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Life in Ambridge




    Archerphile - May 21, 2021 at 9:24 AM
    I too was wondering who informed Social Services.
    If it was the police, how would they know that Alice, in the police station for chucking a brick, had a baby?
    Might it have been Harrison, who informed his colleagues of her situation?
    Or was it some other bystander or do-gooder in the village
    I realise I am being picky here, but there are several aspects of last nights episode that haven’t been explained - yet.

    OldWomanInAShoe - May 21, 2021 at 9:53 AM
    Or maybe someone had reported her earlier and the timing was just coincidental.

    Lady R - May 21, 2021 at 4:23 PM
    Yes Archerphile it was a Friday cliffhanger on a Thursday 🤣

    Miriam - May 21, 2021 at 4:57 PM
    And a good one.
    I am looking forward to a true FRIDAY cliffhanger again. 🤞

    Mistral - May 21, 2021 at 11:19 AM

    MrsP Ambridge - May 21, 2021 at 3:10 PM
    If it was Fallon, well done that woman.

    Miriam - May 21, 2021 at 4:54 PM
    I was also confused, as to how the window was broken. Now all is known.
    Alice must have found that brick very quickly + easily, to have thrown it, in such a short time-space.
    I wonder where it came from. It was obviously laying around and yet no-one saw it, as it was a trip hazard or similar.
    Am I right in that, Tom + Natasha are stilling living in the flat, above the shop?
    Not sure.
    As to the alert to Social Services - my suspect is Emma or Susan.

    OldWomanInAShoe - May 21, 2021 at 5:32 PM
    'Tis obvious - the Ambridge Building Fairy left the brick there in case it was ever needed ; )

    Miriam - May 21, 2021 at 5:35 PM
    ....but could it be Jim? I realistically don't think so, but after his experiences as a youngster, would he have done this as a type of help, for Alice, Chris + Martha?

    That Ambridge Fairy, certainly loves to stir things up, to suit her ideas! I bet she has a great big wooden spoon to stir things up, along with her magical wand. Her Wand needs to be used, to give happiness to some, and unlock those, who have not been heard from for ages. Pat, Hannah, Bert, Oliver, Tom - to name just a few.... aAnd where is Toby, with his future plans, now that he has sold his "Scruff Gin" enterprise (poor Lilian)..
    This is not important as to the current problems in Ambridge, which is very realised.
    This person, as the father of Rosie, seems to have just vanished.

  2. Jennifer fears 'Social Services.' Wonder who advised them!

    (Annie Lennox - Walking on Broken Glass! Can't think of any more!)

    1. When I posted this was a blank page! Now it's got lots of others! Oh well!

  3. Just as an extra. On a further Archers website their are several comments saying that the police might have notified Social Services.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My deleted comment was that I wonder if Jazzer made the call. He made a comment about hiding under the sink, which got me wondering if that was his experience as a child, hiding from a drunk or violent parent

    1. He did sound as though he was speaking from experience, didn't he? : (
      We don't really know much of his back-story, except that he was something of a wild child when he first arrived in Ambridge. And that he made a miraculous recovery from a ketamine overdose.

    2. I suggested it might have been Jazzer, immediately after the broadcast on Thursday Zoetrope, and suggested as you have, his own experience as a child.
      I've thought since that perhaps his experience was observing a younger sibling.

    3. Sorry Mrs P, I must have missed your comment. I only caught up yesterday and had a lot of comments to read through.
      I deleted my first comment because I wondered if I'd misheard when (I thought) no-one else had commented.

    4. No need to apologise ZoeT, it nice to know we shared the same thoughts. As Miriam would say, it's what this blog is all about.

  6. Don't worry Alice, Daddy will phone Social Services back and explain that everything is perfectly alright and that the brick was just the accidental reult of a minor misunderstanding. I'm sure the offer of a shiny new computer for the office will help allay their concerns.

    1. Brilliant scenario OwiaS, but I really hope it does not happen.

    2. Hopefully, Borsetshire Social Services can’t be bribed!

    3. maryellen, you're not thinking like Brian! As far as he's concerned, a cheque solves every problem if you put enough 0s on the end.

  7. I laughed out loud at the Jazzer and Jim exchange.

    1. I did too at their first conversation.

    2. I think Jazzer and Jim have become a sitcom running alongside the main drama!

  8. BASIA

    I won't let it go !

