closed post is this



    Proud to be Yorkshire - February 5, 2022 at 7:56 AM
    Done todays wordle. Struggled but got it in the end. Just could not think of five letter words.

    Zoetrope - February 5, 2022 at 8:04 AM
    I got today's Wordle and Nerdle in 4.

    Lanjan - February 5, 2022 at 8:40 AM
    Did it in four working on previous strategy but am now looking at the Times General Knowledge quiz and for the life of me I can't think of the County town of Essex!
    PLEASE don't tell me the answer .
    I am going to work on it .

    Zoetrope - February 5, 2022 at 8:41 AM
    How many letters?
    (I haven't been out for the paper yet)

    AmbridgesMrsP - February 5, 2022 at 11:01 AM
    I got it in three today.
    Got stuck at two, left it and when returned got it with some thought.

    1. Well done MrsP! It took me 5 : (
      I'm avoiding all the variants today - they were rather a time waster for me yesterday ...


    Got it in one.

    1. WHAT! 👏🏻
      First time player yesterday in 6 - today completed in 3 a fluke no doubt 🤣

  3. Well, that's if you're using the original tribal dialect from the remote mountain region of western Covonia.
    In English, loosely translates as 'Life outside Ambridge'.

  4. Gosh, Sarnia! How brilliant! Today’s wordle took me 5!

  5. Wordle-3
    Nerdle- 4
    I think I might give up Nerdle because it is too time consuming.
    Zoetrope ,just after I posted yesterday I realised that the County town of Essex is Chelmsford.
    As you possibly know the first few questions in the Times Quiz are supposed to be easier than that others and that was number 1 .

    Cowgirl,I hope you will soon be cycling down the country roads again.

    1. So do I LanJan. Ive been idle too long!
      First though I shall have to be in contact with the highways department as the nearby dairy farm have been transporting muck and the road is in a terrible state. In days gone by they were supposed to clean up after themselves.

  6. I managed the word search heading, then succumbed to trying Wordle, got it in six, then went for Nerdle which I managed in three. I fear this is another step in my morning routine of checking emails, this blog and playing solitaire on both my phone and iPad, I am a creature of habit.

  7. Still struggling with wordle but will get there in the end! Now I know why I don’t like Countdown! I am excellent at spelling but struggle with putting mixed up letters in order! Onwards and upwards!

  8. Managed in 3 I am impressing myself 🤣 that’s a 6/3/3 now.

  9. Lanjan bet you ready alongside 🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛ Poppy & Percy for Liverpool 12noon kick off - good luck ⚽️

  10. Like others I have a morning routine and I am also adding Wordle to my routine. DT puzzles page on my phone also are in my morning routine.
    However I am having a bit of an increase in my energy levels (due to Thyroid medicine. A nodule on my thyroid is there, but thankfully not cancer, but maybe radioactive treatment later on!)) so I have now (just a little bit) done some housework! I actually hoovered sitting-room, two stairs (1st and 2nd stairs) and hallway, porch, laundry room and fourth bedroom, all on ground floor.
    Most of the time I also manage to get upstairs fully up-right! Many times I though I have to have a seat during the housework!
    I am wanting to do cricket teas during the summer but Jon told me he doesn't want me to do them! He says I haven't started to do some shopping (Sainsbury's deliver) but there are things which the cash and carry people do which I have to get. He would also have to deliver me to the cricket club as at the moment I still have double vision so can't drive.

    It's just that I am so bored sitting in my sitting -room for more than two years with only about two months going out, mostly to medical appointments!
    Some time in June I have been invited to do some GCSE marking but I have to go to Cardiff to do a Training Day. Thinking about it! Sadly the hotel has no single rooms and because The Steorephonics and Tom Jones are appearing at Millennium stadium the bed and breaksfast fee is £349 pounds! Not sure WJEC will pay that amount!
    Now to get sorted out for dinner before I watch Rugby, 3 match this weekend, Yaaaay!

    1. So pleased to read of your housework achievement today Spicy 👏🏻 you deserve your 🏉reward. You have endured a very tough two years and I hope 2022 finds your health issues improving along with at least some social activities 🥰

  11. a bit cold on't top of t'moors to be tricycling at the mo. Roll on spring and some fine, warm weather. Hopefully your knee will be much improved by then.

    Was doing wordle at 5am when I couldn't sleep. Got it in 5. Seems to be my usual level/amount.

  12. Thanks Lady R .Game of two halves.
    Poppy refused to watch and Percy gave up watching - but over all we did deserve the win.

    Spicycushion, you mustn't contemplate doing cricket teas .Let the young wives or girlfriends do them.
    Go and watch the games ,sit in the sun and enjoy yourself.
    At the beginning of the first lockdown I thought I would write about what life was like when I was growing up.
    I haven't got very far but two young friends (10 and 12 years old ) have read it so far are amazed at the difference between their and my childhoods.
    You have grandchildren Spicycushion, could you not do something similar if you get bored?

  13. I am not a word person, more a number one. Those who like wordle - have you seen the tv show - Lingo?

    I am only posting today, as it is quite a unique one, which might never happen again.
    A lovely coffee and lunch was had with family today. I took a book with me, which is all about life in 1953, to show the 7 + 10yrs old youngsters what life was like then, the year one of their grandma's was born. It showed the many differences in living conditions, from then + now. I also took some original + some copies, of many b+w photos taken in the late 50's.
    These 2 kids, could just not believe what life was like then, and that Gramdma + Grand Aunty (me) were in some of the photos. They laughed out loud at self in the photo, when trying to help with the mangle in the back-yard..aged about 3!
    This book has been left with them, as have the photos, as the 10yr so wants to take them into her school tomorrow to show her teachers + friends. She is under strict instructions that all, must be returned intact and complete, to me.
    It was a lovely history story, but more important, a lovely insight as to life + lives have changed.
    This was one without any technology, which is so needed now, to survive the 2022 every day life.

    1. Also taken was an original Radiation cook book (inherited from a great aunt printed circa 1957). They could not believe what this cooker looked like - they only know in-built Neff ones!
      This was a good social history discussion, and my 44yr old niece (born in June 1977, the Silver Jubilee year) was also very amazed.

    2. Miriam. I am called Granty ( Great Aunt}
      When I was living without electricity 30 years ago I used a mangle, though to be honest for most things I found doing it by hand easier.

      But Im so bored, keep doing a bit more but the leg just swells up, So much easier last time.
      Have you any more news of your eye ?

