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Life outside Ambridge




    Zoetrope - July 20, 2021 at 6:45 AM
    Sarnia, is it the light or the heat that gives you the energy? Have you ever tried a light box?
    For me, this is too hot. Just a few degrees cooler suits me better. Spring and autumn are my favourite seasons.

    Proud to be Yorkshire - July 20, 2021 at 7:57 AM
    It’s far too hot for me. Only got to start working and I’m sweating like a pig. I hate it. Our Mabel, 12 yrs, is really suffering in this heat too.
    Roll on some overcast days.

    Ev - July 20, 2021 at 8:35 AM
    Too hot for me too! At least I’m enjoying just sitting reading a book! Dudley has a very thick coat and is suffering. We covered him in a wet tea towel at bedtime last night and then he slept on the hard but cool hall floor. This morning they have gone out early with the dog walker and will be back by nine. Dudley has his cool coat on and hope it will stay damp in this heat. Buddy loves hot weather as his coat is fine and his build slim! Thank goodness they are going to the groomers tomorrow booked last time they went and Dud will be more comfortable! To compound everything I have the painter in doing the bathrooms but once that’s done no more work until August 2022 when we are away namely painting my bedroom and putting in a tiled floor in the utility room. At present it is laminate which I have found less than ideal. Sometimes washing machine and tumble dryer need to be moved and tiles will be more robust and will seal the floor better from any water. Onwards and upwards! Oh, in this hot weather have discovered a downside to false grass in that it does become hot so I need to keep the dogs off it in the heat of the day. Onwards and upwards!😊🐾🐾🐶🐶

  2. Apologies for not changing over the blogs - Ella has the reason above.....

  3. Wonderful to hear your energy has returned Sarnia, if only briefly.
    If you have any to spare, do please send it my way : (

  4. I have lights of all kinds - an adjustable daylight bulb in the sitting room, a portable UtopiaLight and a special desk light, but in long periods of cold and relentless greyness nothing seems to prevent my brain from shutting down and filling my head with fog! It seems to be getting worse as I get older, too, which is a pain - but then, my last fix of Greek climate was in 2018, so that may have something to do with it. I just wish I could go swimming.
    Lunch now, and then off to clear the campanula which got the better of me in that depressingly dark, wet May... ...
    OWiaS and Gary: for the majority of the year I need you to send me some of yours!

    1. Sarnia, then you must be desparate! Last time I had any to spare was three weeks over Christmas 2019

  5. That would have been good. Last Christmas I was closed for maintenance.

    1. Maintenance? If they closed me down it would be for decommissioning.

    2. Hm, However hard the going gets, I'm not quite ready for decommissioning just yet. I've got a tool shed to erect and must fathom a way of persuading the spray gun on to the end of my new hose! I've wasted hours of my life on hoses and their fittings in the last week and a half!

  6. I’m with you on the swimming. I used to go at least once a week before Covid. Our big black feeding troughs would make good jacuzzis but I don’t want it hot; swimming slowly through cold water would be bliss.....

  7. Basia, thank you for reminding me about the Amy Winehouse programme.
    Thank you also to the blogger(I think I know who it was and wrote down her name -somewhere! )
    who introduced me to her music via "Back to Black" which was a Desert Island Disc choice.
    It is now on my list .
    I look forward to watching the programme on Friday evening about her

    1. Lots on about her this week, the 10th anniversary of her death.
      World at One did a piece today with Jools Holland.

  8. Thanks for Ella Gary.
    From a lifetime fan.

  9. GG
    Just love the, oh so topical, heading.😍.

    I went out today, to do some work in the gareden and read a book in the shade but, "Too Darn Hot"!
    We musn't complain though.
    For me the problem is, it is from one extreme to the other, without any build-up and acclimitisation.
    At least it will not be like 1976, when the heatwave lasted for 66 days (I "googled" this).
    I remember it well. I was a final year pharmacy student, with a job in Boots in town. It was the era of Welsh nationalists, making their thoughts known. One afternoon, the entire Chester Grosvenor precinct was evacuated due to a bomb threat. This was taken seriously, as the HMRC office in town, was a subject of such and badly damaged. All were evacuated to the cathedral gardens, with no shade and we spent 4 hours there, in the full heat of the sun, before could go back + collect our belongs (handbags etc). Luckil

    1. ..luckily all went well, as the live bomb found on the roof, was deactivated + removed. What I remember most, was no water nor loo's...

  10. This coming Saturday has been designated Ash Scattering Day, which will involve a pilgrimage to the Sussex market town where Mr S grew up. As I organised the funeral, as a courtesy I invited the s-I-l to devise a simple Quaker ceremony to accompany the scattering, which seemed to please her. Predictably I suppose, this has blossomed into a full weekend away for her son, son-in-law, daughterandthe boys to the extent that my son is moaning that the event has been hi-jacked away from its original, somewhat sombre purpose and a bit of an ordeal for me.
    All this was laid before Her Reverence the minister over coffee last Saturday morning, after which she said she would pray for us all, especially S,andtheboys. Personally I have my doubts about this sort of thing, but it is her job after all, which she is paid to do.

    This afternoon I've had a phone call to say that there has been a Covid outbreak at the school, so although theboys have tested negative the family has to self-isolate and therefore cannot come. This means that the son will not be coming either.
    I've just e-mailed Her Reverence to thank her for doing a cracking job! And they say there is no God!

  11. Oh oh oh Sarnia, you've given me a good laugh...... thank you.

  12. HR is now upset because she thinks she is being held responsible for bringing about a Covid outbreak. No,no,no... it's just perfect timing, and it certainly makes the day less fraught for Daniel and me. She just offers up the prayers; how the outcome, if outcome there be, is arrived at is not her responsibility.

    1. Lovely, Sarnia. I know from my own experience this is a time when you need peace and not the stress of lots of people, well meaning but a trial for you. When we put Mike’s ashes in the Solent as I blogged at the time it was just me, Katy, stepdaughter and husband and their dog who behaved impeccably! Ours were in daycare as they don’t do boats! Afterwards we had a pub lunch. We had a pleasant day and Michaela remarked that Daddy would have enjoyed it, strange though that sounds! This way you can quietly deal with it and will find great peace from it. As for the Covid, God does indeed work in mysterious ways! HR should not berate herself for the outcome! Will think of you on Saturday!😊

  13. You enjoy Saturday with Daniel, Sarnia, and I hope D has the ability to do a little video for your daughter.

    1. No worries (as they say Down Under) Mrs P. A small portion of the ashes is being retained at the Funeral Director's until such time as she is able to return. Then we plan to have her own private scattering among the five Davidii shrubs in the memorial courtyard. He'd like the idea of becoming prime bonemeal to help improve the garden.
      Goodness only knows how long it will be, but they've promised not to charge board and lodging.

