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Life in Ambridge




    Alison - April 25, 2021 at 1:58 PM
    I don’t think drinking is what Alice loves to do at all.
    She knows it is destructive but now she doesn’t know what else she can do.
    It is the only thing she knows how to do.
    She needs to be open with family and friends and accept the help they can give.
    I think she feels far too ashamed to do this at the moment

    GaryGilday - April 25, 2021 at 2:05 PM
    Hello Alison! Welcome aboard....

    AlisonApril 25, 2021 at 2:32 PM
    Cheers Gary, it only took me 13 months since Reading. I’ve really enjoyed reading the blog since then. Thank you everyone

    Anneveggie - April 23, 2021 at 4:25 PM
    I agree with Spicycushion saying I don't want to hear Alice any more. It's too sad and I think I need more positive S/Ls. I have never thought TA was depressing before but I do now.

    Miriam - April 23, 2021 at 5:52 PM
    I, contrary to this idea, would love to hear how this S/L goes on, when all is finally revealed.
    I have a younger member of my family, dry now for many a year, but it took him 3 years to do this. It nearly cost him his wonderful marriage - but all family stood by, understood, supported and helped, in whatever way possible.
    There isn't a quick fix.
    I still firmly believe, once all is known, Alice, Chris + Martha will stay together as a loving family, knowing how to support each other, through the many difficulties they will have to go through.

    Miriam - April 23, 2021 at 5:56 PM
    We all can post our own thoughts.
    These were just my simplistic ones, at this time.

    Miriam - April 23, 2021 at 6:07 PM
    This situation did us all good - as meals + get togethers, were all "no alcohol" events. This was to avoid any tempatation or feeling excluded, by that person.
    Family members can really help, if they know. This is not the case with Alice, sadly.

  2. Welcome to our super blog Alison. Were you at the Reading conference or do you live near there?
    If you have been having trouble finding us , most of us access this site through Chrome, especially if you use an iPad. And whatever you do, never ‘sign out’, it’s very difficult getting back in again!
    Anyway it’s lovely you can join in with the chat about Ambridge now and we’ll all look forward to hearing your opinions on the various storylines.

    1. Hello Archerphile, I was at the Reading conference and it opened up a wonderful world to me. I was at Felpersham this year as well.
      I have been reading these conversations during the lockdowns and you have all kept me going. Thank you

  3. Welcome Alison.
    Pleased you've joined us in posting, however long it's taken you.
    You will know already that we are a friendly bunch on the whole.
    Always good to get yet another point of view.

  4. I have a new routine, as to when I listen to TA omnibus. It is now a Monday. so fully up-dated for the next episodes.
    Today this was done, whilst cleaning the bathroom, so was a very welcome distraction.

    All I want to say is, how natural Tracy + Jazzer are together. They seem to be, an upcoming couple, in comparison to the Chris + A. situation, which is struggling.

  5. Hi Alison.
    Looking forward to your posts, as to thoughts + ideas.
    Be Warned though..It gets quite addictive.
    I wonder if there is an Ambridge Addicts Withdrawl group?

    1. I don’t know if there is an Ambridge rehab facility, but I wouldn’t want to go there

    2. I understand...🤣🤣
      I also will stay an addict..

  6. Jazzer showed he still loves pigs, as does Rex, but in a very differing way - so could they join up in some way, sharing a joint enterprise?
    Time is running out for Rex, as to his finding new premises.
    I still have 🤞🤞that this will happen, in some way or other.
    Jazzer can't go back to Berrow, for 2 reasons:-
    a) It is a very commercial business, which he would not like
    b) He would come into contact with Hannah again.

    1. Welcome Alison. It's always interesting to read other people's opinions and views on T/A.

  7. Glad that you've decided to start posting Alison.

  8. Well done Ben, as for the rest the less said the better.

  9. I am so looking forward to Jill + Leonards reactions, when they hear of Ben's change of career choice. They, I am sure, will embrace it, wholeheartedly

  10. Lilian said she had just bumped into Alice and Chris with Martha as they were leaving Jenny's place. I thought Alice had left last Thursday, so how are they still together, and if Alice has left where is she staying. Lilian did say they both looked dreadful.

    1. Perhaps we shall hear something about them tomorrow - after this evening’s very welcome break for a bit of humour.

    2. I don't think Alice has left. Probably Chris persuaded her to stay?

    3. Perhaps they had gone to tell her parents? I feel sorry for Jenny - first growing up with a father who was an unrecovered alcoholic, and now with a daughter on the same path, plus a granddaughter who. possibly has FAS.

  11. Well done to Ben, for having the courage to make a make a huge alteration to his career objectives - and having the courage to speak to a slightly incredulous, and not very encouraging Ruth & David about them.

    I’m sure Jill and Leonard will applaud his decision but I do hope his dear brother Josh doesn’t make unfunny jokes and mock Ben as he has done in the past.

  12. D & R were talking to him as if he was a 14 year old. Of course he has weighed up all the pros and cons. They should be proud that he has chosen to care for others and to try to make a difference.

    1. That’s exactly what I thought Ev. And I noticed Ben was quick to say he could still help out on the farm and continue with his training if the sheepdog, presumably to appease David.

  13. I thought Ruth and David were saying all the things I would expect caring parents to say. They didn’t dismiss nursing as a career, far from it, and as Ruth said, were concerned entirely for him, not Brookfield or themselves. I was pleased for all three.

    1. PS. I hope we get a similar acceptamce when Brian Aldridge discovers his son doesn’t intend to inherit the farming mantle designed for him - but I doubt it. At the moment, Rory is a waste of air space as far as I’m concerned.

  14. It’s interesting how differently people hear things. I felt that David and Ruth were quite negative and dismissive of Ben and his decision.
    Justin and Rauri were both being pretty unpleasant although I think Rauri was the worse of the two.

