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Life outside Ambridge




    Proud to be Yorkshire - February 16, 2022 at 7:49 AM
    I must be the only person who does not want grandchildren. A close friend has just had her first grandchild and is looking after him 3 days a week. I have been to visit her a couple of times and get him plonked on me whilst she does a few jobs. I don’t mind if it helps her but it has enforced my anti-grandchildren feeling. I’m just no good with children. I keep telling my son that he couldn’t afford kids. His girlfriend does want children. They’ve now got a dog…..judging by how he behaves, God help them if they ever have children.

    Ev - February 16, 2022 at 8:28 AM
    I am not too bothered either, Ptby. I have a step family in Dorset, grandchildren and great grandchildren but distance stops me from any real involvement. In any case, having brought up two stepdaughters and my own daughter I had enough of childcare and would find it difficult to dedicate certain days of the week to it as some do. I do sympathise for the need nowadays for both parents to go out to work as mortgages and general cost of living make huge demands but having to pay for childcare and all the other costs involved is also an element of expenditure. You miss so much if you have a baby and then leave him/her in someone else’s care. I find it very boring when people produce photos of the revered grandchild and expect me to be lost in admiration! Oh, well, Ptby we are in the minority but proud of it!😉😁

    Lanjan - February 16, 2022 at 10:32 AM
    I don't think you are in the minority P tb Y and Ev.regarding not being interested in looking at photographs of new grandchildren .
    I am with you both 100% .

    I have mentioned before that friends have a pot if they host a Dinner into which a pound has to be put if grandchildren are mentioned.
    Excellent idea.
    It is something I would do if I hosted a Dinner Party which is very unlikely .

    I remember being in a pub once when there were a group of people sitting at a table.
    One man told the other people that when he was talking to his grandson about a series of bridges supporting a railway the child had replied"What you mean is a viaduct ,grandpa."
    I caught the eye of a woman and she rolled her eyes and we both fell about laughing.

  2. A very close friend of mine had her first grandchild 2 weeks ago. After she had sent me a couple of pictures I felt very comfortable in telling her that that was more than enough. She totally agreed with me - she fears turning into the bore in the corner banging on about their perfect grandson or daughter!

    Stay safe with all these bloomin' storms everyone and a big welcome back to Jinner! So glad you managed to rejoin us.

    1. It’s bad enough here in Hampshire Gary but I have heard on the radio this evening that Glasgow being really battered. Do hope that both of you and your property survive intact.

  3. I have never shown anyone photographs of my grandchildren and I have no interest in looking at anyone else’s G children.
    I’ve also never looked in a pram to admire any baby.
    However I must admit to frequently admiring other peoples lovely dogs.

    I have a neighbour who’s daughter is a rising pop star and often wants to show me pictures of her performing along with reviews of her records.
    I am very polite !

  4. Oh well, perhaps I am lucky then and don't have to bore other people! (Joking!)
    My grandsons were five and seven when they left me to go to Australia, now 24 and 26!
    My grandaughters are now 10 and 14 and I have , until a couple of years ago, had regular contact with them about every three months or so.
    So I don't have to go on about grandchildren because I don't know them.
    Likewise I don't have to go on about distant (miles away!) sisters, or my ex-husband or other relatives. I suppose I'm a loner!
    Perhaps youngest son and dil may have a baby in the future but when they visited me a fortnight ago they were saving up for another house! Son is 40 and dil 32 so I suppose they may not want one!

    Oh well I got Wordle in 3 today. My eldest son hasn't even heard of it!

    1. Hey Spicy…..same here re wordle. Apparently husband eventually guessed it on 6th attempt and then had to look up the word!!🤦‍♀️

      I’m with you Mrs P, would rather look at someone’s dog than a baby in a pram.

      You and me Ev…..👍

  5. I love spending time with my grandchildren. I'm also happy to hear about other people's as well as their cats and dogs.

    1. I have never had children, but I would love to have grand- children.
      I do have a strong bond though, with a lot of my now, very many grand nieces + nephews, as I do with their Mum's + Dad's. I just love seeing photos and vids.of them all, no matter what they are doing.
      They are part of my family - after all.

    2. PS Wet, Windy + Wild. Everything is secure, for the next few days.

    3. I also love hearing and reading about others grand children. These make many so proud, in very different ways, and why not.

    4. I got wordle in five today. I did know the word as my husband was a Shipwright in the Navy and the word was originally a practice in boat and shipbuilding although it can apply in other circumstances!

