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Life in Ambridge




    EvJanuary 8, 2021 at 10:12 PM
    If Shula isn’t ready yet she never will be. Being a vicar is more than just preaching a nice sermon. They need to have an empathy for all who need them. In spite of Philip’s offences she should not have bypassed his call. She can’t confine her interactions just with nice people. I sound judgemental but being a vicar is far outside my capabilities but Shula does aspire to the position and should step up to the plate!

    OldWomanInAShoe - January 8, 2021 at 11:15 PM
    Another thing, Shula is a potential prosecution witness. Remember how strictly Helen's contact with family was policed after her arrest. Trainee vicar or no, she would still need to be cautious.
    BTW even vicars are allowed time off duty, and to use answerphones. Philip could always have left a message. Then Shula would have had time to reflect and prepare herself before calling him back, or passing the message on to the police if necessary. Given the circumstances, I suspect this would be a wiser response than answering his call as soon as he rang.

    MrsP Ambridge - January 8, 2021 at 11:50 PM
    I agree that it would have been best to not answer, get a message and then to have called Philip back, after some reflection.
    But I suspect that the scene we heard between Shula and Alan, was designed to show us, as I think it showed Alan, ( if he needed to be shown ) that Shula is not made of the best material for the cloth.
    Of course there is too as explained by Old W the potential for her to step up to the plate as a witness. If she does speak with Philip she may well be compromised.

    OldWomanInAShoe - January 9, 2021 at 12:13 AM
    Of course, Shula looked to *her* vicar for guidance. And got very little.

    1. Yes, I thought Alan was being strangely unhelpful, but concluded that it was for dramatic reasons, ie. creating a Thursday evening ‘will she, won’t she’ and ‘what’s he up to’ cliffhanger.

      It struck me that the reason we hear so little of St Stephen’s now is that Borsetshire has a 4-day-only week and Sunday no longer features on the Ambridge calendar. Unless the previous status quo is restored, there will be no village cricket either!

    2. You are right Maryellen. And no chance to hear how Tracy performs as ACC Captain!
      That would be a huge loss for us cricket lovers!

  2. I think Shula would have been secretly thrilled to get a call from Philip. It would have served two purposes for her - given her something to do AND put her at the heart of the action. She could then make it ALL about her - HER feelings, HER misgivings, HER advice, HER ad nauseam....

    1. I thought it was Helen that does that Gary! Or perhaps there are two Me-me-me women in the village?

  3. Hasn't Mr Moss gone missing? Shula should report the call to the police so they can track him via his mobile phone.
    There again, they probably ought to have tried that already. (He must be using his old number, or Shula would not have known who was calling.)

  4. I thought it was Gavin that had gone missing, and his dad given bail.

    1. I knew Gavin was missing. But I thought Philip had skipped bail and done a runner. I'm obviously not paying enough attention - that or I'm dreaming extra episodes to fill the gaps on Fridays and Sundays.

      (When Covid is done and dusted, will we return to our 6 episodes a week or will Auntie Beeb use the current status quo as an excuse to permanently cut our permiited time to eavesdrop in Ambridge?)

  5. Alan told Shula she should decide for herself. She was asking in desperation whether Philip would call again, when she's ready. She can always reach out to him.
    She was concerned that Alan said to forgive the perpetrators.
    She didn't report Rob's assault on a hunt saboteur and felt remorseful.
    She did make time for Jazzer being late for her appointment with the bishop.

  6. I did not view Alan's response to Shula to be failing her.
    I rather felt that he was pointing out to her that SHE needed to make this decision for herself, precisely to enable her to practice her emotional and pastoral abilities, rather than ask another to do the thinking and reflecting for her.
    I suspect that Alan, just like us, does not think Shula is a suitable candidate to become a vicar.

    1. I thought it was a matter of Alan advising Shula (a parishioner who had turned to him for advice) on how to come to a decision, not what the decision should be. This he failed to do, so not a priestly role model on this occasion.

  7. Alan said it was the time to show love and understanding for others.
    When Shula asked why Philip was calling HER, Alan replied, you could ask him.

  8. I am also very confused, as to why Philip would call Shula.
    I do not know what he hopes to try and acheive, by doing this

    1. Presumably to put his side of the story to someone he hopes will provide a sympathetic ear to this poor, misunderstood philanthropist.That or he's wondering how much his hunt subscription is this year. Too much to hope that he's seen the error of his ways and he's phoning to tell Shula where to find the 'horses'.

    2. Perhaps to get a message to Kirsty?

  9. Could Philip have seen the error of his ways and wanted to ask Shula if God can forgive him? Nah, don't think so. Why was he calling though, wrong number?

  10. It being Sunday and I, with luck, am about to make it onto a little Zoom service from Forrabury Rectory, it has occurred to me that the reason Shula is not ready to be a vicar is because her response is still to ask others for advice, and to rabbit on about what she should be doing, when she should be stilling herself and seeking an answer internally from her God/Holy Spirit. For those of you who are atheists/agnostics just replace those words with deeper consciousness/ inner wisdom or somesuch, although I personally think there is a link to something outside ourselves. Better go!

  11. You put it in a better way than me Janice.
    But that was I felt about Alan's response.
    He was trying to tell her to think her own way through her conundrum.

    1. He did more than that, he said forgiveness, love, understanding.
      "Why is he calling me?"
      "You could ask him?"
      "I'm not ready for this, but he'll call again?"
      You can call him when you're ready Shula.