    3. Nothing new on the eye situation. Been on the waiting list for op exactly 1 year this last week.

      Mr PtbY just discovered wordle and nerdle, thanks to a ruddy friend! Now got more excuses to sit doing even more puzzles than getting his chores done. 🤦‍♀️

  14. I was stumped with nerdle today. I knew the likely number of digits after the =, had 2 numbers in the right place and 3 in the wrong place, and had eliminated 2 symbols. But gave up as I just couldn't think what to do next!

    1. I got it in 6. I might have been quicker if I hadn't treated two purples as green in lines 4 and 5 - doh!

  15. Can get wordle in 3, now to try nerdle which I will find more difficult.

    1. An hour later and I still haven't completed the nerdle!

  16. Wordle in 5, Nerdle in 4, so the addiction starts, average 4.5 over the two games for each day so far.
    Bright and frosty morning today a fun selection of household chores awaits, I will no doubt find ways to avoid them.

    1. I’ve one go left on todays wordle 3 right letters right early on too 😳

  17. KP, me too, but getting my house valued today, so up early hoovering etc, and wondering why, why, I rushing around at the last minute again. Ugggh

  18. Do we need a third blog for everyone to record their Wordle results each day?

    In the meantime , can someone inform me about the method (especially pain control) and approx cost of having tooth implants? I am screwing up all my courage to visit the dentist tomorrow because my front teeth have become very worn down and broken at their backs.
    Mr A has Denplan insurance which pays for his checkups and certain treatments, but I do not. Our dentist gave up NHS work some years ago so I shall have to pay for everything.
    I’m hoping he can do something to strengthen my teeth but have a horrid feeling he will advise implants which seem to be all the fashion now.

    An incredibly nervous patient since childhood ( and have had to have treatment under sedation many times) I am frankly terrified about tomorrow and would welcome a bit of information before I go!

    1. Another 3rd blog isn't needed. This would give another thing for our wonderful administrator, to have to control, change + oversee.
      I have no problem with seeing posts re wordle etc. and so many chatting and having fun with this.
      This is surely what this blog is all about.
      Any-one with no input, can easily skim over + by-pass posts which do not suit others.

    2. Hi, if your front teeth are firm the dentist will probably be able to build them back up, but if they are worn because you are missing back teeth then it would be sensible to think about replacing these. You have a choice of options for replacing missing teeth: A removable denture, these can be on a plastic or metal base, the latter generally being better for the remaining teeth, if there are teeth at both ends of the space you might be able to consider bridgework which is fixed to the existing teeth, or implants where titanium screws are inserted into the bone and then used as bases for bridges or crowns, doing nothing is an option but would result in continuing wear.
      All options have their pros and cons, Most treatment would be carried out under local anaesthetic, but ask about sedation if you are anxious, not all dentists offer this but if you go down the implant route you can ask to be referred to a specialist who does offer it.
      Some discomfort after implant would be expected but normally manageable with standard pain killers. Implant cost vary considerably, ball park figure £2-3k per tooth. Anyway good luck.

    3. Oh thank you KP. The problem has occurred because I have no back teeth at all, so all the work is done by the front ones. Soit might have to be total old-fashioned dentures. Goodness know what they cost these days
      Thusis all down to my extensive fillings, root canal treatments over the years and eventually becoming so scared of treatment that I opted to have teeth taken out rather than worked on again.
      Needless to say I regret it now!

      Oh and by the way Miriam, my comment about a 3rd blog w as a joke.not a serious idea!!

  19. Like yesterday - my post is just one.
    This is to say -
    How said I feel, on seeing the photos from Morocco, as to the funeral of that young boy, who fell into the well.
    As with the boys who were trapped in a cave, plus the miners trapped in a mine, the rescue effort was tremendous but ended so sadly this time.

    1. To add, if I may.
      When I first saw this wonderful new page heading, I did think was I at the opticians. This has reminded me though, that my annual eye test must now be overdue, but not by much.
      I am hooked onto The Winter Olympics. I so admire the skill shown by so many, in so many very different disciplines. A lot of what I have watched, have been so exciting - not that I know what they are meant to be doing! It is just a great spectacle and different from the usual sports of - cricket, rugby, football. 😆

  20. How to spend (waste?) an afternoon.
    Try to do Wordle(4) and Nerdle 3)
    Attempt the Times Daily Quiz and some of the Mind Games and attempt the General knowledge Crossword in that newspaper .

    Spicycushion I hope you are taking a break from all your tasks but if you get bored how about trying these out?

    (I am determined that if I am given one of those dementia tests I will be one step ahead so have decided to practice.)
    I know one of the questions they seem to ask is "what is today's date ?
    When one is retired who knows dates?
    Indeed who even knows which day of the week it is?
    I am now prepared.
    I might be asked who the P.M. is

    Other questions might be to name as many animals as one can in 30 seconds ,count backwards in sevens from 100 or threes from 20.

    Oh and something I was told this week if you just feel like having a nap or indeed when you go to bed and find you can't sleep, all you have to do is to lie on one's back say ten times""Don't think ! ! turn over and you will go to sleep.
    Simple as that.

    1. A friend's grandmother was asked who the prime minister was - she listed them all back as far as Disraeli, 'Nobody's going to tell *me* I'm senile!'

    2. Lan Jan -Your comment about the cricket teas was just what Jon said! So I have sent a message to the committee that I cannot do them. Particularly now that I had,, across my shin bone yesterday, one enormous blister about 5 inches long and about 2 cm deep (sorry but can't do fractions so a mixed message from me!) Kept very still yesterday so as not to pop the blister, went to bed and I was undressing the blister burst. I had taken some panadol earlier so managed to get to sleep. Tonight I am free as I decided not to go to Cubs in case I was incapacitated.
      I do like to keep my mind busy ,even if my body doesn't work! Puzzles, quizzes etc. Today I am picking out some vegetables which will be grown in pots, bags etc., and designing my garden layout. Dr. says to keep covered up, hat, long sleeves and trousers. My d-i-l had some Burkas when they were working in Afghanistan so I might just borrow one! Frankfurt son will get some holiday and drive over in March then drive me back. I am so excited!

  21. Archerphile I have just seen your post about your teeth.
    For years I went to NHS dentists but quite a lot of the time I had to pay for things like bridges.
    Since living "down south" I have had quite a few different National Health dentists and then was told by the latest one of these that If I didn't want to have dentures I would have to have implants and I could go to someone he knew who would tell me about implants and the Consultation would only cost £250,
    I then telephoned a private dentist my son used in London and was told that a consultation would cost £45 .
    He said I did not need implants and if I didn't want a denture I could have a bridge instead.
    It was not cheap but well worth it.
    I was delighted with the way it turned out.
    My point is that I would. go to a couple of dentists and ask them before making a decision.
    Good Luck.
    KP Nuts knows better than I do though so I would take her advise.


