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Life in Ambridge


  1. Found this old cover of the Radio Times and thought it would be fun to have fireplaces as the heading on both blogs!


    Archerphile - February 18, 2021 at 10:38 PM
    Sorry OWiaS - not for one moment did I think about Rob having returned, I just felt very sorry for Lee.

    maryellen - February 19, 2021 at 4:34 AM
    Rob never occurred to me either (or to Helen). I was admiring Emma’s handling of the situation. I think she’s turning into Ambridge’s wise woman (sorry, Lynda!)

    Spicycushion - February 18, 2021 at 11:36 PM
    It was made pretty obvious that Gavin was to be a sort of victim of Phillip too when he and Helen had the conversation at the Registry Office about coercive control. We had seen how Rob had worn Helen down to complete submissiveness and I thought it was clear that Gavin was being made out to be a victim too.
    He was initially careless of then workers, forgetting to feed them etc but then he was a lout when he first arrived to live with Phillip and Kirsty. Now the SWs have decided what sort of character he is, he has developed into a remorseful, thoughtful young man.
    'Rob' served his purpose in delivering the favourite storyline of SOC and left the country being actively sought be the police. I'm pretty sure he won't return. It would be difficult for him to sneak in to the country now or the immediate future.
    If the team decide to bring him back and TA is still running I hope it will be in a couple of decades time when I won't be around, as I have no wish to visit that horrible storyline again.
    Actually I missed the bit where Lee lost Henry as I was giving Jon instructions on how to cook his dinner as I have had a bad day today. Maybe I'll listen to the whole programme tomorrow then again perhaps not.

    MrsP Ambridge - February 18, 2021 at 11:39 PM
    I was surprised to hear that Henry was now ten, but as a ten year old he would not, I would think, automatically go to Rob, ( if he recognised or remembered him) without thought and questioning.

    maryellen - February 19, 2021 at 9:20 AM
    Only another 8 years before he can find out who his father is!!

  3. Love the heading. It could also be my grandparents sitting by their inglenook fire - pipe, slippers and knitting - not just TA.
    Back to Ambridge.
    Surely if Rob ever does re-appear, he would only want to see Gideon, aka Jack, his son, not Henry.

    1. You are quite right Miriam I had got the boys mixed up, although i suppose Rob might do anything to hurt Helen. I stopped listening for a while then as I found the story too disturbing, and I hope he never returns.

  4. Maryellen, as to Henry, I have a question:-
    Do "sperm banks" give the details of the father, so Henry when he is 18yrs, can then learn, who is bioligical father is?
    I just do not know...😣

    1. Yes, you can find the information on the website. When Henry is 18, he has the right to ask for his father’s identifying details. I looked that up around the time some bloggers were convinced Ian was Henry’s father, which we know for certain is medically impossible.

    2. Thanks. I just didn't have a clue, if it was possible for Henry to learn about this. 👍

  5. As always GG, fascinating pictures at the top of the blogs. 3d (1.25p), for the Radio Times, now £3.30!

    1. I was only saying to my husband the other day, when chatting about it being 50 years since decimalisation -I remember when a Mars Bar was fourpence halfpenny!
      No idea about the current price though
      Sorry, wrong blog, but couldn’t resist!

    2. 70 plus new pence and what's more the size has shrunk!

    3. Good gracious! If I was any good at maths I’d be able go work out what the percentage increase is......huge, I expect

  6. I was in London with a party of 30 school girls and two other teachers to support me when decimalisation occurred.
    We travelled by train from Lancashire.
    Stayed in a very nice hotel in Half Moon Street for two nights.
    Went to see a Show in the West End
    Had free travel on the tube and buses.
    I can't remember where we ate .
    Total cost per pupil -£9 .
    I collected the money for the trip weekly for several months although one pupil whose parents owned a chip shop(still in the family) gave me a cheque for the full amount .
    One of my former pupils recently sent me a photograph showing me sitting on a wall with a mini skirt and great expanse of leg showing beneath my open maxi raincoat

  7. Apparently the average price of a Mars Bar today is 74p which equates to about 14/10d
    I remember Mars Bars costing 4d
    However ,50 years ago I received £5 housekeeping a week.
    My first net salary was £38.
    I paid for my sister to go to Manchester with me on the train.
    I bought myself a coat, dress and shoes and bought her a skirt.
    I paid my mother for my keep and still had money over!

    1. Lanjan, I know we shouldn’t be discussing this on the Archers blog (before anyone complains)
      But we are obviously from the same era - both remembering the price of a Mars Bar, and I also had £5 Per week housekeeping money when first married in 1970.
      Out of that I could buy a whole shoulder of iamb for Sunday lunch, all our other food, veg, fruit, groceries etc for the week
      and pay the milkman for daily deliveries
      and pay for a daily newspaper delivery.
      I just don’t know how it was possible!

      And further back when I was naught but a teenager in around 1960, my Saturday job at the local grocery shop paid the grand sum of 1s 9d per hour. That is about 7 new pence today, I think. I thought I was rich!

    2. Archerphile - unless you can provide a detailed decade-by-decade analysis of prices charged for Mars Bars in Ambridge’s village shop to illustrate that Borsetshire too has experienced monetary inflation, I think this topic belongs to the other blog!😀

    3. As, indeed, I acknowledged in my post immediately above, Maryellen.
      I must admit I cannot fulfil your request for detailed analysis of confectionary prices in the village shop over the last 50 years so I will don my dunce’s cap and go and stand in the corner, to be dealt with later by Gary.
      😥. 😂

  8. Just picked this up whilst 'surfing' this morning. It's a link someone provided on a different Archers website where Keri Davies describes the writing process. It might be interesting to those who think more current up to the minute subjects should be included! ... bf67c7a334

    (dated 2013.)