    Please come back.

    1. Can we start a petition for the return of Basia to our blogs?

      Basia, your comments are too pertinent, interesting and insightful to be withheld.
      Please return. We miss you.

    2. BASIA.

      We want you back on here ...PLEASE

  9. Pretty please, but I think that Basia is most likely a person who does what she says. She doesn't play games.
    Basia how about coming back on this blog? even if you don't at present on the other. I was absolutely cheesed off with the ruckus on the Life Outside one. I understood what Stasia was saying, but I also think the provocation had been great over a long period of time.

    1. I would like to remind Basia - you were one of the very first people I ‘met’ on the old BBC blog when I joined years ago.
      You were kind enough to agree with something I had written and it gave me the confidence to carry on blogging. It was entirely new to me and I was very nervous about putting my opinion online.
      So don’t desert me now, I appreciate your good sense and would love to read your posts again.

  10. Let's try again !


    Since Janice has now mentioned the ruckus on the other blog, I would like to say...
    Although you took it upon yourself to believe that the finger was pointing at you, I don't think it was.
    I'm more inclined to think it was me that the post was directed at.
    If it was, that's fine, my back is broad.
    I know that as well as challenging and speaking out, I have also been understanding and sympathetic on other occasions.
    As have you and others.

    1. I was the one being discussed, with so many fingers pointing at self.
      It all got very out of hand, BUT it is now all over and that's how it should remain.
      This should have been posted else-where, but was just following the thread, on this wrong Archersfan page.

  11. I finally listened to the omnibus today. As per usual, this threw up so many questions:-
    Who rang socaial services and why?
    Can Kirsty suddenly start work in the dairy, as she will have to be constantly supervised. Also won't she need food safety certificates? Is this time effective?
    What happened to Jazzer to need him hiding under the kitchen sink?

    One thing that will never be known is, who contacted Social Services, as the sources are always kept confidential.

    All who I thought about, have now been crossed off my list, as no-one would surely put Martha's place of care, at risk, unless it was done to prevent access to Martha?
    This then opens things up again.

    1. I actually felt sorry for Alice, in a sort of way. This was the brick throwing act, was just pure frustration. I realise it was fuelled by, the desparate need for a drink. She did at least appear, to show true and real remorse for her actions.

  12. One S/L seems to be missing.
    This was prompted by hearing Clarrie again tonight, and that is her + Eddie's wedding renewal ceremony.
    It seems to now have disappeared.

  13. Clarrie and Eddie were married in November. Perhaps they are waiting for that date for a celebration.

  14. Lilian's question - 'Am I a functioning alcoholic?' made me wonder if she is. How would her day go if she did not have that g & t or whatever and how many other people live that way too?
    I feel for those trying to think of ways to help Alice as it's obviously extremely hard.

    1. Lilian is probably the closest to understanding what Alice is going through (apart from her mentor and AA group, of course).
      I wonder is she would consider going TT in solidarity? It would be hard for her but it might help Alice to have someone in the family struggling alongside her.

    2. Maybe the entire family should become teetotal (as in the real life example that Miriam told us about). That would certainly test Brian Aldridge’s devotion to his daughter!

  15. What did everyone think of the ‘family conference’ last night? I was irritated by Jennifer’s ‘poor me’ attitude, for being unfortunate enough to have an alcoholic daughter and Lilian’s attitude which seemed to be more sympathetic towards Jennifer than Alice. Maybe I got it wrong but that’s how it felt to me.
    And I imagine Kirsty getting covered in yogurt was supposed to lighten the mood but it seemed almost inevitable to me that some disaster was going to happen in the dairy.

    1. Your not alone Archerphile, I felt the same, and felt it again when listening to the repeat today.
      And Tony didn't seem to have a clue.

      And when is Peggy to join this discussion ?

    2. I concur.
      Jennifer, Tony and Lilian (along with Peggy), all have experience of this inherited situation.
      Surely they must understand the problem, and realise what Alice is going through.
      Couldn't they be more understanding, as all are directly related - as a Mum, Aunty + Uncle.

  16. Especially as she has a newly discovered certificate in Dairy Management.

  17. I am with Annieveggie with that Lilian question.
    Lilian, in my opinion, is not a "true" alcoholic as such, but does drink more than she perhaps realises.
    I am looking forward to an Alice and Lilian chat. It might just help them both.