  22. Having recently sort of retired (I am looking for part time work while my pension cooks a little longer) I am planning on clearing and organising the upstairs space in our annex, essentially our loft, I have already got rid of most of my old study notes and text books, and today I started trying to separate photos into various boxes, old photos from pre marriage, for all and school portraits, general life together, obviously a slow process and some odd batches of photos together in some envelopes, obviously not all from the same period. Then dividing a box of papers which were a mix from my Father-in-law and my Mum. Mum kept all her letters from my Dad even after they divorced, I didn’t read them but might at some point, both of them are no longer around. Amongst some of the stuff I cleared from my Mum’s were items she had cleared from my Granny’s, Such as references from previous employers and letters from my great uncle and letters my Mum wrote home when she was in hospital with scarlet fever…… the room doesn’t look much tidier but I got a good dose of nostalgia 🤗

  23. To the Tom Wrigglerworth fans.
    Are you listening to Open Letters on 4ex - so amusing, well to me.
    I know, one post too many..😵 😩

    1. Miriam - thank you again for your recommendation of 24 Kildare Road which I have very much enjoyed. A good story, well acted and presented.

    2. It was one I so enjoyed.
      I am glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. 😃

  24. Oh, bother! I was trying to do today’s Wordle and was stuck at four and wondered if the previous day’s solution is available online if one fails to find the word. When I googled to find out, the answer to today’s was right there! So spoiler alert!

    1. Read your post Hilary but the same still happened to me - why 😡 it hasn’t up to now!
      The answer should not be available until late evening on any given day.

  25. Oh KP ,do you really want to read letters that your parents wrote to one another?
    Neither of them thought anyone else would read what he or she had written.
    You might read something you didn't know about and it could be upsetting.

    1. My parents divorced after 25 years of marriage, my Mum was quite bitter so I am pleased that she kept Dad’s letters, I must confess curiosity about why they married, the older adults that I knew seemed so incompatible. That said Dad’s writing is terribly difficult to read so whether I could interpret them is questionable. I have never understood how teachers manage to read all their pupils handwriting, it must be some sort of super power.

  26. MrNuts is very analytical and used to play a lot of Scrabble with his Mum. He reckons that if you start Wordle with two words containing the ten most common letters it makes it much easier. He suggested Ariel and snout, I have just done this and got the answer in four, but also much quicker. I hope nobody considers this a spoiler, more of a technique.

    1. KP I had a neighbour who certainly mentioned that “e”is a much used letter. I got caught out yesterday I had 3 letters all in the right place at 3rd attempt - but forgot if a letter is correct and there is more than one in the word you have to enter each one so I discarded what was the correct word, so yesterday was my first failure 😞

    2. I slipped down to 5 today. I do try to use, and get, the vowels in the first two lines.
      Have changed my picture to try to show one of my camellias in full flower, red with golden stamens, and with a bird box opposite.

  27. Scam alert -

    Had a call this morning.
    Man with heavy accent telling me he was from what sounded like Wessex call alert service. Telling me that the service was being upgraded as many reports and complaints that it was not working satisfactorily. Knew my name and asked me to confirm address and post code which I did. But I was alert and waiting for the next question to confirm I paid by DD and then to confirm my account details, at which point I ended the call.
    I’ve blocked the number and reported to BT and it’s been passed to security, and BT are not upgrading the call protect service.
    The number was - 020 3876 9838

  28. RIP - “ you’re starter for 10” Bamber Gascogne 🌹

    1. He to me, is what University Challenge was all about. He was the perfect question master.
      Another sad passing.

  29. Teeth update! 😬 🦷 🦷

    Feeling much happier after seeing the dentist this morning. He says my few remaining front teeth are strong enough but getting very worn down because I have to chew with them. So we agreed he is going to make me some ‘soft’ partial dentures to give me side and back teeth to chew with save the front ones further wear. Quite a long process of impressions and trial fittings etc but I don’t mind that. They are supposed to be more comfortable than old fashioned dentures as they are on a flexible soft base which cushions them.
    And, a lot less expensive than implants would be.
    Many thanks to KP and LanJan for your help and advice.

    1. Hi AP, I am glad to hear that you have decided on a way forward, the flexible partial dentures are generally well tolerated, but do make sure you keep your teeth and the dentures scrupulously clean, and don’t wear them 24/7, take them out regularly to help keep the remaining teeth and gums healthy.

    2. KP - you sound very experienced in all things dentistry…..
      May I ask if you were a dentist in the past or worked in a dental surgery? I have found your posts very helpful.
      So the time has come to put my teeth in a glass by the bed at night then?
      Never thought this would happen to me, but then I never expected to have an artificial hip and knee either.
      I definitely feel old age has arrived. 😂

  30. My today story.
    Two weeks ago, whilst I was shopping in my normal S/bury supermarket, I signed up for a S/bury's Bank Nectar Credit Card. this arrived along with the pin number, a few days ago. All that was needed was to register for an on-line banking and then activate the card.
    I tried 5 times, to keep getting an error message re information.
    I managed to talk to a customer service female, with a lovely Scottish accent, via my land-line, who was absolutely brilliant.
    To keep a long story shorter - she checked all the information, stayed on the phone whilst I did what was needed on my PC, until all was done ie Registered for on-line banking and activated the new credit card.

    I was thrilled with such wonderful personal service, and to know that this actually still does exist.

    1. PS This took over 20 mins to sort out. It took the lovely female, a while to try + sort what the problem could be. As said, all was done well with such care.

    2. Miriam, I have had a Sainsbury’s credit card since they were first introduced many years ago. i was tempted by the fact that you get double Nectar points when using it in Sainsbury’s, and also clock up points every time you use it for other things too - even on eBay.
      I have always found Sainsbury’s Bank very helpful if I have ever had problems, like when my computer was hacked and they immediately cancelled the card and issued me a new one with a different number. And last year they reimbursed me for some goods I had bought online which never arrived. It turned out to be an online scam from China but Sainsburys returned my money and then pursued the scammers.
      I hope you will continue to be happy with the helpful service they provide.

    3. I have also had a Nectar credit card for very many years, but it is the Am Ex one. The S/bury's one, is finally is a good alternative.

  31. This is not a radio programme this time to recommend, but a film.
    BBC1, Friday February 11th at 11.25pm.
    It is The Notebook, adapted from the book written by Nicholas Parks.
    It is so heart-warming and meaningful.

  32. I do not intend mentioning either Wordle or Nerdle again but I did them both today and realised in the first case that the game has crossed the Atlantic already.

