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Life in Ambridge




    Janice - August 22, 2021 at 11:02 PM
    I enjoyed it too. I am still trying to visualise the wedding dress of her dreams with"fifty thousand hand sewn crystals". It must have cost Vince an awful lot of money.

    Janice - August 22, 2021 at 11:22 PM
    Melania Trump's dress apparently had 15,000 rhinestones and pearls handsewn on it, and Victoria Swarovski had 500,000 handsewn crystals and that cost a million dollars. The most expensive dress in the world cost 12 million dollars and had real diamonds. I guess if she gets divorced she will still have the dress!
    Which by my reckoning, and converting dollars to pounds, would mean Steph's dress cost about £73,000, in which case Vince certainly wouldn't have designs on Lower Loxsley, and he must be a very very wealthy man, and if Elizabeth did marry him she would never again have to worry about how to keep up with the repairs on the house.

    Portia - August 22, 2021 at 11:33 PM
    I agree wholeheartedly with the previous comments.Hats off to the script writers for such an excellent wedding episode.I would liked to have heard how the two ewes behaved at Brookfield. Probably not enough air time.

    Lady R - August 23, 2021 at 1:06 AM
    Must surely be a first for any “soap/drama” tonight a wedding without a hitch 😱 a relaxed episode without angst. Still finding the Elizabeth / Vince relationship a little strange but maybe the next Christine & George of Peggy & Jack relationship 🤔

    maryellen - August 23, 2021 at 2:04 AM
    It worked for me as a satirical look at modern weddings (the prickly straw bale rustic seating was a nice touch, I thought). But I hope that’s the last of we hear of the Casey females - I’m afraid we’re stuck with the ghastly Vince, when there are longer-established and more interesting characters whose voices we don’t hear.

    maryellen - August 23, 2021 at 9:31 AM
    The groom was totally eclipsed by the dress? Was his name even mentioned- or did I miss it? (He May have been a victim of TA’s budget limitations, of course, rather than Steph’s priorities!)

    1. I think he was Liam, if he was the one who had got everyone up dancing to Beyonce.

  2. Absolutely brilliant Gary ⭐️

  3. Yes a good picture, but did I miss something ?
    Was there an archery contest during the reception, I will have to listen again.

  4. Looking at the above photo reminds me of lacing up the wedding dresses of two of my daughters. Number three daughter got married in a simple dress that she bought online for a tenth of the price!

  5. I think my dress cost about £200, mainly for the cost of the silk.
    Mind you, it nearly caused the wedding to be called off - I got the piping wrong and the bodice wouldn't fit. In the middle of the family row that ensued, soon-to-be OMiaS phoned from his walking holiday in Wales and was told to go away, which he did. And then didn't have access to a phone for the next few days....
    Fortunately, my mum managed to add extra panels between the side seams and sanity was restored.

    1. Mum made her wedding dress too. (Probably with far less drama.) It later got cut up to make a fairy costume for Dad. For a panto, I believe.

  6. Well! Jennifer calling Brian - Brian throughout tonight’s episode not darling once! It can be ✔️

  7. Can anyone tell me what a ‘Tea Temple’ is ?
    As per Kate.

    1. I think it is a tea bag using 100% eco products invented in Japan about 20 years ago! It's all about eco products with her!

    2. Yes, it’s a plastic free tea bag which can be composted along with its used contents. I wish I’d known about plastic in tea bags earlier, then I wouldn’t now be picking uncomposted wisps of tea bag out of the garden soil. Strangely, they don’t show up when I spread the compost but now look like some kind of grey cobwebby fungus. Good for you, Kate!

    3. When I first came to my present garden there were hundreds of them in the ground. Your description is spot on Maryellen.
      And my 'eco' family have only discovered in the last year that teabags have plastic in them. So now their on to loose tea, as I've been trying to persuade them for years.

    4. Thanks for the info.
      So that’s why teabags didn’t decompose in my compost heap and kept reappearing in the garden! I didn’t know about the plastic either.

    5. I do wonder if plastic was in teabags when they first came out and, if not, what bright spark came up with the idea to add it?

    6. (This should really be on the other blog, sorry!). If you google plastic free tea bags, you can find at least one article (in Country Living magazine) listing tea bag manufacturers that do and don’t use plastic (typically as a sealant).

      I’ve always disembowelled teabags before adding their contents to the compost bin but now I dispose of the bag instead of throwing it into the bin. too. You’re right, Mrs P, loose tea would be the best option!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Pat speaks!
    And not a mention of soup!

    1. One more regular back then.
      Welcome home Pat Archer.

  10. Conversation between Ben and Pip unrealistic and unbelievable.
    What teenage boy would be pleading with his older sister for advice on his love life?

  11. That's not the sort of conversation that adult members of the family are likely to be party to, so we wouldn't know, would we?

    1. Just going by my own experience Sarnia. No way would my son have discussed ditching a girlfriend with his sister!

    2. It showed what a good relationship Ben has with his older siblings, which was nice to know. Also nice to hear a reference to Toby at long last, doing his share of child care - can’t fault him there!

    3. Oh, I missed out on that bit. Do we take it Toby is still living at rickyard then? Wonder what he is doing job-wise and if the gin business is still up and running?

    4. Toby sold the gin business, having had an advantageous offer for it around the time David announced his intention to terminate the Hollowtree lease. Presumably he is still renting a room in Bert’s bungalow, like Rex, but spends most of his non-working time at Rickyard Cottage, helping with Rosie. The scriptwriters seem to have lost interest in him (and in Rex at the moment), but I haven’t!