  18. I am not sure that Jack was an actual alcoholic.
    Wasn't he a habitual drunkard?
    Ie Jack liked his drink but was not addicted to it.

    1. No idea. I just assumed, rightly or wrongly, he was. Perhaps:-
      a habitual drunkard = an alcoholic.
      Not sure though, as don't know anything about Peggy's husband Jack.
      Need to do some research.

    2. I think Jack was a regular drunkard. His licence was rescinded and Peggy got the licence because he couldn't take the drink! This was a long time in the past! Jack was very upset about it.
      There was no violence but apparently he fell out with an old army pal who he was in business with because he thought that he was too friendly with Peggy but other that that he was all right.

    3. Even just a regular and habitual drunk, the senior Archer siblings must have been aware of this and its consequences.
      This is why cannot understand the lack of realistic helpful and supportive advice/help to Alice so she can try, accept and understand her problem.
      Granted - she hid this so very cleverly and secretly, so is only just known. Chris is also at fault, as he kept this a secret also, in a
      wonderful loving way, to protect Alice who he still seems to love.

  19. Mistral- you are not alone when you said that a Dairy management thingy was a little surprise. Whenever did Kirsty think that Dairy management was the thing. As far as I am concerned she was always a shop worker, first for Helen then GG!

    1. The dairy management certificate came as a surprise to all of us I think.
      But it was a long time ago, many years now, that Kirsty was at college with Tom. ( was it Tom ?)
      Since she was also a student and I suppose studying something to do with ecology/ wildlife/ it was also possible that she did some modules which might have included some dairy work.
      Just positing this possibility.

    2. Have just checked Kirsty's page.
      "She committed fully to working with Helen at Ambridge Organics "
      That brings to mind her working in the shop when it was in Felpersham.
      But the profile does not mention any dairy work or dairy qualifications.

    3. Kirsty has great personal skills, as shown in her previous employment. She is a true face-to-face person.
      The dairy work is not for her, but she is doing it to support her true friend Helen. After all it is to help Helen + Lee, move into her previous home at Beechwood.
      She wants to help them, which is to her benifit, as to the rent being paid to her..cynical..agree.

  20. Oh wow.
    What a cliff hanger!
    Did anyone else think it was a waste of an episode?

    1. Strangely not. I interpreted it as to the ongoing relationships of Helen/Lee + Elizabeth/Vince, in that, is all as "luvvy duvvy" as they appear.

    2. Can't say it struck me as a cliff hanger LJ.
      An ongoing relationship where one person is keener than the other, and IMO very obvious for weeks.
      But..... Elizabeth does clearly like Vince and has a good time with him.
      Importantly she does not seem to mind his less than polished ways.
      I would think it likely that the General Archer family would be appalled if they thought the relationship would reach the point of them marrying, but plenty of people don't marry, but just continue developing the relationship as a live in couple.

      And no, I don't think it was a wasted episode.
      I found it a comfortable 13 minutes about friendship.
      Helen and Ian.
      Helen and Lee.
      Lee and Ian getting to know each other better.
      Elizabeth and Vince, with Lizzie drawing boundaries.

    3. On a second reading LanJan ...... were you being ironic !

    4. Yes ,Mrs P I was.
      I just found it rather boring but then I don't find tonight's characters very interesting at the best of times.

  21. What a load of tripe. I cannot stand whining, moaning Helen. Lee is about as dull as dish water. Can’t bear Ian.
    Quite like Elizabeth and Vince but it’s done in a ridiculous way….making him seem like the ultimate bit of rough to Elizabeth’s plum in gob.

    Hope Lee is made to keep the drum kit in the garage. I’m sure he’ll be able to YouTube some “how to soundproof your garage” videos!

    1. Maybe Elizabeth & Vince are to be the next Peggy & Jack 🤔

  22. Have to agree with you . Helen and Lee are boring. Helen so agreeable towards Lee and him, well he is absolutely boring. Sounding like an teenager and still acting like one too!
    (I have some boxed toys I have picked up whilst kids were growing up but they are still in boxes, in my wardrobe!)
    Lizzie and Vince sounds a bit like Christine and George Barford. Neither of them a comparable couple. Well as soon as Lizzie hands over the keys to Freddie she'll have to find new accommodation unless there is some granny flat available so perhaps Vince will provide alternative accommodation.