  15. It’s interesting how differently people hear things. I felt that David and Ruth were quite negative and dismissive of Ben and his decision.
    Justin and Rauri were both being pretty unpleasant although I think Rauri was the worse of the two.

  16. It’s interesting how differently people hear things. I felt that David and Ruth were quite negative and dismissive of Ben and his decision.
    Justin and Rauri were both being pretty unpleasant although I think Rauri was the worse of the two.

    1. I expect it depends to some extent on the frame of mind in which people listen.

  17. Alice said she was leaving, but she obviously didn't, packing and threatening are not the same.
    I thought David and Ruth's reaction quite plausible, of course they were taken aback.
    Lilian on the other hand was totally out of order, there's obviously something bothering Justin about that photograph, he said it was a difficult time. I hope he won't reveal any skeletons, remember what happened when Lilian started digging into Matt's past. I didn't find it in the least amusing.

  18. I found yesterday's episode a nice relief from all the angst of Alice and Chris.
    Good for Ben in being brave enough to want to change his life and the path set out for him to do something to help others.
    I found myself asking why Justin would keep that old photo of himself when it was full of unpleasant memories. Wouldn't he have ditched it long ago in order to rid himself of those memories.

  19. ....yet she offered Alice a glass of red wine, even knowing she was pregnant.
    Perhaps, she could well become the opposite.
    Both Lil + Fallon, have or had, alcoholic fathers - so I hope will be able to support, in time, before it is not too late.

  20. The relevant scriptwriters have not re-read the broadcast episodes.
    Wayne runs in with the police was for drugs not alcohol.
    Some may think that the two might be connected but nowhere has there been any mention of alcohol since Waynes episodes, mentioned since the latest 'Alice' episodes.
    The scriptwriters who have written this weeks episodes have been a lady who began in 2018 and a newbie gentleman, Daniel Thurman, who has his first episode this week!

    Lilian had no right to put the phone in as it was Justin's personal property' No respect!
    And whoever thought that a time capsule would have been for 10 years. Most will have been for 25 or fifty years.

    1. Thanks for this.
      But surely Waynes addiction to drugs is just the same as an alcohol addiction?
      Equally difficult.

    2. ...well in my opinion.
      As to the writers, shouldn't new ones be accepted for now, and given a chance to show what they can write and add new ideas?
      TA has to move with the times, whether this is right or wrong, but has to be accepted in this changing world + time
      Perhaps I am just too simplistic and alone, being only one who just accepts these different times and these reflections in TA.

    3. Your not alone Miriam.
      I too accept these changing times and understand that we must have new characters.
      And certainly we must encourage new writers
      The history of the village, its inhabitants past and present, and the history of those characters that we still have must be adhered to.
      It insults the intelligence of listeners of long standing, if these obligations are allowed to be bypassed by new writers.
      Research has always been critical in writing TA scripts, and failing to do that research is at best sloppy, and at worst derisory.

    4. If I remember correctly, Wayne got into some bother for dealing drugs, but his drug of choice may well have been alcohol and not his merchandise. Seems he was a bit flaky back in the day though.

  21. I think Elizabeth will give in.
    As for Joy drawing Lee 'al fresco', what will Helen say?

  22. I can imagine Elizabeth taking time to look through old photographs and or documents and discovering evidence from the past of the pigs in the area of Freddies treehouse, and then persuading F that it would not be an insult to his memory of Nigel to allow the pigs to return.

    1. Yes, that reference to the oak trees was an example of Vince’s subtle manipulation of her, I thought. Bet it works!

  23. I didn't like Joy this evening. Her non-romance with Tony was a lonely lady delighted to find someone who shared an interest with her and was prepared to give her a bit of time and attention. Yes, probably a bit too much time perhaps, but both were quite clear it was just friendship. They were hurt and surprised when Tom suspected anything more. Tonight, however, she was clearly trying to flirt with Lee, and being none too subtle about it either. Lee needs to be very careful to nip this in the bud and not encourage her to take things any further.
    I predict Helen will find her new neighbour to be a Pain rather than a Joy.

    1. Oh here here, OWIAS. I was one of those who never took to Joy when she first appeared and have been relieved to have been free of her for the past few months.
      Last night was a reminder of why I find her so irritating!

  24. I didn't like Joy either,Old Woman.
    In fact I didn't enjoy the episode at all
    I am finding that I want to turn off when I hear Lilian with her terrible way of talking,Freddie with his whine ,prissy Elizabeth, plus others -getting too numerous to mention.
    If I miss an episode or even more I just read the comments on the blog .
    I am obviously not listening properly because I thought it was a photograph not a phone that Justin wanted to retrieve

    1. It was Justin's favourite pen and the daffodil photograph, Spicy just made a keyboard mistake.

    2. Many thank Basia! It was a photo/phone mistake! Well they do have three letters the same!

  25. About new scriptwriters, as being discussed above.
    Of course you have to have new ones, not only because the old ones won’t go on for ever, but to modernise the scripts (though I might not always like new expressions e.g.’my bad’ ) but to freshen things up and find interesting ways of interpreting what the Editor has decided the storyline should be.
    But you can’t ride roughshod over past history and alter facts to suit the présent story. There was once the famous index card system of recording every fact about each character, and it was regularly consulted to ensure there were no glitches in continuity. I would hope that some sort of system, probably computerised nowadays, still exists and is consulted by SWs who are probably much younger than TA itself and have not grown up knowing the past history of many of the characters.

    1. We know the original card files still exist and are consulted by the scriptwriters- Keri Davies said so a few years ahgo. I don’t know if they got mentioned at any point during the 70th anniversary celebrations?