  9. The Listening Project on Radio 4 at 13.30 today is apparently between two Archers supercars according to the announcement before the news.

    1. I've just listened, because of that, the last conversation. Some people don't like to admit that they listen to the Archers, it was looked down on in my house, but later I discovered many did. Also there are daffodils dying in the fields in Cornwall, as we were told in the news.

    2. Yes Basia, I've just been talking to my daughter on the Lizard but her local daffs are being picked.
      Part of her land was used in the past to ' breed' new types of daf, so her paddocks are a picture right now, and she is picking them for the house daily.
      As for the Archers, when we ' lost' Dick Barton my father was adamant that we wouldn't NOT be listening to ' this new load of rubbish ' and we didn't.
      Then we had a short Bank Holiday break at his revered brother 'posh' residence, a wing of a rectory in Tewksbury and low and behold, the Archers was part of the daily ritual.
      When we returned home, it was TA throughout the week and we became addicted.
      I didn't find that conversation in today's listening project particularly stimulating.

    3. I'm glad that some have survived, to me the daffodils are the first sign of spring, together with forsythia - there is a very hardy branch on my way into town.
      The one thing I found interesting that the woman Archer fan is in her early 20s and has her own podcast, so there's hope it'll survive for some time.

  10. I am enjoying TA in its current format, even though this is still pre Lockdown #3. I personally hope things will go forward, in the continuing positive way, with linking S/L's and characters of Ambridge.
    I do have a question, though:-
    What is happening to the Beechwood House, which Philip bought and Kirsty moved into. She then became his wife.
    Is it still considered a place bought as to Proceeds of Crime, or does Kirsty now have a claim, as his wife and so her marital home?

    1. Not that she would want to live there again. Perhaps she has a claim of some sort, before it is auctioned.

    2. I am assuming Philip will be found guilty.
      However in law, a person is innocent until proven otherwise, by a jury. He could well return, due to lack of proof.

    3. And the Beechwood house would stay empty as it would be part of an ongoing investigation. And even if Kirsty did want to live there I very much doubt that it would be possible.

    4. Very doubtful that Kirsty has any say in the house . In reallife that is but who knows in Ambridge? It probably will be confiscated as proceed of crime. Just because Kirsty was married to Phillip doesn't mean she 'gets half!'
      Anything under five years is regarded as 'a short marriage' and then the person who made most contribution keeps it all! (I looked it up!)
      Helen said something like 'after all that money you spent' (probably small kitchen equipment and knick knacks like cushions) but it makes no difference presumably, unless Kirsty can prove to the police or whoever administers the Proceeds of Crime Act that she bought such and such. Anywway how would Kirsty have much money, shop assistant, chief towel folder at GG and periods of unemployment as well. She did have the cheque Peggy gave her before her miscarriage and which Kisty tried to return but we only know it was a 'generous' amount. Probably not enough to put a substantial amount into the house kitty.

      The law is that you can't have a wife married for just a year, then demanding half the value of the house the husband had bought.

    5. I distinctly remember the rug contributed by Kirsty on which Lexi's waters broke.
      Kirsty also wanted some trees/plants for which Philip paid probably.

  11. I wonder what the resolution of this S/L will be. Will the three lads be located and found real employment and housing, or will they have disappeared into the underbelly of the modern day slave trade? I do hope it will be the former.

  12. How well would the three lads cope with independent living, I wonder? Would they need constant support?

  13. I hope that they get the help and support that they deserve after the way they have been treated.

  14. Yes they probably would, and social services AKA The State would have the responsibilities of looking after their welfare.
    Which then begs the moral and ethical question of .........
    Which is the better option ?
    The state which will be reliant of someone, or a group of someone's in an office trying to organise and maintain their lives at huge cost, while ' they' sit around each day without any structure or nourishment contributing to their lives.
    Or an enterprising 'owner' like PMoss housing and feeding them and providing them with structure every day, which gives them a sense of belonging.

    I am of course posing an ethical question here, to do with freedom and human rights, but also societal debt to the individual less capable of self definition, as well as the breakdown of the family structure in our ( mainly ) western world.

    1. As discussed here many a time which is the lesser of two evils: the streets or 'slavery'. After a period of sleeping rough Gavin could see the attraction he and Philip offered, which was a practical solution but morally questionable.

    2. Doubtless they've got the joys of Universal Credit to look forward to: a five week wait followed by frequent sanctions for failing to attend meetings/update their diaries/apply for jobs ...
      When we make life so 'easy' for those who've fallen on hard times it's easy to see how the likes of Mr Moss are able to maintain their hold over people's lives.

    3. 'Unknown' was me. I've had to register a second email address I use to google in order to share a document with someone. Doubtless it will cause endless fun and games remembering which account I'm using.

  15. CC - don't we all 'hope' for that ?

    And don't we all know full well that our stretched Social Services cannot and do not fully achieve our ' hopes' much of the time.
    It is a system that has been failing since the Napoleonic wars when men returned to civvie street with an arm or a leg missing and were reduced to selling matches on the street.
    Matches no longer but drugs a plenty and enough pushers to prey on semi literate or socially challenged young men such as Drake and Kenzie et al.
    And if they and their ilk, unable to cope, were to turn to stealing, ( because the weekly or monthly cheque or payment had been held up because the system had a glitch ) they would pretty soon be banged up to become even more vulnerable in prison.
    Then a different branch of SS would be called in to become the probation officer responsible for their welfare and yet more costs ( for that department) on away days to Portland or Wakefield to check on the wellbeing of the vulnerable person.

    I've lived next door to a 'Yoof Worker ' for twenty years and watched him daily trying to keep that ' hope' of ' society ' of help and support alive, in these kinds of individuals, then taking on the further long distance support once that person has been moved on to a facility two hundred miles from where they lived.

