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Life in Ambridge




    Anneveggie - September 15, 2020 at 11:06 PM
    I really hope Alice is passed out from drink rather than anything else. At least Gavin feels he should help but his father is just awful.

    OldWomanInAShoe - September 15, 2020 at 11:20 PM
    That Mr Moss Senior gets nastier by the minute. How could I ever have believed he was a goodun? (Mind you, Kirsty was taken in too.)
    Go on Gavin, show some backbone and do the right thing.
    Not sure how you'll explain Blake away - perhaps 'he missed his mates so much he came back for a visit and I found him hitch-hiking'. That or send him off down the road and tell him to keep walking so he's a fair way off before the police arrive.

    maryellen - September 16, 2020 at 7:46 AM
    I think the Mosses take it in turns to be the nicer/nastier one - proving how multifaceted human beings can be....

    Archerphile - September 16, 2020 at 8:36 AM
    Very true.
    I’m just very annoyed at myself for being entirely taken in by Moss Senior when he arrived on the scene. Thought he was such a nice chap. I must have been seduced by his lovely Welsh accent.

    stasia - September 16, 2020 at 8:53 AM
    The clue In his unpleasant personality can historically be located into in his eagerness to brown nose with the hoity-toity horsey set and twitter in the bird hide with the local intellectuals.
    Kirsty initially wasn’t keen but he smooth talked her into believing he is an honest man.
    Gavin is clearly frustrated having to be a deputy gang master and appears to have some sort of conscience/moral backbone.
    Will he ruin the business by saving Alice the nasty drunk?
    Will Alice and Chris be able to get back to their hotsy-totsy previously relationship?

    stasia - September 16, 2020 at 8:54 AM

  2. Philip only relented when Gavin told him it was someone from Ambridge, wouldn't be good to fall out with the villagers. What upset me most was Alice's vicious attack on Emma, it's a dreadful human trait, straight on the defensive when knowingly in the wrong. It's happened to me, simply because I was there as a reminder.

    1. Oh I do so agree Basia. She was appallingly viscous last night, one of her worst traits, lashing out at other people.
      Thank goodness Emma couldn’t hear her.

    2. Archerphile, that's what I thought, that it was all inside Alice's head, but in the synopsis it says - Alice leaves an abusive message for Emma - I don't really want to listen again, we'll find out which is the case. Also, it says that Philip told Gavin to drive off and call an ambulance from "a burner phone", I missed that too.

    3. I heard the bit about the burner phone - is that one that is ‘pay as you go’ so it can’t be traced back to the caller?
      Didn’t realise Alice was actually leaving a message , assumed it was her inner thoughts! Wow, that’s going to cause a right rumpus when Emma gets it!

    4. I thought Alice's rant, was said to Emma's voicemail, or similar.

      I still cannot work out why Alice had running clothes, was out + about, jogging after drinking too much.
      I don't recall that she went out jogging/running, as a regular past-time.

      I need to listen again.

    5. PS It was dark! So at what time of night was it, and why wasn't Chris concerned - or is it, that still has to be learnt?

  3. I did not think that what we heard from Alice in her vicious wittering was her thoughts.
    I did think that, unable to get an answer on her calls to both Fallon and Emma, she was, in her drunken state, leaving voice mails to both of them.
    The announcement at the end of today's repeat was that tonight, 'Emma is furious' which confirms to me that Emma, hearing Alice's message, reacts, as she does, before knowing what has happened to Alice.
    Whatever that may be !

    1. My thoughts also, it going to Emma's voicemail. I have just posted similarily, as a reply to a previous post, so I am glad not to be alone in that thought.

    2. Alice had been drinking by the Am before and with Fallon, Chris checked with her when he was frantically looking for Alice.

      Alice did leave a message for Fallon because she missed her text about a cancellation.
      I probably couldn't imagine that she would say what she did to Emma.
      If someone said something similar to me I would not forgive them even if they died a tragic death afterwards because people mean what they say.

  4. GG. Another fantastic and topical heading.

    1. Thank you Miriam. I actually really enjoy doing it...

  5. Phillip = Rob.
    In some ways they are very similar and almost, the same, but in other ways, they are different.
    Both worked their way into Ambridge, charming all they met, being helpful, understanding and "wooing" local lasses.
    Rob was to be shown, doing coercive control over Helen, Henry + the introduction of Jack,
    Philip appeared as a builder, to help + solve the Hunt Kennels, to do Lillian's en-suite - both at very short notice. He then won the heart of another "local lass" but he is now portrayed as an evil "Gang Master" with his son, doing his bidding.
    There is a common detominator in both scenarios - Kirsty!
    I hope Roy (or even Tom) will be around to help her out, eventually.
    My thoughts only.

    1. Kirsty spotted the problem with Rob, as a close friend.
      In a parallel type of S/L she is now the one, in total ignorance and who has no idea as to what her partner is up to.
      I think Joy could help, when she overhears 'phone calls, "over the garden fence", but Kirsty will think otherwise.
      I have been told, not to think ahead nor predict, but I just had to....😁

  6. Well done Emma, you know the truth and so does Chris.
    Stupid Philip, he didn't listen to Kenton & Jolene on Susan's show.
    Gavin's instinct was right, don't put yourself forward if you've got something to hide.

  7. Yes both Emma and Chris know the truth but it will only be a matter of time before everyone knows. Thank goodness Gavin did the right thing though.

  8. I wonder if the subdued Alice had been told a few home truths by the medicos at the hospital and that is why Christopher wasn't allowed to accompany her? Will she acknowledge the real reason she passed out or continue to ignore it and carry on regardless.
    I believe that Gavin knows that she was drunk. He may be able to talk some sense into her. Does this mean that the scritwriters are re-inventing a more responsible and therefore less dislikeable Gavin?

  9. Sounds like Alice had too much alcohol in her system and may have reached the poising stage.
    The hospital could easily have detected that she had consumed too much by doing a blood and or breathe test.
    She was binge drinking and that is the most common cause of poisoning.
    The condition in which Gavin found her was typical of the symptoms of binging.
    She had most likely vomited, her blood temperature would have dropped and her breathing would have decreased, resulting in her passing out.
    The drip was to flush out the alcohol and stabilise her condition.
    She won’t remember how she got to where she was found, that’s the second time she has had amnesia.
    I would be surprised if the hospital hadn’t provided her with information In how to get
    help. However that will only work if she acknowledges she has a problematic relationship with the demon drink.

