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Life in Ambridge



  1. Alice relaxing after a hard day's "work"...


    Janice - August 31, 2020 at 8:50 PM
    The selfishness of Susan was breathtaking. I hope she reflects and gives Tracy a break from her dad. I too found Tracy's wind up of her sister very amusing.
    Ed has, by trying to be helpful, got himself into an awkward situation that will have consequences simply because he didn't realise how completely unaware Alice is that her drinking has become an addiction.

    Archerphile - August 31, 2020 at 10:11 PM
    Well, I didn’t hear anything tonight that warranted my friends message of “don’t miss The Archers this week”
    Perhaps something exciting will happen tomorrow.

    Anneveggie - August 31, 2020 at 10:58 PM
    Well if we didn't know before, we do now - Alice is absolutely clueless. Ed was trying hard to do the right thing and be helpful and now Alice has got the wrong end of the stick because she thinks she is just fine.

    ArcherphileSeptember 1, 2020 at 11:41 AM
    And think Ed must fancy her!

  3. Gary, bubbling as always!
    Alice will get a chance to drink herself stupid at Ian's party.

    1. I wonder where Gary got that video of me!

    2. It's the only one suitable to be shown.. 😂 🍾🥂 Hic!

  4. Philip and Gavin again - as I thought, and predicted- a damp squib.

  5. Now I know why I was told not to miss this weeks Archers.
    The return of the flaky Welsh builders!

  6. Urgghh, Gary, I think your header video is totally disgusting. As is Alice's behaviour.

  7. Don't give up on father and son just yet. You know what they say that God laughs at our plans, Philip wanting to go to Spain or even Portugal. Also ranting at Tom for leaving Kirsty in a dress at the altar, well it was the vestry but he hasn't married her yet...

  8. How do you feel about moving to the Algarve Kirsty?
    No, I thought not!

    1. Blake is supposed to be in Norfolk at his parents', perhaps he had physio with Lee who doesn't know and might mention it to Helen who tells Kirsty...

  9. Hmmm. Flamingos, spoonbills, bee-eaters, ospreys, marsh harriers - the Algarve a bird paradise to which I have never been, but Kirsty might just be tempted.

  10. Philip has to get the business up and running well before the Algarve plans. The workers (horses) were homeless and, presumably, mentally challenged as well.

    1. To be fair to him Philip said that he was running ahead of himself and he wouldn't mention his plans to Kirsty before he was ready, only we were privy to his thoughts.

  11. Tracy? What?
    As for Emma's outdoor heaters, they are very eco unfriendly and were going to be banned here but now it's been postponed until the business picks up...

    1. Yes - Tracy ?! Didn't listen to Mon., maybe there was a clue there. I doubt she knows anything about the boys, so could be to do with negligent work causing disaster. Tracy the Heroine : saves the cricket team from ignormy & Grey Gables from joining the ranks of failed businesses...

    2. Trying to remember, was Tracy even at Grey Gables at the time of the explosion? I recollect Emma helping Roy by phoning the emergency services etc.

    3. Wasn't she on reception with Lynda, who was training her at the time, when Lynda went to sort out the noise?
      And wasn't Emma there doing a delivery?
      To be honest - I am not sure - as to these vague thoughts or memories.

    4. Yes, Emma was doing a delivery and I thought it was her talking to Lynda before Lynda went to investigate? If Tracy wasn’t even there, how can she claim psychological damage just from hearing about it?

    5. Perhaps the letter is a hoax, or more likely a try on.

    6. I thought Tracy was trying it on after turning up at Susan's with empty bags but not something this serious. Lynda asked someone to take over before she went to speak to Freddie but I don't think it was Tracy.

  12. As for Alice, she's in la la Land. Poor Ed ! It does stretch belief that she still has not the tiniest suspicion that she - er - drinks a wee bit too much, too often.

    Love the heading to this blog, btw. Of course, there's nothing humorous about alcoholism, but the story is descending into farce.

    1. I don't think that it is a farce, but quite realistic. Alice is in total denial and Ed is in a quandrary, as to what to do, without causing up-set and ill feeling. I expect the SW's will have done their research, as they did with the Rob/Helen SL. These events can take time before the true reality is acknowledged. Sadly it usually takes an unfortunate incident, to highlight the problem, which has an aftermath.