    1. I do so understand what you are saying Mrs P.
      I shall be very annoyed if the s/ws write a fairy tale ending instead of showing the reality of lack of resources.

    2. Janice, like CC I have ' hope'
      My hope is not only that we don't get a fairy tale ending, but that like the coercive control of Helen SL, public sensibilities wake up to the fact that it is society's responsibility towards their fellow man to look after the vulnerable, not pass it on to the state to eke out impractical systems that fail miserably.

      We need to care as a joint effort.

    3. I know what you mean Mrs P. but the abreviation to SS might be a little unfortunate,😁

    4. Goodness me Pierre, yes !
      Thank you for pointing that out.

      I apologise.

  16. I think that Kirsty is making terrible, terrible decisions and no-one is telling her. Who in their right mind continues to keep in contact with people who have royally buggered up your life? The fact that she now seems to be showing sympathy for Gavin is ridiculous. (Not as ridiculous as the thought of them becoming a couple at some point down the line, but I have a feeling that just might be on the cards.) Is she that lost and lonely? Where are her friends and family?

    1. Yes, Gary, it crossed my mind too, but I think Kirsty should steer clear of any relationship. She shows sympathy because that's how she is, trusting and he's inside and she out. She wants to make amends for having being oblivious to what was going on and make that right, I know, that's a tall order. Will she track down Victoria? Helen knows what she's doing and she's living with Roy and Phoebe.

    2. Hopefully then they are all saying to her "stay away!". But what's she going to do IF she tracks the poor men down? Give them a home? Give them a job? Meet their needs? Does she think that hardened slave masters are just going to say to her "Oh, you know what? You're right. Here. Take them."? She is now making poor decision after poor decision. She could get very badly hurt indeed, and not just emotionally.

    3. No, she hasn't thought this through. It reminds me of Rob when he kidnapped Jack but didn't know what to do next.

  17. I too have felt, ( and from way way back ) that eventually Kirsty and Gavin would, or could, couple up. I suppose the age distance is roughly that K is halfway between Philip and Gavin, so the same dynamic but reversed.
    But agree with above and have said before that Kirsty is way way out of her depth and as Basia says, has not thought it through in any way.
    Take it one step at a time Kirsty, then find yourself in a heap on the ground.
    By which time your friends who at the moment are perplexed and frustrated by your actions, but still supportive, might well have given up on you.
    Much of the audience have already !

  18. Oh, that sounded serious. I know nothing about farming but I'm with David on this one and I hope Jill is too.
    Kirsty's definitely diversified.
    As for Jazzer, an activity week-end with Jade!

  19. I'm not surprised that David felt he was being sidelined by Ruth and Pip, and he is right to want to lessen financial risk by retaining a mixed farm. Never keep all your eggs in one basket!

    1. ....I wonder how Jill's hens and bees are doing. Also what about the egg enterprise set up by someone (not sure by whom), how is it progressing?

  20. Looks like David is in danger of being sidelined at Brookfield, if Ruth and Pip have their way.
    And I agree with his point of view - better to keep to mixed farming with beef, milk and sheep rather than narrowing their options.
    I hope he sticks to his guns and keeps the sheep and doesn’t let the pair of harpies over-rule him.
    Strange that they didn’t include him in their discussions or invite him to go and look at the other farm. I think they are trying to stage a coup.

    1. I agree! David has every right to feel 😡 it seems inconceivable to me that such and idea and follow up farm visit would not have been discussed.

  21. Janice - sorry my comment is almost exactly the same as yours!
    After listening late last night there were no comments showing at all, in fact I thought it strange that nobody had written about the first episode of the week.
    But at least we seem to have had exactly the same thoughts!

  22. Esscee, to me it sounded that David was agreeing with Ruth, but that he hadn't seen it, it was enough that she had. I was surprised that the poster was there before any venue was established. Perhaps that's the idea, advertise and involve the community. David might have gone along with it, perhaps out of spite, as Ruth said.

  23. I found the exchange between Jazzer and Johnny very strange and extremely unlikely. Firstly how come they are such close friends anyway? Jazzer is nearly old enough to be Johnny's Dad! Would a 39 year old really listen to a 24 year introvert giving advice on relationships?

    The idea that Johnny has a 3000cc car is ridiculous. He has limited driving experience and no NCB. I reckon the insurance would be nearly £3k per year. (My 27 year old son had to pay £1800 when he first drove a 1200cc car!)
    Even if it were added to the farm vehicle policy it would raise that premium so perhaps Pat and Tony are happy to absorb that cost?

    Many of us have been saying that Ruth and Pip should include David in their plans. Why has Pip any say anyway? She is an employee and not a partner. I'm not sure if Jill is still a partner in the business of Brookfield Farm but I think the responsibility is entirely David's and Ruth's. What an awful woman poor David married.

    1. Shows how much attention I pay, I didn't even register the size of the engine. Perhaps insurance is cheaper in Borsetshire - not much traffic due to the difficulry of crossing the county border

      I think Johnny still has feelings for Jade. If so, it must be very hard for him hearing Jazzer so loved-up, especially as it is a rebound relationship. (And methinks the Scot doth protest too much - he seems to be going all out to convince himself that Jade is the one for him, not Tracey.)

  24. I echo your thoughts In every aspect on last nights programme Spiceycushion..

  25. I was surprised by this sudden S/L and the bad feelings between Ruth and David. Where has it come from and why did Ruth and Pip do something so covertly?

