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Life in Ambridge




    KPnuts - April 19, 2021 at 11:11 PM
    Now Alice’s secret is out the word will soon spread.....

    maryellen - April 20, 2021 at 3:01 AM
    I thought Fallon was trustworthy, but I also thought Harrison was and I was wrong about that!

    Lanjan - April 20, 2021 at 7:05 AM
    Harrison had to tell Fallon what had happened .
    I wouldn't put it past Alice to say that it was Harrison who made a pass at her.
    I still think that will happen and it will be hard for Harrison to prove otherwise.
    Perhaps it would be better to tell Jennifer and Brian about Alice..

    maryellen - April 20, 2021 at 7:35 AM
    Harrison should have done what Alice begged and forgotten it happened. It’s an unimportant incident compared with all the other repercussions of her addiction. Or was Harrison trying to prove something else to Fallon, I wonder? I wasn’t impressed by her reaction either.

    Lanjan - April 20, 2021 at 7:52 AM
    Alice can't be trusted.
    Harrison did the correct thing.
    Not sure he should tell Christopher though.
    When Alice and Christopher married they were a lovely young couple and then Christopher "vanished "and returned as a weak husband who would do anything for his spoilt wife.
    Why do they keep changing the Character of the characters?

    Cheshire Cheese - April 20, 2021 at 8:05 AM
    As I'm not listening I can't comment on the storyline but I do agree about changing the character of the characters Lanjan.

    Basia - April 20, 2021 at 9:43 AM
    I'm glad Harrison told Fallon, it wasn't her behaviour but her drinking that matters and Chris should be aware that she lapsed again. How can H & F be godparents now?

  2. Horrible thought Lanjan - what if Alice DOES claim that Harrison made a pass at her?

    I must admit to only half listening at the moment. I've never liked Alice and like a few others on the blog I don't care for the storylines at the moment.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wonder if work wise Harrison could be in trouble if it was discovered he didn't report Alice as being a drunk driver. He was off duty but a policeman retains powers of arrest etc whether on or off duty.

    1. Yes, Janice and even more so if he hadn't told his wife. In cases like this, if it were to come to some kind of disciplinary hearing the fact that he had said nothing afterwards might be taken as an indication that he was in the wrong and had tried to cover it up. As it is, his wife is in a position to say that he had come home troubled at what had happened and can therefore back him up. I've actually seen this happen.

  4. I also thought Harrison did the right thing telling Fallon about Alice’s attempt to ‘seduce’ him. It is good that he didn’t want to have this as a secret hanging over their marriage. Who knows when it could come out later?
    As for Alice, I cringed when she tried to suggest Harrison should make up a story about the event. Not content with constant lying herself she was trying to persuade him to do the same.

    Harrison is in such a difficult position. If he tells Chris, he is in danger of losing a good friend, if he doesn’t tell Chris he risks Alice sinking even lower. I don’t think he can inform the rest of Alice’s family, it’s really not his place to do so, that should be down to Alice and Chris.

    I am not enjoying this story at all, it seems to be taking over TA at the moment to the exclusion of much else and it leaves me feeling upset and depressed. Which is not what I listen to TA for.

    1. I agree with you so much Archerfile.

    2. I also agree with you Archerphile and the current S/L is indeed depressing. I think Harrison did the right thing in telling Fallon about Alice's drunken pass. Alice is perfectly capable to saying it was Harrison who made a grab for her. She is very unlikeable in her capacity to lie and think of herself above everything else.
      Poor Chris, his wife has turned into a nightmare.

  5. I'm quietly recovering from years of trials and tribulations of my own, so find myself unable to cope with anyone else's. That's one of the reasons why, although I read up on this part of the blog occasionally, I don't listen any more.

