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Life in Ambridge





    MrsP Ambridge - December 5, 2020 at 11:50 AM
    I've always thought it a possibility that the friendship between Kirsty and Helen might develop into a deeper relationship.

    Basia - December 5, 2020 at 12:56 PM
    Maryellen, listen to The Untold on Monday at 11:00.

    Lanjan - December 6, 2020 at 8:14 AM
    I doubt it Mrs P.

    parsley16 - December 6, 2020 at 9:34 AM
    Mrs P, I had that thought re Helen & Annette (Greg's daughter)

  2. Found a billboard from a development in Lekki, just outside Lagos in Nigeria! (As you do...)

  3. Helen and Annette "shared" a boyfriend, Leon who impregnated Annette, Helen unaware wanted her to keep the baby but to no avail, soon afterwards she decided to become inseminated.

  4. I have seen no indications at all that Helen would prefer a female partner. In fact she has chased after men and has been too eager to grab a 'boyfriend' by oversharing (the man who she told about the insemination over a dinner date for example She decided she wanted Rob, despite knowing that he was married and went around telling all and sundry about the 'mind-blowing sex. She almost ' stalked' Lee until they got together.
    It is possible for two women to be best pals without taking it further.

  5. I can’t see Joy having bought a house on your Beechwood Estate Gary!

  6. What we might imagine or speculate about characters in TA might depend upon ones own life experience.
    Spiceycushion has described the past experience of a number of lesbians that I have known.
    Life is a journey, and Helen has shown that she is imaginative in her journey regarding relationships.
    Some never imagine beyond the norm and are content in their expectations of relationships. Others might reach a point where what they previously perceived as the norm might not be enough.
    And of course it is possible for women to be the best of friends without taking it further.
    But many many older lesbians started life as married women.

  7. Replies
    1. So true Mrs P. I came across quite a few married women who were closet lesbians during the course of my career. Things are often not what they seem on the outside.

    2. I wonder if the hormonal change of the menopause can sometimes create such a physical change in a woman that she can be genuinely heterosexual in the earlier part of her life and then feel differently later. I wondered this because someone I knew (dead now) altered so dramatically at the time of the change. She had been devoted to her husband and family but then totally changed and left them for a woman. Later in life after the relationship with the woman petered out she came back to her husband and they lived as friends for the rest of their lives.

    3. Janice, you may well be right about the person you knew, but fundamentally desire comes from the brain, not the body, although of course hormones play a critical part.

  8. I find that Helen is someone who finds it difficult to be on her own and for drama's sake most in the Archers are paired off at some point. I knew a woman who'd been married twice, had three children and spent the last 25 years of her life living with a female partner, I wouldn't call her a closet lesbian. The Beechwood house has four bedrooms and is not utilised to its full capacity.

  9. What I picked up in the the Sunday Omnibus, was that Philip told Gav, that Beechwood was mortgaged up to the hilt.
    Also having "sold" the slaves, it appears he will slink away and, yet again, another nasty character, will not be brought to justice.

  10. Thanks for alerting me to The Untold, Basia. I enjoyed the Bodmin beavers episode and was braced for the worst with the human storyline! I think Janice would enjoy the Cornish setting too.

    1. I hoped there'd be more of the beavers but at least it all ended well.

    2. I will look it up Maryellen.

    3. So will I !
      I saw something about Beavers in Cornwall while I was there but wasn't able to see all of it as my S in L flips the channel constantly.

    4. When my parents had a TV set with remote control for the first time, Mum sat there flicking channels and Dad said there was something wrong with the set as it kept jumping channels! Mum was notorious for this. When we visited we would be into a good film and she would say “we don’t want to watch this” and change the channel! We did however have to sit through her favourite programmes! Well, it was only for a short time!😊

    5. I listened to it on the radio. I knew he had climbed Brown Willy ( just in case that makes for any smiles I had better say it is the anglicised version of the cornish which means the hill of swallows) fundraising after Covid, but I didn't know they were introducing beavers to their farm. A tough man . Thanks Basia and Maryellen.

  11. Good acting Alice, but you didn't fool me and I'm pretty sure you didn't fool Chris either.

    An expensive lockdown that this particular patient wasn't ready for ?

  12. Detox is just the start, I'm not convinced about Alice either but let us see.

  13. I have an inkling Basia that we might see a very very very long story of slow decline here, similar to Peggy's first Jack.

    That will be dispiriting but real life situation.
    Life is not good for some !

  14. Just listened to tonight's episode and I am astounded at what an accomplished liar Alice is! Like others I believe she will be back on the bottle within the next few days. Then I hope Chris will see what an unpleasant person she is! I don't think he will ever trust her again.
    I wonder what will happen when Alice finds out that Chris told Harrison as I expect she will?
    I am quite sure Fallon won't say anything even if Harrison tells her. Fallon is sensible and intelligent enough to know that police matters are confidential; as probably most police wives do. However Harrison may keep it to himself but certainly I am of the opinion (I think I have said this before) there should never be secrets between husbands and wives. That is not what marriage is about.
    Did Alice really spend 14 days at the clinic? It doesn't seem like it.