    1. Yes, I got it in six but could have done sooner if I had realised the Atlantic problem!

    2. Thanks to your tip Lanjan I got it in 5. Might have been a bit quicker if I hadn't forgotten to carry an orange from step 2 to 3.

  33. I did it in 4 thanks to my sister in Australia making a comment when she shared her grid.

  34. I wouldn’t have got it without your hint Lanjan.
    Why can’t the Americans teach their children how to spell
    As Professor Higgins commented:
    “In America they haven’t used ‘proper English’ for years”
    However the emphasis on accurate spelling has diminished. It is common to find misspellings in print today. Have you seen any change over the years Spicy ?

  35. I have realised that the Philippines have been heavily influenced by America and my daughter in law uses American words and spellings. When out there my son gets called GI Joe by kids who see him as a novelty and trail around after him. In areas where they don't often see white people they think they must be American ( and hope they will dole out sweets!)

  36. I have a "tete-à-tete" in flower, but not where it should be. A pesky squirrel has obviously dug a bulb up, and then replanted it. I now have this single one, in flower, in the middle of my front lawn!
    Strangely the majority of these, in the flower bed, are still not showing buds etc...

    1. I opened this morning, my latest joint gas/electricity bill. What a surprise to learn, my monthly payment has been reduced, with immediate effect. This was not as expected, as I have not done anything different. It has to be due to a milder winter...🤷‍♀️
      Perhaps the 3 windows which I had replaced last year, have made a difference, but doubt it.

    2. You must be the only person in the country with such an encouraging energy bill Miriam. Your new windows ought to have made a difference - they should provide much better heat insulation than older windows.

      Sadly, most of us will see our energy bills shoot up, particularly when the price cap is reviewed in April. For higher earners this will be inconvenient. For those on low and insecure incomes it will be disasterous : (

      And don't get me on to pre-payment metres. A licence to print money if you ask me. Dip ever-so slightly into 'Friendly Credit' and you get charged £10+ for the priviledge. Annoying once a month, if you're on benefits and can only manage to top up by £20 or less a time you're bled dry.

    3. Just consider yourselves to be lucky not to have oil heating ( due to no gas supply in our area)
      We may escape high gas bills but our electricity will greatly increase and the next filling of our oil tank will cost twice as much as that last fill up.

  37. Soz - Spelling is my bugbear! When I started to mark in 1994 exams papers, we had a template and to get full marks of 5 points we were told to accept, with just occasional words not in general use, to give full marks.
    The last time I marked spelling , in about 2013, the full three marks (not five) would be acceptable 'if the meaning was generally readable!'
    I think there is some tightening up of the exams so I will find out again when marking 'Poetry' this year!
    Very annoying when writing on facebook that people do not know how to spell.
    I used to take a red pen and correct posters in the shops once upon a time!

    1. When I started teaching, all a child's subject reports for the year were written on a single sheet of paper. If you wrote your paragraph early, you risked being called back to do a re-write because a delightful colleague had made an error in their report. If you wrote it later, you risked being that delightful colleague!
      What I found disconcerting were the laminated A3 lists of words that were frequently misspelt - made you wonder about some of your fellow educators!
      Perhaps as a result of this, our head insisted on personally checking any letters that were to be typed and sent out to parents and carers. I once took great delight in returning my proof-read letter with his 'corrections' corrected back again!

      Later, the small shoe-dwellers' primary school had a selection of commercially produced educational boards around the playground. One of them informed the reader, 'Your brain is your bodies computer.'
      Mind you, at a shoe-dweller's grammar school there was a sign for 'Visitor's Parking' - must have been a particularly small car park!

      I shall now triple-check what I written for spelling errors and typos ; )

  38. Today I went to see Blood Brothers" again.
    It is a Show I have seen several times some years ago.
    It was an excellent production and the Theatre had quite a few school parties in to watch the Show.
    I presumed they were studying the play for GCSE English Literature.
    We had to study Milton's Comus, Il Penseroso and LAllegro fo GCE "O" level.
    I know which I would have preferred.
    We also "did" Julius Caesar and in fairness we were taken to see the film with Marlon Brando as Brutus and I think John Gielgud as Julius Caesar
    In the interval my son found on his IPhone multiple choice questions about the play.which we presumed were the sort of questions pupils were to answer in their exam.
    Spicycushion and anyone else who might know,is that the case now with GCSE English Literature?

  39. Miriam ( 5.11 yesterday ) All tarrifs have to be reviewed after 6 months, they generally set them high as they like to keep your money in their bank, it is not unusual therefore to have a reset. At the end of my contract last year I had a quarter refunded, as I have used the same company on a 2 year fixed contract and am already after 3 months in credit, I can see I am going to have a battle with them to reduce my payments. Last year they just refunded after 6 months at least I am in a better place to argue with them this year.

    1. I was not in credit by much, but it was nice to see a reduction of sorts, for even just a couple of months...Next review will probably be awful and totally the opposite! 😄

  40. Can anyone help?
    I recently upgraded my iphone and now when I visit tis site I can only comment as "Google Account"
    As you will notice I can still comment on this tablet (and also my Mac) as Pierre les Corbeaux. How do i manage to re register my iphone?

    1. I had a similar problem, but not sure if I can help.
      Post something as "Google Account". When it appears - highlight the poster "name" which then goes onto another page
      In the top RH corner there is a tab marked Edit Profile. Click on this and there is a box which is something like - user name or similar.
      This works on Android, so might not help on your i-phone.
      This is all I can do to help.

    2. Thank you Miriam. I shall give that a try

  41. Goodness me that post appeared as PLC and with my little flag logo.
    I declare you a genius Miriam. Very many thanks. The wiggly amps have been defeated.

  42. OZ has at last opened its borders, and the father of my niece, who lives there, is flying out tomorrow!
    The mothers of both my niece and her hubby - have also booked flights for visits + stays (3-5 weeks duration)- in June + September.
    How lovely these are, but this now means that the OZ family will not be able to visit the UK again, this year.
    The last time they were in the UK, was 2018, which means my niece will not now see her two sisters, and hubby, his 8 brothers + sisters, plus all the new and many children and the very many new cousins - until 2023.
    I really understand that the parents, just want to see their son or daughter plus the grand-sons so quickly. However, this could have been done in the UK - if a visit from the OZ family could have been planned. This would have ended up with many visits, and spending time with all their UK extended families, on a return to the their family homes + areas.

  43. Good foreign news for us too Miriam
    With a huge amount of help from son, we have managed to rebook our flights to see our French family which were cancelled at Christmas due to Covid restrictions
    So we are going at the end of March and can’t wit to see 2 youngest grandsons - who are now 2 1/2 years older (and bigger) than we we last saw them!