    2. Yes Maryellen we do know that the card index still exists, but I for one have doubts about how often, if at all, it is ever used by new writers.
      And long term writers probably rely on their own memory.
      I think it should be mandatory that new writers spend time examining those cards, and possibly taking some form of examination on their competence of understanding the content.

      As has been mentioned on here in the past, many long term listeners to TA have retained superior knowledge of events and characters in contrast to the scant understanding of some writers.

    3. Hello maryellen
      I don’t remember Keri Davis talking particularly about the card files this year; however,
      I do remember him being quite certain that in script writers meetings someone would say,
      No, that character would not do/say that
      So I believe the characters are still alive and well.

  26. I am one, who actually likes Joy, even though I still think she has a mystery or two in her pre Beechwood life, never to be revealed.
    Why - I understand her, is that she is an older person who is a solo house resident. It is important with any relationship to her younger nieghbours, is not to "crowd" them, and leave Helen, Lee and the boys, to get used to the new home. It is not only the house, but Helen + Lee need to get used to living together for the 1st time, not only as as couple but as a family.
    I think Lee might struggle with this. A batchelor flat to a large family home is a big step.

    Joy needs to keep her distance, for the short-term, but I bet she will be a great baby-sitter, child minder and nieghbour in time.
    PS I think she is what the Parish Council needs, but has she left it too late?

  27. I often miss little bits in the daily show. This is why I enjoy the continous and seamless omnibus, when I pick up on little snippets, previously missed. Somehow there is a flow + linkage, from the day to day episodes.
    I enjoy listening to both these Ambridge/Archers broadcasts.

  28. I wonder how Lee will react when he finds he has to get his kit off as the artists’ model! I like how Joy will get there early to have a grandstand view! A bit of comedy to relieve the recent tension I hope! We still don’t know where Alice has gone so hopefully all will soon be revealed there too!😉😊

    1. I'm enjoying not hearing about Alice for a while. The bit of light relief is very welcome although I did think Joy was acting a bit like a 'dirty old lady' regarding Lee stripping off!
      She needs to step back a bit and give the young couple space to readjust.

    2. I think Joy has missed having her neighbours, Kirsty + Philip, so went a bit OTT with Helen + Lee.

    3. Joy = the new "Linda".
      Possible, but is it Probable?

  29. It’s true Fallon’s father Wayne had a brush with the law over dealing cannabis but he did also have a serious drink problem. His girlfriend Emmy threw him out because of it.Fallon found him drunk and homeless. He managed to turn his life around and make a success of his job as chef at The Bull , (Info courtesy of BBC)

    1. Thanks for the info. I thought I was alone, in whether Wayne had a problem with alcohol, or not.
      As such, now you have confirmed this, I have thought that Fallon should have been a bit more empathetic towards Alice, knowing the problems which it entails etc.

    2. Wayne tried to sell cannabis to Freddie at Lower Loxley and was arrested by Harrison who later arrested Freddie at the same venue.

    3. Many thanks! I have obviously made some obvious mistakes in my 'muddled' thinking!

  30. I hacked into Lillian's facebook page. Not sure how often Justin looks at it - I suspect there will be fireworks when he does : )

  31. I have lost the plot as to who is living where with regard to the Grundy family.
    Are Mia and Ed both living with Clarrie and Eddie for example?
    I am definitely going to switch off when Lilian is going to feature.
    That stop start way of speaking and "false-upmarket" accent really annoy me .
    In truth the character annoys me altogether .

    1. Ed lives with Emma on Grange Farm land in their mobile home.
      Mia comes to visit William and she's cooking for Clarrie and Eddie for their big do.
      Lilian found something in that capsule but I don't care what.

    2. Lanjan - Both Keira and George probably live with Ed and Emma in their mobile home, otherwise I don't think Clarrie would leave just Ed and Emma living by themselves.
      Presumably Will and Mia live at Grange Farm with Clarrie and Eddie.

      Presumably Mia obviously had something for Ruari when he gave homework tuition.
      Do you think that's the person she mentioned to Ed?

  32. The above comments are not tempting me to start listening again for the time being.

    1. It’s not all bad - Kirsty was laughing (when was the last time we heard her laugh?) and sounded a different person,, and Jazzer and Jim are taking a welcome and overdue break from our air waves (welcome to me, if no one else!)

    2. I enjoy hearing Jazzer + Tracy together, developing their new relationship which also includeds Jim (who actually approves). But then, I love a Scottish accent

    3. To be honest, I don’t find the Tracy/Jazzer relationship convincing except on a rebound basis. If Roman reappeared, I think it would soon be goodbye Jazzer.

  33. Didn't Mia move back to Grange Farm, as she was Mary, in the now non-excistant Mysteries, so to be near for rehearsals, also promising to cook vegan meals?
    Now the Mysteries didn't happen, has she stayed on at Grange Farm? Any-one's guess.

  34. I think Lilian is being portrayed now, as a real "charicature" character.
    I wish to hear the more gentle, understanding and intelligent, side of her, which seems long gone.
    Does she still own and control Ameside properties, is she still caring for Jenny's patio planters, from the Home Farm, as examples.

    To me - the Justin/ Lilian episode of digging up the capsule - was just, pure Slapstick Comedy and a light-hearted interlude, but it was a bit too much.

    I admired Eddie though, spotting the opportunity to charge Justin, an expensive fee for the hire of his metal detector. Joe would have been proud.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. So Kate gets a wake up call from Jakob and in response goes to see Alice and apologises.
    Little did she realise that in doing so, she in turn, gives Alice a wake up call.
    Alice sounded stunned and it clearly gave her food for thought.

    Will it work.
    Can it give her what she needs to change the course of her trajectory ?