    2. It took reading your comment Basia before I got Alan's double layered meaning.

    3. Janice, do you really think it is double layered? When you listen it sounds straightforward, answer the phone and see what he wants.

    4. Well I was thinking of Alan in the context of him being a mentoring vicar and the thinking that would be natural to him, and him looking at what else Shula might subconciously be asking:

      Why is He calling me?
      You could ask Him.
      I'm not ready for this, but He'll call again?
      You can call Him when you're ready Shula.

      Perfect mentoring.

    5. I see what you mean and by the way the last sentence was mine and not a quote but it would fit, yes it could be as you say or as ME said we're reading too much into it.

  12. Just heard (in the Omnibus) Shula say ‘I’m not ready for this’ regarding Philips phone call.
    Surely this indicates that she is not ready for the responsibilities of being ordained too?

    Sorry if this échos comments above but it just struck me very forcibly that she is floundering.
    I hope Alan took note.

  13. I think Alan was taking note Archerphile, and has been all along.
    As I said yesterday, I think, that we, the listener along with Alan too, do not feel that Shula is 'ready'.

    1. Must admit I was not listening too closely to the Alan/Shula conversation the other night.
      It only sank in hearing it this the bath!

  14. It could be that people are reading too much into this, ie. Shula’s current readiness for eventual ordination, and Alan’s perceived opinion of her (possibly reflecting their own long -standing opinion of Shula). I only heard a woman whose shock at the revelation of a very different Philip from the one she thought she knew, was still raw and affecting her confidence in her own judgment. I can easily identify with that.

    Thinking again about Alan’s response, it may not have been as unhelpful as I first thought. By putting the onus back on her every time, he was in effect indicating his confidence in her and her ability to sort the situation without his intervention. So with that confidence boost, I reckon Shula will be back on track.

    1. Thank you for that different POV Maryellen and your possible change of mind.
      You've succeeded in inviting me to think again.
      And I will.

    2. Yes, we may be over analysing because we have nothing to go on for three days.

  15. I really enjoyed the omnibus this morning.
    I think that Martin is using the Philip situation, to usurp Justin. This is just to put Brian into his place, as his puppet and will pull the strings, accordingly.
    How cynical I am being, once again..😥

    PS I didn't listen to this in the bath ( unlike Archerphile), but very soon after.
    I was very warm + snug, after an aromatherapy bath with the jets on!! 🛀

  16. I wonder if Shula will actually talk to Philip? I think she should, for her own sake.
    I am wondering if this will then:-
    a) confirm her commitment for ordination..
    b) or...will she decide that it is not her chosen path of Life?

    Either way - who is now running The Stables + Livery, as to its everyday normality?
    This is such as excercising, mucking out, feeding + procuring this.
    Surely Shula cannot still be doing all this, but perhaps I have missed a change-over.

    1. I belive she's always had staff to help with this, they get a mention from time to time. There's certainly too much work for one person. And I can't see Lillian and Justin turning up to muck-out their own ponies.

      But if she does move away to become a full-time priest, will she then sell The Stables or will she simply appoint a manager? My money's on her handing over the reins to Freddie. (Although perhaps the Christmas show has given him a taste for trying to develop as a compère.)

  17. When Shula is ordained, she will then serve as a curate for 3 or 4 years, under the mentorship of an experienced vicar or rector. This is still considered part of her training.
    With greater experience she will develop more confidence in dealing with issues like this.
    Yes, Janice, she should certainly seek answers through prayer and Bible study. She should also not be afraid to seek the advice of her fellow clergy - both for their experience and for clarification of church policy in handling such situations.

  18. I think Freddie, has had the nod from the trustees, that he can be the true heir of Lower Loxley, and rightly so. He will do Nigel + Lizzie proud, with the help of Lily, who will also do well.

    1. Am I right in thinking, that the age of 25yrs is the inheritance age? This is still 4 years away, so anything can still happen eg Russ. He has been too quiet.

    2. I don’t remember, Miriam, but the way Bernard the trustee was twitching about Freddie’s ability to run Christmas show on his own makes me think his coming of age is sooner rather than later.

  19. I am missing Joy.
    I know that she irritates very many, but I like her.
    To me she is a cross-breed of Lynda + Susan, which is difficult to explain.
    I so want to hear her and Kirsty, having a chat together, however brief.

  20. I'd have thought Helen might have at least provided the biscuits rather than Kirsty bringing her own, but it was just tea and sympathy.

  21. At the risk of being shot down, I felt a degree of empathy with Brian, yes he was unkind to Kirsty, but she has been extremely judgmental of him over the years.....
    But Harrison was right to do him for speeding.

  22. Agree KP. I couldn’t help thinking it was karma on Kirsty for being so judgmental over the pollution situation. We all have feet of clay!

    1. But we’re not all as greedy as the Aldridge!!

  23. Brian knew what he was doing. Kirsty was duped.

  24. Replies
    1. Biscuits? I read that the British public spent £millions more on biscuits during previous lockdowns!

    2. I hadn't picked up on that Lady R, being pregnant would really complicate things for Kirsty.

    3. Could they really do that to her, two failed marriages and two 'abortive' pregnancies?

    4. Philip was quite clear he didn't want children.
      Kirsty is too sensible to get pregnant 'accidentally on purpose' against his wishes.
      And they're both old enough to know how to avoid the patter of tiny feet.

