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Life outside Ambridge





    Anneveggie - March 22, 2021 at 8:49 PM
    Thank you OWIAS for more clues. I got 25 and 27 right but for 26 I guessed Earls Court or Barons Court. Now to work on 28 and 29. I think I have 30.

    Lanjan - March 22, 2021 at 9:29 PM
    Lady R,Sasha cat still comes for her bonding sessions on the bonding bench.
    Percy now dashes there too and Poppy waddles slowly for her session.
    When Mr LJ was in hospital Poppy slept in the bedroom waking me up at about 6:30am each day by tapping me softly.
    She now has decided to sit on the settee instead ,most of the time.
    She used to take herself off into the hall or another room where she could be alone.
    Percy who used to ignore me ,now wants to sit on my knee all the time.
    He is there now.
    Percy was petrified of Sasha so Poppy would chase Sasha away for him
    (He thanked Poppy by tapping her with his paw.)
    Now both cats allow her to come into the house.
    Each one of them is a great comfort.
    Animals sense things.
    My step daughter's dog followed her everywhere on the day Mr LJ died.
    She even went into the bathroom when she had a shower ,a thing she had never done before

    Lady R - March 22, 2021 at 10:09 PM
    Lanjan you are absolutely right about animal intuition and I am so pleased to hear that Percy, Poppy and Sasha have all joined forces to ensure you are surrounded by their love and support and similarly your step - daughter by her dog. Thank you for such a fulsome reply. As you already know you are in all our thoughts.

    parsley16 - March 22, 2021 at 10:54 PM
    LJ 💕

    parsley16 - March 22, 2021 at 10:59 PM
    OWiAS, earlier post seems to have disappeared 🙄
    Got all 3, also came up with Ruislip Manor, along with Mansion House, Baron's Court, etc etc

    Proud to be Yorkshire - March 23, 2021 at 8:27 AM
    Got all 3 of the stations last week and this, with the aid of a list of stations though. Is that classed as cheating?

  2. Lanjan - Cats can be very comforting. We're all thinking of you!

  3. OWIAS - again I think I have 1 correct answer - Babar & Babara. We'll see. (Incidentally OWIAS, whenever I see an orangutan I picture a dark candlelight library too!)

    KP, I am I the only person on here who prefers it when the clocks go BACK? I like it when it gets dark around 2pm. Always have.

    LanJan & Spicy - hugs to you both.

    1. I’m with you Gary 4pm darkness in Dec is ok with me following my lovely Autumn season.
      I do like Spring 🌺 though just not high Summer 😱 🤣

    2. Me too, Gary! I love November afternoons when it gets dark so early! Cosy!

      Just got all three new tube quiz answers, I think!

      I like the new heading. As always, spot on.

    3. Me too. I love dark nights, lamps on and fire blazing. Perfect excuse to get sat down and not do any work.

    4. 🤣🤣🤣 too right ptby 👍

  4. Parsley, a bonus point for your extra suggestions
    PtbY, I'm sure I consulted the map when writing the quiz! Of coure it's not cheating.

    1. To begin with I was relying on my daughter's very short time living in London, and we were getting about 1 out of three, then more recently Mrs P mentioned something about being able to use the underground map so now I am doing that and averaging 2 out of 3. Not up to Lanjan's standard though!

  5. No GG, I always love it when the clocks go back.
    Takes an age to adjust when they go forward.. ☹️

    1. Love your photo heading, ❤️

    2. I thought it was a cute (if slightly tacky!) mix of 2 nice posts from LanJan & OWIAS from yesterday. Glad you approve!

    3. Yes it's great. So was the one of those two dear little girls.

  6. Thank you Gary.
    The picture is lovely.
    I have just returned from shopping.
    It is the first time I have been into a shop since 1st December !

    Tomorrow is Mr LJ's funeral at 1pm.
    Because he hated eulogies I am the only one who will be saying anything.
    It lasts less than 2minutes !
    I am mentioning this because I feel I may need support to get me through it so knowing I have that ,i feel sure it is going to help me.
    Thank you ,blogger friends

    1. Bless you, LJ. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. There will be time for smiles especially when you look back. In my case, Mike was always saying to me that I would be late for my own funeral but as the hearse got caught up in traffic in Newport, it was late in getting here. After a stately procession down through the close, it was hell for leather on the main road to be on time for our slot. He would have appreciated the irony of his being late, not me! It was like whacky races! At the committal, I suddenly felt I had to go forward and just touch the coffin to say goodbye. My brother in law, a lay preacher, had taken the service and already had pressed the button for the curtains to go around. He thought I might disappear too but although unaware of the urgency, I was very quick! Much , much later when we were able to put his ashes into the Solent the biodegradable urn unexpectedly sank immediately and as it plunged in it put me in mind of how Mike as an ex Navy diver would unhesitantly plunge into the sea notably on an excursion in Madeira when he leapt from the deck of a replica of the Santa Maria into the sea about 20 feet below!

      Seriously, after tomorrow you will be glad it’s done and you have given him a good from the heart sendoff. To quote Esther Rantzen, even though his life is over, yours will go on. Like me you will have great help from your animal friends and also from the human ones!! Take care💕xx from me!

    2. Lanjan, I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    3. LanJan, with Mr S's funeral still clear in my mind I will be with you in spirit at 1pm. His was like a harvest festival, with wicker harvest baskets instead of flowers, hymns about shepherds and islands and a song about Broad Beans, which both children still hate to this day. The irony was that although he was of no religion at all he had both ministers taking part. He had stipulated that he only wanted the male one, but the URC has a vigorous equal opportunities policy, so M presided and Her Reverence did the peripheral bits
      I feel for you and all the others who have to experience funerals under lockdown conditions, which must make it even more difficult to bear.