  15. I don’t think Alice really spend the whole time at the clinic either. She is lying through her teeth!
    Somehow or other she escaped and possibly even really did spend time in Bath with her friend, and not drinking Spa water either!
    She was so reluctant to give Chris any details of her treatment.
    Perhaps he should call the clinic and find out exactly what services they did provide in return for the high fee he paid them.

  16. Well... we are all of the same opinion, one way or the other.
    It is a sad tale.

  17. I agree with the comments of others about how Alice seemed. Too flippant by half and brushing off Chris' legitimate questions.

  18. Did anyone else notice that Eddie is to drop off some logs tomorrow morning when Kirstie is at work. What might he discover or overhear?

    1. I don’t knowi if Alice lied to Chris or not, but he certainly lied to her. It doesn’t bode well, does it? Back to the beavers for me!

  19. Only vaguely Archers related!
    Did you ever read "The Beavers" by Grey Owl,Maryellen?
    A really lovely book.
    Grey Owl was thought to be a First Nation person but it turned out he was from England.

    1. Thanks, LanJan - I’ve only heard of Grey Owl so I’ll try our nearby bookshop, which is a delight to visit because it has comfy armchairs in front of a glowing wood effect fire for browsing.

  20. Kirsty said she would leave the garage door open.
    As the saying goes, if one person knows, only one does, if two know, eleven do.

  21. I am not the one spreading the gossip .
    It is the people I tell who are doing that!

  22. Did Poppy find Alice's empties last night down by the Am? I think Eddie said they were Vodka bottles?

    1. Indeed he did! That’s deduction worthy of Miss Marple!

    2. That's what I like about collective listening, picking up on different details. It was Kirsty who was surprised that all the bottles were in the same place, half an off licence according to Eddie, found by Poppy when the metal detector picked up on the metal tops. Kirsty encouraged Eddie to persevere because Poppy wouldn't be pleased with just empty vodka bottles. I've just listened to that particular moment. Once the word gets out people will start putting two and two and more together...

    3. She does like her vodka but would she have put the tops back on? Come to think of it though they are evidence best hidden! The plot thickens! She was very evasive when Chris questioned her which made me think she had ducked out of rehab and spent the fortnight elsewhere, possibly in Bath.

  23. I am with others in that, Alice did not go to rehab and did indeed visit Bath, and Felix is someone she met there!
    Far fetched -yes, but I don't believe all is as rosy as it seems. This is the same with Kirsty's move to Wales.
    To me, it is a case of the more it is mentioned, then the less it is likely it will happen.
    Helen can still buy Beechwood though...

  24. Why didn't Chris telephone the place to check up how she was getting on?
    Answer -because it would have spoilt the storyline

  25. Who the heck is Felix?
    I missed that.

    1. I might have got the name wrong, but it was supposedly the person she met in rehab, who was there for the 4 or 5th time, and would help her. Was that the truth, is my question, esp. as she took the call, so Chris couldn't hear.
      I just have my doubts, which I hope are so wrong.

  26. Alice will find it too cold to drink vodka outside .
    I think this story could get too messy unless she has given up the drink for good which I doubt so they may decide to kill Alice off .
    They can't ,as I have said before ,allow her to continue drinking and not have an abortion.

  27. Perhaps this s/l will come to a climax at Christmas with the Philip Moss s/l too! That would be quite an episode.

  28. I have picked up from another website that in rehab the 'customers' are discouraged from making friends because when they leave they will be on their own, They don't have mentors or 'buddies.'
    Also when they come out of rehab, usually they are very subdued, certainly not ebulliant like Alice was!
    I think Chris realises now that he'll never be able to trust her again. If she lied for so many months/years to him how can he believe her now when she says she loves him?

    Surely, as they had paid by credit card, if she had not turned up for treatment the clinic would have rung Chris to find out where she was?
    Whether she did or did not go it seems that research was poor yet again!
    If she survives and has a healthy baby it would make an absolute mockery of the 'warning' storyline!

  29. Sorry.... but I'm still not convinced.

  30. I found it difficult to listen to the conversation between Jill and Kirsty, signposting everything that might go wrong, we know the technique.
    Chris could put a tracking device on Alice's phone, with her knowledge.

  31. I believe that Alice went to rehab and stayed there. Alcoholics are exceptionally good liars and I think Alice’s behaviour reflects this. She is a past master at creating alibis as Chris is discovering. I think the scene where she is describing her time in Bath was meant to illustrate this ability. If a rehab centre is doing it’s job then their work doesn’t stop on release from the clinic. Alice needs help not censorship. The end of tonight’s episode left me nearly in tears. I’m sure for this drama Chris and Alices relationship will survive but that is often not the case. Loving an alcoholic is hard and makes you scrutinise their behaviour and question their motives. You think you are doing some good but the hard truth is the only person who can make a difference is the person themselves. Alice has a very good reason to stop drinking and I expect and hope she will manage it but it won’t be a pleasant journey.

  32. Change of subject -
    Next week’s Radio Times has an interview with Buffy Davis about the recording of her infamous shower scene with Sid Perks
    She explainsI how the sound effects were made and it was not nearly so passionate as it sounded at the time!

  33. Soz -
    Thank you for your heartfelt post about Alice and alcoholics.
    Understanding and compassion that is so needed.