    2. She's already had a number of 'unfortunate incidents', going back over the last couple of years !

    3. Jumping out of a tree, smashing a combine and gushing over William but to her they are separate incidents.

  13. I agree that it’s a realistic portrayal, building over a number of years, and denial is a big factor, perhaps also for Chris, not wanting to face the idea his wife has a problem. Her former employers may or may not have realised just before they let her go - she increasingly worked from home so could have covered it up from them. Her family as her new employer are emotionally connected as well as professionally and might take longer to realise. She’s got away with her past incidents because there was a distance between them but she’s probably drinking more now and more likely to slip up again soon. It will become more obvious as it has to Ed.

  14. We can now expect a showdown between Emma and Chris, with Chris unable/unwilling to believe what his sister is telling him.
    I think the actress who plays Alice is doing a good job.

    1. My thoughts are similar, with an alienation between Emma + Chris, with Susan being stuck in the middle, hearing both sides. Tracy will come to the rescue, as what seems to be her normal now.

    2. PS I think Emma and Tracy, are also doing a great job, not forgetting Lynda.

  15. What I am sad about, is the time lag between these recordings, and life as it is now with the lesser restrictions.
    This is The Bull, serving meals and drinks outside, Grey Gables able to take bookings, Ian serving meals again, hearing the likes of Lilian etc. visiting the hairdressers again, and so it goes on.
    I do so appreciate what has been done in TA, with these inner thoughts, but it is now time to get back to life, as we now know it, and have to accept.
    I would love to hear about the children, going back to school!

    Aah That's a thought, why wasn't home-schooling mentioned, with it's difficulties for many?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I believe that the drawn out SL of Alice and her drinking is being realistically played out.
    It does take many years for the person themselves to realise, then even longer being in denial. And often as long for the partner and wider family to accept.
    This has been happening within my family with those of us on the edge, but not inside, watching and worrying for well over fifteen years. It is only in the last month that the words ' lets face it mate, your an alcoholic ' have finally been said by a friend. But of course the person themselves is still in angry denial.

    Tracey was at Grey Gables. I remember her sitting on a bench out in the grounds.
    I cannot remember what happened immediately before, she may as I think Basia says, have been with Linda, then went for ' a fag'. But I'm pretty sure she was outside the building. Having presumably seen the explosion then witnessed the trauma of her friends and colleagues emerging from the chaos, could have been more traumatic than others directly involved within the building.

    1. Yes perhaps she went outside with Emma, after the delivery of the cakes/pastries. I still think she was inside, as wasn't their guests leaving at the same time?
      I need to try to find + relisten to the episodes..That is a challenge.
      Anyway, Tracy was at GG at that time, of that I am sure, as was Oliver. Didn't she have a interlude with him?

    2. Does that mean Tracy was on site and unhurt but not contributing to the emergency evacuation plan (which Oliver was so pleased had worked, not realising, I think that it was down to Emma who wasn’t part of the plan, to call the emergency services)? The sort of task you’d expect a receptionist to do.

  18. Emma said what she wanted to say and so did Tracy but what about that letter?

  19. Loved how Tracy put Susan on the spot by phoning in to her radio station! Nasty me!😉😁. As predicted on our blog, Chris didn’t believe a word of what Emma said about Alice. It was natural to defend his wife but Emma’s parting shot will happen. Poor Chris. It is hard to face a truth like this and harder still for Emma to have to deliver the bad news. It was good to hear a three way dialogue. Am starting to summon up some interest again!😊

  20. It was good to hear Emma delivering a few home truths but, of course, she wasn't believed by Chris or Alice, who is in complete denial. Episodes are indeed getting more interesting.

  21. I just couldn’t resist. Party bags containing condoms, depending on those invited some might need these. Toby comes to mind, along with Kate and a few frustrated others.
    Alice could have a gang drinking session by blowing up the condoms and and sticking pins in each one to create a bang experience.
    Hic, slurp, hic.

  22. I really wish I could listen to the Grey Gables explosion episodes again, not from some morbid interest , but so I can fix in my head exactly where each character was, and when.
    I just can’t remember where Tracy was at the time
    According to a solicitor on another TA site, it is possible to claim damages for PTSD if you have unintentionally witnessed a severe accident or disaster, even if you have not been physically injured by it.
    (But not if you deliberately went to look after it happened)
    So Tracy’s exact location could be a factor in achieving a successful claim.

    1. I don’t understand.why Tracy isn’t suing her employer on whose premises the. explosion occurred and who was responsible for putting the work in hand. What evidence is there of PTSD? Hitherto unmentioned nightmares perhaps?

  23. Alice was looking forward to her/Ian's party so that she could indulge in "the booze dad bought" without drawing attention to herself. Adam and Ian had a lucky escape; she was also in charge of organising Kirsty and Roy's wedding!