  26. I wonder what idea Ben gave to Ruairi and why is he calling him Roz/Raz?

    1. Exactly Mrs P! Our son Corrin, now aged 47, is still known to his British ex-school friends as “Coz” .

  27. Can't stand Helen when she is all coy and flirty! To hear her and Lee, who sounds as if he is her son, makes me heave I'm afraid!
    But where is the four/five bedroomed house which will house Lee and Helen and four children? Presumably it won't be Phillip's as it will be months before it is sorted legally. Anyway it's only four bedroom. Will the visiting daughters be expected to share a room?
    Lee has not much money (special meal for two is apparently too expensive) and where is Helen's money coming from? I forgot - Bank of mum and dad, to add to the £30k legal bill.
    (Typing this to take my mind off the terrible cricket!)

    1. Yes, Lee sounds like a love-struck teenager which is nice, but not in this set up. I still think Philip's house is the best bet, how upset Tony was that Helen would be leaving home! If the girls don't live there permanently 4 bedrooms will be enough. They don't much like Helen, they threw her snacks away. As Owias says, the cellar can be converted into a gym and Lee can work from home as well. It's not the first time he mentioned money, they didn't go out once because he couldn't afford to. Besides, he cooks, so why order out.

    2. S.C, we are in total agreement concerning flirty Helen and teenagerish sounding Lee. Totally nauseating,🤮

  28. Spicy, surely you remember: if an extra bedroom is required, it suddenly appears! Philip's house will also have a basement gym that happens not to have been mentionned up to now.

  29. Except of course modern domestic estates like Brookwood (?) are not built with cellars.
    So it would also just ' appear' as Old Woman suggests.
    Then Joy could invent one in hers next door.

  30. Yes I forgot the 'floating spare' bedroom!

  31. I am in a minority, which I so realise and acknowledge, but;-
    I wish Helen + Lee well, along with Henry + Jack, in their new lives together, be it interimn at Bridge Farm.
    Where they eventually end up, in a home together, is any-one's guess.
    Perhaps, a new-build at Bridge Farm?
    Wasn't this floated for some-one, at one stage in time - but then that land, must have now been sold on.

    1. Are you thinking of Beechwood Estate? That was built on the land Pat and Tony sold. Joy lives there, Philip and Kirsty lived there, Ed and Emma hoped to live there.

      I also hope Helen and Lee work out. He certainly seems a much better bet than Rob was. (Although with my form in character assessment he'll probably turn out to be a serial killer. Or at least a Darington supporter.)

    2. I just have a vague memory, about a bungalow to be built - was it for Tom + Kirsty?
      Ironic if it was, as she ended up at Beechwood.

  32. Oh, I don't know what to think, I still don't trust Alice and I don't trust Ruth with her gentle persuasion, but we were presented with two reconciled couples, so I'll go along with it.

  33. Martha's a great name, go for it Chris : )

  34. My favourite Ambridge couples, in no particular order, are:-
    Clarrie + Eddie
    Emma + Ed.
    Why, just honest and open with each other.

    1. My favourite couple is Constanza and Salieri. We never hear them squabbling ; )

  35. All that Harrison was trying to say was that there may well be set backs so be prepared to help if that happens. It is very very hard to stop an addiction. Alice appears to be doing well but a hitch in her keeping off the drink need not be a disaster if she has support.

    1. Poor Chris wants to be convinced that Alice is now OK and will remain so. The prospect of setbacks is too frightening so he prefers to deny they are even possible. It must also be pretty hard for him to admit that he cannot confidently trust his wife.
      It's good that he's got a loyal friend who'll be watching out for them both and ready to provide support if/when Alice slips up.

  36. Sounded like David was capitulating to Ruth’s ideas for the farm tonight.
    Do wish he’d stand his ground and insist on keeping the sheep.
    Man up David, just think what your father and grandfather would think of Brookfield without sheep! Who wears the farm trousers these days?

  37. I realise profitability is important and has to be taken into account, but dairy farming has its ups and downs, and a mixed farm should help to level the highs and lows. Also I think it is important to feel fulfilled in your working life and if David prefers working with sheep then he should be able to keep them, but the two women ( who have been annoying me no end for a while now) prefer cattle and seem to be pressurizing him. It thoroughly annoyed me when they cavalierly decided Josh had to move his chickens. I hope that Ben, young though he is, finds his voice and backs his father. I agree David needs to man up, but so do the two lads.

    1. I don’t think Josh has any difficulty in manning up. He’s got what he wanted for his chickens (Hollowtree) without any difficulty. Their existence is not queried, and as Ben said, they are all he cares about. As for Ben, I thought we last heard that his ambition was to see the world, so news to me that he wanted to be a shepherd!

    2. I got the impression from Ben's conversation with Rhuari that he did indeed have an affinity with sheep, but he wasn't going to say anything because he felt his opinion would not be listened to . Rhuari was encouraging Ben to speak up , but so far he has not manned up sufficiently to do so.
      I like Josh and I think he has done well, but without the encouragement and moral support he should have had from his parents. I have not forgotten how when Pip abandoned the farm for pastures new Josh, when asked by his parents, stepped up to the plate with enthusiasm and then when Pip reappeared he was dismissively expected to give up managing the cattle so she could have her old job back. I think he should have " manned up" then and refused to give way.
      But the lads are still young and will gain the confidence to stand their ground as they mature further.

    3. And I also think Josh should have stood his ground when he and his chickens were
      being pushed off the Brookfield farmland. Chickens don't need a large acreage, and we are I believe talking of a 500 acre farm, so plenty of room. As I see it Pip is edging Josh out. I look forward to her comeuppance.

    4. And chickens are not the only things Josh cares about. He cared about the cattle, but was forced to find an alternative because of Pip reappearing. He makes the best of things and is a trier, and like all good entrepreneurs may make a few mistakes along the way.

    5. Gosh you were up late Maryellen!

  38. We don't hear much about how Ben is getting on with training his sheep dog these days, he' d better get on with it before the sheep go.