  36. Well said Jakob! They're an odd couple, but he seems to be the only person who can talk sense to Kate.

    I'm not sure how helpful her 'chat' (OK, monologue) with Alice will actually turn out to be. If she'd actually taken time to stop apologising and simply listen to her little sister, Alice might have felt able to open up to her. (I'd have thought the owner of a retreat cente would know the value of listening. Second thoughts, this *is* Kate we're talking about.)

    Being reminded she's the 'golden child' probably won't help Alice at present. Just one more reminder of how she's let everyone down, and what a disappointment she's going to be when they find out the truth : (

    And will she be spurred on to beat this addiction and give Martha a happy, stable family, or will she be beating herself up that she's going to have even less involvement in her life than Kate has had with her children?

  37. I always enjoy the self aware moments when Kate sends herself up, eg. her favourite aunt comments. It’s partly what I mean about her being good listening value.

  38. I was rather amazed at Rex last night. He had obviously bring doing a lot of research into the uses of pork & bacon and had all the facts readily to hand when talking to Elizabeth.
    He sounded much more like a committed business man than previously and I’m hoping he will make a successor his liaison with Lower Loxley.

    By the way, can someone remind me what Toby is doing, business-wise at the moment? Presumably still making gin until thrown out of Hollowtree, but what then?

  39. During Kate and Alice’s conversation I thought Alice might open up about her drinking, but Kate didn’t give her a chance to get a word in.

    I agree that Rex sounded more focused when talking to Elizabeth. Rex would, imo, be a much better fit for Lily than Russ, whose star is fading I think, Elizabeth was grumbling about his poor organisation of his drawing class and obviously Freddie has never liked him. It would be a neat story line, daughter falling for son of man her mother had an affair with 😉

    1. Given Lily’s penchant for older men (deceased father substitutes?) that is a possibility. And the new scriptwriters clearly aren’t afraid of cliche-ridden drama, like Joy and the life drawing class!

  40. Archerphile, Toby got an offer from someone who wanted to buy his business, but how will that keep him in Ambridge, at least for Rosie's sake.

    1. Good question Basia. I think he offered to go into business with Rex if Rex got the tenancy of the Council Farm, but Rex wasn’t having it!
      No idea what brainwave he will have next. Is he still living at Rickyard with Pip, by the way, while Tex lodges with Bert?

    2. ‘REX’ .....or was Tex a Freudian slip? Anyone remember Tex Ritter from their childhood?

    3. Isn’t T❤️O❤️B❤️Y still barman at The Bull ( which as far as we know is still functioning)?

  41. Basia - such a good question.
    I have no idea - unless it involves meddling with Rex + his pigs. I am still not convinced LL is the right place for Rex. His pig set-up is for weaners, to then be sold on, after being raised in the correct conditions etc.
    I still have doubts about his new situation.
    I do stay open minded.
    In Ambridge - anything can and often happens.

    1. I would love a Rex and Lily liasion, which like Tracy + Jazzer, will take a while until they realise this.
      If this means Russ has to pack his bags and move on, then I will happily wave him on his way.

    2. I have just had one of my Very Silly Ideas...
      Toby takes over, or goes into partnership with Lilian in Ameside Properties?

      Not one of my best!

    3. Miriam - Rex said he wasn’t going to produce weaners any more, had told Tom and Tom is going to get them from elsewhere.
      Rex now seems interested in growing pork for local outlets who want ‘locally produced’ meat of high quality which he thinks will be better achieved by letting them browse in woodland. That is why he was so genned up on what local restaurants etc can do with such produce. The meat should have far more flavour that that reared on commercial feed. He had been doing his homework, and good for him.
      This new scheme will benefit both Rex and LL who will be able to feature his pork in the Orangery restaurant.

    4. I think Rex is undergoing a character change. Is this the man whose negligence ruined his goose business? Has Elizabeth done her homework there? Time (and the scriptwriters) will tell!

    5. Thanks Archerphile.
      That explains a lot which I obviously didn't grasp. 👍

    6. Failures are the stepping stones to success, and those who persevere in trying, like Rex, will get there in the end.

  42. Interesting that Elizabeth suddenly forgot about the possibility of the smell of the pigs which wouldn't go down well with wedding guests in their finery on the patio. I agree that Rex did sound very informed and enthusiastic about his business.
    Amazing that Kate had such a change of personality due to one conversation with Jakob. In her apology to Alice it still seemed all about her and Alice didn't get a chance to get a word in.

    1. I think Alice did have opportunities to get a word in - we heard her - she just didn’t make the most of them.

  43. Alice was thinking too much about her next drink to be able to engage with Kate

  44. Rex was complaining that it was impossible to find even the rough land that pigs could tolerate at a rent he could afford - so how come the Lower Loxley land is so much cheaper? Not that we heard money mentioned, Elizabeth seemed to be proceeding to contract without telling - or Rex asking - what the rent was. Fairytale Ambridge!

    1. PS. It must be tha same magic that transformed Neil’s pigs into Rex’s pigs without any kind of transaction having taken place.....

  45. I should have thought that the woodland, which Lily said cannot be seen from the house, will be too far away for guests to detect any smell of pigs.
    And pigs usually only smell strong when they are kept in close quarters, like an indoor breeding area where their slurry is concentrated.
    If they are roaming through woodland it will be far less detectable.

    1. There is no smell when we walk round the pens in Quarr Abbey but they do have a lot of land around the sties to roam in. The most notable thing is the mud they kick up!

  46. P.S. the new picture is of a Maypole, as it’s the First of May, today!

  47. et je vous offre un "brin de muguet", bunch of Lily of the Valley, for May Day!

    1. Parsley, my sister's husband went into the woods yesterday to gather them.
      I remember the scent from my childhood yet they are poisonous.

