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Life in Ambridge




    Basia - January 20, 2021 at 7:20 PM
    I see that at Brookfield they're still talking to Rex, it'll take longer to convince me.

    maryellen - January 20, 2021 at 8:41 PM
    No loss, Basia, like Soz said of her cows, Rex is not a great conversationalist!

    MrsP - AmbridgeJanuary 20, 2021 at 8:10 PM
    Miriam, Philip told Shula that he was on remand in prison.
    Do you think he was lying ?
    I presumed he was in prison.
    He also said that Gavin was also detained but in a different facility.

    Janice - January 20, 2021 at 9:42 PM
    I wonder if Philip will turn Queen's evidence re. Victoria and the network, and receive a reduced sentence or immunity. It would carry the theme of betrayal on.

    Janice - January 20, 2021 at 9:43 PM
    Or maybe Gavin has already been offered that opportunity.

    MrsP - AmbridgeJanuary 20, 2021 at 10:56 PM
    I had hoped that the different facility meant that Gavin was doing that.
    Philips rant about his son fitting him up suggests the possibility that his son is talking to the police.
    Then there is Philips ex wife, who must have some sort of suspicion.
    I cannot remember what exactly she said to Kirsty, but she did suggest that P was up to no good I thought.

  2. Has Shula reported to the police that Philip is in contact with her? Or does she think that she shouldn't - that she is in some way bound to "confidentiality" because she's thinking about becoming a vicar? She does seem to have some sort of blind-spot when it comes to the law. Remember when she lied about that hunt saboteur flinging the first punch at Rob? I wouldn't trust her an inch.

    1. And then there was the time she took on Darrell as a lame duck to be looked after.

    2. Thank you! Had totally forgotten about him Ex Londoner.

    3. Shula’s helping Darrell had a successful outcome in getting him back on his feet and able to live independently, so I don’t understand the point being made here. I admired her for it because Alistair and Daniel didn’t make it easy, on top of Darrell being difficult to help anyway.

  3. Gary, what a gem!
    Now, is that pure coincidence or did someone on the team spot the link either when Philip was introduced or when first mentionned 'the horses'?

  4. Frankly, I am confused about the Moss situation at the moment.
    Moss senior told Shula he was in jail, but we don’t know why or how he was re- arrested or where he is incarcerated.
    He said Gavin had given evidence against him, and Is also locked up - so is he on remand too?
    We haven’t heard if Kirsty has been contacted by the police and told about her husband being in jail - would they be obliged to do that? And are they are still suspecting her of being involved?

    The way this story is being handled is very bitty and is only emerging through phone calls and comments between characters, rather than hearing events as they happen.
    I may be a bit thick, but I am finding it difficult to follow this method of scriptwriting.
    It has been such a huge story for months that I need a much clearer (and dramatic) way of following it to its conclusion.

  5. Gary that is incredible. Director/scriptwriters wouldn’t have known when Philip first arrived in Ambridge how his character was going to develop some years later. Though maybe they deliberately chose ‘horses’ as the way Philip would describe his workers. Clever twist.

    1. I believe the term ‘horses’ for slave labour is pretty universal.
      I read that it originated from the term ‘horsepower’ applied to an engine to describe how many horses it would take to provide the equivalent power. It seems a logical way to determine the power of a tractor but certainly not of human beings.

  6. What about the blind-folded wine tasting and knitted art? The knitters among us, do you display yours?

    1. I did once, when Basingstoke was having a festival and lamp posts around the town were garlanded with knitted flowers , a huge effort by the knit and natter group I belonged to back then.
      But over Christmas, the two post boxes in our village sported knitted and crocheted ‘hats’ with 3D Christmas trees, snowmen and Santa’s. They were a real talking point and very decorative. Funny thing is, no one knows who made them or crept out in the night to put them on the boxes!

    2. Our reindeer that Mr P crafted in his workshop & made up part of the commune's festive decorations aquired anonymous woollen knitted coats......

    3. I know someone who knitted a wreath for their sister’s funeral

    4. Now you mention it, I had seen some knitted/crocheted 'garments' around the trees in our central square.

    5. You are right Maryellen, but it did start with an Archers theme - Ross’s unusual art exhibition.

  7. Thanks GG! v apt.
    slithy tove that PM.

  8. I agree with Archerphile that the Moss situation is not being revealed in an obvious way. I would imagine that Kirsty would be kept informed of where Philip and Gavin are or maybe, as she's been under suspicion, the police would not inform her.
    I like the way David handled the Rex situation. He was prepared to forgive and let it go despite the damage the post has caused. Pip however is full of vengeance which I would have predicted.

  9. If Philip is in a remand prison and wants Shula to visit him then he's given her an address and his phone calls are monitored. He is allowed to inform someone of his arrest and have visitors.

  10. Two points :

    Agree we are being given the story in 'bits' but personally think that is realistic, in that, a number of stages of an investigation will happen without anyone outside of the investigative system being aware.

    My understanding is that a story line could and might be conceived well in advance of being revealed. Sometimes years.
    It may well be the case that even as far back as when P Moss arrived in the village **
    the slave issue was anticipated to develop in due course and possibly some time in the future. Modern slavery is not a very new issue, it has been rising in this country at least for well over a decade.

    ** there were many on this blog, and wider, who wondered why P M had appeared in Ambridge out of apparently nowhere, introduced as a new character and what the purpose of introducing him might be.
    Perhaps the answers to those questions are being revealed to us now.

  11. As to the ' horses' re the name Philip ( thank you GG ), wasn't one of the first facts revealed about P M that he was a member of the local hunt ?
    Clever ?

    1. Clever, in as much as ‘horses’ is a well known term for slave labourers. The SWs must have been doing their research into the subject quite early. I’d love to hear what Keri Davis might have to say about how the story was conceived and researched.