  39. Does anyone think that Chris was protesting a little too much last night - about how Alice has beaten alcoholism and everything will be fine.
    Obviously he wants to stand up for his wife and support her all he can, but is it possible to beat this addiction completely after 2 weeks in rehab and getting rid of all the bottles?

    Alice appears to be trying hard, and I’m very glad she realised how hard it had been for Chris too, and didn’t blame him for talking to Harrison. I know nothing about this subject and have no personal experience to call on but I’m not sure I’d entirely trust Alice not to slip back at some stage and think Chris may well be in need of Harrison’s support again.

  40. As OWIAS says, Chris is frightened and refusing to accept that there may be hiccups in Alice’s fight against alcohol. I feel that the SWs are signalling a relapse at some point. Whilst Chris’s reaction is understandable, he needs to be prepared for setbacks. However, Alice has a very powerful reason to stay dry: it may be enough for the time being.

  41. Harrison is clearly destined to be Baby Carter’s godfather and can channel his parental instinct that way.

  42. I just love that Chris has Harrison to talk to, who is perhaps the only person knowing the true situation.
    He needs such a confidant, to rely on and give his thoughts to, when needed.

  43. Brookfield.
    No sheep, so no Bess, just as Ben was really training her well.
    Oh well, she will be sold on, to a good new sheep farm.
    I bet Jill will miss her, though.
    However in farming, these things happen, as it now appearing in Ambridge.

    1. I hope Tigg, will also find a lovely new home.
      Perhaps she will be adopted, similar to a rescue dog, and will have a lovely new life.

  44. Chris may well need Harrison's friendship if and when Alice relapses. I hope she doesn't but it seems people who know more about this than me think she may.
    I think the name Martha suits an elderly country lady but not a baby. Just my opinion.

    1. I love the name Martha, but Martha Carter, is a bit of a mouthful.
      However, I thought that Chris + Alice decided not to know the sex of the baby.
      I wonder what the boy's name could be?

    2. Martha Carter, good point, Miriam. Same problem with Arthur Carter.

      Anneveggie, I knew a baby Martha, suited her then, suits her now : )

  45. Philip may plead what he wants but I don't see how he can be found not guilty if Gavin testifies against him. Please don't explain what Jade did with the pasta. Johnny is better off fixing his car.

    1. ..but the defence could argue that Gavin is only testifying against Philip, to get a reduced sentence.
      It is undeniable proof that is needed.

  46. Philip.
    How dare he sound so contrite tonight with Kirsty.
    He very happily, and knowingly, sold Blake, Jordan + Kensy on, just for money. He did not seem to have a care, as to their future well-being.
    What an awful person he really is.

    Kirsty, divorce him as quickly as possible.

    I still have a massive worry, that there is still just not enough proof against Philip, so to be found guilty.
    The prosecution has to prove this case with firm, and definitive evidence.
    I am not sure if this will happen.

  47. My sincere apologies, for being vocal about Philip.
    I just fear that like Rob, he will escape true justice.

  48. I'm really fed up with Kirsty always being made the scapegoat for what goes wrong, late miscarriage, slavery and the two failed attempts at marriage. Why didn't she throw the ring back at Philip; it'll be a waste to put it in the bin, if it's 18-karat gold she could sell it for scrap, buy a lottery ticket and use the proceeds if any to help the homeless.

    1. I totally agree Basia, Kirsty should have tossed the ring in his face and not suggested she'd throw it in the nearest bin on her way out. grrrr

  49. Basia, I don't think Kirsty has the capacity to be as grounded as you obviously are.
    Certainly not at the moment, if ever !

  50. Kirsty is normally a strong person.
    She though is, going through an absolute and total change, as to her life.
    She moved in with Philip and then married, the love of her life, as she thought Philip once was.
    Now, she is learning so much about him + his son, Gavin.
    I just don't know, what her true feelings really are.
    She has had so many upsets in her life, too many to mention, yet she still sounds so positive.
    I think that soon, she will have a total meltdown, and it will be Roy to stand by her and so support her. Lynda also will help her, as they seem to have a bond together, however tenious.
    All I hope is, that Kirsty remains in Ambridge..
    She is a great village person, in many ways, controversial or not.

    1. My thoughts only...which I know, are very often different to others..🤣

    2. Miriam, your thoughts and opinions are just as valuable as anyone else's on this blog.

      Poor Kirsty does rather seem to be the butt of a lot of Ambridge misfortune. In the past that role always seemed to befall the Grundys. Perhaps she's some sort of lightning conductor.

    3. She brings misfortune on herself, albeit unwittingly. She initiated the pregnancy which ended in her losing Tom’s child. She initiated the relationship with Philip which has led to a failed marriage and police investigations. She herself admitted her contribution to Tom’s breakdown which led to their wedding debacle. Sad, but true.

  51. I listened again today and was not impressed with Jade at all, Buddy. If she said it one more time I was going to scream. I haven’t heard this expression at all.
    Miriam don’t worry, Kirsty was not taken in by Philip’s protestations of innocence. I believe he does love her but is so selfish, the only person he is trying to protect is himself.

  52. I have to hope that the SWs don't reinvent Jade. At the mo she is a complete pain and TRACY is right for Jazzer - let's have another happy couple - am very happy with Chris and Alice?
    I really am and I so want their baby to work. We need some joy. xxx

  53. Jade is another invention for the young, hyped up and disrespectful with her disgusting party tricks. She's not like any young people I meet nowadays.

  54. I enjoyed the way Jade refused to be overawed or patronised by Jim (aka Jimbo). It’s good for him.

  55. I agree that Jade had the self confidence to stand up to “Jimbo” and he respected that. However I think the SWs have tried too hard to create an independent ultra modern young woman and ended up with a caricature.