    I've never liked Alice much and I don't like her now.
    But I'm not at all happy with the demonisation of her as an individual.
    It has been clear to us, and Emma if not Chris, for a very long time that Alice had an unhealthy relationship with the bottle, but what we have been hearing for so long has been the development of that condition and the self denial of this by Alice herself.
    Now it's out in the open, to Chris at least, and from now on it is the effect on those who love her that will be painful to hear.

    1. I agree with your post wholeheartedly Mrs P. I have never been keen on Alice either, from long before the first hints about her drinking. Many aspects of her character, which I shan’t elaborate on here, were unpleasant. And I think it may have been that very character that stopped her from seeking help much earlier on, when it may still have been possible to avoid the descent into alcoholism. The fact that her very loving husband was so blind didn’t help either.
      But now she is ill and needs all the help and understanding she can get and life is going to be very difficult for Chris, who will also need all the help he can get. So I think it would be better if the whole family were put in the picture, yes, even Emma, so they can rally round and provide support for both Alice and Chris
      And for once, I think this is something that Susan will keep within the family and not gossip about. She may well be very supportive.

  34. I wonder why Alice didn’t take her empties to a recycling centre. It would have been a far more efficient and effective way to dispose of them than half-burying them in a patch of brambles (ouch!). There would be the risk of bumping into someone she knew at the centre, but the same is true of the path by the Am, which must be well used judging by the amount of litter picked up.

  35. Is the BBC going to promote the mass vaccination programme via The Archers (remembering the programme’s remit to educate the public)? They could begin with The Laurels and then all the 8O+ residents receiving their letters from the NHS. There could be a discussion between an anti-jab resident and pro-jab resident. No one in Ambridge, as far as I remember, has ever had a flu jab, so maybe it takes a pandemic to get them to roll up their sleeves!

  36. I hope they do, Maryellen. I am surprised that about a third of Brits are against the vaccine or ambivalent. Covid can be mild but can also kill and you never know how it will affect you. I see it as the only way to end the crisis or at least make it controllable.

    As far as Alice goes, it occurs that Brian and Jenny should be told about her problem. Jenny would be very supportive and Brian although often preoccupied with his own concerns would help the situation. Chris in turn needs others around him. I can see that Alice is ashamed about her dependence on alcohol but she needs to be more aware of the consequences.

  37. It's all very well to say that an alcoholic needs sympathy and compassion but what about the people who are affected by the drinking, secret or not?
    I carried the burden of an alcoholic husband for many years, keeping the children away from the truth including a very intelligent young teenager. There comes a point when the partner/spouse/carer says enough is enough! Of course Chris has only had this 'worry' for three or four weeks so his reaction is extreme. It takes a while for the partner to try and be normal in the 'happy' family household, being sympathetic, encouraging and loving but all the time having this enormous burden. Will they get the sack today? Where has that £30 gone? Will there be a car accident etc etc.
    My ex solved the problem and walked away from his young family leaving a financial mess behind him. To be honest it was relief and in fact my eldest son who was 14 when his Dad left said not so many years ago "It was better when Dad left. You never knew what to do because of what sort of mood he was in." Out of the mouths.......!
    I have no sympathy for people who are weak and have no will-power. My sympathy is for all those who suffer because of it!

    1. You have my sympathy Spicycushion as you have suffered greatly, but it may not entirely be to do with willpower and weakness. Not everybody has the beta-Klotho gene. There is interesting research going on that may one day help both alcoholics and their families.

    2. Should have said the beta Klotho variant, which they think about 40% of people have, and it decreases liking for alcohol.

    3. Interesting Janice because one of his 4 brothers always 'over-indulges' whenever we meet! He may also be continuing between meetings!

  38. Alice started by jumping out of a tree, then crashing a combine when she offered champagne as compensation and finally overreacting at Nic's funeral.
    As I said, I was concerned for Kirsty last night, because she spelt out her dreams again last night.

  39. I think that we will all agree with you Spiceycushion that the people around the alcoholic are the ones that suffer, and I doubt any will disagree.
    When we have personal experience of such a life it must be difficult to see beyond the perpetrator of such suffering.
    I have been watching my daughter uphold her relationship with a husband descending into alcoholism for the last fifteen years, and as a wider family we are also suffering, and as her mother I am grieving daily for my daughter.

    I do believe that each of us has weaknesses as well as strengths, although, as in the case of Alice it's often difficult to find those strengths.
    We must hope that somewhere deep in her character are some strengths that will enable her to rise above what is regarded as an illness.

    I wonder what role Peggy might play, since she had a life similar to yours with her first husband Jack Archer, and she might hold an attitude similar to how you feel.

  40. In this very difficult situation Chris has my total sympathy. He is under such a burden and it's understandable that he is suspicious when Alice can be so evasive and flippant. I think the whole family need to know about what's going on. This is too much for Chris, and Alice too, to handle on their own. They both need loving support and their family surely would provide that. Alice feels ashamed but it's selfish of her to want to keep it secret so that Chris is under such pressure. As Spicycushion related, it's the ones in the drinker's life who suffer as well as the drinker.

  41. Spicycushion, following your example I found another little interesting aspect in yesterday's episode. After leaving the tearoom Alice made a detour to go to the shop where she bought parsnips and carrots for a stew (meat in the freezer I guess). Why didn't she use the farm shop? Also, if she'd bought anything else there it can't have been with Susan on duty. It may be nothing of course, like Eddie and the logs.