  23. I rather thought that Lees ' toys' were in their boxes because he is a collector.
    Toys as collections, to be worth the investment for future collectors are far more valuable if in their original boxes. I also understand that the design of the box that contains the toy is part of the delight of the object.
    Many posters have a similar value to collectors.

  24. I think that Helen is going to find that she is looking after three little boys, not two, when she moves into Beechwood.
    Honestly, she sounded like an indulgent mother when speaking to Lee last night, gently suggesting he move his collection to other shelves and the poster to the hall.
    How long is it since he has lived with a woman? Has he no concept of how Helen would like to arrange their home, what is acceptable and what is over the top.
    Perhaps his i collection, and drumming were factors in the breakup of his marriage?

  25. I hope that Phoebe and Rex are watching Springwatch on BBC for the next three weeks. It is coming from a farm in Norfolk where they have actually converted a large area of land for rewilding. The whole farm is dedicated to greener farming methods.
    P &R could learn a lot from watching and would get much better advice than from Kate!

  26. Vince. He approves of Rex and the LL pig enterprise and will help, well so he says.
    All he is doing is approving this enterprise, as set up by Lizzie, so to win more "brownie points" with her. Does Vince realise that LL is in trust for Freddie?
    I say as I interpret only...

  27. Is this the same Lee who was a physiotherapist?

    1. You’d hardly think so after listening to tonight’s comedy of errors, would you?

  28. I reckon Brian trying to foist Rauri on to Lillian and Justin.

  29. I rather felt for Jenny tonight, trying to get her dunderhead of a husband to see the truth
    of the damage their lifestyle had created in his beloved daughter.
    Brian still in denial, whilst Ruari could see the damage before either of the parents.

  30. It would be better if Brian Aldridge moved out taking his wine cellar with him..If Alice agrees to move in, Jenny will need to create an alcohol-free zone.

  31. Oh Jennifer don’t make the same mistake again Rauari (sp?) is 18yrs old an adult off to Uni for goodness sake stop trying to keep him as a baby as well 😡
    What is Brian’s brainwave I wonder I am too angry to even make a guess. As for Lee ok so he is not a DIY man but if the SW have given Helen another dud Grrr!

    1. Helen and her boys have moved out of Bridge Farm, so there'd be room for him there with his step-uncle and aunt.

  32. MrsP - Jenny thinks it was her and Brian’s lifestyle that caused Alice’s problems, having drink around the house, imbibing regularly, cooking with wine etc.
    But their other children haven’t become alcoholics have they?
    So why Alice?

    1. Not all scientists believe that there is a generic (sorry if wrong word) tendency towards alcolism. It is only a theory, much the same onions put into your socks banish cold symptons.
      I think many illnesses are blamed on inherited diseases!
      I don't think there is something that Jack did or not do to inherit the disease. After all there no more Archer family suffering from this disease yet Phil and Christine were his siblings but none of their offspring have suffered.
      My husband was an alcoholic but just one brother has also suffered out of six children and neither of their parents drank. He and his brother both served in RN. That is where they both 'succumbed.'
      Everyone has to blame someone at fault and not their own needs.

    2. Change created to contributed. ( in my previous post )

      Each personality reacts differently to the same circumstances.
      We all know that from our life experiences.

    3. There is not a pure gene for alcoholism as such. However, the genes whivh have been inherited from parents, grandparents etc. do still play an important part.
      Some-one who is an "alcoholic", very often has a very heavy+ dependant drinker, in their family, some-where.
      There has been research done showing, that inherited family genes do play a significance!
      Alice seems to be in this category, not forgetting Lillian.

    4. Well I have to disagree there. It's all down to 'nurture v nature!'

      I believe there have many syptoms, illness etc which I still think are inherited and not 'someone else's fault.'
      Also person who drinks one unit of alcohol per evening is not an alcoholic! They are, according to NHS website, a 'safe to moderate drinker.' Therefore Lilian is not an alcoholic, nor is Brian and nor is Jennifer.