    2. 🙂 We have a patch just at the entrance to the garden, they love it there in the shade.
      these aren't them 😉 we'll be picking some later.

  48. ditto to AP's comments about pigs. V clean animals.

  49. I think Alice felt overwhelmed by Kate's self-deprecation and putting her on a pedestal, and she just lacked the courage to shatter the family's illusion of her.
    Also, for once Jakob sounded like a human and not some pre-programmed robot.

    1. Alice is just totally overwhelmed.
      This is with Martha, husband Chris etc...I am expecting that very soon, she will break down and tell all to some-one. But to whom?
      I bet it will be a non family member, more senior in years, or else, someone who is not as close such as Tracy, Helen or even Jazzer.
      Whoever it is, she will feel relieved...

    2. Also, keeping her "secret" must be causing more anxiety and problems, than she needs.

    3. Keeping her secret is what will trigger the breakdown.
      Correct Miriam, it does cause tremendous anxiety and becomes a problem in itself.

    4. I know - as I still have a secret - but that's another tale, never to be told. It's still not forgotten though.
      Alice needs to tell.

  50. As usual, and as Miriam does, I listened to the Omnibus to pick up anything I missed first time around.
    I particularly listened to Ben telling his parents that he wanted to give up University and train to become a nurse. I thought Ruth was far more encouraging than David. And was annoyed when he said “its HARD work Ben” as though he didn’t think Ben would be capable of hard work, or able keep it up. How disparaging.
    I couldn’t help wondering what David would have said if Pip had said she was giving up Uni to become a nurse a few years ago?

    1. I will be listeng to it tomorrow, whilst blitzing my bedroom. I enjoy the omnibus, in a different way to the weekly episodes. This is because I know all the main S/L's, so I can pick up more on the little things, I glossed over or just didn't spot, the 1st time around.
      It helps me make more sense, of TA with some of the on-going - "going ons"

    2. My guess is that David would have said the same whichever of his three children was involved.

  51. Archerphile. Nurses are trained in a university. They leave with an academic qualification. He is just switching courses.

    1. I think I know what Archerphile meant. Polytechnics all reverted to universities, a while back. I understand what she implied, I think. It is the comparison to an old established University vs a more recent one.
      But then what university did Pip attend, I can't recall.

    2. Thank you for the correction Penny. I did know that, what I should have said was giving up his current University course for a different one. My grandson’s best friend is taking a nursing degree course at Oxford Brooks, so I should have been more careful.

  52. In 1992 polytechnics became universities.

    In 2005 nursing became an degree profession. My sister is taking a nursing degree now with just over three months to train.
    Provided the university offers nursing qualification he can just switch courses unless there is some pre-ordained qualification to beginning the course!

    1. I wish your sister every success, in such a worthwhile career.

      If Ben has to do any extra studies, to get onto a nursing course, then he will do this, if he remains comitted.
      He can disappear into his bedroom, for months again, to do this..

    2. ....after all, it could take a while for Ben start his new nursing career, September?

    3. Up to 50% of his course time will be on practical placements, 2 or 3 per year, with one of those in years 1 and 2 as community based placements. The others will be hospital based.

  53. Thank you all for your clarifications. I obviously should have been more careful in my wording.
    The point of my post though, was actually to highlight David’s reaction to the news.

  54. Archerphile- for your clarification, I understood that to be your point.
    Davids surly reaction.

  55. I also understood that to be Archerphile’s point. I didn’t hear r anything negative or odd in David’’s reaction. He didn’t say much in comparison with Ruth. I thought maybe he was home recording and the technicians didn’t want too much to slot in! It certainly didn’t give me any reason to impute favouritism or any other undesirable parental behaviour to him.

    1. In which case, can we just agree to disagree on this point?
      It’s often the case that people have different interpretations of what they hear I think. 😃

  56. I find it so interesting, how we all listen to TA in differing ways. It certainly produces so many other thoughts + ideas, as to what is going on, both now and what could happen in the near future.
    I know, my mind very often goes OTT, but why not?

    To me the important things are:-
    a) This is a brilliant place to do this and how lucky we are
    b) When we agree to disagee, it is done in a civil and friendly way and respect each others views.

    I love reading all the comments relating to TA.

  57. Very quick off the mark and what a bundle of Joy she was, she gets my vote for the first time!

  58. Goodness, she was brave. She gets my vote too, and I bet the people at the art class will remember her as well.

  59. I don’t think Russ is going to last much longer at LL.
    Elizabeth seems to be getting very irritated by the mistakes he is making and his lack of efficiency. I reckon Freddie could be taking over events and planning before long.

    And how petulant was Adam tonight - moan, moan, moan. Brian seems very fed up with him, just like Elizabeth did with Russ.

    As for Joy, sorry but she just
    seems a real self publicist to me, the cheek of asking to make an election speech as a reward for taking her clothes off! Whatever next?

    Still, it was quite an amusing episode for a Bank Holiday. 😄

  60. I agree ,Archerphile with most of which you have written especially about Joy.
    I think Elizabeth might regret allowing her to do the speech .
    I don't have any faith in Freddie though.
    I can't abide his whiny voice either but I will be pleased if Russ leaves Ambridge soon.

    1. Yes, Russ has really become a bit of a waste of time as a character in TA for me.
      Originally very prominent and a source of much argument between listeners he has all but sunk into oblivion.
      If he was ‘let go’ it could mean a possible new relationship for Lily and perhaps a new direction in her life (is it too late for her to fulfil her potential at University?)

    2. Archerphile - re Lily and her potential ?
      Never too late.
      Lifetime educational opportunities exist.
      I fulfilled my potential at University in my fifties.