  42. What I don't understand about the Chris/Alice situation is:-
    Why has Chris not been involved in some way, as to the help needed, for a recovering alcohlic to get go forwards.
    He seems so much excluded, relying purely on what Alice teĺls him, be it the truth or not.
    I am still not sure.

  43. It was great to hear Peggy and at the Bull, but with all her experience why didn't she pick up on the one obvious clue? And why is Kate doing yoga at the Lodge, I thought she moved in with Jakob.

  44. Kate and Jakob agreed they were better off not living under the same roof. What was the obvious clue?

    1. They are probably right.
      The clue: Alice jumped at the mention of drink and Peggy lived with an alcoholic.

  45. Peggy noticed Alice was vague about Bath but I was surprised she didn't dismiss the idea of an affair straight away.

  46. I wonder if Lilian, who was a very different and nicer character when young, could actually go a day without her G and Ts. I suppose the difference is that she is a functioning alcoholic whereas Alice had reached a stage where she was incapable of doing her work etc.

  47. Lilian isn't an alcoholic.
    She just likes drink.
    There is ,I am told ,a great deal of difference between the two.
    From where did Alice get the money for all the bottles of vodka?
    I still find it hard to believe that Christopher didn't cotton on.

  48. Agree about the difference re Alice and Lillian.
    Lillian is not an alcoholic, functioning or not.
    As LJ says, she likes a drink.
    She also likes talking about liking a drink.
    Alcoholics deny.
    And jump defensively at the mention of the subject, as Basia has pointed out.
    Peggy will ponder....... and she will remember Alice's defensive reaction.
    The penny will drop !

    As far as the money for the Vodka ?
    I expect like many young couples they each have independent accounts for money in... and out. And probably a joint account for household expenses.

  49. Spot on Basia - the way Alice jumped at the drink comment was a dead giveaway. Peggy will indeed ponder and reach a conclusion.

  50. This is Ambridge so you could be right. Peggy was certainly making some rather hammy pondering noises but I though that was about Bath, where we have opppsite opinions,from Peggy who thinks Alice didn’t go there, and Archerphile & Co. who think she did (or somwhere otherthan the detox place). Back to my Alternative Ambridge storyline about the beavers!

    1. I have altered my opinion about Alice going to Bath - she obviously knew little about the place, but I’m still not sure if she spent the whole 14 days at the clinic.

  51. Alice was a high earner, so money wasn't a problem.
    The difference between a drinker and an alcoholic: the first lives to drink the other drinks to live.
    That's what my biology teacher said in primary school.

  52. Do we believe Lily could have had such fun at a Bingo Hall?
    If so, it’s a sad refection on her life with middle-aged boring Russ.

    1. Or a sad reflection on being the twin of immature, boring Freddie.

  53. Do the twins look under 18? I think they had a good time away from Lower Loxley.

    1. I've never been to a bingo, a missed chance? I've not bet on horses either, it's on my bucket list;)

  54. It was the last thing I expected, the plot thickens.
    I thought Gavin would do something to stop it.

  55. Well I never saw that coming.
    How very ,very disappointing to say the least.

    1. Kirsty's not disappointed, she's done it at last, she's in seventh heaven but for how long?

    2. Those one liner blurbs about tonight's (and future episodes) are real teasers. I really thought Gavin's conscience would kick in enough to give him some backbone! Alas No! Unless Phillip gets arrested on the way home not much chance of an annulment I suspect. Kirsty will have to go through the rigmarole of a divorce! (That's if I remember the laws correctly) I will give praise where it's due, seeing I'm always complsining about the writing. Well done the writers for this week whoever they are. BBC website not showing the cast list!

  56. My grandmother used to say about marriage
    "Change the name and not the letter,
    Change for worse and not for better!"
    Watch out Kirsty Moss (nee Miller!)

  57. Fantastic episode I thought! I was scowling at the radio...

  58. Marry in haste repent at leisure, any more?

    1. Men are April when they woo, December when they wed (Shakespeare)

  59. Congratulations the Archers team.... you caught us all on the hop.
    Unfortunately !

  60. I kept thinking, throughout the episode, that something was going to happen to stop the ceremony going ahead, that there might be another scream from poor Kirsty as her wedding was cancelled st pthe very last moment.

    But no, the wily SWs have married her off to that dreadful man, so her agony is to be postponed.
    If Philip is allowed to escape justice I don’t think I could continue listening. But we have Christmas and the 70th anniversary coming up so I still have hope that a satisfactory conclusion will be reached.

  61. That was a bit sudden! I also was convinced that something was going to happen, maybe Gavin speaking up to tell Kirsty that Philip's not who she thinks he is. No he kept schtum and now they're married, unfortunately.

  62. Gary and Everyone -
    The Archers Anniversary Quiz on 1st January is now being advertised on the Archers web site.
    We are invited to join Jolene and Kenton at the Bull to join in and test our knowledge of The Archers.
    So we’ll all be with you Gary, cheering you on and as it’s now official, we can talk about it outside our blog.

    1. Forgot to add there is also quiz we can all take part in too straight away.
      I’n just about to do it and I might (or might not) tell you how many I got right and wrong!

    2. 14/15. The one I got wrong was about how Jazzer takes his tea.