    1. Didnt know Kirsty and Roy were planning a wedding?

    2. Archerphile:) Kirsty & Tom's:) obviously, am I running ahead of myself?!

  24. Is anyone able to remember the date of the explosion.
    It might be possible to find it in 'episodes'.
    I have a fixed image in my head of Tracey sitting on a bench some distance from the building and seeing the explosion.

    1. All I remember is that there were DEFINITELY footsteps at the end of the episode......

    2. I can guarantee that if you replay the episode there will be NO FOOTSTEPS.......

    3. 👣👣👣👣👣 absolutely.

  25. I have tried, very unsuccesfully, to find the "explosion" episode.
    I am dredging my mind, and I now think like others, that Tracy was outside. She was inside initially, but was out with Emma, when it happened.
    They both saw it, from a different angle.
    It is up to whoever, to prove that Tracy wasn't affected, rather that she was.
    Remember, I had a claim against me for a personal injury. It took a year to prove it was a fraudulant claim.

    The sad thing, that this could affect Oliver, who as her mentor, supported her and her ideas, re the Mystery Drama meal/s, when she met Roman.
    It's like a Spiders Web - as is the Alice/Chris/Emma situation.
    I could say Alices Web - but that is going too far.

    1. I, for some unknown reason, have been drawn into "The Lady of Shalott".
      The verse I refer to is the one" :-
      "She left the web, she left the loom" which ended up in "The curse is come upon Me".
      It is a mystery, why I this has come to my mind, in relation to Alice.

  26. I read earlier via google that recording of TA restarted in the studio last week! All under strict rules of course and only 3 actors so far with others still contributing remotely. These recordings could be on air from Oct 🤞🏼 depending on how circumstances evolve.

  27. In the photos accompanying the news item last week about TA’s return to a Birmingham studio (forget its name), Chris and Alice were shown sitting at desks with desktop mikes two metres apart, and.Jolene similarly seated.

  28. If any-one is interested The Omnibus from 15th March can be found on You Tube. This is the one with the Grey Gables explosion and aftermath. It's a good listen.

    1. Does Tracy have a viable claim for compensation or not? After listening again, I have made my decision, but am obviously not saying what this is.

    2. Well done for finding it Miriam. Thank you.
      I did try myself, but didn't think of searching for the omnibus.

  29. So we can now establish that Tracey was outside with Emma in the car park.
    I heard the car door, or boot, slam shut.
    I was wrong in thinking, or remembering, that Emma and Tracey were sitting on a bench. They were discussing, or rather arguing about Emma proposing to file for divorce.

    1. I was surprised I remembered a lot, but there were little things I did forget.
      It was TA at its Best, of that there is no doubt.

    2. Mrs P It's just the same as readng a book. It's much better reading it a second time. You don't realise or remember sometimes when your mind wanders like thinking 'I must get the bread out of the freezer' and then you believe you have read the whole page and turned over!

    3. Yes, as I was convinced Tracy was inside at reception. I confused this with her going back + getting the staff rota!
      I also forgot that it was Emma, who looked after the very shocked Oliver, not Tracy.

  30. I understand there are to be eight characters taking part in this week’s episodes.
    I don’t know which ones, but that is definitely an improvement on the first few weeks of lockdown when we only heard 2 in an episode and, perhaps 4 over the week.
    Things are looking up.
    Roll on October!

    1. I have listened to TA throughout, just adapting to the differences. At least us the listeners, have had something to listen to in this strange world, we now live in (even though some were "repeats").
      I just appreciate the effort, that is being made, to keep us updated and give some tantalising hints as to future S/Ls.
      It wil be lovely to hear a more normal Ambridge, with the likes of Peggy, Jill, Bert, Oliver being heard from again (even if still distanced).
      But then is Ambridge - Normal?

  31. To add.
    I think Tracy could put a claim against Philip + co.
    She was there, witnessed the explosion from outside, went back in to reception, to get the rotas, and then saw Lynda, just after Roy + Freddie got her out.
    Can anyone prove that now 6 months on, that she isn't getting flashbacks, as to that day?
    This is surely, the problem, to prove that this isn't the case.

    1. Also Philip and Gavin cannot truthfully reply, as neither of them were at Grey Gables, at that particular moment.Only Blake can say what actually happened, who as a hungry employee, knows the truth.
      Will he ever speak up?
      It's doubtfull - and so this story will develope.
      I still think thst it is strange, that others living close to the flat, where Blake etc. have been living along with Gavin, haven't spotted things not as they should be.
      Where is this flat - Meadow Rise - or farther away?

