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Life in Ambridge




    Basia - July 30, 2021 at 5:04 PM
    Yes, I just heard it on Feedback, back to 5 episodes from Sunday 15 August.
    They are hoping for 6 but don't know when.

    Miriam - July 30, 2021 at 6:59 PM
    At least 5 is a start. This is, as long as there are more sustainable Ambridge Village S/L's to make it viable.
    By that I mean, hearing life again in Grey Gables, The Bull, The Stables, Lower Loxley, Brookfield (with their wedding venue), plus all the normal characters who run these enterprises. If this doesn't happen, then expanding the number of epidodes, is pointless.
    Now breathe..😃

    Miriam - August 1, 2021 at 4:18 PM
    My after the Omnibus comments. There is just one.
    This is that, Roy declared it is the single life from now on.
    There is nothing wrong with that. After all, he has 2 daughters Phoebe + Abigail and has lost both his "loves", Hayley and Lexi.
    But who knows after saying this. It only takes a chance meeting, such as Nick + Will at a bus-stop in the rain, to change his ideas.
    This also applies to Kirsty.
    I would hate them, to continue just be sharing, Willow Farm, ad-infintum...and into their dotage.
    Oops, that sounded like a Jim latin saying. 😣😯

    Lanjan - August 2, 2021 at 6:57 AM
    Surely ,eventually, Kirsty and Roy are going to get together .
    I suspect I am not the only one who has thought this will happen.

    1. No LJ, your not alone in your prediction for Roy and Kirsty.
      I've been saying it for several years, and I was not alone in my thoughts either. Can't remember who else, but im pretty sure there are others.

      Have to say though, both of them are so blinkered, they fail to see that the compatibility that they have, could develop further.

      Perhaps K could suggest, in a cheeky aside, that perhaps she and R could explore some ' fun' together.

    2. So long as we don't have more 'friends with benefits'.

  2. Goodness Gary, wherever did you manage to get access to that old script.
    Funny to see things produced on an old fashioned typewriter again!

    1. It's one of the legendary index cards that helped the writers keep track of previous stories, characters and continuity. They used to use some of them to illustrate features on the ol' BBC blog.

  3. Who was Alison Fry?
    I am assuming a relation to Bert + Freda, but just don't know.

    1. Maybe the wife of Bert's son Trevor and mother of Bert's granddaughter Amy (info from 'Characters ' pages of the BBC website).

    2. Thanks Maryellen.
      I didn't know that Bert had a grand-daughter, as I have never heard a reference to her.

  4. "Special Service for mum's (sic) " !

    1. This was what, over 30years ago, so this didn't strike me as too odd, for that time.

  5. Replies
    1. Perhaps the people typing the cards were former greengrocer's 😉

      (Yes, my typo was deliberate 😊)

  6. I'm so old I typed on typewriters that would produce such lettering!
    I agree with others that Roy and Kirsty should/could get together. They're such good friends and that's a good place to start.

    1. It would be lovely,
      I feel as they have been such good friends for so long, along with sharing Willow Farm with Phoebe, what will it take, to get them together as a true couple.
      I just can't visualise this happening - but it would be wonderful, if it ever does.
      PS I learnt to type on a small portable type-writer. All I remember is un-jamming keys, and replacing the torn ribbons.
      I did, however manage to type, my final year degree thesis on this machine. It took weeks!

    2. I have recently bought and made the Lego typewriter.
      Sadly it doesn't produce actual type but the carriage moves as you press the keys. It is seriously cool.

  7. My G daughter asked for a typewriter for her 16th birthday.
    I managed to find one and still had some carbon copy paper for her to have.
    I don't know if she ever used the typewriter though.
    A passing fancy I expect.

  8. Is he the last to see her alive?
    Alistair will be treading on another set of egg shells!

  9. Shula wouldn't answer her mobile, whilst driving a moving car, so why did she when still on a moving horse?
    So Silly..and irresposible, resulting in a lack of concentration.
    She put both herself and the horse at risk - at least the horse was OK.
    I have no sympathy for Shula - Sorry but that is my interpretation.

    1. I've had no sympathy for Shuls since she left Alistair and went into the church after trying other hobbies.

  10. Reasons for thin eggshells: age of hens, not enough calcium, too much phosphorus.

  11. Perhaps Josh has been saving on feed for the hens and buying substandard stuff. But more likely that it’s a virus of some dirt affecting the flock.

    Neil all soppy over an unconscious Shula?
    Now what does that mean?

  12. ‘Some sort’ .... although I suppose the feed could be contaminated with ‘dirt’!

  13. Ooh. Neil. What would Susan say to his reaction with Shula?!!!!🤭

    I am one who wants Roy and Kirsty to get together too. Perfect for each other.

    1. I really wish that Roy would properly "frame himself". What a pillock!

  14. I’m not sure that Shula’s horse was moving when she made the call to Neil on her mobile to rearrange a meeting,but the animal was probably spooked by the loud yells emanating down the phone from Neil and Jazzer,acting like a couple of kids.I do hope that the old storyline about the teenage friendship and crush on Neil’s part is not going to be revisited.Both Susan and David Archer have already made comments about the time Neil has spent at Shula’s home recently,despite the gardening deal being explained.