  61. I agree it was quite an amusing episode.
    I enjoyed hearing Russ being put on the spot as a possible life class model. He is so 'precious' isn't he.
    Also agree about Adam. What a moaner he was and so often gives the impression of being deeply cheesed off with life.
    Good luck in the election Joy!!

  62. All of a sudden I have started getting emails whenever someone posts a comment on these blogs. I think there used to be thing about ‘notify me’ at the bottom of the page which I switched off. But it doesn’t seem to be there anymore.
    Any idea how I can stop the emails please ? They are cluttering up my inbox!

    1. Archerphile, I still have 'notify me' empty on the left and 'publish' on the right which appear as soon as I start writing, perhaps you've ticked it by mistake?

    2. I tried to post earlier today and it didn’t work

    3. Fair play to Joy.
      She called Russ out for the wuss that he is

    4. Interesting that Freddie, supposedly the rescue organiser, wasn’t around for the crucial run up to the class. I expected it to be him who stood in for Lee. Well done, Joy. I admire a capable woman. I’ve tried to warm to Lee but failed - what do other people think oh him these days?

  63. Too sad to talk about Alice BUT what if Russ, who's become so hopeless, - he wasn't always - goes and Rex partners Lily? Hmmm? When he started Rex was the 'good' bro and very diligent.

    1. I think Russ has always been hopeless. I will pleased to see him gone from LL and from Lily’s life so she can get on without him

    2. Janet, can you please remind me. What was it that was good about Russ ?
      Was it that he did a deal with a young pupil apparently dealing with drugs in order to seduce the pupils sister.
      Or was it the seduction of the sister, who was also under his care as a pupil ?
      Not being rude in asking, I just can't remember what he might have been less hopeless about as he is now. Because as far as I've heard him he has always been a spineless wingeing individual.

    3. Russ’s efficiency has never been queried till now. I don’t know why the scriptwriters have suddenly made him inefficient, playing to the galllery, I guess.

      Mrs P, Russ has been efficiently catering. for the Lower Loxley household for some years now. He was good and efficient with Elizabeth during a panic attack and later mental health problems, good with Freddie too when he was adrift after leaving prison, good and efficient with Lily when she was out of her depth trying to manage the business. He rescued Lower Loxley when he did the uncomfortable Easter Bunny thing - no wussness there! I suspect Vince has been poisoning Elizabeth’s mind in that insidious way of his.

  64. Well that was all very gentle and positive.
    How nice it would be if I were wrong and Alice does make it through this hard time and she and Chris make a positive change to their life with Martha.

  65. I liked the way Jennifer embraced Susan's idea, understanding that she wanted to make her own contribution to the occasion.

    1. Yes a kinder Jennifer.
      Perhaps living in that small house without all the previous benefits, she has re set her snob control.

    2. PS. That’s not the first time Jenny and Susan have bonded in the kitchen.

    3. I liked the way Jennifer gradually began to understand what Susan was doing and why, and that she went from aghast that Susan was mucking up *her* tasteful theme to encouraging and supportive. But both seem to be overbearingly involved - very much in character for both of them, I suppose.

      Our shoedwellers had a picnic lunch or buffet after their christenings. The first two we paid the college caterers to provide. For the later ones we provided enough food for family and godparents then encouraged the rest of the congregation to join us for a bring and share picnic. My parents brought along some food, but they certainly didn't take over the organisation.

      Of course, for most of the country, the post-christening party couldn't happen yet, anyway. But, as we know, Ambridge has special exemption from covid restrictions ...

  66. The very tail-end of 'All in the mind' this evening, R4, had a trailer for next week, asking listeners to pay special attention to the Archers this week, as they will be discussing how dramas affect us, as events unfold in Ambridge, especially if they they 'are close to home'
    Sounds intriguing....

  67. The Guardian has reintroduced its A Month in Ambridge column, previously written by the inimitable Nancy Banks-Smith, whose monthly reviews of the programme were witty and original. The new columnist is Charlotte Higggins who is not nearly as funny as she, and presumably the Guardian, think she is, and not very original either.

    Last Saturday she described Tony as Ambridge’s dreariest man, and included a letter supposedly from ‘one of the very few Guardian readers in Borsetshire”. I’ll leave you to identify the writer!

    1. I can only think of Alan being one of the Guardian readers in Ambridge Maryellen.
      Thanks for letting us know about the reintroduction of the column.
      I will attempt to read it.

    2. I thought of Pat and the Guardian at 200.
      Anyway, it'll be a great atmosphere tomorrow, with lots of "space".
      Foam bananas, full of rubbish even if vegan, had to look them up.

    3. Excellent suggestions, Mrs P and Basia, but it’s someone much less convincing. (We’re meant to laugh!)

    4. A quote from Yes Minister: the Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country, the Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country, the Times is read by people who actually do run the country, the Daily Mail is read by the wives of those who run the country, the Financial Times is read by those who own the country, the Morning Star is read by those who think the country should be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by those who think it is. I won't add the bit about the Sun!
      So going by that I would say Linda Snell perhaps?

    5. Yes I'll vote for Linda then

    6. I thought Linda when Maryellen said it was someone much less convincing that Pat...
      But writing that, Peggy has appeared in my head.
      Surely not... 🤔

    7. Here’s the quote:

      “Dear Madam,” begins the letter, “as one of the very few Guardian readers in Borsetshire, it pains me to point out that you referred me my car as a Nissan Note In last month’s column. I do not know when I, or rather my rare and valuable Riley has been more insulted. This would never have happened on Nancy Banks-Smith’s watch. As Cicero memorably exclaimed, ‘O tempora, O mores’.
      Yours, Jim Lloyd, professor emeritus, Stirling University, Greenacres, Ambridge.”

      I had Jim down as a Telegraph reader!