    4. I'll be thinking of you too, LanJan.
      Take care, and God bless.

  7. Thank you for the lovely picture Gary.
    Lanjan - you are right about animals sensing things and I'm so pleased that your pets are comforting you at this time.
    Spicycushion - best wishes sent to you in your recovery.
    Now I hope you'll forgive me if I vent. I'm upset that the sweet seal which had been by the Thames recently has had to be put down because someone's dog savaged it. Unlike most others on the blog, I think dogs should be on leashes all the time to avoid such things as this unnecessary event. They can have extending leashes so can run but always under control. I will now get off my soapbox.

    1. I am appalled at the attack. So many pictures of the attack. Dog leashes should be attached whenever there are people or animals.

    2. Don't get me started on dogs off the lead especially when they run over and jump up at people and young children. I'm constantly being told that they are just being friendly but their reply is usually less than friendly when I point out the muddy paw prints on my coat and suggest they might like to pay for the cleaning!

  8. My husband likes to leave all the clocks on summer time so you get so used to subtracting an hour that timings are haywire for a bit. The clock in my car has been waiting for my youngest granddaughter to adjust it since October. She reads the manual of course.

    OWIAS still enjoying the quiz - full marks last week. Yet to tackle this week’s though the Barbar one I think I know. Will miss it when it’s over😢

  9. Lanjan, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow xx

  10. Lanjan, I do admire people who, like you, can stand up and speak at a funeral, it is beyond me. I'm sure you will find a sense of peace later tomorrow, and can then reflect at leisure. I'm positive you have a million happy memories to help sustain you through this horrible time. I will be thinking of you, and Mr. LJ, tomorrow. xxxx

  11. Archerphile, I really hope you are still with us. I would miss your contributions very much, and I completely understand your position, having tried to express myself on this matter in the past. I also want to know if your eggy Yorkshires turn out....
    I was sad about Stasia and Carolyn, and really do not want any more exits.
    My stategy is to skip over multiple posts.
    Did you see Lanjan's message today, 11.39 a.m?

    1. Thank you Mistral, yes I’m still here! I offered to leave if anyone felt I’d been too harsh in my comments. Nobody (yet) has said I should go, so I’m carrying on.
      Havent tried the batter mix yet but absolutely will next time I tried to make YPs.

    2. AP, you said nothing wrong at all in my opinion.

    3. I would be sorry if anyone left the blog

    4. Thank you Gary and CC. The last thing I want is to give up on these life-saving blogs but I was prepared to if thought necessary by other members.

    5. Archerphile, myself, others in the past, and quite possibly others in the future.
      Nothing said by any of us touches home. Not even when we are kind and compassionate as well as being critical, kindly or harshly.
      Our posts are most unlikely to be read but the person they are aimed at.
      That is as evident today, as it was three years ago when on the previous blog.

    6. 100% MrsP! I actually find it almost amusing. Almost.

  12. Lanjan whatever you say tomorrow will be just right whether it turns out to be what you planned or not. I have a feeling you will mention cricket? I’ll be thinking of you.

  13. We have put our house on the market. For someone who hates cleaning it’s been a pain in the backside. We had 7 viewings on Saturday and have got 6 this aft. I’ve sent husband out with dogs.....want to sell house not have viewers bored to death with wittering from him.
    My question you think people should say if the house is not for them after they’ve looked round?
    I would prefer them to so you know where you stand. When we looked at one about 3 years back I said straight away to the lady that I was sorry but the garden was too small. It had looked much bigger on the photos.
    What do other bloggers think?

    How’s your house hunting going Mrs P?
    Archerphile.....persuaded mr Archerphile yet?

    1. Very briefly because I have to be at dentists in next town at 3 today.
      Have just finished a conversation with new estate agent.
      A new start.
      PtbY - hope you sell soon and the house you like is still available.
      Good luck.

    2. How exciting PtbY! (And MrsP! )

      When we were looking at houses we just cut the viewings very, very short if we knew that we weren't interested. I think the only times we said we DEFINITELY weren't interested was when I couldn't stop laughing at some of the horrors we saw. I just couldn't hold it in sometimes!

    3. We looked at a house once that had been built for the current owner decades previously. Since then he had installed a stair lift and central heating. The kitchen had 50s glazed wall cupboards. The bathroom was a period gem with a high, wall mounted toilet cistern. Outside, the walls clearly needed repointing years earlier.
      We were twenty-somethings looking for our first house. The agent showed us round quickly and didn't even try to sell it to us!

      Another house had a tiny kitchen extension tacked on to the side of the house (smaller than our garden shed). The bathroom was sponge painted dark blue, everywhere! I think that included the bath panel; it certainly included all the pipework.

      Another would have needed swift removal of the 'tasteful' wallpaper throughout.

      We fell in love with the house we bought immediately. Although, with hindsight, thick artex on all the walls is not a good look. (Especially when inexpertly applied by the previous owners.)

      That house is now rented out through agents. After one lot of tenants were finally booted out (they considered paying rent a nice idea in principal only) it was really in need of a complete repaint and a new kitchen. (The bathroom had been replaced the year before.) So now it's all very smart and nice - providing you like white walls, white kitchens, white bathrooms, and grey carpets.

  14. I hope that all goes well tomorrow Lanjan

  15. Best wishes for tomorrow Lanjan. I will be thinking of you.

  16. Lanjan,
    My heart will be with you tomorrow, but not just for tomorrow, for all the days that follow too. I think you are a strong person, that is my impression, never having met, but even strong people need help and support. You certainly have mine and, I am certain, everyone else’s here too.