    1. I presumed Shula had taken David's comments to heart when she put Neil off from coming round that evening.

      Wasn't this the new, unknown horse? Surely she should have been extra cautious riding him, and should not have taken the call even when stationary and without the engine running.

      I hope it wasn't Neil's shouting and waving that spooked the horse. If it was, perhaps Shula should be grateful that this highly-strung beast chose to throw her, not a riding school pupil.

    2. Precisely what Shula said: I just bought a new pony, I have to take him for a canter this morning, put him through his paces, before we let him loose on the kids.
      Shula is a believer, was it a sign that she's taken too much on, or she should review her direction?

  15. I now understand the comments about Lynda trying to hijack the hospital special guest, and her decision to open the fete herself. Turns out I had forgotten to listen to Thursday's episode. Doh!

    1. Surprising how much can happen in one episode OWiaS! And it was quite an amusing one too.

  16. I'm not sure what to think about Neil's stricken reaction to Shula's accident. Has his old crush been reignited due to his heightened emotional state over Chris and Alice?

    1. I think it’s unfair of Neil (grunt) to keep escaping to The Stables leaving Susan literallly holding the baby. His concern for Shula seemed to me to be consistent with their long friendship, with no other overtones.

    2. If Susan picks up on his distress she may realise she is doing too much and perhaps then let Jenny share the care of Martha. Neil is doing a demanding job and needs some time of peace and quiet.

    3. Janice - your last sentence also applies to Chris and Susan but they don’t seem to be taking time out like Neil.

    4. Ah but Susan has stopped work in the dairy so isn't working the hours that Neil is, and she can rest/sleep during the day when the baby does. I don't know if she is continuing to work a few hours at the shop or not; and it does seem to be Susan and Neil who are taking the brunt of the nightime feeds/changes rather than Chris.
      I'm sure Jenny would help if asked.

    5. The Carters are reluctant/unwilling to share the childcare with the Aldriges and Susan didn't even let Neil change Martha's nappy when he offered.

  17. I told my sister last night that something was afoot for Shula and explained her "set up" with Neil. I was surprised to get a text just after, they eat around the time of the broadcast, for me it's more like book at bedtime. I bet she'll listen tonight to see what happened!

  18. Both Niel and Susan, are being very genorous with the time they spend with Martha, but they are doing so much.
    I wonder just how much child-care Chris is actually doing.
    Surely Jenny Dahling can help Susan + Niel out, as she doesn't seem to be doing much else, at the moment.
    Martha needs a stable life, which she is getting, but it seems purely by grand-parents, which is fine.
    My hope is that Alice suddenly realises, whilst staying with Amy, who must talk about her work with babes + their Mums, that she wants Martha, so returns and tries again.
    This is my hope.

    1. Susan thinks Martha's time with Jennifer disrupts her routine.
      I like the idea of Amy, being a midwife, steering Alice towards her family.

    2. Brilliant suggestion really Amy’s influence Miriam.

  19. Archerphile, you were right about the virus.

    Neil is thick and Shula stupid. Susan told her she wasn't aware Neil was to fix her shed, so she should have told Neil to spend more time at home, seeing how difficult it is to look after a baby. Susan was testing Neil to see how eager he was to see Shula and he chose to go rather than stay.

  20. Neil is just wanting a form of escaspism, from his now "normal" life. I would imagine that Susan is being particularly controlling, at the moment. I understand that Martha is important, but Susan is just being over protective, at the expense of others.

    Shula is just enjoying Neil's friendship and help, without realising the true reason why.

    1. Martha is now 5 months old.
      Surely she should be starting to go to some sort of baby group, for her development, rather than just being molly-coddled.

    2. Your right Miriam.
      Baby and mum singing and mums with babies get together and play dates, never mind mum and baby yoga.
      None of that seems to be happening with Martha and I can't see Susan taking that task on board as well as all the other responsibilities that she has taken on.
      I'm surprised that Kate hasn't made that point before now to the wider family.

    3. Most of the baby groups are still shut! For a lot of lockdown they weren't able to open at all, then only ones specifically set up as support groups were allowed. Some groups managed to re-open by having each family on a separate mat with their own box of toys. Our group was finally able to reopen for five weeks at the end of term.

      And now it's the summer holidays so a lot of groups will be closed until September.

      There again, Ambridge ran on different rules to the rest of the country, so perhaps their toddler groups kept going throughout lockdown.

  21. I really don't know which was more painful to listen to.
    Neil still didn't get the hint, I was hoping he'd fall off the ladder.

  22. Will someone please send the script-writer the rules of Cluedo?!?

    Transgressions I spotted:
    Ruari apparently announced his deductions before checking the envelope - thereby depriving the other players of the chance to continue if he had been wrong.
    They started the next game immediately without any time to put a new set of cards in the envelope.
    At one stage a player was shown cards by both the other players in the same turn.
    They got into rooms very quickly - I strongly suspect they did not travel from square to square to get there. (Unless the Ambridge Building Fairy has converted the board.)

    Or do I just need to get out more?

  23. It's been so many years since I played Cluedo that I haven't a clue about the rules now.
    Neil was very slow on picking up on Shula's pretty obvious feelings. She may well feel guilty about snapping at him as she did.