  63. I beg you - Please -no hints about the TA quiz....
    I now know, that one question is to do with Jazzer and his tea!

  64. Where is this quiz? I've seen nothing on the website, won't share.

  65. As Spicy so rightly posted, Kirsty is now:-
    Mrs Kirsty Moss.
    It just doesn't sound right - in more ways than one.
    At least Kirsty, has at last, a wedding ring on her finger, and was a bride eventually.

    I would love her to "Live Happily ever After", but that means Philip escapes from justice.

  66. You don't think that maybe Phillip has forgotten that he didn't actually get a divorce from his first wife but just left her or maybe passed her on to someone else as is his wont.?

    1. There's a thought.
      But surely he would have had to show his divorce document to the Registrar?
      Not sure...
      I feel, that Kirsty's fate, has just been made worse..

    2. By that I mean, as Philips wife, will she now be partially responsible for his financial situation?
      No idea,....
      just a simplistic thought. I am thinking too much, again. 😣

    3. He would have had to show the decree absolute to the registrar. Mike did have to and was. very indignant that I didn’t have to prove I wasn’t already married!! Not sure about her financial situation as his wife though.

    4. Yes you definitely have to show divorce papers I did so 22yrs ago. Next year will be our 25yrs together. I was Mr R’s first marriage and his many friends were very excited by him finally not being able to run fast enough anymore 🤣 well he certainly could not now so he’s stuck with me 😱

  67. Lanjan your comment about passing his wife on make me giggle!
    I think Gavin would know if his parents were divorced or not, especially as I gathered that he had originally lived with his Mum.
    I don't like the idea of 'coercive control,' as was suggested by the writers, by Phillip over Gavin. He is just a bully and dominant as a father and as a 'boss.' Nothing like the situation between Helen and Rob!
    I shouldn't think the ex-wife would be responsible for any company debts. If Phillip had sense he would have a limited company and I doubt his ex-wife would have been a shareholder still if she ever was.
    Even though she is now married Kirsty still has little, if any, stake in the house or contents. She is really up the creek without a paddle! I suspect she'll lodge once again with Roy.
    Finally if Kirsty and Helen are 'like sisters' why on earth did Kirsty leave it till that morning to ask H to be a witness? Did she not trust her to keep it secret?

    1. What an evil Web we Weave!

      Many here, would be brilliant S/W's. 👍👍👏👏👏

  68. Well I did not expect THAT in last nights episode. Kirsty the **** has certainly hit the fan now!
    Sounded like Gavin would have liked his chance with her too!

  69. Katy says Kirsty would not have any financial responsibility for Philip’s financial losses legally but that sometimes people in her situation feel a moral responsibility to help out. More seriously is the possibility of his going to prison over the “horses”. Will she then feel so disgusted by this involvement that divorce will follow or will she be the faithful little wife waiting at home for his release? Excusing his behaviour? I once knew a mother whose drunken son ran over and killed a 59 year old man lamenting that he had been locked up with criminals! Love is blind!

    1. Goodness Ev how appalling a sad example of love being blind!

  70. I have seen today, that on Jan. 2nd, there is on R4 an hour long programme, reminiscing TA over the years.

  71. There is an Archers Quiz in today's Times.
    I only got 11/20.
    Good job it was Gary who represented us and not me !

  72. I've just amused myself by doing the Archers quiz on the Archers website.
    12 out of 15.
    Not bad I suppose.

  73. 13 for me, some of which I guessed, I only found it today.

  74. I only got 10! Yes, Lanjan just as well Gary represented us!!🤔

  75. I only got 11 and I thought I knew the Archers! I made a daft mistake with the peacock question.

  76. Yes, I thought it was Eccles but he is the late lamented!🤔

  77. I was surprised that I got that one right, as I didn't think that I paid that much attention !

  78. I only got 9! Pretty poor but I thought the questions were quite hard and I don't have a great memory plus I have had some lapses in listening through the years.

  79. I got 10 but just guessed some of them!

  80. So disheartening, Eddie cheating and involving Oliver. Susan bribing Tracy with towels.
    Ah, people, not meaning what they say.

    1. I expected nothing better from Eddie, but was shocked by Oliver’s compliance. I suppose this is the downside of ‘character led’ storylines - you get a sense of scriptwriters scratching their heads for a possible storyline for a particular character (perhaps because the character hasn’t been heard recently, or for logistical reasons, ie.the actor/studio space is available) and then coming up with a story that is repetitive, inconsequential or just plain silly!

  81. This morning there is a very long and very interesting Guardian article about TA which I found by googling the title: A peculiarly English epic: the weird genius of The Archers.

    1. Thanks, Hilary, that was a great read - more interesting than the programme itself these days!

      I thought the crucial phrase describing its continuing appeal (to its older audience).was “stepping back into memories of my younger self”.

    2. Thanks Hilary. Found the article a really interesting read, also unexpectedly moving. Perhaps something to do with my mood at the moment.

    3. Thank you Hilary. Can someone tell me who were the diamond smugglers?

    4. Wasn't that to do with Matt in Russia during one of the Archers Extra Basia ?
      You know me.....most of it goes over my head, but I do remember some of it.