  17. Just Love the heading. Another 👍 to GG. He always knows, the best idea, to help us all.

  18. I have a blackbirds nest nearby, but not sure where.
    A blackbird was sitting on the wash-line, with a beak full of food, but when it flew off, I couldn't see where it was headed to.

  19. LanJan.
    I will be with you in thoughts tomorrow, at 1.00pm
    I wish you well, and it is the service you both would have wanted, even in this time.

    Be Strong and remember your good times together.

  20. I am off to find a garden lantern plus a nightlite, to put in it.
    This will be lit at 7.30pm and put outside. It will be left until the candle burns out. It will be safe.
    This is to me, a rememberance of how all our lives have changed - families, parties, weddings, holidays, and also so many non-events.
    It is a simple gesture but it means a lot.

    1. I also appreciate, all the front-line workers for continuing throughout this year.
      These are the unforgotten Heroes.
      These are the postmen + women, supermarket workers, refuse collectors, delivery drivers plus those who gritted the roads, when snowy + icy, funeral directors etc.
      There will lots not mentioned - but I Thank them, from my 💖

    2. Forgot to mention, the Police + Firefighters, Coastgards, Mountain Rescue Teams, ect. These have continued in a magnificent way, even though the many events attended, have been as a result of, so many needlessly breaking the Covid Rules.

    3. You are so right Miriam, there are a great many people who have continued to work enabling society to continue, I’ll be lighting a candle.

  21. Will be thinking of you, LanJan ❤

  22. We viewed our current house at dusk on a Friday evening in October, signed the compromis the following morning!
    21 yrs ago last October....

    1. I was the same. I viewed a half-built house on a Friday evening, and signed for it, by 2.00pm the following day.
      Here I am, 35 years on, but it is still my home and very comfortable in it.

    2. We visited a building site on the way to visit my Granny. Four houses planned, only the first had been started. On our return the next day, Dad put in his offer for the final house.
      Mum and Dad finally downsized and moved out exactly 35 years from the day we moved in.

  23. Good Luck PTBY and Mrs P. with selling your properties.
    The positive thoughts are:-
    Persons are saving more due to the situation....and
    Stamp duty, is still not as what is what
    Who knows?

  24. To add. I much prefer the longer evening light, when the clocks change.
    This also means, I will not wake up as early, which is 6.30am at the moment!

  25. We had a look at a house in Ross on Wye before we moved into
    Ledbury. There was a lovely pond in the garden with water feature, owner said he was taking the pump. He was also taking the garden shed and just about every feature was going to be demolished. Plants would be taken and we had visions of a wasteland left behind! Inside the wallpaper was gross and we couldn’t have lived with it even for a short time. It’s a good thing now that you have to list what is being taken and what left behind. I have even heard of whole light fittings going including the cable from the ceiling! It really isn’t worth taking fittings such as toilet roll holders from the bathroom but some people do. Moving in day is fraught enough without having to make good such basic fitments!.

    So best of luck Ptby and Mrs P! Have you decided where you want to move to yet or is that the next big decision? Hope it all goes well. It will once the time is right!

  26. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Lanjan. 💐

  27. Lanjan like many others here my thoughts will certainly be with you tomorrow at 1pm 🙏🏼 I feel sad to have lost my fellow (Oct11th) Libran and will always remember him on his day 💫

  28. Lanjan, still thinking of you. Sometimes the anticipation of an event is much worse than the event itself. Take care and best thoughts from me x x

  29. I second that. In my thoughts.

  30. Lanjan I am sitting quietly before bed thinking of you and hoping that yourself (Percy and Poppy) are all together having as restful a night as is possible 💕

  31. Lanjan, I am thinking of you.

  32. I too add my thoughts for today to you Lanjan.

  33. We are all with you today LanJan. I hope everything goes as you wish and you have as many family there as are allowed.
    Big hugs and love.

  34. LanJan, I hope today is going as well as possible. Everyone here is thinking of you and sending support through the ether.

  35. Lanjan Mr R and I went for a ride and just before one o’ clock pulled in and parked by Cut Mill pond (which you will not know of) but it was just so quiet and peaceful with the view of the water birdsong and a few trees in bud. I hoped that the thoughts that I (and many others here) worked their way through to you.
    Different times ahead but a day at a time 🌻 .....

  36. Lanjan.
    My thoughts were also with you at 1.00pm today. It is so hard to give that final "good-bye", to an adored person, who made a life so complete.
    It will take time now, to adjust, but do your best.
    Miriam Xxx

  37. The hardest part, in a situation, such as this, is what to keep.
    Memories are so very important, but the home shouldn't become a "shrine".
    It is harsh, removing items, but at the same time, it is so important to keep those little personal things, which mean a lot.

  38. As I am still in a melonchaly mood - I put a lit garden lantern out on the front lawn last night, and flashed an LED torch out the back. I was the only one who did this, but glad I did.
    This was for the workers, the "unsung heroes", who have worked continuosly, throughout this ongoing pandemic.
    These are:- the supermarket workers, delivery drivers, postmen/women, the fire and police services, the refuse workers, those who gritted the roads when it was snowy + icy etc.
    I also include the likes of the coastguards, mountain rescue teams, who put their own lives at risk, rescuing + helping stupid persons in trouble, who were breaking the set Lockdown Rules.
    My lantern was lit, as a Thanks to likes of these.

    1. Now I must breathe and smile again!

    2. This I am doing, as The Repair Shop is on tonight.
      My tissues are ready, just in case. 😂

    3. The evening editions are repeats but the afternoon ones new, except for the last 2 days they have not been on due to Coronavirus Specials.