      Biscuits, on th other hand are an excellent response to stress. 'Though chocolate's better!

  25. Sulking Harrison took it out on Brian and he on Kirsty. I think it's even between them now, especially that Kirsty said he was right.

  26. Sorry, I have no sympathy with Brian or his outburst last night.
    As Mistral said, Brian was the creator of his own, and his family's downfall whereas Kirsty was only guilty if being duped by a criminal
    His attack on her was vicious, totally unfair and smacked of ‘an eye for an eye’
    God help Kirsty if she encounters Jennifer in the next few days.

    As for a possible pregnancy, I think the SWs are playing games with us again!
    At least I sincerely hope so.

  27. Doesn't anyone else remember how Kirsty launched a vicious verbal attack on Jennifer as a spouse of 'a criminal?' When Kirsty was living at Willow Farm Cottage she was always going on about Brian and Jennifer! What about when Jennifer accidentally cut the wires for the internet/phone?
    Kirsty is not nice and cuddly. She is a rank hypocrite! She has had it in for Brian ever since she came to the village specifically to trash his crops.
    I know I'm probably the only one who likes Brian because I remember when he came to the village in 1975. He was kind, charming and rich. (Jennifer would do well to remember that she actually was having an affair with Brian while she was still married to Travers-Macy! A leopard doesn't change its spots!)
    When you have 'known' a character for thirty plus years, you cannot accept that history has been changed and he was a rank bad 'un and everyone knew it!
    As to his 'philandering! Yes in my eyes that's wrong but I also believe living with someone whilst unmarried is wrong and sleeping around is wrong, which is what half on Ambridge has been doing. Just my old-fashioned views and I put up with contrary opinions!
    And if there is another accidental pregnancy....!! To me that takes TA down to the level of Coronation St and Eastenders and it will be difficult to be interested in it anymore, which is very sad.

  28. Well, let’s hope a craving for biscuits isn’t a sign of pregnancy because the current national craving for biscuits would mean an awful lot of pregnant people - including me! I think it’s far more likely to be a need for easy comfort food, or self-reward in difficult circumstances or after some chore.

    1. Going by that criterion I appear to have been pregnant for nearly 50 years!

    2. Agree with both comments, which brought a grin to my face!

    3. Agree about biscuits. Who can resist a cuppa with a digestive?

  29. Spicy, apart from his innate philandering, I have usually quite liked Brian, he can be amusing at times. Which is why I was so shocked by his behaviour last Night.
    Afraid I don’t recall everything Kirsty said or did regarding the pollution of the Am, wasn’t it she who found the dead fish when swimming in the river?
    To use the excuse of Kirsty being unpleasant Jennifer in order to berate her for Philip’s criminality was not OK in my opinion. Two wrongs don’t make a right?

    1. I agree that two wrongs don't make a right and I have to admit I have never liked Kirsty (and I can't stand her voice!) Not since she behaved as a vandal in cahoots with Tom Archer.

      As I explained elsewhere on this blog (and on facebook,) being such a long time listener I am on Brian's side as I know him to be decent and respectable!
      There's no point in arguing about it with so many who only know the character Brian, with how he's been portrayed over the past eight or so years so I'll shut up now. LOL!
      I just hope Kirsty doesn't dump herself on Roy or any other hapless male in Ambridge and returns from whence she came!

  30. Kirsty is a true enviromentalist, which she is ardent and adament about.
    As such I admire her, for her true beliefs, such as trashing the GM crops, which was so news at that time.
    Brian, also has his own ideas, so they are bound to clash, such as over the re-cycle bins at Willow Farm + Cottage.
    No matter what, history cannot be altered. Kirsty found the dead fish, whilst swimming (?) in The Am. This led back to Brian, who paid the consequences, literally, as Home Farm had to be sold to pay his fine.

    I think that they both respect each other, in verying different ways, as both have their own ideals.

    This is partially why, I still think that Brian + Jennifer, might well be interested in buying the Beechwood House.
    Brian does not seem to have a real concience. He just goes forwards, in the best way possible and so forgetting the past.
    There is a lot to agree with this. 😀

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I thought Rex was pettishly rejecting his brother’s future contribution to their partnership and unrealistically insisting he could go it alone if he got the council farm. T❤️O❤️B❤️Y rightly assessed Rex was in no mood to see sense.

    2. I agree Maryellen, Rex should consider working with Toby, they are like ballast and balloon.

  32. Rex was showing his snide side again tonight. He seems to go from one disappointment to the next. Unrequited crush on Pip, not having the assurance to pursue a relationship with the vet ( Aneesha?) unable to establish a secure career...
    Not the most appealing of characters and a difficult voice to identify, I wouldn’t mind if he faded out.

  33. Interesting reading on the views of Kirsty.
    I've never liked her much.
    As others dislike Freddie's voice, I dislike Kirsty's, which is a whine in my ears.
    I don't like her laugh either, but these are about her personal characteristics, not her personality which I often have difficulty with.
    I am always cautious about individuals whose passion gets out of hand, and Kirsty's passions do get out of hand and go over the top. She ignores reality and has little in the way of pragmatism. And when she acts precariously she is often very nasty with it.
    Vitriolic even !
    I do not think for one moment that she has displayed any passing passion with Philip, in fact she has been IMO a rather more realistic woman since meeting Philip. But her previous behaviour, has rarely found favour with me, and so I find it difficult to engage with her current situation.
    She is the author of her own downfall in most of what she does.
    Kirsty has always been for me a rather naive woman and I have always hoped she would grow up.
    She has in the last few days confessed that she is not in her opinion a very good judge of character.
    'At last Kirsty ' were my thoughts, you finally have some insight.
    I wonder if it will last.