    1. I hope the years ahead become wonderful ones to help make up for the past.

  6. All I can say, is that I still listening, and intrigued with TA.
    It is obvious some S/L's with the same characters will dominate, for a week or more.
    This surely is how the episodes are now recorded, with just a few "characters" together in the studio, at any one time.
    In a couple of weeks time, it will be all about, others not heard recently:-
    Eddie + Clarrie.
    Adam + Ian.
    Tom + Natasha.
    Roy and his "internet" lady.
    Rex + Toby.
    I am just being patient, for other S/L's to appear.

    The S/L, which I find boring is - Tony + Lee, with the model trains + "hero" comics. I personally, don't want to listen to "Boys with their Toys".

    1. That’s OK
      But I’d much rather listen to tales of the model railway or even Susan’s shop gossip ( can’t believe I actually said that) than Alice’s descent into self-destruction and the angst she is causing Chris and now Harrison.

      Seems even we most dedicated Archer lovers can disagree about content!

    2. Agree.
      We give our reasons, as to agree or disagree, re TA with each other, in a calm + sensible way.
      A lot of the discussions posted, are so informative and thought-provocking.
      I for one, can then see these, from a different angle and so change my thoughts/ideas.

  7. Be warned - I have been thinking, I know this is a bad thing 😂
    Harrison + Fallon are to be Martha's Godparents, but could they then become, short-term guardians in the near future, for Martha?
    They don't want to have a family of their own (well just yet) but they were wonderful together looking after Harrison's niece, when help was needed. Could this happen again....
    As said - thinking too much 😂

    1. A future S/L for
      Harrison + Fallon. They become foster parents?

    2. Good thinking re guardianship Miriam .

    3. Fallon is more fussed about Alice’s drunken pass (which I still think Harrison should have kept to himself) than Martha’s future, she hasn’t mentioned the baby at.all, just focused on her own feelings and history of family alcoholiism. The situation isn’t showing her in a good light, thanks to Harrison’s unwise and unnecessary revelation.

  8. For me the incident in the car between Alice and Harrison was the moment she told him that he could lie. Those words from Alice showed her in all her ' negative glory '.
    She is correct in implying that her whole life is a lie, and she shows her character in all her dealings.
    To my ears her only redeemable quality is her interaction with her baby.
    This informs me to believe that at some point she will lose that baby and it will break her.

  9. Your chickens are on their way home Alice !

  10. That's my thoughts, now being put into the rubbish bin, after the Fallon + Alice "chat"!

  11. Nobody mentioned the totally uninteresting ,boring conversation between Lilian and Justin.
    I wonder why?

    1. Absolutely crap! No idea who thought Lilian and Justin could do comedy!

  12. Exactly ,PtbY
    For me ,the actress playing Lilian has a most annoying way of speaking and because ,as you say ,they were talking "crap" ,that didn't help.

    1. She’s getting worse isn’t she? Every sentence said in the same music-hall, nudge-nudge, wink-wink, over the top voice. I’m not sure if that’s the right description but I find it very annoying too.
      And Is this what the once all powerful, feared and hated (in the village) character of Justin Elliot has been reduced to? It’s almost sad!

    2. The entrance of the most feared and despicable Justin Elliot being reduced to a 'straight man' with Lilian's attempt to be amusing is sad.

    3. Godparents have absolutely no legal responsibility for a child. Should Alice and Chris die then the courts will appoint a legal guardian.
      If Martha is being baptised then the responsibility is purely spiritual maintenance.

    4. That's what I was always led to believe too Penny.

    5. In England and maybe other parts of UK, I believe, parents can state in their Will who is to be the guardian.

    6. Yes, they certainly can. My daughter and her husband nominated his sister and her husband to become guardians of my grandchildren in their will.

  13. I find it worrying that Chris is being kept in the dark about Alice's second lapse on the way back from the rehab meeting, all because of her drunken behaviour which to me is a minor issue, but it's the principle which matters. I understand that Harrison and Fallon don't want to be godparents, but all three of them are in it together now.