      I am now an Alexa convert and have just replaced my bedroom radio with one. As well as listening to live radio I can request any program on sounds and Katy has linked it to her Spotify (don’t ask as I don’t understand!) which means I can also request any music. I also have one in my utility room so can listen when ironing and .I think I will get another for the hatch between the kitchen and lounge. They cost much less than a good radio and the sound is superb but you do need a Katy to set it up!!😉😊

    5. Ev. That's me - now so bewixted + bewildered!

    6. We periodically try asking Small Person's Alexa if she's a spy - we never get a straight answer ...

  6. I surprised myself last Easter by suddenly thinking what brilliant parents my daughter and her girlfriend would make. They’re only in their early 20’s so nothing for a while but my daughter says they want to foster/adopt at some point, neither of them have the urge to pass on their genetic make up. I would certainly like to be a granny and preferably before I am too old to be fairly hands on. I worked 3-4 days/week all the way through with my two so the idea of doing some more childcare has some appeal, but not full time!

    1. I saw Easter Eggs in the S/market this morning. As Valentines has just passed by, I was not that surprised. It is the next major commercial event, after all.

    2. Good luck to your daughter and her partner KP.
      Plenty of good same sex couples making good parents out there.
      And well done for looking forward to your grandchildren.
      You will clearly love them with or without your genetic input.

  7. All you anti-grandchildren folk are making me feel very uncomfortable. I love my grandchildren and am very proud of them.
    I loved helping to look after my daughters children when they were babies and it was not an unwelcome chore at all,

    Some of you are very interested in talking about your dogs, what they get up to and putting pictures of them
    on here. I am not the slightest bit interested in anyones dogs but put up with doggy chat as this blog is supposed to be open to everyone and their interests.

    So what’s the difference between grandchildren and dogs?
    Have a little tolerance please and don’t make me feel ashamed because I love my grandchildren and like to speak about them from time to time.

    1. I’m not making anyone feel ashamed of their grandchildren. Why should you feel uncomfortable with my opinion on the subject. As you basically say, each to his own and the blog has many subjects. I’m not apologising for my opinion and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to apologise for theirs either.

    2. I am very much looking forward to my first grandchild in April, and so is our neighbour-with-the-chickens as her daughter has no intentions of having children. I just wish I was 10 years younger. No doubt I will replace my camellia picture with one of the baby when it comes. 😉

    3. I saw a sign once:
      'Our grandchildren are wonderful - we should have had them first.' ; )

  8. Anybody want to a recalcitrant printer?
    The **%?$%^&* thing keeps going offline then trying to restart the job.
    The only time in the last half hour that it stayed on task for more than 10 seconds it spent 5 minutes trying to print one page before giving up halfway through.
    Print Preview has interrupted me 10 whilst I've been typing this. And I still don't have a single page to show for it. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  9. Got Wordle in four.
    Hope to get some sleep now.

    1. Managed in 3 usually pure luck (did mine at 12.15am still took about 15mins though)
      Hope you slept well Mrs P 🤞🏼


    Why do you feel that those with a different outlook about grandchildren are attempting to make you feel ashamed ?

    We all look at life from a different perspective don’t we ?

    And I’m not sure that anyone said that they were anti grandchildren.
    I simply said I wasn’t interested in other peoples photographs, and I didn’t feel the necessity to show photographs to others.
    As a matter of fact I don’t have any photographs to show anyone as I have a very simple mobile that I rarely have with me.
    I’m very sorry that you have felt uncomfortable to read that some others feel differently to you, but I’m not going to apologise for doing so.

    But your not alone in feeling proud of your G children. I’m sure most of us are proud of ours if we have them. I certainly am, and sometimes I’ve talked about mine.
    I think you should just continue mentioning yours as you have been and stop feeling uncomfortable about doing so, and continue to put up with some of us when we talk about dogs.

  11. Archerfile, of course you love your grandchildren and are very proud of them. That’s only right but some are obsessive to the point of boredom. I have known cases where I have just met people and the photos come out! Certainly comments made here should not make you ashamed of being a brilliant Granny! As for dogs, mine helped me greatly after losing my husband but not as much as my daughter did of course. They are part of our family and our daily experience. Looking after them and in your case having looked after your grandchildren is all about love and that can’t be bad.

  12. I can only agree with Mrs P and Ev.
    I am very proud of my grandchildren but as they live nearly 5000 miles away ,like Spicycushion I am not able to see them and I am sure that none of you would be interested in what they are doing .
    However I was interested in your family's position Archerphile when they were in Dubai and now that they are in France but if you started telling us about their day to day activities regularly -which you haven't - I would certainly turn off .
    I think though that photographs of babies are the most boring.
    I thought my younger son looked like Buddha when he was born so anybody saying he was lovely would have been lying.
    I asked a new grandma what name her daughter had given to her new baby and she replied,"Clay " and I wasn't sure what to say !

    I agree with what Ev says about her dogs and how they helped her after her husband died
    I am not a dog person but am interested to read about them on the blog .
    As you know my husband died just under a year ago and my two cats have helped me through a very bad period.