    8. Sorry, the second ‘me’ in the second line of the quote should be ‘to’.

    9. Oh dear! Don’t know what that says about me …… I am a Telegraph reader, not daily, only on Saturdays …… and the Times on Sundays.
      Son has a voluntary online sub to the Guardian and often send me bits to read so I suppose I’m a bit mixed up!

  68. I thought the interaction between Fallon and Harrison was quite touching.

    1. A lovely gentle conversation between a loving couple.
      And as you say Janice most touching.

  69. I thought Brian was really out of order ranting at Fallon because she and Harrison are not going to be godparents. It’s not up to him who the godparents are and I really wished Fallon had lost her temper and told him the true reason.

    1. Be fair, Jennifer has taken over the catering arrangements. Brian has to find some part of the show that he can muscle in on and take over too. Perhaps Alice and Chris should have out-sourced god-parenting choosing to him.

      Not known for his tact is our Brian.

      But Fallon is bigger than that. Even in her anger she won't betray a confidence. Quite apart from the fact if she had blurted out 'Your daughter is an alcoholic and she tried to sedduce my husband' Brian would have furiously denied it, and probably demanded legal action for defamation of character. (OK, not his character, not his right to legal action, but since when has that stopped him? See paragraph 1.)

  70. So the scene is set for the christening! Any predictions? Alice will be under pressure to have a celebratory drink, Chris, Harrison, Fallon and Peggy will all be watching closely..... I so wish that Alice had confided in her family it is the only way she can get the long term support she, Chris and Martha need.

    1. KP - you forgot Emma.
      She will certainly have her beady eye on ' Alice Watch '

      I feel that the SW are spinning out this ' don't tell the family' SL for too long.
      In reality more than one or two ( Emma and Peggy) would have become aware before now, surely ?

      Oh sorry, I forgot for a moment..... it's not reality, it's The Archers !

  71. I didn't think it'd be as bad as that, but at least it's over...

    1. Alice wasn't aware of her surroundings, she hardly noticed those who came out to look! She only pleaded with Chris to hand back her baby! Shows how far gone she was.
      Well done Emma, she really put those squabbly people in their place, both Pip and Rex and Alice as well.
      By the way I do hope that Rex will make Lily his partner! Annoy Pip !

  72. The sad consequences of not involving both sets of parents for support alongside continuing professional help. No way could Alice keep avoiding gifts of alcohol as she is too well known for her love of a tipple. Alastair had a mentor (I think) to help as well as his GA meetings.
    At least that way things would have been more private. I don’t understand Fallon’s obsession with “that” kiss had Alice been sober then yes a very different kettle of fish!

    Good on Emma sorting out Rex and Pip - I still think they will end up with each other eventually.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I apologise for being impatient, but how long do we have to continue to wait four whole days for the next episode ?

    1. I saw a mention on FB the other day that TA is starting to move back towards 6 episodes a week. Hopefully they’ll go up to 5, then 6 by the Autumn.

    2. Thanks for giving me some hope AP

  74. Yes!!!! At long last. I thought it was a brilliant episode. The way Chris finally cracked but had Emma there for support.
    I think Rex and Pip will end up together eventually too….at least I hope so.

    1. I’m going to have to listen again, to make sure I heard it all correctly. Did it all happen outside the church, did they not even go in? Where were the rest of the family -waiting inside?
      I was expecting reaction from the grandparents but I suppose the limitation on cast members prevented that and we’ll have to wait until Monday to hear.

  75. Oh, and sorry PtbY - Pip can’t have Rex…….he is destined for Lily in my scenario.
    And Pip is perfectly happy with Rosie’s Daddy! I think.

  76. PTBY - I thought it was a brilliant episode too. It was lucky that Emma was here and that she backed up Chris too. Chris said that Alice had nearly dropped the baby so there was a child endangerment too. I back Emma and Chris to the hilt.

    Archerphile- I think also that once Lily has got rid of Russ Lily may get to partner Rex. I'm all for that!

    1. I'm all for that too and especially because of Spiceycushion's suggestion that it will annoy Pip. What's not to like?

    2. Any suggestions as to why a Rex/Lily liaison would annoy Pip? She isn’t romantically attached to either of them.

  77. I hope Brian will step in and send Alice back to 'Bath' where Chris can visit with Martha.

    When Robin Fairbrother visited he told Rex it was obvious he was in love with Pip. He also gave him the family heirloom ring and I said at the time that it would end up on Pip's finger. Some of us said she'd have an affair with Toby and marry Rex, obviously time will tell.

    LadyR - both Chris and Fallon questioned their partners about that failed kiss and whether the other responded, such is sexual jealousy. I also thought it was overdone but remembered talking to a girl who had been raped who told me her boy-friend questioned her about 'the experience' which she found astounding, I said that was his way of dealing with it. They stayed together, unlike some where a man can't cope with 'the competition'.

  78. Pip’s voice sounded different last night. Is it a new actor?

  79. It was a tough listen but I'm glad the secret's out now and Alice's family can get her some desperately needed help. Chris and Emma are right in taking Martha so that she can be safe.
    Fallon certainly kept her cool under verbal attack from Brian. Maybe others would have blurted out the truth but she bit her tongue showing strength of character.

  80. I thought Pip sounded different last night Hilary. But eventually realised it was her.
    More up beat ?

    Pip and Rex - yes one day, but not soon. They both have to realise their compatibility.