    1. If that is the case, Mrs P, it seems to me that she and Helen make a matching pair!

    2. I'm another who doesn't like Kirsty's voice but how much more can they do to her?

    3. Perhaps she'll suffer the same fate as Tom - a full body transplant.

  34. I thought Rex sounded very chip on the shoulder when he was sniping about inheriting and how it was handed to them on a plate. Not a likeable character trait.

  35. The actress playing Kirsty actually hails from Formby which is north of Liverpool on the Lancashire coast.
    Friends of mine who live on the Wirral sound nothing like Kirsty
    Indeed immediately 'over the water' in Birkenhead which is on the Wirral ,the accent of many people sounds even more Scouse than those who live in Liverpool itself.
    I see nothing at all wrong with her accent and far prefer it to the accents of Clarrie, Bert or Christopher .
    To me they all sound false -very Pam Ayres whose accent I also dislike..

  36. To add I also dislike the awful Sloane accents of the young Ambridge women who ,for example ,never say "her " always "har" -even Phoebe who was brought up by Hayley who had a "Brum " accent .
    From where did they get their accents?

    1. Lanjan, I dislike her voice, too throaty, those who like it call it husky, from what I remember it's not so strong in real life.

    2. Sadly the accents don't worry me at all, at this particular time.
      I am jusy greatful to hear the residents of Ambridge, regardless of how they now talk.
      Yes, I agree, that it would be lovely to hear more colloquial voices, but can we be so choosy, when The Archers is still "On Air", for all to enjoy and discuss in this awful time?
      I for one, will just go along with the S/L's. whether I like them or agree with them.
      We at least, have our wonderful Archers to continue to listen to.
      I can forgive a lot.

  37. I think that people generally develop their accents from varying sources, many when they go off to university.
    People who stay put in their home town tend to have an accent very similar to those they live with and have daily contact with.
    If a person ' moves around ' ( recently discussed on the othe blog) then they often, but not always, pick up different ways of speaking and an accent is developed naturally.
    Then again there are those who deliberately change their accent in order to progress in a specific field.
    Joan Bakewell comes to mind.

    However I don't think any of us who have said that we didn't like Kirsty's voice, have mentioned her accent at all.
    I certainly haven't.
    It is her voice, her tone, that I dislike, her annunciation, not her accent.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I was born in the London area, so I just have a slight southern accent. As such I was called "Posh Totty" as to how I talk which was so hurtful as a child, when I moved "up north"
    I was still the same person regardless.
    To me, the Ambridge Residents are just who they are, regardless of how they speak + talk.
    What I don't like, is a sudden change in the character and behaviour in some Ambridge residents.

    1. Don't think it was the wrong board Miriam.
      We were talking about accents focusing on Kirsty, and then gone on to talk of accents in general.
      My eldest had the same experience as you when we returned to London from Wiltshire.

  40. I agree partly with what you say ,Mrs P .
    It is said that if one moves to a different area before the age of 13 one's accent is likely to change.
    After that age and the original accent is mainly retained.
    I know for members of my family that certainly happened.
    As for women like Joan Bakewell and Lynda Lee Potter they decided to make themselves posher .
    Apparently the former said that she got on the train in Derbyshire with one accent and got off the train in London with another.

  41. I love accents but only genuine ones.
    Too many in The Archers are not genuine.
    I wonder,Miriam if you would agree with me that Kirsty does not have a typical Wirral accent?

  42. The auditor going through the records with a toothpick!!
    I'm just glad that Jim didn't catch pneumonia.

  43. Hilarious carry on.
    I enjoyed it !

    Poor Neil though, he really is suffering.

  44. I enjoyed tonight's episode as well.
    I agree wth MrsP, as I believe I said earlier, - can't stand Kirsty's voice! Like Basia says too throaty but whiney with it. I'm not sure I have ever heard it out of character though.
    The one voice (plus accent) that really winds me up is Ruth's. Yes I know the actress comes from wherever 'Ruth' comes from but her accent in real life is nowhere so thick! It's the glottle-stopping that annoys me (and I noticed that it has crept into BBC1's continuity announcers too.) Surely no-one uses a glottle stop in every....... single........word?
    But back to Kirsty. I wonder if those who think Kirsty was hard done by, advocate vandalism and criminal damage? As with all campaigners, I believe people have the right to protest, but not cause damage. I just wondered this after reading today the two other Archers' web sites where more people than not are 'on her side.'
    There are two CAs on BBC1, one male and one female, who do not enunciate correctly (ie Received Pronunciation.) I have heard both 'Universi'y Challenge' and 'Se''ele (settle) down for the evening' amongst others! How the standards have dropped! :)
    Loved Jazzer trying to smuggle out Tracey in the morning. Tonight thhey sounded quite warm towards each other. So glad to have a happy story!