    2. Keri Davis has been prepared in the past to be forthcoming with information, so I think it might well be something he's prepared to talk to Roger Bolton about when Feedback next airs Archerphile.

  12. Jean Michel Basquiat was a Great Life on radio 4 a week ago and until then I knew nothing about him. Is this a coincidence that Vince mentioned his name and Russ was taken aback?
    As for Shula, she was expecting contrition where none was forthcoming, she didn't have the tools to deal with the situation.

    1. I think she did well not to let Philip wheedle her around.
      He is still playing the 'poor innocent me' card. Shula challenged that.
      He got Shula to visit by claiming a need for spiritual direction. Then he tells her he has no interest in God and no need for forgiveness.
      She was firm, she would not let herself be sidetracked, and she challenged his distorted version of events.

      And she's still in training. I dread to think how many things I could have handled better in my first few years of teaching. Wisdom comes with experience.

  13. I am warming to Vince, he put Russ in his place and I liked the warm way he spoke of Elizabeth.
    I think Shula was totally out of her depth, but I must admit Philip’s outburst at the end made me chuckle ( sometimes I’m not very nice)

  14. Yes, an interesting dramatic contrast between the two sisters (though admittedly very different situations): Shula, as OldWomaninAShoe says, refusing to be pushed by Philip, and Elizabeth succumbing straightway to Vince’s pushiness.

  15. I'm liking the Vince when with Elizabeth.
    Far more relaxed than the business man Vince. And much nicer.
    But then, I suppose most people are nicer when relaxed.

    1. He *seems* to have a real chemistry with Elizabeth. (So says the expert who thought Philip Moss was a nice guy ....)
      However, he first began to show an interest in David's sister when he learnt she lived in a stately home. A nice catch for a man like Vince. Does he know LL is held in trust for Freddie?

      I didn't like the way Ross was talking to Elizabeth today. Yes, she let him down over the knitting guy. But he sounded too much as though he owned the place and Lizzy was either a substandard employee or a wayward daughter.

      Come on Mrs Pargeter, remember who's in charge around here!

    2. Well put - that was exactly how Elizabeth was behaving!

  16. I thought that Shula shouldn’t succumb to Moss’s request for a visit. She was naive to think all he wanted was spiritual help.
    I wonder how Alan would have handled the interview and if he would have stormed out. Shula could face similar situations in the future and she will have to learn how to deal with characters such as Moss. Is she up to it?

  17. I think that's the first time I have heard a female character being called 'a cow!'

  18. Yes Spicy, I noticed that too.
    There is it seems a relaxation around Ambridge.
    Never a swear word to be heard !
    I thought I heard something recently, and then this ' cow' tonight.

  19. The obvious question to put to Philip was, where are the lads now, to which he would have replied as one does of animals, I found them a good home, and to take it from there.

    No, I don't like this rough diamond Vince, always saying, ah you think I'm plebs but I'm just as good as you are.

    1. I missed the "cow" last night, so just listened again, first Vince was taking her name in vain and then Philip lashing out.

    2. Yes Basia I was getting quite frustrated that she didn’t ask that question. I wanted to hear the reply “ I sold them on to one of the most cruel dealers in the business”. I do hope Gavin has not held back with the truth.

    3. That's what clinched it for Gavin, they were to be sold to the worst "handler" in the area and to be separated.

  20. I agree with OWIAS that I didn't like the way Russ spoke to Elizabeth. She and Vince did act like silly teenagers but he had no right to tell her off like that. He sounds so pretentious with his ideas. I imagine him dressed in a frilly shirt with long hair swanning around.

  21. What does Lily see in him? Shula would have been better not to have gone to see Philip if all she could do was to berate him. Although I understand her feelings about him, it would have been better in her position as vicar in waiting to be firm but not to come out with such a diatribe, Very difficult but essential qualities she should cultivate. I’m not sure about the Cow tab having listened to Philip’s parting shot a few times. It could have been cower or coward I thought.

  22. I'm sure Philips parting shot was COW.
    He will get nastier as things progress, hanging himself with his own rope !

    Agree Ev, Shula should and needs to more temperate in her speaking with such as PM.

    Anneveggie, I see Russ as still in his fairly tight short denim jacket.

    1. Fortunately, I don't see him at all. But I'm doing my best to forget the frilly shirt and long hair. Tight denim jackets I can live with (didn't Freddie find one in Lily's car?), I just hope he doesn't have jeans to match.

    2. It was a leather jacket. I don't see him either and don't like the way he sounds.

  23. I’m not at all sure about Shula’s chances of becoming a minister ( in reply to Maryellen comment earlier)
    She is going to have to grow a much thicker skin, and get use to being sworn at and abused verbally, though, hopefully, not physically. She could well be sent to a tough inner city parish where she could be dealing with damaged, difficult and very needy folk.
    Becoming a Vicar will not all be about holding someone’s hand in hospital, comforting the bereaved or attending jolly money-raising tea parties in villages like Ambridge.
    I’m not at all sure that leading a privileged life in a country village and having offered a homeless man accommodation for a while , will have fitted her for what she might have to face.

    1. You get damaged, difficult and very needy folk wherever you go.
      Holding someone's hand in hospital can be a tough job, especially if they're dying. 'Though OMiaS says it's also a great priviledge to be with them at such a time.
      Jolly money-raising teaparties are not as frequent as you might think.

      As I said, she's still in training. I think what most rattled her in her interview with Philip was when he challenged her about what *she* had done to support the homeless. Sadly, her answer would probably be echoed by most of us, 'Not enough.' Perhaps she will start volunteering at the local shelter, and make sure she takes that ministry with her into the parishes where she ends up serving.

    2. Oh yes, and she's CofE. So she won't be 'sent' anywhere. If there is a suitable vacancy for a curate in the Diocese she will be asked to consider it. If both the incumbent (vicar or rector) and the ordinand feel it's a good match, the curacy will go ahead. If no suitable parishes are available, she can be 'released' by the Diocese and allowed to look wider afield for a suitable training church.