  14. Sarnia!! 😅🤣
    The interment of Dad's ashes was unrelentingly Catholic (no apologies for being the black sheep, only one of the family not to have crossed the Tiber) until the Red Arrows showed up for a fly past... wonderful! ✈️✈️
    & yes LanJan, Amy was my choice.

    1. Did you arrange that, Parsley, or was it just a happy co-incidence?

  15. Ev: all is now well with HR. She has been persuaded that her prayerful intervention was probably the cause of the negative tests, so they could be prevented from coming on Saturday without coming to any harm.

  16. Extremely happy coincidence!
    Certainly livened up proceedings in uphill Lincoln cemetery...

  17. Sarnia & Ev - I've been missing swimming too. I have genuinely no clue as to whether pools are open in Scotland or not, I just know that I'm not ready to get in one yet. But yesterday we went to the glorious beaches on the Ayrshire coast and I went for a dip in the sea and then spent a good hour or two just paddling. It was heavenly!

    We wandered around Culzean Castle and along the cliff tops in the blazing sunshine and counted our blessings. A perfect day was had. Almost normal!

    1. Myself and daughter did similar yesterday. We went to a beach that visitors don't tend to find and I had my first swim of this year. It was so refreshing in the heat. Before leaving we picked rock samphire and my daughter pickled four large jars of it in the evening. It is very nice pickled, although also nice steamed with a bit of butter if you don't mind the distinctive flavour. It was still so hot later that I went to bed with an ice pack.
      I remember finding some really nice shells 50 years ago at Ayr beach when working in Kilmarnock.

  18. I put my computer on today and suddenly there was a flashing message to say it had been locked because someone had used my IP address for the purpose of identity theft. To unblock I was to phone Microsoft on a phone number starting 020. Stupidly I rang the number but when a very foreign voice answered I hung up. I went to talk to my painter who said it was a scam and Katy came in shortly afterwards and confirmed that. I had been told not to switch off the computer but I did and then found no problem when I switched it on again. Apparently it is an old scam but I had not heard of it. Just thought I’d warn you!

    1. Thanks. I do the same with something I think is strange, no matter how simple, and that is I just power off.
      A worthy warning, thanks.

    2. Happened to me about 4 years ago Ev. Couldn’t understand a word the man said because he had such a strong Asian accent so he got a more English sounding person to speak. They convinced me they were from Microsoft in Reading ( I knew they had an office there).
      Like a fool I switched on the computer and let them do things to it. They even wanted me to switch on the camera (thank goodness we didn’t have one then)
      It was only halfway through that I I realised it was a scam, so I immediately cancelled all my credit and bank cards and contacted real Microsoft ( in America)who said it was happening more and more often. They checked our computer remotely and found rogue programmes had been installed by the scammers. Fortunately they were able to clear the computer of rogue programmes that had been installed by the scammers, but it took
      about 5 hours, during which I didn’t dare leave the computer and cost us quite a high fee but was worth it.
      I could not believe that I, normally so cautious about everything online, had been so stupid to fall for such a scam but have warned everybody I know since.
      I am so glad you didn’t either Ev.

    3. Oh, Archerfile how dreadful. I was glad Joe the painter was here to consult! I am wary of these sort of things but it was so dramatic and sent me into a panic thinking that my computer had been locked! The heavy accent though when I phoned was a warning but I can see how folk are drawn in. This blog is so good for warning others when these things happen.

      I chatted to a neighbour today who was out with her dog. It was about 9,30. She was going to Ryde on the bus then walking some way to the beach. They had already been to the bus stop down the hill and she found she had forgotten her bus pass so came back. The poor dog was already panting. I couldn’t do anything but did tell her to be careful because of the heat as they feel it even more than we do. Our dog walker is coming to pick ours up at 7.40 tomorrow where normally it’s 9.30 so that they walk in the cooler part of the day. The other day a. French bulldog died on Appley beac h as it had been there all day with owners. People can be so stupid. When hot like this dogs need to go out early morning or very late afternoon when things cool down. I don’t know whether neighbour and dog got back safely. Hope so!

  19. Our daughter and family from Singapore are still with us but we managed a day away from being bossed about by a 2yr old to go to the Tatton Flower Show. It was a slightly pared down version than usual which I suppose was to be expected but still a lovely day out apart from when the filming of the TV presenters got in the way of viewing the gardens!
    I always enjoy the school gardens and wasn't disappointed, I thought the children did exceptionally well to get them ready considering the year they have had.
    I managed to guess which of the Young Designer of the Year gardens would win.

    1. How I miss Tatton Flower Show.
      I have some wonderful oriental Lilies, just coming into flower. I bought these bulbs, about 15 years ago, at Tatton
      This is always a reminder of the show.

      I used to enjoy seeing the cameras + filming, in action.
      Will we see you, in a background shot??

    2. No I won't be seen Miriam, I kept well away.

  20. Day out with Big Sis + kids. All I will say is, it was trying!
    It was fun all the same and I still love them.
    It was 30C when left at 5.00pm. and not cooling down any, yet.

  21. Gary - your day out with a dip in the sea sounds lovely and, as you say, almost normal. Hope you have many more of them.
    I have just watched 'Heresies Ep. 5: BBC Bias Exposed' on YouTube and can recommend it.

  22. Lanjan - I watched the 100 ladies match on BBC 2 and thought it was quite interesting. It was very much in the way of a children's match which I suppose was the attraction, and the tickets were offered for free. However i like the old fashioned cricket! Mainly it was just for relief from boredom though!
    Cannot go out in bright sunshine because of blisters so as Archerphile says it's long sleeved cardigan, hat and trousers before entering the garden.
    Next Tuesday I to have the Basal cell carcinoma removed, I hope, but as it's on the temple I have to change hairdresser to Monday. Well that's something to get rid of boredom!
    Good job I am not camping with Cubs next week as it's all thundery showers.

  23. I watched a few minutes,Spicycushion and hated it.
    I won't watch the men this evening.
    I thought the Manchester team looked like security guards.
    Who would I support?
    I am a Lancastrian not a Mancunian.
    If it is supposed to be enthralling why did they need extra entertainment?
    I can't see it lasting.
    We have the T 20.
    Let's leave it at that.

    1. Some commentators accused it of being a game to interest 4 years old and why did it take up 4 hours of BBC 2 to convince us all to enjoy it!

    2. We tried watching too and hated it.
      All the brightly coloured uniforms and especially the graphics hurt the eyes.
      The constant calling out of the players was annoying.
      The rules were beyond us, despite Tuffers efforts to explain.
      Switched off after half an hour.

      I suppose it is good to create a new sport to interest and engage youngsters, but cricket it is not.

  24. What a lazy day, as far too hot to do anything.
    I prepared my evening meal this morning, whilst it was still relatively cool, but to cook it, this will be in the oven on, for 2 hours!!
    I had already defrosted the pork mince (for meatballs), so I have had to use it as planned.