    5. The conversation between Ben and Pip just made me realize that I still find Pip irritating. I'm not sure either that a younger brother would talk to his older sister about his love life but it would be a sign of a close family relationship.

    6. My baby brother never did with me.

  12. I vowed not to give my views, re The Archers S/L's, for a while.
    I am biting my nails, not to do so, but this is getting so difficult. I feel like Alice in a similar re-hab situation, as the addiction, is just getting stronger to resist.
    My current thoughts, revolve around Stella.

    1. Why are you holding back Miriam? Just go ahead with your views as we all do. Some will be on the same track as other posters views and some not but that is only to be expected.

  13. Shouldn’t Stella’s salary package,including the extra 7.1/2% for accommodation costs that Jenny overruled Brian with, be ratified by all the Home Farm Board members before it can be declared a done deal?

  14. I have a worrying sense of foreboding about Neil Carter.

  15. Christopher’s thank you treat for Susan and Neil at Grey Gables seemed to be going so well ,with them at last enjoying much needed relaxation together and good food,but there was obviously frost in the air following Neil’s brief mention of Shula which Susan,rather meanly,I thought,maintained when they returned home.I hope she can bring herself to talk to him about her insecurities regarding Shula rather than to others like Pat.

    1. Susan spoiled the whole evening in my opinion with constantly finding fault with their marriage. She should count her blessings in the marriage department and try harder to be kind with Neil. They're both coping with Martha and it's only to be expected that they feel tired, stressed and not exactly full of passion.

  16. Was Neil an abandoned baby, brought up in a children’s home? He seems to have had no back story when he arrived in Ambridge aged 17 as a ‘new entrant’ farming apprentice and I cannot recall ever hearing a mention of any of his birth family or place of birth. Like Soz’s cows, he is no great conversationalist and his conversations with Susan are generally led by her. Poor woman, she feels their life has become so restricted that there is nothing to talk about. Neil should put more effort into reassuring his attractive and capable wife - repeating a compliment is not enough!

    1. Maryellen -

      Because I have always been fond of Neil, I have always been engaged about the points you make.
      As far as I remember there has never been any evidence of a back story for Neil since he arrived in Ambridge. But I have to admit that back then, forty odd years ago, I wasn't as engaged with such details as I am now.

      Perhaps Gary, with his detective cap on, can trawl the internet to find any evidence.

      On reflection, I have an extremely vague memory of an aunt at some point.

    2. To be fair,Susan has restricted her own life recently by insisting on havng control over Martha’s care and batting away kind offers of help.Since Alice returned to rehab that has been more relaxed with Jenny being allowed to take the baby out,and Susan looking to increase her shifts at Bridge Farm.That is something she could have chatted about at dinner.

    3. Neil could have talked about his work,, and what he’s doing or plans to do with tha land he owns. Last heard of, Neil’s pigs were evacuated from there to Hollowtree, and they were thinking of keeping a pony for Keira, which would be topical in view of her riding lessons.

      The trouble with Neil is that he’s strong on sympathy and kindly concern (most of the time) but weak on imagination. Why didn’t he tell forlorn Susan that words aren’t the only way to communicate and give her a cuddle, instead of letting her trail off to bed alone?

      Mrs P, my book just states the fact that Neil came to Ambridge in 1973 but then goes into amazing detail about all his pre-Susan girlfriends,, including the one who planted drugs on him!

    4. Susan could have cuddled Neil instead of going off to bed in a poor-me snit! Why is Susan so forlorn when her husband is wining and dining her and telling her she's beautiful etc etc.?

  17. My daughter has persuaded me to start listening again and as I know Alice’s problems will be lifelong, I either have to abandon it completely or only listen with half an ear to her S/l.
    On relationships between siblings, whilst I would never have consulted my brother about my love life, I can see my grandson talking to his older sister about such things. Just lately they have become much closer - he is no longer regarded as her kid brother - and I think he might ask her for advice.

    1. Do listen again, as it is still interesting and entertaining. More characters are appearing back, along with some new ones. The S/L's, are starting to expand again.
      If you are still unsure, why not listen to the Sunday TA omnibus, so you can then make your own mind up.

  18. All I will say is:- I did not like Neil and Susan's "date night" at Grey Gables..
    I hope that, they will sort things out with Chris etc. and so return back to, their own and individual normalities.
    This is with or without Alice, as who knows, what she will be doing next.

  19. Anneveggie,I agree with your earlier post about Susan’s behaviour when they returned home.Neil was very affectionate towards her, offering to make hot chocolate night caps which she rejected before curtly departing to bed,missing the chance of a cuddle.

    1. Our radios must be tuned to different frequencies, Portia, because I didn’t hear what you heard! Yes, Neil was affectionate to Susan but not to the degree needed to comfort and reassure her. He was a damp squib conversationally (the man is 65, retirement is looming, does he have no plans to talk about?) and a damp squib again when Susan opted for bed (I didn’t hear curt, I heard beaten down and dejected) and he didn’t follow it up, suggesting hot chocolate in bed, for instance.

      There is so much more to admire in Susan than not to admire. I felt sad for her and cross with Neil for being so obtuse.

    2. Should have ordered the chilli ; )

    3. “Cuddle” was a euphemism! 🙂

    4. I can't resist saying that Susan was a damp squib conversationally and why is it all up to Neil to make the evening a success.
      It's so interesting how we can hear such different things in the same episode isn't it.