  33. It's Thursday - so will there be a Thursday "cliffhanger" - which now replaces the Friday one?
    The only problem now is, waiting until Monday, for an explanation or enlightement.
    Still it is worth it, even though other events have been missed, such a Jack's birthday.
    Nothing about this has been mentioned, even as a passing comment.
    So much Ambridge Life, is just not happening.
    I have to ask - is Carole T. still resident in Glebe Cottage?

    1. Carol Tregorran ? Another lost character I suppose.
      And no cliffhanger tonight, unless you consider the spider over Jacks bed.

      A very heartwarming conversation between Neil and Shula.
      Friends since teenage years.

  34. After tonights episode, I stand by what I posted a few weeks ago. This is Shula will step in, to not only talk to Alice, but also mediate between the Carters and the Aldridges, so they work together.
    It is good ecclesiastical training for her, after all.

  35. Dear Neil always thinking of others. I’m glad Shula made him realise he is hurting too. So far all seems happiness and light at Beechwood but for how long? At least Lee fessed up regarding his DIY disasters (at least the ceiling 🕷 stencil was a hit urgh 😱)

  36. Lee sounds so very young. As he has one divorce and two children (I think) behind him, it made me wonder how old he was when he married. As for him wanting to play drums, I'd personally prefer that to someone playing violin and you can get sound cancelling tiles or something like that so that neighbours won't be disturbed.
    I'm not sure about Vince. Is he a chancer or just a business man and does he genuinely love Elizabeth or after what he can get? All will no doubt be revealed eventually.

    1. Drums shouldn’t be a problem, if they are the ones that you can play with headphones on and are silent to the rest of the world. Quite strange seeing somebody bashing away with gusto, but not hearing anything!

  37. I like Vince.
    He is someone who has had to graft .
    He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth or marry someone who had been -unlike Elizabeth .
    However it doesn't stop him fancying the lady of the manor -and why not.
    On the other hand.....
    My great great grandmother was "apparently" similar to Elizabeth in status .
    She decided to run off with the bread man!
    She married him and would never have a bad word said about him according to my grandfather..
    She predeceased him.
    He ended up in the workhouse.

  38. I finally listened to the Omnibus I could refresh my memory ready for the continuation tonight.
    I really enjoyed listening again.
    I have many thoughts, but I will focus purely on one, Vince.
    I have to say, that my thoughts are purely my own, as to my interpretation.

    I still do not trust Vince.
    I have to agree, in that he does appear to be a lovely, gentle person, but to me, he still appears as a sheep in wolves clothing.
    He is being so helpful to Rex, giving him advice to industrial freezers and a contact of his for an outlet or his pork.
    Is Vince trying to get Rex to start spending finances which he basically doesn't have - so he can then not continue with his new set-up?
    Rex. He should not be tempted, as his new enterprise is only just in its early stages and he + his piglets must need time for all to settle at LL.
    I also fear for Lizzie with Vince saying he loves her.
    I wonder if his divorce has gone through yet?

    I think of Vince as a new Matt -
    a charmer but with a different and hidden side.

    1. 😣😣 I obviously meant:-
      A wolf in sheeps clothing.

  39. Lanjan The great-grandfather might have been ill because that was where the hospital patients where kept in the infirmary. So some people on census records may not have been destitute. Two of great-grandfather have been there in workhouse but died a little while after. I think the great grandmother must have been quite some girl!

  40. I just have to give some other thoughts:-
    1) Why is Jennifer giving furniture from Home Farm away?
    2) How is it still in such a perfect condition, after being stored in a barn for so long?
    3) Will Alice want to live with Jennifer + Brian again, knowing they will be watching her again?

  41. Think Helen is somewhat out of her depth with the house and new neighbours!
    Bit of a come-down in the world.
    And I think that the whatapp group must be full of nasty messages about Helen and Lee; otherwise why would Joy feel she won't give Lee the number!

  42. It sounds to me that Helen expects Lee to take over from her family when it comes to child care.
    I agree with Spicy that there was probably some malicious gossip on WhatsApp about Helen and Lee. I wondered if they had been dredging up stab night, telling each other to lock up their kitchen knives or speculating what will happen to Lee, what with Greg and Rob.
    It was an enjoyable chat between Ed and Jazzer, a friendship of many years.

    1. My thought about the WhatsApp gossip was about the mad stabby lady. Let’s hope Joy comes through for them.
      It seems to me that both Helen and Lee are trying to do things different from the past. It’s all new to them, I think they will get there but there’s plenty of room for SWs to have fun with them in the meantime.
      I loved the 3 dads working together last week.