    We had the cancellation vouchers to use but I was hours on phone to BA trying to book and I just gave up in the end. But Corrin phoned their French office which seemed less busy and was able to make all the arrangements.
    Just keeping everything crossed that there won’t be a new varient popping up before then! 🤞

  44. We had an outing today, another step on the way to normality! We went to the Donkey Sanctuary on the island and took the dogs. Dudley was mesmerised with these strange creatures and touched noses with two of them. Buddy was not so keen and retreated behind us although he is the more confident of the two generally. There was much excitement at being somewhere different though! The cafe was in a refurbished barn and dogs were allowed and also got two treats each when we were served. A Manchester couple complained about prices in the cafe which compared to pub prices. We thought they were fair considering that there was no entrance fee. They have so many donkeys too and some Shetland ponies which must cost a lot to feed and have veterinary treatment. It was lovely to see the donkeys especially one called Daisy which Katy sponsors for me as an annual birthday present. Daisy is 31 and was contentedly munching hay! I never fail to wonder about the cross on their backs that maybe they are marked as the special beast which carried Jesus! A lovely excursion and relatively near so that we will gladly go again.

    Have just read today that two of “our” eagles have been found dead in Dorset. They are doing post mortems to establish the cause. Very sad.

    1. How sad about your eagles who were surely tagged in some way . Perhaps this will show where they have been, and will give a clue, as to what happened.
      I hope it was a natural cause, rather than a human one.

    2. Yes, they have GPS trackers fitted. Toxicology tests are being carried out apparently so it must be suspected that they have been poisoned. Of course there is the fear that they may prey on young farm animals and of course they could have consumed poison left out for other creatures. They seem mainly to like a diet of fish which is part of the reason they are being released on the island.

    3. This happened to Red Kites in Wales and of course the finger of blame was pointed to Farmers, when the toxicology reports came back they had died of starvation.

    4. I’m only too aware that farmers are blamed so often where in fact they do so much to support wildlife. It is all too easy to speculate but we will have to wait and see what conclusion is reached after all the tests are carried out.

    5. Ev. Good photo of the dogs!!
      Failed at wordle today. What made it worse was husband got it in 5. 😩

      Have stopped buying pheromone plug ins for our Mabel now. Bought her a plush new anti anxiety bed instead. Took ages to source a good quality one…from pupnaps if anyone interested… she won’t go in it! Apparently laid on sofa instead.
      Oh and on another recent topic. Went to dentist for check up yesterday ….nothing done, £92 thank you very much, for both of us!!!! ……but they were advertising implants FROM £2250 per tooth.

    6. I stopped using pheromone plug ins for my cat when I discovered they gave me palpitations, preferred him to pee round the house !
      Have you tried putting his bed on the sofa ? or is it too big?
      I look at all these actors ,( M&F) and see their perfect teeth and I think false, no character.
      my teeth may be falling out but they are not for me.
      Right must get to work !!!

    7. The dogs are on the seat we sit on down at the creek as I need a rest and they like to gaze around! We don’t tarry at the moment - too cold but it is glorious in the spring and summer!

      I got wordle in 4 today. I was lucky to get two letters in the correct place at first attempt. I find it helps to put 5 dashes down and enter correct placements and then add the random ones at the side. Sometimes that makes the word more obvious. Pedantic I know but it works for me!!

      I’m on Denplan which costs £40 a month but it pays off especially when having a complicated filling as I did in October. Prices there and at the Vets make me so grateful for the NHS!

    8. Those dogs are so sweet. I was really hoping that those eagles didn't include the one seen down here, but I noticed they mentioned that they had been previously seen flying over Cornwall. When I tried to check I found the Cornish bird watching site had stopped reporting sightings of it in January because people were trying to entice it down with food (possibly inappropriate) in order to take closer photos, in the Colliford lake area. A couple of weeks ago my daughter and self saw a very large bird in another area of moor that has quarry pools but we couldn't get close enough to identify it. It may just have been a female northern goshawk as they are big.

  45. When the time comes,P tbY, just think what you'll save on fixative and Steradent tablets!
    Archerphile,were you not offered a bridge as an alternative to a denture?

    1. I’m afraid there is nothing strong enough to attach a bridge to LanJan!
      I have no side or back teeth at all, just 6 front teeth top and bottom. They look Ok If I don’t open mouth too wide !!

  46. Ev - your dogs are very cute.
    I didn't know there was an option to use dashes in wordle. I resorted to pen and paper this morning and eventually got it in 5

    1. Sorry, I should have explained it was on paper! It sorts it out quicker for me! Yes, dogs are cute and don’t they know it! Buddy in particular played to the audience yesterday as they were fussed over by staff and the other diners. 🐶🐶🐾🐾

  47. Watched 'Winterwatch' in 8 recorded episodes Tuesday as I'm laid up with burst blister and can't cover it cos it sticks. By the way rang 111 just in case I'd got sepsis 10.30 pm and confirmed that a doc would ring within the next 6 hours. I went to bed! Doc rang 11.00am next morning. Prescribed antibiotics so now another 3 tablets to take a day.
    Luckily my friend for 30 odd years came for coffee today so a break in a day!
    Anyway back to Winterwatch they mentioned the eagles that were appearing over the IOW. Today's paper said that they were over a Grouse moor. So sad, that they are such beautiful birds!
    By the way Wordle was my first that I didn't get for 21 days since I had started playing. Very annoyed!

    1. Sorry about your burst blister Spicy you’ve already had more than your fair share of health issues!

      Wordle in 3 today I could hardly believe it 😱 have got it as a screen icon now as when I tried to find it yesterday the flipping answer came up so that was that 😡

  48. Little Sis, who is a great bird watcher, spent several days at Holkham in Norfolk, trying to spot the sea-eagle which was seen there. This is a short jaunt from where she lives, and despite taking her binoculars + scope, did not see any sign...

  49. I watched last night, purely by accident, a TV programme which I really enjoyed. This was:-
    The Queen's Guards - about the Coldstream Guards in all its many forms.
    This is probably not to many others taste, but I found it fascinating, as to what was shown and what will be seen. The programme next week, includes the preparations as to a big funeral, which happened last year.

    1. Saw this was on Miriam and will now watch on catch up (thought sounded interesting!)

  50. Everyone - enjoy Wordle, Nerdle etc..over the weekend. For me I just love my Sudoko, in its many forms
    Will be back on Monday.
    So until then:-
    Stay safe, warm + comfortable, and may any health problems, start to improve fast, with no further hiccups.
    To add. My ex bro-in-law is now in transit to OZ. He is the 1st UK family member to meet up with those living in Queensland, namely his daughter, her hubby + the grandsons.
    Life is starting again, at last.
    I do wonder though, is it really the begining of The End?