    My new potential gardener, is finally coming tomorrow, to look at what I need doing and so to quote. I hope it will be worth the wait.

  25. I don't have a dog, as you know. I did see though, how to protect your dog in a heat-wave.
    The one thing I had no idea about, was to test the temparature of the pavements etc. This is what a dog walks on with the pads on their paws, so if they feel hot, don't walk them.
    This was something I had no idea about and I learnt something, however simple.

  26. Your loss is my gain, Miriam et al: I was very tired this morning after the shenanigans over Saturday and collecting the ashes yesterday (I wasn't expecting two-thirds of him to be so heavy!) but I had perked up by about 3.30. I'm busy washing several piles of bed linen which have been begging to be washed for weeks when I had no energy, and clearing the beds of spent campanula which are making the place look untidy, as well as harbouring untold numbers of The Enemy. I've resurrected a pretty, wrought iron obelisk from the same kind donor the pots, added it to the cleared bed beside the patio and sowed nasturtiums around it. Bit late according to the packet, but the nasturtiums can't read, can they?
    Next job is washing all my neglected floors... ...

    1. Tell me Sarnia, do you grow the campanula on the sheets or under them? ; )

    2. This variety of campanula is very - I believe vigorous is the correct horticultural term - and makes its bed wherever it will!

  27. Miriam, hope you had a good night’s sleep last night with your puss cat! It was not so for Katy though! Normally Dudley sleeps on my bed but prefers Katy’s so we close the door and he settles down for a 10 hour sleep. Over the last few nights though he has been hot and has slept on the cold hall floor. I kept the door open so that he could do so. Yesterday they went to the groomers so he was cooler having got rid of his thick fur. He decided to go to Katy’s bed with Buddy already in residence. At about 4 am they started a stand off for prime position. Buddy, a bit of a night owl had ventured forth into the lounge for a while and went back to bed only to be barred by Dudley. He then went and fetched Dudley’s toy cow from his dog bed and gaining access to Katy’s bed paraded it up and down to taunt Dud. There was much barking, I slept through it but of course Katy didn’t! This morning they were still not speaking and angled heads away from each other! After going out with the dog walker though they had made it up and were friends again! They are just like human brothers, love each other but have the occasional set to! 🐾🐾🐶🐶😊

    1. I have no idea where Pusscat is sleeping at the moment. I think it is under a hedge in the garden, where it is much cooler. Whenever I get up and put the kettle on, she appears, so nearby.
      TBH. I am glad that she is not on the bed at the moment. She is too much like a HWB and I am restless.

  28. We have invited our neighbours for dinner tomorrow night. ( a return visit for the barbeque immediately before I fell ill)
    It will not be in a super-duper pavilion up an illuminated stairway to the stars, but under our pergola which is covered in vines and wisteria. It’s quite dark there so we will rig up some solar lights, having charged them up during the day. At least I won’t be exposing my skin to the sun,

    But I’m being very naughty and serving up lamb shanks in mint and rosemary gravy - not mine own, but purchased from Sainsburys (shhh!). They are very good, only 30 mins in the oven, very tender and masses of meat on each shank. I’m hoping to get away with pretending I spent hours preparing them 🤫
    Then my usual sugar-free cheesecake, probably with loganberries this time, and loads of cheeses afterwards.
    I even bought a bottle of non-alcoholic wine (!) because of the antibiotics so I have something to drink while the rest of them get sloshed - which they probably will
    This will be our first evening entertaining for a very long time, so requires a long-awaited haircut in the morning and I’m hoping it won’t choose tomorrow night to start raining!

    1. It’s the get together that counts Archerphile and all the major Supermarkets sell any amount of such “main meals” and they are indeed tasty. Just relax and enjoy, the setting sounds idyllic to me and more appealing than the pavilion.
      Glad you are feeling well enough to issue the invitation and look forward to hearing all about it 😊

  29. Oh Archerphile,tell your neighbour the truth when she admires the lamb shanks.I would think more of someone who had the nous to do what you have done than someone who had spent hours over a hot stove in this weather.
    She might be grateful to you.
    I am!
    Can they be frozen ?

    I know of someone who does that with "Cook" meals.
    I personally think they are overpriced and if entertaining (unlikely) might have to resort to getting Cook meals from the local Garden Centre but I would not pretend they were made by me.

  30. Ev, it all sounds hilarious the way you tell it, but I'm sure Katy didn't think so.

    1. She did actually and recounted it this morning having exclaimed b….y h… when delivering my tea! She put it on FB and got lots of likes and smiley faces. It was just the taunting of Dudley which was hilarious. Buddy full knows the cow is Dud’s and frequently pinches it. He has a basket full of toys for himself but has never learnt how to share!

  31. Archerphile, you must be so much better, to become - "the hostess with mostest", tomorrow night.
    Good for you.

    Just play it by ear, re the Lamb Shanks. All that matters is that they are enjoyed, and you have clean plates at the end.
    That is always a sign of a succesful evening.
    I love the sound of the cheese-cake with fresh, home grown, or local fruit, sounds really yummy.

  32. Ev I thought Bud was priceless. The intelligence and naughtiness surprised me.
    I don't suppose you will want to be out and about yet (I am continuing to shop online etc but have been going to a quiet beach this weather) but I thought I would tell you this in case you or Katy are interested in such things. My sister in law is involved with Aspire Ryde ( who have done some wonderful work helping people during lockdown and in general), and she had the idea of creating an escape room in the crypt of the old church as a fundraiser, and she has a couple of friends who had designed similar things before who helped online from abroad. The escape route is based on an old story connected to the area and was done tastefully because the building was a church previously, and in fact still is if you look at the work it does. An old organ is still there.

    1. P.s. if you look up The lost crypt escape room in Ryde online it tells you about it. It opens on Monday I think.

    2. Thank you, Janice. I don’t think the escape room is for me as I would hate to be locked in even if temporarily being a bit claustrophobic! Katy has done this in the past with colleagues and if it carries on after school holidays they may very well venture forth! It sounds very enterprising and wish them every success. Aspire is well known on the island and we know they do a lot of good work. I expect they have a website and you have inspired me to have a look!

      Further to tales of Buddy and Dudley, Dud got his own back tonight by dashing into the lounge, seizing a toy when Buddy wasn’t looking and dashing out again taking the toy to Katy’s bed! Just like squabbling children, best to leave them to it! 🐾🐾🐶🐶

  33. My new potential gardener came today. What a lovely young bloke, who has now taken over the family firm. I have been very lucky, as he said he didn't really want any new business.
    The reason he showed interest, is that I am so local and already does a garden, two doors down. He can combine the two (once mine is more under control).
    I expect his quote will be quite high, but really don't care! What I liked was is attitude and how he talked to me.
    This means so much, as I feel I need to feel comfortable with + trust, whoever does work for me.
    Sadly, there will be a wait of 3-4 weeks, but that's OK..
    It is better to get to know a local person (only lives a 5min walk away), that I can rely on in the future.