  39. My evening meal is using up 2 pork chops, which have been in the freezer for months, so decided needed to be cooked.
    I have decided to put these into a casserole, sitting on a base of onions, swede, carrots, mushrooms and celery.
    It will be cooked in stock, but who knows what else will be added - even I don't yet. It will be different + interesting, purely a rustic meal.

  40. We had pork steaks last night cut into cubes with what I had in the fridge - mushrooms, celery and carrots - and an apple diced and onions. All cooked in chicken stock. The apple flavoured the stock so you could imagine it was cider! Alongside we had a small baked potato. Katy is cooking tonight, burgers and chips so I am being really lazy but need it as this morning was hectic. I was giving the microwave a thorough clean when a delivery arrived, a big one ordered by Katy. In the chaos Dudley had a go at a tray of millionaires shortbread and bit through the outer and board and the foil tray just catching one slice! I cut off the offending edge. He then tried to make off with a sirloin steak in a plastic bag but K caught that one just in time! The chicken which should have been fresh was frozen and looked as if it had been used as a football as it was so bashed! They are going to replace it on Friday! Usually their stuff is excellent so it was surprising. Finally after sorting out freezer stuff I was able to return to the microwave! Isn’t it amazing how a whole morning can disappear in the middle of small things going wrong!!

    After all this, thought of you at one, Lanjan and tonight you must feel better having said your goodbye. He will always be there in your memory though and you will sense him looking over your shoulder as you go forward. God bless!

    1. An item on my list to be bought next, is cider! I went to get the bottle, to add into my pork chop "mess", only to find it nearly empty, plus no apple either!
      It will be OK, 🤞

    2. Gosh Ev, sounds like something from a sitcom!

    3. That’s our house, CC! Just like “Not Going Out”! Dudley is now the star of the Shih Tzu Rescue Facebook!

  41. My two bannanas have now ripened enough, so that tomorrow I will make a bannana loaf/cake.
    Half of this will be put into the freezer, so that shortly when me + my lovely nieghbours, can have a meet-up again, with coffee or tea in a garden, I will have something to serve ..

  42. *** MY EARLY MEMORIES ***

    Ev, enjoy!

  43. Sending morning greetings to Lanjan. We were thinking if you yesterday and still sending our love and support today.

    1. Me too, Lanjan, with a virtual hug.

    2. Same here Lanjan.
      I hope it is as sunny where you are as here, and maybe you can sit in the sunshine and just rest today. Hug a cat or one of your cushions.

    3. Beautifully put Janice thank you 🌹

  44. We moved from Glasgow to Crewe when I was 18 months old. No memory of that but we finally moved into our own house when I was 3. In between we lived in “digs” and I have two memories of that time. The first is a snapshot of sitting in my pushchair outside a shop with an open door so that I could see my Mum the whole time and I looked down to a gravel surface.

    The second one is that we lived near the Crewe Alexandra football ground in our “digs” and my Dad took me to a match. I was sitting on his shoulders and when the footballers came out I was very excited and said “Look.....” and remember struggling to think of what they were, finally deciding and yelling “.... the Cowboys!”

    The next memory I have is of being in a van moving to our house. Then I remember in 1952 just before my fourth birthday asking Mum why everyone was sad and she told me the King had died. I wasn’t sure who he was, just someone very important. When I was a bit older I decided the most important people were God, the Queen and Archbishop Makarios who was in the news a lot in the fifties! He was such an imposing figure! Before the advent of our first TV we went to the cinema every week and watched the newsreels.

    What a strange child I was,!! No change there then!!!😉😁

  45. “The cowboys” love it Ev 🤣🤣🤣

  46. Ev.
    What interesting memories.

    Crewe Alexandra, is the favourite team of Big Sis's 2nd husband.
    Over a year ago, just 2 weeks before Lockdown No#1,
    there was a gathering for a grand-nephews 6th birthday, 9 of us sitting around the table.
    Needless to say Grandma + Hubbie were late, as were watching the football match at Crewe.
    My niece, was not amused, as felt she put the football + hubbie, above her grandson's meal.
    She was partially right, but then Sis + Hubbie were also sharing a joint venture out, together.
    They arrived, just as the meal was ready....

    1. This was the last time, that so many sat around a table together.
      At least with the "Rule of 6" starting again on Monday, there is the chance of meeting up again, in gardens at Easter. 🤞🤞
      Not sure if this will happen, but it is as least positive step forward.

    2. Not sure if this is just in England.
      I need to learn more, to find if I can drive into Wales again.

  47. Thanks Ev!

    Every day is a school day on here - just spent 20 mins or so reading all about Archbishop Makarios!

  48. Thank you so much for thinking of me yesterday.
    It definitely helped - of that I am sure .
    I was upset when I went into the Chapel and was then not sure if I could actually do my short
    eulogy but then a point came when suddenly I knew I could -and I did.
    I feel sure that it was knowing that so many friends were thinking of me which made me able to
    deliver it.


    1. Take Care.
      Go forward, in a way only you can decide, how to do.
      LJ - I feel for you.
      Miriam Xxx 🤗😍

    2. Well said Miriam, you have covered all I would have liked to say to LJ.

      So glad our thoughts helped you yesterday Lanjan it is a situation we all dread being in whichever way life pans out within a couple.

  49. Nice mixture of memories ,Ev.
    I can remember King George VI dying and thinking that he was quite old anyway!
    He was I believe only 56. Years of age.