    1. Will she now fall over the stepladder that she told Neil to “just leave and go”as well!

    2. I hope she does LadyR. Susan apologised to Shula, who as I said before should have told Neil to stay at home with her. Alistair apart, Shula knew from the comments by David and Ruth that Neil's presence at the stables has been noticed and she's old enough to know the pitfalls. She's been there before with Richard who then he left and Susan blamed her for losing her job. Pity she didn't go Birmingham, not as cosy as Ambridge.

    3. I don’t think the scriptwriters would be so cruel. Neil Grunt was getting on my nerves too, despite his good intentions - well acted, I thought.

    4. I was yelling at my radio to try to get Neil to take the vey broad hint. He is as dim as a toc h lamp!

  24. I had no idea what they were playing until it was spelt out, but my clue was that Ruairi set up the scene to tell them about his sexual identity, so those were the rules of the game.

  25. On a completely different TA tangent -
    Who is still living in No.1 The Green?
    Is Hannah still around?
    Is Will still getting his full rent, from the tenants?

    One of my ideal thoughts.

    Also where are Natasha + Tom - it is about time that they re-appeared with the Bridge Fresh App empire, along with Nat's juice enterprise.

    1. That should read:-
      One of my idle thoughts..

    2. Neil Grunt referred to Hannah at Berrow Farm earlier this week.

    3. Thanks for the correction. I missed that snippet, and not for the 1st time that this has happened. 😢😭
      Oh Well - I will keep my silly thoughts to myself, from now on.

  26. Just listened to tonight's episode. The Shula-Neil storyline is totally unbelievable. However, the Alice-Amy situation rings all too true.

    1. I absolutely agree and what is more it affects Amy's work who has other lives to care for.

    2. Spot on, Ex-Londoner! The Shula/Neil storyline is derisory, and the Alice situation increasingly grim. Shame Amy isn’t the miracle worker some of us were hoping for, but it was unrealistic.

  27. Shula should use the prayer plant .
    She's self-centered and narcissistic, can't function without male attention.
    She could pray for Alice too.
    Alice - it's time you came home to your family, you've neglected them for too long.

  28. If Alice comes home she cannot/must not be allowed care of the baby or it could end in tragedy for Martha.
    She could I suppose live with her parents again and have supervised visits with the baby.
    If Jenny supervised any visiting I could see her being soft/trusting enough to allow Alice to take the baby out for a walk by herself and her getting drunk and the baby suffering. Susan would be too controlling, and Neil can only think of Shula at present. Emma would be ideal but she already has a very busy life of her own. Chris has his emotions all over the place, and this can only get worse when faced by Alice's alcoholism.
    I have a bad feeling about this, and think it is important Alice should only have limited and strictly supervised contact until she is well on the way to recovery via professional help.
    I suppose I am influenced by my time back in the day as a social worker, when I sometimes saw the effects of alcoholism on families. An alcoholic parent however much they love a child will always prioritise the alcohol over the child, not by choice but by addiction. A child dropped from the top of stairs by a drunken parent cannot be undone however much the parent grieves afterwards.

    1. A very informative post Janice and I agree 100% with your thoughts!

    2. I agree and I think Alice does too. 'You are better off without me' and she doesn't trust herself, we have seen her prioritise her own needs before Martha's.

    3. I too have a bad feeling about this, and agree with all of Janice's reasoning.
      However, Brian, once he truly understood the true situation, did have his head on his shoulders and acted, albeit with cash in hand.
      If he were to be in charge of supervision I don't think he would let Alice off the hook.
      I think too that Ian could be a help in the recovery of Alice if he could be persuaded on board.
      Despite all the above, I feel that we should be prepared for the worst regarding this situation concerning Alice's future.
      Martha will be safe even if she is without a mother. She has two families who will be devoted to her future.

    4. I agree with Janice's thoughts on Martha's safety which is the all important consideration in this sad situation. Amy's story is all too understandable and believable. She has been put in an unenviable position. What an awful dilemma Alice's family are now in and how will they help her get well again? Lots more to come no doubt.
      As for Shula - I want to say to her Get over yourself and keep thoughts to yourself. You are not a teenager and should have gained some wisdom by now.

    5. I wanted to say that to the scriptwriter!

    6. Janice.
      A lot of valid points. I am still in the camp, that some-how, someone, will get through to Alice in some way.
      This was the essence of the drama, I posted about on the other blog - a social worker taking a child with FAS, away from her alcoholic mother. She got help and was allowed visits. It was interesting, and struck a chord with me, as to Alice.

  29. I did not like the idea of a Memory Box at all.
    Why doesn't Chris just share with Alice, a video of their daughter, sitting up.
    Perhaps more like this, could alter her way of thinking and perspectives.

    1. Her maternal instinct could kick in, so she realises that she needs Martha.

      I do feel for Martha, as she to me, seems like a pawn, in a game of chess.

    2. Surely a memory box is more for leaving your child after death as Rauiri (spelling!) mother did for him. Or put together by parents when they have had a stillbirth 😢

    3. That was my thought also.

  30. This is about Shula and what I wrote to Feedback.
    Last week was abysmal but nothing compared to what we had in this one.
    Around 60 ditch your husband of many years, try out various hobbies, when no good follow a spiritual vocation and borrow somebody else's husband to change a lightbulb.
    This is supposed to attract a younger audience.