      Later, when she has finished her curacy, it will be up to her to apply to a church - having found out about the vacancy through advertising, recommendation, or word of mouth.

      Whilst her curacy *could* be inner city, if it were felt her ministry would benefit from that experience, I would imagine she would prefer another country parish where she will be familiar with the way of life of her parishoners. Mind you, she'd be lucky to get a single parish like Ambridge - many country vicars find themselves looking after several widely spaced churches, all with small congregations. Perhaps Shula could keep a horse so she could ride between them.

    3. I think you are right OWiaS. The C of E vicar in charge here with the part time help of a retired vicar has 12 village churches to care for. How she does it I don't know. Absolutely ridiculous. If Shula did ride between churches she would be at home here where some of them still have the stable and stone mounting block outside.

    4. Sorry that should have been 8 not 12 in her care, but still too many.

  24. Owias, Yes, Shula was rattled by Philip's challenge about the worthy buying of a magazine to help the homeless.

  25. Having listened yet again, I agree with Ev, not sure about the cow.

  26. I was not liking, how Russ spoke to Elizabeth last night.
    I am still confused about where Philip is.
    Last week (thursday), he was visiting Greenacres to talk to Alistair + Jim. This week (also thursday), Shula is visiting him, whilst on remand.
    Have I missed something?

    1. Presumably he is being held on remand since Gavin has given more information on their activities to the police.

  27. OWIAS - I must apologise for my earlier post about Shula’s suitability to become ordained.
    I should not have presumed to comment on the matter, especially coming from my background.
    Having been brought up in the Jewish faith - what do I really know about the life of a Vicar, apart from what I have witnessed in the rural village where I live, which has a very active church and a very busy lady Vicar.
    I shall not comment on the subject again and I apologise for any annoyance I may have caused.

    1. I cannot comment either about Shula as to her suitability as to her ordination.
      I was brought up in a strict C of E family, but this was just a farce to me, as I have no faith.
      To my point of view, Shula is just deluded as to her vocation, to become a vicar. She will be much better at continuing to run The Stables, which is also a passion of hers.
      I hope she just wakes up, and re-thinks her future life and what she really wants to do and acheive.

    2. I also apologise, in advance, if I have upset others.
      It was not intentional.

    3. Archerphile - no apology needed. I was just pointing out that she's still a work in progress.
      Miriam - ditto. Very strict upbringings do have a tendency to put people off their parents' values. Doesn't 'vocation' rather pre-suppose the existence of a caller? : )

  28. Don't think you need to apologise Miriam. Nor you Archerphile.
    We all have different backgrounds, may have been raised with or in a faith background but we have also all been ' in the world' for a number of decades.
    We are all intitled to opinions.
    Quite a lot of us feel doubtful about Shulas vocation, if that is what it turns out to be.
    Some of us might have more informed opinions than others, but that should not discount the opinions of those with less relevant views.

  29. I think we're getting too serious and whatever the religion we are talking about Shula's human qualities in dealing with a conflict. Shula has a way to go yet if she wants to achieve her aim.

    1. Furthermore, it seems to me that Shula is in some way trying to atone for breaking her marriage vows. How will she be able to counsel couples in future about marriage being a lifelong commitment.

    2. I imagine her divorce was taken into account when she was accepted for ordination - but OfWomaninAShoe has much better knowledge of the situation than I have. Personally I have confidence in the judgment of the clerics supporting Shula, and in Shula herself. I wish her every success.

  30. As I said, Shula has a way to go yet. So far she condemned like the rest and withdrew with contempt. She could consider it her challenge to make Philip see the right way. We had this discussion here, he thinks he's done the lesser evil. He's been abandoned by his son, his new wife and Ambridge as a whole. Brian has already said but in different words: may he who's without a sin throw the first stone.

  31. I don't understand Vince's ridicule of Shula and her horse riding skills. He bought a pony for his daughter.

    1. He's just starting to realise just how much the horse is costing to keep ; )

  32. Regarding Vince’s very amusing put downs of Russ at the art gallery - just read elsewhere the idea that the 2 awful ‘derivative’ paintings dismissed by Vince of not being worthy of a place in the gallery, could have been painted by Russ himself?
    That would be the best put down of all!

    1. Then how to explain the presence of the artist at the meeting at which Elizabeth (whom Vince had got drunk) behaved so badly? Two-faced Vince
      enjoys undermining people, especially those who might have some influence with Elizabeth. Hence his carefully set up undermining of Russ. What an unpleasant piece of work - brought in to fill the Matt Crawford slot, I assume.

    2. The artist at the meeting was the one who does knitted displays and was looking for a commission to exhibit. The other paintings which Vince called poor imitations of Jean Michel Basquiat, making Russ gasp at his knowledge, must have been hanging there for some time.
      I haven't liked Vince from the start, he undermined Shula's business as well.

    3. Thank you for explaining that point Basia. Even Russ said they were awful paintings which is why it was thought he might have been hiding the fact that they were his own!

    4. Oh yes, Basia, you’ve put me right about who was at the meeting, but epains how Vince would have had time to mug up on the origin of the paintings he criticised. What a snake! As for Russ painting them, what a silly idea, glad it wasn’t yours, Archerphile!

    5. Vince said art was his favourite subject at school, hence his knowledge.

    6. Yes, I heard him say that - I don’t think doing art at school necessarily leads to the sort of knowledge he was claiming, and in any case he may have been lying.

    7. I have to say, it did cross my mind that the pictures could have been by Russ. After all, he was an art teacher and he did do that installation last year - all that tape onn the floor.

      I shall now go and sit in the corner with Archerphile's friend. Anyone got a spare dunce's cap?