    1. There's a series on WH about mothers in rehab, out of 3 one dies, one relapses, one gets clean, I wonder which for Alice.

    2. I think Chris needs to be told everything that happened with Harrison and Alice. He will find out somehow anyway and then repercussions will be worse. Also the whole family needs to know that this has to be a 'dry' christening due to Alice's alcoholism.

  14. Alice + Chris, need to tell all to their caring families.
    I know that I have said this before, but I believe that this is the only way, Alice, Chris + Martha, can stay together.
    It is the familial family support, with their understanding, will we help them, so much.
    I can almost hear Jennifer + Brians reaction, which will be so positive, and why not tell.
    Susan will react differently, but Neil wil be understanding and will sort Susan out!

  15. No comment after yesterday as nothing controversial. Tracy, Jim and Jazzer not as farcical as a previous dinner and pigs won't fly at Lower Loxley.
    Chris has to be told, not so much what Alice did, but what she said and why.

  16. I enjoyed the Jim, Jazzer and Tracy dinner scene. What a pleasant change to hear a happy evening with friendships being evident and no angst.

    1. What I liked, is that Jim accepts Tracy. He knew she had stayed over, climbing out of the window and that she was the one in the Riley.
      He obviously sees, what I believe, a strange, and "unique" partnership which will work out.
      It is about time Jazzer found true happiness.

    2. Could this rub off, onto Alistair?
      He so needs a companion/partner, but will he do anything about this. Does he now accept, that he will end up living with his Dad and having no fun?

  17. At least she told him herself, but it's about infidelity now which is not the point.
    I'm not sure about Jazzer at Berrow, but let him try and what if working close with Hannah he remembers his old feelings for her.

  18. This post could be deemed as very controversial.
    I put partial "blame" onto Chris, as to why Alice feels the need to drink + leave.
    He doesn't seem to have undergone any counselling, going to a support group, so to then really understand what alcoholism is, the associated problems and how hard it is to overcome such an addiction.
    As such, he just doesn't understand what Alice is going through, her thoughts and the help and understanding she needs.
    Chris, to me, is the reason Alice is thinking of leaving, as she wants them to have a normal life together.

    Like any addiction, to such as heroin, cocaine, prescribed opiate painkillers, nicotine etc. these do not go away overnight. It can take years.

    Chris needs to learn and understand, what an addiction, really means and the long + slow pathway, out.

    1. After putting on half a stone in weight, in this winter lockdown, I have adjusted my diet, to try to start to lose it.
      After 3 days, I am already craving for chocolate, cake, bicuits and crisps.
      I can relate to Alice, wanting to have, what she shouldn't...

  19. Where was Alice planning on going though if no one else knows about her? She can’t just turn up at Jenny and Brian’s. Peggy has Kate, so no room at the inn there. Somehow I don’t think Fallon, best buddy, is going to help her. Adam is too busy and their house is full. So.....does she think she’ll go to Debbie?......err I don’t Covid think so!! Chris is chucking her out the whole village is going to know the whole saga.
    My guess is that Susan may not be quite as vocal about this gossip. 🤭

    1. Yes, I was surprised Chris didn’t ask the obvious question - butI suppose it would have sounded mundane and spoiled the dramatic switch from ‘No, no’ to ‘Go, go’ when he heard about the rejected kiss. (Some bloggers said Alice would blame Harrison - she did just the opposite.)

    2. Throughout the episode I thought Alice was going to book herself back into re-hab and admit she needed more help/treatment, but that didn’t seem to be the case.
      I wonder if she will contact her re-hab friend and ask to stay with her? Not that the friend would want that if she has a family and she may be unable to help.
      Alice seems to be going through a feeling guilty phase, thus ‘confessing all’ to Chris and she just wants to punish herself but surely this is a huge cry for help?