    5. That's what I thought, vaguely, MrsP, but I didn't listen to Extra, Brenda was involved.

    6. I have just read the article, my it was long! I'm afraid my concentration span has become shortened quite a bit over the past few months. But I got through it.
      As maryellen said there were quite a few quotes from SOC. I will admit that I hadn't realised how many 'classics' stories he has 'amended' to fit in! Freda Fry's death (Maggie Tolliver in Mill on the Floss,) Joe Grundy killing his ferrets (Jude the Obscure) Pip Archer (Bathsheba Everdene - Far from the Madding Crowd) I wonder did he have an original thought of his own at all?
      Among all the Archers' Fans fb and clubs it's a pity the article didn't mention "We few, we happy few," who had to decamp from the BBC!😁

    7. The ‘did he have an original thought’ sentence could also apply to Shakespeare who unashamedly borrowed from other writers and is thought none the worse for it!

      Maybe, with the Christmas season of peace and goodwill on the horizon, we could give Sean O’Connor a break for once?

    8. Spicycushion, it was marked as a long read and they don't have a paywall. I order books from the Guardian Bookshop, so that's my contribution. I certainly haven't subscribed to more of these lengthy emails, especially that I can only read them sitting in front of the computer which in itself is tiring.

  82. TA seems to be going into "The Lull before The Storm"
    I am loving these episodes, such as Susan talking about her towels, Peggy pouring Kates hand sanitiser away, Lily + Freddie playing bingo, Phil + Kirsty's secret wedding etc.
    I feel that these episodes, are building up for massive and revealing ones, culminating to coincide with the 70th Anniversary.
    It's wait + hear..

  83. Sean O'Connor also said that Helen and Rob storyline was loosely based on Tess of the d'Urbervilles.

  84. Both parties looking forward to a better future which sadly will not come...

  85. If Pip was to be Bathsheba then I reckon Toby is Troy and Rex may be on the way to becoming Gabriel Oak.
    Alec was very wicked in taking advantage of the innocent Tess, but at least he could and did acknowledge he was wicked, whereas I don't think Rob was capable of self analysis at all.
    It was a thought provoking interesting read thank you Hilary.

  86. Three new voices in TA tonight, but how much more will we hear from them? Listening in to their conversation it seems they are grateful to Misses for rescuing them from the streets, housing and feeding them. Teaching them a trade.
    Have we got things wrong? Apart from calling the 3 lads demeaning names, have the Mosses actually done some good here?

    1. I think the answer is No with a capital N. They are three grown men who are 'vulnerable.' One certainly, had little education seeing as he had run away from home and been on the streets since he was thirteen.
      I have worked with vulnerable teenagers and adults, in trying to get some education to them via Social Services, in an ordinary school or via a parent or even sometimes a partner.
      By vulnerable I mean (I'm sorry if this is the wrong term) slow learners. The males and females who I tried to help were dignified, eager to please and keen to learn what they could.
      Nobody has the right to take that dignity away from another human being. I think the three 'lads' really dislike Phillip. They know he is taking advantage of them but feel that they could not manage on their own. Phillip has done exactly the opposite to what a reasonable person should do. He has undermined their self-confidence so that they can't imagine managing on their own.
      Who is the better liar? Alice or Phillip?
      I am pretty sure we are going to have a showdown as the 'Christmas Special.'
      Oh deep joy! 😡

    2. There is a lengthy article on this subject on the BBC News website this morning which uses The Archers as a springboard. It ends with “The Archers modern slavery story has more surprises in store for 2021”.

    3. Maryellen, I haven't managed to find this BBC article.

    4. Found it! I googled "Archers modern slavery story" and there it was!

    5. maryellen - Yes - I had just gone over the news on the BBC site and saw this at the bottom of the page. Interesting read. Hopefully the 'further developments in 2021' are to do with the Mosses' court cases!

    6. Adding another thought. I find it surprising that the author of the article was making a point of the 'lads' all having mental disabilities. I would have thought, even without hearing them speak, that they would all have such disabilities, to varying degrees, to have ended up in such a situation.
      I believe, gathering information from news, court cases etc that enslaved labour comes from two catagories. The first are illegal immigrants, trafficked into the country by unscrupulous men and women. These people are at a disadvantage as they rarely speak the language of native speakers and so are totally reliant on their 'masters.' The second group are those whose mental capabilities make it difficult for them to survive in the modern day world, and so get left further and further behind. As in so many cases the cause of these young men leaving their homes were abusive step-parents/parents which I came across so many times when teaching in a 'rough' area of town.

  87. I think that hearing the voices of the 3 lads last night may indicate that there is more to come from them. Following on my late-night thoughts that they almost sounded grateful to Philip, I am now wondering if they can have developed Stockholm Syndrome where kidnapped/imprisoned people grow to have a rapport with their persecutors and develop feelings of gratitude to them
    If so, that adds another horrific dimension to this very sad, but important story.

    As for it coming to a head over Christmas, my prediction is that the ‘thank you’ card from the lads, signed by all three of them, will fall into Kirsty’s hands and she will query how Blake managed to sign it when he is supposed to be in Norfolk, as she mentioned last night.
    She will question this and hopefully Philips house of cards, his mountain of lies will fall.

  88. The three are certainly good actors because I had difficulty in understanding them. The idea about a card came from Blake? but one of them was opposed to it. Philip even thought of taking a piece offering to them but I think they'd prefer shop bought sandwiches rather than goats cheese.