  33. One thought that struck me this morning. Kirsty knows the lads were sold on, she said so to Lee ( or possibly Helen) so why is she looking on the streets, they’re going to be hidden away in some grotty flat or caravan.

    1. I would say KP, that the answer to your question is that Kirsty Miller Moss is not very bright. She works on emotional instinct alone.
      Emotional instinct is good IMO, but does need to be tempered with considered reality.
      Kirsty rarely considers reality at all.

    2. I had thought the same at the time Kirsty said it but it may be that the homeless on the streets have seen the lads in passing, that's why she carries their pictures (how did she get those?) to see if anyone recognises them. The reasoning must be that either she finds them or she finds herself in trouble, whatever has been decided.

    3. Kirsty used a photo she had of Philip which had the lads in the background, though not very easy to see, she said.

  34. An excellent Point of View on Radio 4 at 8.48 this morning by Rebecca Stott this morning on the power of slow storytelling. It focused on The Archers and the Rob and Helen story, which converted her to the programme.

    1. Thanks for heading that up ME.
      I usually listen but was pleased to have the programme pointed out.
      As you said, excellent.

  35. On listening to the Omnibus this mornong.
    I now know the answer to my confusion, which was how Philip is now on remand. I also know why - my home-made meat pie which was in the oven, was starting to overcook.
    I hope that Gavin has handed himself in. He can tell all, even though he is incriminating himself, but it will bring Philip to justice, but most importantly, he can the info. about the workers.
    This might lead the police to not only find them, but also others Buyers + Sellers in this awful business.

    But then, Philip might have made that up, to keep Shula on-side, with sympathy expected.

    1. Philip did say that Gavin had done that Miriam. Philip furious that Gavin had ditched his Dad.

    2. But is it true?
      We only have Philip's word for this so far.
      I am not yet convinced re Gavin giving himself up.
      I hope he has though.

  36. To add.
    Russ is even less now likeable to me - with his whingeing about his + Lily's life, both before and now.
    I just don't trust him and also I do not like how he talks to Lizzie.
    She is his boss after all, whilst giving him a job, a wonderful home to live in free of charge
    Vince though, is starting to see him in a different way and questioning him, as to his Art Gallery extravaganza.
    I am suddenly liking Vince, who can help and support Lizzie, and is not the scoundrel, that I once thought he was.
    He seems a solid person, running a profitable enterprise and knows how to do this.
    But then, didn't Philip?

  37. As to Brian.
    I just feel that he is just not the right person, to take over from Justin. He seems to be floundering a bit.
    My simplistic and personal idea only, is this...
    Debbie is to re-locate back to Ambridge, to then take on this position, in a temporary position.
    She can do this, along with a clash with Adam and Brian, yet again.
    It would give another dynamique to both Home Farm and BL.

    As said, my individual idea, only 😨 🙉😩

    1. Could be a nice idea, but I can't see Tamsin Greig ever coming back permanently.

    2. I like the idea too Miriam but like ex-Londoner I don't think it's likely.
      Tamsin Greig has paid a huge compliment to TA in returning a number of times to do the odd spot of returning from Hungary to visit or having telephone conversations with various members of the family.
      She has paid her loyalty in bucketloads, and might continue to do so ad infinitum, but I suppose there are limits.
      ( also, could the TA budget afford her ? )

    3. Good point Mrs P. I expect Tamsin Greig could command very high fees these days as a highly sought after actress. The odd guest appearance yes, but not a full time role I think.
      Which reminds me, when did we hear from another busy (before Covid) actor, David Troughton, ie. Tony Archer?

    4. I think lockdown has hit all actors, well-known or not, and they are more ‘available’ than they were before. Besides, the part could always be recast. But the reasons invented to keep the character abroad (very attractive job prospects and compelling personal relationships ) are the same reasons it makes it difficult to bring her back convincingly. Maybe if she became sole inheritor of Home Farm?

  38. Brian Aldridge is and always has been a very successful businessman (before they re-wrote him.) He diversified his agricultural business by introducing a 'new' stock of deer to cater for the venison market. He developed the lake on Home Farm land to a Trout Fishing 'experience,' and a riding course with help and custom from Shula, if I remember correctly.
    He has been the chairman of Borchester Land before Justin ousted him and there is no reason why he shouldn't successfully take over the reins. I see no evidence of him 'floundering.'

    I have just checked on Imdb about David Troughton and actually he has done little over the past five years. One Shakespeare play a year in '16,'17,'18 and a short (15 mins) horror film in 2019. Goodness only knows where that was broadcast, I can't find it anywhere.
    There were four appearances in the mini-series 'Life' which seems to be an Amazon production. He has just completed another 'short' but has not yet been released. In view of that we may get some more of him in the next few weeks?

    1. He also had a leading role in the 2016 film "The Levelling" where he played.... a farmer. Mark Kermode gave it five stars.

  39. As the subject of Brian Aldridge has cropped up, here is my latest verse. It may not amuse others but it made a change from the Guardian crossword!

    Brian Aldridge is a clot
    Am I wrong? Too right, I’m not!
    Since he was a tiny tot,
    Squirming in his little cot,
    What he wanted, Brian got.
    In midlife he lost the plot,
    First his marriage vows forgot,
    (Jenny should have done a trot),
    Then caught housing toxic grit.
    Unable to condone this blog,
    BL dropped him like a shot
    And Kirsty treated him like snot.
    His children are a dismal lot,
    Kate, accused of talking rot,
    Alice, verging on a sot,
    While Rory who is misbegot
    Fills the public schoolboy slot
    (Not type that’s called a swot,
    Now he’s doing who knows wot.)
    But Great Scot! a change of plot
    Finds Bri in the seat that’s hot
    At Berrow Farm, the piggy spot,
    Where he’ll quietly go to pot.
    Do I care much? Not a jot!
    Signed and sealed on the dot,,

    1. I was amused Maryellen, but most of all I admire your effort.

    2. Sorry, grit should read grot, and blog should be blog. Any other ‘ot’ rhymes welcome!

  40. If I could do anything similar Maryellen I would be immensely pleased with myself.
    Thank you for the amusement.

  41. Amusing Maryellen.
    Has anyone seen Tamsin Greig in Episodes on Netflix? I agree with others that I can't see Tamsin coming back to TA full time now. She is an excellent actress.