  10. I can imagine a scenario in which Kirsty end up with Gavin!

  11. Stasia scenario is the most likely, and Alice would have got ' the talk'.
    ( I was in the next cubicle in A&E once when ' the talk' was given to a young woman) it was chilling to overhear ! And Alice will have leaflets in her bag.
    Yes Chris knows now and is struggling to face the truth, and I also think Gavin has more than a good idea, but will he act on it and possibly befriend Alice. He has not told his father the truth about her condition.
    We didn't hear Brian and Jennifer but did hear they were involved. Will Brian let it go ?

    Good acting from Alice. Her shame was most evident, and I would posit that being the reason she, rather than the medics, refused to see him until she was discharged.
    Shame = defensive anger.

    Maryellen- that is an interesting idea. We shall see.

  12. Even after this "event" and her hospital trip, I still think that Alice will deny things, saying that it is rubbish and continue in her own way. She will be even more careful to hide her addiction.
    Where was Jennifer + Tony, as Mum + Dad? There could have been a 'phone call, of some type being heard.

    1. I wonder if Kate, will be the one who will help sort Alice out?

    2. Brian and Jennifer came to visit when Alice was back.

    3. My comment was meant to be aimed + related to "being heard" - which they weren't.

    4. Ah, well they already had six actors, so that was good going anyway.

  13. Gary, your choice of picture explains Alice's situation perfectly - like her Wonderland namesake, if a bottle has a label on it saying 'Drink Me' she has to comply ; )
    (Now, did drink make you grow and cake make you shrink, or was it cake to grow and drink to shrink, or should I just go and ask that friendly caterpillar?)

  14. I very much disliked Susan”s attitude to Emma. Even after hearing part ofAlices vicious phone message she refused to listen to Emma and was only concerned about her precious Crease-ti-fir.
    Susan needs to wise up to the actual situation with her daughter-in-law, and when she does, I wouldn’t like to be in Jennifer and Brian’s shoes

    1. Both Susan and Chris still can't get over the fact that the well spoken Alice chose him.
      Susan will have to iron out the 'crease' from her son's name!

  15. Did she get pregnant yesterday then?

    1. Or did they do a test at the hospital for some reason?

  16. Not happy about this. Alice is pregnant and didn't know until the hospital experience. Are we going to get a damaged baby from a mother who drinks far too much and a lesson for us all to learn? I find Alice's alcholism too simplistic but maybe it is genes???

    1. Alcoholism can be genetic, which has been proven and often skips a generation. Didn't her Grandad, Peggy's husband at The Bull, have the same problem? Is so, it could be inherited, couldn't it?

    2. Yes, I think his name was Jack , He with Peggy ran the Bull and he drank the profits, again, I think.
      Lots of us have issues with being an addictive personality be it drink, food or drugs or The Archers!!! Joke We're all looking for something to take the edge off what has become our tricky situation. Not sure about Alice - she really doesn't seem needy enough - could have seen it coming with Kate.
      I just don't see a real story coming from this and also not happy about the change around from LOVELY GAVIN to TRULY DIABOLICAL RESPONSE FROM dearest Phil.
      They did bad, they are bad and they can't easily be redeemed

  17. OK, who saw that one coming?

    Basia, it's more likely she told them she thought she might be pregnant once she'd sobered up for a bit.
    Or perhaps she's known for a while and the drinking was an attempt to run away from something she didn't want to happen.

    In the circumstances, MrsP, I suspect she got 'the talk' with bells on!

    I read recently that foetal alcohol syndrome is estimated to be four times more prevalent than autism. That's a lot of needlessly struggling kids : ( Certainly an issue that people need to hear about - but I'd rather this baby escapes it. (Yes, even if Ambridge is fictional)

  18. I like others, think that Alcohol Fetal Syndrome, could be a different sort of S/L and a long ongoing one.
    I always felt cheated, that the life of Bethany with Down's Syndrome, was not progressed, as it could have been done.

  19. Maryellen highlighted the FAS and didn't want it to happen. I certainly don't. If Alice knew and carried on drinking then she's even more stupid than I thought and in typically Archers style she divulged the news to Gavin and not Chris, so now she and Gavin share not one secrets but two, for a while.

  20. Wow looks like I have rejoined TA at a good time! More cast in episodes and a pregnant Alice which explains why she has been hitting the bottle of late trying to come to terms with what to date has always been her worst nightmare scenario.

  21. Hands up everyone who predicted, some time ago, that Alice would get pregnant!

  22. I was surprised by Alice's revelation. I thought she was finally going to say something like 'I can't stop drinking'.

  23. Even with more actors I find the scripts awful. Does anyone, anywhere, care about The Boring Milkman? Does anyone believe that Grumpy Gavin is the perfect shoulder to weep on?
    When Alcalice announced she was pregnant, I literally snorted and told the radio to 'shut up'. Out loud.

    1. I absolutely agree, Mistral. Most episodes end with me muttering “Silly!” at the radio. To me the most excruciating scenario is Susan’s talk show which is completely unbelievable. I’m hoping the editor’s lockdown faux pas will get him the boot.

  24. Yet another unplanned, unexpected pregnancy! And another one for the Archer family which may have difficulties. Have you noticed that the Grundys pregnancies are all straightforward but the Archers are 'out of the ordinary?' Although 'Earth Mother' Kate managed to have straightforward pregnancies and deliveries.
    I wonder how far along is Alice's pregnancy? She may be lucky if she stops drinking now perhaps or it may result in a miscarriage?
    A couple of people here have said that Christopher now knows about Alice's drinking. I haven't picked that up from what I have heard. I think he still believes her when she said her passing out was because of dehydration. Only Gavin knows about the drinking (and Emma) which I picked up during his conversation with Phillip on Wednesday.
    So the SWs have decided that Gavin is a goodie and Phillip , it seems, has been exploiting workers for some time?
    I'm afraid, like others, the idea that Susan Carter is hosting that awful radio show is ridiculous. I am not a fan of local radio but what I have heard it is nothing like as amateur as that presented in TA.
    And as for Jolene's tacky idea about the sexy/hunky milkman. I still haven't worked out what that has to do with The Bull? I obviously missed something last week! I presume it's apparently based on the Cadbury's Milk Tray guy who climbed in windows in a three piece suit with black bow tie to deliver a box of chocolates. Is it something to do with delivering meals from The Bull? With Jazzer dressed up? If I remember correctly didn't he have to borrow a suit when he was going to be Tom's Best Man? Perhaps we'll get some answers in the future. Then again - perhaps not!