    1. Ah Poppy & Percy did they watch ⚽️ with you last night LJ or wander off 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

      I love reading everyone’s news as my family members virtually all live away and we are not able to travel therefore I enjoy hearing all your stories 🤗
      Spicy my Nephew of 51yrs and his partner of 38yrs have just had their first baby! They live in Antigua so baby born just before Christmas has already been introduced to the water…I so enjoy their photos and little videos. My sister only 3 yrs older than myself has has grandchildren in their 30’s already and great grandchildren so it’s odd for her to go backwards to a new grandchild - she is off to visit next month. There I’ve managed to rattle on about babies after all 🤣

    2. Me too, Lady R! It’s nice to read about bloggers’ families and pets and I love hearing about babies! A miraculous bit of the future that we can feel part of.

  13. Janice, you must be very excited about your first grandchild. Will be pleased to hear your good news in April.

  14. Be it pets, children, grand-children, family etc. - all of us have different things to focus on in our lives.
    If these help, then this is wonderful, so it is expected that news is posted. I for one, love reading all the posts about these, be it pets or humans.
    My pusscat (even with her problems), is the living being who shares my home and it is still worth the care and attention. 😺

  15. Maybe ‘ashamed’ was the wrong word
    I seem to be using a lot of wrong words recently!
    What I meant was, when I first opened this new blog there were several posts about not wanting to hear about, or see photos of peoples grandchildren.
    Someone even mentioned a fine box for anyone talking about grandchildren at dinner, or something like that.
    It made me feel that I shouldn’t mention mine so often, that I was probably boring people with tales of what they are doing, or have achieved.
    So I felt I shouldn’t mention them at all, and not having (or even liking) dogs I wondered what I could mention without annoying anyone.
    So, ‘ashamed’ was the wrong word Ptby, Mrs P and LanJan and, once again I find I have expressed myself badly.
    I just don’t want to bore or annoy anyone.
    I’ll have to think of more interesting subjects to talk about.

    1. Archerphile just carry on being yourself it’s what we should all do here I always find your posts a combination of interesting/ funny/ thought provoking/encouraging etc so don’t judge yourself harshly (as we have said to “our”Miriam before now 🤗)

  16. I don't find your posts boring Archerfile

  17. It’s ok Archerphile. I seem to upset someone every time I post. I’m thick skinned though. And yes ashamed was the wrong word.

  18. I think our day to day lives on the blog are far from boring as they are so diverse. If today’s events include news of children, grandchildren, pets, what is in bloom or what books or programs we enjoy, it all adds up to interesting accounts. Your posts are not boring, Archerfile and please continue to tell us your news and thoughts. Do you remember the radio program about two ladies e-mailing? I used to enjoy that but it was mainly mundane stuff as is conversations from a long marriage which is on currently. We don’t need to discuss the meaning of life or the theory of relativity to be interesting!

  19. I have spent a lovely hour or two, sorting out my big tub and front garden. This is to ensure all the planted bulbs will thrive, and so give a wonderful display, to enjoy very soon.
    This was done in the lull between the storms, as it is still so very calm and still. I have taken my hanging basket down though, as a precaution
    Tomorrow is another day.
    Stay Safe All.

    1. PS I have mini daffs in flower, along with snowdrops and crocus. These are early, but are so lovely to see.
      The pansies I planted last October in my window box, have flowered constantly and are still flowering well
      The hyacinths planted at the same time in the same window box, are also about to come into flower. 🤞

  20. Just listened to the tribute to Barry Cryer on Radio 4, we laughed a lot.

  21. Early night tonight, as I plan an early morning get up tomorrow - forvthe mens curling final in the Winter Olympics, with GB going for Gold It's a 6.05 start!

  22. Has any one watched "Its a Sin "., I guess its not many peoples cup of tea, but I found it very moving and a reminder how difficult life was in those early days.and the impact it had on some of my friends.

  23. Take great care everyone and don’t take any risks by going out during Storm Eunice tomorrow.
    We are expecting a lot of damage around here with trees being felled and will almost certainly have powercuts as our line comes through several woods and forests to reach us.
    We are hoping it won’t be as bad as in 1987 when we were without electricity, light, heating, hot water or cooking facilities for 10 days - a nightmare.
    So if I don’t communicate for a few days it will due to a lack of Wi-Fi!
    Good luck friends.

    1. 🤞🏼 Archerphile and everyone.
      We certainly won’t be venturing out! Feel sorry for those with no choice. Shops could have closed for the day as they will have very few customers and in some cases none. Supermarkets have been especially busy today I hear as one would expect. Probably not a lot of sleeping throughout the night tonight.
      Miriam I hope you have electricity to enjoy the 🥌 very good chance of a gold we feel 🥇

    2. I remember the 1987 storm. I was in hospital in labour with my son, and the wind was howling and all kinds of things rattling around outside. I call him the child of the storm, and my daughter the child of the comet because Halley's comet was in the sky at the time of her birth.
      We had one of our chimney protectors ( to stop the jackdaws falling down) blown off in a storm the night before last, so hope no more come off tonight. We have old fashioned sprocketed eaves which make it difficult for using ladders.