  20. I just don't want to listen to Alice any more! We've had six month of a storyline where people get angry, shouting, lies, deceipts and so on. At the same time we've had another storyline of slavery which, to some people on another website was so poorly done it was pathetic, describes another 'villain' going to prison but where did the slaves go? Did they catch Victoria, flash car and everything?
    Whatever happened to the rewilding schemes and wedding venues. Whatever happened to Lower Loxley where there suddenly started of with no income, David getting rid of his sheep and committing to cattle and who knows whatever is growing or being reared at Home Farm?
    Issues, issues and issues!
    Perhaps with a freedom we so recently lost and now being returned to us, we may get a few more of living the life of a country resident instead of issues!

    Finally I want to say that living with the alcoholism is nothing to do with Chris!
    Alice knew and accepted the consequences when she started drinking. Whether is was university, high pressure job or whatever, she accepted it.
    It has nothing to do with Christopher except that he loves her and immediately wants to please her.

    1. You have written my thoughts exactly Spicycushion but much more eloquently than I could have.

  21. P tbY, I wondered where she was going too.
    She must have planned something.
    Since she was breast feeding Martha things are not going to be too pleasant for her .

    I was one of those who thought Alice would blame Harrison ,Maryellen but I am pleased she told the truth.
    She'll be back.

    1. I think so too, but she weaned Martha to give herself more options.

    2. I hope you are right, LanJan and Basia, and Alice returns, hopefully to a better fate than her grandfather Jack.

  22. Miriam, I hardly think craving chocolate is the same as having a brain addled with alcohol.
    Alcoholics are likely to suffer Korsakoff syndrome (dementia) and other related diseases such as cirrhosis, stomach problems etc.
    A craving isn’t quite the same a consuming a drink that effects personality and behaviour.

    1. Drunks live to drink, alcoholics drink to live.

    2. Hello Penny, I’m new around here too.
      I think the most important thing Alice needs to do is face up to her shame and get past it.
      Only then she can work out how to deal with this horrible situation.
      While she is still ashamed she will be keeping and making secrets. That’s no way to sort out her problem

  23. Get taking a thiamine supplement Alice! She needs to confide in her doctor.

  24. Penny mentioned my craving, as to the lack of chocolate, after just 3 days.
    I was doing a comparison, as to me vs chocolate, and Alice vs alcohol, and how I am resisting temptation, which is hard.

    1. Alice just cannot resist, as it is what she loves to do.
      She used it originially as a form of escapism, but this has now taken over her life.
      I don't believe that deep down, she actually wants to escape from both Chris + Martha.
      She feels by doing this, she is some-how protecting them.

      Oh well, our thoughts are so different, and rightly so.

    2. I don’t think drinking is what Alice loves to do at all.
      She knows it is destructive but now she doesn’t know what else she can do.
      It is the only thing she knows how to do.
      She needs to be open with family and friends and accept the help they can give.
      I think she feels far too ashamed to do this at the moment

    3. Hello Alison! Welcome aboard....

    4. Cheers Gary, it only took me 13 months since Reading. I’ve really enjoyed reading the blog since then. Thank you everyone

  25. I agree with Spicycushion saying I don't want to hear Alice any more. It's too sad and I think I need more positive S/Ls. I have never thought TA was depressing before but I do now.

    1. I, contrary to this idea, would love to hear how this S/L goes on, when all is finally revealed.
      I have a younger member of my family, dry now for many a year, but it took him 3 years to do this. It nearly cost him his wonderful marriage - but all family stood by, understood, supported and helped, in whatever way possible.
      There isn't a quick fix.

      I still firmly believe, once all is known, Alice, Chris + Martha will stay together as a loving family, knowing how to support each other, through the many difficulties they will have to go through.

    2. We all can post our own thoughts.
      These were just my simplistic ones, at this time.

    3. This situation did us all good - as meals + get togethers, were all "no alcohol" events. This was to avoid any tempatation or feeling excluded, by that person.
      Family members can really help, if they know. This is not the case with Alice, sadly.


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