    1. I think there’s an element of caricature in several TA characters - Susan (gossipy), Lynda (arty-farty) and Jim (eccentric ex-professor), to name but three. I’m not sure how deliberate it is, and whether it’s meant to amuse or not, but although I can tolerate it on good days, on bad days it just irritates!

    2. Just tried to post but got error message again!

      Wanted to say we lost the caricature of the old, disreputable cadging country bumpkin when Joe Grundy died.
      Who will replace him,or is that particular character considered out of date in a modern village?

    3. What about his son Eddie?
      He already has so many, of his late father's characteristics.
      I can't think of any-one else - just yet.

  56. I just love how some characters, are a bit of a caricature. Ambridge would not be as interesting without them.
    What I don't like is, how the younger characters are now seeming to morph into, one and the same.
    As to Shula + Lilian, they now seem far less interesting, than before.
    They both run a business, but these are rarely mentioned.
    With Covid - both these must have seen many more problems.
    - livery owners not being able to visit + exercise their own horses, at The Stables.
    - rented properties which Ameside has, and the ability to not evict "bad" tenants - not that this should be considered, until absolutely necessary.

    1. I agree about the businesses Miriam. We've heard a bit about Grey Gables but nothing about how The Bull is doing either.

    2. Although Ambridge is a relatively Covid free zone, which I just love, to keep a feeling of normality, I just think that it could be incorporated into the S/L's in many subtle ways.
      Idle thoughts -such as Eddie working at the Auction site and is he still getting the same work + pay?
      Also - Vince, are his plans still going foreward as expected.
      Then LL, with Lizzie + Freddy. Weddings, conferences etc. are these still going to happen this summer.

  57. I was very much not impressed with Jade. Her 'trick' was revolting - was it supposed to be funny? As for calling Jim 'Jimbo' words fail me. Jazzer needs to get back to Tracey.

    1. I didn't understand the trick.
      And I do not want any explanations, as Annieveggie has said, it sounded revolting.
      And the disrespect towards Jim was unforgivable.

      As for Jazzer...... he just needs a little more time.
      I'm quite sure he will find his way back to Tracey when he has sorted out his feelings.
      And won't we all enjoy their encounters once they are a permanent item.

    2. I don’t think Jade’s trick with the pasta was as revolting as trumpet players shaking the spit out of their instruments, in fact I was quite admiring. I suspect Jimbo’s sour comments were the result of someone else stealing the limelight.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. You wouldn’t have put up with my son learning the trombone then, Maryellen!
      I eventually provided him with a tray of sand for when he was practicing. 😖
      (He had to dispose of it afterwards)

  58. Anneveggie and MrsP, you've echoed my earlier comments. Jade was a guest in Jim's house and it was their first meeting. He told her he didn't like being called other than Jim. She insisted on using his mug for her revolting party trick.

    I see no comparison with a trumpet player, where one is not obliged to watch or attend for that matter if their behaviour is displeasing.

    I don't much care for Tracy and Jazzer.

    1. The link between Jade’s party trick and a trumpet player is facial orifices.

    2. I thought of that too. How about Jade was blowing her own trumpet in Jim's living room, but he was inclined to let her stay for Jazzer's sake which she declined. I omitted the orifices in question which would have made it more amusing.

  59. My memory is letting me down.
    Who is Jade, and how does she know both Jazzer + Johnny?

    As Jim suspects, Jazzer will soon be literally, tired, of Jade and her life-style.

    To my thoughts, Jazzer and Tracy seem to have a better connection together.

  60. As per usual, I picked up a lot more, on listening to TA omnibus, this morning.
    1) Alice was pleased that Harrison knows her situation, which will help Chris, having some-one to talk to.
    2) Chris saying that her addiction is over. It is for now, but after Baby Carter is born, will this still be the same?
    3) What car is Johnny doing up?
    4) Kirsty and her total disgust of Philip, as to his self-centred attitude, who even suggested Gavin (his son) must have had a breakdown.
    5) Would Kirsty have been actually allowed, to visit Philip, even though she is not now included in the investigation?
    6) Kirsty. Why throw the wedding ring away and not sell it for its scrap value?

    This brings me onto another thought. Does Kirsty have an income at the moment, to live on and also, share the costs at Greenwood Farm, with Roy + Phoebe?
    I doubt either.

    1. I know.. 🤣
      I do analyse things far too much, but that's just me.

    2. Yes I have spotted my stupid mistake...
      Willow Farm is to the home of Roy + Pheobe.
      Got confused...

  61. Hopefully with Philip pleading guilty the police will be able to catch up with more of the modern slavers.
    I do enjoy the way Susan is portrayed, excellent actress.
    I wish there weren’t so many similar sounding young men that I can’t readily distinguish.
    I laughed out loud at Eddy saying despair was the secret ingredient in Mia’s lasagna.

    1. Mia’s comments about bees being exploited was interesting. Katy has a friend and colleague who lives locally and keeps bees. She never takes all of the honey as it is food for the bees. She said that some beekeepers especially commercial ones do just that and replace it with sugar syrup which of course isn’t as nutritious for them. Her honey is delicious and the bees probably feed off the flowers in local gardens including mine!

    2. Ev, apparently there are two points to this: bees' health, so if they get some of their honey back that's fine, but there's also animal exploitation. I don't know, presumably wild bees keep and eat all of their own honey. Some vegans use honey, some don't.

  62. Personally, I thought Susan was very unkind to Clarrie last night and was very full of her own success as an actress. I hope Clarrie does get a good part in this production of Lynda’s and Susan just gets a minor role, if any at all.
    She has a nasty tongue sometimes, even to such a good friend as poor Clarrie.