    1. Sounds ideal Miriam 🌺 🤗 🌸

    2. Our gardener is an absolute star. He can do more in the garden in two hours than I would manage in two weeks. (Two months, probably.) I hope your gardener turns out to be as good Miriam.

      I was admiring our dahlias earlier. My father in law grew them from seed. For several years he would remind us every autumn to remind our gardener to dig up the tubers and store them over winter. Every autumn we would remind Dad that our gardener assured us they would cope quite happily over-wintering in our nice Kent clay soil. And they did. And as they mature, the display gets better and better : )

      (The same cannot be said for the pot geraniums which really did not appreciate me forgetting to bring them inside for the winter.)

  34. Last post today.
    I always love The Olympics.
    As such, I did have a quick couple of looks, at the Opening Ceremony.
    It left me totally under-whelmed. But at least this Olympics is finally happening, even though a year late.
    I doubt I will be watching, as avidly and as much, as I have done previously.
    However, it is so important for all the competitors, who have trained so hard throughout the Pandemic, to finally show their training and what they can acheive.
    To me, this Olympics will be so very different, focusing on the individual competitors, not who they represent.
    Still 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 and 🥇🥇

    1. I didn't watch the opening ceremony but I did see a clip of the drones' light display. Really rather impressive!

  35. RHS Tatton Flower Show on BBC2 tonight at 7.00pm.

  36. Well, here we are all awake due to Dudley being petrified by the thunder and lightning! He ran into Katy’s room, leapt on the bed and barked thinking the thunder was under the bed. Buddy was asleep, woke with a start, eeek, there’s a monster under the bed!! He ran into the lounge! We then all got up and had a cup of tea and a biscuit and watched the coxless pairs’ heats in Japan. Rather fancied a Great Dane!!😉😂 We had a laugh at the inane commentary which included one team having a lot of gravy. What’s that all about? UK should do well as we have gravy with everything!🤣🤣 Going to sleep now hoping no more thunder! Btw, also had to close skylight in shower room as painter had left it open. There is a puddle on the floor which will have to wait until morning! Good night all!

    1. No storm here as yet but not sleeping well so maybe your storm is on its way Ev!
      What adventures your Dudley and Buddy are having of late 🤣

    2. Huge thunderstorm here in North Hampshire around 4.30 this morning. It certainly feels much cooler and fresher thank goodness.
      And the weather had the decency to hold off the storm until after our dinner al fresco which went well and the lamb shanks were declared ‘delicious’. I did add lots of rosemary and mint from the garden which probably helped!

    3. Our store arrived at 5.15am huge claps of thunder and really bright lightening but only for 10mins or so!
      So glad to you chose the right evening for your entertaining Archerphile just got it in in time 🤗

  37. Would be glad of some rain here, I'm really struggling to keep up with the watering. The lawn has turned to straw now.

    1. Should be coming your way during the weekend CC and as you say what a relief it will be 🌧💦🌧💦

  38. We had a lot of refreshing rain for quite a while in the night, but no thunderstorm.
    I am hoping the rain holds off tonight, because although I don't agree with their ideas I do love fireworks, and there is going to be a big display at the Camelot Castle Hotel. We live over a mile away but because of being up a hill can watch things happening down on the cliffs.
    They are scientologists and the hotel, which architecturally is a stunning place (designed by Sylvanus Trevail a past Cornish architect) is more of a recruiting centre I think than a proper hotel. They are also very much into conspiracy theories (the Q flag has been flying above the roof there) and are having a "freedom come and burn your mask" event with a huge beacon bonfire and fireworks. At least the rain last night will have dampened the cliffs down so hopefully they won't catch fire.
    My daughter a few years back was approached by one of the Polish workers there, who was very upset, and has been concerned about the workers there ever since.

  39. Our thunderstorm woke me up about 6.00am and the sky was a very mucky reddish-brown. It only lasted about 30 minutes.
    I am about to buy a new computer and will have Jon with me, in case I need guiding.
    Jon came with me when I bought a car. I said I liked that one and Jon said 'you don't buy a car just because it's green.' I did it anyway and loved it! Perhaps I will buy a green one!

    1. I need to up-grade my computer, but the thought of doing it, fills me with dread, as basically - I don't have a clue?

    2. My Mini was British Racing Green : )

      But perhaps I overdid the greeness - when the painter was painting our windowsills and front door green, whilst standing in front of the green Mini, he was handed his tea in a green mug. (Although at least it wasn't green tea as well!)

  40. No rain here. There is not even a hint of it, for a few days yet...
    Cooler today to begin with, but now a lovely sunny and hot afternoon.

    Second RHS Tatton Show programme tonight.

    I watched BBC4 last night. This was Burt Bacharach: A Life in Song. (2015. If I got my roman numerals right!).
    What a great person he is, and his piano playing was just amazing.
    I love his music. He is just such an gentle and un-assuming bloke.

    1. PS I was right. 2015 was the right year. This when I saw BB live at Llangollen, and when he played at Glastonbury.

  41. PS I have just picked my first 3 runner beans!
    Not a great crop, but there are more on the way, hopefully..😀

  42. I picked a load of rhubarb today. It made two big pans full. As too much has the inevitable outcome(!!) I have put it in small containers to freeze. The last pick of the year as I think you need to leave it to die back in August. My runner beans are flowering as I put them in later than Miriam, not being well organised! All quiet on the dog front. Dudley has been exhausted after his shenanigans last night!🐶😊

  43. No rain forecast here for a couple of days. Radishes and salad are bolting but courgettes, Cavolo Nero and French Beans coming along nicely. Daughter and family have gone to spend a few days with son in law's family so hoping to catch up on some jobs, house looks like the wreck of the Hesperus!

    1. Big Sis tried to give me some of her courgettes, a veg. which I am not keen on.
      These were like so large.

      Been out watering tonight, as so dry and my lovely lilies growing in pots, are due to flower. Need to nuture them.

    2. CC - but how lovely to have your family with you again. It must be wonderful.

    3. It is Miriam and we're so happy that they are settling back in the UK.

    4. Miriam, courgettes are great! ... my compost bin loves them ; )

  44. LanJan, did you see any of the Amy Winehouse programmes last night?
    Garden : tomatoes have got 'la maladie', french beans doing well, r onions & shallots should have been lifted by now.. Concert tomorrow that's my excuse anyway.
    will carry on sowing b. beans & garlic in autumn, by far our most successful crop.

    1. Started harvesting courgettes, potimarrons have made a bid for freedom up the wall into the cemetery next door. Good luck with that. We'll have you!!