  51. Gary, got up for comfort break and checked in. Looked at heading to this blog, seemed random letters but have found well known phrase in it. A wonder none of us Wordle Nerdles has spotted it before or has someone out there? Finally Goodnight or should I say Good Morning?

  52. Ev ! I'd looked at at it so many times but have only just seen it since reading your post. 🙄

  53. Me too ,Ev and Zoetrope.
    I have found a two word phrase .
    Well done Gary and well done Ev for checking .
    I did look at first but couldn't find anything initially until you mentioned it .

    1. I did comment on the word search header back on Feb 6th, there is a 3 word phrase. Nerdle and Wordle both in 3 today although I was slow with Wordle. MrNuts method gave me the 5 letters in 2 rows I just took a while to do the anagram.
      Off to theatre in Chichester tonight to see “The play what I wrote “ should be fun, although I wonder how many people will wear masks.

    2. Doh! I spotted one of the words very quickly. I even saw the other one, but I added an extra letter and completely failed to see the connection! The answer came to me in a flash over breakfast and then I felt very dum (di dum).

      Came back in here to report my revelation and see KPnuts has found three words. More searching required, I think. KP, I presume I'm looking for a word to extend the phrase I already have, rather than a whole extra three word phrase, am I correct?
      (Best I have so far is *** ZOG ### - an alien invasion to this blog perhaps?)
      (*** and ### represent the two words I have found - but not their length. No spoilers here!)

  54. Just got the first cut of the grass done this morning, desperate to do it before the promised downpours.
    Any suggestions for getting rid of moles painlessly, have tried marshmallows, will have to resort to more painful methods otherwise.

    1. I now have visions of you standing there eating marshmallows,.surrounded by mole hills. I suppose this would be painless for you, but I'm not sure about the moles - do they go off in a huff because they're not getting any? ; )

    2. I was at a gardening club talk once that was about about moles, and they apparently don't like daffodils or the onion family or marigolds so you could try planting these around the area. I just use the fine earth they send up in flowerpots. I read and loved Wind in the Willows when young so could never contemplate harming them. Our naughty Bella cat, living up to her full name Bellatrix, sits beside molehills and has on occasion caught them.

  55. Three word phrase:
    See posts Feb 5th, 11.29am, 3.20pm

    1. Meant to congratulate you at the time Sarnia but didn't get round to it as I was really busy.

    2. I wondered what that was all about! My wheels grind slowly!😁

    3. Ah! Clearly O must pay more attention in future!

  56. I spotted it on the first day.
    Clever Gary !

    I’ve not been able to get Wordle at all for days, but got it in three today.

  57. On the mole problem, they do like asparagus. I have seen a spear slowly descend downwards then vanish beneath the soil while the mole chomped away underground. That was in my sister’s garden. She then used rods in the ground that gave out sound waves which moved the moles out of range of the rods and her asparagus! There is probably a technical name for the rods but they did work.

  58. No wonder I couldn't get the middle word .
    For some reason I couldn't get the bottom horizontal line of letters so was missing an "e"
    Wondered why Sid had returned.
    Just tried it again and there it is .

  59. Just couldn’t resist this profile picture of Dudley! The caption is a meme Katy created as she has been invited to participate in a fitness regime couch to 5 km running! She has declined. Just in case it doesn’t all come out “ you don’t get a body like this ….going couch to 5k! Dudley is a typical Shih Tzu, never happier than when relaxing in luxury!

  60. Moles
    Not far off the truth Owias, I do eat them as I push them down the holes, or buy another packet as I have eaten them.

    Daffodils surround the perimeter of my garden and in the beds round the trees, they take no notice Janice.

    Soz moles dont like noise, I have tried putting plastic bottles but I am on the east coast and the wind whips down off the moor and they are never in place long enough. I will have to look into your sisters idea as yesterday I flattened over 20 hills. never mind the holes left by the Voles. not unsightly, but a nuisance never the less

  61. When I was 11 we had moles in the garden and my Dad asked my Mum why she was leaving mounds of earth on the lawn! Nature wasn’t his strong suit, he was looking forward to the “grapes” that were growing in the greenhouse, until my Mum pointed out that it was deadly nightshade.
    Wordle and Nerdle both in 3 today,
    Theatre last night quite good, although not as funny as I hoped from the reviews, but Adrian Lester is very good looking. The theatre asked everyone to wear masks and most people did, which was good.

  62. Been inspired by the Watercolour Challenge programmes on Ch 5 to get the paints & brushes out again. This is first effort for a long while!
    Taken from a photo of Blake’s Cottage down in the village opposite the pond. A bit blurry but better than my phizogg!

  63. I am planning to pick up a paint brush once I have finished clearing the annex, it will be the first time in about 25 years, I’ve still got all my materials but I imagine the tubes of paint are probably in need of replacement.
    Really dreary day here, MrNuts is watching England slaughtering Italy in the rugby. I hope everyone is staying safe and sound.

  64. Very wet and windy here too.
    Spent the weekend clearing up after the visit of our youngest daughter with her children 18 months and 2 months old. Have decided that it's got a lot more tiring looking after little ones than when our first grandchild was born 10 years ago! Not complaining though as it was lovely to spend time with them.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. We are having to have a new boiler and the plumber recommends a combi boiler. The tank system in the eaves is leaking and we can’t get a new tank in or the old tank out. Last time we had a new boiler in the old house I seem to remember researching and end up with a condensing boiler because this was better if you liked lots of hot water for baths. Has anyone got any experience of a modern combi boiler?

  67. Hello Ptby, I had a combi boiler fitted on the advice of a plumber, it is smallish and fits in my airing cupboard. The great advantage is that it produces hot water on demand, so I don't pay for what I don't use. It controls the central heating too, if both heating and water are on at the same time, the water takes precedence. I have baths not showers, and never have a problem, thoroughly recommend. I live alone, but it makes no difference as the water is only heated when I use it, so even with a house full, I never run out. It is also cheaper than keeping a hot tank warm all day, no immersion heater.

    1. Yes, we have that too. Added benefit is no tank full of water up in the loft as it is taken straight from the Mains. I have been told that nowadays Worcester boilers are very good.

    2. Thanks for the advice. Feel more confident about it being able to fill a bath now.
      Plumber supposed to be coming in a fortnight…..won’t hold my breath.

    3. Grant boilers also seem to be good. My son likes their combi boiler, and doesn't notice any dip in temperature when the heating is on. They do shower rather than having baths though. I only need a boiler for radiators because the Rayburn heats the water, and in fact runs one radiator as a heat leak, so we only need the boiler on in very cold winter weather.