  32. Both ridiculous - Jolene's nodding milkman and Tracy's letter - in any case, there's no need to grovel, just shrug it off.

  33. So silly - why did I break my non-listening habit? It doesn’t bode well for the future.

  34. Tracey and the letter.
    Very disappointing.

  35. So it was Brad, putting the claim in and sueing Philip, not Tracy. I didn't expect that.

    1. Ignore my previous posts on this subject, which after tonight, are now totally void and meaningless.
      Some you win, some you lose..

    2. Perhaps dangerous to speculate before hearing the episode! 😉

  36. I thought tonight was interesting and quite entertaining. I can well imagine a tearaway teenager thinking up a good idea to extract money and probably hoping for an offer of compensation. He probably didn't think things through as to what would happen if the Mosses had said 'See you in Court!' Tracey is writen as a bit OTT but she has some good lines!
    Susan won't be happy until she finds out what has been going on between Chris and Emma. If and when she does, I wonder if she'll tell Brian?
    To me these story-lines are much more preferable to bedroom antics (or lack of them!) among some of the pensioners in the village!

  37. Spiceycushion, I do have to agree with your final sentence.
    And yes it was both interesting and entertaining.
    I suppose I was disappointed because I genuinely thought Tracey suing for mental trauma or some such might be an interesting SL.
    To find it was a teenagers prank, was the disappointment.

  38. I enjoyed tonight's episode too. Brad's efforts made me smile. His letter did put the wind up Philip and Gavin and may still lead to them making a mistake. Similarly I quite like the way Alice's disintegration is slowly being revealed. And I'm with those who'd prefer the Snells' private life to remain private.

  39. I, too, agree with your last sentence Spicycushion.
    Tonight's episode was entertaining, things are looking up I believe.

  40. Sorry, I thought it was rubbish (even though I predicted it could be a hoax or try on). I much prefer real life situations intelligently presented, wherever they occur.

  41. I don’t think we’re being prudish about the Snells. It’s just that this is a private matter and frankly boring to those outside the relationship. I did wonder why Tracy in particular could have thought of suing the Mosses and that she hasn’t acted as a traumatised victim in recent episodes. Maybe there is hope for Brad as this prank required a bit of brain power for its launch!

  42. I don’t find the Snells boring, just irritating sometimes, and quite a lot of what we hear on TA are private conversations (some of which, admittedly, are boring). Remeber Jim’s private history? The senior Carters? (I wonder if we’ll hear Neil’s grunt again - the actor is over 80 and has been silent during the lockdown months,).

  43. Poor old Neil! I wonder why he was told, or the actor decided, to make that harrumphing noise at the start of conversations or when signifying agreement with Susan? It is the sort of description you might read in a novel but I honestly don't think I have heard anyone in real life do it!
    The Jim's past story-line I thought was unnecessary. There we had a successful gentleman, liked, loved even and certainly respected, being forced to dig up something from his past which had been successfully buried for seventy years or so by interfering untrained persons. And which caused him awful distress for weeks, if not months. (Can't remember how long the story lasted.) I cannot think how that would have helped anyone with a similar problem. "You'll never get over it until the perpetrator is dead?"
    But anyway that's all over now. Let's see if the TA team can come up with a satisfactory ending to the Alice story-line.
    The Mosses, I think, will be found out. They (TA) have let one criminal go. It would be too 'Enderish' to repeatedly show thugs and bullies getting away with their crimes!

  44. I thought the revelation that Tracy’s son wrote the ‘solicitors letter’ was a just a big tease on behalf of the SWs.
    There we were, thinking the Mosses might be about to face the consequences of their actions and it was all just a teenager’s attempt at a scam.
    So we are still left waiting for them to face justice - probably not until full episodes return in October.

  45. Agree, it was a big tease.
    Perhaps they decided to give us a bit of a laugh on the journey back to normality.

  46. Wil we look back on this episode as the start of Brad (.? surname)’s career as a conman, I wonder?

    1. Oh I hope not, unless he will take the interimn place, of Eddie?

    2. His own mother has just called him a little conman!!

  47. So Philip + Gavin have escaped this first personal claim against them, as it was shown to be Brad.
    This brings me onto another thought, s to how he knew that Philip/Gavin + the worker (Blake) were totally responsible for the event. Has this been actually been proven, officially + made public knowledge?