    1. Yes, Episodes is not for the narrow minded but we enjoy it! Her facial expressions are legendary and yes, she is an excellent actress.

  42. Replies
    1. I really like the name Erin. This came from The Waltons.
      Brookfield reminds me of this. Jill, David, Ruth with Pip, Josh and Ben. They all do their own thing, as to lives.
      Or should that be Grange Farm. This is Eddie, Clarrie, Will, Ed and Emma plus George, Keira, Poppy etc?

  43. Maryellen.
    I agree with you 100% in one way.
    This is that now:-
    "Brian, is a clot".
    Plus, does he know anything about re-wilding? His grand-daughter Pheobe, is very involved, so it will be interesting, as she can do no wrong, in his eyes.

    1. Could a bit of nepotism become to the fore?
      I will be interested to hear if Brian, as the new BL board representative, can remain impartial, and so look at things, in a purely impartial way.

  44. Phoebe said not to rock the boat and ask about Okie Bank but the impulsive Rex did just that and it seems that Pip has reconsidered pulling it, under Ruth's influence.
    That flirt Steph, she wasn't by any chance the one who deflowered Freddie at the festival and he can't remember? That energetic aria, Queen of the Night was in the background.
    Why do I keep thinking that Phoebe is another of Brian's daughters, perhaps because she's closer in age to Alice than to Ruairi, I'll have to check.

    1. It's because she is only 4 years older than Ruairi (and ten years younger than Alice).

    2. So what's the age difference between Alice and Kate then ?

    3. I think Kate was born in 1977 and Alice in 1988

  45. Great poem Maryellen ......I particularly liked the use of ‘misbegot’, it made me chuckle.

  46. I’ve just realised it’s Burns night, but where was Jazzer piping in the Haggis? It’s an annual event I look forward too.
    And don’t give me any nonsense about Covid - it doesn’t seem to stop other things happening in Ambridge!

  47. Pip really is rather unpleasant, but at least she hasn't had a personality transplant.

    1. That’s true! Her decision to take Oakley Bank out of the rewilding scheme, therefore making it almost impossible to continue, was just plain revenge, even Ruth pointed that out to her. Apart from possibly putting paid to an environmental scheme she was so keen on, back at the beginning. What’s happened to her ‘save the environment’ principles. The phrase ‘cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face comes to mind.

    2. So if Oakey Bank comes back to Brookfield, Josh could have it for his hens, freeing up Hollowtree for re-letting to the Fairbrothers. Apart from a couple of episodes in which Phoebe goes off the decibel scale, and Rex is wracked by moral dilemma, what’s not to like?

  48. A bit of doggerel on the Brian theme:

    Brian clot or not?

    Although I hesitate to sing his praises
    Brian’s life has been through many phases
    Casanova, businessman
    Wily dealer - he’s your man.
    But inside that hard exterior
    Breaths a human, kinder soul
    Accepted Adam and dear Debbie
    Shirketh not a stepdad’s role.
    Yet females proved to be his downfall
    Once he set out to seduce
    Marital vows are long forgotten
    Moral values seem rather loose!

    But where would Jenny be without him?
    Who’d David turn to for advice?
    And I would miss his smart one-liners
    We’ll let him have a bit more life!

    1. Yes, it’s odd how often BA’s one liners are cited as his saving grace, yet we’ve been missing them for quite a while - or can anyone remind me of a recent one? ( I mean, actually quote one?)

    2. PS. The one line I remember, said of his family before an important farm business meeting, was: They always come round to my view in the end”. Chilling.

    3. Brian is so unscrupulous but never boring! He has so often been a topic of conversation on blogs. He thinks others come round to his view because it is the right one. We usually know better! Life is never dull with Brian. Charles Collingwood comes across as a thoroughly likeable chap who must love playing such a less than delightful character.

    4. Not because his view is necessarily right but because it’s what he wants. He’s had a lifetime of getting what he wants - until the toxic waste scandal caught up with him. Hurrah for that!

  49. Pip was so imperious that she hadn’t made her mind up about that vital bit of land which could make or break the rewilding project so in other words she has quit but still holds the cards. How uncaring and selfish!

  50. So many thoughts about Ambridge and its residents.
    TBH, I will accept any S/L at the moment, as TA is still being broadcast, to entertain us all in whatever way.

    Yes, I have my own thoughts + ideas, but in this time, I just accept my TA "fix".
    Well done all involved. 👏👏

    I hope that Ambridge is kept as normal as possible, without the latest rules + regulations becoming too prevalent, and so changing the current Ambridge Tales. I just personally, need this escapism with its hints of normality.

    1. Susan has just been appointed chair of BL
      Russ is preparing for his forthcoming solo exhibition at the Tate
      Lynda's llammas have made it onto Britain's Got Talent with their tap dancing routine
      Ed Grundy has just won the Rollover Jackpot
      Joy is doing a sponsored silence until Christmas
      Alice is having quads
      Triffids have been found growing on the Rewilding land
      Ruth is cooking a pizza from scratch

      Any good?
      Second thoughts, the last one might be a little too far-fetched

  51. A lot packed in: Elizabeth might believe in redemption but not when it's too close to home, I wonder what Lynda would feel. Tom keeping it from Natasha about his proposed night prowling with Kirsty. Becoming a nun could be perceived as an easier option, withdrawing from active life and being provided for. It's much harder living in a society and being constantly judged.