  89. Gary, I am very disappointed on your behalf.
    I have just opened my Christmas double edition of Radio Times.
    I looked for the listing for the Archers quiz to find that whilst the presenters are individually named, your team are just listed as « three formidable fans ».
    So no Gary Gilday in print, and I was going to show you off to my family and friends!
    😢 😡

    1. Hopefully you will be properly introduced when the program airs, Gary!

      Have just received news our cruise to the fjords has been cancelled. Due in August but the ship, Braemar, has been mothballed until 2022. It does solve a problem in that Gypsy in her old age gets distressed being anywhere other than home and when she went into daycare she barked so much that it disturbed the other dogs so they can’t have her as a boarder. We were considering having someone live in with her in August but it would be expensive and we needed to find the right person. So it’s a case of looking at alternatives. Maybe we could stay in this country, Covid permitting of course and then we could take just her and board the two boys as it is a bit too much taking all of them! If she goes over the rainbow bridge as indeed she might we will book another cruise on of Fred Olsen’s other ships. As with everything time will tell!

    2. Sorry, 2nd paragraph should have been on the other blog!

  90. It was a surprise to hear the 3 workers talking about a thank you card to say farewell to their 'keepers'. Worrying that they don't know that the new 'boss' will apparently be a lot worse. I like Archerphile's idea that Kirsty finds the said card and all will be revealed.

  91. I will find the article and read it.
    Thank you.
    I, like Basia, found it difficult to understand the conversation between the three ' lads'.
    I will have to listen again with greater concentration.
    Though lads may be a misnomer since we don't actually know how old they are. They may be a lot older than most of us are imagining them to be.
    I don't think the appearance of them can be a one off, as when we get new voices on TA the characters usually stay around for some time. Even the dodgy character that led Ed into wrongdoing with the unknown chemicals remained for some weeks.
    I like Archerphiles simple solution of Kirsty finding and questioning the card.

    We shall see !

    Sorry to hear that Gary and others do not get a credit as competitors on the quiz.
    Seems unfair, but perhaps has something to do with personal security.
    Can you enlighten us Gary ?

    1. Maybe names not to hand at the time of printing 🤔

  92. I hope Gary and his team mates are getting paid for this - I bet everyone else involved is!

    1. The three lads will have to give evidence in court when Philip reaches his Waterloo!

  93. I do apologise ladies and gentlemen. When I wrote my posts this morning I hadn't remembered that I hadn't heard the whole episode! Ex-husband rang half-way through and exchanged news before having a much longer chat with Jon and I went to delay dinner!
    It was only when everyone was talking about a Thank You card this morning that I realised I didn't know what they were talking about! Went to check up on Catch up and found I was only half-way through the recording.
    One of then certainly didn't see Phillip as a saviour whilst the other two did. But I don't think it is like Stockholm Syndrome but a continuous 'gas-lighting' of their self-confidence. Not entirely co-ercive control but plain bullying and blackmail.

    I do feel if there is going to be a mention of food the SWs should get the details right. I said nothing about Jill Archer cooking her mincemeat on the stove (!) but they ought to learn the difference between a tartine and a tartlet?

  94. Thanks Maryellen for alerting us of 2 v interesting articles. I’ve just listened to last night’s episode and was struck by how difficult it must be to portray people with learning difficulties on the radio without being patronising or stereotyping them. I thought the script writers and actors managed it fairly well.

    I like Archerphile’s idea of the card being intercepted by Kirsty. I think that the boys’ ideas of being more independent are going to be dashed very soon by their new ruthlessly cruel owner. Gavin’s conscience gets the better of him and when trying to help them is beaten up or worse. I hope Phillip chokes on his goats cheese tartlets.

  95. There's a whole feature article on the TA website about the modern day slavery. Like the flood and coercive control for others this is Jeremy Howe's project.

  96. I like your idea Archerphile but won't Phillip will get round it by saying that one of the other lads signed it for him because Blake was not around?

    1. Quite possibly Lanjan, he is sure to try and wriggle his way out with another lie.
      But it might just lead to Kirsty questioning Gavin too and I’m not sure how long he is going to be able to stay silent.

  97. I have now read the article, and it seems that 'the lads' are young men after all.
    My apologies for suggesting that they might not be so young.

    Along with everyone else, I certainly do hope that P Moss will slip up in some way or another when (if) its Kirsty that finally questions him.
    On the other hand, part of me feels that K should not be involved but that some other way is found of bringing Mr Moss to book.
    Now that they are finally hitched I suppose we must all feel that it will be Kirsty who is emotionally damaged by the mistake she will feel she has made.
    Then again, if it is Kirsty that discovers the true state of affairs and brings it to the attention of the authorities, she may well feel she has redeemed herself, morally at least.

    Agree with Archerphile that it's Gavin likely to break and reveal the truth of the matter.

  98. I akso read this morning, the BBC News website about TA's "slavery" S/L and how it originated. I found it quite interesting.
    All I can say about last nights episode, it was on two differing thoughts...

    PS Did anyone see the news article, a few weeks ago, about a lady, who was prosecuted and convicted of, modern slavery?
    She kept her "worker" in a cupboard under the stairs, with just a sleeping bag. It was unbelievable...