    1. There are many who might have a legitimate case, as to compensation against them - for personal injury, trauma, PTSD etc.
      But, as it has been suggested, perhaps I shouldn't think too far ahead + assume or even presume, what might happen with potential S/Ls.
      Point taken so Miriam is now 😷

  48. Ohh, I liked that, TWO cliffhangers midweek!
    Lilian did repeat the words some of you had said: no backbone, man-up and she didn't spare Lynda - it was she who sought Lilian's help.
    Can't wait to find out who's been nicking them custard creams!

    1. I bet the custard cream and packet soup nicker, might have a sad revea, l as to why.

    2. should read - a sad reveal as to why.

  49. Typical 'easy' food, biscuits and instant soups! So they are still underfed?
    Even Jon, (who has had to listen whenever I do!) said 'It's the workers!'
    He's taken more notice than I thought!

  50. Funny that, isn't it, how the partners pick up on the details.

  51. Tracy was certainly laying it on with a trowel about the person taking the biscuits not being from the village, because it wouldn’t be a neighbourly thing to do. From the way she was going on about, I thought she was trying to deflect suspicion, but maybe it was the scriptwriters dropping hints!

  52. Overnight thinking has resulted in a niggling doubt whether it is the workers though. Gavin said (on Monday I think) they were working 20 miles away from Ambridge. I presume they are not living in Ambridge, otherwise surely that would have been noticed unless it was a very remote cottage. How then would they get to the shop alone?
    Is this another red herring?

    1. Gavin has mentioned ‘the flat’ so I imagined them in Felpersham. I f they used the village shop, Susan would surely have registered them - we know she is having to spend more time there, because her helpers are mainly in the vulnerable category. Sabrina would very probably have registered them too. The more I think about it, the more it doesn’t add up. Back to Brad?!?

  53. Oh No!
    I have just tuned into BBC Breakfast to find Dan and Louise in the middle of an interview with Michael Lumsden, (Alistair Lloyd) all about TA being back in the studio, recording. With lots of film of the actors, as they used to record and how they are doing it now, and discussing the past few months if the programme.
    If only I had got up a bit earlier!
    I’m going to try ‘watching again from the beginning’ via the green button, then fast forward to the start of the Archers interview.

    1. Just managed to watch the whole Archers segment in Breakfast. It started at 7.51 if anyone wants to scroll back
      There were short interviews with Fallon & Harrison in the studio and a very unrevealing chat with Jeremy Howe, who wouldn’t give anything away.
      Then a long chat with Michael Lumsden from his kitchen at home which was much more interesting. He said they are very aware that TA is a very important part of listeners lives, listeners who really care and are very knowledgable about the programme.
      Apparently he often gets asked to go and talk about TA, only to be harangued by furious fans who dislike the story he happens to be involved in at the time!

  54. I smell a "red herring" in more ways than none!
    Didn't Gary say, that he locked the workers in the flat, when he went to see Kelly? He also said that it was a long trip there + back, in a day?
    So how could any-one of them been in the Village Shop?
    Perhaps, I have mis-heard 👂

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I still feel that it is a local Ambridge inhabitant, who is struggling for some reason. I could speculate but won't.
      Who would like custard creams + packet soups - someone who wants something nutricious plus afters.

    3. Are they on a low shelf? Maybe a fox sneaks in at night!

    4. Down here it's seagulls that hop into shops to take things!

    5. There was a very funny video on u tube of a seagull walking into a shop nonchalantly, pinching a packet of crisps and rushing out through the automatic door to devour his booty outside! Do they have seagulls in Ambridge?

  55. Replies
    1. Bet that was Sabrina - took the pack but forgot to say/pay.

  56. Well that is the Linda and Robert storyline wrapped up, rather sweetly I thought.

    1. I hope so Janice. I’d have hated those two to part. It was lovely to hear them finally appreciating each others feelings and motivations.
      Well written I thought and beautifully acted by both actors. Especially, as I suppose, they were in different locations.

    2. Yes it was a lovely episode and so nice to have a Happy Ending - at last.

  57. Replies
    1. When she's not drinking or cackling she can make people see sense.

    2. without Ruby interupting. 🐶

  58. I’ve not been able to listen to tonight’s episode. It’s not available on sounds at around 10.30 pm. Has anyone else had problems. Have I missed anything important?

  59. Only Kenton getting his comeuppance for muscling in on Jolene's radio interview! Tracey and Susan putting forward two names for the possible shoplifter! That's about all that I remember.
    I'm getting 'Sorry that page can't be found' too. on Catch up

  60. I’m not wedded to my theory that Tracy is deflecting suspicion by suggesting people outside or new to the arena as possible shoplifters, but it still holds good. (Btw, she could have added Roman to her suggestions - Joy, who I thought she was rather nasty about, and Gavin - but obviously didn’t.). Susan dismissed Joy because she didn’t have a bag, but I didn’t hear her say that Gavin had one.