    1. I don't think he wore leather trousers for Tom's wedding!

      Did seem a bit odd, getting a real milkman to moonlight as a caricatured milkman for another firm. (A bit like having a real policeman as a stripper.) I'm not sure it would do much good for his business image.
      As for Jacob, he'll either blow a gasket when he hears the news or decide to indulge Kate's quirks and find he thoroughly enjoys himself. Urg! I'm just glad it's on radio, not TV, and that my aphantasia spares me the details!

  25. Mistral and Maryellen you are both spot on. Why do we have to put up with this ridiculous padding when there is still so many SLs left hanging?

  26. I have to say that Alice’s pregnancy revelation was no surprise to me at all. I’ve been expecting it since her heavy drinking first became obvious.
    In fact I think I said, “Alice gets drunk, forgets to take contraceptive pill, gets pregnant”
    or something like that.
    And there was also a prediction (from Maryellen I think) that we were heading for a foetal alcohol baby syndrome story.
    The only interesting thing about this scenario for me is how Kate will react, thinking herself pregnant, then finding not. Are we in for a bout of jealousy or Kate-type baby smothering?
    And the thought of Jennifer’s cooing and the inevitable rivalry between the two Grandmas. Yuk!
    Oh lord! It’s all so boring and predictable.
    Can we go back to Grey Gables, Bridge Farm or even Brookfield for a change of topic please?

    1. Cheer up, Archerphile - Alice may have an abortion without telling Christopher.....

  27. Well I for one didn’t see the pregnancy coming. I actually shouted “what!!” at the radio.
    I think Alice didn’t know she was pregnant and that they’ve run tests at the hospital and told her. Now she’s in total shock and realises she has to stop drinking.

    Susan in the radio....just ridiculous.

    Thank God we seem to have finished with the Robert and Lynda sex life story. 🤮

    Sexy milkman....think Jolene’s brain is addled.....must be from too many drugs whilst she was a singer.

    I never thought I’d say this but I’m actually missing Ruth and Daaaavid.

  28. For me the whole storylines are encapsulated in three words.

    Dull, Absolute Borefest.

    And that is me being economical with what I really think.

  29. Naughty Milkman, I was the first who misheard and called him nodding, now boring, sexy, hunky has followed. It's for Kenton's deliveries, why isn't he on the picture? The whole idea is so sexist and passé, 'women stay at home when husbands at work and get off with the milkman', revolting!

  30. I didn't see it coming either. And neither did Alice despite her fears.
    Agree with Spiceycushion, Christopher is still in denial, or maybe he's just thick !
    Wouldn't be surprised at Maryellens suggestion, abortion without telling Christopher.

    As for the ' light entertainment ' of the milkman and local radio show...........
    Can they come to an end please. I'm asking politely.

    1. If it didn't cross Christopher's mind that Emma was pointing out the obvious, plus the hidden empty vodka bottle he found, then he is thick. After all he felt terribly guilty about drinking a can of lager with Ed. He's still in awe of Alice and she can do no wrong.

  31. Christopher may still be in denial but didn't he say something like - now tell me what really happened - which would indicate that he has doubts about Alice's story. Alice reacted by getting out of that question by being tearful and angry.
    I don't dislike the Naughty Milkman S/L as much as others. I see it as an attempt at a light-hearted story and at least Jazzer is featured.

  32. The naughty milkman idea is perhaps to show the character of Jolene? Perhaps the level of humour in the 1970s?
    Nowadays people are much more aware of equality etc. I don't suppose it would be appropriate for it to be the naughty milkmaid either, so I don't think it can be called sexist. Just offensive to all!
    Anneveggie - Christopher did ask what really happened but in the synopses I read Alice replied she only knows what the hospital told her and then started crying so I don't think he has worked out the truth yet. Sadly the BBC synopses hasn't been written for Wednesday night so that's the only information we have until the next one or two episodes when I suppose we'll find out.

  33. I am still so enjoying TA.
    There are S/L's now evolving, many S/L's to still be returned to, and then resolved, characters to return - etc.
    I remain intrigued and interested, as to what will be introduced next and how things will progress.

    I thought the "milkman" idea, was just meant as a, well needed, light hearted interlude. I loved the interaction between Jazzer + Fallon, esp as he was her "bridesmaid" or similar (I think). They have a great bond together.

    As I have said before, I think Kate will be the one who helps Alice, whom she turns to for help. Kate, for once will support her sister.

    I don't read any forward synopsis, I prefer to just wait.

    I have posted, my own, indivudual thoughts. 😀

    1. I think I might be quite alone here, in not criticising nor moaning about TA in its current form.
      Oh Well - I am obviously in a single "Archers Bubble"..🤣

    2. You are not alone Miriam as I generally enjoy T/A. I have plenty of other things to complain about in life but don't wish to bore anyone.

    3. Miriam - The synopsis is not a 'forward' write up, that would be a 'spoiler' and no way would the BBC do that as it would mean no-one would listen!
      The synopses I read are summaries of what happened in the broadcasted performances. Useful to fill in any gaps I might have missed or to check up to confirm what happened.

    4. I would just add I would never post a 'spoiler' intentionally by the way!

  34. Christopher IMO is still in denial but agree that he has doubts and as he is in awe of his ' 'wonderful wife Alice' ( who he doesn't really believe he is worthy of ) he is very reluctant to allow those thoughts to develop. I suspect he also subconsciously realises that she manipulates him with her defensive angry responses if and when he does dare to question her, and he doesn't have the same vocal skills to counter her tirades.

    1. I think that is a very good analysis of Chris’s dilemma, Mrs P. He often seems reluctant, perhaps even frightened of standing up to Alice. And I agree that he is still amazed that she should have chosen a ‘lowly farrier’ as her husband and probably thinks both she and her parents (well, Jennifer in particular) believe she could have done ‘much better for herself’
      That can’t do much for his self confidence in dealing with his very complicated wife.

    2. Here is a question or two?

      Is Chris the father?

      Was the excessive drinking and running an attempt to abort?