    4. Can wait up to a minuet for the hot water to come through but having constant supply is good.

  68. How have the Wordle fans done today?

    My Monday plan was to go out to a nearby retail park (in Wales), but on waking up - the weather!
    Today has been another one of those awful days, with strong winds and slanting rain, yet again.

    I have a condensing boiler, but like PTBY, the water tank in my loft is far too big to be removed, without taking the roof off! It is 🤞 that I don't have a similar problem 🙀

    I have seen some wonderful photos from OZ, with a Dad meeting up with his daughter + grand-sons. Like every-one else, with family living abroad, it is for the 1st time since 2019.
    The smiles were so broad 😁

  69. It was the super bowl last night so I decamped to a friends for the night. It was like being on holiday. No lump lying next to me snoring!
    So when boyo arrived for me this morning we decided to zoom off to ikea. Drip feeding about getting a new sofa cos I discovered ours has a split cushion the other week. The leather is jiggered too with the dogs getting on it. It is 23 yrs old. So I’m for getting a cheapish new sofa with removable covers for washing.
    So had him sitting on ikea sofas trying to get his opinion on them. Like getting blood from a stone. Home now. He’s had to go to the pub to recover.

    1. ..but did you both choose and decide on anything?

    2. To add -
      In my experience washable covers are a nightmare. They are so big to fit into the washing machine, to then hang out on the washing line, then to iron these.
      Mine were never the same again, even after a 2nd dry-cleaning try!
      I much prefer my leather settee + chairs, which I now have.

    3. Cleaning suites is always a nightmare. I have already mentioned washable covers. The suite that followed this one was also difficult. It was lovely, but the only way to clean it, was to use a "carpet" type shampoo on it. Also Pusscat loved scratching it, so pulled many threads out of the chairs etc.
      I much prefer the latest leather one, as so easy to keep clean, condition etc. It just suits me, at this moment in time..

    4. Seen what I’d get. He’ll have to think about it for a bit though first.

  70. IF any-one like me, is a fan of GBBO, then i recommend the start of a new OZ series (think from 2019 🤷‍♀️).
    This started last night on More4.
    It is just as good, or even better, than the UK version, and worth watching if it something that appeals..

  71. Miriam, about Wordle, I gave up for the first time today. I was stuck after four tries and didn’t want to become too obsessed by it!

    1. I tried on and off all day Hilary then resorted after my 3rd go to using “the hint” and completed in 4 but not a true result really 😞

    2. I did Wordle before bed last night and got it in five.

    3. I’m now waiting for midnight each night. Bit obsessed with it. Got it in 5 today.

  72. P tbY .
    I love sofas with loose covers.
    Once bought one from IKEA and it was very comfortable.
    People seemed surprised when we said where we had got it from .

  73. Just testing that I can still post on here via chrome. I’ve been trying but failing to post for a very long time .

    1. Hello Jinner and welcome look forward to reading your future posts 🤗 👏🏻

    2. Thinking about you only a few days ago Jenner, and wondering wether you were still with us but silent.
      Well done for being able to post.
      It’s difficult for many of us.

    3. I have great problems too Jinner, one of the reasons I don’t post much these days!
      But lovely to see you back and hope the link keeps going for you and you can continue to get through.

      While I am here, a quick recommendation for a lovely comedy/drama series on Sounds that I discovered recently.
      Called ‘For the Love of Leo’ starring Mark Bonnar. The story of a man whose wife died in a mysterious car crash and how he gets on with his life afterwards and the people who he meets. Should explain that he can still communicate with his wife occasionally so a bit of a ghost story too. There are 3 series and it really helps to start with series 1, episode 1, so you understand the story. Funny, romantic and very touching.

    4. Archerphile. it's one of my favourites too. I look out for anything Mark Bonner is in, because I love his voice.

  74. Thank you Mrs P and Archerphile for your welcome back messages.

    Just a quick update. 2021 was a tough year for my husband and me. He spent most of it in and out of hospital eventually having an op which, happily, was successful. He’s now fully recovered but the experience led us to re-evaluate our future and what was important to us both. Turned out it was to be spending more quality time with our young grandsons so we made the decision to move closer to them. It was a bit of an upheaval but we left our lovely home in the Stroud area, bought a large new build (we’re done with DIY and ‘doing up’ ) in Hampshire and moved in just before Christmas.
    Our home is now near the small village of Curbridge which is in the Winchester City Council area.
    It’s still all very new (My husband has never lived outside of Stroud) but we’re looking forward to exploring new places, establishing a new garden and, of course, we’re already spending more time with our delightful grandsons ☺️

    Throughout this last year I’ve been dipping into this blog and empathised, sympathised and rejoiced with the news I have read in the posts from all of you. So thank you for keeping me going 💐👍. Oops ! That wasn’t a quick update 😉😁

    1. Good to hear your positive news after your bad year in 21 Jinner.
      I wish you all the very best in your new life in Hampshire.
      You may have missed that I too have sold in Stroud, but so far haven’t found a new home elsewhere.
      I envy you.
      Do keep persevering on the blog.

    2. Mrs P I’ve read your comments on the blog about you selling up in Stroud and I hope you find a home where you will happy very soon x

      Esscee. 👍. Thanks. I’ve been able to read and post comments via my usual web browser (Safari) until about a year ago when I bought a new iPad. I tried everything that had been suggested on here by various bloggers but to no avail. All I could do is read comments until I stumbled across Chrome and tried it out today. I will definitely not sign out 😁👍

  75. Lovely to hear from you again Jinner.
    Pleased to hear that things have got much better for you this year.

    Thank you for the suggestion "For the love of Leo",Archerphile.

    Look forward to hearing it.
    I asked before whether anyone had listened to "Fairy Meadows"
    Nobody responded so I assume the answer was"no"
    I thought it was worth listening to.

    1. Jenner, I’m sure you will be very happy in Hampshire and wish you and your husband all the best. It isn’t too far from we islanders on the Isle of Wight! Katy is doing her PhD externally at the University of Winchester but of course nowadays mainly online but she does occasionally go up there for the day. My mother in law came from Stroud and we lived in Ledbury before moving here in 2015. I have passed through Stroud on one of our journeys way back and it is lovely there but equally so in Hampshire!

  76. How do you find a list of books on Sounds?
    I have only been able to do so if I know the title.
    I would like to be able to browse the options available, as if in a library or a book shop. So far, when I've searched for 'Book of the week' or 'books' I have got programmes about books /authors but not the books themselves. 🤔

    1. I am not sure what you are looking for, but I find a lot my looking through the "categories" section, particularly when view all.
      This is where I found a lot that suits me, so I either then subscribe or download.