  52. Oh Tom !
    Why can't you ever be upfront and tell the truth ?

  53. In their interchange at the end of Monday’s episode, I think Rex has put Pip on the back foot. After they agreed to leave it until they started making a profit before settling a rent, Rex suggests that Pip informs the solicitor of the change in the relationship . It was clear that Pip hadn’t thought of finalising the split and made her realise the implications of her rather impetuous decision to leave. IMO it wasn’t just Rex’s texts but Brian’s comments praising Phoebe that influenced her actions.
    Also, I predict that Rex and Pip will be a couple within 3 years.

    1. Yes I felt the same as you Soz.
      Rex really floored her with that comment didn't he.

      And I've always said they will end up together. Glad someone else agrees with me.

    2. What are you basing your prediction n? Pip has never shown any interest in Rex and his early spark of interest in her has long fizzled out. So, it seems, has his interest in Rosie.

    3. I was one of those who said that Pip would have an affair with Toby and marry Rex. No basis, just the numbers game, but I'm no longer sure. After breaking up with Toby Pip said to Rex: I chose the wrong brother, I don't think she knew she was pregnant. When Robin Fairbrother gave Rex the family ring I said it'd end up on Pip's finger. All the same, a repeat scenario of a girl torn between two brothers?

    4. Just because he hasn’t mentioned Rosie in a while, what makes you think he has lost interest in her? We don’t always hear what goes on in the background.

      (Maryellen, I posted that comment, tongue in cheek, because it is just the sort of comment you have made in the past when someone has criticised Toby.....hope you will take it with the sense of humour in which it was meant!)

    5. We haven’t heard that Rex currently has an ongoing relationship (man or woman) either, but as “we don’t always hear”, he could have one. Admittedly unlikely, as he doesn’t seem to be much of a catch. (Sense of humour in short supply while I battle with almost overdue tax return!)

    6. PS. My good opinion of T❤️O❤️B❤️His based on what I *have* heard.

    7. Sorry to intrude at such a stressful time ME - thankfully I don’t have to battle with those wretched things any longer. Hope you’ll get through it soon. Though I think heard that the Gvt. aren’t going to impose fines for late returns this year ‘due to the circumstances’’

    8. Off topic I know but cannot be helped. Tax return, Maryellen - Me too. Announced yesterday - deadline extended to 28th Feb!
      However I am determined to complete by Saturday otherwise situation will be the same on 27th Feb!

    9. Joyful news, Spicycushion!! Agree with every syllable of your last sentence. When was income tax last mentioned in Ambridge (if ever)? That’s a bit of escapism I could heartily embrace!

    10. And what about VAT returns? Have these ever been talked about in Ambridge, which are a nightmare to do, as to what rate goods are classed at what rate.
      Does Susan do these in the Village Shop?
      Perhaps Jim does.

    11. Off topic as to TA, but thanks to my clever FA advisor, I have a good monthly income, which is totally tax-free!

  54. Nigel was so clever as to his will, which he already had in place, when he suddenly became no more. I still hate this 😵
    He was so clever to protect LL and as such, to avoid any inheritance tax to be paid.
    It now depends on Freddie and the Trustees, as to what Nigel planned and wanted, and will this actually happen.
    This could be an intersting future S/L.

    1. The worst case scenario, is that Vince becomes "Lord of the Manor" of LL.
      Very silly yes, and I agree, but it could actually happen in a future time. 🙉

  55. That meeting with Phoebe between Brian and Justin was simply ridiculous.
    And when Elizabeth said sorry Shula pretending she thought it was about interrupting her lunch, but actually we do say the silliest things when embarrassed. Anyway, we said it was a challenge for her but she would be silly to give up at the first hurdle.

  56. Basia, I'm not so sure that this is the first hurdle, or if it is, it's had several elements to it.
    First she badly handled the phone call from P Moss, then balked at speaking to him again and had that very aukward conversation with Alan about speaking to Philip or not.
    I think she had doubts quite some time ago, and has been thinking her way towards tonight's confession to her sister.

    1. Yes, I agree, the whole 'Philip' dilemma has made Shula reconsider her options, as Alan said some sins are harder to forgive than others. Like some I feel that Shula is better suited to running the stables and perhaps lending a kind ear or doing a kind deed. On the other hand is she giving up too soon? Personally I'd rather she abandoned the whole idea, but from the point of view of TA perhaps she should try harder.

    2. Completely agree Esscee, but Shula and Alan are Cof E not Methodist.
      My own thoughts precisely this evening.
      To such an extent I googled Deaconess and then emailed the organisation of the web site to ascertain whether it was possible to find some details of my childhood memories of such a woman who had great influence on me as a child.

  57. I am warming more and more towards Freddie. After his disastrous teenage years he seems to be developing into a really nice young man.
    Well done Freddie, do try not to get knocked off course again. (And especially beware Steph!)

  58. Can anyone remind me when Shula became licensed as a lay reader? That’s passed me by.

  59. I never disliked Freddie, even when he was at his most irresponsible.
    I always believed that his behaviour was youthful mistakes.

  60. Interesting to hear two young people taking control of awkward situations involving people far older than themselves. Freddie dealing with the rift between Shula and his mother in a sensitive but firm way; Phoebe taking the lead in the meeting between her grandfather and Justin with great assurance. It’s good to see Freddie behaving so maturely - though I’m not so sure he will be able to cope with Steph so wisely.

  61. My thoughts too, Soz! Clearly Freddie and Phoebe should pair up and give us a repeat of the Elizabeth/Nigel partnership at Lower Loxley. Meantime, do I gather Brian has replaced Pip as the ‘farmer’ component of the rewilding project?

  62. As well as admiring Freddie’s diplomacy last night, I also thought Phoebe handled the ‘dinosaurs’ very well too. Justin and Brian were both trying to throw their weight about but she was having none of it. If the rewilding project is going to succeed it will be down to her efforts.