  24. This blog may be quiet tomorrow, I am expecting a power cut, so devices charged, torches to hand. We will still have the gas hob for cooking, log burner for heat and a well insulated house so not really too worried. I hope everyone stays safe and warm.

  25. I envy you the gas supply KP! No gas here means no cooking, but at least we have a log burner stove now which we didn’t have in 87. Though it is quite mild so we shouldn’t need to light it.

  26. Having lived with out electricity for many years I have everything needed .
    Does your woodburner have a flat top ? I cook and heat my hot water on the top except when I have visitors when I put the central heating on (low) and it feels like a hot house !

  27. Don’t know where the storm is as the trees are not moving here and it’s bright sunshine.
    Hope everyone keeps safe down south.
    Not seen that prog Cowgirl….didn’t look my cup of tea. We have just watched “the Tourist”. That was good.

    1. Cant watch it PtoBY as I dont have a TV licence, havent had one for 40 years, except the year that was free .

  28. Think it must have blown hard in the night , another 3 fence panels have gone down.

  29. Winds are high here, over 100 mph at the Needles. Bin collections have been suspended today. Neighbour across the road had put their bin out. Katy went across to tell them as it was on social media. They didn’t know but still didn’t take it in. A bit later it was toppled and the insert for paper blew away spilling contents. Katy had gone out as we heard a thump thinking it was ours which is out at the side. She ended up chasing their litter and came in a bit breathless as after COVID her lung capacity has gone down a bit. To cap it all I just saw them going out in the car! He is one of those who think they know best and won’t be told! Just hope they don’t get into trouble and inconvenience the emergency services!!

  30. Hope everyone is safe. It is a howling gale here, guttering down and a window pane blown in in the front room. I have done my best to block it up. Guttering is down next door as well, but the chickens next door are in a sheltered place and staying inside their little houses which are still standing so far. I can hear a banging coming from the shed in the field but I can barely stand outside so that will have to wait until the wind dies down. Hoping none of the trees come down.
    The main manager has cancelled anyone going to work at the holiday park today, but our local electrician has gone in because the power has cut out and there are visitors in the chalets. He phoned to say he didn't think anyone, visitors or workers, should be on site today. My daughter who lives closer than the other senior workers is on standby if any of the visitors have real problems.

  31. Very windy here.
    Noticed some white plastic wire hanging outside the windows.
    Presume it is something to do with the TV or aerial .
    It'll have to stay like that.
    I assume those of you who live more south westerly are getting the brunt and my thoughts are with you.

  32. Snow here this morning, bright sunshine now.

  33. I hope all are safe, well, and warm.
    I have been lucky, as the strong winds only started at mid-day, and are already starting to die down, though still gusty. This was far less than what was told to expect.
    I am so glad, as family are due to fly off on holiday, from Manchester, at 9.00pm tonight, plus the neccessary travel to the airport.

    I wish warmth, hot food/drinks - to you all.

  34. The wind has finally made it to us. Very gusty. Not much in the way of rain though, so one positive.

  35. Bright sunshine now but still windy.
    A tree has been uprooted in a nearby road.
    How are those of you getting on who are further south and west .
    Have you still got power?
    A friend who lives in a village in Somerset has no electricity .

  36. My early get-up was in vain this morning. The GB mens curling final is tomorrow. As such, I went back to bed with a cup of
    tea, the radio + a book with cat curled up against me.
    I watched the GB female curling semi-final today.
    How does such a slow sport, but so skillful, become so exciting + nail-biting?
    Another gold medal final to watch, but will check the time + day, this time...

  37. Two panels on fence down, broken up in pieces. My 'garden seat', a swing seat for two with canopy etc has been tossed down the garden. Still blowing so I am not going outside to pick it up.
    Jon stayed at home today so I didn't have to worry about traffic. A2 shut as power lines down but we (at the moment) have power.
    Thank goodness the trees have no leaves on them. The wind blew through the branches unlike 1987 when leaves acted as sails!
    Probably spend tomorrow in the garden!!

  38. We seem to have got away pretty lightly here. A couple of flickers of the lights and the internet has been a bit wobbly but otherwise no problems. A few branches down in the garden, nothing too large, and a small tree in next door’s garden is now at about 20degrees from the horizontal, but it was in a patch of brambles so again no major damage. It’s been a slightly strange day but watching the birds fly backwards has been entertaining.

    1. I wondered that they could fly at all. The wood pigeons came, when the wind wasn't blowing, to polish off the peanuts, then as soon as the wind got up they flew away, possibly forwards! All other birds stay in the hedges!

    2. I have hardly experienced the storm at all, but I did notice that all the birds disappeared, and were just roosting in the nearby hedges. They know best.

  39. Little Sis in Norfolk, is the only home in the village where she lives, with electricity. They have solar panels and so are using what has been stored - not that I understand this!
    She is hosting neighbours for a meal tonight.