    5. That’s true, Anneveggie, but knowing how Susan was feeling, Neil could have made more of an effort. At least he didn’t mention the weather, but then few in Ambridge do, which is odd given it’s supposed to play a major role in conversation in this country (sorry, going off at a tangent!)

  20. After reading back just now, my thoughts are-oh so-simple.
    It seems that we all listen to and then interpret TA, in very many and very totally differing ways.
    We can all give our thoughts + ideas which can be so often, different from others.
    This has to be accepted in a good and amical way, so to then able to be discussed accordingly, rather than just "dissed" or insinuated as "rubbish"..
    We are all different after all.

    1. This is why I now keep my TA thoughts, so very limited. My thoughts are often wrong and wacky, which I fully accept. However, the way that I have been so contradicted, might have been done in a more gentle way.
      I did get one thing right though, from a week or so ago. This related to the new Home Farm Manager, as to was accomodation being provided or not?
      Stella certainly made the most of that fact.
      I am looking forward to hearing Stella + Hannah, lodging together in No.1 The Green.
      Alk that is needed is a 3rd, for the "Witches Cauldren".

    2. Miriam - I was the blogger who said Rubbish to one of Janice’s ideas, and added a smiley face to show I meant it jokily. It’s notoriously difficult to convey the tone of a comment on a blog, and the writer may come across in a way they didn’t intend. Janice could still turn out to be right, of course, in which case I’ll offer her my sincere apologies.

      Congratulations on anticipating the accommodation issue at Stella’s interview.

    3. Yes a smiley face takes the edge off things and lets the person know what your own facial expression is likely to be. I found your comment very funny, and if by any chance I am right I shall remind you of your above comment. 😉

  21. Anneveggie Aug 27th 4.08pm: I like this 'snit', which is new to me. Very expressive!

  22. As I have mentioned No.1 The Green again, can someone remind me, who the residents are, and are renting it from Will?
    All I can recall is Hannah + Johnnie but wasn't there a 3rd.person. Freddie was there once, but he is now back home at LL
    Still whoever they are, these are certainly silent residents, and also there is no mention of Will with his property.
    Perhaps I am hoping for too much.
    I presume Carole T. is still residing in Glebe Cottage, Jill's place, along with Bert tending the garden, which is again so unknown.
    It only takes a quick mention, now and again, for an up-date.

    1. I do admire the SW's for keeping TA going, throughout this still awful time, in whatever way.
      I so want though, to hear more about the many true Ambridge inhabitants, of which there are many silent ones, rather than the new comers.
      I wonder what Tom and Natasha are up to, with their many enterprises, which are both joint ones and individual...for example.

    2. I am now returning back into my silent mode, as I have been far too vocal, all at once. Sorry. 😣

  23. Sarnia August 27th 4.08 p.m. - Glad you like it!

  24. After the Omnibus and going back to the discussion about Susan and Neil:

    I couldn't’ help noticing that, at the dinner, Susan froze as soon as Neil mentioned having seen Shula. Things went further downhill from then on.
    If only Susan could pluck up the courage to tell Neil that his recent relationship with Shula has been very painful for her.
    I think he would then realise the root of their non- communication problems and, being Neil, would immediately stop referencing Shula and take care not to get into possibly compromising situations. He loves Susan, that much is clear, despite current difficulties

    As for coming down on the side of either Neil or Susan being the most at fault for their current dis harmony:
    I think a lot depends on which character you have always preferred
    I fully admit I have not liked Susan for many years, and have made no secret of the fact (though recently I have fet very sorry for her situation and have softened a bit towards her.)
    I have been on Neil’s ‘side’ throughout their marriage and often thought him prodded into fulfilling Susan’s dreams rather than his own

    Whereas I feel Maryellen, for example, has felt the opposite way. Thinking Neil weak, incompetent and lacking resolve. So Susan comes out on top for prodding him to make more of himself

    Such differences of opinion are perfectly fine and just show the difference in our listening ears and way of interpreting characters and stories..
    Which, I suppose, is one of the clever things about TA - you can see the characters with your own eye (or ear).
    Neither side is right, or wrong and long may it continue because it encourages discussion and differences on forums such as this.

  25. Oh dear, I haven’t presented my view of Neil very well! Far from thinking him weak, incompetent and lacking resolve, I see him as reliable., competent and purposeful within his field of operation, whether that’s pigman, Chair of the Parish Council, or on the domestic front. What’s more, I think of him as an essentially a kind man, and kindness is a quality I rate highly and feel is often undervalued.

    But as I said earlier, he lacks imagination. If he fulfils Susan’s dreams rather than his own, it’s because he doesn’t have many (if any). He’s better on pragmatic intelligence than emotional intelligence, but I have always regarded Susan as the real brains of the outfit. He has fallen from grace two or three times in my estimation, eg. the unexpected misogyny when he supported Will Grundy’s anti-women attitude to the village cricket team.

    Neil doesn’t have a great sense of humour or Susan’s way with words. I suppose, in a nutshell, Neil tends to bore me while Susan always interests me. I’m pleased for both of them that they have had such a loyal and successful marriage, and hope Neil will do what it takes in practical and emotional terms to rescue Susan from her current unhappiness, whether that’s partly self- induced or not. Giving up his escape route to The Stables for a start. ( I was impressed by him cooking lasagne, though - I hope it wasn’t a once off!)

    I’m not likely to change my views, unless retirement brings out a different Neil!

  26. Two excellent assessments of the Carters and their marriage.
    Thank you to both Archerphile and Maryellen.
    Between the two of you, a well balanced picture in words of how we perceive Neil and Susan Carter.
    Like most, I too sincerely hope that the present situation regarding their marriage can be healed.