  45. Would Jim really have been stumped by a crossword clue “Three’s company, two’s a ..... 5 letters”? Or was he just hinting that he knew what Jazzer had been up to?
    Whatever, I thought it was very amusing.
    Actually, the whole episode was, apart from poor Neil getting so stressed about the Audit. If he’s not careful he’ll trigger a heart attack. Calm down dear, calm down!

  46. Me too Archerphile, Jim knew all along what was going on and the crossword clue told us so. But as he himself confided to Jazzer, he was not quick off the mark enough to realise he should disappear into the rain.
    It was a most engaging episode.

    What did Maryellen think ?

    1. Amusing maybe! But aren't the two protagonists in this farce supposed to be adults?

    2. Yes Pierre, when our Trace turned up at Jazzer's at 10pm and invited herself in I said that they should stop behaving like idiots and Jim is not one.

    3. Well, Mrs P, wot I thought woz:

      1. Why is Jim (supposedly) doing such a feeble crossword? I’ve always assumed he was a ‘cryptic crossword’ addict who did the Times or Telegraph crossword each day.

      2. Why is Neil in such a flap? Does he really have something to hide? Possibly his dodgy filing system?

      3. Why is Brian asking for the lowdown on Justin?

      4. Why am I listening to this?

    4. Maryellen, we agreed 'cos it's there'.
      We heard Jim shout mask! at Brian coming into the shop.
      Jazzer was very eloquent yesterday pronouncing the coronavirus in full.

    5. Basia, in my case because it coincided with a biscuit break! Yes, typical of Brian that he would need reminding to wear a mask, but good that TA has at last caught up with their existence!

    6. Jim wasn't doing a feeble crossword. He just used the 'clue' to bring up the subject of Jazzer's mystery visitor.

    7. That’s why I wrote “(supposedly)”. But it has raised doubts I’mn my mind about the standard of the crosswords he now shares with Jazzer and used to share with Christine. Apropos of that, we never hear of him visiting her there to do a crossword together....

  47. As Jim suggested, the woman could have shared the pancakes with them but Jazzer doesn't want commitment.

    It was Neil with the toothpick that did it and when repeated by Brian had me reeling!

  48. I hope Neil’s tooth-pick, when I assume he meant fine tooth comb, is not an early indication of word finding difficulties associated with mental deterioration in either the character or actor.
    The Tracey/Jazzer scenes made me smile.

  49. I am just loving Jazzer + Tracy, with thier- will they or won't they - S/L.
    It is just a fun interlude and so lighthearted, alongside the Philip Moss debacle.

    I just hope that Neil will be OK, at Berrow Farm, and not cast as a scapegoat, which he certainly wasn't.
    But who knows? I don't.

  50. Listening more carefully at lunchtime today :

    1: I think Jim has more than an inkling who ' the woman' is.

    2: I don't think Jazzer doesn't want commitment, he just can't come to terms with the fact that he is getting on famously with a woman that ' is not his type ' not young and lithesome. ( Tracey is to me similar in body shape to Clarrie, rounded in all areas )

    3: Tracey is in denial because she has always considered Jazzer to be even more downmarket than herself.

    4: they will make an entertaining couple for the rest of the village to gossip about.

    1. I think that's why they are being secretive! Having lived a long time in a village, I know how easily someone becomes the subject of gossip! It's not because they are ashamed or anything but just don't want to be the centre of attention!

  51. 👍👍👍👍👍 Brilliant Jim !

    Punching the air here.
    I could see it coming with Jims gentle questioning, but nevertheless very well done to the script writers.

  52. I don't know what to make of it all. Kirsty was very much like that after she lost the baby, ready to start a new life. This time she wants to find the lads by making herself useful to the homeless, I hope she succeeds.
    Yes, it was obvious Jim would tell Philip the truth about him, taking advantage of the vulnerable but I'm uncomfortable with this being partly his own private vendetta, but if it makes him feel better then why not.

    1. Worried about Kirsty's motivation. I think she's seeing the people at the homeless shelter as a means to an end - partly to assuage her guilt over Blake, Jordan and Kenzie, but also to gain their trust so she can see if they've got any information about the lads. Helen is right, she really isn't in the right from of mind to help out at present.
      The people using the shelter need to be shown love, understanding, and respect. And to be given the help and support they need to improve their own individual circumstances.

      Perhaps when she is feeling less raw, Kirsty will recognise that although she didn't help Blake and his mates, here are other people facing similar situations who she can be of service to. *Then* she could be a valuable addition to the team.

      Philip, on the other hand, has shown once again what a lying toe-rag he is. (I nearly said self-deluded but his lies about Gavin emphasised that his whole tale was a deliberate fabrication and distortion.) Hear, hear Mr Lloyd Senior.

  53. Kirsty doesn't do reflection, does she.
    Get an idea to solve a situation and she jumps in with two feet.

    She will be lucky if the police do not decide that she is even more complicit than they already think she is.
    For once Helen had some words of sense if not quite wisdom.

  54. I hope Alistair will alert the police to Philip's visit, particularly his attempts to get in contact with Kirsty.

  55. Wow? Jim is definately played by a real actor........... Magnificent.

  56. Bravo Jim!
    A real tour de force and said with such feeling.

  57. And I should have added, brilliant piece of acting from John Rowe and great writing from the often criticised scriptwriters.
    TA seems to be back on form.