    1. We still have power but was worried as all lines here are above ground! It is still windy but not as bad. My fragile garden gate is still OK. It was due to be replaced yesterday but Steve’s truck is having prolonged stay in garage getting the brakes done! Hopefully he will be able to do the job next week! Although record wind speed recorded at the Needles, it is always the worst part of the island for adverse weather and we are well away from that area.

    2. Ev. So glad to hear all is well. I thought about you, when I read the 122mph recorded wind on IOW.

    3. Pretty windy but not half as bad as I expected.
      Did not go out in car or visit any local commons since each one in direct line due west to Wales and across the Severn.
      Apparently the water level did not rise to the expected limit, but certainly some of the villages close to the Severn suffered.

  40. Down in Bournemouth for a week. Many branches on roads but I saw no serious damage. It was interesting to see fence panels nearly walking by themselves out of
    B and Q late this afternoon.

  41. Got tomorrows Wordle in three tonight.

    1. Took me 4 this time. We are obviously “Wordelers” together in the early morning hours of the morning Mrs P 🤣

  42. Well done Mrs P.
    I have just done it in 4 but did do the Nerdle in 3.
    Have you tried that ?

  43. There's a new game called Quordle. 4 five letter words to guess in 9 attempts!
    I tried it last night for the first time and got all words but 2 on the 8th and 9th attempts.
    Today I only got 2 if the 4 words.

    1. Flipping heck that’s hard. I ended up with 3 of the words but didn’t get the first one till 6th attempt, and it was a guess….never heard of the word.

  44. LanJan, snap! Wordle in 4 and Nerdle in 3, our hermit daughter has been doing Wordle for about 6 weeks and was narked that she broke her run yesterday.
    Qourdle sounds complex, I will look in but try not to get hooked.
    Lovely clear sunny day outside, so no excuse not to get up.

  45. Tried sweardle. I’m good at that. Got it in 2!!!! Knew I had a special talent somewhere. 🤭

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 sounds right up your street Ptby - love it!

    2. Meant to add not looking good for Archerphile it seems as if those pesky trees may have cut their electricity/internet if so hope repair is quicker than the 10 day cut they endured before in ‘87….

      ‼️Miriam saw the last run of the mens Curling Final - what a tussle. (No spoilers)

  46. I succumbed to trying Quordle, got practice in seven, MrNuts and I combined managed today’s in nine, took far too long, not a good use of time. Weather turned a bit wet, no excuse to put off housework, but I’m sure I’ll find some distraction 😄

  47. Seems to be the score of the day - snap!
    I shall avoid Qourdle - I already spend too much time on Absurdle.

  48. The first time I tried Absurdle I got it in about 4.
    Then I read the rules!
    Have tried once since and failed so have given up.
    I'll carry on with quordle for a while as well as wordle and Nerdle.

  49. My neighbour has peafowl, they often come in my garden, today I saw him displaying for the first time, what a magnificent sight.

  50. Hello everybody!
    Yes, we lost power for about 6 hours yesterday (not nearly so bad as 87), but we lost our phone and broadband for much longer so couldn’t get onine.
    Unable to perch more than a tiny saucepan on top of woodburner so might have been able to heat up one cup of water at a time.
    Lost two fence panels, lots of branches off trees but very glad we had the drive lined with 8ft high trellis panels last year because the wind could blow through them.
    Worst thing is the collapse of our lovely pergola, made from very substantial oak posts. The front beam has split in half and it’s collapsed at one end. We think it was the Wisteria and vines over the top that caught the wind and caused the damage. Will need professional repair I think.

    Amazingly, we found out this morning that Scottish & Southern Electricity had joined our “local resilience partners” (?) to set up local welfare vans at strategic points in Hampshire and I OW providing hot drinks and meals for those without power! There was one in my daughter’s village so if only we’d known, we could have gone and used it!
    They certainly didn’t have local resilience teams in 1987 so that, at least, is an improvement.

  51. Pleased you have your power back ,Archerphile but sorry to hear about your fence panels and particularly about your Pergola..
    This morning was really pleasant here and I was able to do the garden.
    The worst thing that seems to have happened overnight is that a large lavender bush had been blown over so I have now replanted it.
    It may not survive but It has two chances .

    I am going to avoid quordle too
    I spend far too much time on quizzes and puzzles as it is without adding more.

    I wonder where Basia is .

    1. I hope Basil still reads or dips into our blog, knows that she is missed, and will one day join us again.

      I will have a look at nerdle, but promise nothing.

    2. I wish we could hear from Basia again too.
      I wonder is she is still reading our bogs.
      If so, please drop us a line, Basia. Even if just to let us know you are still OK

    3. LanJan, take some lavender cuttings just in case. My father in law once told me to put about a dozen in soil to ensure at least two or three rooted.

      My brother had a lavender hedge at his previous house. He pruned half of it rather too enthusiastically - right into the woody stems : ( Fortunately it was the back of the hedhe, so the front was still green and could still continue to grow.