    1. I didn’t hear any of that! I did hear Clarrie being tactless, though.

    2. Well,I didn’t expect you to agree with me, you very rarely do, but if you were able to listen again to the beginning of their conversation you will hear Susan being very surprised that Clarrie had been offered a part, when she had not. She said something about herself being a much better actress in a sarcastic voice.
      To be fair, she did apologise much later on for what she had said, but it didn’t hide the point that her first reaction was unbelieving and nasty.

    3. Spare me having to listen to any recent episodes again! What my unprejudiced radio picked up was not Susan being nasty or sarcastic but simply blurting out that Clarrie didn’t have her superior amdram experience. Which is true. It was just the scriptwriters trying to amuse in their own inimitable way!🙂

  63. I thought Carrie sounded hurt by Susan’s thoughtless remarks.
    Well done Kirsty. It would seem that her visit did have an effect and the SWs want to move the story on.

  64. All I can say is:-
    With Mia, now moving into Grange Farm, meal times could well become interesting.

    Eddie, is as least accepting and trying to understand, her thoughts and ideas, but will he eat it? Perhaps once. He will praise her, but then go back to his normal bacon, sausages + eggs, as cooked by Clarrie...
    I eat veggie, at times, but I could not give up eggs, fish, chicken, fish + meat.
    I admire those like Mia, can do so and still actually enjoy what they eat.

    1. I think the whole vegan storyline sounds about 30 years out of date. I find it a bit embarrassing to be honest.

    2. I saw a cartoon once:
      'A roar of disgust went around the pride, as they realised they'd caught the dreaded tofu beast.'

  65. We've already had vegan with Kate. If we had grass grown meat occasionally, it would help the planet. Mia is all fired up which is easy at her age. She'll have to eat a lot of soya to have enough vitamin B12 which is only in animal products. She'll be 15 this year. Apparently in France giving children a vegan diet is considered negligence.
    Pity they got rid of Joe's Portaloo, they could have made a dry toilet at Grange Farm as water is the most precious resource.

    1. We get a Riverford organic veg box. In one of the newsletters, the owner said that if it weren't for the natural fertilizers from his brother's cows, much of his land would be unfarmable.
      He did also point out that we tend to eat too much meat. Apparently the size of a matchbox is an optimal serving.

      Best dietary advice I've ever heard? 'Eat food, not too much, mainly vegetables.'
      Of course, I stick to that advice rigidly. (Well, chocolate *is* a vegetable - it's made of beans.)

    2. Owias, that's the best food and eating advice and dark chocolate in its pure form is full of polyphenols whatever they are good for. I drink full fat cocoa which smells delicious and may add a sugar cube if someone has given me one, not at present.

    3. I buy the extra long matches to light the log burner, so that’s the size matchbox I go by.
      I’ve just discovered the most amazing peanut butter pretzel bites, I can feel the pounds settling on my hips but so worth it.😋

  66. What was all that about? What a load of tosh! But she did remember Alistair's name AND actually addressed him by using it.

    1. 7 characters, very rare these days.
      At no time were there all four of them at the table, that was the problem.

    2. Surely this was better than nothing...and 4 around a table could not be expected, just yet.
      TA is continuing, so why nit pick about who sat where?
      As said, so many characters in TA - That is good enough for me.

    3. I don't know who sat where, what I'm saying is that one was always absent, in the kitchen cooking or looking for beer, so no one heard the whole of the exchange. We knew it'd end up badly, why didn't they surprise us by doing the reverse, what a load of tosh!

    4. Well, what a charming woman!
      OK, Tracey can be pretty blunt too but at least her heart's in the right place.
      If I were feeling sympathetic I would say that Jade was feeling uncomfortable and thought Alistair and Jim were deliberately out to put her in her place.
      But I'm not, so I think she has written them off in advance as old fuddy-duddies and decided it's not worth showing them basic good manners.
      I wonder if she would have treated Jazzer's parents in the same way?

      She's got Tracey's outspokeness and energy but not her compassion. Poor Jazzer is trying to convince himself that being more his age makes up for that. Jazzer, mate, open your eyes and get out quick!

    5. Indeed - Jade has been slotted in to delay the obvious Jazzer & Tracey ❤️

    6. I could accept Jade’s comments at the beginning as not being intentionally rude, to her it was banter - ‘Delia’ in the kitchen for example, but towards the end she turned and was deliberately rude and vicious. Jim was asking personal provocative questions and Alistair tried to stop him twice but I can understand that Jim is only looking out for his younger friend; much like an overprotective parent.
      Jade has no filter and is one of those people who think it is fine to say exactly what they think without any sensitivity for another person’s feelings - their excuse being “It’s a joke”.

    7. It was The Clash of the Caricatures! Not sure who won, Jade I think, though she missed out on the pudding.

    8. Well put Maryellen, I still maintain they should have all been in the room and had it out.

  67. After tonights TA episode, all I can say is, that I am still not convinced, that Brian is the right person to replace Justin.

    Too many thoughts, to process and think about, before posting.
    Do these concern Phoebe and Rex, with their re-wilding project - I am still very unsure, but could well be.

  68. Not quite sure why Jade has been introduced to the TA cast list. Do we really need another character at the moment when there are so many we don’t get to hear from.

    OK, maybe it’s another ploy by the Beeb to interest the ‘yoof’ audience by bringing in a younger character but I can’t see Jade being much of an attraction to anyone.
    She reminds me a lot of Tracy when she first reappeared, being mouthy and rude and ridiculing Roy for being old fashioned. But, been there, done that, Mr Editor. Make more use of the characters you already have and update some of their stories instead.

  69. Irrespective of exactly what was said the two young women, Jade and Phoebe, in last night's episode were absolutely ghastly in their individual ways. Horrid creatures!