  45. I picked 2 pounds of the cooking gooseberries and froze them. My favourite are our old fashioned Golden Drop ones that you eat straight from the bush.
    The fireworks mentioned earlier were a really epic display visible for miles.
    We couldn't see the " ceremonial mask burning pyre" though because the other side of the castle hotel. It apparently is :
    " A fire beacon visible from space to warn all extraterrestrial alien life forms of Earth's idiocracy "
    and an invite to
    " bring and burn your mental enslavement and fear creation masks".
    It all no doubt makes interesting stuff for the visitors who will go home and talk about the strangeness of people here.

    1. Exasperating though because covid is increasing by leaps and bounds here with the influx of visitors, and the last thing we want is people burning their masks and not wearing them in the gift shops.

  46. Parsley ,I watched "Reclaiming Amy " on Friday evening.
    If I am honest I felt it was a programme trying to say that she had had loving parents who were in no way responsible for what happened to her.Apparently the previous programme had blamed her parents (particularly her father) for the way Amy turned out.
    I reckon that fame went to her head but until I heard Back to Black I had never taken any notice of her music so knew nothing about her.

  47. I know courgettes are fairly bland but I use them quite a lot. Pick them when they are small: they bulk up a casserole or curry and are more tasty fried. I do that with patty pan squashes - the little yellow flying saucer ones. This year I’m growing quite a few different squashes and pumpkins out of curiosity as much as anything - they are decorative and good for soup. Trouble is they take up a lot of space so I’ve covered a muck heap with them as well!!

  48. I pick my courgettes when they are about 10cm long and usually roast them with other vegetables.

    1. I only use courgettes in either a ratatuoille or fried in butter, so are brown + slightly crispy!

  49. They’re nice in moussaka cut lengthways. I also like them fried or roasted but they are very nondescript boiled! I find they grow well on the island but in Ledbury constantly got mosaic disease!

    1. That's a good idea, as I detest aubergines!
      Also I hate cheese, as you all know, so just make a garlicky, herb white sauce instead.
      I will give this a try.

  50. Yet another wonderful hot + sunny afternoon, with no sign of rain, well just yet. Wind is picking up though.
    What I noticed over this weekend, are the low planes that are flying over, EasyJet, Ryanair etc. taking off from Liverpool + Manchester airports. I must be on the flight path at the moment, which is not always the case, luckily.
    After what, nearly 18 months, I have found it quite noisy + strange to see.

    1. The only plane that I have seen for so long, is the Beluga XL, going into Hawarden airport. It is such a familiar and lovely sight.
      Archerphile, knows all about this.

    2. Courgettes, grated, are a wonderful ingredient in cakes/loaves, especially chocolate ones as they give wonderful moisture to the final result.

    3. Regarding the Beluga, there are three in service and the fourth one had it’s test flight last week. If you are able to use binoculars you could record the registration number on the tail plane and check off when you have seen them all!

  51. GARY - please dont try swimming in Loch Lomond. 🥺

    1. Terrible few days at Loch Lomond AP. Most people do know that in normal circumstances the water is freezing cold as soon as you get a couple of metres away from the edge. I can only imagine that this heatwave has fooled people into going further than they usually would. So sad.

      Speaking of the heat, another beautiful day in Glasgow. What we wouldn't give to have some rain. Genuinely can't remember the last time it did. Getting loads of exercise watering all my pots.

    2. We had one big thunderstorm a couple of nights ago which, thankfully, filled all the water butts, but back to hand watering now. Unlike other parts of the south which have been flooded out.

    3. There have been so many sad reports of drownings, whilst swimming, in the last week.
      A young 16yr old lad, lost his life on Thursday, whilst in the R.Dee in the centre of Chester.
      What a waste.

    4. are all the other lost lives.

  52. There is a yellow warning for rain + storms, for 24hours here.
    This is starting early morning tomorrow.
    It seems it will be hit + miss, as to where this will happen.
    All I want is a one downpour, to soak the garden, green the lawns up again and settle the dust.

    What I have noticed so far this year, is that there seems to be no butterflies. I haven't seen any, which is quite unusual.

    I have received the quote for my garden maintenance work. It looks pricey, but on reflection for the work to be done, perhaps it is not too bad. I have agreed to it, even though a 3-4 wait.
    Now it's wait + see, if it will be value for money.

    1. Don't worry too much about the butterflies Miriam.
      One spot in the U.K. With the highest rate of BFs is three minutes from my house.
      I can confirm there are plenty of them.

    2. There are plenty of cabbage white butterflies trying to get at my Cavalo Nero Miriam!

    3. No shortage of butterflies (or bees) in my garden either.

    4. Please. please, please, NOT Cabbage white butterflies - their proper name is the Large White butterfly!
      As for butterflies in general this year, many areas are reporting a decline but we walked down the garden yesterday morning to the unmown area and dozens, literally dozens, of skippers flew up in front of us, too many to count. we think they had been feeding on the wild grasses and flowers there.

    5. Apologies for the nomenclature faux pas Archerfile.

  53. I want to have a rant - so please pass by if not interested.

    This morning we saw our local MP, Kit Malthouse, Crime and Policing Minister, giving interviews on every breakfast TV programme. He was boasting how they are recruiting thousands more police officers in their attempt to beat crime.

    Except, I wanted to shout at him, they are making it so difficult and frustrating to apply that they are loosing good candidates along the way.
    You may remember that our grandson who graduated from Leicester University last summer was keen to join the graduate police entry scheme.
    Well, he has applied to 4 different forces, including the Met, and been frustrated at every turn. He filled in dozens of online application forms including a very long one for the Met. On following it up they replied that they had lost his form and he’d have to do the whole thing all over again.
    Some forces said they were not recruiting at that time and to reapply in a few months. Some said they were no longer offering graduate entry candidates. He applied for ordinary PC entry, and even backroom work as a non-officer police assistant. Nor applications were ever properly acknowledged and he had to keep chasing up his applications to see where he had got to. Another force claimed to have lost his application. The whole business of applying has been frustrating, long drawn out and so disheartening.

    So much so, that after a year of trying, Max has now given up on joining the police in any capacity. They have lost an intelligent and keen prospective officer.
    He is now going to work as a full time classroom assistant at a Basingstoke school with a view to taking a PGCE and becoming a teacher.

    I am going to write to Mr Malthouse and tell him what I think of his claims to be recruiting thousands of new officers.

    Rant over.

    1. It’s funny how two faced these people can be. It must indeed be frustrating for your grandson. I hope he will get the breaks in teaching. Like all professions it has drawbacks but can be very rewarding.

    2. Good luck with writing to your MP Archerfile, I hope that you have more success than we do when we write to ours.

    3. 😡😡😡😡😡😡 on your behalf Archerphile!

    4. That sounds nuts! What are the police authorities thinking to reject a highly suitable candidate.

  54. I vowed I would not be engaged with the Olympics, this year. Sadly I now am being drawn in.
    This started yesterday morning, watching Tom Daly live, followed by the mountain biking. Today I was enthralled by the rugby 7s, the team women gymnastics and I was just was enthralled, with the team dressage. Horses prancing to music, is so skillful and beautiful to watch...