  99. I have mixed thoughts, about whether Kirsty will be involved, in the Philip reveal or not - that is, if this actually happens! They might just disappear into the wilds of Wales - with yet another escaping due justice.

  100. Archerphile - I must admit to buying a copy of the Radio Times this very afternoon and excitedly turning to the radio pages! Not TOO disappointed in not seeing my name, but delighted that it's been picked as a highlight.

    maryellen - I was indeed paid for my appearance!

  101. Some are going to Wales, others to the Maldives - next week, is it, as suggested by someone, for Lynda to take over?
    As for Eddie's scam, Oliver is an old fool, I almost thought he'd pay for the turkeys.

  102. Gary, you are mentioned by name in the article about the TA New Year quiz on the BBC website, Media Centre. I googled “The Archers Anniversary quiz”.
    Also in the info The Archers New Year Pub Quiz - BBC Radio 4.

  103. Thank you Hilary.
    Yes it's there Gary, your name and your city in full !
    Fame ! ....... is it at last ? Or have you been there before ?

  104. Our Gary the star of the Archers blog now of worldwide fame.

    I see no comments about last night, hardly worth bothering...quite.

  105. Basia 7.33 pm It sounded to me as if Oliver was thoroughly enjoying his 'venture' with Eddie. Is the Maldives escape actually going to happen or will it be a change of heart and goodbye Roman.

    1. That's why to me Oliver is a silly old fool not being able to stand up for his values.
      As I said, the Maldives to me means: enter Lynda.

  106. All I want is, that some of the current S/L's reach a final conclusion soon.
    By that I mean, that these have the right outcome.
    One of these is, that the Lower Loxley event is a success and Freddie, escapes the Trustees scrutiny.

  107. Is TA really going to lose Mr + Mrs Philip + Kirsty Moss, Gavin, Blake along with his co-workers, plus Tracy, Roman, in what will be a quick succession.
    Who will take their places??

  108. Archerphile, your card idea didn't work out because Gavin gave them money, so Kirsty is none the wiser.
    The way is still open for Lynda with Roman going away.
    I like the way Tracy is so down to earth and her and Susan together.

  109. I don’t know about anyone else but I found tonight’s episode, the scenes between the Mosses and Victoria, totally chilling.
    The way they discussed the 3 workers was like them bargaining over carcasses of meat! Inhuman, appalling, cold and despicable.
    I kept hopingGavin would explode with anger and refuse to let Philip go ahead with the ‘sale’ of the workers, but no, once again he failed to step up and only expressed his feelings when it was too late.
    I was very disappointed.

  110. I agree Archerphile. The woman sounded a nasty piece of work, heartless, ruthless. Poor Blake will now be separated from his mates. Despicable behaviour of Moss. Gavin just didn't have the nerve to speak up sadly.

  111. Well now...... Gavin didn't have the nerve ? Or the S Ws have us dangling on a piece of string, just as in the dancing and quizzes the presenters pause for half a minute or so before announcing the winners or losers.
    It's a mind game, and the minds, or in this case the imaginations that they are playing with .......... are ours !
    Gavin will speak up when he has overcome his moral dilemma.
    His loyalty to his father or his belief in right and wrong.

    1. Hope you are right Mrs P!

      But of course, this is what good drama does, winds us up to breaking point then rescues the issue at the very last moment.
      Much as there has been criticism of Jeremy Howe as Editor, I think he has done a good job in bringing this appalling practice to light, just as Sean O’Connor did with the coercive control issue. We all (well, perhaps I should just say ‘I’) have learnt about modern slavery in this story and some of the practices involved and have been shocked and horrified by what has gone on.
      So perhaps hoping for a resolution before Christmas is unrealistic and the Mosses will get away with their I suspect many other real modern slavers do.

    2. A good summing up of an appalling situation Archerphile.

  112. I wasn't surprised because Gavin had told Philip that one of Victoria's workers was beaten up. Even though 'damaged goods' she's prepared to give Blake a chance, but they will be separated. As to modern slavery, there was a big discovery not so long ago of foreign workers exploiting their own. Gavin is boiling inside on the point of explosion, Philip and Kirsty beware, switch off the decorations!

  113. Just seen our Gary profiled as a team member on the Archers website page about the post Christmas Quiz
    And you can download your own scoresheet to play along, which will be fun. I’m trying to think up a suitable team name for my ‘team’ which will consist of just me......nobody else in the family listens, sadly. Hope we are all going to take part and support Gary (silently) from our homes.
    Good Luch everyone!

    1. Well I certainly need to do some serious research before then 9/15 for the quiz😱
      Here’s hoping for a much better result at the quiz in The Bull with our Gary or I shall be
      In danger of being expelled from the blog 🤣

  114. The Archers has received fame now in Italy. This morning an article appeared in one of the national newspapers La Repubblica about "the longest running soap in history". There's a pay wall and I don't subscribe to newspapers so I was only able to read the first opening lines.
    Maybe Gianna or Hillary have read the article and can give us the "low down".

  115. There'll be a host of programmes celebrating the 70th anniversary, with Great Pleasure, The Pub Quiz of course, Woman's Hour and more.

    1. Should by rights have a BBC tv slot as well!
      101 yr old June Spencer is back on air 👏🏻


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