  43. I found it rather strange that Lee should be so bowled over by garrulous Joy that he insisted on her staying for more drinks (to Helen’s obvious discomfort) and was keen to join the WhatsApp group.
    I should have thought he’d want to spend the evening with Helen, enjoying their new home and family life, not entertaining neighbours so soon.
    Surely Joy is not that captivating?

  44. Surely also Lee should have picked up on Helen's discomforture plus Joy's reluctance to give the WhatsApp details. He was a bit over the top in his enjoyment of Joy's company with Helen being left out.

  45. Garrulous Joy meet garrulous Lee.
    Two of a pair.

    As Alison has said, Helen and Lee are at the beginning of a new way for them both. And both will have to get used to the others peculiarities, and may find those peculiarities difficult to stomach.
    These small things are often the make or break issues of a relationship lasting.
    Helen was obviously, to us, discomforted last night, but no, Lee did not seem to be aware of it.
    It seems to me that being part of a large extended family unit for so long, where there is much talk ( gossip? ) around the family table, Helen has yet to equate that with gossip amongst a group of people.
    As well as her being aware of the gossip that surrounded her for so long regarding her notorious relationship with Rob, she is now going to have to get used to living outside of the protective surroundings of Bridge Farm.

  46. I enjoyed last nights episode.
    The immediate idea I had about the Beechwood WattsApp group, is that there is a 'photo which Joy does not want Lee to see. This is her at LL. where she became a model for a certain art class.

    Helen and Lee will be just fine. They are, just like any new couple setting up home together, for the first time.
    I am loving (with Adam + Ians help), that they are now respecting each others likes + thoughts.
    I think that both thier previous living arrangements, must make this transition, which they both so want, a true time for Helen + Lee finally understand each other.
    I have to admit that I am surprised, as to Helen is adapting to Beechwood...but I laughed at Lee when he said, that the birds were too noisy.

  47. I wonder how Kirsty will react when she next visits Helen + Lee?
    She will be very surprised as to the changes, that Helen + Lee have made.
    I hope that this will help her realise, that another episode of her life is now firmly closed.
    I feel that Kirsty really needs to progress, and find a life that she really wants to do, with all of her heart.
    Her work in the Dairy, is certainly not that.
    She needs to go back to her true love - countryside, conservation and so on.
    I do wonder though, if this is possible in Ambridge or in its nearby environs.

    1. It has just occurred to me that Kirsty’s future in Ambridge could be in the rewilding project? The trio who started it have all fallen out and Phoebe could do with some help to keep the rewilding on track and true to it’s original purpose.

  48. Miriam
    Oh how clever of you.
    Of course Joy will not want Lee to see her in her altogether.
    I had completely forgotten that incident.
    I bet your right.

    1. Interesting idea Miriam, but I don’t think there are any revealing photos of Joy on line.
      I have spent time on both sides of the drawing board and this is what I think:
      It is totally unacceptable to take photographs during a life drawing class. I’m sure none of the good people of Borsetshire could have done such a thing.
      Joy didn’t seem at all concerned about getting her kit off. Well done Joy.
      She positively enjoyed it, as did I when I was a life model.

  49. Could Adam sound any more pompous?
    Ruairi seems more mature and ‘sorted’ in some ways than his step-brother.

    1. Absolutely agree Archerphile. Adam tonight just 😡

    2. I think what Adam was saying was more important than how he said it, the writing was better than the acting. I lfounld it quite moving. Young Roy’s contrasting confidence hasn’t been tested by experience.

    3. Thank you Maryellen.

    4. That’s a good point Maryellen.

    5. And it’s a different world to when Iain and Adam were coming out.

  50. I had such admiration for Ruairi, for just telling all to Alistair + Ian.
    Ben if I remember correctly, is the only other person to know this.
    I am glad that Ruairi is not keeping it a secret.

    1. Agree with you Miriam.
      Ruairi was just, yeah, what’s the big deal
      Everything has moved along in the past few years. For the better

    2. While I wouldn’t say Rory is keeping his sexuality a secret, I would say he is being reticent about it. The only people he has come out to, are Ben.(when Ben was jealous of his friendship with Troy) and Adam and Ian (who guessed and approached him). So maybe he is consciously or subconsciously wary about putting his ‘things are different now’, ‘it’s no big deal’, ‘they’ll be cool’ confidence to the test.