  27. After my listen to the TA omnibus, very closely, today, I am making one quick comment.
    I have alarm bells about Stella.
    The reasoning is being kept simple, but the precis is:-
    a) She sounds quiet young and almost imature
    b) Stella said that she has a much varied experience - why so much as this means multiple jobs
    c) At her day at Home Farm, she did not want to view the farm first, but just wanted to talk terms, drink coffee etc.
    d) The "increased" salary package, so she can source her own living arrangements, was arranged far too quickly.

    I have, sadly many alarm bells going off - as she seems far too perfect and I think has not had the experience that she is claiming she has, but is a money grabber.
    After all CV's, references, testimonials, can be easily faked.

    Still Jennifer seems smitten, but my concern is that she is looking at her, as a sort of substitute family member. After all Adam is now moving on, Alice is doing the best she can in re-hab, Ruairi has also chosen his way in life, so her nest is getting empty. She does though see Xander + Martha - when it suits.

    I think that there will be problems will be ahead.
    I could be so very, very wrong, yet again. 😂😁😀

    1. As said, this was one very quick and simple comment 🤣😂🤣😂.
      When will I ever learn 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️?

    2. Stella also said that at one placement, she was more of a referee to the family sqabbles. This is not realistic in my thoughts.She was the Farm Manager, and as such her focus should have been on her job only..

    3. I agree, Miriam. I don’t like the sound of Stella at all. She could have accepted the offer of a cottage that Brian made even if only on a temporary basis until she found alternative accommodation. It seems she is out for all she can get and her relative lack of interest in looking around the farm in favour of increasing her salary offer was telling. I wonder too whether her gender was a factor in the choice as Kate, Jenny and Debbie outnumber Brian and it seems they got Adam on their side too.

  28. Well tonight was a bit of a let down. Have the S/ws decided that episodes for Sunday night were to be tension free and not relating to anyone or anything relevant to the storyline at present?
    Justin's financial details has produced mega-riches for Lilian and Justin to spend.
    Who will succeed, Lilian with her 6 figure nag or Justin with a racing team of yachtmen(and women) with 'Damara' and 'Ambridge' on the yacht side?
    Justin and Lilian also do the couple have several thousand pounds to pay either a horsewoman (or man) to ride in Eventing or for a crew to service the yacht. Can't imagine Lilian picked anything up when she was 'drunk as a lord.'

    1. Please ignore 'Justin and Lilian' at beginning of 2nd paragraph.

  29. Jacob seemed to want to have a more thorough check of the horse's back legs. I think the scan could show a weakness which will decide the matter, and a yacht it will be.

  30. Ev, any plans to meet up with Justin & Lil 🍷 😂
    Could be a long week coming up only 8 in the cast list:- ( many more last week but list now taken down)
    Justin & Lil
    Tracy & Jazzer
    Jakob & Alastair
    Nancy ?

    1. If that means four more episodes along the lines of what we’ve just heard, I’m not tempted!

    2. No plans to meet up especially with Lil as she might lead me astray!!😉🥂🍷

  31. Very wise. If you remember, some time ago she got both of us thrown out of a coffee shop for excessive cackling, after adding the contents of a hip-flask to her Espresso.

  32. What I don't understand is that, I thought their windfall came from selling the barns bought for the re-wilding project.
    These must have been cheap and fairly derelict, so why did they make such a profit?

    1. or I have I missed something else.

    2. I think this was a Amside/Damara deal. The Ambridge rewilding project involves Borchester Land. There was mention of modernising the barns on the rewilded land and letting them for offices etc. to generate income for the project. I don’t know if that’s happened (I might have missed it.)

  33. Complete and utter rot
    Editor should be shot
    Listening I am not (till next week!)

  34. Two new voices tonight.
    One will be leaving as soon as she has been heard.
    A ridiculous sorry about a dog
    An even more ridiculous story about Lilian sailing
    Things are getting desperate in the SW’s department!

    1. The new voices - Iris, Leyla, and now Nancy and Denise ( who we might have heard before?) are all beginners to merge into the same woman in either jolly or angry mode. I think the producers stuck their heads out of the studio door and picked the first woman of the right age passing along the corridor! Beth is a younger character, more like a reincarnation of Jade, not sure about the actor.

    2. That should be ‘beginning’ - although beginners is what some of them sound like!

  35. My theory is that the budget has been cut and some part time attention is being paid to what is being put out, rather than full time commitment to good drama.

    1. I began to think I was listening to a pantomime and that the woman who knew Lilian was going to start slapping her thighs! How daft it was and I couldn't care less what decision that silly pair make on what to buy.

  36. Continuing to be the rubbish week I predicted, certainly imo 😕

  37. Whoever it is must be writing my script as well because my last two days have also been rubbish!

  38. I rarely say that I didn't enjoy TA - but I am actually saying this now 😣. The episode last night, with Lilian + Justin, was just ridiculous and silly...
    And as for Denise, flouncing off due to Jakob, this was so understandable. Jakob is a professional vet, and should treat and support the highly qualified vetinary nurses, with the respect that they deserve. If a mistake is made, or something overlooked - then there are ways of dealing with it, rather than a slanging match.
    i hope she talks to Alistair, but could he persuade her to, change her mind?
    Perhaps Jakob, is also just fed up with Lilian's constant demands, along with Kate's (unknown) ones!

  39. Miriam, your posts re TA are always very positive. You are very good at thinking through an episode and picking up aspects of the storyline that others have missed. If you think part of this one was silly, it must have been.