    This reminds me of the time when Editor William Smethurst kept the nation agog for six weeks with the disappearance of two ducks from the village pond, so I read.

  61. Susan. “One word answer comes to mind”.

    Stasis. Dumb.

    Susan. Dee?

    Stadia. Dumb.

    1. That’s just what I was thinking Mrs P. 🤔

    2. Dumb.= script = lacking in intelligence, mindless vacuous content.

      Dee? = A mental loop of hollow ideas pushed on to the listener.

      Dumb =. Lacking in any meaningful speech. The words are then rendered down to the lowest common denominator so as “ to make the episodes accessible” but silly.
      Predictive text changed the name.
      I decided to leave them in to highlight my own, temporary silence.

      I love Susan and Tracy. But Sherlock and Holmes they are not.

  62. I think the shoplifter will be a totally respected resident of Ambridge, which will surprise all, both the listeners and Susan/Tracy, when, they are found out. Then perhaps - not!

    1. I say this, as a school girl then a person studying for my Pharmacy degree, I worked in a well known High Street chain of chemists.
      The mystery "shoplifter" (which always happened on a Saturday afternoon), was finally exposed. She was a well known person, a JP, a pillar in the City when she was found out. All were outstanded.
      So who knows, as to the Ambridge situation.
      It could be any-one, just seeing an oppurtinity, when Susan is busy gossiping.
      I still cannot work out, why custard creams + packet soups - except easy to do - and it was just the thrill!

    2. Quick extra - this person always did a normal shop which she paid for, but then went out with "extras".
      Could an Ambridge resident be doing similar, getting extras whilst doing a normal shop?
      My thought is Joy, for several reasons.

    3. I can’t think of any reason why it would be Joy - rather than any other A,bridge resident, Johnny for example. On the Agatha Christie principle that it’s who you odon’t suspect, I vote for Tracy who is so keen to pin the blame elsewhere, or Brat.

  63. How about George? Wasn’t he thought to have stolen money from the church - or did that turn out to be another Grundy?
    Oh, goodness my memory is going!

    1. Was it to spend money on a computer game that it turned out someone had bought him?

    2. I thought it was Alf....
      who eventually owned up to Eddie.

      Perhaps not!

    3. Help Please....
      My memory cells are not working well tonight, but didn't George borrow the game, from a school pal to play, but it was assumed he had bought it?
      I am probably well wrong 😩

    4. All I remember is that he DIDN'T steal the money and that someone thought he HAD and subsequently spent it on the game. Which he hadn't.

    5. I can imagine him nicking custard creams (hate them myself) but probably not soup....or light bulbs, come to that! Stupid suggestion on my part really. 😖

  64. How I would love to hear from some different, but still unheard younger characters, such as:-
    Hannah, Roy, Pheobe, Pip (😨), Rex, Toby, Will, Lily, Russ, and Jazzer.
    It is sad that the seniors, are still silent, but perhaps they can be heard from, via a video-chat, a 'phone call etc, if the techies can get it right.

    1. Must say I’m only too pleased NOT to have heard from Hannah!

      But it is surprising not to have heard from the others you mentioned; the actors must have been desperate for work over the past few months, unless they have found some other form of employment or been involved in voice-over work.

  65. I'm enjoying the light-heartedness of the current episodes. A pleasant change in these times.

  66. Well folks, today is the start of a long weekend enabling us to mull over TA events.
    If we are going to be subjected to a ‘ who dunnit’, is it not beyond the wit of the S/Ws to give us a really meaty St Mary Mead murder in the midsummer village? Custard creams and packet soups containing arsenic would be an example of interesting sleuthing.
    In fantasy fictional crime thriller villages people are murdered in their hundreds and the solver is usually an inquisitive local or female 🕵🏻‍♀️ detective.
    Susan would make a good Ms Marple, she is a gossip and has a nose for interfering in village life. Her radio spot is an ideal communication channel for inviting information.
    BUT who has to go and play dead. Who will gain from eliminating an unpleasant individual from the Ambridge community?
    Natasha comes to my mind, or Gavin.

    1. Ah ha Stasia, very clever!
      I don’t think Susan would make a very good Miss Marple because although she is very good at eliciting information she wouldn’t be able to keep it to herself - too loquacious by far. She’d give the game away too soon.