  50. Gary, you do a brilliant job in finding apt pictures for the heading! Thank you, I knew the 3 year old me was right!

    Mike and I went to Cyprus a few years ago and we went to the house where Archbishop Makarios grew up. The family lived at the front and to the rear through a doorway there was a space where the animals were kept, not dogs and cats but farm animals! The smell must have been rich! Another day we went to Kykkos monastery where he began the religious life. It was covered in scaffolding and a workman dropped his hammer exclaiming “Oh, Shitto!!” Just shows the world over, sentiments are the same!

    Lanjan, you did so well to speak at the funeral. I admire you as it was something I just couldn’t do. Katy read out the poem about being in the next room and I was so proud of her. Bless you and my thoughts are with you in these early days. X x

  51. How I am loving listening to David Sedaris, before the weekly TA episiode. This jusrt amuses me, as does Ed Reardon with his cat, Elgar..
    Small things, amuse Little minds, which mine certainly is now. 🤣

    1. I like him too, Miriam. He is very funny!😁😂

  52. LanJan, I'm afraid I haven't been able to log on for a while and I was so sad to read your news. I can only admire your courage in facing the last few days / weeks and being able to speak yesterday. It must be even worse because of not being able to have close contact with others at this time, I'm glad you have your animals - they are such a comfort and they do know... my cat seemed to be always by me when my husband died and it did help. This is just to say you are in my thoughts. Take care of yourself.

  53. We thought we had lost you Bufo 9. Pleased your able to log on again.
    Welcome back.

    Good to see you posting today LJ.
    Take care of yourself and be gentle for a few days now.

    Nice words from Miriam.

    Ev. Liked your memories. I don't remember the King dying but have vivid memories of Archbishop Makarios, he seemed to be all over the papers so much of the time.
    I suppose as small British children that black head covering and the robes must have seemed so very strange. It wouldn't have the same effect on children today, would it ?

    1. I actually saw the robes and head covering in Cyprus. They were rather dusty but brought back memories of the man. It is sad that the outcome for Cyprus was not that satisfactory in that it was divided. We saw deserted villages where Turkish families had lived as of course we were in the Greek south. As far as I know the situation is still the same and it is sad such a small island is divided like this. I’m not sure whether modern children would find the Archbishop as imposing. They are probably more used to seeing things from storage foreign lands!

  54. Ev, I too have visited the Kykkos monastery. I also remember the day the king died as our next door neighbour was only too keen to tell us. I remember my mother saying that all the cinemas were to be closed but at the age of 6yrs I couldn't see any connection. I asked if it was because it was the king who made the films so there wouldn't be any more, and was told not to be so silly.

    1. You may have been told that you were silly Sarnia, but I think it's a more than reasonable question for a six year old to ask.

    2. Thank you kindly, Mrs P, but I was forever being told not to be so silly. It was a way of life I'm afraid!

  55. Unable to get here again yesterday. Keep writing posts only to be met by the dreaded ‘Oops there was an error’ message - driving me bonkers.
    But just wanted to say it’s lovely to hear from you again Lanjan and I’m so glad to hear you found the strength to make your speech. I know we often say we will be thinking of someone at a particular time, then perhaps forget, but Mr A and I did specifically note One O’Clock and mark the time, sending our thoughts in your direction as we were in the garden.

    Also lovely to see Bufo here again. I wonder if you have been having the same problems as me, trying to write on the blog. (Of course, you might have been too busy with other things) but it does seem to take a lot of fiddling with Chrome settings, logging in and out and just sheer persistance to get here some days!

    1. Same here today AP. Now trying via iPhone 🤞
      If it works I can leave other posts I have just tried 😡

    2. Well what do you know - phone works!

  56. House update:-

    We accepted an offer on Wednesday. The people in the house we want have to put a sealed bid in today for the one they want. Should find out Monday/Tuesday if they’ve been successful. If they don’t get it they aren’t moving. If we don’t get theirs, we aren’t moving.
    So just a waiting game this weekend. 🤞
    At least it’s no more cleaning and hiding things any more for when people come round.

  57. Daphne update:-

    She’s been so good. Out of the crate and free range on a night now. No accidents overnight. She knows she’s not allowed in the dining room or upstairs. Just lays waiting at the bottom of them.
    Husband walks other dog through to our bubble mates house most days, 3 miles away in the next town. Too far for Daphne. Yesterday when I came downstairs, after he’d gone, I discovered I had a chewed corner of the coffee table!!!! Couldn’t believe it. Little bugger. She was sat there, looking like butter wouldn’t melt!!!

    1. 🙄
      Our Lily has discovered the wisteria on the front of the house, best climbing frame ever!
      Great game, up & in & down & round, then all over again...
      Can hear the first hoopoe!

    2. We have a corner of a bookcase chewed by Buddy when a pup. The good news ptby is they do grow out of it! Not so good news on Gypsy. She was very unwell this morning as if she had had a stroke. We have taken her down to the vet and they are keeping her in to do tests. It isn’t looking good though. We are now home playing a waiting game. Will update later.

    3. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you Ev.

    4. Poor Gypsy. Hopefully you will be back with good news later Ev. 🤞

    5. Oh no. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Honestly they are such a worry. 🙏

    6. Ev sending thoughts and keeping 🤞
      Waiting is awful.

  58. I did write a post re house selling a day or so ago, but had Archerphiles problem.
    I've sacked the agents.
    Six months on the market, 17 viewings and no interest at all.
    Organised a new agent, passed details by daughter who has now confused me by questioning their suitability. Plus advice from a friend who believes I should stay put.

    I'm confused and befuddled !

    Ev asked where I would go.
    I spend hours each night on Rightmove searching every town between Bath and Cornwall. Plus Ventnor and Ryde.
    Don't worry Ev, I won't come knocking at your door if I do end up on the island.

