Tom, as well.
      At least, N. was sorry about the fallout for Fallon & Emma, & is going to support Emma's new idea.

  56. Just seen your post, Stasia ! Of course, you could be right in your jaundiced view of Natasha, BUT her support could work in favour of Fallon's business. To be honest, I'd rather give N. the benefit of the doubt & rubbish Helen 😉.

    Yes, unrepentant prejudice on my part, can't deny that....

  57. I would still like to hear, how Helen's Bridge Farm shop, is doing, and is it still profitable comparing it to the Tea Room.

    I am like a dog chewing a bone - in that, is Natasha's business still viable? Very soon, her rented Orchard, will need to be harvested....can this be acheived within her working budget, and shows what an enterpreneur she is, or rather pretends to be.
    Is she already setting up alternative incomes, with her Make-up business, so-called business Consultations and the Bridge Fresh App.

    PS. Has Tom been heard from recently? and also how are Natasha's credit card balances doing - going up or down?

  58. I have just had a💡moment!
    Could Fallon + Emma, do a Tea-room experience, at Lower Loxley, in some way...

    What I would like to know is, who will take charge of The Stables, when Shula goes off to college full time? I think I have heard, that she goes to start her ordination course, in September. This is now not long away, so what will happen to and who will move into, and then maintain the home + The Stables business?

  59. I can't understand why Fallon didn't apply for the Small Business Grant funding made available by the government, and why she didn't go for the 80% furlough funding for Emma as part of the Job Retention initiative. If they still had some work they could have applied for part funding. It would have covered Fallon's rent. What am I missing?

    1. Missed that completely - what sound points, Janice ! After all, we are meant to think, these Ambridge folk live in today's world....

    2. Absolutely spot on Janice.
      The S/W’s didn’t go for the governments rescue plan because they, the BBC, claimed the episodes would be Covid, free and if they had that would have (havens dare I say the word) introduced the concept of politics. Health information informing economic political policy.
      Carolyn Ambridge residents don’t live in the real world . We don’t hear them washing their hands or wearing face masks or keeping two metres apart.

    3. That is beyond my comprehension.
      I thought that both Emma + Fallon, were both busy cooking, and so supplying the village shop, the Bridge Fresh App boxes plus other orders....and it needed both of them to supply, what was needed. Perhaps, I have mis-understood.

    4. They weren't making enough money to pay their normal rent, so although Emma might have thought they were busy they couldn't have had enough work coming in to sustain the business.

  60. To me, part of the love of The Archers + Ambridge, is that politics, etc. is not made an issue of and is only mentioned, in passing.
    I do understand, that with these changing times, some issues could have been included. I expect it comes down to, when these episodes were recorded and then subsequently broadcast, so might not be relevant and changed, when these episodes are finally heard.
    I, personally prefer, a non political Ambridge with just the everyday life, be these good or bad, with the normal and usual, residents in the alloted nightly 12mins.
    But then....others will disagree, and why not, as we are all entitled to say what we feel, as I have just done.

  61. I feel that the Archers started out as an advisory service, admittedly of a farming nature but nowadays farming includes diversification into farm based tea and food shops etc, and this could have been treated as a golden opportunity to give out good practical advice to all those little country businesses like Fallon's that need advice in these strange times. They have mentioned Roger having coronavirus and the fact that Fallon had to have the rent reduction because of lockdown and consequent greatly reduced footfall in the cafe, so as they have not totally ducked the subject they might have done some good and showed what help was available and advised how to get it.
    It's time they stopped acting like a pathetic soap opera and went back to proper farming and giving useful information, particularly in times when help is needed.

    1. Totally agree with Janice.
      I have been saying so for decades and on this blog on numerous occasions.
      But the BBC cannot do that any longer, for, god forbid, we can't be told what's what unless it's a government directive.
      There have been many occasions in recent years when TA has found a way to inform, such as the ' Helen/ Rob story ' and this could have been another such occasion.

      One point though. Natasha and Toms new business would have to have been in existence for over one year to apply for the appropriate government grant.
      Have they been going for a year ?
      I'm not good regarding dates and lengths of time. Others will correct me !

  62. Well said, both Janice & Stasia. They have given lip service to lockdown, not so hard to do in a rural community where many work outdoors, & within a family unit, but why no reference to hospitality businesses - L L, G Gables, The Bull ? All those places must be concerned about when furlough stops, as well as Fallon & her little place.

  63. I agree with you, Janice. To me it suggests a programme that has lost its way, when the BBC describes its role as being a comfort, with no recognition of the fact that it could be (and was meant to be) a source of helpful information. Very sad.


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