    3. I wonder if Alice knew she was pregnant anyway? If she was taking the pill she would be menstruating as usual. My friend's daughter had no physical signs that she was pregnant except her trouseer size went up one size which she put down to a need to diet!
      The running gear , I think, was just an excuse to get away from the house and she may be running to get rid of extra weight recently put on?
      I think the days are gone when the idea of a gin and hot bath or jumping up and down would cause an abortion are long gone.
      If it does turn out to be that, then for goodness sakes SWs, girls are much more educated than that nowadays!

    4. Sorry should have proof read before posting!
      "I think the days when the idea.......are long gone."

  35. On listening to the omnibus this morning - I really enjoyed it
    I don't think that Alice had any idea she was pregnant. I bet she is at least 3 months gone, as in a alcoholic haze, she forgot to take her "pill" on more than one occasion.
    I think she will tell Chris, who will be surprised and delighted.
    The result of this pregnancy, can go in differing ways and for once, I am keeping my thoughts to myself. 🤐

    1. All I will say is, things might not be rosy as first appear.

  36. Gavin has tried to show a different side to him with Alice, almost seeing his dad, Philip in another way, but to me it is too little, too late.
    Gavin is still in charge of the workers (I hate the term horses) in the flat, is still indirectly responsible for the Grey Gables explosion with its consequences, and needs to be found out, to then suffer the repercussions.
    I have no empathy for him at all. What he did for Alice was not heroic, just what any normal person would do, though I do recall one who didn't!

  37. Is horses short for workhorses? On one occasion Gavin called the lads TheThree Musketeers. I thought that was quite amusing.

    1. Yes, they are workhorses, referred to as "the horses", which I feel very degrading.
      What a life they must endure...or rather do they have a life??

    2. They are fed + watered, well sometimes, and then put out to work, always.
      Oh well, I feel strongly about this subject.🙉

    3. From what we’ve heard, the life suits Jordan who likes to spend his off duty hours on the sofa in front of the telly. He reminds me of Hyacinth Bucket’s son in law Onslow in Keeping up Appearances, although Onslow didn’t work and was probably more mouthy.

    4. Blake, at least, is a vulnerable (special needs ) young man and most probably the other two are as well. No young men would voluntarily live in a flat, confined and even locked in, kept short of food and have neither opportunity, ability or money to do anything about their lives. They are being forcibly kept as 'slaves' by physical and mental means and the sooner the Mosses are arrested and imprisoned the better!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. The alternative is life on the streets. Being returned to that life is the ultimate ‘threat’ which strongly suggests it’s the worst of the two scenarios. I’m not sure they are imprisoned, it’s my impression they could walk out ofteflat or walk away while on a job.

    7. Philip doesn't see himself as a welfare provider. Blake is still unfit for work, he said he was costing them more than his practical worth and was thinking of letting him go (or 'putting out to grass?'). Philip employed an unskilled worker without supervision which resulted in damage and personal injuries. When a 'sweatshop' was discovered in Britain recently one of the arguments was that at least the workers were being paid, so again the lesser of two evils. I don't have the answers but both are morally questionable.

    8. Having worked many moons ago as a Cyrenian with the homeless and seen how utterly terrible that can be - men knifing each other in order to steal a blanket on cold winter nights, people trying to sleep literally in puddles of water in derelict houses with collapsing roofs, young runaway girls attacked by drugged/drunken men etc etc. etc.
      Having a roof over your head and food in your stomach, and maybe a bit of pocket money, and the feeling of being cared for and part of a group, almost like having a family, is infinitely infinitely better than being on the streets. All the time care is not provided by our society for the homeless, then care will be provided by others in order to take advantage. As Maryellen said, it is the lesser of two evils.

  38. Did anyone else think that the way Gavin was talking to Alice didn't quite ring true or is he actually trying to turn over a new leaf ?
    I have to say that I thought at first he was going to blackmail her by threatening to tell Chris that he knew she was drunk .
    I reckon there may be more to this bit of the story.
    I hope she isn't pregnant after the amount of alcohol she has consumed.

  39. LanJan - I didn't go as far in my thoughts as you did in thinking possible blackmail, but I was sceptical about the conversation altogether.
    We've had more than one hint that Gavin is seeing life through a different lens recently, nevertheless I think he's got some way to go to change gear completely for any change to be realistic.
    As far as Alice and her drinking is concerned, my thoughts were that it's already too late,
    Foetal development very swift in early weeks.
    But maybe it's a long term strategy to have a poorly developed baby leading to a life requiring special needs.
    If so Miriam will get her wish to have the story line that was dropped when Bethany moved to Brum.

    1. I do not want any baby to be born disabled, in TA, or in life in any way, but it sadly happens. My thoughts are that this could become a "Drink Aware" campaign and what fetal alcohol syndrome is. I think that Alice's situation will help highlight it.
      ..and yes I would like to see an extension of Bethany's life and how she would have adapted into normal life, with her Down's.
      TA missed an opportunity.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Susan said what is true: family is often the last to know and she has told someone already about Gavin's alleged gambling, who was it?
    Blake-horse is up for sale because of lameness.
    Oh, and Lynda is certainly back on form, treating Robert like a hired hand but he'll do anything for 'his Lindy' of course.

  41. I thought Kirsty sounded a bit insipid tonight. Where is the feisty Kirsty, I knew and admired.

  42. Did anybody understand what on earth Lynda was going on about this evening? Last minute redesigning of the garden, upsetting the symmetry ?
    Sounds as if she is truly back on form and it is poor old Robert who is back under the thumb. Do this Robert, do that.
    I hope his dahlias win the day!

  43. Blake- horse may be up for sale but at least he isn't being chucked out on the street again and Philip is trying to find him light work as a painter and decorator. For my very strongly held opinions about homelessness please see my comment back at 11.21.

  44. I couldn't understand what Lynda was rabbiting on about either but, as you say Archerphile, at least she is back to her old bossy self. Robert only too happy to be bossed.
    I agree about how terrible a predicament being homeless would be and having a bed and shelter is preferable, although in these young men's cases certainly not ideal.

    1. I noticed that she has recovered enough to resurrect her penchant for using foreign expressions, usually very over-prounounced.
      I can’t imagine Adam Frost or Carole Kline suggesting a “mise-en-scène”!