      I reckon Jim might make a better detective, along the lines of Monsieur Poirot.
      Thé body would be Joy, murdered in her kitchen with a tightened gag or face mask, and the perpetrator, possibly Philip or even Kirsty, totally frustrated by her constant attempts to force feed them Eccles cakes and regale with news of Rochelle and the grandchildren.

      Even I would be tempted to commit murder if I lived next door to the woman!

    2. No not Joy!
      I actually like her and I would so like to hear more about her background.

  67. I chuckled over both Stasia's & AP's post, but in a wistful sort of way, as, alas, dear old TA doesn't do smart sleuthing ( though I kind of have a faint hope that Harrison may stumble, TA style, on conclusive evidence against the Mosses), it just does people muddling along, not observing what is in plain sight , until eventually the penny drops.
    No ideas about the thief - almost tempted to catch up on this week's episodes...

  68. Well Done....Stasia (at 10.43am) and the AP reply.
    Just Brilliant -
    Mary Mead + Midsommer =
    I can just see Susan, in a felt or crochet hat with her knitting.
    Tracy, a "ciggie" in hand, being in the right place, at the right time.
    Harrison, just turning a few conversations and hints, into a firm arrest, with evidence.
    I Love It.....🔎

  69. Is there an Ambridge version of "Cludeo"?
    I can see it now -
    Lynda in Grey Gables with a hardbacked Hotel Register,
    Emma in the Tea Room with a hard Rock Bun
    Jim in the Village Shop with a pack of Frozen Peas
    Josh at Brookfield with a piece of scrap metal
    Helen at Bridge Farm with a Borsetshire Blue Cheese.
    etc etc etc..

    1. I could go on, but it was just a bit of a light-hearted interlude. Sorry..😢

    2. Jenny at Willow Cottage with a cast iron casserole dish.
      Alice at the Home Farm office, with a bottle.
      Alistair at The Stables with a syringe.
      Jazzer at Columbine Cottage with a tarantula.

      I couldn't resist carrying on....😨

  70. Maybe it's a 'respectable' Ambridge resident with kleptomania - Joy's a possibility.

  71. I think it’s Ruby when Lilian is too busy cackling and drinking her g & t!

  72. The peacock when it went missing perhaps!

    1. .....or Jazzer's tarantula, who might well be partial to custard creams, if there"s a shortage of flies.....which there isn't, of course, in this mid Sept. heatwave.

      Clearly the sun has got to me, sitting outside having a coffee in London😎😋

    2. Susan ruled out Joy because she wasn’t carrying a big enough bag. That would also apply to Ruby, the peacock ant the tarantula who wouldn’t be capable of transporting a big enough bag.

    3. Or Hilda Ogden! But why a cat would want packet soup and light bulbs I can’t imagine......🤔

    4. She wouldn’t be capable transporting a big enough bag either.

    5. Johnny could, and he fits the ‘ young man wanting easy food’ description that first caused suspicion to fall on the workers.

    6. It could be Natasha. She lives above the shop and I’m sure has a very large handbag 👜 to carry all the business plans she dreams up. She is always on the go so needs fast food such as custards creams and easy cup a 🥣 soup. The light bulbs are to replace the used ones as she burns the midnight oil designing schemes.
      Or she is so self absorbed she spends all her time in front of a theatrical mirror applying makeup.

    7. But a big bag is not actually needed, as the "lifts" could have happened over a few days, not all at once.

  73. One thing I picked up on in the omnibus, was Susan remarking how long Bert took in the shop, to buy just one thing.
    Surely not - but who knows?

  74. Grandad Bert crying for help. Has he ever been to Susan's?
    Gavin's gamble on horses not going according to plan!

  75. Well that should be entertaining, Susan trying to be diplomatic when quizzing Gavin about his gambling on ' the horses'
    It could go on for weeks.

  76. I hadn't realised there were two Berts in Ambridge until now.
    Never too late to learn.

  77. I would have thought Susan's reaction in finding her Dad, and Emma's Grandad Bert was the shoplifter, would have been stronger. I wonder if this is a guilt feeling, after what Tracy said a few weeks ago.

    1. I shall apologise profusely to Tracy and Johnny for suggesting they could be the shoplifter, and leave io others to apologise to Joy, Gavin, Ruby, Hilda and Webster....

    2. Sorry Ruby and Mr Fox and Seagull!

  78. The thief revealed, story done. How will Susan mention 'the horses' to Gavin in a subtle way?

  79. Susan subtle ?
    I used the term diplomatic.

    Susan believes that she is BOTH subtle and diplomatic in all she does and speaks.
    Neil, Emma and the rest of Ambridge know better.