  58. I agree Archerphile. Basia, I think it was a subtle move to let Jim be the one to confront Phillip. There are similarities between Phillip and Jim’s abuser: they’re nice guys to the general public, their victims are vulnerable people and they are both ‘monsters’. It was satisfying to hear Jim lambast Phillip with the truth which he won’t heed. I think his love for Kirsty is genuine but I wonder whether it is strong enough to make him convince the police that she was not involved at all.
    Where is Gavin?

  59. I too found the link in behaviours extremely well thought out and say again what an acting tour de force from Jim. Exactly right.

  60. That’s just what Jim would have said to his abuser if he had been given the chance. Yes, a wonderful piece of scripting and acting. Philip is self delusional like many of his ilk. Amazing how people can justify such actions in their lives.

  61. All I can add is that:-
    a)How much I was surprised at Philip deciding Alistair was the best person to talk to. I thought it would have been Shula after ringing her.
    b) Philip was scheming in a very skillfull way insuating Kirsty
    c)Philip blaming Gavin, due to his gambling addiction.
    d) Philip doing the tale of how he put the boys up, in a flat and how he supported them.
    e) Jim has laid his angsts to rest at last. He saw through Philip, as to the manipulation and bu-l-ing tactics.

    It was a true TA episode.
    Long may this last.

  62. All I want is, that Philip will be brought to justice, found guilty and so gets his just reward, being a lovely cell somewhere.
    I would hate to hear about another person to escape this, yet again.
    It is up to the SW's though.
    They might just have a trick or two, to be revealed in time.

    1. This might be that, Gavin is found by the police or others, so is taken in for questioning.
      He spent the first Lockdown in the flat with the workers (neighbours would have seen him coming + going with shopping etc). As such he will be deemed as the keeper of them.
      Philip will say Gav. was responsible for them, as he was purely as per his Dad's say-so.
      Philip will use this to his advantage, along with Kirtsy's support of Gavs so-called gambling problem.
      I hate to say this, but Philip might spin such a yarn, that he appears innoncent.
      I hope not. 😣

  63. I did so enjoy listening to Jim again this morning!

    1. Me too, as the opening with Jim, Brian + Kirsty, in the village shop, so echoed what Jim said in the final scenes.
      It was lovely to listen again with this continuity.
      ...and Brian at Berrow Farm again, but what does he really know about this?

  64. If Kirsty is so concerned about Blake etc, why doesn't she just message Gavin, to try + learn about this?
    All she wants to know, is where they are now, not what Gavin is up to.

    1. I presume he's ditched his phone - otherwise the police would be able to track him.

      Besides, they will have been sold on by now. The woman Philip sold them to was just an agent - she had plans to send Kelsey and Jordan to one new buyer and Blake to another. (Sticks in my craw to write 'sold' and 'buyer' but that is what happened to the lads.)
      The threat of splitting them up was the final straw for Gavin after he had promised them they'd stay together.

      I had hoped that Gavin would hand himself in to the police and tell them where to find the lads before Philip had a chance to move them. He didn't, but at least he alerted Kirsty which did finally bring the whole sordid business out into the open.

  65. I wonder how Harrison will change? He partially blames himself, that his radar didn't pick up anything unusual about Philip. Why should he have done this, at that time.
    This might become very interesting, over the next month or more.👮‍♂️🚔🚓

    1. Didn't 'Harrison' come in here some months ago and promise us he'd have Philip bang to rights? Also, several of us felt he'd picked up on discrepancies in Philip's tale when he interviewed him. You're slacking, Sergeant Burns.

      I think he *should* have been more involved in the denouement. But perhaps the editors feel the village Bobby's crisis of confidence will make a better story line. Or perhaps he'll redeem himself by finding Gavin and/or Blake, Kenzie and Jordan

  66. I hadn’t thought about Jazzer and Tracy before but what a fun team they would be! Hope it goes from strength to strength!🥂😍

  67. Rex with his private vendetta, they're bound to find out about at Brookfield.
    Kirsty a good samaritan on a mission, blackmailing Helen into joining her.
    Where will it all lead?

  68. Oh clever you Basia, I couldn't think who it might be.

    Kirsty ?
    I despair !

    1. MrsP are you mocking or serious? We heard Toby making Rex promise that he wouldn't post a scathing report on Brookfield but he did it anyway or so we were led to believe.

    2. The scriptwriters might be bluffing there, Basia, and it was actually double-dealing Vince!

    3. No. Seriously Basia.
      The only person I thought of was as Maryellen has called him double dealing Vince.

      I can't really take seriously anything unpleasant about Rex.
      I think he is underrated and I don't think he is unkind.

    4. I think Rex is chronically jealous, but find it difficult to believe it makes him that vindictive or that stupid.,

    5. PS. But if it turns out to be Rex it will obviously have a tremendous effect on Brookfield relationships and possibly derail the rewinding project, whichwill upset Peggy. All to show the widespread effect on the community of Philip’s actions, Iguess.

    6. How right you are Maryellen. If Rex is the culprit then the poo has certainly been dropped into the fan shaft.

  69. Is Helen supporting Kirsty, or is Kirsty rejecting her help ? I am hearing this friendship very differently now.

    Who I am interested now, is Brian, as to his new role on the BL board. I just think that he is now not suitable for the position he now holds.
    My simple thought is that, Martin has done this in a very futuristic, scheming way but I cannot work out why.
    I might be very wrong again.. It is still a 50/50 idea.
    To me Brian is being set up, in some way or other....