  40. I agree with all others that I don't like and don't care about awful Lil and her less than charming partner. But I do appreciate that their - to us silly - arguments about horse or yacht, or playthings for the over indulged, does show an aspect of country life.
    The scene between the vet nurse and Jakob , was in my mind somewhat overdue.
    I expected something like this soon after Jakob arrived, but perhaps the SWs kept it in their back pocket until a suitable occasion arose.
    As usual I was ahead of them this evening and could see immediately that ' our Tracey'
    Could be the one to come to the rescue. Tracey has in the last few days been bemoaning yet again her history of rubbish jobs, when any one with an ounce of sense should be able to see the jewel behind the rough exterior ( of course at least one Ambridge resident has done so in the past ). Now, yet again, Alistair jibbed at the prospect of her offer of help, but was overcome by Tracey's up front insistence, and I shall look forward to Tracey becoming the new assistant at the surgery.
    I shall also hope that she proves to be an asset and is given encouragement to study and take courses and exams to become accredited at the very least, if not a full blown vet nurse.

    What do you think Miriam ?

    1. And how long before the anti-social dog's owner realises she can no longer look after it? Tracey is clearly going to be its new 'mum' soon. (If it doesn't get Webster poisoning first.)

      Who would win in a stand-off - dog or Hilda Ogden?

  41. I look forward to the interaction between her and Jakob.

  42. I thought all three storylines were pretty silly. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief enough to accept that Jakob would behave like that and Denise would react with every melodramatic cliche going. But I liked the dramatic irony of Tracy’s closing words: I’m wizard at fixing things for other people. Not bad at fixing things for Tracy, maybe, but other people?? Certainly not her own sister.

  43. Jakob, as we know, is terse and has no bedside/stable side manner. But he is not normally downright insulting. Is it just Lillian breathing down his neck - and perhaps concerns about the famous horse that will need further checks - or is there something else bothering him?

    Can't be Kate being pregnant, we had that non-event a while back. Perhaps he needs to book in for a week at Spiritual Home to unwind.

    There again, perhaps not. He's clearly taken with Kate, but I can't see him finding all her 'mumbo jumbo' calming and relaxing!

  44. Can’t decide who is more irritating, Lilian or her dreadful friend Nancy, using that awful name ‘Hun’ all the time.

    1. Exactly!
      I am wondering if a number of the cast were pinged and were not available for a recording session so hurried scripts written for those that were. If not the case- WELL🙄

    2. I found Vera in the TV series irritating with her constant use of ‘pet’, ccasionally varied with ‘luv’. I rarely watch TV, especially not police drama - except for Sally Wainwright (scriptwriter responsible for the Ambridge post office raid) and Happy Valley. But I was told by friends in the North that the latest series of Vera was filmed near them, so I was watching for places I knew. Last Sunday’s episode was almost entirely urban, however. Probably best to record it next Sunday, then I can whizz through the commercials and interior scenes, and hopefully dwell on the rural exteriors.

    3. At least ‘Pet’ is a genuine dialect term used in the area but this ‘hun’ seems to emanate from the online world of Facebook and Twitter.
      I’m not certain but I think it started in the USA, so either Nancy spends time there or is an inveterate online communicator. I have never heard it used in speech before, only seen it in posts.

    4. I thought it was American - short for Honey - like Pet is short for Petal. But I haven’t checked on google so could be wrong on both counts!

    5. Hun seems to be used a great deal in this neck of the woods.
      It confuses me ?
      Love, I'm more used to and sometimes use it myself.
      Am I Common ?

    6. I think dear is posher than love, Mrs P, but if that makes you common, so am I!

    7. I hate "hun" it is not a british acronyism, or is it? "Pet" is a local one to the NE as "Love" is to Merseyside.
      I hate "dear". though as I find this disdimeaning.

    8. I use Love so maybe I'm common as muck. I do use Dear too, though mostly to my little dog.
      I do not like Hun at all.

    9. If I’m called ‘dear’ in shops ,especially by someone young enough to be my grandchild, I get cross because it makes me feel like an old age pensioner who has lost their marbles.

      Oh, come to think of it……

    10. I love in Call The Midwife, the nurse from the Carribean (sorry can't recall her name), calls her patients 'Petal'. This is from her home country and I find it, quite endearing.

    11. The only thing I used, was to the little children whose name I wasn't sure of, or even knew - this was "sweetheart"...

    12. Miriam: see my post above, Aug 31st. at 7.26pm.

  45. Lincoln folk all call each other my duck - "me dook"

  46. Flower was used widely at one time. I do like to be called sweetie but only by someone I know very well!!

  47. My girlfriend used to call me sweetie. I rather liked it.
    One of my early jobs was junior to two older ladies, one of them very posh indeed.
    She called everybody Duckie.
    I call almost every child I meet sweetheart and have done so for ever.
    And I've noticed that recently I've started calling shop assistants dear. And when I notice what I've done it makes me realise I am old.

    But my all time favourite, and Miriam has reminded me of it, was years ago when well mannered West Indian men would refer to an older woman as mistress.
    I had one odd job man years ago and he always addressed me as mistress.

    And the Lincolnshire medook extends into Northamptonshire, I remember my best friends mum used to use that.
    My ex husband called absolutely everyone darling.
    He said it meant he didn't need to remember names.