    She is self-centred and narcissistic. When Richard came back she told Elizabeth she developed a school-girl crush and Elizabeth backed off even though she and Richard were getting on. She helped Richard buy a birthday present for Shula, a brooch which matched her scarf and she imagined that Richard saw her wear it and it was his idea. She wanted to invite him in Alistair's absence, to try out a new recipe, Richard declined.
    Neil and Susan have a good marriage and if this goes on, I'll just give up with no regret.

  31. Although the S/L's have been a bit strange this week, I have loved that TA at last, is sounding a bit more normal.
    I hope it goes forwards, onwards + upwards and these interimn episodes, will become less.

    1. I gather back to 5 episodes quite soon but Sunday evening?! I would rather Mon - Fri as in the distant past (with Omnibus Sunday am of course)

  32. The Archer girls have no conscience, Elizabeth having split up
    Roy and Hayley who seemed perfectly happy until E seduced him in a tent! Now Shula having known Neil for many years suddenly professes her love for him! If she rocks his marriage I too will listen no more! Unbelievable and how low can you stoop! She needs to sort herself out before she goes anyway near the ministry!

  33. Commenting late on Thursdays episode as have only just been able to listen.

    I can only assume that Shula’s fall and period of unconsciousness has affected her brain and left her with delusions of being enamoured with Neil. She is certainly not behaving rationally and when she comes to her senses I am sure she will be extremely embarrassed by her outpourings.

    If not, I shall despair of the current crew of scriptwriters and Editor.
    I can’t imagine who cooked up this ridiculous ‘love’ story idea but they should be consigned to work on children’s TV or some comedy programme or other.
    Pah! 🙄

    1. I think this storyline is too bizarre to be worth serious comment. As Miriam said, if one or two extra episodes per week means more of this sort of stuff, then they are pointless.

  34. Shula is missing the presence of a man in her life.
    At the moment I think that any man of a suitable age would come into the reckoning
    Neil just happened to be around .
    Nothing more than n that .
    It won't last

  35. Incidentally where is Daniel at the moment ?
    Is he still with Dorothy ?

    1. They broke up a long while ago.
      Exactly what I said about Shula, she needs male attention.
      You're also right about Neil's presence, people "grow" on you, together with a garden.

  36. To be fair to Shula, I rather got the impression that she's doing her best not to let things develop further - she certainly wasn't encouraging Neil to stick around when he visited. But he was being all puppy dog and attentive, what could she say, 'Sorry Neil, I know you want to help, but I've got a bit of a crush for you at the moment so it really would be for the best if you didn't come round'?

    Crushes happen. We can't always help developing an attraction for someone. But we can chose whether to encourage that attraction, or to recognise it cannot be allowed to develop into anything further and take steps to avoid temptation. Of course, that is harder when you cannot avoid seeing the other person. Shula's parish placement would put some distance between them and give her a chance to get her feelings back under control. Let's hope it is not delayed too long.

  37. I actually don't think that Shula does have a crush on Neil.
    He had a crush on her years ago though .
    Lots of water has flowed under the bridge since then.
    Didn't she and Caroline once go for the same fellow?
    It is just a ridiculous storyline which I could accept if Neil had suddenly come back into her life but he has been around for decades and if she had fancied him it would have happened before now.
    I would quite like a Neil figure to change my light bulbs and do the heavy tasks I can't do any more..Alastair should tell Shula that is all she wants

  38. Lanjan, Caroline went through a 'phase of dating' and she invited Alistair to a concert but he declined. It turned out that he 'fancied' Shula who had qualms about Caroline but she she told her that as the best looking man in Borchester was interested: go for it!

    Owias: Neil turned up with a lasagna assuming that Shula had eaten which she could have confirmed, but due to her concussion (as Archerphile says) she wasn't quick off the mark, if she didn't want to lie she could have said she'd have it later. When Neil asked why she was so brusque,
    she explained that her ordination training had been postponed and she could have said she needed time to reflect. Instead she threw him out and he went home upset, which even Christopher noticed.
    I know all of this doesn't merit comment as Maryellen says, but I don't mind pulling it apart, because being a few years older than Shula, I wouldn't allow any married neighbours into my place to replace a lightbulb. These are life's situations and as I said, Shula's been there before.

    1. Shula will be 63 tomorrow.

    2. I don't feel that this SL is at all bizarre.
      Some people have strange thoughts about others, perhaps even when they have known them for many decades.
      Life throws curved balls sometimes and when they come towards us and we don't know how to catch or avoid them, we may stumble.
      I think Shula is stumbling.

  39. Alistair was the first one to notice "a spark" and Susan is aware too, all the denials just go to prove it. Shula is now aware and Neil has been keeping from Susan all the jobs he's been doing at the Stables, not just gardening, let's hope he too comes to his senses.

  40. Like Lanjan I don't think there is an attraction between Shula and Neil. They are very old friends (about 40 years or more) and have had some interests like the Brookfield and the church.
    Neil was upset that Shula rected his offer of helping out, not because he was attracted to her.
    Sadly , the s/ws have now got Susan involved too.
    I think it is a s/ws device to spark some interest in a more and more dismal fiasco, but it is a ridiculous idea!
    By the way a woman doesn't need a man (or woman) to survive! Most of the time we do pretty well ourselves!