    2. Lynda is definitely back on form. Nasturtium singular, Nasturtia plural. Correct technically but pedantic and an example of her perfection. Robert will set up the trellis with lots of glass reflecting the garden in all its symmetrical glory.

    3. I can imagine KL saying miss -en -scėne, she is just as theatrical as Lynda. But then Lynda is a frustrated stage director. The garden will do as a replacement.

  45. Janice, I agree with what you say, Blake is grateful to be taken care of and the other two treat Gavin as a mate which Philip warned him against. There was Darren, taken in by Shula, who when faced with the prospect of going back to a hostel had a panic attack. Yes, Philip provides for them in return for labour. I still don't condone what he's doing. There was a hungry, unskilled, unsupervised worker who caused injuries to himself and Lynda and damage to property.

    1. Philip tried to offload Blake, on to his contact, who uses the same system, saying that one of his horses was going spare and he'd be paying under the odds. He can't let Blake go because he may be found and tell someone about the set up. Philip nearly ordered Gavin to leave Alice lying by the roadside because he was in a panic that Blake might be discovered in the van.

  46. Am I the only one who is not pleased when we hear Lynda and Robert ?
    I know Robert is a lovely kind man but I couldn't stand his fussiness and Lynda Is too bossy for words.

    1. No, your not alone LJ - I find their interaction very irritating most of the time.
      The exception was the recent gentle explanations from both about their feelings and their current difficulties.

    2. Lanjan, I said so last night, they're back to their 'caricature'/characteristic relationship. Robert acting like a schoolboy told off by his mother. The only time I remember when he was decisive was one Christmas when Caz came to stay with her newborn son. Lynda was feeling insecure in the presence of his two daughters. He put his work on hold, took her out to lunch and reassured her that all was well. He ordered Leonie to come with him to the Bull, said he'd pay if she wanted to visit her mother in Spain and generally told her to calm down. The rest of the time was spent with Lynda and the girls in harmony. It was all a long time ago.

  47. Basia, you do have an excellent memory of TA.
    Reading your post I do vaguely remember, but would never have dragged it from my memory if you hadn't brought it to mind.

    1. Thank you MrsP, you said so at the time of repeats of Brian's infidelity when I recounted it almost word for word. All the same my memory is somewhat selective, for instance, Susan told someone about Gavin and the horses but who? Tracy or Emma, I won't listen again.

    2. Yes, but Susan had mentioned it in front of someone, I think Tracy, so when Kirsty asked her not to say anything to anyone it was too late.

  48. Archerphile. My mistake I meant C. Kline. I don’t know the man you mentioned but have seen CK and heard her at the RHS show in Malvern in the floral exhibition marquee.
    I tried to inspect her fingernails.

  49. Janice you have a point, Philip in not Edward Colston but he is the modern version of the exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain. The so called (work) horses are in slave labour and yes they are given food, If Gavin remembers, plus a roof over their heads. But they are not paid the minimum wage and Are evidently trafficked on to other unscrupulous people when they present as a problem.
    We know Blake is frightened of Philip and that would indicate that he has not offered himself voluntarily for enslavement. We know Blake did not have protective equipment during the blast and the others, when not working are in forced compulsory lockdown.
    Philip’s money has enabled him to buy a house and fix the playground for the Ambridge community all done on the exploitation of three vulnerable men.
    Philip Moss is the modern version of a community minded benefactor in his version of the corporal works of good deeds. That would include, as he will eventually claim, rescuing those poor “creatures“ from the streets.
    He is in effect the Street sweeper upper.

    1. Sadly yes; but I am having great trouble believing that someone with a lovely Welsh accent can be bad!

  50. I assumed that Philip was alone (apart from Gavin) being in charge of his work force. After hearing him talking to an unknown A N Other, it seems that there are others doing the same, who are known to him. Is this a major organisation and Philip is just another person involved, on a lower level, who has to follow instructions from a higher one?? He might be involved financially to others, hence his concern to work them hard, as he might have to pass certain monies to his organisers.

  51. Well done Robert for standing up to Lynda, never mind about the bird feeder. I wonder if the rules allow for one garden as two but let the best win.
    Alice is still drinking because otherwise she'd have to tell Chris which she nearly did and about the binging. She didn't tell the counsellor about the alcohol either, I wonder what she'll decide.

  52. What a horrible storyline.
    We have had one abortion on the programme .
    Since I don't agree with abortions for non medical reasons I hope that Alice does not decide to go along that route .
    On the other hand since she has been doing all that drinking......
    She has been married to Chris for over 10 years and he doesn't suspect what is happening in front of his eyes
    As I say.
    I do not like this story line.

    1. It is an alcohol public awareness story, just like the Helen + Rob coercive control one.
      It ties in with the Sober October campaign, which starts next week, well to me.

    2. Me too! What a b***ch she is, thinking of an abortion without telling her husband she is pregnant! It is all about her isn't?

      At least she has refused a drink!
      All this 'I've been a failure?' I think she said. When? Got into University to do a mechanical engineering degree. Offered jobs abroad.
      Her failure was at the office where she was working (originally covering maternity leave! Longest ever!) and I would think it was the drinking and hangovers that caused the problem there, including an inability to concentrate and therefore not complete the work, (whatever it was) up to standard.

      It does show that she thinks very little of Chris, her husband of 10 years, if she doesn't share this. Why is she worrying about whether to have an abortion when she has said several times in the past few years she doesn't want a baby? Still lying to Chris too!
      He is far too good for her!
      So we have either an abortion storyline or an enormous turnaround in accepting the pregnancy and perhaps a disabled baby to come?

    3. Chris asked - more wine Alice? - and she declined, so to me she'd already had some because otherwise she'd have to own up.

    4. Yes Basia, I thought he had said that but wasn't certain. So she stopped before the bottle was empty. Well I suppose that's progress!🙁

  53. Alice has always been babied so can’t face the responsibility and the limitations of having one! She knows too that if she tells Chris he will be over the moon and the decision will be taken out of her hands. What a selfish child she is!

  54. And it's not just her parents that have babied her.
    Chris has followed their lead.

  55. Alice was Brian and Jennifer's last chance baby at her suggestion, I think she wanted to give him a son, so when it was Siobhan's turn it was obvious she would produce one.