  52. Good grief !
    It’s maths.
    No no no no no ….I’m innumerate !

  53. I was veey lucky yesterday. I expected the same as storm Arwen, way back in November, but it was nothing to compare.
    I believe that, tomorrow + Monday will be the next storm arriving, with both wind + rain (warning already out for the next two days)

    I wonder how much snow GG has had. It was just sleet today outside my house.

    Lady R. It was close on the scoreboard, but the best team won and deserved to. A🥈 is nothing to be ashamed about though. My nails are now a lot shorter ouch!

    1. I am so glad that I went with my instinct last week. This was to do a full supermarket shop, a bit earlier than I needed to do so. It is paying off now 🛒

  54. I found the windsock heading very interesting. I had no idea! I am afraid windsocks will have been horizontal in places where lots of you are and I am sorry that some of you have had damage.

    My wordle average seems to be four. I had a brief look at the nerdle but numbers do not spark joy for me!

    1. Oh Hilary, how your expression re numbers is so good.
      May I please borrow it.
      Such a nice way of saying it.

    2. I Marie Quando'd my shoe:
      Out went the washing up, the bills, the hoover, the bathroom scales, the printer, and a whole host of other items that didn't spark joy ...

    3. Of course, MrsP!
      Marie Kondo’s expression can be applied to anything as OWIAS has so brilliantly shown!

  55. She is almost following the ideas of William Morris who said"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful".I assume anything one keeps for sentimental reasons would be thought by the owner to be beautiful
    I will take some lavender cuttings Old Woman.

    1. I love lavender LanJan and when I moved here 6 years ago I planted some 36 plants of which only 2 remain, unfortunately we are on clay soil and they dont like the wet winter ground.

    2. Could you try some in pots?

      I had similar struggles with my lovely pink honeysuckle. In our previous garden it covered in 6 foot fence in four years. Here, my only successful cutting is slowly growing across our front fence. I really must get around to taking more cuttings and trying it elsewhere in the garden.

    3. If you saw how much I had to water you would see why I couldnt put anything else

      I have had similar problems trying to grow an Actnidia kolomikta , but for entirely different reasons, the bl....y chickens have dug up a second one, I thought it was too big, when I buy the next one I shall have to guard it with my life. hope you have better success with your cuttings, changing position often helps doesnt it.

  56. Remember when Kate had her “William Morris” moment in TA?

  57. Poor Mr H discovered more Eunice damage this morning!
    We have a tall arched entrance gate to the cottage, mostly used by the postman and visitors.
    It has (had) a lovely wooden arch over the top, covered in honeysuckle and clematis Montana. A real picture in the spring and a beautifully scented entrance.
    Mr H decided to walk to the village this morning rather than use the car. As he opened the gate the whole arch collapsed on him, coving him in heavy wood beams and masses of entwined creeper!
    He is Ok, a bit shocked, and grateful it fell on him rather than the postman man tomorrow!

    So thankyou Eunice, loads more clearing up to do and reconstruction. Really wish we had moved last year 🙄

  58. Oh, that's horrible Archerphile, what a shock. Hope he feels much better soon.

    1. Yes, he’s fine now thanks Miriam. Just addedanother scar to the top of his head!.
      Shall be out this afternoon raking up all the mess, fallen twigs etc.
      Good job we have a garden waste collection tomorrow

    2. So sorry, Archerfile. What bad luck! The wind is getting up here again. This one is called Franklin. Although we have had storms before, the incredible thing is these three following on from each other so quickly. They seem to be collectively covering the whole of UK. Let’s hope no more loss of life.

  59. I hope that the weather is kind to you this afternoon while you do your tidying up Archerfile. Where we are it's pouring down, cold and windy. We were hoping to get out somewhere tomorrow but now we've got storm Franklin on its way!

    1. CC. Same here, as I not far west from you. It is quite stormy now.

  60. Goodness Archerphile will it never end for you both! So sorry to read of your latest storm damage please be careful during the clear up operation.

  61. Archerphile, I am so very sorry to hear about further storm damage, and you are both well.
    You have certainly suffered badly.

    However could this awful event, be to your advantage? This is why a move makes sense, as to far less maintenance 😘😆

    Has any-one else suffered in a similar way?

  62. Ev - have you ever been to The Garlic Farm on IOW?
    Our daughter gave us a jar of their ‘ A Wight Little Pickle’ in a hamper she made up for us at Christmas.
    It’s absolutely delicious! It looks a bit like a very finely chopped piccalilli but tastes quite different.
    We have it with cheese, pate etc and mixed with some mayonnaise it made a lovely sauce for prawns. We want to get another jar but don’t know where.Michelle said it was quite expensive & she got it in a shop in the New Forest last summer. Any ideas?