    1. Hear, hear, Spicycushion! “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle!”

      I don’t think Shula needs male attention, emotionally or practically, just the comfortable companionship of an old friend who happens to be a man.

  41. Not (at my age) when it comes to moving heavy objects Spicycushion or climbing ladders.

    1. I must admit that now, 'inconvienced' by illness, that I do appreciate my son still living with me but I have encouraged brothers-in-law and neighbours, who might reach up and put a lightbulb in etc!

  42. I am having some different thoughts, from others.
    Why shouldn't Shula, on the brink of trying for ordination, suddenly realise that she does want a relationship, yet again.
    This however, could well be one of those TA and S/L massive "red herrings", to keep us all guessing + discussing.

    What is wrong, with a neighbour helping another one out, as + when needed.
    I would be greatful + appreciative for this, if the need arises.

    1. Shula, so she is 63, so what? She still has a long + healthy life in front of her, which she should just enjoy in her own way.
      After all, she will not be a "pensior" for another 3 years..😀

      Clarrie must be almost there.

  43. Can I just remind everyone that tomorrow will be the first of the resurrected Sunday episodes.
    I wonder which story will be pursued and whether we will hear any of the missing voices?

    1. It’s not showing on the BBC website - isn’t it next week?

    2. Next Sunday, I'm not sure if I'll resume the habit it may have to wait till Monday.

    3. I didn't think it was for another 2 weeks, but time is flying by.

  44. This a 2nd attempt, as to my Sunday Omnibus comments. The first has gone into the ether...but it might appear sometime 🤷‍♀️
    My thoughts were:-
    Where is my Cludeo board game? It is in my house somewhere. I loved this game, as it was one I nearly always won! It just takes a logical mind.

    On a more serious note. I stand by my initial thoughts about Susan visiting Shula.
    On the surface, Susan was very apologetic, seemed concerned about Shula, and took Martha with her.
    I still think, that this was a fishing trip, as to Neil. Martha was the pawn yet again, in relation to Neil.

    PS The Lasagne - where did Neil get it from? Was it shop bought or made by Susan, so taken out of their freezer?

    1. These are my thoughts only, which I know, will be very different from others.
      I think Susan, like Alistair had, also has a niggle..

    2. Neil said he had made the lasagne himself. He made one for his own family and made an extra one for Shula.

    3. Thanks Janice.
      I missed that snippet.
      I do wonder how Neil had the time to do this.
      He is obviously a true master of "multi tasking" what with his work at Berrow Farm, his own home life with Susan + Martha, plus his gardening and his time spent at The Stables, with Shula.

    4. 👏👏👏 goes to Neil for cooking two lasagnes, plus sourcing the ingredients, and finding the time, to do so.....even if out of jars. I bet Susan was disappointed,that it wasn't chilli, she smelt cooking..😂😀

    5. Just let's hope he dosen't offer Shula chilli! 🤞

    6. At least we can hope that Shula will probably not make a chilli for Neil.

  45. Sunday evenings episode returns Sunday 15 th August.

  46. Whoops!
    Sorry everybody
    I thought we were further through August than we actually are!
    Sunday episode next week.
    Hope nobody was disappointed by tuning in and wondering where TA was

    1. It will be The dreaded Fete.
      Just wishing your birthday here sooner Archerphile 🤭

    2. Sounds like more of the same Lynda Sniff nonsense, then.

    3. That would be a wonderful welcome back to the Sunday episode, if it was the fete. The proviso is that all village residents were there, and also heard from!
      This has been long awaited...

  47. Replies
    1. Yes, so what, I know of a daughter who had a fight with her mother but all's well now.

  48. Jennifer gave Alice a slap?
    Well done Jennifer

    1. Alice is too far gone.
      I know people who drink a lot, but they hold back .
      I don’t know anyone who lays into their family like that.
      I’m glad Jennifer gave Alice a good slap,
      I think Alice is going a lot further down before or if she gets better.
      Still glad Jennifer let her know.

  49. As far as I'm concerned everything that Alice said was true, whether it needed saying and how it was said is another matter. You can forgive but you can't forget and what's said cannot be unsaid.
    I was brought up to be 'nice' and for many years took part in a farce, only to be resented at the end.
    I can say anything I want now, but no one will hear.
    I'm glad this hideous CD came up again, as someone here said: " sentimental drivel", I agree.

  50. I wonder how Harrison will handle Alice's complaint of physical assault, which she will surely lodge against Jenny, her mother.
    Alice will have the mark of the hand on her face, as proof..

    This might just result in feelings and resentments, going even deeper - if that is actually possible.
    At least Ruairi can tell how Alice was behaving.

  51. Someone can be sanctioned against their will, due many circumstances + behaviour.
    Can something similar be done, to an totally out of control alcoholic ie enforced rehab??
    This is the only way Alice will go into rehab again.

    I have just had a horrible thought - Alice is hospital with liver failure.

    1. Quite possible, there is always physical damage.
      As to the charge of assault, I doubt it somehow.
      If Alice inflicted physical harm then there are rules, so far she's only done criminal damage.

    2. I thought Miriam was suggesting that Alice might complain of physical assault from her mother, not the other way around.

  52. Was asking about the slap, as wasn't sure.
    No complaints, probably the best way to shut her up.

    But ........ are we now being given the ( possible ? ) reasoning behind Alice's problem drinking ?