  51. BASIA - are you still listening to the Archers?
    Do you still look in here to see what we are all thinking?
    I’m not surprised you were upset at certain accusations unfairly and obliquely aimed at you and with which I certainly did not agree.
    But that episode is all over now.
    So please return and give us your opinion on the current stories in the programme.
    I and so many other bloggers miss you and wish you would return

    1. Me too, though would add that I don't think the accusations were directed at Basia.
      If you do pick up these messages Basia, please return.
      We do miss you.

    2. Bygones - are just that.
      I so agree with so many others Basia.
      Your views are very well missed.

  52. I am wondering when the Archers studio, will return to a more normal situation, I am just meaning, when will there be more than 2/3 characters per scene. I think more variety is now required.
    I am missing:-
    Jolene + Kenton
    Linda + Robert
    Tom + Natasha
    Toby + Bert (but I so understand the latter)
    Pip + Rosie....etc...
    I am also missing the many Ambridge animals eg
    Hilda O. and her son Stan,
    Jill's hens + bees,
    Ben's new sheepdog who is still in training,
    Holly, Gem and Bartleby,
    Linda's new doberman (name),
    Etc Etc...
    I mention this as, animals and pets have been such a focus.

  53. Well, Will was lovely with Mia. The rest of the episode was just desperately sad : (

  54. Apparently Keri Davies has written two episodes this week and two more next week. Now he's about to write two whole week's worth for the future.

  55. So does Brian now accept that Alice has a problem?!?
    I’ve really enjoyed this week; Adam being a slightly pompous but well meaning older brother, Rauri, Will and Emma all being gentle with Mia and Alice being dreadful?
    I hope Rauri doesn’t undergo a major character change as at the moment he actually seems a pleasant, mature young man.

  56. That was an episode of great contrast.
    Will being so gentle and understanding with Mia. He really chose exactly the right words to comfort and reassure her
    Will at his best.

    Then the opposite, a totally drunk Alice behaving abominably, taking some poor random man home, abusing her parents as they tried to help.
    Alice at her worst.

    But wonderful scriptwriting and acting by all concerned.

    1. Archerphile - you've written just what I was thinking. Such contrasting scenes. One quite lovely with Will being so kind and caring with Mia. One just painful to listen to. Alice being quite horrible to her parents.

  57. Well! An episode of enlightenment Will a sensitive stepdad (although in the beginning I though he was maybe trying to push it too hard but he proved me wrong) I wonder if their really was a Becky but I hope so.
    Brian has also seen the light but in his case it somewhat backfired. Alice correct in what she said but she was taking out her own fears and frustrations on him which was unkind on Jennifer, At least J has proved virtually nothing is insurmountable (yes she wanted to keep the trappings of wealth she had at the time) even so it took guts and I am so pleased that Ruairi now respects and loves her. If Alice is intending to return to the world of work she really will have to face her addiction and seek help at Brian’s expense of course - as with the shop window etc.

  58. Brian Aldridge thoroughly deserved the tongue lashing he got from Alice. Lets hope he learns from it.

  59. Yes, Brian took the wrong tack in commenting on the marriage vows with his previous history! Alice is lashing out on others rather than facing the fact that the problem is down to her alone. She is helplessly caught up in her addiction. I felt sorry for the hapless Calvin who seemed decent enough and was ignorant of the full facts. Very distressing all round. You feel surely Alice can see the havoc she is causing and will try harder but then maybe she just can’t get out of the hole she is in. An interesting SL which in the end could go either way in her going even further into the path of destruction or one day just leaving the drink behind and reuniting with Chris and Martha.

  60. I think it was the sheer hypocrisy of the man that drove Alice to lambast Brian as she did, plus her buried anger at the negative effects on her younger years of his behaviou and the threat to her parents’ marriage. It came from longer ago than today’s alcoholism

  61. Agreed, but surely that doesn't excuse her behaviour earlier in the evening. Or the hurt she is causing her husband, baby daughter and her own mother

    And having seen Brian’s behaviour in the past and knowing the devastation it caused her parents and family, you’d think she would be determined to avoid repeating it.
    Her behaviour is up to her, surely?