    2. Zoetrope, if you scroll down to the very bottom of the Sounds page, it has different categories to choose from, in the form of grey photos. If you select 'browse all speech', audio books are the second image along, top row.

    3. Thank you Miriam and Mistral.
      I listened to 'Wintering' recently, which I really enjoyed (and had remembered by name).
      From the list found as you described, I recognised 'Paw tracks in the Moonlight' as recommended on here, so that will be my next listen.
      I so often hear snippets when I'm driving and think that I must find in Sounds, but forget to do that, then forget the titles!

    4. What I find strange with Sounds, is how long epidodes of a chosen listen, are available to do just that.
      Some are for just 30-40 days, so need to be listened to quickly, yet others are available for over a year.
      I wonder how this is decided.

    5. The latest Paul Temple and Lord Peter Wimsey series, are also on a 30days and probably now even less, listen.

  77. I am also listening to For The Love of Leo, and really enjoying it.

    Like Jinner, nearly all of my friends, have done exactly the same in both 2020 + 2021, moving to be nearer to their family and grand-children.
    This is one positive effect of the pandemic.

    Now for 3 days of weather warnings of gales and rain, starting tomorrow afternoon, so I will be supermarket shopping in the morning, just in case!
    I still recall the Girl Guide motto - Be Prepared...and I still have my now very tarnished, girl guide badge.

    My lawn treatment firm came this morning, but this was not done by mutual aggreement. The grass has grown so quickly in the last two months, and is now very long. The ground is also very waterlogged and squelchy, with will become worse, if the forecast is accurate!

    1. Sounds. The Love of Leo -series one, episode one, is only available for now 13days, yet series 2+3, can be listened to for over a year.
      I don't understand this and as to why.

    2. Miriam, were you taught to polish the back of your promise badge? I think the idea was that everybody could see the front, but only you would know if the back was shiny - so it was a reminder to put effort and care into everything you did, not just the things other people saw. Later on they changed the metal of the badges so they no longer needed polishing. Not sure what the new message was, perhaps that it's better to out-source a task than to put effort into it yourself ; )

      Our gardener came back for the first time this year. I think he got the grass cut before the heavens opened and he had to stop.

      I'm currently listening my way through 'David Baddiel Tries to Understand' (whilst cutting out rocking snails with my lovely Cricut machine) when I've finished I shall give The Love of Leo a go.

  78. Hi Jinner, nice to see you again. Welcome to Hampshire. I used to drive through Curbridge on my way to work, loads of building going on there.
    There’s quite a few of us in Hampshire, maybe we should try to meet up in Winchester?

    1. Hi KPnuts. Thank you for your welcome. It’s a small world ! I wondered if anyone on the blog living in Hampshire would know Curbridge. Yes there’s certainly loads of building going on. We are getting used to being somewhat in the countryside yet so close to conveniences. ☺️

  79. We are all different.
    What suits many ,or possibly most ,people does not necessarily suit all.
    It must be lovely of course to move with one's spouse to be near to one's children and grandchildren .
    When my lovely husband died ,nearly a year ago now ,some people assumed I would move 250 miles north to live near to my younger son ( closer than crossing the Atlantic to live near to my elder son) .
    Admittedly when we first met I told my husband that I felt sorry for him because he lived in the south!
    Now I do not want to be anywhere else but here.
    Why would I want to move?
    Here is where I have my memories
    I have made good ,kind friends and the cats wouldn't want the upheaval either.
    Regarding the motto "Be Prepared" ,I am not sure about that now.
    I am a Queen's Guide but I think it is possible to be too prepared.
    My motto now is "Take each day as it comes"
    At the moment it seems to be working for me

    1. Us Northeners have to be prepared for 3 days of the two latest named storms, with gales, rain, sleet, hail and possibly snow.
      GG in Glasgow, will be in a far worse situation, and I wish them both well.
      It is better to stay safe, after all.

  80. Jenner - Welcome to Hampshire!
    There are several of us bloggers in the county. I live about 10 miles north of Winchester in a small village, so we are not far away. There are so many interesting places to visit nearby and I am sure you will enjoy your life here, especially with grandchildren nearby. Bienvenue!

  81. Sorry about spell check altering your name!

    1. Thank you Archerphile. Our decision to move from Gloucestershire was not taken lightly but we feel it is the best one for us. Our grandsons and our daughter and son in law live a couple of miles away in Botley Son in law is awaiting a kidney transplant and it’s lovely that we can support them with extra child care. Our little grandsons are a joy. We are so looking forward to investigating the area as it seems so diverse with many beautiful places. Of course we miss The Cotswolds very much but as I have a twin brother still living in the Stroud area and good friends there too we shall be making frequent return visits. They can’t get rid of us that easily !😃

  82. I do envy my friends who live near to their grandchildren and see them frequently. Ours are spread out near Bath, near Oxford and in Edinburgh so we spend a lot of time on the M6 motorway!

  83. I must be the only person who does not want grandchildren. A close friend has just had her first grandchild and is looking after him 3 days a week. I have been to visit her a couple of times and get him plonked on me whilst she does a few jobs. I don’t mind if it helps her but it has enforced my anti-grandchildren feeling. I’m just no good with children. I keep telling my son that he couldn’t afford kids. His girlfriend does want children. They’ve now got a dog…..judging by how he behaves, God help them if they ever have children.

    1. I am not too bothered either, Ptby. I have a step family in Dorset, grandchildren and great grandchildren but distance stops me from any real involvement. In any case, having brought up two stepdaughters and my own daughter I had enough of childcare and would find it difficult to dedicate certain days of the week to it as some do. I do sympathise for the need nowadays for both parents to go out to work as mortgages and general cost of living make huge demands but having to pay for childcare and all the other costs involved is also an element of expenditure. You miss so much if you have a baby and then leave him/her in someone else’s care. I find it very boring when people produce photos of the revered grandchild and expect me to be lost in admiration! Oh, well, Ptby we are in the minority but proud of it!😉😁

  84. I don't think you are in the minority P tb Y and Ev.regarding not being interested in looking at photographs of new grandchildren .
    I am with you both 100% .

    I have mentioned before that friends have a pot if they host a Dinner into which a pound has to be put if grandchildren are mentioned.
    Excellent idea.
    It is something I would do if I hosted a Dinner Party which is very unlikely .

    I remember being in a pub once when there were a group of people sitting at a table.
    One man told the other people that when he was talking to his grandson about a series of bridges supporting a railway the child had replied"What you mean is a viaduct ,grandpa."
    I caught the eye of a woman and she rolled her eyes and we both fell about laughing.


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