    I was productive though, as I was ploughing through a pile of ironing (still not finished).

    It has rained today, but not very much. The ground is still as hard as a rock, and also reasonably hot + humid.

    That's all for today. I need to portion provisions, that I bought this morning, into individual portions to go into the freezer, along with single portions of meals, which I have cooked over the last couple of days.

  55. Archerphile… get writing. That is disgusting how your grandson has been ignored, basically.

    Today I managed to buy a light bulb. Honestly you need a degree to buy one. I do not think the LED bulbs last as long as the good old fashioned 40 and 60 watt ones.
    £5 for a ruddy lightbulb. Extortionate.

    I also got a Water butt connecting kit considering the forecast. Got it connected this aft, all ready!!!
    We’ve had a few drops about an hour ago!!! Disappointed.

    Still deep cleaning the house. I have developed a love for a steam cleaner. I am doing all the windows with it. I mean the inside edges. Every one is black with years of dirt. I finished the patio doors yesterday and then used Thompson’s uPVC cream restorer and cleaner on them. It’s marvellous. Really makes your double glazing look like new. Highly recommend.

    Also had some disappointing news yesterday in that I am not able to have my eye operation done privately. Although some appointments are opening up the private surgeon cannot get theatre time. I have tried the other surgeon in the north of England that does the operation and he is in the same situation. So will continue my NHS wait.

  56. Sorry that you haven't got the private op and have to wait. My goodness you have had a lot of cleaning time in the new house.
    Yesterday I had the BCC removed from my right temple. The plastic surgeon said 'Oh dear. Quite a big one!' Not quite sure it was to reassure me!
    So now I have five stitches to take out next week and more stitches underneath which will take about three months to dissolve. it is on right temple which can easily be covered over by glasses and a fringe!
    At least I don't look like Frankenstein monster with stitches across the forehead!

    Once again I am going with all three sisters to Dorset for weekend with brother!
    Today my new computer is being delivered so I will be sorting out and setting it up. Hooray!

    1. Good luck with the new computer, hopefully you will still be able to join us!
      Have a good weekend with your siblings, it is a relief to be able to link up with families and friends a bit more.
      Our hermit daughter is delighted that she will have the house to herself for 36 hours as MrNuts and I are visiting friends in Kent today

  57. Spicy my bcc was in the same place as yours, quite proud to add another scar to the collection!
    it is well hidden under fringe-y thing..

    1. Scars can fade so well.
      I had an accident about 4/5 years ago, which resulted in a glass deep gash, on my face, This was down the side of my nose and ended up just above my lip.
      I was about 7hrs in A+E, as the duty Dr. did not want to stitch it. I had to wait for the on-call plastic surgeon, to do the two layers of stitches.
      What a result, as I don't have a scar and there is no sign of any trauma.
      I was so very lucky.

    2. Mr R’s (some years ago now) was at the side of his nose. Again all went well 🤗

  58. At last. I had a very heavy + torrential downpour, this morning, which certainly settled the dust. It was well needed, along with the bonus, that I do not need to go out watering tonight, thank goodness.

    1. 🤗 👏🏻 Miriam.

      Gary how is your weather had any storms yet….

  59. I am thinking about Archerphile and her family, now back living in France.
    EU + USA visitors can now arrive in the UK, and if fully vaccinated, no longer need to isolate/quarantine..
    Why is France still excluded from this exemption?? I just don't understand this...

    1. Because France has overseas territories which are on a high state of alert due to lack of hospital beds.

    2. Notable the Island of Réunion off the S African coast!
      Mind you, they probably won’t be able to visit us here because the Govt. will only allow people’s double vaccinated in the USA or EU.
      Our family, of course, were vaccinated in Dubai with Sinovax which is not recognised here yet. So unless they can get re-vaccinated with Astra Zeneca or Pfizer in France goodness only knows when’s they’ll be able to come.

    3. There's lockdown in Martinique and restrictions in Guadeloupe but it all adds to the overall statistics. This vaccine branding is also ridiculous.
      Archerphile, it may all calm down, but how does it look if you were to go over there?

  60. On a lighter note.
    I realised today, that I hadn't updated my AA membership with the newer car reg. no.
    I went on-line to do this. The result was:-
    American Airlines and what flight did I want to chsnge?

  61. Lady R - we've had a few spots of rain, but the threatened downpours have passed us by completely. At least the heat has died down considerably...

    And in other news, it appears that I can no longer access the blog using my tablet. I can still get in using a PC, but it's still annoying. I have signed out, signed in, switched it off, turned it back on and still nothing. There appears to be no rhyme or reason to it as most of you who have had this problem already know. Grrrr.

    1. Your weather like ours Gary. There have been terrific rain/storms around us but not intense for us so far 🤞🏼
      Accessing the blog can you do so via your phone? or is it tablet and phone not working ?Also do you get the “error”message or cannot even get in? Does Mr GG not have an answer?

  62. For the third time of trying……
    I have virtually given up trying to post from my tablet but find I can still do so on my little old iPod with a tiny screen that still runs in iOS 12. It’s this iOS 14 that seems to cause problems. Despite contacting Apple and Google Blogspot help pages, I can find no published solution. Nobody seems interested in helping!

    1. To add to my post above, I know if you went to France you'd have to isolate on return (would it be easier than your family?), but as I say it may all calm down.

    2. Yes Basia it would. Both being retired, no problem in isolating at all.
      So we are waiting for them to get their furniture back from Dubai, move back into their own house and get sorted. I’m hoping we can go before Christmas, or perhaps for Christmas as well.

    3. As said to Gary AP could you use your iPhone if you wished to do so. Mine works ok as a rule…. Still spells of “error” here on iPad 😡

  63. As of today we have used up global food resources for the year. It normally comes around at this time. Last year we gained a month, no doubt because even more starved. Good luck to us all.

    MrsP and Sarnia, hope you're well and otherwise engaged.

  64. I finally managed to pick up a much needed prescription from a pharmacy, this morning. This was at the 3rd attempt this week, due to closures caused by staff shortages as a result of the "pingdemic".
    Luckily I always re-order 10 days, before I run out.
    Although I understand the situation, what annoyed me, was that there was no notice as to what were the probable opening times for that day. I also tried ringing on many occasions, but there was never an answer.
    I was surprised that there wasn't a pre-recorded message giving potential hours of business.
    At least I finally got my meds. with 3 days to spare.

    Rant Over!

    1. Miriam - I think pharmacies are suffering like the supermarkets.
      All down to distribution problems.
      Or another way of putting it - centralisation.

      Basia, thanks.
      Yes, things on my mind.....
      After deciding on another attempt to sell my house, and being relatively pleased with the agent, ex agent daughter wades in with yet another set of objections.
      No point in not telling her ..... if it all went pear shaped I would never hear the end of it. So I have to tell and consult her.
      Still, a conversation this morning has gone well.
      But she still cannot understand why I want to move.