    1. Indeed we have been to the Garlic farm and went a week or so ago for breakfast! They have a large restaurant and everything is garlic based. It all started in WW2 when French soldiers were stationed here. Of course garlic was regarded as foreign muck then! They missed their garlic and had it flown over on routine cargo planes. Eventually someone thought of planting it and it all just grew. The farm is well worth a visit if you are ever over here and they have a well stocked shop. We also like the garlic mayonnaise. They do online orders but postage might be an issue unless you spend over £40 when it is free. If you e-mail them with your town and postcode they will be able to let you know whether there are local stockists. We think Ocado stock your pickle and you might have access to them. Let me know if you need any more info and I will try to help!

  63. Archerphile just google Garlic Farm. Last year I bought garlic bulbs from them and was rewarded with plenty of tasty garlic. It looks as though your pickle is £4.25 and you can buy on line.

  64. Google can be a menace, can't it?
    I've just ordered 3 jars for me and family, and will make their tomato/garlic soup next week.

  65. Thank you both….I should remember to consult Mr Google more often!

    BTW the little, rather blurry photo is of our gate arch last summer, very fragrant and pretty.
    Sadly it is now just a pile of old sticks and tangled mess. We spent the afternoon clearing up in increasing wind, I don’t think we have the energy or interest to build it all again.

    1. Heartbreaking Archerphile! The wind is getting even stronger right now and pouring rain at times too. I do hope your property remains damage free through tonight and tomorrow’s onslaught 🤞🏼

  66. I have just heard from Little Sis in Norfolk. She was just serving up a meal for a daughter/s-i-law/2 grandsons, when the roof of her extended dining area, blew off!
    It is now open to the elements, with torrential rain now pouring in.
    She has done all they can, all the doors are closed, towels and spare duvets have been put down, to try + protect the rest of the property, until they can sort tomorrow.

    1. Oh Miriam how absolutely awful for your sis and family thank goodness they are all safe.
      This news will naturally have shaken you too.

    2. Big Sis is almost the same, the one who is only 25 miles away. She has rain water running into the landing, and into the upstairs study!
      I hope I don't become Sis No.3 with a similar problem 🤣 🤞

    3. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼for you Miriam.

  67. Archerphile, that archway looked lovely, such a shame it’s been damaged, at least nobody was injured, same with regards to Miriam’s sister.
    Just about to settle down to the final episode of “Midwife” interested to see what happens after last week’s cliffhanger.

  68. Replies
    1. Tested as appears to be no posts so far today on either blog or my pick up has gone awry🤔

  69. I'm here..
    No news about how my Sisters are doing. No doubt our 3way, Wattsapp group will be very active later on. I have been awake since 4.30am, due to the very strong winds. This was not helped by a fence, damaged in Storm Arwen, which was constantly flapping + so very noisy. I need to talk to the neighbours involved, as I believe it is a dispute as to who pays for what! I need to make them aware, in a very nice way, that this problem is affecting me, selfish I know!

    Now it is just blue skies, sunshine, no wind and a lovely Spring afternoon. Has the last 36hrs happened??

    🤞🤞 No further damage has occured to others.

    1. I am just going out into the garden to clear up debris, but not much, thankfully.
      The most important thing to do though, is to rehang my lovely hanging basket by the front door.
      It's was taken down 3 days ago, so it will be lovely to see it "in-situ" once again.

    2. Glad to see you Miriam 🤗
      Do post latest on both your sisters situations 🤞🏼 repairs will be as swift as possible.

    3. I am loving seeing family photos who are together again in OZ. A family is on hols in Oman after a 32hr travel time (Friday storm Eunice distruption), but the photos being posted are wonderful.

    4. Our shoe in Southampton has 13 broken fence panels! Just heard from our agents how much it's going to cost : (
      Still, at least it wasn't the roof : )

  70. Mr CC has been out all afternoon replacing the blown off felt on our shed roof. We also had a leak in the garage which has a flat roof, hopefully repaired with the application of some sealant.

  71. Glad that today was dry, if somewhat breezy as day spent helping daughter and girlfriend move into a new flat. Neither of them are minimalists so they have an awful lot of clobber. The new place has lots of shelves so they can display all their trinkets, small toys, rubber ducks….
    The best thing is they have a (very tiny) garden which my not-quite-daughter-in-law is itching to plant up. I’ll be looking to get them some tubs and other bits.

    1. How lovely KP some happy news! With Spring and Summer not too far away a garden of any size will be appreciated and your gifts will be a welcome addition 🌷🌸🌺🌼

  72. I'm sorry to hear everyone's problems with the weather - bizarrely it's been absolutely beautiful up in Glasgow. So much so that I went on a big long sun-drenched walk today.

    As to the garlic farm on the IOW, that sounds like my kind of place! I love garlic with all of my heart. Love it.

  73. Many thanks to Ev for more info on the Garlic farm. And I should think Gary would love the little Wight Pickle.
    I will try Ocado and also email the farm for info on who stocks it locally.
    Wouldn’t be surprised if Waitrose stock it as well.
    Yum! 🧄🧄🧄

    1. Archerphile Waitrose have the IOW pickle shown on their website but underneath it states - Sorry this item is not available it was 285g @ £3.99. Poking my nose in 😏 but I do use their site.