  59. You’d be very welcome Mrs P. Think about it though as if I’m right you have no friends or relatives here? We settled well but had our daughter here but I imagine it could be a different story if you have no one.

    1. I do have one very good friend very near to you Ev, and many of my daughters cousins are all over the island, including a couple again near to you.
      But wherever I go I won't be near to anyone I know, as I was when I came here.

    2. Best wishes for your quest, Mrs P.

  60. I have just re read your comments .
    Am extremely touched.
    Very briefly.
    Soz I didn't mention cricket .
    Since The only people at the funeral were close family I based my short speech on the Samuel Johnson saying.
    " To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition" pointing out why Mr LJ personified that statement.
    I did include his love for his medicinal whisky each evening.!

    1. How very very true Lanjan and a second marriage has given me exactly this as it did for you the memory of which will be treasured and held in your heart forever.

  61. Thank you, Lanjan. We haven’t heard anything yet.

  62. Ev. Best wishes for Gypsy.
    A pet is also a much loved family member, be it in a different way, though.

  63. Sealed bids re house-buying is a total mine-field.
    I watch programmes like "Location etc", "Escape to the Country" and so on, and just love it when follow-up programmes, are recorded + then viewed.
    This sometimes shows the difference, re sealed bids which were put in. One couple "won" their new home by £1 yet another paid £70,000 more than the next bid!.
    I would hate to have to do this, but is a way of getting a quick sale, if it's offers over.
    Property in my area is selling within days..

    1. higher prices, than properties are worth! It has to be perhaps, the Stamp Duty Holiday, and mortgages available with low deposits + interest rates.

  64. Quick extra.
    I now know the situation with the England/Wales border. It is still basically closed until April 12th. This is now not that far away.
    I can, hopefully, meet up with family (25 miles away), over Easter...for just a coffee in a garden.

    1. This family is in England.

    2. Sorry, I could have told you that, Miriam. I saw my son and his family three times in 2020, the last occasion being in September. April 12th can't come soon enough for us.

  65. Well, it’s good news and bad news. She may have a tumour in her liver but lives to fight another day! The latest problem may have spiked as her temperature went up. She has had antibiotics and some liver pills which may or may not help her. We have brought her home and she was happy to be here. The boys both touched noses with her. She has eaten her dinner. We have to face the possibility of losing her but in the meantime will just do our best to keep her happy and comfortable.

    1. Oh Ev that’s not good news. As long as she’s happy at home at the moment that’s all you can do. 🤞💐

    2. At least she is back home with her "family"
      If things don't go well, then you have done the best possible.
      Gypsy might just surprise you all.
      I hope so 🐶

    3. I lost a cat, only 8 years old, many years ago. She was at the vet's as an emergency, after returning from work. Cat was jabbed full of steroids + anti-inflammatory drugs, but as the evening went on, things were not right.
      I made her a comfortable bed, on my bedroom floor., At 2.00am I heard her dying breath. At least she passed away comfortably, in her home with her guardian, very close by.
      I had to work the next day, for just 4hrs and cried the whole time..
      What was bad, was after work, taking her body to The Vets for disposal, which was best situation for me, at that time.

    4. Miriam -
      Even after all these years, I can imagine that you still carry the pain of that time.
      You have my sympathy.

    5. My current Puss Cat, will be 17yrs in June.
      She is showing her age now, just like her guardian, but I am more prepared, this time 😻

    6. What was strange was that, Mum rang me the following morning, saying "she's gone" hasn't she.
      She told me that she woke up at 2.15am, thinking the 'phone had rung, with me then telling her the news, but this did not happen at all. I only told her the following morning.
      Spooky - Big Time..

  66. Ev - re Gypsy

    I didn't see your post earlier.
    I do hope it's good news, but if not, you do seem to be prepared.
    Nevertheless a painful and distressing time.
    Thinking of you.

    1. See now that it's still not very good news.
      But like others I feel it best for her to be at home if she is near her end.
      Far better to be loved to the end than be in a cage at the vets.
      And I'm not criticising your vet either.

      My beloved Harry was taken after intensive surgery that discovered raging cancer. I was utterly distraught but brought her home for two days before her funeral. It gave me time to pay my respects and love for my beloved.

    2. Our pets - be they cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and even rats or mice - mean so much to so many, and are very sadly missed, at the end.
      Every pet, gives such delight for their owner/guardian and the family they create.

  67. However one thinks one is prepared, one never is.
    Good that Gypsy is home with you all, Ev.
    Hoping for the best.
    Merry is in the front garden with his favourite mouse, Emmaus.
    Two madcap young cats to keep us on our toes!

  68. Up for the match, Gary Gilday ??
    Such a shame it's raining.. ☹️

    1. That may well suit Scotland of course.. 😙

    2. That's why we are watching now !

    3. I'm keeping an eye on it parsley - I'm simultaneously attending a really dull Zoom launch for a friend's magazine... Allez Ecosse !

  69. Gypsy is eating well. She didn’t have breakfast this morning but ate her dinner when we brought her back from the vet and before going to bed she had supper. With her Cushings she is always hungry so we spread her food out like this. She will be 14 in September, a good age even for her breed. We know there is a lot wrong so must face up to losing her at some time.I was very touched at how the boys greeted her this afternoon. Even though they sometimes seem not that close, they are a team, our pack! We feel like a family of five. I forgot to say that the raised temperature is due to an infection which has hit her hard in her old age. Tonight she is considerably better than this morning. The liver problem has been going on for a long time, They would know more with an x Ray but this has to be done under general anaesthetic and for her that is too risky. Donal the vet has previously advised against it. So we wait and see. Thank you all for your kind words and wishes. They have been very helpful during a difficult day. We are now all in bed tired out after all the stress!💕 to all x x

  70. Bravo Scotland, what a performance, fantastic.

    1. Wasn't it amazing? Wish I had watched the whole game now.

  71. Meant to say Spicy, what a terrific batting performance from certain players today, good result, disappointing bowling...