  70. Young women have a tough time on TA!

    1. There's also Mia who's at least polite and will bake two cakes!

  71. Brian said Debbie's contributions are valuable but her internet connection is as reliable as Toby Fairbrother - could someone explain why he made that comparison?

  72. How I would like Debbie to relocate back to Ambridge, and then oust Brian, replacing him in the BL scheme.
    She + Adam together, would clash heads, but they would have the same ideals.

    1. That is long term, and hopefully will include Ruairi.

    2. Remember, I listen and interpret TA differently...

  73. The cost of the electrical re-wiring has caused problems for Ian + Adam.
    What will happen, when one of the cottages, such as Glebe, Honeysuckle, Usha's, needs to be re-thatched??
    I can't recall any property having been done for very many years.

  74. Perhaps Jade is a rough Diamond : )

  75. Funny, I was only saying yesterday that we haven’t heard from some characters for a while..
    And tonight two of them returned. Ian and a very tetchy Adam

    Sean O’Connor predicted trouble over the future of Home Farm quite some time ago , and he was dead right. Brian very obviously favours Ruairi over Adam. Jennifer is not going to like that at all!

  76. I have just watched Ben Fogle in Chernobyl - an accidental rewilding project. Phoebe and Rex might be interested. There were wolves, deer, horses, even bears roaming in the exclusion zone, enjoying the freedom with no humans around.

    1. Thanks Soz- seen that was on. I will watch tomorrow and I'm sure I will enjoy.

    2. Adam is a bear with a sore head and Vince is behaving like a wolf in sheep's clothing, so that's a start ; )

    3. Mrs P you will probably appreciate the lady playing her accordion accompanied by her singing dog!

    4. I had exactly the same thought as you Soz 👍

  77. Adam sounds so angry and Ian sounded a bit weak and needy.

  78. I have just had one of my idle thoughts.
    Jennifer + Brian moved out of Home Farm, to the temporary accomodation of Willow Cottage, and are still there.
    My thought is - are their extra furniture, belongings etc. still stored in a barn somewhere on the Home Farm land?
    If so, I wonder what state these are in now!
    So much for them moving on from the temporary lodgings, and buying another property.
    Not a topic in TA at the moment, but some-thing that crossed my mind.

    1. It doesn't matter what state it's in Miriam it will be fine if it's ever needed again!

    2. As I recall, Rory and Ben were in the barn sorting out the best tableware for Rory’s 18th birthday dinner when Rory revealed the truth about his relationship with Troy. The china and glass seemed to be okay.

    3. Oh well, got that thought wrong!
      Thank-you for the info. and appreciated it.

  79. I was on the edge of my seat, but all I can remember is the clink of glass, what if she didn't pour it away! I didn't realise either that the baby is weeks away.

  80. With siblings like that, who needs enemies? If mine had turned up like that when I was heavily pregnant and insisted we party, party, party I would have shown them the door!
    Granted, Kate and Adam don't know about Alice's drinking problem but *no one* should be pushed into having a drink they don't want. Besides, she told them she was feeling tired and unwell - any reasonable human being would take the hint and let mum-to-be go and put her feet up.

    On the plus side, Adam refused to wear a onesie. For this relief, much thanks.

  81. Well I feel this is what the S W think is fair game for siblings to do to a pregnant sister, what on earth goes on in their lives ?
    I too wondered if she did pour the bubbly away Basia.

  82. After Adam’s grumpy, tetchy behaviour on Wednesday I found his behaviour last night quite unbelievable. He sounded drunk when he reached Alice’s and so did Kate. Their hilarity was over the top and childish.
    Not one of my favourite episodes, but well done Peggy for coming, discretely, to the rescue. I’m glad Chris has her onside

  83. Kate and Adam behaved in a ridiculous, childish way and were very insensitive to a heavily pregnant Alice. True, they don't know about the alcoholism but they were still so tone deaf. I do hope she did pour the drink away.

  84. Adam and Kate were behaving like silly teenagers, not an episode that I enjoyed.

  85. I think it was a clumsy effort to put Alice to the test. Peggy did the first one by letting her hold her drink and she rescued her from the second, though we're left to wonder if she passed that one.
    In the background there was Lynda with her "mystery" and plotting.

  86. I didn’t understand how it worked - Chris phoned enlist her help, she phoned Kate to say she’d had a fall (having conveniently ‘fallen’ with her phone in easy reach - or does she wear an alerter device with Kate as the key holder to be alerted?), and when Kate and Adam hotfooted it to The Lodge, did they find her lying artistically on the carpet, or having a cup of tea to get over the ‘shock’ after picking herself up. It didn’t sound at all credible to me, any more than Clarrie going all thespian did. Sigh!

    1. How did Adam and Kate get to the lodge after drinking all that bubbly?

  87. Like others, I am also confused about the get together + Peggie.
    Alice would not be drinking, regardless as is pregnant, and I just don't believe it was a set-up.
    What with Peggy, having supposedly fallen, but then talking to Chris...what is this all about?

  88. It wasn't a set up, it was a clumsy effort by the team for our benefit and that's what they came up with, by putting Alice and alcohol together. Peggy was very displeased at having to pretend she'd had a fall and said there are only so many a grandmother can have, Jennifer was preparing the healing chicken soup. She wanted to put an end to the charade but Chris persuaded her to keep quiet for Alice's sake.

  89. I agree with all of you - a most unpleasant and unnecessary episode. I would have thought Alice's fight with the demon would have been solitary not as a silly jolly jinx with her bro and sis, who can't really be blamed???? I do hope she gives birth to a healthy baby. This is a story and we don't need more unhappiness at the mo. Except for Philip, the BAD. 😀


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