    2. Thanks Lady R. That is £1 cheaper that buying from the farm. I’ll try the shop and ask the manager about it.

  74. Oh dear, some people are so stupid!
    One of our dear gliding friends is 85. He is crippled with two really dodgy knees, can barely walk and has been on the waiting list for two knee replacements since before Covid arrived 2 years ago.
    At long last, after many delays and cancellations he got a date for the first operation in March.
    So what did he do on Sunday? Climbed up a ladder (goodness knows how) to repair some wind damage to his roof!
    Unsurprisingly fell off the ladder , shattered his hip and is now in hospital having a hip replacement.
    He has made us very cross. The NHS just needs people like him!

  75. I’ve actually completed the quordle for the first time. Took the full 8 goes though.

    1. Well done, PtbY. The good thing about Quordle is that it has plenty of practice puzzles.
      The bad thing about Quordle is that it has plenty of practice puzzles ...

    2. I was feeling proud of myself - got wordle in 2, nerdle in 3, the first 3 of quordle in 3, 5, and 6. Then missed the final word by one letter : (
      What will be the next variation to appear, I wonder?

    3. Get doing sweardle… it in 3 today!! Lol. 🤭

    4. There's globle -
      Guess the country.
      Colour clues on a map indicating how close your guess is to the mystery country of the day.
      I don't think there is a limit to the number of guesses allowed.

      And worldle -
      Worlde gives the shape of the country to guess in 6 attempts. Clues given are distance of your guess from the country of the day, preset to km but can be changed to miles; direction from your guess to the country; and 'proximity' given as a percentage 🤔.

  76. Hi OWIAS, I got wordle and nerdle both in 3, then couldn’t get sweardle. I am giving quordle a wide berth, as you said there are lots of practice games, my hermit daughter has played a great deal, but she has the time as a lady of leisure.

  77. Got Wordle in four and in seconds today.

    IOW garlic farm cover many farmers markets in my experience.
    Worth checking your local Farmers Markets.

  78. Got Globle in 5. Apparently, England and Scotland are not valid countries - so much for devolution!

    1. I got wordle in 3, nerdle in 2(!), and all 4 quordle.
      But didn't do at all well with globle and worldle today. I do enjoy them as I know my geographical knowledge is not what it should be and had thought I should do something about it.

    2. I couldn’t find worldle. All I kept getting was wordle.


      I took a round-about route to find it - via a cnet article.

      My geography is rubbish, but the shape of today's country is distinctive enough for me to start in the right part of the blobe at least!

  79. I went out on a lovely spring afternoon, to work in the back garden, as the "beds" are clogged with weeds. This did not happen as it is such a quagmire
    Wallking on the lawn, just caused water to ooze out with every step.
    It is frustrating.
    I also found branches from a nearby tree, which were blown off at the side of my property. These are not too many nor large, so I can chop them up, to then go into the re-cycle bin.

    PS This is the same garden with the "flapping" fence panel. I believe that this property is a rental, and the landlords apparantly cannot be contacted.

    1. these garden problems cannot be adressed just yet. I have already paid for this tree to be cut back from my property. Why should I have to do it again?

    2. The tenants are also very frustated, as the letting agency cannot seem to help at the moment. Their included garden shed also collapsed in the storms, but the landlords seem to be AWOL and out of contact.
      This situation is affecting 3 properties now.

  80. Old woman….. thanks for the link. Got it in 2. Pure luck though.
    Hoping globle will improve my African knowledge….haven’t a clue on African countries.

  81. Final word on Wight LittlePickle:
    Emailed garlic farm asking for a list of stockists in my area.
    Fast reply, saying there are none in this area but I can buy it direct from them
    Snag: a small jar costs £4.99
    postage costs another £4.99 unless you spend £40 when it is free.
    Now, I like this product but not enough to spend that much,
    So will wait until I see it in a market or something like a National Trust shop somewhere.

  82. I haven’t posted for a few days as my dear older brother died on Sunday. The cancer had progressed and in the event it was a blessing that he had a heart attack which probably saved further suffering. Christy’s did all they could and I can’t commend them more.

    Re the Garlic farm, their produce is expensive. All you could do Archerfile would be to order 9 jars and get free postage! Or come to the island for your holidays! There is lots to do here and it is very beautiful!

  83. I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Ev. My thoughts are with you x

  84. Sending love and condolences on the loss of your brother Ev. As you say, it sounds as though he was spared further pain and distress and was, perhaps, a merciful conclusion.
    And yes, I should love to visit the island again, haven’t been since the 80´s when Mr A used to come on cricket club tours & he played at Shanklin & Sandown whilst I toured around lots of lovely and interesting places.

  85. So sorry to hear about your brother Ev. A sad time for you.

  86. Ev sorry to hear you have lost your brother it is a head and heart situation, head relief all suffering over for him and heart because you have lost a much loved brother 🌹
    Thoughts are with you.


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