  53. That was a horrible and hurtful episode to listen to.
    I don’t blame Jennifer for slapping her daughter, it seemed the only way possible to shut her up and her cruel tirade at Ruairi.
    What an awful thing for him to hear the night before such an important day.
    I wonder what Brian would have done, had he been there?

    I know Alice’s alcoholism is a disease but is it usual to be quite so vitriolic and cruel to one’s family? I find it difficult to feel much sympathy for her after tonight.

  54. That was appalling destructive behaviour on Alice's part. Rhuari is her half brother and should have been loved by his sisters, half or not. I think that somehow, in the way that children do pick things up, Alice has always known that her father wanted a boy and was very disappointed at her birth that she was a girl. In her mind Rhuari is the boy he longed for, and that she wasn't. I think that this is at the root of the vitriol and cruelty, maybe at the root of the alcoholism as well, always trying to be the perfect child impressing her father. When she realises Brian values her for herself, and she doesn't need to prove herself to be as good as the boy he hoped for she may stand a chance of change.
    Poor Rhuari and just when he seemed to be maturing into a nice caring person. I suppose the scriptwriters are going to show exactly how much collateral damage can be done by an alcoholic.

    1. I actually thought the CD was a wonderful thing, a mother telling her child that she loved him unconditionally. If things had turned out badly, and if Jenny had not been able to bond with him, then that CD would have been incredibly important in reassuring him that he had indeed been loved by a mother. Siobhan was doing the best for her child in the midst of facing her death.

    2. How cruel Alice was tonight. I would find it hard/impossible to forgive all that if I were Jennifer or Rhuari. I do not blame Jennifer for slapping Alice at all.

    3. And replaying that CD will help him now.

    4. Janice, I agree with you about the CD that Siobhan left for Ruari, and didn't think it was at all maudlin, which I think some described it as.
      And I think you have described Alice as always feeling she wasn't the son that Brian wanted, very well. I have felt that this is at the root of Alice's problems all along. It seemed obvious to us that she struggled at that prestigious job, and because the family were so proud of her she had to hide the struggle and perhaps turned to the drink to disguise her problems from herself.

      It is indeed very hard to feel any empathy for Alice when she behaves as she did last night.

  55. Ruari didn’t deserve to be at the receiving end of Alice’s vicious outburst last night.I do hope he gets the A Level results he needs today. 🤞

  56. Ruairi told Alice that if his parents hadn't thrown their marriages under a bus, he wouldn't be here. He's paying for the "sins of the fathers." He tried to stand up for Jennifer, I don't know about "the bitching sessions", but when challenged all she could say was "it wasn't quite like that". There's nothing wrong with the CD, except that she shouldn't have taken part. Jennifer cares about appearances. After Brian's affair with Caroline MrsP told her that "this is what they do", presumably, you either accept or not. When she found out about Siobhan her first question was: "who knows?". She told Peggy she wanted to save her marriage, she got an eternity ring. It was her idea of a last chance baby, presumably wanting to give Brian a son. They are all playing a part as a result of Brian's actions and there are underlying tensions which surface at times of conflict.

  57. MrsP - 11:42 - I didn't put it well.
    I doubt Alice will bring charges against Jennifer.
    Miriam mentioned some kind of restraining order which I think would be possible if Alice inflicted actual bodily harm, but for verbal abuse within a family without threats?

  58. Jennifer was adamant she wouldn't be reconciled with her mother, now will she be able to be reconciled with her daughter?

    1. Good Point.
      Also does Alice want to be reconciled with her Mother, after that Slap. But then, could it bring Alice to her senses? I doubt it, at the moment. It might even drive her away completly, never to be seen nor heard from again.

  59. Well done Ruairi: for getting the grades you wanted, for keeping a clear head and for rejoining your mother's family - it's long overdue.
    He repeated what I said yesterday: once said, cannot be unsaid.
    People lashed out at me because I happen to exist, but I continue not to die.
    As for Jennifer waxing lyrical, I don't buy it.
    When Ruairi was little Debbie said he looked like Alice.

  60. At this rate, Jennifer + Brian, will end up almost home alone, with very few close family around, except for Kate + Pheobe, with perhaps an occasional visit with Xander.

  61. I felt sorry for Ruairi as he has been deeply hurt by what Alice said. At least he has got good results and can plan his life now and going to Ireland is a good idea.
    Alice needs to learn that you cannot say hateful things and then just say 'sorry' and expect to be forgiven just because you want it that way.

  62. Well done Brian for giving Alice what for instead of capitulating to her pathetic apology and same old, same old promises.
    Onwards and upwards for Ruairi now.

  63. Replies
    1. Yes Maryellen, I thought the same.
      A useful tactic to get rid of a character. Maybe the actor is on his way up the acting ladder.

    2. They used this character to tick a number of boxes. Best wishes to him and the actor.

  64. Well done to Ruairi for getting even better A Level results than he had hoped for,and also for the dignified way he dealt with Alice’s attempt at an apology.After he has moved on to Ireland and beyond,no doubt snippets about him will be thrown into episodes now and again by Brian and Jenny,who I suppose,will be paying his university fees.He was developing into a decent, likeable, character,so I hope he hasn’t vanished completely and he can have a voice again when when the plot allows.