      Life however is slowly returning to a form of ' normal'
      The last time I was able to sing was in February 2019 when I found a new group and was extremely happy after my first session.
      The following week I collected Lady and within days realised that I was faced with severe separation anxiety. I had never experienced it before.
      So no life outside of home from February 2019, over two and a half years.

      Covid Lockdowns did allow us to train successfully and I can now leave Lady to shop and do basic errands away from home.
      Now consolidated, two weeks ago I was brave and went to the cinema in another town.
      Last night I returned to the singing group under cover in a garden in a nearby district, and tonight I have a ticket booked for the cinema again.
      We sang in a valley with sheep in the field close by and with a backdrop of forest above and around us, with calls from the raptors above.
      Some kind of bliss !

  65. I bought a lovely small bush fuschia whilst out, this morning.
    Having just planted it, I was surprised just how hard the soil still is. It seems the rain, only wetted the surface and didn't soak in.
    I managed, but it was like digging a hole in concrete!
    I hope it survives, esp. as it has just been drenched with water.

    1. It was an impulse buy as small, compact with dozens of flower buds, about to open.
      If it lasts the rest of the year, I will be very happy. It's filled a blank and empty space.

  66. Mrs P. Well done for deciding to sell again and move on. I believe that Stroud is an area in the UK, which is ideal to move to.
    I feel though, that you are in a very difficult position. You need to keep your daughter up-to-date, which is understandable, but just go with what your new estate agent recommends.
    Good Luck!

    Have you any thoughts as to where you want to locate to, remembering Lady etc and their needs?

  67. Mrs P, you have been so very patient with Lady. That's such a long time to put your life 'on hold' for anyone. It will be good for you to be able to get out and mix with other people again.

  68. Mrs P, your estate agent has local knowledge and if you get the impression that he/she is competent and trustworthy it is fair to go with them. You can listen to your daughter too. With her experience she will be able to suggest questions you can ask and point out any potential pitfalls. It’s no one’s business but yours if you want to move but it is valuable to get other views on the project. Best of luck with it all!😊

    1. Thanks for support...... Ev, Sarnia, Miriam.

      The film, Supernova, another venture into the subject of loss through Dementia,
      was a gentle and mature love story.
      Rather beautifully executed.
      I never recommend as we all have different tastes, and I prefer thoughtful content and rarely enjoy ' fun' .

    2. The film I loved, showing dementia, was The Notebook.
      The dementia element was not known until towards the end. It was moving, and so well done.

  69. My usual look in, at the usual time.
    What have I done today? - the highlight, a visit to the hairdresser, resulting in another wonderful cut. The stylist who does me, is just fantastic.
    I always book my next 6 week appt. on leaving. It was a gulp, as is Sept. 10th. This year is going by so quickly.

    I need to get made -up, with all my "slap", to get 'photos done. These are needed for 2 reasons:-
    My Bus Pass, which I am entitled to but have still not yet applied for .....
    My Passport. This expires tomorrow, so I need to renew it ASAP. I know, that there will be a long wait for a new one, to arrive, but won't be needed in 2021.

  70. I have just written a long post, but on posting, it has just gone.
    Oh well, it was probably my usual rubbish, so of no importance nor a loss.

    1. There are two posts from you, the first one about hair and make up for photographs.
      I renewed my passport online two years ago and it worked very well, except that they do it from the date of receipt rather than giving the last one time to expire, but it won't apply to you.

      When I downloaded my photo it didn't show the outline of my head, so I smoothed down my hair and it was accepted.

      I no longer care, as long as it resembles me, it's not for a dating site.

    2. This was another post, after my 4.11pm one and as said, it is probably no loss at all.
      I was enquiring about, if any down south, have been affected by Storm Everet. I am not bothering to repeat any more.

  71. New profile photo. Pusscat asleep on a chair in the sun.

  72. To me the best dementia story, was the TA one, with Jack + Peggy. It was a S/L done in real time. I still recall the kitchen mayhem (contents over the floor), Jack wandering out in the night, and especially him cowering in the toilet in The Bull on Bonfire Night, thinking he was in the WW2 bombings...
    This to me is still so memorable.

    PS It seems that my new profile picture, has also now gone into the ether. I won't try and re-do it, but I am back as Miriam, rather than Unknown.
    Problems all around.

  73. We have had quite high wind today. Clouds bustling along giving intermittent sun and droplets but no real rain. It must have been very blustery at the Needles. The island is strange with pockets of weather. We can have a dry and sunny day here where there is heavy rain about 10 miles away! Is Pusscat a torty? My sister in law loves these! Her inherited Tomcat whose owner had to go into care is a Ginger! I am not a cat person but appalled at the man imprisoned today for fatally stabbing 9 cats. Must be heartbreaking for the owners.

    1. Pusscat is a torty/tabby cross and has the characteritics of both breeds.
      Very loving but also can be quite feisty...but is just very nervy with all, except me.😻

  74. My (furled) garden umbrella blew over yesterday with a crash and even though I moved them against the house wall, the geraniums (pelargoniums) that usually line my dining room steps and deck are upside down and a mass of broken stems

  75. Where are you on the Island Ev? Understand if you’d rather not
    be specific. My sister and b-i-l have lived
    in Shanklin 2 yrs on August 4th!

    Unfortunately we can only see them on visits to us as Mr R cannot travel now just local jaunts in the car. A shame as the Island is so beautiful but we get lots of pics / short videos from their walks🤗🌸🌺⛵️

    1. Towards the north of the island between Ryde and Newport. Katy had her hair done in Shanklin t his week but I haven’t ventured over in that direction for some time. Beaches are lovely over there and rival anything I have seen abroad. We usually go to Appley Beach in Ryde. Gyp used to love having sausages from the cafe there. They do them specially for dogs, probably what they have left from day before! We are going to scatter some of her ashes there. Most went into the garden and small amounts set aside for favourite walks. 🐶🐾

    2. Thank you Ev the whole “Island” is beautiful of course.

      What a lovely story about dear Gypsy and her sausages, your scattering of her ashes sounds so right bless her 🥰 What pleasure you gave each other during her life and now precious memories to cherish.

  76. One of the items in my disappeared post-
    A one hour drama on R4ex at 3.00am (awake due to heavy rain) which I really enjoyed and think others might also like.
    Sarah Daniels - Sound Barriers.
    The 2 main characters were played by Patricia Routledge and Caroline Quentin.
    It can be found on the Sounds App.
    I am also following the latest King Street Juniors series.