  80. It was nice to hear Jazzer again and talking about his fish, as he did with his "gals" the pigs.

    1. That puzzled me - I thought Adam had given up hydroponics. Maybe he was just wondering out loud?

    2. He did, I agree.
      How it is up + going again, which I love. It will so help Bridge Farm with the Bridge Fresh App, the Farm Shop and the general deliveries, of fresh produce..which is still so needed for so many.

    3. I didn’t think Bridge Farm had anything to do with Adams Aquaponics - they are part of Hone Farm surely?

  81. Susan is so popular on Borchester radio that she has a fan “as far away as Kidderminster!
    In Worcestershire it is usually referred to in theses parts as Kiddimonster. I chuckled.

    Mrs Marple-Carter is now investigating another mystery. Is Gavin gambling just because she heard him mention HORSES 🐎. Why did she jump to that conclusion? Ambridge is full of horses! Philip rides them and is a member of the ‘ unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable’ hunt.
    Maybe he was talking about Lilian whose cackle is akin to a mad horse neighing.
    Will Susan nose poking uncover the dastardly duo’s evil abuse of the poor slaves?
    What tactics will she employ to expose the slavery enterprise?
    Will she take any gathered evidence to Sarg Dumpty Clouseau-Burns.?
    I await the outcomes with eagerness.


    1. I love the name Miss Marple-Carter 😁

      In someway, I hope that she is not the one who learns or reveals anything relevant, re the Set-Up with Philip + Gavin.

      My thought it could be perhaps, Kirsty or Joy, who-ever hears something, be it in a general "over the fence" chat or an overheard phone call.
      Many forget that voices carry over garden dividing lines, when doing phone calls or video chats.
      Whilst talking to Fallon, either could drop a "jewel" into their conversation, which is passed onto Hercule Burns.

  82. Why did I only realise last night, that the Dad of sisters Susan + Tracy, is Emma's Grandad Bert.
    I don't recall Emma, plus kids, visiting their grandfather, who is also a great-grandfather and lives in the same Village.

  83. May I just say, as to how lovely it is, to see TA Life being discussed again, in whatever way, after a quiet interlude.
    I am so enjoying TA again, but be aware, I am thinking "outside of the box" again.
    Be Warned All. 🤣😂

  84. Uh, I hope Harrison turns up and finds with Blake in the van, we can't have a repeat of Nic and Matt for goodness sake. And that vicious Alice, she'll be all right and pretend nothing happened.

  85. Well either Alice gets taken home or to hospital but either way someone's got to find out she's paralytic drunk! Then Chris will find out that she lied to him about where she was going to be etc. Hurry up Harrison and get there first!

  86. Did she pass out because of drink or was she hit by a car? Hopefully the former so that Chris will realise Emma was right. This episode showed up Philip as he is, more concerned with himself than with someone lying by the road in the cold. Are things coming to a head?

  87. What I don't understand is why, Alice suddenly decided to go out jogging. I don't recall her doing this before, let alone having the necessary "gear" so readily to hand.
    Have I missed another aspect of Alice?

  88. Looks like the beginning of the end for the Mosses and Alices drinking.
    I was surprised that Gavin seemed much more concerned about helping Alice than Philip did.
    Perhaps he’s not quite so bad as his cold fish of a father after all.

  89. I really hope Alice is passed out from drink rather than anything else. At least Gavin feels he should help but his father is just awful.

  90. That Mr Moss Senior gets nastier by the minute. How could I ever have believed he was a goodun? (Mind you, Kirsty was taken in too.)

    Go on Gavin, show some backbone and do the right thing.
    Not sure how you'll explain Blake away - perhaps 'he missed his mates so much he came back for a visit and I found him hitch-hiking'. That or send him off down the road and tell him to keep walking so he's a fair way off before the police arrive.

  91. I think the Mosses take it in turns to be the nicer/nastier one - proving how multifaceted human beings can be....

    1. Very true.
      I’m just very annoyed at myself for being entirely taken in by Moss Senior when he arrived on the scene. Thought he was such a nice chap. I must have been seduced by his lovely Welsh accent.

    2. The clue In his unpleasant personality can historically be located into in his eagerness to brown nose with the hoity-toity horsey set and twitter in the bird hide with the local intellectuals.
      Kirsty initially wasn’t keen but he smooth talked her into believing he is an honest man.
      Gavin is clearly frustrated having to be a deputy gang master and appears to have some sort of conscience/moral backbone.
      Will he ruin the business by saving Alice the nasty drunk?
      Will Alice and Chris be able to get back to their hotsy-totsy previously relationship?


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