  56. This s/l is increasingly sad. Alice is obviously thinking about a termination as, not only does she not really want a baby, but she is probably well aware of all that alcohol doing harm to the foetus. Surely she couldn't go through with it without even telling Chris. ,

  57. Oh dear..I was looking forward to picking up the archers next month but given the content I don't think I'll bother.

    1. Do listen....It's getting very interesting, with lots going on, some good, some not so.
      I know that I listen + interpret things differently, but to me, rightly or wrongly, there is much to still enjoy.
      I make my own mind up.

    2. Also many story lines are progressing, in a very subtle way, by characters not as expected.

    3. Listen just now + again, and then decide as to listen or not in a more continuous way.
      Only you can decide.

  58. Well they have played it all out, Philip the smooth operator, quick on the uptake. He did show his human side, telling Gavin he needn't worry about Blake because his new owner is a good bloke.
    Lynda and Robert sparring, both very competitive, I don't find it amusing.

  59. Poor old Gavin being labelled so as not to reveal the truth to Kirsty! Ref erring to the men as “horses” is so dreadful and selling Blake on smacks of slavery and passing on goods. If this is really happening why are we bleating about what went on 150 odd years ago and not what is happening under our noses? I hope Moss gets found out quickly and goes down for a very long time!

  60. Well I really enjoyed the episode tonight.
    I thought it was a clever juxtaposition of story lines
    The frankly ridiculous squabbling and one-upmanship of Lynda and Robert over their gardens, - against the really appalling business of Philip and Gavin’s conversations about their workmen and lying to Kirsty about the real meaning of ‘horses’.
    Cleverly done and far more interesting to
    listen to than the monologues.

    1. I agree with your thoughts Archerphile on tonight's episode. What a liar Philip is, Gavin too of course.

    2. I knew that there was modern slavery nowadays and we see occasionally people prosecuted. I did not know they were literally sold between gang-masters.
      There are so many people who are willingly exploiting vulnerable people.
      I have been asrtounded that some posts have basically said "Well it's better than being on the streets"
      If these poor people *were* on the streets there is the chance they would be known to charities and authorities, witness the way all street people were accommodated at the start of lockdown.
      However being kept imprisoned (yes Gavin said in one of his monologues that he had locked the flat when he went to Wales for the day and he hoped his father didn't find out) and sold as goods between the ring of gang-masters they are condemned to a life of slavery.
      To me much more dramatic and worthy of attention than Alice's self-inflicted problems. But then again I rarely drink alcohol! 😀

  61. I found it astounding that our Government actually shifted them selves to make provision for the homeless in the face of the virus, when previously they have ignored the problem; and I have no doubt that the majority of those homeless will be sent back to the streets when the virus is gone. It will no doubt be something that will be classed as being unaffordable in the long term. Being known about by the authorities is not the same as having something done about it.
    With all the good will in the world Charities don't have the funds to provide the amount of care needed. In my day in Cardiff both the Cyrenians and the Sally Army worked tirelessly to try to help, but could in no way make provision for more than a tiny minority. During my time we fought hard to get Cardiff City Council to let us use a run down building as a day soup kitchen and emergency shelter with about 10 beds, and those few beds were used for those most in danger on the streets. We could have done with 200 beds. Eventually after much more negotiating with the Council which included making sure it hit the newspapers when any of our night soup run homeless died in the cold in Winter ( and at least that won't happen to Blake et al) we were allowed to do up and use an unused decaying council house as a halfway house. It was big enough to house 4 people - 4 just 4! How do you choose which 4 out of many. Eventually in time this expanded to 3 halfway houses - 12 people just 12 out of many. I understand that homelessness is an even greater problem now.
    Spicycushion I am not in any way condoning the behaviour of people like Philip, but I do say that most people have no idea of the realities of living on the streets.

    1. Indeed Janice I too found it strange that all the homeless were brought inside apparently. I suspect the cost in the long term is why there is no permanent provision for them.
      The worst part is that I suspect the majority are either 'special needs' (sorry I don't know the acceptable term if that is not the one used at present) or especially ex-military with PTSD.

    2. I find it so sad/depressing that because of this wretched virus there isn't going to be the money available, probably for a long time, to do the things that need doing.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I reckon Kirsty will stand by Philip, he nearly justified the set up to her yesterday. To me she made a mistake by taking up with someone involved in the hunt against her convictions. Philip is doing something illegal but then we've witnessed a law infringement in the making.
    Alice will keep her baby but it will be a stressful pregnancy. Jennifer was 43 (I checked) when she was born and there were the accompanying worries of a late baby.
    Oh, Robert and Lynda will receive a joint prize for their disjointed efforts.
    I've laid my cards on the table, we'll see.

    1. That’s very brave of you Basia! I’m not making any predictions ...yet.

    2. Archerphile I have!
      I daren't post them though....😂
      If I did, I would be "drummed out The Brownies"! So I will keep quiet 🤐

    3. The emoji is a "zipped" mouth, which mine firmly is.

    4. Miriam, but if your predictions come true you won't be able to say told you so!

  63. Basia
    11) I hope that Kirsty does not stick with Phillip.
    He is a cruel man and a bare faced liar .
    2) I hope Alice like Kate is mistaken about the fact that she is pregnant but if she is ,I do not want her to have an abortion but would like her to give up drinking alcohol and have a perfect baby.
    I do not want any more "how to cope with" story lines.
    3) I don't care two hoots about Robert and Lynda's garden.
    I find the storyline ridiculous and boring.

    1. I have to agree with you LJ.

      I found the peevish bickering between the Snells pointless and time wasting. It is as irelevant as the ludicrous milkman idea. Are these two bits of SLs the product of one writer or is there an internal competition for ship's idiot?

    2. I find the 'Snaill' garden irritating and irrelevant, I'm just saying what I think will happen.

  64. How long will Gavin stay in Ambridge? From what I have read today he seems to be moving to Coronation Street, well I think so, but it was from a "tabloid", so who knows if it is true!
    Still Helen does a double stint in both these programs, so perhaps Gavin will do the same, if it happens.

  65. I think it was Basia who high-lighted 'Ramblings' R4 today.
    Thank you very much indeed, I really enjoyed it.
    What a good man.

    1. Yes, I liked it, his hiking skills and involvement with disabled musicians.
      There was a bit too much information about his recording.
      He also said the *viewers* didn't like hearing a different format, I've heard people say, I don't watch the Archers!
      KPnuts is an avid Ed fan, she can catch up later.