  65. I actually feel sorry for Jennifer.
    She irritated me when she was "The Queen of all She Surveyed" when living at Home Farm.
    She has been a wonderful mother to Ruairi. They had a mutual respect and love for each other. Now this has been removed from her.
    The reason why is, simple -Alice, who Ruairi tried to support. He moved in with Alistair + Ian, to help Jennifer and tried to talk to Alice, to no avail.
    I can accept Alice is an alcoholic, and this is an illness requiring help.
    What I cannot accept, is that Alice has driven Ruairi away, even though she didn't realise what she was doing + saying.
    So Jennifer, has now also lost Rauiri...I wonder if this will alter her relationship with Alice?

  66. Everyone seems to be writing Ruairi out of the programmes. I think we shall hear him again, if only in the vacations. There is the future career and farm inheritance discussion to be had at some pointing the future, especially if Adam is counting himself out.

    I think Brian, particularly, needs to clamp down hard on Alice and throw her out of the family home temporarily until she gets herself sorted out.

    I know this sounds hard, but even considering her addiction is an illness does not excuse her vile treatment of Ruairi the other night. Just saying a pathetic ‘sorry, won’t do it again’ is not good enough. She has to prove she is sorry by accepting treatment, however difficult.

    1. Exactly. Alice acted in a true vitriolic way...which cannot be excused.
      I am surprised though, that she remembered it.
      I have no idea how Alice will accept that she needs help and how urgently.
      I would hate for the Aldridge family, doing what Kirsty + Fallon did. That is scouring the homeless shelters, the doorways etc. in Felpersham, trying to find her.

    2. The inheritance from Brian .... Let's hope that this doesn't happen for a long while, yet.
      A valid point. It is something, though, that can be easily changed.

  67. It seems to me that all friends and relatives of Alice, plus contributors here see the only way for Alice is treatment.
    Perhaps it is, but there is another way.
    Letting go of the family, with perhaps a small but regular financial support from Brian, Alice could go her own independent way towards the inevitable living a lonely bedsit life.
    It happens.
    I have witnessed such individuals in their later sad and lonely life.

    1. But why should Alice be so priveledged, for Brian + Jennifer, to pay for her booze? She does her own home, after all.
      Her husband should perhaps help her, or like so many, rely on Social Services payments. Now that would show her a difference.

    2. I did say ' small ' financial support Miriam.
      And was indicating what you are suggesting yourself, that she would end up on some form of benefit ( which would take account of her contributions from family and thus be reduced ) and this would allow her the freedom to be who and what she appears to want to be.

      Not everyone can be saved from their own self destruction.

  68. Jenny and Ruairi at the railway station was well written and heartfelt.
    Maybe they both deserve better

  69. I am so glad he's gone, step-children are shunned and ignored but Jennifer loves her husband's son like her own, let her. It's the way she enthused about his mother that was utterly preposterous. When Brian put up a memorial bench she said it was to his beloved mistress whose photograph she saw very morning in the child's bedroom. This storyline is beyond the absurd.

    1. Step children are not shunned nor ignored. They are accepted and loved, as a normal family member, along with all the highs + lows, they bring.

    2. Not the ones I have known Miriam and I speak from experience.

    3. I have two step daughters. One shunned and ignored us for years but made an appearance to visit her father when he was in a coma, this instigated by a persistent nurse, and at his funeral. Since then we haven’t seen her and rarely hear from her. The other one is a loved member of our family together with her husband, children and grandchildren. Basia and Miriam, it depends on the individual persons involved. Jenny has given unconditional love to Rhuari through the years but all of us, even natural parents are entitled to a little moan on the side and the situation was difficult for her initially finding out not just that Brian had an affair but that a child had been conceived. Rhuari will come to terms with it all in time after the hurt from Alice dies down but his relationship with Alice will never be the same. As for her I have little hope!

    4. Thank you Ev, for your thoughtful contribution.

      My daughters have a stepmother.
      Two years ago I wrote her a letter thanking her for forty years of good parenting of my daughters.
      My letter was genuine, but I omitted my very deep feelings of envy towards her.
      She has been an excellent and as far as I understand a loving stepmother.
      She was very able at providing a loving family atmosphere while I was an emotional wreck at losing the family unit, and so I understand them gravitating towards her and their father.
      But I have not shared many of the important milestones that she has been a part of in my daughters lives. I believe, though may be wrongly, that they are far closer to her than to me.
      I try to keep my bitterness in check and do not share it with my daughters.

      Jennifer has been able to provide a loving and extensive family unit for Ruari,
      And perhaps it is now time for him to share some of his life with his maternal family.
      He may be able to forgive, or at least understand Alice's deeply unkind words that should never have been spoken, but I think it unlikely that those words will ever be forgotten.
      Jennifer has walked a very difficult tightrope and is to be admired for doing so.
      IMO it is her voice that grates.
      It has insincerity written large in every syllable.

    5. Can someone remind me why Raiuri came to live with Brian and Jennifer?
      I have a memory that there was something withSiobhan's family, maybe her sister did not want to take him in?
      Or maybe Siobhan made Brian promise he would look after his son?
      Anyhow, he doesn’t seem to have been in touch with his mother’s family very much.

  70. I found the acting of Ruairi’s character very moving and entirely believable . An excellent young actor, hopefully on the way up to bigger and better roles.
    Less so Jennifer, who never sounds genuine to me and is far too saccharine in her spoken emotions.
    The scene was well written and moving but entirely due to Ruairi in my opinion.