  70. I think Kirsty knows she has no hope of finding the lads on the streets.

    She also knows what's she's doing is dangerous. I suspect that's part of the appeal - 'I failed Blake, Kenzie and Jordan, now I'll put myself at risk as penance.'

    Also, by keeping busy, and ignoring her own needs, she's avoiding addressing her own fears, grief, sense of loss, grief, .... Understandable, but not healthy.

    It'll all end in tears ...

    1. Good summing up there Old Woman.
      I just didn't have the energy to find the words.
      Thank you for finding them for me.

      As for the tears.....when they come.
      I shan't be shedding them.
      She exasperates me beyond ....... well words !

  71. If Lee can get rid of most of the fatigue of long Covid with just physio, he should share his secret with the rest of the NHS. I wonder if he can work similar miracles with long Covid's close relative, ME/CFS?

  72. I wonder if Kirsty’s desperate attempts to find the lads, hanging around the streets, showing people photos etc, will come go the attention of the police. It most certainly would if she were to be attacked or robbed.
    They may well suspect her of having more to do with Philips use of slave labour if she is seen to be searching for the boys. They have already questioned her about any involvement or knowledge she had about what was going on. I can’t help thinking this obsession of hers may get her into even more trouble.

  73. I did suggest that possibility a few days ago 14th 7.42 Archerphile.
    Kirsty is acting very dangerously.

    1. Sorry for reiterating Mrs P, must have missed that!

  74. I'd like you to be right Maryellen because I said I'd stop talking to Rex. He promised Toby not to post it and then Toby said "you did" and we heard a sound to that effect. Later Rex agreed with Josh that his parents were good people.

    1. Vince has probably seen more of the blue tiled kitchen than Rex.

    2. I think we were supposed to assume it was Rex but who knows? Could be the SWs playing tricks again. I know Rex sounded very bitter the other day, but somehow I don’t see him as being so vindictive.
      Just hope he gets the tenancy of the Council Farm and goes on to fulfil what he originally came to Ambridge for - to Farm

  75. My post couldn't go through - a first for me

  76. I'll try again: Kirsty is being annoying with her aggressiveness and bull in a china shop attitude. I hope it's not Rex who posted.

    1. So do I, but he was in a vengeful mood and what's in it for Vince?

    2. Exit Justin - Welcome Vince -Bye Bye Brian!

      A silly idea, but??

  77. Have just spent a pleasant hour with a jigsaw, listening to Justin Elliot and Kirsty Moss (née Miller) taking part in ‘A Mysterious Affair at Styles” on Radio 4Extra, a dramatisation of the first Poirot story by Agatha Christie.
    Their voices were so familiar I kept seeing Justin as Capt. Hastings and Kirsty as the attractive young Chemist. A bit confusing, but enjoyable, nonetheless.

    1. I am listening to this also.
      Kirsty + Justin, are just so recognisable.
      I listen to this at 6.30am, when I wake up. It is lovely to hear these TA persons, in a different setting which is not Ambridge.

    2. PS I will download this from Sounds, so to listen in its full continuity.
      This is similar as to why I love the TA Sunday omnibus, it is the links between episodes.

    3. What is the jigsaw you are doing whilst listening to Kirsty + Justin, in their different TA enviroment?
      I am to soon start a 1000 piece jigsaw of Pandas.

    4. It’s a Wasgij of a wedding reception, the bride throwing her bouquet, a fairly new one to this range.
      But this conversation should really be on the other blog! 🤭

  78. Thank you for mentioning the Agatha Christie will try to catch.

    Very sorry about how Kirsty is handling this. It's almost impossible to believe she's in this position - SWs you are so tough on her.

    Tom dumping her twice and working so hard to support Helen. This isn't even her family village but she's here with friends and the judgements she's making are so wrong - but maybe that's who she is. So well meaning, energetic, hopeful, caring, loads of other lovely things but flawed, as lots of us are and she doesn't understand that others do not think as she does.

    I want this lady to find peace and happiness - if she doesn't soon she will be very bitter. This is a soap opera so it may well happen either way. I just know which way I'd love it to go Please. xxx

    It is always about Kirsty now. Maybe I'm being hard but she should let go of the poor lads and allow the police to find them. If they don't she should certainly prod but not do it herself.

  79. Sorry the last paragraph was not supposed to be there or maybe in a different place but hopefully you get my drift. xxx

    1. Are you the same who used to sign in as Janet, or another?

    2. Yes I am the same I don't know why, but Google insisted I signed into the site with a Google name.

  80. I'm afraid I can't raise a scintilla of sympathy for Justin.

    1. Justin!!??? You all know I meant Philip I hope.

  81. So it was Rex, plain and simple and I'm not talking to him anymore, unlike David. He can get his farm and leave. I hope Pip'll give it to him as it is. He promised Toby not to post.
    I hope Shula will go and visit Philip and make him see the light. I'm glad Gavin is OK.
    Alistair said just as well Banjo didn't have a kissing spine, sounds nice but not to feel.

  82. Philip’s conversation with Shula showed him for the liar and coward that he is. He really cannot see that he did anything wrong but we know how callous he can be by the casual way he sold the lads on. She will go to see him and he will continue to try to pull the wool over her eyes..

  83. I sincerely hope that Shula is not persuaded to go and visit Moss in jail. I couldn’t bear to hear him bleating his innocence and Shula being gradually drawn in to sympathise with him.