  66. Maybe a Spoiler?

    Just to give you all heart and hopefully something to look foward to!

    Instead of just 2, 4 or six names of cast for the week's episodes, the end of week cast list of 1st October has FOURTEEN names!

    So hang on in there! It looks as if we may be back to 'normal' VERY soon! 😁😃😁

    1. I hope Rex + Toby reapear plus Lily + Russ. Dare I say, that Pip would also be a good addition.
      I don't see cast lists, but 14 would be amazing!

  67. Alice confiding in Gavin, very strange, his mention that he wants to leave Ambridge perhaps indicates his move to Coronation St. Philip can face the music on his own.

  68. It’s strange how the once abominable Gavin who crashed into Philip and Kirsty’s cosy home life and generally behaved appallingly, has suddenly become much more thoughtful, considerate and softly spoken when with Alice.
    Has he obtained a conscience all of a sudden and decided he’s no longer going to be his father’s fall guy?

    Perhaps he’s been subjected to one of those famous Archers character changes that were so prevalent a year or two ago. 🤔

  69. I wonder if during the time he was locked down with the three workers he became more aware of them as people. I remember he said something to his dad about one of them , Blake?, having a sense of humour and being amusing company. I think that once you come to know and like someone it becomes much less likely you will want to ill-treat /take advantage of them.
    I wonder how old he is meant to be, possibly his character is still developing.

  70. Ok Kate I get it is the woman who carries baby for 9 mths but all this business of its life (or death) decision should not be her’s alone especially if one is in a loving relationship. The decision should definitely be as a couple. Also remember Alice you may yet have a miscarriage and then be heartbroken or you may not in future be able to have children and don’t forget Chris what about him wanting to be a a dad. Should serious health problems be a consideration for mum or baby a very different situation to be discussed.
    Seems like Gavin is regretting the situation he is in and gave Kate some sensible advice.

  71. Janice 10.44 pm

    I agree and thought the same as you.
    He is developing into his own man and clearly detaching from his fathers principles.
    And having spent time with the men he has learned to appreciate other aspects other than their work performance.
    And as he grows he is questioning the moral aspect of what he has been involved in.
    An aside to Alice, ( can't remember the exact words ) about being under the influence of parents, certainly indicated to me that he is processing recent events in a different mood to his previous way of doing so.
    If the actor is leaving to go to another soap, perhaps the S Ws have manipulated his character in the way of recent changes to Gavin to allow him to walk away from his fathers influence.
    I have always also taken note of Philips dismissive attitude to his ex, Gavins mother.
    Yet Gavin seems to have a reasonable relationship with her, and if so he may well resent his father always being negative about her. Another reason as maturity develops to ' move away'.
    If I was with a partner who always runs down his ex, as Philip does when mentioning her to Kirsty, I would be very wary that I might be 'run down ' in the same way in the future.
    Be afraid Kirsty.
    Be very afraid.

  72. It’s one of two things: the scriptwriters are behaving like ‘proper ‘ dramatists and showing us a multifaceted character (no doubt everyone is familiar with the saying, An angel abroad, a devil at home) OR they are just messing about.

    Like the Snells switching from tragic victims to comic relief in a blink. Well, Lynda’s got her faux accent back, and Robert’s back where she wants him, and I’m back to being irritated by the woman!

    1. Me too Maryellen. I found the return to her bullying of Robert and ridiculous use of French expressions very irritating. I much preferred her when she was vulnerable and dependent on others for once.
      Not sure what that says about me though!

  73. So am I, Maryellen .
    However the thing that annoys me most at the moment is this apparent change in Gavin's character

  74. Alice told Christopher about being pregnant, he in turn asked how she felt about but she didn't know how to voice her concerns. Let's hope they'll make the right decisions and get through it together.

  75. Chris, who's not the brightest button in the box, didn't seem to pick up on her worries and lack of enthusiasm. And, unlike Gavin, has been extremely dense in regard to her drinking problem. As a married couple, they're really not that well suited.

  76. I agree with other comments that maybe Gavin is maturing into a very different person from his father. He spoke in such an understanding way to Alice whilst also divulging his own experience of a termination of pregnancy. He did the right thing regarding Alice and in doing so completely disobeyed his father, maybe that was a first. Now Alice and Chris need a very honest discussion with Alice telling the truth about her drinking.
    Even though they can be irritating at times, I am pleased that Robert and Lynda are back to their old selves and, thank goodness, not agonizing about their private life. Keep it that way please.

    1. Yes, on balance I prefer the Snells of now, this must be their way of working on their relationship.
      The other joke is Susan, who is amusing in small doses, but to give her a whole radio show is too much. She should have given her father chips with thick custard on top. She complained to Tracy about his behaviour as if Tracy didn't witness it on a daily basis, that's why she needs a break. Also, neither she nor Chris have taken any notice of what Emma said outright.

  77. I think that last night Alice was going to tell Christopher that there might be a problem with the health of the baby. She definitely was going to add to her announcement but because Christopher was so gushing , even when he asked her a question, when she paused to get her thoughts in order, he immediately jumped in.
    Remember how vile Gavin was when he first came to Ambridge? Kirsty complained that he was a slob in his pjs, playing on the games coonsole and excluding Phillip and Kirsty from watching their own TV for example.He was particularly nasty to Kirsty, face to face.He was an adult man so I don't believe his manners and sympathetic character would have changed just because he has now left his mother's house. I'm afraid the character change of Gavin is yet another example of changing the character to fit the plot! Very amateur writing!

    1. It is his "Get Out of Jail Free" card, being played and written in, so he disappears from Ambridge, to then appear in another soap.
      This is definitely happening. I wonder about Gareth Pierce's welsh accent, when he moves close to Manchester.

  78. It makes you wonder if any of the returning characters will have changed....

    1. Does that include those like Usha, Kathy, Alan, Dr.Locke (plus daughter), Carole T. who still seem to be shut in the ever expanding cupboard.

  79. Where is Shula and what is happening to The Stables, as an ongoing business?
    Shula must now be starting
    her full-time theological training, wherever that is.
    So mant loose threads...