    I suggest the Scarecrow judge could either be Una Stubbs - who better than Aunt Sally?
    Or possibly, Mackenzie Crook who reprised Worzel Gummidge so brilliantly over last Christmas.

  71. Guess what?
    All next week’s scripts, including the Sunday episode are written by Keri Davis.
    Hopefully we shall be in for a treat

    1. Does that also suggest that something important might come about ?

    2. Can a good scriptwriter rescue.absurd or struggling storylines and poor acting? I’m not so sure.

  72. Una Stubbs or Mackenzie Crook - what good suggestions Archerphile.

    1. Sadly, Una Stubbs has just died, aged 84, after being ill for some months.

    2. Yes, I was sorry to see that. Una Stubbs was a lovely actress.

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  74. Anybody want to rent a car in New Zealand? Hard luck, they wouldn’t let us in the country anyway!

    1. Spicy, you said Keri Davies was writing for Usha and we heard from her indirectly.

    2. Quite possibly, seeing as he has written next weeks episodes.

    3. Also this week's together with Katie Hims.

  75. Nice to know that Usha is still alive. My bet is Robert “Judge” Rinder. However this may be wrong.
    I thought the scene between Jennifer and Rauiri well done, I was in danger of sniffing at the end. I hope that Rauiri will be able to separate out Jennifer’s genuine ( I think) love and the more ambivalent emotions of his half siblings, which Alice vocalised so nastily on Monday.

    1. I had never heard of Robert Rinder so checked him out in Wikipedia which. said he was a close friend of Benedict Cumberbatch from when they were fledgling actors. If Robert Rinder is the friend of Usha that Alan mentioned (though I think it’s unlikely their legal careers would have crossed), maybe he’s involved Benedict (Sherlock on TV not so long ago). I’d like that, but must admit it’s not a very convincing theory!

  76. Ev 8:39 - Of course it is very personal and difficult to make the right decision.
    Most stepchildren come upon marriage but when fathered outside of it usually stay with their mother. Though I know of one woman who has taken on TWO of her husband's because unable to bear children herself.
    I can understand Jennifer's and Ruairi's feelings for each other.
    What I find deeply disturbing is her enthusing over the woman who nearly destroyed her family.
    Ruairi has a family in Ireland who know his mother much better, her parents/siblings?
    I hope this story is finished for the time being and we can go back to the ridiculous.

    1. Yes, I agree, it is Jennifer's voice, "saccharine" as Archerphile says.
      I'd had more respect for her when she let rip in the past.
      Ruairi could see why she might do that, that's why I think this story went too far.
      He also told Ben and Alice that people tell things as they are when they lose their inhibitions and drop all pretence.

  77. I'm surprised Lynda already knew that Alice had gone missing, even by Ambridge standards.
    At least she's not lying by the roadside, like last time.

    1. She may be lying by the roadside.... anyone could have picked up her phone and replied to Jennifer’s text.

    2. And that might be a better end to her life than many years as a lonely sad and lost drunk, however sad for the family and friends.

    3. Why deliberately mislead an anxious mother? A woman pretending to have met Kate on the road got £100 off Jennifer but I see no connection.

    4. I think the scriptwriters are hinting that something more sinister is afoot, and the fake (if it was).phone message from Alice to Jenny was to stop them searching, which it did.

  78. I think Jennifer, at last, had the right idea at the end of tonight’s episode.
    Just leave Alice to get on with it in her own way and stop trying to interfere or help.
    She will either sink or swim and nothing either Jennifer or Brian can do will help.

    1. Yes, Archerphile, there is nothing Jennifer and Brian can do to help, they need to look after themselves and not get drawn into Alice’s dramas. Because that never ends well.

  79. I think Alice has gone back to rehab, the money is still in place, only she can release it.

    1. I thought Alice’s consent was needed for the rehab centre to release her personal information, not the remainder of the fee. It was Brian who paid so it’s between him and the centre. Hopefully he is able to reclaim the balance.

    2. Basia, on second thoughts, I may have taken your comment too literally - apologies!

  80. Good thinking Basia.If it is possible to do that,it would certainly be a step inthe right direction for Alice,especially if she comes to that decision on her own without pressure from the family.

  81. On a couple of other Archers websites there is huge speculation about who the celebrity is coming to judge the scarecrow competition.
    There are endless suggestion and even a poll going on.
    Everyone from Robert Rinder to Clare Balding via various Royals and even Jeremy Clarkson!

    Personally I don’t really care who it is as long as Sunday night’s episode is well written and acted and is entertaining.

  82. I’ve been wondering if it was Alice herself who made the additions to the Bull’s scarecrow as someone commented that it was was wearing a dress they recognised as one of hers.

    1. I thought the same.
      It is quite typical Alice, to leave something relating to herself, before leaving for unknown pastures.

  83. I did not hear last week's episodes and have just listened to the omnibus and now wonder why I listen at all.
    I thought that the only person who acted at all well was Brian.
    I hate the way Jennifer talks .
    I was unconvinced by the actor playing Ruarie .
    The Alice situation is too long drawn out and I care not a hoot about the scarecrows and the village fête.
    Bah humbug.


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