    But maybe this development in the story is meant to be a test of her suitability to become ordained and she will either (a) realise she can summon up forgiveness for this awful man (I.e. could become a compassionate vicar) or (b) cannot bear to become involved in his case (I.e. she finds she does not have the right qualities after all and will give up).

  84. I think the SW have got themselves a two for one here.
    The main story line being the slavery issue, the sub story Shula discovering, or not, if her calling is strong enough.
    Since we know that the plots are laid out in rough for many months ahead, it could be that the ordination of Shula which has slowly geared up over almost as long as the Philip Moss story has been building, were conceived to run consecutively as long as two years ago, and finessed as they developed.
    And while they were at it, they could add in a third element and get Jim to have his longstanding feelings given voice after seventy years.

  85. Whilst I am very surprised and disappointed by Rex’s behaviour in the publishing of the Brookfield story, at least he had the decency to go and confess he did it and apologise to David.
    He said he had immediately withdrawn the tweet (or whatever it was) but unfortunately someone had seen it and passed it on further.
    I still find it difficult to believe it is in Rex’s nature to behave so vindictively but I suppose this incident was written to highlight how far the Moss actions have affected everyone in the village, in different ways.
    Like throwing a stone in a pond and see how far the ripples will reach out.

  86. My thoughts too Archerphile. Neither of the Fairbrother brothers appeared to be vindictive by nature. Rex’s immediate admission and apology seemed much more in character. What worries me is Miss Goody Two Shoes Pip on the warpath.

  87. I'm disappointed in Rex, I hope Pip tells him so, he had his eye on her once, now he can leave Ambridge and rewilding.
    I hope Shula does go to see Philip and open his eyes, only then forgiveness can be considered.

    1. Sorry Basia but I would prefer Pip to be the one to disappear into the sunset. This won’t happen as she’s an Archer but IMO she is a far weaker character.

    2. Soz, no need to apologise, I can't stand Pip and have always liked Rex but now that he's used the scandal to his own advantage I can see no saving grace for him.

    3. I have always been anti-Pip, since she was an obnoxious child and even worse teenager!
      I still like Rex and cannot see how he used the scandal to his own advantage - what did he get out if it? A moment’s satisfaction that was quickly replaced by shame and regret.

    4. Rex decided to press the button even though he promised Toby not to. Toby had read the post and asked him not to do it but he did anyway, I'm not talking to him.

    5. I shall be very annoyed if Pip has a go at Rex, because she didn't care a toss about ending his tenancy. I can understand him losing his temper for once. In his place I wouldn't have been so apologetic to David. Josh, when he was trying to be sympathetic to Rex , said something along the lines of you are like family really, and indeed he is as Rosie's uncle. Well in my book if someone is family then you don't abandon them. They should have helped him to find something else before ending the tenancy.
      There seems to me to be very much a theme of betrayal being written in at present.
      Kirsty, however understandably, has within an extremely short time broken her marriage vow of : for better or worse,
      Gavin has betrayed his father,
      Tracey's love for Ronan has vanished without trace in Jazzer's bed,
      Kirsty feels that Helen has betrayed their friendship. Etc

    6. And, not forgetting of course, Philip selling on his workers to someone ruthless who will sell to the highest bidder and won't care if they are badly treated where she sells them on to.
      Hopefully in some future utopian time we won't even treat animals as they are treated now.

    7. Pip did in fact demur about ending the Hollowtree tenancy but allowed her reservations to be swept away by Josh. I’m supportive of her. She is no longer the obnoxious brat that Archerphile remembers, but a hard-working and creative member of the Brookfield team, and a caring and responsible mother to Rosie. Rex deserves to hear what she has to say about the effects of his vindictive behaviour - an immature over reaction to a situation which was always on the cards: hopefully he gets the council farm tenancy - outside the enclave so becomes referred to only.

  88. It seems like the repercussions of the Philip Moss story are going to go on for quite a while.

  89. That's probably the point of the story line CC.
    Raising awareness !

  90. I am confused, yet again.
    Philip turned up to talk to Alistair and Jim said his wonderful diatrube.
    Philip has now spoken to Shula, saying that he is in prison "on remand".just a few days later and blaming Gavin for so much.

    Where actually is he?
    My thought is that he cocooned in the flat, where Blake etc. once lived, and playing massive games. That what his workers did, play games in their limited free time.

    1. Philip is being so clever, that I bet he will escape justice, just like many others eg Rob, Matt as examples.
      I just don't see how he can be found guilty, at the moment...

  91. I see that at Brookfield they're still talking to Rex, it'll take longer to convince me.

    1. No loss, Basia, like Soz said of her cows, Rex is not a great conversationalist!

  92. Miriam, Philip told Shula that he was on remand in prison.
    Do you think he was lying ?
    I presumed he was in prison.
    He also said that Gavin was also detained but in a different facility.

  93. I wonder if Philip will turn Queen's evidence re. Victoria and the network, and receive a reduced sentence or immunity. It would carry the theme of betrayal on.

    1. Or maybe Gavin has already been offered that opportunity.

    2. I had hoped that the different facility meant that Gavin was doing that.
      Philips rant about his son fitting him up suggests the possibility that his son is talking to the police.
      Then there is Philips ex wife, who must have some sort of suspicion.
      I cannot remember what exactly she said to Kirsty, but she did suggest that P was up to no good I thought.


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