  80. Unable to sleep after my eye operation, I tuned into R4 early this morning via my EarPods to hear a repeat of Ramblings. I almost turned off as Clare Balding is one of my least favourite broadcasters. But then I heard Ed! Definitely Ed (aka Barry Farrimond) going on a ramble on Dartmoor with Clare. What a lovely, lovely man he is, and what good he has done, encouraging music education for disabled children, even helping to create a disabled persons orchestra. His description of recording during lockdown and enthusiasm for getting back in the studio with his Archers ‘family’ was engaging. I thoroughly recommend listening on Sounds if you can.

    1. Archerphile, I assume all is as well as can be, I haven't found anything on the other blog.
      Mistral and I commented on Ramblings on Thursday. I said there was a bit too much about recording from home and he referred to the "viewers" who didn't like the new format! Otherwise as you say.

      I heard a very dramatic trailer on R4 this morning concerning the trio from Beechwood. What I didn't like was the Archers being advertised from Mon-Thu, I'd settle for 5 episodes but at four I feel shortchanged.

  81. I will definitely listen out for Ramblings. Cheers!

  82. I listened to Ramblings with 'Ed' and then listened to the previous episode with Alice Roberts. I had heard the week before with Dom Jolly.
    Ramblings is one of my favourite programmes and I do often follow the walk on the map.
    Agree this actor Barry Farrimond is a lovely person and I think this is reflected in his voice and acting, which may be why he is so fondly thought of by many on here.

    1. Having listened to Ramblings, I agree that Barry Farrimond sounds like a thoroughly lovely chap.

  83. When I listen to the omnibus on a Sunday, I always pick up on something, I missed in a weekly episode.
    This week - it was with moving Blake on and that he is going "cheap". I hadn't picked up,that money was involved, in the weekly epidode.
    I stand by my thought,that Phillip is just a small cog, in a well organised and large scheme.
    Kirsty is still in total oblivion, which shows how clever Phillip + Gavin are, both separate and together when at home in the Beechwood house.

  84. I watched a lovely Gardeners World programme on Friday with nearly all of the well-known gardeners taking part and showing lots of really beautiful and different gardens.
    Not a single one of them mentioned a ‘mise-en-scène’ or spoke of Nasturtia!

  85. I said the Snells would win a joint prize but it went to Robert for his begonias, I'm glad of that and the judges liked the birdfeeder.

  86. So, Lynda’s mise-en-scène was a waste of time after all.
    That will teach her to be so pretentious!
    Good for Robert and his begonias!

  87. Just to say that Hollie Chapman is doing a very good job acting Alice. I am now really sympathetic to her conflicting emotions.

    1. I agree. She brought tears to my eyes. Alice so wants to do the right thing but has no confidence in herself.

    2. I must be very hard-hearted. I don’t feel any sympathy for Alice’s predicament. I think she is still being very me, me, me.
      On second thoughts it must be difficult and frustrating being married to a man with the empathy and insight of a bird-feeder!

    3. I agree Archerphile, I've no sympathy for Alice, she told Chris to back off, can't open up to her secret councillor and she likes throwing stones at others. Unfortunately I've known people like that, with an inflated sense of entitlement. Her acting skills are improving though, she's not just gushing all the time.

  88. She is still being dishonest too, shying away from telling the counsellor about her drinking, although she came close to it. I'm surprised if she has managed to give up suddenly and completely, even if Chris is supplying 'mocktails'.

  89. Alice basically enjoys drinking and a child-free life. She is unable to face the realities of her situation. Chris is completely clueless. At the very least she needs to be completely honest about her drinking to Chris so that he's aware of the real situation.

    1. Alice needs to talk to someone. I did mention Kate, but as an earth mother, who also likes a drink, I am changing my mind.
      What about she was in an abusive relationship, who conceived Jack as a result of a "rape".
      She might be more understanding.

    2. Why the speech marks around the word rape? If a man forces a woman to having intercourse when she doesn't want to, then it is rape, whether he is her husband or not.

  90. Alice is supposedly clever?
    Chris is definitely a daft Dimbo.
    She must knows she has contaminated the foetus and is now in a quandary about what to do.
    Not very insightful Chiris has been unaware of her pre hospital episodic dirinking.
    Really are we meant to take this seriously?
    If, the now virtuous Ga vin could smell her stinking of alcohol why can’t Chris?
    Maybe his nose lacks the ability to perceive odours or scents of the Alice plonkette.
    The clue is in “he doesn’t have to have it”.

    1. That's hard about Chris. He has always been a wonderful husband, who still loves Alice and married, despite their different backgrounds.
      He did know Alice liked a drink, hence their pact for no alcohol during the week, and why he was so upset about having a beer with Ed.
      As the saying goes "Love is Blind" and Alice has been adapt at hiding her problem, until now.

  91. I don't think even talking to a counsellor is going to help Alice, especially without disclosing what's holding her back. She needs to talk to the midwife Chris has found for her, tell her the facts and make a decision based on medical assessment. She can then go back to the counsellor and tell Chris their baby is at risk.

  92. I wrote and lost two posts about Alice yesterday.
    I am ambiguous in my sympathy towards Alice, believing that she has brought this problem upon herself and as a basically dishonest and very selfish person she is in a massive quandary about how to solve it.
    Agree with Stasia, she must know that her foetus will have been affected by her alcohol intake, and she is clearly very frightened by the state she is in.
    There is only one option open to her and that is to be honest with everybody including herself, but that is also her struggle.
    She cannot !
    But also I agree with the view that the actress is very very good.
    She has made most of us thoroughly dislike her in creating a very unpleasant and mixed up young woman. Now she is in a predicament that requires sympathy from us, and we have become ambivalent.
    Good acting and well written.

  93. There has been a virtual Flower + Produce show, so will there be a virtual Christmas Show with Lynda + Susan, arguing who is in control.
    At least one Ambridge tradition can occur - the Christmas lights around The Green, which can be done socially distanced.
    It is not even October, why oh why, am I thinking ahead to December..Sorry 🎅

  94. I presume Alice is paying privately to see the Counsellor .
    If so I presume she is paying by the hour and will not be having appointments that often.
    By the time the Counsellor has realised why Alice is so worried it may be too late for her to have an abortion anyway.
    I agree with Basia she would be far better speaking to a midwife(where is Amy?) or better still go to see her Doctor

  95. If Alice would only confess to Chris, they could then both go to the midwife or doctor and find out exactly what the risk to the foetus is.
    I agree with everyone that the actress playing Alice is doing a good job.


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