    1. I only mentioned this drama, as it relates to a recent TA story, plus well produced.

    2. Just finished listening Miriam! Thank you so much for the heads up I throughly enjoyed it. The connection to TA current SL uncanny considering this drama was made in 2004.
      I love Patrica Routledge but all 3 were excellent.
      King Street Juniors there’s a blast from the past will try that again soon too.
      Goodnight 😴 or rather Good morning 🤣

    3. Lady R. I am glad you aso listened and recognised the connection. When I started listening, I found it quite slow but as it went on, it really drew me in..

  77. I love King St Juniors
    specially Paul Copley in it. Shame we haven’t heard from him as Leonard in TA for so long.

  78. A Lion for all us Leo’s who have birthdays around now
    Happy Birthday everyone, I’m sure Lady R will know the exact dates!

    1. Yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the LEO'S on this blog.

    2. Oh dear Archerphile of course you are a Leo and I recall Janice had a landmark birthday last August but who have I left out? (Please come forward)
      My reputation will now be in tatters 🤣

    3. Yes you are quite right Lady R, I am looking forward to mine on the 11th and throwing out hints to my family that a picnic back pack might be nice.
      Happy birthday to all other Leos.

  79. August is an expensive month for me - there are 5 Leo’s in the family!!

    1. Ooo, that’s a lot! 3 in ours; 4 in July and 4 in October.

    2. My worst months are May and June - 9 in those two months.

  80. There is a saying. something like - Little Things Mean So Much.

    This happened to me today.
    My lovely neighbours, (who I have recently found are engaged, but with no immediate plans for marriage) knocked on the door. They were just heading off for a weeks "staycation" in The Lakes.
    They asked if I would be willing to have:- a set of house keys, their alarm code, their mobile 'phone no's - all just in case. Of course the answer was Yes.
    I just felt honoured, that they asked me.
    As I have said, these small genuine gestures, are so meaningful.
    I could not have asked for better neighbours, and I feel so lucky.

    PS I have volunteered to water the pots in the front garden and the hanging basket.
    I might regret this, but the difference to the outside of this property, is lovely. My intention is perhaps slightly selfish. This is, I want to maintain this, after years of lack of interest.

    1. So very pleased for you Miriam. 16yrs ago we felt exactly the same as you are feeling now grateful for lovely neighbours replacing nightmare ones!

  81. Interesting.
    If I post on my PC, the pic of my pusscat shows against my name, but here on my android 'phone, it doesn't.
    I am not going to try + mess about with this, obviously. 😀

    1. The lily is shown Miriam.
      And so pleased that you are sharing with your new neighbours.
      Now you would be able to ask them to feed your cat if you ever have the need.
      I always water a neighbours pots when they go away.

  82. Just trying a different pic. of a lily in my garden.
    If this doesn't work - I will give up.

  83. Have you been watching the fencing Miriam? So much has been so good at these Olympics. I thought the dressage was superb.

  84. Out for birthday lunch tomorrow! 😉🦁

    1. Happy birthday Parsley, and hope you have a lovely lunch. 🎂🎈🎁🥂

    2. Have a wonderful Birthday dear Parsley and a delicious lunch
      😋 🎂 🍷 💐

  85. Enjoy your lunch Parsley.
    It is so good to gradually get back to normal activities. MrNuts and I have been off work this week we’ve stayed overnight with friends, been to the opera, visited Petworth and Leeds Castle, done some tourist stuff in Winchester and enjoyed several excellent restaurant meals. This afternoon I am having afternoon tea with work colleagues, the best type of team building, postponed from last year. The only thing Ian avoiding is the bathroom scales!

    1. Wow a well deserved holiday KP and culminating in afternoon tea what a finale ⭐️

  86. I’ve lost my touch parsley 😱
    Sending birthday wishes to you (and Mr ptby for next week) have a super day 🎂🤗💐🍷

    1. Nearly there Lady R. Not Mr PtbY but Mrs PtbY later in the month. Our 32nd wedding anniversary before that too…..well if I haven’t throttled him by then!! 🤭

  87. Delicious lunch. rognons de veau 😊
    now resting my eyelids.. 😉🤫😎

  88. Happy Birthday Parsley.
    Your meal sounds so interesting....but I hate kidneys, but love veal.
    Sadly veal is never availble to buy here.
    Enjoy the rest of your Birthday.

  89. I have spent so much time watching the Olympics...
    It is frustrating though. As I don't have satellite TV I have been limited to the only 2 BBC channels.

    JANICE asked if I seen any of the fencing, a sport I really enjoy.
    The answer is no, due to the above reason.
    I have also not seen any coverage of the equestrian 3 day event, which I also always enjoy.

    It is what it is.

    1. BBC iplayer has covered some of it, although more of it would have been nice.

  90. Family in OZ, were given just 5hrs notice of a 5 day Lockdown, yesterday.
    Niece has learnt a lot about family experiences in the UK. As such she keeps her store cupboard and freezer, very well stocked up.
    Luckily they have a large house, with a nice garden and a massive veranda/balcony, so her sons (5yrs + 2yrs) will have plenty of space, to play in.
    She can work from home, but her hubbie can't, as he runs his own buiness - a kindergarten Circus school - and is self-employed.
    She thinks that this Lockdown will be extended, as the contact tracing, has only just begun...

    1. PS At least she + hubbie have had a 1st jab...which took a lot of organising.

    2. in OZ it is up to the individual, to source and book a vaccine as when this is wanted. They are the only ones of their friends, to have done this. Others think that it is not needed, yet. If only they know, what the consequences might be..

    3. Interesting Miriam where in Oz does your niece live? Mr R has cousins in Toodyay WA in their case in their 80’s I believe they have had a first jab but been a slow process. Imagine the reaction here to 5hrs notice for a lockdown 😱

    4. Manila in the Philippines has been placed under greater restrictions because of the delta variant, and from 6th August they are going back into a very strict lockdown, but at least they had some warning there. It affects so many things. My daughter in laws brother is now not going to be able to go from his island Ticao to Manila for a specialist eye appointment.

    5. Our next door neighbour’s son lives in Kuching. Malaysia (on the north eastern tip of Borneo. He is a teacher there. He was going to get married last year and the neighbours were going out for the Wedding. But for months he has been confined to his flat, cannot go outside for anything, even essential shopping. Everything has to be delivered and he often cannot get things he needs. All teaching is done online. He cannot travel to the Capital to obtain the documents, needed for the marriage so that is on indefinite hold.
      I thought we were restricted, but it’s nothing compared to some places in the Far East where the lockdown has been tightened to the extent of home imprisonment!

  91. Talking about TV coverage if the Olympics….
    Can I add how delighted we were to see an (almost) normal, and very enjoyable first night of he Proms. Still self- distanced orchestra and choir but with a very appreciative audience this year, even if they are sitting apart and the Prommers were a bit sparse in the auditorium.
    We loved the young female Finnish Conductor, and especially the Sibelius 2nd Symphony. Magnificent and quite emotional to hear such a stirring performance in the good old Albert Hall once again.


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