  72. Do hope you are having a restorative sleep Ev and have an uneventful weekend 🥰

  73. I can’t bear to part with the ashes of our 3 dogs we’ve lost. They are on the bookcase in our living room. I want them to go with me in my coffin when I die.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts. Gypsy had a good night and having lost her bark yesterday probably because of breathing problems, she does have a bit of restoration today. She has been happily basking in the sunshine coming through the glass panel in the hall. She is happy especially as she had her manuka honey this morning. I might add she is the only one in the household who gets this luxury courtesy of Katy!

    2. For the time being Ev, that's good news.
      Perhaps she will keep going for a bit longer having made it through the first night.
      Wishing you and Katy well, and Gypsy the very best.

  74. I didn't scatter my Harry's ashes, I buried them on Wimbledon Common in an area of woodland that we walked most days.
    She had been my companion through two relationships and quite a lot of moving around and living for short periods in different places, but then stability in one place for a number of years. So her final years and daily walks seemed the best option.
    Because I know exactly where she is I can always visit her.

  75. Had my second vaccination yesterday.
    Big notice informing us that 420 people have been vaccinated today and very busy but well organised.
    Feel utterly rotten today.
    Have managed to give the dog a minimum walk and am going back to bed.
    Will probably be fine tomorrow.

  76. Poor you Mrs P. but it will pass. I noticed it seems to hit the day after the vaccination, and with me lasted a couple of days. I would be interested to know if you think the after effects are worse with the second than the first. I haven't got my second until 23rd April.
    I have just heard from some distant Canadian cousins that came over here to visit us once. Three are in their 70's and one of them now finds the extreme snow and cold in Alberta difficult healthwise so in the Winter a group of them go in 3 campervans down to Arizona. ( they farmed , and one son still does, but are also musicians and singers and normally while in Arizona they travel around entertaining in churches and halls, but couldn't this year because of the virus).
    I don't half go round in circles but I will get there in a minute.
    This year they couldn't cross borders so had to fly. They were due to come back at the beginning of March but when they went for their pre flight tests they all had Covid. None of them had any symptoms and didn't feel ill. They have had to quarantine etc, and now are hoping to fly back on April 5th, but they are all feeling fine.
    I find it quite a positive thing that it is possible to get Covid, not feel ill and not have long term effects.

    1. The problem is, covid can then be transmitted from asymptomatic persons to others.
      It is no fault of any-one, but shows why vaccination is so important.

    2. That's true Miriam. I am just glad they had to have a test before the flight, or they could have taken it back to the rest of the family and others.
      I think they were due to be vaccinated when back in Canada.

  77. Mrs P. Re the affects of your 2nd jab - Well Done, by the way - was it Pfizer + did you have any affects after the 1st?
    I am very interested, and intrigued as to hearing your comments, as to how you feel.

    I had some bad effects after my 1st Oxford jab, which were particularly shown the day after. I had some effects for a week after, in some ways, though fairly minor.

    I wonder if the different vaccines used, cause problems at differing times. Hence, my question.

    1. My 2nd is in the middle of May. I can imagine the scenario in years to come, a covid booster given with the 'flu vaccine. It will become normal.

  78. Ev.
    I hope Gypsy is still doing well, and stays happy + content.
    It is was lovely to read your up-dates.

    I'm off to order some Feliway. My pusscat refuses to go outside, won't use the litter tray, so pees in the bath + poos on the bathroom floor.
    I know the problem, a horrible siamese cat, who thinks my garden is his. He chases her, attacks her and a few days ago he was asleep in my Pusscat's favourite spot in the garden. Also she is not playing and no longer wants me to brush her (which she normally loves).
    It could be her age, but I am not happy with her toilet facilities!
    It is worth a try.
    Has any-one else any ideas?

    1. A powerful water pistol will see off the Siamese! Puss at needs to feel the garden is hers! I don’t know about toilets and cats. Our dogs are all different. Dudley is the star. He barks to go out and come in. Buddy doesn’t do anything indoors but is reluctant to go out so will hold it for ages then when we take him out produces Niagara Falls. This is not good for him so we try to take him out regularly. Ridiculous! Gypsy will make for the back door but if it’s closed will just do it on the sunroom or kitchen floor. She then marches off nonchalantly. She is a princess and expects her human servants will clean up after her! Of course in the summer door is open all the time but when colder we have to gauge the appropriate times. She is good though given her problems. We hear all sorts of horror stories about other dogs with Cushings or just with being elderly. Well, at least, Miriam you can disinfect the bathroom. The problem comes with carpets. Fortunately our kitchen and sunroom have easily cleaned laminate floors and we keep heavy duty kitchen paper and disinfectant handy at all times! Sorry everyone else! I hope you’re not having your tea!!😉🐾🐾🐾🐾

    2. Yes, my antiseptic cleaner, is going down fast!.
      The problem is my bathroom flooring is carpet, not tiles which is prefered to the litter tray, close by..l will sort it, I hope. 😹

    3. Can you put a sheet of plastic down Miriam ?

      See my answer also below.

  79. Had my 1st jab last Thursday at the local surgery! AZ. Mild flu symptoms yesterday, v tired, fine today. Mr P still waiting for his, secretary error 😖
    2nd date fixed for June.