  48. The Scottish affectionate address to a woman is’Hen’.

  49. When I lived in Leicester I was called "mi duck"
    In Liverpool a woman may be called "Queen" .
    I hate being called "dear"

    1. Remember the 111 lady LJ with her “dearie” at her peril had you been face to face 😂

    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Well remembered Lady R

  50. Traditional Cornish:
    Me lover (as in "how are you my lover?" )
    Me andsome.
    Cheel vean (to a child)

  51. Pleeeeease, Miriam, why do you never see the compliments?

  52. My Irish granny's phrase was 'wee one'.

  53. Me lover is used in Bristol too. Must be a West Country thing.

  54. Well,last night’s episode obviously delighted and engaged everyone.
    Lots of comments about language but not a single mention about what happened in Ambridge.

    Come to think if it, I can’t remember much about what happened myself!

    1. Last night's episode certainly didn't engage me. I found it quite pointless (like a Richard Osman's show).
      I couldn't relate to any of the few characters and the so-called SL's.
      It was all something about nothing, as I heard it.

    2. It is an inditement of the last few enstalments/S.Ls that there is far more interest shown in the various social endearments.
      I can confirm that "duck" is used in the Potteries where I grew up. I hadn,t realised until now how far it and its variants was widespread.
      It must have been common in S. Wales too as Dylan Thomas gives Rosie Probert the line, "My Duck my whaler" etc. When addressing Captain Cat.

  55. A couple bickering and scoring points off each other.
    Rather realistic and not vicious, IMO.
    At least Justin and Lillian communicate and might be able to teach Neil and Susan how to do so.

  56. Denise certainly spoke her mind, telling life how it is.
    Jakob still soundn't repentant though, and why mention Kate?
    When will TA sound normal again I wonder, but I will stick with it and be loyal, through the recent bad times, with the hope that good times will eventually return.
    The sooner, the better.

  57. I had no idea who Denise was tonight I had completely forgotten her but sussed out the whole charade was played out so she could take home the dog that we had also never heard of until this week. Thank goodness there is no episode tomorrow, finders crossed for next week now….

  58. This week’s episodes had the feel of a comedic interlude, not relevant to any of the current storylines, but sadly only vaguely amusing.
    Personally I am happy enough to listen to Lillian and Justin ( not everyone’s taste I know)
    The scenes with Jakob did irritate me slightly, like others I assume he is being portrayed as someone on the autistic spectrum, but he is obviously intelligent and he would have learnt that sometimes you need to apologise & play sympathetic, even if it doesn’t make sense to you.
    I think the week will probably hang together better in the omnibus.

    1. He was trying to apologise. But in his mindset, this involves explaining himself fully so the other person understands his motivation for his previous comments and action. Social niceties are learnt behaviour - most of us pick them up unconsciously - or by our parents' and teachers' constant reminders.
      Jakob has a specialised job which he is clearly good at, presumably with horses and other large animals you don't need social chit-chat. Before he came to work in Ambridge he probably worked with people who were used to his abrupt manner and were more comfortable interacting with him.

      OMiaS was in a school once and somebody told a joke. Two boys with autism laughed heartily then one turned to the other and asked 'Did you understand that?' 'No,' replied the other. They had learnt the correct response to a joke but the actual humour had eluded them. Conforming to neurotypical expectations can be hard work for people on the autistic spectrum.

  59. I found it a bit sickening, listening to Lilian & Justin discussing how to spend the money the got from selling that old barn, for two reasons:
    1) how come they got an apparently very large sum from selling an tatty old building to the re-wilders? And how much of their half million did Phoebe and Rex have to pay for the thing? SurelyLilian as ‘supervisor’ of the trust fund would have persuaded Justin to let it go for a reasonable price.

    2) Couldn’t they have spent more time discussing how to do some good with that money rather than what luxuries they might buy for themselves.
    It would do their prestige an enormous amount of good in the village to use the money for repairing the village hall/church/whatever, creating a start-up fund for local businesses, à la Dragon’s Den, sending a donation to the local homeless charity/ food bank or even just giving it to a Charity of their choice ( probably something to do with horses if Lilian had her way).
    Their self-indulgence was typical of them and I found it disgusting to listen to.

    1. Archerphile

      Your final sentence sums up the relationship of L & J as far as I am concerned.
      But...... as I said earlier in the week, such people are also part of life in the countryside, and I think ( probably) should not be ignored.

    2. I may be wrong, and perhaps Basia can remember, but I thought the building was divided into sections and sold for high prices to people who wanted office space for various reasons. There is no way Phoebe and Rex would have had the funds to buy it. Can anyone else remember?

    3. As I remember, the land the project finally rented from Borchester Land (enabling it to complete its required acreage and go ahead, (but at the price of BL’s involvement in the project), came with barns on it and they were part of the deal. Phoebe talked about modernising them to let as office space. Justin (wearing his BL hat) and Brian thought was pretty savvy of her. I don’t know how Amside/ Damara acquired the barn they sold for that sort of money or why Brian wasn’t involved as he represents BL’s interest in the rewilding project.

      It doesn’t hang together, but last week’s episodes were so desperate, with non sequiters and all the characters hugely hyped up, that I think the kindest thing is to forget they happened - like Shula’s embarrassing declaration of her love for Neil. (The Guardian columnist responsible for A Month in Ambridge suggested that was the product of one of Alice’s drink-addled nightmares!)

  60. What about the ski lodge idea from Lilian 🙄 in a Pandemic!- when country lockdowns are still happening plus climate change snow does not always appear to order. There again the discussion was taking place in Ambridge 😂

  61. I have a 'cotton wool' brain today. It is very hard to concentrate, particularly on anything vaguely taxing, and any external distractions are very intrusive and make the task even harder. I suspect Jakob was in a similar position when he snapped at poor Denise.