    Perhaps she should let Peggy and the administrators know what’s going on though, especially about the change of personnel working on the project. Not that I think they would disapprove, but just as a matter of courtesy.

  63. I cannot agree more. Well done Freddie and Phoebe for putting those "dinosaurs" in their places.

  64. I'm wondering how old Phoebe is? She spoke with huge confidence but her voice sounds so young. I agree with others that Freddie is turning into a good lad after a bad start. He did the right thing in bringing his Mum and Shula together and in such a sensible caring way.

    1. Pheobe's not that long out of Oxford so early mid 20s I think.

      I'm so glad more people are looking at Freddie in a good light. He's seems to be destined to be Nigel's true heir. Nigel of the 'Mr Blobby'? ice cream van and the gorilla suit and enthusiastically embracing fun + eventually flair and hard work. We were all so, so sad to lose him. It's just possible that this Actor/Freddie could do it.

    2. You're right Janet. Phoebe was born 28th June 1998. I like Freddie's character but I'm afraid I don't like his whiney voice. It doesn't have enough gravitas when he's speaking seriously, for me anyway.
      By the Way I may have missed others welcomng you but welcome from me!

  65. Peggy financed the re-wilding scheme to £500,000. Perhaps she should have a say as to how it is going, as to her dream to bring Ambridge back to how she knew it.
    Do the "threesome" get a salary from this project.
    If not, is dad Roy keeping Phoebe or does she have anot another income source, not heard about
    She has an Oxford degree, after all, so is she utilising this.

    So many questions. Perhaps others can give some answers, which I do not know.

  66. Pheobe age, surely she is only 22 or 23 years. Not sure.

  67. I am loving both Freddie + Lizzie at this moment in time in TA.
    Lizzie. This is for just her having some well deserved fun for once, and Freddie, for starting to understand his Dad, Nigel, as to what LL.means.

    All I wish for is the demise of Russ, who is a leach and is not worthy of either his paid job, or Lily's partner. She deserves better. The rosy glasses must surely be fogged up by now.

    1. I agree with you Miriam - Russ seems truly a hanger on. The SWs give him good ways to go sometimes, as in Liz's depression and, seemingly a genuine artistic sense but What joy does he give Lily? She can be a shining star. I wonder if the SW's haven't quite decided about him as they didn't, for a long time, about Philip M.

  68. Welcome Janet Elwin.
    Are you the person previously calling herself Janet ?
    She posted once or twice a month or so ago.

    If you are a different Janet and haven't posted before..... then welcome on board.

    1. Hi MrsP, I posted back in the old days of the BBC website, always occasionally and now occasionally here. You all give so much of interest - Love the Archers and have listened, for the last few years all the time, since, probably, before 1970. I don't know how I'm going to appear now as Google seems to be calling me Janet, which in lots of ways I prefer, or Janet Elwin which is a little too obvious? xxx

  69. Gosh. Is Pheobe only 22!
    Thanks Spicy for her date of birth.
    She certainly is vocal and opiniated.

  70. Kirsty and Natasha bonding...
    Better not mention the other bond/age...

  71. Well done Freddie for not being drawn in.
    Many of his age would not have the maturity to know how to say NO !

    And realistically he and his twin could laugh about it.
    Good for them not turning it into a drama.

    1. Young Fred certainly has a way with late-middle aged women (I’m thinking of Lynda too). I suspect he is scared of younger specimens (Lily excepted).

  72. Welcome from me too Janet. How lovely to have another old friend from the BBC blog day’s joining in.

    Well, I really don’t know how to react - threesomes being talked about in The Archers, whatever next?!

    And I’n not at all sure why Natasha has taken
    It upon herself to help Kirsty search for the lads. Is it out of sheer kindness and concern or is she trying to keep Tom away from Kirsty?
    I just wish she would persuade Kirsty to stop this nightly street walking before she gets attacked or hurt or arrested.

  73. I don’t think she wants to keep Tom away from Kirsty. There seems to be much more to Natasha than what we were aware of when she first arrived in Ambridge. I liked the way she didn’t judge Kirsty, simply suggested a plan and got on with it. There are those who talk about what should or shouldn’t happen and there are those who just “ get stuck in” and help. I thought there were signs that she had made Kirsty more aware of the danger she was putting herself in.

  74. I agree with you Soz.
    We've had glimpses of Natasha's back story before, but tonight we were given a bit more.
    Perhaps the flighty high spending 'Tash is a front for the trauma or hurt she is hiding.
    Or maybe they are at last thinking up a back story to flesh her out.
    I predict she will go along with Kirsty for a few days, while at the same time weaning her off the idea of finding the boys. Or at least this way of finding them.
    A far better idea would be to visit Philip inside and persuade him to tell her where he has 'parked' them.

    1. Gavin would be a better bet as he knows where the boys are but maybe he has already told the police. Kirsty wouldn’t be informed of this I don’t think. Philip selling them on would certainly blow his tale of taking them in out of the kindness of his heart! I think Kirsty is in shock about the situation and feeling she has to do something is floundering around trying to find the boys. It is a dangerous road.

  75. If Shula is questioning, again, if she should become a priest then I would have thought the answer is blindingly obvious!

    1. Surely it's better to admit her concerns and work through the implications than to pretend she's 100% confident and just plough on regardless.
      Haven't we all had doubts about our suitability for a particular role at one time or another?

    2. To me Shula sounded like and admonishing headmistress. I have very little interest in religion, except for personal use, however I'd like her to persevere.

  76. Natasha invited Henry and Jack to cheer up Tom and left them to their baked potatoes.
    I'm surprised she didn't change out of her leather soled shoes or she wanted to give herself more authority. Far from weaning her off she's actively encouraging Kirsty. She has a plan and kept repeating, not yet. Ah, just thought, she might rope Tom in as well.