    Brian stepping in and paying for some treatment for Alice might well be a road to travel Basia. A good idea.
    It was very painful and with Emma there to support Chris possible for him to take his stand. For it to be a public showdown was probably the best way to get it out in public.
    Deeply embarrassing for the wider family but all coming to the point on such an occasion highly dramatic.
    A moment to remember !
    ( I trust you BASIA to remember every detail for the next decade ! )

    However, this was an important episode for our wonderful Emma, and she was brilliant, but I was disturbed to hear an unpleasant element of glee in her voice as she took Martha in her arms and encouraged Chris to turn to HIS family.
    I also felt it would have enhanced the situation if Jennifer had stepped forward to support both her daughter and her son in law without blaming either.

    I very much hope that the Aldridge and Carter families are able to work in consort rather than warring in this delicate situation.

    1. Jenny darling will be sitting in a corner wringing her hands in guilt that she tried so hard to get Alice to take the champagne. And berating herself that her mother's instinct didn't pick up on Alice's problem months ago. And feeling spurned because Alice didn't confide in her. And highly embarrassed about having the family's dirty linen hung out in full view, again.
      Plus, what on earth is she going to do with all the party food? But at least it will be up to Susan to find a home for the Martha-faced biscuits.

  81. Rex deserves better than Pip.
    I agree with those who think he will be better off with Lily

    1. Or Molly Button? She’s bright enough for both of them.

    2. But wouldn't she be rather young for Rex ?
      Can't quite remember what end of teenage years she might be.
      Also Maryellen, I think the TA team might have lost her index card as she hasn't been mentioned for a very very long time.

    3. I wonder how old Rex is? The BBC Characters page doesn’t say.. Early thirties? I reckon Molly is at Cambridge.

    4. Rex was born in July 1987 so is 33

    5. Thanks, Cheshire Cheese. 12 years older than Lily then and 6-7 years older than Pip. Add Phoebe and Hannah, and that’s the total number of young, unmarried (but not all unpartnered) women that Ambridge has to offer - plus Molly B. How about an older woman?

    6. Shula?, Carol Tregorran? Or how about dear Joy Horville?

    7. I was thinking of Kirsty - there’s much the same age gap between her and Rex as between him and Pip.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Susan was given information by Emma but chose to ignore it while Jennifer knew nothing.

    1. Yes Basia, Susan had been told some months ago.

      At the Christening, although we didn't hear her speak, Emma said, in the middle of realising that CandA were having an altercation, ' it's ok mum, I'll sort it '
      So it seemed to me that Susan was about to pitch in but was apprehended by her daughter.
      While Jennifer was obviously watching but not trying to intervene. We had heard her, still inside the church or perhaps in the porch, gently murmuring that something seemed to be 'going on'.

  84. A couple of things that struck me re-listening to the Christening episode this morning:

    a) Was Alice begging Jennifer to hurry up mending the dress because she was desperate to get away to have a drink?
    b) Where has Alice been getting the miniatures from? Does she still have a secret stash that Chris hasn’t found yet, or has she been secretly going into town or supermarket to buy them?

    1. a) I'd say a definite yes.
      b) Too difficult to dissect, Chris said one was empty, how did she manage to get so drunk on it, so as to be unable to put on her earrings or did she have more and was careless with throwing them away.

      This is the second cliff-hanger in connection with the church, Kirsty wailing inside, Alice outside.

    2. Archerphile -
      I can only answer -
      a. Yes IMO
      b. I wondered that too

  85. I agree with you all about a)
    Re b).Why on earth would she buy miniatures?
    They would be far more costly than buying fewer but larger bottles.
    Is she trying to convince herself that if she bought tiny bottles she wouldn't drink as much?
    I doubt it because why would she have several stashed in her handbag if that were the case.
    On the other hand it would be easier to put a few tiny bottles in a handbag than to put a big bottle there.
    Have the scriptwriters really thought this story out properly
    We know that Alice was drinking all through her pregnancy yet baby Martha seems thankfully to be unaffected.
    Surely that isn't the message they want to impart?

    1. This is what Alice said, that they were *only* miniatures and she needed a quick fix to give herself some courage, so not much alcohol, easier to hide, I don't think money comes into it.

    2. Hadn't thought of that possibility Esscee.
      I bet you've got that one correct.
      She still has a stash somewhere.

    3. Probably Jenny and Brian had a few little bottles hanging around that 'accidentally' went into her bag.

      There again, she was determined to avoid the temptation to take the champagne. Perhaps the miniatures were her 'reward' for resisting that. Or perhaps she felt that buying miniatures was safer because she'd limit herself to one bottle at a time.

  86. Scroll past...NOW.

    I am only popping in to express my thoughts, as to The Archers.
    I was sad that the problem with Alice was revealed, so publicly outside the church, and that Martha was not christened. I felt it should have happened at the Tea Rooms, after the event, with Fallon + Harrison seeing + hearing all.
    Susan and Jennifer seemed to bond and actually had fun together last week. They need to try to continue with this, but that is very doubtful now.
    As to the minatures:-
    a) Small amounts for a quick fix, but totally overdone
    b) It would be easier to get rid of the evidence, in many ways.

    1. Miriam.

      Not scrolled by but read, and I think I agree with you, it would have been better if it had all come out after the event of the Christening, and it could have been just as dramatic, if not more so.

      My thoughts on Jennifer and Susan were that it could bring them closer together, by working in consort to look after Martha while Alice was sorted out.
      I also recognise that this situation might well drive a further wedge between them, and that of course will add further to the drama.

  87. Sadly not many understand the problem of alcoholism, except for those who have been actually involved. The addicted happens to be under the influence of alcohol all of the time. Not just when someone fancies a drink.
    Alice's needed desperately to get a drink while she was talking to Jennifer and made excuses to get away from her and get a drink. Whether that was from a drink from her handbag or from a larger bottle it doesn't matter. Probably it may be that she had a limitless empties on filling for a larger bottle.
    But she is still lying to Chris and herself that she is willing to put the past behind her and start afresh. She is still lying to Chris!!!


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