  62. This whole S/L with Lillian and Justin with this extra money, only confirms my beliefs of how self-centred they both are.
    Haven't they heard of charities?
    There must be something that they can do for Ambridge - such as a new tea urn, new seating, a new heating system, for the village hall, or then perhaps even a new one! Demolish the old one and then have a new one built, for the use of all such as the WI, the Brownies, Guides, Scouts and the entire village.
    Then there is also The Laurels.
    I am sure that this place would love a massive injection of cash, to improve thier facilties, provide more staff and up-grade the much needed services.
    Who knows, either Lilian or Justin, might require these at some time, like Jack Woolley did, and Auntie Chris is still a resident.
    They must for once, think of others and stop being so materialistic.

    1. Whatever they do is just up to them.
      But have they actually talked to their accountants etc. with the problem of inheritance tax. Isn't it better to "gift" or spend real idea though, and do I really care...

  63. I am also very confused about the barns...
    Maryellen seems to have similar memories and thoughts, but I had forgotten that BL and therefore Brian, was involved in the land deal.
    I am even more confused, if that is possible.

  64. Miriam - I agree with your comment at 4.13 p.m. Those two need to think of others.

  65. I can’t remember the last time anyone in Ambridge made a lump sum donation to a charity......

    1. Perhaps they do so regularly but feel no need to announce it to the world : )

    2. As Keri D famously said, If you don’t hear it, it didn’t happen....

    3. I seem to remember that Justin has already given a (large?) donation to the village hall. It was around the time of the proposed new road/sale of Brookfield. Had there been a fire at the hall?

      Or have I dreamt it all? 😂

  66. Justin and Lil are currently very boring characters and need a good, meaty SL to bring them back to any form of interest! When the announcer says their names before the broadcast, I just find something else to do!

  67. Is Lilian still running Ameside Properties with all it's possible problems + difficulties?

    I have not a clue.

    1. Lilian and Justin replied last week that Justin's company (can't remember the name!) and Amside were profitable but Justin wanted a new scheme they could share together.
      I assume that Lilian has one or more office staff who runs the business (taking rent, repairs to properties, referencing new arrivals etc,) otherwise I wouldn't want to rent from her. I think that Brenda used to work for her so she must have been replaced?

    2. I think Brenda was replaced by the all-efficient but work-to-rule Anthea and when she left abruptly Lilian had to man the office. I don’t remember what happened about another replacement.

    3. PS. I dimly remember Justin suggesting Amside could come under Damara’s ‘roof’ (so to speak) so his office management staff may also be servicing Amside. It would explain why Lilian now seems to spend so much less time in the office. I think this was meant to indicate the couple’s growing closeness, not that Justin had any evil designs on Lilian’s assets!

      Amside was originally set up by Matt Crawford and Lilian, who Matt intendedto be more or less a sleeping partner - but she had other ideas!

    4. Funny that, Lillian as a sleeping partner !
      Sleeping, yes, as in bed, but not in the business sense, too much wanting to be in on the action, Lillian.

    5. maryellen - I thought that Justin wanted to get Amside into the Damara (see I remembered this time!) camp, so as to get a few more hundreds of thousands towards his property portfolio! I always thought he was only interested in the business and I was glad when Lilian shut him up!

    6. You could well be right, Spicycushion - I think I’m more inclined to give Justin the benefit of the doubt than most are (because he was once kind to a toad!). I must admit I find the Amside/Damara/Borchester Land relationships confusing.

  68. I didn't hear all of the omnibus this morning, but listening as a whole, it made much more sense. I still didn't think it as TA as it should be.
    The only thing that I did pick up on was, right at the beginning Lilian mentioned "finally getting rid of that wreck of a barn"...
    So it was still a wreck, after all.

    Let's hope things improve this week 🤞🤞🤞

    1. I was listening in the car, so I might have missed a bit as the road I was on was found closed. I had to follow the diversion, which luckily I knew where I was going, more or less, but difficult as I was caught up in a bike race.
      Obviously my concentration was not 100% on TA.

  69. I thought tonight's episode sounded a bit more like TA of old.
    Only a 'bit ' mind.

    1. I liked the Aldridges taking Martha to see the sheep, and talking about their hopes and fears for Alice; it seemed ‘proper Ambridge’ and true to real life too. I wasn’t sure about the Chris/Amy conversation. It felt as if TA had finally caught up with Covid but at long distance, with Ambridge itself still an infection-free enclave. But I liked the mention of Wayne and Usha, keeping them in our mental picture, hopefully the scriptwriters have got the hang of this now.

      Then the new Eddie Grundy storyline - yet another morally if not legally dodgy scheme, like all the recent storylines involving him. Previous scriptwriters have done better by him!

  70. After last night's episode, I am feeling optimistic that the sleepy village of Ambridge, is starting to wake-up a bit at last.
    Perhaps there will be less OTT one-off S/L's, which just dragged on including the many outsiders. My wish is simple - more concentration on the true Ambridge residents and their own, often very complicated lives and schemes.

    1. I still want to hear from Tom + Natasha and their business's, plus Hannah.
      The there is the possible "downful" of Stella, with whom I still have many doubts (niggles only), at this time.

  71. I need to post again...

    Whatever the past has thrown at us all, and is still doing so - I admire the TA team, for always broadcasting an episode, be it in a different way and with less episodes.
    These were for those who continued to listen, enjoy or then perhaps not, but have been able to discuss, in so very many and differing, ways.