    1. Great news, after your postponment.
      You must feel releaved.

  80. I had my second Pfizer jab over a week ago. My arm was less sore than after my first. I felt more tired after the second. Not debilitating-ly so (is that a word?) , but noticeable for about 5 days.
    I know that I got off lightly compared to some.

    1. Thanks for the up-date.
      I am just very interested as to the effects after the 2nd dose - just put it down to being an ex-pharmacist, who is now, just curious.

  81. 36hours after my 1st AZ jab, I was like a "Pelham Puppet", whose strings had been suddenly cut! I literally crawled up to bed, at 7.00pm, sleeping for 12 hours.

  82. Miriam I had the Pfizer on both occasions.
    No sore arm after either.
    Felt 'heavy' as I believe I described it for the rest of the day on the first ( 9 am ) and then wobbly the day after. Or it might have been the other way round. I did post about it at the time if you want to check.
    Yesterday I had the jab at around 5.30 pm but felt ok during the evening. Woke this morning from what felt like a nightmare and then kept drifting back to sleep and slipping back into the nightmare, eventually dragging myself out of bed for the sake of the animals.

    As for your 17 year old cat.
    Yes chase the Siamese off with water canons.
    But a big BUT.....
    he/ she is now geriatric, and may be coming to her end.
    In my opinion it would be unkind to use feliway at this stage of life.
    The cat is using the bathroom for which I would be grateful.
    Peeing in the bath can be easily sluiced down by you. Bowel evacuation again should not be a huge problem since the lavatory is close by. Can you put the litter tray in the bathroom or is it already there ?

    My cat rarely uses his tray which is beside my lavatory in my bathroom.
    He corks it regardless of the number of hours since he does not have a cat flap. However when I am away and he is reliant on somebody to come and let him out, he does use the tray.
    He also only drinks from the dripping bathroom tap, kept permanently dripping for his benefit.

    Lady can also and does hold her bladder. As known (!) I am a late riser, so she gets her late night pee when I go to bed and may be as late as 2am. She rarely asks to go out, but when she does ask it's by makeing a big fuss. Since she is a very calm dog in the house, sleeping peacefully most of the time, it is easy to tell when she is asking. She never asks in the morning and in two years we have had only two 'accidents'.

    Your cat is very old Miriam, treat him as you would an old mum or dad, and put up with the changed circumstances. It may not be long.

    1. My Pusscat is female. I just don't like she does not use her litter tray, which is also in the bathroom...oh well, an ongoing problem.

    2. Mrs P. When my dad had problems and spent time is hospital, then going into a rehab situation, where he wore his normal clothes, I was faced with bags of soiled clothes to be taken home and laundered.
      This upset me intensly then, and now my cat is doing the same.
      with the constant cleaning.
      It was upsetting - but I loved my Dad and did what was necessary for him, with no regrets.
      I am just finding it hard constantly cleaning up after my pusscat, a situation which could be solved.
      The question is how?

    3. Miriam, I’m nosey and interfering and I always want to try solving problems! Have just been looking at cats not wanting to use litter trays where they have in the past. It recommends you have a tray upstairs and downstairs, only one or two inches of litter, big enough for the cat to have room and not tucked in a corner so that she has multiple escape routes. I know just what you mean about relentless cleaning up. At the moment Gyp only has occasional accidents indoors but there have been times when we never stopped finding little offerings when she has been poorly - she has colitis as well! Anyway, you know far more about cats than I do but suggest you google the problem. Most advice is from USA and not all sensible but you can root out some good tips. Dudley has to have eye drops and the tip
      I picked up was to sit him on a high working top with his back towards you and put the drops in from behind. It works a treat! Good luck with Pusscat!

    4. You can get mats which are washable and with waterproof backing which you could put over the bathroom carpet. Katy got one from Amazon. Gypsy likes to scratch at carpets so she does have a go at this causing little harm! It is blue with dog patterns but bet you can get a cat one! Mrs P’s suggestion of a plastic cover is good too as you could still see the carpet!

  83. Miriam, I don't know what a Pelham puppet is, but having the strings cut is a very good description of how I felt this morning.
    I'm still in bed right now, and a headache is developing.

  84. Also ... I've spoken t o my son in law and my daughter who had her first yesterday is very unwell apparently.

  85. Don't forget the hour change tonight.
    I am looking forward to this, so I don't continue to surface at 6.30am, with the light + dawn chorus! Although I snuggle down and doze again, it's never quite the same as sleeping through.

    1. I am off to find my cooker manual, as I can never remember how to alter the time on it!
      Little things can become an issue.

    2. I always have a window or two slightly ajar overnight, regardless of the weather, as I just love fresh air, wafting through in a gentle way.

    3. I think my earlier suggestion is the answer for the time being Miriam.
      A sheet of plastic covering the bathroom carpet.

  86. Ev, sorry to hear about Gypsy, but pleased that she is eating and enjoying the sunshine. All we can do for old pets is keep them warm, fed and as content as possible. It is horrible seeing an animal in distress.

    1. The worst thing is that they don’t understand what is happening. She is an amazing dog and although sleeping a lot seems back to normal more or less. We really thought the end was approaching on Friday. She has a lovely temperament and I just regret not having her from the start as she wasn’t walked enough and had a rubbish diet which caused skin problems and was then put on too many steroids for that which probably accelerated the blindness. She copes well with that though and her navigation skills are wonderful. She was born in 2007 though and I was in a different place then with lots of travelling involved. It has been lovely over the last three years just to see her enjoying walks and being comfortable!


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