  62. I’m not suggesting that Brian is responsible for Alice’s alcoholism - as you say, ultimately the responsibility is hers - but I do think he is responsible for creating the situation that fostered it, however unwittingly. First, endangering his marriag through his own selfish behaviour,, and causing insecurity and confusion for young Alice: and second, by proclaiming his high expectations of his golden girl. Insecurity plus parental high expectations is a deadly combination! It will be interesting to see if the scriptwriters follow this route at all. Is it a case of the ‘sins of the fathers’.......??

    1. I agree with your phrase Maryellen and I think 'the sins of the fathers' is about genetics and the inevitablility of the effect on those children.

      Jennie wasn't so upright just after Alice was born and had an affair with an old flame - Travers Macey? and left Alice to the care of Debbie? something like that I think? Lots of question marks.

      Brian's reply to Alice could be seen to be reasonable as both he and Jennie have been less than constant. Maybe Brian more obviously so in later years but they work together and have always done.

      Brian suggested a year or so ago that they had no probs in the bedroom department. I thought at the time that was telling as they really seem to have little in common apart from lifestyle and the dynesty.

    2. Jennie's affair may have been Hugh Bellemy?

  63. Yes it really was an episode of two very contrasting halves. Will was so gentle and kind to Mia, who seemed to accept and understand, as to what he said to her.
    I wonder if the Alice "lashing out at Brian" event, might be just the one which will bring her, to finally realise the true situation that she is now in...that is if she will remember it.
    I think that the Brian bank account will be used, for a long stay in an expansive rehab. centre - if Alice accepts that this is her best option.

    1. To add.
      Alice moving back in with Brian + Jennifer again seems a big mistake. She has now no responsibilties, such as all her meals are cooked for her, she is being smothered by Jennifer so she rebelled, becoming a wayward teenager again, doing just what she wants.

    2. I Agee, Miriam. Alice has nothing to do there except to drink and feel justified in doing it.
      It would be better for her to be in her own home.
      She needs to be learning to look after herself

  64. As per usual, Sundays omnibus threw up a few comments.

    Brian, is still so very much in denial, that his Little Princess has a problem

    Jenny "dahling" does, and fully realises that Alice's alcoholism, is an illness.

    Alice. Does she really mean what she said, in that both Chris + Martha now mean nothing to her (I so hope not).

    Where and when, has Jazzer's motorbike suddenly come from?

    Ruairi is suddeinly becoming a character to respect. He was so calm talking to Adam + Ian re being bi-sexual and respectful, when he very calmly, let Mia done. He handled both situations, in a new and mature way and he also showed, that he is busy with his school work.

    1. I thought Ruairi was brilliant with Mia, and so was William the following day.

    2. There was some very good scriptwriting last week, and acting too. I think Keri Davies was responsible for some episodes, you can often tell!

    3. I agree about the acting, especially relative newcomer Mia - I thought she was excellent and could teach some of the older actors a thing or two,

    4. I wonder how old Mia’s actress is, she sounds quite young but is obviously very accomplished and knows just how to act for radio broadcasts.

    5. Mollly Pipe is 23, so young by Archers standards. She began as a child actor with the RSC like the actor who plays Ed.

    6. Thank you for that info Maryellen. She is certainly able to sound like a young teenager.
      One of the casting directors better choices I think.

  65. I really enjoyed tonights TA visit to Ambridge.
    There is so much to think and peruse about, which I still need to do.

    The one comment I wiil make, is that I feel Harrison + Fallon are now not feeling very supportive towards Chris + Alice
    It is OK for them to agree for a night out, but was it heartfelt or are they just doing what is expected from them.

    1. I got the opposite impression - that the Burns are now revving up their attempts to support both families in a genuine desire to help. Harrison repeated his offer to babysit Martha (which he’s clearly dying to do) and Fallon went to comfort Jennifer. I was expecting her to suggest a family support group but the closing music got there first!

  66. How come you suddenly “understand” Fallon you didn’t when you found out about “the kiss” being an alcoholic didn’t count then yet now you feel you’ve lost a great friend. Ed was fortunate in Oliver’s friendship but he has always had good parents behind him too and of course Joe as well at that time. Although the poorer family rich in common sense Alice not so lucky in that regard.


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