  72. I enjoyed hearing that Moose found a new home with Denise. Good suggestion from Jakob even though he fails at being affable.
    Interesting too was the dialogue between Chris and Amy concerning her Covid experiences. A first in being descriptive of life in the NHS during this time.
    Where is Jim? I can't remember where he's gone off to but I miss hearing him.

    1. Jim is visiting his sister, name and location unknown.

    2. Norfolk rings a bell from the past.

    3. Thank you ladies.
      What does everyone think about Susan's attitude? I think she's put 2 and 2 together and made 5.

  73. Third attempt at posting.

    I hadn’t realised that Susan had been aware of Neil’s lasagne offering to Shula which probably knocked her self esteem at the time and tonight Neil firther fuelled her insecurities by extolling Shula’s help to Alice.
    When Susan went to the Stables to collect her dish,I was surprised at how jittery and almost shifty Shula sounded.Or was it just me?

    1. No Portia, I heard it too.
      But then why wouldn't she.
      She has recently realised and admitted that she had feelings for Neil that worried and concerned her. As a result she had tried to restrain him from visiting her, but Neil continued to do so.

      As far as the lasagna in question, I certainly thought that Susan probably didn't know about it. But that was at the time. It's possible that in the weeks since, she has learned about it.

  74. Were other listeners as appalled as I was by Neil’s boorish behaviour? Comes home, complains about his hard day, based on some trivial incident with an invoice (no enquiry about what sort of day Susan had) and expects his meal pronto. His food is all he can think of, despite Susan’s obvious distress. Neil is sometimes described here as “lovely”. This is one of the occasions when he wasn’t!

  75. I think Susan need to be more direct with Neil. He could tell something was bothering her and asked her what it was. But instead of telling him outright she just prevaricates with a sort of ‘you know what I mean’ relply.
    For goodness sake Susan, have it out with Neil, tell him exactly what’s bothering you as he appears not to realise the full extent of your worries, have the row, get explanations, clear the air and hopefully make up afterwards.

  76. Yes! Neil should accept the trouble he’s in. It is always very serious when a wife reckons that “nothing” is the matter. 🤪

  77. I think part of the Susan/Neil problem, is that Susan now has no gossip to talk about. Neil, to me is only responding to his different home life, which is Susan, home alone with Martha and all that this entails. They are also, now sharing their marital home with Chris, but I admit that I do not know, how he is contributing to this set-up.
    I would so love to hear Susan back in the dairy, with Clarrie and Helen. Here she was happy and felt worthwhile, something she no longer feels.

    1. As you can tell, I am "Team Neil" - without Shula.

    2. Me too Miriam, generally.
      Susan can be her own worst enemy sometimes.

  78. A bit more penitence from Neil would have been nice!

    1. I think telling Susan just how much she meant to him was a pretty good approach

    2. Plus: I’m truly, truly sorry for escaping to The Stables to help Shula with jobs she just hadn't got round to, leaving you stuck here and on your knees trying to get through all the everyday essentials.

      I’ve been using the word escape for some time to describe Neil’s outings to The Stables, often without telling Susan it seems, and he used it himself last night.

  79. Well done Susan, for taking my advice! You see, you only had to tell Neil exactly what you had been feeling and fearing and he, not very bright in these matters, suddenly understood.
    And was horrified.

    Hopefully the making up and chilli suppers will resume soon.
    And I think he was very contrite, and showed enough penitence if that’s what was required, not just with Susan but with Shula too

  80. Team Neil all the way. Thank goodness he's drawn a line under this particular theme. He told Susan he loves her and she now needs to stop being so complaining and self-pitying. Many wives would consider themselves lucky to have such a devoted husband.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. And many husbands would consider themselves lucky to have such an attractive, capable, loyal and motivated wife! Dim though he can be (when it’s not to do with pigs), Neil does appreciate his good fortune.

      It’s difficult to imagine either of them without the other, so I’m Team Neil&Susan.

  81. Excellent that now “nothing” has been converted to “something” and understood Neil and Susan can get back to normal.

  82. I still love Joy....who can surpass Linda in many ways.
    Roll on the Flower + Produce show.
    I did though approve of Eddie, back to his normal self.
    Now where is Clarrie, along with her new state pension, if I have got her birth-fate right?

    1. This relates to the other page where - it seems that I am a "personna non grata", yet again!
      I accept this and understand why.
      I will still give my thoughts about TA, as I hear it, but in a much more concise, limited and thought out, way.
      Until next time...
      Keep listening to TA in whatever way, each and everyone does and then interprets, accordingly.

    2. MIRIAM

      Didn't think you were persona non grata Miriam, seemed to me a friendly ' wink' at the end suggested there were friendly feelings behind the comment.
      And it was very nicely put too.

    3. Miriam dear, I think Sarnia was just teasing you. In a way like a sister would.

  83. Thank you, Mrs P.
    Oh dear, Miriam, your following comment suggested that you had taken my observation in the spirit in which it was given. Should I now go off in a snit, do you think? ;) ;) That's two winks!
    (I've been longing to make use of my new word ever since I first saw it!

    1. I have never heard of the word. I suppose to tie it in with the Archers I could say I think Susan goes off in a snit sometimes.

    2. Snit is new to me, though very expressive!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Snit not new to me.
      Think it's been there throughout my life, but not absolutely sure.
      Whatever...... it's a damned good expressive word to have in your lexicon.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Thank you also, Janice - and I thought I was being so gentle, too... ...

  85. Haven’t been able to listen to tonight’s episode because it’s not on Sounds - there is just a faded out picture where the recording should be !
    How infuriating!


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