  77. I think I'm back as Janet Elwin again!!!

    Absolutely loved the bond developing between Natasha and Kirsty. The latter has suffered so much at the hands of Tom - twice - maybe three times if you count the, late, miscarriage Tom seems a heel in sheep's clothing.

    Gavin is the lad who should find the sadly named "horses'. This should, in no way, be put on Kirsty and the, much improved, Natasha. I hope Gavin will tell the authorities where they are, he knows the woman who had control of their 'wellbeing' Victoria?? The queen by all accounts wasn't a great mum either.

    1. I don’t think you can attribute Kirsty’s miscarriage to Tom. She deliberately got herself pregnant by him without him knowing fatherhood was on the cards, and made her decision about what would happen without consulting him. He supported her as much as she would allow him to, and also suffered from the loss of his child. Kirsty herself has since said that she brought the wedding day debacle about. So there’s a case for saying Tom has suffered at the hands of Kirsty.

    2. Maryellen I don't disagree - It wasn't Tom's fault - never is one person or the other but how amazing was it that she could return to Ambridge or have a 'one night stand' with Tom and that he'd go along with it. That girl loved him. She howled at her 'wedding' - he knew that and should, most certainly, left her alone. He'd picked her up after dumping her after his unfortunate affair with Brenda?

      I didn't quite articulate this to myself at the time but how do you make this better or work a relationship out with such a person - Tom's shallow and self obsessed and I think the SWs are underlining this with showing him not going to help Kirsty in her search and reinventing Natasha as a really strong honourable lady. For herself Kirsty should have made a new life somewhere else. That would not be good for us as she's excellent value as a character but
      She goes on and on forgiving him and accepting his help/baby. I'm speechless that Tom was OK with Natashia doing something he, Helen and Lee had been unhappy with. ie looking for the poor lads on the streets. Dammed upsetting and possibly dangerous work. Tom is a coward unless his future is compromised ie the wedding. His recent relations with a good, if misguided person, Kirsty, have made him one of my most disliked members of the team - not the actor - not his fault but my word, this is not a role model for Helen's kids.
      Come on Lee you're a good egg aren't you?

    3. Sorry Maryellen I'm a feather brain and didn't see that you said that Kirsty brought about the debacle of the wedding day.

      No idea if she said it later but I don't think she did as she was delirious with joy at the prospect of being taken around the village on a cart to marry him. Don't think she did any thing wrong except to dearly love a man who seems incapable of any kind of depth of feeling - so far 🤗. Tom went to ask Peggy what he should do and she said he should tell her sooner rather than later. This was advice Tom ignored until the service.

    4. She did escalate the wedding with expensive dress, lots of guests and looking for posh venues for the reception. Maybe she thus blamed herself for
      Tom’ s cold feet. He was a cad though leaving it until the day to pull out. Like most of us there are two sides to Kirsty, the toughness and the vulnerability. I hope she does find happiness, I should think she is off marriage for life but there are many other ways to fulfilment.

    5. The point was (as Kirsty herself admitted some years later) that she was so obsessed with the wedding arrangements that she failed to notice that her groom to be was becoming increasingly stressed. If she had been aware enough, the situation could have been averted. I assume that after getting Peggy’s advice, Tom spent the night agonising and broke under the strain. He’s better off with Natasha who’s a lot brighter than Kirsty.

    6. But, since Natasha is now a nicer person, is she, Natasha, better off with lily livered Tom?

  78. I must admit that when Freddy made his revelation the first thought that went through my head was 'I wonder what Gary's heading photo on the next post will be'

  79. I am intrigued with, both the ongoing Ambridge stories, plus those now being added it.
    I refer to Natasha, as I am yet another one, who thinks that she has a history, still to be told.
    I know that I have made a comment about this before. This was to do with the credit cards debts and a husband, not yet mentioned.

    1. I still think that Joy also has, a secret history + background.
      This revolves around her, very absent, daughter and grand-kids. Do they actually exist?

  80. All of the computers in my house are being upgraded today so please forgive me if I am unable to open a new blog before this one reaches 200 comments. I don't know if I can open a new one using this tablet, but I'll give it a go!

  81. Just wanted to say that I saw Natasha in such a different light after she'd proved to be much nicer than I'd thought. Her motives for helping Kirsty seem genuine and she is optimistic which Kirsty could do with at the moment.
    How tacky of Steph! Yuck was my thought on this topic.

    1. Yes tacky is just the right word. Her behaviour is not typical of most brides to be! ‘Like daughter like father’ sincerely hope not.

    2. I think that Natasha knows more about searching the streets, than she is telling Kirsty.
      I only say this, which are my thoughts only, as she seems to be very supportive and friendly, also seemingly to understand Kirsty's dilemma.
      When were they such companions previously - I am not sure, but at least Kirsty is not roaming the streets alone.
      I thought it would be either Roy or Tom, helping Kirsty out, not Natasha.

    3. Did Vince put Stef up to it???

    4. Hadn’t thought of that. Yes, it could be him getting his own back for that first meeting with the twins.

    5. Hadn’t thought of that Maryellen. It could be Vince getting his own back for the way he was treated first time he met the twins.

  82. I am liking Vince and the newly introduced, "tacky" Steph.
    At least they are bringing a bit of light-hearted fun, into TA.
    Some might not like them, but I just accept anything, which is even slightly different and silly.
    I realise, I listen to TA differently, but that's part of Ambridge Life for me.
    I so 👏👏 👏 it.

    1. How I wish Russ would just pack his bags and leave LL.
      I think that Vince might help with this.
      Lily needs to start her life again, in whatever way she chooses.
      She is too young to tied down, with him.

  83. Hadn’t thought of that Maryellen. You may well be right. Vince getting his own back for the way the twins treated him when they first met.


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